స్పోకెన్ ఇంగ్లీష్ కోర్స్1 Spoken English Course1

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™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π HÀ~üû

(Level - 1)

Ü«∞„~å ã¨`«º<å~åÜ«∞}
=∞Ǩ`å‡QÍOnè W<£ã≤ì@∂º\ò PѶπ WOw¡+π
HõOHõ@áêÖˇO – 522 317.

_À~ü.<≥O. 28–3–49, ã¨Or=Ü«∞º HÍÅh, J~°O_»ÖÑ¿ò @,

q[Ü«∞"å_»–520 002. á¶È<£ : 0866 – 2434320
Sree Madhulatha
(Level - 1)

Mahatma Gandhi Institute of English
Kankatapalem - 522 317.

© Publishers

Latest Edition :
MAY - 2015

Price Rs. 60/-

Cover Design :
Madhulatha Graphics, Vijayawada-2

Printed at :
Vijayasanthi Offset Printers

Publishers :
28-3-49, Sanjeevaiah Colony,
Ph : (Shop) (0866) 436936
„ Ѩ O¨ K« ÉèÏ+¨ÅÖ’ POQÆÉ ¡ Ïè +¨ ™ê÷#O L`«¯$+ì̈"∞≥ Oÿ k. Ñ
„ ã ¨ ∞¨ `Î « q^•º
q^è•#OÖ’ WOw¡+π ÉèÏ+¨‰Ωõ ZO`À á„ ê=ÚYº`« =Ù#flk HÍ|\˜ì JO^ŒiH©
WOw¡+π <Õ~∞° ÛHÀ=_»O `«Ñʨ xã¨i J~ÚOk.
WOw¡+π ÉèÏ+¨#∞ <Õ~∞° Û‰Ωõ #flO`« =∂„`å# H˘O`«=∞Ok =∂\Ï¡_Ö» ~Ë ∞° .
HÍ|\˜ì WOw¡+# π ∞ ã¨∞Å∞=ÙQÍ =∂\Ï¡__ » ®xH˜ J#∞=ÙQÍ Z<Àfl ã¨∞Å∞=Ù
q^è•<åÅ`À =∂ '™ÈÊHÔ <£ WOw¡+π HÀ~ü—û #∞ ~°∂á⁄OkOKå=Ú.
D HÀ~ü# û ∞ g∞~°∞ JÉèºí ã≤OK«_®xH˜ gÅ∞QÍ... 5 Öˇ"Ö≥ Qûò Í qÉèl í OK«_O»
[iyOk. ѨÙã¨HÎ ÍÅ∞ #eyáȉõΩO_® Z‰õΩ¯=HÍÅO =ÙO_» \ÏxH˜ J#∞=ÙQÍ
=∞Oz Ñ ¿ Ѩ~∞° , =∞O^Œ"∞≥ #
ÿ Hõ=~ü`À ~°∂á⁄OkOK«_O» [iyOk.
D Öˇ"Ö≥ ò – 1 Ö’... WOw¡+π <Õ~∞° ÛHÀ=_®xH˜, =∂\Ï¡_\ » ÏxH˜ H˘xfl
á„ ê^äq
Œ ∞Hõ q+¨Ü∂ « Å#∞ W=fi_»O [iyOk. D Öˇ=Öò – 1 g∞‰õΩ WOw¡+π
=∂\Ï¡_\ » ÏxH˜ ѨÙ<åk =O\˜k. HÍ|\˜ì KåÖÏ â„ ^ ◊ QúŒ Í ™ê^è#Œ KÕÜ∂ « eû
g∞Ö’... ã¨~Ô #· UHÍ„Q`Æ ,« Ѩ@∞ì^ÅŒ =ÙO>Ë D HÀ~üû ^•fi~å g∞~°∞ #∂\˜H˜
#∂~°∞ áêà◊¥§ WOw¡+π ÉÏQÍ <Õ~∞° ÛHÀQÆÅ~°∞, =∂\Ï¡_Q» ÅÆ ~°∞.
XHõ Öˇ"Ö≥ ò ÉÏQÍ ™ê^è# Œ KÕã.≤ .. J~°O÷ KÕã∞¨ ‰õΩx... ÉÏQÍ QÆ∞~°∞OÎ K«∞‰õΩx
~Ô O_À Öˇ"Ö≥ Öò ’H˜ ~å"åe. HõOQÍ~°∞ J=ã¨~O° ÖË^∞Œ . x^•#OQÍ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ
– Ѩa¡+¨~ü
=.<≥O. q+¨Ü«∞=Ú ¿Ñr.<≥O.
1. Table of English Alphabet 5
2. LKåÛ~ù }
° #∞ |\˜ì WOw¡+π Ѩ^=
Œ ÚÅ∞ 6
3. Capital Letters "å_»∞@ 10
4. ÉèÏëêÉèÏQÍÅ∞ (Parts of Speech) 11
5. The Verbs („HÜ
˜ ∂
« Ѩ^=
Œ ÚÅ∞) 16
6. H„ Ü
˜ ∂
« qâı+}
¨ =ÚÅ∞ (Adverbs) 66
7. Prepositions (qÉèHí $Îõ ~°÷ Ѩ^=
Œ ÚÅ∞) 84
8. Contractions (ã¨OH˜Ñ
Δ Î¨ ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞) 93
9. Ñ
„ ⨠ßfl"åHõº=ÚÅ x~å‡}=Ú 95
10. Negitive Orders 158
11. Exclamatory Sentences 163
Print Letters Script Letters
=.<≥O. LKåÛ~°} Capital Letters Small Letters Capital Letters Small Letters

1. Z A a A a
2. a B b B b
3. ã≤ C c C c
4. _ç D d D d
5. W E e E e
6. ZѶπ F f F f
7. l G g G g
8. ÃÇÏKü H h H h
9. S I i I i
10. *ˇ J j J j
11. HÔ K k K k
12. ZÖò L l L l
13. Z"£∞ M m M m
14. Z<£ N n N n
15. X O o O o
16. Ñ≤ P p P p
17. ‰õĺ Q q Q q
18. P~ü R r R r
19. Zãπ S s S s
20. \˜ T t T t
21. Ü«Ú U u U u
22. q V v V v
23. _»|∂¡ º W w W w
24. ZH±û X x X x
25. "≥· Y y Y y
26. [_£ Z z Z z
5 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
LKåÛ~ù }° #∞ |\ì̃ WOw¡+π Ѩ^•Å#∞ „"åÜ«Ú@
LKåÛ~ù }° #∞ |\˜ì WOw¡+π Ѩ^•Å#∞ "„ åÜ«Ú@‰õΩ H˘O`« ã¨=∂Kå~°=Ú W=fi|_ç#k. ѨÓiÎQÍ HÍHõáÈ~Ú<å H˘O`«=~°‰Ωõ D Ѩ^uúŒ # POQÆ¡ Ѩ^•Å#∞ K«H¯õ QÍ "„ åÜ«∞=K«∞#Û ∞.
ǨÏÅ∞¡ J,P W D L T |∞∞ |∞∂ Z U S X,F B JO Jó

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1

- a e,i ee u oo ru roo a,e a i,ai o ow um,am ah
H± Hõ,HÍ H˜ H© ‰õΩ ‰õÄ Hõ$ Hõ$Ï HÔ Hˆ HÔ · H˘,HÀ H“ HõO Hõó
k ka ki kee ku koo kru kroo ke ka kai ko kow kam kah
Mò Y,MÏ d v Y∞ Y∂ Y$ Y$Ï Mˇ MË Mˇ· MÁ,M’ M∫ YO Yó
kh kha khi khee khu khoo khru khroo khe kha kai kho khow kham khah
Q∑ QÆ,QÍ y w QÆ∞ QÆ∂ QÆ$ QÆ$Ï ÔQ ˆQ ÔQ· Q˘,QÀ Q“ QÆO QÆó
g ga gi gee gu goo gru groo ge ga gai go gow gam gah
Ѷπ∞ Ѷ¨∞,Ѷ¨∂ Ѷ≤∞ Ѷ‘∞ Ѷ¨Ú Ѷ¨¸ Ѷ¨∞$ Ѷ¨∞$Ï ÃѶ∞ ¿Ñ¶∞ ÃѶ∞ÿ Ѷ∞¨ Á,Ѷ∞¨ ’ Ѷ¨∞ø Ѷ∞¨ O Ѷ∞¨ ó
gh gha ghi ghee ghu ghoo ghru ghroo ghe gha gai gho ghow gham ghah
Kü,Kèü K«,Kå z p K«∞ K«∂ K«$ K«$Ï K≥ KÕ K≥· K˘,KÀ KÒ K«O K«ó
ch cha chi chee chu choo chru chroo che cha chai cho chow cham chah
*ò [,*Ï l r A E [$ [$Ï *ˇ *Ë *ˇ· *Á,*’ *∫ [O [ó
j ja ji jee ju joo jru jroo je ja jai jo jow jam jah
~ü≠ ~°≠,~°≠Ï i≠ s≠ ~°≠∞ ~°≠∂ ~°≠$ ~°≠$Ï ~Ô ≠ ~ˆ ≠ ~Ô ≠ÿ ~Ô ≠∞,Ô~≠Ï ~°≠ø ~°≠O ~°≠ó
jh jha jhi jhee jhu jhoo jhru jhroo jhe jha jai jho jhow jham jhah
\ò @,\Ï \˜ \© @∞ @∂ @$ @$Ï >ˇ >Ë >ˇÿ \Á,\’ \∫ @O @ó
t ta ti tee tu too tru troo te ta tai to tow tam tah
~îü ~î,° ~îå iî sî ~î∞° ~î∂° ~î$° ~î$° Ï ~Ô î ~ˆ î ~Ô ·î ~î˘,~îÀ ~î“ ~îO° ~îó°
th tha thi thee thu thoo thru throo the tha tai tho thow tham thah
_£ _»,_® _ç _ô _»∞ _»∂ _»$ _»$Ï _≥ _Õ _≥· _˘,_À _Ò _»O _»ó
d da di dee du doo dru droo de da dai do dow dam dah
_è£ _è,» _è® _èç _èô _è∞» _è∂» _è$» _è$» Ï _è≥ _èÕ _è·≥ _è˘,_èÀ _èÒ _èO» _èó»

dh dha dhi dhee dhu dhoo dhru dhroo dhe dha dai dho dhow dham dhah
}ü,# },}Ï }˜ }© }∞ }∂ }$ }$Ï }ˇ }Ë }ˇÿ }˘,}À }∫ }O }ó

n na ni nee nu noo nru nroo ne na nai no now nam nah
Ñπ Ѩ,áê Ñ≤ Ñ‘ Ñ¨Ù Ñ¨Ó Ñ¨$ Ѩ$Ï ÃÑ ¿Ñ ÃÑ· á⁄,áÈ áœ Ñ¨O Ѩó
p pa pi pee pu poo pru proo pe pa pai po pow pam pah
Ѷπ Ѷ¨,á¶ê Ѷ≤ Ѷ‘ Ѷ¨Ù Ѷ¨Ó Ѷ¨$ Ѷ¨$Ï ÃѶ ¿Ñ¶ ÃѶ· á¶⁄,á¶È ᶜ ѶO¨ Ѷó¨
ph pha phi phee phu phoo phru phroo phe pha pai pho phow pham phah
Éò |,ÉÏ a c |∞ |∂ |$ |$Ï Éˇ ÉË Éˇ· ÉÁ,É’ É∫ |O |ó
b ba bi bee bu boo bru broo be ba bai bo bow bam bah
Éèò Éèí,ÉèÏ aè cè Éèí∞ Éèí∂ Éèí$ Éèí$Ï Éèˇ ÉèË Éèˇ· ÉèÁ,Éè’ Éè∫ ÉèOí Éèóí
bh bha bhi bhee bhu bhoo bhru bhroo bhe bha bai bho bhow bham bhah
"£∞ =∞,=∂ q∞ g∞ =Ú =¸ =∞$ =∞$Ï "≥∞ "Õ∞ "≥∞ÿ "≥Ú,"≥∂ =∞ø =∞O =∞ó
m ma mi mee mu moo mru mroo me ma mai mo mtow mam mah
Üü∞ Ü«∞,Ü«∂ ~Ú ~¸ Ü«Ú Ü«¸ Ü«∞$ Ü«∞$Ï Ü≥∞ ÜÕ∞ Ü≥∞ÿ Ü≥Ú,Ü≥∂ Ü«∞ø Ü«∞O Ü«∞ó
y ya yi yee yu yoo yru yroo ye ya yai yo yow yam yah
~ü,éü ~°,~å i s ~°∞ ~°∂ ~°$ ~°$Ï ~Ô ~ˆ ~Ô · ~˘,~À ~“ ~°O ~°ó
r ra ri ree ru roo rru rroo re ra rai ro row ram rah
Öò,àò Å,ÖÏ e b Å∞ Å∂ Å$ Å$Ï Öˇ ÖË Öˇ· ÖÁ,Ö’ Ö∫ ÅO Åó
l la ri ree lu loo lru lroo le la lai lo low lam lah
"£ =,"å q g =Ù =Ó =$ =$Ï "≥ "Õ "≥· "˘,"À "Ò =O =ó
v va vi vee vu voo vru vroo ve va vai vo vow vam vah
âò,ãπ â◊,âß t j â◊√ â◊¥ â◊$ â◊$Ï â‹ âı â‹· âÁ,â’ â∫ â◊O â◊ó
s sa si see su soo sru sroo se sa sai so sow sam sah
+π +¨,ëê +≤ +‘ +¨μ +¨Ø +¨$ +¨$Ï Ã+ ¿+ Ã+· ë⁄,ëÈ ëœ +¨O +¨ó
sh sha shi shee shu shoo shru shroo she sha shai sho show sham shah

Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

h ha hi hee hu hoo hru hroo he ha hai ho how ham hah
QÆ=∞xHõÅ∞ :
I. „H˜Ok JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ#∞ QÆ=∞xOK«O_ç.
1. H± – k,c,q 5. ^£,_£ – d 10. Üü∞ – y
Mò – kh,ch ^è£,_è£ – dh 11. ~ü,éü – r
2. Q∑ – g 6. Ñπ – p 12. Öò,àò – l
Ѷ∞π – gh Ñ¶π – ph, f 13. "£ – v, w
3. *ò – j,z 7. Éò – b 14. ãπ,âò – s
~ü≠ – jh Éèò – bh 15. +π – sh
4. \ò – t 8. Kü – ch 16. ÇπÏ – h
~îü,`ü,^ä£ – th 9. "£∞ – m 17. H±û – x
II. X`«∞Î JHõ~ Δ =° ÚÅ∞ : =∂=¸Å∞ JHõ~Δ ° ^èfiŒ xH˜ „"å¿ã JHõ~Δ =° Ú `«~åfi`« 'h'
J#∞ JHõ~Δ =° Ú#∞ J^Œ#OQÍ KÕiÛ`Õ X`«∞Î JHõ~Δ O° U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok. (ba |  bha Éè.í )
III. X`«∞ÅÎ ∞#fl JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ∞ : X`«∞ÖÎ ’ ǨÏÅ∞¡ Wq∞_ç LO@∞Ok.
X`«∞Î JHõ~Δ åxfl q_»Q˘\ì̃ ^•x „ѨHÍ~°O „"åã¨∞HÀ"åe.
1. Å¡  Öò { Å { Öò ´ l + l + a = lla Å¡
2. |fl  Éò { <£ { J ´ b + n + a = bna |fl
3. `«ûfl  `ü { ãπ { <£ { J ´ th + s + n + a = thsna `«ûfl
IV. ~å=Ù Rao, ‰õΩ=∂~ü Kumar, MÏ<£ Khan, Ü«∂^Œ"£ Yadav, ~ Ô _ç¤ Reddy,
Ü«∞º iah, =∞‡ mma =O\˜q HõO~îã° O÷¨ KÕÜ∞« =K«∞Û#∞.
V. xO_»∞ ã¨∞#fl : '=∞— ÖË^• '#—x ã¨∂zOK«∞ ã¨∞#fl`À ‰õÄ_ç =Ù#fl Ѩ^= Œ ÚÅ∞
=zÛ#ѨÙ_»∞ – P ã¨∞#fl ѨÅ∞‰õΩ#ѨÙ_»∞ ÃÑ^Œ=ÙÅ∞ =¸ã¨∞‰õΩáÈ`Õ 'm' x, ÃÑ^Œ=ÙÅ∞
=¸ã¨∞HÀHõáÈ`Õ 'n' x „"åÜ«∞=Öˇ#∞. ("≥O\ò went, i"≥∞O|~ü remember).
JHõΔ~° ^èŒfix – H˘xfl xÜ«∞=∞=ÚÅ∞ :
JHõ~Δ O° ^èfiŒ x =ÚO^Œ∞/`«~åfi`« L^•Ç¨Ï~°}Å∞
C Hõ a,o,u,r cap,cot,cut,crane,fact,luck
㨠e,i,y cent, city, icy
+¨ ea, ia ocean, social
G [ e, y gentle, gymnastics
QÆ a,i,o,u,l,n,r gate, gift, gold, guard, glory,
magnet, great
T K« u nature, future
+¨ ia, io inertia, nation
R - a,o,t,d ward, word, mart, third
S +¨ u sure, assurance
[ i,y rise, wise, ways, laws

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 8

JK«∞ÛÅ∞ : POQÆÉ¡ Ïè +¨#O^Œe ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ `≥Å∞QÆ∞ÉèÏ+¨Ö’x JK«∞ÛÅQÆ∞ J,
P, W, D, T, T, |∞∞, |∞∂, Z, U, S, X, F, B Å ^èfiŒ x<Õ Hõey Ü«ÚO_»∞#∞.
POQÆÉ¡ Ïè +¨#O^Œ∞ A, E, I, O, U J#∞ 5 JK«∞ÛÅ∞ QÆÅ=Ù.
A : J admit, local; P water, father; Z about; U pale, ache
E : J finger; W she; D evil, ante; Z leg, ever
I : J bird; W sit, pin; D idot; S time
O : J son; P on, mob; L foot; T tool; X no; F local
U : J but, cut; L put, full; T ruby, rule, june
H˘xfl JK«∞Û ^èŒfi#∞Å∞ – „ѨÜ≥∂QÆ=Ú :
I. (1) ae ZÜü∞ : Aegis (2) ai : Z(Üü∞) : aid (3) au Jñ : author (4)
aw Jñ : law (5) ay Z : say.
II. (1) ea D, Z, U, D, Ü«∞ : ease, earth, great, ear (2) eau Ü«¸ :
beauty (3) ee D : teeth (4) ei ZÜü∞ : eight (5) eo J, D, Z, Z, P
:surgeon, people, leopard, geography (6) eu WÜ«∞, Ü«∂ : grandeur,
eunuch (7) ew Ü«¸ : few (8) ey U : they .
III. (1) ia JÜ«∞, WÜ«∞ : liar, Asia (2) ie D, Z, JÜü∞ : field, friend,
pier (3) ieu Ü«¸ : adieu (4) iew Ü«¸ : view (5) ii JÜü∞ : genii (6) io
WÜ≥∂: radio (7) iou PÜ«∞ : pious (8) iu Ü«∞ : radium.
IV. (1) oa F(Ü≥∂) : road (2) oe J, T, F : does, shoe, foe (3) oi
PÜü∞ : oi (4) oo J, L, T, F : blood, book, fool, door (5) ou PL, X"£,
T, X, F, B : foul, hour, group, though, flour, mouse (6) ow X, B :
slow, down (7) oy PÜü∞ : toy (y W, S : very, fry).
V. (1) ua P, L, S, Z : guard, quake, square (2) Ue T, Z, S :
glue, guest, quest (3) Ui W, T, S, L, ~Ú : build, fruit, guide, juice.
Exercise : D „H˜Ok =∂@Å#∞ WOw¡+Ö π ’xH˜ =∂iÛ „"åÜ«∞O_ç.
Eg : Öˇ„· |i : Öˇ· Li „| bra i ry Library (Öˇ„· |i)
1. ã‘_û£ 6. Ѷx≤ +π 11. H˜OQ∑ 16. "≥∞iûѶ٨ Öò
2. ɡQ~æÆ ü 7. _Õq_£ 12. H©fi<£ 17. „_®~ÚOQ∑
3. =∂~üÛ 8. |∂ãπì 13. H˜Å~¡ ü 18. HÍ"≥∞Öò
4. cѶπ 9. HÔ O· _£ 14. K≥e· +¤ π 19. „ÃÑ™¶ ê¯
5. "≥_O¤ç Q∑ 10. ¢ã¯‘ <£ 15. |∂º\˜ÑÙ¨ Öò 20. „Ѷl≤ OQ∑
9 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
QÆ=∞xHõ : The D =∂@#∞ JK«∞Û ^èfiŒ x (Vowel Sound) =ÚO^Œ∞ ''k—— Jx,
ǨÏÅ∞¡ ^èfiŒ x Consounant sound) =ÚO^Œ∞ '^Œ— Jx K«^"Œ åe.
L^• : The auto (k P\’) The King (^Œ H˜OQ∑)
The earth (k Z~ü)Î The People (k Ñ‘ÑÙ¨ Öò)
Capital Letters (ÃÑ^ŒÌ JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ∞) LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«∞ ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° =ù ÚÅ∞ :
1. First Letter : "åHõºOÖ’x "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜ Ѩ^=Œ Ú#O^Œ∞#fl `˘e JHõ~Δ =° Ú.
Eg : Never answer a letter while you are angry.
2. First Letter : Ѩ^ºŒ =ÚÖ’x „Ѩu Öˇ#· ∞#O^Œe `˘e JHõ~Δ =° Ú.
Eg : Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time
3. First Letter : Quotations Ö’x "åHõº=Ú #O^Œ∞#fl `˘e JHõ~Δ =° Ú.
Eg : He told me, "Don't get off the train in motion"
"Your infrormation," I replied "is out of date"
4. I J#∞ Pronoun (ã¨~fi° <å=∞O) O J#∞ Interjection Pâ◊Û~åº~°H
÷ Oõ .
Eg : I say that I have lost my pen. O ! She is dead.
5. God (ÉèQ
í =Æ O`«∞_»∞) #‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz# Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞.
Eg : Every Christian is called of God to serve Him.
6. ‰õΩkOK«|_ç# Ѩ^=Œ ÚʼnõΩ Capital Letters x LѨÜ∂≥ yOKåe.
Eg : U.S.A. (United States of America), B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)
7. Title #O^Œ∞ `˘e JHõ~
Δ =° Ú#‰õΩ ‰õÄ_® Capital Letters <Õ LѨÜ∂≥ yOKåe.
Eg : Lord Clive, Victoria Cross, Bharata Ratna
8. Proper noun #O^Œe `˘e JHõ~Δ =° Ú Capital Letter Ö’ LO@∞Ok.
Eg : Vinod, October, Italy, Italian (Adjective)
Lutherans, Senate, Parliament (Lower House of Congress)
Ohio River, Rocky Mountains, Gulf of Cambay, Nobel Prize,
Second World War, South Pole, Lakes George and Superior
(George and Superior lakes)

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 10

„"åÜ«∞|_ç# ÖË^• =Ú„kOK«|_ç# Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅKÕ xi‡OѨ|_»
`å~Ú. L^•Ç¨Ï~°}‰õΩ Pen J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú p, e, n J#∞ =¸_»∞ JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ HõÅ~ÚHõ`À
U~°Ê_ç ''HõÅ=Ú—— J#∞ J~°=÷ Ú#∞ Wã¨∞#Î flk. Sparrow J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú s, p, a, r, r,
o, w J#∞ 7 JHõ~ Δ =° ÚÅ HõÅ~ÚHõ`À U~°Ê_ç ''Ñ≤K∞« ÛHõ—— J#∞ J~°=÷ Ú#∞ Wã¨∞#Î flk.
HÍ|\ì̃ ~Ô O_»∞ JO`«H<õ åfl Z‰õΩ¯= JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ HõÅ~ÚHõ =Å# ''Ѩ^=Œ Ú (Word)"
U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok. a, I J#∞ ~Ô O_»∞ JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ∞ q_çQÍ =Ù#fl#∂ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ=ÖË J~å÷xfl
W=fiQÆeæ#O^Œ∞# (a = XHõ, I <Õ#∞) D Ô~O\˜x ''UHÍHõΔ~° Ѩ^Œ=ÚÅ∞—— Jx
POQÆÉ¡ Ïè +¨#O^Œ∞ +¨μ=∂~°∞ 4,90,000 Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ QÆÅ=Ù. WqQÍHõ =∞~À
3,00,000 ™êOˆHuHõ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ QÆÅ=Ù. Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ – "åHõºOÖ’ Jq x~°fiiÎOK«∞
q^è∞Œ Å#∞|\˜ì 'Zxq∞k— ÉèÏQÆ=ÚÅ∞QÍ qÉèlí OKå~°∞. g\˜H˜ 'Parts of Speech'
(ÉèÏëê Ѩ^Œ ÉèÏQÆ=ÚÅ∞) ÖË^• P^è∞Œ xHõ ѨiÉèÏ+¨Ö’ 'Word Classes (Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ
=~°=æ ÚÅ∞) Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
1. Noun (<Ò<£) <å=∞"åK«H=õ Ú.
2. Pro-noun („á⁄<Ò<£) ã¨~fi° <å=∞=Ú.
3. Ad-jective (Z_≥H˚ "ì̃ )£ qâı+}¨ =Ú.
4. Verb ("≥~ƒü ) „H˜Ü∞« .
5. Ad-verb (Ü«∂_£ "≥~ƒü ) „H˜Ü∂« qâı+} ¨ =Ú.
6. Pre-po-si-tion („Ñ≤áÈl+¨<)£ qÉèHí ~Îõ º÷° Ѩ^=Œ Ú.
7. Con-junc-tion (Hõ<[£ OHõ<Δ )£ ã¨=ÚK«ÛÜ ù ∞« =Ú.
8. In-ter-jec-tion (WO@~ü[OHõ<Δ )£ ÉèÏ"À„^ÕHõ „ѨH@ õ <å~°H÷ =õ Ú.
ÉèÏëêÉèÏQÆ=ÚÅ∞ – q=~°}
1. NOUN (<å=∞"åK«H=õ Ú ÖË^• qâı+º¨ =Ú) :
Abdul, Boy, Child, Daughter, Electrician, Father, Gaurdian, Hero.
Wq "ÕxH˜ ã¨O|OkèOz# ¿Ñ~°∞¡ ? =∞#∞+¨μºÅ‰õΩ ã¨O|OkèOz#q.
Ant, Bat, Cat, Dog, Elephant, Fox Wq "Õx ¿Ñ~°∞¡ ? [O`«∞=ÙÅ ¿Ñ~°∞.¡
Asia, Burma, Cairo, Darsi, Eluru, Fort area, Gandhi Chowk.
Wq "Õx ¿Ñ~°∞¡ ? „Ѩ^âÕ =◊ ÚÅ ÖË^• ã¨Å÷ =ÚÅ ¿Ñ~°∞.¡
Axe, Bell, Computer, Desk, Eraser, Fan, Grinder, Hanger, Ironbox
Wq "Õx ¿Ñ~°∞¡ ? =ã¨∞=Î ÙÅ ÖË^• ѨiHõ~=° ÚÅ ¿Ñ~°∞.¡
11 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Anger, Beauty, Cruelty, Honesty, Joy, Love, Poverty, Salvation
Wq "Õx ¿Ñ~°∞¡ ? QÆ∞}=ÚÅ ¿Ñ~°∞.¡
™ê^è•~°}OQÍ Jxfl ~°HÍÅ ¿Ñ~°#¡ ∞ Nouns QÍ Ñ¨iQÆ}™˜ êÎ~∞° . HÍ|\ì̃ ÃÑ·
=xflÜ«¸ Nouns J=Ù`åÜ«∞x K≥Ñʨ =K«∞Û#∞.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : r=ÙÅ, ã¨Å÷ =ÚÅ ÖË^• =ã¨∞=Î ÙÅ ¿Ñ~°#¡ ∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙ#kÜÕ∞
Definition : A noun is the name of any person, place or thing.
2. PRONOUN (ã¨~fi° <å=∞=Ú) :
John is just sixteen years old. John has no brothers or sisters.
John's birthday is on June 4th. John father is a farmer. John helps John's
father in John's spare time.
ÉèÏ+¨#∞ Dq^èŒOQÍ „"åã≤##∂, =∂\Ï¡_ç##∂ KåÖÏ Jã¨Ç¨Ï[OQÍ
LO@∞Ok. Hõ#∞Hõ nxx ã¨~Ô #· suÖ’ =∞~˘Hõ ~°HOõ QÍ „"åÜ«∂e.
John is just sixteen year old. He has no brothers or sisters. His
birthday is on June 4th. His father is a farmer. He helps his father in his
spare time.
ÃÑ· Paragraph#O^Œe He, His
J#∞ =∂@Å∞ Z=xH˜ |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ
LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«|_ç#q ? John
J#∞ =ºH˜HÎ ˜ |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ.
JohnJ#∞ ¿Ñ~°∞ U ÉèÏëêÉèÏQÆ=Ú#‰õΩ K≥O^Œ∞`«∞Ok ? Noun.
NounsH˜ |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ "å_»|_»∞ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ 'Pronouns'
Definition : A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
3. ADJECTIVE (qâı+}
¨ =Ú) :
(1) Mary is a girl. (2) Mary is a clever girl.
(`≥e"≥#· ÉÏeHõ)
ÃÑ· ~Ô O_»∞ "åHõº=ÚÅ#∞ QÆ=∞xOz#, ~Ô O_»= "åHõº=ÚÖ’ cleverJ#∞
Ѩ^=Œ Ú J^Œ#=ÚQÍ KÕ~Û° |_ç#k. D Ѩ^=Œ Ú J^Œ#=ÚQÍ ZO^Œ∞‰õΩ KÕ~Û° |_ç#k?
ÉÏeHõ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ 'QÆ∞}=Ú—#∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙ@‰õΩ.
(1) Lucy is an innocent girl. What kind of ? innocent girl.
(2) Nancy has a green saree. What colour ? green saree.
(3) Rosy has three sisters. How many sisters ? three sisters.
(4) I want that book. Which one ? that book.
ÃÑ· "åHõº=ÚÅO^Œ∞ innocent, green, three, thatJ#∞ =∂@Å∞ "Õx
=ÚO^Œ∞<åfl~Ú ? Jq U qkèx x~°fiiÎã∞¨ <Î åfl~Ú ?
girl, saree, sisters, book J#∞ nouns =ÚO^Œ∞O_ç, "å\˜ QÆ∞}=Ú
(quality) innocent #∞, ~°OQÆ∞ (colour) green #∞, ã¨OYº (number) three #∞,
U^≥#· n (Which one) that #∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙK«∞#flq.
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 12
D H„ O˜ k "åxx ‰õÄ_® xt`«=ÚQÍ Ñ¨ije^•Ì=Ú
a dog white dogs six white dogs
dog J#∞ =∂@ Jxfl ‰õΩHõ¯Å‰õΩ =iÎOK«∞#∞. White dogs Jx# ‰õΩHõ¯ÅÖ’
`≥ÅQ¡ Í =Ù#fl"å\˜ =~°̂H =iÎOK«∞#∞. Six White dogs Jx# `≥Åx¡ ‰õΩHõ¯ÅÖ’
PiO\˜H˜ =∂„`«"∞Õ =iÎOK«∞#∞. Hõ#∞Hõ White, Six J#∞ qâı+} ¨ =ÚÅ∞ noun
Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Ѩiq∞ux `≥Å∞ѨÙ@‰õΩ "å_»|_ç#q.
Nouns ‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞O_ç "å\˜x =i‚OK«∞ ÖË^• qâı+O ≤ z ÖË^• q=iOz
K≥ÑC¨ Ѩ^=Œ ÚʼnõΩ 'Adjectives' (qâı+} ¨ =Ú) Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : Noun ÖË^• Pronouns Ü≥ÚHõ¯ QÆ∞}=Ú#∞, ~°OQÆ∞#∞, ã¨OYº#∞
`≥Å∞Ѩ٠Ѩ^=Œ Ú#‰õΩ 'adjective' (qâı+}
¨ =Ú) Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
Definition : An adjective is a word used to tell the quality, colour or
number of a noun or a pronoun.
4. VERB („H˜Ü∞« ) : Wk "åHõº=ÚÖ’x „Ѩ^•è #"≥∞#ÿ Ѩ^=Œ Ú.
„H˜Ü∞« J#QÍ<Õq∞ ? Ѩx (action or work)
carry, drink, eat, play, read, walk, write - Wq Uq∞\˜ ? Ѩ#∞Å∞.

D H„ O˜ k "åHõº=ÚÅ#∞ Ѩije^•Ì=Ú
1. I lit the lamp. (<Õ#∞ nѨ=Ú#∞ "≥eyOzux)
2. I Wrote a letter Yesterday. (<Õ#∞ x#fl XHõ L`«~ Î =° Ú#∞ „"åã≤ux)
3. The fan is on the table. (>Ë|∞Å∞ g∞^Œ á¶êº#∞ L#flk)
4. He will be free tomorrow. (J`«_∞» ~ ˆ Ѩ٠MÏmQÍ LO\Ï_»∞)
5. I have a nice watch. (<Õ#∞ XHõ K«H¯õ x "åKüx HõeyÜ«Ú<åfl#∞)
6. She had necklace. (P"≥∞ XHõ <≥H Ô ã¡ #π ∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_≥#∞)
ÃÑ· "åHõº=ÚÖ’x lit, wrote J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ Ѩ#∞Å#∞. is, will be J<Õ
Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ ã≤`÷ ∞« Å#∞. have, had J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞ Hõey Ü«ÚO_»∞@#∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙK∞« #flq.
Hõ#∞Hõ D Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅxflÜ«Ú „H˜Ü∞« ÖË J=Ù`å~Ú.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : Ѩ#∞Å#∞, ã≤`÷ ∞« Å#∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞@#∞ `≥Å∞Ѩ٠Ѩ^=Œ ÚʼnõΩ
„H˜Ü∞« Å∞ (verbs) Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
Det : A verb is a word which expresses doing being or having.

