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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template


This template enables users to calculate, analyze and forecast the monthly loan balances and interest charges relating to
any loan that is subject to monthly repayment and daily interest calculations. The template was specifically designed for On this sheet:
home loan calculations but can be used for any loan where the principles of monthly repayment and daily interest are This sheet includes detailed instructions
applied. on setting up and using this template.

The main purpose of this template is to calculate loan balances and interest amounts based on the same calculation
methodology that is applied by most financial institutions. This template can therefore be used to recalculate the amounts
on the loan account statements that are received from financial institutions. The template accommodates multiple interest
rate changes (variable interest rates), increased instalments and ad hoc loan repayments. In addition, the template also
includes comprehensive forecast features which provide users with the functionality to analyze any loan over the entire
loan period.

Note: Refer to our Loan Statement template for a simplified version of this template. The Loan Statement template only
includes the statement and summary features of this template and is therefore a lot simpler to understand and use. If you
are only interested in loan amortization calculations, we recommend that you download our free Loan Amortization
Worksheet Summary UNLOCK!

The main purpose of each worksheet is as follows:

TransCode - includes the default transaction types that need to be selected when entering loan account transactions.
Additional transaction types can also be added to the default list of transactions codes.

Statement - all loan account transactions should be recorded on this sheet. All the interest and loan account balance
calculations in this template are based on the transactions that are recorded on this sheet. Note that the Statement sheet
includes 12 columns but only four of these columns require user input (the columns with the yellow column headings).
Summary - includes a monthly summary of loan account transactions that is calculated from the Statement sheet. No user
input is required on this sheet.

Review - includes a comprehensive analysis of loan account balances and interest charges over the entire loan period.
Loan account transaction totals are compared to an initial loan amortization calculation and a forecast of the remaining
loan repayment period is added to the transaction totals and then also compared to the initial loan amortization schedule.
The loan repayment forecast is based on a standard amortization calculation that is applied to the outstanding loan
balance on a user defined review date as well as a loan amortization forecast that accommodates ad hoc loan
repayments. This sheet can be used to calculate the outstanding loan balance and cumulative interest charges at the end
of any month that falls within the loan period. User input is limited to selecting the appropriate loan review date.
InitialAmort - includes an initial loan amortization calculation that is based on the principle loan amount, interest rate, loan
period and repayment commencement date that is specified in cells D3 to D6. All the calculations on this sheet are
ForecastPmt - all forecasted ad hoc loan repayments should be recorded on this sheet. The monthly periods in the first
column are based on the monthly periods on the Summary sheet. The ad hoc loan repayments that are recorded on this
sheet are included on the ForecastAmort sheet.
ForecastAmort - includes two amortization tables that relate to the remaining loan repayment period. The first table
includes a column for ad hoc loan repayments (based on the amounts entered on the ForecastPmt sheet) and the second
table is based on standard loan amortization principles. Both tables are compiled based on the user defined loan review
date that is selected on the Review sheet.
CalcAmort - includes a loan amortization table calculator. This sheet is not linked to any of the other sheets in the
template and has been included to enable users to compile their own loan amortization calculations.

Note: The template includes a lot of complex formulas and has been designed within a specific worksheet structure. We
therefore do not recommend adding additional rows or columns within the existing worksheet framework because it may
result in errors or inaccurate calculations being encountered. If you therefore want to add your own calculations to the
template, we recommend inserting a new worksheet for this purpose.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

Template Set-up
On this sheet:
This sheet includes detailed instructions
Aside from recording loan account transactions, the template does not require a lot of set-up. We recommend that you on setting up and using this template.
start by entering the initial loan terms as per the loan agreement on the InitialAmort sheet. This includes the loan principle
amount, interest rate, loan period and repayment commencement date. These input cells have no effect on your loan
statement calculations and are only used to specify the required variables for calculating the initial amortization table on
the InitialAmort sheet. The calculation results are included on the Review sheet in order to compare actual loan account
movements to the initial loan amortization table.

The next step is to review the transaction types on the TransCode sheet. The default template includes 7 transaction
types of which the first 5 should be left unchanged. Each of these transaction types has a specific purpose and if you
therefore change the type of transaction that is associated with the default transaction code, you may encounter
inconsistencies in the template calculations.

The Admin Fee and Insurance Premium transaction codes have been added as separate transaction types because these
costs are frequently included as separate line items on home loan account statements and usually form part of the
monthly loan repayment amounts. If you do not require these items, you can delete them or replace them with other costs
that are included on your loan account statement. Note that both transaction type number 6 and 7 are reported separately
on the Statement and Summary sheets and if you change the default transaction type descriptions, the new descriptions
will be included in the appropriate columns on both of these sheets.

All the transaction types on the TransCode sheet are included in list boxes in column B on the Statement sheet. Additional
transaction types that are added to the default list of transaction types are also available for selection from these list
boxes. You will therefore be able to enter the transactions relating to these transaction types on the Statement sheet but
note that all transaction types with transaction codes greater than or equal to 8 are grouped together in one column on the
Summary sheet (column I).

Loan Account Transactions

All loan account transactions need to be recorded on the Statement sheet. This sheet includes 12 columns but only four of
these columns require user input (columns with a yellow column heading). The columns with light blue column headings
contain formulas that should be copied for all new transactions that are recorded.

When you therefore record any transaction, you will need to enter a date (in column A), select a transaction type from the
list box in column B, copy the formula in column C, enter a new interest rate (only if an interest rate change transaction is
being recorded, otherwise enter 0%), enter a transaction amount in column E and copy all the formulas from column F to L
from one of the existing rows.

Note: After recording a few transactions, it may be more efficient to copy a transaction that was previously recorded, paste
it into the next empty row and simply change the date, transaction code (if required), interest rate and amount in order to
record a new transaction that is similar to the transaction that was copied.

The following important guidelines should be followed when recording transactions on the Statement sheet:
The first transaction that is recorded on this sheet should always be an interest rate change transaction (transaction type
5) and this transaction should be recorded on the same date as the first transaction on your loan account statement. The
interest rate that is applicable to the loan should be entered in column D and the transaction amount in column E should
be nil (the transaction amount for all interest rate change transactions should always be nil). This entry establishes the
interest rate that should be used to calculate interest from the beginning of the loan period.
All the transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet should form part of a continuous cell range. There should
therefore be no empty rows between transactions, otherwise the loan account balances and therefore also the interest
calculations will be inaccurate.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

All transactions should be recorded or sorted in an ascending date sequence (oldest transactions first). You'll notice that if
you enter a transaction that is out of sequence, the transaction date will be highlighted in red. This error can be corrected On this sheet:
by simply sorting all the transactions on the Statement sheet in an ascending order by the date in the first column. By This sheet includes detailed instructions
sorting the transactions in the correct order, you will ensure that the date sequence is rectified and that all interest on setting up and using this template.
calculations are accurate.

The monthly interest on the outstanding loan account should be capitalized on the last day of each month. In order to
accomplish this, simply record an interest capitalization transaction (select transaction code 4) for the last day of each
month. The transaction amount in column E should be nil because the monthly interest capitalization calculation is
performed automatically through the formula that has been entered in column F. This interest calculation only applies to
transaction type 4 - if you therefore specify the incorrect transaction type, no interest will be capitalized to the loan at the
end of the appropriate month. Also note that the date that is entered should be the last day of the month - if you enter any
other date, the interest calculation will not be accurate. The transaction date in column A will be highlighted in orange if the
incorrect interest capitalization date is specified.
It is imperative that you don't replace any of the formulas in the columns with light blue column headings with alternative
values because it will result in inaccurate calculations. We recommend that you save the template under a default file
name after downloading it and save each loan calculation under a different file name. You will then be able to revert back
to the original template if you delete any of the formulas by accident.
All transaction amounts except for loan repayments and ad hoc repayments should be entered as positive values. Loan
repayments and ad hoc repayments should be entered as negative values - if you enter positive values for any repayment
type transactions, the transaction amounts will be highlighted in orange.

The following section covers the default transaction types that should be recorded on the Statement sheet:

Loan Advances

Loan advances are amounts that are received from the financial institution who grants the loan. You can record as many
loan advances as required by simply entering the appropriate transaction date, selecting transaction type 1 and entering
the appropriate loan advance amount in the Transaction Amount column (column E). Loan advances should be entered as
positive amounts.

Loan Repayments

For the purpose of compiling an accurate loan forecast, we have assigned scheduled loan repayments and ad hoc loan
repayments to different transaction types. Scheduled loan repayments are determined by the terms in a loan agreement,
while ad hoc loan repayments are effected at the borrower's own discretion. It is important to allocate repayments to the
correct repayment type because the scheduled loan repayments that are recorded on the Statement sheet form part of the
calculation of the remaining loan repayments which is important for forecasting purposes.

Note: The number of remaining loan repayments is used to compile a loan forecast amortization table. If you therefore
allocate ad hoc repayments to the loan repayment transaction type (transaction type 2), the forecast will not be accurate.
Also note that a scheduled loan repayment should be entered for all monthly periods where a loan repayment is due,
regardless of whether a loan repayment has been effected or not. In some instances (for example building loans), the loan
period may commence before scheduled loan repayments are deducted on the loan account. When scheduled loan
repayments are then deducted at a later stage, the repayment amount is calculated over a shorter loan period. In order to
facilitate this calculation, you therefore need to include the correct remaining loan repayments in the calculation - this can
be achieved by recording all scheduled loan repayments on the Statement sheet and simply entering a nil amount if a loan
repayment is due but has not been effected during any particular repayment period.

Scheduled loan repayments need to be recorded on the Statement sheet by entering the appropriate transaction date,
selecting transaction type 2 and entering the appropriate loan repayment amount as a negative value in the Transaction
Amount column. Note that if you enter a positive loan repayment amount, the amount will be highlighted in orange in the
Transaction Amount column until it is rectified.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

Ad Hoc Repayments
On this sheet:
The template accommodates an unlimited number of ad hoc loan repayments. It also makes no difference whether the ad This sheet includes detailed instructions
hoc repayment is an increased instalment or a lump sum repayment. on setting up and using this template.

Ad hoc repayments can be recorded on the Statement sheet by simply entering the appropriate transaction date, selecting
transaction type 3 and entering a negative amount in the Transaction Amount column. If you enter a positive ad hoc loan
repayment amount, the amount will be highlighted in orange until the error is rectified.

Interest Capitalization

The interest calculations in this template are based on the daily loan account balances. Transactions are included in the
daily loan account balance as if the transactions occurred at the beginning of the day. For example, if a loan repayment is
dated on the 2nd of January, the repayment is deducted from the loan balance of the previous day and included in the
interest calculation from the 2nd of January. For month end interest capitalization purposes, the loan repayment on the
2nd will therefore be included in the monthly interest calculation for a period of 30 days.

All interest calculations are automatically performed based on the transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet.
As we've mentioned before, it is imperative that all transactions are recorded in the correct date sequence (ascending date
order), otherwise the interest calculations may not be accurate. All interest calculations are performed based on the
balances calculated in the Transaction Closing Balance column by applying the appropriate interest rate and the number
of days that the balance is in effect to this amount.

The calculated interest is capitalized to the loan account balance when you enter an Interest Capitalization
transaction for the last day of the appropriate calendar month. Note that if you don't enter this transaction, the
interest calculated for the particular month will not be added to the loan account balance and your loan account
statement will not be accurate! It is therefore imperative that you add an Interest Capitalization transaction to the
Statement sheet for every month that forms part of the loan period.

Also note that this transaction has to be dated on the last day of the month - if you use any other date, the interest
calculation will not be accurate. We have implemented conditional formatting in column A to highlight the interest
capitalization transactions that are not dated on a month end date in orange. When you change the transaction date to the
appropriate month end date, the formatting is automatically removed.

Interest capitalization transactions can be recorded by entering the appropriate month end date, selecting transaction type
4 and entering a nil amount in the Transaction Amount column. The calculated interest is reflected in column F and is
automatically added to the outstanding loan balance in column G.

Interest Rate Changes

This template accommodates an unlimited number of interest rate changes. An interest rate change can be recorded on
the Statement sheet by simply entering the effective date of the interest rate change in column A, selecting transaction
type 5, entering the appropriate new interest rate in column D and entering a nil amount in the Transaction Amount
column. You'll notice that the interest rate in column H (used in all interest calculations) will change to the new interest rate
that has been recorded. Interest on all subsequent transactions will be calculated based on the new interest rate (until the
next interest rate change transaction is recorded).

As we've mentioned before, the first transaction that should be recorded on the Statement sheet is an interest
rate change transaction. This transaction establishes the interest rate that should be used to calculate interest
from the beginning of the loan period. If you omit this transaction, the interest rate that will be used to calculate
interest on the initial loan balance will be nil and no interest will therefore be calculated and capitalized to the
initial loan account balance until an interest rate is defined.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

Interest rate changes can only be recorded by using transaction type 5 - if you enter a new interest rate in column D and
select any other transaction type, the interest rate change will not have any effect on interest calculations. On this sheet:
This sheet includes detailed instructions
Other Loan Costs on setting up and using this template.

As we've mentioned before, other loan costs (like admin fees and insurance) can be recorded by using transaction codes
6 and 7 or adding the appropriate transaction codes to the TransCode sheet and selecting the appropriate transaction
type from the list box in column B on the Statement sheet. These transactions usually relate to costs that are charged to
the loan account and should therefore be entered as positive values in the Transaction Amount column. Financial
institutions typically include these costs in scheduled loan repayments and the costs are therefore deducted from the loan
account balance when you record scheduled loan repayments (transaction type 2) on the Statement sheet.

Loan Account Statement

All loan transactions should be entered on the Statement sheet in accordance with the guidance provided in the previous
section. After reading through the previous section, you should therefore be able to record all the appropriate transactions
on the Statement sheet and we'll now provide guidance on the calculated columns (columns with a light blue column
heading) on this sheet.

The transaction description in column C has been included on the Statement sheet so that it is easy to identify the
transaction types that are selected from the list boxes in column B. The list boxes only include the transaction type
numbers - we've therefore included the description in column C to enable users to review the transaction type that has
been selected.

The calculated interest in column F represents the amount of interest that is capitalized to the loan account at the end of
every calendar month. All scheduled loan repayments consist of an interest and capital portion - this column includes the
interest portion that is calculated based on the daily loan account balances during the particular monthly period. This
column should therefore only contain one calculated interest amount per calendar month.

The monthly interest amount that should be capitalized is the total of all the accrued interest amounts in column L for the
particular month. The accrued interest is calculated from the interest rate in column H, the interest days in column J and
the transaction closing loan balance in column K.

The outstanding loan balance on each transaction date is calculated in column G. This amount represents the capital
balance that is still outstanding on the loan.

The monthly capital portion of the loan repayments can be calculated by adding the interest and other costs together and
deducting the sum of the scheduled loan repayments and the ad hoc loan repayments from this amount. Note that it may
therefore be easier to calculate this amount from the totals on the Summary sheet.

Loan Account Summary

The Summary sheet includes a complete breakdown of the movements on the loan account for all monthly periods. All the
totals on this sheet are calculated from the transactions that are entered on the Statement sheet. No user input is required
on this sheet - users are required to simply copy the formulas in the existing rows to the appropriate number of new rows
in order to add the required number of monthly periods to the summary.

The first monthly period on the Summary sheet is determined by the transaction date of the first transaction on the
Statement sheet. The transaction date in row 4 on the Statement sheet therefore determines which monthly period is
displayed in the first row of the Summary sheet. All subsequent monthly periods on the Summary sheet are calculated
based on the first monthly period.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

The Loan Advance column is calculated based on all the transactions with a transaction type of 1 on the Statement sheet.
Scheduled loan repayments (transaction type 2), ad hoc repayments (transaction type 3), interest capitalized (transaction On this sheet:
type 4), admin fees (transaction type 6), insurance premiums (transaction type 7) and other costs (all transaction types This sheet includes detailed instructions
greater than 7 that have been added to the TransCode sheet) are also calculated based on the transaction types of the on setting up and using this template.
transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet.

The number of repayments in column K is calculated by counting the number of scheduled loan repayments (transaction
type 2) on the Statement sheet. This number should agree to the loan period that has elapsed at any given point in time -
if the number is not correct, you should add the appropriate scheduled loan repayment on the Statement sheet (use a nil
amount if no actual repayment has been effected). The number of repayments also forms part of the remaining loan period
calculation for forecasting purposes (refer to the Loan Review section).

As we've mentioned before, an interest capitalization transaction should be recorded for the month end date of every
monthly period that forms part of the loan period in order to calculate interest accurately. If this transaction has been
omitted for any monthly period, the number of repayments calculation in column K on the Summary sheet will contain an
error ("month end?") that will be highlighted in orange. This error can be corrected by simply entering an interest
capitalization transaction (transaction type 4) for the particular month on the Statement sheet.

Note: The number of repayments on the Summary sheet should increase in increments of 1 for every subsequent monthly
period. If this is not the case (two monthly periods reflect the same number), it means that a scheduled loan repayment
(transaction type 2) has not been entered for the particular month (the second month with the same number of
repayments). This problem can be rectified by simply entering a scheduled loan repayment amount (use any date during
the particular monthly period) on the Statement sheet. A nil amount can be recorded if an actual loan repayment has not
been effected during the month.

The Summary sheet can be used to analyze all loan account transactions on a monthly basis for the duration of the loan
period. It is therefore an extremely useful tool for reviewing the loan account transaction and balance history.

The monthly periods that are included on the Summary sheet also determine which periods are available for selection on
the Review sheet. It is therefore important to keep the Summary sheet up to date based on the transactions that have
been recorded on the Statement sheet. As we've mentioned before, users simply need to copy all the formulas on the
Summary sheet downwards in order to include the required number of monthly periods on the sheet.

Loan Review

The Review sheet enables users to compile a comprehensive loan analysis for the entire loan period. The transactions
that are recorded on the Statement sheet are compared to an initial loan amortization table before a forecast that is based
on the remaining loan repayment period is added to the actual transactions that have been recorded on the Statement
sheet in order to compile a loan analysis that covers the entire loan period. The actual loan forecast is then also compared
to the initial amortization forecast and is calculated on two forecast bases - a standard amortization basis and an ad hoc
repayments basis (refer to the Loan Repayment Forecasts section for more guidance on the forecast features).

The only user input that is required on the Review sheet is selecting the appropriate loan review date. The loan review
date input cell (cell B3) contains a list box that includes all the monthly periods on the Summary sheet. You can review the
actual and initial loan amortization balances based on any monthly period that is selected from the list box. All the
calculations on the Review sheet are automatically updated based on the review date that is selected. If a monthly period
is not included in the list box, it means that you have not added the appropriate period to the Summary sheet.

The loan history calculations include all the transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet and are dated before
the loan review date that is selected. The initial amortization column also only includes amounts before the review date.
The loan history calculation therefore facilitates a comparison of the initial loan terms and the actual loan account
movements up to the review date.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

The remaining loan repayments section includes three calculations - an initial loan amortization, a forecast calculation that
is based on a standard amortization table and a forecast calculation that is based on an amortization table that On this sheet:
incorporates ad hoc loan repayments. Refer to the Initial Loan Amortization and Loan Repayment Forecasts sections for This sheet includes detailed instructions
more guidance on these calculations. on setting up and using this template.

The forecast calculations for the remaining loan repayment period are based on the number of remaining loan repayments
(cell B7) which is calculated by deducting the number of actual loan repayments in cell B6 from the loan period in cell B5.
The number of actual loan repayments is determined by the number of scheduled loan repayment transactions that have
been recorded on the Statement sheet - it is therefore imperative that a scheduled loan repayment (transaction type 2) is
recorded on the Statement sheet for every month during the loan period, even if no actual loan repayment has been
effected (use a nil value under these circumstances).

The loan period summary section calculates the total interest and capital repayment balances over the entire loan period
for all three calculation bases. This section also includes a comparison between the interest charges of the initial loan
amortization calculation and the standard forecast amortization calculation as well as a comparison between the interest
charges of the standard forecast amortization and the ad hoc forecast amortization calculations.

An effective annual interest rate over the entire loan period is also calculated for all three calculation bases. You'll
probably notice that the effective interest rate for the ad hoc forecast is in most instances significantly lower than the
interest rates that were entered on the Statement sheet and included on the ForecastAmort sheet - this is because the
effective interest rate is calculated over the entire loan period and ad hoc repayments result in a loan being repaid over a
shorter loan period. It therefore does not mean that a lower interest rate is achieved by effecting ad hoc repayments, but
simply represents the interest savings that result from a shorter repayment period. The effective interest calculation result
should therefore be interpreted in this context.

Initial Loan Amortization

An initial loan amortization calculation has been added to the template in order to facilitate a comparison between actual
loan balances and the initial loan repayment terms. This comparison is especially useful for measuring the effect of
interest rate changes. The initial loan amortization table is included on the InitialAmort sheet.

This amortization table is calculated based on the initial loan amortization input values that are specified at the top of the
sheet. Note that the loan period is limited to 360 months (30 years) and the monthly periods are determined based on the
repayment commencement date that is specified in cell D6.

The loan principle amount (cell D3) should be the same as the total of all the loan advances that have been recorded on
the Statement sheet (refer to the Summary sheet in order to calculate the total of all actual loan advances). Note that if
there is a difference, the loan principle amount will be highlighted in orange. The interest rate and loan period per the initial
loan agreement should be entered in cells D4 and D5 respectively.

In most instances, the repayment commencement date (cell D6) will be the same as the first transaction date that is
entered on the Statement sheet. However, the repayment of some loans (like building loans) only commence on a later
date and by including this input cell, we're therefore able to base the periods that are included in the initial amortization
table on a user defined date so that the initial amortization calculation will match the commencement of actual loan

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

Loan Repayment Forecasts

On this sheet:
This sheet includes detailed instructions
The template also includes two separate loan repayment forecasts that are used to calculate loan balances and interest on setting up and using this template.
charges for the remaining loan repayment period. Note that the remaining loan repayment period is calculated based on
the loan review date that is selected on the Review sheet (cell B3). The period that is selected from this list box therefore
determines which repayment periods are based on actual transactions (all the periods before the loan review date) and
which repayment periods are based on the forecasts (all the periods after the loan review date). The loan repayment
forecasts are added to the actual loan account transactions in order to compile a loan review for the entire loan period.
The forecasts consist of a standard loan repayment amortization table and an ad hoc loan repayment amortization table.
Both amortization tables are included on the ForecastAmort sheet.

