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Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation ....................................................................................... 3-3

Subsection 3B: Top Drive and Torque Guide Installation Instructions.............................. 3-39

Revision 2 January 2006 3-1

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

3-2 Revision 2 January 2006


Typical Control Console Figure 3.1 .............................................................................3-4

Top Drive Console Operating Instructions ...................................................................3-5
Elevator Arrangement Figure 3.2...............................................................................3-24
Back-Up Wrench Positioning Drawing Number: M-7-101-01 .................................3-25
Drilling Connection Sequence ...................................................................................3-26
Connection of a Racked Stand..............................................................................3-27
Mousehole Single Connection...............................................................................3-27
Mousehole Double Connection .............................................................................3-27
Drilling Surface Holes with Collars.............................................................................3-28
Canrig Casing Nubbin................................................................................................3-28
Tripping Sequence: Into Hole ....................................................................................3-29
Tripping Sequence: Out of Hole ................................................................................3-30
Running Casing Using Side Door Elevators ..............................................................3-31
Helpful Items..............................................................................................................3-33
Shifting the 2-Speed Gearbox ...................................................................................3-34
Link Tilt and Handler Rotate ......................................................................................3-35
Pipe Handler..............................................................................................................3-36
Torque Boost Disclaimer ...........................................................................................3-37

Revision 2 January 2006 3-3

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Typical Control Console

Figure 3.1

3-4 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Top Drive Console Operating Instructions

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive
With GE B20 AC Motor

Refer to Top Drive Console Illustration, Figure 3.1


DEPRESSED • Shuts off all electrical power to the top drive and disables all Top
Drive functions.
RELEASED • Normal Top Drive operation.


DEPRESSED Shuts off all electrical power to the top drive and disables all Top Drive
functions by:
• tripping the FVD (Flux Vector Drive) breaker on Canrig supplied FVD
• tripping the feeder breaker at the CIP panel or Transfer panel.
PULLED - • Normal Top Drive operation.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-5

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


OFF • Disables operation of the Top Drive.
AUX • Power is supplied to the Top Drive for auxiliary functions but no power
is available to the Top Drive motor.
• There is a 5 second alarm test sequence when AUX is first selected.
• This position is normally used for tripping operations.
ENABLE • The FVD (Flux Vector Drive) is enabled making power available to the
Top Drive motor.
• Power is available for auxiliary functions.
• There is a 5 second alarm test sequence when ENABLE is selected.
• The Top Drive blower will start.
• The Top Drive lube pump will start.
• The Top Drive lube cooler will start after a 30 minute delay. If the Top
Drive has been OFF for less than 120 minutes, the cooler will start
when the top drive is ENABLED.
• The TOP DRIVE ENABLE light will be continuously lit when the FVD is
properly enabled.
• The TOP DRIVE ENABLE light will flash under the following
• FVD not properly enabled.
RT • Power is supplied to the rotary table.
(Optional) • Power is supplied to the Top Drive for auxiliary functions but no power
is available to the Top Drive motor.

NOTE: The Top Drive will automatically shut down under the following conditions:
• Low air flow detected while the Top Drive is in ENABLE.
• Loss of the Top Drive Lube Pump Running status.
• If the drilling motor temperature reaches 356º F (180º C). The throttle
can be zeroed and the top drive restarted ONE TIME. If the high temp
continues for 10 minutes the top drive will shut down and cannot be
restarted until the temperature reaches 310º F (155º C).

A Torque Unwind sequence is performed before shut-down to slowly

remove the torque from the drill string.

3-6 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


• Refer also to the Top Drive Mode Joystick Function summary page 3-8.
• Refer also to the DRILL-SPIN-TORQUE Control Summary (Table 1) on page 3-9
DRILL • The speed is controlled with the hand throttle wheel (TH1).
Forward & • The torque is limited by the DRILLING TORQUE LIMIT which is
Reverse displayed in units of ft-lb on the DRILL TORQUE LIMIT meter (M3)
and can be adjusted with the DRILLING TORQUE LIMIT dial (TH2).
• The maximum continuous torque is limited by the Torque - Speed
Limitations shown on the torque curves in section 2 of this manual.
SPIN • The speed is preset at approximately 30 RPM.
Forward & • The torque is limited to 3 000 ft-lb (4 000 Nm).
Reverse • Note that there are two spin joystick positions for each direction. One
is maintained and the other will spring return to neutral.
TORQUE • The maximum torque is limited by the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT
Forward** which is displayed in units of ft-lb on the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT
meter (M4) and can be adjusted with the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT
dial (TH3).
• The maximum Make-Up torque is 90 000 ft-lb (122 000 Nm) which is
the limited electric motor torque of 66 000 ft-lb (89 500 Nm) plus the
maximum Torque Boost Make-Up torque of 24 000 ft-lb (32 500 Nm).
• The torque will ramp up to the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT, hold for 1.5
seconds and ramp down.
• Currents above the continuous rating will be time limited by the PLC
to 5-85 seconds depending on the current level.

