Engineering Meka

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The headwork site is situated at 996623.00mN, 221226.00mE and river bed elevation of
2172.00m above sea level. At this site the river course is well defined, matured with fixed width
and forms nearly a U-shaped valley. At this specific site, the riverbed is characterized by
disseminated boulder having sharp edges suggesting that it is transported short distance. The
slope of the river bed is rough. The river is flowing through a defined channel and its scouring
effect on the river course is irrelevant as its bed covered by bed rock which is non-erodible
7.1.1. River Bed condition
The stream bed or course at the proposed headwork site is nearly straight, well defined, and
shows almost uniform surface and straight rich from one bank to another bank. It is made up of
boulder, alluvial silty deposit & sand. The riverbed is characterized by disseminated boulder
having sharp edges suggesting that it is transported short distance. The slope of the river bed is
rough that is characterized on longitudinal profile. Hence the bearing capacity of river bed is
very good due to the basalt rock formation.
7.2. Headwork type selection
Looking the availability of natural construction materials and considering the river features and
expected flood amount, broad crest type of weir is proposed. As it is:
 Firm foundation
 Simple for construction
 Economical
 There is no significant bed load (boulder effect) in the river.
7.3. Hydraulic and Structural design of headwork structure
7.3.1. Intake (Canal outlet level) Design Intake capacity
The canal capacity should be determined for maximum command area and the corresponding
discharge. The command area available for irrigation is about 15ha and it is estimated from
existing beneficiary of traditional irrigation land holders, In this case the outlet capacity is fixed
considering maximum estimated duty and command area.
 Outlet capacity = Duty x command area x correction factor
Where, maximum duty for 10hr irrigation = 2 Lit/s/ha
Command area = 15ha.
 Outlet capacity = 1.5 Lit/s/ha x 15ha = 30Lit/sec,
Given: Qd=30lit/sec=0.030m3/sec
Formula adopted: Orifice (free outflow)
Q intake=Cd*A*(2gh) ½-----------------------------------------------------------------------Equation 7.1
Cd= orifice coefficient
h=gate opening depth
y=required water depth
A=pipe cross sectional area
Where h=y-(D/2) and A=ПD2/4
Cd=0.657 for free out flow condition
Cd D Y A H Qd e
0.657 0.4 0.23 0.13 0.03 0.052 0.050
Considering 40cm plain concrete pipe having a total length of 6m, and 0.052m3/s canal
Cross sectional area, A = ЛD2/4 = 3.14x0.42/4 =0.13m2
Velocity, V = Q/A = 0.52/0.13 = 0.4m/s Intake Level
The head regulator is provided for one direction bonly on the right side in order to get irrigable
area. The sill level of this head regulator is fixed at equal level for seek of good entry of required
discharge. The maximum irrigated command level is determined by considering canal bed lever
at first turnout including losses along canal route as well as minor and major losses. The
procedure is stated below:-
Intake level at the intake gate= bed level at the first turnout (0+250m) + total head losses
=2171.013m + 0.25= 2170.513m
►Top level of intake pipe=Intake level at the intake gate + Pipe diameter
=2170.513m +0.4m=2170.913 m
7.3.2. Weir Height Determination
a) Average elevation of the highest field in the command area=2170.163m
b) Water depth required = 0.3m
c) Assumed freeboard =0.10m (0.1m cut)
d) Head loss along the main canal up to highest field=Slope of canal * distance from the weir =
e) Head loss at turn out=0.05m
f) Head loss due to intake pipe=Entrance + Friction + Exit loss
Coefficient of roughness, n = 0.014
Coefficient of friction loss,
f = 124.5n2/D1/3 = 124.5x0.0142/ (0.4)1/3
f = 0.013
Coefficient of losses
- Friction loss, fL= f L/D = 0.013x6/0.4 = 0.20
- Inlet loss, fi = 0.500
- Outlet loss, fo = 1.00
Total coefficient of loss, fT = fi+ fL +fo
 fT = 0.5+0.20+1.0
 fT = 1.70
Total pipe head loss, hL = V2/2g x fT = (0.42/19.62) x1.70
hL = 0.013m
Average river bed elevation=2169.513m
Total head loss=hL+hLo+Wd+Fb+hLm
=0.013+0.05+0.3+0.325+0.1(free board) =0.81
Therefore weir crest level=Average highest command elevation +total head loss
2170.163m +0.81=2170.973m
Weir height =Crest height-bed level-River bed =2170.973m -2169.513m
= 1.46m (take 1.5m)
Intake level at the intake gate=From previous result of intake level design=2170.513m
►Top level of intake pipe=Intake level at the intake gate + Pipe diameter from previous result
=2170.513m +0.4m=2170.913m
►Crest level=River bed level +Weir height
Since the top level of the intake pipe (2190.913) is less than the crest level of the weir
(2171.013), the desired capacity of water can easily flow in to the intake pipe
7.3.3. Flow over the Weir crest
Total energy head as design flood discharge
Q = 1.7LH3/2…………………………………………………………………..Eq1.2
Q = Design flood = 55.52m3/s (from Hydrology report)
L = Weir span = 8m
H = Total Head over crest = water ht + velocity head
He = (Qd / CL) 2/3 = (55.52m3/s / (1.7*8m)) 2/3 = 2.57m
Water depth on the crest=He=2.57m
7.3.4. Top and bottom width
7.3.4. Weir Dimensions Crest Length
 Lacey’s regime width, L=4.75∗√ Q ,=4.75∗ √55.52=35.40m.
 Measured width of river section width of the over flow section of the river is = 8m
 By Computing Economical Analysis and Downstream risk, provide 8m Long.
According to the Bligh’s formula, top and bottom width of the weir body is determined as
Input Data:
P: Height of weir (m) = 1.5
He: specific energy head (over flow depth + approaching velocity head (m))
σ : Specific weight of weir body (2.1 for masonry)
He 3 .1
B= = =2 .14 m
Top width, √ σ √ 2 .1 --------take 1.5m

