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Vaccine concerns weighed against natural immunity

The COVID-19 vaccine train forges ahead with reckless speed and destinations

John Zwaagstra, PhD

20 September 2021

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We briefly summarize a past public health disaster and draw a parallel to the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.
On a scale vastly larger than the thalidomide travesty, countless millions are blindly submitting to
COVID-19 vaccinations without being informed about safety concerns or understanding how the
vaccines actually work. We submit that the multiple adverse events experienced in the vaccinated are
attributed predominantly to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and vector toxicity and misappropriate
distribution in the body. Beyond these concerns, it is apparent that the vaccines have not succeeded in
preventing viral infection and transmission, given the reported surge of the Delta variant within
populations virtually 100% vaccinated. In contrast to this failure, we outline basic features of natural
immunity and cite recent studies showing that the human body mounts robust antibody and cell-
mediated immune responses against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and associated variants. Accumulating
evidence continues to corroborate that the arsenal of the human immune system significantly out-
performs anything the vaccines can offer.


Three fundamental questions should be answered regarding any medicine or vaccine prior to public use:

1) Is it safe?
2) Does it work?
3) Is it needed?

Before we answer these questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccines it is worthwhile reviewing the
thalidomide story. Thalidomide was hailed as an effective drug to alleviate nausea and morning sickness
in pregnant women. Unfortunately, proper safety studies were never done and thalidomide was an
unmitigated disaster. With implicit trust, a young mother took this medicine thinking surely a drug
recommended by my doctor and dispensed by my pharmacist must be beneficial, right? Tragically, a few
months later, she gave birth to a horribly deformed baby.

Thalidomide was put on the market in 1956 in Germany. It entered the Canadian market with official
authorization in 1961 and was distributed by the American pharmaceutical company, Richardson-

Merrell. Complacent Canadian laws allowed Richardson-Merrell to distribute thalidomide to physicians

as ‘clinical investigators’ (The Canadian Tragedy | Thalidomide; Kim and Scialli, 2011). A Canadian
doctor, Dr. Frances Kelsey, who worked as a pharmacist for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
requested that Richardson-Merrell demonstrate that the drug was safe for pregnant women, evidence
that was never provided. No study had ever been done by independent researchers. Canadian
authorities did not question the information supplied by Richardson-Merrell.
In December 1961 thalidomide was taken off the German and British markets after severe birth defects
began to appear. Though the Canadian government was informed of these concerns, it wasn’t until late
March 1962 that thalidomide was withdrawn. In the interim period hundreds of newborns were born
and had to live their lives with thalidomide-induced malformations. Class action lawsuits were launched,
yet no case ever reached a trial verdict and families were forced to settle out-of-court and submit to gag
orders preventing the discussion of settlements. The government has never formally acknowledged its
share of the responsibility for this tragedy.

The thalidomide tragedy could have been averted if the warnings of Frances Kelsey, the “whistle
blower”, had been heeded. Complicit physicians down-played safety concerns and governmental
bureaucracy blocked immediate action.

The lesson of the thalidomide story is obvious in the context of the COVID- 19, as insufficiently tested
vaccines continue to be promoted and indiscriminately given to the entire population, including
pregnant women and young children, without stringent safety trials. It should also be noted that class-
action lawsuits are not an option for anyone adversely affected by these vaccines as drug companies
were granted regulatory and contractual no-liability status even before the roll-outs began.

History may be repeating itself as Pfizer has rushed its vaccine towards FDA approval without enlisting
an advisory committee for independent evaluation or reporting safety data to the public. As a liability
shield, Pfizer has retained emergency use authorization for groups more susceptible to vaccine hazards,
such as youth less than 16 years old and pregnant women (Iacobucci, 2021; Did FDA really approve the
Pfizer COVID vaccine? Wait. What? « Jon Rappoport's Blog ( Hence the vaccine
roll-out is proceeding at full steam, irrespective of any harm that may ensue in the months ahead.

Now, let’s return to the questions posed above.

Is it safe?