TORQUE • The maximum Break Out torque is 90 000 ft-lb (122 000 Nm) which is
Reverse the limited electric motor torque of 52 500 ft-lb (71 200 Nm) plus the
maximum Torque Boost Break Out torque of 37 500 ft-lb (50 800 Nm).
• Currents above the continuous rating will be time limited by the PLC.

** See Torque Boost Disclaimer at the end of Section 3

Revision 2 January 2006 3-7

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Top Drive Mode Joystick Functions





(Maintain) (Maintain) (Maintain)

Note: All positions are spring returned except where “Maintain” is noted.

3-8 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Table 1
Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive
With GE B20 AC Motor


(Make-Up) (Break Out)
Speed Control Handwheel Fixed Fixed Fixed
(TH1) 30 RPM
Torque Limit Adjustable Fixed Adjustable Fixed
3 000 ft-lb
(4 000 Nm)
Torque Limit Drilling Torque N/A Make-up Torque N/A
Display Limit Meter Limit Meter (M4)
Torque Limit Drilling Torque N/A Make-Up Torque N/A
Adjustment Limit Dial (TH3) Limit Dial (TH2)
Continuous N/A N/A N/A N/A
Continuous 51 400 ft-lb 3 000 ft-lb N/A N/A
Torque (69 700 Nm) (4 000 Nm)
Intermittent N/A N/A N/A N/A
Intermittent 71 000 ft-lb N/A 71 000 ft-lb 71 000 ft-lb
Torque (96 300 Nm) (96 300 Nm) (96 300 Nm)
Motor Only
Intermittent N/A N/A 90 000 ft-lb 90 000 ft-lb
Torque (122 000 Nm) (122 000 Nm)
Limitation with
Torque Boost*
Intermittent N/A 150% for 10 seconds
Current Time
* See Torque Boost Disclaimer at the end of Section 3

Revision 2 January 2006 3-9

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


• Active only in DRILL mode.
• De-activated in SPIN and TORQUE modes.
• De-activated if the Torque Boost is ENGAGED.
CLOCKWISE • Increases the Top Drive rotary speed.
COUNTER- • Decreases the Top Drive rotary speed.


• Adjusts the torque limit of the Top Drive in DRILL mode.
• Turn the dial clockwise to increase the torque limit.
• The drilling torque limit is displayed on the DRILLING TORQUE LIMIT meter (M4).


• Adjusts the Make-Up Torque Limit of the Top Drive in TORQUE mode.
• Turn the dial clockwise to increase the torque limit.
• The Make-Up Torque Limit is displayed on the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT meter (M4).
• If the Torque Boost and electric motor are used together, set the Make-Up Torque
Limit at the desired torque minus 24 000 ft-lb (32 500 Nm).**

** See Torque Boost Disclaimer at the end of Section 3

3-10 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


• The Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) supplies hydraulic pressure to the auxiliary functions.
• The unit has two pumps; only one runs at any given time.
• The pumps can run continuously or can be turned off if no auxiliary functions are being
HPU 1 • HPU No. 1 will start.
• The HYDRAULIC UNIT indicator light will be on if the HPU is running
• The HYDRAULIC UNIT indicator light and the HPU FAULT lamp will
flash if an HPU fault is detected:
• Motor not running.
• Low hydraulic oil level.
• High hydraulic oil temperature.
• UWCV actuation or BUW Gripper opening prevented by the HPU
not running.
OFF • Both units will stop.
HPU 2 • Same as HPU 1 above except HPU 2.


• The brake is a hydraulic caliper disc type mounted on the top of the motor.
OFF • The Top Drive can rotate freely.
ON • The Top Drive brake is applied.
• The BRAKE indicator light will turn on.
• The Hydraulic Power Unit must be running for brake operation, e.g.
for directional drilling.
• If the brake is turned on for more that 2 seconds while the throttle is
ON, the horn will sound and the BRAKE indicator light will flash.
• The brake will not apply if in SPIN or TORQUE mode. The horn will
sound and the BRAKE indicator light will flash.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-11

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


• This hydraulically actuated valve is mounted on the mud inlet, above the Top Drive.
• It is used as a mud saver and for well control.
OPEN • The valve will open, regardless of the mud pump status.
AUTO • The valve closes automatically whenever the mud pump(s) are
stopped and the standpipe pressure is less than 250 psi (1725 KPa).
• The valve opens automatically whenever the mud pump(s) are
CLOSE • The valve will close, regardless of the mud pump status.
• The UWCV CLOSED indicator light will turn on.

NOTE: The UWCV CLOSED light will turn on if the valve closing is
activated either by the AUTO or CLOSE switch selection.

The UWCV CLOSED light will flash and the horn will sound if
valve actuation (OPEN or CLOSE) is prevented because the HPU
is not running.


• This air or hydraulic actuated valve is mounted on the quill, below the Top Drive.
OPEN • The valve will open, regardless of the mud pump status.
AUTO • The valve closes automatically whenever the mud pump(s) are
stopped and the standpipe pressure is less than 250 psi (1725 KPa).
• The valve opens automatically whenever the mud pump(s) are
CLOSE • The valve will close, regardless of the mud pump status.
• The LWCV CLOSED indicator light will turn on.

