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Strategic Voting in TV Game Show The Weakest Link

By Haishan Yuan [email protected]

Supervisors: Kunal Sengupta and Hajime Katayama

Thesis submitted to the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, The University of Sydney, in partial fulllment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)

Strategic Voting in TV Game Show The Weakest Link

Haishan Yuan

Abstract This paper utilizes the data generated from Television game shows The Weakest Link to study real life strategic voting with large stake payos. Theoretical models are built to analyze the three-player voting possibly with second move of tie breaker. With reasonable specications, equilibria can be constructed to support all observed outcomes. When the game structure is relatively simple with single possible tie breaker, the empirical results are in line with theoretical implications. When the tie breaker is uncertain, the predictability of basic game theory analysis is largely compromised. Regression results suggest that, with presence of increased complexity and uncertainty in the voting game, naive coordination strategies are instead adapted. Strategic untruthful performance is found as a source of inaccurate prediction of theory.

Keywords: The Weakest Link, Strategic voting, Strategic uncertainty, experimental game theory.

Acknowledgment: This thesis would not be possible without support from my supervisors, Kunal Sengupta and Hajime Katayama. I am deeply grateful to their constructive suggestions, patient guidance, and continuous encouragement. I sincerely appreciate their emails and calls took places at nights and during weekend. I also thank Steven Levitt and Peter Arcidiacono for their provisions of data sets.


Though Reinhard Selten, one of laureates who shared the Nobel prize in Economics 1994, stated that Game theory is for proving theorems, not for playing games., regarding game theory as normative theory about what rational players would do, rather than a positive theory about facts. Works on testing and advancing game theory as a predicting tool has been numerous. Game theory as a decision theory in social science is expected to have close reality relevance with human behavior and is demanded to be applicable in a considerable level of precision. However, due to the complexity of real life situation, the study of applicability of game theory as a predicting tool in the real life is largely constrained. The burgeoning experimental methodology in game theory exploits the advantages of exact control and discretionary design of games as in laboratory environment. However, due to the limiting nancial resources available for the experimental studies, stakes and payo levels in this class of study are normally small. As in Kahneman and Tversky (1979), under uncertainty, decision making is rather reference point dependent. Payos are related to agents initial positions when decisions are to be made. Also, by calibrating risk-aversion magnitudes when stakes are small and moderately large in an expected utility framework, Rabin (2000) showed, the conventional practices of the expected utility theory could lead to absurd results. On the ground that essentially all decision makings are associated with uncertainty, the stake sizes in a game could have signicant inuence on how people actually play games. The Weakest Link is a series of Television game shows providing nice sources for study in peoples strategic behavior in real life situation with large stake rewards. In such quizlike game shows with strategic voting, the rules are well familiar to the contestants and the incentive of strategic playing is strong, particularly in the nal voting round that three contestants are left, given that only one contestant can be rewarded to the nal prize after all. Beside large stakes involvement, TV game shows as natural experimental study for game theory also has the advantage that the participants are generated from a wider, hence more representative, population, unlike many experimental studies conducted around educational and research institutes and subjects pools are limited to some narrower groups such as

college students. This paper focuses on the last voting round in which three players vote to decide which two are going to stay and compete for the nal prize. At this stage, information for decision making is available to certain amount and incentive for strategic voting is at its summit. Theoretical models with various specications on information symmetry, possible revenge motive and tie breaker identity, are built to analyze the voting behavior. Although all three possible voting outcomes in such voting are observed with signicant proportions in the data, only the outcome of eliminating the strongest player universally exists in all theoretical specications. Outcomes such as eliminating the weakest player can be only supported by equilibria in particular specications with restrictions. In particular, in the simplest specication when information is symmetric and players are free from revenge motive in voting, eliminating the strongest player is the only outcome survives Iterative Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategy. It is found that the predictions of theoretical models are relatively well when the game is relatively simple and involves less uncertainty. When a larger level of uncertainty complicates the game, players tend to utilize native coordinating strategy so that sophisticated equilibrium analyze loses its power of prediction. A moderate level of strategic pretence is also found, which is attributed as a source of uncertainty that compromises the eectiveness of expected utility maximizing play. This paper proceeds as following. Next subsection provides a brief survey on related literature. Section two introduces the TV game shows The Weakest Link and provides basic observations and summary statistics on the data sets. Section three constructs theoretical models to analysis the interested three-person voting game. Section four provides empirical evidence on how individuals shape their voting decisions, what factors aect the voting outcome, and a discussion on the discrepancy between theoretical and empirical results. Section ve concludes.


Related literature

There have been several papers studying TV game shows to pursue economic understanding. By studying TV shows The Price is Right, Bennett and Hickman (1993) and Berk, Hughson and Vandezande (1996), documented the existence of sub-optimal behavior and im3

provement of strategic eectiveness through learning respectively. Blavatskyy and Pogrebna (2006) tested loss-aversion using the data from the TV shows Aari Tuoi. Bertner (1993), Metrick (1995), and Beetsma and Schotman (2001) focused on the revealed risk preference as in TV shows Card Sharks, Jeopardy and Lingo. With U.S. version of The Weakest Link, discrimination is studied by Levitt (2004) and Antonovics, Arcidiancono and Walsh (2005) independently; With data from the British version, Haan et. al (2003) studied the sub-optimal strategy on the so-called banking decisions in the process on cooperative prize money accumulation; Pogrebna (2006) studies the pure strategy Nash plays in all but last round and the mixed strategy in the last voting round. Overcondence bias and prevalence of proper mixed strategy Nash equilibrium was inferred by posited equilibrium play and successful coordination over multiple equilibria in the last voting round. Fvriera and Line nemerb (2006) also studied the three-person voting with data generated from French version of The Weakest Link. Risk dominance and Payo dominance criteria for equilibrium selection in a coordination game was assessed by modeling the voting as a two-signal one-shot game. However, they failed to generalize with the three-signal situation, which accounts for a major proportion in our data set collected by Levitt (2004). More importantly, their basic assumption regarding current round performance as signals is at odd with our larger data set. There is a large set of experimental literature on whether and how well individual plays equilibrium, subject to renement criteria if applicable. The conclusions critically depend on the structure of the games. Laboratory results in Costa-Gomes, Crawford and Broseta (2001) illustrated that in the simple one-shot 3 2 normal form games, which have complete information and were dominant solvable, around 90% of time players managed to play dominant strategy immediately available, 60% of time players succeeded to play the dominant strategy after one rounds elimination of dominated strategy by others, and gure decreased to 20% if dominant strategy stands out after two rounds of iterative deletions of dominated strategy. In Stahl and Wilson (1994), 60% of time responses in the 3 3 symmetric normal form games with unique pure strategy equilibrium complied with Nash equilibrium prediction. In the games with similar structures but unique mixed strategy equilibrium, the observed distribution of actions diers from the mixed equilibrium implied 4

distribution at 5% level of signicance. The Nash prediction however is quite poor when it comes to the class of games known as beauty contest, special those gave zero equilibrium value according to backward deduction. A beauty contest game is for example a game of two players simultaneously choosing a number between 0 and 100. The one who chose the number closest to 2/3 of the average wins a xed prize. Backward deduction would predict a unique corner solution that zero is chosen by both in equilibrium. However, laboratory results summarized by Camerer, Ho and Chong (2004) indicated that observed actions substantially deviated from the predicted value. In the same paper, it was shown that games with higher stake in general had closer distance between observed and predicted outcome, indicating a cost-benet analysis for cognitive eort and conrming the signicance of large stake involvement in experimental study. In general, the more complicated the game structure was, the less likely the players played as predicted by equilibrium. In modeling the strategic voting of The Weakest Link in the last voting game in which three players are left, the payos are uncertain. Although the payo for the nal winner is approximately known, the outcome directly associated with the strategy voting is not. The voting is to determine who is going to be eliminated from the game and which pair of players is left to compete for the nal prize. Since one can only estimate the probability of winning when one competes against the other, payos are largely ranked and not precise. Given that the subjective estimate of payo is based on signals received by players, changes in the strength of signals may have large impact on the strategic behavior. This is suggested by the experimental results from Goeree and Holt (2001), in which it was shown that the payo structure could dramatically alter the observed outcome even if the unique equilibrium or the unique equilibrium survived appropriate renement concepts is unchanged. Also, Costa-Gomes, Crawford and Broseta (2001) provided evidence that subjects capability to play simple equilibrium in the laboratory environment could be reduced moderately if the payos were to be looked up by simple mouse clicking individually without time and frequency constraint, instead of common practice of presenting all payos in a matrix within a screen for straight forward comparison. Hence, it is interesting to see how well players play equilibrium in such game with ranked payos. Decisions in The Weakest Link were also subject to framing eect, as discussed in 5

Fvriera and Linnemer (2006). The name of the TV game shows, The Weakest Link, implice itly pointed to the direction of voting against the weakest player. This suggestion, however, may not be self-enforceable. Voting o a weak candidate means one is to be matched with a strong contestant. It lowers ones chance to gain the winner-take-all prize. Though, it is plausible that matching with a stronger candidate could increase the money pool more in the post-voting round, such gain may not large enough to compensate the drawback in low winner chance. Brandts and MacLeod (1995) experimentally tested the stability of equilibrium with various concepts, when it is subject to recommended strategy. With present of dominant strategy, players in their experiment did not player weakly dominated strategy, regardless the recommendations. However, when there was strategic uncertainty, players did not always follow the recommended strategy, even if it pointed to a Pareto-superior equilibrium. Nevertheless, recommendation did help coordination sometime. Given that eect of recommendation is indecisive and inconclusive in game with strategic uncertainty, I hope that this paper would provide some insight on strategic behavior when implicit suggestion presents.


