Drift Project Report

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Written by
Sarah Edwards, Maya Jones,
Natalie Brown, Jaycie Call,
Katie-J Smithson
We worked on the DRIFT Lifestyle Boutique We then pulled our data together to create
at the Riverwoods. DRIFT is inspired by na- a customer journey map, a value proposition,
ture; our mission is to “Inspire people to ex- and a time-well-spent matrix.
perience living outside, not outdoors.” DRIFT
is centered around offering experiences that This data gathering led to several key in-
help local customers become inspired by sights. We learned about the value of pos-
nature and connect with the outdoors. The itive connections with employees and local
goals of the retail space are to help custom- community members. We also learned a lot
ers learn more about local natural areas, find about what types of products people in local
unique and functional products that meet areas want but do not have immediate ac-
their needs and build lasting relationships. cess to. Through interviewing and observing,
We assisted the Riverwoods in building a we found that our customers want to be in
community of people that have a shared cu- a comforting, welcoming space that peaks
riosity about the outdoors and create mem- their curiosity about the outdoors. From the
ories that will last forever. Each member of customer journey map, we learned the im-
our group took one of five responsibilities forportance of looking deeper into the individu-
the project: experience vision/direction, mer- al customer’s journey through the space and
chandising, visual display, marketing, and what products and experiences we should
customer engagement. offer. Customers want employees to make
them feel welcome and excited about DRIFT
The target market for DRIFT is local citizens but that are not overbearing.
that live within 5-10 miles of the Riverwoods:
From our research, we developed recommen-
middle-aged parents with their families and
dations for each of the 5 areas. We created
college students living in the area. We want-
a brand experience guide, store layout, and
ed to focus the products and experiences we
visual display boards to recommend a calm,
provide on the needs of this target communi-
outdoorsy vibe for the store. We also created
ty. In order to learn more about their needs,
a merchandise edit with a variety of prod-
we gathered data in a variety of ways. We
uct recommendations for different custom-
each spent time in different outdoor retail
ers’ needs. We developed a marketing plan
stores and spaces to observe customers, em-
including recommendations for local com-
ployees, merchandise, and visual displays to
munity outreach and how to increase brand
get an idea of what works well and what
awareness and loyalty. Lastly, we created an
could be improved. We also each interviewed
event plan for the opening night of the store,
someone we know with expertise in each of
to get customers involved with the space,
our responsibilities to gather more detailed
interact with our products and experiences,
feedback. We each chose a different triangu-
and meet new people. We hope our recom-
lation technique to gather information about
mendations will be helpful in guiding the vi-
the retail space and our customer’s needs.
sion of DRIFT to come to life in the future.
Each member of our group chose to be part shared interest in and love for experiencing
of the Lifestyle Boutique Riverwoods Project the outdoors; a place where customers want
because we saw a lot of potentials to create to return, not just for the products we sell, but
a space that can make a positive impact on for the memories they can create.
others’ lives. We were assigned the DRIFT
space by Michael Boyes, the project man- The job-to-be-done that we decided to focus
ager. The DRIFT space is centered around on for our project encompasses the custom-
offering experiences that help local custom- ers’ experience within the retail space, where
ers become inspired by nature and connect we provide products they will love that can
with the outdoors. This project is so valuable enhance their outdoor experiences. This JTBD
and important for citizens in the local area can be a defining moment for customers in
because it will provide a space to meet their helping them choose products that will assist
needs including learning more about local them in enjoying their lives. We focused our
areas, finding unique and functional prod- whole project plan around this goal, because
ucts, and developing meaningful relation- we want our customers to feel comfort, inspi-
ships. The ultimate purpose of our project is ration, and belonging in our space.
to build a community of people that have a

Once we saw the need that DRIFT could fill for its customers we wanted to learn more
about how we could effectively present and deliver the job to be done. This included a lot
of observations and interviews. Since we were each assigned a different role within the store
we each observed and interviewed people who had experienced or interacted with the job
we were working on. Our findings were grouped into marketing, merchandising, vibe, and
customer experience.
Observation Interviewing Triangulation