13 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

5. ADVERB („H˜Ü∂
« qâı+}
¨ =Ú) :
„H˜Ü∂« qâı+}
¨ =Ú J#QÍ <Õq∞ ? „H˜Ü∞« #∞ qâı+O≤ z K≥ÑC¨ #k.
Rosy walks slowly. Rosy walks. How ? slowly.
WK«Û@ slowly (x^•#=ÚQÍ) J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú Rosy ZÖÏ #_»∞K«∞K«∞#fl^À
(#_»∞K«∞#fl q^è•#=Ú) K≥ÑC¨ K«∞#flk. J#QÍ walk J#∞ „H˜Ü∞« Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ÉèÏ"åxfl
q=iOz ÖË^• qã¨iÎ Oz K≥ÑC¨ #k. HÍ=Ù# slowly (x^•#OQÍ) J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ
adverb J=Ù`∞« Ok.
I shall bring your book tomorrow. (h ѨÙãÎ̈H=
õ Ú#∞ ~ˆ Ѩ٠`≥™êÎ#∞)
I shall bring your book. When ? tomorrow.
WK«Û@ tomorrow J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú ZѨÙ_»∞ `≥K∞« Û<À (Ѩx [~°∞QÆ∞ ã¨=∞Ü«∞O)
`≥Å∞ѨÙK«∞#flk. J#QÍ shall bring J#∞ „H˜Ü∞« Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ÉèÏ==Ú#∞ qâı+O≤ z
K≥ÑC¨ K«∞#flO^Œ∞# "tomorrow" J<Õ Ñ¨^=Œ Ú adverb („H˜Ü∂« qâı+}¨ =Ú) J=Ù`∞« Ok.
Adverb „H˜Ü∞« Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ÉèÏ"å<ÕflQÍHõ adjective ÖË^• =∞~˘Hõ adverb
Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ÉèÏ"åxfl qâı+O≤ z K≥ÑÙ¨ `«∞Ok.
Sonia is a very good girl. (™ÈxÜ«∂ KåÖÏ =∞Oz ÉÏeHõ)
ÃÑ· "åHõºOÖ’ girl J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú U Parts of Speech ? Noun nxH˜
=ÚO^Œ∞#fl good J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú U Part of Speech ? Adjective. ZO^Œ∞=Å# ?
girl J#∞ noun x =i‚OK«∞K«∞#flO^Œ∞#. very J#∞ Ѩ^= Œ Ú ^Õxx =i‚ã∞¨ #Î flk ?
good J#∞ Adjective x HÍ=Ù# very J#∞ Ѩ^O Œ U Part of Speech J=Ù`«∞Ok ?
Wilson runs very slowly. (qÅû<£ KåÖÏ 'x^•#OQÍ— Ѩ~∞° Q
Ô `«∞KÎ ∞« <åfl_»∞)
ÃÑ· "åHõºOÖ’ slowly J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú ^Õxx =i‚ã∞¨ #Î flk ? runs x runs
J#∞ Ѩ^OŒ U Part of Speech J=Ù`«∞Ok ?adverb. Very J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú ^Õxx
=i‚ã∞¨ #Î flk ?slowly J#∞ adverb x. HÍ|\˜ì very J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú U Parts of
Speech J=Ù`«∞Ok ? adverb.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : XHõ „H˜Ü∞« #∞QÍh, XHõ qâı+}
¨ =Ú#∞ QÍx ÖË^• =∞~˘Hõ
„H˜Ü∂« qâı+}
¨ =Ú#∞QÍx =i‚OK«∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú#∞ '„H˜Ü∂« qâı+}¨ =Ú— JO\Ï~°∞.
Definition : An adverb is a word which is used with a verb, an
adjective or another adverb to add something to its meaning.
Ѩ^Œ=Ú :
The book is on the table. (ѨÙãÎ̈H=
õ Ú >Ë|∞Öò g∞^Œ L#flk)
ÃÑ· "åHõºOÖ’ book, table Å =∞^躌 QÆÅ ã¨O|O^è"Œ ∞Õ q∞ ? table g∞^Œ
book LO_»@O. D ã¨O|O^è•xfl `≥Å∞ѨÙ`«∞#fl Ѩ^Œ"Õ∞q∞ ? on. D Ѩ^•xfl
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 14
"åHõº=Ú#∞O_ç `˘ÅyOz# U=∞=Ù`«∞Ok ?The book is the table (ѨÙãÎ̈Hõ"Õ∞
>Ë|∞Å∞) J#∞ `«ÑC¨ _»∞ ÉèÏ=O U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok. JO^Œ∞=Å# ~Ô O_»∞ Ѩ^•Å =∞^躌
ã¨O|O^èŒ=Ú#∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙ@‰õΩ Preposition x LѨÜ≥∂yOK«=Öˇ#∞. J#QÍ
Preposition ~ Ô O_»∞ Ѩ^•Å#∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ`«∂ =O`≥# (Bridge) =Öˇ ѨxKÕã∞¨ OÎ k.
7. CONJUNCTION (ã¨=ÚK«ÛÜ ù ∞« =Ú) :
~Ô O_»∞QÍx JO`«HOõ >Ë Z‰õΩ¯=QÍh =∂@Å#∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ@‰õΩ LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«∞
Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ Conjuctions JO^Œ∞~°∞.
L^• : and, but, also, as well as, or, so, therefore, neither... nor,
both.... and etc.
Wk Jack, went J#∞ Ѩ^•Å#∞ HõÅ∞ѨQÅÆ ^• ? ÖË^∞Œ . ZO^Œ∞=Å# ?
Wq ~Ô O_»∂ XˆH Parts of Speech H˜ K≥O^Œ=Ù HÍ|\ì̃.
J#QÍ XˆH Parts of Speech H˜ K≥Ok# Ѩ^•Å#∞ =∂„`«"∞Õ Conjunction
(ã¨=ÚK«ÛÜù ∞« =Ú) HõÅ∞ѨÙ`«∞O^Œ#fl=∂@.
Be strong and wise. (Ô~O_»∞ adjectives x HõÅ∞ѨÙ@)
We ran fast but missed the train. (Ô~O_»∞ "åHͺÅ#∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ@)
x~°fiK«#=Ú : XˆH ~°Hõ"≥∞ÿ# Ѩ^Œ=ÚÅ#∞QÍh, "åHõº=ÚÅ#∞QÍh,
"åHõºÉèÏQÆ=ÚÅ#∞QÍx HõÅ∞Ѩ٠Ѩ^=Œ Ú#‰õΩ 'Conjunction' Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
Definition : A Conjunction is a word which joins similar parts of
a sentence.
õ <å~°H÷ =õ Ú) :
Oh ! What a beautiful building it is. (FǨϟ ZO`« JO^Œ"∞≥ # ÿ Éè=í #O!)
ÃÑ· "åHõº=∞O^Œ∞ FǨϟ (oh) J#∞#k XHõ â◊|"Ì ∞Õ QÍx Ѩ^=Œ Ú HÍ^Œ∞.
D â◊|=Ì Ú U ÉèÏ"åxfl `≥Å∞ѨÙ`«∞#flk ? Pâ◊Û~°º=Ú#∞.
"åHõºO #∞O_ç nxfl `˘ÅyOz# J~°O÷ =∂~°∞`«∞O^• ? =∂~°^∞Œ .
Alas ! She is dead. (JÜ≥∂º, P"≥∞ K«xáÈ~Ú#k)
ÃÑ· "åHõº=∞O^Œ∞ Alas (JÜ≥∂º) J#∞ â◊|=Ì Ú U ÉèÏ"åxfl Wã¨∞#Î flk ?
^Œ∞óY=Ú#∞ ÖË^• qKå~°=Ú#∞.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : =∞#ã¨∞ûÖ’ HõÅ∞QÆ∞ PHõã‡≤ Hõ ÖË^• QÆOcè~"° ∞≥ #ÿ ÉèÏ==ÚÅ#∞
`≥Å∞Ѩ٠â◊|=Ì ÚʼnõΩ 'interjection' Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
Definition : An interjection is a sound or a word which expresses
some sudden feeling.
15 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Ô <£ WOw¡+)π
"No blood, no life" "No verb, no sentence"
Introduction (LѨ„Hõ=∞}=Ú) : „H˜Ü∞« J#QÍ Ñ¨x, [iy# ѨxxQÍx,
[~°∞QÆ∞K«∞#fl ѨxxQÍx, [~°∞QÆÉ’=٠Ѩxx QÍx ''„H˜Ü∞« (verb)——QÍ K≥Ñʨ =K«∞Û.
JO`ÕQÍHõ ã≤u÷ (state) x, HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞@ (having or possessing) #∞ `≥Å∞ѨÙ
Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ ‰õÄ_® "Verbs" J<Õ Ñ≤Å∞™êÎ~∞° .
Etymology (Ѩ^„Œ ѨH~
õ}° =Ú) : verb J#∞ POQÆÑ¡ ^¨ =Œ Ú "Verbum" J#∞
Latin word #∞O_ç U~°Ê_ç#k. Verbum J#QÍ "Main word or pivotal word
(=ÚYº"≥∞ÿ# Ѩ^Œ=Ú)—— Jx J~°÷=Ú. Hõ~°Î (Subject or doer) #∞ QÆ∞iOz
K≥ÑC¨ `«∞#flO^Œ∞# Verb x Saying word JxQÍx, Predicating word JxQÍx
Definition : A verb is a word (take) or a phrase (has taken, run
out of) which expresses : doing of an action, being in a state or having
(possessing) something.
x~°fiK«#=Ú : Ѩ#∞Å#∞, ã≤`÷ ∞« Å#∞, HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞@#∞ `≥Å∞Ѩ٠Ѩ^=Œ ÚʼnõΩ
''„H˜Ü∞« Å∞ (Verbs)—— Jx ¿Ñ~°∞.
Examples :
1. John has taken my stapler *Ï<£ <å ¿ãÑì ~¡¨ xü fã¨∞‰õΩ<åfl_»∞)..... Doing
2. The pen is in the box (HõÅ=Ú ÃÑ>ˇÖ ì ’ L#flk)..... being
3. We have a radio ("Õ∞=Ú ~ ˆ _çÜ∂≥ #∞ HõeÜ æ Ú« <åfl=Ú)..... having
Explanation (q=~°}) : „H˜Ü«∞ (Verb) Ö’Ñ≤Oz# "åHõºO r=OÖËx
â◊s~°O =O\˜k. "åHõº x~å‡}OÖ’ Verb x LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«‰Ωõ O_® ÉèÏ==ºH©HÎ ~õ } °
KÕÜ«∞_»O ™ê^茺OHÍ^Œ∞. ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ "åHõºOÖ’x Ѩ^•Å∞ XHõ „Hõ=∞Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’
J=∞i LO\Ï~Ú. "åHõºO ã¨OѨÓ~°‚ ÉèÏ"åxfl HõeyÜ«ÚO@∞Ok. ã¨OѨÓ~°‚ ÉèÏ"åxfl
HõeyÜ«ÚO_»Háõ È`Õ verb =Ù#fl#∂ Jk "åHõºO HÍ<Õ~^° ∞Œ .
I have lost my pen (<Õ # ∞ <å Hõ Å =Ú#∞ áÈQ˘@∞ì ‰ õ Ω <åfl#∞).....
Wk "åHõºO.
I my pen....................... verb ÖË#O^Œ∞# Wk "åHõºO HÍ^Œ∞.

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 16

Pen I my lost have .................. verb =Ù#fl#∂ words XHõ „Hõ=∞OÖ’
ÖË#O^Œ∞# Wk "åHõºO HÍ^Œ∞.
If I have lost my pen ........... verb =ÙO_ô, words ‰õÄ_® XHõ „Hõ=∞OÖ’
J=∞iÜ«Ú#fl#∂ Jã¨OѨÓ~°‚ ÉèÏ"åxfl HõeÜ æ Ú« #flO^Œ∞# Wk "åHõºOHÍ^Œ∞.
Functions of the verb („H˜Ü«∞ – q^èŒ∞Å∞) : ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ „H˜Ü«∞
<åÅ∞QÆ∞ Ѩ#∞Å∞ KÕã∞¨ OÎ k. Jq.
1. Hõ~ΰ KÕÜÚ « Ѩx (action done by the subject) : Hõ~ΰ Uq∞KÕÜÚ« <À `≥Å∞Ê#∞.
Eg : She often writes letters. (P"≥∞ `«~K ° ∞« QÍ L`«~Î åÅ∞ „"åã¨∞OÎ k).
She went there a long time ago (KåÖÏHÍÅO „H˜`O « P"≥∞ "≥o§Ok.)
2. Hõ~‰ ΰ Ωõ KÕãÃ≤ Ñ>Ëì Ѩ#∞Å∞ (action done to the subject) : Hõ~‰Î° Ωõ Uq∞
[iy#k `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
Eg : The tiger was shot by the hunter ("Õ@QÍxKÕ Ñ¨ÙeHÍÅÛ|_≥#∞)
The letter was written by me (<åKÕ L`«~ Î O° „"åÜ«∞|_≥#∞)
3. Hõ~Ü Î° Ú≥ Hõ¯ ã≤u÷ x `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
Eg : The book is on the desk (ѨÙãÎ̈H= õ Ú _»ã¯π ÃÑ· Ü«Ú#flk)
Milk is white (áêÅ∞ `≥ÅQ ¡ Í LO_»∞#∞)
4. Hõ~ΰ Uq∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞<À `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
Eg : She has a necklace (P"≥∞ XHõ <≥H Ô ã¡ #π ∞ HõeyÜ«Ú#flk)
We have a nice car ("Õ∞=Ú XHõ K«H¯õ x HÍ~°∞#∞ HõeÜ æ Ú« <åflO)
KINDS OF VERBS („H˜Ü∞« – ~°H= õ ÚÅ∞)
„H˜Ü∞« Å∞ „Ѩ^•è #OQÍ 2 ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞. Jq : 1. Main or principal verbs
(„Ѩ^•è # „H˜Ü∞« Å∞) 2. Auxiliary or helping verbs (ã¨Ç¨ Ü«∞Hõ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞).
1. Main or principal verbs („Ѩ^•è # „H˜Ü∞« Å∞) : Wq H©ÅHõ"∞≥ # ÿ ÖË^•
„Ѩ^•è #"≥∞#ÿ J~°=÷ Ú#∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_Õ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞.
Eg : I go there. <Õ#∞ JHõ¯_»‰Ωõ "≥àÏÎ#∞.
I have cut my finger <å "ÕÅ∞ `≥yOk.
I am writing a letter <Õ#∞ L`«~ Î O° „"åã¨∞<Î åfl#∞.
Forms of the Main verb („Ѩ^•è # „H˜Ü∞« – ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞) : „Ѩ^•è #
„H˜Ü∞« ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ kQÆ∞= ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ#∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO@∞Ok. Jq.
17 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
No Symbol Form(~°∂Ѩ=Ú) Regular verb Irregular Verb
(4 part verb) (3 part verb) (5 part vrb)
1. V o
base Kick put go
2. Vs present indefinite Kicks puts goes
3. Ved
past Indefinite Kicked Put went
4. Ven past participle Kicked Put gone
5. Ving present participle Kicking Putting going
6. Vto Infinitive to Kick to put to go
1. Base form (Vo) : nx<Õ "bare infinitive" JxQÍx "the stem" JxQÍx
"present infinitive" JxQÍx "plural present indefinite" JxQÍx Ñ≤Å∞==K«∞Û#∞.
=¸Å ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ ZÖÏO\˜ =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞QÍh, Prefix ÖË^• Suffix =O\˜ KÕ~∞° ÊÅ∞QÍx
=ÙO_»Háõ È=_»O =Å# Verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ base ~°∂áêxfl ã¨OHˆ `«~∂° ѨOÖ’ "V " QÍ o

LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«∞ ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° =ù ÚÅ∞ :
A. Finite form (ã¨=∂ѨHõ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú) =ÖË
(i) nxx present Indefinite Ö’ (a) I and II and personal
st nd

pronouns `À#∞ (b) III personÖ’x they J#∞ plural pronoun`À#∞ (c) Jxfl

plural nouns `À#∞ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞.

Eg : I / We / you / they / the man and his sons eat a mango.
(ii) Imperative QÍ : Eg : send him out (J`«xx |Ü«∞@‰õΩ Ñ¨OѨÙ)
(iii) present subjunctive QÍ
Eg : He ordered that I meet him in the evening.
May God bless you !
B. Non-finite form =ÖË
(i) bare infinitive QÍ Eg : He may call tonight
(ii) to infinitive QÍ Eg : we want her to call
2. The "s" form (Vs) : () "Present Indefinite IIIrd person singular
verb form" QÍ Ñ≤Å∞= =K«∞Û#∞.
LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«∞ ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° =ù Ú : Finite form QÍ "Present Indefinite tense"
Ö’ "IIIrd person, singular" subject `À LѨÜ∂≥ y™êÎ~∞° .
Eg : He / she / it / Mary eats a mango

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 18

How to get an "s" form of the verb ? : base ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ
"s" "s form of the verb"
x U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok.
Es : base ~°∂Ѩ=Ú "O, (s) s, x, (z) z, ch, sh" =O\˜ JHõ~
Δ =° ÚÅ`À
JO`«"∞≥ #ÿ KÀ 'es' x KÕiÛ`Õ verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ "-s" ~°∂Ѩ=Ú U~°Ê_»∞#∞.
Eg : goes, crosses, vexes, buzzes, teaches, washes
"IES" : Base ~°∂Ѩ=Ú "Y" `À JO`«"∞≥ ,ÿ "Y" H˜ =ÚO^Œ∞ ǨÏÅ∞¡ JHõ~
Δ =° Ú#flKÀ
Y x "ies" QÍ =∂~åÛe.
Eg : deny - denies, hurry - hurries, try - tries
"-YS" : Base ~°∂ѨOÖ’ z=~°#∞#fl Y JHõ~ Δ =° Ú#‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ JK«∞Û JHõ~Δ =° Ú
L#fl Ü≥∞_»Å "s" x =∂„`«"∞Õ KÕ~åÛe. Eg : Plays
3. The - ing participle : nxx "Present participle from of the verb Jx
‰õÄ_® JO\Ï~°∞.
LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«∞ ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° =ù ÚÅ∞ :
Non - finite form =ÖË
a) Progressive aspect Ö’ be ~°∂Ѩ=Ú`À
Eg : I am reading a novel
b) -ing participle clauses #O^ΰ
Eg : Opening the front door, she entered the house.
4. The past (or - ED) form of the verb :
LѨ Ü ≥ ∂ QÆ = Ú : nxx Finite form QÍ Past Indefinite tense Ö’
LѨÜ∂≥ y™êÎ~∞° . Eg : I cleaned it yesterday, I wrote her yesterday
5. The past participle (or - En form) of the verb :
LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞ ã¨O^Œ~°ƒù=ÚÅ∞ : nxx Non - finite form =∂„`«"Õ∞
i) perfective aspect Ö’ have ~°∂Ѩ=Ú`À ÉÏ@∞
Eg : He has painted a picture
I have written a letter
ii) Passive voice Ö’ be ~°∂Ѩ=Ú`À ÉÏ@∞
Eg : The boy was kicked by David
iii) -ED participle clauses #O^ΰ
Eg : Helped by a neighbour she finished her work

19 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

Conjugation („H˜Ü∂« ~°∂Ѩ x+¨ÊuÎ) verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation K«∂ѨÙ@‰õΩ
1. base ~°∂ѨO, 2. past indefinite ~°∂ѨO, 3. past participle ~°∂áêÅ#∞
Eg : clean - cleaned - cleaned
~°∂Ѩ=Ú#∞O_ç Past Indefinite, past participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ U~°Ê_Õ
q^è•#=Ú#∞ |\˜ì Verbs x ~Ô O_»∞ ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞QÍ qÉèlí OѨ=K«∞Û#∞. Jq :
1) Regular verbs 2. Irregular verbs.
1. Regular verbs : Base ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ "(e)d" x KÕiÛ# Past Indefinite,
past participle ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞ U~°Ê_ç#@¡~Ú`Õ P verbs x "Regular verbs" JO\Ï~°∞.
Eg : look - looked - looked
~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ "-(e)d" x KÕ~Û° _»O ^•fi~å H͉õΩO_®
2. Irregular verbs : Base
q#∂`«fl s`«∞ÅÖ’ past Indefinite, past participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ U~°Ê_Õ verbsx
"Irregular verbs" JO\Ï~°∞.
Eg : eat - ate - eaten
Types of verbs : Conjugation x 1) base 2) past 3) past participle
~°∂áêÅ∞ =∞iÜ«Ú 4) Present Indefinite singular 5. present participle
~°∂áêÅÖ’x spelling `Õ_®#∞ |\˜ì verbs x 3 ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞QÍ qÉèlí OѨ=K«∞Û#∞.
Jq. 1) 3 Part verb 2) 4 part verb 3) 5 part verb
1. 3 part verb : verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation K«∂¿Ñ =¸_»∞ ~°∂áêÅ∂ XˆH
æ Ú« O_»@O, D ~°H=õ Ú Ü≥ÚHõ¯ „Ѩ`ºÕ Hõ`.« q∞ye# Present Indefinite
ÃãÊe¡OQ∑x HõeÜ
singular, present participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ qaè#fl"≥∞# ÿ Spelling x HõeÜ
æ Ú« #flO^Œ∞#
"≥Ú`«OÎ 3 ~°HÍÅ ÃãÊe¡OQ∑Å`À verb ~°∂áêÅ∞ LO\Ï~Ú. JO^Œ∞=Å# D ~°H"õ ∞≥ #ÿ
verbs x "3 part verbs" JO\Ï~°∞.
Eg : put - put - put (puts, putting) : A A A ~°H= õ Ú.
2. 4 part verb : D ~°H= õ Ú#‰õΩ K≥Ok# verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ ConjugationÖ’x
=¸_»∞ ~°∂áêÅÖ’ ~Ô O_»∞ ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞ XˆH ÃãÊe¡OQ∑`À LO\Ï~Ú. =¸_»= ~°∂Ѩ=Ú,
Present Indefinite Singular, present participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ qaè#fl"≥∞# ÿ Spellings
`À LO_»∞@ =Å# "≥Ú`«OÎ 4 ~°HÍÅ ÃãÊe¡OQ∑Å`À verb ~°∂áêÅ∞ LO\Ï~Ú.
JO^Œ∞=Å# D ~°H"õ ∞≥ #ÿ verbsx "4 part verbs" JO\Ï~°∞. Irregular verbsÖ’x
H˘xfl, Regular verbs Jhfl D ~°H=õ Ú#‰õΩ K≥Ok#"Õ.
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 20
Eg : buy - bought - bought (buys, buying) : ABB ~°H=õ Ú
come - came - come (comes, Coming) : ABA ~°H= õ Ú
reach - reached - reached (reaches, reaching) : ABB ~°H= õ Ú
3. 5 part verb : D ~°H= õ Ú#‰õΩ K≥Ok# verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ conjugation Ö’x
=¸_»∞~°∂áêÅ∞ =∞iÜ«Ú present indefinite singular, present participle
~°∂áêÅ∞ ^ÕxHõk qaè#fl"≥∞#ÿ ÃãÊe¡OQ∑ûÖ’ L#flO^Œ∞# "≥Ú`«OÎ 5 ~°HÍÅ ÃãÊe¡OQ∑Å`À
verb ~°∂áêÅ∞ LO\Ï~Ú. JO^Œ∞=Å# D ~°H" õ ∞≥ #ÿ verbs x "5 part verbs"
Eg : go - went - gone (goes, going) : ABC ~°H= õ Ú.
ã¨OHˆ `« JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ∞ : verbs Ö’x qq^èŒ ~°H=õ ÚÅ#∞ =i‚OK«∞@‰õΩ verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯
~°∂Ѩ=ÚʼnõΩ H˘xfl ã¨OHˆ `« JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ#∞ LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞. Jq A, B, C
Å∞. Base ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞QÎ Í "A" x past Indefinite ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞QÎ Í
"B" x past partciple #‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞Q Î Í "C" x LѨÜ∂≥ yOKåe.
A, B, C J#∞ ã¨OH ˆ `« JHõ~Δ =° ÚÅ#∞ LѨÜ∂≥ yOz Irregular verbs #O^Œ∞#fl
5 ~°H=õ ÚÅ#∞ =i‚OK«∞^•=Ú.
No. ~°Hõ=Ú base past past participle
1. AAA Cut Cut Cut
2. ABC write wrote written
3. ABB sell sold sold
4. ABA run ran run
5. AAB beat beat beaten
1. AAA ~°H=
õ Ú : WO^Œ∞ verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation Ö’x 3 ~°∂áêÅ∂ ÃãÊe¡OQ∑Ö’
QÍx, pronounciation Ö’ QÍx XˆH q^èOŒ QÍ LO\Ï~Ú.
beset beset beset besetting
K«∞@∞ì=Ú@∞ì K«∞@∞ì=Ú>ˇ#ì ∞ K«∞@∞ì=Ú\˜ì K«∞@∞ì=Ú@∞ì`∂«
bet bet, betted bet, betted betting
bid bid bid bidding
"ÕÅOáê_»∞ "ÕÅOáê_≥#∞ "ÕÅOáê_ç "ÕÅOáê_»∞`«∂
21 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
bade bidden
P*Ï˝ÑO≤ K«∞ P*Ï˝ÑO≤ K≥#∞ P*Ï˝Ñ≤Oz P*Ï˝Ñ≤ã¨∂Î
broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcasting
„ѨKå~°O KÕÜÚ« „ѨKå~°O KÕÃã#∞ „ѨKå~°O KÕã≤ „ѨKå~°O KÕã∂¨ Î
burst burst burst bursting
„|^ŒÌÅQÆ∞ „|^ŒÌÅÜ≥∞º#∞ „|^ŒÌÖˇ· „|^ŒÌÖ∫`«∂
cast cast cast casting
~°∞=Ùfi, áÈ`«áÈÜ«Ú ~°∞"≥fi#∞ ~°∞qfi ~°∞=Ùfi`«∂
cost cost cost costing
Ys^ŒQ∞Æ Ys^ŒÜ∞≥ º#∞ Ys^≥· Ys^ŒQ∞Æ K«∂
cut cut cut cutting
HÀÜ«Ú, `≥Q∞Æ , #~°∞‰õΩ HÀÃã#∞ HÀã≤ HÀã¨∂Î
forecast forecast forecast forecasting
*’㨺O K≥ÑC¨ *’㨺OK≥ÃÑÊ#∞ *’㨺O K≥ÑÊ≤ *’㨺O K≥ÑÓ¨ Î
forecasted forecasted
"å`å=~°}O K≥ÑC¨ "åII K≥ÃÑÊ#∞ "åII K≥ÑÊ≤ "åII K≥ÑÓ¨ Î
hit hit hit hitting
ÉÏ^Œ∞, H˘@∞ì, `å‰õΩ ÉÏ^≥#∞ ÉÏk ÉÏ^Œ∞`«∂
hurt hurt hurt hurting
QÍÜ«∞Ѩ-_»∞-~°∞Û,<˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞ QÍÜ«∞Ѩ_#≥ ∞ QÍÜ«∞Ѩ_ç QÍÜ«∞Ѩ_∞» `«∂
knit knit, knitted knit, knitted knitting
JÅ∞¡, ‰õΩ@∞ì JÖˇ¡#∞ Je¡ JÅ∞¡`«∂
let let let letting
J#∞=∞uOK«∞ J#∞=∞uOK≥#∞ J#∞=∞uOz J#∞=∞uã¨∂Î
outbid outbid outbid outbidding
áÈ\©QÍÃÇÏK«∞Û^è~Œ ‰° Ωõ áê_»∞ áÈIIÃÇÏII^è~Œ ‰° Ωõ áê_≥#∞ áÈIIÃÇÏII^è~Œ ‰° Ωõ áê_ç IIáê_»∞`«∂
put put put putting
ÃÑ@∞ì, LOK«∞ ÃÑ>ˇì#∞ ÃÑ\˜ì ÃÑ_»∞`«∂
quit quit quit quitting
=∂#∞,q_»zÃÑ@∞ì =∂<≥#∞ =∂x =∂#∞`«∂
read read read reading
K«^∞Œ =Ù K«k"≥#∞ K«kq K«^∞Œ =Ù`«∂
rid rid rid ridding
q_çÑO≤ K«∞,`«ÑÊ≤ OK«∞ q_çÑO≤ K≥#∞ q_çÑ≤Oz q_çÑ≤ã¨∂Î
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 22
set set set setting
J=∞~°∞Û,Jã¨Îq∞OK«∞ J=∞Ô~Û#∞ J=∞iÛ J=∞~°∞Û`«∂
shed shed shed shedding
HÍ~°∞Û,~åÅ∞Û,K«Å∞¡ HÍÔ~Û#∞ HÍiÛ HÍ~°∞Û`«∂
shut shut shut shutting
=¸Ü«Ú,=¸ã≤H˘#∞ =¸Ãã#∞ =¸ã≤ =¸ã¨∂Î
slit slit slit slitting
pÅ∞Û,HÀÜ«Ú pÖˇÛ#∞ peÛ pÅ∞Û`«∂
split split split splitting
„|^ŒÌÅQÆ∞,„|^ŒÌÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú „|^ŒÌÅÜ≥∞º#∞ „|^ŒÌÖˇ· „|^ŒÌÅ=Ù`«∂
spread spread spread spreading
Ѩ~K° ∞« ,„Hõ=Ú‡,qã¨iÎ OK«∞ ѨiK≥#∞ Ѩ~z° Ѩ~°K«∞`«∂
thrust thrust thrust thrusting
„`ÀÜ«Ú,á⁄_»∞K«∞ „`ÀÃã#∞ „`Àã≤ „`Àã¨∂Î
underbid underbid underbid underbidding
"ÕÅOÖ’ `«‰Ωõ ¯=‰õΩáê_»∞ "ÕII`«II áê_≥#∞ "ÕII`«IIáê_ç "ÕII`«IIáê_»∞K«∂
upset upset upset upsetting
`«Å„H˜O^Œ∞ÅQÆ∞ `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞ÅÜ≥∞º#∞ `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞Öˇ· `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞ÅQÆ∞`«∂
2. ABC
~°H=õ Ú : WO^Œ∞ verbs Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation Ö’x 3 ~°∂áêÅ∂
ÃãÊe¡OQ∑Ö’ QÍh,pronunciationÖ’ QÍx qaè#flOQÍ LO\Ï~Ú.Wq 5 part verbs.
be was been being
JQÆ∞, LO_»∞ JÜ≥∞º#∞ J~Ú J=Ù`«∂
eat ate eaten eating
u#∞ u<≥#∞ ux uO@∂
forbid forbade forbidden forbidding
HÍ^Œ#∞, =^Œ#Ì ∞ HÍ^Œ<≥#∞ HÍ^Œx HÍ^ŒO@∂
forgive forgave forgiven forgiving
HõqΔ ∞OK«∞ HõqΔ ∞OK≥#∞ HõΔq∞Oz HõΔq∞ã¨∂Î
give gave given giving
WK«∞Û WK≥Û#∞ WzÛ Wã¨∂Î
lie lay lain lying
ç Ú« O_»∞ HõÅ¡ÖÏ_≥#∞
HõÖÖ¡ Ï_»∞,Ѩ~∞° O_»∞,Ѩ_Ü HõÅ¡ÖÏ_ç HõÅ¡ÖÏ_»∞`«∂
see saw seen seeing
K«∂K«∞ K«∂K≥#∞ K«∂z K«∂ã¨∂Î
23 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
befall befell befallen befelling
ã¨OÉèqí OK«∞, HõÅ∞QÆ∞ ã¨OÉèqí OK≥#∞ ã¨OÉèíqOz ã¨OÉèíqã¨∂Î
blow blew blown blowing
QÍeT^Œ∞,QÍegK«∞ QÍeT^≥#∞ QÍeTk QÍeT^Œ∞`«∂
draw drew drawn drawing
wÜ«Ú,D_»∞Û wÃã#∞ wã≤ wã¨∂Î
fall fell fallen falling
Ѩ_»∞,~åÅ∞,`«QÆ∞æ,‰õÄÅ∞ Ѩ_≥#∞ Ѩ_ç Ѩ_»∞`«∂
fly flew flown flying
Õ Ú« ZyÔ~#∞ Zyi ZQÆ∞~°∞`«∂
foreknow foreknew foreknown foreknowing
=ÚOII`≥Å∞ã¨∞H˘#∞ =ÚOII`≥eã≤H˘<≥#∞ =ÚOII`≥eã≤H˘x =ÚOII`≥eã≤H˘O@∂
go went gone going
"≥à◊√§ "≥à‹§#∞ "≥o§ "≥à◊¥Î
grow grew grown growing
ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞, ÃÑOK«∞ ÃÑiÔQ#∞ ÃÑiy ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞`«∂
know knew known knowing
`≥Å∞ã¨∞H˘#∞,`≥eÜ«Ú `≥eã≤H˘<≥#∞ `≥eã≤H˘x `≥eã≤H˘O@∂
throw threw thrown throwing
qã¨i"ÕÜÚ« ,~°∞=Ùfi qã¨i"ÕÃã#∞ qã¨i"Õã≤ qã¨i"Õã¨∂Î
withdraw withdrew withdrawn withdrawing
LѨã¨OǨÏiOK«∞H˘#∞ LIIH˘<≥#∞ LIIH˘x LIIH˘O@∂
bite bit bitten biting
Hõ~°K«∞,H˘é∞‰õΩ Hõ~°K≥#∞ Hõ~°z Hõ~°∞ã¨∂Î
chide chid chidden chiding
u@∞ì, =∞O^ŒeOK«∞ u>ì̌#∞ u\˜ì u_»∞`«∂
do did done doing
KÕÜÚ« ,x~°fiiÎOK«∞ KÕÃã#∞ KÕã≤ KÕã∂¨ Î
hide hid hidden hiding
^•K«∞,^•QÆ∞ ^•K≥#∞ ^•z ^•K«∞`«∂
arise arose arisen arising
ÖËK∞« ,L^Œƒqù OK«∞,ã¨OÉèqí OK«∞ ÖËK#≥ ∞ ÖËz ÖËã¨∂Î
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 24
awake awoke awoken awaking
x„^ŒÖKË ∞« ,x„^ŒÖÑË Ù¨ ,"Õ∞ÖÁ¯#∞ x„^ŒÖËK≥#∞ x„^ŒÖËz x„^ŒÖËã¨∂Î
bear bore borne bearing
ÉèíiOK«∞,ÉèÏ~°O"≥∂Ü«Ú ÉèíiOK≥#∞ ÉèíiOz Éèíiã¨∂Î
beget begot begotten begetting
Hõ#∞,HÍ~°Hõ=∞QÆ∞ Hõ<≥#∞ Hõx HõO@∂
break broke broken breaking
ѨQ∞Æ ÅQ˘@∞ì,ѨQ∞Æ Å∞ ѨQ∞Æ ÅQ˘>ì̌#∞ ѨQ∞Æ ÅQ˘\ì̃ ѨQ∞Æ ÅQ˘@∞ìK∂«
choose chose chosen choosing
ZOK«∞H˘#∞,Z#∞flH˘#∞ ZOK«∞H˘<≥#∞ ZOK«∞H˘x ZOK«∞H˘O@∂
cleave clove cloven cleaving
pÅ∞Û,ѨQ∞Æ Å∞,ѨQ∞Æ ÅQ˘@∞ì pÖˇÛ#∞ peÛ pÅ∞Û`«∂
drive drove driven driving
#_»∞ѨÙ,`«~°∞=Ú,`ÀÅ∞ #_çÃÑ#∞ #_çÑ≤ #_»∞ѨÙ`«∂
forbear forbore forborne forbearing
F~°∞Êã¨ÇÏ≤ OK«∞,q_»K∞« FÔ~Û#∞ FiÛ F~°∞Û`«∂
forget forgot forgotten forgetting
=∞~°záÈ=Ù =∞~°záÈÜ≥∞#∞ =∞~°záÈ~Ú =∞~°záÈ`«∂
forswear forswore forsworn forswearing
freeze froze frozen freezing
QÆ_»¤Hõ@∞ì,QÆ_»¤Hõ\ ˜ìOK«∞ QÆ_»¤Hõ>ˇì#∞ QÆ_»¤Hõ\ ˜ì QÆ_»¤Hõ@∞ì`«∂
ride rode riden riding
™êfisKÕÜÚ« ™êfisKÕÃã#∞ ™êfisKÕã≤ ™êfisKÕã∂¨ Î
rise rose risen rising
L^Œ~ÚOK«∞,ÖËK«∞ L^Œ~ÚOK≥#∞ L^Œ~ÚOz L^Œ~ÚOK«∞K«∂
smite smote smitten smiting
H˘@∞ì,"≥Ú`«∞Î H˘>ˇì#∞ H˘\˜ì H˘_»∞`«∂
speak spoke spoken speaking
=∂\Ï¡_∞» , LѨ#ºã≤OK«∞ =∂\Ï¡_≥#∞ =∂\Ï¡_ç =∂\Ï¡_»∞`«∂
steal stole stolen stealing
^˘OyeOK«∞,HÍ*ËÜÚ« ^˘OyeOK≥#∞ ^˘OyeOz ^˘Oyeã¨∂Î
stride strode stridden striding
„`˘‰õΩ¯,ÃÑ^ŒJÌ OQÆÅ∞"ÕÜÚ« „`˘ÔH¯#∞ „`˘H˜¯ „`˘‰õΩ¯`«∂
25 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
strive strove striven striving
áÈ~å_»∞,QÆ\ Qì˜ Í„Ñ¨Ü∞« uflOK«∞ áÈ~å_≥#∞ áÈ~å_ç áÈ~å_»∞`«∂
swear swore sworn swearing
tear tore torn tearing
zOѨÙ, z~°∞QÆ∞, ~°‰Ωõ ¯ zOÃÑ#∞ zOÑ≤ zOѨÙ`«∂
tread trod trodden treading
„`˘‰õΩ¯,J}K«∞,=∞@∞ìÃÑ@∞ì „`˘ÔH¯#∞ „`˘H˜¯ „`˘‰õΩ¯`«∂
wake woke woken waking
"Õ∞ÖÁ¯#∞,x„^ŒÖËѨ٠"Õ∞ÖÁ¯<≥#∞ "Õ∞ÖÁ¯x "Õ∞ÖÁ¯O@∂
wear wore worn wearing
^èiŒ OK«∞ ^èiŒ OK≥#∞ ^èŒiOz ^èŒiã¨∂Î
weave wove woven weaving
<ÕÜ«Ú <ÕÃã#∞ <Õã≤ <Õã¨∂Î
betake betook betaken betaking
foresake forsook forsaken forsaking
=^Œe"ÕÜÚ« ,=∂x"ÕÜÚ« =^Œe"ÕÃã#∞ =^Œe"Õã≤ =^Œe"ÕÜ«ÚK«∂
mistake mistook mistaken mistaking
á⁄~°|_»∞ á⁄~°|_≥#∞ á⁄~°|_ç á⁄~°|_»∞`«∂
shake shook shaken shaking
Hõ^ŒÅ∞,Hõ^ŒÅ∞Û,=}‰õΩ HõkÖˇ#∞ Hõke Hõ^Œ∞Å∞`«∂
take took taken taking
fã≤H˘#∞ fã≤H˘<≥#∞ fã≤H˘x fã≤H˘#∞K«∂
begin began begun beginning
„áê~°OaèOK«∞ „áê~°OaèOK≥#∞ „áê~°OaèOz „áê~°Oaèã¨∂Î
drink drank drunk drinking
„`åQÆ∞ „`åÔQ#∞ „`åy „`åQÆ∞`«∂
ring rang rung ringing
„"≥∂QÆ∞, „"≥∂yOK«∞ „"≥∂ÔQ#∞ „"≥∂y „"≥∂QÆ∞`«∂
sing sang sung singing
áê_»∞ áê_≥#∞ áê_ç áê_»∞`«∂
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 26
sink sank sunk sinking
=Ú#∞QÆ∞, =ÚOK«∞,WO‰õΩ =ÚxÔQ#∞ =Úxy =Ú#∞QÆ∞`«∂
spring sprang sprung springing
^Œ∞=Ú‰õΩ, L^Œƒqù OK«∞ ^Œ∞q∞ÔH#∞ ^Œ∞q∞H˜ ^Œ∞=Ú‰õΩ`«∂
stink stank stunk stinking
HõOѨÙH˘@∞ì HõOѨÙH˘>ˇì#∞ HõOѨÙH˘\˜ì HõOѨÙH˘@∞ìK«∂
swim swam swum swimming
D^Œ∞ D^≥#∞ Dk D^Œ∞`«∂
grave graved graven graving
K≥‰õΩ¯ K≥ÔH¯#∞ K≥H˜¯ K≥‰õΩ¯K«∂
hew hewed hewn hewing
#~°∞‰õΩ #iÔH#∞ #iH˜ #~°∞‰õΩ`«∂
mow mowed mown mowing
(QÆ_ç¤)HÀÜ«Ú (QÆ_)¤ç HÀÃã#∞ (QÆ_)¤ç HÀã≤ (QÆ_)¤ç HÀã¨∂Î
rive rived riven riving
pÅ∞Û, „|^ŒÅÌ QÆ∞ pÖˇÛ#∞ peÛ pÅ∞Û`«∂
saw sawed sawn sawing
‰õΩ@∞ì ‰õΩ>ˇì#∞ ‰õΩ\˜ì ‰õΩ@∞ìK«∂
show showed shown showing
K«∂ѨÙ,`≥Å∞Ê K«∂ÃÑ#∞ K«∂Ñ≤ K«∂ѨÙ`«∂
sow sowed sown sowing
q`«∞,Î <å@∞ q`≥#Î ∞ quÎ q`«∞KÎ ∂«
3. ABB~°H=õ Ú : WO^Œ∞ verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation Ö’x past, past participle
~°∂áêÅ∞ XˆH ÃãÊe¡OQ∑ pronunciation x Hõey LO\Ï~Ú. Wq 4 part verbs.
behold beheld beheld beholding
K«∂K«∞ K«∂Ãã#∞ K«∂ã≤ K«∂ã¨∂Î
gainsay gainsaid gainsaid gainsaying
u~°ã¯¨ iOK«∞ u~°ã¯¨ iOK≥#∞ u~°ã¨¯iOz u~°ã¨¯iã¨∂Î
have had had having
HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_≥#∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_ç HõeyÜ«ÚO@∂
hear heard heard hearing
q#∞ q<≥#∞ qx q#∞K«∂
27 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
hold held held holding
Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞ Ѩ@∞ìH˘<≥#∞ Ѩ@∞ìH˘x Ѩ@∞ìH˘O@∂
inlay inlaid inlaid inlaying
`åѨ_O» KÕÜÚ« , #y+‘K‰≥ Ωõ ¯ `åѨ_O» KÕÃã#∞ `åѨ_O» KÕã≤ `åѨ_O» KÕã∂¨ Î
lay laid laid laying
"ÕÜ«Ú,LOK«∞ "ÕÃã#∞ "Õã≤ "ÕÜ«ÚK«∂
make made made making
`«Ü∂« ~°∞KÕÜÚ« , U~°Ê~°K∞« `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕÃã#∞ `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕã≤ `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕã¨∂Î
pay paid paid paying
K≥e¡OK«∞, f~°∞ÊHõ@∞ì K≥e¡OK≥#∞ K≥e¡Oz K≥e¡ã¨∂Î
relay relaid relaid relaying
ѨÙ#ó„Ѩ™ê~°OKÕÜÚ« ѨÙ#ó„Ѩ™ê~°OKÕÃã#∞ ѨÙ#ó„Ѩ™ê~°OKÕã≤ ѨÙ#ó„Ѩ™ê~°OKÕã∂¨ Î
say said said saying
K≥ÑC¨ , J#∞ K≥ÃÑÊ#∞ K≥ÑÊ≤ K≥ѨC`«∂
sell sold sold selling
J=Ú‡,J=Ú‡_»QÆ∞ J"≥∞‡#∞ Jq∞‡ J=Ú‡`«∂
slide slid slid sliding
*Ï~°∞, [~°∞Ѩ٠*ÏÔ~#∞ *Ïi *Ï~°∞`«∂
stand stood stood standing
xÅ|_»∞ xÅ|_≥#∞ xÅ|_ç xÅ|_»∞`«∂
tell told told telling
bleed bled bled bleeding
~°HõÎOHÍ~°∞,~°HõÎOz=Ú‡ ~°HõÎOHÍÔ~#∞ ~°HõÎOHÍi ~°HõÎOHÍ~°∞K«∂
bread bred bred breading
Hõ#∞,"Õ∞ѨÙ,ÃÑOK«∞ "Õ∞ÃÑ#∞ "Õ∞Ñ≤ "Õ∞ѨÙ`«∂
feed fed fed feeding
áÈ+≤OK«∞,"Õ∞ѨÙ,uxÑ≤OK«∞ áÈ+≤OK≥#∞ áÈ+≤Oz áÈ+≤OK«∞K«∂
flee fled fled fleeing
áêiáÈ=Ù áêiáÈÜ≥∞#∞ áêiáÈ~Ú áêiáÈ=ÙK«∂
lead led led leading
„`À=K«∂Ѩ٠„`À=K«∂ÃÑ#∞ „`À=K«∂Ñ≤ „`À=K«∂ѨÙ`«∂
read read read reading
K«^∞Œ =Ù,ѨiOî K«∞ K«k"≥#∞ K«kq K«^∞Œ =Ù`«∂
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 28
speed sped sped speeding
bind bound bound binding
x~°ƒOkèOK«∞,É∫O_»∞"ÕÜ«Ú x~°ƒOkèOK≥#∞ x~°ƒOkèOz x~°ƒOkèã¨∂Î
find found found finding
Hõ#∞Q˘#∞, K«∂K«∞ Hõ#∞Q˘<≥#∞ Hõ#∞Q˘x Hõ#∞Q˘#∞K«∂
grind ground ground grinding
~°∞|∞ƒ,qã¨~°∞ ~°∞ɡƒ#∞ ~°∞aƒ ~°∞|∞ƒ`«∂
wind wound wound winding
QÍegÜ«Ú, T^Œ∞, „uѨC QÍegÃã#∞ QÍegã≤ QÍegÜ«ÚK«∂
bend bent bent bending
=OK«∞,=OQÆ∞ =OK≥#∞ =Oz =OK«∞`«∂
bereave bereft bereft bereaving
#+ì̈Ѩ~°K«∞ #+ì̈Ѩ~°K≥#∞ #+¨ìѨ~°z #+ì̈Ѩ~°K«∞K«∂
build built built building
xi‡OK«∞,Hõ@∞ì xi‡OK≥#∞ xi‡Oz xi‡ã¨∂Î
burn burnt burnt burning
=∞O_»∞,HÍÅ∞,HÍÅ∞Û =∞O_≥#∞ =∞O_ç =∞O_»∞`«∂
creep crept crept creeping
„áê‰õΩ „áêÔH#∞ „áêH˜ „áê‰õΩK«∂
deal dealt dealt dealing
x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞,J=Ú‡ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK≥#∞ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOz x~°fiÇ≤Ïã¨∂Î
dream dreamt dreamt dreaming
dwell dwelt dwelt dwelling
x=ã≤OK«∞ x=ã≤OK≥#∞ x=ã≤Oz x=ã≤ã¨∂Î
feel felt felt feeling
ÉèÏqOK«∞ ÉèÏqOK≥#∞ ÉèÏqOz ÉèÏqã¨∂Î
keep kept kept keeping
LOK«∞ LOK≥#∞ LOz LOK«∞`«∂
kneel knelt knelt kneeling
"≥∂HõiÅ∞¡ "≥∂HõiÖˇ¡#∞ "≥∂Hõie¡ "≥∂HõiÅ∞¡`«∂
29 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
leave left left leaving
q_»K«∞,=∂#∞ q_»K≥#∞ q_»z q_»∞K«∞K«∂
lend lent lent lending
JÑ≤ÊK«∞Û, |^Œ∞eK«∞Û JÑ≤ÊK≥Û#∞ JÑ≤ÊzÛ JѨCWã¨∂Î
lose lost lost losing
áÈQ˘@∞ìH˘#∞, F_çáÈ=Ù áÈQ˘@∞ìH˘<≥#∞ áÈQ˘@∞ìH˘x áÈQ˘@∞ì‰õΩO@∂
mean meant meant meaning
`«ÅK«∞,J~°qú ∞K«∞Û,L^ÕtÌ OK«∞ `«ÅK≥#∞ `«Åz `«Åã¨∂Î
meet met met meeting
HõeÜ«Ú,áÈQÆQ∞Æ HõeÃã#∞ Hõeã≤ HõeÜ«ÚK«∂
rend rent rent rending
zOK«∞, pÅ∞Û zOK≥#∞ zOz zOK«∞`«∂
send sent sent sending
sleep slept slept sleeping
x„kOK«∞ x„kOK≥#∞ x„kOz x„kã¨∂Î
smell smelt smelt smeling
"åã¨# K«∂K«∞ "åã¨# K«∂K≥#∞ "åã¨#K«∂z "åã¨#K«∂ã¨∂Î
spell spelt spelt spelling
LK«Ûiù OK«∞,ѨÅ∞‰õΩ LK«Ûiù OK≥#∞ LK«ÛùiOz LK«Ûùiã¨∂Î
spend spent spent spending
Y~°∞ÛÃÑ@∞ì, Y~°ÛQÆ∞ Y~°∞ÛÃÑ>ì̌#∞ Y~°∞ÛÃÑ\ì̃ Y~°∞ÛÃÑ@∞ì`«∂
spill spilt spilt spilling
XÅ∞‰õΩ,zO^Œ∞,XÅ∞HõÉ’Ü«Ú XeÔH#∞ XeH˜ XÅ∞‰õΩK«∂
spoil spoilt spoilt spoiling
K≥_Q» ˘@∞ì K≥_Q» ˘>ˇ#ì ∞ K≥_Q» ˘\˜ì K≥_»Q˘_»∞`«∂
sweep swept swept sweeping
T_»∞Û, z=Ú‡ T_≥Û#∞ T_çÛ T_»∞ÛK«∂
weep wept wept weeping
U_»∞Û U_≥Û#∞ U_çÛ U_»∞ÛK«∂
beseech besought besought beseeching
„|u=∂Å∞ „|u=∂Öˇ#∞ „|u=∂e „|u=∂Å∞K«∂
bring brought brought bringing
`≥K∞« Û `≥KÛ≥ #∞ `≥zÛ `≥ã¨∂Î
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 30
buy bought bought buying
H˘#∞ H˘<≥#∞ H˘x H˘#∞K«∂
catch caught caught catching
Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞,JO@∞,™È‰õΩ Ñ¨@∞ìH˘<≥#∞ Ѩ@∞ìH˘x Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞K«∂
fight fought fought fighting
áÈ~å_»∞,HõÅ|_»∞ áÈ~å_≥#∞ áÈ~å_ç áÈ~å_»∞K«∂
seek sought sought seeking
"≥`«‰õΩ,J<Õfi+≤OK«∞,HÀ~°∞ "≥`«ÔH#∞ "≥uH˜ "≥`«∞‰õΩK«∂
teach taught taught teaching
Éè’kOK«∞ Éè’kOK≥#∞ Éè’kOz Éè’kã¨∂Î
think thought thought thinking
PÖ’zOK«∞ PÖ’zOK≥#∞ PÖ’zOz PÖ’zã¨∂Î
get got got getting
á⁄O^Œ∞,ã¨OáêkOK«∞ á⁄O^≥#∞ á⁄Ok á⁄O^Œ∞K«∂
light lit lit lighting
"≥Å∞QÆ∞,"≥eyOK«∞ "≥eÔQ#∞ "≥ey "≥Å∞QÆ∞`«∂
shoot shot shot shooting
QÆ∞iK«∂ã≤H˘@∞ì,HÍÅ∞Û QÆ∞iK«∂ã≤ H˘>ˇì#∞ QÆ∞iK«∂ã≤H˘\˜ì QÆ∞iK«∂ã≤H˘_»∂Î
sit sat sat sitting
‰õÄ~˘Û#∞ ‰õÄ~˘Û<≥#∞ ‰õÄ~˘Ûx ‰õÄ~˘Û#∞K«∂
spit spat spat spitting
Lq∞‡"ÕÜ«Ú,TÜ«Ú Lq∞‡"ÕÃã#∞ Lq∞‡"Õã≤ Lq∞‡"ÕÜ«ÚK«∂
abide abode abode abiding
Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_»∞ Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_≥#∞ Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_ç Hõ@∞ì|_çÜÚ« O@∂
heave heave hove heaving
ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î,ÃÑ·H˜ÖËK«∞,L|∞ƒ ÃÑ·ÔH`≥Î#∞ ÃÑ·ÔHuÎ ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞ÎK«∂
shine shone shone shining
„ѨHÍtOK«∞, "≥∞éÜ«Ú „ѨHÍtOK≥#∞ „ѨHÍtOz „ѨHÍtã¨∂Î
win won won winning
QÔ Å∞K«∞ QÔ eK≥#∞ QÔ ez QÔ Å∞K«∞K«∂
31 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
cling clung clung clinging
JO\˜Ü«ÚO_»∞ JO\˜Ü«ÚO_≥#∞ JO\˜Ü«ÚO_ç JO\˜Ü«ÚO@∂
dig dug dug digging
„`«=Ùfi „`«"≥fi#∞ „`«qfi „`«=ÙfiK«∂
fling flung flung flinging
Õ Ú« , ~°∞=Ùfi, qã¨~∞° ~°∞"≥fi#∞ ~°∞qfi ~°∞=ÙfiK«∂
hamstring hamstrung hamstrung hamstringing
"≥∂HÍÅ∞q~°K«∞ "≥∂HÍÅ∞q~°K≥#∞ "≥∂HÍÅ∞q~°z "≥∂HÍÅ∞q~°∞ã¨∂Î
hang hung hung hanging
„"ÕÖÏ_»∞ „"ÕÖÏ_≥#∞ „"ÕÖÏ_ç „"ÕÖÏ_»∞`«∂
shrink shrunk shrunk shrinking
=Ú_»∞K«∞H˘#∞ =Ú_»∞K«∞H˘<≥#∞ =Ú_»∞K«∞H˘x =Ú_»∞K«∞H˘O@∂
sling slung slung slinging
X_çÃã qã¨~∞° ,~°∞=Ùfi X_çÃã qãÔ̈~#∞ X_çÃã qã¨i X_çÃã qã¨~∞° K«∂
spin spun spun spinning
X_»∞‰õΩ X_çÔH#∞ X_çH˜ X_»∞‰õΩK«∂
stick stuck stuck sticking
JO\˜OK«∞,JO@∞ JO\˜OK≥#∞ JO\˜Oz JO\˜OK«∞K«∂
sting stung stung stinging
H˘O_ô`À ‰õΩ@∞ì H˘O_ô`À ‰õΩ>ì̌#∞ H˘O_ô`À ‰õΩ\˜ì H˘O_ô`À‰õΩ@∞ìK∂«
strike struck struck striking
H˘@∞ì, `«@∞ì, ã¨"∞≥ ‡KÕ~Ú ã¨"∞≥ ‡ KÕÃã#∞ ã¨"∞≥ ‡ KÕã≤ ã¨"∂≥ ‡ KÕã∂¨ Î
string strung strung stringing
g∞@∞,^ŒO_»Q∞Æ K«∞Û g∞>ˇ#∞ g∞\˜ g∞@∞K«∂
swing swung swung swinging
TQÆ∞,TѨÙ,uÑ¨Ê TÔQ#∞ Ty TQÆ∞`«∂
wring wrung wrung wringing
Ñ≤O_»∞, #Å∞Ѩ٠Ñ≤O_≥#∞ Ñ≤O_ç Ñ≤O_»∞`«∂
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 32
ABA ~°H= õ ÚÅ∞ : WO^Œ∞ verbs Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation Ö’x present, past
participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ XˆH ÃãÊe¡OQ∑x pronunciation x Hõey LO\Ï~Ú. Wq 4
part verbs.