The Weakest Link TV shows

Format and Rules

The data set used in this thesis was generated from the syndicated version of The Weakest Link broadcasted by NBC in the U.S.A. It featured with six contestants at the beginning of a game show. The game consisted of six rounds. Each of rst four rounds was divided into two phrases, prize accumulation phrase and voting phrase. In the prize accumulation phrase, the contestants cooperated to build up the money pot for the nal winner. They alternatively gave answers to general quiz questions. A correct answer constructed a link in the money chain, in which amount of money grown exponentially. Once a so-called Banking decision was made, the amount of money in the money chain would be added to the money pot reserved for the nal winner and a new money chain would be constructed. Each contestant had the chance to make Banking decision before s/he attempted the quiz question, simply by saying Bank. However, an incorrect attempt destroyed the whole money chain and a 6

new chain needed to be constructed from next attempt. Thus, the cooperation of building up a high amount of prize for the nal winner required correct attempts to the questions and good timing of bank decisions. After the prize accumulation phrase within a time frame, a voting phrase followed. Each player remained in that round cast a vote to vote o a contestant. The one received maximum votes would be eliminated from the game and got no monetary reward. In case that more than one had maximum number of votes, a tie breaker rule applied. The one who had maximum number of correct attempts in that round should be the tie breaker. In case that this rule did not give unique identication, the one with minimum attempts, among those who had maximum correct attempts, gained this tie-breaking privilege. If the tie-breaker identity was still undetermined, it was resorted to the banking decisions, in favor of the one who banked highest amount of money in total in that round. The last resort was randomization. In the nal voting round with three players left, the rst two criterions is equivalent to choosing the one with maximum correct rate, given that in the data set, the maximum and minimum number of attempts were four and two respectively, and they did not coexist in the same game. Such tie breaker was called the Strongest Link. Correspondingly, the opposite player was called the Weakest Link. The Strongest Link and Weakest Link identities were known to audience through an announcers narration. However, contestant were not told of such identities explicitly, nor any statistics. After four rounds of voting and elimination, two players were left in the game and there was an additional round, round 5, for prize accumulation without voting. Money accumulated in this round would be triple before being added into the money pool. After this, the two players entered into the nal head-to-head round to compete for the prize for nal winner. In this round, each player would be asked three questions in alternative fashion. The Strongest Link from the last round, or second strongest link if the rst strongest link was eliminated, could choose between rst move and second move. The one with more correct attempts won. If winner did not come out within the three questions each, the fourth, fth, sixth question and so on would be asked until the one gave correct answer while the other did not. The winner received all the money accumulated in the game and else received nothing. 7

The primary data set used in this thesis is the same data set used in Levitt (2004). It contains 136 broadcasted episodes. Variables include the demographic characteristics of each contestant, such as age, gender, occupation, race and geographic origin, numbers of correct answers and total attempts in each round, the votes cast by players in each round with voting, and who was the nal winner. A supplementary data set is also used. This is the data set used in Antonovics, Arcidiacono and Walsh (2005) (AAW(2005) hereafter), containing 75 episodes of syndicated version. The episodes in AAW(2005)s data set are mostly covered in the former one. But it contains additional variable recording what amount of money was banked by each contestant in each round. In AAW(2005)s dataset, though the prize for the winner was capped at $75,000, this ceiling was never reached. The average amount of money for the nal winner is $8400, with minimum, maximum and median at $2,750, $23,750 and $7,000. The average money pot accumulated up to the voting phrase in round 4 (last voting round) is $7,323. The average increment of money pot after all voting is $1,077.


Myopic or not?

To analyze the strategic behavior in the last voting round, the rst question might be, to what extent were players able to infer the strength, i.e. capability to give correct answers, of her/his opponents from past performance, so that one can estimate the payos associated with dierent outcomes. In Fvriera and Linnemer (2006), in which the French version of e The Weakest Link was studied, players were presumed to be myopic, i.e. have imperfect recall on other contestants past performance. The conclusion that players can only recall the performance of contestants current round performance was drawn by the multinomial logit regressions. These regressions modeled the probability of a candidate being voted o in a voting as a function of the candidates correct rates of attempts in each of current and previous rounds, as well as the candidates age and gender. Fvriera and Linnemer (2006) e found that only current round performance signicantly aect the voting behavior, except in Round 3 where the correct rates in the previous rounds were also determining factor. However, this is not the case with our regression results as we will discuss. To examine whether players are myopic, it is better to model the individual voting 8

decisions than the voting outcomes (i.e., which candidate was voted o). Assume that the utility of voting against a particular candidate is a linear function of the covariates and the error term follows a standard Type I extreme value distribution. This leads to the conditional logit model; the probability of voter i voting against candidate j can be expressed as: exp(xj + zj ) exp(xk + zk )

pij =

n k=1


where xj is a vector of candidate js correct rates in the current and past round(s), zj is a vector of variables controlling for candidate js demographic characteristics such as education level, occupation, age, gender, and race. For each round, equation (1) is estimated by the maximum likelihood method. Estimation results are reported in Table 1. From Round 1 to Round 3 all current and past correct rates of candidates are signicant at the one percent levels. This contrasts with evidence provided by Fvriera and Linnemer (2006). In Round 4, unlike Round 1 to Round 3, e only current round correct rates are signicant at the one percent level. To further examine whether correct rates in previous rounds did not aect the individual voting decisions in Round 4, the likelihood ratio test is conducted. The null hypothesis that all coecients of correct rates in previous rounds are zero is not rejected at 10% level of signicance. However, it is quite implausible that players suddenly cannot recollect the past performance when s/he comes to Round 4. The insignicance of correct rates in previous rounds in Round 4 could be due to the strategic behavior. Incentive to vote o the stronger candidate was strongest in this nal voting round, while the consideration of keeping strong contestants in game to help accumulate prize pool could dominate in previous rounds. Also, since a single vote is much less inuential in previous rounds given a large number of voters, it is dicult for players to coordinate to vote o a strong candidate even if they have strong incentive to do so. Thus, the framing eect as in the TV shows name The Weakest Link would have heavily shaped the voting decisions. The divergent conclusions between Fvriera and Linnemerb (2006) and this thesis can e be attributed to two reasons. Firstly, in the French version of The Weakest Link studied by Fvriera and Linnemerb (2006), there are nine contestants at the rst round and hence e

seven rounds of elimination in total. There are three more rounds than in the U.S. version. So given in the same order of round, say Round 3, three more correct rates in each previous round were to be recalled. Such increased requirement on working memory could lead to imperfect recall for contestants in the French version. Secondly, the ndings in Fvriera e and Linnemerb (2006) may be due to a small sample. Their dataset recorded 36 episodes aired in France. Since they model the voting outcomes, only 36 observations were used for each round-specic regression. The degree of freedom becomes even 26 as a consequence of including 9 explanatory variables when they analyzed Round 7 voting. With this small degree of freedom, it is hard to accurately estimate the eects of correct rates in previous rounds. On the other hand, our conditional logit model utilizes 544 voting decisions from 136 episodes, giving 1632 voter-candidate cases. This makes it possible to have more accurate estimates than those in Fvriera and Linnemerb (2006). e


Performance index

With the assumption that players were capable of recalling others past performance, the following performance index formula in Pogrebna (2006) is applied to represent the individual strength to give correct answers.
r k=1 wk xik r k=1 wk yik

Sir =


The above performance index is essentially a weighted average of correct rate of individual i as in Round r. xik is the correct attempts of individual i in Round k. yik is the total attempts of individual i in Round k. Weight for Round k performance is given by the incorrect rate of all contestants in that round, denoted by wk . Therefore, this performance index is able to capture players impression of strength of other contestants. The calculated performance index up to the last voting in Round 4 then gives unique identities for the three players who survive to this stage, except in two episodes1 For convenience of subsequent analysis, let A, B, and C denote the player with highest, median and lowest performance index respectively. Table 2 gives summary statistics on this
In each of these two episodes, there are two players with identical correct rates in each previous rounds. In the subsequent regressions, the (ordinal) identities among these two players are randomly assigned.


performance index as in the end of Round 4.


Voting results and tie breaker identity

In the last voting round of interest, three players cast their votes simultaneously. If they vote randomly with equal probability, one would expect tie happens once in four voting games.2 The identity of tie breaker is critical to the structure of the voting game. In 82 episodes out of 136 in Levitts dataset, tie breaker is determined by the primary criteria in the tie breaker identication. That is, in 60% of time, a single player has the maximum correct rate in Round 4. In the data set of Antonovics etc., it is rare that tie breaker identity remains unsolved after consider the money banked by player in that round. However, it seems to unrealistic to assume that contestants are able to remember the money banked by each person. Banking decision needed to be made quickly before the host started a new question, and the value of that answer and the amount of money in the chain was not explicitly stated to the contestants. Unlike the correct rates of other contestants, banking decisions provided little information about ones probability of winning if a particular contestant would be confronted in the nal head-to-head3 . Given the intense environment of the show scene, it is assumed that when two or three contestants had equal maximum correct rates, the assignment of tie breaker identity is perceived to be random to those who got maximum correct rates. The Table 3 gives the distribution of tie breaker identity prole under this assumption in Levitts data set. As shown in Table 4, the most likely cases are (1) where tie breaker is player A for sure and (2) where tie breaker is player A or player B, presumed to be with equal chance. The former accounts for 40% of time while the latter for 21%. The distribution of voting outcomes in the whole data set (of Levitt) and in various tie breaker identity proles is presented in the Table 4. Each possible outcome is found to share a signicant portion. However, intuitively, one would expect that the strongest player, player A, would have a high chance to be eliminated, which was not the case. In fact, player A has the highest chance to stay, 74%, among all contestants. Since the above two tie breaker situations account for the major share in the dataset, the following section analyzes these
Two voting proles in 23 = 8 possible voting proles raise ties. A simple linear regression does not nd any signicant correlation of performance index with amount of money banked, nor with number of banking decisions
3 2


two situations theoretically.

