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Identification Nos.: 02091

1710-12 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 545-4220
1710-12 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
318 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2361
815 King Street
Chappaqua, NY 10514-3430
875 King Street
Chappaqua, NY 10514-3430
901 North Monroe Street, Apt. 1007
Arlington, VA 22201
3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 400
Los Angeles. CA 90034
Attorney Pro Se
: Law
Case ID: I 10702615
3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Beach Investment Counsel
300 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Maple Engine, LP
1578 River Road
New Hope, PA 18938
CIGNA Corporation
Two Liberty Place
160I Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Case 10: 110702615
3415 S. Sepulveda Boulevard
Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90034
2112 Walnut Street
Third Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
2112 Walnut Street
Third Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
1800 One Liberty Place
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395
White and Williams
1800 One Liberty Place
Philadelphia, PA 19103-7395
INTERNET BLOGGER"Douglas Fletcher"
Case ID: 110702615
Case 10: 110702615
INTERNET BLOGGER l ~ o t Arthur Wolk"
INTERNET BLOGGER "Barely Suppressed Rage" :
52 Vanderbilt Avenue
New York. NY 10017.
Case ID: 110702615
Nothing in this lawsuit is intended to duplicate claims made in other lawsuits, except to
the extent a previously filed lawsuit entitled, Wolk v. Olson, et aI, CCP Philadelphia, October
Term 2010, No. 3053, which was fraudulently removed to the Federal Court, this lawsuit being
filed to avoid the unacceptable delay while plaintiff is being damaged by defendants' conduct
associated with the Federal Court's failure to deal with Plaintiff's Motion to Remand, with
respect to the merits of which there can be no serious dispute. This lawsuit was necessitated
solely by the continuing attacks on plaintiff by defendants even since the lawsuit was filed.
Libel, Conspiracy to Incite Libel, Conspiracy to Cause Intentional Interference with
Contractual Relations, Conspiracy to Commit Libel by False Light, Civil Conspiracy,
Conspiracy to Intentionally Inflict Emotional Disturbance, Conspiracy to Engage in Internet
Bullying, Conspiracy to Commit Assault by Internet Bullying, Conspiracy to Incite Infliction
ofBodily andEmotional Harm, Conspiracy to Incite False Charges ofHeinous Crimes,
Extortion, Trustees Violation ofBylaws and Laws Relating to Non-Profit
Corporations, Stalking in Violation of18 CSA Sec. 2709.1, Fraud deceit and Theft,
False Swearing, False Representation to Public Authorities Violations ofCanons of
Legal Ethics, Deception andDeceit, Fraud andDeceit, False Light and Defamation,
Perjury and Subornadon, Conspiracy to Interfere with Rights Guaranteed by the
Pennsylvania Consdtution, Jury Tampering andNullifu::ation
I. Plaintiff, Arthur Alan Wolk, is a citizen and resident of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, whose office is located at 1710-12 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA, 10103.
2. Defendant, ("Overlawyered"), is a California business entity,
an internet bully with a sole purpose to misrepresent, lie and present a warped view of lawyers,
judges and the law in order to undermine the civil justice system of the United States and whose
secondary purpose is the personal aggrandizement of Walter Olson, its Editor, and Theodore
Frank, its principal writer, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research ("Manhattan"), the
Case ID: 110702615
American Enterprise Institute ("Enterprise") and The Cato Institute ("Cato"), the latter being
right wing lobbying organizations who are proponents of tort refonn.
3. Defendant, The OverIawyered Group ("Overlawyered Group"), is a New York
business entity with its home office and principal place of business located at 875 King Street,
Chappaqua, New York 105143430.
4. Defendant Walter K. Olson (Olson, also sometimes called Internet Bully and
Internet Stalker or Overlawyered defendant), is an individual, a citizen and resident of the State
of New York, a lawyer who now lives in Washington D.C. where he moved to become an
instigator for the ultra right wing policies ofCato and who with Frank runs Overlawyered for the
benefit of ultra right wing organizations and their trustees, and who assists Frank by editing the
defamatory publications on Overlawyered to bring discredit on lawyers and judges whose views
and experience may be different than his by failing to investigate the facts, false reporting,
ignoring mandates ofjudges and lying to the public.
5. Defendant, Theodore H. Frank ("Frank", also sometimes called Internet Bully and
Internet Stalker or Overlawyered defendant), is an individual, a citizen and resident of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, a lawyer who claims to be a scholar or fellow of right wing
advocates Manhattan and Enterprise, although no scholarly works have yet to be uncovered, but
whose mission is to advance their agenda by assassinating without foundation, facts, research or
investigation the reputation and character of lawyers and judges whose views may disagree with
his or those of Overlawyered, Olson, Manhattan, Cato, Enterprise and their respective trustees.
6. Defendant is another Internet bullying site organized under the laws
of the State of California, with its principal place of business in Los Angeles, California. It is
one of the mouthpieces for and its mentors, Manhattan, Cato and Enterprise,
Case 10: 11070261 5
which are co-conspirators, and is the attack dog for inter alia, The Reason Foundation, a
euphemism for the policies and goals of the Libertarian Party, a right wing fringe element that
espouses what amounts to an abandonment of the institutions ofour Republic and its substitution
with a Government by putative journalists, self appointed intellectuals and right wing pundits but
whose real goal is to work with and Olson, Frank, Manhattan, Cato and
Entelprise, and their respective trustees to assassinate the character of individuals chosen for that
pUJPOse because they are a threat to the America without laws Reason Foundation wants. Reason
Foundation raises funds for their anti-consumer, anti-Government, anti-court, anti-judge and
often anti-Semitic, anarchistic views by proving to their donors how vicious they can be on their
various media sites including Reason television, and Reason magazine
attempts to accomplish these ends by re-publishing with new commentary publications of
Overlawyered, Frank and Olson for the pUlpose undermining the civil justice system in the
United States, by forming an Internet tag team so if one of them is silenced for their falsity, the
other simply republishes with more false and defiunatory cornment to keep the libel alive. The
idea is to whip up a frenzy to prove their dedication to the causes of the Libertarian party, much
like the Nazi's ofthe early 1930s, which will cull more donations from their very rich donors and
blind them to the dangers to American institutions of their radicalism. It is believed and therefore
averred that employees or agents of are the anonymous bloggers.
7. Defendant, the Reason Foundation, is organized and existing under the laws of the
State of California as a non-profit coJPOration with its principal place of business in Los Angeles,
and solicits tax deductible contributions from people to support its ideas of less Government, but
more regulation only if it's helpful to its goals like tax breaks for the hideously wealthy, less
courts and regulation unless it is for right wing purposes. It has created a multi-media
Case ID: 110702615
collaboration of journalist wannabees, news anchor wannabees and intellectual wannabees for
the sole purpose of fostering whatever its current agenda of whatever is the ultra right wing super
rich agenda of the moment but attempts to accomplish whatever its Trustees want by
collaborating with Overlawyered, Ted Frank, Walter Olson and others to assassinate character
and reputation of those who threaten their goals of no legal culpability for the wrongs of their
benefactors, the Trustees who are the captains of the financial house of cards that nearly
destroyed America.. The Reason foundation fails to do what real journalists are honor bound and
taught to do, verify the facts first. It is believed and therefore averred that Reason or its agents or
employees are the anonymous bloggers.
8. The Trustees and Officers of the Reason Foundation and its
magazine, at least three of whom are citizens and residents of Pennsylvania, are charged with the
legal responsibility to supervise and control the activities of the putative journalists they
employed by the Foundation they manage, an activity which these trustees and officers have
abdicated or have conspired, negligently or intentionally so as to encourage their putative
journalists to destroy human beings, destroy reputations, bully innocent people, hold innocent
people up to false light and libel, accuse them of heinous crimes without facts, investigation,
substantiation all with evil intent. In the context of this case, they have, after notice, failed to
intervene to prevent the activities of Overlawyered, Olson, Frank and, who stalk and
bully the plaintiff via the internet.
9. Defendants, The Trustees and Officers of The Reason Foundation, including
Thomas E. Beach, Stephen Modzelew and Wilson H. Taylor, are also hodgepodge of the super
rich, all are subscribers to the principles such as they are of The Libertarian movement, no
Government, no regulation of banks, insurance companies or financial institutions, no interest
Case ID: 110702615
rate caps on student loans, consumer loans, home mortgages, no limitations on phony financial
derivatives and hedge funds from which many of the trustees made their fortunes and anti-Israel,
anti-Semitic policies so as not to, as they see it, pollute the purity of their party. The trustees do
not seem to mind their generous tax exemptions for contributions to this illegal lobbying
organization, however, or their failure to pay their fair share of State and Federal taxes.
10. Defendant, Jacob Sullum, is an individual, a citizen and resident of Texas, who is
a putative journalist for the Reason defendants, a collaborator and conspirator of defendants
Olson, Frank and Overlawyered, and devotee to the principles of Internet Bullying no matter
what the cost to an innocent person's life may be, acting intentionally and at all times and as an
agent, servant and employee and conspirator with the Reason defendants, its trustees and
officers, the goals and intentions of Overlawyered, the purposes of which were nothing less than
to continue the un-researched, un-fact checked, false and libelous articles of Overlawyered as
part of its tag team ofdefamation.
II. Defendant, Nicholas Gillespie, is an individual, a putative journalist, an officer
and editor of and its magazine who, along with SuHum, Overlawyered and the
misguided, contributors to Reason, their trustees and the remaining defendants joined the
conspiracy to destroy the good name and reputation of Arthur Alan Wolk by inciting,
encouraging, re-publishing with false commentary and falsely alleging anew defamatory articles
for the sole purpose of advancing the perverted political and social goals of the rudderless ship
known as Reason and then refusing to remove the articles from the internet when he had
irrefutable proof that what he was publishing was false. Gillespie violated the basic tenants of
journalism which are to check your facts, verify what you are about to say, and do no evil to
another person.
Case ill: 110702615
12. Defendant, Matthew Welch, is an individual, a citizen and resident of the State of
California, who claims to be someone of importance in the Reason organizations, but in reality
can best be described as "me too"; that is, he too conspired with the Overlawyered Internet
Bullies to destroy the good name and reputation of Arthur Alan Wolk, and posted an article
along with his other "me too", Gillespie, with the idea to punish Arthur Alan Wolk for
complaining that they, in conspiracy with Overlawyered and the other defendants, acting at all
times as agent and servant for them within the scope of their agency, re-published with false
commentary the same false articles about Wolk,
13, Defendants, Gayle C. Sproul and her law firm Levine Sullivan Koch & Schulz,
LLP, are believed and therefore averred to be a limited liability corporation, partoership or other
business organization or combination thereof organized and existing under the laws of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its principal place of business in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Sproul is a citizen and resident of Pennsylvania,
14. Defendant, White and Williams, is believed and therefore averred to be a limited
liability corporation, partoership or other business organization or combination thereof organized
and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, with its principal place of
business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
15, Defendant, Michael N. Onufrak ("Onufrak"), is believed and therefore averred to
be a partoer, member or shareholder of defendant White and Williams, a citizen and resident of
tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
16. Defendants, TheZeitgeist, AAW, Protefeed, Douglas Fletcher, flye, Fun Fact,
Warty, The Gobbler, John, fbi, Mr. Weebles, planodoc, Latter Day Taint, waffles, troy, Mr
Whipple, Spencer Smith, Shari Lewis, hmm, Not Arthur Wolk, Barely Suppressed Rage,
Case ID: 110702615 _____ m __
Amakudari, grylliade, and Boo the Puppy, are bloggers, some or all of whom are believed and
therefore averred to be Pennsylvania residents, who the defendants either incited to post on their
websites scandalous, heinous, false and defamatory statements about the plaintiff or are the
defendants themselves, their agents, servants, principals, employees or co-conspirators, and
whose identities Reason and the other defendants have conspired to protect and refuse to provide
to plaintiff after inquiry.
17. Defendant, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research ("Manhattan"), is a non-
profit cOlporation organized under the laws of the State ofNew York, which employs Ted Frank
and publishes Point of Law. To the best of Plaintiffs knowledge, everything Frank did was as
an employee of that entity in furtherance of the business of Manhattan or in conspiracy to wipe
out Plaintiff's career to advance the ultra right wing goals of that organization. Manhattan
arrogates to itself the voice of how the country should be run and advocates, for example, that
there should be less regulation of Wall Street and financial markets as many of the super rich
members of this organization are the very people who stole the country blind and continue to
wipe out the savings and retirement funds of the middle class. Manhattan is also believed, and
therefore averred to be, through its agents and employees the anonymous blogger Boo the Puppy.
18. The plaintiff is a 67 year old lawyer for forty-two years, the father of two sons,
one a lawyer, and a grandfather.
19. For most of those forty-two years Wolk has been in the field ofair crash litigation
for plaintiffs exclusively.
20. As the age of the plaintiff suggests, while he can send and receive emails and use
a computer for the limited pUtpOses, Wolk is far from a sophisticated computer user, nor was he
Case ill: 110702615
at the time material to the allegations of this lawsuit knowledgeable aoout search engine choices
like Google or Yahoo indeed whatever search engine his computer came with is what Wolk used.
21. None of Wolk's computers had at the time material to this lawsuit as its default
search engine, Google.
22. In April 2009, Wolk attended a CLE given by judges of the Court of Common
Pleas ofPhiIadeJphia.
23. During that CLE, the judges suggested that lawyers Google themselves since
jurors do.
24. Wolk went home, Googled himself and found for the first time an article written
by the Internet Bullies, Underlawyered, and its putative scholars and fellows that said:
Judge writes scathing opinion aoout attorney; opponent attorney mails opinion to
client; losing attorney sues other attorney for defamation. No dice, but even this
ludicrous suit does not result in sanctions. [Beck/Herrmann]
Beck and Herrmann miss, however, an especially interesting subplot. Wolk
settled the underlying case, Taylor v. Teledyne, No. CIV.A.l:00-CV-1141-J
(N.D. Ga.), on the condition that the order criticizing him be vacated. Did Wolk's
client sulkr from a reduced settlement so that his attorney could avoid having the
order used against him in other litigation? (The discovery violation complained
about was apparently a repeat occurrence.) The district court permitted a
settlement that vacated the order, but its only reported inquiry into whether Wolk
did not suffer from a conflict of interest and was adequately protecting his client's
rights was Wolk's representation to the court that the client was alright with the
size of the settlement. That begs the question whether the client was fully aware
(lithe conflict Q/interes(,' it as seems to be the case, the N.D. Gs. failed to do so,
one really wishes courts would do more to protect fiduciaries of plaintiffs'
attorneys before signing off on settlements. 338 F.Supp.2d 1323, 1327 (N.D. Ga.
2004), aff'd in unpublished summary per curiam opinion (lIth Cir., Jun. 17.
2005). (emphasis supplied).
A copy ofthe April 8, 2007 blog is attached and marked Exhibit ~ 1 " .
25. Wolk immediately provided the Internet Bullies with proof of the falsity of that
article and asked, in fact, demanded that it be removed from the internet, which the bullies
Case ill: 110702615
refused. Wolk did not even personalty handle the discovery in the Taylor case
and thus the
order critical of Wolk's conduct during discovery in the Taylor case was issued in error, but
more importantly Wolk ensured that his clients were protected by staying out of the settlement
negotiations. which were mediated by others. A true and correct copy ofWolk's April 9,2009 e-
mail to Defendant Frank is attached and marked as Exhibit
26. Moreover, the Taylor case was settled with no involvement from Wolk, and the
plaintiffs in the TaylQr case had additional counsel other than Wolk, who independently
reviewed all aspects of the settlement making sure the plaintiffs in Taylor were well served
received full value in the settlement and were completely satisfied with the result. Indeed, the
plaintiffs in Th:rlm: received a settlement that far exceeded the value previously placed on the
case by an independent mediator.
27. Most importantly, the Taylor case was settled before Wolk even requested the
Court vacate the mistaken discovery order. which the Court in Taylor eventually did.
28. Aside from Wolk himself informing Overlawyered as to the falsity of its blog.
two independent lawyers directly involved in the Taylor case. Jason T. Schneider. Esquire and
John Kevin Griffin, Esquire, wrote separate letters to Overlawyered's counsel, also confirming
the blog was false. True and correct copies of the Griffin and Schneider letters are attached
hereto as Exhibits "3" and "4", respectively.
29. In this regard, Attorney Griffin, who was counsel for one of the two plaintiffs in
Taylor. informed Overlawyered that the blog's statements that the settlement was somehow
"compromised" in exchange for vacating the critical discovery order was "entirely false" as there
was consideration given or a quid pro quo offered for vacating the order.
