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MASCULINITY make heroes of soldiers in regard violence as the

ultimate test of masculinity.

Masculinities – a social, cultural, and historical
construction of men dependent on and related to other The meaning of masculinity in working-class life
factors such as class, ethnicity, sexuality, age and and the same goes among the very rich and the very
disability. poor. It is even possible that more than one kind of
masculinity can be found within a given cultural setting
Hegemonic masculinity – form of masculinity which is
and within a specific class.
culturally dominant in a given setting.
The only show that masculinity cannot be
Protest masculinity- form of masculinity which is
delimited to a sole definition or description as various
culturally dominant in marginalized setting.
countries, culture, and leveling life view this concept
Caring masculinity – proposes that men are able to differently.
adopt what is viewed as traditionally feminine
The form of masculinity which is culturally
dominant in a given setting is called hegemonic
It focuses on a variety of topics including men’s masculinity. According to Kimmel (1997) “Hegemonic
violence, fatherhood, pornography, men’s crimes, masculinity embodies popular heroes, role models,
female masculinity, male femininity, etc. These studies and fictional characters”.
arose despite the clear dominance of men over global
We equate manhood with being strong,
economic and political power.
successful, capable, reliable, in control.
Men make up a large majority of corporate
Men who received the benefits of patriarchy without
executes, top professionals, and holders of public office.
enacting a strong version of masculine dominance could
Worldwide, men held 93% of cabinet- level posts in
be regarded as showing a complicit masculinity. It is an
1996 and most top positions in international agencies
expression of the privilege men collectively have over
( Gierycz 1999)
men. The hierarchy of masculinities is an expression of
MEN’S RIGHT LOBBY unequal shares in that privilege held by different
groups of men.
One of the main founding texts of this Lobby is
by Warren Farell, in his work. The Myth of Male Power: COLLECTIVE MASCULINITY
Why are Men the Disposable sex?(1994). According to
Gender structures of a society define particular
him: "Men are now the gender victims as a result of
patterns of conduct of individuals as either “masculine’’
feminism having gone too far, with men having
or feminine. These patterns also exist at the collective
increased responsibilities but few rights around issues
level in institutions, such as corporation, armies,
of marriage, divorce, child custody and access to
governments, and even schools. Masculinities are also
defined collectively in the workplace and in informal
MASCULINITY THEMES groups like street gangs.

Masculinity is a social, cultural, and historical MASCULINITIES AND WELL BEING

construct dependent on and related to other factors
Research confirms a strong association between
such as class, ethnicity, sexuality, age, and disability.
rigid norms about what it means to be a man and men’s
Research on men's studies and masculinity established
negative health practices and vulnerabilities (Barker et
common themes which strengthened and developed
al. 2011)
this evolving concept.
Men are unlikely to talk about their worries
and more likely to drink and engage in other
Different cultures and different periods of destructive behaviors when stressed. These findings
history construct masculinity differently. Some cultures echo the evidence in the literature that conforming to
stoic and rigid notions of masculinity contributes to Domestic roles are closely associated with
suicidal behavior and depression (Moller-Leimkuhler woman as carrying them out can involve a loss of face
2003; Emslie et al. 2006). of men. Great deal was heard about increases in women
labor force participation in recent decades but less
Evidence confirms that death and disability
about men care giving and domestic roles.
rates related to alcohol and substance abuse are
considerably higher for men than for women, making Research, however, shows the men are, on
substance abuse and addiction predominantly male average, not greatly increasing their role in household
phenomena worldwide (Pyne et al. 2002; WHO 2004) work and unpaid care (barker and pawlak 2011). Lest do
they know, men are missing out in not engaging more in
The requirement of physical strength appears
their domestic family roles it has been show that being
to be nearly universal component of dominant
involved in the lives of their children brings
masculinity (Katz 1999). The physical version of
psychological and health benefits to men ( dykstra and
hegemonic masculinity has been promoted by
keizer 2009 ). Research on child development
globalization via film, toys, and other goods (Katz 2003).
demonstrates lasting benefits to children of their father
FAMILY FORMATION involvement, in terms of their confidence and school
performance ( ruhm 2000; sarkadi et Al. Bremberg 2008
FAMILY FORMATION is a process that includes ).
union formation, fertility, and their timing and order,
has become increasingly diverse and complex. However, it was said that men may contribute
According to the INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF to the domestic enterprise in other important ways,
HOUSING AND HOME, 2012 Since the 1960’s includes including through providing financial support,
the delay and decline in marriage and childbearing, accompanying children to activities outside of school or
alongside an increase in cohabitation, divorce, home (national center on father’s and families 2002;
separation, and remarriage, and extra marital births. brown and chavannes 1998).


