KUET EEE Syllabus

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Published in June 2008
by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET),
Khulna-9203, Bangladesh.
Telephone: 880-41-774782, 880-41-769468-75-300 (Ext.)
Fax: 880-41-774403, 880-41-774782.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.kuet.ac.bd
Cover Design: 4th Year Students, 2004 Batch. 
© Department of Electrical and Electrical Engineering, KUET, 2008. 
The information of this booklet intends to provide guidance to those who are
concerned with undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering or Khulna University of Engineering & Technology will carry no
responsibility, if any inconvenience or expenditure is caused to any person because
of the information of this booklet or any error in quoting the rules and regulations
described herein. In addition, the information contained in it, are subjected to
change at any time without any prior notification.

Preface to Second Edition 
Our previous departmental information booklet was published in 2001. Seven years had
been passed. In these years, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies have
advanced rapidly. A significant change in the technologies, inventions and applications
demands awareness of the future generation. These new changes require a revised, vivid and
dynamic look to our previous departmental information book both in academic course
outline and in the academic ordinance.

This time the information book has been thoroughly revised. The updated undergraduate and
postgraduate ordinances have been included in this book for the ease of students and
teachers. The special features in the changes are the allocation of marks for class tests, class
participation/performance and attendance. Changes are made in teacher’s profile of the
Department. After the approval of the Academic Council, the update of the syllabus is
finalized. All the teachers of the Department have contributed to update the contents of
different subjects. The editorial committee has paid extensive effort to revise and update the
booklet. They deserve the special thanks from the Department and I do appreciate their
challenging works.

I am happy to mention the editorial committee as follows.

Editorial Committee:
Dr. Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh
Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam
Dr. Ashraful Ghani Bhuiyan
Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmad
Dr. Md. Shahjahan

I am grateful to my colleagues who worked in syllabus update committees and helped in

preparing this information booklet.

I hope that the information provided in this booklet will be helpful to undergraduate and
postgraduate students as well as to teachers and to all other concerned.

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurunnabi Mollah Khulna, May 2008

Head of the Department,
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology.

Preface to First Edition 
Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT), Khulna offers both undergraduate and
postgraduate programs. The undergraduate program at this Institute follows the course
system, as approved by the Academic Council of the Institute, have been incorporated in full
in this calendar for information of the students, teachers and advisors. The department as
well as non-departmental courses, together with details of courses offered to students of this
Department, is presented here.

It is worth mentioning that the department and the non-departmental courses for Electrical
and Electronics Engineering students have undergone a major revision to cater to recent
advances in the field of Electrical and electronic technology. The revised curriculum as
incorporated in this calendar has been approved by the academic council, BIT for the
Electrical and Electronics Engineering undergraduate students commencing their first year
semester classes in the 1998-99 session.

The postgraduate degree program follows the semester system. Some of the rules and
regulations of the postgraduate program have been incorporated. For the remaining rules,
students are referred to the latest version of postgraduate ordinance published by the
academic council of BIT, Khulna. Recently a major revision has been made in the
postgraduate courses of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department to reflect the
recent developments in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. The revised
postgraduate course contents have also been incorporated in this calendar.

Some general information about this institute, its historical background, faculties and
information on the teaching departments and the institute administration have been included.
The list of teachers in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, fields of
research interest of teachers offering postgraduate courses, and details on laboratories and
research facilities in the department are presented.

The undergraduate students are advised to be in touch with their advisers to be aware of any
changes made by the Institute in the rules and regulations or courses under the course
system. The postgraduate students should be in touch with their course teachers/supervisors,
for similar reasons.

Head of the Department 
Department of Electrical and Electronic engineering 
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna‐9203 

  Page No. 
KUET, at a glance    6 
Faculties and Teaching Departments  6 
Academic Program  7 
Academic Facilities  7 
Campus Life  8 
Admission  10 
Administration  11 
Department of Electrical and Electronic  Engineering, at a glance  12 
Faculty Members  14 
Academic Ordinance for Undergraduate Studies  19 
Summary of Undergraduate Courses  36 
Detail Outline of Undergraduate Courses  40 
Academic Ordinance for Post Graduate Studies  82 
Summary of Post‐graduate Courses 96 
Detail Outline of Post‐graduate Courses  97 


Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), at a glance 
The  former  Khulna  Engineering  College,  founded  in  1967  and  started  academic 
program on 3rd June 1974, was affiliated to Rajshahi University and was converted 
to  Bangladesh  Institute  of  Technology  (BIT),  Khulna  on  1st  July  1986  as  an 
autonomous  institution  to  award  degrees.  In  order  to  upgrade  and  develop  the 
Institute it was finally converted to Khulna University of Engineering & Technology 
(KUET)  in  September  2003  as  a  public  university  by  an  act  of  the  Government  of 
Bangladesh to award degrees in the field of Engineering and Technology. 
The  university  is  aimed  to  take  the  leadership  in  promoting  technological 
developments  and  management  of  the  nation  by  strengthening  engineering  and 
technological education and research. 
Location and its Surroundings 
The campus is located at fulbarigate, about 13 km north from the Khulna City near 
the  Khulna‐Dhaka  highway.  Govt.  B.  L.  College  is  located  4  km  away  from  this 
campus  to  the  southern  side  of  it.  Teacherʹs  Training  College,  Technical  Training 
Center etc. are located at the western side and the Jahanabad Cantonment is located 
at  the  northern  side  of  KUET  campus.  The  Khulna‐Dhaka  highway  is  passing 
through the eastern side of the campus. 
Faculties and Teaching Departments 
The  University  has  ten  (10)  teaching  departments  under  three  faculties.  All 
departments,  with  the  exception  of  the  department  of  Humanities,  offer  degree 
programs. However, some of them offer Postgraduate (PG) degrees only and other 
offers  both  Undergraduate  (UG)  as  well  as  PG  degrees.  Faculty  wise  list  of  the 
departments with the status of the degree offered is given below: 
Faculty of Civil Engineering 

Department of Civil Engineering  UG and PG 
Department of Physics  PG only 
Department of Chemistry  PG only 
Department of Mathematics  PG only 
Department of Humanities  ‐‐‐ 

Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  UG and PG 
Department of Computer Science and Engineering  UG only 
Department of Electronic and Communication Engineering 
UG only 
Department of Bio‐Medical Engineering 
PG only 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 
Department of Mechanical Engineering  UG and PG 
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management  PG only 
Department of Energy Technology  PG only 
A  new  department  will  be  opened  in  the  postgraduate  level  very  soon  in  KUET. 
This is: 
⇒ Department of Leather Engineering  
Academic Program 
Undergraduate Program Four  (04)  years  Bachelor  of  Science  in  Engineering 
Postgraduate Program  Master  of  Science  in  Engineering  (M.  Sc.  Engg.)  or 
  Master  of  Philosophy  (M.  Phil)  and  Doctor  of 
Philosophy (Ph. D.)  
The  postgraduate  courses  are  designed  to  meet  the  growing  needs  of  engineering 
professions  as  well  as  further  development  of  different  specialized  subjects  of  the 
above‐mentioned areas. 
Language of Instruction  
Official language of instruction and examination is English. However, teachers may 
use native language, Bengali; occasionally if no international students are present in 
the class. 
Academic Facilities 
To  support  the  excellent  and  high  quality  academic  environment,  Khulna 
University of Engineering & Technology maintains a number of academic units. 

Computer Center 
KUET has its own VSAT facility with a bandwidth of 512 kbps for upload and 1024 kbps
for download. It operates a large computing network equipped with six (06) IBM servers.
The system has more than 250 workstations interconnected by 1 GB optical fiber line and
six (06) optical switches. All stations are equipped with latest version computers with
necessary printing, scanning and CD-writing facilities. All undergraduate and postgraduate
students as well as faculties have easy access to the network. Each academic department
maintains Local Area Network (LAN), which are further connected with the central network
backbone. The central computer network provides state-of-art computing software for
researchers of various disciplines.
Library Facility 
KUET operates centrally two types of library system, General Library and Reference
Library. The General Library provides in house reading and short duration borrowing
opportunity of book and other reference material to the students and faculties. The
Reference Library provides the in place reading. All students and faculties can enjoy these
facilities for more than 10 hours in every working day. Audio-visual systems are available
for studying audio and video documents. Right now, the General library System has more
than 35,000 books and 5,000 Journals and periodicals in its collection. The book searching
facility is fully computerized with SQL database support for easy searching of any book.
Moreover, Central Library enriches every year by collecting recent books and journals.
Besides the general library system, each academic department maintains rent-based library
from which students can borrow textbooks at a nominal rate for the whole semester.

Campus Life 
The university has 101 acres large campus with nice green landscape blended with beautiful
architectural constructions. It is located at about 12 km from Khulna, the third largest
metropolitan city of Bangladesh. Nice countryside and the rivers Rupsha and Bhairab
surround the city. Newly constructed Khan Jahan Ali Bridge connected the city with Mongla
port and south-west region of Bangladesh. The Sundarbans, world's largest mangrove forest,
is about 40 km from the city. The city has also housed with some of the major industries of

Being a part of tropical climate region, Bangladesh has warm and humid weather. The three
main seasons prevailing in this country are winter (November-February), summer (March-
June) and rainy (July-October). However, there are three more seasons available in between
these seasons namely spring, autumn and late autumn, but their effects are not predominant.
The warmest days in Khulna region are between April and June with temperature ranging
from 30°C to 37°C. Winter temperatures usually vary between 8°C to 20°c. Humidity is
high (70-90%) in summer and rainy seasons but moderate in winter (50-70%).

Five nice residential halls can accommodate more than 1250 male students and one female
hall can accommodate 180 female students in the campus. Four students have to share a
large room. There is a common rest room in the each residential hall. Every residential hall
is equipped with modern recreation facilities like Cable TV connection, common room,
reading room, library and a well-furnished guestroom. Social, cultural and other co-
curriculum activities are scheduled through out the semester/term to offer breaks in tedious
study routine. One Provost and one/two Assistant Provosts are appointed from the faculty
members to look after the administration of each hall.
Sports and Entertainment 
Both indoor and outdoor sports facilities are available for refreshment of the students. The
physical education section of the university is under the control of Director of Students
Welfare (DSW) who arranges central indoor and outdoor sports competition annually. The
university also organizes annual cultural competitions and occasional cultural programs on
some special events like celebration of different national days, university foundation day,
New Year's Eve etc. Besides, a number of cultural and social groups like theater group,
debating society etc. are also active in the campus. The university team also attends different
national level sports and cultural competitions and shown excellent performance. The
university has a big auditorium of capacity 1000 seats for these cultural activities.
For the convenience of the students, faculty members, officers and staffs, KUET operates its
own Shuttle Bus Service between Khulna city and the campus. In weekends, special services
are also provided to meet the weekend recreational and other needs.
Students Union 
The Student Union of KUET is a student organization to promote the interests and welfare
of the student body. All full time students are members of the student union who vote for the
office bearers of it. The DSW is the President of the Student Union as ex-officio appointed
by the University Authority from the senior faculty members. The university authority as the
treasurer of the student union appoints one more faculty member. Moreover, a strong student
welfare committee is also available for looking after the students facilities in some special
cases. Sports, cultural and social activities, indoor and outdoor games are organized
regularly to keep the students campus life pleasing.
Medical Centre 
The university operates a medical center for meeting the needs of students’ health care and
medical facilities. The center is equipped with necessary medical equipment, sick beds and
full time experienced medical doctors, nurse and assistants. Mostly medical counseling and
in some cases, medicine is supplied to the students free of cost.

Food and Stationeries 

Each residential hall has its own cafeteria, which serves two meals per day. Each hall
authority maintains the cafeteria. Students are also involved for their daily menu. Special
menus are provided in different occasions in the hall cafeteria. One annual grand dinner is
also arranged in each hall in honor of outgoing students. Besides these, a large central
cafeteria and a fast food shop offers breakfast, meals and snacks, etc. Moreover, in Khulna
city, there are number of nice restaurants that serve a wide variety of food including oriental
and western flavor. Any sorts of alcohol or alcoholic drinks are completely prohibited in the
campus. A Departmental Store is also housed in the campus for the benefit of all.

Other Facilities 

In the campus, there is a water treatment plant to treat the water. There is also a large
Mosque, a bank and a post office in the campus. To provide uninterrupted power supply an
electrical substation is located in the campus. There are also a Gymnasium and a large well-
equipped auditorium.


The admission process of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology emphasizes to

identify students who will be able to successfully complete the degree requirements of
various departments of engineering as well as contribute to the social and techno-
economical environment of the nation.

Undergraduate Admission 

Applicants for the undergraduate program must pass' the Higher Secondary Certificate
(H.S.C) or equivalent examination from any education board with science and must obtain a
minimum CGP A of 4.00 in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics courses. The candidates
who have completed a-level examination can also apply. The applicants have to go through
a rigorous entry examination to be qualified for admission. The entry examination named as
Admission Test consists of MCQ questions and broad questions that are based on current
syllabus of Higher Secondary level Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. The
undergraduate admission is conducted once in each academic session.

Postgraduate Programs 

Applicants for the masters programs must have B.Sc. Eng. degree or equivalent in the
relevant field from a recognized University/Institute with good academic records. Students
who have higher research aptitude are welcome to the program. KUET invites applications
twice in a year (January and July). The respective departments arrange an interview at a
suitable time to select candidates for this program. The selected candidates have to take
admission by depositing a prescribed amount-of money to the bank. Two categories of
students, namely, full-time and part- time are in this program. For full time meritorious
students, financial help can be provided. A part-time student must have consent from his
employer to pursue postgraduate studies.
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International Applicants 
International applicants for both undergraduate and postgraduate program can apply
throughout the year. Application materials and other information are available in the
admission office. Inquires can be directed to the Registrar. According to the present policy
of KUET, an international student does not have to go through the entry examination
procedure. However, they should have excellent high school record or equivalent to be
qualified for admission. The admission committee and equivalence committee (if necessary)
takes decision about the illegibility of admission of the applicants. KUET always encourages
international students to maintain wide cultural and social diversity in its campus. Students
from SAARC (India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka and Maldives) countries can apply
through their concern ministries to the Ministry of Education of Bangladesh to avail the
special quotas, which are reserved under SAARC countries educational and cultural
contract. These positions are limited. International applicants are required to submit two
copies of official credentials and certificates with two passport size photographs. The
completed application and above-mentioned documents should be reached to the Registrar's
office along with $20 application-processing fee. For the postgraduate program applicants
also have to submit two letters of recommendation. Inquires can be directed to:

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Khulna 920300, Bangladesh. Tel: +880 41 774403, Fax: +880 41 774403

The University Syndicate is the supreme body for making policy and other operational
procedures. The syndicate frames rules and forms different policies under the
recommendation of different committees, namely, the Academic Council, Planning and
Development Committee and the Finance Committee. Nationally and internationally
recognized academicians, planners, and economists as well as distinguished faculties from
KUET form these committees. The Vice-Chancellor is the administrative and academic head
of the University. A non-formal advisory committee formed by the senior faculties of
different academic disciplines and hall provosts, helps the Vice-Chancellor in various
decisions making. For the proper operation of different administrative services, the office of
the Vice-Chancellor maintains various administrative sections, namely, Academic Section,
Engineering Sections (maintenance and repairs), Establishment section, Accounts section,
Security section, Procurements Section etc. Registrar is the custodian of records, the
properties, the common seal and such other property of the university as the Syndicate may
commit to his charges. The Vice-Chancellor and the Comptroller control the fund of the

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, at a glance
The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) is one of the oldest and
largest departments of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET). The
Department provides a unique opportunity for students to get quality education in the filed
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. It started its academic activities from January
1974. Since then, it has been widely recognized for its excellent research and teaching
capabilities throughout the country and the world. The graduates from this department are
recruited by both academia and industry of home and abroad and they are performing well.

The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by superior

teaching for its students to flourish in. The department produced noticeable undergraduate
and postgraduate research works, which were published in world-recognized Conferences/
journals. The major areas of research include Power Electronics and Machine Drives, Power
system Protection and Reliability, Semiconductor Material, Antenna Design, Artificial
Intelligence, Signal Processing, VLSI, Optical Communication, and so on. Besides
theoretical and laboratory based research, faculty in the Department also maintain strong ties
with many reputed national and international organizations and are involved in a large
number of projects in the forefronts of cutting edge technology.

The student bodies of the Department, namely, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Association (EEEA) in association with local IEEE student branch is active in organizing
regular workshops/seminars, lecture series, and practical demos. They also prepare many
industrial tours for the students to have practical ideas about industry-based technology.
They are devoted to the sports and cultural activities of this University.

Undergraduate Program
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering curriculum covers the
fundamental aspects of Electrical and Electronic technology, emphasizes basic principles
and teaches the students in the use of these principles to reach optimal design solution for
engineering problems. Importance is given on Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Economics, Basic Mechanical Engineering and Basic Electrical Engineering in the first year.
The other three years are devoted to the Engineering Mathematics, Electrical Circuits,
Electrical Machines and Drives, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics,
Electromagnetic Fields, Special Programming Techniques, Power Transmission and
Distribution, Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation, Control System Engineering,
Communication Engineering, Switch Gear and Protection, Power Station and Economy,
Microwave Engineering and Antenna Design, Microprocessors and Microcomputers, VLSI,
Signal Processing and other recent topics of Electrical and Electronic engineering. The
curriculum includes theoretical courses, laboratory works, industrial training and different
field trips.

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Postgraduate Program
The postgraduate program has a vigorous, rapidly expanding program of advanced study and
research in the areas of Power System Planning, Energy Conversion, Optical Fiber
Communication, Digital signal Processing, Power Semiconductor Circuits, Industrial
Drives, MOS Devices, Microwave Theory and Techniques, Laser Theory, Artificial
Intelligence and Neural Network etc. These postgraduate programs lead to the degree of
Master of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering. To be awarded an M. Sc. degree, a student should
have to complete 36 credit hours of which a maximum of 12 credit hours of project work or
18 credit hours of thesis work. The degree requirement for PhD is 60 credit hours of which
maximum of 45 credit hours is thesis.

Research Facilities

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has many advanced instruments
and equipment with laboratories for study of various Electrical and Electronic Engineering
At present Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department has following Laboratory

⇒ Electrical Circuit Lab

⇒ Measurement and Instrumentation Lab
⇒ Digital Electronics Lab
⇒ Analog Electronics Lab
⇒ Electrical Machine Lab
⇒ Communication Engineering Lab
⇒ Control Engineering Lab
⇒ Microprocessor and Hardware Interfacing Lab
⇒ Power Electronics and Machine Drives Lab ( PEMD Lab)
⇒ Power system and Protection Lab
⇒ High Voltage Engineering Lab
⇒ Pattern recognition and Image Processing Lab
⇒ Computer Language, Simulation and Numerical Processing Lab

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Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurunnabi Mollah

Prof. Dr. M. A. Samad
B. Sc. Engg. (Rajshahi Engineering College, RU), M. Sc. Engg. (Rurkee University, India),
PhD (IIT, Kharagpur, India)
Research Interest: Power System Planning, Economic Operation of Power station
E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh

B. Sc. Engg. (Khulna Engineering College, RU), M. Sc. Engg. (BUET), PhD (IIT,
Kharagpur, India)
Research Interest: Power Electronics, Machine Drives, Control system, ANN, FUZZY
Logic control
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Md. A. K. Azad

B. Sc. Engg. (Khulna Engineering College, RU), M. Sc. Engg. (BUET), PhD (IIT,
Kharagpur, India)
Research Interest: Load Forecasting, Power System Planning
E-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Md. Nurunnabi Mollah

B. Sc. Engg. (Rajshahi Engineering College, RU), M. Sc. Engg. (BUET), PhD (NTU,
Research Interest: Electromagnetic band gap structure and applications, Microwave filters
and antennas, Phased array antennas
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. (BUET), D. Engg (KIT, Japan)
Research Interest: Semiconductor materials, optical fiber communication
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. A. N. M. Enamul Kabir
B. Sc. Engg. (BUET), M. Sc. Engg. (BUET), PhD Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Power Electronics, Communication Systems, Energy conversion
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr. Md. Abdur Rafiq
B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), PhD Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Power Electronics, Machine Drives, Control system, ANN, FUZZY logic
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Ashraful Ghani Bhuiyan
B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg (Fukui University, Japan), PhD (Fukui University,
Research Interest: Semiconductor Growth Characterization, III-nitride Semiconductor
Devices, Solar cells, Nano Devices
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam

B. Sc. Engg. (Khulna Engineering College, RU)
Research Interest: Electronic Circuits and Protection

Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmad

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Chittagong), M. Engg. (KIT, Japan), PhD (Korea University, Korea)
Research Interest: Computer Vision, Signal & Image Processing, Biomedical Engineering
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Md. Rafiqul Islam

B. Sc. Engg. (BUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET), PhD student (Fukui Univ., Japan)
Research Interest: Design and Fabrication of High Efficiency Multi Junction Solar Cells
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Mohammad Shaifur Rahman

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. (KUET), PhD student (Kookmin Univ., Korea)
Research Interest: Growth and Characterization of Bulk Mixed Crystals, Opto-Electronic
Device Fabrication, Artificial Intelligence
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Salah Uddin Yusuf

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. (KUET), PhD student (City Univ. of Hong Kong)
Research Interest: Power System Transient, Image Compression, Coding
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Mohammed Golam Sarwer

B.Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M.Sc. Engg (City University, Hong Kong), Ph.D. student
Research Interest: Video signal processing, Image Processing
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Md. Shajahan

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. (Fukui University, Japan), Ph.D. student
(Fukui University, Japan)
Research Interest: Machine learning, neural network, Evolutionary computing, robotics
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Mostafa Zaman Chowdhury
B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. Student (Kookmin University, Korea)
Research Interest: Wireless Communication, Signal Processing
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Manoj Datta

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. Student (University of the Ryukyus, Japan)
Research Interest: FACTS, Photovoltaic Systems, Machine Drives, Control system, ANN
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. Student (Quebec University, Canada)
Research Interest: Digital Signal Processing, Speech Communication, Stochastic Process
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Md. Noor Islam

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (Kookmin University, Korea)
Research Interest: VLSI, Automatic Speech Recognition
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Md. Sahabul Alam

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Growth and Characterization of Bulk Mixed Crystals
E-mail: [email protected]


Mr. Md. Razzaqul Ahsan

B. Sc. Engg. (BIT, Khulna), M. Sc. Engg. Student (MUN, Canada)
Research Interest: Wind power generation
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Toufiq Amin

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc.Engg. Student (City University, Hong Kong)
Research Interest: Signal Processing
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Golam kibria

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (In Canada)
Research Interest: Optical Communication, Optical Device
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Rezaur Raihan

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Solid-state device, VLSI design, photonics devices
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Md. Jahidur Rahman
B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (In Casnada)
Research Interest: Optical Communication, Optical Device
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Mahabub Hasan

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Communication
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Mr. Naruttam Kumar Roy

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET)
Research Interest: Machine drives, Power electronics, ANN, Fuzzy logic
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Nazmul Haque

B. Sc. Engg. (RUET)
Research Interest: Biomedical Engineering
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Sherajul Islam

B. Sc. Engg. (RUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Communication Engineering
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Md. Alamgir Hossain

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET), M. Sc. Engg. Student (KUET)
Research Interest: Optical communication, Signal Processing
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Debabrata Kumar Karmokar

B. Sc. Engg. (KUET)
Research Interest:
E-mail: [email protected]

Departmental Monitoring Committee:

Prof. Dr. Bashudeb Chandra Ghosh Chairman
Prof. Dr. Md. N. N. Mollah Member
Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Member
Mr. A. N. M. Enamul Kabir Member

PG Course Coordinator:
Dr. Ashraful Ghani Bhuiyan

UG Course Coordinator:
Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmad

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology

Academic Ordinance for Undergraduate Studies

(Effective from 1st Year session 2004-2005)
(Approved by 7th meeting of Academic Council on 07/04/05 & 08/04/05
and confirmed by 8th meeting of Academic Council on 05/09/05)

1. Definitions

1.1. ‘University’ means the Khulna University of Engineering & Technology.

1.2. ‘Syndicate’ means the Syndicate of the University.
1.3. ‘Academic Council’ means the Academic Council of the University.
1.4. ‘Vice-Chancellor’ means the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
1.5. 'Dean' means the Dean of a faculty of the University.
1.6. 'Head of the Department' means the Head of a department of the University.
1.7. ‘Academic Committee’ means the Academic Committee for Undergraduate
Studies (ACUG) of a degree awarding department of the University.
1.8. ‘Degree’ means the degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering offered by the

2. Departments

2.1. Degree Awarding Departments:

The University shall have the following degree awarding departments:
i) Department of Civil Engineering
ii) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
iii) Department of Mechanical Engineering
iv) Department of Computer Science and Engineering
v) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
vi) Any other department to be instituted by the Syndicate on the
recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time.

2.2. Teaching Departments:

The University shall have the following teaching departments:
i) Department of Civil Engineering
ii) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
iii) Department of Mechanical Engineering
iv) Department of Computer Science and Engineering
v) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
vi) Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
vii) Department of Mathematics
viii) Department of Chemistry
ix) Department of Physics
x) Department of Humanities
xi) Any other department that may be instituted by the Syndicate on the
recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time.