Indeed. as
Case ID: 110702615
Griffin explained, the settlement was already reached before the Court vacated the discovery
order. (See Exhibit "3").
30. Likewise, Attorney Schneider, who was also counsel in the Taylor case, infonned
Overlawyered that the settlement had been reached before the Court vacated the discovery order,
and that the settlement amount actually exceeded independent valuations of the case. As Mr.
Schneider explained,
There is no question in my mind that the settlements reached were
completely separate from any request to vacate the discovery
order. The settlements reached were also well in excess of any
sums offered at the mediation. Therefore, to say "it appears" that
the clients' interests were somehow compromised to get the
discovery order vacated is wrong.
(See Exhibit "4").
31. Thus, Wolk provided the Overlawyered Defendants with all of the foregoing facts
and infonnation, which conclusively proved that: (a) he did not sen out his clients; (b) he never
had a "conflict of interest"; (c) he fully disclosed all aspects of the case and settlement to his
clients and other plaintiffs' counsel, aU of whom independently reviewed and approved of the
settlement, which was well in excess of an independent mediator's recommended settlement
value; and (d) he absolutely did not compromise the clienes interest in the settlement in
exchange for vacating the c o u r t ~ s discovery order since the case was settled before the Court
even vacated the discovery order.
32. Although the Overlawyered Defendants never bothered to check the facts before
posting the blog, once Wolk provided Overlawyered with the actual, true facts, the Overlawyered
Defendants knew what was contained in their April 8, 2007 blog was false.
33. The Overlawyered Defendants nevertheless refused to remove the false blog,
thereby continuing to publish the blog with actual knowledge of its falsehoods. Worse, the
Case ill: 110702615
Overlawyered defendants made certain that their false blog was picked up with even more
vitriolic commentary by the Reason defendants and a myriad of other hate groups who are
associated with them as an internet bullying tag team.
34. Since the Overlawyered Defendants refused to remove the lies they posted, Wolk
was forced to file an action at law in this Court in August 2009, which the Overlawyered
Defendants removed to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on
diversity grounds.
35. On August 2, 2010. the District Court granted the Overlawyered Defendants'
Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss, ruling that, despite Wolk having no reason to discover the
defamatory blog until April 2009. Pennsylvania's "discovery rule" did not apply to toll the one-
year statute of limitations. A true and correct copy of the District Court's August 2, 20I0
Memorandum is attached hereto as Exhibit "5".
36. Although the District Court's decision was appealed to the Third Circuit, in the
meantime. Wolk has been forced out of court, without an adequate remedy at law, and the
Overlawyered Defendants continue to allow the false April 8, 2007 blog to remain on their
website even though they know the allegations are categorically false.
Wolk Becomes the Subject of Unrelenting
Character Assassinations
37. After the District Court dismissed Wolk's damages claim on statute of limitations
grounds, the Overlawyered Defendants immediately initiated a feeding frenzy of internet
blogging chatter further defaming Wolk, which included enlisting the participation of various
copa:rtnenng blogging sites, like and
To their credit. and removed their republications and comments when the same
information Wolk supplied to OverJawyered was supplied to them.
Case ID: 110702615
38. Each ofthese websites appear to monitor and promote the other, fonning a type of
co- partnering relationship, whereby blogs and comments published on one website trigger the
others to re-publish the same comments and make other comments, thereby creating a swell of
defamatory statements compounding the impact of the initial defamation.
39. In this regard, on August 6,2010, a few days after the Distriet Court's decision,
Frank, the author of the initial April 8, 2007 Overlawyered blog, posted another defamatory blog
on a partnership website affiliated with Overlawyered. A true and
correct copy of Frank's August 6, 20I 0 blog on PointofLaw is attached hereto as Exhibit "6".
40, Frank's PointofLaw blog addressed the decision in Walk v, Olson as a victory for
"bloggers everywhere!' Frank, however, also summarized Wolk's arguments in the District
Court, stating Wolk "argued that the statute shouldn't start to run until the plaintiff reads (or, de
facio, claims to have read) the blog post!' See It!
41. By characterizing Wolk's allegations in the District Court as "de facto claims,"
Frank was once again defaming Wolk by directly implying that Wolk lied in his court filings as
to the timing of when he read the first defamatory Overlawyered blog, but what the defendants
knew and Wolk didn't when they filed their Motion to Dismiss was that the article that
perpetrated Wolk's lawsuit was in fact published within a year of his lawsuit, so everything they
said about Wolk missing the statute of limitations was entirely false. A true and correet eopy of
Plaintiffs Rule 60 Motion is marked Exhibit "7",
42. In an effort to further incite even more defamatory internet blogging, Frank. as
agent and employee of Manhattan, on his Point of Law blog referred to other co-partnership blog
websites such as and www.popehatcom. which contained additional false and
defamatory statements about Wolk. (See Exhibit "6").
Case ID: 110702615
43. For example, the bIog on to which Frank referred was posted by
Defendant Sullum on August 6, 20I0, and it was entitled "Lawyer trying to protect his reputation
as an Effective Advocate Misses Deadline for His Libel Suit." A true and correct copy of
Sullum's August 6, 20I0 blog on is attached hereto as Exhibit "8".
44. The title of the August 6, 20I0 Reason blog was clearly defamatory and held
plaintiff up to ridicule in that it intended to and did falsely imply that Wolk was an incompetent
lawyer because he missed the deadline for his own lawsuit, when by that time and now they aU
knew Wolk's lawsuit was timely filed.
45. Further, in his August 6, 2010 Reason bIog, Sullum also implied that Wolk was
lying in the District Court about not Googling himself until April 2009. and further implied that
Wolk was guilty of filing a previous frivolous lawsuit by "buUy[ing] an aviation news website
into a thoroughly abject capitulation and apology." See Id
46. Most significantly, Sullum's August 6.2010 Reason blog republished almost the
entirety of the utterly false and defamatory April 8, 2007 Overlawyered bIog, and thus again
accused Wolk of breaching his ethical and fiduciary duties by selling out his client's interest in
the Taylor case. See Id.
47. Not to be outdone, on August 9, 20W, three days after the defumatoryPoint of
Law and Reason blogs, Overlawyered. through Defendant Olson, published its own blog
concerning the District Court's decision in Wolk v. Olson, which again touted the decision as a
victory for free speech. Significantly, Olson's biog referred readers back to Frank's defamatory
August 6,2010 blog posted on A true and correct copy of Olson's August 9,
2010 blog posted on is attached as Exhibit "9".
Case ID: 110702615
48. When Wolk was alerted of the defamatory August 6, 2010 Reason bJog, he
inunediately sent notice to the Reason Defendants, demanding that they remove the defamatory
blog since it re-published the initial April 8, 2007 Overlawyered blog as well as completely new
false and defamatory statements.
49. The Reason Defendants, predictably, refused to remove their blog. Instead, to
further impugn Wolk, on September 16,2010, Reason, through Sullum, published a second blog
entitled "Who You Calling Touchy?," in which Reason published a portion of Wolk's demand
Jetter for the sole purpose of inciting additional defamatory comments from Reason's bloggers.
A true and correct copy Sullum's September 16, 2010 blog post on is marked
50. As a result, a thread of conunents from Reason's anonymous bloggers ensued,
creating a feeding frenzy of outrageously defamatory statements, some of which came from
those affiliated with the Reason Defendants and all of whose identities the Reason Defendants
refuse to divulge.
5J. The Reason Defendants knew exactly what they were inciting in publishing their
blog "Who You Calling Touchy?," and intended to incite the defamatory feeding frenzy that
ensued, knowing that it would be picked up by Google and other internet search engines.
52. As a result, Wolk has been shamelessly and falsely accused of the most heinous
crimes imaginable (See Ex. 10).
53. Wolk immediately demanded that the Reason Defendants remove the defamatory
blog and its conunents, and produce the identifying information of the anonymous bloggers who
hideously libeled Wolk on their site.
Case ID: 110702615
54. While the Reason Defendants eventually removed the bloggers' hideous
comments, they still refused to remove the blog articles themselves, and further ignored Wolk's
requests for the information identifying the anonymous bloggers.
55. Further, although the Reason Defendants "removed" the bloggers' comments
from its sites, because search engines like Google "cache" or store historical information from
blogs and websites, to this day one can still find the "cached" comments through Google and
other search engines. See Google search ofWolk attached hereto as Exhibit "11".
56. What the plaintiffcould not have known and just learned November 22, 2010 was
that the Overlawyered defendants and their counsel falsely misrepresented to the federal judge
that the article sued upon was published on April 7, 2007, when in fact it was republished with
different tags, links and SEOs in May, June and July 2008 making its republication well within
the year plaintiff filed his lawsuit. Thus, every article by Reason, every blog and every criticism
was utterly false. (See Exhibit "7".)
57. What the defendants were obligated to do and did not once they learned of the
falsity of their publications, and it was demanded of them that they remove their articles from the
internet, was to remove the libel, which they have not done for two years and thus are liable to
the plaintiff, this time for failing to remove the articles not for just publishing them again and
again with enhanced tags, links and SEOs as well as through their surrogates for which they are
also liable. Volokh himself recognized this obligation in a party on his own website, a copy of
which is attached and marked Exhibit "12".
58. The defendants have, since the decision of the federal court procured by their
fraud and failure to act according to the canons of ethics as lawyers, then engaged in a feeding
frenzy shouting "Mission Accomplished" anywhere they could, including enlisting their co-
Case ID: 110702615
partnering sites, like,, and many others, to spread the word.
Each of these sites is a co-partnered site with Overlawyered, so that what is published on one is a
trigger for the other to publish again and make other comments, regardless of its truth and
without any independent verification of anything.
59. What the defendants did not bother reporting to any of these sites was that the
same federal judge who dismissed Wolk's case on statute of limitations grounds told the
defendants through their lawyers White and Williams and Onufrak, that Olson, Frank and
Overlawyered had published a defamatory article, that they would lose on First Amendment
grounds, and that they should remove it from the internet. They also never told the sites that they
in fact had republished the article with the enhanced tags, links and SEOs three times within the
Statute of Limitations the court said was applicable to the Wolk lawsuit and they had
fraudulently failed to tell the judge and Wolk about it. So Wolk had filed his lawsuit in time.
60. Instead, Frank with Olson's consent and encouragement published the following
article stating:
Wolk v. Olson: Overlawyered in tbe news
by Walter Olson on August 9, 20I0
While I was away in recent days, a news story about this site drew wide
coverage in the press. U.S. District Judge Mary McLaughlin last week
dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by Philadelphia aviation lawyer
Arthur Alan Wolk against me, Overlawyered, and co-bloggers Ted Frank
and David Nieporent over a blog post that Ted published on this site in
2007. Judge McLaughlin ruled (PDF) that the claim was time-barred,
notwithstanding Wolk's argument that the operation of the statote of
limitations should have been stayed based on his claim that he was
unaware ofthe post until 2009, when he says he first performed a Google
search on his own name.
Thejudge's dismissal of the suit was covered in Legal
Intelligencer, the ABA Journal, Legal Ethics Forum, and many other blogs
and publications well known to our readers. All of us are grateful to
attorneys Michael N. Onufrak and Siobhan K. Cole of White and Williams
Case In: 110702615
in Philadelphia, who represented us. Had the judge not ruled in our favor
on the threshold statute oflimitations issue, we are confident that we
would have prevailed based on the post's protected status under the First
Amendment. Wolk has filed a notice ofappeal in the action.
For readers' protection as well as our own, we are obliged to discourage
discussion in our comments section about these developments. We regret
the curtailment of free controversy.
More: Ted at Point of Law.
(See Exhibit "9'').
61. That article was intended to trigger a pre-arranged and conspired re-publication of
the earlier defamatory article with commentary by other sites who, with the encouragement of all
the defendants knew it to be false, who knew it was not protected by the First Amendment, who
knew that it would engender another lawsuit, and who used it to further incite, encourage and
further disparage and defame the plaintiff because their colleagues, like Reason, and Sullum,
were as bereft of any intellect, talent and honesty as were Olson, Frank and their encouraging,
conspiring and supervising trustees of Manhattan, Enterprise, Cato and Reason.
62. The article by Frank, with its links to other sites that repeated the original Frank
article he knew or had reason to know would re-publish the original defamatory article with
commentary and was for the sole purpose of having others do what Frank had already been told
he should not do which is continue the publishing ofthe defamatory article. Frank, Olson and the
other Internet Bullies and defendants have yet to remove the false and defamatory articles from
the internet.
63. What plaintiff did not know and what was revealed on November 22,2010, only
after an exhaustive search of the history of Overlawyered by a Forensic IT expert was that
Overlawyered, Frank and Olson manipulated their site and the internet, well within the one year
that plaintiff had filed his lawsuit, so that subjects which have nothing to do with the plaintiff
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were linked to his name. These included links to their false and defamatory articles when one
used Google to search out plaintiff's name as a lawyer to represent them in air crash litigation.
64. Dutifully, the Reason defendants, including Sullum and the rest of Internet
Bullies, on August 6, 20 I0 published an article entitled, "Lawyer trying to protect his reputation
as an Effective Advocate Misses Deadline for His Libel Suit". (See Exhibit "8").
65. That article was intended to hold the plaintiff to false light by sarcastically
claiming that he must be a bad lawyer because he missed the deadline for his own lawsuit.
66. What Sullum and his cohorts failed to do, once again, was check the facts.
Instead, quoting wholesale from the lies that The Overlawyered defendants and White and
Williams and Onufrak published, Sullum took it a step further again after doing nothing to
investigate anything and said:
U.S. District Judge Mary McLaughlin did not question the plausibility of
this story, which suggests that a notoriously sensitive lawyer who had sued
over online criticism back in 200I did not think ofGoogling his own name
until he learned about this esoteric technique in 2009.
67. This remark without any independent inquiry accused Wolk of lying to the Court
when in truth and in fact Wolk, not quite as narcissistic as the defendants, never Googled his
name until attending the CLE because Google wasn't his search engine and the other search
engines didn't publish the lies about him.
68. Sullum also mischaracterized the Statute of limitations issue by wholly ignoring
the Discovery Rule which Wolk asserted and which was the subject of four Pennsylvania
Appellate cases in his favor, totally ignored by judge McLaughlin even though the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court required that question in any case be decided solely by a jury, thus
holding Wolk up to false light as ifhe were inept. Worse Sullum failed to point out Wolk was
represented by counsel, not pro se, thus the arguments made to the court were counsel's
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arguments not some figment of Wolk's imagination and lastly Sullum ignored what he knew or
should have known being an internet manipulator, which was that Overlawyered, Frank and
Olson had republished the article with enhanced tsgs, links and SEOs well within the one year
Pennsylvania statute of limitations.
69. Sullum wasn't satisfied with his totally false and totally foundationless criticism
ofWolk. Sullum claimed further that Wolk had used a defamation suit to bully an aviation news
website into a thoroughly abject capitulation and apology for criticizing his $480 million verdict
he had won from Cessna.
70. The false innuendo of such a remark was that Wolk somehow bullied a
multimillion dollar publishing entity and its controlling editors to settle when they were
represented by one of the biggest and toughest Philadelphia law firms was pure fiction. Had
SuUum done any research of his own, something he just can't bring himself to do because he
isn't an ethical journalist, he would have learned that Wolk had provided proof that his lawsuit
was valid and that proof led to an appropriate settlement with all the money paid going to
charity. Sullum was wrong on the facts again but he was instead satisfied to ignore the very
journalistic principles that any university would have taught him had he attended his class on
the required ethics ofjournalists.
71. Sullum then went on to falsely claim that had Overlawyered not won because
Wolk "missed the deadline" "he (Wolk) would have lost the case, since the comments to which
he objected are a constitutionally protected combination of fact and opinion."
72. That statement is also false and had Sullum done a stitch of research or contacted
a real lawyer instead of one of the ultra right wing anarchists his Reason Foundation likes, he
would have learoed that as a legal matter a combined fact and opinion, which was never the
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Overlawyered's libel anyway, is not Constitutionally protected at all and Wolk missed no
deadline, rather he learned about the libel too late in one court's opinion. The innuendo was that
Wolk is somehow Jess of a lawyer because of the relative obscurity of the Overlawyered blog
that is visited by the fringe element of legal society was too obscure even for Wolk to know
73. Had Sullum done anything to research his trash he also would have learned that
Judge McLaughlin told Overlawyered's counsel that he would not win on First Amendment
grounds as the article was clearly defamatory and that Overlawyered, Olson, Frank and his
lawyers White and Williams and Onufrak hid from the federal judge that the article was
republished three times within one year of Wolk's suit thus making the statute of limitations
defense non-existent and the dismissal a fraud.
