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“A boy who lives in a whale and a crusty old pirate

set sail for Candied Island ...and the wonderful

world of misadventure.”
Raised by a talking whale (BUBBIE) in the bubbling splendor of the sea,
FLAPJACK’s life was once a world of peace and tranquility. That all ended the
day that he and the whale rescued an old pirate from a shipwreck. CAPTAIN
K’NUCKLES’ tall tales tangle up Flapjack’s head like a squid in a silly string fac-
tory, consuming him with a desire for adventure.
Although Bubbie struggles to protect him, Flapjack would do anything to win
the approval of K’nuckles; even if it means getting himself into a lot of trouble.
K’nuckles charms him into following a map that he claims will lead them to the
greatest treasure he could ever imagine... CANDIED ISLAND! A magical dessert-ed
Island. Sometimes they get so close that they can see the licorice bark on the popsi-
cle trees. Sometimes they can even smell the lollipop flowers and the hear trickle of
lemonade springs teasing their desires. Once they even stumbled across Candy
Wrapper Island. But the elusive floating island of Candy manages to drift just
beyond their reach. The best things are what happen instead... the MIS-adventures.

Our heroes’ pursuit of Candied Island usually leads them back to the same old
dock town of Stormalong Harbor; an island built on stilts in the middle of the open
sea. This sea community is like home to them, and it’s non-adventurous residents
hold clues to Candied Island’s mysteries. Here Flapjack & K'nuckles work at the
dock to earn candy money, acquire supplies, and get into mischief. They drool over
the sweets at the local Candy Barrel but can rarely afford it’s sweet bounty. If only
they could reach Candied Island their sweet tooths could be
eternally satisfied, and Flapjack could gain the sweetest satis-
faction of all; the title of an ADVENTURER.
Flapjack’s life is a mess of con-
flicting ideas. K’nuckles and the
Whale fill his head with their opposing
views of right and wrong, both of
which Flapjack accepts without ques-
tion. Bubbie claims that the best way
to beat an enemy is to make him your
friend, and K’nuckles claims that the
best way to beat an enemy is to wait
‘till he turns around, and kick him in
the back. Flapjack believes them both
whole-heartedly. When he excitedly
rushes out to put these ideas into
action, he finds himself in some sticky
situations. Because REALITY isn’t as idealistic as HE is.
Flapjack’s biggest flaw and greatest comic appeal both stem from his blind
trust in his friends. His previous life with Bubbie knew nothing but the serenity of
the sea and the peace-loving creatures within it. When K’nuckles came along he
introduced a whole new aspect of the sea’s wonder; DANGER. The terrors that lie
beneath the surface of the waves had been carefully hidden from Flapjack’s view by
the whale. He is spellbound by K’nuckles’ exaggerated tales of triumph in the face
of these dangers. He yearns to see these mysteries for himself. Eager to leave the
safety of his childhood behind him, Flapjack thinks he’s ready to become a man. A
man like K’nuckles.
In Flapjack’s eyes, the life of a man is made up of adventure. He is obsessed
with anything involving adventure: stories of adventure, the possibilities of adven-
ture, and even the sound of the word “adventure”. He even loves when disaster
strikes! It’s all part of the adventure. Besides, he believes that there is no trouble
too big for K’nuckles to get them out of.
