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Document Title:

Casting specification spheroidal graphite

cast iron parts

Document ID:

Module : Turbine
Classification : Production
Document Type : Specification
Document Number : 30-10590
Document Revision : R1
Revision Date : 7-12-2018

Name Initials Signature Date

Author Henk Vrij HV 29-4-2019


Checked by Wim de Roo WdR 29-4-2019

Approved by

Lagerwey Wind BV// Nijverheidsplein 21 // 3771 MR Barneveld // The Netherlands // Tel: +31 342 751935 // Fax: +31 342 751939 //
[email protected] // © Copyright LagerweyWind BV. This document is confidential. It contains confidential, proprietary and
privileged information. No part of this document may be reproduced or published by print, photocopying, microflim or any other means without
written permission from the author. The document is subject to change without notice.
M00-C5-30-10590-R1 Classification: Production

Document Revision History

Revision Date Initials Short description

R0 7-12-2018 HV First release

R1 29-4-2019 HV Corrections in tabel of chapter 11.

Inspection of machined surfaces.
Table in chapter 9,10,11 re-scaled

Key to Document Classification

Internal: Disclosure solely to individuals within the Lagerwey Wind BV organisation.

Certification: Disclosure solely to individuals within the recipient's certification organisation.
Production Internal: Disclosure solely to individuals within the Lagerwey Systems BV organisation.
Production: Disclosure solely to individuals within the recipient's production organisation.
Sales: Disclosure solely to individuals within the Lagerwey Wind BV organisation.
Web documents: Disclosure solely to Lagerwey Wind BV approved web pages.

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5.2 LABEL 6
12.2 WELDING 12

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1 Area of application

This specification for suppliers, as a supplement to the indications on the drawings, sets
out the technical requirements and necessary quality control measures and procedures
for assuring the quality of (Lagerwey turbine) cast parts from spheroidal graphite cast
iron as per EN 1563. The strength of the cast parts has been calculated with FEM
analyses based on the turbine load set calculations and has to comply with the technical
and quality requirements according the IEC 61400-1 and GL-Regulations. The product will
be exposed to fatigue and extreme loads during 20 years lifetime. The focus of this
specification is on components of EN-GJS-400-18-LT type iron with cast weights of more
than 1000 kg. Any adaptations required for different types or smaller components should
be agreed on a case-by-case basis. Non-conformities in relation to the requirements of
this specification must be communicated to Lagerwey and require written approval from

2 Other applicable standards and documents

If not described otherwise, the requirements of EN 1563 apply.
This specification relates to the editions of the standards shown below. More recent
editions of standards may be applied in the same way.

• EN ISO 945-1:2010-09, Microstructure of cast iron – Part 1: graphite classification by

visual analysis.
• EN 1011-8:2005-02, Welding – Recommendations for welding of metallic materials –
Part 8: Welding of cast iron
• EN 1369: Foundry Technology – Magnetic particle testing
• EN 1370: Foundry Technology – Evaluation of surface condition
• EN 1371-1:2012-02, Foundry Technology – Dye penetrant testing – Part 1: Sand,
gravity die castings and low-pressure die castings
• EN 1559-1:2011-05, Foundry Technology – Technical conditions of delivery – Part 1:
• EN 1559-3:2012-01, Foundry Technology – Technical conditions of delivery – Part 3:
Additional requirements for iron castings
• EN 1563:2012-03, Foundry Technology – Spheroidal graphite cast iron
• EN ISO 9712:2012-12; Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of
NDT personnel (ISO 9712:2012
• EN 10204:2005-01; Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
• EN 12680-3:2012-02, Foundry Technology – Ultrasonic testing – Part 3: Spheroidal
graphite cast iron castings
• EN 12681:2003 (D), Foundry Technology, Radiographic examination
• BNIF 359, Recommandation technique du Bureau de Normalisation des Industries de
la Fonderie. Caractérisation d´états de surface des pièces moulées - Utilisation des
échantillons types de 110x160mm Available from Editions Techniques des Industries
de la Fonderie, 44 avenue de la Division Leclerc, 92310 Sèvres, France
• SCRATA, "SCRATA surface comparators for the definition of surface quality of steel
and iron castings", ASTM A 802 shorter set Available from: Castings Technology
International, Advanced Manufacturing Park, Brunel Way, Rotherham, S60 5WG,
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
• VDG information sheet P-541, "Vergleichsbilder Röntgenprüfung" (X-ray test
comparison images)
• IEC 61400-1; Wind turbines; Part 1: Design requirements.
• GL-Regulations.

