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On The Cover…

The National Locksmith June 2001 • Vol. 72, No. 6

COVER 14 64
Car Opening Tools Van Lock, Part 2
Much more than bent wire. Service and resetting.

FEATURE! 18 J. Baum Diving
High Tech Tools Model 2001 Auto Opening a J. Baum double door safe.
Lockout System
The High Tech approach is completeness.
With the advancements of door panel 92
design, construction and integration of
components, specialty opening GM In-Dash Ignition Removal
products and information is more 26 Tool by A1
critical than ever. 1990-96 Infiniti Q45, Part 2 A better way of doing it.
We conclude covering the door, trunk
Publisher Marc Goldberg
and glove box locks.
Editor Greg Mango
Art Director Jim Darow
Technical Editor Jake Jakubuwski
1997 Polaris Trail Blazer 250
Senior Writers 40 ATV key origination.
Sal Dulcamaro CML, Michael Hyde, Dale Libby Quick Entry Update
CMS, Dave McOmie, Sara Probasco
2002 Ford Explorer and Mercury Mountaineer.
Contributing Writers John Blankenship,
Tony Blass, Joe & Dee Bucha, Carl Cloud,
Ron & Chris Curry, Richard Allen Dickey, Basic Electronics, Part 5
Steve Gebbia, CML, Giles Kalvelage,
Jim Langston, Tom Lynch, Tom Mazzone,
Don Shiles, Robert Sieveking
42 Relays.

Director of Sales & Marketing

The National Locksmith
Jeffrey Adair 2001 Reader's Choice Awards
Advertising Account Manager The top interest generating CODES 126
Debbie Schertzing products of the year.
Accounting Manager Sheila Campo
2001 Dodge Stratus, Part 2
Production Assistants Kimberly van Mourik F0001-F1571.
Dave Krofel
Jeff Farinosi 48
Administrative Assistants
Sean Selby
Security Door Controls 135
LaVerne Schertzing The 950 Entrycheck® Keypad; PSB560 Sure
Exit Push Bar; Emlocks® 1500 Series
Shipping Manager Allan Galvez Visit us online for technical forums, chat,
Electromagnetic Lock
National Publishing Co. and 602RF Power Supply. online store plus visit our sponsors.
The National Locksmith® ISSN #0364-3719 is published
monthly by the National Publishing Co., 1533 Burgundy
Parkway, Streamwood, Illinois 60107-1861. Periodicals
postage paid at Bartlett, Illinois 60107 and additional mailing
offices USPS 040110. Subscriptions $41.00 per year in the DEPARTMENTS
USA: $54.00 per year in Canada; $67.00 in all other
countries. Single copies $5.00 each. Postmaster, please
send change of address to National Publishing Co.,
1533 Burgundy Parkway, Streamwood, Illinois 60107-1861.
©2001 by the National Publishing Company.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

Questions or problems with your
subscription? (Or other inquiries?)
Call (630) 837-2044 129 BUSINESS BRIEFS
Fax: (630) 837-1210 60 THE LIGHTER SIDE
E-Mail: [email protected]
See us on the World-Wide Web:

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Hey Mr. Postman…
s m it h .c
N a ti o n a lL o c k
w w w .T h e

It sounded like such a simple job. We’re in the midst of preparing for a new version of our
catalog. The latest offerings appear now in the online store
Take gobs of back issues and put them on CD ROM for of our web site, but we’re also doing a paper version. I have
easy use by locksmiths. It sounded simple anyway. The had the good fortune to work with some of the finest
reality is that the task took us about a year and a half to locksmith authors in the world, and together, we bring you
complete, but it yielded a five CD set containing TNL issues books and software to save you time and make you money.
from 1988 to 1998, eleven years, and about 10,000 pages in
Not long ago, we did an informal survey in the forums at
all. I was surprised at the number
Now we’re ready with the update! of you who have fast internet connections. By that I mean
You can add another CD to your collection with the 1999 more locksmiths than I thought have DSL or cable modem.
& 2000 CD. This CD can be used to update your set if you When it finally became available, I got cable modem at
already have the original collection. Or if you want, you can home and it blew me away so much compared to my 56K
now buy the original collection which has been updated to connection that we got DSL at work. Now, 56K seems
include all issues between 1988 and 2000...all thirteen years, painful to me by comparison.
and about 12,000 pages. Or, if you prefer only to have the
These fast connections will ultimately have as much
most recent issues, you can buy the1999 & 2000 CD alone.
impact on us at the internet itself started having a few years
This one CD ROM contains about 2,000 pages of indexed ago. I believe there will come a
articles, photos, codes, installations and instructions. You’ll point where it is no longer
be able to key word search every issue, and an index has necessary to kill trees and pulp
been created to allow for easy info look up. them into paper for mailing a
See the ad on page 22 for more information. magazine.
One of these days, maybe
not now but soon, all
magazines will come delivered
It’s almost scary, but I realized recently that I have been to you in a fraction of a
on this job for eighteen years now. I guess what scares me is second, in living color
the realization that I’m old enough to have been doing any on your screen.
job for eighteen years! You’ll still be able
to print out what
But this job has been a particular pleasure for me. No, you want, I’m
I’m not going anywhere, I’m reflecting on the fact that sure.
The National Locksmith can be found in finer locksmith
business everywhere, and that now we’re so much more Regular mail
than a monthly magazine. is called Snail
Mail for a
The staff here produces the best, most informative reason!
material for you every month. And has fresh material appearing
every day in our forums. Sometimes it even amazes me
when I see locksmiths from around the world helping each
other, posting photos and working through each other’s

Have questions? Want free technical help? Marc Goldberg

Free Locksmith Forums! Publisher

June 2001 • 5

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or anyone who likes a bargain, traditional means of tracking
one down can be quite time consuming, and often a matter of
being in the right place at the right time. Thanks to the rise of
online auctions, through your computer you can now be in the right
place at the right time anywhere in the world. Locksmiths can take
To The Highest Bidder
changes fast. You then bid by clicking a button that increases the
advantage of such auctions because more offerings of hardware,
minimum bid by a preset amount. Your bid remains as the top bid
keyblanks, safe locks, key machines and tools, for example, are
until another user ups the ante.
finding their way to the auctioning block.
A “reserve” auction is another style of auction, and it differs from a
A new auction site developed by Jimmy Benvenutti just for
standard auction in that a seller is not obligated to sell the posted item
locksmiths is at: There you can
until a certain price has been met.
buy and sell trade-related goods with others that speak your
language. There isn’t much there yet, but as more people learn about Several sites use a process called “proxy bidding” in which you
it, more and more items will become available for the bidding. determine at the beginning the maximum amount you’re willing to
pay. From there, as others enter new top bids, your bid is
automatically upped by the preset amount until your maximum is
If your bid is the highest when the auction closes, then you’ve just
bought the goods. There’s no going back. It’s considered extremely
bad etiquette to back out after bidding closes. Once you’ve bought an
item, you’re stuck with it, so be sure to read the site’s policies
carefully before bidding.
Payment and Delivery
Now it’s time to arrange payment and delivery. Policies vary from
site to site, but you may be able to arrange overnight delivery and
even purchase shipping insurance.
If you’ve submitted the winning bid
on an item in a person-to-person
auction, then the payment and
delivery process is quite different. In
this case, the seller will usually detail
the payment and delivery policies,
Getting Started along with the item description, before
There are a couple of online auction styles you will encounter. bidding takes place. If you submit the
The most common are like a virtual garage sale. The site itself simply top bid, you’ll be asked to send a
serves as a venue for private individuals to hawk their wares through personal check or money order
a uniform auction procedure. This type of auction offers a variety of
goods, but reliability depends on the integrity of the seller.
Password Please Continued on
With any site you’ll be asked to register to receive a user ID and page 8.
password. The information you are required to provide varies from
site to site. On the person-to-person sites, credit card information is
not required as payment procedures are worked out independently
between the buyer and the seller. If a site requires complete credit
card information, ensure it is sent over a secure Internet connection.
Let the Bidding Begin
Now you’re ready to place a bid. Unlike real-life auctions, the
online type can last from a day to a week or more. The most common
style is the “standard” auction, in which multiple bidders can bid on a Greg Mango
single item or several identical items. When an auction starts, there is
a minimum bid which is usually an absurdly low amount that Editor

6• Visit

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Continued from page 6
and your item will be mailed when payment is received. you’re bidding on. All sellers have e-mail addresses and most provide
Many sites have added escrow services to alleviate any phone numbers.
trepidation buyers and sellers may have. Basically, escrow services • Always read the instructions and tutorials for the site you plan
operate in a similar fashion as bond merchants, where the money is to use. They often include site-specific tips and tricks for getting the
deposited with the escrow provider, who then holds the money in an most out of the service.
account until the goods are sent and received by the buyer. When Playing it safe
the buyer agrees they have received, and are happy with the product Despite the potential for abuse and scams, online auctions – even
bought, then the money is transferred to the seller. the person-to-person variety – are generally pretty safe. But you can
Judge & Jury still get scammed if you’re not careful. Complaints about online
In an effort to keep everybody auctions comprise nearly half the messages received by the US
honest, many sites employ a type of government’s new Internet Fraud Complaint Center, a project
peer review process. eBay, for aimed at collecting and analyzing consumer complaints about
example, has devised a successful suspected fraud on the Net.
system called the Feedback Forum. The center has been receiving an average of about
This area allows buyers and sellers to 1000 complaints a week since it opened as a joint
indicate whether they’ve had a positive initiative of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and
or negative experience when trading the National White Collar Crime Center. The center
with someone else. These comments are collects the complaints at its Web site at
reflected in a “feedback rating” number –
the higher the number, the more
A Few Basic Tips
trustworthy that user is,
according to their history at eBay. • Determine the seller’s reputation. Most person-to-
person sites have some sort of peer review system.
Since eBay requires all Check with former buyers to see if the seller has a
registered members – buyers or history of good or bad deal-making.
sellers – to provide full contact
information, this keeps all • Make sure the auction site you’re using keeps
transactions squarely in the accurate files on users. eBay requires members
virtual public eye. to have a traceable e-mail address.
Other sites have also adopted • In a person-to-person transaction, call your
this policy, as well as encourage seller to cement the deal. Most sellers provide a
e-mail contact between the potential phone number, and that’s a good indication
buyer and seller. If you are serious they’re on the up-and-up. You can get a much
about bidding online, it pays to do better sense of a person on the phone than
your homework and read up on your through e-mail.
potential merchant. • Use the peer review system. This type of
Tips for Smart Bidding cooperative open-market policy only works if
buyers provide feedback. If you had a good
Knowing a few basic strategies and rules
experience, say so. If you didn’t, definitely say
can make all the difference when bidding at
online auctions. A big part of it is simply
keeping your wits about you. The bidding process can be a little The following is a list of the more popular auction sites to peruse.
addictive, and you can easily end up spending more than you This is by no means all there is, and with a little searching you can
planned. find a number of niche auction sites.
• Figure out the approximate retail value of the item you’re BidFind:
bidding on. It makes no sense to shop online for something you eBay:
could get cheaper locally. Internet Auction List:
• Place a bid early. If there’s a tie when the auction closes, the OzEtrader:
early bid wins. Ubid:
• Consider proxy bidding. Proxy bidding lets you establish a Sold:
maximum amount you’re willing to spend. The site will bid on your
behalf, but only enough to outbid the previous high bidder. When
your maximum is exceeded, you drop out. Stuff:
• Note the auction’s closing time. If the item is still within your Treasured:
price range, you may be able to sneak in a last-minute bid just as If you have been searching for a hard to find item or want to sell
bidding closes. Auction sites usually keep bidding open five minutes something that is now just collecting dust., online auctions are a great
after the last bid, even if that means going past the close. You’ll often place to start.
see a lot of furious bidding towards closing time for in-demand items. Going... Going... Gone!
• Talk to the seller if you have any questions about the item

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J U N E 2 0 0 1

The National Locksmith is interested in your view. We do reserve the right to edit for clarity and length.

Going Beyond the Call of Duty had pockets, I was asked to be the
keeper of the keys. It was discovered
I would like to tell you a little
at the end of the trip that I did not
about my friend Don Smith. I first met
have key one! I had taken a spill off
Don over twenty years ago. I had E-MAIL
the tube and the keys went to the
recently retired from the Army and
went to work as a security guard at
bottom of the river. A couple of us YOUR VIEWS!
walked up the riverbank about a mile [email protected]
Sharpes Army Depot in Lathrop, CA.
and used a rancher’s phone. I called Remember to include your
When I was on the day shift, I would
Don and told him of our plight. Don first and last name.
see this locksmith in a small RV type
asked directions and said he would
vehicle come to the base every day.
come and help us out.
One day I stopped the driver and
asked him for a business card. After Don came up and made keys for
making friends with Don, I thought the four vehicles and told the guys to
I’d like to become a locksmith. Don stop by and he would make any
told me about the Foley Belsaw house keys they might need. I asked
courses and I signed up, which Don how much the bill was going to
started me in the direction of be, but he only said, “I’ll let you know
when you come by tomorrow.” over the years.
The next day I went to Don’s shop I know that I would appreciate
Don was always there for me anything that might be helpful to
whenever I had questions or needed expecting to see a pretty hefty bill. I
knew it was going to be pretty high keep him going, and I know that he
help. He was just that kind of a would appreciate it also.
person. because I did some calling around to
see what the average charge would There is a lot more to Don’s story,
One day a bunch of us fun loving but it would take too long to tell. Don
be. The trip was 100 miles round trip.
guys decided to go river rafting, you is a good man, just like the many
I was pleasantly surprised when I
know the rubber inner-tube type. locksmiths I have met over the years.
tried to pay and Don told me to take
Well we drove up to the foothills That is why I am so proud to be a
my money and use it wisely to invest
about 50 miles away. We left one of locksmith.
in my locksmithing education. Try as
four vehicles at the point where we
I might, he refused the money. I did Many locksmiths around the
would raft to, and then we all drove
apply the money towards education country give freely of their time and
up to where we launched our rafts. As
and now I own Accuracy Key expertise in times of crisis and in most
I was the only one with shorts that
Systems. cases, never receive recognition. So, as
I have never forgotten how Don a way of saying “Thanks” to Don
said that there is no other profession Smith, BWD has sent a selection of its
like locksmithing, where you can get Premium Pack locks. In light of all the
so much gratification. He told me that locksmith efforts that go
locksmithing is a profession where unrecognized, BWD wishes to extend
you will be able to give back to the this same offer of appreciation to
less fortunate. locksmiths from around the US and
Canada. Simply send in your (or a
ith Don has always been a giving
al Locksm
The Nation person. This man is 74-years old and friend’s) story of “Going Beyond the
33 B urgu ndy Parkw has Parkinson’s, which makes it very Call of Duty.” On a monthly basis,
15 07 BWD will award a set of Premium
od, IL 601
difficult, to say the least, to work on
Streamwo locks, but it doesn’t stop him. Pack locks (approximately $100.00 in
value) to one qualifying locksmith. So,
Attn: Edito
Locksmithing is Don’s lifeblood.
Don’s wife is doing poorly and he has hurry and send your story and is
had several heart bypasses. It pains possible a photograph of the helping
me to see what has happened to Don hand hero to:

Continued on page 12
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Continued from page 10
Going Beyond the Call of Duty Down & Out have yet to get back to me. I have also
c/o The National Locksmith checked with National Auto Lock and
Recently, our car was stolen –
they suggested Allied Locksmith,
1533 Burgundy Parkway along with my locksmith trade tools,
however they only had a couple and
key cutting machine and other items –
Streamwood, IL 60107 really did not want to part with them.
from the driveway of my home.
Fax: (630) 837-2044 I was first wondering if I could
Christmas night a borrowed pick- substitute a different transponder
E-mail: [email protected] up in our driveway was vandalized, blank and if not then where I might be
so it would not start. Someone also able to purchase some.
Part Timers vs. Full Timers broke into my mobile locksmith shop.
David Rick
This is in response to a letter from The real “F” words are: Faith,
Ed Hamm in the April issue of The New York
friends and family and our never-
National Locksmith magazine. I am ending belief in our faith even in our
very offended by his attitude, that
Why Has the Business Changed?
time of despair.
most part time locksmiths are not I have experienced a significant
professional. I have been a part timer Family: The unyielding support of decrease in auto lockouts over the
for 20-years. And yes, I’m in it for the my brother and sister-in-law, whom past 10 years (estimating 75%
money, just like he is with his fulltime have given freely of their time. He decrease) and have been wondering
business! I charge market prices and himself, (a computer tech) is out of why. I know lockouts should not be a
do residential and automotive work. work and desperately seeking major part of your business to keep it
My rates are set based on the flat rate employment. healthy, never the less, what are the
manual that The National Locksmith Friends: I am faced with factors causing this decline?
publishes. My appearance is very bankruptcy, as my funds have been My reasons in order of significance
professional when I go to a job. I also depleted by recent heart surgery and are:
use the Internet and various other the impact of Parkinson’s which
1. Vehicle lock design has changed
means to keep up to date and have makes regular employment
making it more difficult for car
taken courses in locksmithing since I impossible.
owners to lock their keys in the car
started. If you don’t like the We are too proud to file
competition, find some other kind of 2. Cell phone owners call a road
bankruptcy, but not too proud to
work. service, which is part of their cell
accept help. Our thanks to several
phone contract
Jim Huffman friends whom have stepped forward
E-mail and offered us help. 3. The number of locksmiths in my
area has increased, dividing the work
To Tom Goes, and the family of
Syrup Head over more locksmiths
120 Auto Dismantlers; to John Van
I was reading Jake Jakubuwski’s Zant and family of Giovanni’s in Collis Bosworth
article in the March magazine and Ripon; to Lyle Hensley, himself, a E-mail
loved the description of where the competing locksmith and wife Penny
customer put their safe. I just had to and to George Franklin of Franklin Codes on File
tell you about one I was called out on Industries, we will be able to start up Other factors that Mr. Bosworth
last week. again, soon as I can find a little money overlooked in his quest for “Why Has
A customer had just bought a bar source. Business Changed?” is that auto
and there was a Star safe in the floor. There are friends and there are dealers are keeping the customer’s
The previous owner swears he had it acquaintances. When the going is codes on file and giving the customer
opened just the month before. After rough, you find out who your friends free key’s if they lose them or get
dropping down on my hands and are. Thanks again to all. locked out. Also a lot of these tool
knees, I took hold of the dial and company’s will sell to anyone. Even
Don and Vera Smith
wiggled it back and forth, but it service garages have these opening
wouldn’t turn and neither did the Strattec H-80 Blanks tools. I even know of a retired Fire
head. Fighter who got locked out of a 1995
I recently purchased the update for full size Chevy conversion van and
I look up and the soda syrup boxes AutoSmart and I have to say thank took out a Slim-Jim and tried - to no
are directly above the safe. Someone you to Michael Hyde for putting avail - getting in because he was
must have broken a bag of syrup together a manual of this sort. After locked out. He went on to say that no
because the head is full of it. Of course looking it over I noticed that Strattec locksmith could open it either.
it’s a depository head so the inside is has stopped making the H-80 key
full as well. blank (Strattec #598546). This blank is Little did he know that I had
only used on the Lincoln Mark series already unlocked the same vehicle he
The customer opted for a new safe
for 1997 and 1998. I called my local was locked out of in minutes, without
in a new location after he heard the
dealer and they said that they use any damage to the vehicle.
price to open and repair the syrup
safe. Curtis for their key blanks. After Donald Schmidt
checking with Curtis who has also E-mail
Robert Sierra
stopped making the blank, I again
E-mail checked with the dealer, and they

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Today’s car opening products consists of specially designed tools to overcome any obstacle or manufacturer design.



HPC’s New Car Opening Tools

The Thru Car Clutch Tool (CO-81) and the Super Thru Car
Clutch Tool (CO-82) are great additions to HPC’s unique line of
clutch tools. These tools work on the same principal as HPC’s
Patented Horizontal Clutch and Vertical Clutch Tools (Patent Lock Technology Hubcap and
No. 5,642,648). When the handles of the tool are separated, the
hook at the end of the tool is pulled inward causing the tool to Wheel Lock Removal Kit
grip, bind or latch. What sets these two new tools apart is that The LT-4000 Deluxe Hubcap and Wheel Lock Removal
they are designed for “In The Car Opening Methods”. Kit from Lock Technology now includes the LT-4200A dual
The Thru Car Clutch Tool and Super Thru Car Clutch Tool sided twist socket lug nut remover. The LT-4000 also safely
are perfect for hooking an inside door handle, manipulating lock removes and replaces GM, Ford and Chrysler wire wheel
buttons and switches or to retrieve keys. Both of these tools hubcap locks on most 1978 and up vehicles. The tools
have a flexible shaft and a retractable hook with a rubberized remove factory and most aftermarket mag wheel locking
tip. The Super Thru Car Clutch Tool is 7 feet (2.1 meters) long nut locks.
and the Thru Car Clutch Tool is 5 feet (1.5 meters) long. The kit includes and is packaged in a custom carrying
If you are looking for a fast, easy and safe way to open a case. The kit is one of dozens of automotive specialty tools
car look no further than HPC’s new Thru Car Clutch Tools. available from Lock Technology, ranging from pick sets to
lockout kits, inflatable wedges, flexible lights and more.
For more information contact: HPC, 3999 N 25th Ave,
Schiller Park, IL 60176. Phone: (800) 323-3295; Fax: (847) For more information contact: Lock Technology, 552 S.
671-6343; Web: [email protected]. Washington, Suite 108, Naperville, IL 60540. Phone: (800)
421-7241; Fax: (630) 369-6060.