NOTE: The LWCV CLOSED light will turn on if the valve closing is
activated either by the AUTO or CLOSE switch selection.

3-12 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


• The Torque Boost is a high-torque, low speed hydraulic drive for connection make-up
or break out.
• The Torque Boost clutch is automatically engaged when the Make-Up or Break Out
function is selected.
• The Torque Boost clutch is automatically disengaged when the Make-Up or Break Out
function is released, then every 10 minutes thereafter to ensure that it does not
inadvertently creep engaged.
• The Torque Boost will not engage if:
• the Throttle is not at zero
• the Top Drive is turning
• the Back-Up Wrench Gripper is closed and the Handler is not locked
MAKE-UP • The Top Drive quill will hydraulically rotate forward with a maximum
torque of 24 000 ft-lb (32 500 Nm).
• Select TORQUE FORWARD mode (using JS1) to provide up to
66 000 ft-lb (89 500 Nm) of additional electric motor torque, for a
total of 90 000 ft-lb (122 000 Nm) combined.**
OFF • Torque Boost rotation will stop. The Torque Boost clutch will
BREAK OUT • The Top Drive quill will hydraulically rotate in reverse with a
maximum torque of 37 500 ft-lb (50 800 Nm).
• Select TORQUE REVERSE mode (using JS1) to provide up to
52 500 ft-lb (71 200 Nm) of additional electric motor torque, for a
total of 90 000 ft-lb (122 000 Nm) combined.

IMPORTANT: When using the Torque Boost and electric motor together, the
Torque Boost torque must be applied first. The Torque Boost
clutch cannot engage while the Top Drive is turning.

** See Torque Boost Disclaimer at the end of Section 3

Revision 2 January 2006 3-13

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


UP • Raise the BUW Gripper assembly.
DOWN • Lower the BUW Gripper assembly.
OPEN • Open the BUW Gripper to allow normal Top Drive rotation.
(Neutral) • Maintain the BUW gripper at its current height.
NORMAL • Close the BUW Gripper on the tubular.
CLOSE • This position is spring returned. Normally use this position to close
the Gripper to avoid inadvertent hoisting with the Gripper closed.
• If the handler is locked and the top drive is not rotating, the BUW
Gripper will hold the tubular for make-up or break out operations.
• The BACK-UP WRENCH CLOSED indicator light will flash when the
Gripper is closed. This is a warning to avoid hoisting with the BUW
Gripper closed.

IMPORTANT: Neither electric motor torque nor Torque Boost torque are
permitted if the BUW Gripper is closed and the Handler is
unlocked. In that condition the bails could swing unexpectedly
causing severe damage, injury, or death.

Back-Up Wrench Joystick Functions




Note: All positions are spring returned

3-14 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


• The BUW Gripper is interlocked to the drawworks clutch. This prevents damage to the
wrench assembly when the Top Drive is inadvertently hoisted with the BUW Gripper
closed. The Gripper will open if either drawworks clutch is engaged, regardless of the
joystick position.

IMPORTANT: After breaking out of a joint, remember to open the Back-

Up Wrench before hoisting to avoid damage to the

WARNING: Be careful in using the gripper to hold up a sub or

stabilizer for handling. If a drawworks clutch is engaged,
the HPU is turned off, or if the Top Drive switch (SW1) is
moved to the OFF position, the Back-Up Wrench Saver will
open the Gripper and drop the sub.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-15

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


EXTEND • Extends the Link Tilt hydraulic cylinder rods. This will push the bails
(UP) toward the latch side of the elevators.
RETRACT • Retracts the Link Tilt hydraulic cylinder rods. This will pull the bails
(DOWN) toward the hinge side of the elevators.
MAINTAIN • If neither EXTEND nor RETRACT are selected, the Link Tilt will
(CENTER) remain in its current position.
FLOAT • If neither EXTEND nor RETRACT are selected the Link Tilt will float
(RIGHT) as influenced by gravity or may be moved by hand.

IMPORTANT: The elevator must be installed with the handles on the

OPPOSITE side from the link tilt cylinders.
See Figure 3.2.

Link Tilt Joystick Functions




NEUTRAL (Maintain)



Note: All positions are spring returned except where “Maintain” is noted.

3-16 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


UNLOCK • Disengages the lock dog from the handler rotate gear.
UNLOCK • The lock dog disengages and the entire pipe handler assembly
FORWARD rotates in a clockwise direction.
UNLOCK • The lock dog disengages and the entire pipe handler assembly
REVERSE rotates in a counter-clockwise direction.
LOCK • Engages the lock dog in the current position.
LOCK • It may be necessary to rotate the pipe handler in a clockwise
FORWARD direction in order to line up the lock dog with the teeth of the handler
rotate gear. When they align, the handler will lock into place.
LOCK • It may be necessary to rotate the pipe handler in a counter-
REVERSE clockwise direction in order to line up the lock dog with the teeth of
the handler rotate gear. When they align, the handler will lock into

Handler Joystick Functions






CAUTION: To avoid injury due to accidental rotation of the pipe

handler, the handler should be locked most of the time.