become became become becoming

JQÆ∞ JÜ≥∞º#∞ J~Ú JQÆ∞K«∂
come came come coming
=K«∞Û, ~å =K≥Û#∞ =zÛ =ã¨∂Î
run ran run running
Ѩ~∞° QÔ `«∞ΠѨ~∞° QÔ `≥#Î ∞ Ѩ~∞° QÔ uΠѨ~∞° QÔ `«∞KÎ ∂«
AAB ~°H=
õ Ú : WO^Œ∞ verb Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Conjugation Ö’x present past, ~°∂áêÅ∞
XˆH ÃãÊe¡OQ∑x HõeyLO\Ï~Ú. Wq 4 part verbs.
beat beat beaten beating
ÉÏ^Œ∞, H˘@∞ì(H˘#∞) ÉÏ^≥#∞ ÉÏk ÉÏ^Œ∞K«∂
Regular Verbs : Base (J#QÍ Present Indefinite ) ~°∂ѨOÖ’ QÆÅ „H˜Ü∞« ‰õΩ
ed ÖË^• ied =O\˜ (JO`«º „Ѩ`º« Ü«∞O) x KÕiÛ# XˆH spelling `À Past Tense,
past participle ~°∂áêÅ∞ U~°Ê_ç`Õ Jk Regular verb J=Ù`∞« Ok. Regular verbsx
4 „Ѩ^•è # ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞QÍ =sæHiõ OK«=K«∞Û#∞ Jq.
1. E `À JO`«=∞Ü≥∞º_ç „H˜Ü∞« Å∞
2. past tense, past participle ~°∂áêÖ’¡ ed x KÕ~∞° ÛH˘<Õ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞.

3. z=i ǨÏÅ∞¡ JHõ~Δ O° =∞~°Å =KÕÛ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞

4. Y `À JO`«=∞Ü≥∞º_ç „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ A) Verb z=~°QÅÆ Y =∂~°x „H˜Ü∞« Å∞
B) Verb z=~°QÅ Æ Y =∂~°∞Ê K≥O^Õ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞
1) E JHõ~Δ O° `À JO`«=∞Ü≥∞º_ç „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : 'e' JHõ~Δ O° `À JO`«=∞Ü≥∞º_ç D „H˜Ok
Regular Verbs Ü≥ Ú Hõ ¯ Past tense, Past participle ~° ∂ áêÅ∞ ZÖÏ
U~°Ê_»`åÜ«∞O>Ë D „H˜Ü∞« ʼnõΩ XHõ¯ d J#∞ JHõ~Δ O° KÕiÛ`Õ ã¨iáÈ`«∞Ok. present
participle ~°∂Ѩ=Ú U~°Ê_»=Öˇ##fl verb z=~° QÆÅ e J#∞ JHõ~ Δ =° Ú#∞ `˘ÅyOz
ing x KÕ~åÛe.
Eg : Devide - devided - devided - deviding