Theoretical analysis

As shown in Table 4, when the tie beaker is known to be player A for sure, voting outcomes of (A, B) match account for the largest proportion, 43%, while (B, C) matches account for the smallest proportion, 23%. When tie breaker can be either player A or player B with equal chance, (A, B) match remains the most likely outcome, accounting for 48%, though (A, C) match now takes place of (B, C) match as the least likely outcome. The following section rst provides a baseline model to illustrate the intuitive results that only (B, C) match should be formed. Then, more sophisticated theoretical models are constructed to support the observation that all three outcomes accounts for signicant proportions. In particular, equilibria are characterized to supported to most dominant outcomes of (A, B) match. Suppose there are two types of players, High type (H) and Low type (L). High type players are more capable to give correct answer for a quiz question than Low type players do. Thus, when a High type player competes with a Low type player in the nal head-to-head, High type has a better chance to win. Let the probability of a High type beating a Low type in the head-to-head to be > 1/2. Assume that two players with the same type have equal chance to win. At the nal voting round, let the three players left denoted by i, i = A, B, C. The strength of player i is denoted by pi , the probability of player i being High type. As before, player A is perceived to be the strongest player while player C is the weakest, so that

pA pB pC


Let X be the prize money for the nal winner, U () be the utility from the prize money for the winner. Given that the prize pool increment in the post-voting round, Round 5, is small, and the proportional increment should not be too sensitive to strengths of survived contestants, we treat X as xed at the time of voting. U (0) is normalized to zero. Therefore,


the expected utility of a High type player to compete with a player with strength pj is 1 H (pj ) = [ pj + (1 pj )]U (X) 2 Similarly, the expected utility for Low type is 1 L (pj ) = [(1 )pj + (1 pj )]U (X) 2



In this voting game, each player chooses to vote against one candidate out of two. In case of tie that each player receives one vote, the tie breaker nalizes. Changing from initial vote is allowed. Two cases are considered here. One is for those episodes there is only one player scores maximum correct rate in the round and this unique tie breaker is player A, who is perceived to be the strongest player according to the overall performance in the game. The other is that two players, player A and player B, both score the maximum correct rate in that round. And they are presumed to have equal chance to be revealed as tie breaker when tie happens. The tie breaker situation is common knowledge to all players. Through out the theoretical section, these two tie breaker identity situations are focused for their major share in the data set. The three possible voting outcomes, given by the formation of (A, C) match, (A, B) match and (B, C) match in the head-to-head round, are associated with player B, C, A being eliminated respectively.


Symmetric information4

Assume that the strength distribution is common knowledge. No player has private information regarding his/her own type. Then, player is expected utility when s/he competes with player j is given by

i (pj ) = pi H (pj ) + (1 pi )L (pj )



Proofs of propositions in this section are included in Appendix A.



Baseline models

In the baseline model, players are merely motivated by expected utility maximization. Given that expected utility i (pj ) is a strictly decreasing function of opponents strength, pj , the tie breaker will always choose to eliminate the stronger candidate. Proposition 1: If tie breaker is player A for sure and pA > pB > pC , the only voting outcome survives Iterative Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategy is that player A will be voted o. Proposition 2: If it is common knowledge that tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance and pA > pB > pC , the unique voting outcome survives Iterative Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategy is (B, C) match.


Vengeful tie breaker

Now suppose that tie breakers are all vengeful, i.e. in case of tie, the tie breaker will eliminate the one who just voted against him/her, regardless the associated payos. A tie breaker or potential tie breaker awards that s/he will revenge in a tie before s/he votes. Proposition 3: If it is common knowledge that player A is tie breaker for sure, tie breaker is vengeful, and pA > pB > pC , (B, C) match is the unique voting outcome survives Iterative Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategy. Proposition 4: If it is common knowledge that player A or player B is tie breaker with equal chance, tie breaker is vengeful, and C (pB ) 2C (pA ), (B, C) match is the unique voting outcome survives Iterative Elimination of Weakly Dominated Strategy. Proposition 5: If it is common knowledge that player A or player B is tie breaker with equal chance, and tie breaker is vengeful, and the following conditions are satised:

C (pB ) < 2C (pA ) pA pB > p C

(7) (8)

(A, C) match and (B, C) match can be supported by pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Proposition 6: If it is common knowledge that player A or player B is tie breaker with equal chance, tie breaker is vengeful, and C (pB ) < 2C (pA ), (A, B) match can be supported 14

by mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. Thus, (A, C) match and (A, B) match can be only supported by equilibrium when (1) tie breaker is uncertain; (2) all tie breakers are presumed to be vengeful; and (3) the strength prole of the three players satises certain condition. In other cases, eliminating player A is the unique outcome. In Proposition 5 & 6, C (pB ) < 2C (pA ), is solved to be
1 1 ( 2 )(2pA pB pC ) < 2 . Thus, higher strengths of player B and player C, and lower

strength of player A are in favor of the existence of (A, C) match and (A, B) match in the above specications. Given that (A, B) match is still the most likely outcome when tie breaker is player A for sure, the following subsection turns to analysis on asymmetric information for less restrictive results.


Asymmetric information5

In this subsection, asymmetric information is introduced and revenge motive is placed in a more general setting. In the previous subsection, players are assumed to be vengeful with probability 0 or 1. Here, suppose there are two types of tie breaker, Vengeful and Nonvengeful. As before, Vengeful players in a tie will switch his/her initial vote to eliminate the player who just voted against him/her, while Non-vengeful players are only interested in maximizing expected utility from prize money. However, vengeful players recognize such emotional constraint imposed by themselves, and maximize expected utility subject to constraints. Suppose that the prior belief of play i being Vengeful type is i (0, 1), which is a non-increasing function of the strength ratio pB /pC for player i = A and strength ratio pA /pC for player i = B. This specication captures the fact that the higher is the strength ratio of the two candidates, the higher is the expected utility dierence from matching with one versus the other. And higher cost of this non-strategic behavior reduces ones incline to revenge. Of cause this includes the special case that is just a constant. Let i to be common knowledge. While strength distribution pi , i = A, B, C., remains common knowledge, players now know their own type, both strength type and Vengeful-or-not type. Suppose ones strength type is distributed independent on his/her tie breaker tie. Firstly, Proposition 7-10 characterize results when revenge motive is absent, i.e. i is restricted to be zero for

Proofs of propositions in this section are included in Appendix B.


i = A, B. Proposition 7: If tie breaker is player A for sure and revenge motive is absent, there are pooling sequential equilibria supporting (A, C) match and (B, C) match. Proposition 8: If tie breaker is player A for sure and revenge motive is absent, there is no pure strategy sequential equilibrium (A, B) match. Proposition 9: If tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance, revenge motive is absent, there are pure strategy sequential equilibria supporting (A, C) match and (B, C) match6 . Proposition 10: If tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance, revenge motive is absent, there is mixed strategy sequential equilibria supporting (A, B) match. Then, more general results with i (0, 1) are presented in Proposition 11-14. Proposition 11: If tie breaker is player A for sure, there are pooling Sequential equilibria supporting (A, C) match and (B, C) match. Proposition 12: If tie breaker is player A for sure, and A L (pA ) (1 pC )L (0), the following strategy prole is a sequential equilibrium supporting (A, C) match and (A, B) match7 : 1. Non-vengeful player A votes against player B; Vengeful player A votes against player C; 2. Both types of player B votes against player C; 3. High type player C votes against player B; Low type player C votes against player A; 4. when tie A B C A

happens, player A chooses to go with player C;

It is possible to construct a mixed strategic equilibrium such that (1) player A, regardless of type, is indierent between voting against either candidate, and hence randomizes; (2) Low type of player B and player C play proper mixed strategy; (3) High type of player B and player C vote against each other. Such mixed strategy equilibrium supports all three possible outcomes. However, it is believed that players are not able to carry out such delicated calculation of mixed strategy, exspecially time allowed for casting vote is tight in the show scene. 7 Similar as before, given restriction on parameters, it is possible to construct a mixed strategic equilibrium such that (1) player A of non-vengeful tie, regardless of strength types, votes against player B; (2) player A of vengeful type, regardless of strength types, is indierent between voting against either candidate, and hence randomizes; (3) Low type of player B and player C play proper mixed strategy; (4) High type of player B and player C vote against each other. Such mixed strategy equilibrium supports all three possible outcomes. However, it is believed that players are not able to carry out such delicated calculation of mixed strategy, exspecially time allowed for casting vote is tight in the show scene. 8 i j indicates that player i votes against player j