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High Tech Super Pro & Power Push Tool
The Power Push tool is designed to openings vehicles
with cabled linkages that have little or no room to insert an
inside access type tool (under the window tool). The Power
Push tool slips in between the door frame and the car body.
Using a special shield, the tool can be inserted without
bending or prying the door. Once inside the vehicle, special 301
control cables let you move the tip of the tool, to push the
electric door lock button.
For more information contact: High Tech Tools, 1400 SW
1 ST, Miami, FL 33135. Phone: 800-323-8324; Web:


Lockmasters High Security Flip Pick

Open 2 and 4 Track High Security 3, 5, 7 and 8
PRO-LOK’s Complete Kit AKCOM00 Series BMWs in seconds with Lockmasters’ new
When you just can’t get your fill of car opening tools, get the LKM2690 High Security Flip Pick. The Flip Pick
Complete Tool Kit, from PRO-LOK, a leader in car opening allows locksmiths to quickly and professionally pick
products. This 47-piece kit contains one each of their car opening open the door and deck locks on what has been
tools; 5 slim jims, 7 M.C.O.T. tools, a long reach tool and all of deemed one of the toughest cars to open. With the
their specialty tools. Also contains a selection of wedges in a specially designed picking blade, the locksmith “key
deluxe zippered cordura cloth case with divided sections inside picks” the lock to the lock position. Then, using the
and sturdy handles for carrying and a tool instruction booklet. high speed, high torque plug spinner, the lock is
The cost savings of ordering a kit instead of individual tools is quickly spun to unlock the vehicle.
just like receiving free tools. The slim jims are manufactured of Because the bypass is accomplished through a
round edged stainless steel, the highest quality material available. door lock, you can feel safe from damage caused by
Slim jims will hold the bend desired and they won’t rust. The wire invasive door opening tools and methods are
tools are manufactured from oil tempered steel. They are formed eliminated. The High Security Flip Pick is also
to the desired bend, heat treated and then plated with high-gloss updateable to work on other high security vehicles
zinc to prevent rust or corrosion, and then heat treated again. like VW, Audi, Porsche, Mercedes (2 Track), Saab
The tools have “memory” which means that they won’t lose and more. The LKM2690 High Security Flip Pick Kit
their shape in the door. The tools are strong, durable, yet small includes: 1 BMW 4-Track Key Pick, 1 BMW 2-Track
enough in diameter to allow you easy entry into those vehicles Key Pick, 1 Heavy Duty Lockmasters Plug Spinner, 1
with tight weather stripping. All tools are ground flat on two Tension Wrench. All parts come in a foam-lined
sides, which makes it even easier to get the tool into the vehicle. plastic carrying case with handle.
The ends of the tools are knurled, which allows you to get a For more information contact: Lockmasters at: (800) 654-
better grip on the rods. All tools are field tested by technicians, 0637, or visit them on the web at
made in the USA, and come with a lifetime warranty.
For more information contact: PRO-LOK, 655 N. Hariton
Street, Orange, CA 92868. Phone: (714) 633-0681; Fax:
(714) 633-0470.

June 2001 • 15

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Slide Lock Tool
Presents the
Z-Tool 307
The famous Z-Tool
(with depth guides) is
known for its important
ability to eliminate the
need to carry over 30
tools from the 70s, 80s
and 90s. Its sister, the Steck Big Easy “GLO” Kit
Inverted Z-Tool, will The Big Easy “GLO” Kit from Steck is the complete Lockout
allow you to open those Tool Kit for all cars and light trucks. Simply insert a wedge at
extra tough models built the upper rear corner of the door and reach in with the Big Easy
in the 90s and up Tool to actuate the interior button, slide or handle to unlock the
configured with elusive targets within the door cavities. door. The Big Easy “GLO’s” high visibility is easy to see
Together, they are assigned to handle 70% of all opening through tinted glass and in low light conditions.
situations allowing a lightning fast learning curve due to Since the Big Easy Tool never enters the door cavity, there is
repeated use. no danger of damage to interior linkage or wiring. Everything is
The integrity of this easy-to-follow system is the when, visible to the operator so no extensive training is required. The
where and how-to manual which organizes and assigns inflatable Easy Wedge is now available and offers easier
each of the 9 tools for each particular model. The system insertion and better control in spreading the doorframe for tool
manual now details the history of vehicles on over 1000 access. The Sure Grip Lock Knob Lifter is also included to
cars, trucks, vans and now SUV’s from the 1950s right up capture the vertical button on some window frames. The
to the newest showroom models. With thousands of active complete Big Easy “GLO” Kit is an easy, safe and affordable car
Z-Tool system users being updated annually, their business unlocking kit.
success continues job after job, year after year. For more information contact: Steck Mfg. Co. Inc., 1115 S.
For additional training there is a five-part auto lockout Broadway, Dayton, OH 45408. Phone: (800) 227-8325; Fax:
seminar available at (937) 222-6666.

How To
Pick Locks
With both learning software and
tool set, you’ll have everything
you need to learn and perform
the art of skilled lock picking.



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C ar opening tools have become the
lifeblood for many locksmiths today.
Automotive lock service and auto
lockouts have always been very
profitable for the locksmith. The
introduction of the home do-it-yourself
centers like Home Depot and Lowe’s,
have cut deeply into much of the
locksmiths residential and even
commercial work, making the
automotive work that much more
important. In many cases customers can
purchase new locks for less than the
security professional can get them from
their distributor.
Luckily for the locksmith, people still
need automotive lock work done. They
can’t buy that expertise at their local
discount super center.
To make automotive work more
profitable, the locksmith must rely on a
good set of lock tools. Getting the job
done quickly, easily and professionally is
the key to running a successful and
profitable locksmith business.
We will be reviewing the High Tech
Tools Auto lockout system. High Tech
Tools sets are very complete and take a
unique approach to the auto lockouts.
The High Tech approach to car
openings is completeness. The idea is
that when you go out on a lock-out,
you or your technicians will always have
the right tool and information to do the
High Tech’s top of the line set is
the Super Pro. The High Tech Auto
lock out system starts with its manuals.
The manuals in the super Pro set are
divided into five separate volumes,
designed to cover virtually every
element of auto lockout service. Every
complete set High Tech makes has
these same manuals.
The first set of books is the auto
lockout encyclopedia. A two-volume set
that is designed to cover car openings.
Volume one is the Domestic autos,
truck, van & SUV manual. (See figure
1.) Volume two is dedicated to Import
autos trucks and vans. (See figure 2.)
Together these manuals have over 1200
pages of instructions, diagrams, and
photo instructions. Let’s take an inside
to view these books.
When going out on an opening the
first thing to do is to identify the
vehicle and find it in the index. This
will quickly lead you to the correct
page in the manual. Each vehicle is
listed individually with a complete listing
1. Domestic autos, trucks, vans 2. Import autos, trucks, vans including the full range of years for that
and SUV’s manual. and SUV’s manual. make and model. When you turn to the

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proper page in the manual you will
find the complete listing for that
opening, you will also notice that the
page is marked Method 1. (See
figure 3.) This is because most
vehicles which are difficult to open
have several methods to unlock
them. If for some reason you are
unable to unlock the vehicle with the
first method, you have as many as
three optional methods to choose
The instructions for each opening
tend to be brief. The reasoning is
the old adage; one picture is worth a
thousand words. High Tech takes
this to heart in a big way.

E ach opening method has its own

computer-generated diagram.
These diagrams mimic the inside of
3. Page is marked Method 1.
4. Showing which direction to
point the tool.
the door almost exactly. The point the tool. (See
diagrams give you a view of the figure 4.) It’s basic stuff,
linkage inside the door and all the but if you do this step
components, which are important for incorrectly the opening
you to see. Perhaps more important may fail. The idea here
is that the view is from the outside is simple: no detail is
of the automobile looking in. This left out.
cutaway view gives you a perspective,
which makes all the difference when Now we come to the
trying to unlock the car. working position
photograph. (See figure
High Tech also provides a set of 5.) This image shows
step-by-step photo instructions. The you exactly where your
photo instructions provide you with tool goes while in the
yet another view of the same working position. This,
opening. believe it or not, is
The first photograph is a picture critical. If you are
of the automobile. This helps in working in the door and
identifying the vehicle. The photo is for some reason are
a quick way of making sure you are having trouble, this
working on the correct vehicle. photo lets you judge if
The next photograph shows you you have the tool in the
where and in which direction to right spot, at the right 5. The working position photograph.

6. Photograph of the inside of the door. 7. Each complete set comes

with over 40 tools.
June 2001 • 19

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angle and the correct depth in the Air Bag manual. Since most of
door. S ince the High Tech set is an all
around auto lock-out service
system, it includes a complete
today’s vehicles sport side air bags,
knowing what to do, and more
Finally we come to a series of
photographs of the inside of the reference manual called the auto lock immortally what not to do, is of the
door. (See figure 6.) With these information volume. The information greatest importance. The door panel
photos you can see the actual volume is a complete guide designed service section is a step-by-step photo
linkage in a standard and close up to cover all the basic information a guide to removing door panels.
view. The tool is shown so you can locksmith needs to service auto door Last but not least, is the
see its exact position and in which locks. Included is information like a Transponder Service Guide. This
direction to move it. complete depth and space manual, guide covers basic transponder
key blank numbers, and service, which is an absolute must
code card information. before any locksmith doing
Also included is a automotive work.
complete labor and time
guide. With this guide Now we come to the heart of the
you know exactly how set the tools. Each complete set
long it takes to service comes with over 40 tools like the
lock, so you can give ones shown. (See figure 7.) When
accurate and most you come right down to it, the fact
importantly —profitable is they are all bent wires. So what’s
repair estimates. the big deal? High Tech has a
different approach to car opening.
Moving on, we come Each automobile is managed as a
to the Door Panel Side unique entity. So each tool is
designed to unlock a
particular type of linkage.
Many of the tools in the
High Tech set only unlock
one or two types of
vehicles. This may seem
8. The Toyota Camry tool. like over kill, but the idea
here is when you go to
unlock a car and insert the
tool, you never have to
fumble around in the door,
bend the tool or make a
The tools are designed
to literally fall on top of or
under the linkage. Hence
9. The remote access system. 11. The new cable pull tool. the necessity for 40 tools.
Since there are a lot of
tools, High Tech has a tool
ID system to easily identify each tool
with a color tag.
The Toyota Camry tool is
designed to unlock Toyota Camry
from 1997 -2001. (See figure 8.) This
unique tool uses a template, which
you place on the automobile window
to find its exact insertion position.
The Template has photo instructions
right on it, making it easy to follow.
12. The High Tech Super By the way, the Camry tool now also
Wedge System ™. unlocks a Toyota 4-Runner using the
rear door, and a 2001 Honda civic
using the rear door.
The High Tech set includes a
variety of specialty tools as part of
every complete set. First we have the
inside access tools. We are all
familiar with this type of under the
window tool. The High Tech set also
10. A string mechanism includes the Remote access system.
manipulates the tool. 13. The strip savers. The remote access system is a series
20 • Visit Continued on page 23

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Continued from page 20

16. The Mega Deluxe soft case.

15. A high quality large red 17. A complete Ultra Jack™

case. System.

of rods that are screwed together As we go on we get to the High

and used to manipulate the door Tech Super Wedge System™. (See
lock button from the outside of the figure 12.) The super wedge is a
vehicle. (See figure 9.) three-piece wedge system that is Need a drill point or
used in conjunction with the strip
relocker drill point
A s part of the remote access
system, High Tech includes a
special Strap tool. This tool is
savers. (See figure 13.) The strip
savers are used to start the wedge on a gun safe?
designed to be slipped in between and protect the weather striping. The
the weather-stripping and the door. A unique three-piece set has a large
string mechanism allows you to double wedge, which has slots for a
manipulate the tool while in the probe light, and provides a working
door. (See figure 10.) area for your tool. (See figure 14.)

Now also included is the new Each High Tech set comes
cable pull tool. (See figure 11.) This complete with a carrying case. The
tool is used much like the strap tool, standard case is a high quality large
but uses a cable system. This unique red case, with double walled
array of cable and guide strings lets construction. (See figure 15.) There
you manipulate this tool up, down, is also an optional hard case
organizer available. The Mega Deluxe CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
side to side, and in an out, all from
the outside of the vehicle. soft case uses a series of pockets to
organize the tools and manuals by
To further simplify things, High placing them in individual pockets.
Tech complete sets include an (See figure 16.)
opening Video. This opening video is
designed to show you all the newest The Super Pro also comes with a
and most difficult opening methods. complete Ultra Jack™ System. The
Each opening is shown from the Ultra Jack™ is an emergency
outside of the vehicle as well as opening system that can be used to #GS - 1

from inside of the door. unlock vehicles in situations where

June 2001 • 23

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In spite of its
miniature size,
this bulb is

Lock perhaps the

brightest we
have ever

Repair used.
As tech-
n o l o g y
Manual 18. The system includes a
series of rods.
19. Manuals on
CD Rom.
advances, so
does the need
f o r
conventional methods might take a information to be provided in new
while and time is of the essence. and different ways. High Tech
(See figure 17.) This system includes addresses this issue with it’s Manuals
a series of rods (see figure 18), a on CD Rom. (See figure 19.) The
specially designed door jack tool, manuals on CD Rom are an
door pivots, rod guards and wonder interactive set of books, which
shield, all in its own case. Also actually use your Internet browser.
included is the Air Jack inflatable This unique interface makes them
spreader. This unique wedge is made easy to use and allows use of
of ballistic nylon, not rubber. The graphics, photos, information and
special stiffener inside makes this a even video.
super strong, super thin, easy to For more information contact:
insert wedge. The Ballistic nylon is High Tech Tools
so strong it holds several hundred 1400 SW 1 Street
pounds of pressure. Miami, FL 33135.
Phone: 800-323-8324;
T he High Tech Super Pro also
includes an extended shaft probe
light. The bulb in this light is about
Circle 321 on Rapid Reply.
3/16 of an inch in diameter. It is by
far the smallest bulb in the industry.

Here, under one cover

you have a tremendous
amount of lock servicing Core Cylinders
information. Next time
you run into a problem
chances are you’ll find Covers all this…
the answer in the Lock • Best/Falcon/Arrow/Eagle/(A2)
Repair Manual. • Best A3
• Best A4
• Corbin X Removable Core
• Corbin Z Removable Core
• Russwin Removable Core
• Emhart System 70 Removable Core
• Sargent Removable Core
• Schlage, Yale, Lockwood
• Medeco Removable Core


#LRM - 1
#ICB - 1

24 •

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This is the conclusion of a
two part series covering the
door lock, trunk lock and
glove box lock.

by Michael Hyde
The Door Lock

The door lock is part of the outside

2 door handle assembly.

3 To service the door lock, you must remove the inside

door panel. First, slide the armrest cushion back towards
the rear of the car and remove.

4 Remove the three Phillips head screws that

were hidden under the armrest cushion.

5 The plastic trim cover for the door control unit is

held in place by snaps. Gently unsnap it.
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6 Disconnect the wiring going to the switches on the
7 There is a hidden door panel screw under the
control unit. control unit that must be removed.

A view of the door with the door panel removed.

There are two 10mm nuts that hold in the

handle/lock assembly. Remove the nuts and
disconnect the lock cylinder linkage rod.

10 Lift out the bottom section of the

handle to gain access to the retaining

clip for the door lock cylinder.

Lift the retaining clip out of the crevice and

push the cylinder from the front, out of the
handle assembly.
June 2001 • 29

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12 Disconnect the switch sensor from the lock sensor

by removing the Phillips head screw.

A view of the door cylinder lock.

14 The code number is stamped on the

passenger side lock tailpiece. The last 4

numbers is the code. The code series
runs from 0001-6001. Only the first two
thousand were published. To
disassemble the lock you will have to
remove the tailpiece. Remove the face cap. Be careful, you will have to
re-use it. There are no replacements available.

16 The cylinder plug being removed.

17 The pointer is showing the key trap mechanism.

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Making First Key:
Must have space & depth key and a high-security key
machine to cut these keys.
Method #1

18 The door cylinder plug contains five sets of

Check for a code sticker in the glove box.
Method #2
Disassemble the door or truck lock cylinder to get all the
cuts necessary to make a master key. The glove box only
split tumblers. has 4 of the 10 necessary cuts needed to make a master key.
All Q45 tumblers are half tumblers.
Ignition Retainer:
Roll pin retainer.
The ignition lock cylinder is held into the ignition lock
housing by a set of either hollow roll pins or solid roll pins.
To remove the roll pins you usually have to drill directly
next to them and then pry them out. Remember you have to
drill right along the edge of the pin, slightly touching the pin
as you drill. This way you will be able to get a good bite on
the pin to grab it as you pry it out with a pin punch.
Air Bag Info:

19 A view of the door cylinder lock disassembled.

Driver’s side front and passenger side front.
Code Locations:
1990-1992 models have a code stamped on the passenger
door lock tailpiece and a code sticker in the glove box.

Safe Opening
Dave McOmie’s original articles
from when he first started writing
for The National Locksmith are
reprinted in this book.


June 2001 • 31

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The Trunk Lock

If the alarm has been triggered, the trunk
release switch will still operate, even
with the alarm going off. The electronic
trunk release button is on the driver’s
side door panel.

21 There is an “ON/OFF” switch in the

glove box that controls the trunk release
switch on the driver’s door panel.

22 The cloth-like liner must be either removed or

pulled back to get to the trunk lock.

23 The fasteners are plastic and can be

unscrewed for removal.

24 The liner pulled back.

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25 First, remove the alarm clip that snaps to the
lock housing.

26 The lock cylinder is held in place by the

standard metal retainer clip. Remove the clip
and disconnect the linkage rod.

Easy to learn.

27 A view of the metal retainer clip.

No Codes needed.


28 A view of the trunk lock cylinder.

#WLR - 1

June 2001 • 33

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29 To disassemble the trunk cylinder you will

have to remove the tailpiece.

The face cap is re-usable. It has two small

locking tabs. Gently pry up the locking tabs
and then rotate the face cap and slide it off.
No replacement caps are available.

31 A view of the lock cylinder with the face cap removed.

32 Insert the working key to remove the cylinder plug.

33 If you do not have a working key, you can

still remove the cylinder plug. On the side
with the drain hole, you will have to depress
the tumblers to slide out the cylinder further.

34 The trunk lock cylinder disassembled.

Continued on page 36
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Continued from page 34

The trunk lock cylinder plug contains five sets
of split tumblers.

The pointer shows the key trap mechanism.

The Glove Box Lock

Open the glove box and unhook the two
string-like limit lines.

38 Now you can lower the glove box door and

remove the two hinge screws that hold the
glove box door to the dash.

39 A view of the glove box door hinge screws.

40 Once you have removed the glove box door, there are 16
screws that hold the glove box door unit together. Remove
those screws. Remove the screws that hold the lock
assembly to the door and disconnect the linkage rod.
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Key Blanks
Borkey: 1610PS83 Jet: INF90-PH
Fuki: NSN9P Lotus: ND48P
Ilco: INF90 Orion: DA25P
Ilco EZ: INF90 Silca: NSN9P

41 A view of the glove box lock.

42 To remove the cylinder plug, depress

the retainer through the access hole.

The glove box cylinder plug contains

two sets of split tumblers.

ProMaster 4
ProMaster 4 is without a doubt,
the most comprehensive and easy
to use master-key system
management tool available
anywhere in the world.


#PM - 5

June 2001 • 37

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High Security
Some of the most profitable cars are also
the trickiest to work on.