Both amortization tables are based on the calculated values that are displayed at the top of the ForecastAmort sheet. The
review date is selected from a list box on the Review sheet and the outstanding loan balance and interest rate is
determined by looking up the appropriate values on the Statement sheet based on the loan review date that has been

The number of remaining loan repayments is calculated on the Review sheet by subtracting the number of actual loan
repayments from the initial loan period. The number of actual loan repayments is calculated by counting the transaction
type 2 transactions on the Statement sheet that are dated before the loan review date. The initial loan period is specified
on the InitialAmort sheet.

The standard amortization table (column K to P) calculates the remaining monthly loan repayment amounts and the
interest that will be incurred over the remaining loan period. The total interest and capital repayments that are calculated
are included on the Review sheet in the "Actual Loan: Standard" column and compared to the initial loan amortization

The ad hoc forecast amortization table (column A to I) also calculates the remaining loan repayments and interest but
enables users to include ad hoc loan repayments in the calculation. These ad hoc loan repayments should be recorded on
the ForecastPmt sheet and are automatically included in the appropriate monthly periods on the amortization table. Note
that the monthly periods on the ForecastPmt sheet are determined by the monthly periods on the Summary sheet and
extended to include 360 months. You'll also notice that the loan review date that is specified on the Review sheet is
highlighted in orange in column A on the ForecastPmt sheet.

Ad hoc loan repayments that are dated before the review date (on the ForecastPmt sheet) will not form part of the ad hoc
forecast amortization table (on the ForecastAmort sheet) because the amortization table starts in the month following the
review date. If an ad hoc loan repayment is dated before the loan review date, it should however be included in the
transactions that are recorded on the Statement sheet if the payment has been effected and it will therefore already be
taken into account in the loan analysis of the entire loan period.

The ad hoc amortization table accepts both lump sum repayments and increased instalments and enables users to
calculate the interest savings that result from effecting these types of repayments over the remaining loan repayment
period. Note that the monthly loan repayment amounts that are calculated on the ad hoc amortization table are not
adjusted to take the effect of ad hoc loan repayments into account - the ad hoc loan repayments are allocated directly
against the outstanding capital balance of the loan, thereby resulting in a shorter loan repayment period and a significant
saving in interest.

The ad hoc forecast amortization table is therefore a comprehensive, flexible loan repayment analysis tool that can be
used to analyze the effect of ad hoc loan repayments on interest charges. The interest saving is calculated by comparing
the ad hoc forecast amortization table (the "Actual Loan: Forecast" column) to the standard forecast amortization table
(the "Actual Loan: Standard" column) on the Review sheet. As we've mentioned before, both of these amortization tables
are calculated based on the remaining loan repayment period.

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Excel Skills | Loan Calculation & Analysis Template

Loan Amortization Table Calculations

On this sheet:
The loan amortization calculator on the CalcAmort sheet can be used to perform your own loan repayment and interest This sheet includes detailed instructions
calculations by simply specifying the appropriate input values in the cells with a yellow cell background at the top of the on setting up and using this template.

This calculator can be used to perform any loan repayment calculation over a maximum loan period of 30 years. For
example, if you want to determine the new monthly loan repayment amount after a change in the annual loan interest rate:
Enter an interest rate change transaction on the Statement sheet (in accordance with the guidance that we provided in the
Loan Account Transactions section).
Calculate the outstanding loan balance on the effective date by adding the accrued interest amounts for the particular
month (in column L) on the Statement sheet to the outstanding loan balance in column G.
Enter the outstanding loan balance and the new interest rate in the appropriate input cells on the CalcAmort sheet.
Enter the remaining loan period in the appropriate input cell on the same sheet.
The new loan repayment amount is calculated in column D on the CalcAmort sheet.
Add any other monthly loan costs (for example admin fees and insurance premiums) to this amount. The calculated
monthly loan repayment amount should equal the amended loan repayment amount that is deducted on the next account
statement that is received from the appropriate financial institution.

Help & Customization

If you experience any difficulty while using this template and you are not able to find the appropriate guidance in these
instructions, please e-mail us at [email protected] for assistance. This template has been designed with flexibility
in mind to ensure that it can be used in most business environments. If however you need an Excel based template that is
customized specifically for your business requirements, please e-mail our Support function and provide a brief explanation
of your requirements.

© Copyright

This template remains the intellectual property of and is protected by international copyright laws.
Any publication or distribution of this template outside the scope of the permitted use of the template is expressly
prohibited. In terms of the permitted use of this template, only the distribution of the template to persons within the same
organisation as the registered user or persons outside the organisation who can reasonably be expected to require access
to the template as a direct result of the use of the template by the registered user is allowed. Subsequent distribution of
the template by parties outside of the organisation is however expressly prohibited and represents an infringement of
international copyright laws.

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Transaction Codes

Code Transaction Type

1 Loan Advance
2 Loan Repayment
3 Ad Hoc Repayment On this sheet:
This sheet includes the default loan account transaction types.
4 Interest Capitalized
Additional transaction types can be added to the list by entering
5 Interest Rate Change the new codes below the last default code. The transaction types
6 Admin Fee that are entered on this sheet are included in a list box on the
7 Insurance Premium “Statement” sheet.

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
4/1/2005 5 Interest Rate Change 10.75% - - - 10.75% 2005/4 0 - -
4/1/2005 1 Loan Advance 0.00% 400,000.00 - 400,000.00 10.75% 2005/4 0 - -
4/2/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 400,005.70 10.75% 2005/4 1 400,000.00 117.81
4/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 400,153.10 10.75% 2005/4 0 400,005.70 -
4/30/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,535.55 403,688.65 10.75% 2005/4 29 400,153.10 3,417.75
5/3/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 403,694.35 10.75% 2005/5 2 403,688.65 237.79
5/4/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 403,841.75 10.75% 2005/5 1 403,694.35 118.90
5/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 399,627.73 10.75% 2005/5 3 403,841.75 356.82
5/31/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,655.97 403,283.70 10.75% 2005/5 25 399,627.73 2,942.46
6/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 403,289.40 10.75% 2005/6 0 403,283.70 -
6/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 403,436.80 10.75% 2005/6 1 403,289.40 118.78
6/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 399,222.78 10.75% 2005/6 5 403,436.80 594.10
6/30/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,534.78 402,757.57 10.75% 2005/6 24 399,222.78 2,821.90
7/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 402,763.27 10.75% 2005/7 0 402,757.57 -
7/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 402,910.67 10.75% 2005/7 1 402,763.27 118.62
7/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 398,696.65 10.75% 2005/7 5 402,910.67 593.33
7/31/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,647.56 402,344.20 10.75% 2005/7 25 398,696.65 2,935.61
8/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 402,349.90 10.75% 2005/8 0 402,344.20 -
8/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 402,497.30 10.75% 2005/8 1 402,349.90 118.50
8/8/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 398,283.28 10.75% 2005/8 6 402,497.30 711.26
8/31/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,645.03 401,928.31 10.75% 2005/8 24 398,283.28 2,815.26
9/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 401,934.01 10.75% 2005/9 0 401,928.31 -
9/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 402,081.41 10.75% 2005/9 1 401,934.01 118.38
9/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 397,867.39 10.75% 2005/9 5 402,081.41 592.11
9/30/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,522.81 401,390.20 10.75% 2005/9 24 397,867.39 2,812.32
10/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 401,395.90 10.75% 2005/10 0 401,390.20 -
10/3/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 401,543.30 10.75% 2005/10 2 401,395.90 236.44
10/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,214.02 - 397,329.28 10.75% 2005/10 4 401,543.30 473.05
10/28/2005 5 Interest Rate Change 10.25% - - 397,329.28 10.25% 2005/10 21 397,329.28 2,457.45
10/31/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,613.26 400,942.54 10.25% 2005/10 4 397,329.28 446.32
11/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 400,948.24 10.25% 2005/11 0 400,942.54 -
11/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 401,095.64 10.25% 2005/11 1 400,948.24 112.60
11/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,108.49 - 396,987.15 10.25% 2005/11 5 401,095.64 563.18
11/30/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,351.36 400,338.51 10.25% 2005/11 24 396,987.15 2,675.58
12/1/2005 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 400,344.21 10.25% 2005/12 0 400,338.51 -
12/2/2005 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 400,491.61 10.25% 2005/12 1 400,344.21 112.43
12/7/2005 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,108.49 - 396,383.12 10.25% 2005/12 5 400,491.61 562.33

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
12/31/2005 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,457.59 399,840.70 10.25% 2005/12 25 396,383.12 2,782.83
1/4/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 147.40 - 399,988.10 10.25% 2006/1 3 399,840.70 336.85
1/4/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 399,993.80 10.25% 2006/1 0 399,988.10 -
1/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,108.49 - 395,885.31 10.25% 2006/1 3 399,993.80 336.98
1/10/2006 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -5,000.00 - 390,885.31 10.25% 2006/1 3 395,885.31 333.52
1/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,422.27 394,307.59 10.25% 2006/1 22 390,885.31 2,414.92
2/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 394,313.29 10.25% 2006/2 0 394,307.59 -
2/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 394,477.78 10.25% 2006/2 1 394,313.29 110.73
2/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,125.58 - 390,352.20 10.25% 2006/2 5 394,477.78 553.89
2/28/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,076.25 393,428.45 10.25% 2006/2 22 390,352.20 2,411.63
3/2/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 393,434.15 10.25% 2006/3 1 393,428.45 110.48
3/3/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 393,598.64 10.25% 2006/3 1 393,434.15 110.48
3/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,125.58 - 389,473.06 10.25% 2006/3 4 393,598.64 442.12
3/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,397.41 392,870.47 10.25% 2006/3 25 389,473.06 2,734.31
4/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 392,876.17 10.25% 2006/4 0 392,870.47 -
4/3/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 393,040.66 10.25% 2006/4 2 392,876.17 220.66
4/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,125.58 - 388,915.08 10.25% 2006/4 4 393,040.66 441.50
4/30/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,283.34 392,198.41 10.25% 2006/4 24 388,915.08 2,621.18
5/2/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 392,204.11 10.25% 2006/5 1 392,198.41 110.14
5/3/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 392,368.60 10.25% 2006/5 1 392,204.11 110.14
5/8/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,125.58 - 388,243.02 10.25% 2006/5 5 392,368.60 550.93
5/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,387.86 391,630.88 10.25% 2006/5 24 388,243.02 2,616.65
6/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 391,636.58 10.25% 2006/6 0 391,630.88 -
6/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 391,801.07 10.25% 2006/6 1 391,636.58 109.98
6/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,125.58 - 387,675.49 10.25% 2006/6 5 391,801.07 550.13
6/14/2006 5 Interest Rate Change 10.75% - - 387,675.49 10.75% 2006/6 7 387,675.49 762.07
6/30/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,363.22 391,038.71 10.75% 2006/6 17 387,675.49 1,941.03
7/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 391,044.41 10.75% 2006/7 0 391,038.71 -
7/3/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 391,208.90 10.75% 2006/7 2 391,044.41 230.34
7/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,184.88 - 387,024.02 10.75% 2006/7 4 391,208.90 460.88
7/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,540.88 390,564.90 10.75% 2006/7 25 387,024.02 2,849.66
8/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 390,570.60 10.75% 2006/8 0 390,564.90 -
8/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 390,735.09 10.75% 2006/8 1 390,570.60 115.03
8/5/2006 5 Interest Rate Change 11.25% - - 390,735.09 11.25% 2006/8 3 390,735.09 345.24
8/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,348.45 - 386,386.64 11.25% 2006/8 2 390,735.09 240.86
8/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,678.43 390,065.07 11.25% 2006/8 25 386,386.64 2,977.29
9/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 390,070.77 11.25% 2006/9 0 390,065.07 -

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
9/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 390,235.26 11.25% 2006/9 1 390,070.77 120.23
9/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,348.45 - 385,886.81 11.25% 2006/9 5 390,235.26 601.39
9/30/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,576.12 389,462.93 11.25% 2006/9 24 385,886.81 2,854.51
10/2/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 389,468.63 11.25% 2006/10 1 389,462.93 120.04
10/3/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 389,633.12 11.25% 2006/10 1 389,468.63 120.04
10/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,348.45 - 385,284.67 11.25% 2006/10 4 389,633.12 480.37
10/14/2006 5 Interest Rate Change 11.75% - - 385,284.67 11.75% 2006/10 7 385,284.67 831.26
10/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,784.26 389,068.92 11.75% 2006/10 18 385,284.67 2,232.54
11/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 389,074.62 11.75% 2006/11 0 389,068.92 -
11/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 389,239.11 11.75% 2006/11 1 389,074.62 125.25
11/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,499.32 - 384,739.79 11.75% 2006/11 5 389,239.11 626.52
11/30/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,724.28 388,464.07 11.75% 2006/11 24 384,739.79 2,972.51
12/1/2006 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 388,469.77 11.75% 2006/12 0 388,464.07 -
12/2/2006 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 388,634.26 11.75% 2006/12 1 388,469.77 125.06
12/7/2006 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,499.32 - 384,134.94 11.75% 2006/12 5 388,634.26 625.54
12/9/2006 5 Interest Rate Change 12.25% - - 384,134.94 12.25% 2006/12 2 384,134.94 247.32
12/31/2006 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,963.12 388,098.06 12.25% 2006/12 23 384,134.94 2,965.21
1/2/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 388,103.76 12.25% 2007/1 1 388,098.06 130.25
1/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 164.49 - 388,268.25 12.25% 2007/1 1 388,103.76 130.25
1/8/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,564.51 - 383,703.74 12.25% 2007/1 5 388,268.25 651.55
1/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,002.71 387,706.45 12.25% 2007/1 24 383,703.74 3,090.65
2/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 387,712.15 12.25% 2007/2 0 387,706.45 -
2/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 387,883.19 12.25% 2007/2 1 387,712.15 130.12
2/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.06 - 383,312.13 12.25% 2007/2 5 387,883.19 650.90
2/28/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,611.23 386,923.36 12.25% 2007/2 22 383,312.13 2,830.21
3/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 386,929.06 12.25% 2007/3 0 386,923.36 -
3/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 387,100.10 12.25% 2007/3 1 386,929.06 129.86
3/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.06 - 382,529.04 12.25% 2007/3 5 387,100.10 649.59
3/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,989.02 386,518.06 12.25% 2007/3 25 382,529.04 3,209.58
4/2/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 386,523.76 12.25% 2007/4 1 386,518.06 129.72
4/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 386,694.80 12.25% 2007/4 1 386,523.76 129.72
4/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.06 - 382,123.74 12.25% 2007/4 4 386,694.80 519.12
4/30/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,856.50 385,980.24 12.25% 2007/4 24 382,123.74 3,077.93
5/2/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 385,985.94 12.25% 2007/5 1 385,980.24 129.54
5/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 386,156.98 12.25% 2007/5 1 385,985.94 129.54
5/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.06 - 381,585.92 12.25% 2007/5 4 386,156.98 518.40
5/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,979.15 385,565.07 12.25% 2007/5 25 381,585.92 3,201.66

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
6/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 385,570.77 12.25% 2007/6 0 385,565.07 -
6/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 385,741.81 12.25% 2007/6 1 385,570.77 129.40
6/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.06 - 381,170.75 12.25% 2007/6 5 385,741.81 647.31
6/8/2007 5 Interest Rate Change 12.75% - - 381,170.75 12.75% 2007/6 1 381,170.75 127.93
6/30/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,967.06 385,137.81 12.75% 2007/6 23 381,170.75 3,062.42
7/2/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 385,143.51 12.75% 2007/7 1 385,137.81 134.53
7/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 385,314.55 12.75% 2007/7 1 385,143.51 134.54
7/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,699.12 - 380,615.43 12.75% 2007/7 4 385,314.55 538.38
7/15/2007 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -10,000.00 - 370,615.43 12.75% 2007/7 8 380,615.43 1,063.64
7/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,071.94 374,687.37 12.75% 2007/7 17 370,615.43 2,200.85
8/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 374,693.07 12.75% 2007/8 0 374,687.37 -
8/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 374,864.11 12.75% 2007/8 1 374,693.07 130.89
8/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,699.12 - 370,164.99 12.75% 2007/8 5 374,864.11 654.73
8/17/2007 5 Interest Rate Change 13.25% - - 370,164.99 13.25% 2007/8 10 370,164.99 1,293.04
8/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,094.28 374,259.27 13.25% 2007/8 15 370,164.99 2,015.62
9/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 374,264.97 13.25% 2007/9 0 374,259.27 -
9/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 374,436.01 13.25% 2007/9 2 374,264.97 271.73
9/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,721.31 - 369,714.70 13.25% 2007/9 4 374,436.01 543.70
9/30/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,036.50 373,751.20 13.25% 2007/9 24 369,714.70 3,221.08
10/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 5.70 - 373,756.90 13.25% 2007/10 0 373,751.20 -
10/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 373,927.94 13.25% 2007/10 1 373,756.90 135.68
10/4/2007 5 Interest Rate Change 12.40% - - 373,927.94 12.40% 2007/10 2 373,927.94 271.48
10/8/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.65 - 369,356.29 12.40% 2007/10 4 373,927.94 508.13
10/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,926.81 373,283.10 12.40% 2007/10 24 369,356.29 3,011.52
11/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 35.00 - 373,318.10 12.40% 2007/11 0 373,283.10 -
11/2/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 373,489.14 12.40% 2007/11 1 373,318.10 126.83
11/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,571.65 - 368,917.49 12.40% 2007/11 5 373,489.14 634.42
11/30/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,769.19 372,686.68 12.40% 2007/11 24 368,917.49 3,007.94
12/1/2007 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 35.00 - 372,721.68 12.40% 2007/12 0 372,686.68 -
12/3/2007 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 372,892.72 12.40% 2007/12 2 372,721.68 253.25
12/7/2007 5 Interest Rate Change 13.40% - - 372,892.72 13.40% 2007/12 4 372,892.72 506.73
12/7/2007 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,829.64 - 368,063.08 13.40% 2007/12 0 372,892.72 -
12/31/2007 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,138.09 372,201.16 13.40% 2007/12 25 368,063.08 3,378.11
1/2/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 35.00 - 372,236.16 13.40% 2008/1 1 372,201.16 136.64
1/3/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 171.04 - 372,407.20 13.40% 2008/1 1 372,236.16 136.66
1/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,829.64 - 367,577.56 13.40% 2008/1 4 372,407.20 546.88
1/15/2008 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -15,000.00 - 352,577.56 13.40% 2008/1 8 367,577.56 1,079.57

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
1/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,100.22 356,677.78 13.40% 2008/1 17 352,577.56 2,200.47
2/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 356,714.78 13.40% 2008/2 0 356,677.78 -
2/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 356,893.81 13.40% 2008/2 1 356,714.78 130.96
2/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,839.63 - 352,054.18 13.40% 2008/2 5 356,893.81 655.12
2/29/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,758.77 355,812.95 13.40% 2008/2 23 352,054.18 2,972.69
3/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 355,849.95 13.40% 2008/3 0 355,812.95 -
3/3/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 356,028.98 13.40% 2008/3 2 355,849.95 261.28
3/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,839.63 - 351,189.35 13.40% 2008/3 4 356,028.98 522.83
3/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,007.35 355,196.70 13.40% 2008/3 25 351,189.35 3,223.24
4/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 355,233.70 13.40% 2008/4 0 355,196.70 -
4/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 355,412.73 13.40% 2008/4 1 355,233.70 130.41
4/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,839.63 - 350,573.10 13.40% 2008/4 5 355,412.73 652.40
4/11/2008 5 Interest Rate Change 13.90% - - 350,573.10 13.90% 2008/4 4 350,573.10 514.81
4/30/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,967.75 354,540.85 13.90% 2008/4 20 350,573.10 2,670.12
5/3/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 354,577.85 13.90% 2008/5 2 354,540.85 270.03
5/5/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 354,756.88 13.90% 2008/5 2 354,577.85 270.06
5/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,711.86 - 350,045.02 13.90% 2008/5 2 354,756.88 270.20
5/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,142.91 354,187.93 13.90% 2008/5 25 350,045.02 3,332.62
6/2/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 354,224.93 13.90% 2008/6 1 354,187.93 134.88
6/3/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 354,403.96 13.90% 2008/6 1 354,224.93 134.90
6/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,711.86 - 349,692.10 13.90% 2008/6 4 354,403.96 539.86
6/13/2008 5 Interest Rate Change 14.40% - - 349,692.10 14.40% 2008/6 6 349,692.10 799.02
6/30/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,091.95 353,784.06 14.40% 2008/6 18 349,692.10 2,483.29
7/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 353,821.06 14.40% 2008/7 0 353,784.06 -
7/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 354,000.09 14.40% 2008/7 1 353,821.06 139.59
7/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 349,162.94 14.40% 2008/7 5 354,000.09 698.30
7/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,281.69 353,444.63 14.40% 2008/7 25 349,162.94 3,443.80
8/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 353,481.63 14.40% 2008/8 0 353,444.63 -
8/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 353,660.66 14.40% 2008/8 1 353,481.63 139.46
8/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 348,823.51 14.40% 2008/8 5 353,660.66 697.63
8/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,277.54 353,101.05 14.40% 2008/8 25 348,823.51 3,440.45
9/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 353,138.05 14.40% 2008/9 0 353,101.05 -
9/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 353,317.08 14.40% 2008/9 1 353,138.05 139.32
9/8/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 348,479.93 14.40% 2008/9 6 353,317.08 836.35
9/30/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,137.76 352,617.69 14.40% 2008/9 23 348,479.93 3,162.10
10/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 352,654.69 14.40% 2008/10 0 352,617.69 -
10/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 352,833.72 14.40% 2008/10 1 352,654.69 139.13