5. The associated equilibrium belief is that player C is of Low type, and player B with probability pB is High type. 6. The o equilibrium belief of player A in tie A C B A is that player C is of High type, and player Bs type is unrestricted. The condition L (pA ) (1 pC )L (0) seems to be quite restrictive. However, if mixed strategy is allowed for player C, this condition can be relaxed a bit. As long as High type and Low type player C plays mixed strategy in such a way that, conditional on voting against player B, player Cs probability of being High type is higher than that of player B ex ante (pB ), other two players will not deviate. Player C remains indierent since s/he will be still matched to non-vengeful player A. For example, let High type C votes against player B, Low type C vote against player A with probability qC /(1 pC ), against player B with probability 1
qC . 1pC

So that conditional on voting against player B, the probability of player C being

pC 1qC

High type is pC /(1 qC ). Let

= pB + , for some

> 0. Thus, qC =

pB pC + pB +


A L (pA ) qC L (0) is required for this equilibrium to exist. In fact, as it gives the necessary condition for this equilibrium: pB pC L (0) pB

converges to zero,

A L (pA ) >


By looking at the both sides of the above inequality, weakness of player A and player B, and strength of player C would be in favour of the existence of such equilibrium supporting both (A, C) match and (A, B) match. Proposition 13: Given tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance, (B, C) match can be supported by pooling sequential equilibrium; (A, C) match can be supported by pooling sequential equilibrium if L (pA ) B L (pB ). Proposition 14: Given tie breaker is player A and player B with equal chance, and
1 ( 1 )(2pA + 2pB 3pC ) 2 , (A, B) match can be supported by sequential equilibrium 2

with strategy prole that both player A and player B vote against player C, and both types of player C randomize in the same way. In this equilibrium, one would expect that the higher strength of player A or player B is, the less likely the above condition is satised and hence the less likely (A,B) match is 17

observed. In contrast, the higher strength of player C implies higher likelihood for (A, B) match, given all else constant. In sum, in both symmetric and asymmetric information setting, the theory predicts that (B, C) should always exist in both tie breaker situations. Moreover, in symmetric information setting, if breaker is known to be player A, (B, C) match is the only possible outcome. If tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance, the theoretical setting with symmetric information but no revenge motive still predicts (B, C) match to be the unique outcome. While tie breaker is either player A or player B with equal chance, and revenge motive is presumed and dominates in the tie breaking decisions, (A, C) match and (B, C) match can be supported by pure strategy equilibrium if certain conditions are satised. Weaker strongest player, player A, and stronger weak players, player B and C, are in favor of the existence of these two voting outcomes. (A, B) match can be supported by mixed strategy equilibrium, in which player C randomizes. In asymmetric information setting, while tie breaker is player A for sure, (A, C) match, in addition to (B, C) match, is supported by equilibrium without much restriction. Existence of (A, B) match requires that player A is not too strong and player C is not too weak. The strength of player B may aect the existence condition through its aect on the probability of player A being vengeful. While tie breaker is either player A or player B with equal chance, for (A, C) match to be supported by equilibrium, it needs strength dierence of player A and player B to be small enough9 . Player Cs strength may aect the existence condition through its impact on the probability of player B being vengeful. (A, B) matchs existence also requires that player Cs strength is not too far behind from player A and player B. In spite of the universal existence of (B, C) match, (B, C) match is not the outcome observed most frequently in the data. Indeed, in tie breaker situation that player A is the tie breaker for sure, (B, C) match accounts for the smallest share. On the other hand, (A, B) match, though its existence is always subject to constraints, is observed most frequently in both tie breaker situations. The following section provides an empirical analysis to see what factors inuence individual voting decisions and voting outcomes, and to explore the reason of the relative prevalence of (A, B) match.

According to the condition in Proposition 13, L (pA ) B L (pB )



Empirical analysis
How do individuals vote?

In section 2, a conditional logit model is provided to argue that players are able to update information regarding opponents strengths according to their past performance. However, the voting decisions in this regression are modeled without identifying the relative position of a player. Strategic interaction in this voting game implies that voter in dierent strength position may vote dierently. Here, the voting decisions of player A, B and C are estimated by three binary probit regressions. For each regression, the voters probability of voting against the stronger candidate in episodes k, e.g. player A voting against player B, is given by the following equation: P rk (A B) = (xk ) (10)

where xk is a vector of explanatory variables and () in the estimated equation is given by cumulative probability function of Gauss distribution. xk includes six binary variables indicating the tie breaker identity situations, six binary variables indicating the revenge motive originated from voting history in previous rounds, six variables on performance indices of three players interacted with the two major tie breaker identity situations, and a set of variables controlling for possible discrimination eect. It also includes a binary variable indicating whether the stronger candidate is also the one who scores the single minimum correct rate in the voting round, controlling for possible framing eect. A revenge motive of player i against player j is also controlled for by including a dummy variable which takes one if, in one of three previous rounds, player j has voted against player i at least once. In addition, the revenge motives of candidate against voter and revenge motives between candidates are considered. In the two major tie breaker situations discussed in the theoretical section, the eects of performance index on voting are estimated. This is done by multiplying performance indices of the three players with the dummy variable indication tie breaker situations. Six variables are hence yielded. Due to small sub-sample size, for example only about ten observations are available for other tie breaker situations, the eects of performance indices in other tie breaker situations are omitted. Summary description on


explanatory variables is provided in Table 5. And estimated results for player A, player B and player C are presented in Table 6. For player A, B and C, the revenge motives to vote against the stronger candidate are all positive and signicant at 5% level of signicance. If Player A has a revenge motive against player B, the probability of player A voting against player B increases by 43.5% (evaluated at the sample means of explanatory variables). The corresponding estimates for player B to vote against player A, and for player C to vote against player A are 37% and 36.8% respectively. The results justify the assumption that a considerable proportion of players are vengeful in tie breaking. Moreover, coecients indicating revenge motive against stronger candidate have high signicant level than those against weak candidate. It seems that revenge motive is aected by the strength of target, justifying the assumption that the proportion of vengeful tie breaker depends on the strength ratio of two candidates due to its association with revenge cost. A remarkable feature suggested by the probit models is that voting behavior is somehow inertial. A player i who has voted against player j before is likely to vote against player j again. For example, in the regression for player A, the revenge motive of player B against player A indicates that player A has voted against player B before. This variable being positive and signicant means that the probability of player A voting against player B increases if player A has done so previously. Similar observation can be found in the regressions for player B and player C. If player B has voted against player A, s/he is likely to vote against player A again. If player C has voted against player B before, s/he is likely to vote against player B again. Such inertia in voting choice may reect personal preference on unobserved characteristics such as appearance and manner, or it reects some private signals received by individual regarding to strength of a particular opponent. These private signals, for example being condent, may cast ones belief of a candidate being strong in spite of statistical performance. Being the unique possible tie breaker signicantly increase player B and player Cs probability to vote against player A. This suggests that the tie breaker identity is crucial in the voting. Players are capable to consider the voting as a two stage game, in contrast with the presumption in Fvriera and Linnemerb (2006) that tie breaker randomizes in a tie, which e 20

essentially reduces it into a one-shot game. When tie breaker is player A for sure, only the performance index of player A has a statistically signicant impact on player Cs voting decision. As expected, the higher is the performance index of player A, the more likely player C would vote against player A. To voting o player A, it requires both player B and C to vote against player A. It is risky in the sense that failure of coordination may result elimination by vengeful tie breaker. High performance index of player A is associated with a larger payo dierence between matching with player A and with player B. Thus, ceteris paribus, higher performance index of player A attracts player Cs incline for (B, C) match outcome. When tie breaker is player A or player B with equal chance, higher performance index of player C signicant increase the chance of player A voting against player B. However, the asymmetric information model suggests the opposite. For (A, B) match to exist, (
1 )(2pA + 2pB 2

3pC )

1 2

needs to be satised. Higher strength of player C is in favor of this

condition and hence reduces the chance for player A to vote against player B. For (A, C) match to exist, one needs L (pA ) B L (pB ). If the assumption that B is a non-increasing function of pA /pC holds, B increase as pC . (A, C) match is harder to hold and player A is less likely to vote against player B. In either case, the probability of player A voting against player B decrease as strength of player C increases. Of course, analysis above is static. Existence conditions may not be binding. And changes in strengths of players may also aect the coordination and choice of equilibrium. The following section explores strengths and other factors inuence on the voting outcomes.


What aects voting outcome?

