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For Authorized Use Only

Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE


TENDER NOTICE NO- E-Tender/GP/Ambapur/2021-22

Name Of Work : Providing And Installing Water Filter Plant( Ro Plant System
And Shade )At Village Mauje Ambapur Tal Sakri Dist Dhule -
Under 15th Finance Commission Zilla Parishad Level

Name of Agency :

Estimated Cost : Rs. 995992 /-

Time Limit : 06 Months (Including Monsoon)

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Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE


NAME OF WORK : Providing And Installing Water Filter Plant( Ro Plant System And
Shade )At Village Mauje Ambapur Tal Sakri Dist Dhule -Under
15th Finance Commission Zilla Parishad Level

1 Estimated Cost put to tender : Rs. 995992 /-

2 Earnest Money : Rs. NIL /-

Contractor Registered With ZP Dhule in Approprite Class

3 Class of Contractor

4 Cost of Tender Form : Rs. 500 /-

5 Type of Tender : B-1 Tender

6 Date of Tender Published : From As Per Online Schedule

7 Date and time of Submission : From As Per Online Schedule

Before As Per Online Schedule

8 Date of Teder opening : On - As Per Online Schedule


Page 3

NAME OF WORK : Providing And Installing Water Filter Plant( Ro Plant System And
Shade )At Village Mauje Ambapur Tal Sakri Dist Dhule -Under
15th Finance Commission Zilla Parishad Level


1 Original DD scan
2 Valid ZP Registration Certificate
4 IT Return
5 GST Registration certificate

All the above uploaded documents should be physically submitted to Grampanchayat AMBAPUR
Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE within 24 hrs of bid submission end date and bid opening date.

IMPORTANT NOTE :- 1 Please note that omission to attach and submission of any of the above
documents is likely to invalided the tender
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Providing And Installing Water Filter Plant( Ro Plant System And Shade )At Village Mauje
Ambapur Tal Sakri Dist Dhule -Under 15th Finance Commission Zilla Parishad Level

Sarpanch / Gramsevak, Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE invites online percentage rate tender
from contractors registered in appropriate class /category with Zilla Parishad, Dhule for following work.

Time limit
Sr. Amount put to of
Name of work Tender Fee Rs. Class of Contractor
No. Tender (Rs.) Calendar

Providing And Installing

Water Filter Plant( Ro
Plant System And Contractor
Shade )At Village 06 Months
Registered With ZP
1 Mauje Ambapur Tal Rs. 995992 /- Rs. 500 /- (Including
Sakri Dist Dhule - Dhule in Approprite
Under 15th Finance Class
Commission Zilla
Parishad Level

1 The complete bidding process will be online ( e-tendering). All the notifications regarding this tender
notice hereafter will be published online on website
2 Bid document can be seen and downloaded from the website “”
as per online schedule
3 The bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website “” from
as per online schedule
4 The Tender fee amount shall be paid via DD in favour of SarpanchGrampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.-
SAKRI Dist.- DHULEOriginaloriginal should be scanned and submitted online in technical packet.
Original DD should be submitted to Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE between
24 Hrs of bid submission end date and bid opening date. If original DD and the above documents not
scanned and uploaded in technical packet and not submitted physically to the Grampanchayat
AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE in given time then bid shall be rejected.

5 Bid shall be treated as ‘invalid’ if scanned copies as mentioned in above are not submitted online
along with the bid.
6 Technical Bids will be opened online if possible on as per online schedule
Website '' in the office of Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.-
7 The successful bidder shall have to pay, half the Security Deposit in cash or in the form of approved
security form and the balance is recoverable through running account bills at the percentage stipulated
in the agreement
8 The guidelines to download the tender document and online submission of bids and Procedure of
tender opening can be downloaded from website
9 Time allowed for completion of each work is shown in above Table
10 Right to reject or cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof what so ever is
reserved by the undersign

Sd- Sarpanch /Gramsevak

Page 5

Grampanchayat AMBAPUR
Tal. - SAKRI Dist. DHULE


Sarpanch / Gramsevak, Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE invites online percentage rate tender
from contractors registered in appropriate class /category with Zilla Parishad, Dhule for following work.

Sr. Name of work Amount put to Tender Fee Rs. Class of Contractor Time limit
No. Tender (Rs.) of

Providing And Installing

Water Filter Plant( Ro
Plant System And Contractor
Shade )At Village 06 Months
Registered With ZP
1 Mauje Ambapur Tal Rs. 995992 /- Rs. 500 /- (Including
Sakri Dist Dhule - Dhule in Approprite
Under 15th Finance Class
Commission Zilla
Parishad Level

The complete bidding process will be online ( e-tendering). All the notifications regarding this tender
notice hereafter will be published online on website
2 Bid document can be seen and downloaded from the website “”
as per online schedule

3 The bid can be submitted in electronic format on the website “” from
as per online schedule

4 The Tender fee amount shall be paid via DD in favour of SarpanchGrampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.-
SAKRI Dist.- DHULEOriginaloriginal should be scanned and submitted online in technical packet.
Original DD should be submitted to Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE between
24 Hrs of bid submission end date and bid opening date. If original DD and the above documents not
scanned and uploaded in technical packet and not submitted physically to the Grampanchayat
AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE in given time then bid shall be rejected.