He+ Hw 2 .57+1. 5
B '= = =2. 80 m
√σ √2 .1 --------take 3.0m
Bottom width,

Since, these dimensions are relatively larger than with the same factor of safety, due to stability
 Adopt 1.5 Top width and 3.0 bottom width of weir
7.3.5. Silt gate (under sluice gate)
The under sluice is mainly provided here to remove silt deposition at a result of barrier structure.
Hence the sill level of the under sluice is fixed to facilitate this deposited silt to increase the
efficiency of water abstracting to the main canal through the head regulator from the pocket. The
sill level of this sluice is fixed on minimum bed level. Hence the sill level of the under sluice is
2169.513a.m.s.l. Considering this, the opening size of the gate is 1.0m wide and the plate
thickness shall be 5mm to be operated by spindle gate.
The capacity of the sluice decided based on the maximum of the values of discharge obtained by
twice the intake capacity or the 20% of the design discharge.
50 year design flood: 55.52m3/s →Sluiceway capacity: 0.2 x 55.52 = 11.10m3/s, thus minimum
discharge capacity sluiceway could dispose.
Considering this, the opening size of the gate is 1m*2.0m without spindle operating manually
and rectangular open channel profile of flow of water at the under sluice, the discharge passing
or disposed is analyzed by taking account the following criteria.
 Don’t bother for the capacity of under sluice & its scouring, b/c the under sluice is just
like open cannel flow profile
 So it conveyance capacity is increase until the height of crest level, after that the width is
changed to additional water way for redaction of afflux height.
 During construction, it should be able to pass the prevailing (at least base flow) discharge
of the river.
7.3.6. Upstream and Downstream High Flood Level (HFL) Calculation & Determination
From the stage –discharge curve prepared (Section I, in Hydrology Part) the high flood level
before construction (i.e. D/s HFL) corresponding to the design flood 2171.382 m a.s.l.
D/s HFL=2171.381m a.m.s.l------------------------------------ (a)
U/s HFL = U/s bed level + weir height + Hd------------------ (b)
Hd is the depth of water over the weir/intake crest. This is calculated by assuming broad crested
weir/intake formula. Q=C∗L∗H 2

The velocity head, ha is computed from the approach velocity as shown below
ha =
Where g: acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/sec2
Va is Approach velocity determined by
V a=
L is Weir crest length = 8m,
hd is flow depth over the weir and also,
hd =H e−ha
He=Hd +Hav

Hav=Va2/ (2g), where: Va=approach velocity=Q/A=Q/ [L (h) +Hd]

Hw=Weir height (1.5m)

hs=silt height is assume nil(neglected)=0

Va2=[Q/ {L(h)+Hd}]2 = [Q/{L{(h)+ Hd}]2

Va2= [55.52/ {8(1.5 + Hd)}] 2= [55.52/ {8(1.5+Hd)}]2-------------------------equation-i

But, He= Hd +Hav =Hd+ Va2/2g  Va2= [He-Hd]*2g= [2.57-Hd]*19.62------ equation-ii

Equating (i) and (ii),
[55.52/ {8(1.5+Hd)}] 2= [2.57-Hd]*19.62
The value of Hd can be calculated by trial and error method as follows:
Right Remar
Left side Hd side k
3.130 2.423 2.884  
3.142 2.415 3.041  
3.144 2.414 3.061  
3.146 2.413 3.080  
3.147 2.412 3.100 d

Therefore, Hd =2.412m
Hence Hav= He- Hd
Total energy, He=2.57m
 Overflow depth, Hd = 2.412m
 Velocity head, hva = 0.16m
Upstream HFL = Upstream HFL –velocity head
D/s HFL=2171.381m at normal flood level (tail water depth) from stage curve
U/s HFL = U/s bed level + weir height + Hd= 2169.513m + 1.5m + 2.57m= 2173.583m
Upstream HFL = Upstream HFL –velocity head == 2173.583m -0.16m=2173.42m

 Afflux
⇒ Afflux =F= U/s HFL- D/s HFL = 2173.42m.a.s.l – 2171.381m.a.s.l =2.10m.
7.3.7. Hydraulic Jump Calculation
As discussed in the geologic report, the river bed material is basalt rock and the river bed is
stable one and hence no more stilling basin is mandatory at downstream one for energy
dissipation. But both left and right side banks are not sound rock, a wing walls are required at
upstream and downstream sides, so as to protect the scouring of the bank due to the formation of
jumps, and not to flow the river out of river bank in high flood cases. The length of stilling basin
is determined based on the depth of Jump, and it is calculated as shown below.
Design information
Average river bed elevation (EL3) = 2169.523m
Downstream water level (ELo)= 2171.381m
Weir crest level = 2171.013m
Weir crest height= 1.5m
Assuming the downstream floor level is equal the river bed level,
Assumed EL1 = EL3=2169.523m
H = Eo = E1
Z = ELO – Assumed EL1= 2171.381m -2169.60m=1.78m
H = He+z = 2.75+1.78=4.35m
Applying Bernoulli’s Equation
dc+ Vc2/2g +H = d1 + V12/2g
For, qc = Q/L=55.52/8=6.94m3/sec/m
But dc = (qc2/g)1/3
dc = (6.942/9.81)1/3 = 1.64m
And Vc = √dcg or Vc = q/dc
⇒Vc = √ 1.64 x 9.81 = 4.01m/sec
V1 = q/d1
∴ dc + Vc2/2g + H = d1 + V12/2g = d1+ (q/d1)2/2g
⇒ 1.64+ 4.012/2*9.81 + 1.5 = d1 + (6.94/d1)2/2x9.81
⇒ 3.95 = d1 + 2.45/d1^2
By trial and error methodsSolving