3. Degrees Offered

The University shall offer courses leading to the award of the following degrees:
i) Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, abbreviated as B. Sc. Eng. (CE)
ii) Bachelor of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, abbreviated as
B. Sc. Eng. (EEE)
iii) Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, abbreviated as B. Sc. Eng.
iv) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering, abbreviated as B.
Sc. Eng. (CSE)
v) Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Communication Engineering,
abbreviated as B. Sc. Eng. (ECE)
vi) Any other degree that may be awarded by a department on the
recommendation of the Academic Council and approval of the Syndicate
from time to time.

4. Students Admission

4.1 The four academic years of study for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Engineering (B. Sc. Eng.) shall be designated as first year, second year, third year
and fourth year class in succeeding higher levels of study. Students shall generally
be admitted into the first year class.

4.2 An Admission Committee shall be formed in each academic session by the

Academic Council for admission into first year B. Sc. Eng. class consisting of the
following members:
i) One of the Deans in order of seniority (as professor) for Chairman
each year by rotation
ii) All other Deans Member
iii) Five senior most Heads of the Departments Member
iv) Registrar Secretary
The Committee is empowered to co-opt member/members (if required) not below
the rank of a professor.

4.3 A candidate for admission into the first year class must have passed the H.S.C.
Examination from an Education Board in Bangladesh (after 12 years of schooling)
with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as his/her subjects of examination in
Higher Secondary level or examination recognized as equivalent thereto, and must
also fulfill all other requirements as may be prescribed by the Academic Council
on the recommendation of the Admission Committee. In case of confusion
regarding the equivalence, the case may be referred to central Equivalence

4.4 The rules and conditions for admission into different departments shall be framed
by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Admission Committee in
each year.

4.5 All candidates for admission into the courses of B. Sc. Eng. must be citizens of
Bangladesh unless the candidature is against the seats those are reserved for
foreign students. Candidates for all seats except the reserved ones, if any, shall be
selected based on merit. The rules for admission into the reserved seats shall be
framed by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Admission

4.6 No student shall ordinarily be admitted in the first year class after the start of the
corresponding classes or after the call goes out for the admission which ever is
later. The date of commencement of classes for the newly admitted students will
be announced in advance.

4.7 Admission of a newly admitted student in the first year class will be cancelled if
he/she remains absent without prior permission of the Registrar through the Head
of the Department for first two consecutive weeks after the start of class. If any
student fails to report due to unavoidable circumstances within the stipulated first
two weeks, he/she may appeal within the next four weeks to the Academic Council
through the Head of the Department. The decision of the Academic Council will
be final.

4.8 Prior to admission to the University, every student shall be examined by a

competent medical officer as prescribed in the admission rules.

5. Admission on Transfer
5.1 There shall be no admission on transfer in the first year class. In special cases,
students may be admitted into a higher class.

5.2 A student may be allowed to transfer a maximum of 50% of the required theory
courses of this University completed by the student at other
universities/institutions. The candidate must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0
without any F grade in any course and there should not be any break of study.

5.3 A candidate seeking admission on transfer from other university should apply to
the Registrar of this University. The Registrar will refer the case to the Head of the
Department concerned and to the Central Equivalence Committee. On receiving
the opinions of the Departmental Monitoring Committee, the Central Equivalence
Committee will consider the matter and it will be placed before the Academic
Council. The decision of the Academic Council will be final and it will be
communicated to the Head of the Department and the candidate.

6. Academic Calendar

6.1 The academic year shall ordinarily be divided into two regular Terms each
ordinarily having duration of not less than 13 weeks of classes.

6.2 There shall be a final examination at the end of each Term and the examination
will be conducted as per Academic regulations.

6.3 The Head of the Department will announce the academic schedule for each Term
ordinarily before the start of the class subject to the approval of the Academic

6.4 Academic schedule may be prepared according to the following guidelines based
on two regular Terms:

Term-1 No. of weeks

Classes 13
Recess before examination 2
Term Final Examination 2.4*
Publication of result 2.3*
Total: 20

Inter-Term recess 1

Term-1I No. of weeks

Classes 13
Recess before examination 2
Term Final Examination 2.4*
Publication of result 2.3*
Total: 20
Vacations throughout the session 11
Including one 8-week Short Term

Total: 52 weeks
• The digit after the decimal point indicates number of days.

7. Duration and Credit of Courses

7.1 The B. Sc. Eng. courses shall extend over a period of four academic years, each
with a normal duration of one calendar year. Each academic year will be divided
into two Terms for the purpose of academic programs and conducting of

7.2 The curricula of the B. Sc. Eng. degree in the different departments shall be as
proposed by the concerned ACUG through the Executive Committee of the
concerned Faculty and approved by the Academic Council.

7.3 The ACUG may review the curricula once in every academic year and put forward
suggestions to the Academic Council through the Executive Committee of the
concerned Faculty.

7.4 Teaching for the courses is reckoned in credits and the credits allotted to various
courses will be determined by the ACUG with the following guidelines:
Type of Course Contact Hour (in a term) No. of

i) Theory/Lecture : 1 hour/week 1.0

ii) Tutorial : 1 hour/week 1.0

Independent : 3/2 hours/week 0.75

iii) Lab/Sessional/Design : 2 hours/week 1.0
: 3 hours/week 1.5

Project/Thesis : 3 hours/week 1.5

: 6 hours/week 3.0

v) Field work : 2 weeks of field work 1.0

Seminar/Special : Preparation of technical paper 1.0

Studies and its presentation.
7.5 The minimum number of credits that a student has to complete successfully for the
award of B. Sc. Eng. degree will be 160 of which a maximum of 150 credits to be
assigned as core courses.

7.6 A regular student can normally register 5 (five) theoretical courses in a Term. The
total number of credit hours shall generally be between 15 to 24 credits in a Term.
However, a student may be allowed to register less than 15 credits in a Term if⎯
i) He/she is considered academically weak.
ii) number of credits required for graduation is less than 15 in that Term and
iii) He/she cannot find appropriate courses for registration as suggested by the

7.7 The total contact hours for students including lecture, tutorial and
laboratory/sessional should be around 30 periods per week, each period being of
50 minutes duration.

7.8 A course plan for each course proposed by the course teacher with the consultation
of the Head of the Department showing details of lectures is to be announced at the
start of each Term.

7.9 Project/Thesis should preferably be of 1.5 to 3 credits in each Term. Credit in any
theory course should not exceed 4 and that in sessional/laboratory course should
not exceed 1.5.

8. Course Designation and Numbering System

Each course is designated by a two to four letter code identifying the course
offering department followed by a four digit number with the following criteria:

8.1 The first digit will correspond to the year in which the students normally take the

8.2 The second digit will correspond the Term (1 for odd, 2 for even and 0 for both) in
which the course is normally taken by the students.

8.3 The third and fourth digits will be reserved for departmental use, of which the last
digit will be odd for theoretical and even for sessional/laboratory course.
8.4 The course designation system is illustrated by the following example:

EE 2211 Course Title: Electromagnetic Fields

3rd and 4th digits are reserved for departmental use. Last odd
digit designates a theoretical course.

Second digit signifies Term number (1 for odd, 2 for even and 0
for both).

First digit signifies year (Second year).

Department identification code (Electrical and Electronic

8.5 Project/thesis courses shall be designated by the department identification code

followed by 4000 (Example: EE 4000) applicable in both odd and even Terms.

9. Classification of Courses

The courses included in undergraduate curricula are classified as follows:

9.1 Core Courses

In each department, a number of courses will be identified as core courses, which

form the nucleus of the respective Bachelor’s degree program. A student has to
complete all the designated core courses for his/her degree.

9.2 Pre-requisite Courses
Some of the core courses are identified as pre-requisite courses. A pre-requisite
course is one, which is required to be completed before some other course(s) can
be taken. Any such course, on which one or more subsequent courses build up,
may be offered in each of the two regular Terms.

9.3 Optional Courses

Apart from the core courses, a student will have to take a number of courses,
which he/she can choose from a specified group/number of courses to complete
the credit requirements.

9.4 Non Credit Courses

Non-credit course(s) may be offered to a student to improve his/her knowledge in
some specific fields. The credits in these courses will not be counted for GPA and
CGPA calculation but will be reflected in the transcript as satisfactory
(S)/unsatisfactory (U). Non-credit course(s) may be offered under the following

If a student's Thesis/Project supervisor feels that the study/design is highly related

to course(s) offered by any department for their students, he can recommend to the
concerned Head of the Department for participation of the student(s) in the
course(s). Such registration of course(s) will not affect the normal course
registration of the student.

10. Departmental Functional Bodies

10.1 Departmental Monitoring Committee

Each degree-awarding department will form a Departmental Monitoring

Committee with Head of the Department as Chairman and three senior most
teachers of the department as members. The Committee may propose to ACUG
any changes and modifications needed for upgrading/changing the Undergraduate
Course Curriculum (at least in every three years). The Committee will also
nominate Advisers for the students.
10.2 Student Adviser
An Adviser (normally not below the rank of an Assistant Professor) will be
nominated for one or more students for the entire period of study by the
Departmental Monitoring Committee. He will advise each student on the courses
to be taken in a Term. However, it is the student’s responsibility to keep contact
with his/her Adviser who will review and eventually approve the student’s specific
plan of study and monitor on subsequent progress of the student.

For a student of second and subsequent Terms, the number and type of courses for
which he/she can register will be decided on the basis of his/her academic
performance during the previous Term. The Adviser will advise the students to
register the courses during the next Term within the framework of the guidelines in
respect of minimum/maximum credit hours limit. He may also advise the student
to change/drop one or more courses based on student's academic performance.

10.3 Course Coordinator
In each degree-awarding department, one of the senior teachers, nominated by the
Departmental Monitoring Committee, will act as Course Coordinator and Member
Secretary to the ACUG.

11. Course Registration and Withdrawal

A student who wants to study a course is required to register formally. A student

can register courses he/she intends to take during a given term only based on the
advice and consent of his/her Adviser.

11.1 Registration Procedure

Students must register for each course in which they will participate. Each student
will fill up his/her Course Registration Form in consultation with his/her Adviser
and submit it to the departmental office. The original copy of the Course
Registration Form will be forwarded to the Registrar’s office by the Head of the
Department. The registration information will be communicated to the student.
Consolidated information of registration record will be distributed to Controller of
Examinations, concerned Head of the Department and Advisers by the Registrar's
office. The date, time and venue for registration will be announced in advance by
the Registrar’s office. It is absolutely necessary that all students present
themselves for registration to the Adviser at the specified date and time.

11.2 Pre-condition for Registration

A student will be allowed to register courses, depending upon the student category
and satisfaction of pre-requisite courses. If a student fails in a pre-requisite course
in any term, the concerned Adviser and Head of the Department may allow him to
register for a course that builds on the pre-requisite course provided his attendance
does not fall below 60% and assessment in the said pre-requisite course is found to
be satisfactory.

Registration will be done at the beginning of each Term. However, late registration
is permitted during the first week of class on payment of a late registration fee. A
student having outstanding dues to the University or a Hall of Residence shall not
be permitted to register. All students, therefore, have to clear their dues and get a
clearance or no dues certificate, on the production of which, they will be given
necessary Course Registration Form to complete the course registration procedure.
Course Registration Form will normally be available in the Registrar's office. An
orientation program will be conducted only for the first year students at the
beginning of the first Term when they will be handed over the registration package
on production of enrollment slip/proof of admission.

11.3 Pre-Registration
Pre-registration for courses to be offered to the students in a particular Term will
be done on a specified date before the end of the previous Term. All students in
consultation with their course Adviser are required to complete the pre-registration
formalities. Further more a student who does not pre-register may not get the
courses desired by him/her subsequently.

11.4 Registration Deadline
A student must register for the courses to be taken before the commencement of
each Term and no late registration will be accepted after one week of classes.
Relaxation up to a maximum of two weeks may be made for the newly admitted
first year students. Late registration after this date will not be accepted unless the
student submits a written appeal to the Registrar through the concerned Head of
the Department and can document extenuating circumstances such as medical
problems (Physically incapacitated and not able to be present) or some other
academic commitments which precluded enrolling prior to the last date of
registration. Proper certificates from concerned authorities must be submitted
along with the application.

11.5 Penalty for Late Registration

Students who fail to register within the specified dates for registration will be
charged a late registration fee (an amount as may be decided by the authority).
This extra fee will not be waived whatever be the reason for the late registration.

11.6 Course Adjustment Procedure

A student would have some limited options to add or delete courses from his/her
registration list. Addition of course is allowed within the first two weeks from the
beginning of the Term. Dropping of a course is allowed within four weeks from
the beginning of the Term. Adjustment of initially registered courses in any Term
can be done only by duly completing the Course Adjustment Form. These forms
will normally be available in the Registrar’s office. For first year students such
forms can be included in the registration package at the time of orientation.
Any student willing to add or drop courses will have to fill up a Course
Adjustment Form in consultation with his/her Adviser. The original copy of the
Course Adjustment Form will be submitted to the Registrar’s office through the
Head of the Department.

11.7 Withdrawal from a Term

If a student is unable to complete the Term Final Examination due to illness,
accident or any other valid reason, etc. he/she may apply to the Registrar through
his/her Head of the Department for total withdrawal from the Term within a week
after the end of the Term final examination. However, he/she may choose not to
withdraw any laboratory/sessional/design course if the grade obtained in such a
course is ‘D’ or better and that he/she has to indicate clearly in his/her withdrawal
application. The withdrawal application must be supported by a medical certificate
from University Medical Officer. The Academic Council will take final decision
about such an application.

12. Striking off the Names and Readmission

12.1 The names of the students shall be struck off and removed from the rolls on the
following grounds:
i) Non-payment of University fees and dues within the prescribed period.
ii) Forced to discontinue his/her studies under disciplinary rules.
iii) Withdrawal of names from the rolls of the University on grounds acceptable
to the Vice-Chancellor of the University after having cleared all dues.

iv) Could not earn required credits for graduation as outlined in the respective
curriculum and/or fulfill CGPA requirement within the maximum allowed
time of 7 (seven) consecutive academic years.

12.2 Every student whose name has been struck off from the rolls by exercise of the
clause (ii) of Article 12. 1 seeking readmission after expiry of the period for which
he/she was forced to discontinue his/her studies shall submit an application to the
Head of the Department in the prescribed form before the commencement of the
session to which he/she seeks readmission. The Head of the Department shall
forward the application to the Vice-Chancellor of the University with his remarks.
In case the readmission is allowed, the student will be required to get him/her-self
admitted on payment of all dues not later than one week from the date of
permission given by the Vice-Chancellor. All re-admission should preferably be
completed before the Term starts.

12.3 No student who has withdrawn his/her name under clause (iii) of Article 12.1 shall
be given readmission.

12.4 A student, whose name has been struck off from the rolls by exercise of clause (iv)
of Article 12.1, is not eligible to seek readmission.

12.5 In case a student whose name has been struck off the rolls under clause (i) of
Article 12.1 seeks readmission before the start of the next Term he/she shall be
readmitted on payment of all arrear fees and dues (excluding course registration
fees). But if he/she seeks readmission in any subsequent year the procedure for
his/her readmission will be the same as described in Article 12.2

12.6 Readmission for discontinuance of studies

A student will be considered to discontinue his studies under the following

i) Non-payment of University fees and other dues for Terms concerned.

ii) Withdrawal from a Term/absent in the Term final examination.
iii) Forced to discontinue under disciplinary rules.

The maximum allowable period of discontinuance is two academic years (four

regular Terms) whatever may be the reason. A student seeking readmission within
the allowable period of discontinuance may be readmitted after payment of all
arrear fees and dues.

12.7 In case any application for readmission is rejected, the student may appeal to the
Academic Council for re-consideration. The decision of the Academic Council shall
be final.
12.8 A student failing to earn a minimum of 36 credits in the first 4 (four) consecutive
Terms or 54 credits in the first 6 (six) consecutive Terms will cease to be a student
of this University.

13. Grading System and Calculation of GPA and CGPA

13.1 Grading System

The letter grade system shall be used to assess the performance of the student and
shall be as follows:
Numerical grade Letter grade Grade point
80% or above A+ A plus 4.00
75% to less than 80% A A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- A minus 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ B plus 3.25
60% to less than 65% B B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- B minus 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ C plus 2.50
45% to less than 50% C C 2.25
40% to less than 45 % D D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
Continuous assessment X
(For courses extended over two regular Terms, such as project/thesis/design, etc.)
Withdrawl W
Non Credit Course S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)

13.2 Calculation of GPA and CGPA

Grade point average (GPA) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in
all the courses passed/completed by a student in a Term. ‘F’ grades will not be
counted for GPA calculation. GPA of a Term will be calculated as follows:
n n
GPA = ∑ Ci Gi ∑C i
i =1 i =1
where n is the total number of courses passed by the student, Ci is the number of
credits allotted to a particular course i and Gi is the grade point corresponding to the
grade awarded for i-th course.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) gives the cumulative performance of the
student from first Term up to any other Term to which it refers and is computed by
dividing the total weighted grade points ( ∑CiGi ) accumulated up to the date by the
total credit hours ( ∑Ci )

Both GPA and CGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal for

14. Distribution of Marks

14.1 The distribution of marks for a given course will be as follows:

i) Theory courses:
Class participation, attendance and assignments 10%
Class tests, Quizzes, Spot test, etc. 20%
Term Final Examination (3 hours duration) 70%
Total: 100%
ii) Independent laboratory/design/field work courses:

Class participation and attendance 10%
Quizzes, Viva-Voce conducted in lab class 20%
Viva-Voce conducted centrally 20%
Performance and reports 50%
Total: 100%
iii) Project/thesis: (Continued for two Terms)
a) To be evaluated at the end of 4th year 1st Term: 20% of total marks by a
committee formed by the Department.
b) At the end of final Term 80% of the total marks to be evaluated as follows:
Presentation and viva-voce (conducted by a viva voce 20%
Supervisor (internal examiner) 40%
External examiner (any other teacher of the Department/a
member of examination committee) 20%
Total: 100%(in
two Terms)

14.2 Attendance

i) Eligibility for Scholarship/stipend/grant

The students whose percentage of attendance will fall short of 75% in any of the
theory, lab/sessional courses for which he/she has registered in any Term of an
academic year shall not be eligible for the award of any type of
scholarship/stipend/grant for the following academic year.

ii) Basis for awarding marks for attendance will be as follows:

Attendance Marks (%)
90% and above 100%
85% to less than 90% 90%
80% to less than 85% 80%
75% to less than 80% 70%
70% to less than 75% 60%
65% to less than 70% 50%
60% to less than 65% 40%
less than 60% 0%

15. Class Tests, Quiz and Spot Test

15.1 For theory courses, 3 class tests will be taken. Normally no more class tests will be
taken on any course.

15.2 The class teacher will assign problems to the students and take spot test and quiz
examination for assessment.

15.3 The date of class tests/quiz shall be fixed by the course teacher in consultation with
the Head of the Department.

15.4 Duration of class tests should be 20-30 minutes and quizzes and spot tests should be
10-20 minutes.

15.5 All class tests shall ordinarily be of equal value. The result of each individual class
test shall be posted for information of the students preferably before the next class
test is held.
16. Earned Credits, Backlog and CGPA Improvement

The courses in which a student has obtained ‘D’ or a higher grade will be counted
as credits earned by him/her. Any course in which a student has obtained ‘F’ grade
will not be counted towards his/her earned credits calculation. A student who
obtains an ‘F’ grade in any core course in any Term, he/she will have to repeat the
course. If a student obtains an ‘F’ in an optional course, he/she may choose to repeat
the course or take a substitute course, if available. F grades will not be counted for
GPA calculation but will stay permanently on the grade sheet and transcript. When
a student will repeat a Backlog course in which he/she previously obtained ‘F’
grade, he/she will not be eligible to get a grade better than B in such a course.

A student obtaining D grade in a course, will be allowed to repeat the course for the
purpose of grade improvement if CGPA of the student falls below 2.20 In such case
he/she will be awarded the new grade thus he/she obtains or retains his/her previous
grade if he/she fails. A student obtaining ‘C’ or a better grade in a course will not be
allowed to repeat the course for the purpose of grade improvement if CGPA of the
student falls below 2.20. Absence in Term final examination will result ‘F’ grade
unless he/she has withdrawn from the Term as per Article 11.7.

17. Performance Evaluation

The minimum CGPA requirement for obtaining a B. Sc. Eng. degree is 2.20. The
performance of a student will be evaluated in terms of two indices, viz. GPA and

Students will be considered to be making normal progress toward a degree if their

CGPA for all courses passed is 2.20 or more. Students whose GPA will fall below
2.20 will have to appeal to the Head of the Department through his Adviser for the
course registration so that the necessary remedial measures can be taken.

18. Honors, Dean's List and University Gold Medal

18.1 Honors
Candidates for Bachelor’s degree will be awarded the degree with Honors if their
CGPA is 3.75 or better.
18.2 Dean's List
In recognition of excellent performance, the names of students who maintains an
average GPA of 3.75 or above in two regular Terms of an academic year may be
published in the Dean's List in each Faculty. Students who have received an 'F'
grade in any course during any of the two consecutive regular Terms will not be
considered for Dean's List in that year.

18.3 University Gold Medal
University Gold Medal for outstanding graduates will be presented to the students
who secure the 1st position in each Department and whose CGPA is above or equal
to 3.75. The student must have completed his/her undergraduate course work within
four consecutive academic years with no 'F' grades and have a satisfactory
attendance to his credit.

19. Student Classification

19.1 Year wise classification

Regular students of the University are classified according to the number of credit
hours earned. The following classification applies to the students:
Year Earned Credits
First Year 0 to 36
Second Year >36 to 72
Third Year >72 to 108
Fourth Year >108

19.2 Earned credit wise classification

A student is normally required to earn at least 15 credits in a Term. At the end of
each Term, the students will be categorized as follows:
Category 1: This category consists of students who have passed all the courses
prescribed for the Term and have no backlog courses. A student belonging to
Category 1 will be eligible to register all courses prescribed in the syllabus for the
next regular Term.
Category 2: This category consists of students who have earned at least 15 credits
in the Term but do not belong to Category 1. A student belonging to Category 2 is
advised to take at least one regular course less in the next Term subject to the
condition that he/she has to register such backlog courses as may be prescribed by
the Adviser.
Category 3: This category consists of students who have failed to earn 15 credits in
the Term. A student belonging to Category 3 is advised to take at least two regular
courses less than Category 1 student to register a minimum of 15 credits. However,
he/she will be required to register such backlog courses as may be prescribed by the

20. Probation and Suspension

Students who fail to maintain minimum GPA of 2.20 and could not complete the
minimum credit requirements may be placed on academic probation.

The status of academic probation is a reminder/warning to the student that

satisfactory progress towards graduation is not being made. A student may be
placed on academic probation when either of the following conditions exists:
i) The GPA falls below 2.20,or
ii) The CGPA falls below 2.20 or
iii) Earned Credits fall below 15 times the number of Terms attended/studied.

Students on probation are subject to such restrictions with respect to courses and
extracurricular activities as may be imposed by the respective Head of the
Department. The minimum period of probation is one term, but the usual period is
one academic year. A student must improve himself during this period and will be
required to pass the backlog courses. Any student who does not improve
himself/herself during probation period may be suspended on receiving report from
the Head of the Department.

A student on academic probation who fails to maintain a GPA of at least 2.20

during two consecutive academic years may be suspended from the University. A
student who has been suspended may apply for consideration to the Vice-

Petitions for reinstatement must indicate clearly the reasons for the previous
unsatisfactory academic record. It must describe the improved conditions that have
been created to prevent the recurrence of such work. Each such petition will be
considered individually on its own merits.

After consideration of the petition and after consultation with the student Adviser
and the respective Head of the Department, the Vice-Chancellor in some cases may
reinstate the student if this is the first suspension. However, a second suspension
will be regarded as final and absolute.

21 Measures for Helping Academically Weak Students

The following provisions will be made as far as possible to help academically weak
students to enable them to complete their studies within the maximum period of
seven consecutive years (fourteen Terms).

21.1 Student's having CGPA below 2.20

All such students whose CGPA is less than 2.20 at the end of a Term may be given
a load of not exceeding four theory courses, in the next Term.

21.2 Students having Withdrawal/Backlog Subjects

Students may be allowed to take backlog courses subject to the approval of his/her
Adviser and Head of the Department based on the following rules:

i) Students having several withdrawal/backlog courses in the previous Terms

have to register those courses, which have been offered for the regular
students in the current Term with priority.
ii) Students having backlog in one or several courses will be allowed to register
for a maximum of 6 (six) theory courses including backlog courses within the
maximum credit limit of 27.5.
iii) Respective Department will try to arrange classes of few courses in the 6th
slot (6th slot means the course in addition to 5 courses), so that students
having backlog can attend. In this case, students having backlog shall have to
study the courses along with the regular students.

iv) If it is not possible to arrange any course or courses described in (iii), then the
students having class attendance at least 60% (sixty percent) may be allowed
to register the backlog courses as self study retaining the already obtained
marks of class tests, class performance/attendance/assignments etc. In such
case student must register the backlog courses within 3 weeks after the
commencement of respective Term.
v) Final examination for the backlog courses may be conducted with the regular
students in the same question paper and on the same day and time if possible.
Otherwise, final examination for the backlog courses will be arranged by the
Head of the Department as soon as possible.

