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Intellectual Revolutions

Directions: Identify the different intellectual revolutions that

may have defined society.

❖ The Copernican Revolution

➢ It began the Scientific Revolution
➢ Changed the impression in astronomy, science, and even
➢ Pioneered by Nicholus Copernicus; introduced the idea
of Heliocentrism
■ Heliocentrism changed how people perceived the
universe and the world
■ Heliocentrism contrast the belief of Geocentric
Theory of the church

❖ The Darwinian Revolution

➢ Followed after the Copernican Revolution

➢ This revolution started with Charles Darwin
■ Charles Darwin theorized the Origin of Species
● There are 2 main points in his theory:
1. All life on Earth is connected and
related to each other
2. This diversity of life came about because
of the modifications in populations that
were driven by natural selection
◆ The theory of Origin of Species
canceled divine theory of origin
◆ Evolution by means of natural selection
➢ Natural selection - survival of
the fittest

❖ Freudian Revolution
➢ He devised an observational method for studying human
inner life, with a particular emphasis on human
sexuality and the evil nature of man.
➢ Founded Psychoanalysis
■ Psychoanalysis is a clinical method in
psychopathology through a conversation between a
patient and a psychoanalyst.
■ Psychoanalysis is used to relieve the patient
from repressed emotions and experiences.
● Id is essentially a biological element.
● Ego is essentially a sociological element.
● Super-ego is the dispenser of punishment and
➢ This revolution started with Sigmund Freud in the
1850s to 1930s.

❖ Information Revolution
➢ Wide dissemination of the use of computers
➢ Used of new digital technologies and discoveries
➢ Started with Mass Communication in 1430s
➢ It provided power to people
➢ Ellin Withney-Smith
■ Divided information revolution into six:
● Agriculture
● Writing
● The Fall of Rome
● Printing Press
● Trains, telegraphs, and telephones
● Digital Revolution
■ Digital Revolution
● Started in the 1960s with a single silicon
chip that can process a lot of data and
information in a quick period of time.

❖ Mesoamerican
➢ Mayan
➢ Inca
➢ Aztec
■ The Aztecs had established a great military
■ The chinampa of the Aztecs used a small
rectangular area of fertile land to grow crops on
the shallow lake beds.
■ The use of rubber is documented in the Maya ball
game called tlachtli.
■ They used cocoa beans as a currency
■ The Maya developed an accurate calendar, also
known as the Mayan Calendar.
■ The Quipos are used by the Incan for book-keeping
■ The Mita system was invented by the Inca. It is a
labor service that takes in road and bridge
construction, in cultivation of corn and textile

➢ Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and herbal
medicine were practiced
➢ Four great inventions in china: Compass, gunpowder,
papermaking, printing
➢ Alchemy was used for before chemistry; for plastic

➢ The Arab applied the romans principles and improved
the watermill known as noria.
➢ The Middle East is known for their machine designed
for the improvement of irrigation, industrial work and
for war. The windmill and watermill are used for
crushing sugarcanes, grinding grain, and pumping
➢ The book of Badic al-Zaman ibn al-Razaz al-Jazari
described candle and water clocks, water vessels,
fountains, automata, and water raising devices.
➢ The book written by Taqi al-Din ibn Maruf al-Rashid
al-Dimashqi explained steampower and a blueprint of a
six-piston pump

❖ Africa
➢ Africa is known for the production of Kola nuts and
coffee in Ethiopia (Kola nuts are mostly found in West
Africa and is the basis of cola drink).
➢ Coffee was developed as a consumable drink that spread
to Arabia and then throughout the world
➢ Africa used plants with salicylic acid for pain
(aspirin) and for diarrhea (Kaopectate).
➢ They are also highly advanced in medicine such as
operating autopsies and cesarean.
➢ The technology involved experimentation in drainage,
construction of polders, desalination, and irrigation.
Evidence in 1978 suggests that they already mastered
making steels.

Identify at least 3 important persons by highlighting their

major discoveries and developments in Science and Technology.

● Archimedes (287 – 212 BC)

Archimedes was an extremely adaptable individual who
excelled in many different fields, including math, physics,
astronomy, engineering, and invention. He was well-known for his
inventive thinking and was responsible for the development of
many innovative machines. He is best known for developing a
method for determining the precise volume of an irregularly
shaped object.

● Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 – 1955)

During the First World War, Sir Alexander Fleming served in
the army medical corps and saw numerous soldiers pass away from
sepsis brought on by infected wounds. He began actively looking
for antibacterial agents until he discovered penicillin, which
became the world's first antibiotic and revolutionized modern
medicine science.

● Stephen William Hawking (1942 – present)

In addition to being the Director of Research at the Center
for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge,
Stephen William Hawking is an English theoretical physicist,
cosmologist, and author. Hawking has had a slow-progressing form
of ALS since the age of 21, which has little by little paralyzed
him over the years. Nonetheless, he went on to become one of the
most famous scientists of the modern era. He worked with Roger
Penrose to develop gravitational singularity theorems within the
framework of general relativity. In his honor, the phenomenon
known as Hawking radiation was named after him after he went on
to predict that black holes emit radiation. He was also the
first to propose a unification of general theory of relativity
and quantum mechanics to explain cosmology.

★ Other notable scientists:

○ Niels Bohr for discovering Bohr Theory of the
○ Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen for discovering X-rays
○ Joseph John Thomson for discovering Mass
○ William Thompson for discovering Kelvin
Temperature Scale
○ Louis Braille Braille System
○ Tim Berners-Lee World Wide Web
○ Charles Babbage Computer

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