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Written by Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne)

Time - 1844, Place – Saint Petersburg on the Mississippi River. Saint Petersburg is
Hannibal; writer gives that name to his town.

Chapter 1

The novel opens with Aunt Polly who is searching Tom in the house. She finds him in the
food cupboard and Tom’s mouth was bright red because he is eating jam without
knowing anyone. Tom knows that his aunt is going to scold you so he tricks his aunt and
run away from house.

Chapter 2

Tom’s aunt gives him to paint the fence of Aunty Polly’s house as a punishment. Tom
was sad and he wants to play with his friends. He got the idea and paints the fence while
singing. He saw one of his friends, Ben Rogers was coming his house. His friend asked
“Do you like to paint the fence”. Tom said “It is difficult to paint fence. “And then Ben
wants to paint fence so he gives his all toys and food to Tom. After that Tom saw
another friend, Billy Fisher and said “Let me paint your fence and I will give you all of my
toys.” Tom was really happy and nobody know his tricks. After finish painting, Tom’s
friends go home and Tom said “The fence is painted” to his aunt. His aunt is shocked.

Chapter 3

Tom and his aunt went to the church and sat on the right hand side. Every people who
are in the church were bored including Tom because of the minister’s talk. His talk was
long and very serious. Tom remembered his beetle and he took the beetle out of his
pocket. Suddenly beetle bit one of Tom’s fingers and threw that into the floor. The dog
came inside the church and saw beetle. The beetle bit his nose and the dog start running.

Everyone started to laugh. Tom saw a girl in the garden of Jeff’s house. He quickly fell in
love with her. But he had loved someone last week. And he started to stalk the girl. At
night Tom went to Jeff’s house to see the girls and he made noise of a cat but someone
threw some water over Tom’s head. Tom throw stones at the window and the glass
broke. He ran quickly.
Chapter 4

Tom had two special friends, Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry was an
orphan but he has a father. His father didn’t like him so he abandoned him. Huckleberry
didn’t go to school and go to church like other boys. All the boys who live in the St
Petersburg liked him because he didn’t have to go to school. But mothers didn’t like him.

On Monday morning, Huck was very happy because he found the dead cat who cures
warts. Tom saw that too. They both had warts. Tom asked how dead cat can cure warts?

Huck said the man dies and they bury in the ground. That night, you take the dead cat to
the graveyard, the ghost will come there at mid night. They take away the dead man and
the dead man has to follow. The cat follows the dead man and the warts follow the cats.

And then they both decided to meet at 11 p.m. at Tom’s house to prove it. Tom forgot
that he had school.

Chapter 5

Tom saw the girl that he fell in love with. Tom wanted her to like him. So he drew a
picture and the girl is really interested in it and wanted him to teach her. Tom said let’s
engaged and also the girl agreed with it. Soon, she got to know that tom had engaged
with another girl and she cried. Tom didn’t say anything and left.

Chapter 6

At night, Tom waited for Huck as they agreed to meet at 11 p.m. And then tom heard
the noise of a cat. Tom saw Huck was carrying dead and they both went to the
graveyard. They saw Williams’ grave and sat near it. After that three ghosts were coming
towards the Williams’ grave and Tom got to know they aren’t ghost, they are human.
The three people are Muff Potter, Injun Joe and Doctor Robinson. Tom thought doctor is
going to study with that body. After that Injun Joe asked doctor to give the money again
for their hard work. Doctor didn’t want to give money so he hit joe and they got fighting
with the knife. Tom and Huck quietly watching them. Injun Joe accidently killed doctor
but Injun said that Muff killed him. And Tom and Huck saw that and they ran.

Chapter 7
They ran away from the graveyard. Tom said nobody knows about this. And who will tell
the sheriff. So they decided not to tell sheriff and they made promise in blood on a flat
piece of wood.

Chapter 8

Some people found the dead body of doctor and also muff potter too. Injun joe lied to
the sheriff that Muff Potter killed the doctor. Tom and Huck was really worried about the
wrong murder. They swore again they won’t tell anyone. Tom didn’t speak to anyone
expect Huck. The body always went to the jail every day and gave food to the Muff.

Chapter 9

Next day, Tom decided to leave St Petersburg because he thought no body love him
including her aunt. Joe also wanted to leave because his other is angry with him. So they
decided to go Jackson’s island. At mid night, Tom, Huck and Joe went to the Jackson’s
island. They brought meat, cooking pot, fishing item and more. They arrived to that
island and built their camp. After that they fell in sleep. Next morning, they swam and
ate meat. They were really boring and they wanted to go back home. Suddenly they
heard noises and small boats and steamboats are on the river. They were coming to find
the boys. And that evening, Huck, Joe wanted to go back home but Tom didn’t. So Tom
tell his idea so Joe and Huck won’t go back home.

Chapter 10

In the church was full of with people. Everybody is wearing black because it was the
funeral of the three drowned boys. Everybody is crying and also minister too. Then
everybody heard a noise and they were so shocked. Three boys walked along the church
and they were attending their own funeral. Aunt Polly and Joe’s mother were really
happy and also Tom and Joe too. But Hack wasn’t happy because everyone is kissing his
cheek. Next morning, Muff’s trail started. Tom and hack was really excited and worried.
The trial was going to end on third day. On the last day, every witness talked about they
found muff with the doctor together. Suddenly Tom was become a witness and he had
to tell everything that he saw. Injun Joe smiled weirdly and he ran away after finishing
Tom’s talk.

