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Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 12/06/2022 04:23 PM Sherri R.

Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by K. Hung,Deputy Clerk

1 Ethan J. Brown (SBN 218814)

[email protected]
2 Sara C. Colón (SBN 281514)
3 [email protected]
Kete P. Barnes (SBN 302037)
4 [email protected]
5 11601 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 2080
6 Los Angeles, CA 90025
T: (310) 593-9890
7 F: (310) 593-9980
Attorneys for Defendant
9 Melanie Lee

RCP FINANCIAL, INC., a California stock Case No. 22STCV34672
13 corporation; 7M FILMS, INC., a California
stock corporation; SHEKINAH CHURCH, a [Assigned for all purposes to the Hon.
14 California nonprofit corporation; ROBERT Christopher K. Lui, Dept. 76]
15 ISRAEL SHINN, an individual; and
17 v.
[Filed concurrently: Defendant Melanie
18 Lee’s Notice of Motion and Special Motion
19 MELANIE LEE GOLDMAN, an individual; to Strike; Declarations of Negar Saatchi, Sara
HALEY MARIE CARROLL, an individual; Colón, Alexandra Watkins, Gordon Watkins,
20 HALEY ELIZABETH PHIPPS, an Kevin Davis, Aubrey Fisher-Greene, and
individual; KAYLEY IRENE SHAFFER, an Kylie Douglas; Request for Judicial Notice;
individual; and DOES 1 through 25, [Proposed] Order]
22 inclusive,
Date: January 3, 2023
23 Defendants. Time: 8:30 a.m.
Dept: 76
25 RES ID: 458204912356



1 I, Melanie Lee declare as follows:
2 1. I am a former member of the Shekinah Church. I make this declaration in
3 support of Defendant Melanie Lee’s Notice of Motion and Special Motion to Strike Pursuant
4 to Code of Civil Procedure 425.16. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth below,
5 and if called to testify, I could and would competently testify to them.
6 2. In 1999, when I was 13 years old, Robert Shinn through other members of
7 Shekinah Church, recruited me and my two older sisters to join Shekinah Church.
8 3. At the time, my sisters and I had been abandoned by our parents and were
9 struggling to make ends meet.
10 4. Robert referred to himself as “the Man of God.” Robert and other members of
11 Shekinah initially made me feel like I could trust Robert and his advice.
12 5. Robert explains that he refers to himself as “the Man of God” because he
13 believes that he was specially chosen by God to carry out his word. Robert pressured his
14 congregation to give up everything to Robert and the Church. He expected members to give
15 all of their time and money to Shekinah and to cut out any friends or family not part of the
16 Church. Robert explained that this was the only way to show commitment to Robert and the
17 Church.
18 6. While I was a member of Shekinah Church Robert psychologically manipulated
19 me and exploited my labor.
20 7. Around 2001 – 2002, when I was 15 - 16 years old, Peace Montgomery made
21 sexual advances towards me. He was my Sunday School teacher at Shekinah at the time and
22 he was 9 years older than me. Because of the existing oppression I was already in as member
23 of Shekinah, I didn’t feel that it was safe for me to confide in any of the leaders. Peace was
24 in-charge of picking me up from school and there wasn’t any way I could avoid him.
25 8. Robert eventually found out that Peace committed statutory rape against me but
26 allowed him to remain in the Church regardless and never reported him to any authorities, as
27 far as I am aware. Instead, Robert and Shekinah punished me for the fact that Peace raped
28 me. This is the “affair” that Plaintiffs refer to in paragraph 32 of the Complaint.
1 9. I am aware of Robert having sex with at least four other members of the Church
2 while he was married.
3 10. One former church member told me that while she was working for Robert and
4 while he was married, he would regularly take her to a room above the office during work hours
5 and demand sex from her.
6 11. In 2008, approximately half the congregation left Shekinah after a Sunday service
7 where several female members accused Robert of having sexually assaulted them. The same day
8 that he was accused, he admitted in front of the remaining congregation to having a sex
9 addiction.
10 12. For these reasons I stated during an Instagram Live that “This is just my opinion I
11 guess I have to put a disclaimer… this is just my opinion…[Robert’s] just like a sex addict,
12 which is very common in cult leaders, I feel like”
13 13. Robert told me and other members of Shekinah Church that unless they fully
14 submitted to him, their lives and their family’s lives would be destroyed and that they would go
15 to hell. Robert told me and other members of Shekinah Church that they would experience
16 poverty, sickness, and death of their loved ones without full submission to him.
17 14. Robert required me and other members to disclose their deepest secrets and fears,
18 so that he could exploit them and use them for blackmail if we tried to leave or complain about
19 him.
20 15. These are examples of the brainwashing I was referring to when I made the
21 statement “Yes, there’s a lot of brainwashing…Robert’s just like the leader of it…”
22 16. Beginning in approximately 2000 I worked as a cinematographer on a television
23 show produced by and starring Robert called “Millionaire’s Club.” The show aired on cable
24 television and each episode was approximately one hour long and involved Robert giving a
25 sermon. The show had a banner across the bottom of the screen with the name “Shekinah
26 Church” as well as the then-current address and telephone number for Shekinah. The end credit
27 included this information as well. True and correct copies of screenshots from this show are
28 attached hereto as Exhibit A.


1 17. When I joined Shekinah, Robert required me to purchase several books that he
2 had written and self-published. These books purported to help members heal themselves and
3 live more righteous lives. A true and correct copy of one of these books, entitled “How to Get
4 Healed and Not Die,” is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
5 18. In 2011 I left Shekinah Church because I felt that my life was threatened. For the
6 previous two years Robert had been making sexual advances to me, which I’d been rejecting.
7 One evening in 2011 Robert called me and told me that I needed to be ready to give up my body
8 and die for Christ and asked what I was willing to do. The way that Robert was talking made me
9 afraid that I was going to get raped and that is ultimately why I left Shekinah.
10 19. I did not make, nor do I have control over, any of the Instagram accounts
11 referenced in the complaint in the above-captioned action, other than @surviving_shekinah and
12 @melgoldy. I have never created a Redditor Discord account. I have a Facebook account and a
13 Tik Tok account that is inactive. I have never posted regarding any of Plaintiffs on my social
14 media accounts.
15 20. I have never communicated with any of the companies referred to in paragraph 53
16 of the Complaint.
17 21. I did not create or distribute the flyer pictured in the Complaint at paragraph 57.
18 22. I did not have any communication with Kevin “Konkrete” Davis, Alexandra
19 Watkins, Gordon Watkins, Kylie Douglas, or Aubrey Fisher-Greene until after they had already
20 left Shekinah and 7M.
21 23. I made the statement on Instagram Live that “our goal is to help free the
22 remaining members and bring down organizations like [Robert] that take advantage of young
23 people and ruin people’s lives” because most of the members that Robert recruits to Shekinah are
24 young people in their late teens or early twenties. I was young person when Robert recruited me
25 and he took advantage of me by, among other things, forcing me to work for free for over 1800
26 hours. This is evidenced by the fact that I won a labor suit against him. A true and correct copy
27 of the order in this suit is attached hereto as Exhibit C.


1 24. Also, when I graduated high school, I asked to attend college or film school but
2 Robert told me I could not. Instead, I was forced to work for one of their businesses, called
3 Vickie’s Flowers and Café, right after high school graduation and was paid $100 per month. My
4 hours were Monday – Saturday, 7 AM – 7 PM, with no breaks. Because I wasn’t allowed to
5 receive my college degree, when I left Shekinah, it was very difficult for me to find a job.
6 25. On Instagram Live I made the statement “since I’ve started to give you guys
7 inside information, I’ve received threats and…very aggressive messages…” because I got a
8 message through Facebook Messenger from an ex-member’s daughter calling me a “snake,” a
9 “shitty person,” and a “leech.” Another ex-member texted me “Robert and Catherine aimed
10 killed us like Thomas killed himself. Everyone abuses my family and that included you.
11 …Judgment always comes and harvest comes. Never, ever give me attitude like you have done
12 for many years. You were supported by me just like everyone, including Robert and Catherine
13 and oh, that bitch Yi girls. You acted just like those bitches.”
14 26. On Instagram Live I made the statement “Everyone that has left, it was an escape.
15 It was like packing your shit in the middle of the night, with a runaway car” because when I left I
16 did not have my own phone, a car, so I had to call another member who had left years ago from a
17 payphone to come pick me up at a specific time when no one else from the Church would be
18 home. I was afraid that if anyone knew I was leaving, I would be physically assaulted.
19 27. I also made the statement “This is an organization that if you tell them you don’t
20 wanna be there anymore, they take all of your money, they take your car, they take your clothes.
21 They physically assault you, they ruin your reputation” because I witnessed this happening
22 several times to members that left before me.
23 28. Robert and other members of Shekinah, including Plaintiff Hannah Shinn,
24 participated in these beatings and thefts, which is why I said “I know this about Robert, but there
25 are other people in there that are abusers…”
26 29. I stated that “The people who are vocal were publicly humiliated,
27 mistreated…and they make sure to set an example because they’ll do it in public. For example,
28 if someone says, ‘I don’t agree with this’ then they get yelled at in front of everybody,” because I


1 witnessed many members, including me, get scolded during sermons and meetings if anyone
2 questioned or disagreed with Robert.
3 30. I stated that “Robert would grope people in public” because this happened to me
4 and I’ve witnessed him do it to other church members.
5 31. I stated that “I don’t think it’s a church anymore. I think now it’s just like an
6 organization that makes [Robert] money” because I am aware that a lot of the members Robert
7 has recently recruited to Shekinah are Tik Tok dancers that Plaintiff 7M was managing and
8 profiting from.
9 32. I stated that “I have no idea what Robert’s thinking…he just thought he could get
10 away from it for so long…just shows me that he’s a dumb person” because I don’t understand
11 how Robert thought he could manipulate, mistreat and steal from so many people without getting
12 caught or being held accountable.
13 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the
14 foregoing is true and correct. Executed on December 6, 2022 at Los Angeles, California.



Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken
from the New American Standard Version of the Bible.

Get Healed
Not Die
Dr. Israel Shin
Shekinah Church International
P.O. Box 3550
Cerritos, CA 90703 Dr. Israel Shin

ISBN: 1-55630-539-7
Printed in the United States of America
Copyright© 1999 by Dr. Israel Shin



All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, elecb-onic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without written
permission of the publisher.
















Chapter 1



Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may

prosper and be in good health, just as your
soul prospers. -- 3 John 1:2

¼lhat does the Heavenly Father wish or want for you?

The KJV says "I wish above all things ... "

1. That you may prosper

2. That you be in good health

When you carefully read the Bible from Genesis to

Revelation, you will find an incredible huth: God does not

How to Get Healed and Not Die God Wants You to Be in Good Health

want His children to suffer from sickness and disease. As GOD WANTS YOU WELL
stated in 3 John verse 2, the Bible informs us clearly that
not only does God want you to be healed when sick, but If it is God's will for you to be in good health, then
God also wants you to be in good health at all times. this must mean that He does not want you to get sick But
if you do get sick, He wants you to be healed.
Yes, God promises Divine- health for you, the
behever. There was a leper who came to Jesus for a healing
but he did not know whether it was God's will for him to
People are often confused about what God wants
be healed.
for their lives because they don't know this simple fact:
God's Word is God's will for your life.

40And a leper came to Him, beseeching Him

In order to beheve God for your healing when you and falling on his knees before Him, and
are sick, you must first know the answer to the question, saying to Him, "If You are willing, You can
make me dean." 41And moved with
"What is God's will for me regarding sickness and compassion, He stretched out His hand, and
touched him, and said to him, "I am willing; be
disease?" You can find the answer in His Word. 3 John cleansed." - Mark 1:40-41
verse 2 tells us that God wants us to be in good health at
all times.

The leper said to Jesus in effect, "If it is your will,

you can heal me." This approach seems to be the way of
so many Christians who have a hard time connecting with
God to receive the answers to their prayers for healing ..

How to Get Healed and Not Die
God Wants You to Be in Good Health

A PRAYER OF FAITH One time, I was asked to pray for an 8-year-old girl
WILL HEAL THE SICK at Orange County Children's Hospital. She was diagnosed
"If" is a word that you use when you' re not sure of with leukemia, a type of cancer with very little chance or
something. The NIV translates Hebrew 11:1 as "Now faith hope of a cure. I prayed before I went to the hospital and
is being sure of what we hope for." Faith is being sure that we asked the Lord, "What approach should I take to heal this
will receive what we want from God. Doubt is being girl?" During prayer, the Lord spoke to my spirit, "Tell
unsure. The Bible tells us in James 5:15, that it is the them the truth that it is My will to heal her."
prayer of faith that will heal the sick:
The first thing I asked her parents was "Why do
" ... and the prayer offered in faith will restore you think your daughter has this terrible disease?" And
the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise
him up, and if he has committed sins, they will the mother answered while crying, "I wasn't a very
be forgiven him." - Ja.mes 5:15
faithful Christian and I think God gave my child leukemia
to make me repent and seek Him."