Flapjack worships his friends. He is pas-
sionate about the things he loves and unlike his two
heroes, makes no effort to hide his feelings. When
he’s happy, his joy is uncontainable. When he’s
sad, he is SO sad. And when he’s mad... LOOK
Being passionate as he is, Flapjack has no
impulse control. He also has a knack for being
painfully honest, to the point of occasionally hurt-
ing people’s feelings. When the result of his short-
comings are pointed out to him, he goes overboard
trying to fix a situation and winds up way in over
his head. Following the misguided advice of
K’nuckles just makes every-
thing worse. But Flapjack
loves every second of it. It’s
all part of the adventure!
The scourge of the sea. The terror of
the tidal waters! K’nuckles is an unstop-
pable sea-scoundrel who claims to be the
greatest pirate the world has ever known.
But to the residents of Stormalong Harbor,
he’s just a crooked bum and a compulsive
liar. His over-the-top stories are obvious
lies to everyone but Flapjack. We don’t take
his badness too seriously though, because
beneath that crusty exterior K’nuckles has a
sensitive side.
K’nuckles claims to have lost his
hands long ago in a pinching contest with a
giant crab. He won the contest using his
toes, and took the pinchers as his prize. But
his risky endeavors have cost him more than
just his hands. He has no friends (except
Flapjack), he smells like a barnyard and he
has replaced so many of his body parts that
it’s hard to tell what aspects of K-nuckles
are real. He even claims to have a wooden heart and that termites give him heart-
burn. The more questions Flapjack asks, the more K-nuckles tries to cover up his
past. Like the Father in the movie “Big Fish”, we never know for sure whether his
stories are true. It’s usually obvious that he’s lying, but sometimes we’re suprised
(sometimes even K’nuckles is suprised).
Bubbie insists that K-nuckles is a no-good criminal. He’s dishonest, danger-
ous, and his reckless hijinx could end up costing them their lives. But Flapjack
loves him just the same.
The Bare K’Nuckled Facts:
* In order to maintain his upper hand, K’nuckles downplays Flapjack’s tri-
umphs, “That was pretty good Flapjack! ...But not as good as when I did it. My
legs were tied around my back, and my eyes were closed!”
*He claims that he can’t swim. But of course, he’s a liar, It’s just an excuse
to make Flapjack run all of his errands.
*He only tolerates the whale because she’s his transportation to Candied
Island; Although he secretly thrives off of her over-dramatic reactions to his behav-
*K-nuckles’ love for CANDY is indicative of his tendency toward quick fixes
that are bad for him in the long-run.
“Although Candied Island is always at the fore-front of K-nuckles mind,
we see that there may be something that he craves even more than candy; the
adoration of Flapjack. Although K’nuckles claims not to have any tender feel-
ings for Flapjack, his actions say otherwise. He needs Flapjack, because he’s
the only person in the world who doesn’t see him as a worthless bum.”
*If K-nuckles gets Flapjack into too much trouble, he usually redeems himself
and helps Flapjack out. He tries to anyway...
*K-nuckles always has lots of advice for little Flapjack. He fills his head with
twisted quotes like: “When you wind up with a boring life
because you wanted to play it safe, don’t come cryin’ to me”.
“If that Whale takes away your right to say “crud”, you
lose the right to say, “This Whale is a piece of crud!”
“If all else fails, pinch ‘em in the eyes!”