22 Special Examination
If Short-Term is not possible to arrange, a special examination on backlog subjects
may be conducted for the students who have participated their 4 year degree course
(upto 4th year 2nd term) and have a maximum of 3 (three) backlog courses (theory)
and a shortage of maximum credits upto 12 may be allowed to register for special
backlog examination. The special backlog examination will be arranged in a
convenient time by the Head of the Department after 30 (thirty) days of publication
of results of the 4th year 2nd Term regular examination. The evaluation system will
be the same as backlog with self-study. The students willing to appear at the special
backlog examination have to apply to the Head of the Department and with his
permission must register within 7 (seven) days of publication of 4th year 2nd Term
results. A student who has failed in the special backlog examination will register the
course(s) in the next regular Terms.
23. Minimum Earned Credits and GPA Requirements for Obtaining Degree
The credit requirements for the award of Bachelor degree will be decided by the
respective ACUG following Article No.7.5. The minimum CGPA requirement for
obtaining a Bachelor degree is 2.20.

A student may take additional courses with the consent of his/her Adviser in order
to improve CGPA, but he/she may take a maximum of 15 such additional credits
beyond respective credit requirements for the degree during his/her entire period of

24. Time Limit for Completion of the Degree

A student must complete his studies within a maximum period of 7 (seven)
consecutive academic years (fourteen regular Terms) for completion of the degree.

25. Industrial/Professional Training Requirements

Depending on each Department’s requirement, a student may have to complete a
prescribed number of days of industrial/professional training in addition to
minimum credit and other requirements, to the satisfaction of the concerned

26. Absence during Term
A student should not be absent from quizzes, class tests, and spot tests etc. during
the Term. Such absence will naturally lead to reduction in points/marks that count
towards the final grade. Absence in Term final examination will result in ‘F’ grades.

A student who has been absent for short periods, up to a maximum of three weeks
due to illness, should approach the course teacher(s) or the Course Coordinator for a
make-up quizzes or assignments immediately on returning to the classes. Such
request should be supported by medical certificate from University Medical Officer.
The medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner and endorsed by
University Medical Officer will also be acceptable only in those cases where the
student has valid reason for his/her absence from the University.

27. Application for Graduation and Award of Degree.

A student who has fulfilled all the academic requirements for the degree will have
to apply to the Controller of Examinations through his/her Adviser and Head of the
Department for graduation. Degree will be awarded on completion of the minimum
Credit and CGPA requirements subject to the approval of the Academic Council.



The undergraduate students of different semesters of this department have to follow the
course schedule given below. The letter prefix in any course number indicates the
department offering the course viz. EE for electrical and electronic engineering, CE for civil
engineering, ME for mechanical engineering, CSE for computer science and engineering,
Math for mathematics, Ch for chemistry, Ph for physics, Hum for humanities. The first digit
in the course number indicates the year for which the course is intended. The second digit in
the course number indicates the semester for which the course is intended. The odd
numbered courses are theory courses and the even numbered courses are
sessional/Practical/Laboratory courses.

In the summary of course,

L stands for Lecture Hours per week.
T stands for Tutorial Hours per week.
P stands for Practical/ Laboratory/sessional works hours per week.

(Effective from Batch 2006)

Summary of Courses


Course No. Course Title Credit

EE 1103   Basic Electrical Engg 3
EE 1104 Sessional on EE 1103 1.5
Ch 1103 Chemistry 4
Ch 1104 Sessional on Ch 1103 0.75
Ph 1103 Physics-I 3
Ph 1104 Sessional on Ph 1103 0.75
Math 1103 Mathematics-I 3
Hum 1103 Technical English 3
CE 1104 Civil Engg Drawing 0.75
Total 19.75
1st year 1st term Load = 15L+9P=25 Hrs/week=19.5 Credit


Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 1203 Electrical Circuit & filter Design 3
EE 1204  Sessional on EE 1203 1.5
EE 1222 Programming Technique-I 1.5
Ph 1203 Physics-II 3
Ph 1204 Sessional on Ph 1203 0.75
Math 1203 Mathematics-II 3
ME 1203 Basic Mechanical Engineering 3
ME 1204 Sessional on ME 1203 0.75
Hum 1203 Economics & Accountancy 3
Hum 1204 English Skills laboratory 0.75
Total 20.25
1st year 2nd term Load = 15L+9P = 24 Hrs/week = 20.25 Credit
Yearly total credit =19.75 + 20.25 = 40.0

Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 2107 Electrical Machines-I 3
EE 2108 Sessional on EE 2107 0.75
EE 2109 Electronics-I 3
EE 2110 Sessional on EE 2109 1.5
EE 2122 Program. Technique-II 1.5
Math 2103 Mathematics-III 3
IEM 2103 Industrial Management 3
CE 2103 Strength of Materials 3
CE 2104 Sessional on CE 2103 0.75
Total 19.5
2nd year 1st term Load = 15L+9P = 24 Hrs/week = 19.5 Credit


Course No. Course Title Credit

EE 2200 Electrical & Electronic shop practice 1.5
EE 2209 Electronics-II 3
EE 2210 Sessional on EE 2209 1.5
EE 2211 Electromagnetic Fields 3
EE 2235 Signals and Systems 3
EE2240 Electrical and Electronic Circuit Simulation Laboratory 1.5
Math 2203 Mathematics-IV 4
Hum 2203 Optional-I 3
Total 20.5
2nd year 2nd term Load = 16L+9p= 25 Hrs/week = 20.5 Credit
Yearly total credit =19.5 + 20.5 = 40.0

Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 3101 Electrical Engineering Materials 2
EE 3107 Electrical Machines-II 3
EE 3108 Sessional on EE 3107 1.50
EE 3109 Electronics-III 4
EE 3110 Sessional on EE 3109 1.50
EE 3113 Digital Electronics and Logic Design 4
EE 3114 Sessional on EE 3113 1.50
EE 3121 Numerical Methods and Statistics 3
EE 3122 Sessional on EE 3121 0.75
Total 21.25
3rd year 1st term load = 16L + 10.5 P = 26.5 Hrs/Week=21.25 credit


Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 3200 Electrical & Electronic Project Design 0.75
EE 3203 Power System Analysis-I 3
EE 3205 Communication Engineering -I 3
EE 3206 Sessional on EE 3205 0.75
EE 3207 Electrical Machines-III 3
EE 3208 Sessional on EE 3207 0.75
EE 3213 Microprocessors ,Microcontrollers & Peripherals 3
EE 3214 Sessional on EE 3213 1.50
EE 3215 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation 4
EE 3216 Sessional on EE 3215 0.75
EE 3220 Electrical Machines Design 0.75
Total 21.25
3rd year 2nd term Load = 16L + 10.5 P = 26.5 Hrs/Week=21.25 credit
Yearly total credit =21.25 + 21.25 = 42.50

Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 4000 Project & Thesis* 1.5
EE 4101 Control System Engineering 3
EE 4102 Sessional on EE 4101 0.75
EE 4103 Power System analysis-II 3
EE 4104 Sessional on EE 4103 0.75
EE 4105 Communication Engineering-II 3
EE 4106 Sessional on EE 4105 0.75
EE 4109 Power Electronics and Industrial Drives 3
EE 4110 Sessional on EE 4109 0.75
EE 4130 Seminar 0.75
Optional- II 3
Total 20.25
* Continued to the second term
4th year 1st term Load = 15L + 10.5 P = 25.5 Hrs/Week = 20.25 credit


Course No. Course Title Credit
EE 4000 Project and Thesis (Total credit 4.5) 3
EE 4203 Switchgear & Protection 3
EE 4204 Sessional on EE 4203 0.75
EE 4205 Communication Eng-III 3
EE 4206 Sessional on EE 4205 0.75
EE 4235 Digital Signal Processing 3
EE 4236 Sessional on EE 4235 0.75
Optional-III 3
Optional-IV 3
Total 20.25
N.B The course EE4000 will be evaluated at the end of 2nd term.
4th year 2nd term load = 15L + 10.5 P = 25.5 Hrs/Week = 20.25 credit
Yearly total credit =20.25+ 20.25 = 40.50
Total: 40.0+ 40.00 + 42.50 + 40.50=163.00

Optional I: Hum2203 Sociology & Government, Hum2217 Professional Ethics &

Moral Thoughts, Hum2219 Occupational Psychology.
Optional II: EE4107 Generalized Machine Theory, EE4113 Embedded Systems,
EE4119 Telecommunication Switching, EE4121 VLSI Design. EE4111
Microwave Engineering,
Optional III: EE4209 Semiconductor Device & Technology, EE4233 High Voltage
Engineering, EE4237 Reliability Analysis & Prediction, EE4239
Artificial Intelligence.
Optional IV: EE4201 Advanced Control System, EE4213 Digital Image Processing,
EE4217 Power Plant Engineering, EE4219 Opto-electronics and
Lightwave Technology, EE4221 Biomedical Engineering.

The minimum credit hours to be completed for obtaining the degree of B.Sc. Engineering
(Electrical and Electronic) is 163.00 of which 124 credit hours are for theoretical courses
and 39.00 credit hours for sessional courses.

Semester-wise distribution of courses credit hours are listed below:

No. of Courses Contact Hours Credit

Year Sem Theory Sessi Total Theory Sessi Total Theory Sessi Total
1st 1st 5 4 9 16 7.5 23.5 16 3.75 19.75
2nd 5 4 9 15 9 24 15 5.25 20.25
2 1st 5 4 9 15 9 24 15 4.5 19.5
2nd 5 4 9 16 9 25 16 4.5 20.5
3rd 1st 5 4 9 16 10.5 26.5 16 5.25 21.25
2nd 5 5 10 16 10.5 26.5 16 5.25 21.25
4 1st 5 6 11 15 10.5 25.5 15 5.25 20.25
2nd 5 3 8 15 10.5 25.5 15 5.25 19.5
Total 40 34 74 124 76.5 200.5 124 39 163.00


EE-1103 Basic Electrical Engineering-I Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Fundamental concepts and units, Variables and parameters: Voltage, current, power,
energy, independent and dependent sources, resistance.
Basic laws: Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, Joule’s law.
Simple resistive circuits: Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current division, Wye-
Delta transformation.
Techniques of circuit analysis: Nodal and mesh analysis including supernode and
supermesh. Network theorems: Source transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and
superposition theorems with applications in circuits having independent and dependent
sources, Millman’s theorem, Compensation theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem and
Reciprocity theorem.
Source Concept: Sources of E.M.F, primary and secondary cells. Energy storage elements:
Inductors and capacitors, series & parallel combination of inductors and capacitors.
Magnetic quantities and variables: Flux, permeability and reluctance, magnetic field
strength, magnetic potential, flux density, magnetization curve. Laws of magnetic circuits:
Ohm’s law and Ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic circuits: series, parallel and series-parallel
Introduction to measuring instruments: Ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer and wattmeter.
Alternating Current circuits: Introduction to alternating current circuits, instantaneous,
average and R.M.S values, complex impedance and phasor algebra, Power relations in A/C
circuits: real, reactive and apparent power, power factor, power factor improvement.
Single-phase AC circuits: Series and parallel RL, RC and RLC circuits, nodal and mesh
analysis, application of network theorems in AC circuits.
Resonance in AC circuits: Series and parallel resonance, half-power bandwidth, quality
factor, energy analysis at resonance.

EE-1104 Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week

Laboratory Works: Experiments based on Basic Electrical Engineering

Ph-1103 Physics-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week

Heat and thermodynamics:

Thermometry: Concepts of heat and temperature, measurement of high and low temperature,
resistance thermometer, constant volume thermometer, thermo electric thermometer and
Kinetic theory of gases: Fundamental assumption of kinetic theory, pressure excreted by a
perfect gas, Gas laws, Brownian movement, Degrees of freedom, Principle of equi-partition
of energy, mean free path of gas molecules, Maxwell’s Law of distributions of velocities.
Equation of state: Physical explanation of the behavior of real gases. Andrew’s experiments,
Vander walls equation, Critical constants, defects of Vander wall’s equation, State of matter
near the critical point.
Thermodynamics: Zeroth law of Thermodynamics and its significance. First law of
thermodynamics, work done during adiabatic and isothermal processes. Second law of
thermodynamics, Carnot’s cycle, Carnot’s engine, thermionic emission, entropy changes in
reversible and an irreversible process, entropy of a perfect gas, zero point energy and
negative temperature, Maxwell’s thermo dynamical relations.
Wave and oscillations: Wave and composition of simple harmonic motion, simple harmonic
motion, average value of kinetic and potential energies of a harmonic oscillation,
superposition of simple harmonic motions, uses of Lissajous figures.
Damped and forced harmonic oscillator: Damped oscillatory system, damped harmonic
oscillation, the LCR circuit, forced vibration, quality factor of forced oscillator, sharpness of
resonance, phase of driven oscillator, power absorption.
Wave Motion: Types of wave, progressive and stationary wave, Energy distribution due to
progressive and stationary wave, interference of sound wave, phase velocity and group
Sound Wave: Audible, ultrasonic, infrasonic and super sonic waves, Doppler’s effects and
its application, applications of ultrasonic sound.
Acoustics: Intensity of sound, Bel, sound pressure level, phonon, acoustic intensity,
architectural acoustics, Diffraction of sound, Musical sound, and noises, Speech,
Characteristic’s of musical Sound.
Building Acoustic: Reverberation, Sabine’s reverberation formula, growth intensity, decay
intensity, reverberation time and absorption co-efficient, requisites for good acoustic.
Interference: Nature of light, interference of light, coherent sources, young double slit
experiment, energy distribution,, condition for interference, production of interference
fingers, Fresnel Bi-prism, Newton’s ring.

Optical Instrument: Photographic camera, simple microscope, compound microscope,
telescope astronomical telescope, spectrometer.

Ph-1104 Physics Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Experiments based on Physics- I (Ph-1103)

Ch-1103 Chemistry Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4Hrs/Week

Crystal symmetry, Miller indices, different methods for the determination of structure;
Structures of the metallic elements and certain compounds with 3-dimensional lattices;
Defects in solid states, Semiconductors. Electronic structure of the elements: metallic bond,
band theory, hydrogen bonding, chelate bond.
Periodic Table: Generalization of chemical properties from periodic table. Inert gases and
their importance in industry.
Chemical kinetics: Theories of reaction rates.
Chemical Equilibrium: Law of mass action and its application; Effect of pressure on
chemical equilibrium; Le-Chateller’s theorem and application; Solvent extraction and ion
exchange processes.
Electro-Chemistry: Electrolytes; Nerst’s theory of electrode potential, type of electrodes and
electrode potentials, emf measurement, polarization and over potentials; Origin of EMF,
Free energy and EMF, Electrical double layer, Factor affecting electrode Reaction and
current, Modes of Mass transfer, Lithium ion and Lithium ion battery, Transport number;
pH value and its determination; Electrode potentials and corrosion, Electroplating and
Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear reaction, nuclear hazard & photochemistry.
Chemistry of polymer: Polymer and polymerization, co-polymerization, ionic
polymerization, living polymer, structure and properties of macromolecules, plastic and
rubber, conducting polymer.

Ch-1104 Chemistry-I Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Experiments based on Ch-1103.

Math-1103 Mathematics-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Differential calculus: Limit and continuity; differentiability; Differentiation: reviews of

differentiation of various types of functions, application of differentiation, Successive
differentiation; Successive differentiation of different types of functions, Leibnitz’s theorem;
Expansion of functions: Rolle’s theorem; Mean value theorem; Taylor’s theorem (finite and
infinite forms); Maclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms; Cauchy’s forms of
remainder and Lagrange’s forms of remainder. Expansion of functions by differentiation;
Indeterminate forms; L’ hospitals Rule; Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem. Maximum
and minimum: Maxima & minima of different types of functions, Physical application,
Tangents and normal: Tangents and normal, sub tangent and subnormal in Cartesian and

polar co-ordinates; Asymptotes. Curvatures: Curvature, radius of curvature, circle and centre
of curvature, Chord of curvature in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, curve tracing Evolute
and involute, envelops.
Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions: Change of axes, General equation of second
Co-ordinate Geometry of three dimensions: system of co-ordinates, distance between two
points; Direction cosine and ratio; angle between two straight lines; Equation of a plane;
Plane through three given points; Angle between two planes; Equation of a straight line
through two points.
Set theory: Review of sets, equivalence relations, functions; Boolean algebra: Definition,
basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions.

Hum-1103 Technical English Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Structure and written expression: The noun-phrase, the verb phrase, subject verb agreement,
pronouns; verb as complements; questions; affirmative agreement (too / so); negative
agreement (either / neither); negation; commands; modal auxiliaries; adjectives and adverbs;
comparison; nouns functioning as adjective; enough with adjective, adverbs and nouns;
cause connectors; passive voice ; causative verbs; relative clauses; that-other uses;
subjunctive; inclusive; use of know / know how; clause of concession; problem verbs; style
in written English; problem with vocabulary and prepositions; verbal idioms.
Scientific terminology: Construction of sentences and paragraphs; phrases and idioms;
proverbs; punctuation; commercial correspondence and tender notice, amplification and
description; Comprehension, précis; Technical report writing; standard forms of term
papers, thesis, etc.

CE-1104 Civil Engineering Drawing Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Lettering and numbering; use of instruments. Projection: - Line, square

plating, cube, prism, cone, cylinder. Plan, Elevations and sections of Residential Buildings.
Use of various drawing and drafting instruments.

EE 1203 Electrical circuits & filter design Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE1103

Transients: Transient conditions in electrical (ac & dc) circuits.

Graph theory: Loop, Path-set, cut-set and mesh matrix & their relationships.
Coupled circuits: self and mutual inductances, coupling co-efficient, analysis of coupled
coils, dot rule, energy in a pair of coupled coils, reflected impedance, conductively coupled
circuits, transfer impedance.
Poly-phase circuits: Analysis of balanced and unbalanced polyphase circuits, Phase
sequence, Methods of checking phase sequence, power in the three phase circuits and its
Dissipation less network: Reactance and Susceptance curves, analysis and synthesis of
dissipationless networks.
Filter: Conventional filter design and operation, elementary filter sections, fundamental
equations of an ideal filter, theorem connecting characteristic impedance and attenuation

constant-k sections, prototype filter sections, m-derived filter sections, use of reactance
curves in determining filter performance, impedance matching of filters, composite filters,
band pass and band stop filters, frequency transformations to develop other types of filter
from low pass case.
Modern Filter: Ideal transfer function, general design procedure, Butterworth and
Chebychev filters: approximation and design.
Two Port Networks (TPN): Two port networks (symmetrical & asymmetrical),
determination of two port parameters, relationship between two port parameters, equivalent
model for different parameters’ representation of TPNs, reciprocity and symmetry of TPNs,
π and T equivalent networks, interconnection of TPNs, choice of parameter type, validity
tests, applications of terminal characteristics, recurrent networks- ladder, lattice sections,
bridged-t section; T & PI sections, half section, L section, terminated two port networks;
iterative impedance, image impedance, characteristic impedance, symmetrical two port
networks, image propagation function, reflection of voltage, current and power; insertion

EE-1204: Electrical circuits & filter design Sessional Credit: 1. 5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Laboratory Work-Experiments based on EE1203

EE 1222 Programming Technique-I Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

FORTRAN Language: Introduction, characters, constants and variables, real, integer,

complex and logical variables, relational operators, arithmetic expressions etc. GOTO
(conditional & unconditional), input/output, format, arithmetic and logical if statements , do,
nested do loops and while-do loops, library functions.
Introduction to C programming: Programming concepts; structured programming language:
Data types, operators, expressions, control structures; functions and program structures:
Function basics, parameter passing conventions, scope rules and storage classes, recursion;
header files; preprocessor; arrays and pointers; user defined data type: Structures, unions,
enumeration; input and output: Standard input and output, formatted input and output, file
access; variable length argument list; command line parameters; error handling

Ph-1203 Physics-II Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: Ph1103

Solid State Physics:

Crystal structure: Periodic array of atoms, fundamental types of lattices, Miller index.
Reciprocal Lattices: Diffraction of waves by crystals, scattered wave amplitude, Brillouin
Zones, Fourier analysis of basis.
Phonon: Vibration of crystal with monatomic basis, two atoms per primitive basis, phonon
heat capacity, thermal conductivity, enharmonic crystal interaction.
Free electron Fermi gas: Energy levels in one dimension, Fermi-Dirac distribution, heat
capacity of electric gas, electrical conductivity and Ohms law, motion in magnetic law,
thermal conductivity of metals.
Breakdown of the classical theory of conductions: Mean free paths, specific heat, Hall
Effect, Fermi structure of metals, construction of Fermi surface, electron orbits, hole orbits
and open orbits, Wigner-Scitz method for calculation of energy bands, Fermi surface of
copper, velocity of electron according to band theory.
Laser: History of laser, physical process in lasers, laser structure, parameter and modes of
operation, laser type, semiconductor lasers, ruby laser, Raman laser, Nobel gas lasers and
application of laser.
Modern Physics:
Practical properties of waves: Black body radiation, Planck’s Quantum hypothesis, Photo
electric effect, The Crompton effect, Quantum state of energy, Dual Character of light, X-
ray diffraction, formulation of Bragg and Von Laue, Application of x-ray.
Wave Properties of matter: De Broglie’s hypothesis, nature of De Broglie’s waves, phase
velocity and group velocity, uncertainty principle, elementary proof Heisenberg’s
uncertainty relation; application of uncertainty principle.
Atomic Structure: Bohr’s atom model, nature of electron orbits, orbital energy, electron
energy levels in hydrogen, orbital energy level diagram of hydrogen atom, correspondence
of principle, vector atom model, space quantization, magnetic moment of orbital electron,
quantization of magnetic moment; spin magnetic moment of an electron.
Nuclear Physics:
Radio activity: introduction to radioactivity, Laws of radio active disintegration, Half life,
mean life, laws of successive disintegration, secular and transient radioactive equilibrium;
practical application of radioactivity.
Nuclear energy: Fission and fusion process, mass distribution, energy distribution, chain
reaction, binding energy, nuclear force, nuclear reactor.
Relativity: Galilean Transformation, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time
dilation, proper and non proper time, relativistic variation of mass, Einstein’s mass energy
relation; Min Kowaski space.

Ph1204 Physics Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Experiments based on physics-II (Ph-1203).

Math-1203 Mathematics-II Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: Math 1103

Integral calculus: Definition of integration; Integration by the method of substitution;

Integration by parts; Standard integrals; Integration by the method of successive reduction;
Definite integrals, its properties and uses in summation of series; Wallis’s formula; Improper
integral; Differentiation under the sign of integration, integration under the sign of
integration, Beta and gamma functions; Area under a plane curves in Cartesian and polar co-
ordinates; parametric and pedal equation, intrinsic equation; volume of solid revolution,
volume of hollow solids of revolutions by shell method, area of surface of revolution.
Differential Equations in one Independent Variable: Formation of differential equation,
Order and degree of differential equations; Solution of differential equation of first order
first degree by different methods; Solution of first order and higher degree, Application of
first order deferential equation, Solutions of linear differential equations of second and
higher orders with constant coefficients; Solutions of homogeneous linear equation.

Hum-1204 English skills laboratory Credit: 0.75
Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Grammar: Tense, article, preposition, subject-verb agreement, clause, conditional and

sentence structure.
Vocabulary building: Correct and precise diction, affixes, level of appropriateness,
Colloquial and standard, informal and formal.
Developing reading skill: Strategies of reading, skimming, scanning, predicting, inferring;
analyzing and interpreting variety of texts; practicing comprehension from literary and
nonliterary texts.
Developing writing skill: Sentences, sentence variety, generating sentences; clarity and
correctness of sentences, linking sentences to form paragraphs, writing paragraphs, essays,
and reports, formal and informal letters.
Listening skill and note taking: Listening to recorded texts and class lectures and learning to
take useful notes based on listening.
Developing speaking skill: Oral skills including communicative expressions for personal
identification, life at home, giving advice and opinion, instruction and directions, requests,
complaints, apologies, describing people and places, narrating events.

ME-1203 Basic Mechanical Engineering Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Introduction to the sources of Heat energy. Renewable and non-renewable sources and their
potential; Introduction to steam generation, Steam generator: Boilers and their classification;
Working principle of few common and modern boiler; boiler mountings and accessories;
Performance of boiler. Heat engines: Gas turbines, diesel engines, petrol engines, Fuel,
lubrication and cooling systems of I.C engines.
Energy and First law: Systems and surroundings; Conservation of energy; Different
thermodynamic processes; Energy transfer as heat for a control volume.
Entropy and Second law: Reversibility and irreversibility; Definition and corollaries of
second law of thermodynamics. Entropy: its transfer and change.
Characteristics of some thermodynamic cycles: Analysis of different thermodynamic cycles,
vapor power cycles, Representation of various cycles on PV & TS planes.
Basic concepts of refrigeration systems: Vapor compression refrigeration, Absorption
refrigeration, cop, refrigerants and their classifications and properties.
Air conditioning: Introduction, objectives and major components of air conditioning
systems; Humidity; Dew point.