74. Hoping against hope that the major damage was over and the Third Circuit would
decide to follow Pa. law as it is bound to do or refer the matter to the Pennsylvania Supreme
Court for a reaffirmation of its opinion that the "Discovery Rule" applies to "any case" the
plaintiff was surprised to see yet another article on Google this time posted by Sullum and
Reason at the behest of Olson, Frank and Overlawyered and in conspiracy with all the
foundations and their trustees that bring nothing to the American table but denigration, financial
manipulation, recession, and joblessness at taxpayer expense.
75. The article was written by Sullum, who like his internet bullying conspirators, fact
check nothing, investigate nothing, contact no one but join with the other putative journalists to
do evil to the plaintiff who was and is totally innocent and by so doing violate every ethic of
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76. The second Article entitled "Who are you calling Touchy?" (See Exhibit "10"),
published an e-mail sent by Plaintiff to Sullum to warn him to cease and desist his defamatory
actions or face a lawsuit for his false rewriting and republishing of the Overlawyered article.
Reason actually has a tag, link or SEO for Overlawyered and Overlawyered for so
they can readily reciprocate publishing their hatred on the internet.
77. Plaintiff reached out to unethical Sullum and Gillespie to try to understand why
they would just pick up on such an obviously false article of Overlawyered and make it even
more vicious as if Sullum had done something to investigate further the facts, circumstances and
events leading up to article.
78. What Wolk did not know, and could not have known, was that there was never an
intention to act in an ethical or honorable way by Gillespie and Sullum but rather they were
trying to incite their bloggers to attack Wolk so they could get a blog going that would tear Wolk
to shreds, some of whom were affiliated with the Reason Defendants, and whose prearranged
libelous attacks were part of the way enlarges its audience.
79. Sullum instead published the article again and the libel again but added the
plaintiffs description of events and the substance of what the independent lawyers in the Taylor
case had written.
80. The entire purpose of the blog entitled "Hit & Run" by Overlawyered is to incite a
frenzy of bloggers and then use that frenzy which they publish and republish to bring fresh
energy and more readership to their site, then they run and hide behind their super rich, right
wing benefactors. (See Exhibit "10").
81. The defendants knew exactly what they were inciting and intended that it would
let loose all the inmates from the asylum, knew that it would be picked up by Google and other
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internet search providers, which is not, and the libel would travel the world in a
nanosecond which it did. What plaintiff did not and could not have known is that this entire
escapade was orchestrated and manipulated by Frank, Olson, Overlawyered and the remaining
defendants in a conspiracy of no supervision, carelessness and recklessness for the truth and
deliberate encouragement for the financial benefit of all the remaining defendants, and was
accomplished either by themselves under pseudonyms or their conspirators at their direction and
82. The plaintiff Arthur Alan Wolk, a respected lawyer, a resident of Philadelphia for
67 years, a father of two, (one a lawyer himself), and a grandfather, active socially in
Philadelphia charities is none of the things he has been accused of by defendants, has been
falsely accused of heinous crimes at the instigation, behest and connivance of all these
defendants who engage in this for sport, for publicity for their sick causes, to destroy a successful
lawyer as one more defense notch in their defense of air crash cases and to enhance the financial
condition of the defendants.
83. Wolk immediately warned Sullum and Gillespie that they would be sued and
demanded the identities of the anonymous bloggers who hideously libeled Wolk on their site, a
request which was refused.
84. The bloggers postings were removed from that article and Wolk once again
reached out in an effort to get Reason's counsel to reason with his clients since the damage had
been serious and was likely to become even worse to no avail. Instead defense counsel wanted
the plaintiff to write him a legal brief why his clients should comply with plaintiff's reasonable
requests which this lawsuit is the first step at compliance.
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85. Hopeful once again that the defendants would attempt to act in an honest, ethical
and conciliatory fashion after again falsely accusing the plaintiff of selling out his clients, Wolk
yet again reached out to the defendWlts though their lawyer, but Gillespie and Welch, piqued at
having to be honorable, honest Wld fair minded had to put their two cents in by publishing yet
another incendiary Wld totally false article, a true and correct copy of which is attached and
marked Exhibit "13".
86. That article, entitled "A Note to Our Commentators", instead of admonishing
them for being the filthy animals who violated the criminal savings provisions of the
Communications Decency Act and nwnerous State Criminal Codes, re-incited a riot by stating:
"A short while back we published two blog posts about attorney
Arthur Alan Wolk. We did so because exercising and defending free speech is
fundamentally what Reason is about. That especially includes the freedom to
criticize lawyers, particularly when their behavior warrants it."
(See Exhibit "\3").
87. The innuendo of that article was that the selling out ofWolk's client that
was previously written about was warrWlted and the charge that he bullied Wl aviation site
into settl ing and apologizing to him was also true two charges that are and were entirely
88. Worse the entire purpose of that article which was neither necessary nor
accurate was to incite their bloggers further, an invitation to take off and kill Wolk, this
time either verbally or actually.
89. And kill Wolk they did by repeating on Wlother blog on another article on about the First Amendment where they pilloried Wolk just as they knew the
article would do with a repeat, but even more vile accusations of heinous crimes, which
ofcourse made it to Google's first page. This publication occurred so it would appear on
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Google over a weekend when Reason's counsel was unavailable for Wolk to reach and
indeed it wasn't until the following Tuesday that the sites were cleared and Google
cached but by that time the charges of a crime more horrible than any was viewed by tens
90. These defendants all knew what they were inciting and what they were
risking for Wolk that would be entirely unrelated to anything he could possibly be guilty
91. These defendants were warned that such statements and unfounded
charges would make it impossible for Wolk to live in his community or anywhere else
not to mention the impact on his children.
92. Undaunted the defendants all acting in a conspiracy designed to separate plaintiff
from his well deserved and well earned reputation for honesty and fair dealing and his sueeess as
a lawyer were not satisfied, they needed to erase him as a human being.
93. That article by Gillespie and Welch restates the falsity, confirms that Wolk's
"behavior" should be criticized, which is presumably the alleged selling out of Wolk's clients
which Sullum and the Overlawyered defendants falsely accused him of, and worse.
94. The articles in No Reason, Pope Hat,, and others were all with the
connivance, concerted action, intention to defame, do evil, aggravate the damage to the plaintiff
that is the touchstone of the espoused illegal purposes of Manhattan, Enterprise, Cato, the
Trustees, Reason Olson, Frank and Overlawyered,.
95. But Frank and his pet character assassination rag, Overlawyered, was not to be
silent because Olson and Frank didn't want to outdone, so after the decision of Judge
McLaughlin which while silent on the issue of First Amendment never addressed on the record
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their legal obligation to remove the false posting which is one of the subjects of this lawsuit,
directed their readers to a "must-read analysis by Jacob Sullum at Reason; further commentary at
Popehat; DBKp; Instapundit..." In that article Frank who can't seem get over himself and his
utter lack of scholarly peer reviewed anything, claims that Wolk lied to the federal court when he
said: "but the plaintiff argued that the statute shouldn't start to run until the plaintiff reads (or, de
facto, claims to have read) the blog post."
96. This false statement once again holds Wolk up to false light and claims he lied to
the judge without even a hint that such is true, which it isn't. Worse, it was written when these
defendants were aware that Wolk had filed his lawsuit on time, and they had lied to a federal
judge, to Wolk and to his counsel.
97. Frank made such an statement of fact, his words, without making any effort to see
if that were true, never asking for metadata, computer data, search engine information or
anything else that would have confirmed that Wolk had never Googled his name before the CLE
suggested he do so.
98. The innuendo was that Wolk lied to the Court, that his lawyer lied to the Court,
that Wolk was inept for not knowing about the nut ball group that is all of
which is just further evidence of Frank's unwarranted sense of self importance, without telling
anyone that the article wasn't on Google until within the year Wolk filed his lawsuit.
99. Each time the defendants dirtied the plaintiff's name Wolk made the effort to ask
and then demand from the Foundations and their Trustees that the libel be removed and each
time he got stonewalled long enough to get counsel involved to encourage the repeat of the libel
as some sort of protected speech when they knew that at least one judge had already said it
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100. The plaintiff in an effort to mitigate the damage done non-stop by the defendants
had to hire a Forensic IT consultant to help clear the internet of the false and damaging postings
by the defendants.
101. One such effort was to post a biography on Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia,
which highlighted Wolk's substantial accomplishments to advance aviation safety ironically a
career that allows the defendants to fly around the world safely in their private jets at taxpayer
expense, another deduction paid for by the Americans whose wealth they stole, which is
untouched by defendants' frenzied criticism ofGovemment and its institutions.
102. Olson, and Frank who worked for Manhattan to further its interests in tort reform,
with the connivance, assistance and conspiracy of Frank and Overlawyered stalked the plaintiff
and when the complementary posting appeared they posted every deleterious and false thing they
could dredge up to do even further damage. Conspicuous by its absence however was any
mention that Olson, Frank, Overlawyered, White and Williams and Onufrak had lied to the Court
to obtain their dismissal by fraUd.
103. Plaintiff investigated and learned that the stalking of plaintiff by Olson and Frank
and Overlawyered has continued non-stop since 2001 with false and ugly articles posted by them
periodically saying falsely that plaintiff bullied Avweb into settling a libel case the monies from
which went to charity and belittling every accomplishment Wolk has made since then.
104. Plaintiff, even after all of this hatred was spewed upon him by defendant internet
stalkers, hired, paid for, encouraged and published by the other defendants and encouraged
collaborated in permitted and benefitted from by their trustees, tried to warn the trustees of the
sham charities that they would be sued if they did not do their legal duties to cause the putative
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non-profit organizations to stop this ultra vires, unlawful even criminal activity, a copy of which
letter is marked Exhibit "14".
105. Even after waroing them and appealing to them to stop this damage they
arrogantly flaunted their ill-perceived and more ill-begotten power to blow off the plaintiff's
demands and encourage the defendants to do more and worse.
106. What plaintiff did not know and could not have known was that while the
Underlawyered defendants' lawyers, White and Williams and Onufrak were telling the Federal
Court that the defendants were innocent and had only published the article on April 7, 2007, they
knew that the defamatory articles had in fact been republished with enhanced tags, links and
SEOs within a year of the plaintiff's lawsuit which made even their twisted and legally
unfounded Statute of Limitations argument moot. Instead of infonning the court, which all the
lawyer defendants, Onufrak, Olson and Frank were ethically obligated to do, they got their
dismissal under fraudulent and false pretenses.
107. White and Williams and the Underlawyered defendants, knowing that they
fraudulently induced the Court to dismiss on grounds that were entirely false, then went on a
"Mission Accomplished" campaign in The Legal InteIligencer in Philadelphia, The Philadelphia
Business Journal, and on a White and Williams blog touting their victory as well founded in law
and fact and ridiculing plaintiff as a lawyer when they knew they had gotten their dismissal by
fraud and had lied to the Court.
108. The articles in The LegallntelIigencer, The Philadelphia Business Journal and the
White and Williams blog are attached and marked Exhibit "15" and nowhere mention that the
Overlawyered articles for which plaintiff had filed suit had been republished with enhanced tags,
CaseID: 110702615
links and BEOs which these lawyers knew from legal precedent made such publication a new
publication with no protections whatsoever from the "republication rule."
109. The trustees and their organizations, the sham tax exempt organizations, have no
doubt investments in the companies that Wolk sues including, Textron Inc., The Boeing
Company, Piper Aircraft Company, United Technologies, Honeywell and the many others for
whose interests they illegally lobby, illegally make false accusations and use libel of the
plaintiff's lawyer as the defense du jour of aircraft crash cases in their further efforts to
undennine the ci.vil justice system, exactly what the judges of this court warned in the CLE that
began Wolk's inquiry.
110. During the periods in question Westport Insurance Company was plaintiffs
professional Liability Insurance carrier.
Ill. During the Taxlor and Eigen cases, plaintiff timely notified Westport of the
likelihood of a c:laim being made if plaintiff were unsuccessful winning those cases and the false
charges made by defense lawyers as part of their strategies.
112. Westport declined coverage after each timely notification and. although no money
had to be paid for any claims, plaintiff incurred more than half a million dollars in defense costs.
113. Plaintiff, as part of the notification in Taylor and Eige,n to Westport, regularly
updated it with crucial, private and privileged infonnation that was intrinsic to plaintiff's
innocence and established without doubt and with agreement of Westport that the charges were
114. Plaintiff duly filed and served two lawsuits against Westport. which are now
settled. Westport hired defendants Onufrak and White and Williams to defend itself in the
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litigation for attorneys' fees, the same lawyer who was hired and represents the Overlawyered
defendants, Olson and Frank.
115. Contrary to his ethical obligations and the obligation of Westport to treat its
insureds in a fiduciary capacity and to protect the privileged information provided to it by WoJk,
both Onufrak and Westport abused their ethical and legal obligations to the plaintiff by using and
misusing the privileged information as Onufrak knew all along of the falsity of the Overlawyered
publications yet violated his ethical responsibilities not to foater their agenda of character
The Damages Suffered
116. When Plaintiff's at law suit was dismissed on atatute of limitation grounds, falsely
obtained as it was and is timely filed, plaintiff filed an Equity action in the Court of Common
Pleas of Philadelphia, as he was without a remedy at law.
117. Defendant Sproul and her firm acting for and their affiliated
defendants falsely removed the case to the federal court, in spite of the utter lack of diversity
jurisdiction, and then perjured a defendant to claim he was a resident of Florida and not
Pennsylvania where he lives.
118. After an expensive investigation, it turned out that Sproul and her firm perjured
that defendant, that in tact he was a full time resident of Pennsylvania, that he voted in Florida
through his Pennsylvania address, and that as Judge McLaughlin said, this is just a tax: dodge.
119. By fraudulently removing to federal court, Sproul and her firm deliberately
delayed plaintiff's opportunity for injunctive relief, which also kept the lying blogs in place for
eight months.
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120. In addition, Sproul cost plaintiff more than $100,000 to hire investigators to prove
what she knew was true at all times, her client was nothing more than a tax cheat, owning six
businesses in Pennsylvania, living in a Main Line mansion, and not paying his fair share of
Pennsylvania taxes.
121. This lawsuit is brought for the later false and defamatory publication, for which
suit was timely brought and with respect to which the Overlawyered defendants procured a
dismissal since the dismissal was based on the original publication of April 7, 2006, not the
actual publication of May 13,2008, June 2008 and July 2008, thus there has been no dismissal of
the claim at Bar.
122. This lawsuit is brought as a substitute for and not in addition to an Equity lawsuit
filed once the Federal Court dismissed under false pretenses the original at law complaint.
123. This lawsuit is not brought as a repetitive claim for anything that was actually
decided by any court, nor which was subject of a final disposition before its filing.
124. The damages suffered by the plaintiff have been horrific.
125. The plaintiff has been accused of selling out his clients.
126. The "selling out his clients" false accusation has appeared on the internet, on
Google, and until the defendants deliberately fanned the flames was not on Yahoo or any other
search engine to plaintiff's knowledge.
127. Solely as a result of the concerted action by these defendants the search engines
are alive with this false accusation.
128. The defendants have purposefully repeated the libel and enhanced the tags, links
and SEOs so that search engine software would pick up the libel and spread it everywhere again
and again but to even more diverse audiences than as originally published.
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129. The appearance of impropriety for a lawyer who is innocent is unspeakable and
fans the flames ofhatred by the public, including jurors, for lawyers generally but directed hatred
primarily against the plaintiff by name.
130. Clients who would use Google to find more about a lawyer they might hire,
would never hire a lawyer who is alleged to have sold out a client, is claimed to be guilty of
heinous crimes.
131. Jurors who see that a lawyer is accused of selling out his client have no belief in
what the lawyers says in trial.
132. Judges who would Google a lawyer charged even falsely with selling out a client
would never believe that lawyer about anything, nor accept his pro hac vice which is vital to the
plaintiffs nationwide practice.
133. The emotional toll and physical toll has been unspeakable.
134. Plaintiff does not sleep, his back pain from his own airplane crash of some years
ago has become on some days disabling, but painful every day, he takes medication for pain and
to reduce the highs and lows that this emotional roller coaster has put him on, the plaintiffs post
traumatic stress disorder is back with a vengeance and resurgent nightmares and daymares of his
crash occur frequently and plaintiffs new business is impacted as well as business relations
135. Plaintiff does not show his face at Bar functions, or social engagements where
members of the Bar may be present in numbers.