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3 General information
The quality requirements for the manufacturer defined in this specification do not relieve
the manufacturer of his obligation to perform further tests in order to ensure and supply
the required component quality. Lagerwey expects the manufacturer to point out any
design features of the components that cannot be controlled reliably from a
manufacturing point of view and could thus lead to quality problems. The responsibility
for basic quality assurance of the cast parts is transferred to the manufacturer.

4 General requirements for cast parts

4.1 Low residual stress

Cast parts manufactured in accordance with this specification are intended for use in
wind turbines which are subject to high dynamic or static loads and for use at
temperatures as low as -20°C(-40°C). The cast parts must have low residual stress (less
than 50 N/mm²) which must be demonstrated using for example solidification simulation,
residual stress measurements or temperature curve measurements. Note: This can be
achieved using suitable casting technology (feeds), chill bars, an adequate cooling period
with an even distribution of temperature and a low temperature gradient under 20K/h
within a temperature range of 700°C to 300°C (no shake-out until 300°C) or subsequent
low-stress annealing.

4.2 Casting surface requirements

The casting surface roughness shall not exceed Rz= 125 µm. A small amount of local
grinding may be used to improve the surface roughness. The surface purity just before
coating shall meet the demands for SA2,5 according to ISO 8501-1. The allowed
roughness of the machined surfaces of the casting is specified on the drawings.

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5 Identification

5.1 Cast-on identification number

All manufactured parts are assigned a cast-on identification number. The manufacturer
must consult with Lagerwey regarding the position of the identification number if it is not
defined by the drawing. The following system must be used for the component
identification numbers

The letter for the foundries and machine shops are assigned by Lagerwey on request.
The field for the machine shop must be prepared as a raised free field that will be filled
out by the machining company using letter stamps. Four-digit consecutive numbers lost
when the part concerned is scrapped may not be reused/reassigned.
The numbers and letters of the marking must be clearly legible even after the parts have
been painted. Each cast product shall be marked with a unique serial number. The
number can be chosen by the foundry but has at least an increasing serial number, a
reference to the foundry and a reference to the client. The position of the serial number
on the outside of the nacelle is specified on the drawings.

5.2 Label
The following additional information needs to be provided on another label that the
machine shop will affix near the ID no. (e.g. by gluing on a silver label). This label must
include the following information:
• ID no./serial no. of part after machining.
• Machine shop's drawing with revision.
• Date of manufacture.
• Name of machine shop.

6 Cold climate (CC)

The order may include the specification "cold climate" (or CC) to indicate that a
component must be suitable for temperatures as low as -40 °C. The notched bar impact
test values required at -20 °C must also be achieved at -40 °C. If the notched bar impact
test requirement at -40 °C is not met, suitability for the standard requirement may be
demonstrated with notched bar impact test values at -20 °C. The cast-on "CC" marking
must then be removed by grinding.

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7 Material testing

7.1 Melt analysis

The sample for chemical analysis of the melt must be taken after conditioning directly
before casting. For each casting from a ladle, the time between conditioning, taking the
sample and the actual casting must be recorded. The temperature of the melt must be
recorded directly before each casting.
The melt analysis must include as a minimum the
• primary elements: C, Si, Mn, S, P
• spherulite-forming elements: Mg, Ce
• structure-controlling elements: Cu, Ni
• carbide-promoting elements: Cr, Mo, V
• graphite form-damaging elements: Ti, Al

For very large cast parts that are cast from several ladles, melt analyses and time and
temperature recordings are required for all ladles.

7.2 Standard wall thickness

The size of the cast-on sample pieces and the required mechanical values must be
verified in accordance with the standard wall thickness. The standard wall thickness is
indicated in the component drawing. Otherwise the wall thickness that is not exceeded in
90% of the component volume (without machining allowances) may be used as the
standard wall thickness.