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
10/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 347,996.57 14.40% 2008/10 5 352,833.72 696.00
10/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,267.43 352,264.00 14.40% 2008/10 25 347,996.57 3,432.29
11/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 352,301.00 14.40% 2008/11 0 352,264.00 -
11/3/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 352,480.03 14.40% 2008/11 2 352,301.00 277.98
11/7/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 347,642.88 14.40% 2008/11 4 352,480.03 556.24
11/30/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,125.88 351,768.75 14.40% 2008/11 24 347,642.88 3,291.65
12/1/2008 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 37.00 - 351,805.75 14.40% 2008/12 0 351,768.75 -
12/2/2008 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 351,984.78 14.40% 2008/12 1 351,805.75 138.79
12/8/2008 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,837.15 - 347,147.63 14.40% 2008/12 6 351,984.78 833.19
12/12/2008 5 Interest Rate Change 13.90% - - 347,147.63 13.90% 2008/12 4 347,147.63 547.83
12/31/2008 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,163.84 351,311.47 13.90% 2008/12 20 347,147.63 2,644.03
1/2/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 351,353.47 13.90% 2009/1 1 351,311.47 133.79
1/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 179.03 - 351,532.50 13.90% 2009/1 1 351,353.47 133.80
1/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,719.16 - 346,813.34 13.90% 2009/1 4 351,532.50 535.49
1/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 4,104.93 350,918.27 13.90% 2009/1 25 346,813.34 3,301.85
2/2/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 350,960.27 13.90% 2009/2 1 350,918.27 133.64
2/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 351,162.43 13.90% 2009/2 1 350,960.27 133.65
2/6/2009 5 Interest Rate Change 12.90% - - 351,162.43 12.90% 2009/2 3 351,162.43 401.19
2/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,488.39 - 346,674.04 12.90% 2009/2 1 351,162.43 124.11
2/28/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,488.10 350,162.14 12.90% 2009/2 22 346,674.04 2,695.51
3/2/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 350,204.14 12.90% 2009/3 1 350,162.14 123.76
3/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 350,406.30 12.90% 2009/3 1 350,204.14 123.77
3/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,488.39 - 345,917.91 12.90% 2009/3 4 350,406.30 495.37
3/25/2009 5 Interest Rate Change 11.90% - - 345,917.91 11.90% 2009/3 18 345,917.91 2,200.61
3/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,732.95 349,650.87 11.90% 2009/3 7 345,917.91 789.45
4/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 349,692.87 11.90% 2009/4 0 349,650.87 -
4/2/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 349,895.03 11.90% 2009/4 1 349,692.87 114.01
4/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,300.28 - 345,594.75 11.90% 2009/4 5 349,895.03 570.38
4/30/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,388.55 348,983.29 11.90% 2009/4 24 345,594.75 2,704.16
5/2/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 349,025.29 11.90% 2009/5 1 348,983.29 113.78
5/4/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 349,227.45 11.90% 2009/5 2 349,025.29 227.58
5/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -4,300.28 - 344,927.17 11.90% 2009/5 3 349,227.45 341.57
5/29/2009 5 Interest Rate Change 9.90% - - 344,927.17 9.90% 2009/5 22 344,927.17 2,474.03
5/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 3,437.63 348,364.80 9.90% 2009/5 3 344,927.17 280.67
6/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 348,406.80 9.90% 2009/6 0 348,364.80 -
6/2/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 348,608.96 9.90% 2009/6 1 348,406.80 94.50
6/8/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,863.81 - 344,745.15 9.90% 2009/6 6 348,608.96 567.33

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
6/30/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,812.47 347,557.62 9.90% 2009/6 23 344,745.15 2,150.64
7/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 347,599.62 9.90% 2009/7 0 347,557.62 -
7/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 347,801.78 9.90% 2009/7 2 347,599.62 188.56
7/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,863.81 - 343,937.97 9.90% 2009/7 4 347,801.78 377.34
7/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,898.08 346,836.05 9.90% 2009/7 25 343,937.97 2,332.18
8/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 346,878.05 9.90% 2009/8 0 346,836.05 -
8/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 347,080.21 9.90% 2009/8 2 346,878.05 188.17
8/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,863.81 - 343,216.40 9.90% 2009/8 4 347,080.21 376.56
8/14/2009 5 Interest Rate Change 9.40% - - 343,216.40 9.40% 2009/8 7 343,216.40 651.64
8/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,807.39 346,023.79 9.40% 2009/8 18 343,216.40 1,591.02
9/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 346,065.79 9.40% 2009/9 0 346,023.79 -
9/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 346,267.95 9.40% 2009/9 2 346,065.79 178.25
9/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 342,522.69 9.40% 2009/9 4 346,267.95 356.70
9/30/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,652.02 345,174.71 9.40% 2009/9 24 342,522.69 2,117.07
10/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 345,216.71 9.40% 2009/10 0 345,174.71 -
10/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 345,418.87 9.40% 2009/10 2 345,216.71 177.81
10/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 341,673.61 9.40% 2009/10 4 345,418.87 355.83
10/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,733.46 344,407.07 9.40% 2009/10 25 341,673.61 2,199.82
11/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 344,449.07 9.40% 2009/11 0 344,407.07 -
11/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 344,651.23 9.40% 2009/11 2 344,449.07 177.41
11/5/2009 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -30,000.00 - 314,651.23 9.40% 2009/11 2 344,651.23 177.52
11/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 310,905.97 9.40% 2009/11 2 314,651.23 162.07
11/30/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,438.66 313,344.62 9.40% 2009/11 24 310,905.97 1,921.65
12/1/2009 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 42.00 - 313,386.62 9.40% 2009/12 0 313,344.62 -
12/3/2009 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 313,588.78 9.40% 2009/12 2 313,386.62 161.42
12/7/2009 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 309,843.52 9.40% 2009/12 4 313,588.78 323.04
12/31/2009 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,479.34 312,322.86 9.40% 2009/12 25 309,843.52 1,994.88
1/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 312,368.86 9.40% 2010/1 0 312,322.86 -
1/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 202.16 - 312,571.02 9.40% 2010/1 2 312,368.86 160.89
1/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 308,825.76 9.40% 2010/1 4 312,571.02 321.99
1/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,471.21 311,296.97 9.40% 2010/1 25 308,825.76 1,988.33
2/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 311,342.97 9.40% 2010/2 0 311,296.97 -
2/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 311,571.17 9.40% 2010/2 2 311,342.97 160.36
2/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 307,825.91 9.40% 2010/2 4 311,571.17 320.96
2/15/2010 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -15,000.00 - 292,825.91 9.40% 2010/2 8 307,825.91 634.21
2/28/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,171.31 294,997.22 9.40% 2010/2 14 292,825.91 1,055.78
3/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 295,043.22 9.40% 2010/3 0 294,997.22 -

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
3/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 295,271.42 9.40% 2010/3 2 295,043.22 151.97
3/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,745.26 - 291,526.16 9.40% 2010/3 4 295,271.42 304.17
3/26/2010 5 Interest Rate Change 8.90% - - 291,526.16 8.90% 2010/3 19 291,526.16 1,426.48
3/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,309.13 293,835.29 8.90% 2010/3 6 291,526.16 426.51
4/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 293,881.29 8.90% 2010/4 0 293,835.29 -
4/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 294,109.49 8.90% 2010/4 2 293,881.29 143.32
4/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 290,760.18 8.90% 2010/4 4 294,109.49 286.86
4/30/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,131.72 292,891.90 8.90% 2010/4 24 290,760.18 1,701.54
5/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 292,937.90 8.90% 2010/5 0 292,891.90 -
5/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 293,166.10 8.90% 2010/5 2 292,937.90 142.86
5/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 289,816.79 8.90% 2010/5 4 293,166.10 285.94
5/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,195.49 292,012.27 8.90% 2010/5 25 289,816.79 1,766.69
6/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 292,058.27 8.90% 2010/6 0 292,012.27 -
6/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 292,286.47 8.90% 2010/6 2 292,058.27 142.43
6/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 288,937.16 8.90% 2010/6 4 292,286.47 285.08
6/30/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,118.38 291,055.55 8.90% 2010/6 24 288,937.16 1,690.88
7/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 291,101.55 8.90% 2010/7 0 291,055.55 -
7/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 291,329.75 8.90% 2010/7 2 291,101.55 141.96
7/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 287,980.44 8.90% 2010/7 4 291,329.75 284.15
7/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,181.61 290,162.04 8.90% 2010/7 25 287,980.44 1,755.50
8/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 290,208.04 8.90% 2010/8 0 290,162.04 -
8/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 290,436.24 8.90% 2010/8 2 290,208.04 141.53
8/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 287,086.93 8.90% 2010/8 4 290,436.24 283.27
8/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,174.85 289,261.78 8.90% 2010/8 25 287,086.93 1,750.05
9/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 289,307.78 8.90% 2010/9 0 289,261.78 -
9/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 289,535.98 8.90% 2010/9 2 289,307.78 141.09
9/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,349.31 - 286,186.67 8.90% 2010/9 4 289,535.98 282.40
9/12/2010 5 Interest Rate Change 8.40% - - 286,186.67 8.40% 2010/9 5 286,186.67 348.91
9/30/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,023.78 288,210.45 8.40% 2010/9 19 286,186.67 1,251.38
10/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 288,256.45 8.40% 2010/10 0 288,210.45 -
10/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 288,484.65 8.40% 2010/10 2 288,256.45 132.68
10/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,115.83 - 285,368.82 8.40% 2010/10 4 288,484.65 265.56
10/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 2,040.09 287,408.91 8.40% 2010/10 25 285,368.82 1,641.85
11/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 287,454.91 8.40% 2010/11 0 287,408.91 -
11/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 287,683.11 8.40% 2010/11 2 287,454.91 132.31
11/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,115.83 - 284,567.28 8.40% 2010/11 4 287,683.11 264.83
11/10/2010 5 Interest Rate Change 7.90% - - 284,567.28 7.90% 2010/11 3 284,567.28 196.47

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
11/30/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,887.02 286,454.30 7.90% 2010/11 21 284,567.28 1,293.42
12/1/2010 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 46.00 - 286,500.30 7.90% 2010/12 0 286,454.30 -
12/3/2010 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 286,728.50 7.90% 2010/12 2 286,500.30 124.02
12/7/2010 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 283,693.77 7.90% 2010/12 4 286,728.50 248.24
12/31/2010 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,907.31 285,601.08 7.90% 2010/12 25 283,693.77 1,535.06
1/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 285,651.08 7.90% 2011/1 1 285,601.08 61.82
1/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 228.20 - 285,879.28 7.90% 2011/1 1 285,651.08 61.83
1/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 282,844.55 7.90% 2011/1 4 285,879.28 247.50
1/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,901.60 284,746.15 7.90% 2011/1 25 282,844.55 1,530.46
2/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 284,796.15 7.90% 2011/2 1 284,746.15 61.63
2/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 285,036.25 7.90% 2011/2 1 284,796.15 61.64
2/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 282,001.52 7.90% 2011/2 4 285,036.25 246.77
2/28/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,712.83 283,714.35 7.90% 2011/2 22 282,001.52 1,342.79
3/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 283,764.35 7.90% 2011/3 1 283,714.35 61.41
3/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 284,004.45 7.90% 2011/3 1 283,764.35 61.42
3/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 280,969.72 7.90% 2011/3 4 284,004.45 245.88
3/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,889.02 282,858.74 7.90% 2011/3 25 280,969.72 1,520.32
4/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 282,908.74 7.90% 2011/4 1 282,858.74 61.22
4/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 283,148.84 7.90% 2011/4 1 282,908.74 61.23
4/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 280,114.11 7.90% 2011/4 4 283,148.84 245.14
4/30/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,822.65 281,936.76 7.90% 2011/4 24 280,114.11 1,455.06
5/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 281,986.76 7.90% 2011/5 1 281,936.76 61.02
5/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 282,226.86 7.90% 2011/5 1 281,986.76 61.03
5/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 279,192.13 7.90% 2011/5 4 282,226.86 244.34
5/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,877.09 281,069.22 7.90% 2011/5 25 279,192.13 1,510.70
6/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 281,119.22 7.90% 2011/6 1 281,069.22 60.83
6/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 281,359.32 7.90% 2011/6 1 281,119.22 60.84
6/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 278,324.59 7.90% 2011/6 4 281,359.32 243.59
6/30/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,811.03 280,135.62 7.90% 2011/6 24 278,324.59 1,445.76
7/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 280,185.62 7.90% 2011/7 1 280,135.62 60.63
7/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 280,425.72 7.90% 2011/7 1 280,185.62 60.64
7/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 277,390.99 7.90% 2011/7 4 280,425.72 242.78
7/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,865.01 279,256.00 7.90% 2011/7 25 277,390.99 1,500.95
8/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 279,306.00 7.90% 2011/8 1 279,256.00 60.44
8/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 279,546.10 7.90% 2011/8 1 279,306.00 60.45
8/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 276,511.37 7.90% 2011/8 4 279,546.10 242.02
8/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,859.10 278,370.47 7.90% 2011/8 25 276,511.37 1,496.19

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
9/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 278,420.47 7.90% 2011/9 1 278,370.47 60.25
9/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 278,660.57 7.90% 2011/9 1 278,420.47 60.26
9/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 275,625.84 7.90% 2011/9 4 278,660.57 241.25
9/30/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,793.51 277,419.35 7.90% 2011/9 24 275,625.84 1,431.74
10/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 277,469.35 7.90% 2011/10 1 277,419.35 60.04
10/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 277,709.45 7.90% 2011/10 1 277,469.35 60.06
10/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 274,674.72 7.90% 2011/10 4 277,709.45 240.43
10/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,846.78 276,521.50 7.90% 2011/10 25 274,674.72 1,486.25
11/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 276,571.50 7.90% 2011/11 1 276,521.50 59.85
11/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 276,811.60 7.90% 2011/11 1 276,571.50 59.86
11/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 273,776.87 7.90% 2011/11 4 276,811.60 239.65
11/30/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,781.50 275,558.37 7.90% 2011/11 24 273,776.87 1,422.14
12/2/2011 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 50.00 - 275,608.37 7.90% 2011/12 1 275,558.37 59.64
12/3/2011 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 275,848.47 7.90% 2011/12 1 275,608.37 59.65
12/7/2011 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,034.73 - 272,813.74 7.90% 2011/12 4 275,848.47 238.82
12/31/2011 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,834.29 274,648.03 7.90% 2011/12 25 272,813.74 1,476.18
1/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 274,703.03 7.90% 2012/1 1 274,648.03 59.44
1/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 240.10 - 274,943.13 7.90% 2012/1 1 274,703.03 59.46
1/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,039.73 - 271,903.40 7.90% 2012/1 4 274,943.13 238.03
1/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,828.19 273,731.60 7.90% 2012/1 25 271,903.40 1,471.26
2/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 273,786.60 7.90% 2012/2 1 273,731.60 59.25
2/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 274,041.10 7.90% 2012/2 1 273,786.60 59.26
2/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.13 - 270,986.97 7.90% 2012/2 4 274,041.10 237.25
2/29/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,704.75 272,691.72 7.90% 2012/2 23 270,986.97 1,349.00
3/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 272,746.72 7.90% 2012/3 1 272,691.72 59.02
3/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 273,001.22 7.90% 2012/3 1 272,746.72 59.03
3/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.13 - 269,947.09 7.90% 2012/3 4 273,001.22 236.35
3/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,815.08 271,762.16 7.90% 2012/3 25 269,947.09 1,460.67
4/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 271,817.16 7.90% 2012/4 1 271,762.16 58.82
4/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 272,071.66 7.90% 2012/4 1 271,817.16 58.83
4/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.13 - 269,017.53 7.90% 2012/4 4 272,071.66 235.55
4/30/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,750.62 270,768.15 7.90% 2012/4 24 269,017.53 1,397.42
5/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 270,823.15 7.90% 2012/5 1 270,768.15 58.60
5/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 271,077.65 7.90% 2012/5 1 270,823.15 58.62
5/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.13 - 268,023.52 7.90% 2012/5 4 271,077.65 234.69
5/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,802.17 269,825.69 7.90% 2012/5 25 268,023.52 1,450.26
6/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 269,880.69 7.90% 2012/6 1 269,825.69 58.40

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
6/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 270,135.19 7.90% 2012/6 1 269,880.69 58.41
6/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.13 - 267,081.06 7.90% 2012/6 4 270,135.19 233.87
6/30/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,738.04 268,819.10 7.90% 2012/6 24 267,081.06 1,387.36
7/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 268,874.10 7.90% 2012/7 1 268,819.10 58.18
7/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 269,128.60 7.90% 2012/7 1 268,874.10 58.19
7/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 266,099.78 7.90% 2012/7 4 269,128.60 233.00
7/20/2012 5 Interest Rate Change 7.40% - - 266,099.78 7.40% 2012/7 13 266,099.78 748.72
7/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,745.49 267,845.27 7.40% 2012/7 12 266,099.78 647.39
8/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 267,900.27 7.40% 2012/8 1 267,845.27 54.30
8/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 268,154.77 7.40% 2012/8 1 267,900.27 54.31
8/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 265,125.95 7.40% 2012/8 4 268,154.77 217.46
8/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,669.87 266,795.82 7.40% 2012/8 25 265,125.95 1,343.79
9/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 266,850.82 7.40% 2012/9 1 266,795.82 54.09
9/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 267,105.32 7.40% 2012/9 1 266,850.82 54.10
9/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 264,076.50 7.40% 2012/9 4 267,105.32 216.61
9/30/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,609.73 265,686.24 7.40% 2012/9 24 264,076.50 1,284.93
10/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 265,741.24 7.40% 2012/10 1 265,686.24 53.87
10/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 265,995.74 7.40% 2012/10 1 265,741.24 53.88
10/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 262,966.92 7.40% 2012/10 4 265,995.74 215.71
10/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,656.30 264,623.21 7.40% 2012/10 25 262,966.92 1,332.85
11/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 264,678.21 7.40% 2012/11 1 264,623.21 53.65
11/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 264,932.71 7.40% 2012/11 1 264,678.21 53.66
11/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 261,903.89 7.40% 2012/11 4 264,932.71 214.85
11/30/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,596.52 263,500.41 7.40% 2012/11 24 261,903.89 1,274.36
12/2/2012 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 55.00 - 263,555.41 7.40% 2012/12 1 263,500.41 53.42
12/3/2012 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 263,809.91 7.40% 2012/12 1 263,555.41 53.43
12/7/2012 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,028.82 - 260,781.09 7.40% 2012/12 4 263,809.91 213.94
12/31/2012 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,642.56 262,423.66 7.40% 2012/12 25 260,781.09 1,321.77
1/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 262,483.66 7.40% 2013/1 1 262,423.66 53.20
1/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 254.50 - 262,738.16 7.40% 2013/1 1 262,483.66 53.22
1/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,033.82 - 259,704.34 7.40% 2013/1 4 262,738.16 213.07
1/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,635.80 261,340.13 7.40% 2013/1 25 259,704.34 1,316.31
2/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 261,400.13 7.40% 2013/2 1 261,340.13 52.98
2/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 261,670.13 7.40% 2013/2 1 261,400.13 53.00
2/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 258,620.81 7.40% 2013/2 4 261,670.13 212.20
2/28/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,471.70 260,092.52 7.40% 2013/2 22 258,620.81 1,153.52
3/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 260,152.52 7.40% 2013/3 1 260,092.52 52.73

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
3/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 260,422.52 7.40% 2013/3 1 260,152.52 52.74
3/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 257,373.20 7.40% 2013/3 4 260,422.52 211.19
3/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,621.16 258,994.36 7.40% 2013/3 25 257,373.20 1,304.49
4/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 259,054.36 7.40% 2013/4 1 258,994.36 52.51
4/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 259,324.36 7.40% 2013/4 1 259,054.36 52.52
4/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 256,275.04 7.40% 2013/4 4 259,324.36 210.30
4/30/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,562.30 257,837.34 7.40% 2013/4 24 256,275.04 1,246.97
5/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 257,897.34 7.40% 2013/5 1 257,837.34 52.27
5/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 258,167.34 7.40% 2013/5 1 257,897.34 52.29
5/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 255,118.02 7.40% 2013/5 4 258,167.34 209.36
5/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,606.99 256,725.01 7.40% 2013/5 25 255,118.02 1,293.06
6/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 256,785.01 7.40% 2013/6 1 256,725.01 52.05
6/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 257,055.01 7.40% 2013/6 1 256,785.01 52.06
6/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 254,005.69 7.40% 2013/6 4 257,055.01 208.46
6/20/2013 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -12,500.00 - 241,505.69 7.40% 2013/6 13 254,005.69 669.46
6/30/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,520.62 243,026.31 7.40% 2013/6 11 241,505.69 538.59
7/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 243,086.31 7.40% 2013/7 1 243,026.31 49.27
7/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 243,356.31 7.40% 2013/7 1 243,086.31 49.28
7/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 240,306.99 7.40% 2013/7 4 243,356.31 197.35
7/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,513.90 241,820.89 7.40% 2013/7 25 240,306.99 1,217.99
8/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 241,880.89 7.40% 2013/8 1 241,820.89 49.03
8/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 242,150.89 7.40% 2013/8 1 241,880.89 49.04
8/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 239,101.57 7.40% 2013/8 4 242,150.89 196.37
8/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,506.32 240,607.89 7.40% 2013/8 25 239,101.57 1,211.88
9/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 240,667.89 7.40% 2013/9 1 240,607.89 48.78
9/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 240,937.89 7.40% 2013/9 1 240,667.89 48.79
9/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 237,888.57 7.40% 2013/9 4 240,937.89 195.39
9/30/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,450.47 239,339.05 7.40% 2013/9 24 237,888.57 1,157.51
10/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 239,399.05 7.40% 2013/10 1 239,339.05 48.52
10/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 239,669.05 7.40% 2013/10 1 239,399.05 48.54
10/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 236,619.73 7.40% 2013/10 4 239,669.05 194.36
10/25/2013 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -20,000.00 - 216,619.73 7.40% 2013/10 18 236,619.73 863.50
10/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,462.34 218,082.07 7.40% 2013/10 7 216,619.73 307.42
11/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 218,142.07 7.40% 2013/11 1 218,082.07 44.21
11/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 218,412.07 7.40% 2013/11 1 218,142.07 44.23
11/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 215,362.75 7.40% 2013/11 4 218,412.07 177.12
11/30/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,313.47 216,676.21 7.40% 2013/11 24 215,362.75 1,047.90