Bubbie isn’t thrilled about danger OR K’nuckles. Her happiness comes

from mothering Flapjack in protective peace and tranquility. Excitement and danger
are unneccesary risks. She’s so cautious about the unknown that she won’t even go
under water (even though she’s a whale!) Her idea of excitement is cuddling up
with Flapjack to enjoy the beauty of a sunset.
Bubbie is anxious to get to Candy Island too, but not for the Candy, nor the
adventure. She just wants to be rid of K’nuckles. Then life can go back to normal,
when she was Flapjack’s only hero, and days were filled with safety, serenity and
Bubbie is always eager to point out holes in K’nuckles' stories, and for
Flapjack to see him for the crook he is. But Flapjack can only see his glory. And
since the whale taught him to only look for the good in things, she’s a victim of her
own teachings.
The whale could be thought of as Flapjack’s over-protective mother, and
K’nuckles as his good-for-nuthin’ father. And although they hate eachothers guts,
Flapjack thinks that they’re best friends.
Beluga’s nurturing qualities carry over to her
physical aspects as well. On the outside, she looks like
an ordinary whale. But on the inside, she is a cozy, nur-
turing home. There’s a bed and table and curtains and
anything else you might need to feel at home in the sea
...even a periscope that looks out through her blowhole!
For food on the road, Flapjack and K’nuckles have
to make the best of what Bubbie swallows. They pick
through it and try to find something they like. K-nuck-
les is repulsed by whale food, and
sustains himself entirely on what
candy he can scrape up or steal.
For the most part, Stormalong Harbor is filled with non-adventurous working
class folks, who see Candied Island as an irresponsible and frivolous pursuit.
They’re all too familiar with the treasure seeking schemers and ruffians who swarm
their quiet town every year and cause trouble on their quest for Candy.
When they’re at sea, our heroes encounter all kinds of exciting sea-farers and
ruffians. They see the familiar faces of fishermen from Stormalong as well as law-
less whalers, lone sailors, submarinemen, pirates, giant jellyfish, sea monkeys and
mysterious scuba divers. There are familiar characters that they encounter almost
every episode and occasional UNfamiliar characters that remain elusive mysteries...
The miserly old hag who runs the dock of Storm-
Along Harbor. She has an almost mystical flair for
issuing tickets; parking tickets, loitering tickets,
talking too loud tickets, and almost any other type of
citation she can think of. Her favorite ticket is for
leaving whales in the water unattended (much to the
annoyance of K’nuckles). She even manages to get
under Flapjack’s skin.
As an added twist of irony, she is also our heroes’
employer. In order to pay off their mountain of cita-
tions, Flapjack and K’nuckles do odd jobs for her
around the dock. They also try to earn a little extra
“candy money” while they’re at it. But just when
they think they’re getting ahead, the Dock Hag
always manages to issue a new citation, keeping
them eternally bound to her service.

Two off-duty sailors who just happen to turn
up at every port of call, heckling our heroes at
every opportunity.

The most dangerous, blood-thirsty creature on the high seas. Eight-Armed
Willy is a bone-crushing sea monster with an appetite for whales, adventurers, and
especially candy. He is our heroes main rival for Candied Island.
Flapjack is always anxious to run into Willy for the adventure, and to see
K’nuckles kick his eight-armed butt. K’nuckles claims to have defeated Willy many
times over, but in
reality he is
absolutely horrified
at the mere men-
tion of his name.
And so is the
Despite Willy’s
incredible physical
strength, he’s fairly
gullible and emo-
tionally vulnerable.
Silvar is the sweet, sexy sheriff of Storm-
along harbor. Since she doesn’t believe in physi-
cal force, Silvar only has her words to keep crimi-
nals in line.
Her methods work very nicely for the peace-
ful, hard-working dwellers of Storm-along Harbor.
But not so well for criminals. The result is a pan-
demonium of lawless behavior reminiscent of the
wild west (at sea). But when worst comes to
worst, Silvar has a secret weapon; there isn’t a
sailor worth his salt who can resist the sex appeal
of a mermaid.
Silvar would like Flapjack to live in a real
home. The belly of a whale is no place for a boy,
and K-nuckles is rotten influence. But she doesn’t
push too hard. It’s Flapjack’s decision. This
results in a little bit of maternal resentment
between Silvar and the whale ...although
they’re very cordial with each other on the sur-
face. K’nuckles’ relationship with Silvar is
just the opposite. On the surface we see fierce
opposition and name-calling. But beneath the sur-
face they are boiling over with romantic tension.

The overly-friendly man who runs the
Candy Barrel. He is a necessary annoyance
to our heroes, as he’s the only person who
can satisfy their cravings for candy. When
they don’t have money for candy, he paci-
fies them with unreliable clues to Candy
Island. He does so in a desperate attempt
to gain their friendship & to join them on
their adventures to Candy Island.
Peppermint Larry is also oblivious and
unobservant, and thinks that Flapjack is a
girl! It doesn’t matter how many times
Flapjack patiently tells him otherwise...
Episode Outlines * Note: These outlines have not been updated to include the
most recent versions...