Before Jesus could heal this leper, He had to

remove the element of doubt in his request. Likewise,
when you come to Jesus, you have to be sure in your heart
that God wants to heal you. THAT LEADS YOU TO REPENTANCE
It is a good thing to repent and it certainly isn't
Take notice of what Jesus said to him, because what
wrong to think that God wants you to seek Him because
He spoke to the leper is what He speaks to you right now,
the Bible tells us to do these things. But what is definitely
through the Bible. Jesus said, "I am willing. And it is My
wrong and non-scriptural is the widely held
will for you to be healed. Be healed!"
misconception that the method by which God uses to
How to Get Healed and Not Die God Wants You to Be in Good Health

make you repent and draw nearer to Him is through "bad and other natural and supernatural disasters, as God's
things happening in your life,,
. His kindness that
It 18 judgment comes upon the earth.
causes us to repent, not His ,, punishment":
You would think as the popular thinking goes that
in such extreme circumstances, people would repent and

~r do you think lightly of the riches of His seek God more. But the Bible gives us clear proof that this
kin~ess and forbearance and patience, not is not the case:
knowmg that the kindness of God leads you to
repentance? _ Romans 2:4

And the rest of mankind, who were not killed
by these plagues, did not repent of the works
Repent means to change one's heart and mind of their hands, so as not to worship demons,
and the idols of gold and of silver and of brass
which leads to a change in one's action or ways. Sure we and of stone and of wood, which can neither
can change temporarily when a bad situation forces us to see nor hear nor walk; 21and they did not
repent of their murders nor of their sorceries
seek God but that kind of change is never permanent. nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.
- Revelation 9:20-21
Often, as soon as the "bad" situation improves, the person
will usually revert back to his /her previous ways unless
there was a REAL change that occurred in his/her heart.
The Bible tells us that in the terrible Day of
If you read the book of Revelation, you can get a Judgment, the most horrific time in man's history, the rest
clear picture of man's hardened nature · In th e end of ages of mankind did not repent but rather further hardened
as prophesied by the book of Revelation, there will be their hearts against God. This reminds me of the Pharaoh
calamities like never before in the history of mankind. whose heart was unrelenting to God's judgment. In
Many will die from sickness, earthquakes, plagues, wars Exodus, we see the Pharaoh having a temporary change in

14 15
How to Get Healed and Not Die God Wants You to Be in Good Health

heart toward Moses and the people of Moses but it was harsh. If you believe that this is God's true nature, then

short-lived. the God in whom you believe in is not the same God Who
came to save the lost, heal the sick and give life to the
You will find the same thing with people who
come to the Lord because of some tragedy that occurred in
their lives. Such repentance is shcillow- it is temporary If you are confused because you have been taught
and does not last. Before long, the person usually reverts that God sends calamities and sickness to teach you a

back to their old God-less ways prior to the tragedy. lesson and to discipline you but in the same breath you are
also taught that God is good--you have good reason to be
In order to truly repent, you must get a deep
confused. Contradictory and confused teachings will give
revelation in your heart about God's kindness. The Bible
you a jumbled inaccurate picture of God.
tells us that it is the understanding in your heart about the
kindness of God that will melt you down and cause you to
come to Him in adoration and thanksgiving. As was the
case with me, when I realized how much God had done for
me, I gave my life and everything that I had to God. It was This may be news to you, but "Did you know that
His kindness that made me turn to Him in repentance and Jesus is the Lord your Healer? He does not send sickness,
give Him my loyalty forever-not his judgement or instead He sends healing and health to you.

"But you shall serve the LORD your God, and

God never sends sickness to His children! If you He will bless your bread and your water; and I
believe that God sends sickness to you, then will remove sickness from your midst."
- Exodus 23:25
subconsciously, you will believe that God is mean and

16 17
How to Get Healed and Not Die
God Wants You to Be in Good Health
In this scripture, God does not promise to send us
said, "I want to! Be healed!"
sickness, instead God promises us the opposite--He will
remove sickness from our midst.
Beloved, make no mistake about the fact that God
wants to see His people well. This passage in Mark reveals
In the case of the little girl with leukemia, I had to
so much about the heart of God. Jesus wants to heal you!
first inform her parents that God dicl not send sickness to
their daughter. Then I could teach them that it was God's
Sometimes, you may think, "Why would He want
will to heal their child. By hearing the truth -- suddenly
to heal me?" It's simple, His love nature and desire says,
their hopeless, sad faces were transformed. They were
"Israel Shin, I want to heal you." Put your name in place
filled with hope and joy.
of mine and know that Jesus wants to heal you.

I said what Jesus said to the leper, "Yes, God is

So many people lose out on the blessings of God
willing to heal you. Now, be healed in Jesus' Name!"
because they don't let themselves get deep into God's
Word. They just take everything on a superficial level
The young girl did not recover instantly but
gradually within a few months there was no trace of including what God says in His Word. With their

cancer left because God had healed her. It is very commonplace attitude of "I've heard that before" or

powerful to know that God is good. It is His will to heal "That's not going to do me any good!" they cut themselves

you especially when you are very sick and the doctors can off from His blessings.

offer you no hope of a cure.

You may have heard that you need to pray

In the Living Bible, the leper is recorded as saying; regularly because there is power in prayer but unless you

"If you want to you can make me well again." And Jesus are moved deeply in your heart to pray, this instruction is
of no benefit to you.
How to Get Healed and Not Die God Wants You to Be in Good Health

something special happened. In the same way, when it

TAKE HOLD OF YOU comes to the Word of God, it is when a particular scripture
explodes inside of you that something miraculous
You have to let 3 John verse 2 take hold of your
happens. The Word of God on healing must come alive in
heart. Don't treat God's Word as you would superficial
your heart.
information. If you take a shallow approach to God's
Word, you will surely burn out very quickly in your walk Don't treat the Word of God like some newspaper -
with God because there will be no vitality. You've got to where it's read once and thrown out. Some people only
stir yourself up to get the scriptures to overwhelm you and seem to get excited when they hear something new. That's
grab you. It is very important to let God's Word take hold OK but you've got to go beyond that. In order to get
of you, if you want something to happen in your life. excited about God's Word deep inside of your heart, it
takes great effort. You must meditate and seek God to
Someone you may consider attractive and nice is
fulfill your part. Once you have done your part, it is the
not the person you will marry. It is the person who grabs
Spirit of God who causes the Word of God to come alive in
hold of your heart that you will want to marry. For
example, before I married my wife Esther, I had seen her
for a few years. The only passing thought that I ever had Consider and meditate on what Jesus said, "I am
was that she was a pretty nice girl. But one day, when I willing to heal you. Be healed! Be cleansed!" When this
looked at her, something came over me and I was Word comes alive inside of your heart, you will be set free
overwhelmed by the sight of her. I told myself, "She's the from whatever sickness or disease that is keeping you
woman that God has chosen for me. She's the one!" bound.

It was when my heart was captured, that Remember God wants you to be in good health.

20 21





And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to

the voice of the LORD your God, and do what
is right in His sight, and give ear to His
commandments, and keep all His statutes, I
will put none of the diseases on you which I
have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am
your healer." -- Exodus 15:26

Jesus is Jehovah-Rapha. This is the first name God

revealed to the nation of Israel after they were rescued
from the hands of the Egyptians. Jehovah-Rapha is
translated as "I am the Lord that healeth thee; I am the
Lord your physician; I am the Lord your healer." God's

How to Get Healed and Not Die Jesus is the Lord Your Healer

name not only reveals Who He is but it also reveals what It has always been God's will for us to be healthy
He wants to be--to us and for us. Yes, God wants to be the since the time He established a covenant of health with His
Lord your Healer. people in Moses' era. Even today, it is still God's will for
us to be healthy. It is always God's perfect will that you be
As you can see from Exodus 15:26, this healing
in good health and if ever sick, that you are healed.
scripture clearly states that God d6'es not like sickness. He
Establish this in your mind. Let it fill your thoughts day in
does not consider sickness a blessing. He considers the
and day out.
REMOVAL of sickness as a blessing.

When it comes to exercising one's faith for healing,

one of the most important things to believe is found in the
book of Hebrews.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, God's will never changes. Knowing His will is one
yes and forever. - Hebrews 13:8
thing, but what takes place in your life is another story.
What actually happens in your life changes according to
the choices that you make. Remember what the Lord said
And the reason it is important to believe that Jesus is
to the people of Israel:
the same today as He was yesterday is that if He was
Jehovah-Rapha yesterday, then He is still the Lord your
Healer today. The Lord is the same all the time. Amen. "See, I have set before you today life and
prosperity and death and adversity"
-- Deuteronomy 30:15


How to Get Healed and Not Die Jesus is th.e Lord Your Healer

From this, we can see that God has given us a

choice. You can live the life of God and live in His will or ALREADY UPON THE EARTH
you can live your own life and live in your own will.
This verse tells me that Divine health is not an
Remember that Divine health and healing are only part of
automatic blessing. It is conditional upon one's soul
the total benefits package you receive when you live in the
prospering through "Giving earnest heed to the voice of the
perfect will of God. When you live according to your own
Lord God or diligently obeying [KJV] the Word of God."
will and according to your own thoughts then your best
health option is whatever health insurance you may have. As long as the people of Israel kept their covenant
Even then, the medical profession is very limited in what it with God by DILIGENTLY OBEYING His Word, there
is able to cure. All it can promise you is a lot of was no disease or sickness strong enough to attack their
procedures, tests, pills and surgery. bodies. But because they disobeyed God's Word diseases
and other curses that were already upon the earth began to
Reread Exodus 15:26 as, "I will permit ... " instead of
overtake them. When the people of Israel stepped out of
"I will put... "
the protective covering of their healing covenant with God,
Now, going back to Exodus 15:26, in Hebrew it they forfeited their good health as a result of their
literally reads "I will permit none of these diseases on you disobedience.
which I have permitted on the Egyptians." Notice that God
God provided an umbrella of protection and
did not actually put the diseases on the Egyptians.
blessings for His people through His Word. When they
sinned and disobeyed Him (His Word), they broke the
covenant relationship. They removed themselves from

How to Get Healed and Not Die Jesus is the Lord Your Healer

God's protection and left themselves open to attack from It is important for us to know that mankind is
the evil one. subject to all the natural causes of illness because of Satan's
actions 6,000 years ago. Mankind has had a perishable
body ever since sin was introduced into the composition of
our body. Adam used to have a perfect holy body, which
was incorruptible. After falling into Satan's temptation in
the Garden of Eden, man's body was no longer
It is Satan, the god of this world who causes people incorruptible.
to get sick. When I say this I am talking about the spiritual
causes of sickness. You can also be sick from natural
causes like overeating or under-eating (bulimia or THE WORLD HAS BEEN UNDER A CURSE
malnutrition). Also, as a result of complications from an EVER SINCE THE FALL OF MAN
injury suffered, like a fall from a tree or a car accident,
People do not realize that this whole world has
your body can be weakened ,and therefore you can be
been under a curse since the time of Adam and Eve when
more vulnerable suffering from added health problems.
they decided to disobey the One True Living God and

Recently, I explained to someone that a bruise or a obey Satan instead. Fear, poverty, lack, sickness and

contusion suffered on one side of the body could cause a selfishness are just some of the curses that resulted because

backache if you change your gait to favor the pained area. of the Fall of Man. You see--Adam originally had God's

As a result you are struck with more than one body life flowing in his spirit. It was so powerful that no disease

ailment. These are some other natural causes of illness. could dwell within him. But when Adam sinned, God's
life nature was replaced by the death nature of Satan,
which is sister to sickness and disease.

Jesus is the Lord Your Healer
How to Get Healed and Not Die

11And behold, there was a woman who for

eighteen years had had a sickness caused by a
THE RESULTS OF HIS SINS spirit; and she was bent double, and could not
WERE NOT PART OF GOD'S WILL straighten up at all. 12And when Jesus saw her,
He called her over and said to her, "Woman,
It's interesting to note that many of the natural you are freed from your sickness." 13And He
laid His hands upon her; and immediately she
laws of health which cause our bodies to undergo was made erect again, and began glorifying
God. 14And the syoagogue official, indignant
deterioration with age (making us prone to illness), were because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath,
established at the same time sin was introduced. The law began saying to the multitude in response,
"There are six days in which work should be
of death and sin came to be as a result of Adam's sin, done; therefore come during them and get
healed, and not on the Sabbath day." 15But the
totally apart from God's will. Lord answered him and said, "You hypocrites,
does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his
We can say that sickness and disease are a result of ox or his donkey from the stall, and lead him
away to water him? 16 "And this woman, a
Adam's sin. In this way, we can say that the root cause of daughter of Abraham as she is, whom Satan
has bound for eighteen long years, should she
ALL diseases and sickness is Satan. not have been released from this bond on the
Sabbath day?" 17And as He said this, all His
opponents were being humiliated; and the
entire multitude was rejoicing over all the
glorious things being done by Him.
- Luke 13:11-17
Spiritually speaking, the Bible reveals in the New
This woman was bent over and col).ld not
Testament that Satan can also directly make men sick. We
straighten up for 18 long years probably because of
see proof of this in Luke 13:11-17.
rheumatoid arthritis. Now, this is a physical diagnosis but

32 33
How to Get Healed and Not Die Jesus is the Lord Your Healer

Jesus gave a different spiritual diagnosis. In verse In the New Testament where the Truth is revealed

16, Jesus said, "This woman, whom Satan has bound for more dearly, it says sicknesses and diseases are the works

eighteen long years ..." In other words, Jesus reveals that of the devil. Notice what the work of Jesus entailed, "He

the cause of the woman's disease was Satan. went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by
the devil." When you are doing good and healing people,
But thanks be to God tha.t Jesus is the Lord your you are destroying the works of ,!he devil.
Healer. Not only is Jesus the Lord your Healer but He
appeared for this very specific purpose: HEALING BELONGS TO US

All sickness and disease have come either directly

or indirectly [through the Fall of Man] from the works of
" ... the one who practices sin is of the devil; for
the devil has sinned from the beginning. The the devil. But Jesus came to nullify the works of the devil.
Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He
might destroy the works of the devil." Therefore, because of Jesus, healing belongs to us as well
as Divine health. Thank God that healing belongs to us.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Sin is one Our job is not to try to figure out whether our

of the works of the devil, which Jesus came to destroy. physical problems are caused by Satan or by natural
Jesus also came to destroy sickness, which is a cousin to causes. Our job is to receive healing when we are sick and

sin. also learn how to resist sickness and disease with a daily
diet of God's Word. When we feast daily on God's Word,
"You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God
anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with by hearing, reading and learning what He says regarding
power, and how He went about doing good, health and healing, it will produce and increase faith for
and healing all who were oppressed by the
devil; for God was with Him. -- Acts 10:38 health and healing.

34 35
Jesus is the Lord Your Healer
How to Get Healed and Not Die

Word, which you have available to you through the

Don't wait till you are m desperate need for
written Bible and through the Word preached. Remember,
healing. Now, is the time to build up your faith on
healing. Rejoice and feast upon the Word--daily. Jesus is the Lord your Healer.

