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Chocolate Ingredients

Chip Cookies ●

1 Tsp Baking Soda
¾ Cup Brown Sugar
● ¾ Cup Butter
● 1 ½ Tsp Cornstarch
● 1 Large Egg & 1 Egg Yolk
● 2 ¼ Cup Flour
● ½ Cup Granulated Sugar
● 2 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
● ½ Tsp Salt
● Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips

1. Mix flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and
salt together in a bowl and set aside.
2. In a separate bowl, mix melted butter,
brown sugar, and granulated sugar until
smooth. Mix in the egg and egg yolk and
then mix in the vanilla extract.
3. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredient
Prep Time 10 minutes bowl. Mix together with a rubber spatula
Cook Time 12 minutes or large spoon.
Serves 20+ cookies
4. Fold in the chocolate chips and cover the
Personal Commentary bowl with plastic wrap and chill the
Ever since I was little, I have always loved a
good and simple chocolate chip cookie to 5. When ready, preheat the oven to 350
snack on. However, once I moved to degrees and line a baking sheet with
Colorado, I had a hard time getting the batter parchment paper. Roll out the dough into
recipe to work with the altitude change. small balls.
Once I was able to find the perfect recipe, I 6. Bake for 12 minutes or until desired
wanted to use it as my experiment in order to results are shown and enjoy.
cook something simple yet difficult with
altitude changes.
My Experiment
For my experiment, I made one batch of
cookie batter and made around 10 cookies
per round of baking. The first round of 10
was baked at 325 degrees, the second round
was baked at 350, and the third round was
baked at 375. I hypothesized that the cookies Height of cookies baked at 325.
baked at the lowest temperature (325) to be
flat and more crunchy, the cookies baked at
the “perfect” temperature (350) to be fluffy
and chewy, and the cookies baked at the
highest temperature (375) to rise upwards
and not taste very good.
For my taste test I had three different
containers, one container for each batch, and Height of cookies baked at 350.
labeled the containers with different symbols
to tell which container was which. Each
person in the class (20+) chose one cookie to
taste and was then given a survey to take and
evaluate the cookie they tasted. After all of
the survey results were collected, I found
that the favorite cookie was the cookie baked
at 325 because it was the most visually Width (2 inches) of cookie baked at 350.
appealing and chewy compared to the other
cookies. This went against my hypothesis and
proved 1 out of 3 parts wrong. The 375
cookies and the 350 cookies resulted in the
ways I expected.

My Experiment in Pictures
Height of cookies baked at 375.

Width (approx. 1.75 inches) of cookie baked at

Width (2 inches) of cookie baked at 325. 375.
The Science Behind Baking Helpful Tips
Cookies ● Before you roll your cookies out onto
your baking tray, chill the dough.
When baking cookies, there are two very
● Make sure consistency is smooth and
important components; baking soda and the
every ingredient is mixed in.
heat of the oven. The heat of the oven helps
● Bake one batch at a time to help with
expand the cookie when baking. Baking soda,
heat distribution.
which is found in cookie batter, undergoes a
● Make sure every ingredient is the
gaseous change and releases carbon dioxide
exact measurements.
around 176 degrees. When the carbon
dioxide is released the baking soda releases
bubbles in the dough to give it the perfect
consistency. The bubbles of carbon dioxide
are held together by flour as it is a stabilizer
and thickener. Because of this, the flour in
the dough controls the rising levels of the
cookies. Cookies need to be the best
consistency possible so that they are able to
bake evenly and that all parts of the cookie
are baked. Cookies also go through the
Maillard Reaction. The Maillard Reaction is
shown when the food is heated to at least
280 degrees. When heated to 280, there is a
chemical reaction that happens between the
proteins and sugars which is why cookies
have a brownish color to their appearance.
Works Cited

“Best Chocolate Chip Cookies (Popular Recipe!).” Sally's Baking Addiction, 13 May 2022, Accessed 8 December


Doucleff, Michaeleen. “Cookie-Baking Chemistry: How To Engineer Your Perfect Sweet Treat.”

NPR, 3 December 2013,

how-to-engineer-your-perfect-sweet-treat. Accessed 7 December 2022.

Guide, Step. “6 Ingredients That Affect Your Cookies.” Home Made Simple,


.html. Accessed 7 December 2022.

Lohner, Svenja. “Vanishing Baking Soda.” Scientific American, 17 August 2017, Accessed 7 December


“The Science of Cookies.” Redpath Sugar,

Accessed 8 December 2022.

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