#JAP - 1

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2002 FORD
he 2002 Ford Explorer and
T Mercury Mountaineer, officially
went on sale in the US on March 15,
2001. (See photograph 1.) This is just
more proof that vehicle model years 1. 2002 Ford Explorer
have very little in common with
calendar years. The 2002 Ford Explorer
and Mercury Mountaineer are just two
of the 2002 models introduced in the
early part of 2001. In addition to the
Explorer and Mountaineer, we also
have the Cadillac Escalade, Chevrolet 2. The “E-PATS” key and the
Trailblazer, GMC Envoy, Oldsmobile new Strattec lock.
Bravada, Toyota Highlander, Jeep
Liberty and several other vehicles
introduced as 2002 models during the
early part of 2001.
Like most of the new Ford
products, the Explorer and Moun-
taineer are equipped with the “E-PATS”
transponder system. Texas Instruments
manufacture this system and they are the
sole-source provider for the transponders 3. The TT-1028 tool before it is
that are used in all of the keys that are inserted into the door.
compatible with the system. Texas
Instruments has decided to provide
these transponders to Strattec Security
Corporation only. The reason given for
this decision is that Texas Instruments
wants to “protect the technology.” The
practical side of this decision is that
Strattec must make all key blanks for
vehicles equipped with this system, and
4. Removing the nylon
no “after-market” blanks will be available
insert will make inserting
for the foreseeable future. the tool easier.
One feature that locksmiths will like
about the Explorer and Mountaineer
is the ignition lock. These vehicles use
a lock cylinder that looks like the Ford
Focus ignition lock, but is manu-
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Quick Reference Guide

Vehicle: Security System:

2002 Ford E-PATS (EST -
Explorer & Mercury Electronic
Mountaineer. Signature
Direction of Turn Transponder also
(driver’s side): known as
Clockwise “Encrypted
TT-1028 or Jiffy- Code Series:
Jak Vehicle Entry 0001X - 1706X
System Ford Key Blank:
Lock System: Strattec 599114
(Ford Logo) 5. Keep the handle of the tool 6. Rotate the tool counter-clockwise
8-Cut Ford, horizontal as you insert it. until the handle is vertical.
Sidebar Ignition Mercury Key:
and Plate-Tumbler Strattec 599179
(wafer) Style Door (Mercury Logo) A.
Locks. Bitting: The TT-1028
Lock Ignition 2 - 8, tool.
Manufacturer: Doors 1 - 6
Strattec Security

factured by Strattec rather than Huf.

(See photograph 2.). In fact, the Strattec
lock will retrofit the Focus lock
perfectly. This finally gives locksmiths
an alternative to the dealer when it
comes to replacing the Ford Focus 7. The tip of the tool will operate the
ignition locks, which are prone to power door lock bellcrank.
failure. Unlike the Huf lock, the new
Explorer lock can be ordered uncoded
(lock service package 706229), and the through the license plate to unlock the connects the power door lock
Strattec 8-cut Ford service kit (Strattec door. Removing a screw in this position solenoid to the inside lock control
part number: 703373) can be used to will only take a few seconds, and then bellcrank. ( S e e p h o t o g r a p h 7 . )
code the lock to the customer’s key. the tool can be inserted. Twisting the tool counter-clockwise will
To unlock the new Explorer and the move the linkage into the unlocked
When I first worked on this vehicle in position. The tool must be held
January at the Detroit Auto Show, I Mountaineer through the rear hatch,
begin by removing the license plate horizontally as it is inserted to pass
found that the front doors of the under the vertical plate that the power
Explorer and Mountaineer have very screw or, if you wish, the entire license
plate. The photographs in this article door lock mechanism is attached to.
tight-fitting weather-stripping that makes The index mark on the shaft of the tool
inserting a tool difficult. However, while were taken before these vehicles went
on sale, so there was no license plate at lets the user know when the tip of the
checking out the rest of the doors, I tool has passed this vertical plate.
found a way to unlock the rear hatch that all on this particular vehicle. Removing
was simply too easy to pass up. the Nylon fitting that the screw fits into The Jiffy-Jak Vehicle Entry System
will make inserting the tool easier, but can also be used to unlock the 2002
The linkage for the power door lock the job can also be done with the fitting Ford Explorer and Mercury Moun-
for this vehicle is located directly in place. (See photograph 4.) taineer. The tool can only be used on
behind the lower left-hand license plate the rear door because of the unusual
screw-hole. Our TT-1028 tool (see The TT-1028 tool is inserted into
the door with the end of the tool held weather-stripping that is used on the
illustration A) is designed to fit into the front door. This may present a problem
door through this opening and attack horizontally and the tip of the tool
pointed toward the passenger side of if the child safety feature has been
the power door lock linkage. (See activated. If the child safety feature is
photograph 3.) There is an index mark the vehicle. (See photograph 5.) Insert
the tool until the index mark is even active, the inside lock controls on the
on the shaft of the tool that indicates rear door will not operate.
when the tool has been inserted to the with the outer skin of the door and
proper depth in the door. then rotate the tool so that the handle
is vertical. (See photograph 6.) Pull out For more information on Tech-
On most vehicles, the two lower on the tool until it stops; then twist the Train products call: 800-356-0136;
license plate screws are not used, and handle of the tool counter-clockwise to Fax: (850) 476-7410; E-mail:
these holes lie directly behind a unlock the door. [email protected];
matching hole in the license plate itself. Web:
If there is no screw in the lower left-hand On the inside of the door, the tip of Circle 325 on Rapid Reply.
position, the tool can be inserted directly the tool will contact the pin that
June 2001 • 41

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here’s a lot of hype in our industry regarding who’s on provide a molten liquid. This is used to cast a key in the clay.
T top and what company has the best product or tool to
use in a specific application. The best way to measure
After a minute or so, The Clam can then be opened to reveal
your new key replica.
personal preference is to ask our readers what their favorites For more information on The Clam , contact Lockmasters
are, and the best way to get a handle on that is to look at at: (800) 654-0637, or visit them on the web at
what items in the pages of The National Locksmith have
generated the most interest over the year.
The following products were among the top interest The Determinator
producers in the industry, as determined by overall lead by The Car Openers
inquiries generated by readers of The National Locksmith in The Car Openers, Inc. recently introduced two new
2000. This is a select group consisting of only 13 Determinator tools. The Determinator is an automotive lock
manufacturers. Of the nearly 58,000 sales leads generated decoding tool. The two new Determinators are the BMW
from readers of The National Locksmith during 2000, the Determinator and
products below received the most requests for information. the Toyota TR47
The Clam from Lockmasters There are now 21
The purpose of The Clam is to provide you with an exact 309 Determinator tools
image of a key, allowing you to cast a usable replica. The kit for the automotive
consists of: small plastic clam, modeling clay, talcum locksmith. No more
powder, warmer candle, stainless steel spatula, ladle, woods pulling door panels
metal, and a case with instructions. and going through
By simply filling both cavities of the Clam with the the hassles that come with it. The unique design of the
modeling clay and applying the talc included, an impression Determinator gives the locksmith a simple, reliable manner
of a key is made with little effort. Fill the Clam with the in which to originate keys.
modeling clay. Using the steel spatula, skim off any excess For more information contact: The Car Openers at: (800)
across both sides of 561-0443.
The Clam, leaving a
smooth surface. Quick Out Emergency Trunk Release
308 Next sprinkle a from Aable Locksmiths
coating of baby Frank Markisello of Aable Locksmiths has designed a
powder over both device, which can be installed on virtually any trunk lock, to
clay surfaces to open the trunk from
prevent the clay the inside in
sticking together seconds. It’s so
when it closes. The simple that a small 310
Clam is now child can open a
prepped for a key locked trunk with
impression. Place just the pull of a
the cut key on one finger. After seeing
half of The Calm. the Oprah Winfrey
With both sides of show about people
The Clam closed and children getting
around the key. Clean off any excess clay around the key trapped in auto trunks and how 11 children died in 1998
bow with the spatula. from trunk entrapment; Frank thought this is a problem that
The kit comes with a candle that is used to heat the is long overdue for a solution. Frank went to work on
bottom of a ladle. When it becomes hot enough, the supplied designing a device that could easily be attached to any trunk
woods metal stick can be placed into the cup and melted to lock allowing instant release to anyone trapped in an
automobile trunk. Continued on page 44
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Continued from page 42
Markisello set to work and came up with the Quick Out For more information contact HPC at: (800) 323-3295, or
Emergency Trunk Release that is so simple to use almost visit them on the web at
any small child that is able to pull a glow in the dark ring
could be released from an entrapment in an automobile The Olympus Lock, Inc. Shurlok
trunk. Janette Fennell Founded the (TRUNC) “Trunk Security Lock Box
Releases Urgently Needed Coalition” in 1996 and has been The Shurlok Security Lock
fighting vigorously to get legislation passed requiring trunk Box, the safest, most convenient
releases to be installed in all new vehicles. Meanwhile this key storage on the market. The
device can solve the immediate problem and any future durable, all- metal security
problems. Instead of waiting for car manufacturers to 314
lock box has 10,000 possible
address this problem, the Quick Out Emergency Trunk combinations that you can
Release can be installed in 15 minutes or less and can save a easily reset within seconds. One
child or adults life. combination opens the shackle
For more information contact: Aable Locksmiths at: (718) and another combination opens
847-1377. the compartment where you can
store keys, cash, etc. With an
3-In-1 Rolling Workshop accessory bracket, Shurlok can be
by Jensen Tools mounted anywhere.
This versatile multi-purpose For more information contact
cart, constructed of heavy-duty Olympus Lock at: (800) 525-0954,
polypropylene, features a built- or visit them on the web at
311 in cord reel, a lower flip-out
bin, circular saw blade storage,
a detachable center section MicroBolt ML by Saflok
with two-slide-out drawers, MicroBolt ML from Saflok is an electronic deadbolt lock
and a detachable top toolbox for apartment and commercial applications. This popularly
with tote tray. The cart has priced 1-inch
rolling casters and a push deadbolt throw 315
handle for easy transportation. c o m b i n e s
For more information security with the
contact Jensen Tools at: (800) ability to easily
426-1194, or visit them on the m a k e n e w
web at electronic keys. A
h a n d - h e l d
Electric Lock Pick from ESP encoder is used
ESP’s Electric Lock Pick, which is made from aircraft to encode new,
aluminum and hard steel construction, has a 3-volt electrical reusable change
system which is keys, and is used
powered by two to display an
conventional alkaline audit trail of the
312 last forty transactions. The MicroBolt ML provides three
or nicad “C” cell
batteries. The pick levels of key access.
includes four picking For more information contact Saflok at: (800) 562-5733,
needles, three or visit them on the web at
tension tools and two adjustment wrenches.
Sentrylok E-Latch
For more information contact ESP at: (508) 537-6121.
Sentrylok’s new E-latch is designed 316
HPC Inflatable Door Spreader specifically for use on narrow style
HPC’s Air Wedge™ is square in design and utilizes a aluminum entryways where access control
release valve that is depressed to quickly relieve the air is desired. Installation is quick and easy as
pressure. The Air Wedge™ slides it fits into a standard 6 7/8” X 1” latch lock
between the vehicle door and the cutout on the door. Tested to over 300,000
weather stripping on the door frame. continuous cycles, the E-Latch is a reliable
Then the pump is squeezed, inflating the fail secure electrified locking device.
Air Wedge™ and separating the vehicle Additionally, the E-Latch retains all of the
door from the frame. This provides more features of the mechanical version
than ample room to insert a car opening tool to unlock including latch holdback, and use with a
the door. The Air Wedge™ is made of a sturdy reinforced mortise cylinder and push paddle for
vinyl and equipped with a genuine rubber inflating bulbs. instant egress. Available in 12VDC and
24VDC, 31/32” and 1 1/8” backsets, with
While no one tool may solve every situation, this type of field reversible handing.
tool should be a welcome addition to your arsenal. This
concept originally introduced by the HPC Air Wedge™, is an For more information contact Sentrylok
excellent one. at: (800) 883-1116, or visit them on the
web at
44 • Visit Continued on page 46

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Continued from page 44

Lock Technology Lock Out Kit in just 38 sec-onds? Would you like to be able to use just one
The Model 1000 Supreme Master Automotive Lock Out Kit bit and be able to drill 25 holes in a piece of GSA hard plate
and the Model 620 Grand Master Lock Pick set from Lock in only 7 minutes? You can now do this and more with the
Technology are two tools for the auto opening arsenal. The in-credible Butter Bits from PRO-LOK! With 5 diff-erent
20-piece lock out kit diameters and 11 sizes to choose from you’re sure to find the
includes an updated bits that suit your needs. These incredible Butter Bits can be
and fully illustrated used on safes and other materials that are difficult to drill
comprehensive such as concrete, stainless steel, etc.
instruction manual For more information contact PRO-LOK at: (714) 633-
and comes in a 0681, or visit them on the web at
custom molded
carrying case Jet Ford Transponder Keys
with vinyl inserts. Ford Transponder keys for the 2000 models, and for all
The pick set prior years, can now be made without an original key. The
contains 37 picks, NGS-1 plugs into the vehicle and will create a new key. Five
including Models free Ford H72-PHT Transponder keys are included with the
280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330-tension wrench and 106-gas cap NGS-1, and are now available from Jet distributors. Registered
pick tool in a custom leatherette case. users of the Jet NGS-1 will have
For more information contact Lock Technology at: (800) toll-free technical support, 7 days a
421-7241. week, including holidays. The new
ETD-NGS-1S is a Jet exclusive
PRO-LOK 318 combo package for all Ford
Butter automobiles and other cars
Bits equipped with Transponder
Would you programmable keys. The ETD-
imagine that NGS-1S comes with 10 Ford 319
you could drill a and 5 of the most popular
3/8” hole in a programmable Transponder
piece of hard keys. When purchased separately,
plate from a either the ETD-1S or NGS-1 comes
Mosler TRTL30 with 5 keys each. For further
information contact Jet Hardware
Mfg. Corp., 800 Hinsdale St.,
Brooklyn, NY 11207.
For more information contact Jet

Penetration at: (718) 257-9600, or visit them

on the web at

Party Cyberlock by Videx

Cyberlock from Videx is an innovative lock cylinder that
allows quick and easy conversion of existing mechanical
locks into intelligent access control systems. The Cyberlock
s y s t e m
consists of two
• Uncensored! the pick-proof
• The Safes! Cyberlock
• The Tools! cylinder
320 and its
• The Action!
• The Perfect CyberKey.
Openings! The elec-
• The Bloopers tronic cylinder
& Blunders! replaces 6-pin
• The Slick Tricks! mechanical
cylinders in
tubular knob sets, lever locks, rim locks, mortise locks
and padlocks. Each CyberKey contains a unique ID and
controls who is allowed access at specific days and times.
Each entry is recorded in both the CyberLock
For more information contact Videx at: (541) 758-0521, or
#PP - 1 visit them on the web at

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Richard Allen Dickey

The history
of SDC is very
interesting. Arthur V.
Geringer, president and
chief executive officer of
Security Door Controls, grew
up in his father’s builders
hardware business in Chicago.
In 1945, Geringer moved to
California, where he was employed
by a major Los Angeles contract
hardware firm.
As electronic controls were
introduced, problems with building
codes and life safety became
apparent. As a result, Geringer
designed and produced a prototype,
dual failsafe electric lock. The
prototype met the California State Fire
Marshal’s criteria of not being

ecurity Door Controls (SDC) is dependent upon a spring to release,
an international marketer of over and tested for 800,000 cycles. The lock
200 security products. Their operated successfully for 1,000,000
cycles and was approved. The modern 1. The SDC 950 EntryCheck® combi-
products include digital and card
electric lock industry was born. nation proximity reader and pin pad.
access control, electric strikes,
electro-magnetic locks, power supplies
and a full line of accessories. SDC was
recently registered as an ISO 9001
certified company.
All of Security Door Controls
products are manufactured in the U.S.
Over 30 patents and trademarks
protect the company’s locking
systems. SDC products can be found
in high-rise building stairwell doors,
nuclear power plants, museums,
hospitals and shopping malls. They are
also found at JFK International,
O’Hare, Dallas/Fort Worth and
Edwards Air Force Base. Some of their
international customers include: Chek
Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong, Kuala
Lumpur International Airport, and in
Saudi Arabia’s two largest airports at
Riyadh and Jeddah. They even supply
products for the King Fiad Air Force 2. The insides of the SDC 950.
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To manufacture these newly
approved locks, Geringer founded
Security Door Controls in 1972.
Today, Geringer, his two sons and his
daughter run SDC. Quite an accom-
plishment if you ask me.
Foreign & Domestic
Celebrating 27 years in access
control technology, SDC maintains its
quality by devoting itself exclusively to
Auto Service
the development of access controls
and electronic locking devices.
To assure superior quality, SDC
manufactures its own solenoids and
magnetic coils. With all of their
assembly centered in one facility
in the U.S., SDC’s consistent
commitment to innovation and
quality has made it a leader in access
control technology.
SDC asked us to take a look at a
few of their products. I always enjoy
looking at new products, so I was
happy to see four of them show up at
my front door. The four products
included an exit sensor bar; a
combination keypad and proximity
reader; an electromagnetic lock and a
power supply complete with batteries.
The 950 Entrycheck® Keypad
The first item I want to tell you
about is the 950 EntryCheck®. (See
photograph 1.) It is a self contained,
combination keypad and proximity
reader, designed to control a single
door. Since it has both a proximity
reader and a keypad, there are three
different ways you can use the 950.
The 950 can be used as a stand-
alone keypad, a stand-alone proximity
reader, or both functions can be used
at the same time.
The inside of the 950 (see
photograph 2) has three jumpers (see
photograph 3) and a tamper switch.
(See photograph 4). The jumpers are
to set the normally open or normally
closed function of the relays as well as
the fail-safe or fail-secure function. This book represents the best work of Automotive
Photograph 5, shows part of the Locksmithing guru Michael Hyde, author of the
antenna used for the proximity reader. famous AutoSmart.
The antenna loops around the inside
of the 950 a number of times.
Here is a great option. The 950 can
be mounted on a wall or on glass with
an optional mounting kit. You might
ask yourself, “Self, why would I mount
the 950 on a piece of glass?” Well the
answer might surprise you. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Although the 950 is weather
resistant and can be mounted on a
wall, what if you mounted the 950 #FDAS - 1

Continued on page 52
June 2001 • 49

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Continued from page 49

inside the doorway on a sidelight or • Press “#”. and includes metal mounting
window? Obviously you can’t reach Only five steps and you are done. brackets. (See photograph 7.) The
the buttons on the keypad, but the only plastic pieces are the end covers.
proximity reader could care less 950 EntryCheck® Features The 560 is considered a tri-fail safe
which side of the glass you are on device. Let me show you why.
Some of the features of the 950
when you use a card. Although the
EntryCheck® include: The 560 has an electronic circuit
signal from the card to the reader can
only travel about six inches, it will go • Up to 400 cards and/or pin codes. board located in the center of the push
through glass like a knife through bar. (See photograph 8.) Connected to
• Choice of three entry modes.
butter. That’s a great feature? the electronic board you will find two
Proximity, pin code or both.
solid state pressure sensors. Either
950 EntryCheck® Programming • Up to 6” reading range. sensor will release the lock. They do
• Add, change or delete pin numbers not need to be adjusted during
Programming the 950 is very easy.
or cards. installation, however they may be
If you are adding a card or a pin
adjusted from 5 pounds through 15
number, there are only a few steps • Programmable door unlock time
pounds of activation pressure if desired.
involved. A good example would be from 1 to 99 seconds.
deleting a card from the system. The third part of the tri-fail safe
• Tamper alarm and lockout feature.
design is a mechanical switch located
• Press “*”. • Request to exit input. next to one of the pressure sensors.
• Present the master card to the • Two output relays rated at 2 Amps (See photograph 9.) The idea is that if
reader and remove. It will beep 6 each. One for the lock and the the electronics within the push bar
times. other is an auxiliary. were to fail, you could still get out of
• Press “3 *”. the building.
• Regulated 12 VDC only.
• Present the card to be deleted or Located on the circuit board are
• LED and audible tone feedback
punch in the last 6 numbers of two single pole double throw “SPDT”
to user.
the card. contacts that can be used for an alarm
• Weather resistant. activation or simply an annunciator
The PSB560 Sure panel. As many of you know, a set of
Exit Push Bar contacts and a little creative thinking
will allow almost anything to happen.
The PSB560 The installation hardware that is
Sure Exit, Request- included with the push bar includes
to-Exit Push Bar, is mounting brackets, sex bolts, end
designed for high caps and an armored transfer conduit.
use areas. (See (See photograph 10.) The armored
photograph 6.) It is transfer conduit allows wiring to
constructed of transition between the door and door
heavy aluminum jam while protecting it from damage.

3. Three jumpers are used for relay settings.

4. A tamper switch is built in to the 950.

5. The antenna for the proximity reader is wound around

the inside. 6. The PSB560 Sure Exit, Request-to-Exit Push Bar.
52 • Visit

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PSB560 Sure Exit Features • Available door sizes include 36”, The EmLocks® 1500 Series
42” and 48” doors. Electromagnetic Lock
Some of the features of the PSB560
Sure Exit, Request-to-Exit Push Bar • Dimensions are 2-3/8” high with a The EmLocks® 1500 series of
include: 1-7/8” depth. electromagnetic “Mag” locks have all
• 12 to 24 VDC. • Tri-Fail safe feature. of the features you would expect from
a mag lock as well as some innovative
• Two single pole double throw dry • 10 foot cable with plug in connector.
features you would not expect. (See
contacts. • Aluminum, black or bronze photograph 11.)
• Operating temperature from 0 to finishes.
To start with, the 1511 through
150 degrees Fahrenheit. • Activation force of 5 to 15 pounds the 1542 have a minimum holding
• Non-Handed that is field adjustable. force of 1650 pounds. The mag lock
Continued on page 54

8. The main circuit board located inside the PSB560.

9. The 560 is considered a tri-fail safe device. There are two

7. One of two steel mounting brackets used with the PSB560. pressure sensors as well as a backup mechanical switch.

Ford 8 Cut Decoding Key Set

Complete with 143 specially

cut keys and simple directions.
You get door and ignition keys
within just a couple of minutes.