Healing and Divine health are very important

topics for everyone, even for those who are healthy. God
wants healthy people to remain healthy and sick people to
get healed. This is God's will for us. Rather than just get
healed when sick, our goal should be to walk in Divine
health at all times. That means we must know how to
resist sickness and disease with a daily intake of God's
Word on health and healing. In other words, we have to
let His healing power flow in us and through us.

Go to the Word and plant faith in your heart for

healing. The result of receiving the Word is faith. We
need to take in the Word, as we would take medicine
when we are sick. The difference is a daily diet of God's
Word is the best preventive measure you can take against

Whenever I talk about faith, I don't mean faith in

someone. I want you to know--I mean faith in God's



20My son, give attention to my words; Incline

your ear to my sayings. n Do not let them
depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst
of your heart. 22For they are life to those who
find them, And health to all their whole body.
- Proverbs 4:20-22

We have here in the 4th chapter of Proverbs in

verses 20 to 22, a great instructional scripture on healing.
It says here in the 22nd verse, "they" referring to God's
Word, are life and health to your whole body. It says that
life comes only through the Word. It is also saying that
health comes through the Word. God wants to us
understand that the power of life and health is in His
Word. This means God's Word can give us a full life with

How to Get Healed and Not Die Your Heart is the Key to Your Health

complete health. God's word has a life creating power and

also a health creating power.
Whenever I eat, many people advise me of what You can "give attention" to God's Word by

foods I should eat to stay healthy. In particular, because I studying His Word on healing, by meditating on it day

like having my steaks cooked "very well done," with love and night and by :p:1.emorizing sc,-riptures on healing.

and care many of my church members often tell me that

eating burnt food is bad for my health. Whenever they
bring up such health advice, after agreeing with them that INCLINE YOUR EARS
it is important to observe the natural laws of health, I often You can "incline your ears to His sayings" by
remind them that the number one way to perfect health is listening to sermons with total focus -- with your
to give attention to God's Word. undivided attention. Listen to sermon tapes on healing
and Divine health over and over again. Listen to them

FIND GOD'S WORD before you go to bed; even fall asleep to His Word. You
WITH YOUR HEART will find out that the healing power will come upon you as
Proverbs 4:22 tells us that God's Word is life and your faith in God for healing rises up from within you.
health to the entire body for those who find His Word. Quite often, I hear testimonies from people who
And the way to find God's Word is with your heart. Your happen to hear me preach the Word on healing and Divine
heart is the key to your health. To find God's Word with health. They tell me that during the sermon, God's power
your heart, you have to give attention to His Word. You came upon them and they got healed. I don't care what
need to incline your ears to His sayings. Lastly, do not let
God's Word depart from your sight.

42 43
How to Get Healed and Not Die Your Heart is fhe Key to Your Health

anyone else believes but I believe that it is so easy to get In Proverbs 4:22, the word "health" is also
healed. All you have to do is show God and His Word a translated in Hebrew as "medicine." Many Christians only
reverent respect by giving attention to His healing believe in pharmaceutical drugs for medicine. That's only
scriptures and by inclining your ears--when a man of God one type of medicine. There is another type of
who believes in healing, preaches God's Word. medicine-God's Word. Essentially, they both do the
same job except that His Word Works for everything; it is
much stronger and effective with no harmful side effects.
DO NOT LET THEM DEPART You could say that God's Word is a word of life, a word of
FROM YOUR SIGHT health and a word of medicine for your wlwle body. But
the Word of God cannot be the word of life, the word of
After giving attention to His Word by meditation
health and the word of medicine to either your soul or
and memorization of His healing scriptures, write them on
your body before it is found in your heart.
a piece of paper or print them out on your computer and
tape them to your bedroom door or the bathroom wall. Do
Millions of people are not living a picture of good
not let the healing Word depart from your sight while
health because they have failed to find God's Word on
your physical eyes are open. Do not let the healing
healing. When God's Word becomes health to their whole
scriptures depart from your sight when your eyes are
body, all cancer, pain, mental problems and skin problems
closed either. Constantly, commit one or two healing
will be gone! Praise the Lord!
scriptures to memory and meditate on them day and night.
When you do this day after day, the Word of God will one
day suddenly come alive in you.

44 45




Proverb 4:20 says, "Give attention to my words ... "

which means you are to give God's Word your full,
complete and undivided attention. I don't know about
you but it seems that I can pay very little attention to the
TV or radio and get most of what I am supposed to get out
of it. But when it comes to reading or hearing God's
Word, unless I give it my total undivided attention, I don't
remember anything that was said.

To give attention to God's Word, you must put out

of your heart and your mind all the distractions that can
rob you from giving the Word your full attention.


How to Get Healed and Not Die
Find God's Word

HEALING IS A PROCESS and make Him the Lord of your life.

In the first part of Psalm 23, we can see a beautiful
Until you make Jesus your personal Physician
progression that illustrates the healing or the restoration
(your Lord), His healing power will not flow in you or
through you.

1The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

2He makes me lie down in green pastures; He
leads me beside quiet waters. 3 He restores my HE RESTORES MY SOUL;
soul; He guides me in the paths of HE HEALS ME
righteousness For His name's sake. 4Even
though I walk through the valley of the Psalm 23:3 says, "He restores my soul." When your
shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art mind is renewed and your soul is restored, it means you
with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort
me. - Psalm 23:1-4,A Psalm of King David have good health because when He restores you He also
heals you. Remember 3 John verse 2 says that God wants
you to be in good health just as your soul is restored or as
In this Psalm we have Jesus as our Shepherd, Who your soul prospers. But before you can get to the
supplies all our needs. He supplies all our spiritual, restoration of your soul, the 2nd verse talks about two
financial and physical needs. As we willingly come to things that Jesus the good Shepherd does:
Him and make Jesus the Lord and Shepherd of our souls
1. He makes me lie down in green pastures
then and only then does He take charge over our lives. But 2. He leads me beside quiet waters
until you make Him the Lord of your life, God is very
Sheep are animals without any sense of direction.
limited in His ability to do things for you, which includes
Spiritually we are very much like sheep. We may be in
giving you good health. Exercise your power of free will
motion but until we make Jesus our Shepherd, we tend to
How to Get Healed and Not Die
Find God's Word

run around in circles and go absolutely nowhere. the Word unless things are quiet in our minds and we are
fully tuned into Him. It is when we give our undivided
WHEN WE MAKE JESUS OUR LORD, attention and are beside quiet waters that we can drink
HE TAKES OVER and get nourishment from His Word.

God is able to make us lie down when we make

Jesus our Lord. For a season, He may make us step out of
a busy lifestyle, in order that we may be still and know WHY DO PEOPLE FAIL
that He is God. Before God could use Moses (during a TO RECEIVE FROM GOD?
quiet period with God), Moses tended animals for 40 years One of the biggest reasons, why people fail to
in a foreign land. It is when we lay aside all weights and receive life and health from God's Word is because they
encumbrances that hinder us from focusing on Jesus that don't give their undivided attention to His Word. So
we are able to hear God speak to us. God never forces us many people allow themselves to put their work and other
to do anything but when we totally yield our lives to Him, interests ahead of God's Word. Therefore they have great
God can make us lie down in green pastures. difficulty eliminating all the distractions in their busy
lifestyle, to give attention to His Word.
He leads us beside quiet waters.
The 4th chapter of Proverbs tells us that if you give
Real sheep cannot drink from rushing streams of
your full and undivided attention to God's Word, you will
water, perhaps due to fear or distraction. v\Thatever the
find life and health. This is a simple yet amazing factual
reason, in order to drink they must find quiet waters. In
order to feed his sheep, a shepherd must find quiet waters.
Similarly, we also cannot partake from the living water of

Find God's Word
How to Get Healed and Not Die
You've got to get rid of the "I've heard that before"
Now, the second part of Proverbs 4:20 says, attitude because it is death and disease to you. Don't say it
"Incline your ears to my say:ings ..." When God tells us to and don't th:ink it. Don't even touch it with your thoughts.
:incline our ears to His say:ings, He means more than just Get excited about something youhave already heard many
hear:ing His Word once or twice. Some people say, "Oh, times. Act as though you have never heard it before.
I've heard that one already." Incline your ears to His ,, say:ings" everyday. If you are a
new Ch·
ns tian, you will not have much problem with the
I like to have rice almost everyday the way some
"I've heard that before" syndrome but as you get a few
people like to eat bread. When I see it on the kitchen table,
years under your belt, you will see the importance of
I don't ever say, "I've already eaten that before. Yuck!"
develop:ing your ability t o mcline
• . your ears to God's
Quite the opposite, if I don't see it every time I sit down to
eat, I tend to ask for it. I don't get tired of eating the same
basic good th:ing over and over aga:in :in the physical realm. Incl:ining your ears to God's Word is not a one-time
In the same way, I don't get tired of hear:ing God's Word action - it is continuous. Romans 10·17
· says, "Fa1"th comes
even if I have already heard it many times. As a matter of from hearing and hear:ing by the word of Christ." Keep
fact, I look forward to hear:ing it over and over aga:in your ears cont:inually hearing the Word on health and
because I know that every time I hear it, my faith is being healing.
built up.
If you are compet:ing :in sports, whether it's tennis I

gymnastics, boxing, basketball or hockey, hours of

continuous practice and workouts are required. Although


How to Get Healed and Not Die Find God's Word

it may be hard and grinding at times, when it comes to the sermons filled with illustrations and testimonies. But
actual game--you' re so glad that you invested so much when she heard this couple quote God's Word throughout
time in honing your skills. A tennis player, in the last set the whole sermon with only a few testimonies ever being
of his/her game, when they are too tired to think--will mentioned, she became bored and frustrated. So she
play with an automatic response until the finish. They end prayed, "Lord, please don't let them quote another Bible
in triumph as a result of all the "boring" hours of repetitive verse I need to get healed."
motion and training.
She obviously didn't understand that it is in the
Word that you can find the basis for healing. Needless to
CONTINUOUSLY INCLINE YOUR EARS say her prayer to have the preachers stop quoting scripture

This is the same way with God's Word. When you did not get answered. But praise God she got healed

continuously give attention and incline your ears to His because of the very Word that was preached.

sayings, during a time of a crisis or a life/ death emergency

The Bible says "God confirms the Word with signs
you will be so glad. You will be able to stand firm and
following." If you want to have a healing service, all you
resist. The days that you spent in the Word prepared you
have to do is preach on healing and you will have a
to be firmly rooted and not easily shaken.
healing service. Amen.

One time a lady came to a healing crusade led by

Furthermore, what you listen to is very important
Charles and Frances Hunter. The message given that night
but Proverbs 4:20 tells us that how you listen is just as
had a lot of the Word (scriptures). This woman was not
important. You have to incline your ears to God's Word on
used to hearing God's Word quoted so many times in a
healing and pay close attention to it continuously. This
sermon, so she got fed up with it. She was used to hearing
means, you need to hear it over and over again, each time

How to Get Healed and Not Die
Find God's Word

giving your full attention.

This scripture reveals that you are blessed if you
read the Word, hear the Word and practice the Word (do
20My son, give attention to my words; Incline those things written in it). Two things that are dearly
your ear to my sayings. 21 Do not let them
emphasized are hearing and seeing [or reading] the Word
depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst
of your heart. 22For they are life to those who of God. The Bible instructs us to look at God's Word
find them, And health to all their whole body.
-- Proverbs 4:20-22 always so that we can see the '"answer to our problems in
His Word instead of looking at our mountains of
Proverbs 4:20 says to focus and listen. The 21 st
verse tells us to get our eyes fixed on God's Word. It says, WILL PRODUCE FAITH
✓I Do not let God's Word depart from your sight... "
If you see what God's Word says it will produce
The KJV says "Let them [My words] not depart from and increase your faith. If you look at only your
THINE EYES." That means you are supposed to read as circumstances it will produce nothing but worry and
well as listen to God's Word. Your eyes and ears are doubt. When problems arise we cannot help looking at
important health tools as stated in the 1st chapter in the them but there is no need to focus our attention on them.

book of Revelation: day and night. We only need to look at our circumstances
long enough to formulate a practical strategy of what to
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear do--after that don't look back.
the words of the prophecy, and heed the things
which are written in it; for the time is near.
- Revelations 1:3 For example, when you have a health problem.,


How to Get Healed and Not Die Find God's Word

where do you look first? Do you go to your medicine or have not found the Word with their heart.
pill cabinet first or do you look to the Word of God? Just
keep looking at God's Word. Post it up in your house.
Hang His Word on your bathroom door. Put His Word on
your fridge with a magnet. Post His Word everywhere in
viewing sight. Just keep lookirlg at those words The first reason why they don't find it is because

everywhere you turn, so that you reach your final goal-- they don't give strong attention fo His Word. They do not

which is to keep them where? The rest of verse 21 says, put God's Word first in their lives. Some don't find God's

"In the midst of your heart." Word because they don't incline their ears to His sayings.
But when it comes to gossip, news or lies, they like to have
their ears tickled. These people are always in want of
hearing something new from God's Word. The only
WHEN YOU HAVE THE WORD problem is that they haven't done anything with the
IN YOUR HEART, revelations they have already been given - especially on
YOU'VE FOUND GOD'S WORD healing. Others don't find God's Word because they let
Why should you have the Word continuously God's Word depart from their eyes. They don't look to
before your eyes? By doing so, you can keep the Word in God's Word first instead they look at the circumstances of
the midst of your heart. And when you have the Word in life.
your heart that is when you have really found God's
God's Word is life, health and medicine. To make
you understand better, think of God's Word as a
So many people never find life, health or healing prescription and verses 20-21 as prescription instructions.
from God. Proverbs 4:20-22 tells us that it is because they

60 61
How to Get Healed and Not Die Find God's Word

God's Word will heal you:

I. Give attention to God's Word [get focused]
2. Incline your ears [hear it continuously]
3. Don't let God's Word depart from your eyes He sent His word and healed them, And
[look to the Word instead of your delivered them from their destructions.
circumstances] - Psalm 107:20

HEALING STARTS IN YOUR HEART The more we feed on this written Word, the more
real that living Word becomes in us and more we learn
You must first take the Word of God as medicine
how to receive what He has for us.
and then let God do the healing. Once you take the
medicine--life, health and healing will first come into your
heart. It is a serious mistake to start looking at your body
to see if you are healed. Healing always starts in your DON'T LOOK AT YOUR PHYSICAL BODY
heart (your spirit) before it takes place on the outside (your TO SEE IF YOU ARE HEALED
Healing starts in your heart not your body. Store

God heals you through your spirit because God is up healing Words in your heart and then when you need

spirit and so are you. Somebody asked a man of God who it, God will bring it forth. When you store up the world's

understood the power of God's Word, "Sir, do you ever voice in your heart, there will be nothing good that comes

feel bad?" And he answered, "Yes, once in a while." Then out when the need arises- only worry.

the church member asked, "Then what do you do?" The

You cannot overdose on the Word of God.
minister then replied, "I always double up on my Bible
Remember your future is stored up in your heart. The
reading, 'for they [God's Word] are life ... and health.'"
How to Get Healed and Not Die Find God's Word

Bible tells us to, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, Aren't you glad that we ar~ not living in this world
For from it flow the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23) Watch without Jesus? I'm so glad that I have Jesus as my Savior,
over your heart? How? By doing three things: as my Provider of finances, as my Protector from all
dangers and as my Healer agains~ all diseases.
1. Give attention to God's Word
2. Incline your ears
3. Don't let God's Word depart from your eyes

From the beginning God said to the people of Israel

and now to all of us:

45And I will dwell among the sons of Israel and

will be their God. 46And they shall know that I
am the LORD their God who brought them out
of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among
them; I am the LORD their God.
-- Exodus 29:45-46

He said, ''I'll be God to you" and when He said

that, He meant that He would do everything for you and
give you everything you need for life and health. What
does this mean when an adult says to a foster child, ''I'll be
a parent to you"? It means they will provide shelter, food,
transportation, guidance and care for the child. This is
what God means, when He says, "I will be your God!"