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
12/2/2013 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 60.00 - 216,736.21 7.40% 2013/12 1 216,676.21 43.93
12/3/2013 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 217,006.21 7.40% 2013/12 1 216,736.21 43.94
12/7/2013 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,049.32 - 213,956.89 7.40% 2013/12 4 217,006.21 175.98
12/31/2013 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,348.29 215,305.19 7.40% 2013/12 25 213,956.89 1,084.44
1/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 215,370.19 7.40% 2014/1 1 215,305.19 43.65
1/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 270.00 - 215,640.19 7.40% 2014/1 1 215,370.19 43.66
1/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -3,054.32 - 212,585.87 7.40% 2014/1 4 215,640.19 174.88
1/27/2014 5 Interest Rate Change 7.90% - - 212,585.87 7.90% 2014/1 20 212,585.87 861.99
1/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,354.24 213,940.11 7.90% 2014/1 5 212,585.87 230.06
2/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 214,005.11 7.90% 2014/2 1 213,940.11 46.30
2/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 214,305.11 7.90% 2014/2 1 214,005.11 46.32
2/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 211,543.25 7.90% 2014/2 4 214,305.11 185.54
2/28/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,285.45 212,828.70 7.90% 2014/2 22 211,543.25 1,007.29
3/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 212,893.70 7.90% 2014/3 1 212,828.70 46.06
3/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 213,193.70 7.90% 2014/3 1 212,893.70 46.08
3/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 210,431.84 7.90% 2014/3 4 213,193.70 184.57
3/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,415.35 211,847.19 7.90% 2014/3 25 210,431.84 1,138.64
4/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 211,912.19 7.90% 2014/4 1 211,847.19 45.85
4/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 212,212.19 7.90% 2014/4 1 211,912.19 45.87
4/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 209,450.33 7.90% 2014/4 4 212,212.19 183.72
4/21/2014 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -15,800.00 - 193,650.33 7.90% 2014/4 14 209,450.33 634.66
4/30/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,329.24 194,979.57 7.90% 2014/4 10 193,650.33 419.13
5/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 195,044.57 7.90% 2014/5 1 194,979.57 42.20
5/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 195,344.57 7.90% 2014/5 1 195,044.57 42.22
5/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 192,582.71 7.90% 2014/5 4 195,344.57 169.12
5/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,295.59 193,878.31 7.90% 2014/5 25 192,582.71 1,042.06
6/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 193,943.31 7.90% 2014/6 1 193,878.31 41.96
6/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 194,243.31 7.90% 2014/6 1 193,943.31 41.98
6/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 191,481.45 7.90% 2014/6 4 194,243.31 168.17
6/20/2014 3 Ad Hoc Repayment 0.00% -7,300.00 - 184,181.45 7.90% 2014/6 13 191,481.45 538.77
6/30/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,229.38 185,410.83 7.90% 2014/6 11 184,181.45 438.50
7/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 185,475.83 7.90% 2014/7 1 185,410.83 40.13
7/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 185,775.83 7.90% 2014/7 1 185,475.83 40.14
7/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,761.86 - 183,013.97 7.90% 2014/7 4 185,775.83 160.84
7/18/2014 5 Interest Rate Change 8.15% - - 183,013.97 8.15% 2014/7 11 183,013.97 435.72
7/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,248.94 184,262.91 8.15% 2014/7 14 183,013.97 572.11
8/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 184,327.91 8.15% 2014/8 1 184,262.91 41.14

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
8/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 184,627.91 8.15% 2014/8 1 184,327.91 41.16
8/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,513.89 - 182,114.02 8.15% 2014/8 4 184,627.91 164.90
8/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,263.80 183,377.81 8.15% 2014/8 25 182,114.02 1,016.60
9/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 183,442.81 8.15% 2014/9 1 183,377.81 40.95
9/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 183,742.81 8.15% 2014/9 1 183,442.81 40.96
9/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,513.89 - 181,228.92 8.15% 2014/9 4 183,742.81 164.11
9/30/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,217.20 182,446.13 8.15% 2014/9 24 181,228.92 971.19
10/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 182,511.13 8.15% 2014/10 1 182,446.13 40.74
10/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 182,811.13 8.15% 2014/10 1 182,511.13 40.75
10/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,513.89 - 180,297.24 8.15% 2014/10 4 182,811.13 163.28
10/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,251.22 181,548.46 8.15% 2014/10 25 180,297.24 1,006.45
11/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 181,613.46 8.15% 2014/11 1 181,548.46 40.54
11/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 181,913.46 8.15% 2014/11 1 181,613.46 40.55
11/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,513.89 - 179,399.57 8.15% 2014/11 4 181,913.46 162.48
11/30/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,204.95 180,604.52 8.15% 2014/11 24 179,399.57 961.39
12/2/2014 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 65.00 - 180,669.52 8.15% 2014/12 1 180,604.52 40.33
12/3/2014 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 180,969.52 8.15% 2014/12 1 180,669.52 40.34
12/7/2014 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,513.89 - 178,455.63 8.15% 2014/12 4 180,969.52 161.63
12/31/2014 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,238.47 179,694.11 8.15% 2014/12 25 178,455.63 996.17
1/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 179,764.11 8.15% 2015/1 1 179,694.11 40.12
1/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 300.00 - 180,064.11 8.15% 2015/1 1 179,764.11 40.14
1/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,518.89 - 177,545.22 8.15% 2015/1 4 180,064.11 160.82
1/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,232.18 178,777.40 8.15% 2015/1 25 177,545.22 991.09
2/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 178,847.40 8.15% 2015/2 1 178,777.40 39.92
2/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 179,172.40 8.15% 2015/2 1 178,847.40 39.93
2/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 176,628.51 8.15% 2015/2 4 179,172.40 160.03
2/28/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,107.54 177,736.04 8.15% 2015/2 22 176,628.51 867.66
3/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 177,806.04 8.15% 2015/3 1 177,736.04 39.69
3/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 178,131.04 8.15% 2015/3 1 177,806.04 39.70
3/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 175,587.15 8.15% 2015/3 4 178,131.04 159.10
3/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,218.65 176,805.80 8.15% 2015/3 25 175,587.15 980.16
4/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 176,875.80 8.15% 2015/4 1 176,805.80 39.48
4/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 177,200.80 8.15% 2015/4 1 176,875.80 39.49
4/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 174,656.91 8.15% 2015/4 4 177,200.80 158.27
4/30/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,173.21 175,830.12 8.15% 2015/4 24 174,656.91 935.97
5/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 175,900.12 8.15% 2015/5 1 175,830.12 39.26
5/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 176,225.12 8.15% 2015/5 1 175,900.12 39.28

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
5/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 173,681.23 8.15% 2015/5 4 176,225.12 157.40
5/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,205.45 174,886.69 8.15% 2015/5 25 173,681.23 969.52
6/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 174,956.69 8.15% 2015/6 1 174,886.69 39.05
6/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 175,281.69 8.15% 2015/6 1 174,956.69 39.07
6/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 172,737.80 8.15% 2015/6 4 175,281.69 156.55
6/30/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,160.35 173,898.15 8.15% 2015/6 24 172,737.80 925.69
7/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 173,968.15 8.15% 2015/7 1 173,898.15 38.83
7/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 174,293.15 8.15% 2015/7 1 173,968.15 38.84
7/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,543.89 - 171,749.26 8.15% 2015/7 4 174,293.15 155.67
7/24/2015 5 Interest Rate Change 8.40% - - 171,749.26 8.40% 2015/7 17 171,749.26 651.94
7/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,201.49 172,950.75 8.40% 2015/7 8 171,749.26 316.21
8/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 173,020.75 8.40% 2015/8 1 172,950.75 39.80
8/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 173,345.75 8.40% 2015/8 1 173,020.75 39.82
8/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,550.07 - 170,795.68 8.40% 2015/8 4 173,345.75 159.57
8/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,221.85 172,017.54 8.40% 2015/8 25 170,795.68 982.66
9/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 172,087.54 8.40% 2015/9 1 172,017.54 39.59
9/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 172,412.54 8.40% 2015/9 1 172,087.54 39.60
9/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,550.07 - 169,862.47 8.40% 2015/9 4 172,412.54 158.71
9/30/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,176.10 171,038.57 8.40% 2015/9 24 169,862.47 938.20
10/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 171,108.57 8.40% 2015/10 1 171,038.57 39.36
10/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 171,433.57 8.40% 2015/10 1 171,108.57 39.38
10/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,550.07 - 168,883.50 8.40% 2015/10 4 171,433.57 157.81
10/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,208.21 170,091.71 8.40% 2015/10 25 168,883.50 971.66
11/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 170,161.71 8.40% 2015/11 1 170,091.71 39.14
11/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 170,486.71 8.40% 2015/11 1 170,161.71 39.16
11/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,550.07 - 167,936.64 8.40% 2015/11 4 170,486.71 156.94
11/20/2015 5 Interest Rate Change 8.65% - - 167,936.64 8.65% 2015/11 13 167,936.64 502.43
11/30/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,175.46 169,112.10 8.65% 2015/11 11 167,936.64 437.79
12/2/2015 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 70.00 - 169,182.10 8.65% 2015/12 1 169,112.10 40.08
12/3/2015 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 169,507.10 8.65% 2015/12 1 169,182.10 40.09
12/7/2015 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,572.78 - 166,934.32 8.65% 2015/12 4 169,507.10 160.68
12/31/2015 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,229.88 168,164.21 8.65% 2015/12 25 166,934.32 989.03
1/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 168,239.21 8.65% 2016/1 1 168,164.21 39.85
1/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 325.00 - 168,564.21 8.65% 2016/1 1 168,239.21 39.87
1/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,577.78 - 165,986.43 8.65% 2016/1 4 168,564.21 159.79
1/29/2016 5 Interest Rate Change 8.90% - - 165,986.43 8.90% 2016/1 22 165,986.43 865.40
1/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,226.34 167,212.76 8.90% 2016/1 3 165,986.43 121.42

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
2/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 167,287.76 8.90% 2016/2 1 167,212.76 40.77
2/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 167,634.76 8.90% 2016/2 1 167,287.76 40.79
2/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,637.91 - 164,996.85 8.90% 2016/2 4 167,634.76 163.50
2/29/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,170.40 166,167.26 8.90% 2016/2 23 164,996.85 925.34
3/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 166,242.26 8.90% 2016/3 1 166,167.26 40.52
3/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 166,589.26 8.90% 2016/3 1 166,242.26 40.54
3/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,637.91 - 163,951.35 8.90% 2016/3 4 166,589.26 162.48
3/18/2016 5 Interest Rate Change 9.15% - - 163,951.35 9.15% 2016/3 11 163,951.35 439.75
3/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,258.69 165,210.03 9.15% 2016/3 14 163,951.35 575.40
4/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 165,285.03 9.15% 2016/4 1 165,210.03 41.42
4/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 165,632.03 9.15% 2016/4 1 165,285.03 41.43
4/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 162,972.77 9.15% 2016/4 4 165,632.03 166.09
4/30/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,229.45 164,202.22 9.15% 2016/4 24 162,972.77 980.52
5/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 164,277.22 9.15% 2016/5 1 164,202.22 41.16
5/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 164,624.22 9.15% 2016/5 1 164,277.22 41.18
5/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 161,964.96 9.15% 2016/5 4 164,624.22 165.08
5/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,262.47 163,227.44 9.15% 2016/5 25 161,964.96 1,015.05
6/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 163,302.44 9.15% 2016/6 1 163,227.44 40.92
6/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 163,649.44 9.15% 2016/6 1 163,302.44 40.94
6/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 160,990.18 9.15% 2016/6 4 163,649.44 164.10
6/30/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,214.54 162,204.72 9.15% 2016/6 24 160,990.18 968.59
7/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 162,279.72 9.15% 2016/7 1 162,204.72 40.66
7/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 162,626.72 9.15% 2016/7 1 162,279.72 40.68
7/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 159,967.46 9.15% 2016/7 4 162,626.72 163.07
7/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,246.95 161,214.41 9.15% 2016/7 25 159,967.46 1,002.54
8/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 161,289.41 9.15% 2016/8 1 161,214.41 40.41
8/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 161,636.41 9.15% 2016/8 1 161,289.41 40.43
8/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 158,977.15 9.15% 2016/8 4 161,636.41 162.08
8/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,239.26 160,216.41 9.15% 2016/8 25 158,977.15 996.33
9/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 160,291.41 9.15% 2016/9 1 160,216.41 40.16
9/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 160,638.41 9.15% 2016/9 1 160,291.41 40.18
9/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 157,979.15 9.15% 2016/9 4 160,638.41 161.08
9/30/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,191.90 159,171.04 9.15% 2016/9 24 157,979.15 950.47
10/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 159,246.04 9.15% 2016/10 1 159,171.04 39.90
10/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 159,593.04 9.15% 2016/10 1 159,246.04 39.92
10/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 156,933.78 9.15% 2016/10 4 159,593.04 160.03
10/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,223.38 158,157.16 9.15% 2016/10 25 156,933.78 983.52

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Loan Statement
New Interest Transaction Calculated Outstanding Transaction Interest Transaction Accrued
Date Code Transaction Description Rate Amount Interest Balance Interest Rate Month Days Closing Interest
11/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 158,232.16 9.15% 2016/11 1 158,157.16 39.65
11/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 158,579.16 9.15% 2016/11 1 158,232.16 39.67
11/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 155,919.90 9.15% 2016/11 4 158,579.16 159.01
11/30/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,176.41 157,096.31 9.15% 2016/11 24 155,919.90 938.08
12/2/2016 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 75.00 - 157,171.31 9.15% 2016/12 1 157,096.31 39.38
12/3/2016 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 157,518.31 9.15% 2016/12 1 157,171.31 39.40
12/7/2016 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,659.26 - 154,859.05 9.15% 2016/12 4 157,518.31 157.95
12/31/2016 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,207.25 156,066.30 9.15% 2016/12 25 154,859.05 970.52
1/2/2017 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 82.00 - 156,148.30 9.15% 2017/1 1 156,066.30 39.12
1/3/2017 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 347.00 - 156,495.30 9.15% 2017/1 1 156,148.30 39.14
1/7/2017 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,666.26 - 153,829.04 9.15% 2017/1 4 156,495.30 156.92
1/31/2017 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,199.26 155,028.30 9.15% 2017/1 25 153,829.04 964.07
2/2/2017 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 82.00 - 155,110.30 9.15% 2017/2 1 155,028.30 38.86
2/3/2017 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 370.00 - 155,480.30 9.15% 2017/2 1 155,110.30 38.88
2/7/2017 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,689.26 - 152,791.04 9.15% 2017/2 4 155,480.30 155.91
2/28/2017 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,076.31 153,867.35 9.15% 2017/2 22 152,791.04 842.65
3/2/2017 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 82.00 - 153,949.35 9.15% 2017/3 1 153,867.35 38.57
3/3/2017 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 370.00 - 154,319.35 9.15% 2017/3 1 153,949.35 38.59
3/7/2017 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,689.26 - 151,630.09 9.15% 2017/3 4 154,319.35 154.74
3/31/2017 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,182.19 152,812.28 9.15% 2017/3 25 151,630.09 950.28
4/2/2017 6 Admin Fee 0.00% 82.00 - 152,894.28 9.15% 2017/4 1 152,812.28 38.31
4/3/2017 7 Insurance Premium 0.00% 370.00 - 153,264.28 9.15% 2017/4 1 152,894.28 38.33
4/7/2017 2 Loan Repayment 0.00% -2,689.26 - 150,575.02 9.15% 2017/4 4 153,264.28 153.68
4/30/2017 4 Interest Capitalized 0.00% - 1,136.25 151,711.26 9.15% 2017/4 24 150,575.02 905.93

On this sheet:
All loan account transactions should be recorded on this sheet in order to calculate the loan account
statement balances. The calculations on this sheet accommodate an unlimited number of interest rate
changes and ad hoc loan repayments and facilitate daily interest calculations. Loan account balances are
calculated and displayed on all transaction dates. User input is limited to entering the transaction date,
transaction code, new interest rate (only for interest rate changes) and the transaction amount. All the
columns with a light blue column heading contain formulas that should be copied for all new transactions
that are recorded on this sheet.

Page 30 of 64
Loan Summary
Opening Loan Ad Hoc Interest Insurance Closing Number of
Month Balance Loan Advance Repayment Repayment Capitalized Admin Fee Premium Other Balance Repayments
Apr-2005 - 400,000.00 - - 3,535.55 5.70 147.40 - 403,688.65 -
May-2005 403,688.65 - -4,214.02 - 3,655.97 5.70 147.40 - 403,283.70 1.00
Jun-2005 403,283.70 - -4,214.02 - 3,534.78 5.70 147.40 - 402,757.57 2.00
Jul-2005 402,757.57 - -4,214.02 - 3,647.56 5.70 147.40 - 402,344.20 3.00
Aug-2005 402,344.20 - -4,214.02 - 3,645.03 5.70 147.40 - 401,928.31 4.00
Sep-2005 401,928.31 - -4,214.02 - 3,522.81 5.70 147.40 - 401,390.20 5.00
Oct-2005 401,390.20 - -4,214.02 - 3,613.26 5.70 147.40 - 400,942.54 6.00
Nov-2005 400,942.54 - -4,108.49 - 3,351.36 5.70 147.40 - 400,338.51 7.00
Dec-2005 400,338.51 - -4,108.49 - 3,457.59 5.70 147.40 - 399,840.70 8.00
Jan-2006 399,840.70 - -4,108.49 -5,000.00 3,422.27 5.70 147.40 - 394,307.59 9.00
Feb-2006 394,307.59 - -4,125.58 - 3,076.25 5.70 164.49 - 393,428.45 10.00
Mar-2006 393,428.45 - -4,125.58 - 3,397.41 5.70 164.49 - 392,870.47 11.00
Apr-2006 392,870.47 - -4,125.58 - 3,283.34 5.70 164.49 - 392,198.41 12.00
May-2006 392,198.41 - -4,125.58 - 3,387.86 5.70 164.49 - 391,630.88 13.00
Jun-2006 391,630.88 - -4,125.58 - 3,363.22 5.70 164.49 - 391,038.71 14.00
Jul-2006 391,038.71 - -4,184.88 - 3,540.88 5.70 164.49 - 390,564.90 15.00
Aug-2006 390,564.90 - -4,348.45 - 3,678.43 5.70 164.49 - 390,065.07 16.00
Sep-2006 390,065.07 - -4,348.45 - 3,576.12 5.70 164.49 - 389,462.93 17.00
Oct-2006 389,462.93 - -4,348.45 - 3,784.26 5.70 164.49 - 389,068.92 18.00
Nov-2006 389,068.92 - -4,499.32 - 3,724.28 5.70 164.49 - 388,464.07 19.00
Dec-2006 388,464.07 - -4,499.32 - 3,963.12 5.70 164.49 - 388,098.06 20.00
Jan-2007 388,098.06 - -4,564.51 - 4,002.71 5.70 164.49 - 387,706.45 21.00
Feb-2007 387,706.45 - -4,571.06 - 3,611.23 5.70 171.04 - 386,923.36 22.00
Mar-2007 386,923.36 - -4,571.06 - 3,989.02 5.70 171.04 - 386,518.06 23.00
Apr-2007 386,518.06 - -4,571.06 - 3,856.50 5.70 171.04 - 385,980.24 24.00
May-2007 385,980.24 - -4,571.06 - 3,979.15 5.70 171.04 - 385,565.07 25.00
Jun-2007 385,565.07 - -4,571.06 - 3,967.06 5.70 171.04 - 385,137.81 26.00
Jul-2007 385,137.81 - -4,699.12 -10,000.00 4,071.94 5.70 171.04 - 374,687.37 27.00
Aug-2007 374,687.37 - -4,699.12 - 4,094.28 5.70 171.04 - 374,259.27 28.00
Sep-2007 374,259.27 - -4,721.31 - 4,036.50 5.70 171.04 - 373,751.20 29.00
Oct-2007 373,751.20 - -4,571.65 - 3,926.81 5.70 171.04 - 373,283.10 30.00
Nov-2007 373,283.10 - -4,571.65 - 3,769.19 35.00 171.04 - 372,686.68 31.00
Dec-2007 372,686.68 - -4,829.64 - 4,138.09 35.00 171.04 - 372,201.16 32.00
Jan-2008 372,201.16 - -4,829.64 -15,000.00 4,100.22 35.00 171.04 - 356,677.78 33.00
Feb-2008 356,677.78 - -4,839.63 - 3,758.77 37.00 179.03 - 355,812.95 34.00
Mar-2008 355,812.95 - -4,839.63 - 4,007.35 37.00 179.03 - 355,196.70 35.00