33 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

Abalienate .................... "Õ~˘HõiH˜K«∞Û Adjudge ............ f~°∞Ê KÕÜ«Ú, qkèOK«∞
Abase .............................. hK«Ñ¨éK«∞ Adjure ............................. X@∞ì ÃÑ@∞ì
Abate .......................... `«yæOK«∞, `«QÆ∞æ Admire ............................ "≥∞K«∞ÛH˘#∞
Abbreviate ...................... ‰õΩ¡Ñ¨Î Ñ¨~°K«∞ Adore ................................. ѨÓlOK«∞
Abdicate ............................ `«ºlOK«∞ Adulate .................... =ÚYã¨∞Îu KÕÜ«Ú
Abjure ................ „Ѩ=∂}=Ú`À q_»K«∞ Adulterate .............. HõbÎKÕÜ«Ú, K≥éK«∞
Abnegate ........................ x~åHõiOK«∞ Advance .......... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ `≥K«∞Û, áÈ=Ù
Abominate ...................... Jã¨Ç¨ÏºÑ¨_»∞ Advertise ..................... „ѨHõ@#KÕÜ«Ú
Abrade ................ `À=Ú, J~°∞QÆnÜ«Ú Advise ............................. ã¨ÅǨxK«∞Û
Abridge ......................... ã¨OH˜ΔѨÎѨ~°K«∞ Advocate ....... J#∞‰õÄÅ=ÚQÍ "åkOK«∞
Abrogate ......................... ~°^Œ∞Ì KÕÜ«Ú Aerate .......................... QÍe`À xOѨÙ
Absolve ............... áêѨq"≥∂K«# KÕÜ«Ú Affiliate ............................. KÕ~°∞ÛH˘#∞
Abuse ............................... xOkOK«∞ Agglomerate ................... LO_»KÕÜ«Ú
Accede ........................... ã¨=∞‡uOK«∞ Agglutinate ....................... JO\˜OK«∞
Accelerate ................. "ÕQÆ=Ú ÃÑOK«∞ Aggravate ................. =∞iO`« K≥éK«∞
Accentuate ...................... <˘H˜¯ K≥ÑC ¨ Aggregate ................. "≥Ú`«Î=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Acclimate ........... j`À+¨‚ã≤÷uH˜ JÅ=_»∞ Agitate .............................. HõÅ`«Éˇ@∞ì
Acclimatize ........ j`À+¨‚ã≤÷uH˜ JÅ=_»∞ Agree ............................ JOwHõiOK«∞
Accommodate ................. =ã¨uxK«∞Û Alienate .................... "Õé˘HõiH˜ WK«∞Û
Accrue ............................. JkèHõ=∞QÆ∞ Allege ............................. K≥ÑC ¨ , J#∞
Accumulate ...................... ‰õÄ_»Éˇ@∞ì Alleviate .............. LѨâ◊=∞#=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Accuse ............................. xOkOK«∞ Allude ........... ã¨∂zOK«∞, L^•Ç¨ÏiOK«∞
Ache ................................ <˘Ñ≤ÊѨÙ@∞ì Allure ................ PHõi¬OK«∞, "≥∂Ç≤ÏOK«∞
Achieve .............................. ™êkèOK«∞ Amalgamate ...... ~°ã¨q∞„â◊=∞=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Acknowledge .................... XѨCH˘#∞ Amaze ........... Pâ◊Û~°º=Ú HõÅ∞QÆ KÕÜ«Ú
Acquiesce ...................... ã¨=∞‡uOK«∞ Amble ................. *ÏQÆ∞Å∞KÕã¨∂Î #_»K«∞
Acquire .......................... ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Amputate ....... J=Ü«∞=KÕÛù^Œ=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Actualize ................ "åã¨Î=ã≤÷uH˜ `≥K«∞Û Amuse ............. q<À^Œ=Ú HõÅ∞QÆKÕÜ«Ú
Activate ................... K«∞é∞‰õΩ Ñ¨Ù\˜ìOK«∞ Analyse ............................ qÉèílOK«∞
Actuate ............................ „¿Ñˆ~Ñ≤OK«∞ Annihilate ................ <åâ◊#=Ú KÕÜÚ «
Adhere ............................ JO@∞H˘#∞ Annotate .............. "åºMϺ#=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 34
Announce ........................ „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞ Attribute .......................... P~ÀÑ≤OK«∞
Annunciate ...................... „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞ Authenticate .................... x[ѨéK«∞
Antecede ................. =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ =K«∞Û Authorize ..................... JkèHÍ~°q∞K«∞Û
Antedate ............... =ÚO^Œ∞`Õn "ÕÜ«Ú Avenge ......................... ѨQÆf~°∞ÛH˘#∞
Anticipate ......... =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ `≥eã≤H˘#∞ Average ........................ ã¨~åã¨iKÕÜ«Ú
Apoligize ................... HõΔ=∂Ѩ} HÀ~°∞ Bake ........................ ~˘>ˇìHÍÅ∞Û, "ÕQÆ∞
Appease ............. âßOuKÕÜ«Ú, J}K«∞ Balance ............................. ã¨i`«∂QÆ∞
Appetize ...................... PHõeѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞ Bale .............................. =¸@Hõ@∞ì
Appreciate .................... Jaè#OkOK«∞ Bamboozle ................... =OK«#KÕÜ«Ú
Approve ......................... JOwHõiOK«∞ Baptize ........... *Ï˝#™êfl#=Ú KÕ~ÚOK«∞
Arbitrate ............ =∞^茺=iÎ`«fi=Ú<≥éѨ٠Base .................... P^è•~°=ÚÃÑ· xÅ∞ѨÙ
Argue ................................. "åkOK«∞ Bate ............................ `«yæOK«∞, `«QÆ∞æ
Arouse ..................................... ÖËѨ٠Bathe ........ ™êfl#=∂_»∞, ™êfl#=∂_çOK«∞
Arrange ............................... J=∞~°∞Û Battle ....................... Ü«Ú^Œú=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Arride ............................ ã¨O`À+¨ÃÑ@∞ì Begrime ................... =∞e#=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Arrive ....................... KÕ~°∞, „Ѩ"ÕtOK«∞ Beguile ........................... „á⁄^Œ∞ÌѨÙK«∞Û
Articulate ......................... LK«ÛùiOK«∞ Behave ............................. „Ѩ=iÎOK«∞
Ascribe ............................ P~ÀÑ≤OK«∞ Believe ................................... #=Ú‡
Asperse ............................ ^Œ∂+≤OK«∞ Bereave .............................. #+¨ìÃÑ@∞ì
Aspirate ........................... XuÎѨÅ∞‰õΩ Bilge .......................... T~°∞, K≥=∞~°∞Û
Aspire ...................... HÀ~°∞, P¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞ Blame ............................... xOkOK«∞
Assemble .................... ‰õÄ~°∞Û, ‰õÄ_»∞ Blaze ........ =∞O_»∞, „ѨHÍtOK«∞, "≥Å∞QÆ∞
Asseverate .............. ã¨`«º=ÚQÍ K≥ѨC Booze ....................... JkèHõOQÍ „`åQÆ∞
Assimilate ............... r~°‚=Ú KÕã≤H˘#∞ Bore .......................... ~°O„^èŒ=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Associate ............ ã¨Ç¨Ï"åã¨=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Breathe .............................. âßfiã≤OK«∞
Assuage ............. LѨâ◊=∞#=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Bribe ............................... ÅOK«q∞K«∞Û
Assume ............................ TÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Bridle .......................... Hõà‹§=Ú "ÕÜ«Ú
Assure ............................... #q∞‡OK«∞ Browse ...................... P‰õΩÅ∞ "Õ∞Ü«Ú
Atone ................. „áêÜ«∞tÛ`«Î=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Bruise ............................. #Å∞QÆQ˘@∞ì
Attenuate ..................... ã¨#flyÅKÕÜ«Ú Burke ................ Q˘O`«∞ #∞eq∞ K«OѨÙ
Attire ............................. JÅOHõiOK«∞ Bustle ........................... ã¨O^Œ_çKÕÜ«Ú
35 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Cage ..................... QÆ∂\˜Ö’ |OkèOK«∞ Collapse ............. ÉèíOQÆ=∞QÆ∞, Ѩ_çáÈ=Ù
Cajole ............. "≥∂ã¨yOK«∞, |∞[˚yOK«∞ Collate ............ ã¨iK«∂K«∞, ã¨O„ѨkOK«∞
calculate ............................. ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞ Combine ...................... HõÅ∞ѨÙ, ‰õÄ_»∞
Calve ................... D#∞, ^Œ∂_»#∞"ÕÜ«Ú Commence ..................... P~°OaèOK«∞
Capacitate ................ â◊H˜Î HõÅ∞QÆKÕÜ«Ú Commune ...................... ã¨OÉèÏ+≤OK«∞
Capitulate ....................... ÖÁOyáÈ=Ù Compare ...................... áÈÅ∞Û, áÈÅ∞
Capsize ........... `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞Å-QÆ∞,-Ѩ_»∞ Compensate ............... ѨiǨ~°q∞K«∞Û
Captivate ........... PHõi¬OK«∞, |OkèOK«∞ Compete ............................ áÈ\©Ñ¨_»∞
Capture ............................. |OkèOK«∞ Compile ................ ã¨O„QÆÇ≤ÏOz„"åÜ«Ú
Care ......................... .*Ï„QÆ`«Î fã≤H˘#∞ Complete ......................... ѨÓiÎKÕÜ«Ú
Carve ........................... tÖÏÊÅ∞ K≥‰õΩ¯ Complicate ...................... z‰õΩ¯KÕÜ«Ú
Castigate .......... tH˜ΔOK«∞, ^≥|ƒÅ∞H˘@∞ì compose ................... ‰õÄ~°∞Û, ~°zOK«∞
Cause ...................... ã¨OÉèíqOѨ*ËÜ«Ú Comprise .................... Wq∞_çÜ«ÚO_»∞
Cease ......................... =∂#∞, q_»K«∞ Compromise ...................... ~årѨ_»∞
Celebrate .................. ѨO_»∞QÆKÕã≤H˘#∞ Concede ....................... JOwHõiOK«∞
Centralize ................. =∞^茺֒H˜ `≥K«∞Û Conceive ............................... `«ÅK«∞
Challenge ..................... ã¨"åÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú Concentrate ..................... QÍ_è»Ñ¨éK«∞
Change ...................... =∂~°∞Û, =∂é∞ Conclude ............ =ÚyOK«∞, =ÚyÜ«Ú
Charge ............... xOѨÙ, <Õ~°=Ú "≥∂Ѩ٠Condense ........................... ‰õΩkOK«∞
Chase ..................... "≥O\Ï_»∞, "Õ\Ï_»∞ Condole ............................. F^•~°∞Û
Chuckle ............................... ‰õΩÅ∞‰õΩ Confide .................... #q∞‡ JѨÊyOK«∞
Circle ......... K«∞@∞ì, QÆ∞O„_»=ÚQÍ u~°∞QÆ∞ Confine ....................... ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’ ÃÑ@∞ì
Circulate .................... "åºÑ≤OѨKÕÜ«Ú Confiscate ........................ [Ñ≤ÎKÕÜ«Ú
Circumcise ...................... ã¨∞hÎKÕÜ«Ú Confuse .......................... „Éèí=∞Ѩ~°K«∞
Cite ...................................... L^ŒÇ¨ÏiOK«∞ Confute ............................. YO_çOK«∞
Cleave ......................... ѨQÆ∞Å∞, pÅ∞Û Conglomerate ................. LO_»KÕÜ«Ú
Close ............. ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ KÕ~°∞Û, =¸Ü«Ú Congratulate ................. Jaè#OkOK«∞
Clothe ...................... ^Œ∞ã¨∞ÎÅ∞ `˘_»∞QÆ∞ Congregate ................. QÆ∞OѨÙQ͉õÄ_»∞
Coagulate ........... ¿Ñ~°∞H˘#∞, ¿Ñ~°Éˇ@∞ì Conjugate ...... „H˜Ü«∂~°∂Ѩx+¨ÊuÎ KÕÜ«Ú
Coerce ................... x~°ƒO^èŒ=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Connote ............................ P~°úq∞K«∞Û
Coincide ......................... UH©ÉèíqOK«∞ Conserve .............................. HÍáê_»∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 36
Console .............................. F^•~°∞Û Cure ............ #Ü«∞=∞QÆ∞, #Ü«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Consolidate ................. XHõ\ ˜QÍKÕÜ«Ú Curse .......................... u@∞ì, â◊Ñ≤OK«∞
Conspire .......................... ‰õΩ„@KÕÜ«Ú Curve .............. =OK«∞, =OѨÙQÍ KÕÜ«Ú
Constipate ........... =∞Å|O^èŒ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Damage ............................ #+¨ìѨ~°K«∞
Constitute ...................... xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞ Dance ................ P_»∞, <å@º=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Consume ......... ǨÏiOK«∞, =ºÜ«∞Ѩ~°K«∞ Dandle ................... =Ú^Œ∞ÌQÍfã¨∞H˘#∞
Contaminate ....................... JO@QÆ∞ Dare ................... `≥yOK«∞, ™êǨÏã≤OK«∞
Continue ....................... H˘#™êyOK«∞ Date .................................. `Õk"ÕÜ«Ú
Contribute ............... ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Dawdle ................... HÍÅÜ«∂Ѩ#KÕÜ«Ú
Convene ............................ ã¨Éèí‰õÄ~°∞Û Dazzle .......... q∞~°∞q∞@∞¡QÍ „ѨHÍtOK«∞
Converse ........................ ã¨OÉèÏ+≤OK«∞ Debate .................. `«i¯OK«∞, K«iÛOK«∞
Convoke ............................ ã¨Éèí‰õÄ~°∞Û Debilitate ..................... ^Œ∞~°ƒÅѨ~°K«∞
Convince ............................ XÑ≤ÊOK«∞ Deceive ............................. =OzOK«∞
Cooperate ...................... ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞ Decide ............................ x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Cope ................................. ZkiOK«∞ Declare ............................ „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞
Copulate ........................ ã¨OÉè’yOK«∞ Decline .............. H©Δ}˜OK«∞, x~åHõiOK«∞
Couple .............................. [`«KÕÜ«Ú Decompose .......... „‰õΩà◊§KÕÜ«Ú, „‰õΩà◊√§
Crackle ...................... z@Ѩ@=∞O_»∞ Decorate ....................... JÅOHõiOK«∞
Cradle ..................... LÜ«∂ºÅÖ’"ÕÜ«Ú Decrease .................... `«QÆ∞æ, `«yæOK«∞
Crave ................................. "Õ_»∞H˘#∞ Decree ............................. P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞
Create .................. ã¨$+≤ìOK«∞, U~°Ê~°K«∞ Dedicate .................. JOH˜`«=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Cremate .................... ^ŒÇ¨Ï#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Deface ........... K≥é∞ѨÙ, ~°∂Ѩ٠K≥_»Q˘@∞ì
Criminate ...................... <Õ~°=Ú"≥∂Ѩ٠Defame ......................... ¿Ñ~°∞ K≥~°∞ѨÙ
Cringe ............................... ^ÕɡiOK«∞ Define .............................. x~°fizOK«∞
Criple .................... ‰õΩO\˜"åxQÍKÕÜ«Ú Degrade ........................ `«‰õΩ¯=KÕÜ«Ú
Criticise .......................... q=∞i≈OK«∞ Delegate ...................... `«~°Ñ¶¨Ù#ѨOѨÙ
Crumble ........... á⁄_çKÕÜ«Ú, á⁄_çÜ«∞QÆ∞ Delete .............................. `˘ÅyOK«∞
Crumple .................... #Å∞K«∞, #Å∞QÆ∞ Deliberate ........................ PÖ’zOK«∞
Crystallize ................... ã¨Êù\ ©H©HõiOK«∞ Deluge ................ [Å=∞Ü«∞=Ú KÕÜ«Ú
Cultivate ......................... ™êQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú Delve ....................................... „`«=Ùfi
Cumulate ........................ „áÈQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú Demarcate ................ ZÅ¡Å∞ U~°Ê~°K«∞
37 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Demonstrate ................ ~°∞A=ÙKÕÜ«Ú Disagree ............................. ÉèËkOK«∞
Denote ................ `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«Ú, K«∂Ѩ٠Discharge ................... q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú
Denounce ......................... PˆHΔÑ≤OK«∞ Discipline ....... <Õ~°∞Ê, „Hõ=∞tHõΔ}Ö’ÃÑ@∞ì
Deodorize .................... HõOѨÙáÈQ˘@∞ì Disclose ................. |Ç≤Ï~°æ`«=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Depilate ............ ~À=∂Å#∞ `˘ÅyOK«∞ Discourage ................... J^è≥·~°ºÑ¨~°K«∞
Deplore ............................. ^Œ∞ódOK«∞ Discourse ...................... ã¨OÉèÏ+≤OK«∞
Depose ...................... "åE˝‡Åq∞K«∞Û Discriminate ................. ÉèË^Œ=ÚK«∂ѨÙ
Deprave ............................ huK≥éK«∞ Disedge ..................... Ѩ^Œ∞#∞áÈQ˘@∞ì
Depreciate .............. K«∞ÅHõ#QÍ <≥OK«∞ Disgorge .................................. Hõ‰õΩ¯
Deprive ............. áÈQ˘@∞ì, qÇ‘Ï#ѨéK«∞ Disgrase ........................ JѨH©iÎ`≥K«∞Û
Depute ..................... |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ Ñ¨OѨ٠Disguise ............. =∂é∞"Õ+¨=Ú "ÕÜ«Ú
Deride ............................... ˆQeKÕÜ«Ú Dislodge ......... ã¨÷Å=Ú#∞O_ç "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì
Derive ............. á⁄O^Œ∞, =¸Å=ÚK≥ѨC Disperse .......... K≥^Œ~°Q˘@∞ì, K≥kiáÈ=Ù
Describe .............. =i‚OK«∞, q=iOK«∞ Displace ...................... ã¨úÅ=Ú=∂~°∞Ê
Deserve ...................... J~°∞›_»QÆ∞, `«QÆ∞ Dispose ......................... Ѩi+¨¯iOK«∞
Desicate ........................... ZO_»Éˇ@∞ì Dispute ........................... [QÆ_»=∂_»∞
Designate ............. ¿Ñ~°∞ÃÑ@∞ì, Ñ≤Å∞K«∞ Dissolve ................... Hõ~°QÆ∞, Hõ~°yOK«∞
Desire ...................... HÀ~°∞, P¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞ Distribute ............................... ѨOK«∞
Despise ......................... `«$}©HõiOK«∞ Disuse ................. JÅ"å@∞ `«Ñ≤ÊOK«∞
Destine .............. qkèOK«∞, x~°‚~ÚOK«∞ Dive ............................................. =Ú#∞QÆ∞
Determine ...................... xâ◊Û~ÚOK«∞ Diverge ............. Ѩ~°ã¨Ê~°=Ú ^Œ∂~°=∞QÆ∞
Deviate ......................... =∂~°æ=Ú`«Ñ¨C Divide ..................... qÉèílOK«∞, "ÕéQÆ∞
Devote ........ qxÜ≥∂yOK«∞, ã¨=∞iÊOK«∞ Divorce ............... q_®‰õΩÅ∞ ѨÙK«∞ÛH˘#∞
Diagnose ........... ~ÀQÆx~°‚Ü«∞=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Dodge ........................ "≥∂ã¨=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Dictate ..................... K≥Ñ≤Ê „"å~ÚOK«∞ Domesticate ........................... ™ê‰õΩ
Differentitate ..................... ÉèË^ŒÑ¨~°K«∞ Dominate ................... „Ѩ|Å"≥∞ÿLO_»∞
Diffuse ................. "≥^Œ[Å∞¡, "åºÑ≤OK«∞ Double .............................. Ô~\˜ìOѨQÆ∞
Dilate .................. qã¨ÎiOK«∞, LaƒOK«∞ Douse ........................ h\˜Ö’ =ÚOK«∞
Dilute .......................... ѨÅ∞K«#KÕÜ«Ú¨ Doze .......................... ‰õΩ#∞‰õΩ, `«∂QÆ∞
Dine ................................ Éèí∞lOK«∞ Drape .......... |@ì`ÀHõѨC, JÅOHõiOK«∞
Disable ........................ ^Œ∞~°ƒÅѨ~°K«∞ Dredge ........................... =Å"Õã≤#@∞ì
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 38
Drowse ..................... =∞QÆ`« x„^ŒáÈ=Ù Enunciate ..................... `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«Ú
Eclipse .... =∞~°∞QÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú, „QÆǨÏ}OѨ@∞ì Epitomize ..................... ã¨OH˜ΔѨÎѨ~°K«∞
Economize ........ q∞`«=ºÜ«∞=Ú KÕÜ«Ú Equalize .................. ã¨=∂#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Educate ......... K«^Œ∞=Ù-K≥ѨC-K≥Ñ≤ÊOK«∞ Eradicate ....................... x~°∂‡eOK«∞
Efface ............................ `«∞_çz"ÕÜ«Ú Erase ....................... K≥~°∞=Ù, `«∞_»∞K«∞
Eke ............................ á⁄_çyOK«∞, ÃÑOK«∞ Erode ................. ux (ǨÏiOz) "ÕÜÚ «
Elate ............................. LÖÏ¡ã¨Ñ¨~°K«∞ Escape ..................... `«Ñ≤ÊOK«∞‰õΩáÈ=Ù
Elevate ................ ÃÑ· ÔH`«∞Î, Q˘Ñ¨ÊѨ~°K«∞ Estimate ...................... JOK«<å"ÕÜ«Ú
Eliminate ................ „`Àã≤(fã≤) "ÕÜ«Ú Evade ........................... `«Ñ≤ÊOK«∞H˘#∞
Elongate ...................... á⁄_»∞QÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú Evaporate ........................ PqÔ~·áÈ=Ù
Elone .................. „Ñ≤Ü«Úx`À ÖËzáÈ=Ù Exaggerate .............. ÃÇÏK«∞Û"Õã≤ K≥ѨC
Elucidate ........................ qâ◊^ŒÑ¨~°K«∞ Examine ............................ ѨsH˜ΔOK«∞
Emaciate ........................... â◊√+≤¯OK«∞ Exchange .................. =∂~°∞Ê, =∂~°∞
Embrace .................... H“yeOK«∞H˘#∞ Excite ...................... „¿Ñˆ~Ñ≤OK«∞, ˆ~ѨÙ
Emerge ............................... ÃÑ·H˜`ÕÅ∞ Exclude ..................... q∞#Ǩ~ÚOK«∞
Emigrate .......................... =Åã¨áÈ=Ù Excrete ............................. qã¨i˚OK«∞
Emphasize ...................... <˘H˜¯ K≥ÑC ¨ Excuse ............................... HõΔq∞OK«∞
Enable ................. ã¨=∞~°ú`« (â◊H˜Î) xK«∞Û Execute ............................ [iyOK«∞
Enclose .............. K«∞@∞ìH˘#∞, =¸Ü«Ú Exercise ..................... Hõã¨~°`«∞Î KÕÜ«Ú
Encourage .................... „áÈ`«ûÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Exhale ........................... âßfiã¨q_»∞K«∞
Endorse ...................... Js˚ÃÑ· „"åÜ«Ú Exhilarate ..................... LÖÏ¡ã¨Ñ¨~°K«∞
Enedure ........... ã¨Ç≤ÏOK«∞, Ѩ_»∞, LO_»∞ Exile ................... ^Õâ◊|Ç≤Ï+¨¯~°}KÕÜ«Ú
Enforce .................... J=∞Å∞KÕ~ÚOK«∞ Experience ................... J#∞ÉèíqOK«∞
Engage .......... Y~å~°∞KÕÜ«Ú, Ѩx ÃÑ@∞ì Expire .................. K«K«∞Û, HÍÅ=Úf~°∞
Engrave .................................... K≥‰õΩ¯ Explode ............................ „¿ÑÅQ˘@∞ì
Enhence ....... JkèHõ-=ÚKÕÜ«Ú, -=∞QÆ∞ Explore ............................ J<Õfi+≤OK«∞
Enlarge ............ qã¨ÎiOzK≥ѨC, ÃÑOK«∞ Expose ...... |Ü«∞Å∞Ѩ~°K«∞, `≥ézK«∂ѨÙ
Ensure ......................... xâ◊ÛÜ«∞Ѩ~°K«∞ Exude ........................ „ã¨qOK«∞, HÍ~°∞
Entangle ........................ z‰õΩ¯Ö’Éˇ@∞ì Face ............ ZkiOK«∞, Jaè=ÚY=∞QÆ∞
Entice ............... K≥_»∞‰õΩ=∞~°∞Å∞Q˘Å∞Ѩ٠Facilitate .................. ã¨∞ÅÉèí=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Enumerate .......... ([<åÉèÏ#∞) ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞ Fade ..................... "å_çáÈ=Ù, =∂Ü«Ú
39 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Fascinate ................. "≥∂Ç≤ÏOѨKÕÜ«Ú Gobble ................ ÉÁ‰õΩ¯, "ÕQÆOQÍ u#∞
Fecundate ................... QÆ~°ƒù=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Gore ..................................... ‰õΩ=Ú‡
Fence ............................. HõOK≥"ÕÜ«Ú Gorge ..................... JuQÍu#∞, „‰õΩ‰õΩ¯
Fertilize ........................ Z~°∞=Ù"ÕÜ«Ú Grade ............... `«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞QÍ U~°Ê~°K«∞
File ................... ™ê#Ѩ@∞ì, ^•YÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú Granulate .............. ѨÅ∞‰õΩÅ∞QÍ KÕÜ«Ú
Filtrate .................. =_çÜ«∞QÆ@∞ì, WO‰õΩ Grave ....................................... K≥‰õΩ¯
Fine ................................. [i=∂<å"ÕÜ«Ú Graze ...................... QÆ_ç¤"Õ∞Ü«Ú, "Õ∞ѨÙ
Fire ............................. HÍÅ∞Û, `«QÆÅɡ@∞ì Grieve ...................... ^Œ∞óYѨ_»∞, ÃÑ@∞ì
Flounce .................. Zyi(q∞_çã≤) Ѩ_»∞ Groove ................. QÍ_çH˘@∞ì, QÍ_çwK«∞
Fondle .................. =Ú^Œ∞ÌÖÏ_»∞, ÖÏeOK«∞ Grope ......................... pHõ\’¡ `«_»∞=Ú
Force .................... |Å=O`«=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Grudge .......................... Jã¨∂Ü«∞Ѩ_»∞
Fracture ................... qé∞QÆ∞, qé∞K«∞ Grumble ................... ã¨}∞QÆ∞, Q˘}∞QÆ∞
Frame ............... U~°Ê~°K«∞,K«„@=ÚHõ@∞ì Guide ............................... ^•iK«∂ѨÙ
Free ................ q_çÑ≤OK«∞, q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú Habituate .................. JÅ"å@∞Ѩ~°K«∞
Frustrate ......................... ÉèíOQÆѨ~°K«∞ Handle ....... KÕu`ÀѨ@∞ì, LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Fumble .............. `«_»|_»∞, `«_»qK«∂K«∞ Hate ................................... ^Õfi+≤OK«∞
Fume ..................... á⁄QÆZQÆÜ«Ú, ˆ~QÆ∞ Heave ....................... ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î, ÃÑ·H˜ÖËK«∞
Fumigate ...... á⁄QÆ(^èŒ∂Ѩ=Ú) ÉÏé˜OK«∞ Hedge ............................. HõOK≥"ÕÜ«Ú
Fuse ........................ Hõ~°yOK«∞, Hõ~°QÆ∞ Hesitate ....... ã¨OHÀzOK«∞, ã¨O^ÕÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Gage .............. H˘Å∞K«∞, |^Œ∞úxQÍKÕÜ«Ú Hibernate .............. ã¨∞áêÎ=ã¨÷Ö’ #∞O_»∞
Gamble ........................... E^Œ=∂_»∞ Hire ................. J^≥Ì-H˜K«∞Û, -‰õΩ fã≤H˘#∞
Gargle .......... ѨÙH˜¯eOK«∞, Q˘O`«∞Hõ_»∞QÆ∞ Hope ...................... PtOK«∞, `«ÅOK«∞
Gauge ...... H˘Å∞K«∞, Ѩi=∂}=ÚK«∂K«∞ Ideate ... Ü≥∂zOK«∞, ÉèÏqOK«∞, HõeÊOK«∞
Gaze ....................... éˇÑ¨Ê"ÕÜ«∞HõK«∂K«∞ Idle .............................. ™È=∞iQÍ u~°∞QÆ∞
Generate .......... ѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞, L`«ÊuÎKÕÜ«Ú Idolize .................... ^≥·=OQÍ Ñ¨ÓlOK«∞
Germinate ...... JO‰õΩiOK«∞, "≥ÚÅÔH`«∞Î Ignore ..................... Zé∞QÆ#@∞¡ q_»K«∞
Gesticulate ................... Jaè#~ÚOK«∞ Illuminate .................. „ѨHÍtOѨ*ËÜ«Ú
Glance ..................... ǨÏ~îå`«∞ÎQÍK«∂K«∞ Illustrate .......................... qâ◊^ŒÑ¨~°∞Û
Glare ....................... ^èŒQÆ^èŒQÆ "≥∞éÜ«Ú Imagine ............................. TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Glaze ...... "≥∞é∞ñQÆ∞ÃÑ@∞ì, #∞#∞ѨÙKÕÜ«Ú Imitate ........................... J#∞HõiOK«∞
Glide .......................... Eé∞, [~°∞QÆ∞ Immerse ............................. =ÚOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 40
Immigrate ............... =Åã¨=zÛ LO_»∞ Invite ............................... PǨfixOK«∞
Immolate .......................... |e~ÚK«∞Û Involve .......................... HõeÊOK«∞H˘#∞
Implicate ....................... z‰õΩ¯Ö’ÃÑ@∞ì Irrigate .......................... ¿ã^ŒºOKÕÜ«Ú
Implore ................ „áêiúOK«∞, "Õ_»∞H˘#∞ Irritate ........................ <˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞, ˆ~ѨÙ
Impose ................. qkèOK«∞, =OzOK«∞ Isolate .............................. „Ѩ`ÕºH˜OK«∞
Improve ................ =$kúKÕÜ«Ú, =$^ŒúQÆ∞ Issue ....................... *ÏsKÕÜ«Ú, WK«∞Û
Inauguarate ..................... P~°OaèOK«∞ Italicize ...... =OHõ~åHõΔ~åÅ`À =Ú„kOK«∞
Incite ................................ „¿Ñˆ~Ñ≤OK«∞ Joke ......................... ѨiǨã¨O KÕÜ«Ú
Incline ......................... |∞kú ѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞ Judge .............................. f~°∞ÊKÕÜ«Ú
Include ................... HõÅ∞ѨÙ, KÕ~°∞ÛH˘#∞ Juggle ............................ QÍ~°_ôKÕÜ«Ú
Increase .................... ÃÑOK«∞, ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞ Jumble ......................... HõeÜ«∞QÆÅ∞ѨÙ
Incubate .............................. á⁄^Œ∞QÆ∞ Kindle ................... (~°QÆ∞Å(~å[) ɡ@∞ì
Inculcate ................. ã¨∂zOK«∞, K«∂Ѩ٠Lame .......................... ‰õΩO\˜QÍKÕÜ«Ú
Indicate ................... ã¨∂zOK«∞, K«∂Ѩ٠Lave ................................................ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞
Inflame ...................... =∞O_çOK«∞, ˆ~Ѩ٠Lease ......... H“Å∞H˜K«∞Û, H“Å∞‰õΩfã≤H˘#∞
Inhale ................................ QÍeÑ‘Å∞Û Lecture .......................... LѨ#ºã≤OK«∞
Initiate ............................. P~°OaèOK«∞ Liberate ....................... q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú
Injure ............................... QÍÜ«∞Ѩ~°∞Û Like .............................................. W+¨ìѨ_»∞
Innovate .................. „H˘`«Î=∂~°∞ÊKÕÜ«Ú Liquidate .................. `«_»∞ѨÙ, =ÚOK«∞
Inquire .............................. qKåiOK«∞ Litigate ........................... "åº*ˇº=∂_»∞
Inscribe ........................ „"åÜ«Ú, K≥‰õΩ¯ Live ............................ „|`«∞‰õΩ, x=ã≤OK«∞
Insulate ............................ "Õé∞KÕÜ«Ú Locate ......................... ÃÑ@∞ì, LOK«∞
Insure .............................. cè=∂KÕÜ«Ú Lodge ...................... |ã¨KÕÜ«Ú, kOK«∞
Interfere ...................... HõÅ∞QÆKÕã≤H˘#∞ Loose ................... qѨC, =^ŒÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Interrogate ......................... „ѨtflOK«∞ Lounge .................... ™È=∞iQÍ u~°∞QÆ∞
Intervene ........................ #_»∞=∞=K«∞Û Love ........................................... „¿Ñq∞OK«∞
Intoxicate ........................ =∞`≥ÎH˜¯OK«∞ Lubricate ................. *Ï~°∞#@∞¡ KÕÜ«Ú
Introduce ........................ „Ѩ"Õâ◊ÃÑ@∞ì Lure .......................... Pâ◊K«∂Ñ≤ =OzOK«∞
Intrude ...................... Ñ≤Å∞=Hõ<Õ =K«∞Û Macerate ......................... z=ÙHõɡ@∞ì
Invade ................................. ^ŒO_≥`«∞Î Magnetize ........................ PHõi¬OK«∞
Invalidate ............. ѨxH˜~å‰õΩO_®KÕÜ«Ú Manage ............ x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞, #_çÑ≤OK«∞
41 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Manipulate .............. KÕu`À ѨxKÕÜ«Ú Neutralize ......... =∞^茺ã¨÷(`«@ã¨÷) Ѩ~°K«∞
Manufacture ............... `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕÜ«Ú Nibble ............... H˘kÌH˘kÌQÍ H˘iH˜u#∞
Manure ......................... Z~°∞=Ù"ÕÜ«Ú Noise ............... JÅ¡iKÕÜ«Ú, K«Ñ¨C_»QÆ∞
Massage ........................... Xà◊√§Ñ¨@∞ì Nominate ....................... xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞
Masticate ............................. #=∞Å∞ Notice .............. QÆ=∞xOK«∞, `≥eã≤H˘#∞
Mate ................... ã¨iÜ«∞QÆ∞, [`«Ü«∞QÆ∞ Oblige ........................ LѨHÍ~°OKÕÜ«Ú
Mature ............................... ѨHõfi=∞QÆ∞ Observe ......... QÆ=∞xOK«∞, `≥Å∞ã¨∞H˘#∞
Measure .............................. H˘Å∞K«∞ Ogle ................. ^˘OQÆ`«#=ÚQÍ K«∂K«∞
Meddle ............................ *’eH˜áÈ=Ù Ooze .......... HÍ~°∞(#@∞¡KÕÜ«Ú), „ã¨qOK«∞
Medicate ........................... ^蕺xOK«∞ Operate ......... ѨxKÕÜ«Ú, â◊„ã¨Î=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Meditate ........................... ^蕺xOK«∞ Oppose ............. q~ÀkèOK«∞, ZkiOK«∞
Memorize .................. HõO~î°ã¨÷=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Originate .. ѨÙ@∞ì, ѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞, P~°OaèOK«∞
Mercerise ......... #∂Å∞#∞Ѩ@∞ìÖÏKÕÜ«Ú Oscillate ......................... P_»∞, TQÆ∞
Merge .................... =ÚOK«∞, =Ú#∞QÆ∞ Owe ......................... ÉÏH©(ÉÏ^èŒ∞º_≥·) LO_»∞
Mesmerise ..................... =∞O„uOK«∞ Oxidize ......... Éèí㨇=ÚKÕÜ«Ú, Éèí㨇=∞QÆ∞
Migrate ............................ =Åã¨áÈ=Ù Paginate .......... ¿ÑrʼnõΩ #O|~°∞¡"ÕÜ«Ú
Mine .................................. QÆx„`«=Ùfi Parse ......... â◊|ÌÅHõΔ}Ï#fiÜ«∂Å#∞ K≥ѨC
Mingle ....................... HõÅ∞ѨÙ, HõeÜ«Ú Participate . ÉèÏQÆ=∞#∞ÉèíqOK«∞, áêÖÁæ#∞
Minimize .................... z#flkQÍKÕÜ«Ú Particularize .................... qâ◊^ŒÑ¨~°∞Û
Mitigate ............................... `«yæOK«∞ Paste ................................ JO\˜OK«∞
Moderate ......... q∞`«Ñ¨~°K«∞, q∞`«=∞QÆ∞ Pasture ........................ "Õ∞ѨÙ, "Õ∞Ü«Ú
Modernise ................. #g#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Patronize ......................... ã¨O~°H˜ΔOK«∞
Modulate ................. ã¨fi~°ÉèË^Œ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Pause ....... ~°=O`«xÅ∞K«∞, ã¨O^ÕÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Mope ..................... |^ŒÌHõ=ÚQÍ#∞O_»∞ Penetrate ................. K˘~°|_»∞, ^Œ∂~°∞
Moralize .................. hu=O`«∞xKÕÜ«Ú Perceive ............................. „QÆÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Move ....................... HõkeOK«∞, Hõ^ŒÅ∞ Percolate ................ =_»QÆ@∞ì, =_çÜ«Ú
Muffle .......................... =Úã¨∞QÆ∞"ÕÜ«Ú Perforate .................... ~°O„^è•Å∞KÕÜ«Ú
Mumble .................... Q˘}∞QÆ∞, ã¨}∞QÆ∞ Perfume .................. Ѩi=∞oOѨKÕÜ«Ú
Name ................................ ¿Ñ~°∞ÃÑ@∞ì Perjure ........... „Ѩ=∂}=ÚKÕã≤ HõÅ¡|Å∞¯
Narrate .............................. q=iOK«∞ Permute ........................ =~°∞ã¨=∂~°∞Û
Negotiate ........................ ã¨OkèKÕÜ«Ú Perspire ....................... K≥=∞@áÈÜ«Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 42
Persuade ............... Éè’kOz Ö’|éK«∞ Prosecute .................... Ѷ≤~åº^Œ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Pierce ......... ^Œ∂é∞K«∞, „QÆ∞K«∞ÛH˘xáÈ=Ù Prostate ........................... ™êyÅѨ_»∞
