4000 - 5 - Review Test

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4000 Essential English Words 5

Review Test (Unit 1-6)

Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. Helen’s cooking is producing a lovely aroma.

a. fragrance b. radiance c. atmosphere d. resonance

2. There is an unpleasant odor coming from Mike’s sports bag.

a. gas b. image c. smell d. feeling

3. We won’t miss our flight because the train to the airport is rapid.

a. slow b. sluggish c. swift d. listless

4. My brother always brags about how well he can sing.

a. roasts b. bores c. drones d. boasts

5. Tim is still angry, but he feels bad for calling Bob an idiot.

a. genius b. ideologue c. idealist d. moron

6. In 1605, a man called Catesby led a conspiracy against the king.

a. party b. team c. plot d. plea

7. The media continues to harass the celebrity outside his home.

a. hound b. impeach c. inspect d. apply

8. Global trends have a huge effect on this country’s economy.

a. earthy b. worldly c. worldwide d. globular

9. My resolution for this year is to get fit and run a marathon

a. plan b. revolution c. scam d. sham

10. The old house has a very weird atmosphere.

a. pleasant b. scary c. uncanny d. stylish

11. Pat doesn’t comprehend the foreign film’s dialogue at all.

a. believe b. remember c. appreciate d. understand

12. Those going on the field trip should congregate outside the school at 10am.

a. leave b. sit c. gather d. depart

13. After the concert, the dense crowd quickly dispersed.

a. littered b. shattered c. scattered d. splattered

14. I have no empirical reason to believe in fairies.

a. experiential b. expert c. imperial d. infernal

Unscramble them and write the correct word in the adjacent blank. The word’s first letter

is underlined for you.

1. _______________ ravebege 2. _______________ car

3. _______________ itnippon 4. _______________ nygoa

5. _______________ ixedn 6. _______________ plaah

Write the letter S for synonym or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. ____ soothing - calming 2. ____ toxic - poisonous

3. ____ middle – edge 4. ____ wreck - repair

5. ____ hint - tip 6. ____ indirect - circuitous

7. ____ thorough - cursory 8. ____ abrupt - gradual

9. ____ private - public 10. ____ articulate - eloquent

4000 Essential English Words 5
Review Test (Unit 7-12)

Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. The gang quickly tried to conceal their weapons.

a. repair b. sell c. hide d. preserve

2. When the bank failed, the government decided to intervene.

a. intercept b. interject c. intercede d. integrate

3. The security guards oblige everyone to empty their pockets.

a. suggest b. compel c. repel d. comply

4. In the waiting room, the ticking of the clock is constant.

a. occasional b. creaseless c. intermittent d. ceaseless

5. The climbers found a large useful crack in the mountainside.

a. tissue b. fission c. fusion d. fissure

6. Gary was nervous about a(n) impending English test.

a. first b. booming c. previous d. looming

7. Jane thought the car salesman seemed a bit sly.

a. funny b. cunning c. capable d. impressive

8. A slight breeze blew Stan’s papers from the table and across the square.

a. wind b. storm c. tornado d. typhoon

9. After two long flights, Lisa feels quite feeble.

a. excited b. weak c. hungry d. confused

10. The king’s new purple robe was suitably majestic.

a. gaudy b. tacky c. regal d. legal

11. The generals were forced to surrender on May 8th.

a. subject b. correct c. surround d. submit

12. Alice was so enchanted by Paris that she bought an apartment there.

a. troubled b. captured c. bankrupted d. captivated

13. Language can be a(n) obstacle when living in a new country.

a. experience b. interest c. barrier d. decision

14. Lucy’s mom worries because Lucy is so timid.

a. meek b. sleek c. slim d. sleepy

Unscramble them and write the correct word in the adjacent blank. The word’s first letter

is underlined for you.