Currently, it is difficult to quantify the degree and scope of vaccine-related adverse events. Yet, contrary
to what we have been led to believe, it is clear that COVID-19 vaccines aren’t benign. The Vaccine
Adverse Event Report System (VAERS) provides a list of deaths and adverse incidents associated with
recently injected individuals, including myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, heart attacks and miscarriages. As of July
30, 2021 there were a total of 545,337 adverse reports, including 46,036 hospitalizations (COVID Vaccine
Data ( ).

One must conclude that, although people highly susceptible to respiratory diseases (i.e. the elderly and
those with co-morbidities) may questionably benefit from the vaccines, young, healthy individuals and
those who have recovered from COVID-19 should be exempted based on vaccine risk versus benefit.

From the onset there has been general concern based on preclinical data indicating problems with
coronavirus vaccines (Tseng et al., 2021). In the Tseng study mice were treated with candidate vaccines
for SARS-CoV, a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2, which is reported to have caused the SARS outbreak in
2002. The different vaccines tested consisted of: inactivated whole-virus, purified spike protein or
recombinant DNA encoding the spike protein (the latter is similar to the Adenoviral DNA vector used in
the AstraZeneca vaccine). Each of these vaccines induced high titers of antibodies that neutralized the
virus, suggesting good efficacy. However, when the vaccinated mice were subsequently exposed to live
virus, this caused severe inflammation and destruction of lung tissue.

This pathological effect is attributed to antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). After mice become
infected, vaccine-induced antibodies against the spike protein react with the virus and then bridge with
additional immune components, causing the observed adverse response. It remains to be seen whether
similar ADE events will occur in the millions of people who are now vaccinated and subsequently
encounter SARS-CoV-2 in the long term. Given the strong evidence for vaccine-elicited enhancement of
disease, disclosure of specific risk of worsened COVID-19 disease due to vaccination should be explicitly
stated in every informed consent form. Currently this is not the case and the majority of the public
remains unaware of this legitimate risk (Cardozo and Veazey, 2020).

Given the go-ahead of government approved “operation warp-speed” the stringent safety studies
normally performed in animals and humans prior to FDA approval have been bypassed. But results from
recent appraisals have raised several warning flags. Some major concerns are as follows:

1. Systemic spread of nano-particles in the body. The nano-particles used in the Pfizer and
Moderna vaccines are comprised of an outer capsule, consisting of polyethylene glycol (PEG)
and lipids, that surrounds the inner mRNA encoding the spike protein. A recent biodistribution
study of the Pfizer vaccine in animals determined that the particles did not only localize in the
muscle at the injection site, but distributed throughout the body and in some cases localized in
the ovaries, liver and bone marrow (Dr Bridle ‘s 202 Page Report —Pause Vaccines | peckford42
(, Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous
‘toxin’ - LifeSite ( Nano-particle accumulation damages organs, which is of
particular concern in the reproductive system and in pregnant women (Wang et al., Int J
Nanomedicine 2018). PEG accumulation can cause mild to severe hypersensitive immune
reactions which can be life threatening or lethal (Kozma et al. 2019).
2. Inappropriate spike expression in several tissues and toxicity. The ACE-2 receptor protein that
binds the spike protein is not only found in the lung (the lung is the main target of SARS-CoV-2
infection and pathology). ACE-2 is also found in blood vessel walls, heart, brain and male and
female reproductive organs, making these tissues a target for binding to the spike protein. In
experiments, where purified spike protein was directly infused into tissues, it caused damage to
blood vessel function and acute lung injury (Lei et al. 2021, Solopov et al. 2021). Of major
concern are the findings that the spike protein causes blood clots by promoting platelet
aggregation and activation (Greinacher et al. 2021; Maayan et al. 2021). Furthermore, the
incidence of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and paralysis seen in some patients treated with the
AstraZeneca vaccine, was attributed to the spike protein crossing into the brain and subsequent
inflammation (Martin et al., 2021; Maramattom et al., 2021).
3. A growing number of adverse events. The overall number of serious adverse events versus
other traditional vaccines is alarmingly high yet ignored and under-reported. As of July 30, 2021

there have been a total of 12,366 COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths (COVID Vaccine Data
( ), far more than all the vaccine-attributed deaths in the last 30 years. Sadly, the
COVID-19 vaccines are being promoted in children and teens and proving to be harmful, with a
growing number of myocarditis events. The long-term effects on health and fertility in these
children are unknown.