Pile ........................... ^˘O`«~°QÍ J=∞~°∞Û Prove .............................. x~°∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Place ........................... LOK«∞, ÃÑ@∞ì Provide ............................. ã¨=∞‰õÄ~°∞Û
Please ................ `«$Ñ≤ÎKÕÜ«Ú, W+¨ìѨ_»∞ Provoke ...................... ˆ~ѨÙ, Hõ^ŒeOK«∞
Pledge ............................ ‰õΩ^Œ∞=ɡ@∞ì Prune ........................ H˘=∞‡Å∞ #é∞‰õΩ
Plunge ................... =ÚOK«∞, =Ú#∞QÆ∞ Pulsate ....................... <å_çH˘@∞ìH˘#∞
Pluralize ............. |Ǩï=K«#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Punctuate ............ q~å=∞zǨflÅ∞OK«∞
Pollute .......................... =∞e#Ѩ~°K«∞ Puncture .................... ~°O„^èŒ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Popularize ......... „Ѩã≤kÌá⁄O^Œ∞, kOK«∞ Purchase .................. H˘#∞QÀÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Populate ..................... „Ѩ[Å`ÀxOѨ٠Purpose ............................ L^ÕútOK«∞
Postpone ................... "å~Ú^•"ÕÜ«Ú Pursue ............................ "≥O|_çOK«∞
Practise ........................... JÉèíºã≤OK«∞ Puzzle .......... HõÅ=~°ÃÑ@∞ì, HõÅ=~°Ñ¨_»∞
Praise .................... ã¨∞ÎuOK«∞, á⁄QÆ∞_»∞ Quadruple ... <åeæO`«-ÅQÆ∞, -Å∞KÕÜ«Ú
Prattle .......................... =^Œ~°∞, „¿ÑÅ∞ Quake ................................... =}∞‰õΩ
Precede ..................... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩáÈ=Ù Quote ................. ^Œ$ëêìO`«=ÚQÍ K≥ѨC
Prepare ......... `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕÜ«Ú, ã≤^Œú=∞QÆ∞ Race ........ "ÕQÆ=ÚQÍ Ñ¨~°∞ÔQ`«∞Î, -uÎOK«∞
Prescribe ............................ qkèOK«∞ Raise ............... ÖË=<≥`«∞Î, ÃÑOK«∞, ÖËѨÙ
Preserve .............. Éèí„^ŒÑ¨~°K«∞, HÍáê_»∞ Rape ............................. |ÖÏ`«¯iOK«∞
Preside ................. =ÚY∞º_»∞QÍ#∞O_»∞ Rave .................... "≥é˜]QÍ, ѨÅ=iOK«∞
Presume ............................ J#∞H˘#∞ Rebuke ............................... QÆkÌOK«∞
Probe ................... Ö’`«∞QÍ qKåiOK«∞ Receive ............................ ѨÙK«∞ÛH˘#∞
Procure .......................... ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Recite ....................... HõO~î°ã¨÷=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Produce ........................ L`«ÊuÎKÕÜ«Ú Recognize .......................... QÆ∞iÎOK«∞
Promise ................... "åQÍÌ#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Recreate ....................... LÖÏ¡ã¨Ñ¨~°K«∞
Promote ........ ÃÇÏzÛOK«∞, ™ê÷~ÚÃÑOK«∞ Reduce ............................... `«yæOK«∞
Pronounce ....................... LK«ÛùiOK«∞ Refine .............................. â◊√kúKÕÜ«Ú
Propagate ....................... "åºÑ≤ÎKÕÜ«Ú Refuse ........................... u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞
Propose ........................ „ѨuáêkOK«∞ Regulate .......................... „Hõ=∞Ѩ~°K«∞
Prorogue ............................... xÅ∞Ѩ٠Rejoice .......... ã¨O`À-+≤OK«∞, -+¨ÃÑ@∞ì
Proscribe ........ ^Õâ◊=Ú#∞O_ç "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì Relate ........... q=iOK«∞, ã¨O|OkèOK«∞
43 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Release ...................... q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú Salute ...................... =O^Œ#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Relieve .......................... <˘Ñ≤Ê`«yæOK«∞ save ............................... HÍáê_»∞, ~°H˜ΔOK«∞
Remove ............................ `˘ÅyOK«∞ Scramble ...................... ÃÑ#∞QÆ∞ÖÏ_»∞
Renounce ..................... Ѩi`«ºlOK«∞ Scrape ....................... wé∞, `«∞~°∞=Ú
Repulse ......... =∞à◊§Q˘@∞ì, x~åHõiOK«∞ Scribblee ............. `«fi~°QÍ z`«∞΄"åÜ«Ú
Require ............................. P¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞ Secrutinize ..................... ѨijeOK«∞
Resemble .................... áÈÅ∞, áÈÅ∞Û Seclude ........................... "Õé∞KÕÜ«Ú
Reserve ................ ^•Ü«Ú, „Ѩ`ÕºH˜OK«∞ Secrete ..................... ^•K«∞, „ã¨qOK«∞
Reside .............................. x=ã≤OK«∞ Sesure .......... Éèí„^ŒÑ¨~°K«∞, ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Resolve ........... qÉèílOK«∞, xâ◊Û~ÚOK«∞ Seduce ................... K≥_»Q˘@∞ì, K≥~°K«∞
Repair ................................ âßfiã≤OK«∞ Segregate ..................... „Ѩ`ÕºHõѨ~°K«∞
Restore ..................... ѨÓ~°fiã≤÷uH˜`≥K«∞Û Seize ........ Ö’|éK«∞H˘#∞, ÖÁOQÆnÜ«Ú
Resume .................. uiy„áê~°OaèOK«∞ Sentence ........................ tHõΔqkèOK«∞
Retaliate ................. „ѨfHÍ~°=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Separate ................ "Õ~°∞KÕÜ«Ú, "Õ~°QÆ∞
Retire ......................... q„âßOuH˜áÈ=Ù Serve ..................... ¿ãqOK«∞, =_ç¤OK«∞
Retrieve ................ =∞~°Å ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Settle ............ ã≤ú~°Ñ¨_»∞, ã≤ú~°Ñ¨~°∞Û, `Õé∞
Retrocede ................. uiyWzÛ"ÕÜ«Ú Shade ........... h_»<Õ~°Ê~°K«∞, pHõ\ ˜KÕÜ«Ú
Revenge ....................... ѨQÆn~°∞ÛH˘#∞ Shape ........................ ~°∂Ѩ"Õ∞~°Ê~°K«∞
Revere ........................... ÉèíH˜ÎÜ«ÚOK«∞ Share ............ ѨOK«∞, =O`«∞ѨÙK«∞ÛH˘#∞
Reverse ....... `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞Å∞-KÕÜ«Ú, JQÆ∞ Shave ........................... HΔ“~°=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Revise ........................... =∞~°Å=∂~°∞Ê Shine ................. „ѨHÍtOK«∞, "≥∞éÜ«Ú
Revive ........ uiy „|uH˜OK«∞, -„|`«∞‰õΩ Slake ..................... K«ÖÏ¡~°∞Û, PiáÈ=Ù
Revolve ............ K«∞\˜ì=K«∞Û, `«ÅáÈÜ«Ú Slice ............. ѨÅ∞K«x=ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍHÀÜ«Ú
Rinse ....................... hà◊§Ö’ *Ï_çOK«∞ Slope ...... U@"åÅ∞QÍ - KÕÜ«Ú, LO_»∞
Rotate ..... K«„Hõ=Ú=Öˇ -u~°∞QÆ∞, -„uѨC Smoke .............. á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ∞, á⁄QÆ"ÕÜ«Ú
Rouse .............. "Õ∞Å∞H˘Å∞ѨÙ, x„^ŒÖËK«∞ Smuggle .. K«@ìq~°∞^ŒúOQÍ =ã¨∞Î=Ù=∂~°∞Û
Rue ........................................... ^Œ∞ódOK«∞ Sneeze ................................. `«∞=Ú‡
Rule ................................. áêeOK«∞, UÅ∞ Snore ...................... x„^ŒÖ’QÆ∞~°HõÃÑ@∞ì
Ruminiate ..................... <≥=∞~°∞"ÕÜ«Ú Solve ............ qâ◊^ŒÑ¨éK«∞, Ѩi+¨¯iOK«∞
Rupture ........................... ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘@∞ì Soothe ................. LѨâ◊=∞#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Sacrifice .................... `åºQÆ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Souse .................. LѨCÖ’ T~°"ÕÜ«Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 44
Spare .... q∞QÆ∞Å∞Û, q∞`«=ºÜ«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Tame ............................. =∞zÛHõKÕÜ«Ú
Squeeze ...................... <˘‰õΩ¯, Ñ≤O_»∞ Taste ............. ~°∞zK«∂K«∞, J#∞ÉèíqOK«∞
Stagnate .............................. ã¨ÎaÌOK«∞ Tattle ............................ =^Œ~°∞, „¿ÑÅ∞
Stare ........... `Õé˜K«∂_»∞, x"≥fi~°QÍK«∂K«∞ Tease ................... Ñ‘_çOK«∞, qã≤yOK«∞
Startle ................ LeH˜Ñ¨_»∞, ɡ^ŒiOK«∞ Terminate ............ =ÚyOK«∞, =ÚyÜ«Ú
Strave .................. Ѩã¨∞ÎO_»∞, Ѩã¨∞Î"ÕÜ«Ú Tickle ........................ K«H˜¯eyO`«ÃÑ@∞ì
State ........................ K≥ѨC, q=iOK«∞ Tie .............................. Hõ@∞ì, =Ú_ç"ÕÜ«Ú
Stimulate .............. ˆ~ѨÙ, K«∞é∞ÔHuÎOK«∞ Tire ................. JÅ∞ѨÙѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞, JÅÜ«Ú
Stipulate .............. X_»O|_çHõ KÕã≤H˘#∞ Tolerate ..................... ã¨Ç≤ÏOK«∞, F~°∞Û
Store ................................. ‰õÄ_»Éˇ@∞ì Topple .................. ^˘i¡Ñ¨_»∞, á⁄i¡Ñ¨_»∞
Stroke .............................. ^≥|ƒ"ÕÜ«Ú Torture ....................... z„`«Ç≤ÏOã¨ÃÑ@∞ì
Stuggle ................................ áÈ~å_»∞ Trace ............................... *Ï_»fÜ«Ú
Stumble ........................... `˘„@∞Ѩ_»∞ Trample ........................... „`˘H˜¯"ÕÜ«Ú
Style .................................... =∞ÅK«∞ Tranquilize .................... <≥=∞‡kѨ~°K«∞
Subdue ................................. J}K«∞ Translate ..................... `«~°∞˚=∂KÕÜ«Ú
Subjugate ................... Ö’|éK«∞H˘#∞ Tremble ................... HõOÑ≤OK«∞, =}‰õΩ
Suppose ................ TÇ≤ÏOK«∞, `«ÅK«∞ Trouble .......... W|ƒOkÃÑ@∞ì, HõÅ`«ÃÑ@∞ì
surcharge ............... Jq∞`«ÉèÏ~°"Õ∞Ü«Ú Tune ............. „â◊√u(ã¨∞u) ‰õÄ~°∞Û, áê_»∞
Suprise ........................ Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨éK«∞ Tussle ..................... HõÅ|_»∞, áÈ\Ï¡_»∞
Submerge .............. =ÚOK«∞, =Ú#∞QÆ∞ Twine ....................... ¿Ñ#∞, ѨÙi"ÕÜ«Ú
Subscribe ...... P"≥∂kOK«∞, K«O^•Hõ@∞ì Unite .................. KÕ~°∞Û, HõÅ∞ѨÙ, ‰õÄ_»∞
Subside ........................ J}QÆ∞, `«QÆ∞æ Use ....... LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞, LѨÜ≥∂QÆѨ_»∞
Subsidize ............ ^èŒ#q∞zÛ™êÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞ Vacate ............................. MÏmKÕÜ«Ú
Substitute ..................... |^Œ∞Å∞ÃÑ@∞ì Vaccinate ................... \©HÍÅ∞ "ÕÜ«Ú
Suckle .......... K«#∞áêeK«∞Û, ã¨Î#ºq∞K«∞Û Value ................ qÅ∞=QÆ@∞ì, qÅ∞=QÆ∞
Suffocate ........... âßfi㨠P_»‰õΩO_»KÕÜ«Ú Venerate ........... Q“~°qOK«∞, ѨÓlOK«∞
Summarise ..................... @∂H©KÕÜ«Ú Ventilate ........... QÍeáêé∞#@∞¡ KÕÜ«Ú
Supervise ........... J[=∂~Ú+‘ KÕÜ«Ú Venture .............. `≥yOK«∞, ™êǨÏã≤OK«∞
Symbolize ........ áÈÅ∞, ã¨O[˝QÍ#∞O_»∞ Vibrate ...................... HõOÑ≤OK«∞, P_»∞
Sympathize ..................... HõxHõiOK«∞ Vicitimize ...... |eQÍKÕÜ«Ú, ǨxKÕÜ«Ú
Systematize ................. Ѩ^ŒúuH˜`≥K«∞Û Waive ............................ Ѩi`«ºlOK«∞
45 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Waste .............. =$^è•KÕÜ«Ú, =$^è•JQÆ∞ Wipe ...................................
Wave ..................... TѨÙ, P_»∞, TQÆ∞ Wreathe ........... K«∞@∞ì, #∞Å∞ѨÙ, Ñ≤O_»∞
Whistle ............................ DÅ"Õ Ü « Ú Wrestle ............... =∞Å¡Ü«Ú^Œú=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Whittle ............................ K≥‰õΩ¯, z=Ùfi Writhe ........................ #∞Å∞ѨÙ, Ñ≤O_»∞
2. 'ed' KÕ~∞° Û‰õΩ<Õ
„H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : D „H˜Ok „H˜Ü∞« ʼnõΩ past tense, past participle
~°∂áêÅ∞ U~°Ê_»=Öˇ##fl verb #‰õΩ 'ed' x present participle ~°∂ѨO U~°Ê_»=Öˇ##fl
'ing' x KÕ~åÛe.
Eg : Act - acted - acted - acting
Abandon .......................... q_»zÃÑ@∞ì Adapt .......................... á⁄O^Œ∞Ѩ~°∞K«∞
Abash ........................... ã≤QÆ∞æѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞ Add KÕ~°∞, ‰õÄ~°∞Û, HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Abduct ...................... QÆ∞OAH˘xáÈ=Ù Addict ....... JÅ"å@∞KÕÜ«Ú, JÅ"å@QÆ∞
Abolish ...................... ZuÎ(fã≤)"ÕÜ«Ú Address ............. Ñ≤Å∞K«∞, ã¨OÉè’kOK«∞
Abort ............................... x+¨ÊùÅ=∞QÆ∞ Adjoin ................. JO\˜(KÕi) Ü«ÚO_»∞
Abound ................ q™êÎ~°=ÚQÍ LO_»∞ Adjourn ...................... "å~Ú^•"ÕÜ«Ú
Abscond ......................... Ѩ~åÔ~·áÈ=Ù Adjust ................. ã¨=iOK«∞, K«Hõ¯Éˇ@∞ì
Absent ...................... Ǩ[~°∞HÍHõáÈ=Ù Administer .............. áêeOK«∞, #_»∞ѨÙ
Absorb .................... Ñ‘Å∞Û, Ñ‘Å∞ÛH˘#∞ Admonish ......................... |∞kúK≥ѨC
Abstain ............................ =∂#∞H˘#∞ Adopt ........ ^Œ`«∞Îfã¨∞H˘#∞, JOwHõiOK«∞
Abstract ........................... "Õé∞KÕÜ«Ú Adorn ............................ JÅOHõiOK«∞
Abut ............................. ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌQÍLO_»∞ Advert ........... L^•Ç¨ÏiOK«∞, ZuÎK«∂ѨÙ
Accent ............................. XuÎѨÅ∞‰õΩ Affect .................... =∂~°∞ÊHõÅ∞QÆ*ËÜ«Ú
Accept .......................... JOwHõiOK«∞ Affirm ........................... ~°∂_èçQÍ K≥ѨC
Acclaim ............ ã¨O`À+¨=Ú`À JéK«∞ Affix ............................... JO\˜OK«∞, KÕ~°∞Û
Accomplish ....................... ™êkèOK«∞ Afflict ................................ <˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞
Accord ................................. ã¨iѨ_»∞ Afford .................... WK«∞Û, HõÅ∞QÆ*ËÜ«Ú
Accost ........................... ѨÅ∞HõiOK«∞ Affront ........................ J==∂#Ѩ~°K«∞
Account .............................. ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞ Aid ................................ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«Ú
Accredit ................................. #=Ú‡ Aim .......................................... QÆ∞iK«∂K«∞
Accustom .................. JÅ"å@∞KÕÜ«Ú Air ................. P~°Éˇ@∞ì, QÍe`«QÆÅxK«∞Û
Acquaint ....................... `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«Ú Alight .............................. „H˜OkH˜kQÆ∞
Act .......................... „Ѩ=iÎOK«∞, #\˜OK«∞ Align .......................... ѨOH˜Î U~°Ê~°K«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 46
Allow ............................ J#∞=∞uOK«∞ Attend ................................ Ǩ[~°QÆ∞
Alter ........................... =∂~°∞, =∂~°∞Û Attest ............................ ™êHõΔ ºOK≥ѨC
Amend .............................. ã¨=iOK«∞ Attract .............................. PHõi¬OK«∞
Annex ..................................... KÕ~°∞Û Audit ........................ ÖˇHõ¯ `«xvKÕÜ«Ú
Anoint ............... `«ÅO@∞, Jaè¿+H˜OK«∞ Augment ............ ÃÑK«∞ÛKÕÜ«Ú, ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞
Answer ............................. ["åaK«∞Û Augur ................................ ™È^≥K≥ѨC
Appeach ............. ^À+¨=Ú x~°∂Ñ≤OK«∞ Avail .................................. "å_»∞H˘#∞
Appeal ........................ =∞#qKÕã≤H˘#∞ Avert ................................ x"åiOK«∞
Appear ............................... HõxÑ≤OK«∞ Avoid ............................ `«Ñ≤ÊOK«∞H˘#∞
Sppend .............. KÕ~°∞Û, J#∞|OkèOK«∞ Await ........................... Z^Œ∞~°∞K«∂K«∞
Applaud ............................ âߡѶ≤∞OK«∞ awaken ............................... x„^ŒÖËѨÙ
Appoint .......................... xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞ Award ........................... |ǨïHõiOK«∞
Apprehend ....................... `≥eã≤H˘#∞ Bail .............................. *Ïg∞#∞ÃÑ· q_»K«∞
Approach ......................... ã¨g∞Ñ≤OK«∞ Bait ..................................... Z~°`«yeOK«∞
Arrest ............................. x~°ƒOkèOK«∞ Banish ................ ^Õâ◊|Ç≤Ï+¨¯~°}KÕÜ«Ú
Ascend .................................... Z‰õΩ¯ Banquet ......................... qO^Œ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Ascertain ........................... Hõ#∞Q˘#∞ Banter ............................ ѨiǨÏã≤OK«∞
Ask .................................... J_»∞QÆ∞, HÀ~°∞ Bargain ............................. ÉË~°=∂_»∞
Assail ............................. =Ú\ì_çOK«∞ Bark ........................ "≥Úé∞QÆ∞, JéK«∞
Assert ....................... ã≤÷~°=ÚQÍ K≥ѨC Barter .................... =ã¨∞Î=∂iÊ_ç KÕÜ«Ú
Assess ....................... Ѩ#∞fl qkèOK«∞ Bask ............................ K«eHÍK«∞H˘#∞
Assign .......... x~°‚~ÚOK«∞, xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞ Batter ................................. Ѩ_»Q˘@∞ì
Assist ............................ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞Ѩ_»∞ Bawl ..................................... JéK«∞
Assort .............. `«~°QÆ`«∞Å∞QÍ U~°Ê~°K«∞ Beam ............................... „ѨHÍtOK«∞
Astonish ....................... Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨~°K«∞ Becalm ......................... <≥=∞‡kKÕÜ«Ú
Astound ................... J`åºâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨~°K«∞ Becloud ......................... =∞|∞ƒ HõѨC
Attach ..................... JO\˜OK«∞, KÕ~°∞Û Bedaub ..................... JÅ∞‰õΩ, ѨÓÜ«Ú
Attack ................................... ÃÑ·|_»∞ Befoul ........................... =ÚiH˜KÕÜ«Ú
Attain ................. á⁄O^Œ∞, ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Belch ............................. „`Õ#∞Û, „`ÕѨÙ
Attaint .......................... Hõà◊OHõOKÕÜ«Ú Bellow .............................. ~°OÔH"ÕÜ«Ú
Attempt ......................... „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞ Belong ................................... K≥O^Œ∞
47 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Benefit ............ "Õ∞Å∞-KÕÜ«Ú, -á⁄O^Œ∞ Camp .............. |ã¨KÕÜ«Ú, |ã¨Ö’kOѨÙ
Bestow .................. WK«∞Û, ^ŒÜ«∞KÕÜ«Ú Canvass ......................... =∞^ŒÌ`«∞HÀ~°∞
Bewail ............................... ^Œ∞ódOK«∞ Card ......... (^Œ∂k, ~À=∂Å) z‰õΩ¯nÜ«Ú
Bilk ......................................... "≥∂ã¨Ñ¨ÙK«∞Û Cash ............................. ™⁄=Ú‡KÕÜ«Ú
Blacken ........................ #Å∞ѨÙKÕÜ«Ú Cater .................. áÈ+≤OK«∞, uO_çÃÑ@∞ì
Blast ........................... <åâ◊#O KÕÜÚ « Ceil .................................... Ö’HõѨC"ÕÜ«Ú
Bleach .......................... `≥Å∞ѨÙKÕÜ«Ú Charm .............. =∞O„uOK«∞, =ÅÑ≤OK«∞
Blend ........................ HõÅ∞ѨÙ, HõeÜ«Ú Chatter .......................... =^Œ~°∞, „"ÕÅ∞
Bless .................................. nqOK«∞ Cheat .............................. "≥∂ã¨yOK«∞
Blindfold ...................... Hõà◊√§=¸Ü«Ú Check ............................... ã¨iK«∂K«∞
Blister ...................... „á⁄‰õΩ¯#@∞¡KÕÜ«Ú Cheer ............. L`åûǨÏ-Ѩ_»∞, -Ѩ~°K«∞
Block .................................. =¸Ü« Ú Cherish ................... áÈ+≤OK«∞, ÃÑOK«∞
Bloom ..................... ѨÓK«∞, qHõã≤OK«∞ Chew .................................... #=∞Å∞
Blossom ................. ѨÓK«∞, qHõã≤OK«∞ Chill ..................................... j`«bHõiOK«∞
Boast ........................... É_®~Ú K≥ÑC ¨ Churn .................................... zÅ∞‰õΩ
Boil ............................. L_»∞‰õΩ, L_çH˜OK«∞ Claim ...................... `«#^Œx "åkOK«∞
Borrow ........................ JѨCfã¨∞H˘#∞ Clamp ............... |O^Œ∞"ÕÜ«Ú, ayOK«∞
Botch ............................ J`«∞‰õΩ"ÕÜ«Ú Clang ..................... QÆ}QÆ}^èŒfixKÕÜ«Ú
Bother ........................... `˘O^Œ~°ÃÑ@∞ì Clash ............................ á⁄ã¨QÆHõáÈ=Ù
Bow ................................... =OK«∞, =OQÆ∞ Claw ............................. QÀà◊§`Àé‰õΩ¯
Boycott ............................. "≥e"ÕÜ«Ú Clean ............................... â◊√kÌKÕÜ«Ú
Braid ......................... [_»"ÕÜ«Ú, JÅ∞¡ Clear ................................ ã¨Ê+¨ìѨ~°K«∞
Brawl .............................. [QÆ_»=∂_»∞ Climb ....................................... Z‰õΩ¯
Brighten ....................... "≥∞é∞QÆ∞ÃÑ@∞ì Clinch ................ ^Œ$_è»=ÚQÍ Ñ¨@∞ìH˘#∞
Broaden ........................ "≥_»Å∞ÊKÕÜ«Ú Cloak ........................ =¸Ü«Ú, ^•K«∞
Brood .................................. á⁄^Œ∞QÆ∞ Cluck ..................... HÀ_çÑ≤Å¡Å#∞Ñ≤ÅK«∞
Burrrow ............................ ÉÁHõ¯KÕÜ«Ú Cluster ......... QÆ∞OѨÙÅ∞QÍ-‰õÄ_»∞-KÕ~°∞Û
Butt .......................... H˘=Ú‡Å`À á⁄_»∞K«∞ Coach ............................ `«sÊù^Œ∞xK«∞Û
Buzz ....................... ~°≠∞OHÍ~°OKÕÜ«Ú Coat ..................................... ѨÓÜ«Ú
Call ............................................... Ñ≤Å∞K«∞ Coil ..................................... K«∞@∞ì (H˘#∞)
Calm ............................. <≥=∞‡kѨ~°K«∞ Collect ............................ „áÈQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 48
Comb ..................... ^Œ∞=Ùfi, z‰õΩ¯nÜ«Ú Content ............ `«$Ñ≤Îá⁄O-^Œ∞, -kOK«∞
Comfort ................... ™œYº=ÚQÍKÕÜ«Ú Contest ............................ áÈ\©Ñ¨_»∞
Command ........................ P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞ Contract ......... z#fl^ŒQÆ∞, XѨÊO^Œ=∞QÆ∞
Commend ....................... "≥∞K«∞ÛH˘#∞ Contradict ............................. HÍ^Œ#∞
Comment ...................... "åºMϺxOK«∞ Contrast .................... ÉèË^Œ=Ú#∞K«∂ѨÙ
Complain ..................... Ѷ≤~åº^Œ∞KÕÜ«Ú Convert ................................. =∂~°∞Û
Compliment .................... "≥∞K«∞ÛH˘#∞ Convict ................. ^À+≤Ü«∞xf~°∞ÊK≥ѨC
Comprehend ...................... „QÆÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Cook ...................................... =O_»∞
Compress .................... J}K«∞, <˘‰õΩ¯ Cool ............................... K«ÖÏ¡~°∞, K«ÖÏ¡~°∞Û
Conceal .................................. ^•K«∞ Correct ............................... ã¨iKÕÜ«Ú
Concern ........................ ã¨O|OkèOK«∞ Corrupt ............................... K≥_»Q˘@∞ì
Concert ...................... HõÅã≤Ü≥∂zOK«∞ Count .................................. ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞
Condemn .......................... YO_çOK«∞ Counteract ....................... ÉèíOQÆѨ~°∞Û
Condition ................... +¨~°`«∞ qkèOK«∞ Cover ............................. HõѨC, ^•K«∞
Conduct .......................... x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Cozen ................. #q∞‡Oz "≥∂ã¨yOK«∞
Confess .................... `«ÑC ¨ XѨCH˘#∞ Crak .................... ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘@∞ì, ѨQÆ∞Å∞
Confirm ............................. ã≤÷~°Ñ¨~°K«∞ Cramp ................... uq∞‡iHõÅ∞QÆ*ËÜ«Ú
Conflict ............................ q~ÀkèOK«∞ Crash .......................... ÃÑà◊ ÃÑà◊=∞#∞
Conform ................ J#∞ã¨iOK«∞, XѨC Crawl ......................... „áê‰õΩ, ^ÀQÍ_»∞
Confound ............................ `«_»|_»∞ Creack .............................. H˜„~°∞=∞#∞
Congeal ................ QÆ_»¤Hõ@∞ì, ¿Ñ~°∞H˘#∞ Credit ............................... [=∞KÕÜ«Ú
Congest .................. Wé∞‰õΩQÍ #∞O_»∞ Croak ........................ (HõѨÊÅ∞) JéK«∞
Connect .................................. KÕ~°∞Û Crook ..................................... =OK«∞
Conquer ............................ [~ÚOK«∞ Cross ...................... ZkiOK«∞, ^•@∞
Consent .......................... ã¨=∞‡uOK«∞ Crouch ........ #H˜¯Ü«ÚO_»∞, ^•yÜ«ÚO_»∞
Consider ............................. `«ÅOK«∞ Crowd ........ QÆ∞q∞QÆ∂_»∞, QÆ∞OѨÙQÍKÕ~°∞Û
Consign ........................... XѨÊyOK«∞ Crown .................. Ѩ\Ïìaè¿+Hõ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Consist ........................... HõeyLO_»∞ Crunch ........................ Hõ~°Hõ~° #=∞Å∞
Construct ............................ xi‡OK«∞ Crush .............................. #Å∞QÆQ˘@∞ì
Consult .......................... ã¨O„ѨkOK«∞ Cull ...................................... UiÛfÜ« Ú @
Contain ........................ HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞ Curl .................. K«∞@∞ìH˘#∞, "≥∞eѨ_»∞
49 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Curtail .................................`«yæOK«∞ Desert .............................. q_»záÈ=Ù
Damn .................... #~°Hõ=Ú K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞ Design ..................... Ѩ#∞fl, L^ÕÌtOK«∞
Damp ......... K≥=∞‡KÕÜ«Ú, H˘kÌQÍ `«_»∞Ѩ٠Desist ................... =∂#∞H˘#∞, q_»K«∞
Darken ............... pHõ@QÆ∞, pHõ\ ˜KÕÜ«Ú Despair ............................. Pâ◊q_»K«∞
Darn .......... ~°Ñ¨CfÜ«Ú, z~°∞QÆ∞#∞<ÕÜ«Ú Despatch .......... ѨOѨÙ, |\Ïfi_®KÕÜ«Ú
Dash ................ H˘@∞ì, "ÕQÆ=Ú`À áÈ=Ù Detach ............. "Õ~°∞KÕÜ«Ú, „Ѩ`ÕºH˜OK«∞
Daub ......................... ѨÓÜ«Ú, JÅ∞‰õΩ Detail ................................ q=iOK«∞
Dawn ................................. `≥Å¡"å~°∞ Detain ................................... xÅ∞ѨÙ
Deaden ........................... "≥Ú^Œ∞ÌÉÏ~°∞ Detect ................................. HõxÃÑ@∞ì
Deafen ....................... K≥=Ù_»∞ HõeæOK«∞ Detest .................... QÆi›OK«∞, ^Õfi+≤OK«∞
Debit ............................. Y~°∞Û„"åÜ«Ú Detract .......................... `«‰õΩ¯=Ѩ~°K«∞
Decant ........................ ÃÑ· `Õ@ =OK«∞ Develop ............... qã¨ÎiOK«∞, qHõã≤OK«∞
Declain .......................... LѨ#ºã≤OK«∞ Diet .............................. Ѩ^Œº=ÚÃÑ·#∞OK«∞
Decoct .................... HõëêÜ«∞=Ú HÍK«∞ Differ ................... ÉèËkOK«∞, x~ÀkèOK«∞
Deduct .............................. fã≤"ÕÜ«Ú Digest ............. r~°‚=ÚKÕÜ«Ú, r~°‚=∞QÆ∞
Deem .......................... `«ÅK«∞, ZOK«∞ Digress .................... "Õ~°∞ ã¨OQÆu<≥`«∞Î
Deepen ............... Ö’`«QÆ∞, Ö’`«∞KÕÜ«Ú Diminish ..................... `«yæOK«∞, `«QÆ∞æ
Defeat ................................. F_çOK«∞ Direct ..................... „`À=K«∂ѨÙ, #_»Ñ¨Ù
Defend ................................. HÍáê_»∞ Disappoint ............... x~°∞`åûǨÏѨ~°K«∞
Deform ......................... ‰õΩ~°∂Ñ≤KÕÜ«Ú Disarm .................. x~åÜ«Ú^èŒ∞}˜‚KÕÜ«Ú
Deign .......... ^ŒÜ«∞KÕÜ«Ú, J#∞„QÆÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Discard ............. „`Àã≤"ÕÜ«Ú, Ѩ_»"ÕÜ«Ú
Delight ...... P#OkOK«∞, ~°OlOѨ*ËÜ«Ú Discount ....................... iÉË@∞ WK«∞Û
Deliver ......... q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú, „Ѩã¨qOK«∞ Discover .............................. HõxÃÑ@∞ì
Demand ............ JkèHÍ~°=Ú`À J_»∞QÆ∞ Discuss ............................. K«iÛOK«∞
Demolish ........................... Ѩ_»Q˘@∞ì Disdain .......................... u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞
Depart ................. q_»K«∞, |Ü«∞Å∞^Õ~°∞ Disgust ............................. qã≤yOK«∞
Depend ............... P„â◊~ÚOz Ü«ÚO_»∞ Dismiss ........................... `˘ÅyOK«∞
Deport ................ ^Õâ◊|Ç≤Ï+¨¯~°} KÕÜ«Ú Disregard .......................... L¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞
Deposit ............. ^èŒ<åxfl-LOK«∞, ÃÑ@∞ì Dissect .............. JOQÆKÕÛù^Œ#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Depress .......... J}K«∞, `«yæOK«∞, ^•K«∞ Distinguish ................... „Ѩ`ÕºHõѨ~°K«∞
Descend .................................. kQÆ∞ Distract ..................... =∞#ã¨∞û =∞éÅ∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 50
Distrain ............................. [Ñ≤ÎKÕÜ«Ú Endeavour ........................ áê@∞Ѩ_»∞
Distress ..................... ^Œ∞ódOѨKÕÜ«Ú Endow ............................. ^•#q∞K«∞Û
Disturb .............................. HõÅ`«Éˇ@∞ì Enlighten ................. "≥Å∞QÆ∞Ö’H˜`≥K«∞Û
Divert ................................ =∞o§OK«∞ Enter ............. „Ѩ"ÕtOK«∞, ^Œ∂~°∞, KÕ~°∞Û
Doom .............................. tHõΔqkèOK«∞ Entertain ....................... LÖÏ¡ã¨Ñ¨~°K«∞
Doubt ............................. ã¨O^ÕÇ≤ÏOK«∞ Entreat ............................. „|u=∂Å∞
Draft .................... =Ú™ê~Ú^• „"åÜ«Ú Erect ............... u#flQÍxÅ∞ѨÙ, ÖË=<≥`«∞Î
Dread ................................ ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞ Err ........................................ `«Ñ¨CKÕÜ«Ú
Drench ..................... `«_»∞ѨÙ, =ÚOK«∞ Escort . ~°HõΔ}‰õΩÖË^•Q“~°"åxH˜"≥O@É’=Ù
Dress ..................... ^èŒiOK«∞, Hõ@∞ìHõ@∞ì Establish ........................... ™ê÷Ñ≤OK«∞
Drill .................................. ~°O„^èŒ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Esteem ...................... Q˘Ñ¨ÊQÍ ZOK«∞
Droop .................. „"ÕÅ|_»∞, „"ÕÅ"ÕÜ«Ú Evert .............................. u~°∞QÆ"ÕÜ«Ú
Drown ............... =ÚOK«∞, =ÚxyáÈ=Ù Exalt .................... Q˘Ñ¨ÊKÕÜ«Ú, ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î
Dull ....................................... "≥Ú^Œ∞ÌKÕÜ«Ú Exceed ............ (ǨÏ^Œ∞Ì), q∞OK«∞, g∞~°∞
Dust ..................................... ^Œ∞Å∞Ѩ٠Except ............ q_»∞K«∞, q∞#Ǩ~ÚOK«∞
Earn .................. Pi˚OK«∞, ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Exclaim ............................. ˆHHõ"ÕÜ«Ú
Echo ............................. „Ѩu^èŒfixOK«∞ Exempt ...................... q∞#Ǩ~ÚOK«∞
Edit ...................... ã¨=iOK«∞, „ѨK«∞iOK«∞ Exhaust .................... =ºÜ«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Effect ................................. HõeyOK«∞ Exhibit ................... „Ѩ^Œi≈OK«∞, K«∂ѨÙ
Eject ..................... „`ÀÜ«Ú, "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì Exist .......................... LO_»∞, „|`«∞‰õΩ
Elbow .................... "≥∂KÕu`À á⁄_»∞K«∞ Expand ............................. qã¨ÎiOK«∞
Elect ............................... ZOK«∞H˘#∞ Expect ......................... Z^Œ∞~°∞K«∂K«∞
Elicit ...................... ~°Ñ≤ÊOK«∞, ~å|@∞ì Expend .......................... =ºÜ«∞Ѩ~°K«∞
Embank ............. QÆ@∞ì"ÕÜ«Ú, QÆ@∞ìHõ@∞ì Experiment .................... Ѩiâ’kèOK«∞
Embarrass ..................... HõÅ=~°ÃÑ@∞ì Explain ............................. q=iOK«∞
Embroider ................... QÆ∞_»¤g∞^Œ JÅ∞¡ Export ........................ ZQÆ∞=∞uKÕÜ«Ú
Emend ................ ã¨=iOK«∞, ã¨iKÕÜ«Ú Express ........................... =ºHõÎѨ~°K«∞
Enchant .......................... =∞O„uOK«∞ Extend ........ "åºÑ≤OѨKÕÜ«Ú, qã¨ÎiOK«∞
Encounter ........................ Z^Œ∞~˘¯#∞ Extract .................... fÜ«Ú, „QÆÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Encroach ........... ã¨÷Å^Œ∞~å„Hõ=∞}KÕÜ«Ú Fail ................................. `«Ñ¨C, F_çáÈ=Ù
End ................................ =ÚyÜ« Ú Faint ................. =¸iÛùÅ∞¡, ™⁄=∞‡ã≤Å∞¡
51 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Falter ........................... =∂@`«_»|_»∞ Frown ....................... HÀѨ=Ú`ÀK«∂K«∞
Famish ........................ Ѩã¨∞ÎѨ_çK«K«∞Û Furnish ......... J=∞~°∞Û, ã≤^ŒúѨ~°z WK«∞Û
Fast ................................. LѨ"åã¨=ÚO_»∞ Gain ......................... QÆ_çOK«∞, ÔQÅ∞K«∞
Fatten ....................... „H˘=Ùfi, |eÜ«Ú Gallop ................... ^•@∞¡"Õã≤ Ѩ~°∞ÔQ`«∞Î
Ferment ........... ѨÙeÜ«Ú, ѨÙeÜ«∞ɡ@∞ì Gather . ‰õÄ_»Éˇ@∞ì, „áÈQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú, „áÈQÆQÆ∞
Faster ....................... p=ÚѨ@∞ì, ˆ~QÆ∞ Gladden ........................ ã¨O`À+¨ÃÑ@∞ì
Fetch ............................ fã≤H˘x=K«∞Û Glitter ............... "≥∞~°Ü«Ú, `«à◊`«à◊ÖÏ_»∞
Fetter .......................... ã¨OÔHà◊√§"ÕÜ«Ú Glow ............... HÍe„ѨHÍtOK«∞, =∞O_»∞
Fill ..................................... xOѨÙ, xO_»∞ Gnash .......................... ѨO_»∞¡ H˘é‰õΩ
