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Expanded Barbarian NPCs

Barbarian Adventurer Tactics
The best way to engage a barbarian is to maintain distance,
At first glance, there seems to be very little that separates a taking advantage of its limited capabilities for ranged combat.
barbarian from standard warriors. Whereas as many However, adventurers still must remain wary of their
warriors rely on careful training or techniques to gain an positioning due to the barbarian's enhanced speed while
edge, barbarians are characterized by their supernatural raging allows them to easily close the gap between a ranged
might and endurance. The source of their power does not opponent. If close combat is unavoidable, it is best to never
necessarily come from years of martial discipline, but from engage the barbarian alone without support, as a raging
their unbreakable focus or resolve in the face of danger. barbarian is more than a match for most opponents.
Barbarian's Rage Barbarian Types
This focus can manifest itself in a variety of ways. A common
method that barbarians are able to tap into this inner Barbarians can be categorized into three groups based on
wellspring of power is through a seething rage that causes their mastery of their inner power.
them to transform into an unstoppable force capable of
toppling much more powerful foes and shrugging off lethal Barbarian Ragers
wounds. Although in many cases a barbarian's rage can be Barbarian ragers have just begun mastering their ability to
triggered by pain or fury, some derive their mysterious harness their rage. Despite their relative inexperience with
powers from their inner magical essence, granting them the their new power, they can prove to powerful opponents when
ability to harness various kinds of arcane energy. they fully embrace their barbaric rage. Unfortunately, this
surge of power can also make them somewhat reckless and
Barbarian Goals impulsive, causing them to take on more than they can truly
Just as any warrior, barbarians can be found in all sort of handle.
occupations serving as guards, soldiers, or mercenaries. In
many cases, barbarians can easily be mistaken for a standard Barbarian Paragon
fighter or even civilian. However, once in battle, a barbarian's The term paragon is a quite accurate description for
true nature will finally reveal itself, often to the misfortune of barbarians who have learned to master their rage. Barbarian
their opponent. paragons can be considered superhuman in scope due to
Some barbarians seek to keep their hidden power a secret, their incredible feats of strength and durability. They have
and are even at times afraid to enter into any sort of conflict even learned to defy the clutches of death, using their inner
because of their incredible power. Others choose to fully rage to shrug off the deadliest of attacks.
embrace it, as they are at times quick to jump into any fray
with zealous glee. Regardless of their agenda, barbarians can Barbarian Ragelord
prove to be a valuable ally or formidable enemy. Ragelord are typically legendary heroes and villains typically
found in myths and legends. In fact, many people do not
Barbarian Tactics believe these individuals exist due to their impossible feats of
power rivaling that of powerful entities such as celestials,
The barbarian's greatest area of expertise lies in melee dragons, fiendish lords and more. In some instances, many
combat. Thanks to their sheer strength and incredible believe the ragelords are actually demigods or avatars of
endurance, a barbarian is often found on the front lines, divinity due to their seemingly invincible nature and
oftentimes engaging multiple opponents at once. Their incredible might.
primary strength's lies in their rage that grants them an
unnatural resilience against many conventional forms of
weaponry. Thanks to this innate resistance, the barbarian can
afford to take greater risks in battle, such as charging
through enemies to target vulnerable spellcasters, which
more than makes up for their limited options against ranged
Unrivaled Strength
A barbarian's rage not only enhances their durability, but
their strength as well. Thanks to their endurance, barbarians
are likely to use their reckless ability to fully exploit the extra
damage they can deal due to their Brutal ability. In most
circumstances, the benefits of such a tactics override the
negative drawbacks to their carelessness.