There was a survey conducted to the public in Singapore Some people who drink alcohol, use illegal
2009 on THE ROLE OF A FATHER and the results are as drugs, or misuse prescription or nonprescription
follow: medicine may develop substance use disorder. This
means that a person uses these substances even though
1.) Breadwinner it causes harm to themselves or others. More men drink
2.) Emotional support for children than women (Room et Al. 2002).

3.) Handling Studies show that men were more likely to

drink than women, drank alcohol in greater and more
4.) Protect, nurture children and know their friends frequently than women, and we’re more likely to face
CAREGIVING alcohol related health and social problem than women
(Wilsack et Al. 2000).
A caregiver is defined as a PERSON WHO
ADULT. Caregivers manage the physical, emotional, - refers to describe instances of extreme forms
spiritual, and practical needs of a person, all while of sex- typed behavior on the past of some
managing their own life, needs, family, and career. males.
DOMESTIC ROLES - it is akin to hegemonic masculinity but in
socially- deprived contexts.
TASK PERFORMED INSIDE A HOUSHOLD IN ORDER TO - key concept of protest masculinity are very high
UNSURE THAT THE BASIC NEEDS OF ITS MEMBERS are levels of physical aggression.
met, such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of
children or older adults and other dependent family (Braided 1990), the protest masculinity profile is also
members. proposed as including destructiveness, low tolerance for
delay of gratification, crime, drinking and similar

Protest masculinity is often a product of narcissism

built from deep feelings of powerlessness and
(Connelly 1995), compare it to " tense, freaky facade, ANDROGYNOUS- people whose gender expression
making a claim to power where there are no real (their physical appearance) may or may not be distinctly
resources for power. male or female.
CARING MASCULINITY GENDER- your internal sense of being masculine or
Since the early 2000s, the emergence of caring
masculinities in many parts of the world has been GENDER IDENTITY- how you feel, man, women, neither
assessed on several reports. From (Connelly 2003;
Norwegian Ministry for Children and Equality 2009; GENDER EXPRESSION- how you express your sense of
Scambor et al. 2003; Levtov et al. 2015; Heilman et al. being male or female or neither maybe through
2017; Santos et al.2016; Wall et al. 2017). All of them hairstyle, clothes, etc.
highlighting the virtuous impact of this reshape in male SEXUAL ORIENTATION- your emotional sexual
identities and practice for gender equality attraction to a person
improvements in societies.
SEX ASSIGNED AT BIRTH- your given sec when were
(Elliott 2015; Millet 2011) The concept of caring born based on your sex organ
masculinity proposes that men are able to adopt what
is viewed as traditionally feminine characteristics (i.e., CISGENDER- when your gender identity matches with
emotional expression, sensitivity, domestication, the sex you are assigned at birth
interdependence, caring, etc.) without parting from or NON-BINARY- people who do not feel like a boy or a
rejecting masculinity. girl; they may feel like they are both or neither, so
(Aboim 2010) besides the commitment to care sometimes they use the pronouns they, them, and
work and gender equality, caring masculinity and to theirs.
adopt values and characteristics of care that are FTM- female to male. A person whose biological sec is
antithetical to hegemonic masculinity. female and has transitioned to living his life as a male.
(Edley and Wetherell 1999; Smith 2016; MTF- male to female. A person whose biological sex is
Singleton and Maher 2004), Men who approximate this male and has transitioned to living her life as a female.
form of masculinity are viewed as a form "new man"
CROSSDRESSING- some people want to dress as the
opposite gender from time to time, however, unlike the
transexual, they are comfortable identifying with their
biological self

DRAG KINGS AND QUEENS- these are people who dress

as the opposite gender for entertainment which they do
not out of passion for work

GENDER QUEER- people who feel like their gender does

not fit the gender binary view that is limited to the male
or female category because they feel that these are too

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