It is a lazy day at Sea. The endless blue waters are calm and without incident.
Into these waters sail our illustrious heroes. The Whale cruises gently along while
K’nuckles attempts to take a nap on her tongue. Flapjack is restless as usual. He
interrupts K’nuckles sleeping pursuits with a never-ending stream of questions,
“Hey K’nuckles, tell me about how great Candy Island is again!!!”
“No. I’m trying to sleep.”
“Let’s play a game then!”
“Wanna play Hide n’ Seek?!!”
“...Checkers? Juggles? Tiddly Winks? Huh? Do ya Captain? Do ya?! Huh?! Huh?!!
Do ya wanna play?!!!” K’nuckles turns from side to side, pulling his hat over his
face trying to avoid him. He can’t escape it. He finally comes up with an idea to
keep Flapjack busy. He spins yet another tale of the sea and the horrible dangers
lurk around them. He suggests that Flapjack keep himself busy as the lookout. That
way he can watch for any approaching danger. Of course these dangers aren’t dan-
gerous to HIM, but Flapjack and the Whale would be goners unless they warned him
in time. Flapjack perks up gleefully, “Aye, Aye, Captain K’nuckles!” K’nuckles lies
back and places his hat over his face, finally enjoying peace and quiet.
Flapjack performs his new lookout duty filled with excitement at the idea of
“dangerous enemies” lurking about. Especially with the “Legendary Captain
K’nuckles” at his side. He excitedly announces his observations every time he thinks
he sees something, but there is nothing to see. Nothing but miles of waves and end-
less sky. Not even a cloud or a sea gull to break up the monotony. After a moment,
Flapjack remembers something the Whale told him about defeating an enemy. “the
best way to beat an enemy is to make him your friend...”
Flapjack returns to K’nuckles with his new strategy. Maybe they don’t need a
look-out after all! K’nuckles snores obnoxiously as Flapjack tries to shake him
awake. K’nuckles continues snoring, interjecting with murmuring gibberish.
Finally Flapjack removes K’nuckles’ wooden nose, and the snoring stops. Suddenly
K’nuckles darts up like a rocket. It takes him a moment to figure out where he is,
and he shouts excitedly with a nasally voice. He is annoyed to discover Flapjack
standing over him, holding his nose, and quickly snatches it away from him.
Flapjack informs K’nuckles that they might not need a look-out after all, and
repeats what the Whale told him about defeating an enemy, “the best way to beat an
enemy is to make him your friend!” The whale echoes in agreement. K’nuckles turns
to face them very slowly, revealing an expression of utter disgust, “No wonder
you’re such a sissy, with stupid advice like that... YOU’LL NEVER BE AN
Flapjack stands before K’nuckles with a broken heart and tearfully asks him
how he could say such a thing. K’nuckles just shrugs nonchalantly, “I can say it,
because unlike you two softies, I LIVE life! I didn’t just sit
around like a sissy, lettin’ the world pass me by!” K’nuckles
then lies back down on his back, pulls his hat over his head and
lets the world pass him by.
Flapjack is speechless. He stands motionless, with his mouth agape, until a
shrill, painful shriek comes spilling out, filling the inside of the whale like a hurri-
cane wind. He runs off screaming down into the bowels of the whale, the sounds of
his screams fading into the distance. His scream then follows him back up again as
he emerges with a hobo bindle. He vows to show them he’s an adventurer. Before
anyone can stop him, Flapjack jumps out of the whale and disappears into the merci-
less sea.
The Whale is frantic and angrily asks K’nuckles if he’s going in after him.
K’nuckles dryly mumbles that he can’t swim, and pulls his hat back over his sleepy
head. The whale is speechless. She can’t understand how someone could be so cal-
lous. K’nuckles nap is violently disrupted as the whale shifts her tongue, smashing
him against the wall of her mouth. K’nuckles reconsiders his position.