Barbarian Variants Flamerager
Depending on the source of their rage, barbarian can exhibit Flameragers are often associated with a larger category of
a wide array of special abilities. barbarians known as storm heralds. In general, storm heralds
are warriors who harbor the primordial fury of the elements
Beastrager within them. Flameragers are known to harness the
Beastragers are defined by their feral soul. When fully explosive potential of the element of fire. In battle,
harnessed, beastragers can physically transform, taking on flameragers have the ability to erupt into a firestorm that
the form of mighty beasts. The source of the bestial nature incinerates anything that gets to close.
can be a boon from ancient primeval spirits or the vestiges of Frostbringer
the therianthropic curse.
Frostbringers are a special variant of storm herald who
Berserker represent the unforgiving nature of winter. In battle,
Berserkers are the most common variant of barbarian. In frostbringers emit an aura of frost that saps the vitality and
fact, the term barbarian's rage was coined from berserkers. will of those who dare approach them.
What sets a berserker apart from other barbarians is their Hex cursed
seething fury on the battlefield. While in their rage,
berserkers become mindless, killing machines who can only Hex cursed barbarians are individuals whose very essence
be stopped when killed or all their opponents have been has been imbued with various hexes or curses. Although
defeated. most instances are a form of punishment or revenge from a
hag or a powerful spellcaster, some hex cursed are created
Bloodrager through rituals from covens imbuing them with powerful
Bloodragers are a unique variant of barbarian that uses a hexes. When these barbarians enter into their rage, they can
variant of hemomancy to enhance their abilities. Their use their curse to weaken and debilitate their enemies.
mastery of blood allows them to harness the life force of their Mistrager
enemies to heal the barbarian's wounds. Such a practice is a
common amongst those who form alliances or pacts with The Feywild is a volatile realm where emotion gain magical
vampires. potency. Those exposed to this chaotic realm can experience
a number of strange side effects. Mistragers are one of these
Bonerager outcomes. These barbarians have the unique ability to
Bonerager are those who have been forever marked by the harness Fey magic to confound their enemies with
touch of death, whether through encounters with the undead psychedelic mental assaults, as well as the ability to warp
or even as a side effect from being resurrected. Regardless of reality to vanish from sight. Whereas most barbarians have a
their origin, when these barbarians harness the power of specific focus that allows them to tap into their rage,
their necromantic essence, they are able to transform into mistrager typically have relatively chaotic triggers for their
ghastly avatars of death that consume the souls of their foes. rage that often vary depending on their mood or even the
time of day.
Dervish Mutated
The dervish is known for their remarkable speed and grace The mutated are often those who survive terrible arcane
on the battlefield. In combat, the dervish seems to enter into a experiments or endure the harsh, alien environments of many
battle trance which allows them to nimbly weave between aberrant realms. However, these ordeals have forever altered
opponents, cleaving them through with a graceful storm of the bodies of these individuals. In times of extreme danger or
weapon strikes. Their speed not only allows them to dire need, the mutated is able to turn into a writhing
overwhelm their opponent's defense; but grants them abomination of tendrils lashing out at its enemies. Thanks to
incredible awareness as they are capable of deflecting their alien physiology, the mutated is naturally resistance
incoming attacks, even from multiple opponents against many forms of mental assaults and can quickly
Fiend Cursed regenerate any wounds it receives.
These barbarians are marked by a demonic or infernal
corruption on their soul. The source of this corruption can
come from a pact with a fiendish entity, a malevolent curse on
one's bloodline, or even one of the symptoms from visiting the
Lower Planes.
When fully embraced, the fiend cursed is able to take on
the very visage of a demon or devil. Because of the source of
their power, many fiend cursed are often reviled and shunned
by most of society. Those who do remain seek to keep their
abilities a secret in fear of being hunter down or harming