To examine what factors aect the voting outcomes, this study uses a multinomial logit model. The probability that the voting outcome in episodes k is j is given by exp(xk j ) exp(xk l )

P rob(Yk = j) =

3 l=1


where j = 1, 2, 3 indicate (A, B), (A, C) and (B,C) match respectively. xk is a vector of variables describing a voting game. In this model, the three players in one game are treated 21

as an agent making collective decision over the possible voting outcomes. The interested subset of explanatory variables is the same as those used in the binary probit models, but the set of control variables are changed. The control variables now include distribution of gender, occupation and race to control for the possible discrimination. Details are presented in Table 7. Since underlying justication of multinomial logit model is the random utility, the associated indeterminacy is to be solved by articially setting a base outcome, so that the predicted probabilities of other outcomes are compared to the base outcome. Given that (B, C) match is the voting outcome universally exist, it is chosen as base outcome. Player B being tie breaker for sure signicantly reduces the probability of observing (A, C) match, and player C being tie breaker signicantly reduces the probability of observing (A, B) match, both compared to (B, C) match. Also, when tie breaker is player A for sure, it increases the probability of (A, C) match compared to (B, C) match. That is, being a tie breaker for sure signicantly lowers ones probability of being eliminated. The marginal eect for player B and player C around mean values of explanatory variables are more than 30%, which is too high to be explained solely by the advantage of survival for the tie breaker after a tie happens. This conrms the fact that tie breaker identity is crucial in the strategic voting. Historical revenge motive remains signicant. A revenge motive between player A and player B in either direction has a negative marginal eect greater than 40% on observing (A, B) match. The probability of (B, C) match is lower if a revenge motive of player B against player C presents. A revenge motive of player C against player B also has a positive impact on (A, C) match and a negative impact on (A, B) match, when marginal eects on observing these matching outcomes are evaluated around sample means. When player A is tie breaker for sure, the coecient of performance index of play A is negative and signicant. An increment of 0.15 in performance index of player A, which is close to the mean strength dierence between player A and player B is roughly associated with a 0.25 decrease in the probability of (A, C) match in related to (B, C) match. This is in line with the implication in the asymmetric information model. Outstanding performance of player A makes the existent condition of the equilibrium supporting both (A, C) match and (A, B) match more restrictive. Also, it is intuitive that, given strength of player B 22

and player C, higher strength of player A provides large incentive for player B and C to coordinate to eliminate player A. When player A or player B can both be tie breaker, it is striking that, the marginal eects of three strength variables on observing (A, C) match are all signicant with a large magnitude. In contrast with situation in which player A is tie breaker for sure, the probability of observing (A, C) match now increases as strength of player A. Moreover, performance index of player B has a negative marginal eect, and performance index of player C has a positive marginal eect, both on the probability of observing (A, C) match. Only the marginal eect of strength of player C (on observing (A, C) match) is in the same direction as in the symmetric information model with revenge motive. For strategy prole
1 supporting (A, C) match to survive dominant eliminations, ( 2 )(2pA pB pC ) < 1 2


to be satised. If this condition is binding, weakness of player A, and strength of player B and player C increase the probability of (A, C) match. In the asymmetric information model, the pooling equilibrium supporting (A, C) match requires L (pA ) B L (pB ). Higher strength of player A lowers the LHS of above inequality. Though it potentially lowers B as well, one might expect that the linear decrease in the LHS utility dominates the indirect decrease through B on the RHS. So it is more likely that probability of observing (A, C) match decreases as strength of player A increase. High strength of player B lowers the RHS and hence is in favor of (A, C) matchs existence. Through its possible aect on B , higher strength of player C may increase the RHS of above inequality and constrain the existence for this equilibrium. In sum, the two models agree that strength of player A should have a negative marginal eect on observing (A, C) match, which is rejected by the regression results. Neither model could give implication correctly on more than one strength variable. For (A, B) match, the symmetric information model with revenge motive suggests that marginal eects of strength of player B and player C on observing (A, B) match should be positive, and marginal eect of player A should be negative. In the asymmetric information model, the marginal eects are negative for the strength of player A and player B, and are positive for player C. The two models agree on the negative eect of player As strength and positive eect on player Cs strength. However, the coecient of pA is signicantly positive, though the signicance is gone when marginal eect around sample mean is calculated. 23

Also, the marginal eect of player Cs strength is negative and signicant. Both estimates are not in line with theoretical implications. The poor predictability of theoretical models when tie breaker is uncertain suggests that distribution of strength as an instrument for coordination plays a signicant role in voting. The increased strategic uncertainty induces players to be more keen to coordinate to eliminate a particular opponent before tie happens, and less concerned about the associated payo dierence in dierent matches. Successful coordination secures ones proceeding in the game and hence a minimum expected payo. Given the implicit suggestion in the TV shows name, the successful coordination on eliminating weakest contestants in previous round, and the shows pitiless highlight on eliminated contestants in each round, the strength of players is a natural focus point for such coordination. Indeed, the regression result suggests that, when tie breaker could be player A or player B, higher past performance lowers ones chance to be eliminated, which does not exhibit when tie breaker is player A for sure. The coordination eect dominates the existent condition eects in equilibrium analysis.


Strategic pretence

In the simplest situation where player A is tie breaker for sure, and information regarding strengths is symmetric, player A will always be eliminated. Through out the theoretical analysis, equilibrium eliminating player C to have (A, B) match requires more restrictive condition and is less straight forward to be constructed. Even without any background in game theory, it is not dicult for contestants to have a prior that strong contestant would be considered as a threat and more tend to be voted o. It thus creates incentive for a player to intentionally give incorrect attempt even if one knew the answer. Then, a question would be whether and to what extent such strategic pretence exists and, if exists, how it aects voting. Table 9 shows the correct rates in each round of players who survive all voting. As shown, the average correct rates of player A and player B across the sample experience a mild decrease from Round 3 to Round 4. While contemporary decrease for player C is much more dramatic. However, when it comes to Round 5, the average correct rates of player A and player B continue to decline. But there is a signicant raise for the correct rate of player C. Since there is no elimination in Round 5, contestants should have clear incentive to give 24

correct answers for prize accumulation. It suggests that player C is likely to pretend weak strategically. Given that the correct rates are averaged over those who survive all voting, it should not be due to selection bias from the voting result of Round 4 that strong player A and/or player B have been eliminated10 It suggest. Moreover, the drop in correct rate is signicant for player A but mild for player B. If it reects a signicant increase in question diculty, it implies that player A has little strategic pretending but there could be some for player B, though the proportion should be much small than player C. Figure 1 illustrates a non-parametric regression of wining probability of the stronger candidate over the weaker one, on the dierence of performance index they have as in Round 4. One would expect that the wining probability is an increasing function of such strength gap and the probability being winner for the stronger contestant in a survived match is on average greater than 50%. However, the monotonic increase does not happen until the strength gap exceeds a certain value. Below such value, the stronger contestant could have winning chance less than a fair toss. Table 10 summarizes the performance index dierence of the survived contestants as in Round 4, and the winning chance of the stronger contestant estimated by the sample mean. The performance index of player A in (A, B) match and (A, C) match are very close, while performance index gap is .1725785 on average between player A and player B, and .244332 on average for player A and player C. However, the probability of player A wining over player C is just slightly higher than that of player A winning over player B. The hypothesis that the winning chances of player A in these two matches are equal can not be rejected at any conventional level of signicance. On the other hand, when player B head-to-heads against player C, who potentially can be very strong, s/he still has about 64% chance on average to win. Combining the non-parametric regression and the head-to-head outcome, it can be concluded that extent the strategic pretence of player C is moderate, i.e. strategic pretence only spans a narrow interval of real strength. It is rare that player C, who is identied as the weakest player according to past performance, actually turns out to be strongest player.
10 A Heckman Selection model was also estimated. Correct rates of player A and player B in Round 5 signicantly decreased, compared to their correct rates in all previous rounds. But there is insucient evidence of such decrease for player C. The Heckman Selection model conrmed that this observation was not due to sample selection in the last voting.


When strategic pretence of player C and probably of player B exists, the past performance as a signal of strength for comparing real strength of player B and player C is invalid. It justies the insensitivity of player A in respond to the strengths of player B and player C when s/he is tie breaker for sure. In this situation, though higher strengths of player B and player C increase their chances being voted against by player A in the probit model, the coecient is nevertheless insignicant. It also provides an explanation why as large as 58% of time player A, being the tie breaking for sure, votes against player C, which is a dominated strategic if player A acts as if strength information is symmetric. However, on the ground that weak contestants are not able to pretend strong, the performance index of player A provides a signal of ones lower bound of strength. Therefore, though the possibility of strategic pretence is open, outstanding performance record of player A still increases his/her odds of being voted o.


The paper assessed the three-person strategic voting in TV game shows The Weakest Link. It is found that, when the game form is relatively simple, i.e. tie breaker identity is clear, basic game theory analysis ts the empirical observations quite well. When the tie breaker identity is unsure, actual voting behavior deviates from theoretical prediction. It is argued that coordinating behavior has a dominant eect. It suggests that strategic uncertainty, payo uncertainty and game form complexity could signicantly reduce predictability of game theory on actual strategic behavior. Strategic pretence is also found as a source partially invalidating public signals, which is also attributed for inaccurate predictability of theoretical analysis. Revenge motive is found to be signicant in voting, suggesting players do not always maximize monetary payo.