Meanwhile, the sea has grown black and menacing around Flapjack. He con-
tinues swimming straight down into the deep using an air bubble as a diving helmet.
He’s swimming so frantically that he doesn’t even see the ocean floor coming quick-
ly up to meet him. He slams into the sand face first, ending his furious decent. As
he becomes aware of his surroundings, his expression turns to bewilderment and
fear. Through the blackness Flapjack sees that he is surrounded by freaky looking
fish and scattered bones. Fear turns to horror as he notices the lair of the most sin-
ister enemy of the deep…the deadliest foe of any adventurer worth his salt…the
blood thirsty, bone crunching, Eight-Armed Willy!
Flapjack regains his composure. Finally, he will be able to prove himself as a
great adventurer! He goes marching up to the dark entrance of Willy’s lair. He calls
out his challenge to Willy. An arm wrasslin’ match! His one arm against Willy’s
eight!!! A bone-chilling laugh is heard from the dark. Suddenly Eight-Armed Willy
emerges from the black void and engulfs Flapjack in a twisting pile of tentacles.
Flapjack struggles franticly, but there’s nothing he can do. Willy stretches and pulls
him every which way but loose, as he continues to laugh his horrifying laugh.
Flapjack is helpless.
Suddenly out of the shadows, another figure appears... K’nuckles! Soaked to
the bone, and absolutely terrified. Flapjack is astonished that K’nuckles can magi-
cally appear when he senses adventure! “And you can’t even swim!” Flapjack
enthusiastically barks. He tells Willy what he’s in for, “You’re about to be womped
by the greatest adventurer that ever live!!!”
With Flapjack ranting about his greatness, K’nuckles creeps cautiously toward
Willy. He hesitantly pinches at a tentacle, and then quickly shields himself from
Willy’s wrath. Astonished that he’s still alive, K’nuckles attacks again. He gains
his confidence and is soon attacking his foe with a whirlwind of snapping pinchers!
Flapjack excitedly cheers him on, but to no avail. Willy is too powerful. He tires
of K’nuckles attack and snatches him up like a harmless doll. Willy begins snap-
ping off his body parts, as K’nuckles squeals hysterically for someone to save him.
Flapjack is speechless. How can this be happening? Then a big grin comes
over his face as he realizes K’nuckles is testing him! Of course!!!
He follows K’nuckles’ example and attacks Willy with a whirlwind of gentle
pinching. Willy just laughs. Flapjack looks to K’nuckles’ for inspiration. He then
eagerly mimics K’nuckles’ hysterical screams. That doesn’t seem to help either. In a
fit of desperation, Flapjack remembers the Whale’s words, “...the best way to beat
an enemy is to make him your friend.” He hesitantly offers
Willy some kind words of friendship, “Excuse me Mr. Willy, I
know you’re real busy ripping up my friend there, but I was
wondering if maybe we could be friends? Look, I even brought you some candy!”
Flapjack holds his hand out with a bright green piece of candy in it.
Willy suddenly freezes at Flapjack’s words. He releases him from his terrible
grasp, and turns to him kindly, “I do believe that is the nicest thing that anyone has
ever done for me. You, little Flapjack, are truly a king amongst men, and have made
this slippery sea creature feel loved for the first time in a long time.”
Flapjack smiles warmly as Willy reaches for the candy in his hand. Flapjack
suddenly grabs Willy’s tentacle with his other hand and SLAMS IT TO THE
GROUND! “I win!” Flapjack yells, “I beat you at arm wrestling!” Then he jabs his
finger into Willy’s eye. Willy shrieks like a baby, “MY EYE!!! You dirty little…” K-
nuckles then pinches his other eye and the two make a quick escape, giggling like
Back aboard the whale, Flapjack recounts his adventure and beams proudly as
K’nuckles congratulates him on being one of the greatest adventurers he’s ever seen.
He pauses a beat, then adds, “But yer still a sissy.”