d1(depth before Right

3.95 jump) side Remark
3.95 0.927 3.930  
3.95 0.926 3.937  
3.95 0.925  
3.95 0.924 3.952 Selected
3.95 0.923 3.959  
the above equation, d1 = 0.924m
⇒ V1 = q/d1 = 6.94/0.24= 7.5m/sec
Fraud number, Fr = V1/√gd1 = 7.5/ √ 9.81 x 0.924 = 2.21
∴ d2 = d1/2 [√ (1+8fr2) – 1]
= 0.924/2√ ¿ ¿) – 1]
⇒ d2 = 1.94m >tail water depth=d3= 1.78m.
Sequent depth, d2=1.94 is greater than the tail water depth d3=1.78 the
7.3.8. Bed Level, Length and Depth of the stilling
The length of the stilling basin is,
L= 4d2 = 4*1.94 =7.76≈8m
Conventional method
Experimental formula to determine the length and depth of stilling basin
L = 3√ h dF
L = Length of basin (Horizontal length of weir glacis + length of downstream apron floor in m)
hd = over flow depth (m)=Hd=2.412
F = Afflux=2.10
L =3√ 2.412∗2.76 =7.59≈8m
Depth of stilling basin is:-
d=1/2 √ h dF
Stability Analysis of weir
d=1/2 √ h dF
d=1/2 √ 2.412∗2.10
7.3.11. Stability analysis of Weir body
Stability analysis is carried out to see the already determined weir/intake section is safe against
overturning, sliding, tension. The stability analysis is carried out considering the effect of the
following forces.
For the analysis of stability the following parameters are considered:
Uplift pressure was considered for the weir section.
Downstream water pressure was considered.
Unit weight of sound masonry work ɣm=21 KN/m3
Unit weight of water pressure, ɣw=10KN/m3
Unit weight of Silt pressure, ɣs=13.6 KN/m3
The extreme load combination is the case where the head is at crest level of the weir and there is
no flow over the weir (static case)


Pw Wm1
m3m Wm2

Momentum at Toe



Figure 3.1: Force analysis of weir

7.3.11. 1.Static case (Worst condition) stability analysis of weir
Wm1= ɣm*Am1*b
21*(1.5*1.5)*1=63KN acting at (1.5+1.5/2) = 2.25m from the toe.
Wm2= ɣm*Am2*b
21*(0.5*1.5*1.5)*1=23.62KN acting at (1.50/3) = 0 .5m from the toe.
Pw=1/2* ɣw*hw2*b=½*10*1.52*1= 11.25KN acting at (3*1/3)=1m from the toe
Pu=½ *((H+hd)-d1)) * ɣw *b=½*10*((1.5+2.412)-0.924))*1=14.95KN acting at (3*2/3)=2m
from the toe

Table 7.1: Stability analysis of the weir

No Name &Description Magnitude of force Arm Moment about

length(m) toe(tm)
Vertical Horizontal MR(+) MO(-)
1 Self weight-Wm1 63 - 2.25 141.75 -
2 Self weight-Wm2 23.62 - 0 .5 11.82 -
3 Water pressure-Pw   -11.25 1   -1.25
4 Uplift pressure-Pu -14.95 ` 2   -29.88
Summary   71.67 -11.25   153.57 -31.13
Summation of all Vertical forces, ------------∑Fv=+71.67KN
Summation of all Horizontal forces, ---------∑FH=-11.25KN
Summation of all Resisting moment, --------∑MR=+153.57KN-m
Summation of all Overturning moment, ----∑MO=-31.13KN-m
Summation of all Moments, ------------------ ∑M=∑MR -∑MO =+153.57-31.31=122.26KN-m.
Stability against over turning
∑MR/∑MO ≥1.5, =153.57/31.31=4.90>1.5--------ok
Stability against Sliding
∑FH/∑Fv <0.75, =11.25/71.67=0.16<0.75---------ok
Stability against over stress
Eccentricity: e = B1/2-x, where X = centroidal distance (m)
B1= Bottom width (m)
e=│B1/2 -X│=│1.5-1.21│=0.30
Since e<a i.e 0.30<0.5-------------------------------ok
Stability against compression
ɣc toe=[{∑Fv/Bw}/(1+6e/Bw)]=[( 71.67/3)/(1+6*0.30/3)]=14.94KN/m2.
Since the allowable compressive strength of sound masonry extends up to 100t/m 2, and the
calculated value is 15.61KN/m2 there is no fear of compression.
Conclusion: From stability analysis, the designed weir section is safe and economical having
1.50m top width 3m bottom width and 1.5m height.
7.3.12. Design of Retaining or Wing wall and Divide wall Retaining wall Design 1.Upstream Retaining wall
Height, H1 = H+He+Fb
Where, H = crest height of weir (m)=1.5m
He = overflow head (m) (including velocity head)=2.412
Fb = Free board (m)=0.1m
∴ H1 = 1.5+2.412 +0.1 = 4.02m take =4.1m 2.Downstream Retaining wall
At jump position=2m
Height, H2 = d2+Fb
Where, d2 = downstream water depth (m) = 1.94m
∴ H2 = 1.94+0.14 = 2.085m take =2.1m
. At tail water =d3 + Fb=1.74+0.12=1.86m
The maximum of the two which is (2.1m) taken for the downstream Retaining wall height.
Top level of upstream Retaining wall =bed level +H1=2169.513+4.1=2173.613m
Top level of downstream wing wall (at d2) =2169.513+2.1=2171.613m
7.3.13. Stability analysis of Retaining wall Body
-Unit Weight of masonry = γm =21KN/ m3
-Coefficient of Active earth pressure, Ka, (take Ka=1/3)
- Unit Weight of Saturated soil (earth)=γs =18KN/ m3
7.3.13. 1.Stability analysis of upstream (Retaining) guide wall