Page 31 of 64
Loan Summary
Opening Loan Ad Hoc Interest Insurance Closing Number of
Month Balance Loan Advance Repayment Repayment Capitalized Admin Fee Premium Other Balance Repayments
Apr-2008 355,196.70 - -4,839.63 - 3,967.75 37.00 179.03 - 354,540.85 36.00
May-2008 354,540.85 - -4,711.86 - 4,142.91 37.00 179.03 - 354,187.93 37.00
Jun-2008 354,187.93 - -4,711.86 - 4,091.95 37.00 179.03 - 353,784.06 38.00
Jul-2008 353,784.06 - -4,837.15 - 4,281.69 37.00 179.03 - 353,444.63 39.00
Aug-2008 353,444.63 - -4,837.15 - 4,277.54 37.00 179.03 - 353,101.05 40.00
Sep-2008 353,101.05 - -4,837.15 - 4,137.76 37.00 179.03 - 352,617.69 41.00
Oct-2008 352,617.69 - -4,837.15 - 4,267.43 37.00 179.03 - 352,264.00 42.00
Nov-2008 352,264.00 - -4,837.15 - 4,125.88 37.00 179.03 - 351,768.75 43.00
Dec-2008 351,768.75 - -4,837.15 - 4,163.84 37.00 179.03 - 351,311.47 44.00
Jan-2009 351,311.47 - -4,719.16 - 4,104.93 42.00 179.03 - 350,918.27 45.00
Feb-2009 350,918.27 - -4,488.39 - 3,488.10 42.00 202.16 - 350,162.14 46.00
Mar-2009 350,162.14 - -4,488.39 - 3,732.95 42.00 202.16 - 349,650.87 47.00
Apr-2009 349,650.87 - -4,300.28 - 3,388.55 42.00 202.16 - 348,983.29 48.00
May-2009 348,983.29 - -4,300.28 - 3,437.63 42.00 202.16 - 348,364.80 49.00
Jun-2009 348,364.80 - -3,863.81 - 2,812.47 42.00 202.16 - 347,557.62 50.00
Jul-2009 347,557.62 - -3,863.81 - 2,898.08 42.00 202.16 - 346,836.05 51.00
Aug-2009 346,836.05 - -3,863.81 - 2,807.39 42.00 202.16 - 346,023.79 52.00
Sep-2009 346,023.79 - -3,745.26 - 2,652.02 42.00 202.16 - 345,174.71 53.00
Oct-2009 345,174.71 - -3,745.26 - 2,733.46 42.00 202.16 - 344,407.07 54.00
Nov-2009 344,407.07 - -3,745.26 -30,000.00 2,438.66 42.00 202.16 - 313,344.62 55.00
Dec-2009 313,344.62 - -3,745.26 - 2,479.34 42.00 202.16 - 312,322.86 56.00
Jan-2010 312,322.86 - -3,745.26 - 2,471.21 46.00 202.16 - 311,296.97 57.00
Feb-2010 311,296.97 - -3,745.26 -15,000.00 2,171.31 46.00 228.20 - 294,997.22 58.00
Mar-2010 294,997.22 - -3,745.26 - 2,309.13 46.00 228.20 - 293,835.29 59.00
Apr-2010 293,835.29 - -3,349.31 - 2,131.72 46.00 228.20 - 292,891.90 60.00
May-2010 292,891.90 - -3,349.31 - 2,195.49 46.00 228.20 - 292,012.27 61.00
Jun-2010 292,012.27 - -3,349.31 - 2,118.38 46.00 228.20 - 291,055.55 62.00
Jul-2010 291,055.55 - -3,349.31 - 2,181.61 46.00 228.20 - 290,162.04 63.00
Aug-2010 290,162.04 - -3,349.31 - 2,174.85 46.00 228.20 - 289,261.78 64.00
Sep-2010 289,261.78 - -3,349.31 - 2,023.78 46.00 228.20 - 288,210.45 65.00
Oct-2010 288,210.45 - -3,115.83 - 2,040.09 46.00 228.20 - 287,408.91 66.00
Nov-2010 287,408.91 - -3,115.83 - 1,887.02 46.00 228.20 - 286,454.30 67.00
Dec-2010 286,454.30 - -3,034.73 - 1,907.31 46.00 228.20 - 285,601.08 68.00
Jan-2011 285,601.08 - -3,034.73 - 1,901.60 50.00 228.20 - 284,746.15 69.00
Feb-2011 284,746.15 - -3,034.73 - 1,712.83 50.00 240.10 - 283,714.35 70.00
Mar-2011 283,714.35 - -3,034.73 - 1,889.02 50.00 240.10 - 282,858.74 71.00

Page 32 of 64
Loan Summary
Opening Loan Ad Hoc Interest Insurance Closing Number of
Month Balance Loan Advance Repayment Repayment Capitalized Admin Fee Premium Other Balance Repayments
Apr-2011 282,858.74 - -3,034.73 - 1,822.65 50.00 240.10 - 281,936.76 72.00
May-2011 281,936.76 - -3,034.73 - 1,877.09 50.00 240.10 - 281,069.22 73.00
Jun-2011 281,069.22 - -3,034.73 - 1,811.03 50.00 240.10 - 280,135.62 74.00
Jul-2011 280,135.62 - -3,034.73 - 1,865.01 50.00 240.10 - 279,256.00 75.00
Aug-2011 279,256.00 - -3,034.73 - 1,859.10 50.00 240.10 - 278,370.47 76.00
Sep-2011 278,370.47 - -3,034.73 - 1,793.51 50.00 240.10 - 277,419.35 77.00
Oct-2011 277,419.35 - -3,034.73 - 1,846.78 50.00 240.10 - 276,521.50 78.00
Nov-2011 276,521.50 - -3,034.73 - 1,781.50 50.00 240.10 - 275,558.37 79.00
Dec-2011 275,558.37 - -3,034.73 - 1,834.29 50.00 240.10 - 274,648.03 80.00
Jan-2012 274,648.03 - -3,039.73 - 1,828.19 55.00 240.10 - 273,731.60 81.00
Feb-2012 273,731.60 - -3,054.13 - 1,704.75 55.00 254.50 - 272,691.72 82.00
Mar-2012 272,691.72 - -3,054.13 - 1,815.08 55.00 254.50 - 271,762.16 83.00
Apr-2012 271,762.16 - -3,054.13 - 1,750.62 55.00 254.50 - 270,768.15 84.00
May-2012 270,768.15 - -3,054.13 - 1,802.17 55.00 254.50 - 269,825.69 85.00
Jun-2012 269,825.69 - -3,054.13 - 1,738.04 55.00 254.50 - 268,819.10 86.00
Jul-2012 268,819.10 - -3,028.82 - 1,745.49 55.00 254.50 - 267,845.27 87.00
Aug-2012 267,845.27 - -3,028.82 - 1,669.87 55.00 254.50 - 266,795.82 88.00
Sep-2012 266,795.82 - -3,028.82 - 1,609.73 55.00 254.50 - 265,686.24 89.00
Oct-2012 265,686.24 - -3,028.82 - 1,656.30 55.00 254.50 - 264,623.21 90.00
Nov-2012 264,623.21 - -3,028.82 - 1,596.52 55.00 254.50 - 263,500.41 91.00
Dec-2012 263,500.41 - -3,028.82 - 1,642.56 55.00 254.50 - 262,423.66 92.00
Jan-2013 262,423.66 - -3,033.82 - 1,635.80 60.00 254.50 - 261,340.13 93.00
Feb-2013 261,340.13 - -3,049.32 - 1,471.70 60.00 270.00 - 260,092.52 94.00
Mar-2013 260,092.52 - -3,049.32 - 1,621.16 60.00 270.00 - 258,994.36 95.00
Apr-2013 258,994.36 - -3,049.32 - 1,562.30 60.00 270.00 - 257,837.34 96.00
May-2013 257,837.34 - -3,049.32 - 1,606.99 60.00 270.00 - 256,725.01 97.00
Jun-2013 256,725.01 - -3,049.32 -12,500.00 1,520.62 60.00 270.00 - 243,026.31 98.00
Jul-2013 243,026.31 - -3,049.32 - 1,513.90 60.00 270.00 - 241,820.89 99.00
Aug-2013 241,820.89 - -3,049.32 - 1,506.32 60.00 270.00 - 240,607.89 100.00
Sep-2013 240,607.89 - -3,049.32 - 1,450.47 60.00 270.00 - 239,339.05 101.00
Oct-2013 239,339.05 - -3,049.32 -20,000.00 1,462.34 60.00 270.00 - 218,082.07 102.00
Nov-2013 218,082.07 - -3,049.32 - 1,313.47 60.00 270.00 - 216,676.21 103.00
Dec-2013 216,676.21 - -3,049.32 - 1,348.29 60.00 270.00 - 215,305.19 104.00
Jan-2014 215,305.19 - -3,054.32 - 1,354.24 65.00 270.00 - 213,940.11 105.00
Feb-2014 213,940.11 - -2,761.86 - 1,285.45 65.00 300.00 - 212,828.70 106.00
Mar-2014 212,828.70 - -2,761.86 - 1,415.35 65.00 300.00 - 211,847.19 107.00

Page 33 of 64
Loan Summary
Opening Loan Ad Hoc Interest Insurance Closing Number of
Month Balance Loan Advance Repayment Repayment Capitalized Admin Fee Premium Other Balance Repayments
Apr-2014 211,847.19 - -2,761.86 -15,800.00 1,329.24 65.00 300.00 - 194,979.57 108.00
May-2014 194,979.57 - -2,761.86 - 1,295.59 65.00 300.00 - 193,878.31 109.00
Jun-2014 193,878.31 - -2,761.86 -7,300.00 1,229.38 65.00 300.00 - 185,410.83 110.00
Jul-2014 185,410.83 - -2,761.86 - 1,248.94 65.00 300.00 - 184,262.91 111.00
Aug-2014 184,262.91 - -2,513.89 - 1,263.80 65.00 300.00 - 183,377.81 112.00
Sep-2014 183,377.81 - -2,513.89 - 1,217.20 65.00 300.00 - 182,446.13 113.00
Oct-2014 182,446.13 - -2,513.89 - 1,251.22 65.00 300.00 - 181,548.46 114.00
Nov-2014 181,548.46 - -2,513.89 - 1,204.95 65.00 300.00 - 180,604.52 115.00
Dec-2014 180,604.52 - -2,513.89 - 1,238.47 65.00 300.00 - 179,694.11 116.00
Jan-2015 179,694.11 - -2,518.89 - 1,232.18 70.00 300.00 - 178,777.40 117.00
Feb-2015 178,777.40 - -2,543.89 - 1,107.54 70.00 325.00 - 177,736.04 118.00
Mar-2015 177,736.04 - -2,543.89 - 1,218.65 70.00 325.00 - 176,805.80 119.00
Apr-2015 176,805.80 - -2,543.89 - 1,173.21 70.00 325.00 - 175,830.12 120.00
May-2015 175,830.12 - -2,543.89 - 1,205.45 70.00 325.00 - 174,886.69 121.00
Jun-2015 174,886.69 - -2,543.89 - 1,160.35 70.00 325.00 - 173,898.15 122.00
Jul-2015 173,898.15 - -2,543.89 - 1,201.49 70.00 325.00 - 172,950.75 123.00
Aug-2015 172,950.75 - -2,550.07 - 1,221.85 70.00 325.00 - 172,017.54 124.00
Sep-2015 172,017.54 - -2,550.07 - 1,176.10 70.00 325.00 - 171,038.57 125.00
Oct-2015 171,038.57 - -2,550.07 - 1,208.21 70.00 325.00 - 170,091.71 126.00
Nov-2015 170,091.71 - -2,550.07 - 1,175.46 70.00 325.00 - 169,112.10 127.00
Dec-2015 169,112.10 - -2,572.78 - 1,229.88 70.00 325.00 - 168,164.21 128.00
Jan-2016 168,164.21 - -2,577.78 - 1,226.34 75.00 325.00 - 167,212.76 129.00
Feb-2016 167,212.76 - -2,637.91 - 1,170.40 75.00 347.00 - 166,167.26 130.00
Mar-2016 166,167.26 - -2,637.91 - 1,258.69 75.00 347.00 - 165,210.03 131.00
Apr-2016 165,210.03 - -2,659.26 - 1,229.45 75.00 347.00 - 164,202.22 132.00
May-2016 164,202.22 - -2,659.26 - 1,262.47 75.00 347.00 - 163,227.44 133.00
Jun-2016 163,227.44 - -2,659.26 - 1,214.54 75.00 347.00 - 162,204.72 134.00
Jul-2016 162,204.72 - -2,659.26 - 1,246.95 75.00 347.00 - 161,214.41 135.00
Aug-2016 161,214.41 - -2,659.26 - 1,239.26 75.00 347.00 - 160,216.41 136.00
Sep-2016 160,216.41 - -2,659.26 - 1,191.90 75.00 347.00 - 159,171.04 137.00
Oct-2016 159,171.04 - -2,659.26 - 1,223.38 75.00 347.00 - 158,157.16 138.00
Nov-2016 158,157.16 - -2,659.26 - 1,176.41 75.00 347.00 - 157,096.31 139.00
Dec-2016 157,096.31 - -2,659.26 - 1,207.25 75.00 347.00 - 156,066.30 140.00
Jan-2017 156,066.30 - -2,666.26 - 1,199.26 82.00 347.00 - 155,028.30 141.00
Feb-2017 155,028.30 - -2,689.26 - 1,076.31 82.00 370.00 - 153,867.35 142.00
Mar-2017 153,867.35 - -2,689.26 - 1,182.19 82.00 370.00 - 152,812.28 143.00

Page 34 of 64
Loan Summary
Opening Loan Ad Hoc Interest Insurance Closing Number of
Month Balance Loan Advance Repayment Repayment Capitalized Admin Fee Premium Other Balance Repayments
Apr-2017 152,812.28 - -2,689.26 - 1,136.25 82.00 370.00 - 151,711.26 144.00

On this sheet:
All the amounts on this loan summary are automatically calculated based on the transactions
that are recorded on the “Statement” sheet. You can add additional monthly periods to the
sheet by simply copying the formulas from one of the existing rows. No user input is required
on this sheet.

Page 35 of 64
Loan Review

Review Date 4/30/2017

Loan Period 240.00

Number of Actual Repayments 144.00
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Initial Initial Actual Loan: Actual Loan:
Loan History (as at review date) Actual Loan Difference Loan Period Summary
Amortization Amortization Standard Forecast
Loan Advances 400,000.00 400,000.00 - Total Interest Charges 526,420.78 405,758.17 405,758.17
Total Capital Repayments 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00
Scheduled Loan Repayments 555,852.47 501,988.41 53,864.06 Total Loan Repayments 926,420.78 805,758.17 805,758.17
Ad Hoc Loan Repayments - 130,600.00 -130,600.00 Interest: Actual vs Initial Amortization 120,662.61
555,852.47 632,588.41 -76,735.94 Actual Interest: Amortization vs Forecast -
Loan Repayment Breakdown Effective Annual Interest Rate 10.00% 8.05% 8.05%
Capital Repayment 145,614.55 248,288.74 -102,674.19
Interest Repayment 410,237.92 342,964.73 67,273.19
Other Costs - 41,334.94 -41,334.94 On this sheet:
This sheet includes a comprehensive analysis of loan account balances and interest
Outstanding Loan Balance 254,385.45 151,711.26 102,674.19 charges for the entire loan period. Actual loan balances are calculated from the
transactions that are recorded on the “Statement” sheet and added to the forecasted loan
amortization calculations for the remaining loan repayment period before being compared
Initial Actual Loan: Actual Loan: to initial loan amortization calculations. The loan repayment forecasts are calculated based
Remaining Loan Repayments
Amortization Standard Forecast on a standard amortization table and an amortization table that accommodates ad hoc loan
Capital 254,385.45 151,711.26 151,711.26 repayments. The only user input that is required on this sheet is selecting the appropriate
Interest 116,182.86 62,793.44 62,793.44 loan review period from the list box in cell B3.
Total Remaining Loan Repayments 370,568.31 214,504.70 214,504.70

Page 36 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
May-2005 1 400,000.00 3,860.09 3,333.33 526.75 399,473.25 99.9%
Jun-2005 2 399,473.25 3,860.09 3,328.94 531.14 398,942.10 99.7%
Jul-2005 3 398,942.10 3,860.09 3,324.52 535.57 398,406.53 99.6%
Aug-2005 4 398,406.53 3,860.09 3,320.05 540.03 397,866.50 99.5%
Sep-2005 5 397,866.50 3,860.09 3,315.55 544.53 397,321.97 99.3%
Oct-2005 6 397,321.97 3,860.09 3,311.02 549.07 396,772.90 99.2%
Nov-2005 7 396,772.90 3,860.09 3,306.44 553.65 396,219.25 99.1%
On this sheet:
Dec-2005 8 396,219.25
This sheet includes 3,860.09 3,301.83 table calculation
an initial amortization 558.26 that is
used 98.9%
Jan-2006 9 to 395,660.99
compare the initial3,860.09
loan terms to actual
3,297.17loan account balances.395,098.08
562.91 All the 98.8%
Feb-2006 10 amortization
395,098.08 calculations are based3,292.48
3,860.09 on the loan terms that are specified
567.60 394,530.48 98.6%
Mar-2006 11 394,530.48 3,860.09 in cells D3 to D6.
3,287.75 572.33 393,958.15 98.5%
Apr-2006 12 393,958.15 3,860.09 3,282.98 577.10 393,381.05 98.3%
May-2006 13 393,381.05 3,860.09 3,278.18 581.91 392,799.14 98.2%
Jun-2006 14 392,799.14 3,860.09 3,273.33 586.76 392,212.37 98.1%
Jul-2006 15 392,212.37 3,860.09 3,268.44 591.65 391,620.72 97.9%
Aug-2006 16 391,620.72 3,860.09 3,263.51 596.58 391,024.14 97.8%
Sep-2006 17 391,024.14 3,860.09 3,258.53 601.55 390,422.59 97.6%
Oct-2006 18 390,422.59 3,860.09 3,253.52 606.56 389,816.03 97.5%
Nov-2006 19 389,816.03 3,860.09 3,248.47 611.62 389,204.41 97.3%
Dec-2006 20 389,204.41 3,860.09 3,243.37 616.72 388,587.69 97.1%
Jan-2007 21 388,587.69 3,860.09 3,238.23 621.86 387,965.83 97.0%
Feb-2007 22 387,965.83 3,860.09 3,233.05 627.04 387,338.80 96.8%
Mar-2007 23 387,338.80 3,860.09 3,227.82 632.26 386,706.53 96.7%
Apr-2007 24 386,706.53 3,860.09 3,222.55 637.53 386,069.00 96.5%
May-2007 25 386,069.00 3,860.09 3,217.24 642.84 385,426.16 96.4%
Jun-2007 26 385,426.16 3,860.09 3,211.88 648.20 384,777.95 96.2%
Jul-2007 27 384,777.95 3,860.09 3,206.48 653.60 384,124.35 96.0%
Aug-2007 28 384,124.35 3,860.09 3,201.04 659.05 383,465.30 95.9%
Sep-2007 29 383,465.30 3,860.09 3,195.54 664.54 382,800.76 95.7%
Oct-2007 30 382,800.76 3,860.09 3,190.01 670.08 382,130.68 95.5%
Nov-2007 31 382,130.68 3,860.09 3,184.42 675.66 381,455.01 95.4%
Dec-2007 32 381,455.01 3,860.09 3,178.79 681.29 380,773.72 95.2%
Jan-2008 33 380,773.72 3,860.09 3,173.11 686.97 380,086.75 95.0%
Feb-2008 34 380,086.75 3,860.09 3,167.39 692.70 379,394.05 94.8%
Mar-2008 35 379,394.05 3,860.09 3,161.62 698.47 378,695.58 94.7%
Apr-2008 36 378,695.58 3,860.09 3,155.80 704.29 377,991.29 94.5%
May-2008 37 377,991.29 3,860.09 3,149.93 710.16 377,281.13 94.3%
Jun-2008 38 377,281.13 3,860.09 3,144.01 716.08 376,565.05 94.1%
Jul-2008 39 376,565.05 3,860.09 3,138.04 722.04 375,843.01 94.0%
Aug-2008 40 375,843.01 3,860.09 3,132.03 728.06 375,114.95 93.8%
Sep-2008 41 375,114.95 3,860.09 3,125.96 734.13 374,380.82 93.6%
Oct-2008 42 374,380.82 3,860.09 3,119.84 740.25 373,640.57 93.4%
Nov-2008 43 373,640.57 3,860.09 3,113.67 746.42 372,894.16 93.2%
Dec-2008 44 372,894.16 3,860.09 3,107.45 752.64 372,141.52 93.0%
Jan-2009 45 372,141.52 3,860.09 3,101.18 758.91 371,382.62 92.8%
Feb-2009 46 371,382.62 3,860.09 3,094.86 765.23 370,617.38 92.7%
Mar-2009 47 370,617.38 3,860.09 3,088.48 771.61 369,845.78 92.5%
Apr-2009 48 369,845.78 3,860.09 3,082.05 778.04 369,067.74 92.3%
May-2009 49 369,067.74 3,860.09 3,075.56 784.52 368,283.21 92.1%
Jun-2009 50 368,283.21 3,860.09 3,069.03 791.06 367,492.15 91.9%
Jul-2009 51 367,492.15 3,860.09 3,062.43 797.65 366,694.50 91.7%
Aug-2009 52 366,694.50 3,860.09 3,055.79 804.30 365,890.20 91.5%
Sep-2009 53 365,890.20 3,860.09 3,049.09 811.00 365,079.20 91.3%
Oct-2009 54 365,079.20 3,860.09 3,042.33 817.76 364,261.44 91.1%