While docked at Storm Along Harbor, Flapjack and K’nuckles labor furiously
after being put to work by The Dock Hag. She has them scrubbing walrus poo from
the poopdeck of a docked cargo ship. It’s a hard and smelly task that is proving to
be completely exhausting. K’nuckles suddenly has an idea and stops scrubbing. He
slyly turns to Flapjack and spins yet another tall tale. He tells him how scraping
poop magically makes you a better adventurer, and swindles him into doing his
share of the work. A wide-eyed Flapjack grabs the scrub brush from K’nuckles and
gets scrubbing (double doody).
Slaving away under the workload of two men, Flapjack is approached by another
sailor working nearby. He’d overheard the exchange between Flapjack and
K’nuckles and swindles him into doing his work too. K’nuckles becomes furious.
He can’t believe the Sailor would take advantage of Flapjack like that. He lets
Flapjack know that the Sailor has duped him. Struggling to do the work of three
men, Flapjack mutters an emotionless response of acceptance. K’nuckles commands
him to stand up for himself…to show some anger. He tells him a real adventurer
wouldn’t let that happen, He would get revenge! All true adventurers have great
revenge stories!
Flapjack stops working and asks him how it’s done. K’nuckles responds, “You
just have to do something really NASTY to one of your enemies”. Flapjack is horri-
fied, “How could I do anything nasty to a sea anemone?!!” K’nuckles says, “What?
NO, an ENEMY! Somebody you really hate!” Flapjack responds that he doesn’t hate
ANYBODY, everyone is real nice to him. At that moment, the Dock Hag walks by
and calls him a sordid collection of nasty names, ordering him to get back to work.
Flapjack is unaffected and gladly returns to scrubbing.
K’nuckles can’t believe it. K’nuckles says, “Okay, kid, you’ve got big prob-
lems if you don’t have any enemies. There’s only one way to measure how much of
an adventurer you’ve become!” K’nuckles pulls out a chart of his ‘enemy tree’,
“...the number of enemies you have!” Flapjack looks on puzzled, “But how do I get
one?” K’nuckles says, “That’s easy, just get somebody to do ya wrong...and then get
yer sweet revenge!” Flapjack jumps up, excited to make an enemy. K’nuckles con-
tinues, “...after you finish with the poopdeck”
Flapjack finishes his duties and excitedly sets out to make
an enemy. Sequence of gags follows, with Flapjack trying to
convince people to be his enemy. With K’nuckles encouragement, he approaches a
trio of Sailors and makes insults toward their sisters. It makes them all laugh silly
and they embrace Flapjack as a friend. He approaches the Dock Hag and smashes a
cannon ball onto her foot. The jolt straightens her up and a crack is heard. Her
aching back is popped into place. She gleefully grabs Flapjack and gives him a big
old nasty kiss. As hard as he tries, Flapjack just can’t make an Enemy.
Flapjack returns to K'nuckles, dejected. K'nuckles sees how miserable he is
and sympathetically agrees to be his enemy. Flapjack just has to make him really
mad doing something mean to the whale (K’nuckles winks at camera).
Flapjack walks down the dock to play a prank on the Whale, when he hears a
distant chanting of his name. Flapjack asks K’nuckles if he hears something.
K’nuckles hears it, but plays it off and urges him to follow through with the prank.
Before he can, an angry mob shows up infuriated with Flapjack. They turn out to be
the crew of the cargo ship that Flapjack and K’nuckles were scrubbing. It turns out
that Flapjack cleaned it so well that it looked like a brand new ship. Their insurance
rates doubled, costing each sailor his weekly wage. Now the mob is out for
Flapjack’s hide! Flapjack is enthralled. He made some enemies after all! He gives a
proud “enemy acceptance speech” that ends with a special thanks to K’nuckles for
letting him clean the whole thing. The mob turns its anger toward K’nuckles…fade
Fade in to interior of the Whale. Flapjack is depressed not having made any
enemies. At the end of the day, no one even dislikes him. Suddenly, K’nuckles
enters the whale, beaten to a pulp, with some of his body parts re-arranged. As he
drags himself past Flapjack into the bowels of the Whale, he tosses him a note:
“Dear Flapjack, I hate you. Love, K’nuckles.” Flapjack is beside himself with joy.
He has the greatest enemy of them all…and it’s his best friend!

