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Conducted on (Date and Time):
Inspected by:

EXCELLENT: Comply with the criteria without exception.
AVERAGE: Comply with the criteria with minimal exception.
POOR: Does not comply with criteria.

Excellent Average Poor
Are products moved in a timely manner?
Are there any unused machines or other equipment
Are all waste materials in the correct skips?
Is unused tools and equipment eliminated from the area?
Is the floor clear of all tools, spare parts, and materials?
Are the floors in 'common areas' free of trash and debris?
Are obsolete or expired products separated?
Is the work in process organized so as to reduce travel time
and other forms of waste?
Are aisles, doorways, electrical panels, and fire
extinguishers free from material and blockages?
Are tripping hazards and obstructions eliminated from the

Excellent Average Poor
Location indicators • Are Sub-Con locations clearly
Item Indicators • Are shelves clearly marked with location?
Quantity Indicators • Are products correctly labelled?
Parking/loading docks • Are all unused forklifts parked in
the designated area?
Material storage • Is stock rotation (FIFO) being adhered
Are work areas, storage areas, and equipment
surroundings clearly labelled, marked, and/or footprinted
if necessary?
Are storage places for tools and equipment designated and
Are storage places for work in the process designated and
Are all pipes, controls and gauges identified and labelled to
show function or purpose?
Are team bulletin boards current and in good order?
Excellent Average Poor
Floors & gangways • Are floors, exits & entrances kept
clear, clean and free of waste?
Work Surfaces • Are work surfaces clean & tidy?
Cleaning Responsibilities • Is the person responsible for
allocating cleaning duties? (Stores Supervisor)
Habitual cleanliness • Is the set standard being
Are recycling bins located as necessary with trash and
recycling being controlled in the area?
5S holding and disposal areas are well maintained?
Are slot locations free of empty pallets and trash?
Are machines clean, well kept and in good repair?
Are slot locations in pick ready condition?
Are slot locations free of hanging shrink wrap or banding?
Are floors and equipment in the area free of dirt/grease or

Excellent Average Poor
Concerns sheets • Are concerns regularly being generated?
Concerns • Are concerns regularly being acted upon?
Operation standards • Are Operation Standards written,
clear and actively used?
Check Sheets • Have checks been carried out &
documentation completed?
Are shine maps available and employees aware of
Is there a standard work in place including quality checks,
and usage of work stations?
Are bins and parts property identified and labelled?
Are supplies labelled and in their place?
Are footprinted and labelled areas adhered to?
Are visual safety signs and floor markings used to identify
hazards in the area?

Excellent Average Poor
Training • Is everyone adequately trained in 5S
Parts • Are parts being stored correctly?
Timed Deliveries • Are times being adhered to?
Cleaning routine • Is cleaning routine present & are ail
toots & materials available?
Hourly monitor • Are supplier delivery times adhered to?
Are all start-up safety checks carried out and documented?
Is everyone within the area wearing proper personal
protective equipment?
Are unused tools, equipment, raw materials and work
property stored?
Are emergency plans, labels, and equipment visible and
property stored in the area?
Are corrective actions from 5S audit identified and adhered
Are employees receiving weekly feedback on their 5S
Is there evidence of the 5S daily checklist being used and
updated 5S audit scores on the teamboard?


Full Name and Signature of the Inspector:


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