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WAYNE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT'S CONTRACT ‘This employment contract is entered into this oO day of “Praveed~_, 2022, by and between the WAYNE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION (the “Board”) and SAMUEL ISON (the “Superintendent”). The Board and the Superintendent, for the consideration herein specified, agree as follows: 1, TERM OF CONTRACT The Board, in) ccordance with the action of the Board as found in the minutes of its meeting held on the JQ'day of “Jerry . 2022. hereby employs the Superintendent, and the Superintendent hereby accepts employment, as Superintendent of the Wayne Local School District for a term commencing on December 1, 2022 and ending July 31, 2027. Upon the commencement date of this Contract, the parties agree that the Interim Superiniendent Employment Contract entered into between then commencing on September 6, 2022 shall become null and void 2. PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE/CERTIFICATION ‘The Superintendent shall maintain and furnish to the Board evidence of his maintaining, throughout the life of this contract, a valid and appropriate certificate (educational license) to serve as Superintendent of Schools of the Wayne Local School District in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio 3. DUTIES OF SUPERINTENDENT ‘The Superintendent shall perform all duties prescribed by law and consistent with Board policy, specified in the Job Description for Superintendent as adopted by the Board, as any of same may be amended from time to time during the term of this contact. Such Job Description, if and as so amended, is hereby incorporated into this contract by reference as if fully reinstated herein, 4, JMPENSATION The Board shall pay the Superintendent an annual salary of $160,000.00. The ‘Superintendent's salary shall not be reduced during the tert of this contract except as provided by law or in conjunction with changes in the teacher’s pay scale. a, The Superintendent’s annual salary shall be paid in equal installments as provided by Board policy, less applicable deductions in accordance with law and Board policy. b, The Board will pay the Board's contribution to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) and will also pick up and pay the Superintendent’s share of retirement contributions to STRS together with any additional contributions required by the pick- up provision (“pick-up” on the “pick-up”), The Board shall also assume and pay the Superintendent's Medicare cost of 1.45%. 5. OTHER COMPENSATIONS ie Benefits. During the term of this contract, the Board shall provide the ‘Superintendent with the same fringe benefits, in accordance with Board policy, which are provided to other twelve-month administrative employees of the Board. , Life Insurance, The Board will purchase and maintain in effect during the term of this Contract a group term life insurance policy for the Superintendent in an amount equal to no less than the Superintendent’s annusl salary © Civie and Professional Organizations. The Board will pay the cost for the Superintendent to belong to the following professional organizations: OSBA, BASA, VASA, and for the Superintendent to belong to such local civic organizations as the Board and the Superintendent mutually agree would be beneficial to the School District. DAYS TO BE WORKED ‘The Superintendent's daily rate of pay shall be calculated on the basis of two hundred sixty (260) working days per year. The Superintendent shall devote such time and energies as are necessary to perform the duties specified during normal business hours, but it is expressly agreed that the duties of this position will require the Superintendent to work during times, other than normal business hours, VACATION a Mi The Superintendent shall be entitled to twenty-five (25) vacation days per year, The Superintendent's vacation days shall be used at a time mutually agreeable to the Superintendent and the Board, By July 31" of each year under this Contract, the ‘Superintendent may elect to convert up to 15 unused vacation days to cash at his daily rate of pay by providing written notice of the same to the Treasurer. b. Personal Leave. The Superintendent shall be entitled to personal leave in accordance with Board policy, 8, SICK LEAVE k leave in leave will ‘The Superintendent shall be entitled to the use of and accumulation of accordance with Ohio law and Board policy, However, no severance pay of occur upon the Superintendent's separation of employment with the Board. 9. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH ‘The Superintendent shall be encouraged to attend professional meetings, the actual and necessary expenses of said attendance to be paid by the District in accordance with Board policy. The Superintendent shall obtain the Board’s approval to attend such professional meetings. 10. EXPENSES ‘The Board shall reimburse the Superintendent for all actual and necessary travel outside of the District and other expenses which the Superintendent incurs in the performance of the Superintendent's official duties. Reimbursement of expenses shall be in accordance with Board policy, 11, MEDICAL EXAMINATION When requested by the Board, as permitted by law, the Superintendent hereby agrees to submit to a comprehensive medical examination. A physician’s statement certifying to the physical and mental competency of incompetency of the Superintendent shall be filed with the President of the Board, and shall be treated as confidential information, The cost of any such ‘medical examination shall be borne by the Board. 12, INDEMNIFICATION The Board agrees that it shall defend, hold harinless, and indemnify the Superintendent from any and all demands, claims, suits, actions and legal proceedings brought against the Superintendent in his individual capacity as agent and employee of the Board, provided the incident arose while the Superintendent was acting in good faith and not manifestly outside the scope of his employment or official responsibilities. This indemnification includes all civil demands, claims, suits and legal proceedings, whether threatened or instituted, and also includes criminal legal proceedings, whether threatened or instituted, that arise from the acts of omissions of the Superintendent while acting within the scope of the Superintendent's employment with the Board, and the good faith belief that such conduct was lawful and in the best interest of the District. In no case, will individual Board Members be considered personally liable for indemnitying the Superintendent against such demands, claims, suits, actions and legal proceedings. 13, EVALUATION ‘The Board shall evaluate the Superintendent in accordance with Board policy prior to the expiration of this contract, provided, however, that the Superintendent specifically agrees that the Board’s failure to evaluate the Superintendent shall not constitute a breach of this contract, nor shall it confer any right on the Superintendent to be reemployed at the expiration of contract. In the event the General Assembly should enact legislation amending the provisions of Revised Code Section 3319.01 dealing with the obligation of a board of education to evaluate its superintendent after the effective date of this contract, the Board and Superintendent will meet to discuss changes to this section in order to comply with the new legislation. 14. CONTRACT TERMINATION This employment contract may be terminated by: a, Mutual agreement of the parties; b. Retirement, resignation, disability, or death of the Superintendent; or ¢. Termination by the Board or Superintendent in accordance with the laws of Ohio 15. SAVINGS CLAUSE Ifany portion of this contract is deemed illegal due to conflict with state or federal law, the remainder of the contract shall remain in full force and effect; this contract does not constitute ‘any obligation either written or implied for reemployment beyond the term set forth herein, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board, by its President and its Treasurer, having been fj i, duly authorized, and Samuel Ison have executed this contract this 2/6 /“day of i Ve wn bee 2022. SUPERINTENDENT WAYNE LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCTION-> pate: JUV. 26 2ez2 date: 7 0 2 we A fokhn Date: //~ Z9- 28597

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