PS2 W3


Where Bw=Tw+X then X=H*tanϴ=4.1*tan(30° ¿=4.5*0.57=2.60m

Bw=0.5+2.60=3.09 take=3m
=21.0*(4.5*0.5)*1=47.25KN acting at (3+0.5/2) =3.25m from the toe
W2= ɣm*A2*b
=21.0*(0.5*3.0*4.5)*1=141.75KN acting at (2/3*3.0)=2.0m from the toe
W3= ɣm*A3*b
=21.0*(1.0*3)*1=63KN acting at (3/2)=1.5m from the toe
Ws= ɣs*As*b
=18*(0.5*3*4.5)*1=121.5KN acting at (3.0/3)=1.0m from the toe
Ps1=1/2*ka* ɣs* hs12*b=1/2*1/3*18*(4.5+1)2*1=90.75KN acting at (1/3*4.5) =1.5m from the
Ps2=1/2*ka* ɣs*hs22 *b =1/2*1/3*18*1.02 =3.0KN acting at (1/3*1) =0.33m from the toe
Table 7 2: Computation of forces per unit width and momentum for upstream retaining wall

No Name Magnitude of force Arm length Moment about

&Description (KN) (m) toe(tm)
Vertical Horizonta MR (+) MO (-)
1 Self weight-W1 47.25 - 3.25 153.56 -
2 Self weight-W2 141.75 - 2 283.5 -
3 Self weight-W3 63 - 1.5 94.5 -
4 Soil weight-Ws 121.5 - 1 121.5 -
5 Soil pressure-Ps1   -90.75 1.5 - -136.125
6 Soil pressure-Ps2   3 0.33 0.99  
Summary 373.5 -87.75   653.85 -136.125
Summation of all Vertical forces, ------------∑Fv=373.5KN.
Summation of all Horizontal forces, ---------∑FH=-87.75KN.
Summation of all Resisting moment, --------∑MR=+653.85KN-m.
Summation of all Overturning moment, ----∑MO=-136.125KN-m.
Summation of all Moments, ------------------ ∑M=∑MR -∑MO =653.85-136.125=+517.73KN-m.
ðStability against over turning
∑MR/∑MO ≥1.5, =653.85/136.125=3.26>1.5--------ok
ðStability against Sliding
∑FH/∑Fv <0.75, =87.75/372.5=0.23<0.75---------ok
ðStability against over stress
Eccentricity: e = b/2-x, where X = centroidal distance (m)
Bw= Bottom width (m)
e=│Bw/2 -X│=│1.5-1.10│=0.40
Since e<a i.e 0.40<0.5-------------------------------ok
ðStability against compression
ɣctoe=[{∑Fv/Bw}/(1+6e/Bw)]=[( 372.5/3)/(1+6*0.4/3)]=68.98KN/m2.
Since the allowable compressive strength of masonry extends up to 100t/m2, and the calculated
value is 68.98KN/m2there is no fear of compression.
7.3.13. 1.Stability analysis of downstream (Retaining) guide wall




PS2 W3


Where Bw=Tw+X then X=H*tanϴ=2.1*tan (30° ¿=2.1*0.57=1.197≈1.25m

=21.0*(2.10*0.5)*1=22.05KN acting at (1.25+0.5/2) =1.5m from the toe
W2= ɣm*A2*b
=21.0*(0.5*1.25*1.5)*1=19.68KN acting at (2/3*1.25) = 0.83m from the toe
W3= ɣm*A3*b
=21.0*(0.5*1.75)*1=18.37KN acting at (1.75/2)= 0.87m from the toe
Ws= ɣs*As*b
=18*(0.5*1.25*2.1)*1=23.64KN acting at (1.25/3) = 0.41m from the toe
Ps1=1/2*ka* ɣs* hs12 *b
=1/2*1/3*18*(2.10+0.5)2*1=20.28KN acting at (1/3*2.10)=0.70m from the toe
Ps2=1/2*ka* ɣs*hs22 *b =1/2*1/3*18*0.52 =0.75KN acting at (1/3*0.5) =0.16m from the toe
Table 7 3: Computation of forces per unit width and momentum for downstream retaining

Moment about
Magnitude of force(t)
Name Arm toe(tm)
&Description Vertica length(m)
Horizontal MR(+) MO(-)
1 Self weight-W1 22.05 - 1.5 33.075 -
2 Self weight-W2 19.68 - 0.83 16.33 -
3 Self weight-W3 18.37 - 0.87 15.98 -
4 Soil weight-Ws 23.64 - 0.41 9.69  
5 Soil pressure-Ps1   -20.28 0.71   -14.39
6 Soil pressure-Ps2   0.75 0.16 0.12 -
Summary 83.74 -19.53   75.075 -14.39
Summation of all Vertical forces, ------------∑Fv=+83.74KN.
Summation of all Horizontal forces, ---------∑FH=-19.53KN.
Summation of all Resisting moment, --------∑MR=+75.075KN-m.
Summation of all Overturning moment, ----∑MO=-14.39KN-m.
Summation of all Moments, ------------------ ∑M=∑MR -∑MO =75.075-14.39=+60.67KN-m.
ðStability against over turning
∑MR/∑MO ≥1.5, =75.075/14.39=5.22>1.5--------ok.
ðStability against Sliding
∑FH/∑Fv <0.75, =19.4 /88.74=0.23<0.75---------ok
ðStability against over stress
Eccentricity: e = b/2-x, where X = centroidal distance (m)
Bw= Bottom width (m) and a=emax
e=│Bw/2 -X│=│0.87-0.66│=0.21
Since e<a i.e 0.21<0.29-------------------------------ok
ðStability against compression
ɣctoe=[{∑Fv/Bw}/(1+6e/Bw)]=[( 83.74/1.75)/(1+6*0.21/1.75)]=28.48KN/m2.
Since the allowable compressive strength of masonry extends up to 100t/m 2, and the calculated
value is 28.48KN/m2there is no fear of compression.