136. Plaintiff has had to explain to his children that he is innocent and will defend
himself and he has incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees thus far.
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137. Plaintiff's retirement is threatened as his ability to sell his practice to his
associates since the defendants have reduced or eliminated its value.
138. Plaintiff has to work harder, incur more expense, and litigate more cases to either
trial or very close because defense lawyers are emboldened for what they mistakenly see is a
weakened lawyer.
139. Plaintiff must file repeated lawsuits at great personal expense to seek redress from
the rapidly deteriorating nature of the internet libel inflamed, instigated and conspired in by all
140. Plaintiff is unable to clear his name because defendants continue to stalk him on
the internet and prevent it being cleansed oftheir defamation and false light.
141. The defendants have stolen the plaintiff's good reputation personally, impinged
upon his professional reputation, attempted to inflict emotional disturbance, interfered with
client, juror and judge relations.
142. In a recent incident a seller of an aircraft refused to do business with Wolk
because of what he read by defendants on the internet.
143. The defendants, in spite ofwamings given, drafted their briefs and filings with the
Court for publishing by the internet, not for lawful, legal purposes - the idea being to observe the
legal process to excoriate the plaintiff falsely and without regard to what the Court did, published
it on the internet so no matter what the outcome on law or equity they could still attain their goal
of ruining the plaintiff.
144. Defendants have procured false affidavits, filed false briefs, prolonged the
litigation, improperly removed the case to Federal Court, abused civil process, interfered with
Case ID: 110702615
criminal prosecutions of internet stalkers, committee obstruction of justice, interfered with
plaintiffs actual and prospective client and business relations, have stolen his property.
145. In short, the defendants did what they intended to do, cause emotional upset and
physical and economic harm...but that was not enough for them.
146. The stress from the defendants' false and irresponsible accusations have
aggravated plaintiffs post traumatic stress disorder, originally caused by an airplane crash in
1996 which he had pretty much under control until this happened.
147. The plaintiff now suffers daily episodes of flashbacks, repetition syndrome, sleep
disorder, heightened startle reaction and depression all reinvigorated by the relentless pounding
he has and is receiving at the hands of the defendants who intended it, caused it, aggravated it
and continue to bring it on.
148. The plaintiff in the same aircraft accident suffered a severe back fracture requiring
multiple surgeries which had brought him chronic pain aggravated by stress.
149. Plaintiff wrote a book entitled "Recollections of My Puppy", a book for adults
and children, all of the proceeds from which go to animal rescue. The false charges by
defendants have utterly killed that book and the charitable purpose Wolk intended.
150. As a sole result of this trauma deliberately delivered, plaintiff has daily
unremitting pain and disability related to the stress of having to deal with defendants wicked,
malicious, vile and false accusations twisted in mUltiple forms by multiple associates and
affiliates all with the connivance, encouragement, request and concerted action one with another
and unchecked by the Trustees who continue to suck the blood of the American people by
writing off their contributions to destroy the nations institutions while they enjoy a free ride on
the backs of the less fortunate.
Case ID: 110702615
Wolk's Irreparable Harm
151. The damages suffered by Wolk have been horrific, but damages are not enough
and cannot provide an adequate remedy.
152. Wolk has been falsely accused of selling out his clients, virtually the worst sin a
lawyer can commit.
153. Worse, such false allegations have been spread over the internet, and now even a
"Googling" of Wolk's name by a client, juror or judge reveals these accusations, which will exist
in perpetuity due to the nature of the internet medium. The harm from such accusations may
never be fully ascertained.
154. Further still, Defendants Overlawyered and Reason have purposefully repeated
the initial April 8, 2007 defamatory statements and published entirely new defamatory
statements, all of which was intended to and did incite a feeding frenzy of blogging activity
resulting in anonymous bloggers falsely accusing Wolk of heinous crimes. To this day,
accusations linking Wolk to these crimes can still be found on search engines.
155. The defendants refuse to remove their false and defamatory statements, refuse to
divulge the identities of those bloggers who falsely accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, refuse to
cleanse the internet of their falsities, all of which prevent plaintiff from restoring some of his lost
156. Wolk has no adequate remedy at law to clear his name, but Equitable Relief. This
Court is respectfully requested to order all defendants to immediately remove their false internet
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Plaintiff v. Defendants
Libel and False Light
157. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 156 as though set forth at
158. The statements of defendants on May 13, 2008, June 2008 and July 2008, and
first discovered by plaintiff on November 22, 20I0, included:
a. "Wolk settled the underlying case on the condition the order criticizing
him be vacated"
b. "Did Wolk's client suffer from a reduced settlement to that his attorney
could avoid have the order used against him in other litigation?"
c. "(The discovery violation complaint about (sic) was apparently a repeat
d. "The district court permitted a settlement that vacated the order, but its
only reported inquiry into whether Wolk did not suffer from conflict of interest and was
adequately protecting his clients rights was Wolk's representation to the court that the client was
alright with the size of the settlement."
e. "That begs the question of whether his client was fully aware of the
conflict of interest if as would seem to be the case the N.D. of Georgia failed to do so, one really
wishes courts would do more to protect fiduciaries of plaintiff' attorneys before signing off on
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159. In truth and in fact had the defendants fact checked anything, called anyone,
verified with independent plaintiffs' counsel in Taylor Or done anything that a lawyer or
journalist is duty and ethically bound to do they would have found that:
a. Wolk did not and could not settle the underlying case on condition the
order criticizing him be vacated since Wolk wasn't the lawyer handling settlement negotiations
but had removed himself due to the appearance of a conflict which he recognized and dealt with
b, Wolk's clients, not client, did not suffer from anything except an excellent
settlement with which they were pleased as were the independent lawyers overseeing the
settlement negotiations which took place before an independent mediator who in fact
recommended significantly less than the amount of the settlement. Nothing was asked for,
bargained for, reduced for, or negotiated with regard to the discovery order being vacated in
those settlement discussions, period.
c. Wolk was not involved in the discovery in the Taylor case at aU, took no
depositions nor attended any, drafted nothing in discovery, reviewed nothing and had no role
except general supervision. There could not be a repeat occurrence because there was no prior
d. The court asked everyone whether the settlement was adequate and
approved of and knew the mediator and was aware that the settlement was more than he had
recommended and that no conditions were imposed by plaintiff for the amount of the settlement
She also knew Wolk had zero involvement with discovery in the case and upon reflection had to
have seen that The Wolk Law Firm made full discovery, cooperated fully in discovery, provided
Case ill: 110702615
full disclosures and was innocent of her discovery order in any event otherwise she would not
have vacated it.
e. Had there been even the slightest investigation the defendants would have
learned that the case was settled first by others and then and only then did Wolk in writing ask
the clients and their lawyers for a few days to inquire whether the judge would vacate the
discovery order. Everyone, plaintiffs, their lawyers, the defense lawyers and the insurers agreed
as well that the request could be made and they would join in it. Only then did the court vacate
the order.
160. The entire focus of Overlawyered, and its minions of unethical lawyers and
putative journalists, was not to raise a legitimate issue as had Beck and Herman who wrote a fair
and balanced article on the same subject. But instead Overlawyered, Olson, Frank's article was
written to attack and hold Wolk up to false light and to injure him because he was a lightning rod
in his profession due to his success and willingness to fight even if mced with challenges that
would cause most lawyers to put their tails between their legs and run home.
161. The message ofthis internet bullies' article is simple; that Wolk is unethical in the
practice of his profession, that he sells out his clients for personal gain, that he is guilty of
repeated discovery violations and thus abuses his profession and that he is guilty of the crime of
fraud, conflict of interest and misrepresentation to the courts none of which is true.
162. The article as originally published and republished and republished again and
again is false, knowingly false and not protected speech and was written and rewritten with utter
disregard for its falsity, with nothing done to verify the facts and even less done to fact check it
for truthfulness in reckless disregard for the damage it would do to the plaintiff.
Case ill: 110702615
163. The publications of the defendants was willful, deliberate, unjustified and nothing
but character assassination to harm the plaintiff and enhance the fortunes of a group of people
who have anointed themselves as America's intelligencia, but who bring no intelligence to that
self laudation.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess ofSI 00,000, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs of suit.
Plaintiff v. Defendants
Conspiracy to Interfere with Actual and Prospective Contractual Relations
J64. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs J through 163 as though set forth at
165. The entire purpose of these defendants is to enact tort reform by getting rid of the
proponents of tort liability, the plaintiff being in the forefront.
166. The plaintiff's work has been highly visible and somewhat controversial because
rather than being cowed or bought off by multi-billion dollar corporations like the defendants,
plaintiff has fought tirelessly for his clients, supported and schooled more than a 1000 children
over his career by making those who have killed their parents pay for their deaths.
167. The plaintiff is well known for never giving up, and for giving every ounce of
energy and effort and much of his fortune for his clients.
168. The defendants have no way to defend against this zeal so they have chosen
instead to not defend the cases but try to so destroy the plaintiffs reputation so that clients will
not come to him, that judges and juries will not believe him, and Courts will not admit him to
Case 10: ll0702615
169. The entire pwpose of engaging in this continuing course of conduct even after
being shown that what they have said is totally false can serve no other purpose but to discredit
plaintiff at the Bar, ruin his prospective client base, interfere with relationships he has with
existing clients, referral sources, other lawyers, jurors and judges and business relations to the
plaintiff's detriment all without any legal justification whatsoever.
170. The defendants willful, deliberate and intentional interference with plaintiffs
existing and prospective business and client relationships is ill motivated, deliberate,
unjustifiable, outrageous and intended to cause economic and emotional harm to the plaintiff and
to put him out of business.
171. As a result of the willful, deliberate, outrageous and unjustified conduct by the
defendants the plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE. plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess of $1 00,000, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs of suit.
PlaintUJv. Defendants
Conspiracy to Inflict Emotional and Physical Harm
172. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 171 as though set forth at
173. The defendants knew or should have known that their continuing efforts to
destroy the plaintiffs' reputation given that he has children, a grandchild and a good reputation in
his field and in his community would ultimately take a toll on him physically and mentally.
174. The defendants intended that very result when they delivered a message through
their lawyers after the federal court opinion that, "Wolk can get fucked, we're not removing
Case 10: 110702615
anything from the internet". In fact, prior to the Court's decision, Onufrak and White and
Williams had falsely represented that regardless of the decision, the defamatory postings would
be removed from the internet
175. Aside from the arrogance and filth associated with such a remark, but certainly
not unexpected from lawyers who arrogate to themselves to commit fraud on the court and
deception and misrepresentation to the Court and the public about the plaintiff. This spoke
eloquently for the defendants and just how much credence they gave the federal judge's
admonition to get the libel off the internet and common sense and decency that a lawyer is honor
bound and ethically required to possess and exercise.
176. In short, the defendants did what they intended to do, cause emotional upset and
physical harm...but that was not enough for them.
177. The stress from the defendants' false and irresponsible accusations have
aggravated plaintiff's post traumatic stress disorder, originally caused by an airplane crash in
1996 which he had pretty much under control until this happened.
178. The plaintiff now suffers daily episodes of flashbacks, repetition syndrome, sleep
disorder, heightened startle reaction and depression all reinvigorated by the relentless pounding
he has and is receiving at the hands of the defendants who intended it, caused it, aggravated it
aud continue to bring it on.
179. The plaintiff in the same aircraft accident suffered a severe back fracture requiring
multiple surgeries which had brought him chronic pain aggravated by stress.
180. As a sole result of this trauma deliberately delivered, plaintiff has daily
unremitting pain and disability related to the stress of having to deal with defendants wicked,
malicious, vile and false accusations twisted in multiple forms by multiple associates and
Case ID: 110702615
affiliates all with the connivance, encoumgement, request and concerted action one with another
and unchecked by the Trustees who continue to suck the blood of the American people by
writing off their contributions to destroy the nations institutions while they enjoy a free ride on
the backs of the less fortunate.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess of$IOO,OOO, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs of suit.
Plaintiffv. Defendants
Conspiracy to Commit Assault
181. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 180 as though set forth at
182. Assault is the intentional unpermitted touching of one individual by another with
the intention to do bodily harm
183. The defendants knew or had reason to know that their continuing conduct would
cause severe injury to the plaintiff and knew further that if they didn't stop inciting it others
would join in and make it worse.
184. Notwithstanding plaintiffs continuing entreaties to stop inflicting this pain the
defendants scoffed and did more, incited more, corrupted more, conspired with more and did
more damage.
185. The assault upon the plaintiff was the deliberate infliction of physical and
emotional pain by non-stop libeling of him.
Case ID: 110702615
186. All the defendants either by agreement, tacit or otherwise, conscious parallelism
or otherwise conspiracy or otherwise sought to cause the hurt, inflict the damage and injury and
then aggravate it for sport.
187. As a result of the willful deliberate unpermitted touching of the plaintiff with the
intent to do harm, by the defendants plaintiffdemands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess of $100,000, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs of suit.
Plaintiffv. Defendants
Conspiraey to Engage in Internet Bullying
188. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 187 as though set forth at
189. The internet has the capacity in a computer nanosecond to destroy the reputation
credibility and profession of any private person's life if misused.
190. The internet is unique in that unlike other mass media, the internet republishes
and renews yesterday's news every time a computer is turned to a search engine or website.
191. Therefore internet defamation is in a class by itself the way it can in an instant
wreak havoc with an innocent person and do so continuously.
192. The defendants are internet manipulators, internet wannabees, internet distorters,
internet abusers, internet stalkers and internet bullies.
193. The defendants use the internet not as the information superhighway it was
intended to be for the world's benefit but instead a means in their own words to "Hit and RU!1
and to "Abuse" the victims they choose for sport.
Case ID: 110702615
194. The defendants manipulate the search engine process such that the plaintiffs
name will come up even if the inquiry is on an entirely different subject and make it appear that
the Plaintiff s identity is somehow relevant. For example, the defendants have manipulated
search engines to cause "Arthur Alan Wolk" to come up under categories and incite bloggers to
accuse Wolk of heinous crimes, none of which is true. (See Exhibit "10").
195. As a direct result of the use of these multiple tags and categories, search results
come up in multiple publications, thereby multiplying the damages to plaintiff and republishing
in different form the archived libelous articles they have published about the plaintiff.
196. It was and is the defendants entire purpose to hijack the laudable purpose of the
internet and instead use its immense power to instantly transform it as a means to discredit,
tarnish, destroy, diminish and interfere with the reputation of innocent people like the plaintiff
who may not agree with their twisted goals and their unethical and intellectually vacant means to
achieve them.
197. The defendants simply chose the internet to bully, stalk, or at least attempt to, the
plaintiff just like other internet bullies, who are just like them, and who bully children until they
commit suicide rather than face the abuse.
198. These leaches on our society who take the tax money of the poor, impoverished,
less fortunate, those struggling just to make it and use it to achieve their goals to ensure they
retain their billions have selected the plaintiff Arthur Alan Wolk as their next victim, a big
199. These defendants who are bullies in the basest sense have corrupted and continue
to misuse the internet to illegally lobby and influence legislation by distorting the record ofthose
Case 10: 110702615
like the plaintiff so as to use that distortion to foster their legislative goals, in short lobbying to
get tort reform.
200. The illegal and immoral, unethical hijacking of the internet to harm the plaintiff
was willful, intentional, outrageous and was solely intended to inflict harm by bullying
something that each of the defendants either individually or through their co-conspirators and
representatives continue to do all with the idea of harming the plaintiff.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess of $1 00,000, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs of suit.
Pltlintiflv. Defendants
The Failure to Remove False Information From
the Internet and Harassment Bv Internet
20L Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 200 as though set forth at
202. The defendants here are nothing but intentional internet bullies and stalkers who
incite others by their incendiary articles to further carry out their mission as expressed on their
websites to "Hit and Run" and "Abuse" others.
203. These defendants read their e-mail and blogs and control them and eliminate them
if they are "irrelevant" to their articles' focus.
204. In these instances all the defendants knew or had reason to know that they were
inciting verbal and potentially physical violence against Arthur Alan Wolk and deliberately
destroying his reputation in violation of the Rules ofConduct ofGoogle and Yahoo.
Case ID: 110702615
205. These defendants knew that by continuing to fan the flames of their compliant
trash they would engender unfounded accusations of heinous crimes, client sell-outs and bullying
through litigation and more.