64 65



Some people may say, "If Divine healing is God's

will, then how come Mr. Good Christian or Mrs. Sincere
Christian died without having received healing?"

My grandmother was as faithful a Christian as I've

ever seen. She never missed a single church service nor
any chance to serve God. She always volunteered for
various functions. In a church of about two hundred
people, it seemed to me that my grandmother and three or
four other ladies did all the work Whenever there was a
function and food was served, she would get to work to
prepare the food around the clock without any
complaining or fanfare. Then at the age of seventy-one
she suffered a stroke which left her paralyzed on the left

How to Get Healed and Not Die How You Can Be Healed

side and wheelchair-bound for the remainder portion of You may read of the great promises in the Bible but

her life. She died eleven years later although many people unless the people who teach you actually believe in these

had prayed over her. promises themselves, you will not have any faith to receive
from any of God's promises. Some churches just don't
believe in things like miracles or healing. And as a result,
such churches do not impart any faith for miracles or
ORAMEDAL healing in their members' hearts.

Healing is not a trophy or medal that you get for No faith for healing, then there will be no healing.
being a good, sincere and devoted duistian. Healing is an
inheritance. It's an inheritance you received the day you You must know this about faith: Your beliefs are
based on the things you are taught by the church you
became a child of the Heavenly Father. Healing is your
attend. The church that my grandmother attended all her
property. It belongs to you. Jesus bought it for you with
life never taught anything about Divine health or how to
His blood. Healing is not something you get because you
be healed. For twenty years, I attended the same church
are good. It is something you take possession of by faith;
and I was never taught such things as how to cast out
for it is by faith that you receive any kind of blessing from
devils or how to receive healing.

God's healing power can cause a paralyzed person

For indeed we have had good news preached sitting in a wheelchair to arise and walk. But people in the
to us, just as they also; but the word they h~ard
did not profit them, because it was not united average church are not taught to believe in healing because
by faith in those who heard. - Hebrews 4:2
their pastor doesn't believe in it himself. Until the pastor
believes, you will not see any of his church members being

70 71
How to Get Healed and Not Die How You Can Be J:Iealed

healed by the power of God. But thanks be to God that in medicine has to offer them. I thank God for doctors and
many churches across Am.erica, the ministers preach other health professionals who work in hospitals and
faithful sermons on salvation. Many people can get saved clinics. They can be very helpful, but at some point, their
through such churches. Although salvation is the most knowledge and skills will come to a limit where they are
important thing, sermons on salvation are not going to unable to heal you of certain diseases like cancer, AIDS,
help you very much when it comes to building up your etc. Nevertheless, since some people will never learn how

faith on healing. to believe God for healing, I thank God for all the advances
in modem medicine.
The Bible says faith comes by hearing the Word:
Some Christians may say, "Well, if I see Mr. John Doe
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by get healed, I will believe in Divine healing." Then let's be
the word of Christ. - Romans 10:17
consistent and say, "If I see Mr. Business Tycoon get saved, I
will believe in salvation." They are really saying, "I will
Faith for salvation comes by hearing the Word on believe in the experience of Mr. So and So over what the
salvation. Bible says."
Faith for healing comes by hearing the Word on
Whether or not you have seen anybody get healed
Faith for finances comes by hearing the Word on or have personally experienced healing. Your lack of
personal experience does not deny the truth of the Holy
written Word. Insufficient experience and heart
Most people who attend churches like the one that
knowledge is just further indication that there is a lot more
my grandmother and I went to, will die if they ever
discovery work left to do in this area of the scriptures.
become seriously ill. Their only hope is what modem

How to Get Healed and Not Die

God's Word is very clear on the subject of healing:

He sent His word and healed them, And

delivered tlwn from their destructions.
-- Psalms 107:20

One of the reasons that God gave us His Word is to
heal us through the power that is in His Word. The Bible
was written for you. It was written for your benefit:
2Bless the LORD, 0 my soul, And forget none
of His benefits; 3Who pardons all your
iniquities; Who heals all your diseases ...
- Psalms 103:2-3

With God and His Word there are lot more benefits
beyond the gift of eternal life -- healing is one of them.
Don't ignore it. Learn how to receive the healing that
already belongs to you. Learn how to appropriate your
own healing through the simple "How to" instructions
that I will explain in the next chapter.



Once you grasp that there is healing power in

God's Word, spiritually you will be much further along in
your walk with God. And once you realize that healing
belongs to you and that it is part of your :inheritance, just a
few simple steps of faith is all that is required to receive
healing. And when you learn how to apply these few
simple steps of faith, then you can use them for any
situation big or small. You will be forever set free from
sickness and disease for the rest of your life.

There are many ways to be healed but the best way

to receive healing is through your own faith in God's
Word. Once you learn how to put the Word of God to

How to Get Healed and Not Die
The Four Simple Steps of Faith
work for you, then you can receive healing anytime you "But you shall serve the LORD your God, and
He will bless your bread and your water; and I
need it. will :remove sickness from your midst. 26"There
shall be no one misca:r:rying or barren in your
land; I will fulfill the number of your days."
- Exodus 23:25-26
These four simple universal steps of faith will work Many are the afflictions of the :righteous; But
the LORD delivers him out"'of them all.
for you every time.
- Psalms 34:19
1. Find God's Word on healing [do it in the same
style as described in Proverbs 4:20-22]
2. Establish a point of faith No evil will befall you, Nor will any plague
come near your tent. -- Psalms 91:10
3. Guard your mind and your mouth: You must
resist doubt! Instead--only think and speak
faith! 2
Bless the LORD, 0 my soul, And forget none
4. Continually thank God for the answer of His benefits; 3Who pardons all your
iniquities; Who heals all your diseases.
- Psalms 103:2-3


He sent His word and healed them, And
FIND GOD'S WORD ON HEALING delivered them from their destructions.
The following are some great healing scriptures to - Psalms 107:20

deposit into your heart:

For they are life to those who find them, And
health to all their whole body.
And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to -- Proverbs 4:22
the voice of the LORD your God, and do what
is right in His sight, and give ear to His
commandments, and keep all His statutes, I Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain
will put none of the diseases on you which I new strength; They will mount up with wings
have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am like eagles, They will run and not get tired,
your healer." -- Exodus 15:26 They will walk and not become weaiy.
- Isaiah 40:31
t The Four Simple Steps of Faith
How to Get Healed and Not Die I

4frurely our griefs He Himself bore, And our For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed has set you free from the law of sin and of
Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. death. -- Romans 8:2
SBut He was pierced through for our
transgressions, He was crushed for our
iniquities; The chastening for our well being But if the Spirit of Him who :raised Jesus from
fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ
healed. -- Isaiah 53:4-5 Jesus from the dead will also give life to your
mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells
you. > - Romans 8:11
'For I will restore you to health And I will heal
you of your wounds,' declares the LORD,
'Because they have called you an outcast, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law,
saying: "It is Zion; no one cares for her."' having become a curse for us- for it is written,
A TREE" - Galatians 3:13

'Behold, I will bring to it health and healing,

and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them 14Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for
an abundance of peace and truth. the elders of the church, and let them pray over
- J e:remiah 33:6 him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
Lord; 15and the prayer offered in faith will
restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will
"But for you who fear My name the sun of raise him up, and if he has committed sins,
righteousness will rise with healin? in its they will be forgiven him. -- James 5:14-15
wings; and you will go forth and skip about
like calves from the stall." - Malachi 4:2
... and He Himself bore our sins in His body on
the cross, that we might die to sin and live to
... in order that what was spoken through righteousness; for by His wounds you were
Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, healed. -- 1 Peter 2:24
- Mathew 8:17 Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may
prosper and be in good health, just as your
soul prospers. - 3 John 1:2

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How to Get Healed and Not Die
The Four Simple Steps of Faith
ESTABLISH A POINT OF FAITH You've got to believe that whatever (e.g. healing)
For the second step of faith--use Mark 11:23-24. you ask for in prayer or whatever (e.g. healing) you
command in faith, you have it at the point offaith. You have
to believe that you have the healing before there is any
23For verily I say unto you, That whosoever
shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, physical evidence of it. This is called faith.
and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not
doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
things which he saith shall come to pass; he
shall have whatsoever he saith. 24Therefore I Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
say unto you, What things soever ye desire, the evidence of things not seen.
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and -- Hebrews 11:1 KJV
ye shall have them. -- Mark 11:23-24 KJV

Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Your

The moment you pray is when you start believing prayer of faith [Mark 11:24] or your command of faith
that you have received your healing. If you're waiting to [Mark 11:23] is the evidence of your healing. Your faith
believe that you received your healing only after you have "words" are the evidence of your healing until the physical
seen some physical evidence of healing, then you've got a manifestation of your healing comes. You could say, faith
very long wait before you are healed. Bible faith does not is a "bill of sale" of things not seen [healing = your
believe that you are healed when you see the physical merchandise]. When your merchandise arrives then you
evidence of healing. You believe that you have received don't need to have the "bill of sale" but until the
your healing from the starting point of faith, which is merchandise arrives, you must hold on to the bill of sale.
when you pray or when you make a faith command such
By applying Mark 11:23, this is one way I might
as "Be healed!"
speak to the mountain of disease:

How to Get Healed and Not Die The Four Simple Steps of Faith

Sample #1: Galatians 3:13 says Christ has

Or if you want to pray for your healing using Mark
redeemed me from the curse of the law and
11:24, these are some examples of prayer:
Deuteronomy chapter 28 tells me that all
sicknesses and diseases are the curse of the Sample #1: Father in the Name of Jesus, I
law. I am set free from all sickness and come to you regarding my need for a
disease. Every germ that causes sickness healing. Your Worq. declares that Jesus
and every tumor that tries to come near this Himself took our infirmities and bore our
body, I curse it to die instantly in Jesus' sicknesses. And I believe that your Word is
Name. I thank you Father for the healing true and I now receive what Jesus had done
and the healing power that works in me all for me by faith. I confess Jesus as my Lord
the time. I thank you for the Divine health and Healer. I thank you Jesus for taking
that I have. away my illness. In Jesus' Name I pray.

Sample #2: Surely Jesus Himself has

Sample #2: Father I receive healing for
carried away all my diseases and infirmities
my body right now in Jesus' Name.
[Matthew 8:17] and by His stripes I was
Healing is mine right now because
healed. By grace I am both saved and according to the Word in 1 Peter 2:24, I am
healed now. I am not going to be saved but
healed by His stripes. I reject and resist
I am saved now. And I am not going to be every symptom that is on my body right
healed but I am healed NOW by faith. now in Jesus' Name. All the power of
Thank you Father for the healing in Jesus' heaven is behind this prayer and command
Name. because God's Word declares it and

How to Get Healed and Not Die
The Four Simple Steps of Faith
therefore I align myself with the Word of
thinking faith thoughts and speaking faith words that will
God. Thank you Father for the healing in
lead you out of sickness and into health.
Jesus' Name.