Page 37 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Nov-2009 55 364,261.44 3,860.09 3,035.51 824.57 363,436.87 90.9%
Dec-2009 56 363,436.87 3,860.09 3,028.64 831.45 362,605.42 90.7%
Jan-2010 57 362,605.42 3,860.09 3,021.71 838.37 361,767.05 90.4%
Feb-2010 58 361,767.05 3,860.09 3,014.73 845.36 360,921.69 90.2%
Mar-2010 59 360,921.69 3,860.09 3,007.68 852.41 360,069.28 90.0%
Apr-2010 60 360,069.28 3,860.09 3,000.58 859.51 359,209.77 89.8%
May-2010 61 359,209.77 3,860.09 2,993.41 866.67 358,343.10 89.6%
Jun-2010 62 358,343.10 3,860.09 2,986.19 873.89 357,469.20 89.4%
Jul-2010 63 357,469.20 3,860.09 2,978.91 881.18 356,588.03 89.1%
Aug-2010 64 356,588.03 3,860.09 2,971.57 888.52 355,699.51 88.9%
Sep-2010 65 355,699.51 3,860.09 2,964.16 895.92 354,803.58 88.7%
Oct-2010 66 354,803.58 3,860.09 2,956.70 903.39 353,900.19 88.5%
Nov-2010 67 353,900.19 3,860.09 2,949.17 910.92 352,989.28 88.2%
Dec-2010 68 352,989.28 3,860.09 2,941.58 918.51 352,070.77 88.0%
Jan-2011 69 352,070.77 3,860.09 2,933.92 926.16 351,144.60 87.8%
Feb-2011 70 351,144.60 3,860.09 2,926.21 933.88 350,210.72 87.6%
Mar-2011 71 350,210.72 3,860.09 2,918.42 941.66 349,269.06 87.3%
Apr-2011 72 349,269.06 3,860.09 2,910.58 949.51 348,319.55 87.1%
May-2011 73 348,319.55 3,860.09 2,902.66 957.42 347,362.12 86.8%
Jun-2011 74 347,362.12 3,860.09 2,894.68 965.40 346,396.72 86.6%
Jul-2011 75 346,396.72 3,860.09 2,886.64 973.45 345,423.27 86.4%
Aug-2011 76 345,423.27 3,860.09 2,878.53 981.56 344,441.71 86.1%
Sep-2011 77 344,441.71 3,860.09 2,870.35 989.74 343,451.98 85.9%
Oct-2011 78 343,451.98 3,860.09 2,862.10 997.99 342,453.99 85.6%
Nov-2011 79 342,453.99 3,860.09 2,853.78 1,006.30 341,447.69 85.4%
Dec-2011 80 341,447.69 3,860.09 2,845.40 1,014.69 340,433.00 85.1%
Jan-2012 81 340,433.00 3,860.09 2,836.94 1,023.14 339,409.85 84.9%
Feb-2012 82 339,409.85 3,860.09 2,828.42 1,031.67 338,378.18 84.6%
Mar-2012 83 338,378.18 3,860.09 2,819.82 1,040.27 337,337.91 84.3%
Apr-2012 84 337,337.91 3,860.09 2,811.15 1,048.94 336,288.97 84.1%
May-2012 85 336,288.97 3,860.09 2,802.41 1,057.68 335,231.30 83.8%
Jun-2012 86 335,231.30 3,860.09 2,793.59 1,066.49 334,164.80 83.5%
Jul-2012 87 334,164.80 3,860.09 2,784.71 1,075.38 333,089.42 83.3%
Aug-2012 88 333,089.42 3,860.09 2,775.75 1,084.34 332,005.08 83.0%
Sep-2012 89 332,005.08 3,860.09 2,766.71 1,093.38 330,911.70 82.7%
Oct-2012 90 330,911.70 3,860.09 2,757.60 1,102.49 329,809.22 82.5%
Nov-2012 91 329,809.22 3,860.09 2,748.41 1,111.68 328,697.54 82.2%
Dec-2012 92 328,697.54 3,860.09 2,739.15 1,120.94 327,576.60 81.9%
Jan-2013 93 327,576.60 3,860.09 2,729.80 1,130.28 326,446.32 81.6%
Feb-2013 94 326,446.32 3,860.09 2,720.39 1,139.70 325,306.62 81.3%
Mar-2013 95 325,306.62 3,860.09 2,710.89 1,149.20 324,157.42 81.0%
Apr-2013 96 324,157.42 3,860.09 2,701.31 1,158.77 322,998.64 80.7%
May-2013 97 322,998.64 3,860.09 2,691.66 1,168.43 321,830.21 80.5%
Jun-2013 98 321,830.21 3,860.09 2,681.92 1,178.17 320,652.04 80.2%
Jul-2013 99 320,652.04 3,860.09 2,672.10 1,187.99 319,464.06 79.9%
Aug-2013 100 319,464.06 3,860.09 2,662.20 1,197.89 318,266.17 79.6%
Sep-2013 101 318,266.17 3,860.09 2,652.22 1,207.87 317,058.30 79.3%
Oct-2013 102 317,058.30 3,860.09 2,642.15 1,217.93 315,840.37 79.0%
Nov-2013 103 315,840.37 3,860.09 2,632.00 1,228.08 314,612.29 78.7%
Dec-2013 104 314,612.29 3,860.09 2,621.77 1,238.32 313,373.97 78.3%
Jan-2014 105 313,373.97 3,860.09 2,611.45 1,248.64 312,125.33 78.0%
Feb-2014 106 312,125.33 3,860.09 2,601.04 1,259.04 310,866.29 77.7%
Mar-2014 107 310,866.29 3,860.09 2,590.55 1,269.53 309,596.76 77.4%
Apr-2014 108 309,596.76 3,860.09 2,579.97 1,280.11 308,316.64 77.1%

Page 38 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
May-2014 109 308,316.64 3,860.09 2,569.31 1,290.78 307,025.86 76.8%
Jun-2014 110 307,025.86 3,860.09 2,558.55 1,301.54 305,724.32 76.4%
Jul-2014 111 305,724.32 3,860.09 2,547.70 1,312.38 304,411.94 76.1%
Aug-2014 112 304,411.94 3,860.09 2,536.77 1,323.32 303,088.62 75.8%
Sep-2014 113 303,088.62 3,860.09 2,525.74 1,334.35 301,754.27 75.4%
Oct-2014 114 301,754.27 3,860.09 2,514.62 1,345.47 300,408.80 75.1%
Nov-2014 115 300,408.80 3,860.09 2,503.41 1,356.68 299,052.12 74.8%
Dec-2014 116 299,052.12 3,860.09 2,492.10 1,367.99 297,684.14 74.4%
Jan-2015 117 297,684.14 3,860.09 2,480.70 1,379.39 296,304.75 74.1%
Feb-2015 118 296,304.75 3,860.09 2,469.21 1,390.88 294,913.87 73.7%
Mar-2015 119 294,913.87 3,860.09 2,457.62 1,402.47 293,511.40 73.4%
Apr-2015 120 293,511.40 3,860.09 2,445.93 1,414.16 292,097.24 73.0%
May-2015 121 292,097.24 3,860.09 2,434.14 1,425.94 290,671.30 72.7%
Jun-2015 122 290,671.30 3,860.09 2,422.26 1,437.83 289,233.47 72.3%
Jul-2015 123 289,233.47 3,860.09 2,410.28 1,449.81 287,783.67 71.9%
Aug-2015 124 287,783.67 3,860.09 2,398.20 1,461.89 286,321.78 71.6%
Sep-2015 125 286,321.78 3,860.09 2,386.01 1,474.07 284,847.70 71.2%
Oct-2015 126 284,847.70 3,860.09 2,373.73 1,486.36 283,361.35 70.8%
Nov-2015 127 283,361.35 3,860.09 2,361.34 1,498.74 281,862.61 70.5%
Dec-2015 128 281,862.61 3,860.09 2,348.86 1,511.23 280,351.38 70.1%
Jan-2016 129 280,351.38 3,860.09 2,336.26 1,523.83 278,827.55 69.7%
Feb-2016 130 278,827.55 3,860.09 2,323.56 1,536.52 277,291.03 69.3%
Mar-2016 131 277,291.03 3,860.09 2,310.76 1,549.33 275,741.70 68.9%
Apr-2016 132 275,741.70 3,860.09 2,297.85 1,562.24 274,179.46 68.5%
May-2016 133 274,179.46 3,860.09 2,284.83 1,575.26 272,604.20 68.2%
Jun-2016 134 272,604.20 3,860.09 2,271.70 1,588.38 271,015.82 67.8%
Jul-2016 135 271,015.82 3,860.09 2,258.47 1,601.62 269,414.20 67.4%
Aug-2016 136 269,414.20 3,860.09 2,245.12 1,614.97 267,799.23 66.9%
Sep-2016 137 267,799.23 3,860.09 2,231.66 1,628.43 266,170.80 66.5%
Oct-2016 138 266,170.80 3,860.09 2,218.09 1,642.00 264,528.80 66.1%
Nov-2016 139 264,528.80 3,860.09 2,204.41 1,655.68 262,873.12 65.7%
Dec-2016 140 262,873.12 3,860.09 2,190.61 1,669.48 261,203.65 65.3%
Jan-2017 141 261,203.65 3,860.09 2,176.70 1,683.39 259,520.26 64.9%
Feb-2017 142 259,520.26 3,860.09 2,162.67 1,697.42 257,822.84 64.5%
Mar-2017 143 257,822.84 3,860.09 2,148.52 1,711.56 256,111.28 64.0%
Apr-2017 144 256,111.28 3,860.09 2,134.26 1,725.83 254,385.45 63.6%
May-2017 145 254,385.45 3,860.09 2,119.88 1,740.21 252,645.24 63.2%
Jun-2017 146 252,645.24 3,860.09 2,105.38 1,754.71 250,890.53 62.7%
Jul-2017 147 250,890.53 3,860.09 2,090.75 1,769.33 249,121.20 62.3%
Aug-2017 148 249,121.20 3,860.09 2,076.01 1,784.08 247,337.13 61.8%
Sep-2017 149 247,337.13 3,860.09 2,061.14 1,798.94 245,538.18 61.4%
Oct-2017 150 245,538.18 3,860.09 2,046.15 1,813.94 243,724.25 60.9%
Nov-2017 151 243,724.25 3,860.09 2,031.04 1,829.05 241,895.19 60.5%
Dec-2017 152 241,895.19 3,860.09 2,015.79 1,844.29 240,050.90 60.0%
Jan-2018 153 240,050.90 3,860.09 2,000.42 1,859.66 238,191.24 59.5%
Feb-2018 154 238,191.24 3,860.09 1,984.93 1,875.16 236,316.08 59.1%
Mar-2018 155 236,316.08 3,860.09 1,969.30 1,890.79 234,425.29 58.6%
Apr-2018 156 234,425.29 3,860.09 1,953.54 1,906.54 232,518.75 58.1%
May-2018 157 232,518.75 3,860.09 1,937.66 1,922.43 230,596.32 57.6%
Jun-2018 158 230,596.32 3,860.09 1,921.64 1,938.45 228,657.87 57.2%
Jul-2018 159 228,657.87 3,860.09 1,905.48 1,954.60 226,703.27 56.7%
Aug-2018 160 226,703.27 3,860.09 1,889.19 1,970.89 224,732.37 56.2%
Sep-2018 161 224,732.37 3,860.09 1,872.77 1,987.32 222,745.06 55.7%
Oct-2018 162 222,745.06 3,860.09 1,856.21 2,003.88 220,741.18 55.2%

Page 39 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Nov-2018 163 220,741.18 3,860.09 1,839.51 2,020.58 218,720.60 54.7%
Dec-2018 164 218,720.60 3,860.09 1,822.67 2,037.41 216,683.19 54.2%
Jan-2019 165 216,683.19 3,860.09 1,805.69 2,054.39 214,628.79 53.7%
Feb-2019 166 214,628.79 3,860.09 1,788.57 2,071.51 212,557.28 53.1%
Mar-2019 167 212,557.28 3,860.09 1,771.31 2,088.78 210,468.50 52.6%
Apr-2019 168 210,468.50 3,860.09 1,753.90 2,106.18 208,362.32 52.1%
May-2019 169 208,362.32 3,860.09 1,736.35 2,123.73 206,238.59 51.6%
Jun-2019 170 206,238.59 3,860.09 1,718.65 2,141.43 204,097.16 51.0%
Jul-2019 171 204,097.16 3,860.09 1,700.81 2,159.28 201,937.88 50.5%
Aug-2019 172 201,937.88 3,860.09 1,682.82 2,177.27 199,760.61 49.9%
Sep-2019 173 199,760.61 3,860.09 1,664.67 2,195.41 197,565.19 49.4%
Oct-2019 174 197,565.19 3,860.09 1,646.38 2,213.71 195,351.48 48.8%
Nov-2019 175 195,351.48 3,860.09 1,627.93 2,232.16 193,119.33 48.3%
Dec-2019 176 193,119.33 3,860.09 1,609.33 2,250.76 190,868.57 47.7%
Jan-2020 177 190,868.57 3,860.09 1,590.57 2,269.52 188,599.05 47.1%
Feb-2020 178 188,599.05 3,860.09 1,571.66 2,288.43 186,310.62 46.6%
Mar-2020 179 186,310.62 3,860.09 1,552.59 2,307.50 184,003.13 46.0%
Apr-2020 180 184,003.13 3,860.09 1,533.36 2,326.73 181,676.40 45.4%
May-2020 181 181,676.40 3,860.09 1,513.97 2,346.12 179,330.28 44.8%
Jun-2020 182 179,330.28 3,860.09 1,494.42 2,365.67 176,964.62 44.2%
Jul-2020 183 176,964.62 3,860.09 1,474.71 2,385.38 174,579.23 43.6%
Aug-2020 184 174,579.23 3,860.09 1,454.83 2,405.26 172,173.97 43.0%
Sep-2020 185 172,173.97 3,860.09 1,434.78 2,425.30 169,748.67 42.4%
Oct-2020 186 169,748.67 3,860.09 1,414.57 2,445.51 167,303.16 41.8%
Nov-2020 187 167,303.16 3,860.09 1,394.19 2,465.89 164,837.26 41.2%
Dec-2020 188 164,837.26 3,860.09 1,373.64 2,486.44 162,350.82 40.6%
Jan-2021 189 162,350.82 3,860.09 1,352.92 2,507.16 159,843.66 40.0%
Feb-2021 190 159,843.66 3,860.09 1,332.03 2,528.06 157,315.60 39.3%
Mar-2021 191 157,315.60 3,860.09 1,310.96 2,549.12 154,766.48 38.7%
Apr-2021 192 154,766.48 3,860.09 1,289.72 2,570.37 152,196.11 38.0%
May-2021 193 152,196.11 3,860.09 1,268.30 2,591.79 149,604.33 37.4%
Jun-2021 194 149,604.33 3,860.09 1,246.70 2,613.38 146,990.94 36.7%
Jul-2021 195 146,990.94 3,860.09 1,224.92 2,635.16 144,355.78 36.1%
Aug-2021 196 144,355.78 3,860.09 1,202.96 2,657.12 141,698.66 35.4%
Sep-2021 197 141,698.66 3,860.09 1,180.82 2,679.26 139,019.39 34.8%
Oct-2021 198 139,019.39 3,860.09 1,158.49 2,701.59 136,317.80 34.1%
Nov-2021 199 136,317.80 3,860.09 1,135.98 2,724.10 133,593.70 33.4%
Dec-2021 200 133,593.70 3,860.09 1,113.28 2,746.81 130,846.89 32.7%
Jan-2022 201 130,846.89 3,860.09 1,090.39 2,769.70 128,077.20 32.0%
Feb-2022 202 128,077.20 3,860.09 1,067.31 2,792.78 125,284.42 31.3%
Mar-2022 203 125,284.42 3,860.09 1,044.04 2,816.05 122,468.37 30.6%
Apr-2022 204 122,468.37 3,860.09 1,020.57 2,839.52 119,628.85 29.9%
May-2022 205 119,628.85 3,860.09 996.91 2,863.18 116,765.67 29.2%
Jun-2022 206 116,765.67 3,860.09 973.05 2,887.04 113,878.63 28.5%
Jul-2022 207 113,878.63 3,860.09 948.99 2,911.10 110,967.54 27.7%
Aug-2022 208 110,967.54 3,860.09 924.73 2,935.36 108,032.18 27.0%
Sep-2022 209 108,032.18 3,860.09 900.27 2,959.82 105,072.36 26.3%
Oct-2022 210 105,072.36 3,860.09 875.60 2,984.48 102,087.88 25.5%
Nov-2022 211 102,087.88 3,860.09 850.73 3,009.35 99,078.52 24.8%
Dec-2022 212 99,078.52 3,860.09 825.65 3,034.43 96,044.09 24.0%
Jan-2023 213 96,044.09 3,860.09 800.37 3,059.72 92,984.37 23.2%
Feb-2023 214 92,984.37 3,860.09 774.87 3,085.22 89,899.15 22.5%
Mar-2023 215 89,899.15 3,860.09 749.16 3,110.93 86,788.23 21.7%
Apr-2023 216 86,788.23 3,860.09 723.24 3,136.85 83,651.38 20.9%

Page 40 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
May-2023 217 83,651.38 3,860.09 697.09 3,162.99 80,488.38 20.1%
Jun-2023 218 80,488.38 3,860.09 670.74 3,189.35 77,299.03 19.3%
Jul-2023 219 77,299.03 3,860.09 644.16 3,215.93 74,083.11 18.5%
Aug-2023 220 74,083.11 3,860.09 617.36 3,242.73 70,840.38 17.7%
Sep-2023 221 70,840.38 3,860.09 590.34 3,269.75 67,570.63 16.9%
Oct-2023 222 67,570.63 3,860.09 563.09 3,297.00 64,273.63 16.1%
Nov-2023 223 64,273.63 3,860.09 535.61 3,324.47 60,949.16 15.2%
Dec-2023 224 60,949.16 3,860.09 507.91 3,352.18 57,596.98 14.4%
Jan-2024 225 57,596.98 3,860.09 479.97 3,380.11 54,216.87 13.6%
Feb-2024 226 54,216.87 3,860.09 451.81 3,408.28 50,808.59 12.7%
Mar-2024 227 50,808.59 3,860.09 423.40 3,436.68 47,371.91 11.8%
Apr-2024 228 47,371.91 3,860.09 394.77 3,465.32 43,906.59 11.0%
May-2024 229 43,906.59 3,860.09 365.89 3,494.20 40,412.39 10.1%
Jun-2024 230 40,412.39 3,860.09 336.77 3,523.32 36,889.07 9.2%
Jul-2024 231 36,889.07 3,860.09 307.41 3,552.68 33,336.39 8.3%
Aug-2024 232 33,336.39 3,860.09 277.80 3,582.28 29,754.11 7.4%
Sep-2024 233 29,754.11 3,860.09 247.95 3,612.14 26,141.98 6.5%
Oct-2024 234 26,141.98 3,860.09 217.85 3,642.24 22,499.74 5.6%
Nov-2024 235 22,499.74 3,860.09 187.50 3,672.59 18,827.15 4.7%
Dec-2024 236 18,827.15 3,860.09 156.89 3,703.19 15,123.96 3.8%
Jan-2025 237 15,123.96 3,860.09 126.03 3,734.05 11,389.90 2.8%
Feb-2025 238 11,389.90 3,860.09 94.92 3,765.17 7,624.73 1.9%
Mar-2025 239 7,624.73 3,860.09 63.54 3,796.55 3,828.19 1.0%
Apr-2025 240 3,828.19 3,860.09 31.90 3,828.19 0.00 0.0%
May-2025 241 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2025 242 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2025 243 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2025 244 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2025 245 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2025 246 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2025 247 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2025 248 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2026 249 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2026 250 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2026 251 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2026 252 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2026 253 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2026 254 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2026 255 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2026 256 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2026 257 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2026 258 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2026 259 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2026 260 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2027 261 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2027 262 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2027 263 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2027 264 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2027 265 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2027 266 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2027 267 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2027 268 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2027 269 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2027 270 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 41 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Nov-2027 271 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2027 272 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2028 273 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2028 274 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2028 275 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2028 276 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2028 277 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2028 278 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2028 279 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2028 280 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2028 281 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2028 282 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2028 283 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2028 284 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2029 285 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2029 286 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2029 287 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2029 288 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2029 289 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2029 290 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2029 291 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2029 292 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2029 293 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2029 294 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2029 295 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2029 296 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2030 297 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2030 298 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2030 299 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2030 300 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2030 301 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2030 302 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2030 303 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2030 304 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2030 305 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2030 306 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2030 307 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2030 308 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2031 309 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2031 310 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2031 311 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2031 312 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2031 313 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2031 314 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2031 315 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2031 316 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2031 317 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2031 318 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2031 319 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2031 320 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2032 321 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2032 322 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2032 323 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2032 324 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 42 of 64
Initial Loan Amortization Table

Principle Loan Amount 400,000 400,000

Annual Interest Rate 10.00%
Loan Period (in Months) 240.00
Repayment Commencement Date 5/1/2005
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
May-2032 325 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2032 326 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2032 327 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2032 328 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2032 329 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2032 330 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2032 331 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2032 332 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2033 333 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2033 334 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2033 335 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2033 336 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2033 337 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2033 338 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2033 339 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2033 340 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2033 341 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2033 342 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2033 343 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2033 344 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2034 345 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2034 346 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2034 347 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2034 348 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2034 349 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2034 350 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2034 351 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2034 352 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2034 353 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2034 354 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2034 355 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2034 356 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2035 357 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2035 358 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2035 359 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2035 360 - - - - - 0.0%
926,420.78 526,420.78 400,000.00

Page 43 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
Apr-2005 1 -
May-2005 2 -
Jun-2005 3 -
Jul-2005 4 -
Aug-2005 5 -
Sep-2005 6 -
Oct-2005 7 -
Nov-2005 8 -
Dec-2005 9 -
Jan-2006 10 5,000.00
Feb-2006 11 -
Mar-2006 12 -
Apr-2006 13 -
May-2006 14 -
Jun-2006 15 -
Jul-2006 16 -
Aug-2006 17 -
Sep-2006 18 -
Oct-2006 19 -
Nov-2006 20 -
Dec-2006 21 -
Jan-2007 22 -
Feb-2007 23 -
Mar-2007 24 -
Apr-2007 25 -
May-2007 26 -
Jun-2007 27 -
Jul-2007 28 10,000.00
Aug-2007 29 -
Sep-2007 30 -
Oct-2007 31 -
Nov-2007 32 -
Dec-2007 33 -
Jan-2008 34 15,000.00
Feb-2008 35 -
Mar-2008 36 -
Apr-2008 37 -
May-2008 38 -
Jun-2008 39 -
Jul-2008 40 -
Aug-2008 41 -
Sep-2008 42 -
Oct-2008 43 -
Nov-2008 44 -
Dec-2008 45 -
Jan-2009 46 -
Feb-2009 47 -
Mar-2009 48 -
Apr-2009 49 -
May-2009 50 -
Jun-2009 51 -
Jul-2009 52 -
Aug-2009 53 -
Sep-2009 54 -
Oct-2009 55 -
Nov-2009 56 30,000.00
Dec-2009 57 -
Jan-2010 58 -
Feb-2010 59 15,000.00
Mar-2010 60 -
Apr-2010 61 -
May-2010 62 -
Jun-2010 63 -
Jul-2010 64 -
Aug-2010 65 -

Page 44 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
Sep-2010 66 -
Oct-2010 67 -
Nov-2010 68 -
Dec-2010 69 -
Jan-2011 70 -
Feb-2011 71 -
Mar-2011 72 -
Apr-2011 73 -
May-2011 74 -
Jun-2011 75 -
Jul-2011 76 -
Aug-2011 77 -
Sep-2011 78 -
Oct-2011 79 -
Nov-2011 80 -
Dec-2011 81 -
Jan-2012 82 -
Feb-2012 83 -
Mar-2012 84 -
Apr-2012 85 -
May-2012 86 -
Jun-2012 87 -
Jul-2012 88 -
Aug-2012 89 -
Sep-2012 90 -
Oct-2012 91 -
Nov-2012 92 -
Dec-2012 93 -
Jan-2013 94 -
Feb-2013 95 -
Mar-2013 96 -
Apr-2013 97 -
May-2013 98 -
Jun-2013 99 -
Jul-2013 100 -
Aug-2013 101 -
Sep-2013 102 -
Oct-2013 103 -
Nov-2013 104 -
Dec-2013 105 -
Jan-2014 106 -
Feb-2014 107 -
Mar-2014 108 -
Apr-2014 109 -
May-2014 110 -
Jun-2014 111 -
Jul-2014 112 -
Aug-2014 113 -
Sep-2014 114 -
Oct-2014 115 -
Nov-2014 116 -
Dec-2014 117 -
Jan-2015 118 -
Feb-2015 119 -
Mar-2015 120 -
Apr-2015 121 -
May-2015 122 -
Jun-2015 123 -
Jul-2015 124 -
Aug-2015 125 -
Sep-2015 126 -
Oct-2015 127 -
Nov-2015 128 -
Dec-2015 129 -
Jan-2016 130 -

