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Lecture 1: General Introduction

What is object Orientation?

Using object-oriented techniques allows users to fully understand the environment they are
attempting to model. Identifying the components of the environment and detailing the relationships
that exist between them helps to achieve this aim.

What is an Object?

An object is a real or abstract item that contains information (the attributes that describes it) and
methods that allow it to be manipulated. Any object can be comprised of other objects, which can
be comprised of other objects, and so on until the most basic objects of the system have been

For example, a car can be described as an object, and it has subcomponents, of which the engine is
one. The engine can also be described as an object comprised of other objects. The level of detail
depends on the requirements of the system.

Identifying Objects

When identifying objects, several valid techniques exist:

o Read through a functional specification document and underline all nouns.

o Look for tangible things; a tangible thing is something that interacts with other objects
within the system, such as: people (managers, employees, family), places
o Look for relationships between objects.

Introduction to Unified Modelling Language (UML)

“The UML is the standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and
documenting all the artefacts of a software system.”

As the world becomes more complex, the computer-based systems that inhabit the world
must also increase in complexity. These systems often involve multiple components:

o Hardware
o Software
o Networked across great distances
o Databases

Question: If you want to make systems that deal with real world problems, how do you get
your hands around real world complexities?

Answer: The key is to organize the design process in a way that clients, analysts,
programmers and others involved in system development can understand and agree on.
UML is key in providing this organization.

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What is UML?

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a general-purpose visual modelling language that
is used to specify, visualize, construct, and document the artefacts of a software system.
UML was released in 1997 as a method to diagram software design and was designed by a
consortium of the best minds in object-oriented analysis and design.
UML is by far the most exciting thing to happen to the software industry in recent years as
every other engineering discipline has a standard method of documentation.

o Electronic engineers have schematic diagrams

o Architects and mechanical engineers have blueprints and mechanical
o The software industry now has UML!

Benefits of UML

o Software systems are professionally designed and documented before they are
coded so that all stakeholders know exactly what they are getting, in advance.
o Since system design comes first, UML enables re-usable code to be easily identified
and coded with the highest efficiency, thus reducing software development costs.
o UML enables logic 'holes' to be spotted in design drawings so that software will
behave as expected.
o The overall system design described in UML will dictate the way the software is
developed so that the right decisions are made early on in the process. Again, this
reduces software development costs by eliminating re-work in all areas of the life
o UML provides an enterprise level view of the system and, as a result, more memory
and processor efficient systems can be designed.
o UML enables ease of maintenance by providing more effective visual
representations of the system. Consequently, maintenance costs are reduced.
o UML diagrams assist in providing efficient training to new members of the
development team member.
o UML provides a vehicle of communication with both internal and external
stakeholders as it documents the system much more efficiently.

The following are the most commonly used UML artefacts:

o Use Case Diagrams

o Class Diagrams
o Sequence Diagrams
o Collaboration Diagrams
o Activity Diagrams
o Component Diagrams
o Deployment Diagrams

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Use-Case Diagram

A use case illustrates a unit of functionality provided by the system. The main purpose of the
use-case diagram is to help development teams visualize the functional requirements of a
system, including the relationship of "actors" (human beings who will interact with the
system) to essential processes, as well as the relationships among different use cases. Use-
case diagrams generally show groups of use cases — either all use cases for the complete
system, or a breakout of a particular group of use cases with related functionality (e.g., all
security administration-related use cases). To show a use case on a use-case diagram, you
draw an oval in the middle of the diagram and put the name of the use case in the center of, or
below, the oval. To draw an actor (indicating a system user) on a use-case diagram, you draw
a stick person to the left or right of your diagram (and just in case you're wondering, some
people draw prettier stick people than others). Use simple lines to depict relationships
between actors and use cases, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sample use-case diagram

A use-case diagram is typically used to communicate the high-level functions of the system
and the system's scope. By looking at our use-case diagram in Figure 1, you can easily tell the
functions that our example system provides. This system lets the band manager view a sales
statistics report and the Billboard 200 report for the band's CDs. It also lets the record
manager view a sales statistics report and the Billboard 200 report for a particular CD. The
diagram also tells us that our system delivers Billboard reports from an external system called
Billboard Reporting Service.

In addition, the absence of use cases in this diagram shows what the system doesn't do. For
example, it does not provide a way for a band manager to listen to songs from the different

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albums on the Billboard 200 — i.e., we see no reference to a use case called Listen to Songs
from Billboard 200. This absence is not a trivial matter. With clear and simple use-case
descriptions provided on such a diagram, a project sponsor can easily see if needed
functionality is present or not present in the system.