photos above link to the group members reports

Through observation and interviewing we learned that our end-users want to
have positive emotional connections with the brand. The majority of these initial A
connections happen online. We learned that we are able to create these posi-
tive emotions by posting pictures and videos of people that are similar to our
target market. People love seeing what other people their age are up to and K
they feel more connected to the brand if they happen to know the people that
are using it. The positive connection also comes by showing that the products E
we sell are used in everyday outdoor activities. This is where the customers see T
the value of the products and become connected to the idea that they could be
doing the same thing. One of our end-users needs is to feel a positive emotional I
connection to the brand and products they are buying.
R We learned that our end-user wants to feel trendy and included throughout
O their shopping experience. With technology, people are now better able to stay
on top of trends and know what style is in. We found that our end-users want
D stores that are able to stay on top of the ever-changing trends. Customers also
want to feel included in their search for clothes. We found that a lot of outdoor
U stores tend to cater more towards tall lean women but have fewer options for
C women who are shorter. Our end-users have expressed and we have also ob-
served the need for trendy options ranging from all body types.
The vibe of DRIFT includes the overall feel of the store, the layout, and the
experiences that would happen within the store. We found that our end-users
want a cozy, calm, and welcoming place for them to come and share their pas- I
sion for nature. A lot of end-users expressed the want for a community where
they can come to enjoy local nature enthusiasts and learn more about the op- B
portunities to explore nature around them.
We observed and asked about the customer journey many people go through
S from when they first enter the store all the way until they leave the store with
T their purchase. We saw that our end-user had a need for finding a product
they love and we wanted to see what employees could do to fill that need for
O our end-user. From our observations, we saw that a lot of customers felt over-
whelmed when first walking into a store, and sometimes the interactions with
M employees turned the whole experience negative. Through interviewing more
E people we found that our end customers want someone who is helpful in get-
ting them their product without being overbearing.
After finding the needs of the end-users in each section of our store, we
combined what we had learned into a journey map. This journey map fea-
tures both what is happening currently with retail stores and what we hope
to happen within our store. A lot of end-users’ needs fall under the need for
a community that cares about them. If we can create that community, cus-
tomers will have a positive connection, find trendy clothing, feel welcomed,
and find a product they love. As customers go through the journey map M
you can see where we have implemented each of these needs in a place
where they can contribute to the overall need of a community where they
can find the products they love.

Our job to be done includes creating merchandise opportunities for customers to find some-
thing they love. Helping customers find merchandise that works for them can enhance their
experience and entice them to return and continue to make purchases. If they find an item
that doesn’t work for them at first, it is our job to help them find another item for them
that they are interested in, rather than letting them leave empty-handed and disappointed.
Connecting with the customer and focusing on what items they are looking for and creating
guided opportunities for them to find something better than they expected is what we want
to do at DRIFT. We want customers to never leave empty-handed, to find a way to connect
with nature through store experiences and events, and make conscious efforts to build a
community that loves our products and our values.

We made several recommendations for DRIFT’s opening that related to the JTBD. These
recommendations include a brand experience guide, an image board, a materials break-
down, a sounds and smells board, an opening night event, a marketing plan, a Provo-spe-
cific merchandise edit, a store layout, and a customer journey. These recommendations add
solutions to the job-to-be-done to find merchandise that enhances a nature theme, as well
as helps create a memorable experience for customers to connect with nature. These recom-
mendations are below. click images for links


We created a brand experience guide to recommend a vibe and color
palette for the retail space. We want the brand to consistently help
customers feel comfortable in the retail space and experience our
brand in positive ways. We recommend that the organization follow
the brand experience guide in their marketing and displays for a con-
sistent theme across all platforms. This guide will help the organization
stay true to its values and maintain the natural, outdoorsy vibe.

We also created an image board to brainstorm what products, de-
signs, and overall vibe we want in the store. Similar to a Pinterest
board, this image board highlights pictures of potential design and
display elements that could fit into the natural, outdoorsy vibe of the
store. We recommend that the organization refer to this board when
putting together the physical space, as it will guide decisions about
visual display and theme.
Similar to the image board, this materials breakdown document shows
examples of displays and decorations that could be used in the DRIFT
store to capture the theme and vibe. The breakdown includes photos
of each recommended product, along with hyperlinks to the actual
products and prices. The board shows affordable and thematic mate-
rials that would enhance the vibe of the store. We recommend using
this when making decisions about purchasing elements for the space.


The purpose of the sounds and smells board is to incorporate all five
senses into the retail space, not just focusing on sight and touch. The
board highlights examples of the types of music or sounds we recom-
mend playing in the store and the visuals to use in the store to high-
light the products we sell. We also recommended a variety of natural
smells that add an outdoorsy ambiance to the space. Engaging all
five senses allows us to create a more sensory immersive experience,
which makes the store a more engaging and pleasant place to shop.