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Ragechanter Totem Lord
Whereas a barbarian's rage primarily enhances the ability of Whereas most barbarian draw from some inner power
the individual, the ragechanter the unique ability to empower source as a source of their rage, totem lords use a special
their allies with their rage. In many cases, ragechanters can artifact known as a totem to focus their rage. Totems can take
often be confused for bards thanks to their ability to motivate a variety of forms depending on the individual and can
their allies through speeches, songs, or sometimes just their manifest a barbarian's power in different ways. Regardless of
heroic feats. Because of their ability to bolster their allies, its form, all totems possess the ability to amplify a barbarian's
their skills are often valued as combat support or even rage, which can be used to empower their allies.
Scalerager Voidragers are rare individuals touched by the cosmos itself.
Scaleragers are a special variant of barbarian that possesses This connection grants them the power to manipulate gravity
the essence of a dragon in their soul. This power is often the as if it were an extension of their will. Upon enter into their
result of their draconic legacy within their bloodline, or a rage, voidragers are able to create gravitational fluxes that
boon to one who has gained the favor of a dragon. When propel themselves across the battlefield while locking down
unleashed, scaleragers can physically transform to gain the opponents by bring them into melee range or launching them
features of a dragon, such as scales and wings. However, into the air only to slam them back to the ground.
their greatest power is their ability to channel dragon magic
to unleash a breath attack akin to that of a true dragon Warmonger
Spellrager The best description for a warmonger is that they are akin to
the avatars of battle. Unlike many barbarians, warmongers
The spellrager are individuals who have been magically have fully mastered the use of spiked armor into their fighting
altered from arcane experiments or exposure to magical style, using it as an impervious defense but as a brutal
phenomena such as ley lines or planar rifts. However, unlike weapon punishing those who get too close to it. Warmongers
many spellcasters, spellragers cannot harness this magical excel at fighting on the frontlines, cleaving through multiple
energy as a spell, instead it is emitted through chaotic bursts opponents at a time thanks to their sweeping strikes.
of wild magic. Because of the chaotic nature of wild magic,
one should use caution when provoking a spellrager as there Zealot
is no telling what may happen once they enter into their rage. Zealots are identified by their undying devotion to divinity.
Spirit Guardian Because of this connection, many zealots are imbued with
celestial magic, giving off a radiant or necrotic aura
Barbarians of this path possess a spiritual connection with depending on their deity. In many instances, zealots are often
the dead. These barbarians are able to tap into this appointed as the literal champions of the gods. Because of
connection to call forth their guardian spirit to come to their this divine favor, zealots are nearly impossible to kill due to
aid in battle. These spirits are able to disorient enemies, their zealous devotion.
shield allies from harm, and even physically manifest itself to
strike down their foes.
Stormbreakers are typically what comes to mind when one
thinks of a storm herald. Their primeval connection grants
them mastery of the air and the sea, and are able to create a
whirling tempest around themselves as they enter into a rage.

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Barbarian Rager
medium humanoid, varies

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 51(6d8+18)
Speed 30ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +5

Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +4, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common and one language on choice
Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3(700 xp)

Brutal Upon dealing a critical hit, the barbarian can

triple the damage die instead of doubling it.
Furious Might While raging, the barbarian has
advantage on Strength ability checks and saving
Powerful Build The barbarian has the benefits of
being one size larger. However, its physical size
remains unchanged
Reckless At the start of each of its turns, the
barbarian can grant itself advantage on melee
weapon attacks until the start of its next turn.
However, attacks against it have advantage until the
start of its next turn.
Siege Monster The barbarian can deal double
damage to buildings and objects

Rage Powers
The barbarian's rage gives them special ability, some
of which require saving throws. The DC for these
abilities is 13
Multiattack. The barbarian can make two Greataxe
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit to hit,
5ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d12+3) slashing damage

Bonus Actions
Aggressive The barbarian can use its bonus action to
move up to its movement speed towards a creature
it can see in range. However, it must end this
movement closer to a hostile creature.
Rage(Recharge 5-6) As a bonus action, the barbarian
can enter into a rage for one minute granting it
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage for the duration. The barbarian can only
reroll a d6 to regain its rage once the duration ends.