206. Notwithstanding actual knowledge of the most atrocious hann being inflicted on
an innocent person they have incited, continue to incite, continue the non-stop libel and
harassment by internet in violation of the civil and criminal laws.
207. The entire purpose of this conduct has been to cause plaintiff hann and advance
the perverted sense ofentitlement of the defendants' conservative agenda.
208. For the deliberate, willful, malicious, malevolent attempted destruction of Arthur
Alan Wolk, plaintiffdemands punitive damages.
W H E R E F O ~ plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants in an amount in
excess of $100,000, attorney's fees, compensatory and punitive damages and costs ofsuit.
Plaintiffv. Defendants
Iguitable Remedies
209. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 208 as though set forth at
210. The original OverJawyered blog falsely accused Wolk ofseHing out his clients in
the Taylor case by compromising the value of a settlement in exchange for having the court
vacate a prior discovery order that was critical ofWolk. The blog stated as follows:
Judge writes scathing opinion about attorney; opponent attorney
mails opinion to client; losing attorney sues other attorney for
defamation. No dice, but even this ludicrous suit does not result in
sanctions. [BeckIHemnann]
Case ID: 110702615
Beck and Hemnann miss, however, an especially interesting
subplot. Wolk settled the underlying case, Taylor v. Teledyne. No.
CIV.A.! :00-CV-1741-J (N.D. Ga.), on the condition that the order
criticizing him be vacated. Did Wolk's dimt suffer from a
reduced settlft1lU!nt so that his attorney could avoid havin.g thft
order usftd against him in other litigation.? (The discovery
violation complained about was apparently a repeat occurrence.)
The district court pennitted a settlement that vacated the order, but
its only reported inquiry into whether Wolk did not suffer from a
conflict of interest lind was adequak!ly protecting his dient's
rights was Wolk's representation to the court that the client was
alright with the size of the settlement. That begs the question
whether the client was fully aware ofthe conflict of interest; if,
as seems to be the case, the N.D. Ga. failed to do so, one really
wishes courts would do more to protect fiduciaries of plaintiffs'
attorneys before signing off on settlements. 338 F.Supp.2d 1323,
1327 (N.D. Ga. 2004), aff'd in unpublished summary per curiam
opinion (II th Cif.. Jun. 17, 2005). (emphasis supplied).
(See Exhibit "I").
211. Once he saw the blog. Wolk immediately notified the Overlawyered Defendants
that it was completely false, and demanded that it be removed from the internet. Despite Wolk's
demands, Overlawyered refused to remove the blog or issue a retraction. (See Exhibit "2").
212. As WOlk infonned the Overlawyered Defendants, the blog was rife with absolute
213. First, Wolk did not even personally handle the discovery in the Taylor case, and
thus the order critical of Wolk's conduct during discovery in the Taylor case was issued in error.
214. Moreover, the Taylor case was settled with no involvement from WOlk, and the
plaintiffs in the Taylor case had additional counsel other than WOlk, who independently
reviewed all aspects ofthe settlement making sure the plaintiffs in TaylQr were well served,
received full value in the settlement and were completely satisfied with the result Indeed, the
Case ID: 110702615
plaintiffs in Taylor received a settlement that far exceeded the value previously placed on the
case by an independent mediator.
215. Most importantly, the Taylor case was settled before Wolk even requested the
Court vacate the mistaken discovery order, which the Court in Taylor eventually did.
216. Aside from Wolk himselfinfonning Overlawyered as to the falsity of its blog,
two independent lawyers directly involved in the Taylor case, John Kevin Griffin. Esquire and
Jason T. Schneider, Esquire. wrote separate letters to Overlawyered's counsel, also confirming
the blog was false. (See Exhibits "3" and "4").
217. In this regard, Attorney Griffin. who was counsel for one ofthe two plaintiffs in
Taylor. infonned Overlawyered that the blog's statements that the settlement was somehow
"compromised" in exchange for vacating the critical discovery order was "entirely false" as there
was "never consideration given or a quid pro quo offered for vacating the order." Indeed, as
Griffin explained, the settlement was already reached before the Court vacated the discovery
order. (See Exhibit "3").
218. Likewise, Attorney Schneider, who was also counsel in the Taylor case,
informed Overlawyered that the settlement had been reached before the Court vacated the
discovery order, and that the settlement amount actually exceeded independent valuations of the
case. As Mr. Schneider explained,
There is no question in my mind that the settlements reached were
completely separate from any request to vacate the discovery
order. The settlements reached were also well in excess ofany .
sums offered at the mediation. Therefore, to say "it appears'" that
the clients' interests were somehowcompromised to get the
discovery order vacated is wrong.
(See Exhibit "4").
Case ID: 110702615
219. Thus, Wolk provided the Defendants with all of the foregoing facts and
infonnation, which conclusively proved that: (a) he did not sell out his clients; (b) he never had
a "conflict of interest"; (c) he fully disclosed all aspects of the case and settlement to his clients
and other plaintiffs' counsel, all of whom independently reviewed and approved of the
settlement, which was well in excess ofan independent mediator's recommended settlement
value; and (d) he absolutely did not compromise the client's interest in the settlement in
exchange for vacating the court's discovery order sinc.e the case was settled before the Court
even vacated the discovery order.
220. Although the Defendants never bothered to check the facts before posting the
blog, once Wolk provided the Defendants with the actual facts, the Overlawyered Defendants
knew what was contained in their April 8,2007 blog was false, and their publication on May 13,
2008 was false, as were their publications in June 2008 and July 2008, and all other associated
blogs had republished the defamation.
22I. The Overlawyered Defendants, published or caused to be published the
aforementioned blogs on the, and despite Wolk providing proof that the blogs
are completely false, the Overlawyered Defendants refuse to remove them.
222. By refusing to remove the false blogs despite their actual knowledge that they are
false, the OverlaWYered Defendants have knowingly published falsehoods, and thus have acted
with "actual malice."
223. Through their online publication, the Overlawyered Blogs has been disseminated
to thousands of individuals and continue to be disseminated to thousands more as they remain on and, as a result, the blogs appear prominently when Wolk' s name is used as a
Case ID: 110702615
search term on the enormously popular search engine and other similar search
224. Further, not only do the Overlawyered Blogs defame and harm Wolk's personal
reputation, more poignantly, they are directed at defaming and harming Wolk's business
225. The Overlawyered Blogs impute business misconduct by implying that Wolk did
not protect his client's best i n t e r e s t ~ as he is ethically bound to do, but rather primed his own
interests above the clients and reduced his client's settlement to benefit himself, implying he will
do this whenever it serves his interests.
226. This is utterly false, has been done with malice toward Wolk, and has harmed
Wolk's reputation and injured his business because clients have become disttustful ofWolk as a
result of the Overlawyered Blogs and have not retained him.
227. As a direct result of the Overlawyered Blogs, Wolk has suffered, and continues to
suffer. irreparable harm, which cannot be fully compensated through money damages.
228. Nonetheless, Wolk does not have an adequate remedy at law since the harm to his
reputation, his career, and his law practice is difficult to measure. Moreover, with respect to the
initial April 8, 2007 Overlawyered Blog, unless overturned on appeal, Wolk's ability to pursue
monetary damages has been foreclosed by the District Court's August 2, 2010 decision. Plaintiff
has filed a Motion for Relief Pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 60 since the April 7,
2007 blogwas republished on May 13,2008, within one year of the Plaintiff's lawsuit and the
Court's dismissal was procured through fraud on the Court.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests this Court to exercise its equitable powers
to remedy the continuing damage caused by the Overlawyered Blogs by issuing an iqjunction
Case ID: 110702615
ordering the Overlawyered Defendants: (a) to remove the false and defamatory Overlawyered
Blogs from their website; (b) to ensure the defamatory Overlawyered Blogs are also removed
from search engines that "cache" or save the historical Overlawyered Blogs; and (c) order
Defendants to identify all bloggers who anonymously published defamatory material on their
The Court is also requested to award Plaintiff his counsel fees and expenses to obtain this
injunctive relief, as he has spent a fortune to correct what Defendants could have easily corrected
before Plaintiff incurred any legal expense, but have steadfastly refused despite overwhelming
evidence that the blogs were false and their actual knowledge of such falsity.
PlaintijJv. The Reason Defendants, The Overlawyered Defendants,
White and Williams and Onufrak
Request for Injunctive Relief
229. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 228 as though set forth at
230. The blog postings by the Reason Defendants on their website
were all false and defamatory as to Wolk in that, inter alia, the blogs directly stated and implied
(a) Wolk was an incompetent lawyer because he missed the deadline for his
own suit;
(b) Wolk lied to the District Court as to when he first learned of the April 8,
2007 Overlawyered Blog;
(c) Wolk was guilty of filing a frivolous lawsuit by "bully[ing] an aviation
news website into a thoroughly abject capitulation and apology;" and
Case ID: 110702615
(d) Most significantly, republished almost the entirety of the utterly false and
defamatory April 8, 2007 Overlawyered Blog, once again accusing Wolk of breaching his ethical
and fiduciary duties by selling out his clienes interest in the Taylor case.
231. Moreover, the Reason Defendants, through their false and defamatory blog
postings, intentionally created. a forum in which Reason's anonymous bloggers were encouraged
and incited to further defame Wolk, leading to dozens of separate false accusations that Wolk
committed the most heinous crimes imaginable.
232. By encouraging and inciting its readers to further defame Wolk, the Reason
Defendants have contributed, in whole or in part, to the content of their anonymous bloggers'
233. Wolk has repeatedly demanded that the Reason Defendants remove their
defamatory blog postings, and in doing so, he supplied the Reason Defendants will direct proof
that their defamatory statements were absolutely false,
234. Nevertheless, the Reason Defendants have refused to remove their defamatory
blogs. despite being given actual knowledge that the blogs were false.
235. By refusing to remove the false blogs despite their actual knowledge that they are
false, the Reason Defendants have knowingly published falsehoods, and thus have acted with
"'actual malice. to
236. Through their online publications, the Reason Blogs have been disseminated to
thousands of individuals and continue to be disseminated to thousands more as they remain on
Reason,com and, as a result, the blogs appear prominently when Wolk's name is used as a search
tenn on the enonnously popular search engine and other similar search
237. Indeed. although the Reason Defendants claim they removed from their website
the postings of their anonymous bloggers who repeatedly accused Wolk of heinous crimes. those
Case ID: 110702615
same anonymous postings are still visible through the "cache" of search engines, including on
Google and Bing.
238. As a direct result of the Reason Defendants
false and defamatory blogs, Wolk
has suffered, and continues to suffer, irreparable harm which cannot be fully compensated
through money damages.
239. Further, Wolk does not have an adequate remedy at law since the harm to his
reputation, his career, and his law practice is difficult to measure.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests this Court to exercise its equitable powers
to remedy the continuing damage caused by the blogs of the Reason Defendants by issuing an
injunction ordering the Reason Defendants: (a) to remove the false and defamatory blogs about
Wolk appearing on their website; (b) to ensure the defamatory Reason Btogs
are also removed from search engines that "cache" or save the historical blogs; and (c) identify
all persons who published false and defamatory material about Plaintiff on their sites.
The Court is also requested to award Plaintiffhis counsel fees and expenses to obtain this
injunctive relief, as he has spent a fortune to correct what Defendants could have easily corrected
before Plaintiff incurred any legal expense, but have steadfastly refused despite overwhelming
evidence that the blogs were false and their actual knowledge of such falsity.
Plaintiff"'. Defendants
Eguitable Remedies
240. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 239 as though set forth at
Case 1D: 110702615
241. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law because defendants refuse to comply with
the law about removing the libel from the internet.
242. Plaintiff has no complete remedy at law because defendants wish to continue to
destroy him for sport.
243. Plaintiff has no complete remedy at law because defendants continue to violate
non-stop the criminal and civil laws of this nation.
244. Plaintiff has no complete remedy at law because some of the defendants are
lawyers and continue to practice without sanction.
245. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law because injunctive relief for future
conduct may be unsustainable.
246. This Court is asked to refer the actions of the lawyer defendants to their respective
Disciplinary Committees for proceedings consistent with the courts findings here.
247. This Court is asked to refer the defendants to the States' Attorneys General and
criminal prosecutors in the relevant jurisdictions for criminal prosecution of defendants for
internet stalking, harassment and bullying.
248. This Court is requested to appoint receivers for the foundation defendants to
change their behavior and to avoid future unethical conduct including a cessation of internet
bullying as a means to advance their rabid political agendas and to require the Trustees to fulfill
the stated purposes in their foundations' charters and cease and desist from ultra vires
defamatory conduct.
249. This Court is asked to ask States Attorneys General to wind up the affairs of these
unlawful and non-law abiding foundations and to seek return of monies spent for illegal purposes
including internet bullying.
Case ID: 110702615
250. Plaintiff requests this Court to fashion such relief as it deems appropriate and
warranted under the circumstances, including but not limited to the referral to their respective
Supreme Courts Disciplinary Committees concerning the admissions of Onufrak, Olson, Frank
and any other lawyer defendant so that disciplinary proceedings may commence for their
intentional, uncivil, fraudulent and criminal activities.
251. Plaintiff requests this Court to order defendants to divulge the identities of all
bloggers who accused the plaintiff of a crime.
252. This Court is asked to order the Trustees to cease and desist their abdication of
their legal responsibilities to manage and supervise Manhattan and Reason for solely charitable
or educational purposes, and to enjoin them from lobbying, acting in an ultra vires manner, or
contrary to the mandates of their charters.
253. This Court is asked to order the Trustees, the officers, employees and other
defendants to disgorge all identifYing information of their contributors and members, to notifY
the Internal Revenue Service that they have violated the terms of their 501(c)(3) status, and to
advise their contributors that they no longer have or qualifY for tax deductible status for their
254. This Court is asked to order all defendants to remove these false, defamatory and
accusations of heinous crimes postings about plaintiff.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for such Equitable Relief as this Court deems appropriate
under the circumstances.
Case ID: 110702615
Plaintiff v., The Reason Defendants,
OverlawyeredDefendants, Olson and Frank
Internet Stalking and Bullying
255. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 254 as though set forth at
256. In an effort to reduce the damage from the conduct of the defendants' non-stop
libeling of the plaintiff, in October 2010 he hired a Forensic Internet company to place truthful,
favorable infonnation about the plaintiff on the internet including Wikipedia an internet
encyclopedia. A true and correct copy of plaintiffs Wikipedia site is attached and marked
257. Nothing put on Wikipedia was false or misleading in any way.
258. The defendants, hell bent on torpedoing the Wikipedia attempt to minimize their
conduct's impact on the plaintiffs reputation, by themselves or some of their incited adherents
or their own employees, including but not limited to Frank and Olson, edited the site with their
false and defamatory logs so plaintiff could not effectively restore in some small way his
reputation. Defendants created another site on competing internet encyclopedia to trash the
plaintiff with all of their false, misleading and false light articles and blogs which multiplied the
plaintiff's damages and the impact to his life and risked the further erosion of his reputation and
the further risk to his personal safety and well being. A true and correct copy of the Wikademia
site is attached as Exhibit"17".
259. The defendants' conduct is a continuous unbroken stream of stalking and willful,
outrageous publishing of known false and incendiary conduct to bring down the plaintiff in his
Case ID: 110702615
profession and to expose him to bodily injury, emotional hann and death and to prevent him
from restoring his good reputation.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands punitive and compensatory damages in excess of
$100,000 attorneys' fees and costs.
Plaintiff v. All Defendants
Intentional Interference with Contraetual, Actual
and Prospective Business Relations
260. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 259 as though set forth at
261. Plaintiff in an effort to mitigate some of the horrendous damage wrought upon
him, by the non-stop continuous publication of lies about him hired a forensic internet consultant
whose job it was to try to restore plaintiff's good name.
262. One of those efforts was to ask Wikipedia, ail internet encyclopedia, to see if it
would publish a biography of plaintiff highlighting his distinguished career in aviation and
aviation litigation, law school teaching and publications. (See Exhibit"16").
263. Wikipedia accepted the biography and it appeared on the first page of Google in
the hope that jurors, judges, and prospective clients would read that and ignore the false
statements made by the defendants.
264. Defendants, through Theodore Frank and Olson, internet stalkers of plaintiff and
the followers' collaborations and those they deliberately incited for some perverted reason
without any further investigation, detennination of the facts and with the intent to hann the
plaintiff even more, to destroy his livelihood and impact judges, juries and prospective clients
willfully deliberately and outrageously went to Wikademia, published and republished more of
Case ID: 1107026] 5
their lies, published matters that had nothing to do with plaintiff's qualifications and reputation,
all to destroy the plaintiff. (See Exhibit"17").