#FD - 8

June 2001 • 53

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Continued from page 53

10. Every thing you need to install the PSB560 is included in 11. The EmLocks® 1500 series electromagnetic lock.
the package.

13. Like most magnetic locks, the EmLocks® 1500 series

comes with a mounting plate that can be installed first. This
means you will not have to hold the magnet in place to install
the support screws.
12. The 1500 series is field selectable for either 12 or 24 VDC.

is field selectable for either 12 or 24 serviceable without removing it from photograph 18, the coil simply lifts
VDC. The voltage is set on the small the door frame. away from the assembly. There is no
circuit board located under the cover Both the circuit board and the coils epoxy holding the assembly together.
plate. (See photograph 12.) You will can be removed and replaced. The This is why it can be serviced while it
also find the typical removable circuit board slides into a small track is still mounted to the door frame.
mounting bracket that most and is easily removed. The connection Another nice idea with the modular
manufacturers have gone to. (See between the coils and the circuit design is that you only have to stock
photograph 13.) Now let’s look at board is a small connector that can be the housing in different finishes. The
some of the new ideas. unplugged. As you can see, the circuit rest of the parts are interchangeable
EmLocks® 1500 series Design board is very simple and uses screw from one housing to the next.
down terminals for the power
The typical mag lock is basically connection. (See photograph 15.) EmLocks® Features
constructed as a one-piece unit. All Some of the features of the
The coil is also easily replaced. To
coils are permanently held in place by EmLocks® 1511 through 1542 include:
get a better view of the coil and how it
epoxy and many circuit boards are
is removed, I removed the coil • 1650 pound holding force.
soldered to the wires coming from the
assembly from the mag lock.
coils. To service one of these typical • Patented all steel magnetic core
Remember that removing the whole
mag locks, you need to uninstall it and construction.
assembly is not necessary to replace
often return it to the factory. Not true • No epoxy.
the coil. Photograph 16, shows the coil
with the EmLocks® 1500 series.
assembly removed and photograph 17 • All surfaces are plated or anodized.
The entire lock is modular. As you shows an end view of the assembly.
saw in the earlier photographs, its • 12 or 24 VDC field selectable.
The coil assembly consists of a
appearance seems to be the same as • Modular design.
patented heavy gauge channel with
any other mag lock. Removing the • Interlocking mounting plate.
electromagnetic steel lamination
cover will reveal the entire insides of
plates welded in place. It makes a very • Solid state protection built in.
the mag lock. (See photograph 14.) At
solid assembly. As you can see in
this point the 1500 is 100% field
54 • Visit

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Continued from page 54

14. With the cover removed, you have access to everything

inside the housing.

18. To replace the coil, simply lift it out of the assembly. The
assembly does not have to be removed from the housing to do this.

15. The small circuit board for the 1500 series is easily removed.

16. The entire coil assembly can be removed from the housing.
If a different finish is needed, simply slide the coil assembly
into another housing.

17. An end view

of the coil

19. 602RF Access Control Power Supply.

Continued on page 58
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Continued from page 56

21. AC power is fused

and is connected to
three screw down
terminals. The 1 Amp
circuit breaker is for
the secondary output.

20. 12 or 24 VDC can be selected by sliding two switches.

that extra 15% to 25% VDC, 4 Ampere hour batteries, the

of voltage increase. power supply will supply 1 Amp of
22. Your standard Excess heat is what power for 7 hours during a power
12 VDC four you get. Heat is the outage. (See photograph 22.) This is
Ampere hour evil that destroys an excellent power supply.
battery. electronics and will
break down the 602RF Power Supply Features
varnish insulation on Some features of the 602RF Access
coil wires. When this Control Power Supply include:
happens, you get a
• Separate battery charging circuit
service call.
as well as equipment power circuit.
The 602RF has a
• Low battery disconnect to protect
primary and a
The 602RF Power Supply the batteries from damage in the
secondary circuit. While the primary
event power is not restored.
The last item I want to show you is circuit charges batteries at an
the 602RF power supply. Often optimum voltage, the secondary • System status LED.
overlooked, the power supply and the circuit supplies a regulated 12 or 24 • Dimensions are 11.5” x 11.5” x 3.5”.
batteries used for reserve power can VDC. This will ensure the longest life
• 1 Amp at 12 or 24 VDC field
be the most important part of the possible for anything connected to the
system. SDC has a real winner on power supply.
their hands with the 602RF Access • 500 mA battery charging circuit.
The 602RF is designed with an
Control Power Supply. over size transformer so that it • Modular design allows additional
The 602RF is not your typical never has to operate at 100% load. relays to be added at any time.
power supply. (See photograph 19.) The transformer in the 602RF only • Input and output is overload
The idea that a power supply is a operates at 50% of its load capacity protected.
power supply is simply not true. Most when its full rated output is used.
Security Door Controls (SDC)
power supplies use the same output to Speaking of rated output, here is
services some very prestigious
supply equipment that is used to something else that is interesting.
customers. To keep those customers,
charge the batteries. That sounds The rated output of most power
their products have to be dependable
O.K. until you look a little deeper. supplies has to be de-rated to
and versatile. I like the innovation and
A 12 VDC electrified door strike compensate for the current used to
quality I have seen in their products.
expects to be supplied with 12 volts. charge the batteries. Not true with
Keep up the good work SDC!
In a typical power supply, the the 602RF. Since a separate circuit
voltage to the batteries can get as is used to charge the batteries, the For more information about the
high as 15 VDC depending on the full rated power is available to above products, you can contact SDC at
load applied. This same voltage is power equipment. (805) 494-0622 or fax them a request
applied to the devices connected to The 602RF can supply either 12 or at (805) 494-8861. They are located at
the power supply. 24 VDC by sliding two switches. (See 3580 Willow Lane, Westlake Village,
Sure, a typical electrified door photograph 20.) AC power is fused CA 91361-4921. They also have a nice
strike is supposed to work when over and connected to three screw down web site at Circle
voltage is applied, and they do for a terminals. (See photograph 21.) The 322 on Rapid Reply.
while. But what is the byproduct of secondary output to your equipment
has a circuit breaker. With two 12
58 • Visit

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Look Before You Leap

can’t get my front door to stay chicken. In fact, she was bordering on came downstairs and opened the front
“I locked,” the customer said. “I turn
the key and think it’s secure, then it
elderly. door so the locksmith could complete
his work.
“Wait!” the locksmith cautioned.
comes unlocked again. It’s like there’s
“Let me climb up there. You might Don shook his head when I shared
a gremlin in there, or something.”
hurt yourself.” this tale with him.
Being thoroughly familiar with
“Poppycock!” the woman replied as “Reminds me of the time that
gremlins, Doug-the-locksmith**
she started up. “I’ve been climbing customer’s neighbor was trapped on a
hurried to “save the day.”
ladders for years. In fact, I was up narrow ledge outside a 4th story
Upon examining the situation, a here cleaning windows, just this window, trying to get inside to open
split spindle was discovered. Also, the morning.” the apartment door for her,” he said.
lock cylinder had been put in upside “Remember? Somebody across the
By this time, several of the
down. Making the necessary repairs, way saw him plastered against the
neighbors had wandered over to see
Doug inverted the cylinder and outside of the window, holding on by
what was going on, and a little crowd
thought he’d fixed everything. At least his fingernails, and they called for
was forming at the base of the ladder.
the lock operated properly with the help.”
This seemed to add to the woman’s
door open.
sense of the theatrical. She did a little “Oh, yes. As I recall, once they got
The homeowner’s wife returned comic dance step as she climbed the apartment opened, they came in
home about then. higher and higher. and tried raising the lower half of the
window, but he couldn’t bend over far
“What’s going on?” she asked her Upon reaching the window, she
enough to get in without losing his
husband. found that the ladder, although tall
enough to clean the glass, was not tall
“I called a locksmith to fix the front
enough for her to easily raise the “That’s the one.”
door lock,” he replied. “I think he’s
window and step inside from her
got it about ready.” “And when they lowered the top
precarious vantage point. She pushed
half, it was too high for him to step
“Great,” the woman said, reaching and shoved, finally coaxing the lower
over,” I said.
for the doorknob. window to open part way, but there it
stuck and would go no farther. When “Right again.”
“But don’t...”
she stood on the top rung of the “I forget how they finally got him
She slammed the door from the ladder, the window sill hit her at hip down from there.”
outside, to give it a try. “What did you height. Try as she might, even with
say, dear?” she asked. encouragement and suggestions from “Well, with the top half of the
below she wasn’t agile enough to get a window lowered, the locksmith – who
“...shut it yet,” he finished weakly.
leg over the sill and climb inside. was inside by then – told the guy to
Need I tell you, the door wouldn’t stick his head through the opening.
unlock? Finally, with a flourish, she turned When he did, the locksmith grabbed
halfway around and hiked herself up him by the neck and yanked him into
Chagrined as much at herself as to sit on the sill. Then, with a little
anything else, the woman walked the room head first, before the poor
salute to the growing crowd, she fellow knew what was happening.”
around the house trying various doors reached toward her ankles, jack-
and windows. All the ground-floor knifed, and slid through the opening “I’ll bet he was surprised.”
windows were closed and locked, and rear-end first. “No joke! Truth is, that locksmith
the back door was bolted from the
The spectators applauded and probably saved his life.”
inside. However, there was a tall
extension-ladder propped against the cheered. Then they noticed her feet, “Sort of reminds me of the time you
side of the house. hands, and head protruding out the got stuck under the grain-storage
window opening. boxcar,” I said.
“No problem,” she called to her
husband. “I’ll just climb up, go “Help! I’m stuck,” she called with a “I see no similarity,” Don said.
through that window into our muffled voice. “Somebody get me out
of here. I can’t move.” “Sure there is. You hollowed out a
bedroom, and open the front door
spot where you could crawl under it
from the inside.” A helpful neighbor shimmied up and put a plug in where the grain was
Now, this woman was no spring the ladder and shoved the poor coming out. Then you couldn’t
woman into the house. Once free, she

60 • Visit

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manage to back yourself out.”
“You just don’t know when to leave
well enough alone, do you?”
“Wasn’t it the same kind of
situation? You might still be trapped
under there, if that guy hadn’t seen
GM Sidebar Lock
you crawl in and figured you could use
some help getting out. That’s scary.”
“Actually, it was stupid of me to get
Decoder System
into that situation in the first place.”
“Well, let’s face it, the guy on the
window ledge wasn’t using a whole lot
of good judgment, either. But, like a
friend of mine once said, ‘Anybody
who doesn’t goof up now and then
isn’t doing very much.’ In both cases,
you guys were at least trying to
accomplish something worthwhile.
You just didn’t think it through before
you took the leap.”
“I guess you’re right.” Don smiled,
his eyes twinkling. “Of course, it’s a
good thing the guy on the window
ledge didn’t leap at all, as you put it, or
his would have been a different story
** Special thanks to Doug Martin
(Martin’s Lock & Key, Canton, MO)
for sharing his experience with us.

Diary Of A

Tom Thill, the author of a new book, has invented

an amazing new way to make keys
for six cut GM Sidebar Locks.



#TT - 1

June 2001 • 61

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ast month I
Lc o v e r e d the
basic operation of
Van Lock’s
somewhat reverse
image tubular key
and lock. When
you compare it to
the more typical
design tubular key by
and lock, the Van Sal Dulcamaro,
lock is surprisingly CML
easy to service. The lock cylinder is
unusually compact, so it allows for
the possibility of keying alike a fairly
varied group of locks. I showed a
number of examples last month, such
PART TWO as safety padlocks, cam locks and
vending machine locks.
Photograph 1, shows a few other
interesting locks from Van Locks.
1. A few Above and to the left is a somewhat
other unusual design padlock, at least in
interesting respect to its shackle. Lower and to
Van Locks. the left is a locking key ring. I guess
it operates somewhat like a padlock,
as you can see in photograph 2.
Unlocking the key ring is like
releasing the shackle on a padlock.
The thin metal rod material is
somewhat hoop shaped like the
shackle on a padlock, but obviously
too thin to consider for anything but
the flimsiest of padlocks. It is about
thick enough for use as a key ring,
which is its purpose. Like other
locking key rings, its purpose is to
prevent people from removing keys
from the ring without proper
authorization. This particular device
uses the same type of tubular key
and lock cylinder as the other
locking devices from Van Lock. You
will see a few other style locks later
in the article.
2. A locking key ring Lock Tumblers
operates somewhat like a
padlock. Last month I illustrated the
process of disassembly for the lock
cylinders, and explained how the lock
operated. The general mechanical
operation of tubular keys and locks
from Van Lock is similar to the
more traditional style tubular keys
and locks, but there are some very
specific differences. While Van Lock
style and traditional ones have what
might be called front and rear pins,
the specific interaction between the
keys and tumblers is different.
A more traditional lock version
will typically have seven tumblers
projecting forward (in a circle) from
the lock face, with the forward limit
of movement caused by an outer
64 • Visit

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How To
Master Key
A. Illustrations of the nine
rear pins and the nine
front pin sizes.
ring with a projected lip part way in front pins) to be about .078 inch.
the forward path of the pin. Some The narrow end of the front pins
tools are made that break off that was about .063 inch. If you look
front stopping face of the lock to closely at the drawings of the front
allow all the pins to be pulled pins, you will see that while the
forward out of the pin chambers, overall lengths are all different, the
which effectively removes any length of the narrow ends of the pins
obstruction to the path (or surface) are about the same. That length I
of the lock’s shear line. The chart in figured at roughly .152 inch.
Illustration A, shows the general A reason for that part of all the
shape of the tumblers used in lock front pins to be the same length is
cylinders for Van Lock. At the top of to minimize the ability of someone to
the illustration are the nine rear pins, be able to determine the tumbler
and at the bottom are the nine front lengths by how far they project. Also
pin sizes. from a security perspective, it
The curved or radiused ends of prevents the tumblers from being
the tumblers are somewhat unloaded from the face end of the
exaggerated in comparison to the lock. The front pin chambers have a
surface shapes of the actual pins. narrower diameter to the face end of
Those surfaces are rather flat in the lock cylinder and a wider
reality. Imagine the curved surfaces diameter to the back. When the front
to be where the front and rear pins pins are pushed forward by the rear/ Never has there been a
contact each other within a pin driver pins (with the assistance of
chamber. They are matched pin tumbler spring pressure), the wide more concise, easier to
stacks. A shorter front pin is part of the front pins stop them from understand program to
matched with a longer rear pin and moving any further forward. Because teach Master Keying.
vice versa. The reason I point out the front pins are the same length at
the correction in shape is that the the narrow front end of the tumblers,
picking resistance would be they all project forward with the
dramatically reduced, if they really fronts of the pins roughly even with
had that dramatic a curved surface the face of the lock. There would be
interacting at the shear line. I no apparent (externally appearing)
wouldn’t want the readers to get the difference between a shorter #2 front
wrong idea about the tumblers. pin and a longer #8 front pin. The
The printed materials from Van measured sizes are listed below.
Lock didn’t list the tumbler Pin # Front Pin Rear Pin
specifications, so I had to measure Length Length CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
them to get an approximation. If not 1 .215 .220
exact, they should be within a few 2 .230 .205
thousandths of an inch. Rear pins are 3 .245 .190
a single diameter, while front pins 4 .260 .175
have a wider diameter at the back 5 .275 .160
end (that contacts the rear pin) and 6 .290 .145
a narrower diameter at the front end 7 .305 .130
(which projects from the face of the 8 .320 .115
#HT - CMK1
lock). I found the diameter of the 9 .200 .235
rear pins (and the wide part of the
June 2001 • 65

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You may have noticed the Van Lock keys will
peculiarity of the #9 front pin being require seven key 3. An assembled Van
the shortest front pin shown in pins, which Lock key.
illustration A. It’s even shorter than coincide with the
the #1 pin. The pin chart shows that seven pin chambers
the #9 front pin is one size of the lock. There
(increment) smaller than #1. Since are also locks with
the pin stacks are matched, the long five chambers, and
#9 rear pin will be naturally one they have matching
increment larger than the #1 rear keys that only use
pin. I found the pin stack of each five key pins. The
chamber to be .435 inch. That is the key pins, like pin
measure of a specifically numbered tumblers, come in
front pin and its mating numbered different lengths.
rear pin. As I indicated before, these T h e r e i s a
are my measurements and may not matching key pin
be exact. The increment between size to go along
sizes of .015 is indicated in the with each pin
literature, and therefore exact. You tumbler size for the
can see that variation between sizes lock.
in the chart. Some of the pins (both The key handle
front and rear) have rings around has an almost “D”
them. They may be score marks to shaped cavity to
help deter picking, but I’m not sure. accept the key cup.
Among the front pins, the following You can see the 4. The basic parts of
have one ring: 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8. 3 matching outline an unassembled key.
and 6 have two rings, and the shape of the key
remaining front pins have none. cup in photograph
Having a single ring among the rear 5. The surface exposed in the photo
pins are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9. Rear will mate with the key handle’s
pins with two rings are: 3, 6 and 9. cavity. There are seven holes to
The other rear pins have no rings. accept the key pins. Two of the
The tumblers (front and rear) are all seven holes are currently filled with
made of stainless steel. key pins, while one key pin is turned
When I explained the sideways and resting on the cup. You
disassembly/ servicing procedure for can see there is a stubby wide end 5. The matching outline
the lock cylinders in part 1, I forgot to the key pins. This prevents them shape of the key cup.
to identify the size of the ejector from falling through the holes of the
screw that was used to help key cup, after being loaded. The cup,
disengage and remove the locating with pins loaded, is being attached to
pin. It is a 2-56 machine screw. The the handle in photograph 6. With the
screws in the service kit are just a mating shapes of the handle and cup
bit over a 1/2” in length, but screws aligned, the screw is inserted in
slightly shorter or anything longer photograph 7. The screw would
could also work if you ran out. normally be tightened only after all 6. The cup, with pins loaded, is
seven key pins were loaded. What being attached to the handle.
Building a Key
you see here, with four missing key
The Van Lock key is different pins, is merely for demonstration.
than most. It is built rather than cut.
For some of you, this may be the Resetting the Key and Lock
first assembled key you have seen. Van Lock products have the rare
With all the articles I’ve written over ability of rekeying both the lock and
the years, I’ve seen a few, but very the key. Even if you didn’t possess a
few. key pin service kit or a pin tumbler
Photograph 3, shows an kit, you could lock out any
assembled Van Lock key in the unaccounted keys by rearranging
bottom right hand corner. The others existing pins in both lock and key. 7. The screw is tightened after
are disassembled parts of three If you wanted to do a simple all seven key pins are loaded.
different versions of Van Lock keys. rekey by merely rearranging the
There are more than just three types. positions of the existing tumblers, the core in hand, you would need to
The basic parts of an unassembled you would need to remove and disengage the “E” shaped retaining
key are shown in photograph 4. disassemble the lock cylinder. After ring, which would release the core
Those parts are the handle, key cup, using the 2-56 ejector screw to washer. The core washer acts as a
screw and key pins. There are only remove the locating pin, the core tumbler or tumbler spring cover.
two key pins shown here, but most would come out of the housing. With Removing it gives you access to all

66 • Visit

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would replace the core washer and and cup are connected, you can then
8. The Van reattach the retaining ring. Next you tip the assembly without the key pins
Lock mortise would put the core back into the falling out. Reattach the screw, and
cylinder. housing and press the locating pin the job is done.
back into place to complete the Vanamatic
I briefly mentioned Vanamatic in
To reset the key, first you should part 1. It is a specially coded lock
have written down which chambers that is resettable to eight different
you switched. Then you would preset combinations. The Van Lock
remove the screw from the currently mortise cylinder, in photograph 8,
assembled key with a #2 Phillips uses the Vanamatic option. Most Van
head screwdriver. With the handle Lock products have the option of
9. A change facing upward, carefully separate the standard lock cylinder or Vanamatic.
key at the key cup from the handle. Leave the The numbered keys in the
left and a cup with the narrow tips of the key photograph represent two of the
normal pins pointed downward. Gravity will possible eight key combinations that
operating keep the key pins in their place as Continued on page 70
key. long as you don’t
tip the cup. Switch
the same key pin
10. An
positions on the
key as you did with
the pin chambers
Vantech 21 cam
in the lock. After
the pin chambers. The simplest type lock.
all the key pins are
of rekey might involve emptying a where you want
few of the seven chambers and them, bring the
swapping positions. Remember the handle down upon
pin stacks are balanced, so the rear the key cup with
pin for a particular chamber must go the “D” shape
along with the mating front pin. After contours aligned.
reinserting all pins and springs, you When the handle

Controlled Service
dispatching software
specifically for
the locksmith!