7.3 Required sample pieces

At least one sample piece for each component is required. For raw cast weights in excess
of 15 tonnes an additional sample piece is required for each extra 10 tonnes.
A sufficient quantity of replacement sample pieces must be provided for the required
sample pieces in the event of non-matching test results (chapter 12) and any planned
subsequent heat treatment as applicable. Cast-on samples are to be provided with the
appropriate standard wall thickness as per chapter 7.2 Samples casted separately are not
permitted under any circumstances. The position of the samples must be selected so that
representative properties for the component can be expected. For a single sample piece,
the preferred location is the thick-walled areas of the lower half of the mould near the
gate. If additional samples are required, they must be distributed over the component in
order to confirm the homogeneous properties of the material. The position of the samples
must be agreed with Lagerwey within the scope of initial sample testing.

8 Mechanical values from samples

For each required sample the mechanical properties from the tensile test and the notched
bar impact test must be determined.
The tensile test must involve measuring the 0.2% proof stress, the tensile strength and
the elongation at break and confirming them in accordance with the properties required
for the standard wall thickness. The samples used must have a 14mm test cross section
For the notched bar impact test the values for impact energy and the minimum values
(mean value and individual value) for each required sample must be confirmed in
accordance with the standard wall thickness.
If the order includes the specification "cold climate" (or CC), the notched bar impact
values required for -20 °C must be produced at -40 °C.

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8.1 Structure of the cast sample

For each required sample the structure must be inspected and documented.
The microstructure of the cast iron is to be tested as per EN ISO 945-1.
At least 90% of the graphite must be of spherical shape VI in size 4 - 6. The rest must be
at least shape IV.

8.2 Structure and degenerated surface layer of the component

The degenerated surface layer depth on the component must not exceed 0.7 mm in
areas in which grade 3 as per chapter 10.1 is required. In other areas the degenerated
surface layer must not exceed 0.5 mm. The layer thickness is measured from the blasted
and bright cast surface free of scale. If deeper graphite degenerations occur, these may
be removed as long as the wall thickness does not drop below the minimum.
For structure samples on the component at least 90% of the graphite must be of
spherical shape VI in size 4 - 7. The rest must be at least shape IV.

Non-conformities discovered subsequently may lead to claims regardless of the stipulated

minimum scope of testing.

9 Characteristics testing
A distinction is made between testing of the unmachined raw cast part for internal and
external faults by the foundry (or authorised representative) and subsequent testing of
the machined surfaces for external faults by the machine shop. Non-conformities
discovered subsequently may lead to claims regardless of the stipulated minimum scope
of testing.

9.1 Grades (Severity level)

The required grade and the corresponding component areas are specified in the
respective Lagerwey drawings. The defined grades are based on the grade specified in EN
12680-3 for ultrasonic testing. Grade 4 is generally inadmissible for cast parts according
to this specification. For other test requirements (e.g. dye penetrant testing) the
corresponding criteria are defined.

9.2 Extent of inspection

The minimum scope of testing is specified in line with experience with the component
(sampling, zero series and series) in accordance with the required grade. Sampling is
usually performed on the first casting. The zero series comprises at least 3 pieces.
Interpretation of the extent of inspection:
e.g. extent of inspection 10%: 10% of the components in the range of the respective
grade are tested fully (100%).
If no anomalies are found in the zero series, the extent of inspection may be reduced to
the extent of inspection for the series.
If there are non-conformities in the series, the extent of inspection must be doubled as a
first step and set to the zero series level in the event of further anomalies.
In the event of changes to the casting process (e.g. changes to the positions of the gate,
riser, or die) the experience with the component and the extent of inspection must be
reset to the level of the zero series.
The scope of the test may be changed as per consultation with Lagerwey as required.

9.3 Raw casting test by the foundry for internal faults

The testing done by the foundry (or authorised representative) for internal faults must
use ultrasonic testing compliant with EN 12680-3and the additional requirements defined
in this document, and be performed on the cleaned and blasted component with

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overlapping scanning paths. A minimum qualification compliant with EN ISO 9712 of level
UT 1 is required for persons performing ultrasonic testing; level UT 2 is required for
persons performing the evaluation.