We recommend making “aromatherapy jars” on opening night along
with a granola-making station for kids. Both projects would focus on
people coming into the store and adding different contents to a jar
that they can take home with them. Additionally, we recommend a
live band and hot apple cider. We believe that the live music and hot
cider will draw people into the store, and the experience will be simple
and interactive enough to do as a spontaneous, unplanned activity
for guests that adds value to their overall Riverwoods experience. Our
hope with the event is to draw people into the store so they can get
exposed to everything the store has to offer.

Our marketing plan outlines recommendations for DRIFT to reach its
target customers. We describe the target community and our recom-
mendations for how to reach out to them through email, face-to-face
relations, and social media. Included is a display of possible Instagram
content and recommendations for future posts and influencer collabo-
rations. We recommend using this marketing plan to establish a posi-
tive connection to DRIFT as a community-based store.
We created a Provo-specific merchandise edit with brands Michael
suggested, as well as ones we felt would work with DRIFT. We found
items that the demographic in Provo would enjoy and be enticed
to purchase. We looked at the final list of brands we came up with,
explored each website in great detail, and selected specific products
from each brand that match the nature theme. For pricing, the brands
Michael suggested were on the upper end of the price, so we used
those brands (Faherty, Pendleton, etc.), but also included cheaper
options (Prana and Free People). This allowed us to cater to multiple
income demographics. We also included local products such as home-
made artisan bread, local honey, and homemade granola to add a
more personal, authentic touch and engage more senses.

The store layout provides a blueprint for how we want the store to be
set up and organized. The layout ensures that there is an easy and
logical flow to the store, where customers can seamlessly move from
one section to another. The design choices we recommend also pro-
vide the store with a lot of flexibility and mobility so the space can be
rearranged quickly for different purposes. The store layout will help
the organization understand the customers’ journey through the store
and make it the most effective path possible. We recommend keeping
the displays minimalistic so that customers don’t feel too crowded or
bombarded with products or displays.

We want employees to be able to direct the customers to the place where they can find the
product they love, whether it be in DRIFT or another local store. To accomplish our job-to-be
done, we recommend hiring employees that are knowledgeable about local nature sites and
have a vast knowledge of the products provided. It is important for employees to know a lot
about the products within stores, but also of the products that are available in local stores
surrounding the area. Another goal of ours is to turn DRIFT into a place of community for
the people interested in the local nature sites and clothing. We recommend that employees
are friendly and are able to read the cues of when someone might need some help shop-
ping or they don’t want to be bothered. We also recommend that employees know the local
nature sites and the activities that are available in the Provo area for outdoor enthusiasts.
This will create an environment where people feel welcomed and can talk about their shared
interests in the outdoors.
The “job to be done” for customers who shop at DRIFT is to find items and have experiences
that connect them to nature. Things that detract from this job to be done are:
- If clothes end up not fitting
- The items in the store aren’t what they need
- There are too many or too few options
- A lack of knowledge about what items they need to be successful
On the flip side, things that would contribute to the ultimate objective are:
- A better connection to nature
- Overall purchase satisfaction
- Community
We feel confident that our recommendations not only address the experience detractors but
also enhance the contributors.

We anticipate that our carefully curated merchandising plan will provide customers
with a good amount of options while shopping because we’ve focused our merchandise
heavily on our target market’s interests, needs, and desires.

Our store layout recommendation sets up the store in a way that gives it a very neat,
clean, organized, and organic appearance, which will help customers from feeling over-
whelmed as they shop.


Our customer journey map focuses on things that employees can do to enhance the
customer experience, including being knowledgeable about all things outdoorsy so they
can help our shoppers make confident shopping decisions.


Our brand experience guide and opening night plan not only define the type of culture
we plan to build at DRIFT but how we plan to go about building a community amongst
our shoppers.
Lastly, our experiential marketing recommendations focus on targeting a very niche
group of shoppers who will be drawn to the store because their “job to be done” is to
connect with nature.

To conclude, we feel confident that our recommendations are positioned well to give custom-
ers the best experience possible as they seek to embrace nature more fully in their lives. In
turn, as customers experience such value, store revenue and popularity will naturally follow

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