Existing Irrigation Practices in the Project Area

The pressure of survival and the need for additional food supplies to meet the demands of the
increasing population is necessitating a rapid expansion of irrigation schemes. Thus, irrigation is
becoming a basic part of well developed agriculture wherever there is water and irrigable land
potential. Accordingly, traditional irrigation practices are under taken by individual farmers that
use the river flow to the Right side is with laborious temporary diversions. So, the farmers in the
project area are very much interested in the idea of upgrading the traditional scheme to modern
Irrigation methods
Among the different irrigation systems Furrow irrigation system will be used for the project area;
and the irrigation water will be obtained from Meka River and by constructing diversion weir
and convoying the water commonly through earthen and lined canals (MC) and then leading to
field canals; and finally irrigation takes place mostly in furrows.
Conveyance System
The conveyance system consists of Main canal to irrigate total command area of 20 ha. The main
canal starts from Main canal is aligned along contours and supplies directly to turnout.
7.4.4. Design of the canal system
Flow Depth and Section Capacity
The earthen canals have been designed with a trapezoidal shape and the lined ones with
rectangular cross-section using Manning's Formula:
2 /3 1/2
AxR xS
Where Q= discharge (m3/s)
R= Hydraulic radius (Flow area/wetted perimeter)
S= Hydraulic gradient
n=0.018 for the masonry lined part of the main canal Canal
The main canal is designed for a discharge of 52 lit/sec and depending on the site specific
condition, appropriate slope is provided.
a) Rectangular Lined canal length from (0-685m)
Design Discharge, Q = 0.052m3/sec
Roughness coefficient, n= 0.018
Canal design bed slope, S = 1:1000
Water depth in canal, d = 0.3m Design Discharge, Q = 0.052m3/sec
Roughness coefficient, n= 0.018
Canal design bed slope, S = 1:1000
Water depth in canal, d = 0.3m(Assumed)
Design calculation
From Q = 1/n*R2/3*S1/2*A
A = b*d = 0.3*b= 0.3b
P = b+2d = b+2*0.3= b+0.6
R = A/P = 0.3b/ (b+0.6)

 0.052 =((1/0.018* (0.3b/b+0.52) 2/3* √ 1/1000 *(0.3b)-------------------------------- Equation 7.2

By trial and error method the value of b is obtained as, b=0.5m
From this A = 0.3*0.5= 0.15m2
P = b+2d = 0.5+2*0.3=1.1m
R = A/P = 0.15/1.1=0.13m

And V = 1/n R2/3S1/2 = 1/0.018*(0.13) 2/3* √ 1/1000

V = 0.4m/s
Free board, FB = 0.10m
b) Trapezoidal Earthen canal length from (685-835m)
Design Discharge, Q = 0.042m3/sec
Roughness coefficient, n= 0.025
Canal design bed slope, S = 1:1000
Side slope, m=1:1
Water depth in canal, d = 0.3m (Assumed)
Design calculation
From Q = 1/n*R2/3*S1/2*A
A = bd+md2 = b*0.3+1(0.3) 2 = 0.3b+0.09
P = b+2d√ (1+m2) = b+2*0.4*√ (1+12) = b+0.80
R = A/P= (0.3b+0.09)/ (b+0.85)

0.052= 1/0.025*[(0.3b+0.09)/ (b+0.85)) 2/3* √ 1/1000 *(0.3b+0.09)

By trial and error method the value of b is obtained as b = 0.48≈0.50m
From this A = 0.50*0.3+1(0.3) 2 = 0.24m2
P = 0.50+2*0.3 *√ (1+12) =1.35m
R = 0.24/1.35= 0.18m

And V = 1/0.025*(0.18) 2/3* √ 1/1000 *0.24

⇛ V = 0.4m/s
Free board, FB = 0.10m Field Canals
As shown in the layout, field canals run across the contours. The discharge of most of the field
canals is very small and this is taken as an advantage to cope up with the relatively steeper
gradient. Figure below shows a typical field canal cross-section. As much as possible field canals
shall be made in fill in order to easily irrigate the adjacent command area. As can be seen from
the layout, majority of the filed canals can be used to irrigate both sides of the command area
depending on the condition of the individual plots of land owned by individual farmers.