5 Bid shall be treated as ‘invalid’ if scanned copies as mentioned in (5) above are not submitted online
along with the bid
6 Technical Bids will be opened online if possible on schedule.
Website '' in the office of Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.-
7 Time allowed for completion of each work is shown in above and defect liability period shall be 12
months from the date of completion of work. Earnest money which is 1 percent of the amount put to
tender shall be only DD. In any other form like cash or cheque will not be accepted.
The amount of earnest money will be forfeited in case of successful contractor does not pay the
amount of initial security deposit within the time specified as stipulated by the Exe.Engineer and
complete the contract documents. In all other cases earnest money will be refundable.
9 The successful bidder shall have to pay, half the Security Deposit in cash or in the form of approved
security form and the balance is recoverable through running account bills at the percentage stipulated
in the agreement
Page 6

10 The validity period of the tender is 180 days from the date of the opening of the tender.
11 In the event of failure of the tendered to pay cash security deposit within 10 days (Unless extended in
writing by the Ex. Engineer) from the date of receipt of notice (sent by Registered post) of acceptance
of his tender, the amount of earnest money shall be forfeited to Government and the acceptance of
his tender, shall be considered as withdrawn. Except that in the event of the notice of acceptance of
the tender not being issued after 120 days of the date of opening of tenders, the tenderer shall, have
the option (to be intimated in writing in good time before the expiry of 120 days period) of withdrawing
his tender, in which case the earnest money shall be refunded in full. All the tenders shall be kept
open for 120 days from the date of the tenders.
12 Earnest money of the un-successful tenderers will be refunded on their application only after an
intimation of rejection of their tender is sent to them or on the expiry of the validity of the validity period
whichever is earlier
13 The acceptance of the tender may be intimated to the contractor telegraphically or otherwise and
either by the officer competent to accept the tender or by higher authorities such as
Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.- SAKRI Dist.- DHULE and such intimation shall be deemed to be an
intimation of acceptance of the tender given by the authority competent to accept the tender.
14 No pages should be removed from, added in, or replaced in the tender.
15 Examination of drawing and site conditions-The tenderer shall in his own interes carefully examine the
drawing conditions of contract specifications etc. He shall also inspect the siteand shall acquaint
himself about the climate, physical and all other conditions prevailing at site, the nature, magnitude,
special features, practicability of the works, all existing and required means of communications and
access to site, availability of housing and other facilities, the availability of labour and material, labour
camp site, stores and go downs etc. He shall obtain all necessary information as to the
risks,contingencies and other circumstances which may effect and influence the tender. No claims on
any of the above or any other factors will be entertained by the Government, should there be any
discrepancy,doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of any of the tender documents, or as to the
instructions to be observed by him. He shall set forth in writing
such discrepancy or doubt or obscurity and submit the same to the Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Tal.-
16 The tender submitted by the tenderer shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date opening
of tenders. Also see para 2 of General Rules etc. of the contract form.
17 The contractor (s) whose tender is accepted is required to note that no foreign exchange will be
released by the Department
18 Tenders, which do not fulfill all or any of the conditions or are incomplete in any respect are liable to
summary rejection.
19 This notice inviting tender shall form part of the tender agreement.
20 The successful tenderer will be required to produce to the satisfaction of the specified concerned
authority a valid and concurrent license issued in his favour under the provision of the Contract Labour
(Regular and Abolition) Act, 1970 before starting the work.Failure to do so, acceptance of the tender
shall be liable to be withdrawn and security deposit forfeited.
21 Right to reject or cancel any or all the tender without assigning any reason there of whatever may be is
reserved by the undersigned.
22 The Contractor / Firm shall be registered to Zilla Parishad, Dhule.
No tender from the person directly or indirectly concern with state / central government shall be
The tenderer shall enter the percentage in figures and score out one of the words “below/above” in the
B.O.Q excel sheet attached with the tender.
Sd- Sd-
Gramsevak Sarpanch
Grampanchayat AMBAPUR Grampanchayat AMBAPUR
Tal. - SAKRI Dist. DHULE Tal. - SAKRI Dist. DHULE


Page 7


1. I / We will replace repair and adjust free of all charges, to the employer, any part
of the work which fails to comply with the specifications of amendment, to such
specifications as referred to in our specifications attached to tender, fair wear and tear
excepted until the completion and for a period of 12 months from the date of
Acceptance Certificate issued under Article 18 of General conditions of Contract
2. All the work will be reliable.
3. All the work will be of a type witch has been proved in service, to be suitable for the
duty required by the specifications and will be manufactured and tested in accordance
with the appropriate standard specifications approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

4. I/ We accept and abide by the clause relating to quality and guarantee of work.



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I hereby declare that I have made myself thoroughly conversant with the local
conditions regarding all materials such as stones, murum, sand availability of water
etc. and labour, on which I have based my rates for this work. The specifications
and requirements of lead for this work have been carefully studied and understood
by me before submitting the tender. I undertake to use only the best materials, to
be approved by the Sarpanch /Gramsevak or Engineer in charge of the work or his
duly authorized representative, before starting the work & also to abide by his
I hereby undertake to pay the labours engaged on the work as per Minimum Wages
Act, 1984 applicable to the zone concerned.



Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by MARNAR TUKARAM
Date: 2022.01.28 18:03:45 IST
Location: Maharashtra-MH

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