Filter ..................... =_çÜ«∞QÆ@∞ì, WO‰õΩ Gossip .................... =$^è• =∂@ÖÏ_»∞
Finish ................... =ÚyOK«∞, <≥~°"Õ~°∞Û Govern .......................... ѨiáêeOK«∞
Fix ............ <å@∞, ™ê÷Ñ≤OK«∞, <å@∞H˘#∞ Grant ....................... ã¨=∞‡uOz WK«∞Û
Flash .............. "≥∞éÜ«Ú, `«à◊√‰õΩ¯=∞#∞ Grasp .................. „QÆÇ≤ÏOK«∞, Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞
Flatten .......... ã¨=∞=Ú (K«^Œ∞#∞) KÕÜ«Ú Greet ......... Jaè#OkOK«∞, #=∞㨯iOK«∞
Flatter ....................... =ÚYã¨∞ÎuKÕÜ«Ú Grill .................................... "ÕyOK«∞, "ÕѨÙ
Flaunt ..................... ‰õΩÅ∞‰õΩ, qé]gQÆ∞ Guard ....................... ~°H˜ΔOK«∞, HÍáê_»∞
Flavour ......................... Hõ=∞‡QÍKÕÜ«Ú Guess ............................... TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Fleer .......... ZQÆ`åoKÕÜ«Ú, u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞ Hail .................................. ˆHHõ"Õã≤ Ñ≤Å∞K«∞
Flick .................... ^Œ∞Å∞ѨÙ, q^ŒeOK«∞ Halt ............................................... xÅ∞K«∞
Float ........................... `ÕÅ∞, `ÕeOK«∞ Hand ................................. JOkOK«∞
Fold ................. =∞_»K«∞, =Ú_»∞K«∞H˘#∞ Harass ................................ Ñ‘_çOK«∞
Follow ............ J#∞ã¨iOK«∞, "≥O@É’=Ù Harden ............................. QÆ\ ˜ìѨéK«∞
Fool ...................... Jq"ÕHõ=ÚQÍKÕÜ«Ú Harm ................................ ǨxKÕÜ«Ú
Form ................... ~°∂Ѩq∞K«∞Û, U~°Ê_»∞ Harvest .......................... ѨO@HÀÜ«Ú
Forward .............. ѨOѨÙ, ~°"å}ÏKÕÜ«Ú Hasten ................ `«fi~°ÃÑ@∞ì, `«fi~°Ñ¨_»∞
Foster. ...................... ÃÑOK«∞, HÍáê_»∞ Hatch ................................... á⁄^Œ∞ѨÙ
Foul .................... =∂ѨÙ, =Úé˜H˜KÕÜ«Ú Haunt ................................. "≥O\Ï_»∞
Freight ......................... ã¨~°‰õΩ`ÀxOѨ٠Heal .................................. =∂#∞Ê, =∂#∞
Frequent .............. Ѩ^ÕѨ^ÕáÈ=Ù, =K«∞Û Heap ............................... „áÈQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Freshen .......... `å*ÏKÕÜ«Ú, K«Å¡Ñ¨éK«∞ Heat .................................. "Õ_çKÕÜ«Ú
Frighten ............ ÉèíÜ«∞ÃÑ@∞ì, ɡ^ŒiOK«∞ Heed ................................ ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 52
Help ................................. ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞OKÕÜ«Ú Jerk z=Ù‰õΩ¯#ÖÏQÆ∞
Hint ã¨∂zOK«∞
........................................... Join ...................... KÕ~°∞Û, KÕ~°∞, *’_çOK«∞
Hollow ................ É’Å∞KÕÜ«Ú, `˘Å∞K«∞ Jump ...................................... ^Œ∂‰õΩ
Hook ................................. `«yeOK«∞ Kick ....................... `«#∞fl, `«#∞flH˘#∞
Howl ..................................... ‰õÄÜ«∞ Kill ................................................. K«OѨÙ
Hull ........................................ á⁄@∞ìfÜ«Ú Kiss ........................ =Ú^Œ∞ÌÃÑ@∞ìH˘#∞
Hunger ............................. PHõeQ˘#∞ Knead ........................... Ñ≤ã≤H˜ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Hunt ...................................... "Õ\Ï_»∞ Kneel .............................. "≥∂HõiOK«∞
Hymn ........................ ã¨∞ÎuOK«∞, áê_»∞ Knock ...................... `«@∞ì, H˘@∞ìH˘#∞
Illtreat ...................... K≥_»¤QÍ „Ѩ=iÎOK«∞ Labour ............................... „â◊=∞Ѩ_»∞
Impact ........................ J}K«∞, „`˘‰õΩ¯ Lack ................................ H˘~°`«Ñ¨_»∞
Impeach ........................... <Õ~°O"≥∂Ѩ٠Lament ...................... U_»∞Û, â’H˜OK«∞
Import ................... kQÆ∞=∞u KÕã¨∞H˘#∞ Land .......................... Éèí∂q∞ÃÑ·H˜ kQÆ∞
Impress ................. =Ú„^Œ"ÕÜ«Ú, <å@∞ Latch ............................ QÆ_çÜ«∞"ÕÜ«Ú
Infect ........................ ™È‰õΩ, JO\˜OK«∞ Laugh ....................................... #=Ùfi
Inform ............................ `≥eÜ«∞KÕÜ«Ú Lavish .......................... ^Œ∞ÉÏ~åKÕÜ«Ú
Inject ................... â◊s~°OÖ’H˜ ZH˜¯OK«∞ Lean ........... J#∞H˘#∞, PxOK«∞, X~°QÆ∞
Insert ........... ֒ѨeH˜ÃÑ@∞ì, Ö’xH˜^ÀѨ٠Leap ............................ ÔQO`«∞, ^Œ∂‰õΩ
Insist .............................. ѨO`«OѨ@∞ì Lengthen ......... á⁄_»∞-QÆ∞-KÕÜ«Ú,-QÆQÆ∞
Inspect ............................ `«xvKÕÜ«Ú Lessen ........................ `«yæOK«∞, `«QÆ∞æ
Instruct ........................... LѨ^ÕtOK«∞ Lick ............................ <å‰õΩ, QÆ`«‰õΩ
Insult ............................ J==∂xOK«∞ Lift .................... Z`«∞Î, ÖËѨÙ, ÉÏQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Instend .............................. L^ÕÌtOK«∞ Lighten ............................ `ÕeHõKÕÜ«Ú
Interest .......................... Pâ◊ѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞ Limit ............................ ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’ÃÑ@∞ì
Interpret ............................ q=iOK«∞ Linger .............................. *ÏQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú
Interrupt ......................... P@OHõ=∞QÆ∞ Link ......................... *’_çOK«∞, `«yeOK«∞
Interview ...................... HõÅã≤=∂\Ï¡_»∞ List ................................ *Ïa`åÖ’ KÕ~°∞Û
Invent ....................... „H˘`«ÎQÍ HõxÃÑ@∞ì Listen ........................ PÅH˜OK«∞, q#∞
Invert .................................. É’i¡OK«∞ Load ............................. |~°∞=ÙKÕÜ«Ú
itch ........................................ ^Œ∞~°^ŒÑ¨Ù@∞ì Lock ............................ `åà◊=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Jeer .................................... ZQÆ`åoKÕÜ«Ú Long ........................ J¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞, HÀ~°∞
53 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Look ....................... K«∂K«∞, xsHΔ̃OK«∞ Need .............................. J=ã¨~°=∞QÆ∞
Loosen ................. qѨC, =^ŒÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú Neglect ......................... J„â◊^Œú KÕÜ«Ú
Loot ....................... H˘Å¡Q˘@∞ì, ^ÀK«∞ Nourish ................... ÃÑOK«∞, áÈ+≤OK«∞
Lull ..................... x„^Œ|∞K«∞Û, J}QÆ∞ Numb ................ uq∞‡iѨ@∞ì#@∞¡KÕÜ«Ú
Lurk ........................ #‰õΩ¯, á⁄OzÜ«ÚO_»∞ Object ................. PˆHΔÑ≤OK«∞, ‰õÄ_»^Œ#∞
Madden ................ "≥„éˇuÎOK«∞, "≥„éQÆ∞ Obstruct ............................ J_»∞¤H˘#∞
Mail ..................................... `«áêÖÏѨOѨ٠Obtain ................ á⁄O^Œ∞, ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Maintain ............. x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞, ÉèíiOK«∞ Occur ................... ã¨OÉèíqOK«∞, HõÅ∞QÆ∞
March ........................... Hõ"å`«∞KÕÜ«Ú Offend ........................... <Õ~°=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Mark ............................... QÆ∞~°∞Î"ÕÜ«Ú offer ..................... WÜ«∞ºÉ’=Ù, W=fiEѨÙ
Master ....................... „Ѩg}`«á⁄O^Œ∞ Open ............ `≥~°K«∞(H˘#∞), P~°OaèOK«∞
Match ................... ã¨iÜ«∞QÆ∞, ã¨iѨ_»∞ Oppress ................ Ñ‘_çOK«∞, ÉÏkèOK«∞
Melt ............. Hõ~°∞QÆ∞, Hõ~°y, -K«∞, -áÈ=Ù Ordain ................ qkèOK«∞, x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Mend ....................... ã¨ik^Œ∞Ì, ÉÏQÆQÆ∞ Order ............................... P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞
Mesh ........................ =ÅÖ’ zH˜¯OK«∞ Oust ................ „`Àã≤"ÕÜ«Ú, "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì
Milk ........................................ áêÅ∞Ñ≤O_»∞ Outpour .............................. "≥à◊§É’=Ù
Mind ................................ ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì Overlook ........................... L¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞
Mint .................... <å}ˇ=ÚÅ#∞ =Ú„kOK«∞ Pack .................. =¸@Hõ@∞ì, W=Ú_»∞Û
Miss ................................. `«Ñ≤ÊáÈ=Ù Pain ........................................... <˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞
Mix ................................. HõÅ∞ѨÙ, HõeÜ«Ú Paint .............................. ~°OQÆ∞"ÕÜ«Ú
Moan .................. â’Hõ=Ú`À =¸Å∞QÆ∞ Pair .......................... [`«KÕ~°∞, [`«‰õÄ~°∞Û
Mock ........................... ZQÆ`åoKÕÜ«Ú pamper .................... JuQÍuO_çÃÑ@∞ì
Moisten ............................. `«_çKÕÜ«Ú Parallel LѨ=∂#OQÍ K≥ѨC, `«∞ź=∞QÆ∞
Moot .................... "åkOK«∞, `«i¯OK«∞ Pardon ................................ HõΔq∞OK«∞
Mourn ................................. â’H˜OK«∞ Part .................. ѨOK«∞, ÉèÏyOK«∞, "Õ~°QÆ∞
Mull ................................. HÍ~°=ÚáÈQ˘@∞ì Partition ................. qÉèílOK«∞, ѨOK«∞
Murder ............................ ǨÏ`«ºKÕÜ«Ú Pass . áÈ=Ù, ^•@∞, QÆuOK«∞, LfÎ~°∞‚_»QÆ∞
Murmur ............................... Q˘}∞QÆ∞ Patch ................. J`«∞‰õΩ(=∂ã≤Hõ)"ÕÜ«Ú
Muster ................................... ‰õÄ_»∞ Patent ........ #∂`«# HõÅÊ#QÍ x~åúiOK«∞
Mutter ...................... Q˘}∞QÆ∞, ã¨}∞QÆ∞ Paw ............... ѨO*Ï`ÀH˘@∞ì, HÍÅ∞^Œ∞=Ùfi
Narrow .......................... W~°∞‰õΩKÕÜ«Ú Pawn .............................. ‰õΩ^Œ∞=ɡ@∞ì
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 54
Peak ........................ hK«=ÚQÍ K«∂K«∞ Predict ...................... =ÚO^Œ∞QÍK≥ѨC
Peck ...................... =Ú‰õΩ¯`À á⁄_»∞K«∞ Present ............. Ǩ[~°QÆ∞, ã¨=∞iÊOK«∞
Peel ............. `ÀÅ∞XÅ∞K«∞, `ÀÅ∞T_»∞ Press .......................... <˘‰õΩ¯, „`ÀÜ«Ú
Peep .............................. `˘OyK«∂K«∞ Pretend ............... HõѨ@=ÚQÍ #\˜OK«∞
Peer .................. Hõ#Ѩ_»∞, `˘OyK«∂K«∞ Prevail ....................... "åºÑ≤Oz LO_»∞
Pelt ........................... ~åà◊√§qã¨~°∞, ~°∞=Ùfi Prevent ............... P@OHõѨ~°∞Û, xÅ∞ѨÙ
Pension ...... L^ÀºQÆq~°=∞} r`«q∞K«∞Û Prick ...................... „QÆ∞K«∞Û, <˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞
Perform ............................... <≥~°"Õ~°∞Û Print ................................. =Ú„kOK«∞
Perish ........................ #tOK«∞, K«K«∞Û Proceed ....................... [~°∞QÆ∞, áÈ=Ù
Perk ................................ xHõ¯ÉÁ_»∞K«∞ Proclaim .......................... „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞
Perplex ................... QÆO^Œ~°QÀà◊Ѩ~°K«∞ Profess ................. `«#‰õΩ `≥eÜ«Ú##∞
Pertain .......................... ã¨O|OkèOK«∞ Profit ..................... ÖÏaèOK«∞, Ѷ¨eOK«∞
Pester ............. Ñ‘_çOK«∞, `˘O^Œ~°KÕÜ«Ú Progress ........... ™êyáÈ=Ù, =$kúÜ«∞QÆ∞
Petition ........................ Js˚ÃÑ@∞ìH˘#∞ Prohibit ............................ x~ÀkèOK«∞
Pick .................................. á⁄_»∞K«∞ Project ................. á⁄_»∞K«∞H˘zÛ LO_»∞
Pilfer .............. ã¨fiÅÊ^˘OQÆ`«#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Prolong ............................ á⁄_çyOK«∞
Pinch .............................. yÅ∞¡, <˘‰õΩ¯ Prompt .......... JOkOK«∞, L`åûǨÏѨ~°∞Û
Plant ................. <å@∞,q`«∞Î, ™ê÷Ñ≤OK«∞ Prosper .................................. =iúÅ∞¡
Plash ................ hà◊§`À K«Ñ¨C_»∞KÕÜ«Ú Protect ................................. ~°H˜ΔOK«∞
Plough ................................... ^Œ∞#∞fl Protest ............................. q~ÀkèOK«∞
Pluck ........................... ÃÑé∞‰õΩ, Ñ‘‰õΩ Provision .............. Éè’[#™ê=∂„yxK«∞Û
poach ................................ L_»Hõɡ@∞ì Publish ........................... „ѨK«∞iOK«∞
Point ...... "å_çKÕÜ«Ú, K«∂ѨÙ, QÆ∞~°∞ÎÃÑ@∞ì Puff .................................................. T^Œ∞
Polish .......................... "≥∞é∞QÆ∞ÃÑ@∞ì Pull ..................................... D_»∞Û, ÖÏQÆ∞
Ponder ................. Ö’`«∞QÍ PÖ’zOK«∞ Pump ...................................... `À_»∞
Possess ...................... HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞ Punch ........................ ~°O„^èŒ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Post ...... `«áêÖÏÖ’ "ÕÜ«Ú, xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞ Punish .................. tH˜ΔOK«∞, ^ŒO_çOK«∞
Pour ............................ áÈÜ«Ú, áêé∞ Push .................................... „`ÀÜ«Ú
Powder ............ á⁄_çKÕÜ«Ú, á⁄_çÜ«∞QÆ∞ Quaff ...................... JkèHõ=ÚQÍ „`åQÆ∞
Preach ............................ LѨ^ÕtOK«∞ Quail ................................. cèuK≥O^Œ∞
Precaution .......... =ÚO^Œ∞*Ï„QÆ`«Î K≥ѨC Quell ..................................... J}K«∞
55 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Quench ...................... P~°∞Û, K«ÖÏ¡~°∞Û Report .............. Ѷ≤~åº^Œ∞KÕÜ«Ú, `≥Å∞ѨÙ
Question ............................ „ѨtflOK«∞ Represent ........ =i‚OK«∞, |^Œ∞Å∞ѨOѨÙ
Quicken ............................ `«fi~°ÃÑ@∞ì Reproach ....... Ѩiâ’kèOK«∞, ^Œ∂+≤OK«∞
Rain ............................. =i¬OK«∞, ‰õΩiÜ«Ú Request .................... "Õ_»∞H˘#∞, HÀ~°∞
Reach ...................................... KÕ~°∞ Research ....................... Ѩiâ’kèOK«∞
Reap ...................... H˘_»=e`À HÀÜ«Ú Resent .................. HÀÑ≤OK«∞, ~À+¨Ñ¨_»∞
Reason ............................... `«i¯OK«∞ Resign .......... ~år<å=∂KÕÜ«Ú, =^ŒÅ∞
Reck ................................ ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì Resist ................ ZkiOK«∞, J_»¤yOK«∞
Reckon ............... ÖˇHõ¯-ÃÑ@∞ì, -KÕÜ«Ú Resound ....................... „Ѩu^èŒfixOK«∞
Recollect ................. [˝Ñ≤ÎH˜ `≥K«∞ÛH˘#∞ Respect ........................... Q“~°qOK«∞
Recommend .............. ã≤á¶ê~°∞û KÕÜ«Ú Respond ................... „Ѩ`«∞º`«Î~°q∞K«∞Û
Record ................ ZH˜¯OK«∞, „"åã≤ÃÑ@∞ì Rest .................... q„â◊q∞OK«∞, PxOK«∞
Recover .......... ã¨fiã¨÷`«K≥O^Œ∞, HÀÅ∞H˘#∞ Restrain ......... J_»¤yOK«∞, PѨÙ, xÅ∞ѨÙ
Recruit ........................... xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞ Restrict ........................ ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’ÃÑ@∞ì
Reflect ......................... „ѨuaOaOK«∞ Result ................................. Ѷ¨eOK«∞
Refresh .............................. ¿ã^Œn~°∞Û Retail ......................... zÅ¡~°QÍ J=Ú‡
Refund .......................... "åѨã¨∞KÕÜ«Ú Retain ............................. LOK«∞H˘#∞
Regard ................... K«∂K«∞, ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì Retard ........................ "ÕQÆ=Ú`«yæOK«∞
Reign ......................... UÅ∞, áêeOK«∞ Retch ........................ FHõiOK«∞, _À‰õΩ
Reject ............................. x~åHõiOK«∞ Retort ..................... |^Œ∞Å∞xO^Œ"ÕÜ«Ú
Relax ................. ã¨_»Å∞, =^Œ∞Å∞KÕÜ«Ú Retract ................ LѨã¨OǨÏiOK«∞H˘#∞
Remain ...................... LO_»∞, xÅ∞K«∞ Return .......... uiy=K«∞Û, "åѨã¨∞KÕÜ«Ú
Remand .......................... uiyѨOѨ٠Reveal ....... `≥Å∞ѨÙ, |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Remember ................ [˝Ñ≤Î LOK«∞H˘#∞ Revert ............. =∞~°Å=K«∞Û ÖË^• áÈ=Ù
Remind ..................... *Ï˝Ñ¨Hõ=ÚKÕÜ«Ú Review ......................... ѨÙ#óѨijÅ#
Render ............................. JѨÊyOK«∞ Revolt ............... u~°QÆ|_»∞, Jã¨Ç¨ÏºÑ¨_»∞
Renew ........................... =∞~°ÅKÕÜ«Ú Reward ........................ |Ǩ˙HõiOK«∞
Rent .............. J^≥ÌH˜K«∞Û, J^≥̉õΩfã≤H˘#∞ Ripen ...................... ѨO_»∞, ѨO_çOK«∞
Repair ............................. ÉÏQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú Roam ............................ T~°Hõu~°∞QÆ∞
Repeat ............ uiyKÕÜ«Ú, uiyK≥ѨC Roar ..................................... QÆi˚OK«∞
Repent ................ ѨâßÛ`åÎѨ=Ú K≥O^Œ∞ Roast ................. =∂_»∞, ÉÏQÍ"ÕyOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 56
Roll QÆ∞O„_»=ÚQÍ „uѨC, K«∞@∞ìH˘#∞
....... Snatch ................. ǨÏ~îå`«∞ÎQÍѨ@∞ìH˘#∞
Root ........................ áê^Œ∞H˘#∞, áê`«∞ Snarl .......................... ‰õΩHõ¯QÆ∞„~°∞=∞#∞
Ruin .............................. áê_»∞KÕÜ«Ú Sneer ............................ ¿ÇÏà◊#KÕÜ«Ú
Rush ............... `˘O^Œ~°Ñ¨_»∞, K˘é|_»∞ Sniff ................. Ѩã≤QÆ@∞ì, QÆ\ ˜ìQÍÑ‘Å∞Û
Rust ............... `«∞ѨC-Ѩ@∞ì, -Ѩ\ ˜ìOK«∞ Snort ................................. |∞ã¨Q˘@∞ì
Sail .......................... F_»Ö’ „Ѩܫ∂}˜OK«∞ Soak ....................... <å#"ÕÜÚ « , <å#∞
Sanction ...................... J#∞=∞uOK«∞ Sorrow .............................. ^Œ∞ódOK«∞
Scan ................ ã¨∂HõΔ ‡=ÚQÍ Ñ¨sH˜ΔOK«∞ Sort ................................ =sæHõiOK«∞
Scatter ................................ "≥^Œ[Å∞¡ Sour ................. ѨÙeÜ«∞ɡ@∞ì, ѨÙeÜ«Ú
Scent ................ Ѩã≤QÆ@∞ì, Ѩi=∞oOK«∞ Spell ................................ LK«ÛùiOK«∞
Scoff ............................ ZQÆ`åoKÕÜ«Ú Spill ............................. XÅHõáÈÜ«Ú
Scold .......................... u@∞ì, QÆkÌOK«∞ Spoil .................... K≥_»Q˘@∞ì, K≥_çáÈ=Ù
Scorn ................................. x~°ã≤OK«∞ Sprain .................................... ɡ}‰õΩ
Scream ................... JéK«∞, ˆHHõ"ÕÜ«Ú Squander ............. ^Œ∞~°fi ºÜ«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Search ................... "≥^Œ‰õΩ, J<Õfi+≤OK«∞ Stagger ..................... `«∂Å∞`«∂#_»K«∞
Seem ................................... Hõ#Ѩ_»∞ Stammer .................... #uÎQÍ=∂\Ï¡_»∞
Select .......................... U~°∞Û, ZOK«∞ Stamp ............................ =Ú„^Œ"ÕÜ«Ú
Sharpen ......................... Ѩ^Œ∞#∞ÃÑ@∞ì Starch .............................. QÆOlÃÑ@∞ì
Shelter ......................... P„â◊Ü«∞q∞K«∞Û Start ............ |Ü«∞Å∞^Õ~°∞, „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Shift .............. ã¨÷Å=Ú-=∂~°∞Û, =∂é∞ Stitch ...................................... ‰õΩ@∞ì
Shiver .............. =}∞‰õΩ, `«∞#HõÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú Stock ............... „áÈQÆ∞KÕÜ«Ú, KÕiÛÃÑ@∞ì
Shock .............................. J^Œ~°Q˘@∞ì Stoop ........................ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ=OQÆ∞
Shorten ............ x_çq-`«yæOK«∞, -`«QÆ∞æ Straighten ...................... u#fl#KÕÜ«Ú
Shout .................. JéK«∞, ˆHHõÅ∞"ÕÜ«Ú Strain ................................ JkèHõ„â◊=∞
Shower .................. ‰õΩiÜ«Ú, =i¬OK«∞ Stream .................. „Ѩ=Ç≤ÏOK«∞, áêé∞
Simmer ..................... ‰õΩ`«‰õΩ`« L_»∞‰õΩ Strengthen .......... |ÅѨéK«∞, |ÅѨ_»∞
Sketch .................. K«∂KåÜ«∞QÍ wÜ«Ú Stretch ............... KåK«∞, ѨéK«∞, ™êQÆ∞
Slash ..................................... #~°‰õΩ Succeed ..................... `«~°∞"å`«=K«∞Û
Smash .......................... „|^ŒÌÅ∞*ËÜ«Ú Suck ............ „^Œ==Ú#∞ Ñ‘Å∞Û, ‰õΩ_»∞K«∞
Smear ....................... ѨÓÜ«Ú, JÅ∞‰õΩ Suffer .............. J#∞ÉèíqOK«∞, ÉÏ^èŒÑ¨_»∞
Smirch ................. =∂ѨÙ, =∞H˜ÅKÕÜ«Ú Suggest ............ ã¨∂zOK«∞, *Ï_»K«∂ѨÙ
57 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Suit .......... `«QÆ∞, ã¨iѨ_»∞, `«yÜ«ÚO_»∞ Toil áê@∞Ѩ_»∞, Hõ+¨ìѨ_»∞
Summon ................ ~°=∞‡x P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞ Torment ............................ Ç≤ÏOã≤OK«∞
Support ......... P^è•~°q∞K«∞Û, |ÅѨéK«∞ Toss ............... ZQÆ∞~°"ÕÜ«Ú, Zyé˜Ñ¨_»∞
Suppress ....................... J}z"ÕÜ«Ú Touch ...................................... `å‰õΩ
Surpass ............ q∞OK«∞, Juâ◊~ÚOK«∞ Train ....................... <Õ~°∞Ê, tHõΔ}xK«∞Û
Surrender ........................ ÖÁOyáÈ=Ù Transact ......................... x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Surround ......... Ѩi"Õ+≤ìOK«∞, P=iOK«∞ Transform ................. ~°∂Ѩ=Ú=∂~°∞Û
Suspect ........................ ã¨Oâ◊~ÚOK«∞ Transport ..................... ~°"å}ÏKÕÜ«Ú
Suspend .......................... „"ÕÅ"ÕÜ«Ú Treat ............. P^ŒiOK«∞, zH˜`«û KÕÜ«Ú
Sustain ...................... ÉèíiOK«∞, F~°∞Û Trench ............. K«∞@∂ìHõO^ŒHõ=Ú „`«=fi
Swallow ............................... „q∞OQÆ∞ Trespass .................. Ju„Hõq∞OzáÈ=Ù
Swell ................ L|∞ƒ, "åѨÙ, LaƒOK«∞ Trick .......................... "≥∂ã¨=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Talk .............................. =∂\Ï¡_»∞, ѨÅ∞‰õΩ Triumph ............................. [~ÚOK«∞
Tarnish ....................... HÍOu áÈQ˘@∞ì Trust ...................... #=Ú‡, qâ◊fiã≤OK«∞
Taunt ..................... ^≥ѨC, ZuÎá⁄_»∞K«∞ Tuck .............. =∞_»K«∞, ^ÀѨÙ, =¸Ü«Ú
Tax ........................................ Ѩ#∞fl"ÕÜ«Ú Turn ................................... u~°∞QÆ∞, „uѨC
Tempt .......... =∞~°∞Å∞Q˘Å∞Ê, „¿Ñˆ~Ñ≤OK«∞ Twist ................................ "≥∞e„uѨC
Test .......................... ѨsH˜ΔOK«∞, â’kèOK«∞ Undress ......................... |@ìÅ∞qѨC
Tether ....................... ѨÅ∞Ѩل`å_»∞Hõ@∞ì Unload .................... ã¨~°‰õΩkOz"ÕÜ«Ú
Thank ........................ Hõ$`«[˝`« `≥Å∞Ѩ٠Uproot ..................... "Õ~°¡`À ÃÑHõeOK«∞
Thicken ............. zHõ¯#KÕÜ«Ú, zHõ¯Ñ¨_»∞ Utter ............ ѨÅ∞‰õΩ, J#∞, LK«ÛiOK«∞
Thirst .................. ^•Ç¨Ï=∞QÆ∞, PtOK«∞ Vanish ........................... J^Œ$â◊º=∞QÆ∞
Thrash ..................... ^è•#º=Ú =∂~°∞Û Vaunt .......................... |_®~ÚѨÅ∞‰õΩ
Threaten .......................... ÉèíÜ«∞ÃÑ@∞ì Vero .................. =^ŒÌ#∞, ã¨=∞‡uOK«HõáÈ=Ù
Thrill ......................... ѨÙÅHõiOѨKÕÜ«Ú Vex ............. HÀѨ=ÚѨÙ\˜ìOK«∞, qã≤yOK«∞
Thump ....................... K«éK«∞, "≥Ú`«∞Î View ........................... K«∂K«∞, ZOK«∞
Thunder .................. Lé∞=Ú, QÆi˚OK«∞ Visit .......... áÈ~ÚK«∂K«∞, ^Œ~°≈#=ÚKÕÜ«Ú
Tick ............................. QÆ∞é∞`«∞ w`«ÃÑ@∞ì Vomit ..................... "åOuKÕÜ«Ú, Hõ‰õΩ¯
Tighten ................... ayOK«∞, aQÆ∞=QÆ∞ Vouch .......... ™êHõΔ ºq∞K«∞Û, ~°∂_èçѨéK«∞
Titter ............... =Úã≤=Úã≤#=ÙfiÅ∞ #=Ùfi Vow ................... „"≥Ú‰õΩ¯, „"≥Ú‰õΩ¯H˘#∞
Toast .................. "Õ_çKÕÜ«Ú, ÃãQÆK«∂Ѩ٠Wail ................................. U_»∞Û, ~ÀkOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 58
Wait ........... "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞, Z^Œ∞~°∞K«∂K«∞ Whirl ................ y~°y~°"ÕQÆ=ÚQÍ „uѨC
Walk ....................... #_»K«∞, #_»Ñ≤OK«∞ Whisper ....................... QÆ∞ã¨QÆ∞ã¨ÖÏ_»∞
Wander ................ ã¨OK«iOK«∞, u~°∞QÆ∞ Widen ........................... "≥_»Å∞ÊKÕÜ«Ú
Want ....................... J_»∞QÆ∞, ÖËHõáÈ=Ù Winnow ................................. K≥~°∞QÆ∞
Warn .............................. ÃÇÏK«ÛiOK«∞ Wish ....................... HÀ~°∞, "åOzèOK«∞
Warrant ........................ JÉèíÜ«∞q∞K«∞Û Wither ................. "å_çáÈ=Ù, Z_»Q˘@∞ì
Wash ......................... Hõ_»∞QÆ∞, L`«∞‰õΩ Wonder ........................... Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨_»∞
Watch ............... HÍ=eHÍÜ«Ú, HÍáê_»∞ Work ................................. ѨxKÕÜ«Ú
Weigh ......................... `«∂K«∞, `«∂QÆ∞ Wound ....... QÍÜ«∞=ÚKÕÜ«Ú, QÍÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞
Weld ..................................... J`«∞QÆ∞ Wrench ....................... ÃÑé∞‰õΩ, ÖÏQÆ∞
Whelm .......................... =ÚOz"ÕÜ«Ú Yawn ................................. P=eOK«∞
Whimper .................. =¸Å∞æK«∂U_»∞Û, Yearn ................... PtOK«∞, J¿ÑH˜ΔOK«∞
Ñ≤Å¡=ÖËU_»∞Û Yell .......................... JéK«∞, ÉÁ|ƒiOK«∞
3. z=i JHõ~Δ O° =∞~°Å =KÕÛ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : D „H˜Ok „H˜Ü∞« Å z=~° JHõ~Δ =° Ú
past tense, past participle ~°∂áêÅÖ’ =∞~˘Hõ\ ˜ KÕi `«~åfi`« 'ed' KÕ~∞° `«∞Ok.
present participle ~°∂ѨOÖ’ ‰õÄ_® z=i JHõΔ~°O =∞~°ÖÏ =zÛ ing' x
KÕ~∞° `«∞Ok.
Eg : Big - begged - begged - begging
Abet ................. K≥_»¤Ñ¨xÖ’ ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞ Chop ........................... #~°‰õΩ, `«~°∞QÆ∞
Abhor .............................. Jã¨Ç¨ÏºÑ¨_»∞ Clap .................................... K«Ñ¨Ê@∞¡ H˘@∞ì
Aquit ........................... q_»∞^ŒÅKÕÜ«Ú Clip ........................................... HõuÎiOK«∞
Admit ....... „Ѩ"Õâ◊ÃÑ@∞ì, KÕ~°∞, XѨCH˘#∞ Clog ..................................... P@OHõѨ~°K«∞
Allot .................. ˆH\Ï~ÚOK«∞, „Ѩ`ÕºH˜OK«∞ Clot ............................. QÆ_»¤Hõ@∞ì#@∞¡KÕÜ«Ú
Annual ............................. ~°^Œ∞ÌKÕÜ«Ú Club ................................. ã¨OѶ¨∞OQÍ KÕ~°∞
Appal ............................... ÉèíÜ«∞ÃÑ@∞ì Commit ................. ^Œ∞+¨¯~°‡‰õΩ áêÅÊ_»∞
Aver .......................... ã≤÷~°=ÚQÍK≥ѨC Compel .................... |Å=O`«OKÕÜ«Ú
Befit ..................... `«QÆ∞, `«yÜ«ÚO_»∞ Control .......................... J^Œ∞ѨÙKÕÜ«Ú
Beg ............................ Ji÷OK«∞, "Õ_»∞H˘#∞ Coquet .............................. =ÅÑ≤OK«∞
Blot ................................................... J^Œ∞Ì Cram ............ ‰õÄ~°∞, JuQÍu#∞, ÉÁ‰õΩ¯
Cancel ............................. ~°^Œ∞ÌKÕÜ«Ú Crop ........................ H˘#Å∞ HõuÎiOK«∞
Chip ........................................ z=Ùfi, K≥‰õΩ¯ Cub ....................................... (ѨÙe) D#∞
59 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Dam ................. (QÆ@∞ìHõ\ ì̃) h~°∞ xÅ∞Ѩ٠Jog .................................. TQÆ∞`«∂ áÈ=Ù
Debar ............ |Ç≤Ï+¨¯iOK«∞, "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì Kidnap .......................... JѨǨÏiOK«∞
Defer ................................ ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì Knit .............................. JÅ∞¡, =Ú_ç"ÕÜ«Ú
Dig .................................................. „`«=Ùfi Knot ................................ =Ú_ç"ÕÜ«Ú
Dip .................. =ÚOK«∞, =Ú#∞QÆ∞, J^Œ∞Ì Label .......................... p\˜ JO\˜OK«∞
Dot ......................................... K«∞Hõ¯ ÃÑ@∞ì Level ............................. K«^Œ∞#∞KÕÜ«Ú
Drag .............................. D_»∞Û, ÖÏQÆ∞ Net ................................................... JÅ∞¡
Drip ....................................... HÍ~°∞, HÍ~°∞Û Nip .................................... „`«∞OK«∞, yÅ∞¡
Drop ................ ÉÁ@∞¡HÍ~°∞, *Ï~°q_»∞K«∞ Nod ...................... `«Å TK«∞, H˘#=OK«∞
Eavesdrop .......................... #H˜¯q#∞ Omit .................... =^Œe"ÕÜ«Ú, q_»K«∞
Embed ........... ^Õ<À¡<≥·<å á⁄^Œ∞QÆ∞, K≥‰õΩ¯ Pat .................................... „¿Ñ=∞`À `«@∞ì
Emit .......... |Ü«∞@‰õΩ Ñ¨OѨÙ, „Ѩã¨iOѨ٠Patrol .............................. QÆã‘Î u~°∞QÆ∞
Enrol ............... *Ïa`åÖ’ KÕ~°∞Û (H˘#∞) Permit .......................... J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Equal ............................. ã¨=∂#=∞QÆ∞ Pin ........................... (Ñ≤#∞fl) fQÆ`À Hõ@∞ì
Equip .............. ™ê=∂„y`À ã≤^ŒúOKÕÜ«Ú Plan ........................ LáêÜ«∞O Ѩ#∞fl
Excel ............. q∞OK«∞, „âı+¨ª"≥∞ÿÜ«ÚO_»∞ Plot ......................... ‰õΩ„@Ѩ#∞fl, HõqfiOK«∞
Expel ................................ "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì Plug ......................................... a~°_®ÃÑ@∞ì
Extol .................. ã¨∞ÎuOK«∞, H˘xÜ«∂_»∞ Prefer ......................... „áê^è•#º`«xK«∞Û
Fit ............................... J=∞~°∞Û ã¨iѨ_»∞ Prop .............................. P^è•~°q∞K«∞Û
Flap ..................................... K«éK«∞, `«@∞ì Propel ..................... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ„`ÀÜ«Ú
Fret ......................... HÀѨ|_»∞, HõÅ`«Éˇ@∞ì Quarrel ................................ áÈ\Ï¡_»∞
Fulfil .................................... <≥~°"Õ~°∞Û Quit ............................ q_»zÃÑ@∞ì, =∂#∞
Grin ................................. Ѩà◊√§ WH˜eOK«∞ Rebel ................................ u~°QÆ|_»∞
Grip ........................ Ñ≤_çHõ@ aQÆѨ@∞ì Recur ........................... Ѩ^ÕѨ^Õ =K«∞Û
Gum ................... lQÆ∞~°∞`À JO\˜OK«∞ Refer ....................... ã¨O|O^èŒO K«∂ѨÙ
Hop ............................... ÔQO`«∞`«∂ #_»K«∞ Regret .............................. qKåiOK«∞
Hug ................ ǨÏ`«∞ÎH˘#∞, H“yeOK«∞ Remit ........................... uiyK≥e¡OK«∞
Impel ................................ „¿Ñˆ~Ñ≤OK«∞ Repel ............................... =∞à◊§Q˘@∞ì
Intermit ......................... xÅ∞ѨÙ, PѨ٠Rob .......................................... ^ÀK«∞H˘#∞
Jam .................. J}K«∞, <˘‰õΩ¯, WiH˜OK«∞ Rot ....................... „‰õΩà◊√§, =Ú~°∞QÆ∞
Jet ......................... ^è•~°QÍ Ñ¨OѨÙ, HÍ~°∞ Rub ............. `À=Ú, ~°∞^Œ∞Ì, ~åK«∞H˘#∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 60
Scrub .................. `À=Ú, ~°∞^Œ∞Ì, ~åK«∞ Tap ................... `«@∞ì, "≥∞Å¡QÍ H˘@∞ì
Sip ..................................... Ñ‘Å∞Û Thin ................................... ѨÅ∞K«#KÕÜ«Ú
Skim ...................... ^Õ=Ù, g∞QÆ_»fÜ«Ú Top ...................... q∞OK«∞, Juâ◊~ÚOK«∞
Slip ...................... *Ï~°∞, *Ï~°q_»K«∞ Transfer ........................... |kbKÕÜ«Ú
Skip ..................... ÔQO`«∞, q_»zÃÑ\˜ìáÈ=Ù Transmit ................... ѨOѨÙ, áÈxK«∞Û
Sob .......................... "≥H˜¯"≥H˜¯ U_»∞Û Trap ........... =Å֒Ѩ_»∞, É’#∞Ö’ Ѩ@∞ì
Step ............................ J_»∞QÆ∞"ÕÜ«Ú Travel ............................ „Ѩܫ∂}˜OK«∞
Stir .................... Hõ^ŒÅ∞, HõeÜ«∞ɡ@∞ì Trim ..................................... JÅOHõiOK«∞
Stop ............................ xÅ∞K«∞, J_»¤yOK«∞ Wag .................. TѨÙ, P_çOK«∞, TQÆ∞
Strip ..................... XÅ∞K«∞, kQÆO|~°=∞QÆ∞ Wed ................................... ÃÑO_®¡_»∞
Strut .................... Ju QÆ~°fiOQÍ #_»K«∞ Whet ........................ ~åzѨ^Œ∞#∞ÃÑ@∞ì
Submit ......... ^•YÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú, XѨÊyOK«∞ Worship ............ ѨÓlOK«∞, P~åkèOK«∞
Sum ...................... ‰õÄ_»∞, "≥~°ã≤KÕÜ«Ú Wrap .......................... K«∞@∞ì, =∞_»∞K«∞
Tag .................................................. KÕ~°∞Û
4. Y `À
JO`«=∞ÜÕ∞º „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : Wq ~Ô O_»∞ ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞ a) Verb z=~°QÅÆ Y
=∂~°x „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ b) verb z=~°#QÆÅ 'y' =∂~°∞ÊK≥O^Õ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞
A) Verb z=~°QÅ Æ Y =∂~°x „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : Y `À JO`«=∞ÜÕ∞º D kQÆ∞= „H˜Ü∞« ʼnõΩ
past tense, past participle ~°∂áêÅÖ’ 'ed' x present participle ~°∂ѨOÖ’
ing' x KÕ~åÛe.