Visually verify that the handler is locked.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-17

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive


OFF • Handler is locked.
• Handler is being held unlocked with the
Handler Lock joystick.
ON • Handler Lock Bypass is in progress which 3 second Horn
creates a 30 second window for applying Burst every 15
torque without handler lock confirmation. seconds
FAST FLASH • Handler is not locked and the Handler Lock 3 second Horn
joystick is in the LOCK position. Burst every 15


PUSH • Starts a timer which creates a 30 second window where
Make-Up or Break Out torque is permitted even if the system
cannot determine that the handler is positively locked.
Normally this feature would only be used in the event of a
handler lock sensor failure.
• The HANDLER LOCK FAULT indicator light will turn on for
30 seconds.
RELEASED • Normal handler lock operation (after 30 second bypass time.)

CAUTION: Always visually confirm that the handler is locked before

applying torque to make-up or break out of a connection.


OFF • Brake off.
ON • Brake on.
FLASHING • Brake on with the Throttle on for more than 2 Horn Burst
• Attempt to apply the brake while in SPIN mode.
• Attempt to apply the brake while in TORQUE mode.

3-18 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation


OFF • Top Drive ENABLE not selected.
• Top Drive LOCKOUT switch depressed.
• EMERGENCY STOP switch depressed.
ON • Normal operating status - FVD properly enabled.
SLOW FLASH • FVD bay not properly enabled.

RAPID FLASH • Stalled motor. Repeated Horn


OFF • Normal operating status - Lube oil temperature less

than 175°F (80°C).
• Top Drive not enabled.
FLASHING • Lube oil temperature greater than 175°F (80°C). Horn Burst


OFF • Normal operating status - motor temperature less
than 340°F (170°C).
• Top Drive not enabled.
FLASHING • Motor temperature greater than 340°F (170°C). Horn Burst
• If the drilling motor temperature reaches 356º F
(180º C), the motor will shut down. The throttle can
be zeroed and the top drive restarted ONE TIME. If
the high temp continues for 10 minutes the top drive
will shut down and cannot be restarted until the
temperature reaches 310º F (155º C).


OFF • Normal operating status - adequate air pressure
and flow at the Top Drive motor.
• Top Drive not enabled.
• Motor contactor is OFF and the Low Air Pressure
Switch is ON
FAST FLASH • Insufficient air pressure or flow at the Top Drive Horn Burst
motor. Check the blower and ducting. (Repeated
after 30 sec.)
Revision 2 January 2006 3-19
Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

UWCV CLOSED LIGHT (PL 6) (* Optional)

OFF • Upper Well Control Valve OPEN selected.
ON • Upper Well Control Valve closing is activated either
by the AUTO or CLOSE switch selection.
FLASHING • Actuation of the valve (either OPEN or CLOSE) Horn Burst
prevented by the HPU not running.
• UWCV CLOSE selection with the mud pumps
running or with more than 250 psi (1725 KPa)
standpipe pressure.


OFF • Normal operating status - Top Drive lubrication OK.
• Top Drive not enabled.
FLASHING • Top Drive lubrication pressure is less than 15 psi. Horn Burst
Check the lube pressure gauge on the Top Drive.
Check the Top Drive lube system.
• Top Drive enabled but the lube pump motor is not
running. Check the motor starter and motor.
• Motor contactor is OFF and the Low Lube Pressure
Switch is ON


OFF • Back-Up Wrench Gripper is open.
FLASHING • Back-Up Wrench Gripper is closed.
FLASHING • Engaging either drawworks clutch with the BUW Horn Burst
gripper closed.
• Opening of the Back-up Wrench Gripper prevented
by the HPU not running.
• Attempting to close the BUW gripper while the Top
Drive is rotating.

IMPORTANT: After breaking out of a joint, remember to open the Back-

Up Wrench before hoisting to avoid damage to the


OFF • Normal operating status. Adequate purge air
pressure at the Top Drive console.
FLASHING • Insufficient purge air pressure at the Top Drive Horn Burst
console. Check the air supply, regulator and
console sealing.

3-20 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

LWCV CLOSED LIGHT (PL 10) (* Optional)

OFF • Lower Well Control Valve OPEN selected.
ON • Lower Well Control Valve closing is activated either
by the AUTO or CLOSE switch selection.
FLASHING • LWCV selection with the mud pumps running or with Horn Burst
more than 250 psi (1725 KPa) standpipe pressure.


OFF • Hydraulic Unit not selected.
• Selected Hydraulic Unit running properly.
FLASHING • Selected Hydraulic Unit not running. Horn Burst
• Low hydraulic oil level.
• High hydraulic oil temperature (> 75° C).
• UWCV actuation or BUW Gripper opening prevented
by the HPU not running.


