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Quarter: 2 Week: 4 Day: 1 and 2 Activity No. 6 and 7

Competency: Installation of Operating System (TLE_IACSS9- 12ICCS-IIa-j-30)
The learners shall be able accurately measure and calculate based on a
Objective: given task.

Topic: Obtain accurate measurement for the job

Reference CG, Alternative Delivery Mode @ r10
Copyright: For classroom use only
Obtain accurate measurements for job

Within a computer, information is represented and stored in a digital binary format.

The term bit is an abbreviation of binary digit and represents the smallest piece of data. Humans
interpret words and pictures; computers interpret only patterns of bits. A bit can have only two
possible values, a one digit (1) or a zero digit (0). A bit can be used to represent the state of
something that has two states. For example, a light switch can be either On or Off; in binary
representation, these states would correspond to 1 and 0, respectively. Computers use binary codes
to represent and interpret letters, numbers and special characters with bits. A commonly used code
is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). With ASCII, each character is
represented by a string of bits. For example: Capital letter: A = 01000001 Number: 9 = 00001001
Special character: # = 00100011 each group of eight bits, such as the representations of letters and
numbers, is known as a byte. Codes can be used to represent almost any type of information
digitally: computer data, graphics, photos, voice, video, and music.

A 01000001 a 01100001 1 00000001

B 01000010 b 01100010 2 00000010
C 01000011 c 01100011 3 00000011
D 01000100 d 01100100 4 00000100
E 01000101 e 01100101 5 00000101
F 01000110 f 01100110 6 00000110
G 01000111 g 01100111 7 00000111
H 01001000 h 01101000 8 00001000
I 01001001 i 01101001 9 00001001
J 01001010 j 01101010 10 00001010
K 01001011 k 01101011 11 00001011
L 01001100 l 01101100 12 00001100
M 01001101 m 01101101 13 00001101
N 01001110 n 01101110 14 00001110
O 01001111 o 01101111 15 00001111
P 01010000 p 01110000 00100000
Q 01010001 q 01110001 & 00100110
R 01010010 r 01110010 $ 00100110
S 01010011 s 01110011 % 00100101
T 01010100 t 01110100 ! 00100001
U 01010101 u 01110101 # 00100011
V 01010110 v 01110110 * 00101010
W 01010111 w 01110111
X 01011000 x 01111000 Etc……
Y 01011001 y 01111001
Z 01011010 z 01111010

While a bit is the smallest representation of data, the most basic unit of digital storage is the
byte. A byte is 8 bits and is the smallest unit of measure (UOM) used to represent data storage
capacity. When referring to storage space, we use the terms bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes
(MB), gigabytes (GB), and terabytes (TB).

One kilobyte is a little more than one thousand bytes, specifically 1,024. A megabyte
represents more than a million bytes or 1,048,576. A gigabyte is 1,073,741,824 bytes. A terabyte is
1,099,511,627,776. The exact number is gained by taking 2^n power.

Quantities of bytes
1 bit (binary digit*) = the value of 0 or 1
8 bits = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte
1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte
1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte
1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte
1024 terabytes = 1 petabyte

Obtain accurate measurements for job

Decode the special message for you.

01000010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110100
01101111 00100000 01100100 01110010 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001
01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01001111 01110110 01100001 01101100 01110100
01101001 01101110 01100101 00101110


1. How many kilobytes are there in 2 gigabytes?


2. How many gigabytes are there in 1 terabyte?


3. Write this word in Binary digits.


Quarter: 2 Week: 4 Day: 3 and 4 Activity No. 8 and 9

Competency: Installation of Operating System (TLE_IACSS9- 12ICCS-IIa-j-30)
The learners shall be able accurately measure and calculate based on a
Objective: given task.
Topic: Obtain accurate measurement for the job
Reference CG, Alternative Delivery Mode @ r10
Copyright: For classroom use only

Perform Calculations Needed to Complete Task using the Four Mathematical Fundamental
Operations: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (x), Division (%)
Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes…...
What are they?
These terms are usually used in the world of computing to describe disk space, or
data storage space, and system memory.
Bit is the smallest unit of data that a computer uses. It can be used to represent two
states of information such as Yes or No.
A Byte is equal to 8 bits. A byte can represent 256 states of information, for
example, numbers and letters. I byte could be equal to a word. 100 bytes could equal
an average sentence.
A kilobyte is 1024 bytes. I kilobyte would be equal to this paragraph you are reading
whereas 100 kilobytes would be equal to an entire page.
A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes. In the early days of computing, a megabyte was
considered to be a large amount of data. These days with a 500 GB hard drive on
computer being common, a megabyte doesn’t seem like much anymore.
A gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. A gigabyte is still a very common term used these
days when referring to disk space or drive storage. 1GB could hold the contents of
about 10 yards of books on a shelf. 100 gigabytes could hold the entire library floor of
academic journals.
A terabyte is approximately one trillion bytes, or 1024 GB. A terabyte can hold 1000
copies of Encyclopedia Britannica. It could also hold about 300 hours of good quality
A petabyte is 1024 terabytes or about 1 million GB. A petabyte can hold
approximately 20 million 4-door filing cabinets full of text.
An Exabyte is 1024 petabyte. Another way of looking at it is that an Exabyte is
approximately 1 Billion GB
A zettabyte is approximately 1024 Exabyte
Approximately 1024 Zettabytes
Approximately 1024 Yottabytes
Approximately 1024 Brontobytes

1 bit (binary digit)
8 bits 1 byte
1024 bytes 1 kilobyte
1024 kilobytes 1 megabyte
1024 mb 1 gigabyte
1024 gb 1 terabyte
1024 terabyte 1 petabyte
1024 petabytes 1 exabyte
1024 exabyte 1 zettabytes
1024 zettabytes 1 yottabyte
1024 yottabytes 1 brontobyte
1024 brontobytes 1 geopbyte

Perform Calculations Needed to Complete Task using the Four Mathematical Fundamental
Operations: Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (x), Division (%)

1. You have 3 files with different sizes and you want to move them in your flash drive. Your
2GB flashdrive has no more available storage space. How much space do the 3 files need?

16 Mb 3 Mb 145 Kb = ________________ Mb
2. Your teacher ask you to create a copy of your document. if you will create 2 copies in the
same drive, how much total space will it need?

156 Mb
answer: _________Mb
3. You have a 500Gb hard disk in your computer. You are ask to create 2 partitions with the
same disk space. How much space does each partition have in Kb? ____________Kb


➢ 1 Terabyte + 500 Gigabytes = ______Megabytes

➢ 500 Gigabytes – 550 Megabytes= ________ Megabytes
➢ 5 Gigabytes X 2 = _____Gigabytes
➢ 2 Petabytes=_______Terabytes
➢ 5 Zettabytes=________Exabytes
➢ 500 Gigabyte/2 =_______Kilobytes
➢ 48 bytes=______Bits
➢ 448 bits=_____bytes
➢ 256 bytes X 5=_____Kilobytes
➢ 5, 120 kilobytes=______Megabytes

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