Figure 7.2: Typical Field Canal cross-section

Design of vertical drops (1st type drop of H=0.5m on main canal on MC-0(0+375))
Design discharge, Q=0.052m3/sec
Height of drop, H=0.5m
Water depth=d1=0.4m
Width of drop, bc = 0.734Q/(d1)3/2=0.734(0.052)/(0.4)3/2 = 0.290m
Unit discharge, q = Q/bc =0.052/0.29= 0.22m3/sec/m
Critical depth, dc = [q2/g]1/3 =[0.222 /10]1/3=0.17m
Stilling basin
Lip height, a= dc/2 =0.17/2=0.08 use a= 0.10m
Length,L= [(2.5+1.1dc/H+0.7(dc/H)3) ]*√(Hdc) =0.84 ≈ 1.0m
Design of vertical drops (2nd type drop of H=1m on main canal on MC-0(0+425))
Design discharge, Q=0.052m3/sec
Height of drop, H=1m
Water depth=d1=0.4m
Width of drop, bc = 0.734Q/(d1)3/2=0.734(0.052)/(0.4)3/2 = 0.290m
Unit discharge, q = Q/bc =0.052/0.29= 0.22m3/sec/m
Critical depth, dc = [q2/g]1/3 =[0.222 /10]1/3=0.17m
Stilling basin
Lip height, a= dc/2 =0.17/2=0.08 use a= 0.10m
Length,L= [(2.5+1.1dc/H+0.7(dc/H)3) ]*√(Hdc) =0.84 ≈ 1.0m
Width, B= (18.46√Q)/ (Q+9.91) = (18.46√0.052)/ (0.052+9.91) =0.54m ≈ 0.5m Drainage pipe Culvert

Drainage Culverts are provided in this project to pass safely floods and stream flows from the
upstream under irrigation canal to the downstream. The sizes of the culverts are fixed depending
on the amount of flood collected from its catchments. In this case all of them have small
catchments. Those, the size of the pipes are fixed considering the size of the gorge in addition to
collected flood from these catchments.
Given data: -
Catchment’s area, Ac= 2km2
Specific Discharge, q = 0.20m3/sec/km2
Vo = 0.5m/sec (Assumed)
Design calculation
Therefore, Design Discharge, Q = Ac*q
Ao = Q/Vo
D = √ (1.485*Ao)
A = πD2/4
P = πD
R = A/P = π D2/4πD
V = Q/Ao
I = [nv/R2/3]2
ΔH = I*L
Table 7: 6: station of pipe culverts and its hydraulic parameters
Diameter of

Water depth
Hyd. Radius
Wetted area

Wetted area

Pipe Length






km +m Ac Q Vo Qd Ao D A p R V I ΔH d L
No km 2
m /s/
m/sec m/3
m 2
m m 2
m m m/s m/m m m m
km2 sec
0+511 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.094 0.1 0.6 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.4 2
7 9 8 8 5 0 6 1 8
0+656 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.064 0.1 0.5 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.4 2
2 3 0 7 3 0 8 2 0
0+686 0.4 0.2 0.5 0.094 0.1 0.6 0.2 1.8 0.1 0.5 0.000 0.00 0.4 2
7 9 8 8 5 0 6 1 8 Design of Foot Path
Structure designed to serve as animal and human being crossing on the rectangular lined canal
that have width 2m long with RCC of 10cm thick slab, which is supported by a 30cm masonry
wall of the canal, is. The slope and hydraulic parameters of the box canal under the footpath is
taken as similar to that of the parent canal. The place of the footbridge is therefore, at any
necessary stations indicated. The location of the footpath is at MC1(0+409m), MC(0+575m) and
(0+75057) on main canal.
Structural design
A two-meter long and a (bo+0.6m) wide RCC lies on a 30 cm thick canal wall. The RCC is
reinforced by 8mm steel bar placed at 200mm interval in the tensile zone only.and

10cm concrete


d b Off takes (Turn out)

Off takes are used to direct water from supply canal in to laterals (field canals); Usually this
structure consists of an inlet, conduit to convey water beneath the canal bank and outlet, whereas
in this situation canal breaching system of off take is proposed for simply to be operated by the
farmers and from economic point of view. In this project 30 off take exist on the tertiary canal.
The hydraulic parameters of the turnouts are shown below.
Hydraulic Parameter of Turn outs
Q= Discharge of the Incoming Tertiary Canal
L= Width of Turn out box
D= Depth of Supply of Tertiary Canal + Free Board
B= Width of the incoming tertiary canal
Lup= U/S protection
Ldp= D/s protection
Table 7.4: Hydraulic parameters of Turn outs

No. of
Canal Turn Q D=d+fb Lup Ldp
Name outs (lit/sec) (m) B (m) L (m) (m) (m)
TC 1 12 52 0.4 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 Cattle cross
The structure used as path or road for cattle across main canal without any damage on the canal.
Cattle cross is provided cross at C-7(0+175m), C-41(1+025m), and C-66(1+650m).


4.6.1. Establishment of Unit Costs
Labour cost Calculation

(+20% )
Labour overhead
No Activity Unit Skilled Labor Unskilled Labor cost cost
Out Out
      put Salary Cost put Salary Cost    
      MD/U Birr/U ET.B MD/U Birr/U ET.B ET.B ET.B
Access Road 2160
1 Maintenance km 1 21600 0       21600 25920
2 Site Clearing m2       0.2 40 8 8 9.6
Soil Excavation including
3 disposal m3       2.5 40 100 100 120
4 Soft rock excavation m3       4 40 160 160 192
5 Cart away m 2
      0.45 40 18 18 21.6
6 Compacted back fill m3       2 40 80 80 96
7 CIS Walling/Roofing m2 0.3 150 45 0.8 40 32 77 92.4
8 Plastering(1:3) m 2
0.25 150 37.5 0.5 40 20 57.5 69
9 Hard coring(wet) m3 1.2 150 180 2.4 40 96 276 331.2
10 RCC C_15 m3 2 150 300 5 40 200 500 600
11 Concrete (1:2:4) mixing m 3
3 150 450 6 40 240 690 828
12 Concrete (1:3:6) mixing m3 3 150 450 6 40 240 690 828
13 Masonry(1:3) m3 2 150 300 4 40 160 460 552
14 5cm Cement screed m2 0.14 150 21 0.5 40 20 41 49.2
Total Unit Rate (Material,Labor and Transportation costs)