265. The conduct of these defendants continues non-stop and plaintiff has no remedy at
all but to keep suing and keep bringing to courts' attention the relentless and unwarranted
personal attacks all orchestrated by Frank and Olson and carried out by his co-conspirators, the
malcontents of our society who believe liberty applies only to them, human rights apply only to
them, the Constitution as they have warped its interpretation only protects them, and that
regulation that would prevent them from further stealing our economy blind should be prevented
at all costs.
266. As a result of the willful deliberate non-stop interference with business and
professional relations and the intentional infliction of economic hann plaintiff demands punitive
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars
($100,000.00), and Equitable Relief in the fonn of an injunction preventing the non-stop
interference with business and professional relations and for all defendants to divulge the
identities of their collaborators, investigators, fmancers and bloggers.
Plaintiffv. Defendants
267. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 266 as though set forth at
Case 10: 110702615
268. The defendants are attempting to extort something of value from the plaintiff, his
reputation to enhance the visibility and credibility of their websites and to use that destruction as
a means to obtain more illegal tax deductible contributions.
269. They are continuing to libel him so they can cause him to sue them, and thus
make them appear as victims on the internet and thus enhance and encourage others to contribute
to their tort reform causes.
270. The defendants want to publish the sorrow of their plight being sued repeatedly
for their libel so their membership can blog more and more hate against the plaintiff.
271. The hatred they wish to incite, as they have done so many times before, is
apparent in the resulting unfounded and false charges. (See Exhibit" I0").
272. As a direct result of this incitement plaintiff must carry a deadly weapon for his
own protection, must increase the security around his home and family and must take other steps
to insure that defendants and their nut ball disciples don't carry out their implicit threats.
273. Plaintiffs entire lifestyle has been altered by the willful deliberate and intention
attempt to extort from him something they will never get, his unwillingness to fight internet
bullies to protect his reputation.
274. As a result of the willful, deliberate and outrageous conduct of the defendants
plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands punitive and compensatory damages in excess of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), plus attorneys' fees and costs.
Case ill: 110702615
PJaintlflv. White ana Williams ana OnU/rak
Libel. False Light, Abuse or Process. Conspiracy Concerted Action
275, Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 274 as though set forth at
276. These defendants represent a Professional Liability Insurance Company known as
Westport Insurance, a defendant in a lawsuit filed by plaintiff fur reimbursement of legal fees
expended to successfully defend himself in a frivolous and baseless claim by one of the aircraft
component manufacturers he regularly and successfully sues.
277. In fact, the plaintiff, his associates and his law firm were found to have acted
"honestly and in good faith" in the stipulated findings of facts following the expenditure of more
than half a million dollars and after the allegations made against him were found to be
completely false, just part ofthe new defense du jour of attacking successful plaintiffs lawyers.
278. In its defense of that lawsuit Onufrak has sought to tarnish the plaintiffs
reputation by injecting an entirely irrelevant matter where a federal judge ranted against the
plaintiff because he didn't inform her he might sue the lawyers who had lied to her in litigation.
That rant made against the plaintiff who was uninvolved in the litigation has been criticized
nationwide by other judges and lawyers as inexplicable.
279. Defendants Onufrak: and White and Williams are the same lawyers hired to
defend Olson, Frank and in the initial Wolk v. Olson litigation.
280. During that litigation which was on appeal to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
Onufrak was told by independent lawyers in the Taylor case that what his clients said on the
Internet was false, what he said in the Westport case was false. what he said in defense of the
Overlawyered case was false. (See Exhibits "3" and "4").
Case ill: 110702615
281. During the prior Overlawyered litigation the defendants in this count were
cautioned by Judge McLaughlin that they would not win on First Amendment grounds, the
article in Overlawyered was clearly defamatory and the only basis upon which the court might
dismiss was the statute of limitations.
282. Onufrak knew that he had lost on First Amendment grounds, knew that the court's
decision would be touted all over the internet, knew that it would likely be published locally,
knew that he would use it to hold plaintiff in false light, knew that his firm would publish a blog
on the subject and knew that his ethical Obligations required him to be truthful and not
deliberately attack the reputation of another lawyer especially falsely.
283. Notwithstanding actual knowledge that his allegations and those of his
collaborators, Frank and Olson were totally false, and that he had lost of First Amendment
grounds Onufrak and White and Williams nonetheless and for the sole purpose of fanning the
flames of unbridled frenzy of false attacks on the reputation of the plaintiff did the following all
with the intent to harm Arthur Wolk's professional reputation, incite attacks on him, expose
him to ridicule and contempt and to gain an advantage in the Westport litigation and on appeal
by continuing to falsely portray both Wolk and the outcome of the litigation.
284. Indeed, Onufrak as agent and employee of White and Williams and Olson, Frank
and Overlawyered and Westport, told The Legal lntelligencer and The Philadelphia Business
285. After the initial case was dismissed solely on statute of limitations grounds that
"he would have won on First amendment grounds anyway, a lie, and something he knew to be
false when he said it all to hold the plaintiff up to false light
Case ID: 110702615
286. Even worse White and Williams published a misleading blog for the sole purpose
of holding the Plaintiff to false light and to instigate disdain among his professional colleagues
and unethically touted Onufrak's victory on statute of limitations grounds in the most disdainful
and condescending way when they knew that he lost his First Amendment argument and the
Pennsylvania Supreme court had already decided against the basis upon which Onufrak argued.
Worse White and Williams knew or had reason to know that they had lied to a federal judge and
failed to tell her that in fact the posting over which Wolk sued was one that was put on the
internet within one year of Wolk's suit on three separate occasions and thus the Statute of
Limitations had no application even under their warped view of it
287. In reality the blog of White and Williams was totally false and misleading
because the plaintiff had not missed the statute of limitations as he had not been aware of the
article at all within the one year the defense wrongly claimed he had to bring his lawsuit.
Moreover the White and Williams publication claiming lack of diligence by a lawyer, failed to
disclose the real reason for their Pyrrhic victory, a direct and deliberate lie to the court about
when the article was actually published and republished.
288. The consequences of the White and Williams blog and Onufrak's dishonest
publication of false light has been to unleash a torrent of hate Wolk blogs all instigated by falsity,
misleading statements and outright lies by Onufrak and White and Williams all done to benefit
Overlawyered, and the other defendants including Onufrak's client Westport insurance.
289. The conduct of these defendants was willful, deliberate, false, misleading,
outrageous and in derogation of the ethical requirements for lawyers.
Case ID: 110702615
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against these defendants for compensatory
and punitive damages in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), exclusive of
interest and costs, attorneys' fees.
Plaintiflvs. White and W"lilituns and Onufrak,
The Overlawyered Defendants, Frank and Olson
False Swearing, False Representation to Public Autborities,
Violations of tbe Rules of Professional Responsibility, Deception, Deceit
290. Plaintiff incorpomtes by reference paragraphs I through 289 as though set forth at
291. The Overlawyered defendants, Olson and Frank, White and Williams and
Onufrak, all lawyers, represented in writing and omlly to a United States District Court Judge
Mary McLaughlin that the plaintiff had failed to file suit within one year ofthe publication of the
defamatory article in Overlawyered thus failed to comply with Pennsylvania's one-year statute of
limitations to commence libel actions. That representation was in the form of a FRCP 12(b)(6)
Dismissal for Failure to State a Claim filed with that Court, a copy of which is attached and
marked Exhibit "18".
292. Defendants knew at all times that the statements and representations made to the
court for the purpose of dismissing plaintiffs case were false, indeed outright lies to a federal
293. These defendants knew at all times that in fact on at least three occasions within
one year of the filing ofplaintifrs lawsuit, on May 13, 2008, in June 2008 and in July 2008, they
had repUblished the original libel in a form that was designed to enhance its visibility and
Case 10: 110702615
networking on the internet and that indeed because of that they were new publications under the
controlling case law.
294. These defendants, all lawyers, knew that they were ethically bound to infonn the
court of these facts, and yet kept them hidden, so they could take advantage of that fact that the
plaintiff could only have learned about these facts through pre-complaint discovery which they
successfully opposed or through a Forensic IT expert searching the internecine webs of the
internet for days to ascertain that there was an actionable republication within one year of the
plaintiff's filing suit, a fact discovered on November 22,2010.
295. These defendants procured a dismissal of plaintiff's case based on a lie and a
series of lies perpetrated on a federal judge.
296. Once they obtained their dismissal based on a lie, these defendants went on a
rampage to tout to the world in writing the magnificence of their accomplishment failing to
disclose that they had procured the dismissal by a fraud on the court.
297. These defendants published in the Overlawyered website linked to the world and
their associated websites, The Legal Intelligencer in Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Business
Journal, and in White and Williams' blog among other places statements touting their stunning
legal victory to hold plaintiff up to faIse light but hiding the fact that it was based on fraud.
29&. These super lawyers, only in their own minds, also knew that a federal judge
addressing this very issue, Judge Jeffrey Miller of the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of California, reported at 2007 WL 935703, held that the act of republishing in a fonnat
that allowed for greater circulation and visibility on the internet was a new actionable
publication. They nonetheless continued to tout a victory based on a lie to hold up the plaintiff to
Case ID: 110702615
ridicule and further disrespect. A true and correct copy of Judge Miller's Opinion is attached and
made Exhibit "19".
299. The conduct of the defendants in willfully, deliberately and outrageously failing
to disclose to a federal judge the truth of their actions and then publishing the lying fruits of their
deceptions to the public is without doubt the most unethical, deceitful and loathsome conduct by
lawyers who proclaim themselves skilled, and scholarly.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against these defendants for compensatory
and punitive damages in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), exclusive of
interest and costs, attorneys' fees.
Plaintiff v. Overlawyered, Olson, Frank
White and Williams and Onufrak
Fraud. Deceit and Theft
300. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 299 as though set forth at
30I. The defendants knew at the time they published these false statements to a federal
judge that she would rely on them to plaintiff's detriment and dismiss his case.
302. Plaintiff had and has a protected property right in his cause of action for libel.
303. Defendants knew that plaintiff also had a property right in his reputation as a
lawyer, for not failing to comply with statutes of limitations, for not filing legally frivolous
304. Notwithstanding defendants actual knowledge of the stakes of their lies and
misrepresentations they nonetheless lied to the federal court and the public both in electronic and
Case ID: 110702615
print means to steal from the plaintiff what was h i s ~ his reputation as an effective. honest and
competent lawyer instead holding him up to ridicule and stealing that hard fought and well
deserved reputation for being the best in his field.
305. The defendants falsely, fraudulently, deceitfuHy and outrageously stole plaintiff's
good name, converted it to their own use and benefit to enhance their own publicity at plaintiff's
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages in excess of One
Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,OOO). exclusive of interest and c.osts, attorneys' fees.
Plaltttiffv. All Defendants
Stalking In Violation p(18 eSA 2709.1
306. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 305 as though set forth at
307. The defendants have engaged in a course of conduct without authority which
demonstrates an intention to cause substantial emotional and physical distress and harm and to
place the plaintiff in fear of bodily injury by communicating on the internet and exhibiting an
intent to stalk the plaintiff and his activities.
308. The conduct ofthe defendants consisted but is not limited to the following:
a. Following plaintiffs activities in his business or profession with the intent
to repeatedly hold him up to false tight, to destroy his reputation, to deter clients from using his
services, to impact negatively judges and juries, to smear his name before his friends and
colleagues, to impact the rights of his clients to a fair trial, to destroy his family and to spread
Case ID: 110702615
such lies that persons refuse to do business or associate with him, or worse will be motivated to
do him physical harm.
b. Stalking plaintiff's efforts to undo some of the damage by willfully and
deliberately interfering with his efforts to improve his image on Google destroyed by defendants
by applying for Wikipedia representation and then deliberately re-publishing their false and
defamatory articles about the plaintiff, so as to do yet further damage to plaintiff, thus
aggravating the situation.
c. Consistently and regularly stalking plaintiff's efforts to clear his name of
the false light into which defendants have placed him by manipulating the internet so that tbe
negative false and defamatory articles, links, tags and SEOs published by the defendants achieve
priority over the truth published in behalf ofplaintiff.
d. Stalking the plaintiff's activities so as to continue to harass him, cause him
economic and emotional harm and require him to bring lawsuits to prevent such harm from
309. The plaintiff now must carry a gun to protect himself from the nut balls who are
incited by these defendants all with the sole intention of causing the lunatic fringe who are
devotees of these defendants from doing him bodily harm.
3JO. The conduct of the defendants is willful, purposeful and with the sole intention of
ruining the plaintiff and making his life burdensome.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against these defendants for compensatory
and punitive damages in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000),
exclusive of interest and costs, attorneys' fees.
Case lD: 110702615
Plaintiffv. All Defendants
Harassment in Violation of 18 Pa. e.s. 2709.
Harassment. (2003)
311. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 310 as though set forth at
312. These defendants have violated the provisions of 18 Pa. e.s. 2709 by engaging
in systematic harassment ofthe plaintiff in violation of this criminal statute, which provides inter
(a) OFFENSE DEFINED - A person commits the crime of
harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm
another, the person:
(4) communicates to or about such other person any
lewd, lascivious, threatening or obscene words,
language, drawings or caricatures
313. The conduct of these defendants has been for the sole purpose of communicating
lewd, lascivious, threatening and obscene words and language to the plaintiff, to those who
would read their blogs and associate them with the plaintiff, which conduct has occurred more
than once, and is a continuing pattern of conduct and course of conduct with respect to the
314. None of the conduct of the defendants serves any legitimate purpose, but to cause
emotional harm, pain, damage to the plaintiffs business and profession, and with the intent to
harass, annoy and alarm the plaintiff.
Case ID: 110702615
315. As a result of the willful and deliberate conduct of the defendants, the plaintiff
demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fees
and costs in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Plaintiffv. A.UDefendants
Continuous @nd Repeated Intentionallnflietion of Economic Harm
316. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 315 as though set forth at
317. The defendants' purpose for repeatedly publishing defamatory articles about the
plaintiff is to cause him to file lawsuits against them to stop the conduct.
318. Each time they publish false and defamatory material on the internet, they know
that they will do more and more hann which requires plaintiff to file another lawsuit.
319. The defendants know that this imposition on the plaintiff results in his having to
incur attorneys' fees, costs and expenses" and win interrupt and distract him from his principal
duties of representing clients who have been wronged by the defendants' disciples and clients.
320. This conduct by the defendants is purposeful and that is to achieve through
internet harassment, stalking and bullying in violation of Pennsylvania criminal statutes what
they cannot achieve through any other means and that is the destruction of plaintiffs practice
and profession.
321. The conduct of the defendants has required the plaintiff to file three lawsuits thus
far which have cost more than $450,000 because defendants want these suits to be filed so they
can use them to further their causes, publish their hate evoking articles, obtain tax deductible
Case ID: 110702615
contributions (temporarily), to obtain rulings to allow them to say anything they want on the
internet about anyone without fact checking, or limits previously imposed by Courts on
defamatory publications.
322. As a result of the willful deliberate unjustified and intentional imposition of
economic harm on the plaintiff, he demands punitive damages, attorneys' fees and costs ofsuit.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fees
and costs in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Plaintiflv. All Defendants
Civil Conspiracy and Concerted Action
323. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 322 as though set forth at
324. The conduct of the defendants have been with the knowledge, connivance,
acquiescence, encouragement and concerted action of the other all with the specific and
deliberate intent to cause harm to the plaintiff either by themselves and their conduct or the
conduct they have incited by others.
325. The Reason defendants, the trustees, the Overlawyered defendants, Olson and
Frank the internet bullies, stalkers and their trustees officers, employees, including but not
limited to Sullum, Gillespie and Welch and foundations in conspiracy all have decided to use the
plaintiff's life and career as sport for their destructive and reckless activities all willing to
sacrifice plaintiff's clients and their interests which they falsely criticized plaintiff for doing, for
their own selfish and unlawful conduct.
Case In: 110702615
326. As a direct result of the concerted action and conspiracy among defendants
plaintiffhas been damaged and his career and his ability to represent cHents seriously eroded.