ME-1204 Basic Mechanical Engineering Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Experiments based on basic mechanical engineering (ME1203).

Hum-1203 Economics & Accounting Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Definition, scope and methods. Demand, supply and their elasticity’s; equilibrium analysis-
partial and general; Consumer behavior, marginal utility; indifference curve, consumer’s
surplus; producer behavior; iso-quant, iso-cost line. Factors of production function;
production possibility curve; fixed cost and variable cost; short run and long run costs, total,
average and marginal cost; laws of returns; internal and external economics and
diseconomies; market and market forms; perfect and imperfect competition; price output
determinations. Introductory ideas on GNP, GDP, perceptual income, interest, rent, saving,
investment, inflation; Project approval, NPV, IRR & their application, cost benefit analysis.
Introduction: Definition, advantages, objects; Nature of transaction; double-entry system of
book-keeping; classification of account.
Accounting cycle: Journal, ledger, trial balance, final account including adjustment.
Final Accounts: Trading & manufacturing accounts, profit and loss accounts and balance
Depreciation: methods of depreciation.
Costing: Concept of cost, classification of cost, cost-sheet, distribution of overhead to the
various cost centre/departments, calculation of departmental overhead rate and machine hour
rate; job costing: preparation of job cost-sheet & quotation. Marginal costing & profit
volume/ratio, operating cost.

EE 2107 Electrical Machines-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

DC Generators: Description of different parts of DC generators, emf equation, principle of

DC generators, Different types of winding, Winding Table, Voltage build up, Armature
reaction, losses and efficiency, Parallel operation of DC generators.

DC Motor: Principle of operation, classification, losses and efficiency, Starting, Separately

excited DC motor, Permanent magnet DC motor, Two and four-quadrant operation of DC
motors; speed control by converter and chopper, Crane, traction and hoist application of DC
motor, Choice of DC motors for different applications.
Transformer: Working principle, Construction and cooling, ‘equivalent circuit, Vector
diagram, voltage regulation, efficiency, Losses & efficiency, Parallel operation;
Determination of transformer constants and polarity. Three phase operation of single-phase
transformer; Open Delta and Scott connections, Harmonics in polyphase transformers,
Induction voltage regulators; Autotransformers: three phase and single phase, Power
transformers: bushing, Cooling, Tap Changing and parallel operation.

EE 2108 Electrical machine-I Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/ Week

Experiments based on EE 2107

EE 2109 Electronics-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Properties of Insulators, Semiconductors, and Metals; Conduction in solids,

Conventional current and electron flow, Drift and diffusion current, Mobility and
Conductivity. The potential barrier; work function; contact potential. The Hall Effect and
Hall devices.

Semiconductors: Intrinsic Semiconductors: Crystal and energy band diagram, Electrons and
holes, conduction in semiconductors, Electron and hole concentration. Extrinsic
semiconductors: n-type doping, p-type doping, and compensation doping, Temperature
dependence of conductivity, Carrier Concentration Temperature Dependence, Degenerate
and non-degenerate semiconductors. Diffusion and conduction equations, random motion
and continuity equation, Time-dependent continuity equation, Steady-state continuity
Semiconductor diode characteristics: Qualitative and Quantitative theory of the p-n junction
as a diode; Ideal pn junction, pn junction band diagram, current components in p-n diode;
Volt-ampere characteristics; Transition and diffusion capacitance, Dynamic resistance,
Reverse breakdown; Avalanche and Zener breakdown; Zener diode, Rectifier Diode:
controlled & uncontrolled rectification, Special-Purpose Diodes: Tunnel diode, varactor
diode, and breakdown diode; Metal oxide semi-conductor diode, optical diode, PIN diode,
Schottky diode, Current regulator diode, Introduction to BJT, SCR, TRIAC, DIAC.

EE 2110 Electronics-I Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/ Week

Electronic symbols; Ratings and identification of resistor, capacitor, inductor, diodes,

transistors, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, etc. and H.F. Transformer, low rating relays, switches etc.
and their uses in electronic circuits Experiments based on Electronics-I.

EE 2122 Programming Technique-II Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 1222

Introduction to C++ programming language: Introduction, Characters, Constants and Float,

Integer, character, Complex and logical Variables, Relational operators and logical
operators, key words, Arithmetic expressions, looping, branching, array, string, input/output
file handling, Binary file handling, binary operators, class, Dynamic programming,
Structure, Self referential structure, union, pointer and dynamic memory allocation. Some
typical program development tactics using C++ program, Introduction to object oriented
programming, problem-solving using object oriented programming.
Advanced problem solving technique: Algorithm development for sorting, inserting, delete
for a database, queue, stack and linked list. Introduction to Java and HTML

Math -2103 Mathematics-III Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: Math 1203

Vector Analysis: Reviews of vector algebra, Vector differentiation: Differential operators;

gradient, divergence, curl; Vector integration; line surface and volume integrals, integral
theorem: Green’s, Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems; curvilinear co-ordinates: orthogonal
coordinates, spherical and cylindrical polar Co-ordinates; Introduction to tensor.
Matrices: Reviews of matrix algebra; Elementary transformations: inverse by elementary
transformation, rank; linear dependence and independence of vectors and matrices; solution
of linear equations using matrix, vector spaces. Linear transformations; Eigen values and
Eigen vectors; Cayley- Hamilton theorem.
Differential equations: solution in series by Frobenious method. Solution of Bessel’s
differential equation; solution of legendre differential equation; Bessel’s function and its
properties; modified Bessel’s function, ber and bei functions; Legendre polynomials and its
properties, Legendre function of second kind.
IEM2103 Industrial Management Credit: 3
Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Evolution and various thoughts of management, organization and environment,

Organization: theory and structure, co-ordination, span of control, authority, delegation,
centralization and decentralization,
Personal Management: need hierarchy, motivation, leadership, performance, appraisal,
wages and incentives, organizational change and conflicts.
Cost and financial Management: Elements of costs, of products depreciation, break event
Operational Management: Forecasting, inventory management, ABC analysis, MRP and
JIT, master planning, basic scheduling technique, CPM and PERT, plant Location, and
layout, maintenance management, manage information system(MIS), computer aided
process planning (CAPP), manufacturing resource planning.(MRP-II)

CE-2103 Strength of Material & Structure Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Stress and strain: Tension and compression; Internal force; stress; Axial stresses and shear
stresses; Strain; Elasticity and elastic limit; Hook’s law; Modulus of Elasticity; Proportional
limit; Stress strain diagram; Bearing stress; Hoop stress; Centrifugal stress; thermal stress;
shearing strain; Modulus or rigidity; Impact load.
Combined stress and strain: Stress in an inclined plain of an axially load member; principal
stress and principal plane; thin walled pressure vessel; Mohr’s circle; pure shear; Relation
between modulus of rigidity and modulus of elasticity; Combined stress and principal
Torsion: Relation between shearing stress and torque in solid and hollow shaft; Torsional
stiffness and equivalent shaft; close coiled helical spring. Statically determinate Beams;
Simple beams; different types of loading and reactions at supports; shear force and bending
moment; shear force and bending moment diagrams; relation between shear force and
bending moment; superposition principle; consideration for flexure equation and distribution
of bending stress; Shearing stress due to bending; Economical sections; Deflection of beams.
Column Theory: Compression blocks struts; column and braces; Euler’s column formula for
central load and different end conditions; Modes of failure and critical load; Slenderness
ratio and classification of column; Secant formula for columns with eccentric loading;
Empirical formulae; straight-line equation.

CE-2104 Strength of Material & Strictures Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2Hrs/Week

Experiments based on CE-2103

EE 2200 Electrical & Electronic Shop Practice Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Familiarization with electric switches; Electric tools; electrical fittings and fixtures.; Wire
wrapping; Soldering; Electrical symbols; Connection of tube light, staircase lighting,
flickering lighting, moving lighting, simple traffic signals, calling bells, etc.

Wire specification: Flexible wire: Electrical cables: T&T cables; fuse wire, etc. Safety
devices: Fuse wires; MCCB; fuse distribution board (FDB); oil circuit breaker, air circuit
breaker, etc. Motor winding, fans and regulator repairing, transformer winding, etc. Testing:
Megger test, fan and transformer test, earthing and its testing.
Electrical wiring :Illumination, House wiring, Industrial installation wiring, Estimation for
electrical wiring system, Safety rules, wiring of air conditioning, designing underground
cable, erection estimation, electricity rules, electricity codes, Tariff of PDB and REB.

EE 2209 Electronics-II Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE2109

Different types of electron emissions, Electron Ballistics: Motion of charged particles in

constant, parallel, and perpendicular electric & magnetic fields; electrostatic deflection,
CRT; Electric and magnetic focusing. Vacuum Tubes: diodes, triodes, tetrodes, pentodes and
multigrid tubes; their characteristics and equivalent circuits.
Transistor: Transistor and its current components, transistor as an amplifier, BJT, Different
transistor configurations and their equivalent circuits, study of load lines, transistor
switching times, detailed study of transistor biasing and thermal stabilization.
Transistor circuit analyses: Review of different transistor configurations and their
equivalent circuits; r-parameters and h-parameters; Analysis at low, medium and high
frequencies; Transistor amplifier circuits and their cascading; effect of input output
impedances; Darlington pair; Emitter follower.
FET: Introduction, Construction and characteristics, transfer characteristics, MOSFET:
depletion type and enhancement type, biasing, FET amplifier, VVR, and UJT, CMOS,
VMOS, FET small signal model and analysis.

EE 2210 Electronics-II Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Experiments based on EE 2209

EE 2211 Electromagnetic Fields Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: Math 2103

Vector analysis: Reviews of vector analysis.

Electrostatics: Coulomb’s law and forces, Electric field intensity, Electrical flux density,
Gauss’s-theorem with application, Electrostatic potential, Equipotential surfaces, Boundary
conditions, Method of images, Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations and its solutions, Energy
of an electrostatic system.
Magnetostatics: Concept of magnetic field, flux density and magnetic field intensity.
Faraday’s law, Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s law, vector magnetic potential; Energy of
magnetostatic system; Mechanical forces and torque’s in electrical and magnetic fields;
Solutions to static field problems;
Electromagnetic fields and its radiation: Introduction to displacement current, Derivation of
Maxwell’s equation in different co-ordinate systems and its application. Boundary
conditions for time varying systems, Retarded potentials.
The electrostatics of circuits: Circuit concepts and its derivation from the field equations.
High frequency circuit concepts, Circuit impedance’s, Concepts of good and perfect
conductors, Depth of penetration, internal impedance, Power loss calculation, Skin effect of
practical conductors.
Propagation and reflection of electromagnetic wave in unbounded media: Plane wave
propagation, Polarization, Power flow and pointing theorem, Transmission line analogy,
Reflection from conductor and conducting dielectric boundary.
Radio wave propagation: Plane wave propagation through ionosphere and ground wave
propagation. Effect of earth curvature on propagation.

EE-2235: Signals and Systems Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 1203

Introduction to linear systems and signal classification: signals- classification, basic

operation on signals, elementary signals, representation of signals using impulse function;
systems- classification. Properties of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems: Linearity,
causality, time invariance, memory, stability, invertibility.
Time domain analysis of LTI systems: Differential equations- system representation, order
of the system, solution techniques, zero state and zero input response, system properties;
impulse response- convolution integral, determination of system properties; state variable-
basic concept, state equation and time domain solution.
Analogous systems: f-v and f-i analogy, Electro-mechanical systems.
Frequency domain analysis of LTI systems: Fourier series- properties, harmonic
representation, system response, frequency response of LTI systems; Fourier transformation-
properties, system transfer function, system response and distortion-less systems.
Applications of time and frequency domain analyses: solution of analog electrical and
mechanical systems.
Laplace transformation: Fourier to Laplace, Properties, inverse transform, solution of system
equations, system transfer function, system stability and frequency response and application,
Convolution integral and its application, Superposition integral.
The Z Transformation: Sampled data system, Definition and properties of Z-transform,
ROC, Inverse Z-transform, Mapping between Z plane and S plane, Stability, Solution of
Difference equations.

EE-2240 Electrical & Electronic Circuit Simulation Laboratory Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Simulation laboratory based on EE1103, EE 1203 and EE2209 theory courses. Students will
verify the theories and concepts learned in EE1103, EE 1203 and EE2209 using simulation
software like PSpice and MATLAB. Students will also perform specific design of electrical
(DC and AC) and electronic circuits theoretically and by simulation.

Math 2203 Mathematics-IV Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: Math 2103

Complex variable: Complex number system; Graphical representation, roots, functions;

limits; continuity; complex differentiation, analytic function, Cauchy Riemann equation;
singular points, harmonic function, orthogonal family of curves, Complex integration,
Cauchy’s theorem; Morera’s theorem, Consequences of Cauchy’s theorem; Cauchy’s
integral formula, Expansion of function. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem; Residue:
Calculation residues, Residue theorem, Evaluation of integrals, conformal mapping
transformation, Jacobian of transformation, some general transformation.
Fourier series and Fourier transformation: Fourier series representation of function,
complex form of Fourier series, Parseval’s theorem, Fourier integral, finite Fourier
transformation, series, infinite Fourier transformation, use of Fourier transformation in
boundary value problems.
Laplace transform: Laplace transforms of elementary functions; properties of Laplace
transform, inverse Laplace transform and its properties; convolution theorem; application of
Laplace transform to solve differential equations related linear circuit and partial deferential
Harmonics: solution of simple partial deferential equation with initial and boundary
condition; Heat flow equation; Two dimensional wave equation; solution of two and three
dimensional Laplace equation.

EE 3101 Credit: 2.00

Electrical Engineering Materials. Sessional: 2 Hrs/Week

Waves in crystal; Quantum statistics; Conductivity theory; Collision theory and conductivity
of metals; Band theory of solids, Effective mass; Fermi level; Semiconductor carrier
transport theory, Dielectrics; Polar and Nonpolar Dielectrics, Langgevin function, Clasius
Mosrottis equation. Interaction between field and matter.
Magnetic properties: Magnetic moments; Diamagnetic Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetic,
Ferrimagnetic, Antiferromagnetic materials and their applications, Permanent magnet
Optical properties: Absorption and Emission, Superconductivity, Quantum Electronics.

EE 3107 Electrical Machines-II Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 2107

Induction Motor: General principles, construction, rotating magnetic field, equivalent

circuits, squirrel cage and slip ring motors, torque developed, starting methods, speed
control, tests, losses and efficiency, determination of constants from test data, two-axis
theory, axis transformation, dynamic model, model in different frames (stationary and
synchronous), circle diagram, harmonics in the air gap flux, induction generator.
Single Phase Induction Motor: Rotating field, characteristics of different types of motors,
equivalent circuits and theories.
Alternators: Construction, theory of operation, armature windings, voltage regulation,
armature reaction and reactance, control of excitation, two-reaction analysis, transient
condition, losses and efficiency, synchronizing and load sharing, low power single-phase

EE 3108 Electrical Machines-II Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3107

EE3109Electronics-III Credit: 4
Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 2209

Pulse circuits: Bistable, monostable and astable multivibrators; Frequency generators, PLL,
Analysis of RC coupled transistor amplifier circuits at LF, MF, and HF ranges.

Feedback Amplifiers: Basic concept, Amplifiers: voltage and current, negative feedback
amplifiers, effect of negative feedback upon output and input resistances, different types of
feedback amplifiers; stability; gain and phase margins, topologies and analysis for discrete
transistor amplifiers.
Oscillators: Conditions of self-oscillations, Oscillators: sinusoidal, feedback, relaxation,
square-triangle types, design, frequency stability, and negative resistance in oscillators.
Power Amplifiers: Untuned Class A, AB and B amplifiers, tuned class B and C amplifiers,
neutralization, push-pull Class B and C amplifiers and their design, transistor amplifier with
complimentary symmetry, Tuned potential amplifiers: single, double and Cascaded.
OP-AMP: Different types of operational amplifiers and their applications in: Differentiator,
integrator and comparator circuits. Analog computer and its application in differential
equation solution, active filter.

TV engineering: Principles of black & white (B&W) and color TV, composite video &
chrominance signals, formulation of the chrominance signal, I & Q signals, block, schematic
& pictorial diagrams of TV and their characteristics, CRT, static & dynamic convergence,
automatic degaussing circuits, pincushion cause & correction, raster & raster formation,
different sections of B&W and color TV, VHF & UHF frequency allocations, control of all
section, AFT & remote control circuits, basic troubleshooting procedures, isolating and
replacing the defective stage & component, video signal & camera tubes. Introduction to
LCD monitor.

EE 3110 Electronics-III Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3109

EE 3113 Digital Electronics and Logic Design Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 2109

Number systems: Representation of numbers in different bases, addition and subtraction in

different bases, Complement: Subtraction using complements, binary multiplication &
Binary codes: Different coding system, Boolean algebra, various gates, sum of products and
product of sums, standard and canonical forms and other logical operations.
Simplification of Boolean functions: Karnaugh map method, tabular method of
simplification; Implementation of logic circuit using various gates, universal gates.
Combinational logic circuit: Design procedure: Adder, subtractor, code converters, parity
bit checker and magnitude comparator, analysis of different combinational circuits, encoder,
decoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, ROM, PLA and their applications.
Flip-flops: SR, JK, Master slave, T and D type flip-flops and their characteristic tables &
equations; triggering of flip-flops; flip-flop excitation table.
Sequential circuits: Introduction to sequential circuits, analysis and synthesis of synchronous
and asynchronous sequential circuits.
Counters: Classifications, Synchronous and asynchronous counter design and analysis, ring
counter, Johnson counters, ripple counter and counter with parallel load.
Registers: Classification, shift registers, circular registers and their applications and registers
with parallel load.
Digital IC logic families: Brief description of TTL, DTL, RTL, ECL, I2L, MOS and CMOS
logic and their characteristics, principles of operation and application.
Memory Units: Various memory devices and their interfacing.
Converters: Digital to Analog (D/A), Analog to Digital (A/D) converters, and their

EE 3114 Digital Electronics Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3113

EE 3121 Numerical Methods and Statistics Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Computer Application to Numerical Methods: Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental

Equations, Half interval search, Method of false opposition, Newton-Raphson method,
Method of iteration, Solution of polynomial equations, Solution of systems of linear
equation, Cramer’s rule, Gam’s equation method, Gauss’s-Seidel method.
Interpolation: Forward difference and backward difference, Lagrange’s interpolation
Numerical differentiation: Use of Newton’s interpolation formulas.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, and Simpson’s rule.
Solution of differential equation: Picard’s methods, Runge-Kutta method, and Finite
difference method.
Statistical Analyses: Frequency and frequency distribution and its graphical representation.
Measure of central tendency, mean, media, & mode, Index number, variance, mean
deviation, standard deviation, quartile deviation, time series analyses.
Probability: Probability function and probability distribution: Normal distribution, Poisson’s
distribution and binomial distribution. Theory of error and Gaussian law of error. Arithmetic
Mean, Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean, Moment Skewness and Kurtosis, Moments for
grouped data, Relation between moments and grouped data.
Curve Fitting: Relationship between variables; Equations of approximating curves. The
straight line; the method of least squares, the least square line on linear relation ship. The
least square parabola. Regression Application to time series. Problem involving two or more
Correlation Theory: Correlation and regression. Linear correlation, Measures of correlation.
The least square regression lines. Standard error of estimate. Explained and Unexplained
variation. Coefficient of correlation. Remarks concerning the correlation coefficient.
Product-moment formula for the linear correlation coefficient. Rank correlation formulae.
Regression lines and the linear correlation coefficient. Sampling theory of correlation.
Sampling theory of regression.

EE 3122 Numerical methods & Statistics Credit- 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3121

EE 3200 Electrical & Electronic Project Design Credit: 0.75
Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

General design aspect of electronic components: Filters, amplifier, oscillator audio

amplifiers, power supply from both mains & batteries and other electronic circuit design.
Typical design problems, Digital circuit design. Electronic circuit design using operational
amplifiers and programmable timers. Electronic circuit design & analysis using SPICE

EE 3203 Power System Analysis-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to transmission lines: Flux linkages, inductance due to external flux,

inductance of single-phase two-wire line, composite conductor lines, G.M.D, 3-phase line
with equilateral and with unsymmetrical spacing, parallel circuit of 3-phase line, and use of
Capacitance of Transmission lines: Electric field, capacitance of two wire line, three-phase
lines with symmetrical & with equilateral spacing, effect of earth, parallel circuits lines,
representation of lines: short, medium and long transmission lines, T and π representation,
exact solutions, equivalent circuit of long transmission line. Underground and overhead
Generalized line constants: General line equations in terms of ABCD constants, relations
between constants, charts of line constants, constants of combined networks measurement of
line constants.
Power Network Representations: P.U method of performance calculation, P.U. impedance
of three winding transformers, Power flow in simple systems, Load flow studies of large
systems using the Gauss-Seidel methods; Control of voltage, power and reactive power;
Symmetrical three phase faults on synchronous machine, Symmetrical Components:
Sequence impedance and sequence networks of generators, transformers and lines, sequence
network of systems, Unsymmetrical Faults: Single line to ground fault, line to line fault,
double line to ground fault.

EE 3205 Communication Engineering –I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3109

Introduction of communication systems: Basic principles, fundamental elements, system

Information Theory: Information and system capacity, information transmission, entropy,
continuous channel capacity, transmission through electrical network.
Analog communication: AM, FM, PM, DSB, SSB, VSB, ISB.
Radio Engineering: AM, FM, PM transmitter & receiver, super heterodyne receiver.
Digital communication: Introduction, Nyquist sampling theorem, quantization of analog
system, quantization noise, PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM, LOGPCM, and systems, Digital
modulations, ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, MSK, M-array digital modulation, QAM, QPSK,
delta modulation, multi carrier modulation, line coding, frame construction, Error
Multiplexing: Space division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing, time division
multiplexing, and code division multiplexing.
Noise: Physical sources of noise, types of noise, calculation of noise, SNR & noise figure,
calculation of noise figure, noise temperature, equivalent noise resistance.
EE 3206 Communication Engineering –I Sessional Credit: 0.75
Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/ Week

Laboratory experiments based on EE 3205

EE 3207 Electrical Machines-III Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3107

Synchronous Motor: Theory of operation, Motor characteristics, Mathematical analysis,

Vector diagram, V-curves, Motor tests, Losses, Efficiency and starting, Hunting and
Damping, Synchronous condenser.
Special Machines: Universal motor, hysterisis and stepping motors, electrostatic motor,
Repulsion motor, Brushless DC motor, Switched reluctance motors, Linear induction
motors, Servomotors, Rotating power amplifiers, Permanent magnet motors, IPM motors
and PMSM.
Electro Mechanical energy conversion: Principles of Electro-mechanical energy conversion,
energy balance, Energy in singly excited magnetic systems, Mechanical force and energy,
State function, Variables & co-energy, Dynamic equations, Analytical techniques, Gross
motion, Linearization, Block diagram, Generalized model and analysis of DC , Induction
and synchronous machine.

EE 3208 Electrical Machines-III Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3207

EE3213 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers & Peripherals Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3113

Introduction to different types of microprocessors: 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit and their

architectures, Pin diagrams and Functions, Pentium microprocessors and Co-processors,
RISK & CISC processor. EPROM and RAM (2764 and 6264), Instruction sets and assembly
language programming.
Microprocessor peripherals and their interfacing: Introduction to some available
microprocessor peripherals IC’s and their applications such as 8251, 8253, 8254, 8255,
8257, 8259, 8279. A/D and D/A converter interfacing.
Standard for bus architectures and ports: ISA, EISA, MCA, PCI, VESA, Accelerated
Graphics Port (AGP),Universal Serial Bus (USB), RS-232C, RS-423A, RS-449 and RS-366,
IEEE-488 BUS and Bus system in a Multiprocessor System.
Introduction to Networking: Network architectures, Introduction to ISO reference model.
Introduction to operating system and Memory management.
Microcontroller and embedded system: Introduction to AT89C52.

EE 3214 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers & Peripherals Sessional Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory experiments based on EE 3213

EE 3215 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week

Measurement of resistance, inductance and capacitance, balancing procedure for A.C

bridges, cable faults and localization of cable faults, magnetic measurement, ballistic
galvanometers, flux meter, separation of iron losses, high voltage measurement.
Measuring instruments: Classification, operating principle of ammeters, voltmeters,
wattmeter and watt-hour meters.
Introduction to instrumentation Error: Classification of error, normal law of error, guarantee
of error.
Transducer: Resistive, strain gauges, thermal, magnetic, LVDT, capacitive, piezoelectric,
optical, current and potential transformers.
Electronic measuring instruments: Oscilloscope, DMM, VTVM, TVM.
Computer based instrumentation: PC-based data acquisition, filtering by moving average,
Instrumentation for process control, data conditioning.
Mechanical measurement: Measurement of speed, frequency, pressure, temperature, flow
force, weight level detector, shaft encoder.