OFF • Torque Boost is disengaged.
ON • Torque Boost is engaged.
FLASHING • Attempt to engage the Torque Boost with the throttle Horn Burst
• Attempt to engage the Torque Boost while in SPIN
• Attempt to engage the Torque Boost while in
TORQUE mode. Electrical torque may be applied
after the Torque Boost clutch has engaged.


OFF • No Engine alarms.
FLASHING • An indication that one of the Engine alarms has
activated. Check Engine for High Temp Alarm, Low
Lube Alarm or Low Water Alarm.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-21

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

• Analog display of the torque output of the Top Drive, in thousands of ft-lb.
• If the Torque Boost is used together with the electric motor for make-up, the output of
the Top Drive will be 24 000 ft-lb (32 500 Nm) higher than the Torque Meter reading.
• If the Torque Boost is used together with the electric motor for break out, the output of
the Top Drive will be 37 500 ft-lb (50 800 Nm) higher than the Torque Meter reading.


• Digital display of the Top Drive rotary speed in revolutions per minute.


• Digital display of the torque limit of the Top Drive in DRILL mode, in thousands of ft-lb.
• The drilling torque limit can be adjusted with the DRILLING TORQUE LIMIT dial (TH2).


• Digital display of the make-up torque limit of the Top Drive in TORQUE mode, in
thousands of ft-lb.
• The make-up torque limit can be adjusted with the MAKE-UP TORQUE LIMIT dial
• When torquing with the Torque Boost and the electric motor together, set the Make-Up
Torque Limit at the desired torque minus 24 000 ft-lb (32 500 Nm).**

** See Torque Boost Disclaimer at the end of Section 3

3-22 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

OFF • Normal operating status.
SHORT • Back-Up Wrench Gripper closed. Remember to open it before
REPEATING hoisting.
REPEATING • Handler not in safe position to TORQUE.
SHORT BURST • Alarm test for 5 seconds when ENABLE is first selected.
ON NEW • Low lube pressure.
ALARM • Lube pump not running with Top Drive Enable switch on.
• High lube temperature.
• Low Top Drive cooling air pressure or flow.
• Blower not running with Top Drive Enable switch on.
• High motor temperature.
• Brake on with the throttle on for more than 2 seconds.
• Attempt to apply the brake while in SPIN or TORQUE mode.
• HPU #1 or #2 selected but not running.
• High hydraulic oil temperature – greater than 175°F (80°C).
• Low hydraulic oil level.
• Attempt to close LWCV with mud pumps running.
• Attempt to close LWCV with high mud pressure.
• Opening the Back-Up Wrench Gripper prevented by HPU not
• Attempt to switch to SPIN or TORQUE Modes with quill speed
greater than or equal 1 RPM.
• Initiating Torque Boost Make-Up/Break Out.
• Attempt to engage the Torque Boost with the Drill Throttle on or
while in SPIN or TORQUE mode.
• Attempt to close the Back-Up Wrench Gripper with the Handler
• Releasing the Torque Boost first when applying electric motor
torque and Torque Boost torque together.
• Attempt to Torque Boost Make-Up/Break Out with Torque Boost
• Attempt to use the electric motor in addition to the Torque Boost
with improper matching of the rotation directions (eg. Torque Boost
MAKE-UP and Top Drive REVERSE).
• Attempt to switch between forward and reverse with the Throttle on
or while in SPIN or TORQUE modes.
• Engagement of either drawworks clutch / hoisting with the Back-Up
Wrench Gripper closed.
• Attempt to close the BUW Gripper while the Top Drive is rotating.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-23

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Elevator Arrangement
Figure 3.2

3-24 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Back-Up Wrench Positioning

Drawing Number: M-7-101-01

1. Insert the STOP PINS (Qty:2) through the
desired hole in the OUTER TUBE.
2. When the positioning cylinder is retracted the
Back-up Wrench will stop when the INNER
TUBE comes against the STOP PINS.


1. An ACME NUT inside the STOP TUBE acts
as the downward stop.
2. Turning the COUPLING NUT will cause the
STOP ROD to turn. As the STOP ROD turns,
it changes the position of the ACME NUT.
extended, the Back-up Wrench will stop when
the ACME NUT comes against the top of the
4. There is a spring pin at the bottom of the
STOP ROD to prevent the STOP ROD from
disengaging with the ACME NUT.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-25

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Drilling Connection Sequence

1. Drill down the joint of pipe, bringing the Top Drive as close to the floor as possible by
retracting the Back-Up Wrench and elevator Link Tilt to the over-drill position (70
degrees toward the hinge side of the elevators). For safety, keep the elevators as close
to the floor as possible and keep personnel from standing below retracted elevators.
See “Pipe Handler – Care and Usage”.

