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Lipa City Colleges

College of Nursing

Related Learning Experience Performance Evaluation


Name of Student: _____________________________________

Year/Clinical group: ____________________________________
School year: __________________________________________
Term: _____ 1st Semester_____2nd Semester ______Summer_____
Inclusive Dates of clinical Rotation: ________________________

Legend: 5 – Highly Satisfactory

4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - satisfactory
2 - Moderately Satisfactory
1 - Unsatisfactory
A. Attitude - 25%
Score Remarks
1. Punctual.
2. Is neat and well groomed/wear appropriate attire
3. Reports on duty with complete paraphernalia
4. Exudes enthusiasm and initiative
5. Is careful in the use of verbal and non-verbal language
6. Fosters smooth relationships with other health team members
7. Courteous to staff and other health team members
8. Creative and resourceful
9. sees to it that area of assignment is well arranged and maintained
10.Maintains order and discipline
Total rating ________
B. Knowledge – 35%
1. Examinations – 20%
a. Pretest
b. Postest
c. Quizzes
2. Other requirements (NCP, Drug Study, Case Study, Case Presentation,
Individual Conferences) - 15%

Total Rating ________

C. Skills – 40%
Legend: 4 Competent (student performs consistently in an effective and
efficient manner
3 Progress acceptable (performance is usually effective and efficient
but not always
2 Needs improvement (progress in performance is too slow to judge
satisfactorily; task performance is not done properly for majority of
the time)
1 Progress unacceptable (no progress in performance has been
demonstrated, and/or performance is consistently ineffective and

Score Remarks
A. Safe and quality nursing care
Utilizes the nursing process before doing any nursing intervention
1.a. Obtains comprehensive client’s information by checking the
clients record.
1.b. Identifies the needs of the client before, during and after each
1.c. Provides needed nursing intervention based on identified needs
1.d. Monitors client’s responses to the procedure
Provides appropriate bedside care according to professional standard
Promotes safety and comfort of patient before, during and after each procedure.
3.a. Provides physical comfort utilizing comfort devices/techniques.
3.b.Positioning client based on the client’s level of consciousness
3.c.Informs the client and explains the purpose of the procedure
3.d.Observe proper implementation of the procedure based on
3.e.Transports patient safely and appropriately based on proper body
mechanics and SOP of the institution
Takes patients vital signs according to principles and reports any untoward
Gives patients medication based on what is written on the clients record observing
the 10 rights in giving medication
5.a. Assesses the clients ability to take the medication as prescribed
which includes clients gag reflex, state of consciousness and
presence of nausea and vomiting
5.b. Wash hands before doing the procedure
5.c. Arranges the medication tray and cups in the medication room or
the medication cart.
5.d. Prepares the medication for one client at a time
5.e. Gives the required medication
5.f. Disposes soiled supplies according to institutional policy
5.g. Makes relevant documentation
6. Executes legal orders of the physician accurately and
6.1. Verifies doctors order prior to the procedure
6.2. Observes appropriateness of the order
6.3. Exercises the degree of diligence before
carrying it out
7. Measures input and output accurately according to
institutional policy
B. Management of Resources and Environment
1. Ensures availability, completeness and functionality of the equipments to be
2. Observes institutional policies and protocols regarding each procedure.
3. Observes proper handling of the equipments
4. Observes proper disposal of waste based on institutional policy
C. Health education
1. Implements appropriate health education activities to client based on client
D. Legal Responsibility
1. Adheres to legal and institutional protocols regarding informed consent and
other legal documents
E. Ethico-moral Responsibility
1. Respects the rights of the client.
2. Accepts responsibility and accountability for own decisions and actions
3. Maintains privacy and confidentiality of clients information.
4. Adheres to the Code of Ethics for Nurses
F. Quality Improvement
1. Reports significant actual or potential observations seen in the area.
2. Identifies and reports problems seen in the area.
G. Records management
1. Maintains legible, accurate and updated documentation of patients care on the
clients record.
2. Provides complete and accurate observations of clients response regarding the
H. Communication
1. Utilizes therapeutic communication skills with the patient, significant others and
members of the health team
2. Does nurses notes based on principles (Nursing Process)
3. Utilizes proper channel of communication (through endorsement and reporting)
I. Collaboration and teamwork
1. Collaborates with other members of the health team to discuss things related to
advancement and improvement of client care
Total Rating __________
Over-all Performance Rating______________%


_________________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Student Signature of Clinical Instructor
Over Printed Name Over Printed Name

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