June 2001 • 67

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Continued from page 67
First, you must where you might not typically find
insert the matching electronic audit locks.
numbered change Photograph 10, shows an
11. To the left key to the current electronically enhanced Vantech 21
are operating operating key. If #1 cam lock on a metal box, and an
keys. To the operating keys electronic key reader that plugs into
right is a data currently work the a computer’s serial port. Vantech 21
retrieval key. lock, you must use electronic keys come in a few
the #1 change key. different forms. The electronic key
Rotate the change reader had two touch ports: one with
key from the a seven pin pattern and one with five
“home” position to pin. Vantech keys all have key pins
9 0 d e g r e e s for normal mechanical lock actuation,
clockwise (right), but they also have an electronic ID
then remove the to be read by the lock (for audit
change key. Make purposes, not entry). Examples of
sure all the pins Vantech keys can be seen in
are forward to the photograph 11. The two keys to the
front of the lock left are operating keys, and the one
face (to lock the to the right is a data retrieval key
chambers). If there (also known as a Key Collection
are depressed pins Device or KCD). They are somehow
that are set back insulated around the key pins so that
12. An electronic in the chambers, while mechanical operation is
module is attached re-insert the accomplished, the electronic ID is
to the cam lock by change in the sent to the lock. The KCD has an
a ribbon cable. same position from electronic storage device piggybacked
which you removed to the handle of the key. Because it
it. Slightly jiggle uses key pins, it can be also coded
the key until it to operate the lock or it can be
locks in the 90- merely used to collect data.
degree position.
Photograph 12, shows the inside
Next, insert wall of the metal box with the
the numbered electronically enhanced cam lock. An
change key, which electronic module is attached to the
matches the new, cam lock by a ribbon cable. The
n u m b e r e d electronic modules are powered by
13. Touching operating keys for watch type batteries, and have a built
the KCD to which you wish to in clock that retains the date and
a key port reset the lock. The time of day. When a key is touched
transmits audit data new change key to the lock, the key ID is recorded
to your computer. should be inserted by the module, including the time
at the 90 degree and date of the transaction. If
can be made to operate the lock rotated position operated by a merely mechanical
cylinder. The concept is not unique. from where you removed the key, the transaction would be
A few different brands of tubular key previous change key. Rotate 90 recorded as by an unknown key.
type locks are similarly resettable degrees counterclockwise (left) back
to the “home” position, and remove To retrieve information from a
with their own trademarked name to Vantech 21 unit, you would touch a
identify the feature. Nonetheless, it is the change key. Make sure all the
pins are forward to the face of the KCD to a Vantech lock, which would
another good selling feature for Van cause audit data to download to the
Lock products. lock and the chambers are locked in
place. The matching numbered data retrieval key (KCD). Touching
Photograph 9, shows the operating keys (to the numbered the KCD to a key port on the key
difference between a change key at change key) should now work. reader, as in photograph 13, would
the left and a normal operating key. transmit the audit data to your
The change key is used to change Vantech 21 Electronic computer. Photograph 14, shows a
or reset a pinning combination Audit Series Vantech 21 electronically enhanced
without lock disassembly. It lacks the Van Lock’s current venture into mortise cylinder. It has a five pin
two key guides who prevent a electronic audit capability, Vantech configuration, as does its two
normal operating key from being 21, only uses the electronics for operating keys and KCD. With this
withdrawn from the lock until it lock and key auditing and tracking. lock, it is possible to add audit
reaches a set pull position. Since the The lock cylinders are mechanically capability to most any mortise
change key can be removed at any actuated, not electronically. lockset. The electronics are encased
point, it is critical that resetting Consequently, it is very compact in the lock cylinder as opposed to
instructions be followed precisely. and can be placed in situations the mortise lockset itself. A rear view

70 • Visit

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of the cylinder, in photograph 15,
14. A Vantech 21 shows the module encased within a 16. This key is used to
electronically enhanced cavity in the cylinder. The circuit upload data into a specific
mortise cylinder. board to the right is the type used Vantech 21 lock unit.
in the module for the cam lock. The
mortise cylinder unit would be
slightly more compact.
Another key similar to the KCD
is shown in photograph 16. Instead of
downloading data from a lock, this
key is used to upload data such as
programming time and date into a
specific Vantech 21 lock unit. They
come in both seven
and five pin variety Circle number 323
and can be set up for on Rapid Reply.
15. The use as mechanical
module Occasionally, articles as printed
operating keys, just
encased will have some errors, such as wrong
like the KCD’s.
within a phone numbers, or missed toll free
cavity in Van Lock makes numbers that I didn’t know about
the some very interesting when I sent the article for publication.
cylinder. products. If you need I recently put together a web page of
more information, you my own and set aside a page for
can write to them at: corrections of my technical articles. I
Van Lock, 6834 Center figure if I can post corrections online
St., Cincinnati, OH shortly after publication, readers of The
45244. Phone: National Locksmith won’t have to wait
513/561-9692. Toll months to read the corrections.
Free: 800/508-8010. The Internet address is
FAX: 513/561-0314. .
Find them on the “Tech Article Addendum” is the page
w e b a t : link for corrections.

Picking &
Here is the most complete book ever
published on picking and impressioning locks!
You will have everything you need to know
about how to open almost every kind of lock
that can be picked.



June 2001 • 71

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Part of the problem is the way the
ometimes you get called to open left door on these double door safes
a real “Oldie but a Goodie.” The work. There is a bolt hole with a large
safe in question is a J Baum flat bar above it in the inactive door.
double door monster. If any safe This is shown in photograph 2. The
qualifies for extreme safe abuse, this purpose of the blocking bar is to not
unit certainly did meet the criteria. let you throw the bolts by moving the
The customer’s motto must have been handle on the right door unless the
to beat, pry, mangle, and pipe wrench left door is secured in the locked
the unit until nothing moved, and then position. When the left door is not
call a professional. A picture of the dial secured completely, the bar is
on the right hand door and handle in BY DALE W LIBBY, CMS dropped into the blocked position,
the open position is shown in keeping the main bolt on the right
photograph 1. noticed the pipe wrench marks on the door from entering the left door. (See
What the picture does not show is dial and knew what had happened. I photograph 3.)
the pipe wrench marks on the dial and hinted around to Tom, to see if he
I believe that this bar was thrown
the position of the handles when we would come up with the same
enough when they tried to open the
(Little Tommy) and I got there. The conclusion as I did, but he had to see
door to catch the active bar on the
correct open position for the handles the inside of the lock first to figure it
right door and cause the block out. An
is as shown in the photograph, but out. Sometimes, I jump to the correct
apt term, meaning that the door was
when we arrived, the handles were at conclusions, and in this case I was
blocked from opening by the other
7:00 and 5:00 o’clock, not at the right, but withheld my council to see if
correct 4:00 and 8:00 o’clock positions. I was really accurate in my early
For some strange reason, the evaluation. The door was easily 5 feet high and
customer (a woman named “Bruce”) really wedged. Before we retreated to
The safe doors were acting like
must have tried to open both doors at the truck for larger hammers (sledge
those Chinese Finger toys you all had
the same time, causing a doorjamb variety), I opted to give the left door a
as kids. When you put your fingers in
condition. More on this in a moment. flying double drop kick whilst Tom
the woven tube they go in easily.
put pressure on the left door handle to
One of the first things I do when When you try to pull your fingers out,
get it to move back into the locked
working on any safe is to count the the outward pressure locks your
position. After moving a desk that was
wheels. This gives me a general idea fingers in the tube and the harder you
blocking the runway, taking a deep
of the locks working circumstance and pull, the harder the puzzle keeps your
breath and trying not to laugh because
the ease of dialing. Counting the fingers locked in the tube.
our audience had no idea what we
wheels makes the customer think that Normally when this happens, (both were doing, I ran and jumped my 320
you are going to dial open the safe, handles being turned together) the pounds at the waiting diabolical door.
but in reality you are just counting the customer will realize that the inactive
wheels. This is accomplished by I only hit the door with one foot
door (the left door on most double
dialing left four times in one direction (my drop kick has suffered since my
door safes) must be left locked until
and stopping at 50 (or any other wrestling days) however, it was
the active or right door is opened.
number away from the drop-in enough though. The left door moved
This safe was far beyond that
position) and then turning slowly back back and the handle moved to the six
condition. The top of the door showed
and counting the pick-ups of the o’clock position. While limping back
pry marks where someone was prying
wheels when you approach your set to the safe, I turned the handle on the
outward with a large crow bar and had
number, in this case 50. right door to the full open 8:00 o’clock
effectively caused the door to wedge
position and pulled it open easily. The
Well, on this safe, it was impossible in the partly open and jammed
only damage was a wrenched back.
to do. The dial was so tight I could not position. Heaving the door with my
Kicking the door seemed like a good
turn it in either direction. I then shoulder did not move either door.
idea at the time. Next time, I will opt

72 • Visit

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for the hammer. Drop four wheels.
kicking is not to be Photograph 6, shows a lot. First, it
tried at home, and demonstrates many important things
should only be about this type of lock. It is a YALE
performed by OB type lock. With this type of lock
professionals. the combination is dialed so that the
The safe was only gates or the openings in the wheels
half repaired at this are aligned at the 6:00 o’clock position
point. With the right (a few numbers to the left or right).
door open, I took When the gates are aligned, a large
several shots of the J. weighted bar caused the fence to
Baum logos. move up into the opening. When this
Photograph 4, shows lever moves, it unblocks the bolt bar,
the common lettered and the outside operating handle can
and Logo of J. Baum
Safe and Lock Co.
1 be moved to the open position.

Cincinnati, O. The more interesting

identifier is shown in photograph 5. It
shows a naked torchbearer (man)
bringing the torch to two fully clothed
women. There is something across
the top of the picture which alludes to
a Merit and Gold medal at the 1914
Exposition. What is wrong with the
picture? (Rhetorical) I will have to dig
into my Mythology texts to see if I can Photo 1:
identify the meaning of this picture. J. Baum double
We had the safe open, but the dial door safe.
still did not move. We removed the Photo 2:
curb with the wheel pack on it and
were surprised to see only two wheels
on the post. There was supposed to be
Main bolt hole in left
hand door.

Gun Safes
Need a drill point or
relocker drill point on
a gun safe?


#GS - 1

June 2001 •73

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Photo 3: is determined by the drive cam or
Left door wheel.
in open On this Baum safe there were
supposed to be four wheels and one
non-secured drive wheel, which is 4 + 1 = 5. So the
position. Photo 4: first turn should have been 5 times.
J. Baum Now we must determine right or left.
Logo. By playing with the drive wheel in this
safe, it was easy to determine that the
last turn was right to PDS. We do not
care what number is on the dial at the
opening index. PDS is PDS, and
should not be numbered. Holding the
wheel pack, count directions
3 backwards. The closest wheel to the
driver (the last number of the
Simple, but many combination) would be left, the next
things can go wheel right, the next wheel left, and
wrong. the first wheel (farthest from the drive
I did not want to wheel) would be right.
remove all 30 Once you have done this a few
screws to view the times, you will not have to think about
lock, so we did the it. So the correct combination dialing
servicing through sequence for this particular lock
the curb hole. Look would have been five times right to
to the lower right to number X, four times Left to number
see a large slot- Y, three times Right to number Z, two
head screw. This times Left to number W, and 1 time
screw is the pivot right to PDS. Someone took a shortcut
screw for the OB on this lock and removed the first two
bolt lever. In the
photograph it is 4 wheels and only left the centers intact.
This meant that there
unscrewed. We lubed and tightened were only wheels three
this screw so the bolt lever would and four on the center
not fall off. I know it is hard to see, post. Counting the
there is a cut out in the drive wheel existing wheels two, plus
that is angled for a “Right to Stop.” the drive wheel, the
This means that when the combination started out
combination is dialed correctly, the with Three turns to the
last turn of the dial will be to a PDS first number.
position. PDS stands for Positive
Dial Stop. On my combination Someone had set the
cards, I write the numbers for the wheels at the same
combination and the last direction number, so in effect this
to turn the dial to PDS. Once you was a one number safe.
explain the reasoning, most When both wheels are set
customers will remember it. on the same number,
Mosler and a few other safe 5 they are counted as the
manufacturers used locks that have
a Left to Stop for the last turn, but
these are not too popular today in
newer safes.
How we determine the number of
turns and the direction to correctly
make the safe operate is a basic safe Photo 5: Classic J.
technician skill. Here is the way that I
Baum logos with
do it. I look at the wheel pack and
count the combination wheels. I then patent dates.
look at the drive cam or drive wheel Photo 6: Drive
and add that to the total. Three wheels wheel of Baum
and one drive wheel or cam is 3 + 1 =
YALE OB lock with
4. This means that the first number of
OB lever in open
the combination has to be four turns
either right or left. The first direction position. 6
Continued on page 76
74 • Visit

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Continued from page 74
same number for both wheels.
Separate turns are not needed. So the
combination for this safe was: Three
times left to 76, then Right to PDS. A

Safe Opening one number combination. This is all

the church needed apparently, just a
privacy lock on their ancient but well
working safe.

Articles Now the mystery of the non-

movable dial, spindle, and drive wheel.
As soon as Tom saw the drive cam
and the spline key, he also knew
instantly what had happened.
Someone had dialed the correct
combination and tried to pull both
doors open at the same time. The safe
doors jammed tightly together and a
block out occurred. When the
customer tried to move the dial right
or left, it would not move. The lever
was in the cutout in the wheel pack,
and the OB lever kept the dial from
When Tom looked into the wheel
cavity, he saw the spline key was not
in the correct position. Then had put
so much pressure on the dial when
turning it to the right, that is sheared
the spline key as the dial tightened
against the drive wheel.
The drive wheel was held in place
by the end of the OB lever with
enough force to shear the spine key. I
had not seen this before. These older
locks were really heavy duty and the
spline key was the weakest point.
After removing the spline key (a job in
itself) I unscrewed the drive wheel
from the spindle. I tightened the dial
ring and reassembled the drive cam to
the spindle, using a modified spline
key to hold the drive cam in correct
alignment with the spindle and wheel
slots. The dial turned freely and it was
now time to determine the correct
combination. The curb position on this
Dave McOmie’s original articles from when he old safe was not critical. It could be
installed in any position.
first started writing for The National Locksmit
What I mean is that there were two
are reprinted in this book. screws to hold the curb and wheels
onto the back of the OB lock case.
The curb pack can be installed either
way. The screw holes lined up at 9:00
o’clock and 3:00 o’clock. The position
of the wheels and gates is determined
by the drive wheel in relation to the
movable wheel pack, and not by the
positioning of the curb on the back of
the lock.
So, open, do not drop kick safes
unless you are a professional, and

76 • Visit

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by Mark Daniel


Safe Manufactured by: Number of Door Locking

LeFebure Bolts:
Safe Size: Two locking arms with two bolts
39” Wide, 38-1/2” High, 24” each.
Deep. Door Locking Bolt
Door Size: Locations:
37” Wide, 36-1/2” High Bottom 6-1/4” & 8-3/8”, Top 3-
1/8” & 5-1/4” from opening edge
Handle Type: of door.
L Handle
Door Locking Bolt
Handle Location: Diameter:
2-1/2” Left of D/C, 5” Down. 1”
Handle Rotation: Door Thickness to Bolt
Counter-Clockwise to open. Center:
Dial Location: 2-3/4”
Dial center is 13-3/8” down from Door Thickness to Lock
top of door and 8-1/4” from Case:
opening edge. 1-1/2”

June 2001 • 89

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LeFebure Money Chest
Door Thickness to Back of Lock:
Combination Lock Type:
S & G 6730
Combination Lock UL Rating:
Group 2 Combination
Combination Lock Description: Lock Relock
Three wheel, key-changeable lock. Trigger Drill
Combination Lock Case Thickness: Point:
1-1/8” 3/4” left of dial
Number of Wheels: center, 7/8”
3 down. Hook
relock arm with
Combination Driver Location: a wire and pull
Rear towards you.
Combination Lock Handing: Combination
Right Hand (RH) Lock
Combination Drop-In Location: Changing
98 Procedures:
Forbidden Zone: 1. Dial the
0-20 existing
combination to
Combination Lock Opening Procedures: the changing
4xL to first number.
3xR to second number.
2. Insert the
2xL to third number.
proper change
1xR until dial stops.
key and turn it left 1/4 turn.
Combination Lock Drill Point: 3. Dial the new combination to changing index.
7/8” from dial center at 97. Align wheel gates at lever 4. Turn the change key right 1/4 turn and remove it.
fence. 5. Test the new combination at the opening index.
Combination Lock Relock Trigger Type: External Relock Device Type:
Spring-loaded arm drops in lock bolt slot when lock N/A
cover is removed.

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by Richard Allen Dickey

tarting in 1998 General Motors
brought back the in-dash ignition
lock in the Oldsmobile Cutlass and
Intrigue as well as the Chevrolet Malibu.
There have been a few articles written about the
difficulty of removing these ignition locks, but as usual,
someone has come up with a better idea. That someone is A1
Security Manufacturing Corp.
A1 Security first introduced their PS2 GM 10 Cut Column
Ignition Pick Set in 1994. (See photograph 1.) The results were 1. PS2 GM
very impressive. To resolve the problem with the in-dash 10-cut 10 cut column
ignition removal created by G.M., A1 introduced the PS3 G.M. ignition pick set.
10-Cut In-Dash Kit in May 1998. (See photograph 2.) This kit will
allow you to remove the Strattec( 10-cut ignition lock from the The Bezel for the in-dash lock is held in place by four clips
dash housing for decoding with no damage to the lock. When that are on the backside of the bezel. (See photograph 3.) To
the lock is decoded, stick the lock back in the housing and you remove the bezel without damage, A1 has designed a very
are done. How did they do this? Let me tell you about it. simple, but clever tool. The tool has a brass tension knob on one
There is one thing to do before you start work on any ignition.
Disconnect a battery cable. It really doesn’t matter if it is the
positive or negative. Either one will accomplish the same thing. 3. One of four clips
used to hold the
bezel in place.

4. The bezel removal tool

included in the PS3 kit.

2. PS3 GM 10
cut in-dash
ignition pick set.

92 • Visit

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end and the bezel grabber on the other end. (See photograph 4.) allow the tube to contract and expand. The beveled thing on the
The outside of the tool is constructed of a PVC type material. end of the tube is a long bolt that goes all the way through to the
The groove near the end that goes all the way around the tube. brass knob. When the brass knob is turned, the beveled bolt in
You will also see one of the four cuts in the tube. These cuts pulled into the tube causing it to expand.
The groove in the end of the tube just happens to fit
perfectly on the inside of the bezel of the lock. In photograph 5,
you can see what the tool should look like when it is attached to
the bezel. With the tool in place, a firm pull will remove the
bezel without damage. (See photograph 6.)
The other end of the tool is used to remove the facecap
on the lock. With this tool, the cap is easily pried off. (See
photograph 7.) Although I am demonstrating with a lock that
is not installed in a car, this gives a much better view of
5. The tool attached to the bezel of the GM exactly what is happening.
in-dash ignition lock. Now that the facecap is removed, we have a lot better idea
of what we are up against. To pick one of these locks, you
have to apply pressure on the sidebar. To get to the sidebar
you have to drill a hole in the face of the lock. To make sure
6. The bezel removed
from the lock.