2. Raise the pipe off bottom and set the slips.

3. Stop circulation and close the Upper Well Control Valve (UWCV, remotely activated
from the Top Drive console).

4. Lower the Back-Up Wrench (BUW) over the pipe tool joint and close the BUW Gripper.

5. Break out and spin out of the pipe using Torque Reverse and Spin Reverse functions.
Open the BUW Gripper.

6. Option A, B, or C (detailed on the following page).

7. Move the link tilt back to center using the FLOAT setting. Use Extend/Retract feature
for minor adjustments.

8. Continue to hoist the Top Drive until the pin of the pipe to be added is above the box of
the pipe in the slips.

9. Lower the Top Drive to stab the pipe into the drill string at the floor. Activate Spin
Maintain. Continue to lower to stab the Top Drive saver sub into the box of the pipe
being added. Lower the BUW fully for this operation to provide a stabbing guide.

10. After stabbing, continue to lower approximately 6 inches. This will allow the floating quill
to compensate for the thread advance.

11. Use a back-up tong on the pipe in the slips if there is insufficient string weight for the
slips to hold the make-up torque.

12. Spin in and make-up both connections simultaneously using the Top Drive. The torque
can be pre-set at the Top Drive console. Raise the BUW Gripper to its highest position.

13. Open the Mud Saver Valve or LWCV if used as a Mud Saver.

14. Commence circulation, hoist to allow removal of the slips, lower to bottom and proceed
to drill.

15. The elevators may be optionally opened and the link tilt retracted slightly while drilling.

3-26 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation
Connection of a Racked Stand

6A i) Hoist the Top Drive to the racking board elevation.

6A ii) Extend the link tilt in the same manner as tripping into the hole.

6A iii) The derrickman positions a stand of drill pipe and closes the elevators in the same
manner as tripping into the hole. (Power elevators are optional.)

(Procedure continues on the following page.)


Mousehole Single Connection

6B i) Latch the elevators around the single in the mousehole with the link tilt in the
retracted position (open side of the elevators facing well center). The link tilt can be
used to close the elevators.

6B ii) Hoist to raise the single out of the mousehole.

(Procedure continues on the following page.)


Mousehole Double Connection

6C i) Complete the Mousehole Single Connection procedure as above.

6C ii) Position another single in the mousehole.

6C iii) Lower the Top Drive to stab the first single into the second single.

6C iv) Spin in and snug up the connection using a Pipe Spinner.

6C v) Hoist to raise the double out of the mousehole.

(Procedure continues on the following page.)

Revision 2 January 2006 3-27

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Drilling Surface Holes with Collars

1. Put a collar in the mousehole, install a Drill-Through Pick-Up sub (DTPU sub) and
torque as required with the tongs. Pick up the collar in the elevators and stab it into the
collar in the table. Stab in the Top Drive and make-up both connections to the limit of
the saver sub connection. Torque the floor connection to the required torque with

If the drill collar is too large for the mousehole, then install the DTPU sub and pick it out of
the V-door ramp with the elevators.

Canrig Casing Nubbin

• Machined from one piece of 4145H material, eliminating welds and areas for potential

• Has a urethane guide mounted on the pin end to assist in stabbing casing and help
prevent threads from making contact during stabbing.

• Designed with a shoulder that faces up to the casing collar when at the hand-tight
position. This allows the casing to be rotated by the Top Drive during casing run and
creates a seal for filling or circulating the casing.

• With the Nubbin properly installed in the casing, the Top Drive can be used to hoist the

• The Nubbins allow the weight of the Top Drive to be applied to the casing when tight
spots are encountered downhole.

• The casing thread of the Nubbin will usually exceed the performance of the actual
casing thread due to superior metallurgical properties and a thicker wall at the Nubbin
All Nubbins are load rated and code stamped for traceability.

3-28 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Tripping Sequence: Into Hole

1. Tripping procedures are essentially conventional unless tight hole is encountered.

2. Lower the drill string with the elevators and set the slips.

3. Open the elevators, retract Link Tilt slightly and hoist the Top Drive to the racking board

4. Extend the link tilt. Keep the pipe handler at the desired orientation to tilt the links to the
desired pipe presentation point at the racking board. Pipe handler orientation is
controlled at the Top Drive console. Maximum link tilt angle is pre-set to avoid any
possibility of the elevators hitting the racking board.

5. The derrickman positions a stand of drill pipe and closes the elevators. This step is
approximately the same as conventional non-Top Drive tripping except that the links are
tilted toward the racking board, which reduces derrickman effort and improves safety.
Power elevators are optional.

6. Move the link tilt back to center using the FLOAT setting.

7. Continue to hoist the Top Drive until the pin of the pipe being added is above the box of
the pipe in the slips.

8. Lower the Top Drive to stab the pipe at the floor.

9. Spin in and make-up the connection using the floor handling tools.

10. Hoist the drill string and open the slips.

11. Lower the drill string into the hole and repeat the procedure.

NOTE: If tight hole is encountered at any time, set the pipe in the
slips and lower the Top Drive, spin in and make-up to the
connection on top of the pipe. Use the Back-Up Wrench on
the pipe tool joint if there is insufficient string weight to
restrain the torque in the slips. Initiate circulation and
rotation. Ream as required.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-29

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Tripping Sequence: Out of Hole

1. Suitable elevators should be installed on the Top Drive.

2. Latch the elevators around the drill string and hoist (opening slips) to the racking board
elevation. The link tilt can be used to latch the elevators.