Does it work?

As a preamble, it is important to note that all the studies of vaccine efficacy published in peer-reviewed
journals have been funded and often outright written by the pharmaceutical industry, that few are
actual blinded studies (the person injecting knew whether the product was vaccine or placebo), that
“symptomatic COVID” was tenuously defined based on a threshold of mild generic symptoms, and that
the reported short-term absolute risk reduction is always marginal.

An August 2021 update given by the director of public health in Israel, Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, reveals
that 50% of the current tested and presumed COVID-19-infected cases in hospital have already been
vaccinated (
august-1-2021/ ). Dr. Alroy-Preis notes that there seems to be a waning protective response in those
that received the early stage double-vaccinations . This has led Israel to push for a follow-up booster.
Our present report indicates that the vaccine did not provide the expected level of protection and has
prompted health officials to advocate for additional vaccine boosters as they attempt to solve this
problem. One can envision them recommending a continuous cascade of booster shots as novel variants

A retrospective observational study in Israel compared individuals, from the January-February 2021
period, who previously tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 virus and received two doses of the Pfizer-
BioNTech vaccine with infected and recovered individuals who had not been vaccinated (Gazit et al.,
2021). The vaccinated individuals were shown to have a 13-fold increased risk for breakthrough
infection with the presumed Delta variant compared to the infected, recovered and unvaccinated
individuals. Overall the study demonstrated that natural immunity (present in the unvaccinated people
who became infected) confers stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and
hospitalization, compared to vaccine-induced immunity, which was to be expected from what is known
about immune response to an actual pathogen.

The nation of Iceland is another salient test case for the efficacy of the vaccines. The vast majority of
Iceland has been vaccinated (~95%) but this has failed to bring about herd immunity (COVID-19 in
Iceland: Vaccination Has Not Led to Herd Immunity, Says Chief Epidemiologist ( ).
Iceland is currently reporting an ‘outbreak’ of the Delta variant in its population. This is driving a
renewed push for lockdown measures and further hysteria. It is evident that seeking ‘zero COVID-19’ (or
‘zero’ any respiratory viral disease) is not attainable and vaccines are not the solution. Prof. Andrew
Pollard, who led the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine team, is quoted as saying “We don't have anything that
will stop transmission, so I think we are in a situation where herd immunity is not a possibility and I
suspect the virus will throw up a new variant that is even better at infecting vaccinated individuals.”
(Herd Immunity Not A Possibility With Delta Variant, Warns UK Vaccine Expert Professor Andrew Pollard

Further evidence of vaccine ineffectiveness is noted in a recent presumed Delta variant outbreak in
Massachusetts, US (Deyer, 2021). Testing among residents during a local outbreak in July 2021 found
that 75% of those infected were fully vaccinated. Epidemiologists are having to admit that vaccination
does not prevent viral spread. Based on this reality and building on fear, population/infection modellers
are now proposing that maintaining non-pharmaceutical measures, such as masking and social
distancing, will be required in the vaccine roll-outs in order to avoid further emergence of variants (Rella
et al. 2021).

It is erroneous to believe that unvaccinated people are variant factories and to incriminate them for
refusing the vaccine. The presumed Delta variant cases have overtaken other variants in Iceland, despite
the fact that only 5% of the population 16 years and older remains unvaccinated. Given this outbreak in
the vaccinated, a reasonable alternate hypothesis is that vaccinated people may be a breeding ground
for the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants. The vaccinated may in fact be potential factories for the
evolution of novel variants, due to selection pressure in individuals harboring antibodies against the
spike protein strain used for immunization. Vaccines that do not prevent viral transmission have been
termed “leaky vaccines” (Read et al., 2015). Leaky vaccines can facilitate the evolution of viral strains
that put the vaccinated and unvaccinated hosts at greater risk of disease. This would be of particular
concern for those too frail or sick to be vaccinated, which are also those at most risk of death from any
respiratory disease.