EE 3216 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation Sessional Credit: 1.5
Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory Experiments based on EE 3215

EE 3220 Electrical Machine Design Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Specification and design of electromagnets, solenoids, chokes, transformers and induction


EE 4000 Project and Thesis Credit: 1.5

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Study of problems in the field of Electrical & Electronic Engineering

EE 4101 Control System Engineering Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to control system: Conventional control system, steady state response to step,
ramp, and parabolic inputs, transient response, poles and zeros, frequency response from
pole-zero diagram, Routh’s stability criterion; block diagrams, canonical forms, transfer
functions and signal flow graph, root locus, frequency response, Nyquist’s stability criterion.
Modern control system: Introduction, state variable analysis, controllability and
observability, application of Eigen value, linear control system design by state feedback.
Controller design: On-off, fuzzy, P, PI, PD and PID types, introduction to programmable
logic controllers (PLC), temperature control system, position control system.

EE 4102 Control System Engineering Laboratory Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Sessional based on EE 4101

EE 4103 Power system Analysis-II Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3203

Insulators for overhead lines: Types of insulators, their constructions and performance,
potential distribution in a string of insulators, string efficiency, methods by equalizing
potential distribution, special types of insulators, testing of insulators.
Mechanical characteristics of transmission line: Sag and stress analysis, effect of wind and
ice loading, supports at different elevation, conditions of erection, effects of temperature
Insulated cables: Underground cables vs. overhead lines, insulating materials, electro static
stress grading, three core cable-dielectric losses and heating, modern developments oil filled
and gas filled cables, measurements of capacitance, cable testing, corona & corona power
Economic marginal transmission cost and tariff: energy rates and analysis, economic
operation of power system.
Recent trends in transmission system: Overview of flexible ac transmission system
(FACTS), high voltage dc transmission system (HVDC) and SCADA.
Power system stability : The stability problem of power system, distinction between steady
state and transient stability, the swing equation, equal area criterion and its applications,
solution of swing equation, factors affecting transient stability, improving stability.
Typical layout of a substation and load curves: Demand factor, diversity factor, load
duration curves, energy load curve, load factor, capacity factor, plant factor and load

EE 4104 Power System Analysis-II Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Sessional based on EE 4103

EE 4105 Communication Engineering-II Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 3205

Telephony: Introduction to telephone system, principles, microphone, receiver and elements

of telephone.
Ex-change: Introduction to switching systems, strowger and crossbar exchange, digital
exchange, signaling & switching technique, traffic theory, PABX system,
telephone/exchange tariff measurement.
Mobile communication: Introduction, concept, evolution and fundamentals, analog and
digital cellular systems, cellular radio system, frequency reuse, co-channel interference, cell
splitting and components, Mobile radio propagation, propagation characteristics, models for
radio propagation, antenna at cell site and mobile antenna, frequency management and
channel assignment, fundamentals, spectrum utilization, fundamentals of channel
assignment, fixed channel assignment, non-fixed channel assignment, traffic and channel
assignment, handoffs and dropped calls, reasons and types, forced handoffs, mobile assisted
handoffs and dropped call rate.
Introduction to networks: ISDN, B-ISDN, LAN, MAN, WAN, BLUETOOTH, ATM, and
multimedia communication, Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast.

EE 4106 Communication Engineering –II Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Sessional based on EE 4105

EE 4109 Power Electronics and Industrial Drives Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: EE 3109

Semiconductor power devices: SCRs, TRIACS power MOSFET and IGBT.

AC to AC converter: Thyristor converter, characteristics, commutation, dc motor speed
control, harmonics, power factor control and cycloconverter.
DC to DC converter: characteristics and operation, dc motor speed control, switching
converter and power supplies.
DC to AC converter: Three phase and single phase voltage source and current source
inverters, voltage, frequency and harmonic control, PWM inverters, SVM inverter.
Introduction to power electronic control of motors: Scalar and vector control of poly phase
induction motors, rotor power control, synchronous motor and PMSM motor control.
Industrial applications: Introduction to resistance welding, saturable reactors and magnetic
amplifiers, dielectric heating, induction heating.
EE 4110 Power and Industrial Electronics Sessional Credit: 0.75
Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Laboratory experiments based on EE 4109

EE4130 Seminar Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 1.5 Hrs/week

Students will present two papers / topic related to their thesis work in two seminars. The
papers must be published in any renowned journals or conferences. The papers should be
electrical or electronics engineering related.

EE -4000 Project and Thesis Credit: 3.0

Contact hours: 6 Hrs/Week

Study of problems in the fields of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Continued from the
4th year first semester)

EE 4203 Switchgear and Protection Credit: 3.0

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 4103
Circuit breakers: Types, ratings, constructions and selections, arc extinction, maintenance,
testing and recovery voltage.
Fuse: Commercially available fuses, their constructions, characteristics and applications.
Relays: Types, construction, principle and operating characteristics of over current, IDMT,
reactance, directional, power and impedance relays, balanced current relaying of parallel
line, ground fault relaying, pilot relaying principles, protection relay schemes for generators,
transformers, line feeders, buses, motor, generator and power systems, reactors, lightning
arrestors, surge absorbers, ground wire, generators grounding, co-ordination of over current
Bus bar system and reactors: Simple bus bar, double bus bar, ring bus bar, Reactors

EE 4204 Switchgear and Protection Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Sessional based on EE 4203

EE 4205 Communication Engineering-III Credit: 3.0

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: EE 4105

Optical communication: Introduction, light propagation through optical fiber, ray optics
theory and mode theory, optical fiber, types and loss characteristics, transmission
characteristics, fiber joints and fiber couplers, light sources: light emitting diodes and laser
diodes, detectors: PIN photo-detector and avalanche photo-detectors, receiver analysis,
direct detection and coherent detection, noise and limitations, transmission limitations:
dispersions, nonlinear refraction, four wave mixing and laser phase noises, optical amplifier:
laser and fiber amplifiers, applications and limitations, introduction to multi-channel optical
Satellite communication systems: Introduction to satellite communication systems,
communication satellite subsystems, earth station, regenerative satellite systems,
broadcasting by satellites and satellite link analysis.
Radar: Introduction, principal, RADAR equation, LORAN, SONAR, ILS, GCA radar
beacon, CW radar, TR, ATR tubes duplexer and application of radar.

EE 4206 Communication Engineering-III Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Sessional based on EE 4205

EE4235 Digital Signal Processing Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Digital signals and systems: Operations in
digital signal processing, the scope of DSP, analog to digital conversion, frequency Domain
Effects of Sampling: Periodic repetitions in frequency domain due to sampling in time
domain, recovery of continuous-time signal from its samples (reconstruction), role of anti-
aliasing and reconstruction filters, examples of aliased signals (show how waveform is
distorted), impulse response, finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response
(IIR) of discrete-time systems, difference equation.
Discrete Transformations: Discrete Fourier series, the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform,
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT): Forward and inverse
transforms; coefficient ordering; time and frequency resolution; periodic extension, zero
padding and modulo-M reduction; properties of the DFT, circular convolution; Cooley-
Tukey decomposition, recursive application, radix-2 FFTs , time and frequency decimation,
computational complexity.
Z-Transforms: Basic Theory: background idea behind the z-transform (solution to LTI
discrete-time diff. eq.), calculation of z-transform and its inverse (briefly), regions of
convergence, Properties of z-transforms: role in solution of discrete-time LTI systems,
convolution property and graphical interpretation of the convolution operation, z-transforms
of cascaded systems, stability and causality, Realization and frequency Response: Frequency
response (Magnitude and Phase), representation of LTI systems with rational polynomials,
block-form implementations of a rational polynomial transfer function
Digital Filters: FIR filters- linear phase filters, specifications, design using window, optimal
and frequency sampling methods; IIR filters- specifications, design using impulse invariant,
bi-linear z-transformation, least-square methods, linear phase, Butterworth, Chebychev ,
Inverse Chebychev , Bessel and elliptic filters, finite precision effects in implementing
digital filters.
Implementing Digital Filters: Block-diagram representations; direct forms; cascade forms,
first and second-order factors; parallel forms; feedback loops transposed forms; linear-phase
FIR structures.
Wavelets: Short time Fourier transform; fundamentals of wavelets, wavelet transform
(continuous and discrete), time - frequency density and orthogonal bases.

EE-4236: Digital Signal Processing Laboratory

Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 hours/week

This course consists of two parts. In the first part, students will perform experiments to
verify practically the theories and concepts learned in EE-4235. In the second part, students
will design simple systems using the principles learned in EE-4235.

Elective subjects
(Optional-I, Optional-II, Optional-III & Optional-IV)
Hum 2203 Sociology and Government (Optional-I) Credit: 3
Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Sociology and its development; of Bengali society.

Fundamental concepts: Society, Community, and Association, Group property; some
evaluation and techniques of production; Culture and civilization.
Social history and culture of Bangladesh; pre-industrial & industrial society; Urbanization &
Industrialization in Bangladesh; Impact of Industrialization & urbanization; Population and
urban Ecology. Social problems: population, poverty, prostitution, Beggary, Crime and
juvenile delinquency; problems arising out of liberation in Bangladesh primitive society;
Social structure of the tribal people of Bangladesh.
Government: Scope and utility of Government and politics, relation of political sciences; the
origin and development of the state functions of the modern state; citizenship. Modern forms
of Govt.: The electorate, public opinion part system, Democracy and socialistic ethics;
Development of political through Plato and his “Republic”, Aristotle and “Policies”.
Contribution of Islam to political thought. Feudalism (India Feudalism). Political importance
of Feudalism; Fascism and Marxism; Fascism and Marxism; UNO; constitution of

Hum 2217: Professional Ethics and Moral Thoughts (Optional-I) Credit: 3.0
Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week

Introductions, egoism and relativism, relativism and subjectivism, Utilitarianism, rationalist

Ethics, the Ethics of character and virtue.
Cultural relativism and cultural sensitivity, ethics and religion, professional ethics codes.
Definition of morality and moral thoughts, responsibility, interpersonal moral sentiments
(anger, blame, and praise), respect for persons, intrapersonal moral sentiments (shame and
guilt), reason, emotion, and intuition in moral judgment, morality and religion,
confidentiality, privacy and harassment.

Hum 2219: Occupational Psychology (Optional-I) Credit: 3

Contact houres : 3 Hrs/week

Personnel Selection and Assessment: Theory and context of personnel assessment; models
of selection; validity, reliability and fairness; equal opportunities; selection interviews;
psychometric tests; assessment centers; work samples; personality inventories; ethical issues
in candidate assessment; assessment of managerial aptitude and other specific abilities.
Feedback skills; performance appraisal; career development; counseling and personal
Organizational Behavior and Health: Training and development in organizations; training
needs analysis; models of training evaluation. Employee relations; the psychological
contract at work; motivation theories, models and applications; job satisfaction and
performance; job satisfaction and quality of working life; counseling at work; age and work;
the impact of unemployment.
Human Factors and Ergonomics: Job demands and job design; ergonomics; person-centered
and job-centered approaches; person-machine interface, human-computer interaction;

psychological well-being at work; stress management; repetitive strain injury;
organizational health assessment; human error; shift-work.
Assessing People for Work: Organization design; organization structure and performance;
organization development and change; psychological bases of resistance to change; culture
and climate in organizations; leadership style and models of leadership; work groups and
team effectiveness at work; team building models and validation evidence; inter-group co-
operation and conflict in organizations; business strategy at work; organizations and their
environments. Multivariate Theories and Methods in Occupational Psychology: Topics
selected from: principles of factor analysis; methods of factoring and rotation; factor
analytic models of ability and personality; multivariate analysis of variance; multivariate
classification procedures; profile analysis; typologies, nature of typologies, measurement of
similarity; making predictions and testing hypotheses involving several measures; fitting and
testing models about categorical data; general approaches to prediction, measurement and
control in psychological investigations.
Research Design and Analysis: Basic concepts in research design; variables and definitions;
populations and samples; reliability and validity, meta-analysis; experimental methods;
quasi-experimental design; quality of life in the workplace; social indicators; evaluation
research; observation methods and survey research; questionnaires and modular survey
design; survey research; comparison groups and norms; new paradigms; ethics in research;
applying research methods to small groups in organizations.

EE4107 Generalized Machine Theory (Optional-II) Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to generalized machine theory; Kronis primitive machine; Moving to fixed axis
transformation; Parkis transformation; Three-phase to d-q transformation; Variable
coefficient transformation; other transformations. Matrix analysis of machine; three phases
synchronous and induction machine and two-phase servo motor analysis; Diagonilization by
a change of variable, Unsymmetrical three phase machines.

EE4113 Embedded Systems (Optional-II) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Embedded systems introduction: Processor technologies, implementation technologies, and

design technologies, overview of dedicated and automated systems and their specific
requirements (robust design, environmental issues, temporal constraints, technological
constraints, software systems), the product design cycle, development of a system
specification including case studies, evaluation and justification of the available levels of
system integration (custom chip design through to turnkey-systems) and technological
choice, Power issues in embedded systems.
Software Issues: Development environment: compilers, linkers, debuggers, emulators, real
time operating systems and kernels. Designing and implementing code for dedicated
systems. IP- and Platform-Based SoC Designs.
Hardware Issues: Choice of processor: I/O, memory, speed, integration, development
facilities, economics; DSP devices. Interfacing to commonly used peripheral devices.
Backplane bus standards. Real-time interfacing & exception handling.
Transducers: sensors for measuring physical phenomena, output devices such as power
actuators and motors, data transformation, signal conditioning and data conversion, the
impact of EMC regulations on design practice.

Wireless Embedded Systems Design: Protocol Design and Validation, Network Embedded
Systems (Operating Systems and programming), Bluetooth and IrDA, Wireless Sensor
Networks and ZigBee, Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.11, RFID, GSM and GPRS, Ubiquitous
Implementation technologies: Custom VLSI, standard cell and gate array, programmable
logic devices (including FPGA’s).
Design technologies: Synthesis (of custom processors using VHDL, synopsis FPGA Express
and Xilinx FPGA’s, verification (simulation and test) and intellectual property.

EE 4119 Telecommunication Switching (Optional-II) Credit-3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to switching systems Different types of switching, SPC and digital signaling
and switching techniques, design of switching centers, Traffic theory, Telephone network
organization, Practical signaling system switching network design, Charging and numbering
plan, Time and space switching, Introduction to ATM.

EE 4121 VLSI Design (Optional –II) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to microelectronics and MOS technology, basic electrical properties and circuit
design processes of MOS and Bi-CMOS circuits, Scaling of MOS circuits, Sub-system
design processes and layout. Computational elements: Design of and ALU sub-system,
adder, multipliers, memory, registers, and aspects of system timing, practical aspects of
design tools and test-ability, CMOS Design: Behavioral description, structural description,
physical description and design verification. Introduction to GaAs technology: Ultra-fast
VLSI circuits and systems.

EE 4209 Semiconductor Devices & Technology (Optional –III) Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Processing of devices: Bulk and epitaxial crystal growth,

Etching: Wet chemical etching, RIBE, plasma etching, ion beam milling.
Doping of Semiconductors: Epitaxial doping, doping by diffusion, ion implantation.
Lithography: Photo-resist Coating, mask generation and image transfer.
Hetero-Junction Devices: Band alignment, band offset, Anderson’s rule, single and double
sided hetero-junctions, quantum wells and quantization effects, lattice mismatch and strain
and common hetero-structure material systems, hetero-Junction diode, Band banding, carrier
transport and I-V characteristics, hetero-junction field effect transistor, structure and
principle, band structure, carrier transport and I-V characteristics:
Optoelectronics: Direct and indirect band-gap materials, radiation and non-radiation
recombination, optical absorption, reviews of properties of light: Particle and wave nature of
light, polarization, interference, diffraction and blackbody radiation. Light emitting diode
(LED): Principles, materials for visible and infrared LED, LASER, Photo-detectors, solar
energy converters.

EE 4211 Microwave Engineering (Optional- III) Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Microwave Tubes: Transit time effects. Velocity modulation, Klystron amplifier, multicavity
Klystron amplifier, reflex Klystron oscillator, magnetron, test wave tube (TWT) amplifier,
backward Wave Oscillator (BWO).
Transmission lines: High frequency transmission lines, smith chart, impedance matching
techniques and applications.
Wave guides: Wave-guide components, cavity resonators, parallel plane, rectangular, coaxial
wave-guides, antennas radiation patterns.
Antennas: Antennas & radiation, Hertzian dipole, long antennas analysis, antenna arrays,
introduction to antenna array design, rhombic & slot antenna, frequency independent and
log-periodic antennas, V-antenna, introduction to microstrip antenna.

EE 4233 High Voltage Engineering (Optional-III) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

High voltage supplies: AC: Cascaded Transformers, Tesla coils. DC: Valve Rectifier
circuits, Cascaded Rectifiers, Electrostatic generators, Graff generators.
Impulse Generators: Impulse voltage wave shapes, Mathematical analysis and design
consideration of impulse generators. Triggering of impulse generators. Measurement of high
voltages: Sphere gap and uniform gap methods.
Corona: Power loss calculation, Break down of solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics.
Insulation testing, standard specifications; High voltage DC. Transmission, merits and
demerits over AC transmission; Bridge arrangement. Mathematical analysis of the bridge
circuit, Regulation, Reactive power, artificial commutation.
Protection against lighting and Insulation co-ordination: Lighting phenomena, Direct and
indirect lighting, Transmission line design based on Direct strokes, ground wire; Protective
devices: lightning arrestors and protector tubes; Insulation co-ordination and transformer
insulation protection; Selection of lighting arrester, BIL.

EE 4237 Reliability analysis and prediction (Optional-III) Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Reliability Concept: Concept of Reliability, mean time to failure, mean time between
failures, down time, up time, type of failures, Burn in, useful life and wear out periods,
debugging Bath tub curve.
Combinational reliability: Series, parallel, K-out-of m configurations, reliability evaluation
of complex systems by inspection, event space, path-tracing, decomposition, utest and tie-
set methods, matrix methods, critical dependent failures.
Catastrophic failure models: Failure data, failure modes, reliability in semesters of hazard
rate and failure density, Hazard models: constant hazard, linearly increasing and linearly
decreasing hazard models and their comparison; weibull model, exponential hazard,
piecewise linear models.
System Reliability: system reliability evaluation of series, parallel K-out-of m, standby
configurations in semesters of hazard rates, approximation and bounds, meantime to failure,
Markov models, computer methods of analysis, and analog and digital simulation, Monte
Carlo methods.

Reliability Improvement: Component improvement, redundancy concepts, component and
system redundancy, redundancy in digital systems, comparison of active and standby

EE 4239 Artificial Intelligence (Optional- III) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Definition of AI, historical development of AI, applications of AI, AI

techniques, logic: prepositional logic, first-order logic, resolution principle, problem
representation: state-space representation, problem-reduction representation, production
systems: PS structure, recognition-action cycle, inference directions, blackboard systems, PS
implementation. Frame representation: Basic structure, inheritance of properties, slot
extension implementation. Relational data model: Relational database model, entity and
relationship generalization and aggregation. Search: blind and non-blind searches, depth-
first search, breadth-first search, heuristic search, best-first search, optimal search, a search
implementation complexity. Fuzzy knowledge: probability theory, Dempster-Shafer theory,
fuzzy set theory, expert systems, natural language processing: syntactic semantics and
pragmatic, top-down pursing, bottom-up pursing, lexicon, programming languages for AI
research: Historical overview, features of AI programming languages, major AI
programming languages lisp & prolog ,artificial neural network.

EE 4201 Advanced Control System (Optional- IV) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Closed loop pole zero Assignment (State-Variable feed back): Introduction to modern
control system: Optimal design by use of quadratic performance index, structural properties
of linear multivariable control systems. Digital control system: Digital PID, PLC based
practical control system, optimal control problem, adaptive control system, adaptive tuning
of control parameters, introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy controllers, comparison between Neuro-
Fuzzy and conventional controllers

EE 4213 Digital Image Processing (Optional-IV) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Basic Image Processing System: Image sources, characteristics, image representation,

hardware and software requirements
Two Dimensional Systems: Properties of two dimensional sequence and Systems, 2D
Fourier Transform, 2D Z-Transform, 2D sampling Theory.
Image quantization, image Perception, quality Measures.
Image Transform: 2D DFT, 2D DCT, Sine Transform, Hadamard, Slant and KL Transform.
Image compression algorithms: Pixel coding-PCM, run length Coding, predictive technique
DPCM, transform coding-DCT, Vector Quantization, VQ in image coding, wavelet based
compression, intra-frame coding, standard for image compression-JPEG, MPEG.
Image segmentation: Feature extraction, edge detection, boundary extraction, region
representation, moment representation, shape feature, scene matching, image segmentation,
classification techniques of super supervised and non-supervised learning.

EE 4217 Power Plant Engineering (Optional- IV) Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Planning of power Plant: Generating capacity and selection of plants, types of load and their
effects. Plant location: Site selection for different plants, plant performance.
Station performance: Efficiency, heat rate and incremental rate, load division between
generating units for economy.
Generation scheduling: deterministic and probabilistic.
Conventional power plant: Hydro and thermal power plant, generating cost.
Nuclear power plant: Nuclear fission and fusion; energy release; moderation, control,
cooling and shielding aspects; Nuclear power station of different types.
Non-conventional power generation: Microhydel power plant; Wind, magneto
hydrodynamic and photovoltaic power generation.
Reliability concepts: Failure rate, outage, mean time of failure, series and parallel systems
and redundancy, Reliability evaluation techniques of single area system.

EE 4219 Opto-Electronics Integrated Circuit (Optional-IV) Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hours/week

Fundamentals of opto-electronic devices: theory and industrial practice, photo detectors,

quantum efficiency, gain, bandwidth, noise, light emitting diodes and leasers, homojunction,
heterojunction, BH, quantum well structure lasers, wavelength, power, line width, linearity,
temperature sensitivity.
Optical modulators: Bandwidth speed, extinction ratio, switching voltage.
Opto-electronics Integrated circuits: Integration techniques, monolithic, hybrid integration,
integrated receivers, integrated transmitter, integrated guided wave devices, photonic crystal
integrated circuits,
Opto-electronic system packing: Packing consideration, optical alignment, power dissipation
loss, RF port, operation sensitivity, optical transponders, system monitoring, function,
silicon optical bench, optical and RF connector.
Opto-electronic interconnection: Wavelength division multiplexing(WDM) optical fiber
interconnect systems, CWDM, DWDM, parallel rack to rack optical interconnect, back
plane, (for board to board), on board high speed digital interconnection, (chip to chip).
Opto-electronic system: Opto-electronic communication systems; imaging systems, digital
video camera, image intensifiers, multi-wavelength imagers, displays, liquid crystal
displays, optical MEM array displays, optical storage systems; 3D hologram.

EE 4221 Biomedical Engineering (Optional- IV) Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Action potential, ECG, EEG, and EMG signals, their origin and applications in medical
diagnosis. Electrodes for recording ECG, EEG and EMG signals, instrumentation
amplifiers, signal Conditioners, A/D and D/A converter interfaces to PC, computerized
Automatic Analysis, Biotelemetry, monitoring biological parameters from distance.
Transducer for physiological parameter reading, their characteristics, measurement of body
temperature, blood pressure and heart beat.
Diagnostic methods, ultrasound, CT and MRT, merits of these methods, surgical diathermy
machines, defibrillators, pacemakers, ventilators, intensive care Units. Lasers and
applications of Lasers in medical diagnostics and therapy, Prosthesis and Prosthetic devices,

patient Safety, electrical shock hazards, incorporation of safety aspects in biomedical




CE-1104 Civil Engineering Drawing Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Lettering and numbering; use of instruments. Projection: - Line, square

plating, cube, prism, cone, cylinder. Plan, Elevations and sections of Residential Buildings.
Use of various drawing and drafting instruments.

CE-2103 Strength of Material & Structure Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Stress and strain: Tension and compression; Internal force; stress; Axial stresses and shear
stresses; Strain; Elasticity and elastic limit; Hook’s law; Modulus of Elasticity; Proportional
limit; Stress strain diagram; Bearing stress; Hoop stress; Centrifugal stress; thermal stress;
shearing strain; Modulus or rigidity; Impact load.
Combined stress and strain: Stress in an inclined plain of an axially load member; principal
stress and principal plane; thin walled pressure vessel; Mohr’s circle; pure shear; Relation
between modulus of rigidity and modulus of elasticity; Combined stress and principal
Torsion: Relation between shearing stress and torque in solid and hollow shaft; Torsional
stiffness and equivalent shaft; close coiled helical spring. Statically determinate Beams;
Simple beams; different types of loading and reactions at supports; shear force and bending
moment; shear force and bending moment diagrams; relation between shear force and
bending moment; superposition principle; consideration for flexure equation and distribution
of bending stress; Shearing stress due to bending; Economical sections; Deflection of beams.
Column Theory: Compression blocks struts; column and braces; Euler’s column formula for
central load and different end conditions; Modes of failure and critical load; Slenderness
ratio and classification of column; Secant formula for columns with eccentric loading;
Empirical formulae; straight line equation.