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Berserker Bloodrager
Mindless Fury While raging, the berserker is immune Blood Lust While raging, the bloodrager has
to being charmed or frightened. advantage on attack rolls against creatures below
half its hitpoint maximum
Raging Fury When the berserker first enters into its
rage, creatures of its choice within 30ft. of it that Gorger When the bloodrager deals a critical hit, the
can see it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw bloodrager regains a number of hitpoints equal to
equal to the berserker's Rage DC. On a failed saving half the damage dealt.
throw, the target is frightened by the berserker for
Sanguine Rage While raging, the bloodrager gains
one minute. Frightened creatures can repeat its
immunity to poison and necrotic damage for the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end
duration of the effect.
the effect on a success.
Wild Swing(Replaces Reckless) Until the start of its Reactions
next turn, the berserker can deal maximum damage Sanguine Healing When the bloodrager reduces a
on its weapon damage die. However, until the start creature to 0 hitpoints, it regains a number of
of the berserker's next turn, attacks against it have hitpoints equal to 10 times the bloodrager's
advantage proficiency bonus(rounded down)
Bonus Actions
Berserk Frenzy While raging, the berserker can use
its bonus action to make one additional melee
weapon attack
Reactions Bonerager
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Retaliation When the berserker take damage from a
creature within 5ft. of it, the berserker can make a
melee weapon attack against that creature. While Aura of Undeath While raging, creatures that first
raging, the berserker can take this particular reaction enters within 10ft. of the bonerager cannot regain
at the end of every creature's turn. hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
Phantom Stride While raging, the bonerager can
move through other creatures and objects as if they
were difficult terrain. If it ends its turn in an
occupied space, the bonerager is shunted to the
nearest unoccupied space taking 5 (1d10) force
Beastrager damage for every 5ft. it is shunted.
Movement Speed 40ft., 40ft. swim, 40ft. climb
Undead Resilience While raging, the bonerager has
immunity to necrotic and poison damage.
Amphibious The beastrager can breathe in air and in
Undying Fortitude(Replaces Relentless) If the
bonerager is reduced to 0 hitpoints while raging, it
Bestial Charge If the beastrager moves at least half does not die or become unconscious until the
its movement speed and makes a melee weapon duration of its rage ends.
attack on the same turn, the target must make a
Strength saving throw against the beastrager's Rage Reactions
DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is knocked Soul Harvest When the bonerager reduces a creature
prone. The beastrager can use its bonus action to to 0 hitpoints, the bonerager gains temporary
make an additional melee weapon attack against the hitpoints equal to 10 times half the voidrager's
prone target. proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Infectious Fury When the beastrager hits a creature
with a melee weapon attack, the target must
succeed a Wisdom saving throw equal to the
beastrager's Rage DC. On a failed saving throw, the
target must use its reaction to move up to half its
movement speed to make a melee weapon attack
against the nearest creature that is not the
Spider Climb The beastrager can climb difficult
surfaces without needing to make an ability check

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Challenge Rating Increase by 1
Battle Trance While raging, the dervish has advantage
on Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability checks. Blazing Aura While raging, creatures that first enter
or start its turn within 10ft. of the flamerager,
Blade Dancer While raging, the dervish can move grapples it, or hits it with a melee attack while
outside a creature's reach without provoking attacks within 5ft of the flamerager takes 4(1d8) fire
of opportunity. damage.
Evasion While raging, when the dervish fails a
Dexterity saving throw against an effect that deals Kindled Weapon Once on each of the flamerager's
turns while raging, the flamerager can deal
damage, the dervish takes half damage. On a
successful saving throw, the dervish takes no additional fire damage on its weapon attacks. This
damage. additional damage is equal to a number of d8s
equivalent to the flamerager's proficiency bonus.
Martial Flurry Once on its turns when the dervish has
advantage on a weapon attack, the dervish can forgo Soul of Fire While raging, the flamerager gains
immunity to fire damage.
advantage to make one additional weapon weapon
attack as part of its Attack action.
Bonus Actions
Reactions Explosive Rage When the flamerager first enters into
Parry While raging, the dervish can use its reaction its rage, creatures of its choice within 10ft. of it that
can see it must succeed a Dexterity saving throw
to grant itself a +2 to its armor class against the
next attack made against it equal to the flamerager's Rage DC. On a failed
saving throw, the target takes fire damage equal to a
Reactive The dervish can use its reaction at the end number of d8s equivalent to the flamerager's
of eavery creatures turn proficiency bonus. On a successful saving throw,
creatures take half damage.
Wrath of the Flames When the flamerager takes
damage from a creature within 30ft. of it, that
creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw
Fiend Cursed equal to the flamerager's Rage DC. On a failed
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 saving throw, the target takes fire damage equal to a
number of d8s equivalent to the flamerager's
Devil Sight The fiend cursed's vision is not obscured proficiency bonus. On a successful saving throw,
by magical darkness creatures take half damage.