Page 45 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
Feb-2016 131 -
Mar-2016 132 -
Apr-2016 133 -
May-2016 134 -
Jun-2016 135 -
Jul-2016 136 -
Aug-2016 137 -
Sep-2016 138 -
Oct-2016 139 -
Nov-2016 140 -
Dec-2016 141 -
Jan-2017 142 -
Feb-2017 143 -
On this sheet:
Mar-2017 144 -
The ad hoc loan repayments that are recorded on this sheet are
Apr-2017 145 - included in the Ad Hoc Forecast amortization table on the
May-2017 146 - “ForecastAmort” sheet. The Ad Hoc Forecast calculation
Jun-2017 147 - accommodates both increased monthly instalments and lump
Jul-2017 148 - sum loan repayments.
Aug-2017 149 -
Sep-2017 150 -
Oct-2017 151 -
Nov-2017 152 -
Dec-2017 153 -
Jan-2018 154 -
Feb-2018 155 -
Mar-2018 156 -
Apr-2018 157 -
May-2018 158 -
Jun-2018 159 -
Jul-2018 160 -
Aug-2018 161 -
Sep-2018 162 -
Oct-2018 163 -
Nov-2018 164 -
Dec-2018 165 -
Jan-2019 166 -
Feb-2019 167 -
Mar-2019 168 -
Apr-2019 169 -
May-2019 170 -
Jun-2019 171 -
Jul-2019 172 -
Aug-2019 173 -
Sep-2019 174 -
Oct-2019 175 -
Nov-2019 176 -
Dec-2019 177 -
Jan-2020 178 -
Feb-2020 179 -
Mar-2020 180 -
Apr-2020 181 -
May-2020 182 -
Jun-2020 183 -
Jul-2020 184 -
Aug-2020 185 -
Sep-2020 186 -
Oct-2020 187 -
Nov-2020 188 -
Dec-2020 189 -
Jan-2021 190 -
Feb-2021 191 -
Mar-2021 192 -
Apr-2021 193 -
May-2021 194 -
Jun-2021 195 -

Page 46 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
Jul-2021 196 -
Aug-2021 197 -
Sep-2021 198 -
Oct-2021 199 -
Nov-2021 200 -
Dec-2021 201 -
Jan-2022 202 -
Feb-2022 203 -
Mar-2022 204 -
Apr-2022 205 -
May-2022 206 -
Jun-2022 207 -
Jul-2022 208 -
Aug-2022 209 -
Sep-2022 210 -
Oct-2022 211 -
Nov-2022 212 -
Dec-2022 213 -
Jan-2023 214 -
Feb-2023 215 -
Mar-2023 216 -
Apr-2023 217 -
May-2023 218 -
Jun-2023 219 -
Jul-2023 220 -
Aug-2023 221 -
Sep-2023 222 -
Oct-2023 223 -
Nov-2023 224 -
Dec-2023 225 -
Jan-2024 226 -
Feb-2024 227 -
Mar-2024 228 -
Apr-2024 229 -
May-2024 230 -
Jun-2024 231 -
Jul-2024 232 -
Aug-2024 233 -
Sep-2024 234 -
Oct-2024 235 -
Nov-2024 236 -
Dec-2024 237 -
Jan-2025 238 -
Feb-2025 239 -
Mar-2025 240 -
Apr-2025 241 -
May-2025 242 -
Jun-2025 243 -
Jul-2025 244 -
Aug-2025 245 -
Sep-2025 246 -
Oct-2025 247 -
Nov-2025 248 -
Dec-2025 249 -
Jan-2026 250 -
Feb-2026 251 -
Mar-2026 252 -
Apr-2026 253 -
May-2026 254 -
Jun-2026 255 -
Jul-2026 256 -
Aug-2026 257 -
Sep-2026 258 -
Oct-2026 259 -
Nov-2026 260 -

Page 47 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
Dec-2026 261 -
Jan-2027 262 -
Feb-2027 263 -
Mar-2027 264 -
Apr-2027 265 -
May-2027 266 -
Jun-2027 267 -
Jul-2027 268 -
Aug-2027 269 -
Sep-2027 270 -
Oct-2027 271 -
Nov-2027 272 -
Dec-2027 273 -
Jan-2028 274 -
Feb-2028 275 -
Mar-2028 276 -
Apr-2028 277 -
May-2028 278 -
Jun-2028 279 -
Jul-2028 280 -
Aug-2028 281 -
Sep-2028 282 -
Oct-2028 283 -
Nov-2028 284 -
Dec-2028 285 -
Jan-2029 286 -
Feb-2029 287 -
Mar-2029 288 -
Apr-2029 289 -
May-2029 290 -
Jun-2029 291 -
Jul-2029 292 -
Aug-2029 293 -
Sep-2029 294 -
Oct-2029 295 -
Nov-2029 296 -
Dec-2029 297 -
Jan-2030 298 -
Feb-2030 299 -
Mar-2030 300 -
Apr-2030 301 -
May-2030 302 -
Jun-2030 303 -
Jul-2030 304 -
Aug-2030 305 -
Sep-2030 306 -
Oct-2030 307 -
Nov-2030 308 -
Dec-2030 309 -
Jan-2031 310 -
Feb-2031 311 -
Mar-2031 312 -
Apr-2031 313 -
May-2031 314 -
Jun-2031 315 -
Jul-2031 316 -
Aug-2031 317 -
Sep-2031 318 -
Oct-2031 319 -
Nov-2031 320 -
Dec-2031 321 -
Jan-2032 322 -
Feb-2032 323 -
Mar-2032 324 -
Apr-2032 325 -

Page 48 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Ad Hoc Loan Repayments

Review Date 30 Apr 2017

Repayment Ad Hoc
Month Number Repayment
May-2032 326 -
Jun-2032 327 -
Jul-2032 328 -
Aug-2032 329 -
Sep-2032 330 -
Oct-2032 331 -
Nov-2032 332 -
Dec-2032 333 -
Jan-2033 334 -
Feb-2033 335 -
Mar-2033 336 -
Apr-2033 337 -
May-2033 338 -
Jun-2033 339 -
Jul-2033 340 -
Aug-2033 341 -
Sep-2033 342 -
Oct-2033 343 -
Nov-2033 344 -
Dec-2033 345 -
Jan-2034 346 -
Feb-2034 347 -
Mar-2034 348 -
Apr-2034 349 -
May-2034 350 -
Jun-2034 351 -
Jul-2034 352 -
Aug-2034 353 -
Sep-2034 354 -
Oct-2034 355 -
Nov-2034 356 -
Dec-2034 357 -
Jan-2035 358 -
Feb-2035 359 -
Mar-2035 360 -

Page 49 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
May-2017 1 151,711.26 - 2,234.42 1,156.80 1,077.63 150,633.64 99.3% 151,711.26 2,234.42 1,156.80 1,077.63 150,633.64 99.3%
Jun-2017 2 150,633.64 - 2,234.42 1,148.58 1,085.84 149,547.79 98.6% 150,633.64 2,234.42 1,148.58 1,085.84 149,547.79 98.6%
Jul-2017 3 149,547.79 - 2,234.42 1,140.30 1,094.12 148,453.67 97.9% 149,547.79 2,234.42 1,140.30 1,094.12 148,453.67 97.9%
Aug-2017 4 148,453.67 - 2,234.42 1,131.96 1,102.46 147,351.21 97.1% 148,453.67 2,234.42 1,131.96 1,102.46 147,351.21 97.1%
Sep-2017 5 147,351.21 - 2,234.42 1,123.55 1,110.87 146,240.34 96.4% 147,351.21 2,234.42 1,123.55 1,110.87 146,240.34 96.4%
Oct-2017 6 146,240.34 - 2,234.42 1,115.08 1,119.34 145,120.99 95.7% 146,240.34 2,234.42 1,115.08 1,119.34 145,120.99 95.7%
Nov-2017 7 145,120.99 - 2,234.42 On this sheet:
1,106.55 1,127.88 143,993.12 94.9% 145,120.99 2,234.42 1,106.55 1,127.88 143,993.12 94.9%
Dec-2017 8 This 143,993.12
sheet includes an ad hoc - and a standard
2,234.42 amortization table. These
1,097.95 calculations
1,136.48 are all based on the
142,856.64 94.2% 143,993.12 2,234.42 1,097.95 1,136.48 142,856.64 94.2%
outstanding loan balance, interest rate and remaining loan repayment period as at the loan review date
Jan-2018 9 142,856.64 - 2,234.42 1,089.28 1,145.14 141,711.50 93.4% 142,856.64 2,234.42 1,089.28 1,145.14 141,711.50 93.4%
that is selected by the user on the “Review” sheet. The amortization table in column A to I includes ad hoc
Feb-2018 10 loan141,711.50 -
repayments and the amortization 2,234.42 1,080.55
table in column 1,153.87
K to P is based on standard140,557.63
amortization table 92.6% 141,711.50 2,234.42 1,080.55 1,153.87 140,557.63 92.6%
Mar-2018 11 calculations.
140,557.63All the calculations
- on this sheet are automated
2,234.42 1,071.75 and no 1,162.67
user input is therefore
139,394.95 required on
91.9% 140,557.63 2,234.42 1,071.75 1,162.67 139,394.95 91.9%
Apr-2018 12 139,394.95 - 2,234.42 this sheet.
1,062.89 1,171.54 138,223.42 91.1% 139,394.95 2,234.42 1,062.89 1,171.54 138,223.42 91.1%
May-2018 13 138,223.42 - 2,234.42 1,053.95 1,180.47 137,042.95 90.3% 138,223.42 2,234.42 1,053.95 1,180.47 137,042.95 90.3%
Jun-2018 14 137,042.95 - 2,234.42 1,044.95 1,189.47 135,853.47 89.5% 137,042.95 2,234.42 1,044.95 1,189.47 135,853.47 89.5%
Jul-2018 15 135,853.47 - 2,234.42 1,035.88 1,198.54 134,654.93 88.8% 135,853.47 2,234.42 1,035.88 1,198.54 134,654.93 88.8%
Aug-2018 16 134,654.93 - 2,234.42 1,026.74 1,207.68 133,447.25 88.0% 134,654.93 2,234.42 1,026.74 1,207.68 133,447.25 88.0%
Sep-2018 17 133,447.25 - 2,234.42 1,017.54 1,216.89 132,230.36 87.2% 133,447.25 2,234.42 1,017.54 1,216.89 132,230.36 87.2%
Oct-2018 18 132,230.36 - 2,234.42 1,008.26 1,226.17 131,004.20 86.4% 132,230.36 2,234.42 1,008.26 1,226.17 131,004.20 86.4%
Nov-2018 19 131,004.20 - 2,234.42 998.91 1,235.52 129,768.68 85.5% 131,004.20 2,234.42 998.91 1,235.52 129,768.68 85.5%
Dec-2018 20 129,768.68 - 2,234.42 989.49 1,244.94 128,523.74 84.7% 129,768.68 2,234.42 989.49 1,244.94 128,523.74 84.7%
Jan-2019 21 128,523.74 - 2,234.42 979.99 1,254.43 127,269.31 83.9% 128,523.74 2,234.42 979.99 1,254.43 127,269.31 83.9%
Feb-2019 22 127,269.31 - 2,234.42 970.43 1,264.00 126,005.32 83.1% 127,269.31 2,234.42 970.43 1,264.00 126,005.32 83.1%
Mar-2019 23 126,005.32 - 2,234.42 960.79 1,273.63 124,731.68 82.2% 126,005.32 2,234.42 960.79 1,273.63 124,731.68 82.2%
Apr-2019 24 124,731.68 - 2,234.42 951.08 1,283.34 123,448.34 81.4% 124,731.68 2,234.42 951.08 1,283.34 123,448.34 81.4%
May-2019 25 123,448.34 - 2,234.42 941.29 1,293.13 122,155.21 80.5% 123,448.34 2,234.42 941.29 1,293.13 122,155.21 80.5%
Jun-2019 26 122,155.21 - 2,234.42 931.43 1,302.99 120,852.22 79.7% 122,155.21 2,234.42 931.43 1,302.99 120,852.22 79.7%
Jul-2019 27 120,852.22 - 2,234.42 921.50 1,312.93 119,539.29 78.8% 120,852.22 2,234.42 921.50 1,312.93 119,539.29 78.8%
Aug-2019 28 119,539.29 - 2,234.42 911.49 1,322.94 118,216.35 77.9% 119,539.29 2,234.42 911.49 1,322.94 118,216.35 77.9%
Sep-2019 29 118,216.35 - 2,234.42 901.40 1,333.02 116,883.33 77.0% 118,216.35 2,234.42 901.40 1,333.02 116,883.33 77.0%
Oct-2019 30 116,883.33 - 2,234.42 891.24 1,343.19 115,540.14 76.2% 116,883.33 2,234.42 891.24 1,343.19 115,540.14 76.2%
Nov-2019 31 115,540.14 - 2,234.42 880.99 1,353.43 114,186.71 75.3% 115,540.14 2,234.42 880.99 1,353.43 114,186.71 75.3%
Dec-2019 32 114,186.71 - 2,234.42 870.67 1,363.75 112,822.96 74.4% 114,186.71 2,234.42 870.67 1,363.75 112,822.96 74.4%
Jan-2020 33 112,822.96 - 2,234.42 860.28 1,374.15 111,448.81 73.5% 112,822.96 2,234.42 860.28 1,374.15 111,448.81 73.5%
Feb-2020 34 111,448.81 - 2,234.42 849.80 1,384.63 110,064.18 72.5% 111,448.81 2,234.42 849.80 1,384.63 110,064.18 72.5%
Mar-2020 35 110,064.18 - 2,234.42 839.24 1,395.18 108,669.00 71.6% 110,064.18 2,234.42 839.24 1,395.18 108,669.00 71.6%
Apr-2020 36 108,669.00 - 2,234.42 828.60 1,405.82 107,263.18 70.7% 108,669.00 2,234.42 828.60 1,405.82 107,263.18 70.7%
May-2020 37 107,263.18 - 2,234.42 817.88 1,416.54 105,846.64 69.8% 107,263.18 2,234.42 817.88 1,416.54 105,846.64 69.8%
Jun-2020 38 105,846.64 - 2,234.42 807.08 1,427.34 104,419.29 68.8% 105,846.64 2,234.42 807.08 1,427.34 104,419.29 68.8%
Jul-2020 39 104,419.29 - 2,234.42 796.20 1,438.23 102,981.06 67.9% 104,419.29 2,234.42 796.20 1,438.23 102,981.06 67.9%
Aug-2020 40 102,981.06 - 2,234.42 785.23 1,449.19 101,531.87 66.9% 102,981.06 2,234.42 785.23 1,449.19 101,531.87 66.9%
Sep-2020 41 101,531.87 - 2,234.42 774.18 1,460.24 100,071.63 66.0% 101,531.87 2,234.42 774.18 1,460.24 100,071.63 66.0%
Oct-2020 42 100,071.63 - 2,234.42 763.05 1,471.38 98,600.25 65.0% 100,071.63 2,234.42 763.05 1,471.38 98,600.25 65.0%
Nov-2020 43 98,600.25 - 2,234.42 751.83 1,482.60 97,117.65 64.0% 98,600.25 2,234.42 751.83 1,482.60 97,117.65 64.0%
Dec-2020 44 97,117.65 - 2,234.42 740.52 1,493.90 95,623.75 63.0% 97,117.65 2,234.42 740.52 1,493.90 95,623.75 63.0%
Jan-2021 45 95,623.75 - 2,234.42 729.13 1,505.29 94,118.46 62.0% 95,623.75 2,234.42 729.13 1,505.29 94,118.46 62.0%
Feb-2021 46 94,118.46 - 2,234.42 717.65 1,516.77 92,601.69 61.0% 94,118.46 2,234.42 717.65 1,516.77 92,601.69 61.0%

Page 50 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Mar-2021 47 92,601.69 - 2,234.42 706.09 1,528.34 91,073.35 60.0% 92,601.69 2,234.42 706.09 1,528.34 91,073.35 60.0%
Apr-2021 48 91,073.35 - 2,234.42 694.43 1,539.99 89,533.36 59.0% 91,073.35 2,234.42 694.43 1,539.99 89,533.36 59.0%
May-2021 49 89,533.36 - 2,234.42 682.69 1,551.73 87,981.63 58.0% 89,533.36 2,234.42 682.69 1,551.73 87,981.63 58.0%
Jun-2021 50 87,981.63 - 2,234.42 670.86 1,563.56 86,418.07 57.0% 87,981.63 2,234.42 670.86 1,563.56 86,418.07 57.0%
Jul-2021 51 86,418.07 - 2,234.42 658.94 1,575.49 84,842.58 55.9% 86,418.07 2,234.42 658.94 1,575.49 84,842.58 55.9%
Aug-2021 52 84,842.58 - 2,234.42 646.92 1,587.50 83,255.08 54.9% 84,842.58 2,234.42 646.92 1,587.50 83,255.08 54.9%
Sep-2021 53 83,255.08 - 2,234.42 634.82 1,599.60 81,655.48 53.8% 83,255.08 2,234.42 634.82 1,599.60 81,655.48 53.8%
Oct-2021 54 81,655.48 - 2,234.42 622.62 1,611.80 80,043.68 52.8% 81,655.48 2,234.42 622.62 1,611.80 80,043.68 52.8%
Nov-2021 55 80,043.68 - 2,234.42 610.33 1,624.09 78,419.58 51.7% 80,043.68 2,234.42 610.33 1,624.09 78,419.58 51.7%
Dec-2021 56 78,419.58 - 2,234.42 597.95 1,636.47 76,783.11 50.6% 78,419.58 2,234.42 597.95 1,636.47 76,783.11 50.6%
Jan-2022 57 76,783.11 - 2,234.42 585.47 1,648.95 75,134.16 49.5% 76,783.11 2,234.42 585.47 1,648.95 75,134.16 49.5%
Feb-2022 58 75,134.16 - 2,234.42 572.90 1,661.53 73,472.63 48.4% 75,134.16 2,234.42 572.90 1,661.53 73,472.63 48.4%
Mar-2022 59 73,472.63 - 2,234.42 560.23 1,674.20 71,798.44 47.3% 73,472.63 2,234.42 560.23 1,674.20 71,798.44 47.3%
Apr-2022 60 71,798.44 - 2,234.42 547.46 1,686.96 70,111.47 46.2% 71,798.44 2,234.42 547.46 1,686.96 70,111.47 46.2%
May-2022 61 70,111.47 - 2,234.42 534.60 1,699.82 68,411.65 45.1% 70,111.47 2,234.42 534.60 1,699.82 68,411.65 45.1%
Jun-2022 62 68,411.65 - 2,234.42 521.64 1,712.79 66,698.87 44.0% 68,411.65 2,234.42 521.64 1,712.79 66,698.87 44.0%
Jul-2022 63 66,698.87 - 2,234.42 508.58 1,725.85 64,973.02 42.8% 66,698.87 2,234.42 508.58 1,725.85 64,973.02 42.8%
Aug-2022 64 64,973.02 - 2,234.42 495.42 1,739.00 63,234.02 41.7% 64,973.02 2,234.42 495.42 1,739.00 63,234.02 41.7%
Sep-2022 65 63,234.02 - 2,234.42 482.16 1,752.26 61,481.75 40.5% 63,234.02 2,234.42 482.16 1,752.26 61,481.75 40.5%
Oct-2022 66 61,481.75 - 2,234.42 468.80 1,765.63 59,716.13 39.4% 61,481.75 2,234.42 468.80 1,765.63 59,716.13 39.4%
Nov-2022 67 59,716.13 - 2,234.42 455.34 1,779.09 57,937.04 38.2% 59,716.13 2,234.42 455.34 1,779.09 57,937.04 38.2%
Dec-2022 68 57,937.04 - 2,234.42 441.77 1,792.65 56,144.38 37.0% 57,937.04 2,234.42 441.77 1,792.65 56,144.38 37.0%
Jan-2023 69 56,144.38 - 2,234.42 428.10 1,806.32 54,338.06 35.8% 56,144.38 2,234.42 428.10 1,806.32 54,338.06 35.8%
Feb-2023 70 54,338.06 - 2,234.42 414.33 1,820.10 52,517.96 34.6% 54,338.06 2,234.42 414.33 1,820.10 52,517.96 34.6%
Mar-2023 71 52,517.96 - 2,234.42 400.45 1,833.97 50,683.99 33.4% 52,517.96 2,234.42 400.45 1,833.97 50,683.99 33.4%
Apr-2023 72 50,683.99 - 2,234.42 386.47 1,847.96 48,836.03 32.2% 50,683.99 2,234.42 386.47 1,847.96 48,836.03 32.2%
May-2023 73 48,836.03 - 2,234.42 372.37 1,862.05 46,973.98 31.0% 48,836.03 2,234.42 372.37 1,862.05 46,973.98 31.0%
Jun-2023 74 46,973.98 - 2,234.42 358.18 1,876.25 45,097.73 29.7% 46,973.98 2,234.42 358.18 1,876.25 45,097.73 29.7%
Jul-2023 75 45,097.73 - 2,234.42 343.87 1,890.55 43,207.18 28.5% 45,097.73 2,234.42 343.87 1,890.55 43,207.18 28.5%
Aug-2023 76 43,207.18 - 2,234.42 329.45 1,904.97 41,302.21 27.2% 43,207.18 2,234.42 329.45 1,904.97 41,302.21 27.2%
Sep-2023 77 41,302.21 - 2,234.42 314.93 1,919.49 39,382.72 26.0% 41,302.21 2,234.42 314.93 1,919.49 39,382.72 26.0%
Oct-2023 78 39,382.72 - 2,234.42 300.29 1,934.13 37,448.59 24.7% 39,382.72 2,234.42 300.29 1,934.13 37,448.59 24.7%
Nov-2023 79 37,448.59 - 2,234.42 285.55 1,948.88 35,499.71 23.4% 37,448.59 2,234.42 285.55 1,948.88 35,499.71 23.4%
Dec-2023 80 35,499.71 - 2,234.42 270.69 1,963.74 33,535.97 22.1% 35,499.71 2,234.42 270.69 1,963.74 33,535.97 22.1%
Jan-2024 81 33,535.97 - 2,234.42 255.71 1,978.71 31,557.26 20.8% 33,535.97 2,234.42 255.71 1,978.71 31,557.26 20.8%
Feb-2024 82 31,557.26 - 2,234.42 240.62 1,993.80 29,563.46 19.5% 31,557.26 2,234.42 240.62 1,993.80 29,563.46 19.5%
Mar-2024 83 29,563.46 - 2,234.42 225.42 2,009.00 27,554.45 18.2% 29,563.46 2,234.42 225.42 2,009.00 27,554.45 18.2%
Apr-2024 84 27,554.45 - 2,234.42 210.10 2,024.32 25,530.13 16.8% 27,554.45 2,234.42 210.10 2,024.32 25,530.13 16.8%
May-2024 85 25,530.13 - 2,234.42 194.67 2,039.76 23,490.38 15.5% 25,530.13 2,234.42 194.67 2,039.76 23,490.38 15.5%
Jun-2024 86 23,490.38 - 2,234.42 179.11 2,055.31 21,435.07 14.1% 23,490.38 2,234.42 179.11 2,055.31 21,435.07 14.1%
Jul-2024 87 21,435.07 - 2,234.42 163.44 2,070.98 19,364.08 12.8% 21,435.07 2,234.42 163.44 2,070.98 19,364.08 12.8%
Aug-2024 88 19,364.08 - 2,234.42 147.65 2,086.77 17,277.31 11.4% 19,364.08 2,234.42 147.65 2,086.77 17,277.31 11.4%
Sep-2024 89 17,277.31 - 2,234.42 131.74 2,102.68 15,174.63 10.0% 17,277.31 2,234.42 131.74 2,102.68 15,174.63 10.0%
Oct-2024 90 15,174.63 - 2,234.42 115.71 2,118.72 13,055.91 8.6% 15,174.63 2,234.42 115.71 2,118.72 13,055.91 8.6%
Nov-2024 91 13,055.91 - 2,234.42 99.55 2,134.87 10,921.04 7.2% 13,055.91 2,234.42 99.55 2,134.87 10,921.04 7.2%
Dec-2024 92 10,921.04 - 2,234.42 83.27 2,151.15 8,769.89 5.8% 10,921.04 2,234.42 83.27 2,151.15 8,769.89 5.8%

