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Tahun Ajaran : Genap 2021/2022 Matakuliah / Kode MK : Perpindahan Panas I / TM4310

Kelas/Ruang : C Dosen Pengampu MK : Ir. Made Ricki Murti, MT


1 1905531038 Agung Yusnazar 3.6 Heat Transfer from Extended Surfaces, dan 3.6.1 A General Conduction Analysis
2 2005531071 Adrian Pratama Saragih 3.6.2 Fins of Uniform Cross-Sectional Area
3 2005531072 Nicholas Andrew Indarto Putra EXAMPLE 3.9 dan 3.6.3 Fin Performance
4 2005531074 Jerry Antoline Clain 3.6.4 Fins of Nonuniform Cross-Sectional Area
5 2005531075 Johanes Nicholas 3.6.5 Overall Surface Efficiency

6 2005531076 Greick Timothy Lumbantobing EXAMPLE 3.10 dan EXAMPLE 3.11

7 2005531077 Mervyn Ferranto Wijaya 3.7 The Bioheat Equation dan EXAMPLE 3.12

8 2005531078 Berry Maltido Surbakti CHAPTER 4: 4.1 Alternative Approaches

9 2005531079 Rivaldo Sitorus 4.2 The Method of Separation of Variables
10 2005531080 Alexander Farell Rubens Budhiarto 4.3 The Conduction Shape Factor and the Dimensionless Conduction Heat Rate
11 2005531082 Muhammad Aufa Aghniya EXAMPLE 4.1 dan 4.4 Finite-Difference Equations dan 4.4.1 The Nodal Network
12 2005531083 Agil Yanuar Juliarto 4.4.2 Finite-Difference Form of the Heat Equation dan 4.4.3 The Energy Balance Method
13 2005531084 Dino Suryadi Munthe EXAMPLE 4.2 dan 4.5 Solving the Finite-Difference Equations
14 2005531085 Kadek Surya Dwipayana 4.5.1 The Matrix Inversion Method dan 4.5.2 Gauss–Seidel Iteration
15 2005531086 Fachrian Rizky Maulana EXAMPLE 4.3
16 2005531087 Komang Dicky Ari Prayudha 4.5.3 Some Precautions dan EXAMPLE 4.4
17 2005531088 Zefanya Farel Tulak 4S.1 Graphical Method, 4S.1.1 Methodology of CFP dan 4S.1.2 Determination of HTR
18 2005531089 Muhammad Alif Madhani Harahap 4S.1.3 The Conduction Shape Factor dan EXAMPLE 4S.1
19 2005531090 Gabriel Cristian C.R. Sihombing CHAPTER 5: Transient Conduction dan 5.1 The Lumped Capacitance Method
20 2005531091 Nicolas Paul Waworuntu (KORTI) 5.2 Validity of the Lumped Capacitance Method dan EXAMPLE 5.1
21 2005531092 Ahmad Husein Alhafidz 5.3 General Lumped Capacitance Analysis dan EXAMPLE 5.2
22 2005531093 Hunafa Arya Purnama EXAMPLE 5.3 dan 5.4 Spatial Effects
23 2005531094 Mohammad Ilham Akbar 5.5 Plane Wall wC, 5.5.1 Exact S, 5.5.2 Approximate S, 5.5.3 TET, 5.5.4 Additional Cons.
24 2005531095 Fadhil Anam 5.6 Radial S wC, 5.6.1 Exact S, 5.6.2 Approximate S, 5.6.3 TET, 5.6.4 Additional Cons.
25 2005531096 Yosia Hasoloan Harahap EXAMPLE 5.4 dan EXAMPLE 5.5
26 2005531097 Gabriel Baringin Ananda Siagian 5.7 The Semi-Infinite Solid
27 2005531098 Luh Ary Putri Manik EXAMPLE 5.6, 5.8 Objects wCST or SHF, dan 5.8.1 Constant Temperature Boundary Cons
28 2005531099 Christopher Kenan Ho 5.8.2 Constant Heat Flux B Condtns, 5.8.3 Approximate Solutions, dan EXAMPLE 5.7
29 2005531100 Schubert Ariell P.S. Siburian 5.9 Periodic Heating, EXAMPLE 5.8, 5.10 F-D Methods, dan 5.10.1 DoHE: The Explicit M.

Dosen Pengampu MK Perpindahan Panas I C

Denpasar, 11 Mei 2022

Ir. Made Ricki Murti, MT

NIP. 196512311993031015

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