Demon Skin While raging, the fiend cursed gains

resistance to cold, fire, lightning, and poison
Fiendish Flight While raging, the fiendcursed gains a
flying speed equal to its walking speed.
Hellish Strikes Once on each of the fiend cursed's
turns while raging, the fiend cursed can deal
additional fire damage on its weapon attacks. This
additional damage is equal to a number of d8s
equivalent to the fiend cursed's proficiency bonus.

Bonus Actions
Demonic Terror When the fiendcursed first enters
into its rage, creatures of its choice within 30ft. of it
that can see it must succeed a Wisdom saving
throw equal to the fiend cursed's Rage DC. On a
failed saving throw, the target is frightened by the
fiend cursed for one minute. Frightened creatures
can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its
turns to end the effect on a success.

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Frostbringer th
Challenge Rating Increase by 1 M
Raging Blizzard While raging, creatures that first
enter or start its turn within 10ft. of the frostbringer R
has its movement speed reduced by 10ft. until the M
start of its next turn. w
Frostbitten Weapon Once on each of the
frostbringer's turns while raging, the frostbringer
can deal additional cold damage on its weapon
attacks. This additional damage is equal to a number
of d8s equivalent to the frostbringer's proficiency
Soul of Winter While raging, the frostbringer gains
immunity to cold damage.

Bonus Actions
Flash Freeze When the frostbringer first enters into
its rage, creatures of its choice within 10ft. of it
must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to
the frostbringer's Rage DC. On a failed saving throw,
the target is encased in ice and restrained until the
end of its next turn.
Wrath of the Frost When the frostbringer takes
damage from a creature within 30ft. of it, that
creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw
equal to the frostbringer's Rage DC. On a failed
saving throw, the target is restrained until the end of
its next turn.

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Dragon Flight While raging, the scalerager gains a
Amorphous Form While raging, the mutated can flying speed equal to its walking speed
move through a space at least 1 inch without
squeezing. Dragon Scale While raging, the scalerager has
advantage on saving throws against spells and
Alien Transformation While raging, the mutated is magical effects. Upon succeeding a saving throw
immune to affects that would magically change its against a spell or magical effect that deals damage,
form the scalerager takes no damage.
Adaptive Physiology At the start of each of turns, the Wyrm Scale While raging, the scalerager gains
mutated grants itself immunity to one damage type immunity to one of the following damage types of
of its choice until it uses this feature again. its choice(acid, cold, fire, l)
Elongated Grasp While raging, the mutated reach for
its melee weapon attacks increases by 10ft. Actions
Dragon's Breath(Raging only) Creatures in a 20ft.
Bonus Actions cone must succeed a Dexterity saving throw equal
Mutated Tendrils As a bonus action, the mutated can to the scalerager's Rage DC. On a failed saving
force a creature it can see within 15ft. of it to make throw, creatures takes damage equal to a number of
a Strength saving throw against the mutated's rage d10s equal to the scalerager's proficiency bonus
DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is grappled and half as much on a success. This damage
and restrained by the mutated. A restrained creature matches the elemental attunement of its Wyrm
must use its action to repeat the saving throw to Scale ability
escape. The mutated can only grapple one creature
at a time in this manner
Malleable Adaptation When the mutated takes
damage while raging, it can use its reaction to halve Spellrager
the damage received. Challenge Rating: Increase by 1

Chaos Burst When the spellrager deals a critical hit

or is hit with a critical hit, the spellrager can roll a
d100 on the Wild Magic table to determine an
Ragechanter effect. If the Wild Magic effect is a spell, the
spellrager can use its Rage DC to cast the spells
Skill Expertise Intimidation, Persuasion
Challenge Rating 1 Magical Attack While raging, the spellrager's attacks
count as magical for the purpose of overcoming
Rage Chant Creatures of the ragechanter's choice
within 30ft. of it have advantage on saving throws Magical Resistance While raging, the spellrager has
against being charmed or frightened. advantage on saving throws against spells and
magical effects.
Bonus Actions
Spell Ward While raging, the spellrager gains
Reckless Command The ragechanter can use its resistance to all damage from spells and magical
bonus action to grant creatures of its choice within effects.
30ft. of it to gain the benefits of Reckless until the
start of that creature's next turn. Bonus Actions
Raging Endurance As a bonus action, the ragechanter Wild Rage When the spellrager enters into its rage, it
can grant creatures of its choice within 30ft. of it can roll a d100 on the Wild Magic table to
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing determine an effect. If the Wild Magic effect is a
damage until the start of the ragechanter's next turn. spell, the spellrager can use its Rage DC to cast the
War Chant When the ragechanter first enters into its
rage, creatures of the ragechanters choice within
30ft. of it gains temporary hitpoints equal to 10
times half the ragechanter's proficiency bonus
(rounded down)