Class Diagram

The class diagram shows how the different entities (people, things, and data) relate to each
other; in other words, it shows the static structures of the system. A class diagram can be used
to display logical classes, which are typically the kinds of things the business people in an
organization talk about — rock bands, CDs, radio play; or loans, home mortgages, car loans,
and interest rates. Class diagrams can also be used to show implementation classes, which are
the things that programmers typically deal with. An implementation class diagram will
probably show some of the same classes as the logical classes diagram.The implementation
class diagram won't be drawn with the same attributes, however, because it will most likely
have references to things like Vectors and HashMaps.

A class is depicted on the class diagram as a rectangle with three horizontal sections, as
shown in Figure 2. The upper section shows the class's name; the middle section contains the
class's attributes; and the lower section contains the class's operations (or "methods").

Figure 2: Sample class object in a class diagram

In my experience, almost every developer knows what this diagram is, yet I find that most
programmers draw the relationship lines incorrectly. For a class diagram like the one in
Figure 3, you should draw the inheritance relationship1 using a line with an arrowhead at the
top pointing to the super class, and the arrowhead should be a completed triangle. [Note: For
more information on inheritance and other object-oriented principles, see the Java tutorial
What Is Inheritance?] An association relationship should be a solid line if both classes are
aware of each other and a line with an open arrowhead if the association is known by only
one of the classes.

Figure 3: A complete class diagram, including the class object shown in Figure 2

Larger view of Figure 3.

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In Figure 3, we see both the inheritance relationship and two association relationships. The
CDSalesReport class inherits from the Report class. A CDSalesReport is associated with one
CD, but the CD class doesn't know anything about the CDSalesReport class. The CD and the
Band classes both know about each other, and both classes can be associated to one or more
of each other.

A class diagram can incorporate many more concepts, which we will cover later in this article

Sequence diagram

Sequence diagrams show a detailed flow for a specific use case or even just part of a specific
use case. They are almost self explanatory; they show the calls between the different objects
in their sequence and can show, at a detailed level, different calls to different objects.

A sequence diagram has two dimensions: The vertical dimension shows the sequence of
messages/calls in the time order that they occur; the horizontal dimension shows the object
instances to which the messages are sent.

A sequence diagram is very simple to draw. Across the top of your diagram, identify the class
instances (objects) by putting each class instance inside a box (see Figure 4). In the box, put
the class instance name and class name separated by a space/colon/space " : " (e.g.,
myReportGenerator : ReportGenerator). If a class instance sends a message to another class
instance, draw a line with an open arrowhead pointing to the receiving class instance; place
the name of the message/method above the line. Optionally, for important messages, you can
draw a dotted line with an arrowhead pointing back to the originating class instance; label the
return value above the dotted line. Personally, I always like to include the return value lines
because I find the extra details make it easier to read.

Reading a sequence diagram is very simple. Start at the top left corner with the "driver" class
instance that starts the sequence. Then follow each message down the diagram. Remember:
Even though the example sequence diagram in Figure 4 shows a return message for each sent
message, this is optional.

Figure 4: A sample sequence diagram

Larger view of Figure 4.

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By reading our sample sequence diagram in Figure 4, you can see how to create a CD Sales
Report. The aServlet object is our example driver. aServlet sends a message to the
ReportGenerator class instance named gen. The message is labeled generateCDSalesReport,
which means that the ReportGenerator object implements this message handler. On closer
inspection, the generateCDSalesReport message label has cdId in parentheses, which means
that aServlet is passing a variable named cdId with the message. When gen instance receives
a generateCDSalesReport message, it then makes subsequent calls to the CDSalesReport
class, and an actual instance of a CDSalesReport called aCDReport gets returned. The gen
instance then makes calls to the returned aCDReport instance, passing it parameters on each
message call. At the end of the sequence, the gen instance returns aCDReport to its caller

Please note: The sequence diagram in Figure 4 is arguably too detailed for a typical sequence
diagram. However, I believe it is simple enough to understand, and it shows how nested calls
are drawn. Also, with junior developers, sometimes it is necessary to break down sequences
to this explicit level to help them understand what they are supposed to do.

Statechart Diagram

The statechart diagram models the different states that a class can be in and how that class
transitions from state to state. It can be argued that every class has a state, but that every class
shouldn't have a statechart diagram. Only classes with "interesting" states — that is, classes
with three or more potential states during system activity — should be modeled.

As shown in Figure 5, the notation set of the statechart diagram has five basic elements: the
initial starting point, which is drawn using a solid circle; a transition between states, which is
drawn using a line with an open arrowhead; a state, which is drawn using a rectangle with
rounded corners; a decision point, which is drawn as an open circle; and one or more
termination points, which are drawn using a circle with a solid circle inside it. To draw a
statechart diagram, begin with a starting point and a transition line pointing to the initial state
of the class. Draw the states themselves anywhere on the diagram, and then simply connect
them using the state transition lines.