Appendix A
Proof of Proposition 1: If pB > pC , in case of tie, player A will always choose to go with player C. When both player B and player C vote against player A, player A is directly eliminated, player As vote is immaterial. In other cases, voting against player B will ensure player A to go with player C in the head-to-head. However, voting against player C in some case leads player A to be matched with player B in head-to-head. In particular, this happens when player B votes against player C. Therefore, it is weakly dominant for player A to vote against player B. Given that player A will vote against player B and will eliminate player B in a tie, player B can only stay in the game and get positive expected utility when player C votes against A. This requires player B to vote against player A as well. Finally, when player A and player B vote against each other, it is optimal for player C to vote o player A. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 2: Since player C will not be eliminated in any tie, and matching with player A is strictly worse o for player C than matching with player B, voting against player A weakly dominates voting against player B. Then, it is optimal for player B to vote against A. As a result, (B, C) match forms and player A is indierent between voting either. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 3: Given that player A is vengeful, it is still weakly dominated for player A to vote against player B. To see this, when player B and player C vote against each other, voting against player A results (A, C) match, giving player A strictly higher expected payo than in (A, B) match if s/he votes against player C. In other strategy prole of player B and player C, player As vote does not aect the voting outcome. Player A will be always matched to player B if player B votes against C, and player C votes against A, since player As vote either eliminates player C or induces a tie, in which eventually player C is eliminated. The analogue argument applies to the strategy prole in which player B votes against A, and player C votes against player B. When player B and player C both votes against player A, player A will be voted o regardless. Given player A will vote against B, 27

it is weakly dominant for player B to vote against player A. This is because, when player C votes against player A, voting against A matches player B to player C, while voting against player C induces a tie and match player B to player A. When player C votes against player B, player B will be voted o directly and player Bs vote will be insignicant. Given player A and player B votes against each other, it is optimal for player C to votes against player A. Therefore, player A is eliminated. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 4: If C (pB ) 2C (pA ) holds, it is weakly dominant for player C to vote against player A. Then, it is strictly dominant for player B to vote against player A. Thus, player A will be eliminated. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 5: If C (pB ) < 2C (pA ), no player has weakly dominated strategy. (B, C) match is supported by the strategy prole that both player B and player C vote against player A, and player A votes against either. It is optimal for player B and player C to match with each other, and player A vote does not change the voting outcome. (B, C) match is Nash equilibrium. (A, C) match is supported by the strategy prole that both player A and player C vote against player B, player B votes against player C. Now it is optimal for player A to match with player C in the head-to-head, and player Bs unilateral deviation does not aect the voting outcomes. Player Cs equilibrium expected utility is C (pA ). If Player C deviates to vote against player A, there will be a tie. With probability 1/2, player A will be tie breaker and will eliminate player C vengefully. With probability 1/2, player B will be tie breaker and choose to go with player C. Thus, the expected utility of deviation for player C is C (pB )/2. Therefore, given inequality (7), it is not protable to deviate. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 6: (A, B) match is supported by the strategy prole that both player A and player B vote against player C, player C votes against player A with probability qC , and with (1 qC ) against player B. If player A deviates, with probability (1 qC ) s/he is 28

matched with player C; With probability q, deviation of player A induces a tie and player A will be eliminated when the tie breaker turns out to be player B. When the tie breaker turns out to be player A, player A chooses player B to go with due to the revenge motive against player C. Thus, for player A not to deviate, it requires 1 A (pB ) (1 qC )A (pC ) + qC A (pB ) 2 Similarly, for player B to not deviate, it requires 1 B (pA ) qC B (pC ) + (1 qC )B (pA ) 2 These two equations are reduced to: A (pC ) A (pB ) B (pC ) B (pA ) qC 1 1 A (pC ) 2 A (pB ) B (pC ) 2 B (pA ) Since
A (pC )A (pB ) A (pC ) 1 A (pB ) 2




> 0 and

B (pC )B (pA ) 1 B (pC ) 2 B (pA )

< 1, there exists q (0, 1) if and only if

B (pC ) B (pA ) A (pC ) A (pB ) 1 1 A (pC ) 2 A (pB ) B (pC ) 2 B (pA ) A (pC )B (pA ) A (pB )B (pC )

(15) (16)

By the denition of i , the above inequality always holds. Thus, (A, B) match can be supported by mixed strategy equilibrium. Q.E.D.


Appendix B
Proof of Proposition 7: Firstly, no player has dominant strategy when the two types of players, H and L, can vote dierently. The pooling sequential equilibrium giving (A, C) match has the strategy proles that, regardless types, both player A and player C vote against player B, and player B votes against player C. The o-equilibrium belief of player A is unconstrained. In this equilibrium, player A gets expected utility H (pC ) or L (pC ), depending on his/her strength type. Player As deviation will match player A with B, giving player A expected utility H (pB ) or L (pB ), which is lower for both strength types of player A. Unilateral deviation for player B does not change the voting outcome, player B remains to be voted o and get zero utility. Player Cs deviation would induce a tie. Since tie breaker is player A for sure, player C will be matched to player A, with probability pA being High type, or be eliminated. There is no chance player C can be matched to player B given this equilibrium strategy prole. Thus, player C does not have protable deviation. The pooling equilibrium supporting (B, C) match is that, both types of player B and player C vote against player A, and player A votes against player B or player C. Player A will be eliminated regardless how s/he votes, so there is no protable deviation for player A. Suppose player A votes against player B, player Cs deviation will immediately eliminate player B. This leaves player C matched with player A in the head-to-head, instead of with player B, which is worse o for player C. For player B, the deviation induces a tie. Matching with the tie breaker, player A, gives player B at most H (pA ) or L (pA ) (achieved if tie breaker always eliminates player C). Therefore, no one has protable deviation. The argument is analogous when player A votes against player C. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 8: Firstly, (A, B) match can not be a result after tie in equilibrium. Whoever is eliminated in the tie can just switch her/his vote to ensure his/her survival in the game and yields positive expected payo. At least one type in each of player A and player B must vote against player C. Moreover, it can not be the case that both types of player B vote against the same candidate. If both types of player B vote against player A, it is optimal for player C to do so as well. If both types of player B to vote against 30

player C, voting against player B ensures player A at least T (pC ), instead of T (pB ) if s/he votes against player C. Thus, to have a pure strategy equilibrium supporting (A, B) match, dierent types of player B must vote dierently. Also, it can not be the case that both type of player C vote against player A. Otherwise, it is optimal for player B to vote against player A and there is no (A, B) match. Therefore, there are six strategy proles of player B and player C left. In the strategy prole that High type player B and player C vote against player A, while Low types vote against each other, player A is indierent between voting against either. However, this can not be an equilibrium since no matter how player A vote. High type of player B and player C can only survive when they are matched with each other. No matter how player A votes, at least one High type of player B or player C can gain by deviating to mimic his/her Low type. The two strategy proles with which it is optimal for player A to vote against player C are not Nash equilibrium as well. In both strategy proles, High type player B vote against player A while Low type votes against player C. In the strategy prole that both types of player C votes against player B, High type player B is always eliminated but Low type is not. So s/he will deviate. In the strategy prole that High type player C votes against player B while Low type votes against player A, it is strictly better o for High type player C to deviate11 . In sum, there is no pure strategy equilibrium supporting (A, B) match. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 9: Again dominant strategy does not exist in asymmetric information situation. The equilibrium supporting (A, C) match is that both types of player A and player C vote against player B, and both types of player B vote against player C. If player C deviate to induce a tie, the o-equilibrium belief of the tie breaker is that the deviating player C is of High type while the other candidates probability of being High type is as prior belief (strength signal). So player C will be eliminated in a tie and would not deviate. This o-equilibrium belief can be supported by the following complete mixed strategy. Let the probability High type player C assigns to vote against player A be given by sequence {CHi }, the probability Low type player C assigns to vote against player A be given by
Assume that the tie breaker randomizes when both candidates in a tie have the same type according to Bayesian update


2 sequence {CLi }. They are positive and converge to zero. Let CLi = CHi , when both CLi

and CHi converge to zero, the Bayesian update on the probability of deviating C being High type, when player Cs strategy converge to equilibrium strategy is pC CHi =1 2 pC CHi + (1 pC )CHi

CHi 0



It is easy to see that player A and player B do not have protable deviation as well. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 10: Similar to proof of Proposition 6. The two types of each player vote in the same way as in the equilibrium in Proposition 6 The o-equilibrium belief on candidate strength is the same as the prior belief. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 11: The pooling sequential equilibrium giving (A, C) match has the strategy proles that, regardless types, both player A and player C vote against player B, and player B votes against player C. The o-equilibrium belief of (Non-vengeful) player A is unconstrained. The proof is essentially the same as in Proposition 7, except that only nonvengeful player A has o-equilibrium belief. Non-vengeful player A will eliminate player C if player C deviates and induces a tie. As in the proof of Proposition 7, deviation makes player A worse o, for both tie-breaker types. Player Bs deviation changes nothing. Given the existence of Vengeful tie breaker, deviating player C, who induces a tie, will be eliminated with some positive probability. Without player Bs vote against player A, there is no chance for player C to match with player B, who is weaker than player A. Thus, deviation leads player C strictly worse o. The pooling equilibrium supporting (B, C) match is similar to the one in Proposition 7. All type of player A, including strength type and vengeful-non-vengeful types, vote in the same way, either against player B or against player C. Both player B and player C of both types vote against player A. The proof is almost identical except that the deviating player who creates a tie will be eliminated by vengeful player A, and becomes worse o. Q.E.D. 32

Proof of Proposition 12: In this equilibrium, non-vengeful player A will always go with player C. Deviating to vote against player C will match him/her with player B and becomes worse o. Vengeful player A is always match with player B, yielding expected utility T (pB ), T = H, L depending on player As strength type. If Vengeful player A deviates to vote against B, with probability pC , s/he will go with High type player C; with probability (1 pC ), player C votes against player A and there is a tie A B C A. The vengeful nature will dictate player A to eliminate player C, even if player C is of Low type in this tie. The deviating expected utility will be pC T (1) + (1 pC )T (pB ). As T (1) < T (pB ), deviating makes Vengeful player strictly worse o, for both High and Low type. For player C, s/he stays if and only if player A is non-vengeful, who will vote against player B, regardless whether player C votes against player A or B. Hence, it is indierent for both type of player C to vote against either. For player B, the equilibrium utility is A L (pA ). If s/he deviates, s/he can be stay only when player C votes against A. In other case, i.e. player C votes against B, s/he is either directly voted o when player A is non-vengeful or voted o after a tie when player A is Vengeful. Given Low type player C votes against player A, A L (pA ) (1 pC )L (0) prevents Low type player C to deviate. As L (pA ) < L (0), A
1 must be greater than (1 pC ). Given H (x) = L (x) + ( 2 ), A L (pA ) (1 pC )L (0)

implies 1 1 A (L (pA ) + ) (1 pC )(L (0) + ) 2 2 i.e. A H (pA ) (1 pC )H (0), High type player B will not deviate as well. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 13: (B, C) match is supported by the following strategy prole: both types of player B and player C vote against player A, all types of player A, including tie breaker types and strength types, votes against the same candidate, either player B or player C. Given that player B and player C both vote against A, deviating player B or player C will either match with player A or induce a tie. In either case, the deviating player (B or C) gets expected utility strictly lower than T (pA ), T = H, L, as with positive probability they will be eliminated or positive probability of matching with player A. This does not depend on the o equilibrium belief. 33