CE-2104 Strength of Material & Strictures Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2Hrs/Week

Experiments based on CE-2103


ME-1203 Basic Mechanical Engineering Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week
Introduction to the sources of Heat energy. Renewable and non-renewable sources and their
potential; Introduction to steam generation, Steam generator: Boilers and their classification;
Working principle of few common and modern boiler; boiler mountings and accessories;
Performance of boiler. Heat engines: Gas turbines, diesel engines, petrol engines, Fuel,
lubrication and cooling systems of I.C engines.
Energy and First law: Systems and surroundings; Conservation of energy; Different
thermodynamic processes; Energy transfer as heat for a control volume.
Entropy and Second law: Reversibility and irreversibility; Definition and corollaries of
second law of thermodynamics. Entropy: its transfer and change.
Characteristics of some thermodynamic cycles: Analysis of different thermodynamic cycles,
vapor power cycles, Representation of various cycles on PV & TS planes.
Basic concepts of refrigeration systems: Vapor compression refrigeration, Absorption
refrigeration, cop, refrigerants and their classifications and properties.
Air conditioning: Introduction, objectives and major components of air conditioning
systems; Humidity; Dew point.

ME-1204 Basic Mechanical Engineering Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Experiments based on basic mechanical engineering (ME1203).



IEM2103 Industrial Management Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Evolution and various thoughts of management, organization and environment,

Organization: theory and structure, co-ordination, span of control, authority, delegation,
centralization and decentralization,
Personal Management: need hierarchy, motivation, leadership, performance, appraisal,
wages and incentives, organizational change and conflicts.

Cost and financial Management: Elements of costs, of products depreciation, break event
Operational Management: Forecasting, inventory management, ABC analysis, MRP and
JIT, master planning, basic scheduling technique, CPM and PERT, plant Location, and
layout, maintenance management, manage information system(MIS), computer aided
process planning (CAPP), manufacturing resource planning.(MRP-II)


Ph-1103 Physics-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week

Heat and thermodynamics:

Thermometry: Concepts of heat and temperature, measurement of high and low temperature,
resistance thermometer, constant volume thermometer, thermo electric thermometer and
Kinetic theory of gases: Fundamental assumption of kinetic theory, pressure excreted by a
perfect gas, Gas laws, Brownian movement, Degrees of freedom, Principle of equi-partition
of energy, mean free path of gas molecules, Maxwell’s Law of distributions of velocities.
Equation of state: Physical explanation of the behavior of real gases. Andrew’s experiments,
Vander walls equation, Critical constants, defects of Vander wall’s equation, State of matter
near the critical point.
Thermodynamics: Zeroth law of Thermodynamics and its significance. First law of
thermodynamics, work done during adiabatic and isothermal processes. Second law of
thermodynamics, Carnot’s cycle, Carnot’s engine, thermionic emission, entropy changes in
reversible and an irreversible process, entropy of a perfect gas, zero point energy and
negative temperature, Maxwell’s thermo dynamical relations.
Wave and oscillations: Wave and composition of simple harmonic motion, simple harmonic
motion, average value of kinetic and potential energies of a harmonic oscillation,
superposition of simple harmonic motions, uses of Lissajous figures.
Damped and forced harmonic oscillator: Damped oscillatory system, damped harmonic
oscillation, the LCR circuit, forced vibration, quality factor of forced oscillator, sharpness of
resonance, phase of driven oscillator, power absorption.
Wave Motion: Types of wave, progressive and stationary wave, Energy distribution due to
progressive and stationary wave, interference of sound wave, phase velocity and group
Sound Wave: Audible, ultrasonic, infrasonic and super sonic waves, Doppler’s effects and
its application, applications of ultrasonic sound.
Acoustics: Intensity of sound, Bel, sound pressure level, phonon, acoustic intensity,
architectural acoustics, Diffraction of sound, Musical sound, and noises, Speech,
Characteristic’s of musical Sound.
Building Acoustic: Reverberation, Sabine’s reverberation formula, growth intensity, decay
intensity, reverberation time and absorption co-efficient, requisites for good acoustic.
Interference: Nature of light, interference of light, coherent sources, young double slit
experiment, energy distribution,, condition for interference, production of interference
fingers, Fresnel Bi-prism, Newton’s ring.
Optical Instrument: Photographic camera, simple microscope, compound microscope,
telescope astronomical telescope, spectrometer.

Ph-1104 Physics Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Experiments based on Physics- I (Ph-1103)

Ph-1203 Physics-II Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: Ph1103

Solid State Physics:

Crystal structure: Periodic array of atoms, fundamental types of lattices, Miller index.
Reciprocal Lattices: Diffraction of waves by crystals, scattered wave amplitude, Brillouin
Zones, Fourier analysis of basis.
Phonon: Vibration of crystal with monatomic basis, two atoms per primitive basis, phonon
heat capacity, thermal conductivity, enharmonic crystal interaction.
Free electron Fermi gas: Energy levels in one dimension, Fermi-Dirac distribution, heat
capacity of electric gas, electrical conductivity and Ohms law, motion in magnetic law,
thermal conductivity of metals.
Breakdown of the classical theory of conductions: Mean free paths, specific heat, Hall
Effect, Fermi structure of metals, construction of Fermi surface, electron orbits, hole orbits
and open orbits, Wigner-Scitz method for calculation of energy bands, Fermi surface of
copper, velocity of electron according to band theory.
Laser: History of laser, physical process in lasers, laser structure, parameter and modes of
operation, laser type, semiconductor lasers, ruby laser, Raman laser, Nobel gas lasers and
application of laser.
Modern Physics:
Practical properties of waves: Black body radiation, Planck’s Quantum hypothesis, Photo
electric effect, The Crompton effect, Quantum state of energy, Dual Character of light, X-
ray diffraction, formulation of Bragg and Von Laue, Application of x-ray.
Wave Properties of matter: De Broglie’s hypothesis, nature of De Broglie’s waves, phase
velocity and group velocity, uncertainty principle, elementary proof Heisenberg’s
uncertainty relation; application of uncertainty principle.

Atomic Structure: Bohr’s atom model, nature of electron orbits, orbital energy, electron
energy levels in hydrogen, orbital energy level diagram of hydrogen atom, correspondence
of principle, vector atom model, space quantization, magnetic moment of orbital electron,
quantization of magnetic moment; spin magnetic moment of an electron.
Nuclear Physics:
Radio activity: introduction to radioactivity, Laws of radio active disintegration, Half life,
mean life, laws of successive disintegration, secular and transient radioactive equilibrium;
practical application of radioactivity.
Nuclear energy: Fission and fusion process, mass distribution, energy distribution, chain
reaction, binding energy, nuclear force, nuclear reactor.
Relativity: Galilean Transformation, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time
dilation, proper and non proper time, relativistic variation of mass, Einstein’s mass energy
relation; Min Kowaski space.

Ph1204 Physics Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Experiments based on physics-II (Ph-1203).


Ch-1103 Chemistry Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4Hrs/Week

Crystal symmetry, Miller indices, different methods for the determination of structure;
Structures of the metallic elements and certain compounds with 3-dimensional lattices;
Defects in solid states, Semiconductors. Electronic structure of the elements: metallic bond,
band theory, hydrogen bonding, chelate bond.
Periodic Table: Generalization of chemical properties from periodic table. Inert gases and
their importance in industry.
Chemical kinetics: Theories of reaction rates.
Chemical Equilibrium: Law of mass action and its application; Effect of pressure on
chemical equilibrium; Le-Chateller’s theorem and application; Solvent extraction and ion
exchange processes.
Electro-Chemistry: Electrolytes; Nerst’s theory of electrode potential, type of electrodes and
electrode potentials, emf measurement, polarization and over potentials; Origin of EMF,
Free energy and EMF, Electrical double layer, Factor affecting electrode Reaction and
current, Modes of Mass transfer, Lithium ion and Lithium ion battery, Transport number;
pH value and its determination; Electrode potentials and corrosion, Electroplating and
Nuclear chemistry, Nuclear reaction, nuclear hazard & photochemistry.
Chemistry of polymer: Polymer and polymerization, co-polymerization, ionic
polymerization, living polymer, structure and properties of macromolecules, plastic and
rubber, conducting polymer.

Ch-1104 Chemistry-I Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Experiments based on Ch-1103.


Math-1103 Mathematics-I Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Differential calculus: Limit and continuity; differentiability; Differentiation: reviews of

differentiation of various types of functions, application of differentiation, Successive
differentiation; Successive differentiation of different types of functions, Leibnitz’s theorem;
Expansion of functions: Rolle’s theorem; Mean value theorem; Taylor’s theorem (finite and
infinite forms); Maclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms; Cauchy’s forms of
remainder and Lagrange’s forms of remainder. Expansion of functions by differentiation;
Indeterminate forms; L’ hospitals Rule; Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem. Maximum
and minimum: Maxima & minima of different types of functions, Physical application,
Tangents and normal: Tangents and normal, sub tangent and subnormal in Cartesian and
polar co-ordinates; Asymptotes. Curvatures: Curvature, radius of curvature, circle and centre
of curvature, Chord of curvature in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, curve tracing Evolute
and involute, envelops.
Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions: Change of axes, General equation of second
Co-ordinate Geometry of three dimensions: system of co-ordinates, distance between two
points; Direction cosine and ratio; angle between two straight lines; Equation of a plane;
Plane through three given points; Angle between two planes; Equation of a straight line
through two points.
Set theory: Review of sets, equivalence relations, functions; Boolean algebra: Definition,
basic theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions.

Math-1203 Mathematics-II Credit: 3

Contact hours: 3 Hrs/week Prerequisite Course: Math 1103

Integral calculus: Definition of integration; Integration by the method of substitution;

Integration by parts; Standard integrals; Integration by the method of successive reduction;
Definite integrals, its properties and uses in summation of series; Wallis’s formula; Improper
integral; Differentiation under the sign of integration, integration under the sign of
integration, Beta and gamma functions; Area under a plane curves in Cartesian and polar co-
ordinates; parametric and pedal equation, intrinsic equation; volume of solid revolution,
volume of hollow solids of revolutions by shell method, area of surface of revolution.
Differential Equations in one Independent Variable: Formation of differential equation,
Order and degree of differential equations; Solution of differential equation of first order
first degree by different methods; Solution of first order and higher degree, Application of
first order deferential equation, Solutions of linear differential equations of second and
higher orders with constant coefficients; Solutions of homogeneous linear equation.

Math -2103 Mathematics-III Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: Math 1203

Vector Analysis: Reviews of vector algebra, Vector differentiation: Differential operators;

gradient, divergence, curl; Vector integration; line surface and volume integrals, integral
theorem: Green’s, Gauss’s and Stoke’s theorems; curvilinear co-ordinates: orthogonal
coordinates, spherical and cylindrical polar Co-ordinates; Introduction to tensor.

Matrices: Reviews of matrix algebra; Elementary transformations: inverse by elementary

transformation, rank; linear dependence and independence of vectors and matrices; solution
of linear equations using matrix, vector spaces. Linear transformations; Eigen values and
Eigen vectors; Cayley- Hamilton theorem.

Differential equations: solution in series by Frobenious method. Solution of Bessel’s

differential equation; solution of legendre differential equation; Bessel’s function and its
properties; modified Bessel’s function, ber and bei functions; Legendre polynomials and its
properties, Legendre function of second kind.

Math 2203 Mathematics-IV Credit: 4

Contact Hours: 4 Hrs/Week Prerequisite Course: Math 2103

Complex variable: Complex number system; Graphical representation, roots, functions;

limits; continuity; complex differentiation, analytic function, Cauchy Riemann equation;
singular points, harmonic function, orthogonal family of curves, Complex integration,
Cauchy’s theorem; Morera’s theorem, Consequences of Cauchy’s theorem; Cauchy’s
integral formula, Expansion of function. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem; Residue:

Calculation residues, Residue theorem, Evaluation of integrals, conformal mapping:
transformation, Jacobian of transformation, some general transformation.
Fourier series and Fourier transformation: Fourier series representation of function,
complex form of Fourier series, Parseval’s theorem, Fourier integral, finite Fourier
transformation, series, infinite Fourier transformation, use of Fourier transformation in
boundary value problems.
Laplace transform: Laplace transforms of elementary functions; properties of Laplace
transform, inverse Laplace transform and its properties; convolution theorem; application of
Laplace transform to solve differential equations related linear circuit and partial deferential
Harmonics: solution of simple partial deferential equation with initial and boundary
condition; Heat flow equation; Two dimensional wave equation; solution of two and three
dimensional Laplace equation.


Hum-1103 Technical English Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Structure and written expression: The noun-phrase, the verb phrase, subject verb agreement,
pronouns; verb as complements; questions; affirmative agreement (too / so); negative
agreement (either / neither); negation; commands; modal auxiliaries; adjectives and adverbs;
comparison; nouns functioning as adjective; enough with adjective, adverbs and nouns;
cause connectors; passive voice ; causative verbs; relative clauses; that-other uses;
subjunctive; inclusive; use of know / know how; clause of concession; problem verbs; style
in written English; problem with vocabulary and prepositions; verbal idioms.
Scientific terminology: Construction of sentences and paragraphs; phrases and idioms;
proverbs; punctuation; commercial correspondence and tender notice, amplification and
description; Comprehension, précis; Technical report writing; standard forms of term
papers, thesis, etc.

Hum-1204 English skills laboratory Credit: 0.75

Contact hours: 3/2 Hrs/week

Grammar: Tense, article, preposition, subject-verb agreement, clause, conditional and

sentence structure.
Vocabulary building: Correct and precise diction, affixes, level of appropriateness,
Colloquial and standard, informal and formal.
Developing reading skill: Strategies of reading, skimming, scanning, predicting, inferring;
analyzing and interpreting variety of texts; practicing comprehension from literary and
nonliterary texts.
Developing writing skill: Sentences, sentence variety, generating sentences; clarity and
correctness of sentences, linking sentences to form paragraphs, writing paragraphs, essays,
and reports, formal and informal letters.
Listening skill and note taking: Listening to recorded texts and class lectures and learning to
take useful notes based on listening.
Developing speaking skill: Oral skills including communicative expressions for personal
identification, life at home, giving advice and opinion, instruction and directions, requests,
complaints, apologies, describing people and places, narrating events.

Hum-1203 Economics & Accounting Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Definition, scope and methods. Demand, supply and their elasticity’s; equilibrium analysis-
partial and general; Consumer behavior, marginal utility; indifference curve, consumer’s
surplus; producer behavior; iso-quant, iso-cost line. Factors of production function;
production possibility curve; fixed cost and variable cost; short run and long run costs, total,
average and marginal cost; laws of returns; internal and external economics and
diseconomies; market and market forms; perfect and imperfect competition; price output
determinations. Introductory ideas on GNP, GDP, perceptual income, interest, rent, saving,
investment, inflation; Project approval, NPV, IRR & their application, cost benefit analysis.
Introduction: Definition, advantages, objects; Nature of transaction; double-entry system of
book-keeping; classification of account.
Accounting cycle: Journal, ledger, trial balance, final account including adjustment.
Final Accounts: Trading & manufacturing accounts, profit and loss accounts and balance
Depreciation: methods of depreciation.
Costing: Concept of cost, classification of cost, cost-sheet, distribution of overhead to the
various cost centre/departments, calculation of departmental overhead rate and machine hour
rate; job costing: preparation of job cost-sheet & quotation. Marginal costing & profit
volume/ratio, operating cost.


a) Civil Engineering Department

First Year First Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EE-1172 Basic Electrical Engg. 1.5 0.75

b) Mechanical Engineering Department

Second Year First Semester

Course No. Course Title Contact Hr/Wk Credit Hours
EE-2105 Basic Electrical Engg. & Machines 4 4
EE-2106 Sessional Based on EE-2105 3/2 0.75

Second Year Second Semester

Course No. Course Title Contact Hr/Wk Credit Hours
EE-2205 Electronics
EE-2206 Sessional Based on EE-2205 3/2 0.75

c) Computer Science & Engineering Department

First Year First Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EE-1107 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 3
EE-1108 Sessional Based on EE-1207 3 1.5

First Year Second Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EE-1217 Analog Electronic Circuits 3 3
EE-1218 Sessional Based on EE-2117 3 1.5

Second Year First Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EE-2113 Digital Electronic & Pulse Tech. 3 3
EE-2114 Sessional Based on EE-2213 3/2 0.75

Second Year Second Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours

Course No. Hr/Wk
EE-2217 Electrical Drives and 3 3
EE-2218 Sessional Based on EE-2217 3/2 0.75

d) Electronic and Communication Engineering Department

First Year First Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EEE-1109 Basic Electrical Engineering 4 4
EEE-1110 Sessional Based on EEE-1109 3/2 0.75

Second Year Second Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EEE-2209 Electrical Machines 3 3
EEE-2210 Sessional Based on EEE-2209 3/2 0.75

Third Year 1st Semester

Course Title Contact Credit Hours
Course No. Hr/Wk
EEE-3109 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 3
EEE-3110 Sessional Based on EE-3109 3 1.5



EE- 1172 Basic Electrical Engineering Sessional Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours : 3/2Hrs/Week

Introduction to electrical circuits and circuit analysis; Study of series and parallel circuit;
Measurement of power; Study of Ohm’s Law; Study of AC circuit; Electrical wiring for
residential and commercial loads.

EE-2105 Basic Electrical Engineering and Machines Credit: 4

Contact Hours : 4 Hrs/Week

Introduction to Electricity: Electrostatics. Current and electricity; Electrical units and

standards; Ohm’s law and Introduction to electrical measuring instruments; Storage cells;
Magnetic concepts and units; Magnetic circuits and magnetic forces.

Alternative current and AC quantities: Steady state solution of single-phase circuits; (R.L,
R.L and RLC) RMS and average value of AC quantities: Phasor Algebra.
D.C. Machines: Constructional Features and principles of operation; Shunt, series and
compound generators and motors; performance characteristics; Starting and speed control of
motors; 2 quadrant and 4 quadrant operation of motors; Choice of dc motors for industrial

Transformers: Constructional features and principles of operation: losses; 3-phase

connection of transformers.

Induction motors; Principles of operation; Equivalent circuit and circle diagram; Torque-
speed characteristics; Improving starting torque for cage and wind rotor motors; Speed
control and braking of induction motors; Single phase induction motors and their uses.

Synchronous Generators and Motors; Principles of operation and simple equivalent circuit,
Starting and synchronization of synchronous motors; AC motors in Industrial applications.

EE-2106 Basic Electrical Engg & Machines (Sessional) Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours : 3/2Hrs/Week

Experiment based on EE-2105

EE-2205 Electronics Credit: 3

Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Time and frequency domain.

Electronic Devices: Junctions, semiconductor diodes, rectifier diodes, Schottky barrier

diodes, Zenoor diode, tunnel diode, varactor diode, LED, photo diode, solar cells, Bipolar
junction transistor, Field effect transistor, junction and MOS. Unijunction transistor, Four
layers diode, SCR, Vacuum tubes, DIAC, TRIAC.
Terminal Behavior: Voltage, current and power gain, input output impedances; Ideal
amplifier, equivalent circuits of transistor.
Amplifiers: Biasing, class of amplifiers; BJT and FET amplifiers; Feedback amplifiers,
positive and negative feedback; Operational amplifiers, difference amplifier, output circuit,
Applications of amplifiers.
Logic and Digital Circuits: Logic operations, basic gates, OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR,
EXOR; Combination of sequential circuit Flip flops; Shift registers; Counters, binary and
BCD; Comparators.
Industrial Electronics: Regulated power supplies; Ignitrons; Resistance welding and timing
Applications: Instruments CRO, Transducers; Temperature measurement, Audio electronics;
Integrated circuits; Microprocessors.

EE-2206 Electronics (Sessional)

Credit: 0.75 Contact Hours : 3/2 Hrs/Week

Experiment based on EE-2205

EEE 1107: Basic Electrical Engineering
Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction: Fundamental electric concepts and measuring units, Direct Current: voltage
and current, resistance and power, Laws of electrical circuits and methods of network
analysis, Principles of D.C. measuring apparatus, Laws of magnetic fields and methods of
solving simple magnetic circuits
Alternating current: instantaneous and r.m.s. current, voltage and power, Average power for
various combinations of R, L, and C circuits, Phasor representation of sinusoidal quantities,
Single and Poly-phase A.C. circuit analysis

EEE 1108: Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory works based on EEE 1107

EEE 1217: Analog Electronic Circuits

Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Introduction to Semiconductors: p-n junction diode characteristics; diode applications; half

and full wave rectifier, regulated power supply using Zener diode; Bipolar transistor :
operation principles, characteristics, Small-signal low frequency h-parameter model, hybrid
pie model, Amplifiers, Darlington pairs, FET: Introduction to JFET, MOSFET, NMOS,
PMOS and CMOS; Biasing and application in switching circuits.
Operational amplifiers: Linear application of Op-Amp, gain, input and output impedances,
offset null adjustment, frequency response and noise. SCR, TRIAC, DIAC, UJT:
characteristics and applications, Introduction to oscillator, rectifiers, active filters, regulated
power supply, Stabilizer and UPS, Basic ideas about IC fabrication techniques

EEE 1218: Analog Electronic Circuits Laboratory

Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory works based on EEE 2117

EEE 2113: Digital Electronics and Pulse Technique

Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3Hrs/Week

Diode logic gates, transistor switches, transistor gates, MOS gates, Logic Families: TTL,
ECL, IIL and CMOS logic with operation details. Propagation delay, product and noise
immunity. Open collector and High impedance gates. Electronic circuits for flip-flop,
counters and register, memory system, PLAs, PLDs, ADC, DAC design with applications.
S/H circuits, LED, LCD and optically coupled oscillators. Nonlinear applications of OP
AMPs. Analog switches.

Linear wave shaping: Diode wave, shaping techniques, clipping and clamping circuits,
comparator circuits, switching circuits, Pulse transformers, pulse transmission, pulse
generation. Monostable, bistable and astable multivibrators: Schmitt trigger, blocking
oscillators and time base circuit. Timing circuits. Simple voltage sweeps linear current

EEE 2114: Digital Electronics and Pulse Technique Laboratory
Credits: 1.5 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Laboratory works based on EEE 2113

EEE 2217: Electrical Machines and Drives

Credits: 3 Contact Hours: Hrs/Week

D.C. Machines: Constructional features and principles of operation of shunt, series and
compound generators and motors. Performance characteristics. Starting, speed control and
braking of motors. Choice of D.C. motors for different applications. Power electronic
control of dc motor.
AC Machines: Transformers: Constructional features and principles of operation.
Induction motors: Principles of operation, equivalent circuit and circle diagram.
Torque-speed characteristics. Methods of improving starting torque for cage and wound
rotor motors. Methods of speed control. Starting and braking of induction motors. Single-
phase induction motors and its methods of starting. Synchronous generators and motors:
Principles of operation and simple equivalent circuit. Method of synchronization. Typical
application of A.C. motors in industries. Induction motor drives, scalar control methods.

EEE 2218: Electrical Machines and Drives Laboratory

Credits: 0.75 Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Laboratory works based on EEE 2217

EEE 1109: Basic Electrical Engineering Credit: 4.0

Contact Hours: 4 Hours/Week

DC Circuits:
Fundamental Concept: Linear Parameters, Resistance, Inductance & Capacitance and their
Solution of Electrical Networks: Branch Current analysis, Loop and Nodal Analysis,
Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition, Millman’s and Reciprocity Theorems, Wye-Delta
transformation, Condition for Maximum Power Transfer.
Magnetic Circuits: Introduction to Magnetic Circuits, Solution of Magnetic Circuits,
Hysteresis & Eddy Current losses.
Source Concept: Sources of EMF, Dependent and Independent Sources, Primary and
Secondary Cells.
AC Circuits:
Introduction to Alternating Current Circuits: Sinusoidal voltage & current, frequency, phase
difference, Energy Stored in Capacitor & Inductor, Average and RMS Values, Complex
Impedance and Phasor Algebra, Power relations in AC Circuits, Series and Parallel
Poly-phase Circuits: Analysis of Balanced & Unbalanced Polyphase Circuits.
Coupled Circuits: Analysis of Conductively Coupled and Magnetically Coupled Circuits.

EEE 1110: Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours: 3/2 Hours/Week

Laboratory based on Basic Electrical Engineering (EEE-1109)

EEE 2209: Electrical Machines Credit: 3
Contact Hours: 3 Hours/Week

Generator: DC Generator: Description of Different Parts of DC Generators, EMF equation,

Principle of DC Generator. Parallel operation. Application of DC Generator.
Transformer: Working Principle and it’s Construction, Parallel Operation, Three Phase
operation of Single Phase Transformer, Applications of Single phase & Three Phase
AC Generator: Construction, Theory of Operation, Alternator Regulation, Synchronizing &
Load Sharing of Alternator, Applications of AC Generator.
Motor: DC Motor : Principle of operation, Classification, Applications of DC Motor.
AC Motor: Induction Motor, General Principles, Rotating Magnetic Field, Starting Methods,
Speed Control Methods. Applications of AC Motor.
Synchronous Motor: Theory of Operation, Motor Characteristics, Synchronous Condenser,
Applications of Synchronous Motor, Introduction to Single Phase a/c Machines, Stepper

EEE 2210: Electrical Machines Laboratory Credit: 0.75

Contact Hours: 3/2 Hrs/Week

Laboratory based on Electrical Machines (EEE 2209)

EEE 3109: Measurement & Instrumentation Credit: 3

Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

Measurement of Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance, Balancing Procedure for A.C

bridge; Cable Faults and their Localization Magnetic Measurement; Ballistic
Galvanometers, Separation of Iron Losses, Illumination Measurements, Flux-meter.
Measuring Instruments: Classification, Operating Principle of Ammeters, Voltmeters,
Wattmeters, Watt-hour meters and Maximum Demand Indicators. Introduction to
Measurement system and Instrumentation, Approach to Measuring Systems, Functional
Description, Input / Output Configuration.
Error: Classification of Error, Normal Law of Error, Guarantee of Error.
Transducer: Resistive, Strain Gauges, Thermal, Magnetic-LVDT, Capacitive, Piezoelectric,
Optical transducer. Current and Potential Transformers.
Electronic Measuring Instruments: Oscilloscope, DMM, VTVM, TVM and Their
Measurement of Speed, Frequency, Pressure, Temperature.