The acceptance levels, the minimum extent of inspection and the requirements for the
core zone are determined in relation to the grade:

Grade 01 1 2 3
Quality grade 01 1 2 3
compliant with
EN 12680-3
Extent of UT Sampling 100% Sampling 100% Sampling 100% Sampling 100%
inspection Zero series 100% Zero series 100% Zero series 100% Zero series 100%
on raw cast by the Series 100% Series 100% Series 10% Series 5%
Assessment by wall Core zone like edge Core zone like edge Core zone like edge Core zone
thickness zone zone zone zone compliant with
EN 12680-3

For the ultrasound findings that need to be evaluated (internal faults), an evaluation limit
(registration limit) of 12 dB reflection amplitude decrease and/or a flat bottom hole
(KSR) of max. 5 mm applies to all wall thicknesses (more stringent than EN 12680-3).
In the event of anomalies or ambiguous ultrasound findings, an X-ray test compliant with
EN 12681 in conjunction with VDG information sheet P-541 may be used for additional
Contrary to EN 12680-3, regardless of the direction of entry of the sound, findings that
suggest dross layers are not acceptable. In the event of doubt further testing methods
(visual inspection/dye penetrant inspection) must be used.

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10 Raw casting test by the foundry for external faults

The testing performed by the foundry (or authorised representative) for external faults
(surface faults and dross) should be performed using dye penetrant inspection compliant
with EN 1371-1 and the additional requirements defined here.
A minimum qualification compliant with EN ISO 9712 of level PT 1 is required for persons
performing dye penetrant testing; a level PT 2 is required for persons performing the

The required surface condition, the minimum extent of inspection and test criteria are
determined in relation to the grade:

Grade 01 1 2 3
Surface condition to be cleaned, blasted and cleaned, blasted and cleaned and blasted, cleaned and
provided fine polished polished without coating blasted,
(<Ra 3.2), (<Ra 6.3), without coating
without coating without coating
VT visual inspection on Sampling 100% Sampling 100% Sampling 100% Sampling 100%
raw cast by the foundry Zero series 100% Zero series 100% Zero series 100% Zero series 100%
Series 100% Series 100% Series 10% Series 5%
Extent of PT inspection Sampling 100% Sampling 100% In the event of In the event of
on raw cast by the Zero series 100% Zero series 100% anomalous visual anomalous visual
foundry Series 100% Series 100% inspection or inspection or
ultrasonic testing ultrasonic testing
PT dye penetrant SP 02, CP 02 SP 03, CP 03 SP 1, CP 1 SP 2, CP 2
inspection LP 01, AP 01 LP 01, AP 01 LP 1, AP 1 LP 2, AP 2
Quality grades compliant
EN 1371-1
Magnetic particle SM 01 SM 01 SM 1 SM 2
inspection MP LM 01, AM 01 LM 01, AM 01 LM 1, AM 1 LM 2, AM 2
(additional method)
Quality grades compliant
EN 1369

As an alternative to the required surface condition the recommended surface comparison

samples compliant with BNIF 359 or SCRATA may be used for comparison compliant with
EN 1370. In the event of anomalies or ambiguous dye penetrant inspection findings, the
magnetic particle inspection compliant with EN 1369 may be used for additional testing.
In the event of surface anomalies, additional structural polishing may be required.

11 Inspection of machined surfaces by the machine shop

Machining of the component shall be done according the dimensions and notations on the
applicable drawings. As a minimum, the dimensions marked “R” on the drawing shall be
recorded in a dimension protocol. Cut faults on machined surfaces (voids, dross, sandy
areas etc.) are generally not permitted. Inspection by the machine shop for external
faults should be performed using the dye penetrant inspection compliant with EN 1371-1
on the fully machined surfaces in accordance with the drawing specifications in an
uncoated condition and the additional requirements defined here. A minimum
qualification compliant with EN ISO 9712 of level PT 1 is required for persons performing
the dye penetrant testing; ; a level PT 2 is required for persons performing the
evaluation. 100% visual inspection by suitable QA personnel (inspector with experience
in GJS-400-18LT) without dye in order to recognise chunky or structural degeneration.