Proverbs 4:20 says, "Give attention to His Words

and do not let them depart from your sight." Here are
GUARD YOUR MIND some of God's Words that yot{ can make become a part of
AND YOUR MOUTH you. God's Word says, in Matthew 8:17, "He Himself took
The third step of faith in how to receive your our infirmities and carried away our diseases" and in
healing is to guard your mind and your mouth. You need 1Peter 2:24 says, "by His wounds you were healed."
to know that you can think and say a word of faith just as
You have to see yourself well through God's Word
easily as you can think and say words of doubt and worry.
before you can physically see yourself well. When people
have terminal illnesses,. they especially begin to see
THINKING FAITH THOUGHTS AND them.selves as dead. We have to get them to see
themselves with what God had provided for them in the
It is thinking faith thoughts and speaking faith
Word and to see themselves healed before they can be
words that will lead you out of defeat and into victory. It
well. See yourself healed in your heart and mind first.
is important to pray or speak to establish your point of
Then you will see yourself healed in the body.
faith but you have to know how to hold on to the answer
by standing your ground--in faith. Many times people Recently, I had a sudden attack of stomach cramps
undo their faith. They need to get into faith and then stay and diarrhea in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep at
there! You can pray for healing and believe that you have all and my whole body was aching with chills. The next
it when you pray but you need to stay there. It is by morning, I felt terrible from both not being able t.o sleep

How to Get Healed and Not Die The Four Simple Steps of Faith

and also from all the muscle aches and chills. My body just what she thought and said to herself lead her from
wanted to stay in bed but I forced myself to see myself sickness into healing.
healed by His Word. I confessed that I was healed
according to the Word and then I went to morning-prayer And a woman who had had a hemorrhage for
twelve years, 26and had endured much at the
(although I barely made it there). But after praying for a hands of many physicians, and had spent all
few hours and seeing myself well, I was healed. that she had and was not helped at all, but
rather had grown worse, 27after hearing about
Jesus, came up in the crowd behind Him, and
What you think affects your whole being. touched His cloak. 28For she thought, "If I just
touch His garments, I shall get well" 29And
immediately the flow of her blood was dried
An athlete knows this very well even at an amateur up; and she felt in her body that she was
level. I was talking to my nephew, Ryan, about the healed of her affliction. - Mark 5:25-29

wrestling matches he had last year and how he had won

most of the matches except for two or three. I asked him, And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has
made you well; go in peace, and be healed of
What was going through your mind when you lost those your affliction." - Mark 5:34
matches?" And he answered, 11 I was defeated in my mind
before I wrestled. The other guy looked so tough that I
thought and said to myself, Tm not going to win.' " And You have to pray for your healing in faith and then
do you know what? He did not win. you have to hold onto that faith until there is a complete
physical manifestation. Maintain your f ait;h by guarding
your mouth and your mind.
If you look at the testimony of the woman with the
hemorrhage problem in Mark 5:25-29, 34, you can see how

How to Get Healed and Not Die The Four Simple Steps of Faith

THE 4TH STEP OF FAITH: CONTINUALLY 1. Oh give thanks to the LORD

2. Call upon His name
THANK GOD FOR THE ANSWER 3. Make known His deeds among the peoples
4. Sing to Him
The fourth and the last step of faith is to 5. Sing praises to Him
6. Speak of all His wonders
continually thank God for the answer. The best example
7. Glory in His holy name
on how to exercise the fourth. step of faith is found in 1 8. Let the heart of those who seek the LORD be
Chronicles 16:8-11: 9. Seek the LORD
10. and [Seek] His strength
11. Seek His face continually
soh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His
name; Make known His deeds among the In your every waking moment, do these 11 steps
peoples. 9Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; especially -- continually giving thanks to God for the
Speak of all His wonders. 10Glory in His holy
name; Let the heart of those who seek the answer.
LORD be glad. 11Seek the LORD and His
strength; Seek His face continually.
- 1 Chronicles 16:8-11 If all 11 things are too difficult to remember, you
will do well by just doing the first step of continually
What do you do after you have established the giving thanks to the Lord. The other 10 steps are there to
point of faith? Many people ask, 'What do I do after I help you learn how to give thanks to the Lord.

prayed the prayer of faith?" You have to do steps 3 and 4.

Give thanks to the Lord. Call upon His name.
The 3rd step and the 4th step are very similar in that the
Share His goodness with other people. Sing songs to Him.
purpose of both steps is to keep you in the position of faith
Sing praises to Him. Speak of His powers and rejoice and
until the manifestation arrives.
glory in His Name. Seek His Word. Seek the power of His
And step 4 is clearly detailed in 1 Chronicles 16:8- Word and His Spirit. Seek an intimate relationship with

11: Him.





I know a Christian who is an active member of a

church that believes in Divine healing. Although he goes
to such a church, he does not believe in it because he had
never been an eyewitness to a permanent healing. One
healing that he did see was in a person cured of cancer.
But a few months later, the cancer had returned.

One well known healing evangelist shared on

national TV that he received many disturbing letters from
Christians who were healed at his healing crusades. The
problem was that many people lost the healing that they
had received at the crusade.

How to Get Healed and Not Die
Healing Can Be Lost

DIVINE HEALING IS SPIRITUAL good physical health. This is a common teaching

AND IT CAN BE LOST throughout the Bible. You may ask, "How does one's soul
prosper?" It is by choosing to walk with God and by
Jesus said one time to a man after healing him of a
studying and obeying the Word of God.

Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and

said to him, "Behold, you have become well; do
not sin anymore, so that nothing worse may WE KEEP OUR HEALING BY FAITH
befall you." - John 5:14
It is important to know that Divine healing is
spiritual and it can be lost. We are healed by faith. In
Jesus was warning the man that it was possible to order to keep our healing we must live in faith. In order to
lose his healing. Divine healing is real but it can be lost. keep your healing, it is important that you maintain your
The truth is this: It is God's will for you to be healed and it covenant relationship with Jesus the Lord your Healer.
is also God's will for you to keep your healing. Amen. We
need to understand the relationship between the condition "But you shall serve the LORD your God,
and He will bless your bread and your water;
of our spirit, soul and physical health. and I will remove sickness from your midst.
There shall be no one miscarrying or barren
in your land; I will fulfill the number of your
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may days." - Exodus 23:25-26
prosper and be in good health, just as your
soul prospers. -- 3 John 1:2
It is a fact of life that there are benefits and
responsibilities to all meaningful relationships. In a

As your soul prospers, that is when you will be in marriage covenant, there are mutual benefits for the

96 97
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Lost

woman and the man. In a marriage, one spouse has one or sports, watch TV and go to movies - just be carefree. We
more benefits of having a love partner, a friend, a cook, don't want to worry about other people's problems. This
housekeeper, an advisor etc., whereas the other spouse is an issue. We want pretty much everything God has and
might have a financial benefit, a love partner, a gardener, a that which He can give. But in return for all His benefits,
handyman, a protector, etc. You can_ clearly see that the God wants everything we have:
definition of a covenant relationship has two aspects: give
and take. It is the same with man's relationship with God. For eternal life, God wants your life's service on

God has a burden for all the lost souls. God is in the earth. For your health, God wants your total obedience to

salvation business. He needs people on earth to do the Him. For your financial blessings, God wants you to save

work that Jesus did which is to preach, teach and heal. the lost. For your peace of mind and heart, God wants you
to work for Him. For your joy and life filled with love,
Man has many needs in this life but did you know God wants you to serve Him.
that God can supply all your needs?
You can be healed by faith but to maintain your
health, it is a must that you maintain your covenant
And my God shall supply all your needs
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. relationship with the Living God. By regularly reading,
-- Philippians 4:19
meditating and obeying the Word you can preserve your
covenant relationship with Him. This is not something
We want to make money and become prosperous you do when you happen "to feel like it" but it is what you
and live in nice houses and in nice neighborhoods. We need to do everyday-consistently, diligently and
want to be healthy and get healed whenever we get sick faithfully.
We want to do our own thing and go on vacations, play
Something important we need to know about

How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Lost

healing is that Divine healing starts in your heart, which is A demon causing dumbness and blindness was
your spirit. But you have to learn how to hold on to it. cast out and the man was healed. Afterwards, the man
Healing through God's Word and through the Spirit of was able to speak and see clearly. There is a devil of
God is a spiritual healing which can be lost. Medical blindness and dumbness.
doctors practice physical healing. Christian Science
practices healing through the mind. But Divine healing is
through the spirit of a man.
The devil is either a direct cause of sickness and

JESUS DEMANDED FAITH disease or an indirect contributor to the origin of all

It is interesting to note that when Jesus was sickness and disease. This devil can put disease on people.

ministering healing to the multitudes, he demanded faith. The Bible also teaches us that the devil is always going to

Some people sincerely believe that if God heals you then try to come back in where he has been. And if you let him,

you will be healed forever. Such wrong thinking will rob he'll come in and put the same disease on you plus

you of your healing. Let me show you. something much worse.

From the scriptures we know that devil can make 24

"When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it
people sick. passes through waterless places seeking rest,
and not finding any, it says, 'I will return to my
house from which I came.' " 25And when it
comes, it finds it swept and put in order.
Then there was brought to Him a demon-
"Then it goes and takes a.long seven other
possessed man who was blind and dumb, and spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and
He healed him, so that the dumb man spoke live there; and the fast state of that man
and saw. 23And all the multitudes were becomes worse than the first." 27And it came
amazed, and began to say, "This man cannot be about while He said these things, one of the
the Son of David, can he?" - Matthew 12:22-23
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Lost

is just as important to learn how to keep and maintain

women in the crowd raised her voice, and said your healing once you have received it.
to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You,
and the breasts at which You nursed." 28But He
said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who
hear the word of God, and observe it."
- Luke 11:24-28
Many people receive healing from God and enjoy
After Jesus cast out the devil from the dumb man --
freedom from pain and suffering from diseases for months
he was healed. Jesus said that this man's healing could be
and months and then lose their healing. Why?
lost. Jesus explained that after the evil spirit, which had
caused the disease leaves the body, the disease causing evil There was this old man with a 25-year history of
spirit will return in an attempt to re-enter the body with arthritis who had suffered great pain every day. One day,
other more evil spirits. But Jesus said that the evil spirit he was at a church service and got healed and every
could only re-enter if the house or the body was "swept symptom and pain disappeared. He never had to take
and put in order." Another translation has it, when the any medication. But after some time he lost his healing.
house was "empty."
He returned to the church and told the Pastor that
Verse 28 gives us a due in how to keep the house he was suffering from the arthritis once again.

filled so that the evil spirit can not re-enter. If a man fills
The Pastor said, ''I'll tell you exactly what
his life with the Word of God by hearing, meditating and
happened. When the first symptom - the first pain -
then doing it, then the enemy will not be able to re-enter.
returned, you said, 'I thought I was healed. I guess I'm

It is important to learn how to receive healing but it not.' " This man's eyes got real big and said, "Why, you

102 103
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Lost

must be a mind-reader or a fortune teller! That's exactly Remember this-the devil of disease will come back
what happened!" where he has been. ½Then he returns, 1·t 1·s h"IS soIe m
. t ent to

The pastor answered, "No. I'm not reading your put the same painful disease or something seven times as
awful, back onto you. This is scriptural Th. . h
mind or telling your fortune. I knew you had to open the • IS IS W y you
door for the devil to come in with wrong thinking. When must know that Divine healing is spiritual and that healing
can be lost.
you said, 'I thought I was healed. Iguess I'm not,' you
opened the door consciously or unconsciously to the

When your thinking is not right, you open the door

to the devil. In the natural, what you think may be sincere,
honest and reasonable but in truth you have just given the
devil permission to put terrible sicknesses and other evil
things on you. One of the reasons why we study the Bible
is so that our minds will be renewed and that our thoughts
will be lined up with the Word of God. Clearly, when
your thoughts are wrong, you say the wrong things and
therefore you do the wrong things. The devil is never
worried about "sincere" Christians but he does get very
anxious and concerned when Christians learn, keep and
live by the principles of God's Word.





Many people pray for and receive healing but end

up losing it because they think they didn't receive the
healing when in fact they did. The unseen devil deceives
them into thinking they did not get healed although in
actuality they did. Often the reason for the loss of healing
is due to their ignorance regarding a few simple facts
about Divine health and healing.


First, you need to know that healing is not always
instant. Sometimes, it can be gradual.

Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First
How to Get Healed and Not Die
12And as He entered a certain village, ten and especially without taking any risk Trusting in God
leprous men who stood at a distance met Him; and exercising faith is not a game; it is serious business.
13and they :raised their voices, saying, "Jesus,

Master, have mercy on us!" 14And when He saw Unless you are willing to take risks to trust in God, your
them, He said to them, "Go and show
yourselves to the priests." And it came about
faith will never be utilized, strengthened or developed. as they were going, they were cleansed. Jesus said ...
- Luk~ 17:12-14

"For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose

Lots of people think that when Jesus was
it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is
ministering healing, people were always healed instantly. the one who will save it." - Luke 9:24

But in this testimony of the ten leprous men, as they were

ready to go, they were not yet healed. Instead it was as
they were walking, they were healed. They took a huge To follow after Jesus or to follow after the Word of

risk because in biblical times, lepers could get into a lot of God in faith, you must be willing to "risk it all" for His

trouble if they showed up in public places like the sake and to trust in Him. Then and only then will you

synagogue with any signs of leprosy. They could have receive from God.

been beaten and punished for jeopardizing the health of

But these men were so desperate. They had
non-lepers. nothing to lose so they risked their lives and obeyed God.
Sometimes we don't have to go as far as risking our lives

THERE ARE SERIOUS RISKS IN but we have to risk our spiritual reputation and/ or pride.
When we believe God for a miracle, and confess
Trusting in God is not a "no risk" proposition. Lots that we have the answer to the prayer before there is any
of people want to follow God without any cost to them
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First

physical manifestation, there will always be many NOTHING TO LOSE

unbelieving people who will ridicule you because they You have to get yourself in a state of mind where
don't understand what true faith is. And while you are you act like someone who has nothing to lose. In our life
standing in faith for your healing, there will be thoughts and times, some examples of people with nothing to lose
that will bombard your mind saying, "You are not healed. attitudes are terrorists, daredevils or business
You confess that you are healed by His stripes but you are entrepreneurs. They are all similar in the fact that they are
not really healed." Or a thought asking you, "What if you high risk-takers, very bold in their actions and
don't get healed? You're sure gonna look foolish!" unaffected/influenced by popular opinion. With this basic
foundation, they do the outrageous (things outside of the
Well, I've got a counter thought for you, "What if
norm) and go beyond what is expected to achieve their
you do get healed?"
goals. The only way you can act like you have nothing to

Sometimes it is good to be desperate. It seems that lose, although you may have lot of valuable resources in

when people are desperate they seek God more diligently your life (like your youth, children, friends, reputation,

and take greater faith "risks". God's way, which is the best career or money) is to value Jesus so highly that everything

way, is for us to be desperate for Him at all times although else is dung or rubbish in comparison. This is what

we are living in abundance. This may seem to be a hard Apostle Paul did as we can read from Philippians 3:7-8:

thing to do but it is something we must learn to do if we

7But whatever things were gain to me, those
are to grow up in Him. things I have counted as loss for the sake of
Christ. 8More than that, I count all things to be
loss in view of the surpassing value of
knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I
have suffered the loss of all things, and count
them but rubbish in order that I may gain
Christ. - Philippians 3:7-8

112 113
How to Get Healed and Not Die
Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First
One would think that it is easy to act like you have
a strong way.
nothing to lose when you actually have nothing to lose just
like the ten lepers. But many Christians, who actually We know that Paul fought the good fight of faith
have nothing to lose, still have difficulty when it comes to and finished his walk with God. And the secret to Paul's
trusting in God. I don't know what is blocking them from success is revealed in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10:
taking the risk to trust in God.