The Greatest Show at Sea

Flapjack sits spellbound inside the Whale, as K-nuckles recounts yet another
ridiculous tale of his supposedly dangerous exploits. The Whale interrupts them to
suggest that Flapjack get outside and enjoy some safe, wholesome activities. The
Whale lets Flapjack know that the Sea Monkey Circus has arrived at Storm-along
Harbor. He loves Sea Monkeys! K-nuckles pretends to be “much too tough for that
kind of thing” and “if there’s anything ‘boring-er’ than carousels, it’s definitely Sea
Monkeys”. But secretly he’s happy to use Flapjack as an excuse to go.
There is great fun to be had at the Sea Monkey Circus. Flapjack drags
K’nuckles on all sorts of rides and attractions, while K’nuckles complains the whole
time. Inside K’nuckles is as giddy as a schoolgirl! They eat chips, hot dogs, shrimp
cocktail and the piece du resistance, Cotton Candy! By the time the circus closes,
K’nuckles is completely worn out. He drops into a deep sleep, right there on the
dock. Flapjack has no choice, but to leave him there until morning...
That night the sea monkeys stumble across the sleeping K’nuckles and think
that he’s a statue. A wooden pirate would be the perfect addition to their show! By
the time K’nuckles wakes up, the Sea Monkeys have already re-assembled him as
part of the carousel and have set sail for the next sea-town.
When Flapjack returns next morning to get K’nuckles, he finds him gone and
nothing left of the circus. Just open sea, and a bottle with a note in it: “HELP!!!
I’ve been bamboozled by Sea Monkeys, HELLLP!!! -sincerely,
K’nuckles” What is Flapjack to do?” He sits broken hearted,
feeling that it's all his fault.
Meanwhile in Chumville, The Sea Monkeys have set up for another day of
Circusing. K’nuckles screams at the top of his lungs while dozens of stunned
patrons wait below to ride the Carousel. A cursing children’s ride would be bad for
business, so the Sea Monkeys furiously try to nail K’nuckles mouth shut. It’s not
going as planned, as one of the sea monkeys already lost his fingers to K’nuckles'
snapping teeth...
At sea, The Whale cruises along with Flapjack riding on top. He peers through
a spyglass trying to find any trace of the Sea Monkey Circus. It is of no avail. He
slides down into the mouth of the Whale, giving up hope of finding his best friend.
The Whale tells him that he shouldn’t give up so easily. A true friend never gives up
hope, even for K’nuckles. Suddenly, the burst of a flare lights up the sky. Flapjack
peers through his spyglass and sees the Sea Monkey Circus docked at Chumville
Harbor. A closer look reveals K’nuckles! Flapjack perks up and devises a hair-
brain scheme to rescue him...
At the Circus, patrons line up for the Sea Monkey Wild Water Action
Spectacular Stunt Show. Suddenly the Whale crashes the party, and entering the
arena. She causes such a ruckus that it derives all attention from the daring rescue
being attempted by Flapjack.
Flapjack sneaks through the circus to the Carousel where K’nuckles is being
held. He climbs the wheel and reaches K’nuckles with hammer in hand. He pries the
nails from K’nuckles wooden teeth giving him the ability to speak again. “Well it’s
about time! Didn’t you get the note I left ya? Now undo these ropes it’s starting to
chafe!” says K’nuckles. Flapjack struggles to release him. He almost has him loose
when a large dumpy kid eating a huge lollipop walks up and starts yelling to his
Mom, “Hey, that little guy is stealing the Carousel Captain! HE’S STEALING THE
The distracted Sea Monkeys get wise to the rescue and resolve to defend their
wooden pirate. A comical fight ensues on the docks of Chumville as the Sea
Monkeys swarm Flapjack with acrobatic precision. But Sea Monkey acrobatics are
no match for an angry Flapjack! He tears through the crowd like a lawn mower on
an anthill. His crazy fighting style (using K’nuckles’ appendages) sends the Sea
Monkeys flying back to the sea. K’nuckles screams helplessly, adding to the com-
motion. When the dust settles, Flapjack has re-assembled K’nuckles, and there isn’t
a sea-monkey in sight.
Back inside the whale, K’nuckles claims that he wasn’t scared at all, and that
he would have been rescued a long time ago if Flapjack were as brave as he is.
Flapjack agrees, and acknowledges that the Whale was right too; The circus is much
more fun than staying inside.