Material Labour
Unit cost cost Total cost
Activities Materials Unit Quantity cost/U (Birr/U) (Birr/U) (Birr/U)
1 2 3 4 5 6=(4x5) 7 8=(6+7)
Access Road Maintenance Soil km 1   0 25920 25920
Site clearing Soil m3 1   0 9.6 9.6
Soil Excavation including
disposal Soil m3 1   0 120 120
Cart away Soil       0 14.625 14.625
Soft rock excavation Rock m 3
1   0 192 192
Compacted back fill Soil m3 1   0 96 96
Cement Quint 1.15 280 322    
Masonry(1:3) sand m 3
0.36 287.35 103.446    
  stone m3 1.37 116.3 159.331    
  total       584.777 552 1136.777
Cement Quint 3.24 280 907.2    
Concrete (1:2:4) sand m3 0.49 287.35 140.8015    
  Aggregate m3 0.98 423.07 414.6086    
  total       1462.6101 828 2290.6101
Cement Quint 0.81 280 226.8    
Hard coring(wet) sand m3 0.19 287.35 54.5965    
  stone m3 1.58 116.3 183.754    
  total       465.1505 331.2 796.3505
Hard coring(Dry) stone m3 1.58 116.3 183.754 331.2 514.954
Plastering with mortar of Cement Quint 0.17 280 47.6    
1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat sand m 3
0.039 287.35 11.20665    
total       58.80665 69 127.80665
CIS Walling/Roofing G-32 CIS Pcs 0.5 140 70    
Nail Kg 0.25 30 7.5    
  Poles(7cm) Pcs 2 35 70    
  total       147.5 92.4 239.9
5cm Cement screed Cement Quint 0.25 280 70 49.2 119.2
Fencing(barbed wire
spacing is 0.25m and
wooden pole with Lean
concrete (0.35m dia.x1.8m
high,spacing=every 1.5m)   m 1 200 200 0 200
Cover dam dozing and
construction Soil m3 1 250 250 0 250
Off-take gate metal
(0.50x0.50m)5mm thick,
with spindle Dia. 0.30m,
Height=3.8m and double
angle iron 40x40x5mm on
both sides and on off-take
floor, with operation
handle and accessories. Metal Nr. 1 15000 15000 0 15000
Off-take gate metal
(1.2x2.1m) 5mm thick,
with spindle Dia. 0.3m,
Height=5.3m and double
angle iron100x200x5mm
on both sides and on off-
take floor, with operation
handle and accessories. Metal Nr. 1 20000 20000 0 20000
Form Work Wood m2 1 80 80 0 80
Wet Riprap Stone m 3
1 600 600 0 600
Reinforcement bar Metal Kg 1 50 50 0 50
Bill of quantity, specifications and cost estimation
No Types of work Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost(Birr)
1 Camping and mobilization.
1.1 Mobilization & Demobilization LS 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
1.2 Camp Construction
Living Rooms 2(m x3m)
Store 1( 5m *5m)
Kitchen 1(3m*3m)
Toilet 1(2m*2m) and 3m depth
Guard House 1(2.5m*3m)
Fence 20m* 20m
1.2.1 Site clearance to depth not greater than 20cm m2 200 9.60 1,920.00
1.2.2 Excavations of soil m3 84 120.00 10,080.00
1.2.3 Cart away surplus excavations m3 16.8 14.63 245.70
1.2.4 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 32.5 1,136.78 36,945.25
1.2.5 Hard core(Wet) m2 86 796.35 68,486.14
1.2.6 Concrete mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 8.6 2,290.61 19,699.25
1.2.7 CIS walling (G-32) m2 212.5 239.90 50,978.75
1.2.8 CIS roofing (G-32) m2 102 239.90 24,469.80
Fencing(barbed wire spacing is 0.25m and
wooden pole with Lean concrete (0.35m
1.2.9 dia.x1.8m high, spacing=every 1.5m) m 200 200.00 40,000.00
1.2.10 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 132 127.81 16,870.48
1.2.11 Back filling and compactions m3 28 96.00 2,688.00
Sub total 272,383.37
2 Road
Access Road maintenance cutting to average
2.1. depth of 0.3m, with 6m width above the MC km 2 25,920.00 51,840.00
Field road construction cutting to average depth
2.2 of 0.3m, with 6m width above the SC km 4 25,920.00 103,680.00
Sub total 155,520.00
3 Diversion weir/head work
3.1 Earth work
3.1.1 Cover dam dozing and construction m3 80 250.00 20,000.00
3.1.2 Excavation of soft rock for Temporary diversion m3 50 192.00 9,600.00
3.1.3 Site clearance to depth not greater than 20cm m2 400 9.60 3,840.00
3.1.4 Structural Excavation of soft rock m3 105 192.00 20,160.00
3.1.5 Carting away excavated materials m3 105 14.63 1,535.63
3.2 Weir body
3.2.1 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 238 1,136.78 270,552.93
3.2.2 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 119 127.81 15,208.99
3.3 U/S and D/S stilling basin and cut off
3.3.1 Structural Excavation of soft rock m3 231 192.00 44,304.00
3.3.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 276 1,136.78 313,750.45
3.3.3 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 240 127.81 30,673.60
3.3.4 Back fill m3 24 96.00 2,304.00
3.4 Right side wing wall
3.4.1 Structural excavation of soft rock m3 142 192.00 27,264.00
3.4.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 189 1,136.78 214,566.66
3.4.3 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 179 127.81 22,934.90
3.4.4 Compacted back fill from excavated soil m3 64.50 96.00 6,192.00
3.5 Left side wing wall
3.5.1 Structural excavation of soft rock m3 94 192.00 18,048.00
3.5.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 148 1,136.78 168,356.67