EEE 3110: Measurement & Instrumentation Laboratory Credit: 1.5

Contact Hours: 3 Hours/Week

Laboratory based on Measurement & Instrumentation (EEE 3109)

Academic Ordinance for Post Graduate Studies
(Effective from January'2005 semester)
(Approved by 6th meeting of Academic Council on 07/02/05 and confirmed by 7th meeting
of Academic Council on 07/04/05 and 08/04/05)

1. Definitions
1.1. ‘University' means the Khulna University of Engineering & Technology.

1.2. ‘Syndicate’ means the Syndicate of the University.

1.3. ‘Vice-Chancellor’ means the Vice-Chancellor of the University

1.4. ‘Academic Council’ means the Academic Council of the University.

1.5. ‘CASR’ means the Committee for Advanced Studies and Research of the
1.5.1. The CASR shall consist of the following members:
i) Vice-Chancellor Chairman
ii) Three Professors to be nominated by the Syndicate Member
iii) Two teachers having research experience to be Member
nominated by the Academic Council
iv) Two experts, at least one from outside the University, Member
to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
v) The Director (Research and Extension) Member-
1.5.2. At least one-third members will fulfill the quorum.
1.5.3. The term of office of the nominated members shall be three years.

1.6. ‘EC’ means the Executive Committee of any Faculty of the University.
1.6.1. The EC shall consist of the following members:
i) Dean of the Faculty Chairman
ii) Head of the Departments under the Faculty Member
iii) All Professors and Associate Professors of the Member
Departments under the Faculty
iv) Three teachers, not related to the subjects of the Member
Faculty but closely related to the subjects according to
the Academic Council, nominated by the Academic
v) Two persons, having special knowledge to one or Member
more subjects of the Faculty and not serving in the
University, nominated by the Academic Council
1.6.2. At least one-third members will fulfill the quorum.
1.6.3. The term of office of the nominated members shall be three years.

1.7. ‘ACPG’ means the Academic Committee for Post-Graduate studies in a degree-
awarding department of the University.
1.7.1. The ACPG shall consist of the following members:

i) Head of the Department Chairman
ii) All Professors and Associate Professors of the Member
respective Department and all teachers who teach in
the post-graduate classes
iii) One Professor from the relevant field from any other Member
University to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor

iv) One expert from the relevant field having experience Member
in any industry, research or commercial organization
to be nominated by the Academic Council

1.7.2. The Chairman will nominate one of the members from (ii) to act as the
1.7.3. At least one-third members will fulfill the quorum.
1.7.4. The term of the office of the nominated members shall be three years.

1.8. 'DSC' means the Doctoral Scrutiny Committee.

1.8.1. The DSC shall consist of the following members:
i) Supervisor Chairman
ii) Joint Supervisor/Co-supervisor (if any) Member
iii) Head of the Department Member
iv) Not less than three experts of which at least one Member
from outside the Department
1.8.2. There shall be a DSC for each Ph. D. student proposed by the Head of
the Department and approved by the CASR.
1.8.3. The committee should be formed within 3 (three) months from the date
of the student’s provisional admission in consultation with the
1.8.4. The DSC will meet from time to time (at least on three occasions) on
the request of the supervisor to review the progress of the student.
1.8.5. In special circumstances, the CASR may approve any addition and/or
alteration in the DSC on the recommendation of the supervisor through
the Head of the Department.

2. Degree Awarding Departments

The University shall have the following post-graduate degree awarding


i) Department of Civil Engineering

ii) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

iii) Department of Mechanical Engineering

iv) Department of Computer Science and Engineering

v) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

vi) Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

vii) Department of Mathematics

viii Department of Chemistry

ix) Department of Physics

x) Any other Department to be instituted by the Syndicate on the recommendation

of the Academic Council from time to time.

3. Degrees Offered

The Post-Graduate degrees to be offered by the University under this ordinance are as

3.1. Master of Science in Engineering

i) Master of Science in Civil Engineering abbreviated as M. Sc. Eng. (CE)

ii) Master of Science in Electrical & Electronic Engineering abbreviated as

M. Sc. Eng. (EEE)

iii) Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering abbreviated as M. Sc. Eng.


iv) Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering abbreviated as M.

Sc. Eng. (CSE)

v) Master of Science in Electronics & Communication Engineering

abbreviated as M. Sc. Eng. (ECE)

vi) Master of Science in Industrial Engineering & Management abbreviated

as M. Sc. Eng. (IEM)

vii) Any such other degree as may be approved by the Syndicate on the
recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time.

3.2. Master of Philosophy

i) Master of Philosophy in Mathematics abbreviated as M. Phil. (Math)

ii) Master of Philosophy in Chemistry abbreviated as M. Phil. (Chem)

iii) Master of Philosophy in Physics abbreviated as M. Phil. (Phy)

iv) Any such other degree as may be approved by the Syndicate on the
recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time.

3.3. Doctor of Philosophy

i) Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering abbreviated as Ph. D. (CE)

ii) Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical & Electronic Engineering abbreviated

as Ph. D. (EEE)

iii) Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering abbreviated as Ph. D.


iv) Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science & Engineering abbreviated

as Ph. D. (CSE)

v) Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics & Communication Engineering

abbreviated as Ph. D. (ECE)

vi) Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering & Management

abbreviated as Ph. D. (IEM)

vii) Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics abbreviated as Ph. D. (Math)

viii) Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry abbreviated as Ph. D. (Chem)

ix) Doctor of Philosophy in Physics abbreviated as Ph. D. (Phy)

x) Any such other degree as may be approved by the Syndicate on the

recommendation of the Academic Council from time to time.

4. Admission Requirements

4.1. Master of Science in Engineering

For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of M. Sc. Eng.
in any department, a candidate must have obtained a B.Sc. Eng. or an equivalent
degree with at least a CGPA of 2.50 in the scale of 4.00 or its equivalent from
any recognized University/Institution in the relevant field/branch and with good
previous academic records.

4.2. Master of Philosophy

For admission to the courses leading to the award of the degree of M. Phil. in
any department, a candidate must have obtained an M. Sc. or an equivalent
degree in the relevant field/branch with at least Second Class/CGPA of 2.50 in
the scale of 4.00 in both B.Sc. (Hon’s/Pass) and M. Sc. with good previous
academic records.
A candidate having B.Sc. Engineering degree with good academic records
from relevant field/branch, as decided by the ACPG of the respective
department, is also eligible; provided that he/she completes some pre-requisite
courses as determined by the Selection Committee, constituted under Art 5.3
of this ordinance.

4.3. Doctor of Philosophy

4.3.1. For admission to the courses leading to award of the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy in any department, a candidate must have obtained an M. Sc.
Eng./M. Eng./M. Phil or its equivalent degree with good academic
records in the relevant field/branch of Engineering/Science or its
equivalent from any recognized University/Institution.

4.3.2. A student already working for an M. Sc. Eng./M. Phil. degree in this
University and showing excellent progress and promise in thesis work
may be provisionally transferred to Ph.D. program after completion of
his/her M. Sc. Eng./M. Phil. course work with a minimum CGPA of 3.50
out of 4.00 on the recommendation of the ACPG and approval of the

4.4. The above requirements may be relaxed for candidates on deputation or

sponsored by Academic Institutions/Research Organizations/Government and
Semi-Government Organizations. Such relaxation shall be recommended by the
ACPG to the CASR for approval.

5. Admission Procedures

5.1. Applications for admission to the above programs shall be invited before
commencement of each semester through regular means of advertisement and
received by the Registrar.

5.2. On the recommendation of the appropriate EC, the Academic Council shall
frame the rules for admission to the University for M.Sc. Eng./M. Phil. /Ph.D.
program from time to time.

5.3. There shall be a Selection Committee in each department as constituted by the

respective ACPG on the recommendation of the Head of the Department.
5.4. Before being finally selected for admission, a candidate may be required to
appear at an interview by the Selection Committee.
5.5. Every selected candidate other than a Ph.D. candidate shall have to get
himself/herself admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on
payment of prescribed fees.
5.6. A Ph.D. candidate selected by the Selection Committee shall be provisionally
admitted to the University within the prescribed time limit on payment of
prescribed fees and he/she may be required to pass the prerequisite credit and
non-credit courses, if any, as prescribed by the DSC.
5.7. A provisionally admitted Ph.D. candidate shall be deemed to be eligible for
final admission as a Ph.D. student with effect from the date of his/her
provisional admission if and when he/she qualifies the comprehensive
examination (Art 6.10.3(iii) of this ordinance).
6. Academic Regulations
6.1. There shall be two semesters in one academic year. One will start in January and
the other in July.
6.2. The courses of study in a department shall be proposed by the respective ACPG
and approved by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Executive
Committee of the respective Faculty. The ACPG may review the curriculum
from time to time and propose for any modification if necessary.
6.3. The courses to be offered by a department in any semester shall be determined
by the respective department.
6.4. Academic progress shall be assessed in terms of credit hours earned by the
student. One credit hour theoretical course shall normally require 14 periods of
lecture during one semester while one credit hour of laboratory/project/thesis
work should normally require 42 periods of laboratory/project/thesis work in a
semester. The number of credit hours for each course shall be specified in the
syllabus of the respective department.
6.5. Status of a Student

There shall be two categories of student, namely,

i) Full-time: A full-time student shall not ordinarily be an employee of any
organization; however, employees serving in different organizations may be
registered as full-time student with prior permission from the concerned
authority/employer. A full-time student may be employed as
teaching/research assistant in this University.

ii) Part-time: Students serving in different organizations may be admitted as
part-time student with a written consent from the employer.

6.6. Course Registration

6.6.1. Every admitted student shall have to get himself/herself registered into
the courses on payment of prescribed fees.
6.6.2. Course registration by a student must be completed within two weeks
from the start of a semester; otherwise, the student shall not be allowed
to continue the course in that semester.
6.6.3. A full-time student must register a minimum of 12 (twelve) credit hours
and a maximum of 15 (fifteen) credit hours per semester.
6.6.4. A part-time student should normally register a minimum of 6 (six)-credit
hours and a maximum of 9 (nine) credit hours per semester.
6.6.5. A student may be permitted to withdraw and/or change his/her registered
course within three working weeks from the commencement of that
semester on the recommendation of his/her supervisor (if any) and upon
approval of the concerned teacher(s) and Head of the Department.
6.6.6. No student will be allowed to register a course for grade improvement. A
student having an F grade in a compulsory course (if any) shall be
allowed to repeat.

6.7. Credit Transfer

On the recommendation of the respective ACPG through EC and by the

approval of the Academic Council, a student may be allowed to transfer a
maximum of 50% of the required theory courses of this University completed by
the student at other universities/institutions where he/she enrolled earlier for M.
Sc./ M. Phil/ Ph. D program provided that the courses were not taken earlier
than 3 (three) calendar years from the date of his/her first enrollment in the
respective program in this University. In addition, the student must obtain a
minimum Grade Point of 3.00 out of 4.00 or its equivalent in each course to be
transferred and the courses should be equivalent to the approved courses of this

6.8. Course Duration

6.8.1. M. Sc. Eng. Degree

The minimum duration to complete the requirements of M. Sc. Eng.
degree shall normally be 3 (three) semesters and generally not be more
than 5 (five) academic years from the date of his/her admission.
6.8.2. M. Phil. Degree
mum duration to complete the requirements of M. Phil. degree shall
normally be 4 (four) semesters and generally not be more than 5 (five)
academic years from the date of his/her admission.

6.8.3. Ph. D. Degree
imum duration to complete the requirements of Ph.D. degree shall
normally be 4 (four) semesters from the date of his/her provisional
admission and generally not be more than 7 (seven) academic years from
the date of his/her provisional admission.

6.9. Requirements for Continuation of the Post-Graduate Program

6.9.1. A student will not be allowed to continue the program if he/she obtains F
grades in three or more courses in the first two registered semesters.
6.9.2. A student will not be allowed to continue the program if his/her CGPA
falls below 2.5 (including C grades) at the end of the second or any
subsequent semester.
6.9.3. A Ph. D. student will not be allowed to continue the program if he/she
fails to qualify the Comprehensive Examination [Art 6.10.3(iii)] in
2(two) chances.

6.10. Requirements for the Degrees

6.10.1. M. Sc. Eng. Degree

The following are the requirements for M. Sc. Eng. degree:
i) A student must obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.65 in his/her course
ii) A student must have to complete a minimum of 36 credit hours of
which 18 credit hours shall be assigned to a thesis or 9 credit hours
for a project.
iii) In addition to the successful completion of course works, every
student shall have to submit a thesis on his research work or a
dissertation on his project work, as applicable, fulfilling the
requirements as detailed in Art. No. 9.

6.10.2. M. Phil. Degree

The following are the requirements for M. Phil. degree:

i) A student must obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.65 in his/her course

ii) A student must have to complete a minimum of 48 credit hours of
which 24 credit hours shall be assigned to a thesis.
iii) In addition to the successful completion of course work, every
student shall have to submit a thesis on his research work fulfilling
the requirements as detailed in Art. No.9.

6.10.3. Ph.D. degree

The following are the requirements for Ph. D. degree:

i) A student must obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.65 in his/her course

ii) A student must have to complete a minimum of 60 credit hours of
which 45 credit hours shall be assigned to a thesis.

iii) He/she must have to pass the Comprehensive Examination.
Comprehensive Examination shall comprise a written examination
and/or an oral examination to test the knowledge of the student in
his/her field of study and research. Comprehensive Examination
shall ordinarily be held after the completion of the course work by
the student. The DSC on the request of the supervisor shall fix a
date and time for the Comprehensive Examination. The DSC shall
conduct the Comprehensive Examination.
iv) In addition to the successful completion of course work and
Comprehensive Examination, every student shall have to submit a
thesis/dissertation on his/her research work fulfilling the
requirements as detailed in Art. No. 9.

7. Grading System
7.1. Numerical marks may be made in answer scripts, tests etc. for assessing the
performance of the students but all the final grading shall be made in letter
grade/grade point as follows:

Numerical Marks Letter Grade Point (Gi) Performance

90% and above A+ 4.0 Excellent
≥80% but <90% A 3.5 Very good
≥70% but <80% B+ 3.0 Good
≥60% but < 70% B 2.5 Average
≥50% but <60% C 2.0 Pass
Below 50% F 0.0 Fail
Incomplete I -- --
Satisfactory S -- --
Unsatisfactory U -- --

7.2. The Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be computed for each semester as
∑ C i Gi Where n is the number of courses completed during
the semester,
GPA = i = 1 Ci is the number of credits allotted to a particular
course, and
∑ Ci
Gi is the grade point corresponding to the letter grade
i =1 awarded for that course.

A Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall also be computed at the end
of second and subsequent semesters. The CGPA will be computed as follows:
∑ S j Tj where m is the total number of semesters being
j =1 considered,
m Sj is the GPA of the j-th semester,
∑ Tj
j =1 Tj is the total number of credits registered during j-th

Both GPA and CGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal for

7.3. On the written request from a student, a maximum of two courses, having B or
C grade in each, may be ignored for the calculation of CGPA. In such case, the
CGPA must not be less than 2.65 in the remaining courses.

7.4. Courses in which a student gets F grade shall not be counted towards credit
hour requirements and for the calculation of GPA.

7.5. A student shall get I grade in a course with prior permission from the Head of
the Department if he/she is unable to complete the course due to any
unavoidable circumstances. He/she has to complete the course within the next
two consecutive semesters; otherwise, he/she will get F grade in that course.
He/she may, however, be allowed to register that course without further
payment of course registration fees.

7.6. Satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (U) shall be used for grading of
thesis/project and non-credit prerequisite courses. If, however, thesis is
discontinued an I grade shall be recorded.

8. Conduct of Examination for Theoretical Courses

8.1. In addition to class tests, assignments, term papers etc. there shall be a written
examination on all theoretical courses at the end of each semester. The Head of
the Department shall announce a date of the examination generally two weeks
before its commencement. The final grade in a theoretical course shall be based
on the performance of all class tests, assignments, term papers and written

8.2. The respective course teacher will be solely responsible for the performance
evaluation of a student as detailed in Art. No. 8.1. He/she will announce the
final grade of the course within three weeks from the date of examination of that
course and will also submit a copy to the Head of the Department.

8.3. The Controller of Examinations shall keep up-to-date record of all the grades
obtained by a student in individual Academic Record Card. A student can get an
official grade sheet from the office of the Controller of Examinations on
payment of prescribed fees.

9. Project/ Thesis

9.1. Appointment of Supervisor

9.1.1. Research works for a project/thesis shall be carried out under the
supervision of a teacher, not below the rank of an Assistant Professor,
from the respective or from any other department of this University
proposed by the Head of the Department and accepted by the ACPG. A
Joint-supervisor or Co-supervisor (if necessary) may be appointed from
within/outside the University recommended by the ACPG.

9.1.2. In case of selecting a Supervisor/Joint supervisor/Co-supervisor from
other than the respective department, an approval from the supervisor’s
Head of the Department has to be taken.
9.1.3. The Supervisor, Joint-supervisor/Co-supervisor (if any) shall be
approved by the CASR on the recommendation of the ACPG.
9.1.4. A thesis/project supervisor has to be normally appointed after the
completion of the first semester for M.Sc. Engg/M. Phil and within three
months for Ph. D. students.

9.2. Research Proposal

9.2.1. M. Sc. Eng./ M. Phil

A student shall submit a project/thesis proposal to the ACPG through
supervisor(s). The ACPG shall examine the proposal and recommend it
for the approval of the CASR through the Head of the Department. In
special circumstances, the ACPG may recommend any subsequent
changes in the research topic and forward it through the Head of the
Department to CASR for approval.
9.2.2. Ph. D.
After the successful completion of the Comprehensive Examination, a
student shall submit a research proposal to the DSC through the
supervisor(s). The DSC shall examine the proposal and recommend it for
the approval of the CASR through the Head of the Department. In
special circumstances, the DSC may recommend any subsequent
changes in the research topic and forward it to CASR for approval
through the Head of the Department.

9.3. The project/research work should normally be carried out in the University.
However, if necessary, the supervisor can allow his/her student to carry out the
research work outside the University with the approval of the ACPG in the case
of M. Sc./M. Phil. student or with the approval of the DSC in the case of Ph. D.
student. The work schedule and financial involvement should be mentioned in
the research proposal for carrying out research work.

9.4. At the end of a student’s research work on the advice of the supervisor the
student shall submit a thesis which must be an original contribution to
engineering/sciences and worthy of publication. Every student shall have to
submit required number of printed copies of his/her thesis/project dissertation in
the approved format to the Head of the Department through his/her supervisor
on or before a date to be fixed by the Head of the Department in consultation
with the supervisor(s).

9.5. A student shall have to declare that he/she has carried out the project/research
work and it not been submitted elsewhere for any purpose, except for
publication, duly countersigned by the supervisor(s).

9.6. Project/ Thesis Examination

9.6.1. M. Sc. Eng. Project/Thesis/M. Phil. Thesis The CASR shall constitute an examination committee for each

project/thesis examination and oral examination from the panel
of examiners proposed by concerned Head of the Department
in consultation with supervisor(s) and recommended by the
concerned ACPG. The examination committee shall be as
i) Supervisor Chairman
ii) Joint supervisor/Co-supervisor (if Member
iii) Head of the Department Member
iv) One or two teachers from within the Member
department not below the rank of
Assistant Professor.
v) One external Examiner outside the Member
University (External) The supervisor(s) and the external examiner shall examine
the thesis/dissertation; whereas the examination committee
shall assess the performance in the oral examination only. If any examiner is unable to accept the appointment or wants
to relinquish his/her appointment before the examination, the
Vice-Chancellor shall appoint another examiner from the

9.6.2. Ph. D. Thesis Each student has to submit 10 (ten) copies of synopsis at the

end of the research work and has to appear in an Oral
Examination arranged by the Chairman of DSC. After
satisfactory completion of the Oral Examination the student
shall submit at least 5 (five) printed copies of the thesis in the
final form to the Head of the Department through the
supervisor in the approved format. The DSC will propose a panel of external examiners for each
thesis. Board of Examiners shall consist of the DSC and 2
(two) more external examiners, at least one from outside the
country, from the relevant field to be appointed by the Vice-
Chancellor in consultation with the thesis supervisor. The
supervisor shall act as the Chairman of the Board of
Examiners. A copy of the thesis is to be sent to each external
examiner for evaluation and written opinion.

92 If any examiner is unable to accept the appointment or wants
to relinquish his/her appointment before the examination, the
Vice-Chancellor shall appoint another examiner from the
panel in his/her place, without further reference to the DSC.
The Vice-Chancellor may also appoint a third external
examiner, if referred by the DSC in case of major
contradiction to the external examiners’ viewpoint. On receipt of satisfactory report from the thesis examiners, an

oral examination shall be arranged on a date or dates fixed by
the Chairman of DSC in which the student shall defend
his/her thesis. The student must satisfy the Board of
Examiners as constituted under Art. that he/she is
capable of intelligently applying the results of his/her
research to the solution of the problems and of undertaking
independent research work. Besides, he/she should show the
evidence of satisfactory knowledge related to the theory and
technique used in his/her research work. In case a student fails to satisfy the Board of Examiners in

thesis and/or Oral Examination, he/she shall be given one
more chance to resubmit the thesis and/or re-appear in Oral
Examination as recommended by the Board of Examiners. A student may be awarded an M. Sc. Eng./M. Phil degree on

the recommendation of the supervisor, if the student fails to
qualify for the award of Ph. D degree.

10. Striking off and removal of names from the rolls

The name of the student shall be struck off and/ or removed from the rolls of the
University on the following grounds:
i) Unsatisfactory progress of the student reported by the supervisor through the
ACPG and approved by the CASR.
ii) Failing to proceed with the program according to the Art. 6.8. and 6.9 of this
iii) Forced to discontinue his/her studies under disciplinary rules.
iv) Withdrawal of his/her name from the roll-sheet of the University.
v) Non–payment of dues of the University and the Halls of residence within a
prescribed period.

11. Academic fees:

The amount of academic fees shall be decided by the University from time to time.

12. Refund of Fees:

12.1. A student withdrawing officially from all courses and/or including
thesis/project as per Art 10(iv) is entitled to get a refund of the course
registration fees provided he/she withdraws in writing through the respective
Head of the Department before the expiry of two working weeks from the
commencement of the classes. Thesis/project registration fees in any case are
not refundable.
12.2. In case of Art.10(ii) or after successful completion of the course, a student
can get refund of University and Hall caution money after producing the
clearance from all concerned.

Postgraduate Courses of the Department of Electrical and Electronic

Courses Offered To the Post-Graduate Students of EEE Department

Compulsory Courses.

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours

EE 6000 Thesis (for M. Sc. Engineering ) 18
EE 6000 Project (for M. Sc. Engineering) 6

Elective subjects.

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours

EE 6101 Engineering Analysis 3
EE 6201 Physical System Modeling 3
EE 6202 Modeling and Simulation 3
EE 6203 Estimation and Identification Techniques 3
EE 6205 Optimal Control theory 3
EE 6206 Non-linear Control theory 3
EE 6207 Computer Aided Design of Systems 3
EE 6208 Stochastic Processes 3
EE 6209 Neural Networks and Applications 3
EE 6211 Soft Computing 3
EE 6301 Power System Planning 3
EE 6302 Computer Aided Power System Analysis 3
EE 6303 Power System Stability 3
EE 6304 Optimization of Power System Operation 3
EE 6305 Transient over Voltage in Power System 3
EE 6306 Advanced Power System Protection 3
EE 6307 Advanced Power System Control 3
EE 6308 Distribution & Industrial system planning 3
EE 6309 Reliability of Power system 3
EE 6401 Energy Conversion 3
EE 6402 Rural Energy System 3
EE 6501 Information and Coding Theory 3
EE 6502 High Power Microwave Devices 3
EE 6503 Data Communication 3
EE 6504 Optical Fiber Communication 3
EE 6505 LASER Theory 3
EE 6506 Antennas & Propagation 3
EE 6507 Microwave Theory & Techniques 3
EE 6601 Digital Signal Processing 3
EE 6602 Computer Application in Engineering 3
EE 6603 Reliability Analysis & prediction 3
EE 6701 Generalized Machine Theory 3
EE 6702 Advanced Electrical Machine Design 3
EE 6703 Special Electrical Machines 3
EE 6801 Digital Circuit Design 3

EE 6802 Microprocessors, Their Applications & 3
EE 6803 MOS Devices 3
EE 6901 Power Semiconductor Circuits 3
EE 6902 Industrial Drives 3
EE 6903 HVDC Transmission 3
EE 6905 Advanced Solid state Electronics 3
EE 6111 Special Study: Selected Topic in Electrical 3
& Electronic Engineering.