1. _______________ mapcilor 2. _______________ ieprsper

3. _______________ oefvgir 4. _______________ fsiycasil

5. _______________ esfeden 6. _______________ siechfim

Write the letter S for synonym or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. ____ memorable - notable 2. ____ proclaim - announce

3. ____ snap - bend 4. ____ valid - baseless

5. ____ assist - help 6. ____ lively - lethargic

7. ____ pessimistic - optimistic 8. ____ whereas - but

9. ____ concede - admit 10. ____ timid - bold

4000 Essential English Words 5
Review Test (Unit 13-18)

Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. When Zak first met Kate, he thought it was destiny.

a. amazing b. fate c. great d. fete

2. Having missed lunch, Jon is beginning to feel irritable.

a. guilty b. jealous c. lazy d. grouchy

3. My yoga lessons have made me much more flexible.

a. subtle b. vague c. supple d. ambiguous

4. Lin’s beloved dog has gone missing again.

a. unwanted b. affectionate c. cherished d. cheeky

5. The results of the experiment confused the physicists.

a. worried b. compounded c. condensed d. confounded

6. The football club was established in 1895.

a. grounded b. founded c. landed d. astounded

7. In the midst of the battle, the king was shot with an arrow.

a. violence b. muddle c. madness d. middle

8. The band’s prior album was very popular.

a. previous b. last c. first d. devious

9. Harry has a history of being disobedient at school.

a. messy b. late c. compliant d. naughty

10. When mom goes out, the kids plead their dad for sweets.

a. call b. wish c. follow d. beg

11. Jane was worried because her examiner was very stern.

a. serious b. mad c. mysterious d. sad

12. Conditions in the prison are grim.

a. silent b. awful c. pleasant d. cold

13. My regular barber is away on holiday this week.

a. dentist b. teacher c. hairdresser d. helper

14. We are pondering a short trip to Hong Kong.

a. hoping b. wishing c. considering d. cancelling

Unscramble them and write the correct word in the adjacent blank. The word’s first letter

is underlined for you.

1. _______________ utowkro 2. _______________ exiturm

3. _______________ ucaenrf 4. _______________ sofeeer

5. _______________ anispcihy 6. _______________ sesircaat

Write the letter S for synonym or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. ____ subconscious - intentional 2. ____ shatter - smash

3. ____ sparkle - twinkle 4. ____ complain - moan

5. ____ misery - alacrity 6. ____ powerless - influential

7. ____ mature – childish 8. ____ rip - tear

9. ____ vehement - emphatic 10. ____ hermit - socialite

4000 Essential English Words 5
Review Test (Unit 19-24)

Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. The author will be signing copies of her book instore tonight.

a. artist b. musician c. jeweller d. writer

2. The ship is in danger because its cargo is too heavy.

a. crew b. passenger c. load d. product

3. In rural areas, people are keen to retain their traditions.

a. begin b. revive c. keep d. reinvent

4. Jen’s family has a lovely cabin in the woods.

a. hut b. bunker c. palace d. apartment

5. A team of porters hauled the climber’s equipment up the mountain.

a. sent b. carried c. posted d. trapped

6. Unfortunately, low cloud impaired the tourists’ view of the city.

a. dampened b. spoiled c. pampered d. soiled

7. The story of the tiger and the bear is a big part of Korean folklore.

a. history b. politics c. philosophy d. mythology

8. Islam is one of the world’s major religions.

a. understandings b. faiths c. signs d. symbols

9. The spider’s venom paralyzes it prey in seconds.

a. pincer b. dagger c. sting d. poison

10. The skier was injured because he didn’t heed the warning signs.

a. stop b. listen c. regard d. reserve

11. Sadly, the country’s minority groups are being persecuted by the military government.

a. depressed b. oppressed c. pressed d. stressed

12. Tina’s dad used some new wood to reinforce the roof of their cabin.

a. replace b. renew c. strengthen d. lengthen

13. Despite slipping over in the mud, Bob tried to maintain his dignity.

a. pride b. honesty c. empathy d. sympathy

14. The new teacher found her class rather hostile.

a. welcoming b. hospitable c. unwelcoming d. convivial

Unscramble them and write the correct word in the adjacent blank. The word’s first letter

is underlined for you.

1. _______________ tovim 2. _______________ cnbualaem

3. _______________ nlmieimlun 4. _______________ mcerceom

5. _______________ idaerots 6. _______________ ilseiwek

Write the letter S for synonym or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. ____ idle - indolent 2. ____ notify - inform

3. ____ unfortunate - lucky 4. ____ flank - side

5. ____ background - foreground 6. ____ chronicle - record

7. ____ victor - loser 8. ____ regulate - control

9. ____ dense - sparse 10. ____ progress - regression

4000 Essential English Words 5
Review Test (Unit 25-30)

Choose the correct synonym of the words in bold.