3.5.3 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 114.05 127.81 14,576.35
3.5.4 Compacted back fill from excavated soil m3 31.00 96.00
3.6 Divide wall
3.6.1 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 4 1,136.78 4,547.11
3.6.2 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 16 127.81 2,044.91
3.7 Pipe and Pipe Placing
3.7.1 Excavation of ordinary soil m3 7.68 120.00 921.60
3.7.2 Compaction back fill m3 3.20 96.00 307.20
3.7.3 Hard coring(wet) m3 1.92 796.35 1,528.99
3.7.4 Concrete mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 1.28 2,290.61 2,931.98
Purchasing, transporting, and laying of plain
3.7.5 concrete pipe ∅=30cm pcs 24.00 250.00 6,000.00
3.8 Manhole
3.8.1 Excavation of ordinary soil m3 24.58 120.00 2,949.12
3.8.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 4.61 1,136.78 5,238.27
3.8.3 Concrete mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 1.54 2,290.61 3,518.38
3.8.4 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 12.16 127.81 1,554.13
3.8.5 Reinforcement bar 14mm diameter 20cm space Reinforcement bar 14mm diameter Kg 64.00 50.00 3,200.00 soft wires Kg 6.40 50.00 320.00
3.9 Gate Fixing
3.9.1 Intake
Off-take gate metal (0.50x0.50m)5mm thick,
with spindle Dia. 0.30m, Height=3.8m and
double angle iron 40x40x5mm on both sides
and on off-take floor, with operation handle and accessories. Nr. 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
Reinforcement for operating slab, 12 mm dia. With associated works(ladder) kg 120.00 50.00 6,000.00
3.9.2 Under sluice/Scouring sluice gate
Off-take gate metal (1.2x2.1m) 5mm thick,
with spindle Dia. 0.3m, Height=5.3m and
double angle iron100x200x5mm on both sides
and on off-take floor, with operation handle and accessories. Nr. 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Operating slab 20cm thickness, C20 concrete(1:2:4) m3 1.15 -
Reinforcement for operating slab, 12 mm dia. With associated works kg 75.00 50.00 3,750.00
Reinforcing bar, Dia.12mm supply and preparation for Capping at the base kg 45.00 50.00 2,250.00 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 5.25 1,136.78 5,968.08
Sub total 1,291,897.94
4 Canals & Related structures
4.1 Lined Main Canal of Length 1000m
Structural excavation of ordinary soil including
4.1.1 disposal m3 960 120.00 115,200.00
4.1.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 240 1,136.78 272,826.48
4.1.3 Hard core(wet) m2 330 796.35 262,795.67
4.1.4 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 1900 127.81 242,832.64
4.1.2 Earthen Main Canal of Length 1000m Excavation of ordinary soil m3 400 120.00
Sub total 893,654.78
4.2 Foot path with slab(4No)
Structural excavation of ordinary soil including
4.2.1 disposal m3 4 120.00 480.00
4.2.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 3.12 1,136.78 3,546.74
4.2.3 Concrete works of mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 6.40 2,290.61 14,659.90
4.2.4 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 25.60 127.81 3,271.85
Supply, cutting, bending, placing, &any other
4.2.5 fixing of reinforce bar: Reinforcement bar(dia.-Ø8mm) Kg 69.46 50.00 3,473.07 -Soft Wire(10% of 4.5) Kg 6.95 50.00 347.31
Sub total 25,778.87
4.3 Pipe Culverts(4No)
Structural excavation of ordinary soil including
4.3.1 disposal m3 20 120.00 2,400.00
4.3.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 8 1,136.78 9,094.22
4.3.3 Concrete works of mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 3.20 2,290.61 7,329.95
4.3.4 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 64 127.81 8,179.63
4.3.5 -Reinforcement Iron bar( dia.Ø=10mm) Kg 108.53 50.00 5,426.67
4.3.6 Soft Wire(10%) of Reinforcement Iron bar Kg 10.85 50.00 542.67
4.3.7 Form Work m2 32 80.00 2,560.00
Sub total 35,533.13
4.4 Turn outs(30No)
Structural excavation of ordinary soil including
4.4.1 disposal m3 24.00 120.00 2,880.00
4.4.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 36 1,136.78 40,923.97
4.4.3 Hard core(wet) m3 6.00 796.35 4,778.10
4.4.4 Wet Riprap m3 9.00 600.00 5,400.00
4.4.5 Concrete works of mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 3.00 2,290.61 6,871.83
4.4.6 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 120 127.81 15,336.80
4.4.7 Back Fill and Compaction m3 15 96.00 1,440.00
Sub total 77,630.70
4.5 Cattle cross(3No)
Structural excavation of ordinary soil including
4.5.1 disposal m3 18 120.00 2,160.00
4.5.2 Masonry works of mix ratio 1:3 mortar m3 32.00 1,136.78 36,376.86
4.5.3 Concrete works of mix ratio 1:2:4 m3 24.00 2,290.61 54,974.64
4.5.4 Plastering with mortar of 1:3 mix ratio, 3 coat m2 39 127.81 4,984.46
Sub total 98,495.97
4.12 Cattle Trough Structure(2 in number) LS 2 15,000.00 30,000.00
4.13 Washing Basin (2 in number) LS 2 20,000.00 40,000.00
Total ,970,894.76
Vat=15% of total 445,634.21
Grand Total 3,416,528.97

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