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Performance Task 1.


Goal: Your task is to collect navigation course of different locations and apply concepts
of conversion of angle measurements.

1. Navigate the location of your house using google maps.
2. Identify 10 different nearby locations/places. Include a snapshot of those places along
with the location of your house and then, label it.
3. Identify their latitude and longitude in a form of decimal degrees by right clicking the
place or area. (Use 4 decimal places).
4. Use the template below to indicate all coordinates you have found.
Place Latitude Longitude

5. Convert each latitude and longitude to Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DMS).

For part B, C and D, it should be handwritten.

B. Conversion: Radian to Degrees and Vice Versa
1. 59° 3.

2. 124° 4.

C. Sketch each angle in radians in standard position. Then, identify on what

quadrant/axis it terminates.
5𝜋 15𝜋
1. 3.
3 6

7𝜋 6𝜋
2. 4.
4 5

D. Make a reflection on the importance of angles in daily life. Cite some examples.
Criteria 10 9 8 7
Accuracy All the answers Most of the Some of the Little to none of
are correct answers are answers are the answers are
correct correct correct

Almost all (90- Most (80-85%) of More than 75%

95%) of the steps the steps and of the steps and
and solutions solutions have no solutions have
have no mathematical mathematical
mathematical errors. errors.

Presentation/Creativity Make excellent use Make good use of Make use of Make use of
of designing designing materials designing materials designing materials
materials but occasionally but these often
these distract from distract from the
the presentation presentation
content. content.

Diagrams/Sketches Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or Diagrams and/or

sketches are sketches are clear sketches are sketches are
clear and greatly and easy to somewhat difficult to
add to the understand. difficult to understand or
reader\'s understand. are not used.
of the
Neatness & The work is The work is The work is The work
Organization presented in a presented in a presented in an appears sloppy
neat, clean, neat and organized and unorganized.
organized organized fashion fashion but may It is hard to
fashion that is that is usually be hard to read know what
easy to read. easy to read. at times. information goes

Reflection Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is Writing is

concise, and well clear, unclear unclear
organized. concise, and well and and
Thoughts organized. disorganized. disorganized.
are expressed in Thoughts are Thoughts are not Thoughts ramble
a expressed in a expressed in a and make little
coherent and coherent logical manner. sense. Contains
logical and logical Contains 1-2 1
manner. paragraphs with paragraph with
manner. Contains 1-2 several many
Contains 2 or paragraphs grammatical grammatical
more with several errors errors present.
paragraphs with grammatical present.
very few errors present.
errors present.

Timeliness The activity was The activity was The activity was The activity was
submitted on submitted more submitted an submitted more
time than a minute hour late than a day late
Note: Not following instructions will result in a 3-point deduction on the final score.

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