It is also possible that COVID-19 vaccines were unsuccessful in a certain percentage of individuals (due
to suboptimal dosing, defective vaccine lots or lower than anticipated efficacy), giving a false sense of
protection in the vaccinated and leaving them susceptible to infection and outgrowth of viral variants.

Thus, mass vaccination — with its induced false sense of safety and its potential to generate variants —
would be the opposite of protecting the most vulnerable. From the above information it is abundantly
clear that the hoped-for herd immunity provided by vaccines is a pipe-dream. Our attention must now
turn to the importance of natural immunity, a bodily-function much overlooked.

Natural Immunity

The mainstream media and health officials have consistently dismissed natural immunity. Vaccines have
been thrust upon us as the only means to solve the presumed COVID-19 crisis. However, peer-reviewed
scientific reports clearly challenge the official narrative. For example, a study of 254 COVID-19-infected
patients followed for up to 8 months showed long-lived antibody and T cell responses and memory T
cells to SARS-CoV-2 proteins (including the spike protein), as well as immunity to SARS-CoV-1 and other
coronaviruses (Cohen et al., 2021). The results indicate that broad and effective immunity persists long-
term for recovered COVID-19 patients.

Natural immunity has distinct advantages over vaccines for the following reasons:

a) Repertoire of immune targets: Infection by whole virus causes exposure and immunity to a wide
range of viral proteins and their sub-regions (known as epitopes), not just spike protein.

b) Delivery location: Intramuscular delivery of current vaccines does not reproduce or approximate the
location of virus entry. Coronaviruses enter predominantly by aerosol particles deep into the respiratory
tract. Exposure to the virus promotes localized production of immune memory B cells and T cells in the

lungs, thus combatting viral propagation where the body needs it most and preventing re-infection
(Sette and Crotty, 2021).

Empirical evidence of natural immunity efficacy: A recent comparative study of several age groups in
Israel showed 96.4% protection for COVID-19 recovered patients, which was modestly higher than
Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinated individuals (94.4%), indicating vaccination provided no advantage and high-
lighting how unnecessary it is to vaccinate previously infected individuals (Goldberg et al., 2021).

Another comparative study performed in New York, USA observed that COVID-19 recovered patients
showed faster and more effective immune responses versus vaccinated individuals (Ivanova et al.,
2021). Furthermore, Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Martin Kulldorff commented in a recent interview
(Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant, and the COVID ‘Public
Health Fiasco’ ( ) that we are seeing a decoupling of mortality and test-result
COVID-19 cases with the new surges of the Delta variant. This is an indicator that natural immunity is
doing its job protecting the population.

To summarize the above, it is clear that people with natural immunity are well protected. Vaccination
provides no added benefit and may in fact be detrimental.

As a final caution, it must be emphasized that the effects that experimental COVID-19 vaccines have on
natural immunity and human biology are yet to be determined. Vaccines tamper with a sophisticated
and interrelated balance of components within the immune system. There is always a risk of
anaphylactic shock, auto-immune reactions, insufficient quality control, improper dosing, indiscriminate
mixing and matching of vaccines from different sources and variable time windows between doses. We
have decades of experience with standard vaccines that are comprised of inactivated virus or viral
antigens, but the gene delivery design approach of the current mRNA and DNA vaccine technologies is
uncharted territory in humans. For example, it is assumed that the gene template encoding the spike
protein will not integrate into the cellular chromosome and that expression of the spike will be
temporary. But this has not been ruled out. Human cells possess the molecular machinery to reverse-
copy the vaccine’s RNA template encoding the spike into DNA and integrating this into the genome
(Zhang et al., 2021). How will repeated injections and high levels and potentially continuous expression
of the spike protein affect the human body? What happens if the spike is expressed within the bone
marrow and interferes with natural immune functions? We need answers to these questions.