And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient
NOTHING TO LOSE" ATTITUDE for you, for power is perfected in weakness."
Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast
Paul was a great man of faith who was very about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ
powerful. He was highly respected and had a great may dwell in me. 10Therefore I am well content
with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses,
following. He had great fame, respect, honor and power. with persecutions, with difficulties, for
Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am
Everywhere he went in Christian circles, he was treated strong. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
very well. But the reason Paul had a lot of affliction and
treated poorly was because instead of hiding himself in
Christian circles, he would regularly go into territories Although Apostle Paul was every bit as talented
where no Christians ever set foot. and educated as anyone else, when he kept his thoughts
and desires of his flesh in subjection to his spirit (hence
When you walk closely with God, not only will you
kept his flesh weak), he was made strong in his spirit with
get more of God, you will get more blessings in your life
God's supernatural strength. Although he was well
but it is important to maintain an "I've got nothing to lose"
respected and honored [by men], he was content with
attitude. Keep yourself weak although you may be strong.
insults and persecutions that arose because of his
This will ensure that you will finish your walk with God in
relationship to Christ, so that he could be exalted by God.
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First

No matter how much fame, honor, money, or not days. And it came about tha.t as they obeyed the Master's
power he had, Apostle Paul always tried to think of these instructions and went that they were cleansed.
things as a loss so that he may continually gain Christ. He
There was a woman who had previously suffered a
had always maintained an "I've got nothing to lose"
stroke and had no feeling in her left arm and leg. As a
attitude. When you have this salile attitude, then you are
result, she had to get around with the help of a crutch. She
ready to obey God's leading and walk in complete faith.
got in a healing line where a minister laid hands but she
THE TEN LEPERS WERE HEALED didn't feel any different when she left the service-she was
AS THEY WALKED still on crutches.
The ten leprous men really had nothing to lose.
Nobody believed that she was healed because she
They were so desperate they just obeyed Jesus although
left the service in the same condition as when she came.
they didn't understand why He was telling them to go and
But when she was about two blocks from the church,
show themselves to the priests before they had been
suddenly a warm glow came through her leg and the
healed. Without fully understanding, they obeyed Jesus'
feeling was restored in both her arm and leg. In addition,
instruction and went anyway.
although she had also been a smoker for many years and
The point I wanted to make regarding Divine had wanted to quit but couldn't, that night she quit
health and healing is that HEALING IS NOT ALWAYS smoking supernaturally - she hasn't smoked a single
INSTANT. In this testimony of the ten lepers, the Bible cigarette nor craved one. She has been totally healed- of
tells us that they were healed as they went on their way. both her stroke and her addiction to cigarettes.
The Bible does not tell us how long the trip was to go see
the priests but we can guess it to be many hours at least if

How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First

YOU CANNOT ALWAYS TELL liquid nitrogen or cryo-therapy. When I told her how
AT THE TIME WHAT HAS HAPPENED painful it is to remove warts using cryo-therapy, she

The ten lepers were healed as they went to go show decided to live with the warts.

themselves to the priest.

One day, I challenged her, "You don't have to live

We need to know that healing is not always instant. with it; you can just curse th;m to die. You heard the

When it is instant, thank God for it. But many times teachings on how you can be healed. Your own faith can

healing is gradual. By not knowing this, people sometimes do it. God can answer your own faith."

make the mistake of thinking that they did not receive

Well, a few days later, she exercised her authority
healing when in fact they did. Without reason, they get
in Christ Jesus and cursed the warts to die. She thanked
into doubt and lose out on the healing that was sent to
God for the healing right away even though at first there
them by God.
was no evidence of healing. But a few days later, she woke

I have seen many more "gradual" healings than up to find her hands totally cleared of the ugly warts.

instant healings. It is nice to see an instant healing but it is Praise the Lord! Healing is not always instant but it still is

just as nice to see a healing when it takes minutes, hours, God's grace even when it comes few days later.

days, weeks or months. Praise be to God for His mercy

Along the same lines of apparent healing, which is
endures forevermore.
not obvious and visible to the naked eye, is the case of a

On another occasion my niece had several ugly person who is completely healed but still weak. If a

looking warts on her hands. She had picked at the warts, person has been in bed for three months because of some

constantly wishing that they would go away. She even serious sickness, then this person has a natural weakness

considered going to a doctor to have them removed using as well as their root illness. A person who has been lying

118 119
How to Get Healed and Not Die Healing Can Be Gradual or Non-evident at First

down in bed for many months will have wasted looking v\lhat I am trying to encourage you not to do is to
muscles although he may have no disease in the muscle rely heavily on what you see but rather learn to trust in
itself. It will be weak and without strength due to lack of 1
what God s Word says. Once you act on what God's Word
use and activity. says then you can believe that you have what the Word
promises although it might not be so obvious to your
A person with a terminal illness may be bedridden
physical eyes.
for many months. They may be prayed for and may be
healed of the terminal sickness. Such a person would be If you learn to trust God and His Word in the
free from cancer, but that does not mean that his weak earlier stages after you prayed for your healing, then the
muscles (due to lack of exercise) will instantly become healing will become more apparent and obvious to you
muscular and firm. 1
later on. Don t let the devil trick you into thinking that
you are not healed just because you can't see it right away
with your physical eyes ..
11 11
To the naked eye, this person may still look sick
but in fact he is really healed and weak The person is HEALING ALWAYS COMES
healed but needs rehabilitation. On the other hand, there 1
Remember that God s power to heal you is released
are many diseases in the earlier stages of their 1
the moment you pray. Don t cancel the flow of God 1 s
development, that have no clinical symptoms or signs, for
healing power by speaking doubt and saying, "I guess I
example, pancreatic cancer. A person like this is very sick 1
didn t get healed. 11

although he may look quite healthy.

120 121
How to Get Healed and Not Die

If you have been prayed for by people who have

faith in God's Word [which could include you] then
remember, healing has been sent from heaven. Healing
always comes because God is faithful. Lastly, it is
important after you pray that you give thanks to God in
worship, praise and in thanks offerings. CHAPTER9




It is important to learn how to receive healing from

God. So many church going Christians pray for healing
ineffectively because they don't know how to receive
healing from God. If you learn to follow the steps outlined
in this book, you can be healed.

It is so easy to receive salvation from the Lord if

someone who knows the Word of God as it relates to
salvation helps you to receive Him into your heart. It is
also just as easy to receive healing from the Lord, if
someone, who knows the Word of God specifically on
healing, teaches you how to do it. The best way to receive

How to Hold on to Your Healing
How to Get Healed and Not Die

Beloved, the devil or the disease does not have any

healing is to exercise your own faith in the Word of God.
authority over your body. You have full authority over
Of course, you can be healed in a healing crusade where
the disease in Jesus' name. There are two key scriptures
there is a manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. But the
you must learn in order to hold on to your healing. One is
problem is that even if you get healed via someone else's
found in the book of James:
faith or someone else's ministry in the Spirit, they cannot
hold onto your healing for you. Submit therefore to God.>Resist the devil and
he will flee from you. -- 4:7
Sooner or later, you'll have to develop your own
faith if you want to walk in Divine health and healing.
Therefore, you might as well learn it now. It is easy to Any thought that challenges the promises of God is
learn how to receive healing from God if you are humble not of God. It could be a thought from the devil or from
and teachable. Likewise, learning how to hold onto your your rm-renewed mind.
healing is just as important as learning how to be healed.


HOW CAN A PERSON Once you are healed, when any symptoms return,
learn to resist the devil by saying, "No, devil, you're not
Quite often after receiving Divine healing, there is a going to put that back on me! I'm healed by His stripes
reoccurrence of the previous symptom. When this and I'm not letting you come back into this holy temple of
happens, most of you will have a thought in your head, God!"
and you'll think, "I thought I was healed but maybe it has
come back."

How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Hold on to Your Healing

If you have ever had a thought to speak critically is just in my head and you put it there. I reject you -
about someone and you resisted it, you were resisting the doubt!" Then if sickness comes, you can speak to it.
devil. If a thought to lie or steal came to you and you "Sickness, I resist you." These are examples of how to
refrained from lying or stealing, you were resisting the resist the devil. We need to know how to keep our healing
devil. By the same token, when there is a pain or by obeying James 4:7:
reappearance of a tumor, and a thought comes to you
Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and
saying that you are not healed, but you resist that thought- he will flee from you. -- James 4:7
- you are resisting the devil. When you resist anything
that is of the devil, you are resisting the devil.


Resist the devil. You do this by learning to speak
In same way, you can resist doubt [or worry] if it
to the sickness or disease. If you do, then you are obeying
comes into your life. You say, "Doubt [or worry], I resist
Mark 11:23-24, which shows us one of the ways to resist
you in the Name of Jesus! I refuse to believe what you
the devil.
say." You'll learn that if you stand your ground, doubt [or
worry] will leave. Often, you may have to resist it for a For verily I say unto you, That whosoever
shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed,
day or two, but in the end it will go. and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not
doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those
Sometimes, your mind will say, "See, you're things which he saith shall come to pass; he
shall have whatsoever he saith. 24Therefore I
already doubting." Then you can speak to the devil and say unto you, What things soever ye desire,
when ye pray, believe that ye receive them,
say, "I'm not doubting, because doubt is not in my heart, it
and ye shall have them. -- Mark 11:23-24 (KJV)

How to Get Healed and Not Die
How to Hold on to Your Healing
When sickness comes, you can speak to it.
symptoms usually disappear within minutes or a few
"Headache, I resist you." When cold symptoms appear,
hours. I confess all the time that "I am healed by His
you can speak to it, "Runny nose, I resist you." This is how
wounds and I walk in Divine health because Jesus Himself
you resist the devil.
carried away all my infirmities and diseases."

Generally, Christians don't resist the devil. They

think that speaking to mountains, wind, dead people, fig
trees, etc. is all pretty weird. But if Jesus did it and if it's
OK for Him to do then it should be OK for you as well.
How many of you have ever had a one way I don't mean that the sickness will speak to you in
conversation with a headache? A cold? Or with a wart? an audible voice. I mean when there is a sickness present
At the first symptom of sickness, whether it is a headache within you, the devil will throw a bunch of thoughts at
or cold, most Christians will say, "Oh I think I'm coming you like, "You can't do this because you' re sick You' re
down with something. Can you pray for me?" Well, it going to die. All you' re going to get is sympathy. You are
won't do any good to pray for you. You've already not getting healed!"
confessed with your mouth, "It's mine. I've got it." You
have just received it (you gave it permission to enter your The Bible instructs us to speak to the mountain [of

body). sickness, problems, etc.]. If you don't speak to the

mountain, the mountain will definitely speak back to you.
When cold symptoms come upon me, I never say, Have you ever experienced mountains speaking to you?
"I'm coming down with the flu," instead I say, "I am
catching a healing." And you know what? The cold When you have symptoms of an illness, if you
don't do anything about it, the illness will make you think,
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Hold on to Your Healing

'Tm sick and I can't go to work. I can't pray or go to you will eat (even with the Word of God that you speak).
church either." Your physical problem is the mountain It is only those words spoken with belief and conviction
speaking to you. If you don't deal with the mountain, the that you will eat, whether it is God's Word or
mountain will deal with you. negative/sarcastic words. Only those things that have
your full attention, which you love talking about, is what
you feed your spirit.

IF YOU LOVE What you talk about establishes what you believe
TALKING ABOUT YOUR SICKNESSES m your heart. If you talk about your sickness
YOU CANNOT WALK IN continuously, this is what you believe in your heart. If you
believe on the inside (your heart) that you have a sickness
Many people today are seeking healing from God then you will have sickness on the outside.
yet they love to talk about their sickness and suffering.
Learn to hold onto your healing by guarding your
You cannot walk in Divine health and healing if you love
mind and your mouth. Do not speak sickness and disease.
talking about your sickness. The Bible tells us that you
Speak only health and healing. Then the disease cannot
will eat the fruit of your lips:
reside in your body.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.
-- Proverbs 18:21

What you love to talk about is what you will eat.

Those things you say without any conviction is not what

132 133



17"And these signs will accompany those who

have believed: in My name they will cast out
demons, they will speak with new tongues;
18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink

any deadly poison, it shall not hurl them; they

will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."
- Mark 16:17~18

One of the ways to receive Divine healing is to use

your faith in God's Word. This is actually the best way
because you can put God's Word to work for you anytime
the need arises.

You have to know how to receive and keep your

How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

own healing if you are going to help other people receive by depositing God's Word into their hearts. Too many
healing through you. Christians want to get healed based on somebody else's
faith. This may work once or twice but sooner or later,
they will be held accountable to receive healing based on

THE FOUR SIMPLE ST_EPS OF FAITH their own level of faith.