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Hex cursed
Spirit Guardian
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Cursed Strikes When the hex cursed hits a creature
with a weapon attack, the target suffers
Spirit Strike When the spirit guardian hits a creature disadvantage on saving throws until the start of its
with a weapon attack, the target must succeed a next turn.
Wisdom saving throw equal to the spirit guardian's Hex Ward While raging, whenever the hex cursed
Rage DC. On a failed saving throw, the target suffers takes damage, it can roll a d6. Upon rolling a 6, the
disadvantage on attack rolls until the start of its next hex cursed takes no damage and is otherwise
turn. unaffected by that effect.
Vengeful Spirits While raging, the spirit guardian and
creatures of its choice within 30ft. of it gains
Bonus Actions
temporary hitpoints equal to 10 times half the spirit Cursed Rage When the hex cursed enters into its
guardian's proficiency bonus(rounded down). These rage, it can cast Hex on a creature it can see within
temporary hitpoints last for the duration of the rage range. The hex cursed cannot lose concentration on
or until depleted. When selected creatures take this spell effect for the duration of its rage.
damage while possess these temporary hitpoints,
the attacker takes 9(2d8) force damage. Binding Curse The hex cursed can teleport up to its
movement speed towards a creature under its Hex
Bonus Actions
Spiritual Warrior As a bonus action, the spirit
guardian can conjure a spectral warrior to attack a Boundless Hex When the hex cursed reduces a
creature within 60ft. Upon using this feature, the creature under its Hex to 0 hitpoints, it can use its
spirit guardian can make a melee weapon attack reaction to target another creature in range.
against a creature within range. Upon making this
attack, the spirit guardian immediately vanishes.
Spirit Shield While raging, the spirit guardian or a
creature within 30ft. of its takes damage, the spirit
guardian can use its reaction to take half damage.
Crushing Blow Once on each of the titanrager's turns
while raging, the titanrager can deal additional
damage on its weapon attacks to a creature one size
smaller than it. This additional damage is equal to a
number of d8s equivalent to the titanrager's
proficiency bonus.
Juggernaut While raging, the titanrager is immune to
being paralyzed or stunned.
Titanic Endurance While raging, the titanrager has
advantage on Constitution saving throws.
Titan's Rage While raging, the titanrager's size
increases by one one size.

Bonus Actions
Titanic Tremor When the titanrager enters into its
rage, creatures of its choice within 10ft. of it that
can see it must succeed a Strength saving throw
equal to the titanrager's Rage DC. On a failed saving
throw, creatures are pushed back 10ft. and knocked