7. Removing the
facecap from the lock.

Diary Of A
This book is a real
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June 2001 • 93

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the hole is in the right place and that it does not go too deep,
8. Drill guide A1 has designed a neat little drill jig and a special drill bit to
go along with it. (See photograph 8.)
and bit holder.
The drill jig is placed over the face of the lock by aligning
the pin in the jig with the notch in the lock. This will give a
perfect alignment with the sidebar. (See photo-graph 9.) Due to
the design of the drill holder, the depth of the drill can be
adjusted. The proper depth is .480 or just under 1/2”. This is
pre-adjusted from the factory. If the drill is broken, it can be
easily replaced and adjusted for proper depth.
Before attempting to pick a sidebar lock, you have to apply
pressure on the sidebar. By using a special tool you are able to
apply the necessary pressure. Photograph 10, shows the proper
position to insert the tension tool. If you notice, the tool handle
is hanging straight down
in the 6 o’clock position.
By applying clockwise
pressure on the tool
handle, pressure is
9. The actual applied to the sidebar.
drilling is very simple Now you can start the
with the guide. picking process.
To pick the lock,
special picks are
provided. (See photo-
graph 11.) If you have
both the PS2 and PS3
10. sets, this will give you a
The tension total of six different
tool properly picks to choose from.
inserted. Rocking the pick while

Home Study
Our home study course guides
you on step-by-step process,
teaching you everything there
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#MAN - 1

94 • The National Locksmith

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applying light
pressure to the 1 1. Four picks are supplied 12. The release tool depresses the
sidebar will pick with the PS2 kit. retainer spring.
the lock.
Once the lock
has been picked,
rotate the plug
clockwise until
the rotation is
halted by the
tension tool.
Remove the
tension tool, but
do not let the plug
rotate in a
direction. If you 14. Reading
do, you get to the wafers with
pick it again. a depth gauge.
Continue to rotate
the plug until you
are at something
close to the “ON”
position. This is
where the second
tool comes in.
The cylinder
release tool is slid
between the lock
housing and the
dash housing.
The idea is to
depress the leaf 13. Plug retainer must be
the bow of the key and #10 at the tip of the key. Nothing left
spring that holds depressed to remove the plug.
to do now but to make a key and put the lock back together.
the housing
retainer in place. (See photograph 12.) The tool should be Slide the plug back into the housing. Next, replace the
inserted so the curve allows the business end of the tool to face cover. There are three small tabs that you should bend
curve against the lock housing, not the dash housing. A little to allow the face cover to slide into place. There are three
inward pressure on the front of the lock will make it easier to recesses that the tabs should be pushed into to hold the
release the retainer. cover in place. Unless you are very rough with the removal
of the face cover, it will still be serviceable.
Once the lock is removed from the dash, two things can
happen. You can use the code stamped on the housing if it is Use the key to turn the lock to the “ON” position and
there, or continue to tear the lock apart and decode it. With slide the lock into the dash housing. Turn the lock to the
the lock still turned to the “on” position, depress the plug “OFF” position and remove the key. Align the bezel tabs
retainer shown in photograph 13. The plug will slide out of the with the four posts on the lock housing. It will only go one
housing. Do this slowly because when the plug is free from way. Apply even pressure on the bezel and it will snap firmly
the housing, the plug retainer is under spring pressure and it into place. Don’t forget to reconnect the battery cable before
will try to escape. I promise that it can run faster than you, collecting your money.
not to mention its ability to hide in small places undetected. If After seeing a lock removal by tearing the dash of a car
you don’t believe me, just yank that plug out of there. apart, there is no doubt that picking is the best way to go.
With the plug removed, all that is left is to decode the The only problem is that the PS3 will only work on Strattec
lock. With the PS3 kit, there is a depth gauge just for this locks. There are three lock manufacturers that produce the
purpose. The depth gauge has four marks that correspond to in-dash ignition locks for G.M.. They are Strattec, Ortech
the four depths used with the G.M. 10-cut system. To use and Huff. The Cadillac Seville uses the Huff lock. If you try
the depth gauge, the plug must be picked. If you are careful to remove the faceplate (don’t confuse the faceplate with the
when removing the plug, a little finger pressure can hold the bezel) you will find that it attaches a little differently and will
sidebar in place. If you slip, start picking. be damaged when removed. Luckily most of the automobiles
that use the G.M. in-dash ignitions have Strattec locks.
With the sidebar fully depressed, slide the depth gauge
That’s good news for us locksmiths!
into each tumbler cavity until the gauge rests on the top of
the wafer. (See photograph 14.) The bottom line on the
gauge is a #1 cut and the top line is a #4 cut. Continue this If you would like more information about the PS3 G.M.
process until you read positions #1 through #9. The tenth 10 Cut In-Dash Kit or any other products offered by A-1, you
position is not used in the ignition. The cuts start with #1 at can reach them toll free at 1-877-725-2121. Circle 332 on
Rapid Reply.
June 2001 • 95

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This is the popular Polaris ‘Trail Blazer’ ATV. It sports
a 250cc electric start engine.

Jimmy Benvenutti, owner/operator of

Chiefland Locksmith in Chiefland, Florida
contributed these photos and information.

There is only one key lock on this ATV and
that is the ignition lock. It is a two-position
on/off switch. There is a separate starter
button on the left side of the handlebars. Two
lights indicate neutral and reverse; it will
only start in neutral.

To remove the ignition switch you will need to remove
the front panel. The oil reservoir cap has to be
removed first.
There are 6 self-locking tabs that secure the
panel. Gently insert a flat blade screwdriver
into the slots and pry lightly outward while
lifting the panel.

96 • Visit

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One of the locking tabs is shown removed from the
locking slot.

The front panel has been removed.

You now have access to the back of the
ignition switch with room to spare.

The National
This is THE source for automotive
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June 2001 • 97

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Remove the bezel nut from the front of the lock
housing and pull it out from the rear. 9
Once the ignition lock is out, remove the four
screws on the back of the switch.

The back of the switch has been removed. Pull
out the outer tailpiece with the electrical contacts
on it.
Now pull out the inner tailpiece.

Now the retaining wafer can be seen. Depress it
and push the plug out the front.
The plug is being pushed out the
front of the cylinder.

Blank: Ilco: X120 (YH46)

Jet: X120
Curtis: YM57
1 Spacing:
Silca: YH28R
1=.157 2=.256 3=.354
4 Depths:
4=.453 5=.551
1=.295 2=.276
The lock housing is shown along with the two 3=.256 4=.236
tailpieces and the plug. The plug contains 5
wafer tumblers and the retainer. Insert a blank Card Number: CMC80
into the plug and read the height of the ITL Number: 496
tumblers to determine the cuts. Curtis: Cam: DC-1
Carriage: SU-1C
98 • Visit

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A possible code number, 7606, is stamped on the
lock housing. If it is a code number, I was unable to
find this code series for this lock.

The dealer that brought the ATV to me also
brought two original blanks; one is shown
on the right. He asked if I could find a less
expensive blank as these were costing him
$4.00 each. A code cut X120 with cuts of
31311 worked perfectly. There are four
different blanks that fit the various Polaris
The hole in the housing is not a poke hole since it
is on the opposite side from the retainer and the
plug will not turn 180 degrees.

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June 2001 • 99

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Grand Prize 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize
Silca Bravo Duplicator HPC’s 1200PCH Mas Hamilton’s Curtis 2200 Duplicator
Punch Machine PowerLever 2000

7th Prize
Detex Advantex

6th Prize
4th Prize 5th Prize
LaGard “SmartGard”
SDC Magnetic Lock, Securitron 12-Volt Unlatch Plug in
Keypad and Exit Switch Trans & Touchpad Retail Value $650

11th Prize
8th Prize $500 in Strattec Auto Products
Arrow 400 Series Alarmed 9th Prize
Exit Device & S-75 Mounting $500 in BWD Products 10th Prize
Plate Kit for Narrow Stile $500 in ASP Auto Locks
Aluminum Doors

12th Prize 14th Prize 15th Prize

13th Prize Slide Lock’s Master “Z” Tool Set
Tech-Train “Jiffy Jack” High Tech Tools
Sargent & Greenleaf 6120 2000 Pro Set
Electronic Safe Lock

100 • Visit

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These Prizes
Awarded Each
• BWD • Tech Train
Automotive Ford Training Video
or GM KwiKit
• Sieveking
• Wedgeco™ Key Products
16th Prize 18th Prize Extractor Kit Gm E-Z Wheel
ESP Products Sampler 17th Prize
Abus Padlock’s Marine • Strattec Racing
Major Manufacturing’s Padlock Display ($120 Retail)
Jacket • Major
HIT-111 Drill Guide Manufacturing
• HPC Air Products
• Slide Lock’s
• Sargent And “Z” Tool Opening
Greenleaf Set
4400 Series Safe
Deposit Box Lock • The Sieveking
Auto Key Guide
• A-1 Security
Products • Jet Key Blanks
(100 Blanks)
• ILCO Key
19th Prize Blanks (100 • High Tech
MBA USA, Inc. Blanks) Tools
20th Prize 21st Prize
Falle Pick Set • Keedex “SPIN • LaGard Combo
Baxter JV-1 & JV-5 Sieveking Products OUT” Guard
Code Books Squeeze Play Screwdriver

Send in your tips, and win!

How To Enter
Send a tip on how to do any aspect of
24th Prize locksmithing. Certainly, you have a
favorite way of doing something that you
Keedex Sampler would like to share with other locksmiths.
Write your tip down and send it to:
Jake Jakubuwski, Technitips Editor,
22nd Prize The National Locksmith
23rd Prize
Rodann’s RV500 Wireless 1533 Burgundy Parkway
Door Annunciator System A-1 Security Manufacturing Streamwood, IL 60107-1861
Installation Jig
Or send your tips via
E-mail to: [email protected]

Rules & Regulations

Each tip submitted must include your full
name, street address (no P.O. Box
numbers), city, state, zip code, phone
number, fax number or e-mail address.

Every Tip Published Wins

25th Prize 26th Prize If your tip is published you will win one of
Framon the monthly prizes listed. At the end of
Gator Tool Multi-Purpose the year, we choose winners from all the
Impressioning Facecap Tool
Handle monthly tips published, that will be
awarded one of the fabulous year end
prizes. All you have to do to win is enter.
Prizes are arranged according to
suggested retail price value.

June 2001 • 101

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Quick Key For GM
10-Cut A Few Words From Jake…
Here is a quick way I get a fair number of letters every year from readers
to generate a key for 1996 and up GM who tell me they enjoy the Technitip column and learn
10-cut ignitions when the seven cuts something from it every month.
from the door are known, or can be
determined. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret: So do I! I enjoy
writing it, and I learn something from it on a regular basis.
If you make your quick key using
tryout depths of 1-1/2 and 3-1/2, there I also get a lot of questions from readers, and one of the
most frequent is: “Are you a real locksmith?” By that, I take by Jake
are only four possibilities for the Jakubuwski
ignition and they can all be tried on it they mean: Do I make a living locksmithing, or do I make
one blank! a living writing articles and editing a column like
The code for your quick key is as
follows: I am a full-time locksmith and make my living the same way most of you
do. I repair locks, install deadbolts, install closers, door operators, service
S=1-1/2, D=3-1/2, K=Known Cuts safes, and lots of auxiliary things like install hinges, door viewers, panic
and U=Uncut. hardware and repair odd-ball locks or locking mechanism. And, I’ve been
Side one of your blank would be doing it for over fifteen years. Every now and again, like many locksmiths, I
cut: S-S-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-U. And Side come across something that I have never seen before that might be different,
two of the blank would be cut: S-D-K- unusual, interesting or just plain obvious. When I do, I like to share that
K-K-K-K-K-K-U. information. So, here’s a tip for you from me.
By leaving the last space uncut, the A customer’s HON file cabinet would not lock. I removed the top drawer to
vise on your code machine can grip inspect the mechanism and lock, and as far as I could see it was okay.
the key. After cutting the key try it in However, every time I tried to depress the lock to lock the cabinet, the lock
the ignition, if it does not work, take would only go in about a quarter of the way and stop.
the uncut spaces down to 3-1/2 on If you’ve ever looked at the locking tabs on these units, the tab is about an
both sides of the key, and try it again. inch or so high and about 3/4” wide. They’re attached to a locking bar that
One of these four combinations will moves upward when you depress the lock and the tab slides into a small slot
turn the lock. on the top right edge of the drawer to secure it.
Everett L. Dobbs I figured that at least one of the tabs had to be bent or there was an
California obstruction preventing a tab in a lower drawer from seating properly. I
WEDGECO KEY removed the next drawer and tried to depress the plunger. It went all the way
EXTRACTOR WINNER: to the locked position. I had found the bent tab!
Converting an All-Lock A minor adjustment with my Channel Locks® and the locking mechanism
V.A.T.S. Decoder
worked fine when I replaced the drawer.
This is for those of you
who own an All-Lock V.A.T.S. Overly simple? Well, that depends on whether or not you ever worked on a
Decoder. Here is a fast and easy way to HON file cabinet locking bar and mechanism before. For those of us that do it
convert your decoder to also read on a regular basis, no problem. For those that do it for the first time, it can be
double-sided keys. an interesting foray into uncharted territory.
First, remove the 9-Volt battery. See y’all next month. By the way... send me your trick, tip or idea. If I
publish it, you’ll get a prize. Let’s see; what would I like this month? Just
Second, you will see four Phillips kidding!
head screws facing upward on the panel
of your decoder. Remove these four
screws. Once the screws are removed STRATTEC WINNER: figured I’d just replace it and get on
you can pull the panel up. Be careful Returning the Favor home to a nice warm bed. Wrong,
not to touch anything behind it (i.e.
It was after midnight again! I got to the truck and realize
circuit board) except the panel itself.
when a call came to that I didn’t have a replacement!
Now you will see a small chrome make a key for a 1987 I decided to disassemble the old
plate fastened by two Phillips screws Buick. I tried to ignition, decode it, originate a key and
directly under the ignition reader of the convince the folks it would be cheaper reassemble everything. When I turned
interrogator. Carefully remove the two if they waited until morning, but they on the overhead light in the van and
screws to remove the plate. Place the wouldn’t hear of it and said they started to disassemble the ignition, I
panel back into the decoder and replace needed it done right away. noticed some scratches on the
the four Phillips screws onto the panel.
Once I got to the job site I thought housing that I had not seen in the
Now your decoder has nothing it would be a simple job. Just pull the dark. Whoever had replaced the
blocking the passageway allowing for a steering wheel, yank the ignition, read ignition had scratched the key code
longer double-sided VATS blank to the code, make a key, collect my on the housing!
enter and be decoded. Not bad for money and go home. Yeah! Right! So now, I return the favor
three minutes work, eh?
When I pulled the ignition I noticed whenever I can. When I install an
Daryl Paternostro that it is an after-market ignition and I after-market ignition in a car, I make
Louisiana knew there were no codes on it. I sure the code is scribed on the
102 • Visit

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housing so that the next locksmith guide that was made of plastic. The On the one side of the angle, I
that has to disassemble the ignition on bolts were square, which meant the tapped for an 8-32 machine screw and
a cold winter’s night, will have an guides, in the bottom and top of the on the other side I drilled a 3/8”
easier time of it! locking stile of the door, had squared starter hole where the square guide
Keith Schlesener holes to match the bolts. hole would be located. Next I used my
Texas Since the repair had to be made router with a 3/16” bit to trim the hole
Editor’s Note: Keith, been there and done right away, I didn’t have time to go square. I then made a second piece
that. I’ve had my bacon saved many times hunting for replacement parts, so I identical to the first, since the top
by the thoughtfulness of the locksmith decided to fabricate what I needed. guide would have to be replaced also.
that preceded me on a vehicle. I have, as The top guide was cracked, but My 4-1/2” cutoff saw made short
a matter of course, done as you have and usable as a template to make a new work of cutting the angled aluminum
it has paid off when I have, a year or two guide. I placed the guide on a piece of to the proper dimension to fit into the
later, had to work on the same car! aluminum angle and used an awl to door’s stile.
trace the dimensions of the guide and David Craig
HPC WINNER: the screw locations on the angle. Illinois
Sawdust Catcher
Here’s a fast way to
clan up the mess, after
cutting the preps in a
wood door for a deadbolt or cylindrical
lock installation.
I insert the top portion of the box
10 Years of
that the lock comes in under my
drilling guide, with the box under the
area where I’m cutting the cross bore.
(See illustration 1.)
Dave McOmie

illustration 1.

Consequently, as I cut my preps,

most of the sawdust, wood chips and
debris falls into the box and not on the
floor or carpet. This saves cleanup Every single National Locksmith article
time, which allows me to get on to the by Dave McOmie from August 1986
next call faster. through August 1996 under one cover!
Ken A. Funk
Flush Bolt Guide
The inactive leaf on a double door #DM - 10
storefront had a broken flush bolt
June 2001 • 103

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Editor’s Note: Dave, for future reference, cut one of these keys, I use the “X” take the keys out of the box, try them,
KEEDEX makes metal replacement guides jaws to firmly grip the blank, and I then place them in the top of the box.
for this application. Check it out at their gauge the key from the shoulder. I The problem was always where to
web site: http:/ grip the key by the center milling. place the boxes while working out of
Actually, the key doesn’t have a them. There simply never seemed to
A-1 SECURITY shoulder, but where the blade be a convenient place.
PRODUCTS WINNER: thickens, I consider that the shoulder. I solved the problem by purchasing
Hard-To-Hold GM
10-Cut Blanks I have cut dozens of GM 1-cuts this a carpenters nail pouch for $1.00, at a
way without a problem. local building supply store. The pouch
If you have experienced difficulty
Dennis Petrin is divided into two sections. In one I
holding the GM double-sided key
Oregon place the untried keys and in the other
blanks (P-106, P-107, P-109, etc.) in
I put each key as I try it.
the jaws of your key machine, here’s ILCO KEY BLANKS
how I prevent the keys from “lifting” WINNER: With the pouch is tied around my
when being duplicated. Nail Pouch Key Sorter waist, it’s at the perfect working level
While using tryout keys, I used to for me.
I use an Ilco 026 and whenever I
Dick Lucey
Jumping the Trunk Lock
High Security Safes When there is no key available and
you need to open the trunk (on cars

Volumes 1 & 2 with electronic trunk releases like

Buick Park Ave., etc.), pick open the
glove compartment, remove the light
cover, and with a small mirror, look
for the black wire which comes from
the switch.
This wire will generally have
enough slack in it to reach over to the
light opening. Prick the black wire
with a small safety pin attached to the
hot-wire from a cigarette lighter
adapter. (See illustration 2.)

illustration 2.

When you prick the insulation of

the light wire, this will energize the
switch and the trunk will open. A little
liquid plastic will repair the hole in the
Thomas J. McKinney
Traffic Builder
Learn to open High Security Safes now! I’m new to locksmithing and am
looking for ways to help keep my
name in my customer’s mind.
Every time I install new locks or
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE rekey old ones, I tell the customer that
when they need extra keys, call me,
give me their name, address and their
own private “code” (which is the
direct code for the lock), such as S
104 • Visit Continued on page 106

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Continued from page 104
(for Schlage) 13657, and I’ll drop the
keys off the next time I come by their
house or business.
Even at $2.00 a key, I don’t make
The any money delivering the keys but it
gives me the opportunity to talk to the

Ultimate customer and find out if they need

anything else.
I think it’s a good traffic builder.
Technitips John Short
South Carolina
Collection SIEVEKING
Tax Chart for
Discounted Sales
I may be the only one that finds
this useful, but it is something that
comes in handy quite often. I made
a Tax chart with the computer and
laminated it to the back of my
invoice machine. (See illustration Illustration 3.
The figures to the left are reverse MANUFACTURING
taxes. That is, the principle and tax PRODUCTS
that will add up to a whole number. WINNER:
(Shown in the middle.) Quick Key Machine Belt
The figures on the right
Here’s a quick, easy way to replace
represent a standard tax chart. The
a broken key machine belt without
figure in the
middle - plus the
tax - and then the
On occasion I
Here’s one of the most will give the
useful books ever elderly and others
a discount by
available to the including the tax
locksmith! in a quoted price.
This simplifies the
task of accounting
for the governor’s
share of my
Bear in mind
that this chart is
for Tennessee’s
(and Shelby
County’s) tax rate
of 8 1/4%. I was
able to use
formulas in Excell
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE to calculate the
regular tax, but I
had to use a
calculator, with the
+ or - tax function,
on it to figure the
reverse tax.
Leo Kolugianes
#TIPS - 2 Tennessee
Illustration 4.
106 • Visit

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disturbing the settings of your far enough for me to grip it with my side
machine. cutter pliers.
I purchased some clear plastic You have to be careful not to break
vacuum hose from the local hardware the tip of the file off. I use this method
store. I cut the tubing to fit my duplicator
and then sewed the edges to the cut
rather than drilling and have not had a
problem with it so far.
together with monofilament fishing line
as shown. (See illustration 4.)
Rodger Long
This repair only takes a few HIGH TECH TOOLS WINNER:
minutes and does not require GM Wafer Removal Trick
readjusting the tolerances of the I find that the wafers on the old GM
cutter. six cut ignitions are often hard to
William G. Bischoff remove. After using a hook pick through
Wisconsin the keyway and almost shooting myself
SLIDELOCK’S “Z” TOOL in the eye with a wafer as it suddenly
OPENING SET WINNER: dislodged from the sidebar, I thought of
Kia Key Blank an easier, and safer, way to do it.
I insert a key blank to raise the
If you are faced with making a key wafers high enough to grab with
for a Kia with the Y2000 code series external ring Truarc pliers where the
(8-cut) that requires the X233 or X253 spring sits. It then comes out very easily
key blank, you can use a TR25 key this way.
blank as a substitute by cutting the
shoulders back 1/8”. Jason Appel
I had to make a key for a 2001 Kia
Rio last weekend. I soon discovered Schalge Plug
that unlike the other Kia models, the Conversion
Rio does not have a trunk release. I’m new to the business
Fortunately, there was a code on the and don’t carry a lot of merchandise on
customer’s paperwork, which she had my truck yet, although I do try to add to
in the glove box. it regularly.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have any Kia I had a call to a dry cleaning store
blanks on my truck. I looked in my where the key was trapped in the plug
Auto Smart and saw the drawing of and would not come out. Not being able
the key blank and soon figured out to remove the key, I decided to drill the
that a TR25 blank would slide in the plug, unlock the door and change the
lock. mortise cylinder out. I only drilled
When I tried to cut the key I saw partway into the plug when it began to
that the distance between the turn. I turned it the rest of the way by
shoulder and the tip was too short. I hand, unlocked the door and removed
then cut the shoulders back 1/8”, and the cylinder.
code cut the key and sent a very That’s when I found out I did not
InstaCode 2002, the
happy customer on their way. have another mortise cylinder to replace latest release of
William Kimbley the one I drilled. Realizing that I had InstaCode, includes
California only drilled the plug and the cylinder
over 5000
THE SIEVEKING AUTO was not damaged, I decided to search
KEY GUIDE WINNER: for a replacement plug. The only thing I code series covering
Roll Pin Removal Tip had was a Schlage 6-ping plug for a general/utility, padlock,
I have read many tips deadbolt. vehicle and
about having to drill to I used my grinder to cut the sides of
remove roll pins to disassemble
the plug down about a quarter of an
ignitions. The last Mitsubishi I worked inch, leaving a ridge in the center on
on had three roll pins holding the which to fit an Adams Rite cam. Of CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
facecap on. I removed all three without course, I had to drill and tap two retainer
drilling. screw holes to attach the cam.
I use a small round needle file to aid I keyed the plug up to the customer’s
in removing these pins. I simply screw key, assembled the cylinder and my
the tip of the file into the end of the roll modified plug, put the plug in the
pin until it gets a good bite. Then I gently cylinder, put the cam on the plug and
pull the file up (keeping it straight) and tried the key. It worked like a charm.
away from the pin. The pin is usually on
Kris Tatarian #IC - 2002
the end of the file or has been pulled out

June 2001 • 107

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Illustration B, shows the same
A rchimedes, the ancient Greek
mathematician, boasted that he
could move the world with a long
switch after it has been thrown. The
circuit is open and no current will flow
enough lever. He never got to prove it, until the switch is closed again.
but the machines he designed did Illustration C, shows a Double Pole,
accomplish some things that seemed Double Throw (DPDT) switch. It also
just as amazing. has only one moving part, but when
When you design an electronic you throw the switch it breaks one
access control (EAC) system, you may contact, and makes another. With this
feel like you are being asked to move switch, you could turn one device off
the world. But there is a simple and - at the same time - turn another
electronic device that, like on.
Archimedes’ machines, will help you Illustration D, shows this same
tackle the big challenges. switch after it has been thrown. The
I am talking about the “relay,” connection between the Common (C)
which is nothing more than a switch, and the Normally Closed (N/C)
operated by an electromagnet. So terminals has been broken, so no
before we discuss relays, let’s spend a current will flow. But there is now a
few moments on switches. path for current to flow between the
The Switch Common (C) and Normally Open
(N/O) terminals.
We classify switches by the
number of poles and the number of The Relay
throws. The pole is the part of the A relay is a switch that is operated
switch that moves. When you press a by and electromagnet. Instead of
door bell button, you are moving its
pole. The throw refers to the number
of contacts that the switch can make
or break. In the case of the doorbell,
the pole throws to one contact, and
completes the bell circuit.
Illustration A, is a schematic
diagram for the simplest type of
switch. This switch has a Single Pole
and a Single Throw (SPST). When you D. A Double Pole, Double Throw
flip the switch it will break away from (DPDT) switch after it has been
one contact. This is the switch to use thrown.
if all you want to do is turn one device
on and off.