1. The esteemed artist, Bob Smith, will give a lecture this evening.

a. intelligent b. celebrated c. notorious d. intellectual

2. The gardeners nurture young plants in their greenhouse.

a. trim b. envelop c. develop d. tidy

3. It was hot, and accordingly the beach was very busy.

a. consequently b. completely c. stubbornly d. quickly

4. In the context of the 1920’s, $15 was a lot of money.

a. circumstances b. procedures c. arrangements d. credit

5. Jane is thrilled with the secondhand jacket she found yesterday.

a. quilted b. contemporary c. used d. sleeveless

6. The coach’s ingenious tactic won the game for the Tigers.

a. movement b. moment c. strategy d. fallacy

7. Tests have shown that almonds are beneficial for arthritis sufferers.

a. delicious b. helpful c. expensive d. intriguing

8. The garage offers a comprehensive service at a reasonable price.

a. complete b. partial c. complimentary d. reactionary

9. The political party distributed a leaflet listing all its new ideas.

a. circled b. circulated c. shifted d. littered

10. The fundamental idea of football is to score more goals than the other team.

a. basic b. complicated c. enjoyable d. intelligent

11. An SNS company sold some of its users’ confidential information.

a. public b. private c. civic d. municipal

12. Jen bought some lights and some paint to modify her bike.

a. disrupt b. customize c. extend d. corrupt

13. Tim Smith’s political cartoons ridicule the government’s performance.

a. applaud b. celebrate c. mock d. mourn

14. Tina’s marketing department has always been consistent.

a. reliant b. defendable c. unpredictable d. reliable

Unscramble them and write the correct word in the adjacent blank. The word’s first letter

is underlined for you.

1. _______________ iartacrf 2. _______________ nacroh

3. _______________ otuarqe 4. _______________ irnseh

5. _______________ mbotileuoa 6. _______________ arleghtep

Write the letter S for synonym or A for antonym next to the pair of words.

1. ____ decisive - tentative 2. ____ rural - pastoral

3. ____ distort - twist 4. ____ frequent - sporadic

5. ____ exotic - unfamiliar 6. ____ frequency - regularity

7. ____ incredulous - convinced 8. ____ worsen - improve

9. ____ tournament - competition 10. ____ chaos - order

Review Tests Book 5_ Answers

Unit 1-6 Unit 7-12 Unit 13-18 Unit 19-24 Unit 25-30
Synonyms Synonyms Synonyms Synonyms Synonyms
1.a 1.c 1.b 1.d 1.b
2.c 2.c 2.d 2.c 2.c
3.c 3.b 3.c 3.c 3.a
4.d 4.d 4.c 4.a 4.a
5.d 5.d 5.d 5.b 5.c
6.c 6.d 6.b 6.b 6.c
7.a 7.b 7.d 7.d 7.b
8.c 8.a 8.a 8.b 8.a
9.a 9.b 9.d 9.d 9.b
10.c 10.c 10.d 10.c 10.a
11.d 11.d 11.a 11.b 11.b
12.c 12.d 12.b 12.c 12.b
13.c 13.c 13.c 13.a 13.c
14.a 14.a 14.c 14.c 14.d
Unscramble Unscramble Unscramble Unscramble Unscramble
1.beverage 1.proclaim 1.workout 1.vomit 1.aircraft
2.arc 2.perspire 2.mixture 2.ambulance 2.anchor
3.pinpoint 3.forgive 3.furnace 3.millennium 3.equator
4.agony 4.classify 4.foresee 4.commerce 4.shrine
5.index 5.defense 5.physician 5.asteroid 5.automobile
6.alpha 6.mischief 6.staircase 6.likewise 6.telegraph
Synonym/Antonym Synonym/Antonym Synonym/Antonym Synonym/Antonym Synonym/Antonym
1.S 1.S 1.A 1.S 1.A
2.S 2.S 2.S 2.S 2.S
3.A 3.A 3.S 3.A 3.S
4.A 4.A 4.S 4.S 4.A
5.S 5.S 5.A 5.A 5.S
6.S 6.A 6.A 6.S 6.S
7.A 7.A 7.A 7.A 7.A
8.A 8.S 8.S 8.S 8.A
9.A 9.S 9.S 9.A 9.S
10.S 10.A 10.A 10.A 10.A


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