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Totem Lord
Challenge Rating Increase by 1 Totem Link (Requires Relentless Feature) When an
allied creature within 30ft. of the totem lord is
Stormy Aura While raging, creatures that first enter reduced to 0 hitpoint, it can benefit from the totem
or start its turn within 10ft. of the stormbreaker, lord's Relentless trait if it does not already have it.
grapples it, or hits it with a melee attack while If the creature succeeds its save, the DC for
within 5ft of the stormbreaker takes 4(1d8) Relentless for the next saving throw still increases
lightning damage. by 5 for each successful save. (The DC scale with
Fury of the Tempest When the stormbreaker first each general success and is not dependent on each
enters into its rage, creatures of its choice within creature)
10ft. of it that can see it must succeed a Strength Totem Powers
saving throw equal to the stormbreaker's Rage DC. When the totem lord enters into its rage, it can gain
On a failed saving throw, creatures are pushed back one of the following benefits for the duration of its
10ft. and knocked prone. rage
Storm Strike Once on each of the stormbreaker's
turns while raging, the stormbreaker can deal Totem of Alacrity While raging, the totem lord and
additional lightning damage on its weapon attacks. allied creatures within 30ft. of it can use its bonus
This additional damage is equal to a number of d8s action to take the Dash action and can move
equivalent to the stormbreaker's proficiency bonus. outside a creature's space without provoking
attacks of opportunity
Soul of the Storm While raging, the stormbreaker
gains immunity to lightning and thunder damage. Totem of Protection While raging, the totem lord
gains resistance to all damage except for psychic
Wind Stride While raging, the stormbreaker gains a damage.
flying and swimming speed equal to its walking
speed Totem of Power While raging, allied creatures have
advantage on attacks rolls against creatures within
Reactions 5ft. of the totem lord
Tidal Wrath When the stormbreaker takes damage
from a creature within 30ft. of it, that creature must
succeed a Strength saving throw equal to the
stormbreaker's Rage DC. On a failed saving throw,
the target is pushed back 10ft. and knocked prone.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Zealot Barbarian
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Armor Class Increases by 3
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Divine Soul While raging, the zealot is immune to
radiant or necrotic damage (choose 1)
Cleaver Whenever the warmonger has advantage on
an attack roll, it can forgo advantage to make one Divine Strike Once on each of the zealots turns
additional weapon attack as part of that action. while raging, the zealot can deal additional radiant or
necrotic damage on its weapon attacks. This
Savage Blows The warmonger can deal a critical hit additional damage is equal to a number of d8s
on a 19-20 equivalent to the zealot's proficiency bonus.
Spiked Armor When a creature grapples or hits the Undying Zeal (Replaces Relentless) If the zealot is
warmonger with a melee weapon attack, the reduced to 0 hitpoints while raging, it does not die
attacker takes 4 (1d6) piercing damage. or become unconscious until the duration of its
rage ends. It cannot benefit from this feature if the
Reactions zealot did not take damage or make an attack on its
Bloodlust When the warmonger reduces a creature previous turn.
to 0 hitpoints, it can use its reaction to move up to
half its movement speed to make a weapon attack Bonus Actions
against a creature within range. Zealous Rage When the zealot first enters into its
rage, it and allied creatures within 30ft. of it that can
see or hear it has advantage on attack rolls and
saving throws until the end of its next turn

Challenge Rating Increases by 1

Gravitational Strikes While raging, when the voidrager

hits a creature with a weapon attack, the target must
succeed a Strength saving throw equal to the
voidrager's Rage DC. On a failed saving throw, the
target is pushed back 5ft. or knocked prone(the
voidrager's choice)
Event Horizon While raging, creatures of the
voidrager's choice within 10ft. of hit has its
movement speed reduced by 10ft. until the start of
that creature's next turn.
Gravitational Flux While raging, the voidrager's size
increases by one size larger or smaller. Its physical
size remains unchanged

Bonus Actions
Gravitational Surge When the voidrager first enters
into its rage, creatures of its choice within 10ft. of it
that can see it must succeed a Strength saving
throw equal to the voidrager's Rage DC. On a failed
saving throw, creatures are pushed or pulled 10ft.
from the voidrager.
Grasp of the Void While raging, the voidrager can
force one creature within 30ft. of it to make a
Strength saving throw against the voidrager's Rage
DC. On a failed save, that creature is pushed or
pulled a direction of the voidrager's choice.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
A special Thanks to my Patrons
Mythic Patrons
Marcella V., Mercyque, Chandlor D., Marshmellow Owlbear, Jake C., The Emcredible , Terra Nova, Kandros Vashtet,
Shrike, Camden, DJ Stribj, Tom L., Daniel C.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Art Credits
Cover Art: Andrew Mar

Barbarian Rager: Andrew Mar

Barbarian Paragon: Lie Setiawan

Barbarian Ragelord: Lie Setiawan

Mistrager: Anna Steinbauer

Patron Art: Kieran Yanner

Back Cover Art: Tomasz Jedruszek

Watercolor Stains: Jared Ondricek

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upcoming content, be sure to follow me on
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compendiums. If you wish to view my previous
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Patreon and Ko Fi where you can download these
compendiums for free!

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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