A. A schematic diagram for the

simplest type of switch.
E. Schematic symbol for a
Double Pole, Double Throw
(DPDT) relay.

B. The circuit is open and no

current will flow.

F. The pole has moved away

C. A Double Pole, Double Throw from the N/C contact and is now
(DPDT) switch schematic. touching the N/O.
108 • Visit Continued on page 112

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Continued from page 108 Photograph 1, shows some of the
yet they perform the same service.
pressing a button, you activate the relays you will encounter in your EAC
Once you understand how relays
relay by energizing a small work. They all look radically different,
operate, and how their terminals are
electromagnet. The magnetic force marked, you will
draws the pole either open, closed, or handle any of
both! As soon as power is released, these relays
the switch snaps back to its “normal” with ease.
position. How to Use a
Illustration E, shows the schematic Relay
symbol for a Double Pole, Double By now
Throw (DPDT) relay. Illustration F, you may be
shows how the switch would look wondering,
when the relay energizes. Notice that “What’s the big
the pole has moved away from the deal about a
N/C contact and is now touching the simple switch?”
N/O. 1. Some of the relay examples you will encounter. Glad you
EAC controllers are designed to
send power to an electric strike. The
solenoid in the strike operates on the

Ask Dave same principle as the relay. A control

panel, then, can trigger a relay. A
relay, in turn, can operate darn near
anything. Get the picture?
The Medeco SiteLine® controller
is a very simple panel; you can tuck it
away neatly into a double-gang
electrical box. But I have seen it used
in some very creative ways.
Photograph 2, shows the SiteLine
controller wired to an Altronix® relay.
Instead of wiring the controller to the
positive and negative power terminals
on the strike, I have connected it to
the positive and negative terminals of
the relay’s coil.
Now imagine that you had a
customer who owned a trucking
company. (This is based on a true
story, by the way.) His fuel pumps are
outdoors, and he doesn’t want his
neighbors filling their tanks at night.
He also doesn’t want his drivers
helping themselves to fuel when they
are off duty. In short, he wants access
control on his pumps.
You can solve his problem with the
controller and relay shown in
photograph 2. You would mount a
reader outside the pump, and when a
driver inserted his EAC credential, the
relay would switch the power to the
pumps. Now you have a fuel pump
You asked. He answered. This is safe that can only be operated by an
and vault Q&A with an attitude. authorized user, during approved
hours. And you have a record of
everyone who operated the pump, and
You would probably need the help
CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE of an electrician, or fuel pump tech to
pull this off, especially if it was your
first “relay” job. But it’s good to know
#AD - 1 that this sort of thing can be done, and

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MagLock and pulls the pole away from the N/C
and power terminal. This cuts power to the
supply form MagLock, and opens the door.
a complete Two Safety Notes
circuit. The
To work safely with relays you
Mag stays
must keep two rules in mind at all
and the door
it protects is First, always break the positive side
secure. of DC power lines. Look at illustration
H. It is exactly the same as illustration
G, except that the relay is now on the
when the
negative side of the line. If we had
controller is
used the relay to break the negative
activated, it
2. A SiteLine controller wired to an Altronix® relay. side of the power supply line, the
circuit would still work. But what if
it’s very good to start imagining all the the relay coil
things you can accomplish with access
controls and relays.
Choosing a Relay
How then, do you go about
choosing the proper relay for the
proper job? First, choose your coil
voltage. The coil voltage specifies the
amount of power needed to operate
the coil. If your EAC panel provides 12
VDC to its electric strike, then you
would use a 12 VDC coil.
Second, select your contact rating.
The contact rating specifies the
amount of current that you can run
through the contacts when they close.
2.5 to 5 Amp contacts are common,
and they will be adequate for most of
your needs.
Finally, settle on a contact
arrangement. The contact
arrangement specifies how many
switches the relay will control, and
how they will operate. Refer again to
illustration E, the schematic for a
DPDT relay. Notice that there is one
coil (represented by the bumpy line),
but two sets of switches. When the
relay energizes, both poles will move.
They will break contact with the N/C
terminals, and make contact with the
N/O terminals.
One more real life example should
cement the concepts we’ve been
discussing. Illustration G, shows a
wiring diagram for connecting an
electronic access control (EAC) panel
to a Medeco MagLock™. Terminals 1 Everyone knows there’s big money in selling,
and 8 on the controller are connected installing and servicing electronic security
to the relay coil input. Terminal 8 goes such as mag locks, electronic strikes,
to the positive side of the coil, and
Terminal 1 connects to the negative.
and simple access control.
This is exactly how you would connect
and electric strike to this controller.
The positive side of the power supply CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
connects to the relay C terminal and
the positive side of the MagLock
connects to the N/C contact. As long #EL - 1
as the relay contacts stay closed, the
June 2001 • 113

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G. A wiring diagram for connecting an EAC panel to a H. The relay is now on the negative side of the line.
Medeco MagLock™

that wire ever shorts to ground (i.e.

bare wire touches the metal frame of
the building)? The Mag might not

Door Lock open when the relay fired because the

circuit could still find a path through
the building’s frame. If you always

Encyclopedia break the positive wire, you avoid

such problems.
Well, that’s the skinny on relays.
Now go out to your local electronics
store, buy a few and start
experimenting. Before long, you will
be the Archimedes of EAC. You won’t
move the world, but you may just raise
your reputation and revenue. In my
mind, that’s a lot more useful.

Safe Locks

The ability to remove a lock from a door,

disassemble the mechanism, and remove
the lock cylinder for service is not always
a simple straightforward task.



#MSL - 1
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Servicing Floor Closers, Part 2.

n the last segment, I told you we that his doors do not work. So, of
I were gonna learn a little more about
floor closers. Well, today I’m gonna
course, I ask him to explain the
problem to me in a little more
take you with me as I go to a site, detail. He tells me that there is a
evaluate the situation, and remove bunch of “oil” leaking from the
some floor closers. ground underneath the doors.
(This gives me a good hint that he
But first, a little background is in has floor closers installed.) He
order. A customer called and told me goes on to say that one
of his doors will not
close (he has to force it
closed) and the other
door slams shut, which
has already put a crack
4. The arm cap was stamped Rixson.
in the glass.
I grabbed my blue
tights and red cape, and
off I went to do my visual
inspection. In photograph
1, you can see the doors
in question. Photograph
2, is a close-up of the
1. The doors needing help. damaged closers.
Fluid was leaking
everywhere! There are
also large gash-marks on
the threshold of the left
side closer. (See
5. Here we see that the spindle is offset
photograph 3.) By seeing
by 3/4” inch.
these gashes, my
incredible Sherlock
Holmes brain deduced
that they were caused by
the “bottom arm screws”
coming loose, causing
the door to drag on the
2. Yea, they’re leaking all right. threshold.
Right off the bat, I
knew that they would
have to be replaced.
Repair was an option, but
how would the customer
secure the doors while
the closers were sent-off
6. Here we see that the spindle is offset
to be repaired? That, and
3/4” inch from the door jamb.
the fact that these floor
closers were over 50 The first step is to remove the “arm
years old, means the cap” to determine exactly what I’m
customer would be better dealing with. (See photograph 4.) By
served if they were replaced. looking at the spindle, and the big
3. Here we can see the damaged left floor They had to go. “arm locking screw,” I get an idea of
116 • Visit

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the distance
from the door
jamb to the
center of the
spindle. (See
photograph 6.)
Both of which
are commonly
3/4” of an inch.
This is why
they are called
7. A new Rixson offset floor closer. offset closers,
because they’re
“offset” 3/4”
inch from the 9. An old style top pivot.
face of the door.
By looking at the spindle and to do the job. And now the story
knowing the offset distance of continues.
the closer and the door
By this time, a few days have
function (which was single
elapsed, the parts have been ordered
acting), I know that it will
and received, and I’m back at the site
have to be replaced with the
ready to do the job. Before I go on, I
Rixson 27 series floor closer.
want to let you know that we will be
(See photograph 7.)
discussing two different methods for
Because of this initial removing doors. One will be for an
8. Loosen the arm locking screw. evaluation, I now have an idea “offset hung” door closer, and the
of the door weight, the door other will be for a “center hung” floor
who the manufacturer is. (That and closer. Let’s start with my project, the
thickness, and the amount of usage it
the fact that the arm cap said, offset hung floor closer.
would receive. I could now give the
customer a “guesstimate” on the cost.
The first step in removing the
The next step is to determine the Once they gave me the go ahead, the
closer, (after the cap has been
offset distance, (see photograph 5) and parts were ordered, and a date was set

Dave McOmie on Vault Doors

Vol. 1 & 2
These openings can be a
nightmare, but not when
you bring Dave McOmie
along with you on the job.


June 2001 • 117

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removed) is to loosen the “arm closer spindle.
locking screw.” (See photograph 8.)
I’m using a special wrench made Once the “arm locking screw” has
specifically for a Rixson floor closer. been loosened, go to the top of the
One end is used to loosen and tighten door and work on the “top pivot.” To
the “arm locking screw” and the other shed a little more light on this topic,
end is made to adjust the spring be aware that there is a variety of
tension and also to move the closer different offset hung top pivots that
spindle. For your information, a large you will see in the field. I will show
crescent-wrench will work nicely on you three of the most common offset
the “arm locking screw” and the hung top pivots you will see.
In photograph 9, you’ll see the first
10. First remove the screw.

14. Here’s the new style top

18. This screw is a dead-
giveaway for a center hung floor

11. Tap-out the pivot stud.

15. Push-out the pivot stud.

19. A center-hung bottom arm
on a double acting closer.

type of offset hung top pivot mounted

on the door I was working on. This
model of top pivot is very, very, old
and is a handed pivot. (You had to
order them either, left-handed, or
12. This top pivot is a little right-handed.)
newer that the last one.
To remove the door from the pivot,
you have to unscrew the screw on the
16. Notice the O ring on the side of the pivot, remove the screw
pivot stud. (see photograph 10) and push-out the
“pivot stud.” (See photograph 11.)
Next you will see the second style
of commonly found top pivot design.
(See photograph 12.) This is also an
older version, (but newer than the last
top pivot) and also comes handed.
But, it is disassembled a little bit
differently than the last top pivot. The
large screw on this style of top pivot
will always be on the bottom side of
13. The screw passes into the 17. Here’s the heavy-duty L180 the pivot. You will have to eject the
pivot stud. pivot. “pivot stud,” downward to remove it.
118 • Visit

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20. A center-hung bottom arm 22. The shim plate that gets
on a single acting closer. attached to the door itself. 23. The pin part enters a slot in
the bottom arm.
“hex caps” on each end. Once that’s
done, you can push-out the pivot stud.
(See photograph 15.) If you look
closely at photograph 16, you’ll see a
black “O” ring that fits snugly into a
little groove in the pivot stud. This “O”
ring is used to keep the pivot stud
from rattling around, and to help keep
it in place.
I’ll also show you a photograph of 24. That’s a center hung 340 top
an L180, heavy-duty top pivot. It’s used pivot.
21. The adjustment screws. on heavy, lead lined doors. (See
photograph 17.) a look at photograph 18. Here you can
(See photograph 13.) see a very conspicuous screw on the
Lastly, a new style top pivot can be Now we’re gonna see how the bottom face of the door. This screw is
seen in photograph 14. To remove the hardware on a center hung door the tell-tale sign of a center hung floor
door from this style of top pivot, you’ll operates. What is the best way to closer. (Actually there are two of
need an Allen wrench to unscrew the identify a center hung door? Well, take them). Those are called “adjustment

Covers opening and service


#ALS - 1

June 2001 • 121

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the door will
open with
either a “push”
or “pull”
motion. In
photograph 20,
you will see the
same bottom
arm mounted 27. The lever and fulcrum that it pivots on.
on a “single
acting” floor
closer. (Which
means that the
25. There are two parts to this top pivot.
door only opens
in one
direction.) In
photograph 21,
you will see the 28. The adjustment screw turned making the
two screws that pivot stud retract.
I was talking
about. Those are the mounted onto the bottom of the door.
“adjustment screws” and are In photograph 23, you can see how the
used to center the bottom shim plate has a “pin” which fits into a
26. Remove the finishing plate and look for
arm within the cavity of the hole in the bottom arm. Once the
this adjustment screw.
door. These two screws must shim plate is fastened to the bottom of
screws.” There will be one screw on be removed before you the door itself, it’s just a matter of
each side, on the lower face of the attempt to remove the door. Doing so setting the pin into the bottom arm of
door. disengages the bottom arm from the the closer, and using the adjustment
door. screws to center the bottom arm in
In photograph 19, you will see a the door.
center hung bottom arm on a double In photograph 22, is the “shim
acting floor closer. This means that plate” laid across the top of the bottom Now the top pivot of a center hung
arm. The shim plate will actually be floor closer. In photograph 24, is the

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• Volume 1 - Modern Safes

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model 340 top pivot. This is the and the bottom portion gets
standard top pivot for Rixson center fastened to the top of the
hung floor closers. As you see it is two door itself.
separate pieces, the top pivot jamb
portion, and the top pivot door portion. In photograph 26, we see
(See photograph 25). The top portion the top pivot jamb portion.
gets fastened to the header (or jamb) (The part that gets fastened
to the header.) Here I am
pointing to the adjustment
screw on the bottom of it.
When you come to a center
hung door, look up at the
header of the doorway and
look for a brass (or stainless
steel) finish plate. Remove
30. You can free-up the bottom of the door the finish plate and look for
using various methods. this screw. You can clearly
see that by turning the
adjustment screw in one
direction, a lever will pivot on
a fulcrum and raise the pivot
stud. (See photograph 27.)
By turning the screw in the
opposite direction, you are
able to drop the pivot stud.
(See photograph 28.)
Now you know how to
loosen the top pivots of a
center hung door, or an
offset hung door, which is
29. You can now tilt the door the first step in the door
outward from the top. 31. The bottom arm with the screw. removal process.

The Lure of
the Lock
This hardcover book, compiled in
1928, features dozens and dozens
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through modern locks.



June 2001 • 123

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in this position. Do not tilt the adjustment screws from the bottom
door outward too much or arm. Some folks will place the bottom
the bottom spindle of an arm onto the spindle without fastening
offset closer might get it. I’ve heard of people who do not
damaged. remove the adjustment screws and
just try to lift-out the whole bottom
Now we gotta free up the arm with the door. If the bottom arm
bottom of the door. As most is not screwed onto the spindle, that’s
of you can imagine, it will OK. But if it is you stand a good
sometimes be jammed solid. chance of damaging the closer, or the
But there are a few different door. And there’s no way of telling if
ways to free-up an offset it’s attached or not.
32. The bottom arm without the screw.

So let’s back-up a
moment and recap what
we’ve learned so far.
If you are prepping the
bottom of a door that’s
using an offset hung closer,
first remove the arm cap
and then loosen the arm
locking screw from the
bottom of the door. (Using
that special wrench,
remember?) If you are
35. The threshold removed and a view of the
removing a center hung
floor closer.
closer, remove the two
adjustment screws from the hung door Photograph 31, is an example of a
bottom arm of the door. from its bottom arm screwed onto a spindle.
The next step is the top b o t t o m Photograph 32, is an example of a
pivot. If it’s for an offset spindle. bottom arm not screwed onto the
pivot use one of the three 33. A view of an offset hung spindle.
1. You can
methods outlined earlier to bottom arm. give it a good Now that the door is finally off, we
remove the pivot stud from shot of can see the different parts. In
the top pivot set. If it’s a center hung penetrating oil. Liquid Wrench works photograph 33, you can see the bottom
pivot set, look for the finishing plate in great! arm of the offset closer. It looked a
the header, remove it and turn the little rough, but was still in good
screw to retract the pivot stud. Now 2. You can give it a few soft raps with a working order. I chose not to replace
let’s take a look at photograph 29. Here hard object to jar it loose. Be careful it, and just cleaned it up. In photograph
the bottom portion of the door has though, you don’t want to break the 34, you can see the bottom spindle of
been freed-up as well as the top glass. the floor closer. To access the floor
portion. Since there is no pivot stud to closer, I had to remove the threshold
hold the top of the door in place, push 3. You can use an Air Wedge. I love to
use my universal Air Wedge to work that was covering it. And for your
the top of the door outward and hold it information, the threshold is only held
on doors, but I was too lazy to walk to
my van and get it. on with screws placed into shields or
lag shields. Occasionally a
4. You can rub a greasy construction worker (or some other
McDonald’s French fry “Freddy Kreuger” person) will goop-
all over the spindle. on a whole tube of Liquid Nails to
Oops...sorry. I was fasten-down the threshold. If you’ve
thinking aloud. ever come across one of those
situations, (like I unfortunately have),
5. You can do what I did you’re in for a WWF Smackdown,
and carefully used a battle!
Wonder Bar to work it
free. (See photograph Once the threshold is removed,
30.) you have a good view of the floor
closer. (See photograph 35.) I don’t
As a side-note: if know if you’re aware of this, but when
you’re working on a things have been sitting for a while in
center hung door, make damp, wet, conditions, they tend to
34. A shot of the spindle after the door has sure to remove the two get smelly and filthy McNasty! This
been removed.
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The Best of
Dale Libby

36. We say bye-bye to the old closer.

closer was no exception. Now all I had to do was unscrew

the four screws on each corner and pull “Chucky” out from
it’s cement casing. (See photograph 36.)
That was it. You’ve now seen, and learned, how to remove
a door from a variety of different floor closers. (Offset and
center hung.) And in the last segment to come, I’ll show you
how to replace it with a new one. Huh, what’s that? Couldn’t
we just reverse the process? Yea... kinda. But there are a few
more tricks you’ll need to know before you can be the
Till next time, folks. Same Bat-Time... same Bat-Channel!

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Transponders These are the articles that started
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#TS - 2001

June 2001 • 125

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2001 Dodge Stratus
The HPC 1200CMB and
1200PCH code cards for this
code series are between
pages 118 & 121.