3. Set the slips while gently lowering the string until all weight of the drill string is in the

4. Break out the stand in the elevators from the string using the floor handling tools.

5. Hoist to “un-stab” the stand.

6. Extend the link tilt.

7. Position the pin end of the stand at the pipe set-back and lower the Top Drive to set the
stand down.

8. The derrickman opens the elevator and racks back the top end of the stand. The link tilt
reduces the required derrickman effort.

9. Lower the Top Drive. Ensure the pipe is clear of the Top Drive. Retract the link tilt in
preparation to latch the elevators onto the next stand.

10. Repeat the procedure.

NOTE: If tight hole is encountered at any time, set the pipe in the
slips and lower the Top Drive, spin in and make-up to the
connection on top of the pipe. Use the Back-Up Wrench on
the pipe tool joint if there is insufficient string weight to
restrain the torque in the slips. Initiate circulation and
rotation. Ream as required.

11. After a stand is reamed out, set the slips. Close the Back-Up Wrench on the drill pipe
and reverse Torque to break the connection. Break the stand at the floor and rack back
using the elevators.

3-30 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Running Casing Using Side Door Elevators

1. Retract the link tilt and close the casing elevators around a joint of casing lying in the V-
door. The elevators approach the casing from the top side.

2. Hoist the Top Drive and casing joint to clear the coupling in the slips. Select the FLOAT
position for the link tilt.

3. Stab the casing.

4. Align the casing using the link tilt and pipe handler rotation. No man is required on the
stabbing board.

5. Make-up the casing with a power tong in the usual manner.

6. Hoist the casing string and open the slips.

7. Lower the casing string into the hole, set the slips and open the elevators.

8. Repeat the above procedure.

• The Top Drive can be equipped with a Canrig casing nubbin attached to the quill during
the entire casing job. It will allow you to screw into casing at any time. You can then:
ƒ Fill the casing with no spills
ƒ Circulate the casing string
ƒ Rotate the casing string
ƒ Reciprocate the casing string
ƒ Push down on the casing string with the weight of the Top Drive and blocks.
ƒ Any combination of the above.

NOTE: Casing nubbins incorporate a urethane stabbing guide for

thread protection and make-up shoulder. Various sizes and
thread types are available.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-31

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

DISCUSSION: It is imperative that Top Drive users exercise care and caution when using
a Top Drive during and after a jarring operation.

• Due to the changing parameters of jarring operations (depth of hole, drill string, free
point, type of jars, etc.), it is impossible to establish firm limits or guidelines for jarring
with the Top Drive. Every situation will have to be evaluated on individual merits with
due consideration of the costs of abandoning a well.

• The use of an Accelerator® tool or a similar device in conjunction with drilling or fishing
jars can greatly reduce the jarring forces at the top drive. It can absorb shock waves
that are generated while jarring and protect the pipe and top drive from damage.

• Canrig advises against using surface jars whenever possible, as the risk of damage to
the Top Drive will increase.

• After any jarring operation, the Top Drive should be thoroughly inspected according to
the following guidelines:

ƒ Perform a thorough visual examination of the Top Drive looking for any signs of

ƒ Visually inspect the mud inlet piping.

ƒ Check all wire locked bolts for damage or broken wires. If broken wires are
detected, re-torque the bolts according to the Capscrew Torque Values information
in Subsection 4D of this manual and rewire. Replace damaged wires.

ƒ Check all external bolts and nuts that are not wired for tightness. Any bolts found to
be loose should be removed, coated with Loctite 242 Threadlocker, reinstalled and
re-torqued according to the Capscrew Torque Values information.

ƒ Check all guards, vents and covers for tightness.

ƒ Ensure that all safety cables are properly and securely attached.

ƒ Visually examine the inside of the junction box(es) for loose components.

ƒ Open the motor brush access cover and check that all bolts are tight and all brushes
are correctly positioned. Also ensure that the condensation heater is secure.

ƒ Check that all electrical plugs are properly engaged and secured.

ƒ Check the seals at the bottom of the rotary manifold to ensure that they are properly
in place.
• The Top Drive load path is designed according to API Specification 8C; it can be treated
in much the same manner as any API hoisting equipment. The main difference is that

3-32 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation
the Top Drive has many accessories bolted on; these should be checked for loose bolts,
etc. as described above.

• Jarring operations can be done with the load connected either to the quill or the

Helpful Items
• Connection make-up torques may be limited by the saver sub or lower well control valve
• If a drill collar is to be torqued higher than the saver sub limit then the rig tongs must be

• Ensure that the BUW is opened after breaking out of the tool joint. If you pick up the
Top Drive with the Gripper closed, you could damage the Back-Up Wrench.

• You can cut continuous 90’ (30m) cores.

• To slip and cut line:

a) Screw a joint of pipe or drill collar to the quill.
b) Set the Top Drive unit in the slips.
c) The traveling block must be laterally restrained. This can be done by retaining the
block to the mast or Torque Guide or by using the block guides (if system is
equipped with this feature).