1. Find God's Word on healing [Do

Often God will let somebody believe for those who
it in the same style as described
in Proverbs 4:20-22) don't know [a non-believer] or for those who are in the
2. Establish a point of faith
early stages of their Christianity. God expects those who
3. Guard you mind and your
mouth: Resist doubt-ONLY have been Christians for a long time to be more mature
think and speak faith
spiritually and to walk in the light of what they know.
4. Continually thank God for the
answer (even before you
physically see the answer) Generally speaking, you yourself need to be ready
to receive. Once you understand how to receive healing
for yourself, when you minister to the sick, you can help
prepare them to receive healing.
The first step talks about preparation in your heart.
you have to prepare yourself in God's Word to receive
healing. This means you have to take time with God's FOR YOUR HEALING
Word. People may have heard Divine healing taught
The second step of faith to receive healing talks
many times, yet when they need it, they are not ready to
about setting a point of faith or setting a specific time for
receive healing because they haven't prepared their hearts
the healing.
138 139
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

Too many people say, ''I'm going to get healed one had just about everyone who was in a healing ministry
of these days." You need to set a specific time to receive pray for her. One time she went to a revival service and
your healing. You are not setting a specific time for a the preacher [Raymond T. Richey] told her to start praising
physical manifestation of the healing but rather you are God that she was healed. But she told him that she wasn't
setting a specific time to release your faith for healing. healed. And the preacher told her to thank God for the
Word aJJ.d to say, "The Word of God says I am healed."
When healing the sick, the moment you lay your
She began to do as she was instructed. Soon she was so
hands on them can be the point of faith for their healing
consumed by her praises to God that she didn't even take
(More about this later!).
notice when all the asthmatic symptoms left her body.
The 3rd and 4th steps of faith are instructions on
what to do while you believe that you have the healing
although it has not yet fully manifested physically. TO HEAL THE SICK
When you are healing the sick, if you teach the sick
You can use these four simple steps of faith to help
to give thanks to God for the healing after you have laid
the sick to receive their healing. Whether it is a seemingly
hands on them (which gets them to act upon the healing),
impossible disease like cancer or a small symptom like a
you'll achieve greater results. Make sure you remind them
runny nose, it is these same simple steps of faith that will
that it is by speaking healing/health words and thinking
lead you out of sickness and disease and into health.
healing/health thoughts--will they be lead out of sickness
and into health. It is the same Word, and the same simple steps of
faith that will bring you healing (even with the most
There was one lady who had a severe case of
impossible health problems). Why?
asthma. Doctors couldn't do very much for her and she

140 141
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

FAITH DOESN'T CARE ABOUT You have to learn the basics of faith in order to help
THE SIZE OF THE MOUNTAIN people receive and also keep their healing.

Faith works on cancer just as well as a small paper-

The following testimony of Brother Kenneth Hagin
cut. All faith does is bring on the power of God into your
is a good example of working one's faith.
situation. And it doesn't make any difference to God or
the Word of God, what the size of the problem is. The Brother Hagin used to attend a ministers'
same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same fellowship with a Full Gospel denomination. When all the
power that will heal you of your illness. ministers would get together for lunch they would always
talk about all the troubles in their church. They would ask
Keep in mind that whenever I mention "faith," I
Brother Hagin with long faces, "How goes the battle?"
mean faith in God's Word. And God's Word is a
And Brother Hagin would typically respond by smiling
supernatural force that can be accessed to work in your
and saying, "Boys, it couldn't be better. I don't have a
situation if and only if His Word is in your heart.
single care in the world." And he would just go on and on
with positive words and confessions.


You see, Brother Hagin was walking by faith while
the other ministers were walking by sight. Of course,
No matter how big or small the problem, faith in Brother Hagin who was walking by faith had his own
the mouth and faith in the heart is always the answer. share of problems in his church. He would say to the God,
"Lord I'm just the under-shepherd. You' re the Great
But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR Shepherd of the sheep. I know what my job is. I'm going
HEART"- that is, the word of faith which we to preach the Word. I'm going to visit the people who
are preaching... -- Romans 10:8

How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

need visiting. I'm going to treat everybody as fair as I can the exact opposite, then you will have to do without any
and then I'm going to tum the rest of it over to you, healing from God.
because I don't know what to do anyway." He would also
add, "Lord this is Your church and I'm not going to worry Are you really healed? How do you know that

about it. I'm not going to lose any meals over it or lose one you're healed? You know because the Word says so.

hour of sleep over it." Matthew 8:17 says "He Himself took our infirmities and
carried away our diseases" a:nd 1 Peter 2:24 says " ... by His
During this time his church was actually a real wounds you WERE healed."
"problem" church. Nobody wanted to be a pastor at his
church because it had the reputation of never supporting a There is healing (plus more) in God's Word if you

pastor although it had been in existence for twenty plus are familiar with what it says. The better you position

years. When Brother Hagin was later assigned to another yourself to receive what you need and want from God,

church, forty preachers applied for the pastoral position of you increase the likelihood to receive successfully. And if

this church. God had straightened everything out. you know how to receive it for yourself, you can better
help other people receive it too!
Faith works. Glory to God that faith works. Not
only does it work for this Brother or that Christian but for
everybody who seeks God for understanding and a
revelation of His Word in his /her heart. And the reason
faith works, is because Our God is a living God. You can get healed through a manifestation of the
gifts of the Spirit, whether it is the gift of faith, gift of
If you do not understand how to believe that you
healing or gift of working of miracles but you cannot
have something even when your physical senses tell you maintain and keep your healing through a gift of the

How to Get Healed and Not Die
How to Administer Healing to Others
Spirit. Therefore, you have to develop your own faith to
four simple steps of faith and how to resist the devil.
the point where you can resist the devil. Then you will be
able to teach the sick the how to resist the devil and how to
hold onto their healing.
A typical testimony alo11.g this line is when a THE LAYING ON OF HANDS:
person gets healed through a manifestation of a gift of the THE POINT OF FAITH
Spirit where a minister calls out their sickness and they are
I want to talk a little bit about how to heal the sick
instantly healed. But when these people return home and
through the laying on of hands. Mark 16:18 says, "They
are on their own, instead of being surrounded by people of
will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." By the
faith (who know how to believe God for healing and
laying on of hands, it can also mean making contact with
miracles) they are surrounded by people filled with doubt
the sick, with even a finger or by touch (in a greater
and unbelief. Then the minute the slightest symptoms
measure). We can lay hands on the sick as a point of
show up, they say, "I thought the Lord had healed me. I
contact [or a point of faith]. This is the point at which the
guess He didn't." And when they say this, they open the
person laying their hands believes that the sick person has
door to the devil.
recovered. If you are the one who is sick, then the point of

The best scenario for sick people who have been touch is the point at which you need to start believing that

administered healing is to attend a church where both the you have received your healing.

shepherd and flock - believe in Divine healing and health. THE POINT OF ANOINTING CONTACT
Then they can be fed with the Word of God in order that
As the Lord wills, there can also be anointed
they may keep their faith strong and growing. But failing
healing power in the hands, which transmit power to the
that, the next best thing you can do is to teach them the
sick. We can call this "the point of anointing contact." The
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others
believer has to exercise his /her faith to receive this But the woman fearing and trembling, aware
of what had happened to her, came and fell
anointing. So the laying on of hands is not to be just a down before Him, and told Him the whole
truth. 34And He said to her, "Daughter, yow:
point of faith but also a the point of anointing contact
faith has made you well; go in peace, and be
(transmitting God's anointed healing power). healed of yow: affliction." - Mark 5:33-34

Case in point, in understanding the tangible

anointed healing power that is present in a believer, look In verse 30, the Bible tells us that God's power went
to Mark 5:25-31, 33-34. out of Jesus. And it was this power that healed her of her
sickness, which she had for 12 years. Yet, Jesus said to her
25And a woman who had had a hemorrhage for in verse 34 "Daughter, your faith has made you well." It
twelve years, 26and had endured much at the
was her faith that healed her.
hands of many physicians, and had spent all
that she had and was not helped at all, but
rather had grown worse, 27after hearing about
Jesus, came up in the crowd behind Him, and
touched His cloak. 28For she thought, "If I just
touch His garments, I shall get well." 29And THE SECOND ELEMENT OF HEALING:
immediately the flow of her blood was dried
up; and she felt in her body that she was ONE'S FAITH AND
healed of her affliction. 30And immediately THE PRESENCE OF ANOINTING
Jesus, perceiving in Himself that the power
proceeding from Him had gone forth, turned In this type of healing, there are certain key
around in the crowd and said, "Who touched
My garments?" 31And His disciples said to elements: the healing power that was in Jesus and the
Him, "You see the multitude pressing in on
woman's faith. We know that Jesus did not use His faith
You, and You say, 'Who touched Me?'"
- Mark 5:25-31 for this woman because He did not even know her nor was
He trying to heal her. It was her faith that drew the power

148 149
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

out of Jesus. From this we can say that FAITH draws out such a great power stored in a natural substance. How
the power of God. much more power will there be in a spiritual substance?
I've had some scientific training and if I were to look at the
We can look at healing as dependent upon two
gospel of Jesus Christ in a scientific way, there is definitely
factors: The degree of strength of one's faith and the
:incredible power stored in the spiritual entity of God's
degree of the anointing power. Word and in the act of prayer. ,

Your hands can be a source of God's power when it

I have preached before that you cannot separate the
is charged with the Spirit of God's anointing. How?
physical from the spiritual. And sometimes by looking at
1. But you, beloved, building the visible realm we can get some idea of the unseen
yourselves up on your most holy
realm. If there is that much power in an unseen atom or a
faith; praying in the Holy Spirit.
- Jude 1:20 molecule, how much more then in the unseen SPIRIT?
2. God's Word is ano:inted and if you
are filled with the Word, your hands Dr. John Lake was a missionary to South Africa in
will be charged with His anointing
the earlier part of his ministry. One time, there was a fever
epidemic that struck the whole countryside and in a single
month, one-fourth of the entire population died.
NUCLEAR ENERGY IN Husbands were found dead beside their wives. Children
A MOLECULE/ ATOM were found dead in their beds alongside the living
siblings. "'Whole families were stricken.
We know that in a small invisible molecule or an
atom there is enough energy capable of destroying an
In the midst of it all, there was a man, who was a
entire city or country. This power is captured in the
. of the church that John Lake had established, who
atomic, neutron or nuclear bombs. We can see that there is

150 151
How to Get Healed and Not Die How to Administer Healing to Others

was anointed to pray. For days he remained under a Lord had come upon the man who had prayed and he
particular tree and prayed continually. The missionary rushed ahead of Dr. Lake in the spiritual realm, cursing the
would pass by in the morning and hear him pray. When army of demons. The demons were driven back to
John Lake returned in the evening he could still hear this whatever place they had come. The next morning, the
man's voice in prayer. fever epidemic had ended.

Many times, Brother Lake would bring a meal and In chemistry,. wh~n the chemicals undergo a
persuade the man to eat. John Lake would ask, "Brother, change, there is an energy reaction. Likewise, when the
how is it? Are you getting through?" And the man would substance of your soul undergoes a change and meets up
reply, "Not yet." with your spirit, there will also be an energy reaction. We
can call it "anointing" or plainly -- "power." You need to
But one day he said, "Brother Lake, today I feel that
be aware of this so that you will get serious about Divine
if I had just a little help in my faith that my spirit would go
health and healing so that you will be able to heal the sick
through into God." So the missionary went on his knees
and set people free.
and joined his heart with the man's. Together they voiced
their prayer to God. Being a Christian is not a game you play worrying
about what people think or say about you or what you did
As they prayed, the Spirit of the Lord
for this person and that person. Instead, we need to get
overshadowed their souls and Dr. Lake found himself, not
deep into the Word of God and in the Spirit. We need to
kneeling under the tree, but moving gradually away from
be the kind of godly people that our Heavenly Father
the tree some 50 or 100 feet. Then his eyes opened and he
wants us to be. We must be willing to pay any price to
witnessed an amazing scene - there was a multitude of
transform our souls to minister healing and salvation.
demons, like a flock of sheep gathered. The Spirit of the

152 153




I shall not die, but live, And tell of the works

of the LORD. - Psalm 118:17

We need to change our attitude toward sickness

and disease. I believe this has been accomplished for
many of you by reading this book on Divine health and
healing. If not, continue to read this book over and over
again until your attitude towards sickness and disease is
completely altered.

How to Get Healed and Not Die Get a New Attitude


Do not continue to see yourself as someone who is BELIEVE IN SICKNESS
sick trying to get healed. You should learn to see yourself
as a healthy whole person who ··resists sickness and
disease. In relation to salvation, you were healed and Opposite from what the devil wants, God wants

saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. You are not trying to you to talk about what Jesus has done for you and to

get rid of your sin to become saved instead you are a saved believe in salvation and healing. God wants you to talk
about Divine health and healing.
person who is resisting sin and evil. likewise, with
regards to health--you are not trying to get rid of your
sickness to become healed. You are healed-right now. I shall not die, but live, And tell of the works
of the LORD. -- Psalm 118:17
Therefore you are a healthy person who resists sickness
and disease from trying to take residence in your body and
God wants us to tell of the saving works of the
Lord. He wants us to declare the healing works of the
Lord. He wants us to share the good news of the
When you are ministering healing to others, you
protection works of the Lord.
need to pass on this new attitude about health and Divine
healing. Many have been told that healing is not for today.
It was something that God did in ancient times and now j
with modern medi~e it is not really applicable. You've
got to get them to think, "I can be healed. I can be healthy
all the time."

