Qualitative Critical Appraisal

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Far Eastern University

Institute of Health Sciences and Nursing

Department of Nursing

NUR1211 – Nursing Research 1

BSN 315

Criterion Description
Area of Study Clinical Psychology

Title of Study Explore the Psychological Experience of

Nurses Worked in Covid-19 Care Areas in
Tertiary Care Hospital at the National Capital

Author (s), Contributor(s), Credentials, Herald Rebecca, Raghavan Srinithya,

Journal Source Subbulakshmi J., Chandelia Kamlesh, Khakha
Deepika, Sharma D K, Research Gate

Purpose of the Study To explore and understand the psychological

experiences that they have gone through
while giving care to patients with Covid-19.
Exploring in the depth of subjective
experiences of nurses working in COVID
Identify the literature written about the Exploring and understanding the
problem psychological experiences that the nurses and
their colleagues experienced while giving care
to COVID-19 patients. Shohaday-e-Ashayer
Hospital was thought to be the main facility
for caring for COVID-19 patients during the
outbreak because it is one of the most
significant hospitals in the province and has
350 operational beds. Parts of the capacity of
other counties were also assigned for the care
of COVID-19 patients. 1981 nurses are on the
front lines of caring for COVID-19 patients in
this province, according to official statistics.

State the research question How the nurses who takes care of the
COVID-19 patients feels about the whole
process and their experiences as well as how
it affects their physical and psychological

Identify the PICOT in the particular study P – Nurses who worked in COVID-10 Care
areas in Tertiary Care Hospital
I – Along with providing more knowledge
regarding COVID-19, nurses should be
mindful of their own health more than ever.
The conclusion of the study states that they’re
resilient and take their experiences and
hardship as a way to become professional as
well as it motivates them.
C – The standard of care comparison between
the pandemic and the pre-pandemic.
O – Resilience and improvement, growing
more professionally and becoming a role
model for their juniors.
T – June 2020

List the tools utilized for reliability and  WHO’s declaration

validity of the study  Section A: The socio-demographic
 Section B: The interview
questionnaire was developed with
expert's opinion

Describe the sampling technique The convenient sampling technique is a non-

probability sampling that uses a part of the
population that is within reach.

Describe the ethics of the study (IRB)? Informed consent was obtained from the
Institute Ethical Committee prior to the study.
They provided an information sheet and
written consent for all the participants.

State the data collection procedure The data collection procedure in this study
was taken from the participants by
interviewing them at their convenient times in
separate rooms. The objective and importance
of the study were discussed with the
participants. After building rapport,
researchers started the face-to-face interview
for 20-30 minutes. Clarification, restating,
and active listening were used to collect
information. A mobile recorder is used to
record all the participant’s responses.

Discuss the results, conclusion and The study's result shows various nursing
recommendations of the study experiences, including helplessness, despair,
and an inability to assist patients. It shows
that nurses who live alone are able to function
independently and clearly. They experience
everything from minor pain to gastritis,
weight loss, self-pricking with needles, and
impaired eyesight and hearing when they
wear PPE. Their coping mechanisms—having
faith in God, taking walks in parks, being
self-assured, knowing enough about the
disease, and receiving support from loved
ones—made them strong enough to work in
COVID areas. In conclusion, it is clear that
nurses make every effort to cope with the
condition; through the ordeal, they
show professionalism, mental strength, and
motivation. They benefit individually and
professionally from this kind of experience,
which has helped them become mentors and
role models for aspiring nurses.

What is the level of evidence? Level VII, Evidence from the opinion of
authorities and/or reports of expert

Method and Research Design Phenomenological method

Submitted by:

Ysabel Francesca T. Abad____

Name of Student

Date: August 30, 2022____

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