Page 51 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Jan-2025 93 8,769.89 - 2,234.42 66.87 2,167.55 6,602.33 4.4% 8,769.89 2,234.42 66.87 2,167.55 6,602.33 4.4%
Feb-2025 94 6,602.33 - 2,234.42 50.34 2,184.08 4,418.25 2.9% 6,602.33 2,234.42 50.34 2,184.08 4,418.25 2.9%
Mar-2025 95 4,418.25 - 2,234.42 33.69 2,200.73 2,217.52 1.5% 4,418.25 2,234.42 33.69 2,200.73 2,217.52 1.5%
Apr-2025 96 2,217.52 - 2,234.42 16.91 2,217.52 - 0.0% 2,217.52 2,234.42 16.91 2,217.52 - 0.0%
May-2025 97 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2025 98 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2025 99 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2025 100 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2025 101 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2025 102 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2025 103 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2025 104 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2026 105 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2026 106 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2026 107 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2026 108 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2026 109 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2026 110 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2026 111 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2026 112 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2026 113 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2026 114 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2026 115 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2026 116 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2027 117 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2027 118 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2027 119 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2027 120 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2027 121 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2027 122 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2027 123 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2027 124 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2027 125 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2027 126 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2027 127 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2027 128 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2028 129 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2028 130 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2028 131 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2028 132 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2028 133 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2028 134 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2028 135 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2028 136 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2028 137 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2028 138 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%

Page 52 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Nov-2028 139 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2028 140 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2029 141 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2029 142 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2029 143 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2029 144 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2029 145 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2029 146 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2029 147 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2029 148 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2029 149 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2029 150 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2029 151 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2029 152 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2030 153 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2030 154 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2030 155 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2030 156 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2030 157 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2030 158 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2030 159 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2030 160 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2030 161 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2030 162 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2030 163 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2030 164 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2031 165 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2031 166 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2031 167 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2031 168 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2031 169 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2031 170 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2031 171 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2031 172 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2031 173 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2031 174 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2031 175 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2031 176 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2032 177 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2032 178 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2032 179 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2032 180 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2032 181 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2032 182 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2032 183 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2032 184 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%

Page 53 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Sep-2032 185 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2032 186 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2032 187 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2032 188 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2033 189 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2033 190 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2033 191 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2033 192 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2033 193 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2033 194 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2033 195 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2033 196 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2033 197 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2033 198 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2033 199 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2033 200 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2034 201 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2034 202 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2034 203 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2034 204 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2034 205 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2034 206 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2034 207 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2034 208 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2034 209 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2034 210 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2034 211 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2034 212 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2035 213 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2035 214 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2035 215 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2035 216 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2035 217 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2035 218 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2035 219 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2035 220 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2035 221 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2035 222 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2035 223 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2035 224 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2036 225 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2036 226 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2036 227 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2036 228 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2036 229 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2036 230 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%

Page 54 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Jul-2036 231 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2036 232 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2036 233 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2036 234 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2036 235 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2036 236 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2037 237 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2037 238 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2037 239 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2037 240 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2037 241 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2037 242 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2037 243 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2037 244 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2037 245 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2037 246 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2037 247 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2037 248 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2038 249 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2038 250 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2038 251 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2038 252 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2038 253 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2038 254 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2038 255 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2038 256 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2038 257 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2038 258 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2038 259 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2038 260 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2039 261 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2039 262 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2039 263 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2039 264 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2039 265 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2039 266 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2039 267 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2039 268 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2039 269 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2039 270 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2039 271 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2039 272 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2040 273 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2040 274 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2040 275 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2040 276 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%

Page 55 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
May-2040 277 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2040 278 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2040 279 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2040 280 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2040 281 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2040 282 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2040 283 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2040 284 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2041 285 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2041 286 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2041 287 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2041 288 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2041 289 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2041 290 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2041 291 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2041 292 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2041 293 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2041 294 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2041 295 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2041 296 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2042 297 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2042 298 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2042 299 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2042 300 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2042 301 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2042 302 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2042 303 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2042 304 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2042 305 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2042 306 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2042 307 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2042 308 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2043 309 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2043 310 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2043 311 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2043 312 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2043 313 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2043 314 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2043 315 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2043 316 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2043 317 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2043 318 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2043 319 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2043 320 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2044 321 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2044 322 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%

Page 56 of 64
Loan Repayment Forecast | Amortization Table

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711

Statement Interest Rate 9.15%
Remaining Loan Repayments 96.00
Review Date 4/30/2017
© Standard Amortization
Repayment Opening Ad Hoc Loan Closing % Opening Loan Closing %
Month Number Balance Repayment Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding Balance Repayment Interest Capital Balance Outstanding
Mar-2044 323 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2044 324 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2044 325 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2044 326 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2044 327 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2044 328 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2044 329 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2044 330 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2044 331 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2044 332 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2045 333 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2045 334 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2045 335 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2045 336 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2045 337 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2045 338 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2045 339 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2045 340 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2045 341 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2045 342 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2045 343 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2045 344 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2046 345 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2046 346 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2046 347 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2046 348 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
May-2046 349 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2046 350 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2046 351 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2046 352 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2046 353 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2046 354 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2046 355 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2046 356 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2047 357 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2047 358 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2047 359 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2047 360 - - - - - - 0.0% - - - - - 0.0%
- 214,504.70 62,793.44 151,711.26 214,504.70 62,793.44 151,711.26

Page 57 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Apr-2017 1 151,711.26 2,234.42 1,156.80 1,077.63 150,633.63 99.3%
May-2017 2 150,633.63 2,234.42 1,148.58 1,085.84 149,547.79 98.6%
Jun-2017 3 149,547.79 2,234.42 1,140.30 1,094.12 148,453.67 97.9%
Jul-2017 4 148,453.67 2,234.42 1,131.96 1,102.46 147,351.21 97.1%
Aug-2017 5 147,351.21 2,234.42 1,123.55 1,110.87 146,240.33 96.4%
Sep-2017 6 146,240.33 2,234.42 1,115.08 1,119.34 145,120.99 95.7%
Oct-2017 7 145,120.99 2,234.42 1,106.55 1,127.88 143,993.12 94.9%
Nov-2017 8 143,993.12 2,234.42 1,097.95 1,136.48 142,856.64 94.2%
On this sheet:
Dec-2017 9 142,856.64 2,234.42 1,089.28 1,145.14
This amortization table has been included in the template to enable users to perform 141,711.50
their own 93.4%
Jan-2018 loan
10 amortization141,711.50
calculations. This sheet is not linked
2,234.42 to any of the
1,080.55 other sheets
1,153.87 in the
140,557.62 92.6%
Feb-2018 template.
11 Simply140,557.62
enter the appropriate loan details
2,234.42 in the input cells
1,071.75 with a yellow
1,162.67 cell
139,394.95 91.9%
background in order to update all calculations.
Mar-2018 12 139,394.95 2,234.42 1,062.89 1,171.54 138,223.41 91.1%
Apr-2018 13 138,223.41 2,234.42 1,053.95 1,180.47 137,042.94 90.3%
May-2018 14 137,042.94 2,234.42 1,044.95 1,189.47 135,853.47 89.5%
Jun-2018 15 135,853.47 2,234.42 1,035.88 1,198.54 134,654.93 88.8%
Jul-2018 16 134,654.93 2,234.42 1,026.74 1,207.68 133,447.25 88.0%
Aug-2018 17 133,447.25 2,234.42 1,017.54 1,216.89 132,230.36 87.2%
Sep-2018 18 132,230.36 2,234.42 1,008.26 1,226.17 131,004.20 86.4%
Oct-2018 19 131,004.20 2,234.42 998.91 1,235.52 129,768.68 85.5%
Nov-2018 20 129,768.68 2,234.42 989.49 1,244.94 128,523.74 84.7%
Dec-2018 21 128,523.74 2,234.42 979.99 1,254.43 127,269.31 83.9%
Jan-2019 22 127,269.31 2,234.42 970.43 1,264.00 126,005.31 83.1%
Feb-2019 23 126,005.31 2,234.42 960.79 1,273.63 124,731.68 82.2%
Mar-2019 24 124,731.68 2,234.42 951.08 1,283.34 123,448.34 81.4%
Apr-2019 25 123,448.34 2,234.42 941.29 1,293.13 122,155.21 80.5%
May-2019 26 122,155.21 2,234.42 931.43 1,302.99 120,852.22 79.7%
Jun-2019 27 120,852.22 2,234.42 921.50 1,312.93 119,539.29 78.8%
Jul-2019 28 119,539.29 2,234.42 911.49 1,322.94 118,216.35 77.9%
Aug-2019 29 118,216.35 2,234.42 901.40 1,333.02 116,883.33 77.0%
Sep-2019 30 116,883.33 2,234.42 891.24 1,343.19 115,540.14 76.2%
Oct-2019 31 115,540.14 2,234.42 880.99 1,353.43 114,186.71 75.3%
Nov-2019 32 114,186.71 2,234.42 870.67 1,363.75 112,822.96 74.4%
Dec-2019 33 112,822.96 2,234.42 860.28 1,374.15 111,448.81 73.5%
Jan-2020 34 111,448.81 2,234.42 849.80 1,384.63 110,064.18 72.5%
Feb-2020 35 110,064.18 2,234.42 839.24 1,395.18 108,669.00 71.6%
Mar-2020 36 108,669.00 2,234.42 828.60 1,405.82 107,263.18 70.7%
Apr-2020 37 107,263.18 2,234.42 817.88 1,416.54 105,846.63 69.8%
May-2020 38 105,846.63 2,234.42 807.08 1,427.34 104,419.29 68.8%
Jun-2020 39 104,419.29 2,234.42 796.20 1,438.23 102,981.06 67.9%
Jul-2020 40 102,981.06 2,234.42 785.23 1,449.19 101,531.87 66.9%
Aug-2020 41 101,531.87 2,234.42 774.18 1,460.24 100,071.63 66.0%
Sep-2020 42 100,071.63 2,234.42 763.05 1,471.38 98,600.25 65.0%
Oct-2020 43 98,600.25 2,234.42 751.83 1,482.60 97,117.65 64.0%
Nov-2020 44 97,117.65 2,234.42 740.52 1,493.90 95,623.75 63.0%
Dec-2020 45 95,623.75 2,234.42 729.13 1,505.29 94,118.46 62.0%
Jan-2021 46 94,118.46 2,234.42 717.65 1,516.77 92,601.69 61.0%
Feb-2021 47 92,601.69 2,234.42 706.09 1,528.34 91,073.35 60.0%
Mar-2021 48 91,073.35 2,234.42 694.43 1,539.99 89,533.36 59.0%
Apr-2021 49 89,533.36 2,234.42 682.69 1,551.73 87,981.63 58.0%
May-2021 50 87,981.63 2,234.42 670.86 1,563.56 86,418.06 57.0%
Jun-2021 51 86,418.06 2,234.42 658.94 1,575.49 84,842.58 55.9%
Jul-2021 52 84,842.58 2,234.42 646.92 1,587.50 83,255.08 54.9%
Aug-2021 53 83,255.08 2,234.42 634.82 1,599.60 81,655.47 53.8%
Sep-2021 54 81,655.47 2,234.42 622.62 1,611.80 80,043.67 52.8%

Page 58 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Oct-2021 55 80,043.67 2,234.42 610.33 1,624.09 78,419.58 51.7%
Nov-2021 56 78,419.58 2,234.42 597.95 1,636.47 76,783.11 50.6%
Dec-2021 57 76,783.11 2,234.42 585.47 1,648.95 75,134.16 49.5%
Jan-2022 58 75,134.16 2,234.42 572.90 1,661.53 73,472.63 48.4%
Feb-2022 59 73,472.63 2,234.42 560.23 1,674.20 71,798.43 47.3%
Mar-2022 60 71,798.43 2,234.42 547.46 1,686.96 70,111.47 46.2%
Apr-2022 61 70,111.47 2,234.42 534.60 1,699.82 68,411.65 45.1%
May-2022 62 68,411.65 2,234.42 521.64 1,712.79 66,698.86 44.0%
Jun-2022 63 66,698.86 2,234.42 508.58 1,725.85 64,973.02 42.8%
Jul-2022 64 64,973.02 2,234.42 495.42 1,739.00 63,234.01 41.7%
Aug-2022 65 63,234.01 2,234.42 482.16 1,752.26 61,481.75 40.5%
Sep-2022 66 61,481.75 2,234.42 468.80 1,765.63 59,716.12 39.4%
Oct-2022 67 59,716.12 2,234.42 455.34 1,779.09 57,937.04 38.2%
Nov-2022 68 57,937.04 2,234.42 441.77 1,792.65 56,144.38 37.0%
Dec-2022 69 56,144.38 2,234.42 428.10 1,806.32 54,338.06 35.8%
Jan-2023 70 54,338.06 2,234.42 414.33 1,820.10 52,517.96 34.6%
Feb-2023 71 52,517.96 2,234.42 400.45 1,833.97 50,683.99 33.4%
Mar-2023 72 50,683.99 2,234.42 386.47 1,847.96 48,836.03 32.2%
Apr-2023 73 48,836.03 2,234.42 372.37 1,862.05 46,973.98 31.0%
May-2023 74 46,973.98 2,234.42 358.18 1,876.25 45,097.73 29.7%
Jun-2023 75 45,097.73 2,234.42 343.87 1,890.55 43,207.18 28.5%
Jul-2023 76 43,207.18 2,234.42 329.45 1,904.97 41,302.21 27.2%
Aug-2023 77 41,302.21 2,234.42 314.93 1,919.49 39,382.72 26.0%
Sep-2023 78 39,382.72 2,234.42 300.29 1,934.13 37,448.58 24.7%
Oct-2023 79 37,448.58 2,234.42 285.55 1,948.88 35,499.71 23.4%
Nov-2023 80 35,499.71 2,234.42 270.69 1,963.74 33,535.97 22.1%
Dec-2023 81 33,535.97 2,234.42 255.71 1,978.71 31,557.26 20.8%
Jan-2024 82 31,557.26 2,234.42 240.62 1,993.80 29,563.46 19.5%
Feb-2024 83 29,563.46 2,234.42 225.42 2,009.00 27,554.45 18.2%
Mar-2024 84 27,554.45 2,234.42 210.10 2,024.32 25,530.13 16.8%
Apr-2024 85 25,530.13 2,234.42 194.67 2,039.76 23,490.37 15.5%
May-2024 86 23,490.37 2,234.42 179.11 2,055.31 21,435.06 14.1%
Jun-2024 87 21,435.06 2,234.42 163.44 2,070.98 19,364.08 12.8%
Jul-2024 88 19,364.08 2,234.42 147.65 2,086.77 17,277.31 11.4%
Aug-2024 89 17,277.31 2,234.42 131.74 2,102.68 15,174.63 10.0%
Sep-2024 90 15,174.63 2,234.42 115.71 2,118.72 13,055.91 8.6%
Oct-2024 91 13,055.91 2,234.42 99.55 2,134.87 10,921.04 7.2%
Nov-2024 92 10,921.04 2,234.42 83.27 2,151.15 8,769.88 5.8%
Dec-2024 93 8,769.88 2,234.42 66.87 2,167.55 6,602.33 4.4%
Jan-2025 94 6,602.33 2,234.42 50.34 2,184.08 4,418.25 2.9%
Feb-2025 95 4,418.25 2,234.42 33.69 2,200.73 2,217.52 1.5%
Mar-2025 96 2,217.52 2,234.42 16.91 2,217.52 -0.00 0.0%
Apr-2025 97 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2025 98 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2025 99 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2025 100 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2025 101 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2025 102 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2025 103 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2025 104 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2025 105 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2026 106 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2026 107 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2026 108 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 59 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Apr-2026 109 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2026 110 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2026 111 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2026 112 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2026 113 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2026 114 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2026 115 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2026 116 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2026 117 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2027 118 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2027 119 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2027 120 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2027 121 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2027 122 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2027 123 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2027 124 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2027 125 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2027 126 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2027 127 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2027 128 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2027 129 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2028 130 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2028 131 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2028 132 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2028 133 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2028 134 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2028 135 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2028 136 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2028 137 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2028 138 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2028 139 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2028 140 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2028 141 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2029 142 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2029 143 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2029 144 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2029 145 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2029 146 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2029 147 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2029 148 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2029 149 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2029 150 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2029 151 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2029 152 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2029 153 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2030 154 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2030 155 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2030 156 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2030 157 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2030 158 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2030 159 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2030 160 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2030 161 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2030 162 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 60 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Oct-2030 163 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2030 164 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2030 165 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2031 166 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2031 167 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2031 168 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2031 169 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2031 170 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2031 171 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2031 172 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2031 173 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2031 174 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2031 175 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2031 176 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2031 177 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2032 178 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2032 179 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2032 180 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2032 181 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2032 182 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2032 183 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2032 184 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2032 185 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2032 186 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2032 187 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2032 188 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2032 189 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2033 190 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2033 191 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2033 192 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2033 193 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2033 194 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2033 195 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2033 196 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2033 197 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2033 198 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2033 199 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2033 200 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2033 201 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2034 202 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2034 203 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2034 204 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2034 205 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2034 206 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2034 207 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2034 208 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2034 209 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2034 210 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2034 211 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2034 212 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2034 213 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2035 214 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2035 215 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2035 216 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 61 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Apr-2035 217 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2035 218 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2035 219 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2035 220 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2035 221 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2035 222 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2035 223 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2035 224 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2035 225 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2036 226 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2036 227 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2036 228 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2036 229 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2036 230 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2036 231 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2036 232 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2036 233 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2036 234 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2036 235 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2036 236 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2036 237 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2037 238 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2037 239 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2037 240 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2037 241 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2037 242 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2037 243 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2037 244 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2037 245 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2037 246 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2037 247 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2037 248 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2037 249 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2038 250 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2038 251 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2038 252 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2038 253 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2038 254 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2038 255 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2038 256 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2038 257 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2038 258 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2038 259 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2038 260 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2038 261 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2039 262 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2039 263 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2039 264 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2039 265 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2039 266 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2039 267 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2039 268 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2039 269 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2039 270 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 62 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Oct-2039 271 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2039 272 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2039 273 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2040 274 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2040 275 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2040 276 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2040 277 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2040 278 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2040 279 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2040 280 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2040 281 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2040 282 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2040 283 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2040 284 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2040 285 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2041 286 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2041 287 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2041 288 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2041 289 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2041 290 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2041 291 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2041 292 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2041 293 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2041 294 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2041 295 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2041 296 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2041 297 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2042 298 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2042 299 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2042 300 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2042 301 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2042 302 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2042 303 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2042 304 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2042 305 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2042 306 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2042 307 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2042 308 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2042 309 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2043 310 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2043 311 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2043 312 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2043 313 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2043 314 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2043 315 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2043 316 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2043 317 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2043 318 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2043 319 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2043 320 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2043 321 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2044 322 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2044 323 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2044 324 - - - - - 0.0%

Page 63 of 64
Loan Amortization Calculator

Outstanding Loan Balance 151,711.26

Annual Interest Rate 9.15%
Loan Period (Months) 96.00
Calculation Date 4/30/2017
Repayment Opening Loan Interest Closing
Month Number Balance Repayment Charged Capital Repaid Balance % Outstanding
Apr-2044 325 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2044 326 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2044 327 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2044 328 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2044 329 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2044 330 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2044 331 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2044 332 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2044 333 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2045 334 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2045 335 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2045 336 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2045 337 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2045 338 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2045 339 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2045 340 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2045 341 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2045 342 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2045 343 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2045 344 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2045 345 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2046 346 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2046 347 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2046 348 - - - - - 0.0%
Apr-2046 349 - - - - - 0.0%
May-2046 350 - - - - - 0.0%
Jun-2046 351 - - - - - 0.0%
Jul-2046 352 - - - - - 0.0%
Aug-2046 353 - - - - - 0.0%
Sep-2046 354 - - - - - 0.0%
Oct-2046 355 - - - - - 0.0%
Nov-2046 356 - - - - - 0.0%
Dec-2046 357 - - - - - 0.0%
Jan-2047 358 - - - - - 0.0%
Feb-2047 359 - - - - - 0.0%
Mar-2047 360 - - - - - 0.0%
214,504.70 62,793.44 151,711.26

Page 64 of 64

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