Eg : Play - played - played - playing

Annoy .......................... `˘O^Œ~°KÕÜ«Ú Display ................ Ѩ~°z (qÑ≤Ê) K«∂ѨÙ

Array .......................... =ӺǨÏ"Õ∞~°Ê~°∞Û Employ ........................ L^ÀºQÆq∞K«∞Û
Bray ..................... ^ŒOK«∞, FO„_»∞ÃÑ@∞ì Enjoy ............................ J#∞ÉèíqOK«∞
Cloy ...................... "≥QÆ@QÆ∞#@∞¡ uxÊOK«∞ Journey ......................... „Ѩܫ∂}˜OK«∞
Convey .......................... `≥eÜ«∞*ËÜ«Ú Obey ............... ÖÁOQÆ∞, q^èÕÜ«∞`«K«∂ѨÙ
Decay .................. H©Δ}˜OK«∞, ‰õΩo§áÈ=Ù Play ................................... P_»∞, #\˜OK«∞
Delay ......... PÅ㨺=∞QÆ∞, PÅ㨺OKÕÜ«Ú Pray .................... „áêi÷OK«∞, "Õ_»∞H˘#∞
Deploy ........................... qÑ≤Ê `≥~°K«∞ Stay ..................... LO_»∞, xÅK«∞, xÅ∞ѨÙ
Destroy ........................ <åâ◊#OKÕÜ«Ú Survey ..................... Éèí∂q∞x H˘Å∞K«∞
Dismay .......... kQÆ∞Å∞ѨÙ@∞ì, ÉèíÜ«∞ÃÑ@∞ì
61 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
B) Verb z=~°QÅÆ Y =∂~°∞ÊK≥O^Õ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞ : Y `À JO`«=∞ÜÕ∞º D kQÆ∞=
„H˜Ü∞« ÅO^Œ∞ z=~°#QÆÅ 'y' past tense, past participle ~°∂áêÅO^Œ∞ =∂~°∞Ê
K≥Ok 'ied' QÍ#∞ present participle ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#O^Œ∞ 'y' =∂~°∞Ê K≥O^ŒHõ ying
QÍ#∞ LO@∞Ok.
Ex : Cry - cried - cried - crying
Accompany ..................... "≥O@É’=Ù Identify ................................ QÆ∞iÎOK«∞
Acetify ......................... ѨÙÅ∞ÃÑH˜¯OK«∞ Justify ......................... <åºÜ«∞OKÕÜ«Ú
Aerify ............. QÍe`ÀxOѨÙ, QÍeH˘@∞ì Magnify ....................... ÃÑ^ŒÌkQÍK«∂ѨÙ
Amplify ...................... qãÎ̈iOz K≥ÑC ¨ Marry ............... ÃÑO_ç¡KÕÜ«Ú, ÃÑO_®¡_»∞
Beautify ......................... ã≤OQÍiOK«∞ Modify ................. =∂~°∞, =∂~°∞ÊKÕÜ«Ú
Bury .................................. áêuÃÑ@∞ì Mollify ............................ âßO`«Ñ¨~°K«∞
Carry .................... "≥∂Ü«Ú, QÆ~°ƒù=`«‰õΩ Multiply ................. QÆ∞}˜OK«∞, ÃÇÏK«ÛQÆ∞
Certify ............................. ~°∂_èçKÕÜ«Ú Mutiny .............................. u~°QÆ|_»∞
Clarify .......................... x~°‡ÅOKÕÜ«Ú Mystify ............. =∂Ü«∞(„Éèíq∞OѨ)KÕÜ«Ú
Classity .......................... =sæHõiOK«∞ Notify ............................ `≥eÜ«∞KÕÜ«Ú
Crucify ........................... tÅ∞="ÕÜ«Ú Nullify .......................... x~°~°÷HõOKÕÜ«Ú
Cry ................... U_»∞Û, J~°K«∞, ˆHHõ"ÕÜ«Ú Occupy ............................ P„Hõq∞OK«∞
Dally ............................... ã¨~°ã¨=∂_»∞ Pacify ....................... LѨâßOuKÕÜ«Ú
Deny .................... x~åHõiOK«∞, ÖË^Œ#∞ Petrify ............. tÅÜ«∞QÆ∞, tÅQÍKÕÜ«Ú
Dignify ............................. Ѷ¨∞#Ѩ~°K«∞ Pitv ......................................... HõxHõiOK«∞
Dirty .............................. =ÚiH˜KÕÜ«Ú Prophesy ............. ™È^≥(*’㨺O) K≥ѨC
Disqualify ...................... J#~°›OKÕÜ«Ú Purify ............................... â◊√kúKÕÜ«Ú
Dry ....................................... ZO_»∞, P~°∞ Qualify ................................ J~°∞›_»QÆ∞
Dulcify ..................... =∂^èŒ∞~°ºOKÕÜ«Ú Query ........................... „Ѩâ◊flÅ∞"ÕÜ«Ú
Electrify ..................... q^Œ∞ºnHõiOK«∞ Rectify ...................... k^Œ∞Ì, ã¨=iOK«∞
Empty ................ MÏmKÕÜ«Ú, MÏmJQÆ∞ Reply ........................ „Ѩ`«∞º`«Î~°q∞K«∞Û
Envy ............................. Jã¨∂Ü«∞Ѩ_»∞ Satisfy ............ `«$Ñ≤ÎK≥O^Œ∞, `«$Ñ≤ÎKÕÜ«Ú
Exemplify .................... L^•Ç¨ÏiOK«∞ Signify .............................. ã¨∂zOK«∞
Falsify .......................... J|^ŒúOKÕÜ«Ú Simplify ........................ ã¨∂H©Δ ‡HõiOK«∞
Fry .................................... "ÕѨÙ, "ÕyOK«∞ Specify .............................. q=iOK«∞
Glorify ................................ ã¨∞÷uOK«∞ Supply ............... ã¨~°Ñ¶¨~åKÕÜ«Ú, ѨOѨÙ
Hurry ............................. `˘O^Œ~°ÃÑ@∞ì Tally ............ ã¨iѨ_»∞, [`«Ñ¨_»∞, ã¨iѨÙK«∞Û

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 62

Terrify ............................... ÉèíÜ«∞ÃÑ@∞ì Vary .............. =∂~°∞, "Õ~°QÆ∞, ÉèË^ŒOKÕÜ«Ú
Testify ............................ ™êHõΔ ºq∞K«∞Û Verify ................. ã¨iK«∂K«∞, x[Ѩ~°K«∞
Try ...................................... „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞ Worry ........................... `˘O^Œ~°KÕÜ«Ú


Abide ........................ Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_»∞ Burn ................... =∞O_»∞, HÍÅ∞, HÍÅ∞Û
Arise ...... ÖËK«∞, L^ŒƒùqOK«∞, ã¨OÉèíqOK«∞ Burst ................. „|^ŒÌÅQÆ∞, ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘@∞ì
Awake ..... x„^ŒÖËK«∞, x„^ŒÖËѨÙ, "Õ∞ÖÁ¯#∞ Buy ................................................... H˘#∞
Be ....................................... PQÆ∞, LO_»∞ Cast ...................... ~°∞=Ùfi, áÈ`«áÈÜ«Ú
Bear ................ ÉèíiOK«∞, ÉèÏ~°O"≥∂Ü«Ú Catch ............ Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞, JO@∞, ™È‰õΩ
Beat ..................... ÉÏ^Œ∞, H˘@∞ì (H˘#∞) Chide .................... u@∞ì, =∞O^ŒeOK«∞
Become ................................... JQÆ∞ Choose ............ ZOK«∞H˘#∞, Z#∞flH˘#∞
Befall ................... ã¨OÉèíqOK«∞, HõÅ∞QÆ∞ Cleave ....... pÅ∞Û, ѨQÆ∞Å∞, ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘@∞ì
Beget ....................... Hõ#∞, HÍ~°Hõ=∞QÆ∞ Cling ............................ JO\˜Ü«ÚO_»∞
Begin ............................ „áê~°OaèOK«∞ Come ................................ =K«∞Û, ~å
Behold ................................... K«∂K«∞ Cost .................................... Ys^ŒQÆ∞
Bend ........................... =OK«∞, =OQÆ∞ Creep ...................................... „áê‰õΩ
Bereave ............................. #+¨ìѨ~°K«∞ Cut .......................... HÀÜ«Ú, `≥QÆ∞, #~°‰õΩ
Beseech .......................... „|u=∂Å∞ Deal ........................... x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞, J=Ú‡
Beset ............................. K«∞@∞ì=Ú@∞ì Dig .................................................. „`«=Ùfi
Bet .................................... ѨO^≥OHÍÜ«Ú Do ........................... KÕÜ«Ú, x~°fiÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Betake ................ ÅQÆflOKÕÜ«Ú, "≥_»Å∞ Draw ............................ wÜ«Ú, D_»∞Û
Bid .................... "ÕÅOáê_»∞, P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞ Dream .................................. HõÅQÆ#∞
Bind ........... x~°ƒùOkOK«∞, É∫O_»∞"ÕÜ«Ú Drink ...................................... „`åQÆ∞
Bite .................................. Hõ~°K«∞, H˘~°∞‰õΩ Drive ............... #_»∞ѨÙ, `«~°∞=Ú, `ÀÅ∞
Bleed ................ ~°HõÎOHÍ~°∞, ~°HõÎOz=Ú‡ Dwell ................................. x=ã≤OK«∞
Blow ................. QÍe T^Œ∞, QÍegK«∞ Eat ................................................... u#∞
Break .................. ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘@∞ì, ѨQÆ∞Å∞ Fall ................. Ѩ_»∞, ~åÅ∞, `«QÆ∞æ, ‰õÄÅ∞
Breed ........................... "Õ∞ѨÙ, ÃÑOK«∞ Feed .......... áÈ+≤OK«∞, "Õ∞ѨÙ, uxÑ≤OK«∞
Bring ....................................... `≥K«∞Û Feel ................................ ÉèÏqOK«∞
Broadcast ............ „ѨKå(™ê)~°O KÕÜ«Ú Fight ....................... áÈ~å_»∞, HõÅ|_»∞
Build ........................... xi‡OK«∞, Hõ@∞ì Find ....................... Hõ#∞Q˘#∞, K«∂K«∞
Flee ................................ áêiáÈ=Ù
63 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Fling ............ áê~°"ÕÜ«Ú, ~°∞=Ùfi, qã¨~°∞ Know ................... `≥eã≤H˘#∞, `≥eÜ«Ú
Fly ......................... ZQÆ∞~°∞, ZQÆ∞~°"ÕÜ«Ú Lade ......................... ã¨~°∞‰õΩ <≥H˜¯OK«∞
Forbear .......... F~°∞Û, ã¨Ç≤ÏOK«∞, q_»K«∞ Lay ................................... "ÕÜ«Ú, LOK«∞
Forbid ........................... HÍ^Œ#∞=^ŒÌ#∞ Lead ................................ „`À=K«∂ѨÙ
Forecast*’㨺OK≥ѨC, "å`å=~°}OK≥ѨC Leave .......................... q_»K«∞, =∂#∞
Foreknow ........ =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ `≥Å∞ã¨∞H˘#∞ Lend .................... JÑ≤ÊK«∞Û, |^Œ∞eK«∞Û
Forget ............................. =∞~°záÈ=Ù Let ..................................... J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Forgive ................................ HõΔq∞OK«∞ Lie ..... HõÅ¡ÖÏ_»∞, Ѩ~°∞O_»∞, Ѩ_çÜ«ÚO_»∞
For sake ....... =^Œe"ÕÜ«Ú, =∂x"ÕÜ«Ú Light ..................... "≥Å∞QÆ∞, "≥eyOK«∞
Forswear .......... ÖË^x Œ „Ѩ=∂}O KÕÜÚ« Lose ............... áÈQ˘@∞ìH˘#∞, F_çáÈ=Ù
Freeze ................ QÆ_»¤Hõ@∞ì, QÆ_»¤Hõ\ ˜ìOK«∞ Make ............ `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕÜ«Ú, U~°Ê~°K«∞
Gainsay ......................... u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞ Mean ...... `«ÅK«∞, J~°÷q∞K«∞Û, L^ÕútOK«∞
Get ........................ á⁄O^Œ∞, ã¨OáêkOK«∞ Meet ......................... HõeÜ«Ú, áÈQÆQÆ∞
Give .................................................. WK«∞Û Mistake .............................. á⁄~°|_»∞
Go .................................................. "≥à◊√§ Mow .............................. (QÆ_ç¤) HÀÜ«Ú
Grave ....................................... K≥‰õΩ¯ Outbid ........ áÈ\©QÍ ÃÇÏK«∞Û^èŒ~°‰õΩ áê_»∞
Grind ............................ ~°∞|∞ƒ, qã¨~°∞ Pay ........................ K≥e¡OK«∞, f~°∞Û, Hõ@∞ì
Grow ......................... ÃÑ~°∞QÆ∞, ÃÑOK«∞ Put ..................................... ÃÑ@∞ì, LOK«∞
Hamstring ................ "≥∂HÍÅ∞ q~°∞K«∞ Quit ............................ =∂#∞, q_»zÃÑ@∞ì
Hang .................................... „"ÕÖÏ_»∞ Read ..................................... K«^Œ∞=Ù
Have ............................ HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞ Relay .................... ѨÙ#ó„Ѩ™ê~°OKÕÜ«Ú
Hear ......................................... q#∞ Rend ............................ zOK«∞, pÅ∞Û
Heave ............. ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î, ÃÑ·H˜ÖËK«∞, L|∞ƒ Rid .................. q_çÑ≤OK«∞, `«Ñ≤ÊOK«∞
Hew ..................................... #~°∞‰õΩ, K≥‰õΩ¯ Ride ........................................ ™êfisKÕÜ«Ú
Hide ...................................... ^•K«∞, ^•QÆ∞ Ring ............................. „"≥∂QÆ∞, „"≥∂yOK«∞
Hit ........................... ÉÏ^Œ∞, H˘@∞ì, `å‰õΩ Rise ............................. L^Œ~ÚOK«∞, ÖËK«∞
Hold ........................................... Ѩ@∞ìH˘#∞ Rive ........................ pÅ∞Û, „|^ŒÌÅQÆ∞
Hurt .. QÍÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞, QÍÜ«∞Ѩ~°∞Û, <˘Ñ≤ÊOK«∞ Run .............................................. ѨiÔQ`«∞Î
Inlay ............. `åѨ_»OKÕÜ«Ú, #y+‘K≥‰õΩ¯ Saw ............................. ~°OѨ=Ú`ÀHÀÜ«Ú
Keep ...................................... LOK«∞ Say ................................ K≥ÑC ¨ , J#∞
Kneel ................................. "≥∂HõiÅ∞¡ See ................................................ K«∂K«∞
Knit ........................................ JÅ∞¡, ‰õΩ@∞ì Seek ............. "≥`«‰õΩ, J<Õfi+≤OK«∞, HÀ~°∞

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 64

Sell J=Ú‡, J=Ú‡_»QÆ∞
............................. Stand .................................. xÅ|_»∞
Send ...................................... ѨOѨ٠Steal ................ ^˘OyeOK«∞, HÍ*ËÜ«Ú
Set ........................... J=∞~°∞Û Jã¨Îq∞OK«∞ Stick ...................... JO\˜OK«∞, JO@∞
Sew .................................................. ‰õΩ@∞ì Sting ............................ H˘O_ô`À‰õΩ@∞ì
Shake ............. Hõ^ŒÅ∞, Hõ^ŒÅ∞Û, =}∞‰õΩ Stink ................................ HõOѨÙH˘@∞ì
Shed ..................... HÍ~°∞Û, ~åÅ∞Û K«Å∞¡ Stride ......... „`˘‰õΩ¯, ÃÑ^ŒÌ JOQÆÅ∞"ÕÜ«Ú
Shine ................. „ѨHÍtOK«∞, "≥∞~°Ü«Ú Strike ............ H˘@∞ì, `«@∞ì, ã¨"≥∞‡KÕÜ«Ú
Shoot ................ QÆ∞iK«∂ã≤H˘@∞ì, HÍÅ∞Û String ................... g∞@∞, ^ŒO_» QÆ∞K«∞Û
Show ............................ K«∂ѨÙ, `≥Å∞Ê Strive ....... áÈ~å_»∞, QÆ\ ˜ìQÍ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Shrink .......................... =Ú_»∞K«∞H˘#∞ Swear ..... „Ѩ=∂}O KÕÜ«Ú, X@∞ì"ÕÜ«Ú
Shut ................... =¸Ü«Ú, =¸ã≤H˘#∞ Sweep ......................... T_»∞Û, z=Ú‡
Sing .................................................. áê_»∞ Swin ....................................... D^Œ∞
Sink ................ =Ú#∞QÆ∞, =ÚOK«∞, WO‰õΩ Swing ................... TQÆ∞, TѨÙ, „uѨC
Sit ............................................ ‰õÄ~˘Û#∞ Take .................................... fã≤H˘#∞
Sleep .................................. x„kOK«∞ Teach ................................. Éè’kOK«∞
Slide ............................ *Ï~°∞, [~°∞Ѩ٠Tear ........................ zOѨÙ, z~°∞QÆ∞, ~°‰õΩ¯
Sling ................... X_çÃã qã¨~°∞, ~°∞=Ùfi Tell .................................................. K≥ѨC
Slit .................................... pÅ∞Û, HÀÜ«Ú Think ................................ PÖ’zOK«∞
Smell ........................... "åã¨# K«∂K«∞ Throw .................... qã¨i"ÕÜ«Ú, ~°∞=Ùfi
Smite ........................... H˘@∞ì, "≥Ú`«∞Î Thrust ..................... „`ÀÜ«Ú, á⁄_»∞K«∞
Sow ....................................... q`«∞Î, <å@∞ Tread ........ „`˘‰õΩ¯, J}∞K«∞, =∞@∞ìÃÑ@∞ì
Speak .............. =∂\Ï¡_»∞, LѨ#ºã≤OK«∞ Underbid ........ "ÕÅOÖ’ `«‰õΩ¯=‰õΩ áê_»∞
Speed .......................... "ÕQÆOQÍ áÈ=Ù Upset ......... `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞ÅQÆ∞, Ѩ_»„`ÀÜ«Ú
Spell .................... LK«ÛùiOK«∞, ѨÅ∞‰õΩ Wake ..................... "Õ∞ÖÁ¯#∞, x„^ŒÖËѨÙ
Spend ................... Y~°∞ÛÃÑ@∞ì, Y~°ÛQÆ∞ Wear ................................... ^èŒiOK«∞
Spill .......... XÅ∞‰õΩ, zO^Œ∞, XÅ∞HõÉ’Ü«Ú Weave ........................... <ÕÜ«Ú, JÅ∞¡
Spin ................................................ X_»∞‰õΩ Weep ...................................... U_»∞Û
Spit .......................... Lq∞‡"ÕÜ«Ú, TÜ«Ú Win ............................................... ÔQÅ∞K«∞
Split .................... „|^ŒÌÅQÆ∞, „|^ŒÌÅ∞KÕÜ«Ú Wind ............. QÍegÜ«Ú, T^Œ∞, „uѨC
Spoil .................................. K≥_»Q˘@∞ì Withdraw ............ LѨã¨OǨÏiOK«∞H˘#∞
Spread ......... Ѩ~°K«∞, „Hõ=Ú‡, qãÎ̈iOK«∞ Wring ......................... Ñ≤O_»∞, #Å∞K«∞
Spring ... ^Œ∞=Ú‰õΩ, L^ŒƒùqOK«∞, "≥∞Å∞K«∞ Write .................................... „"åÜ«Ú

65 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

ADVERBS („H˜Ü«∂qâı+¨}=ÚÅ∞)
Wq „ѨH¯õ <Õ LO_ç, Verb QÆ∞iOz =i‚™êÎ~Ú. Verb x "How (Z@∞¡)" Jx
„ѨtflOz# ["å|∞QÍ =zÛ#k "Adverb" J=Ù`«∞Ok.
Eg. She wrote Clearly She wrote. How ? Clearly.
Adverb..............`≥Å∞QÆ∞ÉèÏ==Ú Adverb...............`≥Å∞QÆ∞ÉèÏ==Ú
Abjectly ......................... hK«=ÚQÍ Afloat ............................... `ÕÅ∞K«∂
Ablaze .......................... =∞O_»∞K«∂ Afoot .............................. #_»K«∞K«∂
Ably ............................ ™ê=∞~°÷ºO`À Afore ............................... =ÚO^Œ~°
Aboard .............................. F_»ÃÑ·# Aforehand ................... =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ<Õ
Abominably .................. Jã¨Ç¨ÏºOQÍ Afresh ............ uiy, =∞~°Å, „H˘`«ÎQÍ
About ã¨∞=∂~°∞, JHõ¯_»Hõ¯_», K«∞@∞ì„ѨHõ¯Å After ........................ `«~åfi`«, "≥#∞Hõ
Above ............. g∞^Œ, ÃÑ·QÍ, ÃÇÏK«∞ÛQÍ Afterward(s) ........... `«~åfi`«, Ñ≤=∞‡@
Abreast ....................... XHõ ѨOHÎ̃QÍ Again ...................... uiy, =∞~°Å
Abroad ... q^ÕâßÖ’¡, JO`«\Ï, |Ü«∞@ Agape . q㨇ܫ∞=ÚQÍ, <À~°∞`≥~°K«∞H˘x
Abruptely .................... JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ Aggregately ................. "≥Ú`«Î=ÚQÍ
Absolutely ..... ÉÁuÎQÍ, x~°O‰õΩâ◊OQÍ Aghast ............. Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨_»¤, xâıÛ+¨μì_≥·
Abstractedly ................... Ѩ~å‰õΩQÍ Ago .......... ѨÓ~°fiO, „H˜O^Œ@, =Ú#∞ѨÙ
Absurdly ....................... q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ Agog ............................... P`«$`«`À
Abundantly ... q™êÎ~°OQÍ, Ü«∞^èÕK«ÛùQÍ Agoing ............................. áÈ=ÙK«∂
Accidentally ................ JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ Agreably ................ W+¨ì„ѨHÍ~°=ÚQÍ
Accordingly ............... P „ѨHÍ~°OQÍ Aground .............................. QÆ>ˇìH˜¯
Accurately .................... YzÛ`«OQÍ Aguishly .................. K«e[fi~°=ÚQÍ
Across ........................... J_»¤=ÚQÍ Ahead ... =ÚO^Œ∞, q∞Oz, =ÚO^Œ~°QÍ
Actually ...................... "åã¨Î==ÚQÍ Alarmingly ............... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ
Adhesively .......... JO@∞H˘#∞#@∞¡QÍ Alertly ............................ K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ
Admirably .............. "≥∞K«Û^Œy#@∞¡QÍ Alike ...................... áÈe, XHõsuQÍ
Admittedly ........ KÕ~°∞ÛH˘#^Œy#@∞¡QÍ All ...................... JO`«Ü«Ú, ѨÓiÎQÍ
Adorably ................ ѨÓ[hÜ«∞=ÚQÍ Allegorically ......... ~°∂áêÅOHÍ~°OQÍ
Adroity .............................. <Õ~°∞Ê`À Almost ............. +¨μ=∂~°∞, ~°=∂~°q∞
Advantageously .......... ÖÏÉèíHõ~°OQÍ Aloft ................. ÃÑ·#, ÃÑ·QÍ, á⁄_»=Ù#
Adverbially ............. „H˜Ü«∂qâı+¨OQÍ Alone ........... XO@iQÍ, UHÍO`«OQÍ
Adviersely ................. „Ѩu‰õÄÅOQÍ Along .............. "≥O@, ‰õÄ_», "≥O|_ç
Advisedly ......... PÖ’K«<åѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ Alongside ............................ „ѨHõ¯#
Afar .............................. ^Œ∂~°=ÚQÍ Aloud ................................ aQÆæ~°QÍ
Affably ................. ã¨∞ÅÉè활ÅÉèíºOQÍ Alphabetically JHõΔ~° „Hõ=∂#∞™ê~°OQÍ
Affectionately ................... „¿Ñ=∞`À Already ...... Wk=~°ˆH, WO`«‰õΩ=ÚO^Õ