Barnacle Teeth
While docked at Storm-along-harbor, Flapjack happily performs the solemn
duties of a sailor; scrubbing the whale, polishing the periscope, and meticulously
brushing his own teeth. When Knuckles sees little Flapjack busy at work, he laughs
him to scorn. He brags that he has never brushed his teeth in his life, and look at
him! He’s at the top of his game!
Embarrassed, and eager to follow in the footsteps of his hero, Flapjack stops
brushing his teeth. Permenantly. From now on he’s going to live wild and free, just
like Knuckles (much to the concern of the whale).
He spends the episode in various stages of tooth decay,
sprouting a whole garden of tooth problems (and awkward social
situations). With all of the seaweed and barnacles growing out of his mouth, he’s
far from being wild and free. He can barely even move himself down the dock. But
he can’t admit defeat. He’s gotta man it out like K’nuckles.
Finally, unable to move, hungry and tired of being picked at by sea-gulls,
Flapjack admits defeat. He breaks down and humbly asks K’nuckles how he can
handle all the crud on his teeth. K’nuckles is bewildered, “What teeth? I never had
any teeth. My doctor said let’s see here, why was it? ...Oh yeah! Somethin’
about not brushin’...”

Stubborn in General
En route to Candy Island, our crew stumbles across a spooky old sunken bat-
tleship, A hungry (and scared) Captain Knuckles sends Flapjack in alone to look for
food. Flapjack is reluctant until Knuckles convinces him that this is the one thing
that’ll prove he’s a real adventure hero...
Flapjack excitedly pops an air bubble onto his head, and makes his way into
the wreckage. He notices a strange glow within the ship and makes his way toward
it. There he discovers an air pocket, and within it an old man sporting an enormous
beard wrapped around his body. He proudly tells Flapjack that he’s the ship captain,
who went down with his ship 40 years ago. He’s lived off nothing but raw potatoes
ever since...
Feeling his newfound responsibility as an adventure hero, Flapjack puts his
heart into rescuing the old general. He tries one thing after another, but nothing
works. The problem is, that the general doesn’t want to leave. He keeps preventing
his own rescue. Finally, the frustrated general confesses that he’s really no general
at all. He’s the ship’s cook. He could not bear the thought of leaving his kitchen.
He hasn’t really been living off potatoes either. He’s hoarding a whole shipload of
gourmet food, which he will share with Flapjack if he’ll just LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Disappointed with his failure as an adventurer, Flapjack sadly returns to the whale.
But he has a hero’s welcome when his starving friends see what he’s brought with

We’ve Got Company

After overhearing a hot clue to Candy Island from Peppermint Larry, Flapjack
and K’nuckles hurriedly make their way back to the whale. On their way, they
become consumed with paranoia, and convince themselves that everyone is out to
get them. Everything they encounter becomes misconstrued and blown out of pro-
portion, and when they finally reach the whale, they’re a mess of frazzled nerves
and hysteria. They quickly hop aboard and make a mad dash for the open sea.
After a few minutes at sea they finally relax. They’re alone, and happy to be
on their way to Candy Island. Their serenity is short lived however, as they soon
realize they’re being followed. Again. Mysterious, menacing divers are close on
their tail.
The whale lightheartedly tries to calm everyone down. She observes that
they’re making something out of nothing, and are blowing everything out of propor-
tion. She then attempts to prove that its just coincidence. But no matter what she
does, or what kind of stunts she pulls, the phantom divers are just one stroke behind
them. They must be after the map! As the divers close in on
the whale, she frantically admits she was wrong. She begs
K’nuckles to protect them. K’nuckles frantically makes excuses
not to, as Flapjack excitedly prods him to prepare for some swashbucklin’.
They jump out on deck, ready to protect the whale (and the map). Flapjack
emits a fountain of fightin’ words and naive insults.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, one of the strange divers removes his helmet to
reveal a very cordial gentleman. He informs them that they forgot to untie at the
dock, and have been dragging him and his crew around by their air hoses all day
(along with a chunk of the dock). Flapjack turns red with embarrassment, and
humbly offers the divers some chocolate chip sea biscuits in place of humble pie.

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