327. .Plaintiff demands punitive damages for the defendants willful, deliberate,
vexatious, outrageous and totally unwarranted conduct
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fees
and costs in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Plaintiff v. All Defendants
Invasion of Privacy, Libel, Defamation, Internet Stalking, Theft,
Intentional Infliction of Emotional DilturbanG, Interference with Contractual and
Prosoective ,Client Relations and Harassment
328. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 327 as though set forth at
329. Unbeknownst to plaintiff these defendants have attached links and tags to
plaintiff's name to falsely associate his name with hideous libel.
330. The defendants, for example, in May, June and July of 2008 and since then in an
unbroken string constructed their internet sites so a person searching plaintiff's name would see
it attached to "contempt of court, racist, domestic violence, disbarred, disbarment, harassment,
sexual assault, illegal drugs, threaten cops, insolence, drugs manslaughter, drunk driving,
murder, murderer, assault with a deadly weapon, and other heinous crimes," just to name a few.
331. At no time has plaintiff ever been any of things, found guilty of any of those
things, honestly been accused of any of those things, nor has plaintiff ever engaged in any
activity that could by any stretch ofthe imagination justified those tag, links and SEOs,
Case ID: 110702615
332. Plaintiff has neveF been disbarred OF the subject of such a proceeding, never has
threatened a policemen, never has committed or been accused of sexual assault or domestic
violence, never used illegal drugs, never committed nor was he ever accused of manslaughter,
drunk driving, assault with a deadly weapon. Plaintiff has never been accused Of been guilty of
heinous crimes.
333. The conduct of the defendants has been to so manipulate the internet so the
plaintiff is falsely accused of everything from unrelated articles so that the searchers of the
internet believe him to be a thief, crook, murderer, drug user child molester and worse.
334. Plaintiff requested that these defendants remove what plaintiff had earlier known
as only a false charge that he sold out his clients in the Taylor case, but that is nothing compared
to the heinous crimes he has been charged with by these defendants, who, having been
discovered, to this day refuse to remove this from the internet.
335. As a result of the willful deliberate and outrageous postings on the internet and
their refusal to remove it, plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages.
336. As a result of the willful; deliberate and outrageous refusal to remove the lying,
false and outrageous postings links, SEOs and tags, plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fee and
costs in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Case ill: 110702615
Plaintiff v. All Defendants
Defamation. Libel, Fraud and Deceit, Conspiracy.
Internet Sta1kine. Invasion of Privacy and Assault
337, Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 336 as though set forth at
338. On May 13,2008, June and July 2008 the defendants Ovedawyered, Olson and
Frank: completely revamped their website adding to its multiple means of searching, multiple
means of advancing its visibility and the false and defamatory article originally published in
April 2007 and then tagged it and linked it in a away to get far more internet coverage of the
defamatory article than had been possible with their April 2007 publication.
339. To deliberately hide the date of that reinvigorated and modified site and
republication the defendants kept the same publication date and made no mention of the site
340. One again June 2008 and again in June 2009 the defendants changed their tags
and links and SEOs so as to maximize the damage and exposure their defamatory articles about
the plaintiff would receive on the internet
341. In fact the links to child molestation disbarment, assault, wife beater etc. were
linked through these modifications.
342. The plaintiff had absolutely no idea nor could he have just by reading the site or
Googling himself. The changes were deliberately hidden by the defendants.
Case ID: 110702615
343. It was not until plaintiff hired a Forensic IT expert that he learned and discovered
on November 22.2010 that secretly these defendants had republished all the offending articles
and had linked him to these other heinous crimes.
344. The plaintiff used due diligence to discover the conduct of the defendants but
given the secret changes, secret republication, fraud on the plaintiff, the court and the public at
large he was unable without a professional's help to discover the extent of the deliberate efforts
by these defendants to hurt him.
345. As a result of the willful, deliberate, outrageous. fraud, deceit, libel and internet
stalking of the plaintiff he demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fees
and costs in an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Plaintiffv. Trustees andReason Defendants
Trustees' Violations of the Defendant Foundations' By-Laws and Charters
346. Plaintiff incolporates by reference paragraphs 1through 345 as though set forth at
347. All non-profit cOl'porations and foundations have by-laws that control the
activities and responsibilities of the organizations and the responsibilities of their trustees.
348. Reason has such by-laws and requirements imposed by the States of
incorporation, and organization.
349. Plaintiff is an "interested person" as defined by those statutes and bylaws and
therefore is entitled to enforce them against the Trustees
Case ID: 110702615
350. Reason has continuously and repeatedly acted ultra vires in that none of its
charters or by laws allow it to defame or stalk or bully another by the internet or any other
351. It is the responsibility and duty under the law for the Trustees to see to it that the
obligations of their foundation is met and its employees do not act in a way that would violate
their mandates or legal obligations to the public.
352. The Trustees have the obligation but failed to:
a. Insure and be ultimately responsible for the proper performance of
delegated duties.
b. Use proper and due care in the performance oftheir duties.
c. Perform their duties in good faith and make reasonable inquiries
when the circumstances indicate that further information is necessary.
d. Be liable for their failure to exercise care in the performance of
their duties.
353. The Trustees of Reason have violated their duties and obligations to interested
persons, in this case the plaintiff, by deliberately failing to insure that delegated personnel such
as Welch, Sullum and Gillespie, Olson and Frank were performing their duties in a lawful
manner and consistent with the by-laws ofthe foundations ofwhich they were Trustees.
354. At all times material, the Trustees in violation of their charge allowed their
foundation to engage in criminal activity including internet stalking, engage in defamation,
engage in character assassination, make false accusation of heinous crimes, republish knowingly
false articles, incite bloggers to commit internet stalking, bullying and to publish salacious
materials on the internet, violate the terms of their tax exemptions, falsely permit tax deductible
Case ID: 110702615
contributions when their actual activities were lobbying, tax evasion, and other misdemeanors
and felonies.
355. The willful, deliberate and outrageous abdication of their legal responsibility to
control, supervise and insure the lawful activities of their employees, officers and co-conspirators
after notice has caused plaintiff unspeakable harm and damages.
356. As a result of the willful, deliberate and outrageous conduct of these Trustees the
plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages, attorneys' fees
and costs of suit in excess ofOne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).
Plaintiff v. All Defendants
Interference with Actual and Prospective Business Relations, Intentional InDiction
ofEconomic Harm, Intentional Infliction of Disturbance to Peace and Enjoyment of Life,
Intentional Ipvasion of Privacy
351. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 356 as though set forth at
358. Plaintiff is the author of a book for adults and children entitled Recollections of
My Puppy, a book about raising a Golden Retriever puppy all the proceeds from which go to
animal shelters. An excerpted copy ofthe book is attached and marked as Exhibit "20".
359. By falsely accusing Plaintiff of heinous crimes the defendants have eliminated
any chance of that hook being marketed to children, attending book signings at schools or places
where children congregate.
Case ID: 110702615
360. One of the purposes of the defendants' conduct was to invade plaintiff's privacy,
interfere with every aspect of plaintiff's life, impact his charitable activities, and preventing him
from interacting with others to promote and sell his book for charity.
361. The goal of the defendants is to destroy plaintiff professionally and personally as
well without any justification under the law or any other reason.
362. The defendants' willful, deliberate, unjustified and outrageous invasion of
plaintiff's privacy, interference with his entire life, business and charitable goals is completely
outrageous entitling plaintiffto punitive damages.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment for compensatory and punitive damages in
excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), plus attorneys' fees, interest and costs.
Plaintiffv. All Defendants
363. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 362 as though set forth at
364. The anonymous defendant internet bloggers have each published defamatory
statements on the websites of all instigated by the foul, defamatory, false light that
was published and republished by Reason defendants and instigated by the Overlawyered
defendants and after notice not stopped by the Trustees who sat back arrogantly, refused to
comply with their obligations under the law after notice and by that inaction fostered, inflamed
and encouraged the non-stop libel by the defendants.
365. Defendant Internet Blogger TheZeitgeist accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 3, 5-6).
CaseID: 110702615
366. Defendant Internet Blogger AAW accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 6).
367. Defendant Internet Blogger Protefeed accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit" I0" at p. 6).
368. Defendant Internet Blogger Douglas Fletcher accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit" I0" at p. 6).
369. Defendant Internet Blogger flye accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 6).
370. Defendant Internet Blogger Fun Fact accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 7).
371. Defendant Internet Blogger Warty accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit" I0" at p. 7).
372. Defendant Internet B10gger The Gobbler accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit" I0" at p. 7).
373. Defendant Internet Blogger John accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 4).
374. Defendant Internet Blogger fbi accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 3).
375. Defendant Internet Blogger Mr. Weebles accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 13).
376. Defendant Internet Btogger planodoc accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 11-12).
Case ID: 110702615
377. Defendant Internet Blogger Latter Day Taint accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 2-3).
378. Defendant Internet Blogger waffles accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 2, 4).
379. Defendant Internet Blogger troy accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 3, 4,10,11,12).
380. Defendant Internet Blogger Mr Whipple accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 3, 12).
381. Defendant Internet Blogger Spencer Smith accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at pp. 3-4).
382. Defendant Internet Blogger Shari Lewis accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it (See Exhibit "10" at p. 4).
383. Defendant Internet Blogger hmm accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 5).
384. Defendant Internet Blogger Not Arthur Wolk accused plaintiff of heinous crimes,
which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 8).
385. Defendant Internet Blogger Barely Suppressed Rage accused plaintiff of heinous
crimes, which accusations were false and defendant knew it. (See Exhibit "10" at p. 9).
386. Defendant Internet Blogger Amakudari accused plaintiffof heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it (See Exhibit"10" at p. 9).
387. Defendant Internet Blogger grylliade accused plaintiff of heinous crimes, which
accusations were false and defendant knew it (See Exhibit "10" at p. 10).
388. Defendant Wikipedia User Boo the Puppy made the following statement:
Case ID: 110702615
This article reads like a press release. If you Google Arthur Wolk, the top
links are about his unsuccessful libel lawsuits; he has sued over thirty
different people or organizations for n b e l ~ and has never won a libel case in
court. [ looked up the Wolk article after reading about his threat to sue
Reason for writing about his libel lawsuits, and found that the article was
nothing but advertising. Two editors (one of whom who has said he is
drafting this article on Wolk's behalf) keep deleting my attempt to add well-
sourced discussion of his libel lawsuits, which are notable and have received
press coverage in multiple sources. They argue that I cite to primary sources
(though I cite to secondary sources, too), but the article is full of primary
sources and mentions of cases that don't have any secondary sources. I have
classes and work and my edits get deleted as soon as I make them by editors
who have all day to spend on Wikipedia, so I will drop the issue, but it
seems unfair that someone can use Wikipedia to advertise like that. (Note:
Boo is a single-purpose account because I don't want Arthur Wolk to sue me
for my regular account and Wolk threatens to sue anyone who writes about
him.ill I got accused of a conflict of interest, but the other editor who has
done nothing but write about Wolk on Wolk's behalf hasn't. I'll stop using
this account.) Boo the puppy (talk) 12:34, 4 November 20I0 (UTe)
This was false and defendant knew it.
389. Every posting by anonymous bloggers was encouraged, fostered or committed by
these defendants or agents for them.
390. As a result of the libel committed against plaintiff accusing him of heinous crimes
and unprofessional conduct, all false plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE. plaintiff demands judgment for compensatory and punitive damages in
excess ofOne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), pIus attorneys' fees, interest and costs.
Case ID: 110702615
PfajntijJv. OnNfrak and White and WiJJlmns,
The OverlawyeredDefendants, Frank and Olson
Threats, Intimidation, Theft, Extortion, Fraud and Deceit
391. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 390 as though set forth at
392. These defendants attempted by threats and intimidation to extort a free pass to
their clients, the Overlawyered defendants, by sending a letter to plaintiff's counsel, a copy of
which is attached and marked Exhibit ''21".
393. In that letter these defendants brazenly threatened that since the statute of
limitations clearly had run on plaintiff's claim, wholly ignoring Pennsylvania's Discovery rule,
plaintiff's lawsuit was frivolous and he would be held accountable for his continuation of that
Pursuant to 42 Pa. C.S.A. 5523(1), Mr. Wolk's claims for libel and/or
slander are time-barred by Pennsylvania's one year statute of limitations.
Mr. Wolk instituted this action by praecipe on May 13,2009. The article
discussing Mr. Wolk's settlement of the Taylor case, posted on, was published on April 8, 2007. Therefore, any claim
for libel and/or slander Mr. Wolk may have had expired in April, 2008.
Furthermore, even if Mr. Wolk was unaware of the Frank Article until
April, 2009, Mr. Wolk's failure to discover the article did not toll the
running of the statute of limitations.
However, even if the discovery rule did apply to defamation claims such
as Mr. Wolk's, in order to invoke the discovery rule, and toll the statute of
limitations in Pennsylvania, Mr. Wolk must show that he did not know,
nor could he re@Sonably have di:.;covered the existence of the Frank
Article.... Clearly therefore, Mr. Wolk's claim is in
Pennsylvania, with or without the discovery rule.
Case ID: 110702615
Therefore, even assuming arguendo, the Frank Article was defamatory,
pre-complaint discovery would not be necessary to draft a legally
sufficient complaint. One can only assume, therefore, that Mr. Wolk's
decision to initiate suit by filing a Praecipe for a Writ of Summons and
demanding pre-complaint discovery amounts to nothing more than an
improper fishing expedition, in a time-barred action. Regardless of the
motives or reasoning behind Mr. Wolk's decision to initiate suit by Writ,
Mr. Wolk cannot conduct unnecessary pre-complaint discovery to try to
"discover" a defamation claim where none exists.
For all of the foregoing reasons, which are not exhaustive, I must demand,
on behalf of my clients, that Mr. Wolk immediately withdraw his frivolous
lawsuit. If Mr. Wolk insists upon moving forward with this litigation,
please consider this letter to be the requisite notice purchase to Pa.R.C.P.
I023.1(d), that I will move for appropriate sanctions, including the
recovery of counsel fees. Please also be aware that in the likely event of
the Court's dismissal of Mr. Wolk's frivolous lawsuit, my clients will
seeks all appropriate redress pursuant to 42 Pa. C.S.A. 8351 et seq. for
this wrongful use of civil proceedings, and abuse of process. I do not
lightly raise such drastic measures and I remain willing to further confer
with you should you wish to do so.
394. In truth and in fact, at the very instant he was writing the letter Onufrak knew or
should have known that his statements were false and deceitful, that the publication sued upon
and attached to plaintiff's complaint was published within the one year ststute of limitations,
wholly ignoring the Discovery Rule, and that his threats were entirely false.
395. Defendants knew or should have known that their threats were an attempt to
extort from plaintiff his property right in his lawsuit, to harass and intimidate plaintiff and his
counsel and to interfere with the attoroey client relationship between them.
396. At all times the defendants statements of fact were false, his threats were false and
this letter signaled his intention to lie to a federal judge to obtain the result he wanted by
397. In fact these defendants through a fraud perpetrated on a federal judge got what
they threatened, a dismissal, but it was based on fraud deceit and lies which they then falsely
Case ill: 110702615
touted to the world as a victory for the soLe purpose of stealing plaintiffs reputation as a lawyer
and aggrandizing for their own sclfpromotion a profit what they obtained through deceit.
398. As a result of the willful+ deliberate., outrageous and unjustified commission of
threats, intimidation. attempted theft and actual theft, interference with lawyer client relations,
fraud and deceit plaintiff demands punitive damages.
WHEREFORE. plaintiff demands judgment for compensatory and punitive damages in
excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), plus attorneys' fees, interest and costs.
PhUntiffv. Onufrak and White and Williams
Breacb ofFiduciary Duty
399. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 398 as though set forth at
400. Defendants Onufrak and White and Williams knew from the privileged
infonnation supplied by plaintiff to Westport that he Was innocent of all charges and had been
found honest and in good faith, yet they willfully. deliberately and outrageously abandoned their
fiduciary responsibility to him by allowing Onufrak to represent defendants, for whom he either
used or ignorerl the information he had in his files,
40I. Defendants Onufrak and White and Williams, in behalf of and as agent for
Westport, willfully, deliberately, unjustifiably and in total derogation of the information in his
files contended that the court in Eigen said his alleged failure to disclose the existence of an
inapplicable insurance policy was when the court instead said it was honest and in
good faith and that such was by stipulation of facts from a vanquished defendant
Case ID: 110702615
402. Defendants Onufrak, White and Williams and Westport also claimed that Wolk
was sanctioned, punished by Judge Cames and worse that he sold out his clients when, in fact,
his own files revealed that Wolk was not involved in discovery, had taken special pains to insure
the clients were protected, sacrificed himself for his clients and all of the foregoing was
acknowledged as true by Westport.