F0001-F1571, Part 2
Manufacturer: Mitsubishi for Dodge Gauge From: Tip
Code Series: F0001 - F1571 HPC 1200PCH (Punch)
Key Blanks: PCH Card: PF306
Ilco: Y160CHT-PT Punch: PCH-1011
Ilco EZ: Y158-NP Jaw: A
Jet: Y160C-PHT HPC CodeMax
Strattec: 599450 or 690226 DSD #: 167
Number of Cuts: 8 Jaw: A
M.A.C.S.: 2 Cutter: CW-1011
Key Gauged: Tip Curtis No. 15 Code Cutter
Center of First Cut: .985 Cam-Set: DC-5
Cut to Cut Spacings: .083 Carriage: DC-5A
Cut Depth Increments: .025 Framon #2
Spacings: 1 - .985, 2 - .902, 3 - .820, 4 - .737, Cuts Start at: .407
5 - .655, 6 - .572, 7 - .491, 8 -.407 Cut to Cut Spacing: .0825
Depths: 1 = .327, 2 = .302, 3 = .276, 4 = .251 Block #: 5
HPC 1200CMB Depth Increments: .0255
Code Card: CF306 Cutter: FC9040
Jaw: A Key Clamping Info: Use tip stop.
Cutter: CW-1011

F1001 23121211 F1034 43133443 F1067 21233233 F1100 13242223 F1133 44421211 F1166 34343242
F1002 13312342 F1035 31324222 F1068 42443332 F1101 43434313 F1134 42424342 F1167 24212323
F1003 34244242 F1036 32234443 F1069 23442433 F1102 32332213 F1135 22331323 F1168 24423433
F1004 24233113 F1037 33213421 F1070 33122332 F1103 32444242 F1136 42322123 F1169 31121243
F1005 44423431 F1038 24233122 F1071 34433242 F1104 12423133 F1137 12423232 F1170 13122121
F1006 34223131 F1039 33342442 F1072 32324212 F1105 42212111 F1138 23323213 F1171 23112121
F1007 32242321 F1040 23242213 F1073 42311233 F1106 42334243 F1139 42323131 F1172 22334443
F1008 33422443 F1041 31334221 F1074 34234432 F1107 32424442 F1140 13334221 F1173 34212331
F1009 42332122 F1042 42424423 F1075 12131221 F1108 44422342 F1141 31232323 F1174 12424231
F1010 33423121 F1043 12223111 F1076 24223231 F1109 44423323 F1142 32313322 F1175 22434343
F1011 13213423 F1044 23233123 F1077 24244333 F1110 12433113 F1143 11123243 F1176 24423442
F1012 24223213 F1045 23312233 F1078 33434431 F1111 42213133 F1144 24313311 F1177 42424432
F1013 21312112 F1046 31323421 F1079 31221211 F1112 23122333 F1145 42331312 F1178 12221113
F1014 42424243 F1047 32331322 F1080 12324232 F1113 24333442 F1146 32122423 F1179 23213233
F1015 42344431 F1048 42121112 F1081 31222111 F1114 12434443 F1147 42313213 F1180 23313223
F1016 22344343 F1049 24243442 F1082 32334211 F1115 34213321 F1148 13232242 F1181 23231332
F1017 32423122 F1050 23242312 F1083 13121212 F1116 42343423 F1149 33222421 F1182 42242443
F1018 21211123 F1051 43443331 F1084 11231122 F1117 42434242 F1150 13334443 F1183 11124242
F1019 43334242 F1052 24213313 F1085 44234233 F1118 12112421 F1151 23331223 F1184 42313132
F1020 23112112 F1053 44244313 F1086 44324431 F1119 23313421 F1152 31232332 F1185 33424342
F1021 42211211 F1054 33132223 F1087 23223133 F1120 13313422 F1153 33242113 F1186 42244423
F1022 33213223 F1055 13342231 F1088 23122111 F1121 43424332 F1154 42123133 F1187 23423443
F1023 32342443 F1056 22333132 F1089 42311242 F1122 32312332 F1155 43443421 F1188 21133342
F1024 22112113 F1057 33123322 F1090 34434421 F1123 43133131 F1156 43113313 F1189 34432423
F1025 42433432 F1058 13124421 F1091 32132422 F1124 23443342 F1157 43244431 F1190 24434431
F1026 33434242 F1059 44244223 F1092 13131243 F1125 22332421 F1158 44344231 F1191 24234343
F1027 44424313 F1060 42313231 F1093 34231231 F1126 42324343 F1159 23111212 F1192 44242432
F1028 22422133 F1061 11231212 F1094 11121242 F1127 42124213 F1160 22111231 F1193 34431343
F1029 13132423 F1062 24342442 F1095 13242232 F1128 24232123 F1161 11124442 F1194 11211242
F1030 44313442 F1063 13111222 F1096 11124333 F1129 42244432 F1162 43423423 F1195 32421322
F1031 32132323 F1064 13222333 F1097 13223233 F1130 13422133 F1163 23434243 F1196 31132423
F1032 11213122 F1065 11312212 F1098 44242423 F1131 11324233 F1164 33242111 F1197 32424211
F1033 12322423 F1066 43442332 F1099 43242343 F1132 21232423 F1165 13134223 F1198 11212213

126 • Visit

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2001 Dodge Stratus
F0001-F1571, Part 2
F1199 12333223 F1262 11212442 F1325 22132333 F1388 33422311 F1451 42331132 F1514 23212423
F1200 42131242 F1263 32323231 F1326 31242322 F1389 22343312 F1452 33224221 F1515 34443331
F1201 32443243 F1264 21342133 F1327 32342113 F1390 13322422 F1453 32133223 F1516 31133422
F1202 32233213 F1265 13132342 F1328 33421321 F1391 24333111 F1454 43331112 F1517 32332231
F1203 21332233 F1266 32423113 F1329 44423332 F1392 23344243 F1455 42442333 F1518 32132233
F1204 21211231 F1267 32434342 F1330 42312421 F1393 42331231 F1456 42323113 F1519 13434433
F1205 32233312 F1268 22131211 F1331 13342132 F1394 42334342 F1457 33223132 F1520 34343422
F1206 23312422 F1269 12213112 F1332 23423131 F1395 22323313 F1458 13332421 F1521 12333421
F1207 33312232 F1270 13342312 F1333 12331342 F1396 33344242 F1459 44224333 F1522 22132423
F1208 12113243 F1271 34211332 F1334 24432343 F1397 11332342 F1460 42132421 F1523 13423123
F1209 24331112 F1272 12121231 F1335 44344213 F1398 42442423 F1461 31324213 F1524 24331121
F1210 22332133 F1273 33112423 F1336 43444213 F1399 32224213 F1462 43344313 F1525 42422443
F1211 32331223 F1274 32223313 F1337 13444333 F1400 24442423 F1463 11342323 F1526 34234423
F1212 42323311 F1275 44313433 F1338 42312223 F1401 33212422 F1464 24344323 F1527 31332322
F1213 24433243 F1276 44233432 F1339 12312211 F1402 32313421 F1465 11334223 F1528 43234423
F1214 23423311 F1277 34243423 F1340 23311342 F1403 12242233 F1466 42434233 F1529 24231331
F1215 32231242 F1278 13112221 F1341 31242421 F1404 23332213 F1467 32322421 F1530 22331332
F1216 21323242 F1279 21131221 F1342 44432431 F1405 12233242 F1468 34231213 F1531 42234343
F1217 42242311 F1280 13121122 F1343 33344421 F1406 34244431 F1469 43313443 F1532 32311342
F1218 32423221 F1281 33242311 F1344 31322323 F1407 31233322 F1470 23321323 F1533 22444333
F1219 43424233 F1282 12131122 F1345 32421133 F1408 13121221 F1471 12133342 F1534 43133311
F1220 12122311 F1283 23123242 F1346 23224231 F1409 32242213 F1472 13443442 F1535 42434431
F1221 42332131 F1284 43313311 F1347 11333242 F1410 12111223 F1473 32134231 F1536 11124221
F1222 11122442 F1285 23322313 F1348 24233131 F1411 22213111 F1474 32321233 F1537 21313342
F1223 21113122 F1286 11312122 F1349 23332312 F1412 13122112 F1475 11324242 F1538 42433342
F1224 42244333 F1287 23124232 F1350 31331242 F1413 21221311 F1476 42134443 F1539 34442233
F1225 32113342 F1288 33311242 F1351 23321233 F1414 43134343 F1477 31322332 F1540 24223132
F1226 43233442 F1289 34423243 F1352 33122422 F1415 32324221 F1478 44343313 F1541 21322333
F1227 21342331 F1290 13322233 F1353 22421332 F1416 42233131 F1479 24213133 F1542 42343243
F1228 23133322 F1291 12313423 F1354 42234442 F1417 21311212 F1480 31243113 F1543 22123423
F1229 23212333 F1292 44221112 F1355 42132133 F1418 34242442 F1481 13434442 F1544 31242223
F1230 33242131 F1293 23113342 F1356 24234442 F1419 13232233 F1482 12444211 F1545 33232231
F1231 32421112 F1294 31242331 F1357 32322331 F1420 22423321 F1483 42111212 F1546 44324422
F1232 33442243 F1295 23442442 F1358 44211213 F1421 44422432 F1484 22111213 F1547 43322443
F1233 32323132 F1296 31243311 F1359 33322231 F1422 12211213 F1485 33323122 F1548 42442342
F1234 44332423 F1297 32312242 F1360 12443443 F1423 42444223 F1486 21242332 F1549 32431211
F1235 13124233 F1298 32332312 F1361 42233113 F1424 22133242 F1487 13334212 F1550 21112243
F1236 24324442 F1299 33322312 F1362 42433243 F1425 21323233 F1488 23124223 F1551 23232331
F1237 32312422 F1300 43431343 F1363 11233423 F1426 32421232 F1489 11244421 F1552 44343421
F1238 13242313 F1301 11221213 F1364 33224212 F1427 42342343 F1490 23442343 F1553 43134433
F1239 42432442 F1302 44243422 F1365 42443422 F1428 13124331 F1491 44324323 F1554 44432242
F1240 22242133 F1303 42332113 F1366 32433442 F1429 42321223 F1492 31342132 F1555 32323312
F1241 12334213 F1304 44223343 F1367 24344242 F1430 21121312 F1493 31312342 F1556 34234243
F1242 34234342 F1305 42112442 F1368 33232312 F1431 21311122 F1494 12332422 F1557 12311212
F1243 33312421 F1306 13311243 F1369 21242233 F1432 31122112 F1495 34233442 F1558 34434331
F1244 43432342 F1307 43334431 F1370 43242442 F1433 24242111 F1496 31333222 F1559 34334422
F1245 13124242 F1308 44434231 F1371 24424211 F1434 24344431 F1497 31234231 F1560 11223121
F1246 34244233 F1309 24433342 F1372 21121231 F1435 32333122 F1498 43134442 F1561 34213213
F1247 34232212 F1310 11324313 F1373 23322421 F1436 32344243 F1499 12112123 F1562 23324443
F1248 42321133 F1311 12422233 F1374 44212111 F1437 31221121 F1500 13234231 F1563 43422442
F1249 23123323 F1312 31124242 F1375 24213232 F1438 32313223 F1501 24443431 F1564 21112231
F1250 32233132 F1313 33121342 F1376 33134221 F1439 23433442 F1502 42133123 F1565 44244331
F1251 11242421 F1314 34244323 F1377 22211311 F1440 33231232 F1503 23132332 F1566 43342342
F1252 33113422 F1315 23233132 F1378 12211231 F1441 31122211 F1504 23324221 F1567 11332423
F1253 13442443 F1316 13342321 F1379 32223331 F1442 43311331 F1505 24223321 F1568 32134213
F1254 32132242 F1317 21324223 F1380 31213423 F1443 34213123 F1506 32433111 F1569 42112211
F1255 21312211 F1318 33131242 F1381 44334313 F1444 33124213 F1507 12421112 F1570 23133232
F1256 23342113 F1319 11244211 F1382 22434442 F1445 43234342 F1508 13423312 F1571 21123121
F1257 24342343 F1320 24244423 F1383 42311332 F1446 12112442 F1509 11312221
F1258 43243423 F1321 42432433 F1384 42444232 F1447 34231222 F1510 34233121
F1259 12212113 F1322 32123242 F1385 32444233 F1448 42312313 F1511 31121122
F1260 34443313 F1323 31334443 F1386 34342432 F1449 32242132 F1512 42434422
F1261 23232421 F1324 31223233 F1387 32423311 F1450 31323232 F1513 31112212
128 • Visit

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Locks Co. Expands electric blots, shear locks, Electronics and earlier was a instructions, trouble shooting
Business gate locks and proximity sales manager for Ademco guides, cross references,
Locks Co. Safe Depot in readers utilizing unique Distribution, responsible for price lists, FAQ’s, links to
Atlanta has expanded into a technology. All products area management in the industry sites, RCI contacts,
full-line security distributor, carry a five-year warranty and Midwest. distributor information and
functioning as a branch of are UL Listed, CE Approved Gil-Ray Tools New much more.
Locks Co.’s main operation in and ISO 9002 Certified. For Phone Number Add
Miami. Safe Depot opened in more information, contact
customer service at (866) 3- Gil-Ray Tools key cutter
Atlanta last year as a sharpening service of Bay to your favorites list.
specialty wholesaler handling MAESTRO (3-623-7876) or
visit them on the web at City, MI had its area code Chamberlain Expands
safes and related equipment. changed to 989, for both Its Professional
“As the security market in
telephone and fax service. Products Division
the southeast expanded, we IR Commercial Call Gil-Ray Tools from now
found more and more of a Security & Safety The Chamberlain Group,
on at (989) 892-6870. Inc. has expanded its
demand for overall security Announces New Sales
products, therefore, it made Organization Steadfast Collar from Professional Products
more sense for Locks Co. to Secure Car division to include Sentex
To unify its brand Enterprises Systems, as well as a new
offer its full line expertise to offerings and provide
the area rather than limited Secure Car Enterprises is Custom Applications group.
enhanced total solutions and Chamberlain Professional
ourselves to the safe market,” services to customers, IR pleased to announce that it
explained Michael Dorn, who has purchased the rights to Products formerly included
Commercial Security & only the company’s well
manages the Atlanta Safety has realigned its sales manufacture the Steadfast
operation. The Atlanta Collar. They also stock all known LiftMaster Residential
organization. The company Garage Door Openers and
branch is located at 999 Lees has established sales offices, remaining Steadfast ignition
Mill Road, College Park, GA guard protectors and can Commercial Door Operators.
known as “IR Security & LiftMaster is the #1
30337, Phone (877) 723-3101, Safety Consultants”, in 21 supply replacement parts for
E-mail [email protected]. the entire line. Anyone professionally installed
U.S. regions to provide garage opener brand in the
GunVault Names Vice technical and sales support to requesting information can
contact Secure Car toll free at world. Sentex Systems
President end users, architects and provides a complete line of
distribution partners. The (800) 616-8338.
GunVault has announced access control, telephone
the promotion of Michelle SSC’s are led by managers RCI Launches New entry and radio control
Holmberg to Vice President who are responsible for the Web Site products designed to secure,
of Sales and Marketing. success of all IR brands for control and monitor property
Holmberg’s responsibilities their market area. They are management.
will involve overseeing sales, also staffed by a sales
manager and a sales team to Marks USA Acquires
with an emphasis on law Assets of Almet, Inc.
enforcement, customer support the IR brands,
service, marketing and specification writers and Marks USA has acquired
advertising. Holmberg will technical specialists. IR’s the tools and dies for the
also coordinate and support Commercial Security & entire product line of locksets
the joint venture between Safety sector includes from the former Almet Inc.
Doskocil Manufacturing leading brands such as RCI has a brand new Almet had declared
Company and GunVault. A 4- Schlage locks, Von Duprin website where they stand bankruptcy in February of
year employee of GunVault, exit devices, LCN door firmly behind their new last year and was liquidated
Holmberg has also served as closers, Dor-O-Matic slogan; In or Out...They in May. Initially, Marks
the accounting/office automatic doors, Steelcraft make it Easy! Easier than intends to manufacture the
manager and the national doors and Recognition ever to navigate - just a few Almet #1000 line of pressure
sales manager. Systems and Locknetics clicks will get you anywhere cast tubular lever handle
access-control products. For you want to go - and jam locksets in passage and
Maestro Access more information about IR privacy functions in various
Controls in USA packed with useful tools and
Commercial Security & information for your access finishes. In addition, certain
After more than 5 years of Safety visit their website at control and door hardware mortise lock trim will be
selling in the International needs. Visitors will be able to produced and added to the
marketplace, Maestro Access Schuch Joins STI access all information that Marks line of locksets. These
Controls, Inc. has introduced Sales Team would be provided when they additional product lines will
its line of electromagnetic call directly. It’s almost like enable Marks to expand its
locking devices and Patrick J. Schuch has product line to include lower
joined the sales staff of Safety being open 24 hours a day.
proximity readers in the Now you can quickly access priced interior locksets for
USA. The product range Technology International, both commercial and
Inc. Previously Schuch was and download product
includes magnetic locks, information, installation residential markets.
VP of Sales for Richardson

June 2001 • 129

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A&B Safe Corporation Monaco Lock
Indiana Cash Drawer Co.

Abloy® DiskLock Pro National Auto Lock

Service, Inc.
Indiana Cash Drawer Co., offers a useful line of
[email protected] products for the many locksmiths who assist their
clients with cash handling and related products.
The company offers both manual and electronic
Adesco Safe cash drawers, and a line of peripherals including
Manufacturing Co. Omaha Wholesale
printers, and money trays. The locking cash drawers Hardware
offer a particularly good profit opportunity for the locksmith.
The web site gives an excellent overview of the
product line, along with links to all the company’s
Aiphone literature. This is great for those times when you
ROFU International Corp.
want to show your customer graphics of the product.
Print out the literature you need and you’ve got instant sales
Dynalock Corp. Online,
you’re able SecuraKey
to apply for credit and
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which makes
Framon Manufacturing Co. beginning Security Resources, Inc.
the relation-
ship very
simple. Tech
tips also
Herbert L. Flake Company offer handy ShatterGard Security
hints on Window Film
using the products to
their best
HPC, Inc.
Sieveking Products Co. KSP Major Manufacturing

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Devices, Ltd. MAG Security Meilink TekTone

Manufacturers and distributors… join the high profile locksmith web site and you’ll be featured here!
Call Jeff Adair (ext. 15) or Debbie Schertzing (ext. 16) for details. (630) 837-2044
June 2001 • 135

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Industry Products
for a

and over the area where the door aggravation, but also eliminates the
lock retaining clip is. risk of damaging interior door panel
Insert the chosen Clip Removal and trim components during panel
Rod into the door and hook the door removal.
lock retaining clip. Slide the clip off of RECOMMENDATIONS:
the lock. In some vehicles, the lock For all of its simplicity, McCoy
The Magnetic Clip Remover
retaining clip may include small Production’s Magnetic Clip Remover
(MCR) by McCoy Productions is a
barbs or tabs that make removal is definitely one to add to the toolbox.
tool designed to remove automotive
difficult. Be patient and use the The instructions are well thought out
door lock retaining clips without
Removal Rod to work the clip back and presented. Several alternatives
removing the door panel.
and forth until the clip slides off of the are shown for removing hard to
lock. access horizontal lock retainer clips.
The Magnetic Clip Remover kit
Once the clip is completely off of This tool is ideal not only for
the lock, the clip will jump to the removing locks that need to be
1 - 20” x 5/16” diameter Stainless magnet. It will hold the clip firmly to serviced, but also for removing locks
Steel Clip Removal Rod the side of the door cavity, preventing for code retrieval.
1 - 8” x 1/4” diameter Stainless Steel it from falling to the bottom of the PRICE:
Clip Removal Rod door. Remove the lock and repair or The Magnetic Clip Remover tool is
1 - Rubber Coated Magnet replace. $85.00 which includes: two clip
1 - Finished Wood Door Wedge
Once complete, reinsert the lock removal rods; one rubber coated
5 - Sheets of Round Black Plug Labels
and use the Clip Removal Rod to earth magnet; one wood door wedge;
5 - Horseshoe Door Clips
push the door lock retaining clip back 5 sheets of round black plug labels;
Instruction Sheet
into position and seated on the door five replacement horseshoe door
OPERATION: lock. Should the lock retainer clip fall clips and an instruction sheet.
The Magnetic Clip Remover can into the door, use the magnet to find For more information or to order The
be used to remove both vertically and the clip at the bottom of the door, and Magnetic Clip Remover contact:
horizontally mounted door lock clips, work it back up into position. If Lockmasters Inc.
on door locks that are separate from necessary, use the replacement clips 800-654-0637, (606) 885-6041
the door handle and use the common that are provided. Fax: (606) 885-7093
horseshoe style door clip.
BENEFITS: E-mail: [email protected]
To begin, open the door to be The Magnetic Clip Remover Web:
worked on and lower the window. makes it possible to remove and Tech-Train Productions
Gently insert the wooden window service or replace the door locks on 800-356-0136, (850) 476-7197
wedge into the door, making enough many of today’s vehicles, without the Fax: (850) 476-7410
room to access the door lock clip with need for interior door panel and trim E-mail:
the chosen Clip Removal Rod. removal. Although quite simple in [email protected]
In corrosive environments, spray a concept and design, this one tool can Web:
small amount of lubricant on the back save not only a great deal of time and Circle number 331 on Rapid Reply.
of the lock and lock retaining clip.
Letting is soak for a minute or so will
assure that the clip will come off
easier. IN SUMMARY:
To protect the vehicle’s surface DESCRIPTION: The Magnetic Clip Remover is designed to remove
from scratches, wrap a clean shop rag retaining clips without removing the door panel.
around the magnet. Despite its rather PRICE: $85.00
small size, this magnet is extremely
COMMENTS: This tool saves a great deal of time and aggravation,
and eliminates the risk of damaging interior door panel and trim
Gently place the magnet in rag on components.
the outside door panel near the lock
TEST DRIVE RESULTS: The Magnetic Clip Remover is definitely
one to add to the toolbox.
136 • The National Locksmith

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