• Do not run the Top Drive unit up past the monkey board with the links retracted.
However, they should be adjusted to clear the monkey board when fully extended.

• When drilling singles, a single should be put in the mousehole immediately before
drilling down because the Top Drive may be blocking access to the mousehole when
near the floor.

• The dynamic brake should be used for lowering the Top Drive unit while tripping in or
out of the hole.

• If there is a failure with the handler rotate, the BUW can be closed on the saver sub and
the torque boost can be used to rotate the pipe handler. Ensure that the handler is
unlocked during rotation.

• To break the quill cross-over sub 6 5/8 REG connection, grip the Lower Well Control
Valve (LWCV) with BUW and ensure that the uppermost tool joint clamp (x/o to LWCV)
is tightened fully. Refer to Upper Drill String Assembly in Section 6B of the Drawings
and Parts List book for your Top Drive System.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-33

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Shifting the 2-Speed Gearbox

The following instructions should be used on top drive models equipped with a 2-speed

1. Bring the Top Drive to a complete stop. Ensure that the brakes are not engaged.
2. Remove the retaining pin from the 1 1/8” adjusting nut on the bottom of the gear cluster
box, above the indicator disc.
3. Turn the adjusting nut until resistance is felt. Observe the indicator disc moving
upwards when switching to high gear, downwards when switching to low.
4. When resistance is felt in the adjusting nut, stop turning the nut and quickly engage and
disengage the Torque Boost. Repeat until little or no resistance is felt when turning the
nut. Turn the adjusting nut all the way up or down until the nut stops. Back the nut off ½
to 1 full turn to relieve the stress on the adjusting fork.
5. Re-install the adjusting nut retaining pin.
6. Verify that the speed indicator light on the Driller’s Console matches the position of the
indicator disc, down for low gear, up for high gear.
7. Engage the Electric motor slowly and listen to verify that the gears are meshing

* NOTE This is intended for the 1050E-2SP and 1165E-2SP models only.

3-34 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Link Tilt and Handler Rotate

Proper Use

• Proper use of the Handler Lock system and the Link Tilt system can greatly reduce
the chances of an accident or personal injury.

• When torquing against the Back-Up Wrench (BUW), the Handler Lock prevents
rotation of the handler assembly due to the applied torque. It is important to avoid
the hazard of inadvertent handler rotation with the elevator links tilted.

• When torquing against the BUW, always keep personnel clear of the swing radius of
the links and elevators in case of inadvertent handler rotation.

• The driller should keep the links and elevators as close to the center as possible
when torquing against the BUW. This will minimize the swing radius of the elevators.

• The lock pin or locking dog mechanism should be magnetic particle inspected

The lock alarm should be tested daily. A fault can be simulated on a lock dog by closing
the dog on a 1/8” dia. Rod or making tooth tip to tooth tip contact when closing.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-35

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

Pipe Handler
Care and Usage

Proper use of the Handler Lock system and the Link Tilt system can greatly reduce the
chances of an accident or personal injury.

• All elevators must be installed with the handles on the OPPOSITE side from the link tilt
cylinders (refer to Figure 3.2).

• The link tilt is designed such that at the fully extended position, the elevators clear
the racking board. It is recommended that this clearance be verified by passing the
top drive slowly past the racking board with the links extended. There should be a
minimum 2” of clearance between the elevator handles and the racking board.

• If there is insufficient clearance, position the link tilt clamps lower on the links to
increase the clearance.

• The link tilt overdrill position (retracted) is used for drilling as low as possible before
connections, allowing for maximum bit clearance off bottom when making a

• When torquing against the Back-Up Wrench (BUW), the Handler Lock prevents rotation
of the handler assembly due to the applied torque. It is important to avoid the hazard of
inadvertent handler rotation with the elevator links retracted.

• When the links and elevators are retracted (in the overdrill position), keep personnel
from standing below the elevators or in the path of elevator travel.

• When torquing against the BUW, always keep personnel clear of the swing radius of the
links and elevators in case of inadvertent handler rotation.

• The driller should keep the links and elevators as close to center as possible when
torquing against the BUW. This will minimize the swing radius of the elevators.

• The lock pin or locking dog mechanism should be magnetic particle inspected annually.

• The lock alarm should be tested daily. A fault can be simulated on a lock dog by closing
the dog on a 1/8” dia. rod or making tooth tip to tooth tip contact when closing.

3-36 Revision 2 January 2006

Subsection 3A: Top Drive Operation

Torque Boost Disclaimer

The Torque Boost values shown throughout the specifications and instructions are based
on the pressure settings (+/- 10%) shown on the hydraulic schematic for this circuit @ 75°F
(24°C). Any change in oil viscosity and/or wear on the hydraulic and mechanical
components could cause reduced torque output. An increase in circuit back pressure will
reduce differential pressure across the motor and cause a decrease in torque output.

Revision 2 January 2006 3-37

Canrig Model 1250AC-681 Top Drive

3-38 Revision 2 January 2006

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