403. These defendants took these public positions after they were warned that such
would reach the internet by design of the OverIawyered defendants, and thus they should be
careful to speak only the truth, an admonition they ignored in toto.
404. The entire purpose of this conduct was to enhance Westport's litigation position
in the attorneys' fees actions against them by Wolk, and were known to be utterly false.
405. The conduct of Westport was consistent with its policy of providing no coverage,
no defense and no assistance to its insureds, which has generated a minimum of 226 lawsuits
against the company for wrongful denial of insurance benefits while retaining unearned
406. As a direct and intended result ofthe conduct of these defendants, the plaintiff has
and will be further ridiculed on the internet, it will be more difficult and expensive to litigate his
cases, and he may be impaired in the performance of his duties.
407. As a sole result of the willful, deliberate and unjustified breach of their
obligations of ethical and fiduciary conduct, the plaintiff demands punitive damages
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment for compensatory and punitive damages in
excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), plus attorneys' fees, interest and costs.
Case ID: 110702615
Plaintiflv. Onufrak, White and Williams,
OverlWyered, Olson and Frank
Conspiracy and Theft ofPronerty
408. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 407 as though set forth at
409. These defendants conspired with the Overlawyered defendants by encouraging
them, through their agents Onuftak and White and Williams, to stalk the plaintiff and destroy
any attempts he took to clear his name oftheir defamation.
410. The conduct of the defendants was in furtherance of their agreement, tacit and
explicit with the remaining defendants to hann and puniSh the plaintiff for suing them to stop
their harassment.
411. These defendants did just that by stalking the plaintiff's efforts, providing either
false information or that intended to hold him up to false light so as to discredit him in the eyes
ofa jury or judge who would hear cases brought in behalf of his clients.
412. The deliberate and willful efforts to bring discredit upon the plaintiff has or will
impact his opportunity to get a fair trial for his clients, which was the intended result.
413. The actions of these defendants have and will have the effect of increasing the
cost ofthe litigation, making a successful outcome more difficult.
414. The plaintiff's right to a fair trial is guaranteed by our system of justice and is a
recognized property right with which these defendants have deliberately interfered.
415. As a result of the willful, deliberate and unjustified theft of plaintiff's property
right, the plaintiff demands punitive damages.
Case ID: 110702615
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment for compensatory and punitive damages in
excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00), plus attorneys' fees, interest and costs.
Plaintiff"', All Defendants
416. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 415 as though set forth at
417. Plaintiff built his life and profession on the principles of honesty, integrity and
fairness to his clients.
418. Plaintiff has rightfully obtained the respect of his colleagues, hundreds ofjudges
around the country and jurors during the trials of his cases.
419. Plaintiff has never sold out a client, engaged in criminal behavior of any kind, and
has deservedly assumed a respected role in his community.
420. Plaintiff profession and practice have a significant value to him built of decades
of service and success for his clients.
421. The defendants have conspired in the name of their perverted sense of non-
existent Constitutional protection for libel, and furtherance of their bizarre reactionary political
goals to steal the plaintiff's life and profession from him, to erase him personally and
422. The willful deliberate unjustifiable and outrageous theft of plaintiff's profession
and place in the community hard earned over years is without foundation in law.
423. As a sole consequence of the defendants conduct all in concert and in conspiracy
with each other plaintiffprays for punitive damages.
Case ill: 110702615
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against aU defendants in an amount in excess
ofOne Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), exclusive of interest and oosts.
Plaintif/v. All Defendants
Misuse of Process, Use of Process and Legal Proceeding for Uulawful
Purposes, Hindrance ofLegal Proceedings for Improper Purpose,
Internet Stalkine aud Bullying, and Obstruction orJustice
424. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 423 as though set forth at
425. Plaintiff filed an Equity Action in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia
County, a copy ofwhkh is attached and marked Exhibit "22",
426. The Reason defendants and their lawyers, Levine, Sullivan, Koch & Schultz, LLP
through Gayle Sproul, knowing that there was absolutely no federal jurisdktion, removed the
case to the Federal Court, indeed to the very same judge who, abandoning forty years of
unwavering libel law in Pennsylvania, had dismissed plaintiff's case based on the fraud
committed on her by the Overlawyered defendants and their lawyers, White and Williams and
Michael Onufrak.
427. Defendants knew that the federal judge would not act on plaintiff's Motion to
Remand, and knew that by delaying the process they would deprive the plaintiff his rights
guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Constitution to have his case heard in a court where there was
unquestionably jurisdiction.
428. The defendants, through their lawyers. Levine, Sullivan. Koch & Schultz, LLP
and Gayle Sproul, perjured defendant Thomas E. Beach to claim he was a Florida resident when,
Case ID: 110702615
in fact, plaintiff established at great expense that the Florida residence was just a tax dodge, thus
there was not even a hint of colorable claim offederal jurisdiction.
429. This total abuse of the legal system was in violation of the Rules of Professional
Responsibility, and worse in violation of plaintiff's rights under the Pennsylvania Constitution.
430. The entire charade was for the scle purpose of depriving the plaintiff of Equitable
relief from the continuing conduct of the defendants with the aim of allowing a wider
dissemination of the accusations of heinous crimes against the plaintiff, which they knew were
431. This total and absclute abdication of their professional responsibility, together
with their misuse of the process for purposes of achieving a goal that is not cognizable under the
law, delay and thwarting immediate equitable relief has caused, aggravated and exaggerated the
harm to the plaintiff, and will further damage him by allowing the libelous charges to remain on
the internet when and while plaintiff tries cases for his clients.
432. Each of the defendants conspired and participated in this fraud on the Court.
433. The damage to the plaintiff was willful, deliberate, entirely unjustified under the
law, and has and will cause multiplicity of damages, and will require multiplicity of suits to get
relief, all at great expense to plaintiff.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants for compensatory and
punitive damages in an amount in excess of $1 00,000, plus attorney fees and costs.
Case 10: 110702615
PlaintiffII. Levine, Sullivan, Koch & Schultz LLP,
Gayle Sproul, Esq. and Thomas Beach
Subornation of Perjury, False Swearing, and Abuse of Process
434. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 433 as though set forth at
435. These defendants falsely and fraudulently removed plaintiff's Equity lawsuit from
the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia to the United States District Court claiming inter
alia that the Pennsylvania defendant was not really a resident of Pennsylvania, but rather Florida.
436. Investigation revealed that the certification and brief these defendants filed in that
Court was false. For example, these defendants stated: "The plaintiff has incorrectly alleged
that I am a citizen of Pennsylvania. I am not. I am a citizen of Florida. I own a home and am
registered to vote in Florida." In fact, Beach owns business and residential real estate in
Pennsylvania, conducts business here, is an "in-state" member of the Merion Country Club in
Pennsylvania, and voted in both the 20 I0 primary and general elections by way of absentee
ballot in Florida elections from Pennsylvania addresses; indeed, he and his wife have never once
voted in person in Florida.
437. The sole purpose of the false removal petition was to abuse and misuse the legal
system to delay and hinder the plaintiff from getting injunctive relief for the postings on the
internet that were false, held plaintiff up to false light, and accused him falsely of the
commission of heinous crimes that they knew or had good reason to know he was totally
Case ID: 110702615
438. These defendants went further to promote and encourage amicus Volokh to
publish on the internet the very heinous and fu]se accusations once again such that plaintiff then
became utterly powerless to remove them.
439. These defendants knew that the court to which she improperly removed the
Equity action would not timely act on remand, would not act at all, would not make any effort to
afford any relief and by sitting on the Motion to Remand plaintiff would be without a remedy to
correct the wrongs committed against him.
440. This conduct by these defendants was not for any recognized legal rights, or for
any recognized legal purpose but only to hinder and delay the plaintiff from getting off the
internet false accusations which by their time on the internet would one day be virtually
impossible to remove.
441. The conduct of these defendants was in violation of Sproul's professional
responsibilities, was reckless wanton, intentional and all done for no legal purpose but rather to
enhance and enlarge the harm which these defendants directed to plaintiff.
442. As a result of the willful deliberate and fraudulent conduct as well as the
subornation of a perjurious affidavit plaintiff has suffered unspeakable damages, incurred legal
and investigation fees to demonstrate the falsity of the affidavit and has continued to suffer the
appearance on the internet of false allegations.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants for compensatory and
punitive an amount in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), plus attorneys fees
and costs.
CaseID: 110702615
Plaintiffv. AUDefendants
JUry Tampering and Nullification
42 PlI. e.s.A. 4583
443. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 442 as though set forth at
444. The defendants have engaged in the crime of jury tampering by attempting to
influence juries in cases involving the plaintiff by means outside of evidence and legal argument.
445. The conduct of the defendants, knowing that jurors and judges use the internet to
look up the lawyers and parties in cases, are corrupting the internet with lies about the plaintiff,
holding him up to false light and humiliation for the sole purpose of influencing the outcome of
trials for plaintiff's clients without using evidence or legal argument.
446. The defendants also attempt to nullifY the jury, and thus deprive the plaintiff and
his clients their right to a jury trial.
447. The criminal conduct complained of has and will cost the plaintiff the opportunity
to effectively litigate his cases or increase the cost hideously to accomplish a successful result,
all for the unlawful purpose of fixing the cases and thus advancing their bizarre right wing
448. The conduct of the defendants in failing to remove blogs that they already have
ample evidence are false is to further this unlawful enterprise.
449. The defendants have conspired to accomplish this and further undermine the
institutions of our Republic.
450. The defendants have also flooded the internet with false and incendiary briefs
filed in trial and appellate courts, done for the sole purpose not of winning a legal argument
Case ID: 110702615
because the briefs are demonstrably false, but also to add to the volumes of false infonnation
they have already published in an effort to further discredit the plaintiff before prospective
clients, actual clients, courts and jurors.
451. The conduct of the defendants individually and in conspiracy with the others has
been willful, deliberate, unjustified and outrageous.
452. Plaintiff demands punitive damages for the defendants' conduct.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants for compensatory and .
punitive damages in an amount in excess of$100,000, plus attorney fees and costs.
Plaintiff v. All Defendants
Deprivation ofPlaintiffs RIKhts Guaranteed Under tbe
Penns.yJvanla Constitution Under Article 1. Section 11
453. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 452 as though set forth at
454. All of the defendants conspired or through concerted action achieved a
deprivation of the due process guaranteed under the Pennsylvania Constitution to litigate his case
and live free from threats and intimidation.
455. The entire purpose of the defendants' conduct is to deprive the plaintiff of his
living, separate him from his hard eamed reputation and then hold him up to ridicule while
interfering with his guaranteed legal right to bring an action for defamation in the court of his
choice with unquestionable jurisdiction to hear his claims to hold those responsible for harming
him and taking his property.
Case 10: 110702615
456. The willful deliberate and unjustified interference with plaintiff's State
Constitutional rights entitles plaintiffto punitive damages.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants for compensatory and
punitive damages in an amount in excess 0[$100,000, plus attorney fees and costs.
Plaintlffvs. All Defendonts
Breach of Contract of Settlement
457. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 456 as though set forth
458. On or about June 22, 2011, the parties met with the Honorable John Padova,
Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, for purposes of
discussing settlement.
459. At that meeting, where each lawyer had full authority from his clients to agree to
settlement tenns, the following agreement was reached:
a. The Overlawyered defendants agreed to remove their blogs about the
plaintiff completely.
b. The Overlawyered defendants agreed to post a joint statement which inter
alia agreed that after being presented evidence, they agreed that Wolk's clients did not suffer a
conflict of interest.
c. The Overlawyered defendants agreed to notify all other blogs that had
repeated their false blogs that the case was settled and Wolk's clients suffered no conflict.
Case ID: 110702615
d. The Overlawyered defendants agreed that White and Williams would
remove its false blog about a victory over Wolk given the fact that the Rule 60 Motion filed
showed Wolk had filed timely.
e. The Overlawyered defendants agreed that the brief filed in the Third
Circuit Court of appeals that was the subject of a Motion for Sanction would be withdrawn.
f. The Reason defendants agreed to remove all blogs about Wolk and to
publish the joint statement ofWolk and Overlawyered defendants.
460. Virtually as soon as these agreements were reached with the imprimatur of Judge
Padova. the defendants reneged on everything. breaching the contract of settlement.
461. As a direct consequence of the breach of contract of settlement. plaintiff was
further harmed because the libel remained on the internet and he incurred $100.000 in additional
attorney's fees to continue litigating his case.
WHEREFORE. plaintiff demands judgment against all defendants in an amount in excess
of $1 00.000, plus attorney fees and costs.
Plaintiff v. Onufrak, White and Williams,
Overlawyered, Olson and Frank
Fraud on Plaintiff and The Court
462. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs I through 461 as though set forth at
463. When the original lawsuit was filed in the Court of Cornmon Pleas of
Philadelphia County, the Overlawyered defendants and Onufrak for White and Williams
opposed plaintiff's attempt to get pre-complaint discovery, a copy of which petition and answer
Case ID: 110702615
is attached as Exhibits "23" and "24" respectively, The court, relying on Ovcrlawyered and
Onufrak, denied the Motion.
464, Paragraph 9 of Plaintiffs Motion stated, "'Wolk was unaware of the Frank Article
until he discovered it in April 2009, The statements in the Frank Article are false and
defamatory as a matter of law,"
465. In response in opposition to Paragraph 9 of Plaintiffs Motion, Defendants'
Denied as a conclusion of law to which no responsive pleading is required.
By way of further answer, the statements in the Frank Article are statements of
fact and opinion, regarding a matter of public interest, protected by the First
Amendment, which are neither false nor defamatory. After reasonable
investigation, Defendants are without knowledge or information sufficient to fonn
a belief as to the truth of the statement 'Wolk was unaware of the Frank Article
until he discovered it in April 2009'\ and demand strict proof of same. Even if
Walk was unaware of the Frank Article until April, 2009, Walk's failure to
discover the article did not to] I the running of the statute of limitations. The Frank
Article was published on April 8, 2007. Therefore, any claim for defamation
Wolk might have had expired in April, 2008. Wo]k instituted this timebarred
action by writ on May 13,2009, more than a full year after the expiration of the
limitation period. Defendants are left to assume that Walk intends to invoke the
discovery rule, however, Pennsylvania law in clear that where, as here,
defamation claims are based on written statements, widely circulated at the
moment of publication, the discovery rule does not apply. See Barrett v.
Catacombs Press. 64 F. Supp. 2d 440
444 (E.D.Pa. 1999); Bradford v. AmeriCan
Media Operations. Inc. 882 F. Supp. 1508 (E.D.Pa. 1995); Smith v. IMQ
Worldwide. Inc., 437 F. Supp. 2d 297. 306 (E.D,Pa. 2006) (each applying
Pennsylvania law).
466. These defendants knew when they made that misrepresentation to the Court that it
was utterly false and intended to induce that Court to deny the plaintiff the requested relief.
467, In the defendants' response to paragraph 20
they represented to the Court of
Common Pleas:
Denied as a conclusion of law to which no responsive pleading is
required, By way of further answer, the claim Plaintiff contemplates is time-
Case ID: 110702615
barred and therefore, information relating to Defendants' state of mind at the time
ofpublication is neither material nor necessary to the filing of a legally sufficient
468. These defendants knew at the time they made that representation to the court it
was utterly false and designed to induce that Court to deny the relief requested by plaintiff.
469. What plaintiff and his then counsel could not have known was that these
defendants were opposing the discovery to hide the date of actual publication, which had been
republished within the year of the date of filing, and thus the lawsuit complaint would have
stated the obvious and dIere could have been no 12b(6) dismissal.
470. These defendants also failed to informthe federal judge ofthis conduct.
471. The statements made to the Court of Common Pleas Judge were false.
misrepresented the tI'uth. were designed to hide and distort the record and were for the sole
continuing purpose of committing the most egregious violations of the Rules of Professional
Responsibility and fraud on the parties and the court.
472. Plaintiff demands compensatory and punitive damages for the willful, deliberate
and unjustifiable fraud on him, his counsel and the court.
WHEREFORE, plaintiff demands judgment against these defendants in an amount in
excess ofSl00,OOO, plus attorney fees and costs,...,._-.
Datedthis 26th day ofJuly, 2011
'Arthur Alan Wolk,. Esquire
1710-12 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 545-4220
Fax: (21S) 545-5252
[email protected]
Attorney Pro Be
Case ill: 110702615

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