The required visual inspection, the extent of inspection and test criteria are determined in
relation to the grade.

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Grade 01 1 2 3
Surface condition to be Machined as per Machined as per Machined as per Machined as per
provided drawing drawing drawing drawing
specification, specification, specification, specification,
without coating without coating without coating without coating
VT visual inspection With lamp and With lamp and With lamp and With lamp and
on finished part by the naked eye 100% naked eye 100% naked eye 100% naked eye 100%
machine shop
Extent of PT inspection Sampling 100% Sampling 100% In the event of In the event of
on finished part by the Zero series 100% Zero series 100% anomalous during visual anomalous during
machine shop Series 100% Series 100% inspection visual inspection

PT dye penetrant SP 01, CP 01 SP 02, CP 02 SP 03, CP 03 SP 1, CP 1

inspection LP 001, AP 001 LP 01, AP 01 LP 01, AP 1 LP 1, AP 1
Quality grades compliant
with EN 1371-1
Magnetic particle SM 001 SM 01 SM 01 SM 1
inspection MP LM 001, AM 001 LM 01, AM 01 LM 01, AM 01 LM 1, AM 1
(additional method).
Quality grades compliant
with EN 1369

In the event ambiguous dye penetrant inspection findings, magnetic particle inspection
compliant with EN 1369 may be used for additional testing. In the event of irregular
metal structures (e.g. discolouration or reflection inconsistencies), additional structural
polishing is required.

12 Non-matching test results

Lagerwey must be informed immediately in writing and before delivery of the cast part,
of all non-conformities regarding the requirements set out within the scope of this
specification. Lagerwey decides on approval, reworking or rejection.

12.1 Correcting defects

Defects (e.g. voids, dross) on non-machined surfaces may be polished out with radius R
≥ 3 x d (d = depth) and join bevels ≤ 25°, taking into account the permitted wall
thickness reduction.

Example of permissible correction by polishing

For any more extensive rework, Lagerwey must be consulted first.

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12.2 Welding
Welding on cast parts is permitted only in exceptional circumstances, on a case-by-case
basis and with written permission from Lagerwey.
Depending on the position and size of the fault, welding work using similar or dissimilar
materials may be approved, including subsequent heat treatment as necessary (carbide
dispersion annealing, low-stress annealing).
Before starting welding work Lagerwey must be consulted regarding welding methods,
welding instructions, heat treatment and required inspections. The qualification of the
welding company and the welder must be certified. The welding rules as per DIN EN
1011-8 must be adhered to.

13 Test certification
Cast parts produced in accordance with this specification require the test certification as
specified in the corresponding drawing or order. An inspection certificate 3.1 compliant
EN 10204 is usually required.
Due to the inspection requirements for machined surfaces, test certification cannot be
issued by the foundry alone. Separate test certification from the machine shop is
All quality-related test certifications and reports must be archived by the supplier for at
least 20 years and must be submitted to Lagerwey on request unless another agreement
has been made.

13.1 Test certification issued by the foundry

Test certification by the foundry must have the following minimum content:
• Part designation with drawing number and identification number as per chapter 5.
• Melt analysis of all ladles with time and temperature recordings as per chapter 7.1.
• Time elapsed between casting and shake-out
• Standard wall thickness as per chapter 7.2
• Mechanical values of samples as per chapter 8.1 with indication of recurring
inspections and clear markings for differentiation of the samples as per chapter 7.3
• Structural quality of samples as per chapter 8.1 with clear markings for differentiation
of the samples as per chapter 7.3
• Indication of extent of inspection as per chapter 9.2
• Raw cast inspection for internal faults as per chapter 9.3
• Raw cast inspection for external faults as per chapter 10
• Indication of extent of non-conformities as per chapter 12

13.1 Test certification issued by the machine shop foundry

• Part designation with drawing number and identification number as per chapter 5
• Affixing a label, chapter 5.1
• Inspection of machined surfaces as per chapter 11
• Indication of extent of non-conformities as per chapter 12
• Confirmation of the requirements listed in the component drawing (fittings etc.)

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