(A, C) match can be supported by pooling equilibrium that all player A and C vote against player B, both types of player B vote against player C. The associated o equilibrium belief is that the deviating player C, who will induce tie A B C A, is of High type. The o-equilibrium belief can be supported by the complete mixed strategy sequence as in proof of Proposition 9. Given this belief, the deviating player C will not be eliminated only when the tie breaker is player B and s/he is of Vengeful type. So the non-deviating condition for player C is: L (pA ) B L (pB ) (18)

1 Since H (pA ) = L (pA ) + 2 , and B < 1, the non-deviating condition for High type C is

automatically satised once the above non-deviating condition for Low type holds. Finally, player A and player Bs deviation is not protable. Thus, one has equilibrium gives (A, C) match. Q.E.D. Proof of Proposition 14: The o equilibrium associated with this sequential equilibrium is that the deviating player A or player B is believed to have strength as the prior by the other potential tie breaker, which can be supported by the complete mixed strategy sequence that both types of a player vote exactly the same. So that deviating player A will be eliminated when the tie breaker turns out to be player B, and vise versus, given that in either case player C is believed to be of strength pC . Let both types of player C vote against player A with probability qC . The non-deviating conditions for player A and player B with non-vengeful Low type are 1 L (pB ) (1 qC )L (pC ) + qC L (pC ) 2 1 L (pA ) qC L (pC ) + (1 qC )L (pC ) 2


If the non-deviating conditions for non-vengeful players are satised, non-deviating conditions for Vengeful players below are automatically satised 1 L (pB ) (1 qC )L (pC ) + qC L (pB ) 2 34


1 L (pA ) qC L (pC ) + (1 qC )L (pA ) 2


For the same argument as in proof of Proposition 8, the non-deviating conditions of Low type implies the non-deviating conditions of High type. The non-deviating conditions for Low type player A and player B can be reduced to 2[L (pC ) L (pB )] 2L (pA ) L (pC ) qC L (pC ) L (pC ) qC (0, 1) exists if and only if:


2[L (pC ) L (pB )] 2L (pA ) L (pC ) 1 1 ( )(2pA + 2pB 3pC ) 2 2

(24) (25)



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Table 1: Probability of a candidate being voted against a b Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 , (S.E.) , (S.E.) , (S.E.) , (S.E.) percentc -2.840*** -2.105*** -1.960*** -0.778*** (0.144) (0.159) (0.204) (0.247) percentclag1 -0.769*** -0.494*** -0.324 (0.176) (0.191) (0.268) percentclag2 -0.496** -0.488* (0.218) (0.287) percentclag3 -0.231 (0.291) age 0.012** 0.009* 0.011 0.024** (0.005) (0.006) (0.007) (0.010) 0.153 -0.110 -0.504** -0.530* black (0.147) (0.193) (0.232) (0.280) -0.026 0.334 0.260 -0.826* otherrace (0.254) (0.276) (0.322) (0.494) fat -0.001 0.163 0.005 0.206 (0.148) (0.162) (0.206) (0.266) college -0.014 -0.478*** 0.068 0.133 (0.111) (0.123) (0.150) (0.205) doctorate -0.564 -1.386*** -1.199*** 0.196 (0.392) (0.455) (0.462) (0.517) -0.135 -0.212 0.116 0.380 uncertainedu (0.286) (0.292) (0.319) (0.422) profedu 0.166 -0.090 0.054 -0.132 (0.196) (0.210) (0.276) (0.383) stillsch 0.369* -0.210 0.574* 0.154 (0.207) (0.267) (0.307) (0.439) samefemale -0.399*** -0.363*** -0.158 -0.493** (0.119) (0.128) (0.142) (0.203) -0.152 -0.218* -0.520*** 0.023 samemale (0.116) (0.129) (0.167) (0.207) samerace 0.019 -0.189 -0.429* -0.607** (0.146) (0.194) (0.230) (0.276) sameBcollar -0.205 0.086 0.572 0.124 (0.300) (0.301) (0.402) (0.478) sameprof -0.022 0.218 -0.332 -0.667** (0.163) (0.185) (0.208) (0.320) sameedu -0.013 -0.002 -0.135 0.271 (0.114) (0.124) (0.155) (0.208) Pseudo R2 0.200 0.144 0.131 0.068 Log-likelihood -1049.014 -807.127 -517.620 -262.852 2 525.355 271.105 155.656 38.519 Number of cases 4075 2720 1626 814
s give the point estimates of coecients. Standard errors of coecient estimates are included in the parentheses b See Table 11 for explanation of variables


Table 2: Summary Variable pf indexA pf indexB pf indexC pf indexA pf indexB pf indexA pf indexC pf indexB pf indexC pf indexi

statistics of performance index in Round 4 a Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max 136 .7819255 .1348992 .4360146 1 136 .6335508 .1454915 .2766506 .9461312 136 .49683 .140341 .1533583 .8662421 136 .1483748 .1333252 0 .6179487 136 .2850955 .1554585 .017234 .6777432 136 .1367207 .1107028 0 .4627487 408 .6374354 .1821476 .1533583 1

pf indexi indiateds the performance index for Player i, i = A, B, C

Table 3: Distribution of tie breaker identity prole A B C A or B A or C B or C A or B or C Observations 53 18 11 29 11 4 10 Percent 39% 13% 8% 21% 8% 3% 7%

Table 4: Distribution of voting outcomes Survived pair A&B A&C B&C Tie breaker identity Obs. Percent Obs. Percent Obs. Percent A 23 43% 18 34% 12 23% B 5 28% 6 33% 7 39% C 4 36% 1 9% 6 55% A or B 14 48% 6 21% 9 31% A or C 4 36% 5 45% 2 18% B or C 0 0% 4 100% 0 0% A or B or C 3 30% 7 70% 0 0% Overall 53 39% 47 35% 36 26%



tbAsure tbBsure tbCsure tbAB tbAC tbBC rmstrongA rmstrongB rmstrongC rmweakA rmweakB rmweakC XpndexA XpndexB XpndexC tbABpndexA tbABpndexB tbABpndexC samemale samefemale candiblack candicollege candidoctorate candihighsch candiprofedu candiwlinksingle candiage candiBcollar candiprof

Mean 0.390 0.132 0.081 0.213 0.081 0.029 0.140 0.184 0.140 0.125 0.132 0.184 0.305 0.224 0.173 0.172 0.142 0.100 0.206 0.191 0.213 0.397 0.044 0.404 0.066 0.162 33.375 0.213 0.338

Table S.D 0.489 0.340 0.274 0.411 0.274 0.170 0.348 0.389 0.348 0.332 0.340 0.389 0.391 0.297 0.232 0.336 0.280 0.199 0.406 0.395 0.411 0.491 0.206 0.493 0.250 0.370 7.789 0.411 0.475

5: Summary statistics of explanatory variables in the Binary Probit Models Description Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is player A for sure, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is player B for sure, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is player C for sure, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is either player A or B with equal chance Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is either player A or C with equal chance Dummy variable, 1 if tie breaker is either player B or C with equal chance Dummy variable, 1 if player A have revenge motive to vote against player B Dummy variable, 1 if player B have revenge motive to vote against player A Dummy variable, 1 if player C have revenge motive to vote against player B Dummy variable, 1 if player A have revenge motive to vote against player C Dummy variable, 1 if player B have revenge motive to vote against player C Dummy variable, 1 if player C have revenge motive to vote against player B tbAsure pndexA, performance index of player A if tbAsure=1, 0 otherwise tbAsure pndexB, performance index of player B if tbAsure=1, 0 otherwise tbAsure pndexC, performance index of player C if tbAsure=1, 0 otherwise tbAB pndexA, performance index of player A if tbAB=1, 0 otherwise tbAB pndexB, performance index of player B if tbAB=1, 0 otherwise tbAB pndexC, performance index of player C if tbAB=1, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if voter and the stronger candidate are both male, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if voter and the stronger candidate are both female, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidate is black, 0 otherwise Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates education level is college Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates education level is doctorate Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates education level is high school Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates education level is postgraduate professional qualication Dummy variabe, 1 if the stronger candidate has unique minimum correct rate in Round 4 Age of the stronger candidate Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates occupation is blue collar Dummy variable, 1 if the stronger candidates occupation is professional