Contents of the Compulsory EEE Courses for the Departmental Students

EEE 6101 Engineering Analysis

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 4 Hrs/Week

Linear system analysis, Linear algebra, state-space representation and analysis, sampled
Data systems, Z-transform, discrete time systems, complex planes. Calculus of variance;
Modeling and simulation techniques, computer methods and tools.

EEE 6201: Physical System Modeling

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 4 Hrs/Week

Development of conceptual framework for physical system. Transformation of physical

system into mathematical form; projection and prediction of system response; System
stability analysis; Controlling the system response; policy prescription for optimum system

EEE 6202: Modeling & Simulation

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Modeling of complex systems; State Variable Approach; Analytical and algorithmic

techniques for static and dynamic, linear and non-linear systems; Mathematical, Statistical,
stochastic and heuristic models. Analogue and Hybrid computer-solution of linear and non-
linear differential equations; Simulation: Partial Differential Equations; Random signals;
Hybrid simulation. Digital simulation: simulation languages-GPSS, SIMSCRIPT, CSMP,
etc. Real time simulation for process control.

EEE 6203: Estimation and Identification Techniques

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Estimation : signal and parameter estimation, Linear estimation for discrete and continuous
non stationary process, Time invariant linear estimators, Bayesian estimation theory,
properties of estimators, confidence interval, Bias and variance, cramer-Rao bounds, Linear
minimum variance estimation, Maximum likely-hood estimation, Least square estimation-
ordinary, Recursive and weighted average method of moments, Conditional mean
estimation, Maximum a posterior estimation. System Identification: classical methods, Cost
functions, Gradient techniques, Identification using stochastic approximation, Quasi
linearization, Invariant imbedding and sequential identification.

EEE 6205: Optimal Control Theory
Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

The optimal control problem, cost functional, Use of calculus of variations in optimal
control, Optimization by pontryagin’s maximum principle and dynamic programming
applications, Linear regulator problems. Computational methods of solving two-point
boundary value problems.

EEE 6206: Non-Linear Control Theory

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Introduction, Autonomy, Equilibrium points, second order systems: linear and non-linear,
periodic solutions and limit cycles, Analytical approximation methods. Non-linear
differential equations, approximate analytic methods describing functions. Numerical
solution techniques, singular perturbations. Stability in the sense of Lyapunov, Definiteness,
Direct method, Indirect method, Lure problem, Linear and slowly varying systems, Input-
output stability definitions, Relationships with Lyapunov stability, open loop stability of
linear system, Exact frequency domain stability criteria, Multiple input describing functions,
Commensurate and incommensurate frequencies, Applications to analysis of stability, Sub-
harmonic response and signal stabilization.

EEE 6207: Computer Aided Design Of Systems

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Digital simulation of state models, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Model Decomposition.

Simple decoupling of multivariable systems. Controllability and controller design by pole
assignment technique. Dual problem of observbility and full order observer design. Reduced
order observer design. Lverrier’s algorithm for transfer (function) matrix, Realization
problem of linear system theory. Lyapunov Equation and stability of systems. Linear
Quadratic Gaussian Regulator problem. Solution of matrix Ricattae Difference Equation.
Dual problem of state estimation by Kaman Filter. Multivariable system: Regulation and
tracking with disturbance rejection, DC analysis of linear networks; solution of
simultaneous, sparse. Linear equations; DC analysis of non-linear circuits, transient analysis
of linear and non-linear circuits, hybrid analysis. Circuit models for common semiconductor
devices like BJT, MOSFET, and thyristor. Macro models for analogue ICs like the op-amp.
Implementation of a general purpose circuit analysis program like SPICE.

EEE 6208: Stochastic Processes

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Basic probability theory and functions of random variable. Binomial, Poisson and Normal
distributions; Bivariate and Multivariate Gaussian distributions; Stationary process; Spectral
representation. Auto-and cross- correlation functions; Winner and Kalman filter; Markov
chains; Point processes: Non-linear stochastic systems.

EEE 6209: Artificial Intelligence & Neural Network
Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Learning Theory: Concept learning, Human learning vs machine learning, the human brain
and neurons, Artificial neural networks, Hebbian learning, Issues in machine learning,
Perceptrons, Learning rules, Multilayer perceptrons, Internal representation, Back
propagation, cascade correlation and counter propagation networks learning, Higher order
and bi-directional associated memory, Hopfield networks, Information theory based
learning, Baysian learning, Simulated annealing, Boltzman machine, Decision tree learning,
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) network, ART1, ART2, Fuzzy ART mapping
(ARTMAP) networks, Self organizing map (SOM), Kohonen's feature map, Learning vector
Quantization (LVQ) networks, Auto associative networks,
Applications: Applications of neural networks, Real world problem solutions, Classification,
Prediction, Forecasting, Segmentation, Object recognition, etc.

EEE 6211: Soft Computing

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3Hrs/Week

Fuzzy Set Theory: Introduction, type of fuzzy mathematics, operation of fuzzy sets, fuzzy
relation, fuzzy measures and fuzzy set applications.
Neural Networks: Biological neural systems, modeling of human brain, neural networks
paradigms and training, and applications.
Evolutionary Algorithms: Introduction, natural evolution, genetic operators and selection
methods theoretical aspects of genetic algorithms (GA) evolution strategy (ES), evolution
programming (EP) and their moderate applications.
NP hard problem and solution trends, Multi-agent system, Reinforcement learning of multi-
age system, Neuro-fuzzy computation, Fuzzy inference.

EEE 6301: Power System Planning Credit:

3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Basic objectives of power system planning; Generation expansion planning process.

Electrical demand forecasting; Current demand forecasting approaches. Generation
planning; economic analysis, expected energy generation, expected fuel cost, Booth-
Baleriux, cummulant and segmentation methods. Probabilistic simulation of hydro and
energy limited units. Expected energy production cost of interconnected systems. Economic
aspects of interconnection. Different aspects of Load Management; effect of Load
Management of reliability and on production and on production cost, Joint ownership of

EEE 6302: Computer Aided Power System Analysis

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

Symmetrical components and application; Sequence impedance and their representation;

Evaluation of fault levels; General review of network and matrix theories, Algorithms for
formation of network matrices and their modifications for analysis by different iterative
methods: Load flow studies; Acceleration of convergence; MVA mismatch considerations;
Terminal constraints.

EEE 6303: Power System Stability
Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

General theory of power transfer, power transfer limits; Stability problems steady state
stability limits, Dynamic and Transient stability analysis; Representation of synchronous
machines and systems in different frames of reference; Governors and excitation control
system in stability; Small oscillation analysis; stability analysis of two-machine and multi-
machine system; stability under different types of faults; Analysis of large disturbance in
power system; Methods of improving stability, state variable representation and application
to stability study, Application of Lyapunov’s function in transient stability analysis.

EEE 6304: Optimization of Power System Operation

Credit: 3 Contact Hours : 3 Hrs/week

General principles of optimization, its application to power system planning, design and
operation. Probability analysis for bulk power security and outage data. Economic operation
of power system: Economic operation of thermal plants, combined thermal and
hydroelectric plants. Theory of economic operation of interconnected Areas. Development
and application of transmission loss formulae for economic operation of power systems.
Methods of optimum scheduling and despatch of generator.

EEE 6305: Transient Over-voltage in Power Systems

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Classification of system transient, causes of power system over voltage. Transmission line
energisation, Traveling waves, switching duty and its calculation. Mechanisms and character
istics of lightning, Frequency of lightning flashes to power lines, shielding of transmission
lines against lightning, Overvoltage limitation by spark gaps, Exputlsion tube, Over voltage
limiting by surge Diverts, Modifications of surge waveshapes by cable connections,
Modification of surge wavshape by corona, Characteristic of external insulation, principles
of insulation co-ordination, Insulation co-ordination applied in a substation.

EEE 6306: Advanced Power System Protection

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/Week

The philosophy of protective relaying; construction, principle and characters of over-current,

differential, directional, distance and pilot relays.
Principles of relay design. Effects of transient on relay performance. Errors introduced by
CT and PT on relay operation.
Static and digital relays: Applications of static and digital relays in various protection
schemes. Voltage sags: Analysis & remedy.

EEE 6307: Advanced Power System Control

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/ week

Introduction to power system monitoring and control, voltage, power and frequency control;
Principles of small-scale and large-scale power system control; Applications of network
decomposition and sparsely; Modern control, schemes: Closed loop generation control, load
frequency control and security control; Centralized computer control of power system,
functional, geographical and voltage level hierarchy; Analysis of various on line functions:
network topology, state estimation, short semester load forecasting, unit commitment.
Active and reactive power control; Application of pattern recognition and artificial
intelligence in power system restoration, voltage prediction and contingency analysis.

EEE 6308: Distribution and Industrial System Planning

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Distribution system planning: Electrical power transmission and distribution, statutory

requirements, voltage standards, load estimates, Half hourly demand statistics, plant ratings,
security standards, consumer interruption, Fault levels, Reinforcement, Special fault level
control, Flicker voltage; Industrial system planning: power factor control, synchronous
motor performance, System planning: Power factor control, synchronous motor
performance, synchronous generator performance, Induction motor performance, Behavior
of Electric motors during starting, performance of interconnected machines, Motor recovery
after faults, Rectifier loads, voltage compensation methods, Industrial cogeneration, Special
problems of industrial cogeneration.

EE 6309: Reliability of Power System

Credits: 3 Contact Hours: 3Hrs/week

Review of basic probability theory. Basic reliability concepts. Markovian model of

generation unit. Development of load models. Probabilistic simulation of generating
systems. Reliability indices. Recursive. Segmentation and cumulate method to obtain loss of
load probability (LOLP). Modeling of forecast uncertainty. Reliability evaluation of energy
limited systems. Different techniques of evaluating reliability. Reliability indices of
interconnected systems. Composite transmission and generating system reliability.

EEE 6401: Energy Conversion

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Energy conversion processes; General introduction, energy sources, principles of

conservation of energy, energy balance equations. Direct Electrical Energy Conversion:
introduction, Magnet hydrodynamic (MHD), fuel cell, thermoelectric static, Ferro-electric,
photoelectric, photovoltaic, electrostatic and piezoelectric energy conversions;
characteristics including efficiency, power densities. Terminal properties and limitations.
Electromechanical energy conversion; General introduction of electrical to mechanical,
mechanical to electrical and electrical to electrical conversions; Bulk energy conversion
devices; General formulations of equations; Co-ordinate transformation and terminal

EEE 6402: Rural Energy System

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3Hrs/week

Role of Energy; Rural Flow in Developing Countries; Energy Demand-supply Balance:

Impact of Rural Energy Flow on Rural Development and physical Quality of Life;
Economic Constraints for sustaining the Energy Flow: Rural Energy system simulation for
Development planning.

EEE 6501: Information and Coding Theory
Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Fundamentals of probability theory with a brief review of the methods for the representation
and analysis of linear system. Definition of a measure of information. Discrete noiseless and
noisy systems; Channel capacity, coding the continuous case.

EEE 6502: High-Power Microwave Devices

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Microwave amplifiers and oscillators; principles of generation of millimeter and sub

millimeter waves from FAST WAVE devices (including FELS and Electron Cyclotron
Masers). SLOW WAVE delow WAVE devices (INCLUDING Klystrons, Magnetrons,
Cerenkov Masers, BWOS RDGS and MWCGS), and PLASMA devices (including
VIRCTORS and reditrons) . Detailed study of electromagnetic slow wave systems; General
properties of slow wave structures. Analysis of cold slow wave structures. Interaction of
Electromagnetic fields supported by slow wave structures.

EEE 6503: Data Communications

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3Hrs/week

Communication environment, concepts function and forms; components of communication

systems and devices; Networks, network topologies, protocol and control; Common carrier
services; Communication network design.

EE 6504: Optical Fiber Communication

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Optical fibers: modes of propagation, transmission characteristics, and Waveguide analysis.

Optical sources: light emitting diode (LED) and semiconductor laser diode (SLD);
operational principles, characteristic curves: optical transmitter design using LED/SLD.
Optical amplifiers: laser and fibre amplifiers. Photodetectors: p-I-N and avalanche
photodetectors (APD), noise sources. Optical modulation and detection schemes. Direct and
coherent detection receivers: configuration. Operation. Noise sources. Sensitivity
calculation. Performance curves. Design of analogue and digital receivers.
Transmission link analysis: point-to-point and point-to-multi-point links, system
configuration, link power budget, rise time budget, line coding schemes, transmission
system limitations. Design of fiber-optic systems. Optical data buses, optical networks, fiber
distributed data interface (FDDI) and synchronous optical network (SONET). Optical
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
transmission systems.

EE 6505: Laser Theory

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Black body radiation and the Plank law. Stimulated and spontaneous emission, atomic and
spectral line width. 3-level and 4-level atomic systems. Laser operation under steady state

condition. Laser output coupling and power. Q-switching and mode locking. Line
broadening mechanisms: homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening. Open resonator and
Gaussian beam, stability criterion for optical resonators. Principles of operation of gas, solid
state and semiconductor lasers.

EE 6506: Antennas and Propagation

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Definitions, antenna as an aperture; arrays of point sources; review of dipoles, loop and thin
linear antennas. Helical antenna, biconical and spheroidal antennas. Internal-equation
methods, current distribution; Self and mutual impedance’s; arrays; design and synthesis.
Reflector type antennas. Berbers principle and complementary antennas. Application of
reaction concept and variation principles in antennas and propagation. Frequency
independent antennas. Scattering and diffraction. Selected topics in microwave antennas.
Antenna measurements. Application of broadcasting, microwave links, satellite
communications and radio astronomy.

EE 6507: Microwave Theory & Techniques

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Circuit theory for wave-guide systems. N port circuits: impedance matrix, admittance
matrix, scattering matrix and transmission matrix, their properties.
Periodic structures and filters: wave analysis, impedance matching, wave and group
velocities; comb lines and their analysis; introduction to filters, filter design by image
parameter and insertion-loss methods; design of different types of filters.

EE 6508: Advanced Electromagnetics

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Fundamental Concepts: Introduction, Review of Electromagnetic Theory, Classification of

Electromagnetic Problems; Classification of Solution Regions, Classification of Boundary
Condition, Some Important Theorems.
Finite Difference Methods: Introduction, Finite Difference Schemes, Finite, Differencing of
Parabolic, Hyperbolic, Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Accuracy and Stability of
Finite Difference Solutions.
Applications : Guided Structures, Transmissions Lines, Waveguides, Wave Scattering, Yee's
Finite Difference Algorithm, Accuracy and Stability, Lattice Truncation Conditions, Initial
Fields, Programming Aspects.
Moment Methods: Introduction, Integral Equations, Green's Functions; For Free Space, For
Domain with Conducting Boundaries.
Applications: Quasi-static Problems, Scattering Problems, Scattering by Conducting
Cylinder, Scattering by an Arbitrary Array of Parallel Wires, Radiation Problems, EM
Absorption in the Human Body.

EE 6601: Digital Signal Processing
Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Main features and applications of digital signal processing; Introduction to speech, image
and data processing; Discrete-time signals, sequences, linear systems, linear constant
coefficient difference equations; Sampling of continuous time signals; Two dimensional
sequences and systems; Z-transform; Inverse Z-transform theorems and properties; System
function; Two dimensional Z-transform; H-transform.; Frequency domain representation of
discrete time systems and signals; Discrete Fourier series and Fourier transform; properties
of discrete Fourier transform (DFT) ; parseval’s theorem; equivalent noise definition of
bandwidth; Convolution, correlation and method of numerical integration: Computation of
the DFT, Goertzel, FFT and Chirp Z- transform algorithms.
Introduction of digital filters, IIR and FIR digital filters, digital filter ensign technique;
Adaptation algorithms, all-zero, pole-zero and lattice iaptice filters; Applications of adaptive
filtering; Introduction to arametric and model –based signal processing. Introduction,
discrete time stems, z- transforms, Flow graphs and matrix representation of digital work.
Wave digital filters, Discrete Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, Digital filter
Addison; Hardware implementation of digital filters.

EEE 6602: Computer Application in Engineering

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Advanced programming techniques to engineering problems; Program optimization.

Computational pitfalls; Management of files and databases; File strictures; Computation
aspects of matrix algebra-relaxation methods various reduction and elimination schemes;
storage and/or computation with large and sparse matrices. Numeral detentions and
integration; Interpretation and curve fillies; linear and non-linear programming algorithm;
computer graphics. Interactive analysis, simulation and design programming in the relevant

EEE 6603: Reliability Analysis and Prediction

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Reliability concept: Concept of Reliability, mean time to failure, mean time between
failures, down time, up time, type of failures, Burn in, useful life and wear out periods,
debugging Bathtub curve . Combinatorial Reliability:- Series, parallel, K-out-of m
configurations, reliability evaluation of complex system by inspection, event space, path-
tracing, decomposition, cut-set and tie-set methods. Matrix methods, critical dependent
failures. Failure models:- Failure data, failure modes, reliability in semester of hazard rate
and failure density, hazard models-constant hazard, linearly increasing and linearly
decreasing hazard models and their comparison waybill model, exponential hazard, piece
wise linear models. System Reliability:- system reliability evaluation of series, parallel k-
out-of m, standby configurations in semesters of hazard rates. Approximation and bounds,
meantime of failure, Markov models. Computer methods of analysis, analogue and digital
simulation, Monte Car 10 methods. Reliability Improvement :- Component improvement.
Redundancy concepts, component and system redundancy, redundancy in digital systems,
comparison of active and standby redundancy.

EE 6701: Generalized Machine Theory
Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Introduction to generalized machine theory. Kron’s primitive machine; moving to fixed-axis

transformation; parks’ transformation; three-phase to d-q transformation; variable co-
efficient transformation; other transformations. Matrix and tensor analysis of machines.
Three phase synchronous and induction machines; two-phase servomotor; single-phase
induction motor. Smooth-rotor two-phase doubly excited machine. Smooth-air gap two-
phase synchronous machine. Two-phase induction machine. The n-m winding symmetrical
machine. Diagonalization by change of variable. Symmetrical three-phase machine and
special limiting cases.

EE 6702: Advanced Electrical Machine Design

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

General treatment of Electrical Machine Design. Review of standard procedures in design of

DC machines, AC machines, transformers and special machines. Optimization and synthesis
of design procedures. Applications of material balance and critical path principles in
electrical design. Design economics and safety factors. Applications of computers in modern
designs including the operation of the machine in non-linear ranges; Magnetic flux-plots and
heat transfer process, etc. Mechanical design of electrical machinery and relation between
mechanical and electric machine design.

EE 6703: Special Electrical Machines

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Course will be broadly on current research topics on electrical machines and devices. The
following areas will be covered: permanent magnet machines, Hysteresis machine. Eddy
current torque devices; homopolar machines. PAM motors. In addition, reluctance

EEE 6801: Digital Circuit Design

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

The course will present advanced techniques of digital circuit design. It will concentrate on
the design of sequential circuits, microprogramming viewed as a sequential circuit. And
fault tolerant design. Basic review of combinational circuit design using K-map, multiplexes
and EPROMS. Introduction to sequential circuits-fundamental mode circuits. Concept of
state- construction of state diagrams. Event driven circuits using RS latch, multiplexes and
EPROMS. Clock driven circuits using JK flip-flops, counters and EPROMS.
Microprogramming and use of AMD 2909 microsequencer in sequential circuits. Fault
detection in combinatorial and sequential circuits. Reliable design theory and techniques.
Some examples like Data Acquisition system, microprocessor peripheral interface digital
printer interface and DMA controller will be taken up.

EEE 6802: Microprocessors, Their Applications and Interfacing

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Internal organization of the Intel 8085, Z80, M6809, Rockwell 6502 Intel 8086/88, M68000
and Z8000 microprocessors. Comparison of the architectures based on hardware features
such as addressing modes interrupts structures, instruction execution, multiprogramming
abilities and memory management. Bit-slice processors: Basic structure of control unit of a
microprocessor. Organization of bit-slice processors like AM2903 and Intel 3008.
Comparison with microprocessor chips. Architecture of microcomputers like SDK-85, HP
5032,SDK-86, single chip microcomputer 8748, intelligent CRT terminal, microprocessor
development system like Intellect series II and III, BBC-microcontrollers PLCS, graphics
processors and floppy disk controllers; arithmetic processors like Intel 8087 and 80287; FFT
processors and array processors.

EE 6803: MOS Devices

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

The two terminal MOS structure: flat-band voltage, inversion, properties of the regions of
inversion and small-signal capacitance. The four terminal MOS structure: charge-sheet
model. Strong inversion, moderate inversion and weak inversion. Threshold voltage-effects
of ion implantation, short channel and narrow width. The MOS transistor in dynamic
operation small signal model for low, medium and high frequencies. Charge coupled devices

EEE 6901: Power Semiconductor Circuits and Devices

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Introduction: High voltage switches and definitions, p-n junction’s theory, high
voltage/power diodes in circuits. Thermal design of power electronic equipment.
Introduction Simulation tools like SPICE and MATLAB
Diodes, Bipolar Transistors and Thyristors: Discrete bipolar power semiconductor device
construction, characteristics and operation. Base and Gate drive circuits and introduction to
switching aid circuits.
Power MOSFETs and bipolar-MOS devices: Discrete MOS and MOS-bipolar power
semiconductor device (IGBTs), device construction, characteristics and operation;
Discussion of drive circuits, driver ICs and protection circuits; edge terminations.
High Voltage devices for Power Integrated Circuits (PICs): Device design principles
(RESURF effect), novel device structures, example of power integrated circuits and smart-
Power microelectronics technologies: DMOS and Trench technologies for discrete power
devices; from VLSI to high Voltage technologies Smart-power, CMOS and Bipolar-CMOS-
DMOS (BCD) technologies, SOI technology.
Low Voltage Power Devices for Portable Systems: Introduction, Technology Drivers for
Power Management, Applications Requirements, System Partitioning Technology
Overview, Advances in Vertical Power Devices, Advances in Lateral Power Devices,
Performance Optimization (Figures of Merit)
Superjunction Devices: Introduction – Why Superjunction Devices, Superjunction
MOSFETs vs. IGBTs, Superjunction Device Structures, Superjunction Device Physics,
Fabrication Processes, Termination Design, Quasi-Saturation in Superjunction MOSFETs,
Integral Diode Problem in Superjunction MOSFETs, Promises and Limitations of
Superjunction Devices
New Technologies for Active and Passive Integrated Power Modules: Planar hybrid
technologies for integration of active switching functions as well as passive functions such
as power resonant circuits, transformers, capacitors, inductors and integrated EMI filters into
power modules. Active modules using Embedded Power technology: no wire-bonds, planar
metallized interconnects, double sided cooling, integration of sensors and advanced
functionality. Passive electromagnetic power modules: Planar metallized dielectrics
embedded in ferrites for integrated transformers, resonant circuits and capacitors. EMI filter
modules using identical technology but different structural optimization.

EE6902: Industrial Drives

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Control of DC Drives: Converter and chopper control for motoring, braking and four-
quadrant operation. Transfer function and stability analysis. Control of Induction Motors:
AC phase Control, slip Power recovery. Control of AC Drives: Open and closed loop
control systems, Vector control, Case study of Industrial drives.

EE 6903: HVDC Transmission

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

AC versus DC: Historical development; Need for Interconnection; Technical considerations

for comparative evaluation; Dc system configurations.
Converter operation: Choice of converter circuit; converter operation with no ignition delay
and ignition delay; effect of commutation reactance; rectification and inversion mode of
operation; Twelve-phase operation.
Control of HVDC system: Basic concepts; control characteristics; rectification and inverter
control; VDCOL; reversal of power.
System studies: AC/DC interaction: Basic consideration in modeling of integrated AC /DC
power system for load; transient stability; small signal stability and digital simulation.
System components.

EE 6905: Advanced Solid State Electronics

Credit: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Hrs/week

Solid-state electronics in modern life, Bonding and types of solids, Types of crystals, Crystal
directions and planes, Allotropy, Crystal defects and their significance.
Electrons in solid: Classical theory, Temperature dependence resistivity, Matthiessen’s rule,
Temperature dependence of carrier concentration and drift mobility,
Coming of the quantum age. The electron as a wave, Schrödinger equation, a confined
electron, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Band theory of solids, Direct and indirect semiconductors, Band structure of some
semiconductors, Electron effective mass, Density of states, Statistics: Boltzman classical
statistics & Fermi-dirac statistics, free electron model.

Scattering in semiconductors, Velocity-electric field relations in semiconductors, Carrier

transport, Carrier generation and recombination, Optical processes in semiconductors.
Processing of devices: Semiconductor growth, Lithography, Doping of semiconductors,
Advanced semiconductor materials and their applications in practical devices,
characterization of semiconductors, advanced growth of semiconductor and device

EE 6111: Special Study

Special topic in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Course content and title would be designed by the teacher, who is offering the course. The
course content & title would be approved in the next CPGCS meeting and subject to the
approved of CASR and Academic Council).


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