Is it needed?

The low COVID-19 morbidities have been consistently ignored in public policies that legislate the
pandemic response and in the on-going push for vaccines. The CDC lists COVID-19 fatality percentages
(infection fatality ratio, IFR, # of deaths/# infected) for ages 0-69 years ranging between 0.003 and 0.5%.
A careful meta-analysis, that takes into account seroprevalence (serum testing positive for SARS-CoV-2
antibodies), population density and location, indicates that median IFRs may be lower than the reported
CDC values (Ioannidis, 2021,
s_not_justify_the_cure_-_By_Prof_Joseph_Audie). Additionally, governments and the media have

systematically refused to put COVID-19 in the proper context of what is known about influenza
virulence. For example, the highly-cited longitudinal field study of Loeb et al. (2000) found an influenza-
outbreak case fatality ratio (CFR) of 8% in 5 care homes in Toronto over 3 years, a number large enough
to sound the alarm of a looming health crisis that outweighs COVID-19. For other cities, Loeb et al. noted
“Rates of pneumonia as high as 42% and case-fatality rates exceeding 70% have been reported in
outbreaks due to influenza virus.”

Likewise, in Canada and in many jurisdictions around the world, all-cause mortality figures (total number
of deaths due to all causes including accidents and diseases) by year show no evidence of a COVID-19
pandemic in 2020, and further reveal evidence of deaths caused by government-imposed pandemic
measures rather than COVID-19 disease (2021-08-06 Analysis of all-cause mortality by week in Canada
2010-2021 by province age and sex There was no COVID-19 pandemic and there is strong evidence of
response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males - Denis Rancourt).

Governmental coercion and mandates for global and nation-wide vaccination against a disease with
such minimal risk to the majority of the population, and no evidence of virulence greater than that of
influenza, is reprehensible. Despite low morbidity the mainstream voices continue with fear-mongering
and speak of “new surges” and “raging fires” as new variants arise. Thus the vaccine train continues to
accelerate, driven by fear, ignorance and reckless abandon.

It is now established that effective medical treatments are available for COVID-19 patients. Some
prominent examples are ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, combined with vitamin regimens (Kory et
al., 2021, Bryant et al., 2021). Multiple randomized treatment and prophylaxis trials with ivermectin
have demonstrated statistically significant reductions in mortality, recovery times and improved viral
clearance. The availability of effective medications, for a disease not more virulent than the flu, further
renders the initial “emergency use” justification for the experimental vaccines unwarranted and


We are currently seeing a global coercion to vaccinate people against a virus that is no more serious
than the common flu, with experimental COVID-19 vaccines that cause levels of harm and death beyond
anything before seen for previous vaccines. An expanding group of individuals are experiencing life-
altering adverse reactions and their personal stories testify that these vaccines are not safe. These
voices must be heeded. In the wake of entirely predictable emerging variants in populations almost fully
vaccinated, it is clear the vaccination program has failed and the virus is (the viruses are) here to stay.
Furthermore, again as expected, a growing body of scientific research has shown that recovered COVID-
19 patients have robust, natural immunity. Even with mild illness, people retain a broad and durable
immunity, including protection against the variants. It’s time to dismantle the fear campaign, resume
critical investigation of all the facts and start assuring our neighbours that normal living is well within
reach. It’s time for science-based policy and governance, not more reprehensible vaccine salesmanship.


John Zwaagstra obtained his PhD at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB) in medical sciences and
virology. He further conducted research in Los Angeles, CA and Pennsylvania in the fields of virology and
molecular biology. Now working in Montreal, QC, he is a senior research scientist in biotechnology and
has spent 30 years devoted to the study and development of receptor-based and antibody-based
biologics as cancer therapeutics. He is a project and expertise lead in collaborations with Canadian
biotech companies.


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