158 159
How to Get Healed and Not Die
Get a New Attitude

GOD WANTS YOU HEALTHY the sick It is the power of God working through you that
AND HE WANTS YOU TO HEAL OTHERS will heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons.
Not only does God want you healthy and be healed
The formula is quite simple. If you obey the
but He wants you to heal others.
scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit you have
fulfilled your part in the healing equation. Then God will
"Heal the sick, :raise the dead, cleanse the
lepers, cast out demons; freely you :received,
do the rest, He will heal and raise the dead. you do not
freely give. - Matthew 10:8 have to understand how or why it works. Just know what
the Bible says to do and then just do it!
17"And these signs will accompany those who
have believed: in My name they will cast out
demons, they will speak with new tongues;
Mark 16:18 says, "They will lay hands on the sick,
18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink and they will recover."
any deadly poison, it shall not hurt them; they
will lay hands on the sick, and they will :recover."
- Mark 16:17-18 Notice that it doesn't say .. .lay hands on the sick
and they might recover or probably recover." Read it
1And He called the twelve together, and gave carefully, it says, II ••• the sick will recover." So this is what
them power and authority over all the demons,
and to heal diseases. 2And He sent them out to we need to believe, not that the sick might recover but that
proclaim the kingdom of God, and to perform the sick will recover.
healing. - Luke 9:1-2

Jesus commands us to heal the sick, raise the dead

and cast out demons. You may say, "How can I raise the
dead?" You can no more raise the dead than you can heal

160 161
How to Get Healed and Not Die
Get a New Attitude

If God had to explain everything in full detail so

that you understood, before you obeyed Him, God would
Too many Christians are concerned with things get very little accomplished through you. Most people are
very stubborn. Their flesh is in opposition to the things of
that are none of their business. We need to mind our own
God. Therefore unless a person has made a quality
business. People often say to themselves, "What if the sick
decision to obey God, he or she will never amount to
don't get healed when I lay hands on them?" Let me ask
anything in Christ.
you, "What if they do?" Faith trusts in what God says in
His word. If you are thinking "what if" then when you
"laid on of hands" it was not done in faith. Some of you "For My people are foolish, They know Me
not; They are stupid children, And they have
may need to lay hands on about 2,000 people before you no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil,
But to do good they do not know."
can get rid of your unbelief.
- Jeremiah 4:22

Some people have said, "When I bring people to

the church, what if they don't stay?" In return let me ask
you this, "What if they do?" It is not our job to analyze
this and that in an effort to try and figure things out or to
fully understand why things happen. Our job is to do TO THE FLESH
what we are told to do. We are called to simply obey -- not
Jeremiah 4:22 tells us why God has difficulty using
to reason things out. Often God will give us a full
a person who is considered smart by the world's standards
understanding but He does not want you to lean on it or
and definition. It is not that God cannot use a well-
wait for it before you do things.
educated, intellectually sharp person, rather it is just very
How to Get Healed and Not Die Get a New Attitude

difficult to work with someone who has an over-inflated JESUS CHRIST LIVES HIS LIFE
view of his or her self worth apart from Christ. This IN AND THROUGH ME
insight is reiterated in 1 Corinthians 1:26-27: Why do I expect people to recover when I lay
hands on the sick? It is because I believe what the Bible
tells me. Namely that Jesus Christ lives His life in and
26for consider your calling, bretluen, that there
were not many wise according to the flesh, not through me.
many mighty, not many noble; 27but God has
chosen the foolish things of the world to
shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak
"I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no
things of the world to shame the things which
longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the
are strong. -- lCorinthians 1:26-27
life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith
in the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered
Himself up for me." -- Galatians 2:20

When I look back at all the great men and women

of God, it is no wonder to me now, why God used people
Lift up your hands right now and make this faith
with little or no education more often than someone with
confession. Say, "These are the hands of Jesus. The power
great education and learning. God does not need your
and the life of God flows through my entire body."
ability. He needs your availability.

Mark 16:18 says, "They will lay hands on the sick,

and they will recover." This is a very powerful scripture.

164 165


How to Get Healed and Not Die Get a New Attitude

that you touch is equally anointed.

Medical science has shown us that there is healing
People seem to have no trouble believing that the
power m
. your body . your hands can be storage areas for
Holy Spirit will cause a sinner to become born again or to
the Holy Spirit's power. Don't underestimate the power of
be given a new spirit when they pray the sinner's prayer.
the Holy Spirit, which can flow through even your own
If the Holy Spirit is busy right now performing one type of
hands. You must remember that the same Holy Spirit who
miracle (salvation) then He can also cause the sick to be
raised Jesus from the dead is the same Person who is
healed (another type of miracle) according to you acting on
working at ALL times regardless
. of whether or not you
the Word in confidence and in faith.
feel it.

I read a testimony about Frances Hunter who

And as for you, the anointing which you touched a man with diabetes. He was instantly healed.
received from Him abides in you. -1 John 2:27
And then another time, there was a woman who had
cancer of the tongue. Frances touched the top of the
women's head with her hand as she felt a vague
When you are submitted and committed to God,
impression in her heart to reach out to do so. This woman
you are anointed! your skin is anointed, so are your
was also instantly healed. It so happened though, that
hands, your feet and your whole body! You have been
Frances did not find out about either of these healings
anointed to heal the sick therefore any piece of clothing

166 167
How to Get Healed and Not Die
Get a New Attitude

until many years later.

Apostle Paul must have known about this secret
because he laid hands on handkerchiefs and aprons
We don't know how many more people are healed
whereby the power of the Holy Spirit was stored in
when we lay hands on the sick because we don't always
these substances.
get the feedback. Get the attitude of just doing what God
tells us to do without worrying about the results. Results
are God's business. Our business is to just do what God And God was performing extraordinary
miracles by the hands of Paul, 12so that
tells us to do. handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from
his body to the sick and the diseases left them
and the evil spirits went out. - Acts 19:11-12


The anointing or spiritual electricity can be THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
transmitted to a physical substance like our physical body CAN BE STORED IN CLOTH
but it can also be transmitted from our hands or
What this tells me is that Holy Spirit's power is
body into a substance like cloth. It appears that many
capable of being stored in a substance like cloth as
physical substances including human flesh can act as a
demonstrated in the clothes that Jesus wore as well as in
storage unit for the Holy Spirit's power. Paul's handkerchief and aprons.

And wherever He entered villages, or cities, or This stored power can then be withdrawn by use of
countryside, they were laying the sick in the one's faith. In the testimony of the woman with the
market places, and entreating Him that they
might just touch the fringe of His cloak; and as hemorrhage problems, a multitude pressed in on Jesus and
many as touched it were being cured.
made contact with Him but only the touch of one woman
drew the power out of Him.

How to Get Healed and Not Die

The same power or anointing that can heal the sick

can also drive out the devil.





We need to obey the commands of Jesus to share

the gospel, speak in new tongues, lay hands on the sick
and cast out devils. In order to further equip you to do
this, let us go to the Word and see how Jesus healed the

40And a leper came to Him, beseeching Him and

falling on his knees before Him, and saying to
Him, "If You a:re willing, You can make me
dean." 41 And moved with compassion, He

stretched out His hand, and touched him, and

said to him, "I am willing; be cleansed." 42And
immediately the leprosy left him and he was
cleansed. -- Mark 1:40-42

How to Get Healed and Not Die Learn from the Master
5While He was still speaking, they came from
In the case of the leper, Jesus did two things: He the house of the synagogue official saying,
"Y ,
touched him and then said, "Be healed!" Let's look at our daughter has died; why trouble the
Teacher anymore?" But Jesus, overhearing what
another miracle that Jesus performed in Mark 5:35-40. was being spoken, said to the synagogue official
"D o not be afraid any longer, only believe."I
And He allowed no one to follow with Him,
God has given us a record of various healings so except Peter and James and John the brother of
that we may learn and do the same. James. 38And they came to the house of the
synagogue official; and He beheld a commotion
and people loudly weeping and wailing. 39And
entering in, He said to them, ""Why make a
"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the commotion and weep? The child has not died,
lepers, cast out demons; freely you received, but is asleep." 40And they began laughing at
freely give." - Matthew 10:8 Him. But putting them all out, He took along the
child's father and mother and His own
companions, and entered the room where the
child was. -- Mark 5:35-40


We are to raise the dead and heal the sick. I don't When you go to someone's house or a hospital to
know about you but I want to do whatever God instructs raise the dead, there may be people there who will laugh
me to do. And whatever He tells me to do, I know that I at you. Such people do not believe that God is a living and
can do it all through Christ who strengthens me (even powerful God. Notice what Jesus did in love: He put all
raising the dead). Let's look at another miracle that Jesus the unbelievers out of the room.
performed in Mark 5:35-40.
Jesus was Love in action. We need to realize that
acting in love does not mean you should put up with all

How to Get Healed and Not Die
Learn from the Master

the nonsense and unbelief that goes on around you. Of raising the dead, the working of miracles along with all the
course we should use all diplomacy and gentleness as other supernatural activities - totally weird. But if they
much as possible but at the same time we need to realize have a loved one who is in need of a miracle and they
that people's health and eternal lives are at stake. receive it, let me tell you - what was once "weird" just
turned into "Thank You Lord, thank You Jesus" time.
When Jesus was in the room with the dead child,
we see Him raise the dead:


41And taking the child by the hand, He said to
her, "Talitha kum!" (Translated it means, "Little Let's go further into the 7th chapter of Mark where
girl, I say to you, arise!"). 42And immediately the
Jesus healed a deaf man.
girl rose and began to walk; for she was twelve
years old. And immediately they were
completely astounded. - Mark 5:41-42
And they brought to Him one who was deaf
and spoke with difficulty, and they entreated
Him to lay His hand upon him. 33And He took
him aside from the multitude by himself, and
Notice what Jesus did: He touched her hand and
put His fingers into his ears, and after spitting,
spoke to her even though she was dead. This was how He touched his tongue with the saliva; 34and
looking up to heaven with a deep sigh, He said
Jesus raised the dead. By laying on His hands and to him, "Ephphatha!" that is, "Be opened!" 35And
speaking a faith command. This is just one of the many his ears were opened, and the impediment of his
tongue was removed, and he began speaking
ways you can raise the dead as the Spirit of God leads you. plainly. -- Mark 7:32-35

I know some people consider healing the sick,

How to Get Healed and Not Die
Learn from the Master
Vvhat did Jesus do? He put His fingers into His THE THREE KEYS TO
ears and touched His tongue with fingers wet with His SUCCESSFULLY HEAL THE SICK
own saliva. There was a contact, a touch and a command,
I want to give you some helpful hints to heal the
"Be opened!" sick!

I. You need to be persistent!!!

A BLIND MAN HEALED 2. Get person to put their faith into action
3. Understand that there are pre-conditions to
receiving a healing
And they came to Bethsaida. And they brought

a blind man to Him, and entreated Him to touch There is something that we need to remember in
him. 23And taking the blind man by the hand, He
ministering to the sick, raising the dead and casting out
brought him out of the village; and after spitting
on his eyes, and laying His hands upon him, He devils. You need to be persistent. Just like anything else
asked him, "Do you see anything?" 24And he
looked up and said, "I see men, for I am seeing in the world, if you want to succeed, you need to be
them like trees, walking about" 25Then again He persistent.
laid His hands upon his eyes; and he looked
intently and was restored, and began to see
everything dearly. -- Mark 8:22-25 If you lay hands on someone and nothing happens,
go on to next person. If nothing happens, don't give
up-just keep on going. Never give up!
Here we have another case where the healing was
not instant. You can think of healing as a process. Here I had chance to meet Frances and Charles Hunter

Jesus laid His hands upon him again and again. one time at a healing service. They are a precious couple
whom God has used mightily in the ministry of healing.
There is power in a touch. Out of the first 10,000 people they laid hands on, at most
10 received their healing. We are talking about 1 out 1,000

Learn from the Master
How to Get Healed and Not Die
There was this cowboy who had injured his
being healed in the early days of their ministry.
shoulder while working with some farm animals. He
Nevertheless, they persisted and did not give up. Now
couldn't raise his arm. A minister reached out quickly and
they have incredible success in healing the sick
touched his shoulder and said, "In the name of Jesus, raise
your arm!" Without even thinking twice he instantly shot
his arm straight up. The instant healing totally surprised
T O increase your success rate when you lay hands Faith activated in prompt action often brings about
on the -- get people to put their faith into action. Jesus had great results because healing happens before the devil has

people put their faith into action. a chance to throw his doubts and unbelief. Get people to
instantly respond before they have a chance to doubt.

"I say to you, rise, take up your pallet and go

home." - Mark 2:11


And after looking around at them with anger, TO HEALING
grieved at their hardness of heart, He said to
the man, "Stretch out your hand." And be
stretched it out, and his hand was :restored.
-Mark3:5 Therefore, confess your sins to one another,
and pray for one another, so that you may be
healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man
can accomplish much. - James 5:16

Did you know that faith requires action?

How to Get Healed and Not Die

One last point to help you as you minister healing

to others is this: There are conditions to receiving healing.
For example, if there is bitterness in the heart of the person
who is sick (because they have not forgiven someone),
they will not get healed although you have healing power
going out of you because you have faith in Mark 16:18.
You don't know all that is going on in the person that you
If you have been blessed by this book, have a
are dealing with. As you lay your hands on the sick, you
testimony to share or a prayer request, please contact us
have to be content with the fact the sick are healed as far as at ...
you are concerned. Results are not entirely up to you and
often it is not totally dependent on God. Shekinah Church International
P.O. Box 3550
In closing, may God bless your hearts as you obey Cerritos, CA 90703
the Lord and minister healing to others. Remember that
God wants you to be healed and walk in Divine health -
always! Healing and Divine health belongs to you! Claim
it and receive it!

"I shall not die, but live, And tell of the works
of the LORD." - Psalm 118:17

God does not want you to be sick nor does He want you to die
before your time. It is His will that you be healed and not die.
It is the easiest thing in the world to get healed with your own
faith in God and His Word. People who knew nothing about God have
been healed while reading a portion of this book even before it was
In this book, you will discover:
- It is God's will that you be healed and be in good health
- Your heart is the key to your health
- There are different ways you can get healed
- How you can hold onto your healing
- How you can administer healing to others and more
Healing belongs to the born again child of God. Don't suffer
unnecessarily because of lack of practical knowledge regarding heal-
ing power (which is available to you from God and His Word!). This
book will inspire you to step out in faith and receive and keep your
healing that God has purchased for you with the blood of Jesus.

About the Author

Israel Shin is a former medical doctor who
practiced medicine for seven years before
God spoke to him to go into ministry "full-
time." He shares the Word of God simply
and pract,ically in the anointing of the Holy
Ghost. He himself has learned and experi-
enced that truly all things are possible.
Anyone who dares to believe the Word of
God can succeed against any and all
problems in life.
Israel and his wife Esther pastor Shekinah
Church International in Los Angeles
ISBN 1-55630-539-7

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4 California 90025. On the date below, I caused the following,



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19 Daniel R. Gutenplan ([email protected])

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Kete Barnes

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