Table 6: Probability of player i voting against the stronger candidate a b c player A player B player C Marginal Marginal Marginal Coe. eect Coe. eect Coe. eect /(S.E.) /(S.E.) /(S.E.) /(S.E.) /(S.E.) /(S.E.) tbAsure (d) -0.196 -0.077 -2.349 -0.660** -3.961* -0.881*** (1.410) (0.548) (1.667) (0.300) (2.069) (0.170) tbBsure (d) -0.689 -0.248 1.079* 0.410* 0.843 0.326 (0.601) (0.188) (0.620) (0.215) (0.802) (0.296) tbCsure (d) -1.241* -0.379*** 0.545 0.211 3.744*** 0.742*** (0.705) (0.137) (0.795) (0.313) (1.441) (0.071) XpndexA -2.575 -1.014 2.587 0.948 6.785*** 2.546*** (1.739) (0.685) (1.797) (0.655) (2.315) (0.870) XpndexB 2.448 0.963 1.302 0.477 -2.787 -1.046 (2.363) (0.930) (2.125) (0.780) (2.702) (1.014) XpndexC -0.310 -0.122 -0.253 -0.093 2.042 0.766 (2.525) (0.994) (2.389) (0.876) (3.071) (1.150) tbAB (d) -0.393 -0.150 1.578 0.569 8.488*** 0.985*** (2.626) (0.959) (2.532) (0.726) (2.999) (0.027) tbAC (d) -1.374 -0.402*** 0.257 0.098 0.610 0.239 (0.869) (0.147) (0.684) (0.267) (0.814) (0.316) tbBC (d) -0.182 -0.070 -0.263 -0.091 1.313 0.473 (0.900) (0.339) (1.218) (0.390) (1.521) (0.403) rmstrongA (d) 1.192*** 0.435*** 0.965** 0.370*** 0.553 0.215 (0.427) (0.124) (0.393) (0.142) (0.423) (0.165) rmstrongB (d) -0.019 -0.007 0.908*** 0.348*** -0.156 -0.057 (0.362) (0.142) (0.334) (0.124) (0.409) (0.147) rmstrongC (d) -0.743* -0.265** 0.116 0.043 0.959** 0.368** (0.443) (0.135) (0.398) (0.150) (0.476) (0.170) rmweakA (d) -0.239 -0.092 0.137 0.051 0.043 0.016 (0.448) (0.168) (0.429) (0.163) (0.520) (0.197) rmweakB (d) 0.293 0.116 -0.395 -0.134 -3.250*** -0.531*** (0.397) (0.158) (0.452) (0.139) (0.978) (0.063) rmweakC (d) 0.634* 0.249* 0.057 0.021 -0.367 -0.131 (0.356) (0.134) (0.351) (0.130) (0.400) (0.135) tbABpndexA -0.457 -0.180 -0.523 -0.192 -10.313** -3.870** (3.509) (1.381) (3.414) (1.251) (4.592) (1.692) tbABpndexB -4.258 -1.676 -2.914 -1.068 3.234 1.213 (3.153) (1.243) (2.920) (1.070) (3.537) (1.320) tbABpndexC 5.795* 2.281* 2.345 0.860 -2.660 -0.998 (3.130) (1.232) (3.020) (1.107) (3.052) (1.144) 2 Pseudo R 0.262 0.262 0.216 0.216 0.411 0.411 Log-likelihood -69.017 -69.017 -70.154 -70.154 -54.958 -54.958 2 49.059 49.059 38.584 38.584 76.734 76.734 N 136.000 136.000 136.000 136.000 136.000 136.000
s give the point estimates of coecients or marginal eects. Standard errors of these estimates are included in the parentheses. Marginal eects on the voting decisions are evaulated at sample means of explantory variables. b * indicates 10% L.O.S., ** indicates 5% L.O.S., *** indicates 1% L.O.S. c (d) indicates that marginal eect is calculated for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1



Table 7: Summary statistics of control variables in multinomial logit regressions Mean S.D Description ABsameoccup .1911765 .3946814 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and B have same class of occupation dierent from player C ACsameoccup .0735294 .2619684 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and C have same class of occupation dierent from player B BCsameoccup .0514706 .2217724 Dummy variable, 1 if player B and C have same class of occupation dierent from player A ABwhite .1397059 .3479633 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and B are both white while player C is not ACwhite .1764706 .3826294 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and C are both white while player B is not BCwhite .1617647 .3695961 Dummy variable, 1 if player B and C are both white while player A is not ABmale .1470588 .3554738 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and B are both male while player C is female ABfemale .0882353 .2846854 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and B are both female while player C is male ACmale .1323529 .3401269 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and C are both male while player B is female ACfemale .1617647 .3695961 Dummy variable, 1 if player A and C are both female while player B is male BCmale .125 .3319415 Dummy variable, 1 if player B and C are both male while player A is female BCfemale .1838235 .3887722 Dummy variable, 1 if player B and C are both female while player A is male

Table 8: Multinomial Logit Model - Probability of matching outcomes a b c (A, B) match (A, C) match Coecient Marginal eect Coecient Marginal eect tbAsure (d) 5.978 0.311 6.881* 0.464 (3.788) (0.539) (4.066) (0.511) -2.386* -0.271 -3.707*** -0.327*** tbBsure (d) (1.241) (0.183) (1.261) (0.083) tbCsure (d) -2.749** -0.328** -4.379*** -0.332*** (1.361) (0.162) (1.653) (0.077) tbAB (d) -10.749** -0.167 -20.088** -0.823*** (5.218) (0.222) (8.456) (0.231) XpndexA -6.584 0.083 -12.188** -1.666** (4.427) (0.791) (5.036) (0.798) XpndexB -3.290 -0.411 -2.881 -0.149 (4.189) (0.956) (5.428) (1.019) 0.752 -0.688 6.208 1.215 XpndexC (4.545) (1.010) (5.443) (1.006) -0.424*** -0.491 0.139 rmstrongA (d) -2.477** (1.006) (0.105) (0.928) (0.187) -0.452*** -0.257 0.205 rmstrongB (d) -2.462*** (0.930) (0.104) (0.837) (0.172) 0.255 0.057 0.044 -0.027 rmweakA (d) (0.892) (0.198) (1.173) (0.206) 2.421** -0.091 3.567*** 0.378** rmweakB (d) (1.230) (0.183) (1.295) (0.187) -0.775 -0.288** 0.811 0.297* rmweakC (d) (0.800) (0.126) (0.824) (0.156) tbABpndexA 15.418* 0.430 24.118** 2.960* (8.092) (1.532) (9.856) (1.561) 0.208 1.979 -13.680 -2.940* tbABpndexB (6.821) (1.530) (9.419) (1.714) tbABpndexC -7.226 -3.567** 12.585 3.696** (6.484) (1.655) (10.244) (1.884) 2 Pseudo R 0.336 0.336 0.336 0.336 Log-likelihood -98.062 -98.062 -98.062 -98.062 2 99.341 99.341 99.341 99.341 Observations 136 136 136 136
s give the point estimates of coecients or marginal eects. Standard errors of these estimates are included in the parentheses. Marginal eects on the voting outcomes are evaulated at sample means of explantory variables. b * indicates 10% L.O.S., ** indicates 5% L.O.S., *** indicates 1% L.O.S. c (d) indicates that marginal eect is calculated for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1


Table 9: Average correct A Round 1 0.88667 Round 2 0.75167 Round 3 0.81833 Round 4 0.79833 Round 5 0.67167 Sample size 100

rates of those survive all voting B C A, B & C 0.76326 0.66463 0.780443 0.69318 0.64228 0.698265 0.63636 0.59959 0.689937 0.61364 0.46646 0.637237 0.60393 0.64257 0.638069 89 83 272

Table 10: Average performance index of those survive all voting (A, C) (A, B) (B, C) pf indexA .7837669 .7890374 .7690513 pf indexB .6532661 .6164589 .6329742 pf indexC .5394349 .4695422 .4813807 pf indexA pf indexB .1305008 .1725785 .1360771 pf indexA pf indexC .244332 .3194952 .2876706 pf indexB pf indexC .1138312 .1469167 .1515935 winning .6170213 .5849057 .6388889 Observations 47 53 36

Table 11: Description of variables in Table 1 Variable Description percentc The correct rate of answering questions in the curent voting round. percentclag1 The correct rate of answering questions in one round before the voting round. percentclag2 The correct rate of answering questions in two round before the voting round. percentclag3 The correct rate of answering questions in three round before the voting round. age Age of the candidate. black Dummy variable, 1 if the candiate is black, 0 otherwise. otherrace Dummy variable, 1 if the candiate is not black or white, 0 otherwise. fat Dummy variable, 1 if the candiate is overweighted, 0 otherwise. college Dummy variable, 1 if the candidate has college education, 0 otherwise. doctorate Dummy variable, 1 if the candidate has a doctorate degree., 0 otherwise. uncertainedu Dummy variable, 1 if the candidates education level is uncertain, 0 otherwise. profedu Dummy variable, 1 if the candidate has a professional degree, 0 otherwise. stillsch Dummy variable, 1 if the candidate is still in school, 0 otherwise. samefemale Dummy variable, 1 if the voter and candidate are both female, 0 otherwise. samemale Dummy variable, 1 if the voter and candidate are both male, 0 otherwise. samerace Dummy variable, 1 if the voter and candidate have the same race, 0 otherwise. sameBcollar Dummy variable, 1 if the voter and candidate are both blue collar, 0 otherwise. sameprof Dummy variable, 1 if both voter and candidate both have professional occupation, 0 otherwise. sameedu Dummy variable, 1 if both voter and candidate have the same education level, 0 otherwise.


Figure 1

Winning probability on performance index difference

Mean adjusted Lowess regression
1 Winning probability 0 0
bandwidth = .8








Performance index difference


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