Chapter 11

After the Muff Potter’s trial, Tom were invited to a birthday party by Becky who was
Tom’s friend. The next day, Tom and Hunk went to the haunted house to find the buried
treasure. The came inside the house and they heard some noises. They thought it were
ghosts so they hid in somewhere. There weren’t ghosts but they are Injun Joe and One
was Stranger. They were talking about some secrets in haunted house. They stole money
from somewhere and were finding place to bury it. When they are digging the floor with
knife, his knife had hit something and it was the boy’s shovels. Injun joe didn’t know
whose shovels is it anyway he knows here so he took the money to the other place. But
he said he didn’t want the money only he wants was revenge. Tom heard that and he
was really scared.

Chapter 12

It was Saturday and the day of Becky’s birthday at McDougal’s Caves. All the children
went there expect Hunk because he wasn’t invited. Tom was really happy and excited.
The children went to the cave while singing and laughing. No adults went with the
children only older children took care of the young children. After then, they arrived the
island and went to the McDougal’s Caves. In the cave, it is really dark and cold so they lit
a candle and played games. The steamboat bell will ring at 7 o’clock so they came out
from the cave expect Tom and Becky. The two wanted to explore more so they
continued walking and they made a large mark on the wall not to lose way back home.
They saw a beautiful waterfall but suddenly the bats were flapping their wings. They are
scared of light. Tom and Becky ran fur away but they lost their way back home.

Chapter 13

They continued finding their way back home but didn’t find the entrance. And also tom
forgot to mark and Becky cried loudly. But they didn’t give up and continued finding
their way back. They slept for few hours and walked again. Hours later, they stopped and
sat on the floor because they had no more candles and the last one was very small. They
hoped that their parents will find them. Suddenly they heard some hear so they shouted
for help. The noise is going away so tom went to check it out and he continued shouting
and saw Injun Joe. Tom was really frightened and also Injun Joe too because of Tom’s
shout. Injun Joe ran away. Also Tom went back to Becky and there were no body. They
fell asleep. The next morning, they walked again and found the entrance and they were
very happy.

Chapter 14

Huck saw the old steamboat came back but he didn’t see Tom. At 11p.m. Huck was
going to sleep but saw Injun Joe so he decided to follow him. Injun Joe met the stranger
and they walked up a hill outside of the town and They were going to Mrs. Douglas’s
house. Injun Joe wanted to revenge to the judge but the judge died so he wanted to take
revenge on his wife. Huck heard about that and ran away to Judge Thatcher’s. He told to
that judge and some people ran up the hill and hock followed them and heard the sound
of gun. The next day, Huck came again to the judge house and judge asked some
questions. He told him everything that he knew. The judge went to the sheriff and told
them and also about the Tom and Becky were lost. Huck slept all day and all night
because he was sick. The people looked around for Tom and Becky but they stopped to
find them. Judge Thatcher and some people went to the caves and put an if piece of
metal across the door so nobody can get in.

Chapter 15

Tom and Becky weren’t lost and they were home again. Telling their story to their
parents and children. Everybody was very happy because Becky and Tom weren’t hurt. It
was two weeks, Tom was talking to the judge and judge said no body won’t have lost in
cave again. But Tom said Injun Joe was in cave. So they immediately opened the door
and saw Injun Joe was dead and beside there was a box which has hindered of gold coins
in it. Tom and Huck said about the Haunted House and the sheriff gave the box as a
reward. Tom and Huck were rich. Huck lived with the Mrs. Douglas. But he didn’t like to
live in St Petersburg forever. One day, he got into a small boat and he went south but
there is another story.
Title of Book
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Twain, Mark
4.5 stars = Really Good
Tom Sawyer is a mischievous yet bright child who loves to mislead others. Like Huck, he
desires to be free. Huck, a buddy of Tom's, is an orphan. He doesn’t have to attend school and
go to church. Even though Tom is an orphan as well but he lives with his aunt. Tom's aunt
makes an effort to control him by hauling him to church and issuing punishment for his
disobedience. Tom detests Mondays since it is the start of the school week. One Monday,
Becky Thatcher, a new student at the school, captures Tom’s heart and he falls in love right
away. But he accidently tells he had engaged to Amy and Becky was so angry. Tom and
Huckleberry Finn sneak out of the home one night, and they see Injun Joe, Dr. Robinson, and
Muff Potter plundering graves. Dr. Robinson and Potter get into a fight, and Dr. Robinson kills
Potter. Doctor is killed by Injun Joe. Tom and Huck swear not to let anyone know they
witnessed that. The following morning, the slain doctor's body and the bloody knife are quickly
found in the unknown town. But soon the sheriff found out the murder with mysterious way.
Tom is endearing and wriggles straight into a person's heart and imagination. The novel
demonstrates the delight of youth as well as acceptance of change and adventure. However, it
most importantly shows that we are all a bit like Tom Sawyer! It's a great tale of complex
characters interacting with other complex people. Although none of the characters in this novel
are faultless, they all have admirable traits. That is why this book is so valuable.

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