Figure 5: Statechart diagram showing the various states that classes pass through in a
functioning system

Larger view of Figure 5.

The example statechart diagram in Figure 5 shows some of the potential information they can
communicate. For instance, you can tell that loan processing begins in the Loan Application

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state. When the pre-approval process is done, depending on the outcome, you move to either
the Loan Pre-approved state or the Loan Rejected state. This decision, which is made during
the transition process, is shown with a decision point — the empty circle in the transition line.
By looking at the example, a person can tell that a loan cannot go from the Loan Pre-
Approved state to the Loan in Maintenance state without going through the Loan Closing
state. Also, by looking at our example diagram, a person can tell that all loans will end in
either the Loan Rejected state or the Loan in Maintenance state.

Activity diagram

Activity diagrams show the procedural flow of control between two or more class objects
while processing an activity. Activity diagrams can be used to model higher-level business
process at the business unit level, or to model low-level internal class actions. In my
experience, activity diagrams are best used to model higher-level processes, such as how the
company is currently doing business, or how it would like to do business. This is because
activity diagrams are "less technical" in appearance, compared to sequence diagrams, and
business-minded people tend to understand them more quickly.

An activity diagram's notation set is similar to that used in a statechart diagram. Like a
statechart diagram, the activity diagram starts with a solid circle connected to the initial
activity. The activity is modeled by drawing a rectangle with rounded edges, enclosing the
activity's name. Activities can be connected to other activities through transition lines, or to
decision points that connect to different activities guarded by conditions of the decision point.
Activities that terminate the modeled process are connected to a termination point (just as in a
statechart diagram). Optionally, the activities can be grouped into swimlanes, which are used
to indicate the object that actually performs the activity, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Activity diagram, with two swimlanes to indicate control of activity by two

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objects: the band manager, and the reporting tool

In our example activity diagram, we have two swimlanes because we have two objects that
control separate activities: a band manager and a reporting tool. The process starts with the
band manager electing to view the sales report for one of his bands. The reporting tool then
retrieves and displays all the bands that person manages and asks him to choose one. After
the band manager selects a band, the reporting tool retrieves the sales information and
displays the sales report. The activity diagram shows that displaying the report is the last step
in the process.

Component diagram

A component diagram provides a physical view of the system. Its purpose is to show the
dependencies that the software has on the other software components (e.g., software libraries)
in the system. The diagram can be shown at a very high level, with just the large-grain
components, or it can be shown at the component package level. [Note: The phrase
component package level is a programming language-neutral way of referring to class
container levels such as .NET's namespaces (e.g., System.Web.UI) or Java's packages (e.g.,

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Modeling a component diagram is best described through an example. Figure 7 shows four
components: Reporting Tool, Billboard Service, Servlet 2.2 API, and JDBC API. The
arrowed lines from the Reporting Tool component to the Billboard Service, Servlet 2.2 API,
and JDBC API components mean that the Reporting Tool is dependent on those three

Figure 7: A component diagram shows interdependencies of various software

components the system comprises

Deployment diagram

The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the hardware
environment. Its purpose is to show where the different components of the system will
physically run and how they will communicate with each other. Since the diagram models the
physical runtime, a system's production staff will make considerable use of this diagram.

The notation in a deployment diagram includes the notation elements used in a component
diagram, with a couple of additions, including the concept of a node. A node represents either
a physical machine or a virtual machine node (e.g., a mainframe node). To model a node,
simply draw a three-dimensional cube with the name of the node at the top of the cube. Use
the naming convention used in sequence diagrams: [instance name] : [instance type] (e.g.,
" : Application Server").

Figure 8: Deployment diagram

Larger view of Figure 8.

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The deployment diagram in Figure 8 shows that the users access the Reporting Tool by using
a browser running on their local machine and connecting via HTTP over their company's
intranet to the Reporting Tool. This tool physically runs on the Application Server named The diagram shows the Reporting Tool component drawn inside of
IBM WebSphere, which in turn is drawn inside of the node The
Reporting Tool connects to its reporting database using the Java language to IBM DB2's
JDBC interface, which then communicates to the actual DB2 database running on the server
named using native DB2 communication. In addition to talking to the
reporting database, the Report Tool component communicates via SOAP over HTTPS to the
Billboard Service.


Although this article provides only a brief introduction to Unified Modeling Language, I
encourage you to start applying the information you have learned here to your own projects
and to dig more deeply into UML. There are several software tools that help you to integrate
UML diagrams into your software development process, but even without automated tools,
you can use markers on a whiteboard or paper and pencils to draw your UML diagrams and
still achieve benefits.

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