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 66

Also .................................... ‰õÄ_® Aside ........................ „ѨHõ¯#, F~°QÍ
Alternately .......... XHõ\ ˜ q_çz XHõ\ ˜ Asleep ............. x„^ŒQÍ, x„^ŒáÈ=ÙK«∂
Alternatively .............. WKåÛù#∞™ê~°O Aslope ........................ U@"åÅ∞QÍ
Altogether ............. "≥~°ã≤, "≥Ú`«ÎOQÍ Asquint ...................... "≥∞Å¡K«∂ѨÙQÍ
Always ................... ZšѨC_»∞, ã¨^• Assuredly ................. xâ◊ÛÜ«∞=ÚQÍ
Amazedly .................... q㨇ܫ∞OQÍ Astern ................ F_»∞‰õΩ"≥#∞Hõ`«@∞ì#
Ambiguously .......... ^ŒfiO^•fi~°÷=ÚQÍ Astir ........... x„^ŒÖËK«, Hõ^ŒeHõQÍ #∞#fl
Amen ................ `«^è•ã¨∞ú, J@¡QÆ∞QÍHõ Astray .......... „`À=`«Ñ≤Ê, `«Ñ¨C^•iÖ’
Amenably ................ Ö’|_»∞#@∞¡QÍ Astride .............. HÍà◊√§ ÉÏ~°KåѨÙH˘x
Amicably ...................... ã¨Yº=ÚQÍ Astutely ............ ã¨∂HõΔ ‡|∞kú HõÅkQÍ
Amiss ............................... `«Ñ¨CQÍ Asunder ...... apart,q_çQÍ, ^Œ∂~°OQÍ
Amply .......... q™êÎ~°OQÍ, Ü«∞^èÕ+¨ìOQÍ Atilt ................... Xiy, F~°QÍ, "åe
Anciently ................. ѨÓ~°fiHÍÅOÖ’ Attentively .......................... „â◊^ŒúQÍ
Anew ............. H˘`«ÎQÍ, uiy, =∞~°Å Augustly .. „ѨÉèÏ=âßeQÍ, QÆ∞}HÍiQÍ
Angrily .......................... HÀѨ=Ú`À Avowedly ......admittedly, XѨC‰õΩx
Annually .................. U>Ë\Ï, "åi¬Hõ Away .............................. ^Œ∂~°OQÍ
Anon ........................ `«HõΔ}O, uiy Awhile ......................... H˘OK≥O¿ãѨÙ
Antagonistically ............ q~À^èŒOQÍ Awry ................. =OHõ~°QÍ, =OHõÔ~·#
Antiquely ....................... qHÍ~°OQÍ Ay .............................. yes, J=Ù#∞
Antiseptically .. „‰õΩà◊§‰õΩO_® KÕ¿ãkQÍ Backward (s) ................... "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ
Anxiously ...................... J`«∞~°`«`À Badly ......... K≥_»∞QÍ, [|∞ƒQÍ, q∞H˜¯e
Anyhow ................. Z>ÿ̌¡<å, ZÖÏÔQ·<å Banterly .................... ѨiǨã¨=ÚQÍ
Anywhere ......................... ZHõ¯_≥·<å Barefoot ............... K≥ѨCÅ∞ ÖˉõΩO_®
Apace ................... quickly, `«fi~°QÍ Bareheaded `«ÅáêQÍ "≥ÚII ÖˉõΩO_®
Apart ......... „Ѩ`ÕºHõ=ÚQÍ, ^Œ∂~°=ÚQÍ Barely ........ kQÆO|~°OQÍ, KåbKåÅHõ
Apiece .................. `«ÖÏ, XH˘¯Hõ¯iH˜ Beautifully ................... ã¨∞O^Œ~°OQÍ
Apparently ..... K«∂ѨÙ#‰õΩ, ã¨Ê+¨ì=ÚQÍ Becomingly .... Lz`«OQÍ, `«y#@∞¡QÍ
Appeasingly ........... âßOuÜ«Ú`«OQÍ Before=ÚO^Œ~°, Z^Œ∞@, =∞#∞ѨÙ, ѨÓ~°fiO
Approximately .. ã¨∞=∂~°∞, ~°=∂~°q∞ Beforehand ................. =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ<Õ
Aptly ........... `«y#@∞¡QÍ, Ü«ÚHõÎ=ÚQÍ Behind ............... "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ, `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ
Arbitrarly ................... JHÍ~°}=ÚQÍ Below ............. „H˜O^Œ, kQÆ∞=, `«‰õΩ¯=
Ardently ........ f„=OQÍ, =∞#óѨÓiÎQÍ Beneath„H˜O^Œ, kQÆ∞=, J_»∞QÆ∞#, `«‰õΩ¯=
Aright ....... correctly, ã¨iQÍ, u#flQÍ Beseechingly ........ „|uq∞ÖÏ_»∞@QÍ
Around ............. K«∞@∂ì, Jxfl „ѨHõ¯ÖÏ Besides ............ H͉õΩO_®, JO`ÕQÍHõ
Artfully ............. <Õ~°∞ÊQÍ, HõѨ@=ÚQÍ Best ................. L`«Î=∞OQÍ, „âı+¨ªOQÍ
As ....... Hõ#∞Hõ, JѨC_»∞, „ѨHÍ~°O, =ÖË Betimes ...... ÃÑO^ŒÅHõ_», "Õà◊q∞OK«Hõ
Ashore ............ X_»∞¤#, QÆ@∞ì#, ^ŒiH˜ Better ...... "Õ∞Öˇ·#, =∞Oz^≥·#, ÃÇÏK≥·Û#
Beyond . J=`«Å, q∞Oz, ^•\˜, ÃÑ·QÍ
67 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Bitterly ................................. KÕ^≥·# Cogently ........................ |Å=ÚQÍ
Blindly ............................... „QÆ∞_ç¤QÍ Coincidently ........ UH©ÉèíqOK«∞#@∞¡QÍ
Bluntly .............. "≥ÚO_çQÍ, "≥Ú^Œ∞ÌQÍ Coldly ................................. K«Å¡QÍ
Bodily ........... â◊s~°OÖ’ Ü«∂=`«∞Î#∂ Collusively ........................ ‰õΩ„@QÍ
Boisterously ........ q∞H˜¯e ã¨O^Œ_çQÍ Combinedly ......................... HõÅã≤
Breadthways .................. J_»¤=ÚQÍ Comfortably ................. ™œYº=ÚQÍ
Breadthwise ................... J_»¤=ÚQÍ Comically ................... Ǩ㨺Hõ~°OQÍ
Brutally ........................ „‰õÄ~°=ÚQÍ Commonly ................ ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ
Busily ............. fiHõÖˉõΩO_®, ~°nÌQÍ Compactly ............ zHõ¯QÍ, ^Œ@ìOQÍ
But .................................. =∂„`«=Ú Comparatively ............ áÈeÛK«∂_»QÍ
Buxomly ..................... LÖÏ¡ã¨=ÚQÍ Competently ................. `«y#@∞¡QÍ
By ....................... ^ŒQÆæ~°, ã¨g∞Ѩ=Ú# Completely ....................... ѨÓiÎQÍ
Calmly ............................ <≥=∞‡kQÍ Concisely ............. briefly, ‰õΩ¡Ñ¨ÎOQÍ
Candidly .................. x+¨¯Ñ¨@=ÚQÍ Conclusively ............... =ÚyOѨÙ`À
Carefully ......................... *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ Concurrently ............... UH©ÉèÏ=OQÍ
Carelessly ................. x~°¡HõΔ º=ÚQÍ Conditionally ................. +¨~°`«∞ÅÃÑ·
Casually ..................... JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ Confidentially ............... ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
Categorically ............. xâ◊ÛÜ«∞=ÚQÍ Confidently ..... ^è≥·~°ºO`À, qâßfiã¨O`À
Cautiously .................... *Ï„QÆ`«Î`À ConformablyJ#∞QÆ∞}OQÍ, xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ
Ceaselessly .............. Z_»`≥QƉõΩO_® Conjointly ............................. Hõeã≤
Cermoniously .... =∞~åº^Œ`À, Ü«∞^è•qkèQÍ Conscientiously .......... =∞#™êûH˜ΔQÍ
Certainly ........ surely, xâ◊ÛÜ«∞=ÚQÍ Consciously ....... `≥eq`À, Z~°∞Hõ`À
Charitably ..................... ^èŒ~°‡=ÚQÍ Consecutively .................. =~°∞ã¨QÍ
Charmingly ............... =∞<ÀǨÏ~°OQÍ Consequently ...................... HÍ|\˜ì
Cheaply ........................... K«=ÙHõQÍ Considerately .... ѨiQÆ}˜OK«^Œy#O`«
Cheerfully . ã¨O`À+¨O`À, L`åûǨÏO`À Considerately ................ PÖ’K«#`À
Cheerily .................... LÖÏ¡ã¨Hõ~°OQÍ Consistently ............. J#∞QÆ∞}ºOQÍ
Cheeringly ................ LÖÏ¡ã¨Hõ~°OQÍ Consonantly .......... J#∞ã¨~°}=ÚQÍ
Chemically ............ ~°™êÜ«∞xHõ=ÚQÍ Conspicuously ............. ã¨∞ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ
Chiefly .......................... =ÚYºOQÍ Constantly ................. x~°O`«~°OQÍ
Childishly ..................... Ñ≤Å¡`«#OQÍ Contemptuously ..... `«$}©HÍ~°=Ú`À
Choicely ........................ W+¨ì=ÚQÍ Contentedly ...................... `«$Ñ≤Î`À
Civilly ............... politely, =∞~åº^ŒQÍ Continually ................ Z_»`≥QƉõΩO_®
Clearly ............................. ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ Contrarily ...................... q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ
Closely ................. nearly, ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ Conveniently J#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ, =ã¨uQÍ
Clumsily ..... awkwardly, qHÍ~°OQÍ Conversely ................. `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞QÍ
Coarsely .............. roughly, =Ú`«HQ õÍ Convertly ........................ Lɡƒ`«∞ÎQÍ
Coastwise ................... f~°O"≥O|_ç Convulsively ..... H˘OQÆ~°∞¡áÈ=Ù#@∞¡QÍ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 68
Coolly .................. K«Å¡QÍ, <≥=∞‡kQÍ Deeply ... Ö’`«∞QÍ, QÆOcè~°OQÍ q∞H˜¯e
Copiously .................... q™êÎ~°=ÚQÍ Definitely ......... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, YzÛ`«OQÍ
Cordially ........ ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∞ѨÓ~°fiHõ=ÚQÍ Deftly ............. <Õ~°∞Ê`À, Kå`«∞~°ºO`À
Correctly ............................. ã¨iQÍ Deliberately ...... PÖ’K«<åѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ
Corruptly .................... J„Hõ=∞=ÚQÍ Delicately ..... =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ, <åE‰õΩQÍ
Counter ................... „Ѩu‰õÄÅ=ÚQÍ Deliciously .......... ~°∞zQÍ, ~°=∞ºOQÍ
Courageously .................. ^è≥·~°ºO`À Delightfully ã¨O`À+¨Hõ~°OQÍ, ~°=∞ºOQÍ
Courteously .................. =∞~åº^ŒQÍ Densely .... ^Œ@ìOQÍ, zHõ¯QÍ, ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ
Covertly ........................ ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ Deplorably ................. ^Œ∞:YHõ~°OQÍ
Covertously .................... J`åºã¨`À Deservedly ....... J~°›OQÍ, `«y#@∞¡QÍ
Cowardly ........................... Ñ≤iH˜QÍ Deservingly ...... J~°›OQÍ, Ü≥∂Qƺ`«QÍ
Coyly ................ a_çÜ«∞O`À, ã≤QÆ∞æ`À Designedly ............. |∞kúѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ
Craftily .......... HõѨ@O`À, Hõ$„u=∞OQÍ Desirously ....................... HÀiHõ`À
Creditably ........ ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ, #=∞‡HõOQÍ Despairingly ..................... x~åâ◊QÍ
Critically ....................... YzÛ`«OQÍ Desperately ........... Jxfl\˜H˜ `≥yOz
Crookedly ....................... =OHõ~°QÍ Despondingly ................... x~åâ◊QÍ
Crossly ............... J_»¤OQÍ, HÀѨOQÍ Determinately .............. xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ
Crosswise ......................... J_»¤OQÍ Devotedly ........ ÉèíH˜Î`À, Jq∞`«„â◊^Œú`À
Crudly ....... "≥Ú~°@∞QÍ, J<åQÆiHõOQÍ Devoutly ................... ÉèíH˜Î`À, „â◊^Œú`À
Cunningly ..................... HõѨ@=ÚQÍ Dexterously ..... <Õ~°∞Ê`À, xѨÙ}`«`À
Curiously ......... qO`«QÍ, Pâ◊Û~°ºOQÍ Diagonally ......... Z^Œ∞~°∞, =¸ÅʼnõΩ
Currently ................... ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ Diametrically ..... =∞^茺QÍ, Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ
Curtly ............................ ã¨OH˜ΔѨÎOQÍ Deffierently ......... <Õ~°∞QÍ, aè#fl=ÚQÍ
Customarily "å_»∞HõQÍ, =∂=¸Å∞QÍ Diffusely ........... q™êÎ~°OQÍ, qiqQÍ
Daily ............................... „Ѩu~ÀA Diligently ................ „â◊^Œú`À, „â◊=∞`À
Daintly .............. ~°∞zQÍ, Éè’Qƺ=ÚQÍ Dimly ............... Jã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, =∞ã¨HõQÍ
Dangerously ........... JáêÜ«∞Hõ~°OQÍ Directly .................. u#flQÍ, <Õ~°∞ÊQÍ
Darkly .............................. pHõ\ ˜QÍ Dirtily ............. =ÚiH˜QÍ, Jâ◊√„ÉèíOQÍ
Daringly ......... ^è≥·~°ºOQÍ, ™êǨÏã¨O`À Disagreeably Jã¨Ç¨ÏºOQÍ, J~Ú+¨ìOQÍ
Dartingly ......................... K˘~°=QÍ DiscontentedlyJã¨O`«$Ñ≤Î`À, JÅ∞Hõ`À
Dauntlessly .................. x~°ƒùÜ«∞OQÍ Disgracefully .......... J==∂#Hõ~°OQÍ
Dearpriced ................... „Ñ≤Ü«∞=ÚQÍ Disguisedly =∂~°∞~°∂ѨO`À, „ѨKÛ« # ù flOQÍ
Dearly .. „¿Ñ=∞`À, „Ñ≤Ü«∞OQÍ, y~åH˜QÍ Disgustingly .... Jã¨Ç¨ÏºOQÍ, p^Œ~°QÍ
Deceitfully ....................... "≥∂ã¨OQÍ Dishonestly ... huÖˉõΩO_®, "≥∂ã¨OQÍ
Decently ........ =∞~åº^ŒQÍ, Ü«ÚHõÎOQÍ Dishonourably ........ J==∂#Hõ~°OQÍ
Decidedly ..................... xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ Disinterestedly ......... x+¨ÊHõΔáê`«OQÍ
Decisively ...... x+¨¯~°¬QÍ, xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ Disjointly ......................... "Õˆ~fi~°∞QÍ
Disloyally Jq^èÜ Õ ∞« `«QÍ, ™êfiq∞„^ÀǨÏOQÍ
69 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Dismally ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ, ^Œ∞:YHõ~°OQÍ Due ....................... ã¨∂\˜QÍ, u#flQÍ
Disobediently ............ Jq^èÕÜ«∞`«QÍ Dully ................. =∞O^ŒOQÍ, "≥∞Å¡QÍ
Disobligingly ..... J#∂ѨHÍ~° |∞kú`À Duly`«y#@∞¡QÍ, „Hõ=∞OQÍ, Ü«∞^èÀz`«OQÍ
Disorderly„Hõ=∞OÖˉõΩO_®, `å~°∞=∂~°∞QÍ Durmbly ........................... =¸QÆQÍ
Disparagingly .. `«$}©HÍ~°OQÍ, Å[˚QÍ Eagerly ................ P„`«∞`«QÍ, Pâ◊`À
Dispassionately ....... x+¨ÊHõΔáê`«OQÍ Earnestly =∞#:ѨÓiÎQÍ, JHõ¯~°`À, x[OQÍ
Disproportionally ........ Jã¨=∂#`«QÍ Easily ã¨∞ÅÉèíOQÍ, ã¨∞YOQÍ, <≥=∞‡kQÍ
Disproportionally ........ Jã¨=∂#`«QÍ Easterly .......................... `«∂~°∞ÊQÍ
Disrespectfully ............ J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ Eastward ...................... `«∂~°∞Ê#‰õΩ
Distantly ...................... ^Œ∂~°=ÚQÍ Economically ................ á⁄^Œ∞ѨÙQÍ
Distinctively .................. ã¨Ê+¨ì=ÚQÍ Edgewise .. JOK«∞‰õΩ ã¨=∞OQÍ, F~°QÍ
Distinctly .. „Ѩ`ÕºHõ=ÚQÍ Hõ#Ѩ_»∞#@∞¡ Effectively .............. ™ê~°úHõ=∞QÆ∞#@∞¡
Distractedly ....................... "≥„iQÍ Effectully ... J"≥∂Ѷ¨∞=ÚQÍ, ™ê~°úHõOQÍ
Diversely ..... <å<åq^èŒOQÍ, "Õˆ~fi~°∞QÍ Eke ..................................... ‰õÄ_®
Dividedly ......................... "Õˆ~fi~°∞QÍ Elegantly ...... ã¨∞O^Œ~°OQÍ, ™⁄QÆã¨∞QÍ
Divinely ........................... ^≥·qHõOQÍ Eloquently"åQÍú\ ˜`À, â◊|ÌKå`«∞~°ºO`À
Doggedly ................. "≥ÚO_çѨ@∞ìQÍ Else ................. ÖˉõΩ#fl, J@∞¡H͉õΩ#fl
Dogmatically .......... "≥ÚO_ç"å^Œ#QÍ Elsewhere "Õˆ~ã¨÷Å=∞O^Œ∞, "Õ~˘HõKÀ@
Dotingly ........... "≥„iQÍ, Ju„¿Ñ=∞`À Eminently ........ „âı+¨ª=ÚQÍ, Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ
Doubly .......................... Ô~\˜ìOѨÙQÍ Emphatically ....... ѨuÎ, <˘H˜¯, QÆ\ ì̃QÍ
Doubtfully .................. ã¨O^ÕǨÏ=ÚQÍ Empirichally ......... ™êfi#∞Éèí"åxfl|\˜ì
Doubtlessxã¨ûO^ÕǨÏ=ÚQÍ, xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ Encore ..................... uiy, =∞~°ÖÏ
Down ... „H˜O^Œ‰õΩ, kQÆ∞=‰õΩ, Ç‘Ï#ã≤÷uH˜ Encouragingly ...... „áÈ`«ûÇ≤ÏOK«∞#@∞¡
Downhill .................... H˘O_»„H˜O^Œ‰õΩ Endways ......... xÅ∞=ÙQÍ, xÅz#@∞¡
Downright ...... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, Ѩiëê¯~°OQÍ Endwise .......... xÅ∞=ÙQÍ, xÅz#@∞¡
Downrightly ...................... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ Energetically .......... â◊H˜Î`À, |ÅO`À
Downstairs ................... "Õ∞_»„H˜OkH˜ Enormously ................................
Downward „H˜OkH˜,kQÆ∞=‰õΩ, Ç‘Ï#ã≤÷uH˜ JkèHõOQÍ, JѨ~°q∞`«OQÍ, q∞H˜¯eQÍ
Downwards„H˜OkH˜, kQÆ∞=‰õΩ, Ç‘Ï#ã≤÷uH˜ Enthusiastically ......... L`åûǨÏO`À,
Dramatically ............. <å@H©Ü«∞OQÍ J`åºâ◊H˜Î`À
Dreadfully ................. ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ Entirely ..... ѨÓiÎQÍ, JO`å, Ü«∂=`«∞Î
Drearily ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ, ÉÏ=Ù~°=∞O@∂ Enviously ..................... Jã¨∂Ü«∞`À
Droopingly|ÅÇ‘Ï#OQÍ, „"ÕÅ|_çáÈ=ÙK«∂ Equably ........................... ã¨=∞OQÍ
Drowsily ........ x„^Œ=∞`«∞ÎQÍ, =∞QÆ`«QÍ Equally ............................ ã¨=∞OQÍ
Drudgingly ................ JuHõ+¨ì=Ú`À Equivocally .................. ã¨OkQÆúOQÍ
Dryshod .......... áê^•Å∞ `«_»=‰õΩO_® Ere ..................... =ÚO^Œ∞, ѨÓ~°fi=Ú
Dubiously .................... ã¨O^ÕǨÏOQÍ Erectly ................ u#flQÍ, xÅ∞=ÙQÍ
Erelong .................... H˘kÌHÍÅOÖ’<Õ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 70
Ergo .......................... Hõ#∞Hõ, HÍ|\˜ì Fair ............................... <åºÜ«∞OQÍ
Erraneously ............... á⁄~°áê@∞QÍ Fairly ............ K«Hõ¯QÍ, x+¨ÊHõΔáê`«OQÍ
Erst .................... =ÚO^Œ∞, ѨÓ~°fi=Ú Faithfully ...... qâßfiã¨OQÍ, #=∞‡HõOQÍ
Especially ................... =ÚYº=ÚQÍ Faithlessly ................. Jqâßfiã¨OQÍ
EssentiallyP=â◊ºHõOQÍ, Ju=ÚYºOQÍ Fallaciously .. ãÔ̈~·# HÍ~°}O ÖˉõΩO_®
Eternally ...................... âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ Falsely ........... "≥∂ã¨OQÍ, Jã¨`«ºOQÍ
Etymologically .. â◊|Ì L`«ÊuÎ „ѨHÍ~°O Falteringlyã¨OHÀK«O`À, `˘„@∞áê@∞`À
Even .............. ‰õÄ_®, ã¨Ç¨Ï, ã¨=∞OQÍ Farniliarly .... "å_»∞HõQÍ, ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ
Evetually .................. `«∞^Œ‰õΩ, Hõ_»‰õΩ Famously ....................... „Ѩã≤^ŒúOQÍ
Ever ........ ZѨÊ\˜H˜, âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ, ã¨^• Fanatically .................... L#‡`«Î`«`À
Evermore .............................. ã¨^• Far .................................. ^Œ∂~°OQÍ
Everywhere ........ JO`«\Ï, JxflKÀ@¡ Farthest ..................... Ju^Œ∂~°OQÍ
Evidently ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, `Õ@QÍ, qâ◊^ŒOQÍ Fashionably ................. <åQÆiHõOQÍ
Exactly ............... YzÛ`«OQÍ, ã¨iQÍæ Fast ........... "ÕQÆOQÍ, ã≤÷~°OQÍ, QÆ\ ˜ìQÍ
Exceeding ...................... q∞H˜¯eQÍ Fatally .................... „áê}ÏO`«HõOQÍ
Exceedingly ... q∞QÆ∞Å∞QÍ, JkèHõOQÍ FavouablyJ#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ, Jaè=∂#OQÍ
Excellently .... „âı+¨ªOQÍ, „|Ǩ‡O_»OQÍ Fearfully ................... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ
Excessively ... JkèHõOQÍ, q∞QÆ∞Å∞QÍ Fearlessly .................... x~°ƒùÜ«∞OQÍ
Exclusively ................... „Ѩ`ÕºHõOQÍ Feebly ........................ |ÅÇ‘Ï#OQÍ
Exorbitantly .................. Jq∞`«OQÍ Fervently .................... =∞#ã¨∂ÊùiÎQÍ
Expectedly ........ J#∞H˘x# q^èO Œ QÍ Fiercely ..... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ, „‰õÄ~°OQÍ,
Expedititiously .... "ÕQÆOQÍ, j„Ѷ¨∞OQÍ f„=OQÍ
Expensively .......... JkèHõ =ºÜ«∞O`À FigurativelyLѨ=∂#OQÍ, JÅOHÍ~°OQÍ
Experimentally ..... „ѨÜ≥∂QÍ`«‡HõOQÍ Filthily .......................... Jã¨Ç¨ÏºOQÍ
Explicitly ............... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, `Õ@QÍ Finally ................... z=~°‰õΩ, `«∞^Œ‰õΩ
Expressively ................. `Õ@`≥Å¡QÍ Finely .......... K«Hõ¯QÍ, ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ, ã¨#flQÍ
Expressly ..... „Ѩ`ÕºH˜Oz K≥Ñ≤Ê#@∞¡QÍ Firmly .............. ^èŒ$_»OQÍ, xâ◊ÛÅOQÍ
Exquisitely ........ „Ѩâ◊ã¨ÎOQÍ, „âı+¨ªOQÍ First .................. "≥Ú^Œ@, =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ
Externpore .... J„Ѩܫ∞`«fl ѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ Firstly ............................... "≥Ú^Œ@
Extensively .... JkèHõOQÍ, q™êÎ~°OQÍ Fitfully ........... K«OK«ÅOQÍ, K«Ñ¨ÅOQÍ
Externally ......... "≥Å∞ѨÅ, |Ü«∞@‰õΩ Fitly ..... ã¨iQÍ, `«y#@∞¡QÍ, Ü«ÚHõÎOQÍ
Extraordinarily ........ J™ê^è•~°}OQÍ Fittingly ....... Ü«ÚHõÎ=ÚQÍ, `«y#@∞¡QÍ
Extravagantly ............... qѨs`«OQÍ Fivefold ...................... J~Ú^Œ∞Ô~@∞¡
Extremely .......... q∞H˜¯e, Jq∞`«OQÍ Fixedly ...... ã≤÷~°OQÍ, QÆ\ ˜ìQÍ, ^èŒ$_è»OQÍ
Exultingly .............. q[Ü«∞ QÆ~°fiO`À Flatly ............... K«^Œ∞#∞QÍ, ã¨=∞OQÍ,
Facetiously ...... ã¨~°ã¨OQÍ, Ǩ㨺OQÍ x~˘‡Ç¨Ï=∂@OQÍ
Fain .......... ã¨O`À+¨=Ú`À, W+¨ì=Ú`À Flatulently ............ "åÜ«ÚѨÓi`«OQÍ
Faintly ...... |ÅÇ‘Ï#OQÍ, xã¨û`«∞Î=`À Flatwise ............ ™êyÅ|_ç, J_»¤OQÍ
71 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Flawlessly ....................... x~ÀÌ+≤QÍ Full ............... ã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ, xO_»∞QÍ
Fleetly ................... "ÕQÆO`À, =_çQÍ Fully ............. ã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ, xO_»∞QÍ
Flinchingly ................... ã¨OHÀK«OQÍ Fundamentally .............. =ÚYºOQÍ
Flippantly ............... "åKåÅ`«fi=ÚQÍ Funnily ....................... Ǩ㨺Hõ~°OQÍ
FlourishinglyJaè=$kúQÍ, P_»O|~°OQÍ furiously ........................... HÀѨOQÍ
Fluently ....... ^è•~åà◊OQÍ, J#¨~°æà◊OQÍ, Furthermore .............. WO`ÕH͉õΩO_®
"ÕQÆOQÍ Furthest ............... q∞H˜¯e ^Œ∂~°OQÍ
Fondly .................. „¿Ñ=∞`À, "≥„iQÍ Furtively ... ^˘OQÆ`«#OQÍ, ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
Foolishly Jq"ÕHõOQÍ, `≥eq`«‰õΩ¯=QÍ Gaily ........... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ, LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ
Forcibly ..................... |ÖÏ`å¯~°OQÍ Gaudily ...................... P_»O|~°OQÍ
Forebodingly ......... qѨ`üã¨∂K«HõOQÍ Gayly .......... LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ, ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ
Forever .......... âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ, ZѨÊ\˜H˜x Generally .................. ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ
Forgetfully ..... =∞~°záÈ~Ú, Ѩ~å‰õΩ# Generously .................. B^•~°ºOQÍ
Formally=∞~åº^ŒK˘Ñ¨C#, Ѩ^Œúu „ѨHÍ~°O Gently ................ "≥∞Å¡QÍ, âßO`«OQÍ
Formerly ......................... ѨÓ~°fi=Ú Geographically Éèí∂QÀà◊âß„ã¨ÎÜ«ÚHõÎOQÍ
Formidably ............... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ Gingerly .............. *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ, ~°∞zQÍ
Forth .............. =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ, |Ü«∞@‰õΩ Gladly ......................... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ
Forthwith ................ "≥O@<Õ, `«HõΔ}O Glancingly ................ K«∂K«∞#@∞¡QÍ
Fortnightly ...... Ô~O_»∞"å~åÅH˘Hõ™êi Glaringly ....................... „Ѩ`«ºHõΔOQÍ
Fortutiously .................. PHõã≤‡HõOQÍ Glibly ................................ "ÕQÆOQÍ
Fortunately .............. J^Œ$+¨ì=âß`«∂Î Godly .................................. ÉèíH˜ÎQÍ
Forward ............ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ, Z^Œ∞\˜H˜ Godward ...................... ^Õ=ÙxQÆ∂iÛ
Forwardly ........................ J`«$`«QÍ Goodhumouredly .......... LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ,
Forwards .......... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ, Z^Œ∞\˜H˜ ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ
Foully ........... =ÚiHõQÍ, J<åºÜ«∞OQÍ Gorgeously ................... Juâ’ÉèíQÍ
Fourthly ........................ <åÅæ=™êi Gracefully ..... ã¨∞O^Œ~°OQÍ, ã¨~°ã¨OQÍ
Frankly ....................... x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ Graciously ... ^ŒÜ«∞`À, J#∞„QÆǨÏO`À
Fraternally ......... ã¨Ç¨ÏŸ^Œ~° ÉèÏ=O`À Gradually .................. „Hõ=∞„Hõ=∞OQÍ
Frandulently .................... "≥∂ã¨OQÍ Grandly Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ, Q˘Ñ¨ÊQÍ, "≥·Éèí=OQÍ
Freely ............. ¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ, ^è•~åà◊OQÍ Gratefully ...................... Hõ$`«[˝`«`À
Frequently ...................... `«~°K«∞QÍ Garatis ......... Lz`«OQÍ, ^èŒ~°‡=Ú#‰õΩ
Freshly ................. „H˘`«ÎQÍ, `å*ÏQÍ Gratuituously ^èŒ~å‡~°ú=ÚQÍ, T~°HõÜÕ∞
Frightfully ................. ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ Gravely ......................... QÆOcè~°OQÍ
Frivolously ....... JÅÊOQÍ, `«∞K«ÛùOQÍ Greatly ............. JkèHõOQÍ, q∞H˜¯eQÍ
Fro ................................... "≥#∞‰õ‰õΩ Greedily ..... Pâ◊`À, Q˘Ñ¨Ê JaèÖÏ+¨`À
Forwningly ............. HÀѨ=ÚY=Ú`À Grievously .. ^Œ∞:YHõ~°OQÍ, =ºã¨#OQÍ
Frugally .... áÈ_çq∞QÍ, q∞`«=ºÜ«∞O`À Grimly ...................... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ
Fruitlessly ..... x+¨ÊùÅOQÍ, x~°~°úHõOQÍ Gropingly .................. `«_»=ÙÖÏ_»∞K«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 72
Grossly ........................... "≥∂@∞QÍ Here at ............. WO^Œ∞‰õΩ, WO^Œ∞ÃÑ·#
Grotesquely . qHÍ~°OQÍ, qѨs`«OQÍ Hereby ........................... WO^Œ∞=Å¡
Groundlessly ....... HÍ~°}O ÖˉõΩO_® Herein ............................. WO^Œ∞Ö’
Grovellingly ......... hK«OQÍ, Ç‘Ï#OQÍ Heareof .......................... nxÜ≥ÚHõ¯
GrudginglyJ~åúOwHÍ~°O`À, Jã¨∂Ü«∞QÍ Hereon .............. WHõg∞^Œ, WO^Œ∞=Å¡
Guardedly ....................... *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ Hereto .............................. WO^Œ∞‰õΩ
Gultlessly ............... ^À+¨~°Ç≤Ï`«OQÍ Heretofore Wk=~°‰õΩ, WO`«‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞
Gushingly ................... "ÕQÆ„ã¨=O`À Hereunder ....................... nx„H˜O^Œ
Gustfully ........................ Lá¶ê#∞QÍ Hereupon ....................... WO^Œ∞ÃÑ·H˜
Habitually ........................ "å_»∞HõQÍ Herewith ....... nx`À‰õÄ_®, WO^Œ∞`À
Half ............................ ã¨QÆO=∞@∞ì‰õΩ Heritably .................... "å~°ã¨`«fiOQÍ
Halfway .............. =∞^茺#∞, #_»∞=∞#∞ Hermetically ........... QÍeK˘~°‰õΩO_®
Halfyearly ......... P~°∞=∂™êÅH˘Hõ™êi Heroically .................... â◊¥~°`«fiOQÍ
Haltingly ....... ‰õΩO@∞K«∂, xÅ∞ѨÙK«∂ Hesitatingly ............... ã¨OHÀK«=ÚQÍ
Handily .............. "å@OQÍ, <Õ~°∞ÊQÍ, High ................... Z`«∞ÎQÍ, á⁄_»∞QÆ∞QÍ
ã¨^Œ∞áêÜ«∞OQÍ Highly ................ ÃÇÏK«∞ÛQÍ, Q˘Ñ¨ÊQÍ
Handsomely ... ã¨∞O^Œ~°OQÍ, ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ Hilariously .... LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ, ÃÇÏK«ÛiHõQÍ
Haphazard .................. JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ Hither .............................. WK«Û@‰õΩ
Haply ... JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ, J^Œ$+¨ì=âß`«∞ÎQÍ Hitherto ........ Wk=~°‰õΩ, WѨÊ\˜=~°‰õΩ
Happily ......... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ, ã¨∞YOQÍ Hitherward .................. D "≥·Ñ¨Ù#‰õΩ
Hard ..................... q∞H˜¯e, Hõiî#OQÍ Home .............. WO\˜H˜, ã¨fi™ê÷#O#‰õΩ
Hardly ............... KåbKåÅHõ, Hõ+¨ìOQÍ Homeward ..... WO\˜H˜, ã¨fi^Õâ◊=Ú#‰õΩ
Harmoniously .. „âß=ºOQÍ, ã¨=∞‡uQÍ Homewards .... WO\˜H˜, ã¨fi^Õâ◊=Ú#‰õΩ
Harshily ........... Hõiî#OQÍ, „‰õÄ~°OQÍ HonestlyhuQÍ, ã¨`«º=ÚQÍ, <åºÜ«∞OQÍ
Hastly ............................... "ÕQÆOQÍ Honourably .... Q“~°=OQÍ, =∞~åº^ŒQÍ,
Haughtily ... QÆ~°fiOQÍ, JǨÏOHÍ~°O`À Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ
Headlong ..... PÖ’zOK«Hõ, ^Œ∞_»∞‰õΩQÍ Hopefully#=∞‡Hõ=Ú`À, ^è≥·~°ºO`À, Pâ◊`À
Heartily ...................... =∞#:ѨÓiÎQÍ Horizontally .............. ã¨=∂O`«~°OQÍ
Heartiessly ...... „‰õÄ~°OQÍ, x~°ÌÜ«∞QÍ Hospitably ........... Jukèã¨`å¯~åÅ`À
Heavily ................ |~°∞=ÙQÍ, "≥∞Å¡QÍ Hourly ....................... QÆO@H˘Hõ™êi
Heedlessly ................... J*Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ How ..................... Z@∞¡, U q^èŒOQÍ,
Helplesslyx~å^è•~°OQÍ, k‰õΩ¯ÖˉõΩO_® ZO`«=∞@∞ì‰õΩ, ZO^Œ∞=Å#
Helterskelter ...... QÍÉèí~åQÍ, `«`«Î~°QÍ However .. J~Ú#ѨÊ\˜H˜, Z@¡~Ú##∂
Hence ............ WѨÊ\˜#∞O_ç, WHõg∞^Œ Howsoever ........... U q^èŒOQÍ<≥·##∂,
Henceforthu ................... WHõõg∞^Œ@ ZO`≥·##∂
Henceforward ................. WHõg∞^Œ@ Huggermugger ................ ~°Ç¨Ï㨺ѨÙ,
Here ........................ WHõ¯_», WHõ¯_»‰õΩ QÆO^Œ~°QÀà◊OQÍ
Hereafter ........................ WHõg∞^Œ@ Humanly ................... =∂#=`«fiOQÍ
73 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Humidly ................ `Õ=∞QÍ, K≥=∞‡QÍ Indecently ................... J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ
Hungrily ........................... PHõe`À Indecisively ............... Jxâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ
Hurriedly ....................... `˘O^Œ~°QÍ Indecorously ............... J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ
Hurtfully ....................... ǨxHõ~°OQÍ Indeed .................. x[OQÍ, ~°∂_èçQÍ
Ibid ........................... JO^Õ, JHõ¯_»<Õ Indefatigably ........... JÅ∞ѨÙÖˉõΩO_®
Idiomatically . ÉèÏëêã¨O„Ѩ^•Ü«∂#∞™ê~°OQÍ Indefinitely .................... Jã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ
Idly .................... ™È=∞iQÍ, =º~°úOQÍ Indelicately ................. J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ
Ill .......................... H©_»∞QÍ, K≥~°∞ѨÙQÍ Independently .................. ¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ
Illegally .... K«@ìq~°∞^ŒÌOQÍ, P„Hõ=∞OQÍ Indifferently ................... x~°¡HõΔ ºOQÍ
Immediately ......... "≥O@<Õ, `«HõΔ}"Õ∞ Indigenously .......... ^ÕjÜ«∞"≥∞ÿ#kQÍ
Immensely .. q∞H˜¯eQÍ, „|Ǩ‡O_»OQÍ Indigestibly .. r~°‚OH͉õΩO_®, JriÎQÍ
Immovably .. Hõ^ŒÅÛ ™ê^茺O H͉õΩO_® Indignantly ....................... HÀѨO`À
Imperceptibly ............ `≥eÜ«∞‰õΩO_® Indirectly ........................ Ѩ~ÀHõΔOQÍ
Imperfectly ............... Jã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ Indiscreetly .................. Jq"ÕHõOQÍ
Impertinently ............... J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ Indiscriminately . =º`庙êÅ∞ K«∂_»Hõ
Implicitly ... ^Œ$_è»OQÍ, u~°∞QÆ∞ÖˉõΩO_® Indispensably ...... `«Ñ¨ÊHõ, P=¨â◊ºOQÍ
Impliedly ............ ÉèÏ=OQÍ, ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, Indistinctly .................... Jã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ
K≥ѨʉõΩO_® Indolently ....................... ™È=∞iQÍ
Impolitely ... J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ, "≥Ú~°@∞QÍ Indoors .............. WO\˜Ö’ѨÅ, WO\’¡
Improperly .. J„Hõ=∞OQÍ, J#∞z`«OQÍ Indulgently ...................... K«#∞=ÙQÍ
Imprudently .................. Jq"ÕHõOQÍ Industriously ...................... „â◊^ŒúQÍ
In .............................. Ö’xH˜, Ö’QÍ Ineffably ....... K≥ѨÊ=Åã≤#q Q͉õΩO_®
Inaccurately ................ =º`åºã¨O`À Inelegantly .................... "≥Ú~°@∞QÍ
Inactively ........................ ™È=∞iQÍ Inevitably .......... Jx"å~°ºOQÍ, `«Ñ¨ÊHõ
Inadequately .. KåʼnõΩO_®, `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ InfinitelyJѨiq∞`«OQÍ, JO`«∞ÖˉõΩO_®
Inadvertently Ѩ~å‰õΩQÍ, J*Ï„QÆ`«Î=Å¡ Inside ........................ ֒ѨÅ, Ö’QÍ
Inasmuch ............... ZO^Œ∞KÕ`«##QÍ Insomuch JO`«, JO`«=∞@∞ì‰õΩ, J@∞¡
Incessantly ... q_»∞=‰õΩO_®, Z_»`≥QÆHõ Instantaneously ............... `«HõΔ}"Õ∞
Incidentally JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ,ã¨O^Œ~°ƒù=âß# Instantly ........................... `«HõΔ}"Õ∞
Inclusively ..................... HõÅ∞ѨÙH˘x Instead ............. |^Œ∞Å∞QÍ, =∂~°∞QÍ
Incoherently ............... Jã¨O|^ŒúOQÍ Intellectually ............... "≥·*Ï˝xHõOQÍ
Inconsiderately ..... PÖ’zOK«‰õΩO_® IntentionallyHÍ"åÅx, |∞kúѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ
Inconsistently .... Ѩ~°ã¨Ê~° q~°∞^ŒÌOQÍ, Intently ....................... =∞#ã¨∂ÊùiÎQÍ
Jã¨O|^ŒÌOQÍ Interestedly ........................ „â◊^ŒúQÍ
Inconveniently .............. J™œYºOQÍ Internally ......... JO`«~°æ`«OQÍ, ֒ѨÅ
Incorrectly ...... `«Ñ¨CQÍ, ã¨iH͉õΩO_® Interrogatively ........... „Ѩâ◊fl~°∂ѨOQÍ
Increasingly .................... ÃÇÏK«∞ÛQÍ Invariably . ã≤÷~°OQÍ, XHõ¯suQÍ, `«Ñ¨ÊHõ
Incredibly ................. JѨ#=∞‡HõOQÍ Involuntarily .. =∞#ã¨∞‰õΩ `≥eÜ«∞‰õΩO_®
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 74
Inward ................................. Ö’xH˜ Leisurely .................... ™ê=HÍâ◊OQÍ
Inwardly .............. ֒ѨÅ, =∞#ã¨∞ûÖ’, Lengthway .......... x_çqH˜, x_çq"≥·Ñ¨Ù
~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ Lengthwise ......... x_çqH˜, x_çq"≥·Ñ¨Ù
Inwards ................. Ö’xH˜, ֒ѨʼnõΩ Less ............................... `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ
Ironically ..................... ѨiǨã¨OQÍ Liberally .......... ¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ, ^è•~åà◊OQÍ
Irregularly ....................... „Hõ=∞OÖËHõ Lightly .... `ÕeHõQÍ, K«∞ÅHõ#QÍ, H˘kÌQÍ
Irrespective(ly) .............. Z@∞¡#fl#∂ Like ................................ J^ÕsuQÍ
Jealously ..................... Jã¨∂Ü«∞`À Likely ............................... |Ǩïâß
Jokingly ...... ѨiǨã¨OQÍ, ZQÆ`åoQÍ Limpingly ................. ‰õΩO@∞‰õΩO@∂
Joyfully .... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ, ã¨O`À+¨O`À Lingeringly ........ "≥∞Å¡QÍ, *ÏQÆ∞KÕã¨∂Î
Judiciously ........ `≥eqQÍ, q"ÕHõOQÍ Literally ..................... â◊ÉÏÌ~°ú„ѨHÍ~°O
Just ......... ã¨iQÍ, WѨC_Õ, ã¨∞=∂~°∞QÍ Little .................................. H˘kÌQÍ
Justly ..................... ^èŒ~°‡OQÍ, ã¨iQÍ Locally ........................... ™ê÷xHõOQÍ
Keenly ....... "å_çQÍ, |∞kú ã¨∂HõΔ ‡`«`À Logically .............. <åºÜ«∞ã¨=∞‡`«OQÍ
Kindly .............................. ^ŒÜ«∞`À Long (ly) .. KåÖÏ¿ãѨÙ, n~°…HÍÅO=~°‰õΩ
Kingly ........................... ~å[sîqQÍ Longwise ..................... x_çq"≥·Ñ¨Ù#
Knowingly .............. |∞kúѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ Loosely=^Œ∞Å∞QÍ, J„â◊^ŒúQÍ, ^Œ∞sfluQÍ
Laboriously .................... Hõ+¨ì=Ú`À Lordly ............................... QÆ~°fiOQÍ
Lamely ............................. ‰õΩO\˜QÍ Loud(ly) .................. aQÆæ~°QÍ, QÆ\ ˜ìQÍ
Landward ................ Éèí∂q∞ "≥·Ñ¨Ù#‰õΩ Low ..... `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ, „H˜O^Œ∞QÍ, Ç‘Ï#OQÍ,
Largely ........... q™êÎ~°OQÍ, JkèHõOQÍ "≥∞Å¡QÍ
Last ................. „H˜O^Œ\ ˜™êi, `«∞^Œ‰õΩ Lowly ........................... q#Ü«∞O`À
Lastingly ...................... âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ Luckily ................... J^Œ$+¨ì=âß`«∞ÎQÍ
Lastly .................... `«∞^Œ‰õΩ, z=~°‰õΩ Lullingly ...... LѨâ◊=∞#OQÍ, âßOuQÍ
Late ............... PÅ㨺OQÍ, "Õà◊q∞Oz Luminously„ѨHÍâ◊OQÍ, `Õ*’=∞Ü«∞OQÍ
Lately ................................ W\©=Å Lustly ............................... |ÅO`À
Laterally ....... „ѨHõ¯"≥·Ñ¨Ù#, „ѨHõ¯ #∞Oz Luxuriously .................... ™œYºOQÍ
Latterly ............... W\©=Å, D =∞^茺 Madly ...................... Ñ≤zÛQÍ, "≥„iQÍ
Laudably ....................... Ѷ¨∞#=ÚQÍ Magnanimously ............ L^•~°`«`À
Laughingly .................. #=ÙfiÖÏ@`À Mainly ....... „Ѩ^è•#OQÍ, KåÖÏ=∞@∞‰õΩ
Lavishly ......................... =º~°ú=ÚQÍ Manfully ......... ™êǨÏã¨OQÍ, ^è≥·~°ºOQÍ
Lawfully ....................... K«@ì„ѨHÍ~°O Manly ............. ™êǨÏã¨OQÍ, ^è≥·~°ºOQÍ
Lazily ....... |^ŒúHõOQÍ, ™È=∞i`«#O`À Mannerly ......... 㨄=∞`«QÍ, =∞~åº^ŒQÍ
Least ................... q∞H˜¯e ã¨fiÅÊOQÍ Manyways ............... ѨÅ∞q^è•Å∞QÍ
Leeward ............. QÍeH˘@∞ì`«∞#fl"≥·Ñ¨Ù Manywise ................ ѨÅ∞q^è•Å∞QÍ
Leftward ........................... Z_»=∞‰õΩ Masterly ......... ã¨OѨÓ~°‚ ™ê=∞~°úºO`À
Legally ..................... K«@ì„ѨHÍ~°OQÍ Materially ..... =ÚYºOQÍ, JѨâ◊ºHõOQÍ
Legibly ....... ã¨Ê+¨ì=ÚQÍ, `≥eÜ«Ú#@∞¡ Maybe .................. HÍÉ’Å∞, XHõ"Õà◊
75 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Meagerly ............. hK«OQÍ, JÅÊOQÍ, Murmuringlyã¨}∞QÆ∞`«∂, =¸Å∞QÆ∞`«∂
xã¨û`«∞Î=QÍ Mutually ...................... Ѩ~°ã¨Ê~°OQÍ
Meagrely ............. hK«OQÍ, JÅÊOQÍ, Mysteriously xQÆ∂_è»OQÍ, ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
xã¨û`«∞Î=QÍ Naively ...................... ™êfiÉèÏqHõOQÍ
Meaningly .......... J~°úO`À, ÉèÏ=O`À, Nakedly ........ #QÆflOQÍ, kQÆO|~°OQÍ
L^ÕÌâ◊O`À Namely ............................... J#QÍ
Meanly .. hK«OQÍ, Ç‘Ï#OQÍ, `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ Narrowly ................ H˘kÌÖ’, `«$\˜Ö’
Meanwhile ..... D =∞^茺֒, WO`«Ö’ Nastily ......................... Jã¨Ç¨ÏºOQÍ
Mechanically .......... J<åÖ’z`«OQÍ Natively .......... L`«ÊuÎ =Å#, ã¨fi™ê÷#
Medically .......... "≥·^Œºâß„ã¨Î„ѨHÍ~°OQÍ Naturally ....................... ã¨Ç¨Ï[OQÍ
Meekly .............. "≥∞Å¡QÍ, =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ Naughtily ..................... ^Œ∞~å‡~°æOQÍ
Meetly ....... Ü«ÚHõÎOQÍ, `«y#q^èŒOQÍ Nay ................ ÖË^Œ∞, HÍ^Œ∞, WO`ÕHÍHõ
Menacingly ................. ɡkiOѨÙ`À Near .................................. ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ
Mentally ..................... =∂#ã≤HõOQÍ Nearly ........... ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ, ã¨xflÇ≤Ï`«OQÍ,
Merely ..................... ˆH=ÅO, T~°ˆH ~°=∂~°q∞
Meritedly ....................... `«y#@∞¡QÍ Neatly .................. K«Hõ¯QÍ, â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ
Merrily ........ LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ, ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ Necessarily ................. P=â◊HõºOQÍ
Midst ................................. #_»∞=∞ Needily ............ ^Œi„^ŒOQÍ, ÖËq∞_çQÍ
Midway ................ =∞^茺֒, „`À=Ö’ Needs ............... `«Ñ¨ÊHõ, P=â◊ºHõOQÍ
Mightily ......... |ÅOQÍ, â◊H˜Î=O`«OQÍ Negatively ................... =ºuˆ~HõOQÍ
Mildly ............ =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ, ™ê^èŒ∞=ÙQÍ Never .. Z#fl_»∂ÖË^Œ∞, U =∂„`«O HÍ^Œ∞
Minutely .... ã¨∂HõΔ ‡^Œ$+≤ì`À, ã¨∂HõΔ ‡OQÍ Nevertheless .................. S#ѨÊ\˜H˜
Miserably ......... ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∞q^•~°HõOQÍ New(ly) ............. H˘`«ÎQÍ, #∂`«#OQÍ
Mistakenly ...... `«Ñ¨CQÍ, á⁄~°áê@∞# Next ...................... Ñ≤=∞‡@, ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ
Mistily ........................... Jã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ Nicely .. <åE‰õΩQÍ, ã¨iQÍ, ~°=∞ºOQÍ
Mixedly ......................... q∞„t`«OQÍ Niggardly .................... Ö’aè`«#OQÍ
Moderately ...................... q∞`«OQÍ Nigh .................... ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ, +¨μ=∂~°∞
Modestly ........ #„=∞`«QÍ, q#Ü«∞OQÍ Nightly ......... ~å„uÜ«∞O^Œ∞, „Ѩu~å„u
Monthly .............. <≥Å<≥ʼnõΩ, <≥Å"ås Nimbly .............. K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ, "ÕQÆOQÍ
Morally ................................ huQÍ No ....................... ÖË^Œ∞, HÍ^Œ∞, =^Œ∞Ì
More ...................... JkèHõOQÍ, ÃÑ·QÍ Nobly ............................... Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ
Moreover ........ WO`ÕHÍHõ, =∞iÜ«Ú#∞ Noisily ................... QÀÅQÍ, ã¨^Œ∞ÌQÍ
Mortally ..................... =∞~°}Hõ~°OQÍ Nominally .... <å=∞HÍ, <å=∞=∂„`«OQÍ
Mostly`«~°K«∞QÍ, =ÚYºOQÍ, JkèHõOQÍ Northeasterly .......... Dâß#º=Ú#‰õΩ
Motherly ........................... `«e¡=ÖË
Northerly ........................ L`«Î~°OQÍ
Mournfully ...................... ^Œ∞óYO`À
Northward(ly)(s) ............. L`«Î~°OQÍ
Movingly ........ =∞#ã¨∞ HõiyOK«∞#@∞¡
Notably ............ „Ѩã≤^ŒúOQÍ, Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ
Much ............. q™êÎ~°OQÍ, JkèHõOQÍ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 76
Notoriously .................... „Ѩã≤^ŒúOQÍ Out ward(s) ..................... |Ü«∞\˜H˜
Notwithstanding ......... J~Ú#ѨÊ\˜H˜ Out wardly ....... |Ü«∞\˜H˜, K«∂ѨÙ#‰õΩ
Now ................................... WѨÙ_»∞ Over .. ѨÓiÎQÍ, W@∞#∞O_ç J@∞"≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ
Now a days .................. D ~ÀAÖ’¡ Overboard . F_»g∞^Œ #∞O_ç h\˜Ö’xH˜
No way(s) ....... ZO`«=∂„`«O ‰õÄ_»^Œ∞ Overhead ........................... g∞^Œ#∞
No where .................. ZHõ¯_»#∂ÖË^Œ∞ Overmuch ........ JuQÍ, J`«ºkèHõOQÍ
No wise ............. U q^èŒOQÍ#∞ HÍ^Œ∞ Overnight ................... ~å„uÜ«∞O^Œ∞
Numerally ....................... ã¨OYºÖ’ Oversoon ...... ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ
Numerically ..................... ã¨OYºÖ’ Overtly ...................... |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆOQÍ
Obediently ................... q^èÕÜ«∞`«QÍ Painfully ..... <˘Ñ≤ÊHõÅ∞æ#@∞¡QÍ, ÉÏ^èŒQÍ
Obligingly ......... ^ŒÜ«∞`À, L^•~°OQÍ Pallidly ................. áêeáÈ~Ú#@∞¡QÍ
Obliquely ........................ =OHõ~°QÍ Palpably .......................... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ
Obscurely ................. `≥eÜ«∞‰õΩO_® Pantingly ........ `«fi~°OQÍ TÑ≤ifã¨∂Î
Obstinately ................ Ѩ@∞ìq_»∞=Hõ Paramountly ............. JkfifÜ«∞OQÍ
Occasionally .............. JѨC_»Ñ¨C_»∞, Parsimoniously .. Ö’aèQÍ, Ñ≤ã≤<åiQÍ
JѨÊ\ѨÊ\˜H˜ Partially ... Jã¨OѨÓ~°‚QÍ, ѨHõΔáê`«OQÍ
Oddly ................ qO`«QÍ, qz„`«OQÍ Particularly .... „Ѩ`ÕºHõOQÍ, q=~°O`À
Offhand ...... ѨÓ~°fi„Ѩܫ∞`«flO ÖˉõΩO_® Partly ........ H˘O`«=~°‰õΩ, XHõ=O`«∞QÍ
Officially ................ JkèHÍ~°Ç¨ÏŸ^•`À Passing ............................. q∞H˜¯e
Oft (en) ........................... `«~°K«∞QÍ Passionately ....... L„QÆOQÍ, HÀѨOQÍ,
Ominously ................ JѨâ◊‰õΩ#OQÍ f„=OQÍ
On ..... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ, ÃÑ·QÍ, WOHÍ, g∞^Œ Passively .......................... ã¨Î|ÌOQÍ
Once ................................. XHõ™êi Past ............ „ѨHõ¯ #∞O_ç, ^ŒQÆæi#∞O_ç
Only .......................... XˆHXHõ, UÔH·Hõ Paternally ............................. Ñ≤`«$
Onward ................. =ÚO^ŒiH˜, ÃÑ·QÍ Pathetically ...... ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∞q^•~°HõOQÍ
Openly ..... |Ç≤Ï~°æ`«OQÍ, x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ Patiently ........... F~°∞ÊQÍ, âßO`«OQÍ
Opportunely .......... ã¨=∞Ü≥∂z`«OQÍ Peaceably ...... <≥=∞‡kQÍ, âßO`«OQÍ
Oppositely ..................... Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ Peacefully .................. „ѨâßO`«OQÍ
Orderly .......................... „Hõ=∞=ÚQÍ Pecuiliarly ......... qO`«QÍ, qâı+¨OQÍ
Originally ........ „Ѩ^èŒ=∞=∞O^Œ∞, Pkx Pedantically .................... _»O|OQÍ
Other ............................ ÖËxÜ≥∞_»Å Pellmell ...... ^˘g∞‡QÍ, „Hõ=∞OÖˉõΩO_®
Otherwise .................... "Õˆ~q^èŒOQÍ Peradventure ..... XHõ"Õà◊, ^≥·==âß`«∞Î
Out ......... |Ü«∞@, |Ü«∞\˜H˜, ѨÓiÎQÍ Perceptibly ... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, `≥eÜ«Ú#@∞¡
Out and out ..... ѨÓiÎQÍ, |Ç≤Ï~°æ`«OQÍ Perchance .......... ^≥·==âß#, XHõ"Õà◊
Out doors .... |Ü«∞@, WO\˜ "≥Å∞ѨŠPeremptorily .. ^Œ$_è»OQÍ, YO_ç`«OQÍ
Out of doors ..................... "≥Å∞ѨŠPerfectly ......... ѨÓiÎQÍ, ã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ
Out rightÉÁuÎQÍ, `«HõΔ}"Õ∞, |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆOQÍ Perfidiously ........... #=∞‡Hõ„^ÀǨÏOQÍ
Outside ................ |Ü«∞@, "≥Å∞ѨŠPerforce .. x~°ƒO^èŒOQÍ, |ÖÏ`å¯~°OQÍ
77 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Perfunctorily .... x~°¡HõΔ ºOQÍ, L¿ÑHõΔ`À Precisely .......... YO_ç`«OQÍ, ã¨iQÍ
Perhaps ............... |Ǩïâß, HÍÉ’Å∞ Preeminently ................ =ÚYºOQÍ
Periodically ......... xÜ«∞q∞`«HÍÅOÖ’ Prematurely ............. JѨiѨHõfiOQÍ
Permanently .... âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ, ã≤÷~°OQÍ Premeditatedly=ÚO^Œ∞QÍ PÖ’zOz
Perniciously .............. q<åâ◊Hõ~°OQÍ, Preparedly .... `«Ü«∂~°∞QÍ, ã≤^Œú=ÚQÍ
ǨxHõ~°OQÍ Presently ........... `«HõΔ}"Õ∞, „Ѩã¨∞Î`«O
Perpendicularly ............... xÅ∞=ÙQÍ Prettily ............. =Ú^Œ∞ÌQÍ, ™⁄QÆã¨∞QÍ
Perpetually .................. âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ Pretty ........... H˘OK≥O, H˘O`«=∞@∞ì‰õΩ
Perplexedly .................. HõÅ=~°OQÍ Previously ..................... =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ
Perseveringly ............... Ѩ@∞ì^ŒÅ`À Primarily ........... "≥Ú^Œ@, =ÚYºOQÍ,
Personally ..................... ã¨fiÜ«∞OQÍ „Ѩ^è•#OQÍ
Perspicaciously ........ fHõΔ} ^Œ$+≤ì`À Primly ............. ™⁄QÆã¨∞QÍ, JO^ŒOQÍ
Pertinently ..................... Ü«ÚHõÎOQÍ Princely ................ ~åA‰õΩ `«y#@∞¡
Pertly ............................ "≥Ú~°@∞QÍ
Principally .................... =ÚYºOQÍ
Perversely ..................... =„Hõ|∞kúQÍ Privately .... ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ, UHÍO`«OQÍ,
Petualantly ............... =ÚOQÀѨ O `À ã¨fiO`«OQÍ
Physically ..................... Éè∫uHõOQÍ Privily ........................... ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
Piecemeal ....... `«∞#HõÅ∞ `«∞#HõÅ∞QÍ Probably ........................... |Ǩïâ◊
Pit a pat ....................... ^Œ_»^Œ_»=∞x
Prodigally ..... ^Œ∞ÉÏ~åQÍ, Jq∞`«OQÍ,
Piteously ÉÏ^è•Hõ~°OQÍ, ^Œ∞:YHõ~°OQÍ =$^è•QÍ
Pitiably ............. HõxHõ~°OQÍ, n#OQÍ Professedly |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆOQÍ K≥ѨCH˘x
Plain ................................ ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ
Profitably .... ÖÏÉèíHõ~°OQÍ, ™ê~°úHõOQÍ
Plainly ......... qâ◊^ŒOQÍ, x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ Profusely ..................... Jq∞`«OQÍ
Playfully .......................... ã¨~°ã¨OQÍ
Prolixly ........... n~°…OQÍ, Jã¨~°æà◊OQÍ
Pleasantly ... =∞<ÀǨÏ~°OQÍ, WOѨÙQÍ Prominently . „Ѩ^è•#OQÍ, L#fl`«OQÍ
Pompously ................ P_»O|~°OQÍ Promptly ............ j„Ѷ¨∞OQÍ, W+¨ìOQÍ
Poorly .. c^ŒQÍ, ^≥·#ºOQÍ, ^Œ∞~°ƒÅOQÍ Properly ... ã¨iQÍ, `«y#@∞¡, „Hõ=∞OQÍ
Positively ..................... xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ Proportionally ........ `«y# x+¨ÊuÎÖ’
Possibly ...... ™ê^茺OQÍ, J=HÍâ◊O`À Proportionately ...... `«y# x+¨ÊuÎÖ’
Posthaste ................. Ju"ÕQÆOQÍî Prosperously ............ =iúÅ∞¡#@∞¡QÍ,
Potently ........................... |ÅOQÍ Jaè=$kúQÍ
Poutingly ........................ HÀѨO`À ProudlyQÆ~°fiOQÍ,_®|∞QÍ, P_»O|~°OQÍ
Practically J#∞Éèí=O`À, JÉèϺã¨O`À Proverbially ..................... Ö’HÀH˜ÎQÍ
Praisably ................ âߡѶ¨∞hÜ«∞OQÍ Provokingly ......... Ô~K«ÛH˘>Ëì q^èŒOQÍ
Precariously ............... xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ Prudently .................... q"ÕHõ=Ú`À
Precipitantly ................ Ju`«fi~°Ö’ Pryingly ............. ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ K«∂K«∞K«∂
Precipitately .............. `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞QÍ, Publicly .................... |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆOQÍ
PÖ’zOK«Hõ<Õ Punctually ................. „Hõ=∞O`«Ñ¨ÊHõ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 78
Purely ......... Ѩiâ◊√^ŒúOQÍ, x~°‡ÅOQÍ Right(ly) ............ u#flQÍ, <åºÜ«∞OQÍ,
Purposedly ................... L^ÕÌâ◊O`À Ü«ÚHõÎOQÍ
Purposely HÍ"åÅx, L^ÕÌâ◊ѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ Roughly .. =Ú`«HõQÍ, WOK«∞q∞OK«∞QÍ
Pursuant ......... J#∞ã¨iOz, K˘Ñ¨C#, Round .......... QÆ∞O„_»OQÍ, K«∞@∂ìuiy,
„ѨHÍ~°O Jxfl„ѨHõ¯Å
Pursuantly ....... J#∞ã¨iOz K˘Ñ¨C#, Roundly ........................ QÆ∞O„_»OQÍ,
Quarterly .................. „`≥·=∂ã≤HõOQÍ Royally ... Ѷ¨∞#OQÍ, sîqQÍ, ~åA=ÖË
Queerly ............ qHÍ~°OQÍ, qO`«QÍ Rudely ............ "≥∂@∞QÍ, ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞QÍ
Questionless .......... xã¨ûO^ÕǨÏOQÍ Sadly .......................... ^Œ∞:Y=ÚQÍ
Quibblingly ...................... q+¨Ü«∞O Safely ............ Éèí„^ŒOQÍ, ã¨∞~°H˜Δ`«OQÍ
^•@"ÕÜ«Ú#@∞¡QÍ Scantily ....... H˘~°`«QÍ, KåʼnõΩO_»QÍ
Quick(ly) ............... "ÕQÆOQÍ, `«fi~°QÍ Scarcely ...... H˘~°`«QÍ, KåʼnõΩO_»QÍ
Quietly ......... <≥=∞‡kQÍ, Hõ^ŒÅ‰õΩO_® Scoffingly ... ZQÆ`åoQÍ, u~°™ê¯~°OQÍ
Quite ..................... ÉÁuÎQÍ, ѨÓiÎQÍ Scornfully .................. u~°™ê¯~°OQÍ
Rabidly .................. "≥„iQÍ, Ñ≤zÛQÍ Scrupulously ã¨∞xfl`«OQÍ, YzÛ`«OQÍ
Radically .. ã¨=¸ÅOQÍ, ã¨fiÉèÏ=OQÍ Seaward ................... ã¨=Ú„^ŒO"≥·Ñ¨Ù
Ragingly ............ f„=OQÍ, L„QÆOQÍ Secondly ........ Ô~O_À™êi, `«~°∞"å`«
Rankly ............ ÃÇÏK«∞ÛQÍ, JkèHõOQÍ, Secretly. ...................... ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
=Ú`«HõQÍ Securely ........ x~°ƒùÜ«∞OQÍ, Éèí„^ŒOQÍ
Rapidly ............ "ÕQÆOQÍ, `«fii`«OQÍ Seeing ....................... PÖ’zOѨQÍ
Rarely ............................ J~°∞^Œ∞QÍ Seem(ing)ly .. |Ü«∞@‰õΩ, K«∂K«∞@‰õΩ
Rashly ...... ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞QÍ, PÖ’zOK«Hõ<Õ Seldom .......................... J~°∞^Œ∞QÍ
Rather ... q∞#flQÍ, H˘OK≥O, U=∂„`«O Separately ........ "Õ~°∞QÍ, „Ѩ`ÕºHõOQÍ
Readily ............... ã≤^ŒúOQÍ, `«HõΔ}"Õ∞ Serenely .................... âßO`«=ÚQÍ
Really .............. x[OQÍ, "åã¨Î=OQÍ Seriously ..................... QÆOcè~°OQÍ
Reasonably <åºÜ«∞OQÍ, 㨿ÇÏ`«∞HõOQÍ Servilely ........................... hK«OQÍ
Recently .......... W\©=ÖË, D =∞^茺<Õ Sevenfold ...................... U_çO`«Å∞
Regularly ........................ „Hõ=∞OQÍ Severally ....... "Õ~°∞fi~°∞QÍ, „Ѩ`ÕºHõOQÍ
Relatively ................... ™ê¿ÑH˜ΔHõOQÍ Severely ............. f„=OQÍ, L„QÆOQÍ
Remotely ....................... ^Œ∂~°OQÍ Shabbily ............. hK«OQÍ, Ç‘Ï#OQÍ
Repeatedly .......... ѨÅ∞Ѩ~åºÜ«∂Å∞, Sharply .............. "å_çQÍ, K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ
=∞m§=∞m§ Sheerly .................. ÉÁuÎQÍ, ˆH=ÅO
Repiningly .. Hõ$tOK«∞K«∂, ^Œ∞:YO`À ShillyshellyJ#∞=∂#O`À, Kå^Œã¨ÎOQÍ
Respectfully .............. Q“~°„Ѩ^ŒOQÍ, Shipshape ............ K«Hõ¯QÍ, "≥·#OQÍ
q#Ü«∞O`À Short ................... `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ, H˘kÌQÍ
Respectively„Hõ=∞OQÍ, =~°∞㨄ѨHÍ~°O Shortly ........ H˘kÌ¿ãѨÙÖ’, ã¨OH˜ΔѨÎOQÍ
Richly. ............. ã¨=∞$kúQÍ, xO_»∞QÍ Shrewdly .... ã¨∂HõΔ ‡|∞kú`À, q"ÕHõO`À
79 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Shyly ............... a_çÜ«∞OQÍ, Ñ≤iH˜QÍ Southwardly ............. ^ŒH˜Δ}=Ú#‰õΩ
Sidelong ................ F~°QÍ, J_»¤OQÍ Sparingly ........................ q∞`«OQÍ
Sideview ......... XHõ „ѨHõ¯‰õΩ, J_»¤OQÍ Specially ...................... „Ѩ`ÕºHõOQÍ
Sidewise ......... XHõ „ѨHõ¯‰õΩ, J_»¤OQÍ Speedily ............................ `«fi~°QÍ
Simply .................. ˆH=ÅO, =∂„`«O Spontaneously ................. ¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ
Simultaneously ........... UHõHÍÅOÖ’, Staggeringly ............... `«_»ÉÏ@∞`À
XˆH™êi Stark ...................... ˆH=ÅO, ÉÁuÎQÍ
Since =ÚO^Œ∞, „H˜O^Œ@, JѨÊ\˜#∞O_ç Steadily .......................... xÅHõ_»QÍ
Sincerely ......... x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ, huQÍ Stealthily ..................... ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ
Singly .............. XO@iQÍ, XH˘¯Hõ¯_Õ Still ...... WOHõ#∞, WѨÊ\˜H˜, =∞iH˘O`«
Singularly ..................... qz„`«OQÍ Stoutly ............................ ^è≥·~°ºO`À
Skew ............................... =OHõQÍ Straight(way) ........ "≥O@<Õ, u#flQÍ
Slantingly ................... U@"åÅ∞QÍ Straitly ............. W~°∞‰õΩQÍ, Hõiî#OQÍ
Slightingly JÅHõΔ ºOQÍ, u~°™ê¯~°O`À Strangely ......................... qO`«QÍ
Slightly ............... H˘kÌQÍ, ã¨fiÅÊOQÍ Strictly ........... YzÛ`«OQÍ, Hõiî#OQÍ
Slopingly .................... U@"åÅ∞QÍ Subsequently ................... Ñ≤=∞‡@
Slovenly ....................... Jâ◊√„ÉèíOQÍ Suddenly .................... JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ
Slowly ............... x^•#OQÍ, "≥∞Å¡QÍ Sufficiently .................... Kåe#O`«
Smilingly ................... ã¨O`À+¨O`À Summarily ......... @∂H©QÍ, j„Ѷ¨∞OQÍ
Smoothly ......... =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ, #∞#flQÍ Sundrily ................... ѨÅ∞q^èŒ=ÚÅ
Snaillike ........................... "≥∞Å¡QÍ Superficially ....................... ÃÑ·ÃÑ·x
Snugly ................ "≥K«ÛQÍ, ã¨∞YOQÍ Supra ................................... g∞^Œ
So .......... JÖÏ, JO`«, Hõ#∞Hõ, q∞H˜¯e Sure(ly) ........... xâ◊ÛÜ«∞OQÍ, ~°∂_èçQÍ
Soever .......... U^≥·#, U"≥∞ÿ#, Z=_≥·# Swiftly .................... "ÕQÆOQÍ, =_çQÍ
Softly ... =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ, "≥∞`«ÎQÍ, "≥∞Å¡QÍ Swimmingly .................. ã¨∞à◊√=ÙQÍ
Solely ................. =∂„`«O, XHõ\ ˜ÜÕ∞ Tacitly ............ „Ѩ`ÕºH˜Oz K≥ѨʉõΩO_»
Solemnly ... QÆOcè~°OQÍ, Ü«∞^è•qkèQÍ Tardily ............................... "≥∞Å¡QÍ
Some ....... H˘O^Œ~°∞, H˘O`«, XHÍ<˘Hõ Technically ............... ™êOˆHuHõOQÍ
Some how ...................... ZÖÏÔQ·<å Temporarily ............... `å`å¯eHõOQÍ
Something ............... H˘O`«=∞@∞ì‰õΩ Tenderly ....................... =∞$^Œ∞=ÙQÍ
Sometime ....... ѨÓ~°fiO, H˘O`«HÍÅO Terribly ..................... ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°OQÍ
Sometimes .................. JѨÙ_»Ñ¨Ù_»∞ Tersely ......................... ã¨OH˜ΔѨÎOQÍ
Somewhat ............... H˘O`«=∞@∞ì‰õΩ Then .......... JѨÙ_»∞, JO`«@, `«~åfi`«
SomewhereZHõ¯_≥·<å, ZHõ¯_À XHõKÀ@ Thence ... JK«@ #∞O_ç, JѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç,
Soon ................... `«fi~°QÍ, j„Ѷ¨∞OQÍ JO^Œ∞=Å¡
Sore(ly) ................ <˘Ñ≤ÊQÍ, ÉÏ^èŒQÍ Thencefor(th)-ward ..... JѨÊ\˜#∞O_ç
Sound(ly) ..... ÉÏQÍ, ã¨iQÍ, QÍ_è»OQÍ There .................................. JHõ¯_»
South(ward)(s) .......... ^ŒH˜Δ}=Ú#‰õΩ Thereabout(s) P„áêO`å#, ~°=∂~°q∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 80
Thereafter ................... J@∞`«~åfi`« Tranquilly .......................... âßO`«QÍ
Thereat ................. JHõ¯_», JO^Œ∞ÃÑ· Transitively .................... ã¨Hõ~°‡HõOQÍ
Thereby ....................... JO^Œ∞=Å# Transversey ............ J_»¤OQÍ, J_»∞¤QÍ
Therefor ...................... JO^Œ∞H˘~°‰õΩ Trebly ........................ =¸_»O`«Å∞QÍ
Therefore ............. JO^Œ∞=Å¡, Hõ#∞Hõ Tremblingly .................... =}∞‰õΩ`«∂
Therefrom ................... JHõ¯_»#∞O_ç Trimly ................... h@∞QÍ, ™⁄QÆã¨∞QÍ
Therein ............................ JO^Œ∞Ö’ Truly ... x[=ÚQÍ, x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ, ÉèíH˜Î`À
Thereon ........................... JO^Œ∞ÃÑ· Trustingly ............... ѨÓiÎ qâßfiã¨O`À
There(un)to ...................... JHõ¯_»‰õΩ, Twice ............ Ô~O_»∞™ê~°∞¡, Ô~O_çO`«Å∞
^•xx, JO^Œ∞‰õΩ Twofold .............. Ô~\˜ìOѨÙ, Ô~O_çO`«Å∞
Thereupon .. J@∞Ñ≤=∞‡@, JO^Œ∞=Å¡ Ultimately ............... z=~°‰õΩ, `«∞^Œ‰õΩ
Therewith .......................... ^•x`À Ultimo ........................... „H˜`«O<≥ÅÖ’
Thick(ly) ............... ^Œ@ìOQÍ, zHõ¯QÍ Unadvisedly .................... ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞QÍ
Thinkingly .................... PÖ’K«#`À Unaffectedly .... x[OQÍ, x+¨¯+¨@OQÍ
Thinly ............................... ѨÅK«QÍ Unalterably .............. =∂~°ÛÖË#O`«QÍ
Thirdly .............................. =¸_»= Unanimously ................ UHõ„w=OQÍ
Thither(ward) ..... JHõ¯_çH˜, P"≥·Ñ¨Ù#‰õΩ Unavoidably ...... Jx"å~°ºOQÍ, `«Ñ¨ÊHõ
Thoroughly . ѨiѨÓ~°‚OQÍ, ã¨=∞„QÆOQÍ Unawares ... J#∞HÀ‰õΩO_®, Pâ◊Û~°ºOQÍ
Thrice ....... =¸_»∞™ê~°∞¡, =¸_çO`«Å∞ Uncivilly ....................... J=∞~åº^ŒQÍ
Through .... W@∞#∞O_çJ@∞, Hõ_»=~°‰õΩ Under .......................... „H˜O^Œ, kQÆ∞=
Throughout ...................... JO`«@ Underground ... Éèí∂QÆ~°ƒùOÖ’x, ~°Ç¨Ï㨺
Thus ........ WÅ∞¡, J@∞¡, WO`«=∞@∞‰õΩ Underhand ~°Ç¨Ï㨺OQÍ, ^˘OQÆ`«#OQÍ
Tightly ....... a„~°∞QÍ, QÆ\ ì̃QÍ, ^Œ@ìOQÍ Undermisfortune ......... PѨ`å¯ÅOÖ’
Timely ................................. "Õà◊‰õΩ Underneath ........................... „H˜O^Œ
Timidly ............................. Ñ≤iH˜QÍ Understandingly qK«HõΔ}`À, `≥eqQÍ
Today ............................... D~ÀA Undoubtedly ............. xã¨ûO^ÕǨÏOQÍ
Together ...................... Hõeã≤, ‰õÄ_» Unduly ...... xˆ~›`«∞HõOQÍ, `«y#q^èŒOQÍ
Tomorrow ................................ ˆ~Ѩ٠Uneasily ................ Hõ+¨ìO`À, „â◊=∞`À
Tonight .............................. D ~å„u Unequally ................... Jã¨=∂#OQÍ
Too .................... ‰õÄ_®, ã¨Ç≤Ï`«O, Ju Unexpectedly ............... JHõ™ê‡`«∞ÎQÍ
Topsyturvy .......... É’~å¡, `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞QÍ Unfailingly ...................... `«Ñ¨Ê‰õΩO_®
Totally ................ JO`å, ã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ Unfeignedly ..................... "åã¨Î=OQÍ
Touchingly ............ =∞#ã¨∞Hõ~°∞QÆ∞#@∞¡ Unfortunately .......... ^Œ∞~°^Œ$+¨ì=âß`«∞Î
Toward(s) .......... "≥·Ñ¨Ù, QÆ∞iOz, Z_»Å, Unfrequently .................... J~°∞^Œ∞QÍ
~°=∂~°q∞ Ungrudgingly . ^è•~åà◊OQÍ, Ü«∞^èÕK«ÛQÍ
81 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Unguardedly x~°¡HõΔ ºOQÍ, J*Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ Vivavoce ........................... <À@#∞
Un happily .................... qKå~°OQÍ Vividly ................ ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, HÍOuQÍ
Unhesitatingly ......... ã¨OHÀzOK«Hõ<Õ Vocally ......... ã¨fi~°O`À, <À\˜=∂\QÍ
Uniformly ...................... ã¨=∞suQÍ Voluntarily ................ ã¨fiK«ÛùO^ŒOQÍ
Uninterruptedly ................ Z_»`≥QÆHõ, Voraciously Pâ◊`À, J|QÍ, J„`«OQÍ
`≥OѨÙÖˉõΩO_® Vulgarly ........................ Jã¨ÉèíºOQÍ
Unitedly ......... ‰õÄ_ç, HõÅã≤, XHõ\ ˜QÍ Wailingly ........... U_»∞ÛK«∂, U_»∞Ê`À
Universally ................ ™ê~°fi„uHõOQÍ Wantonly ........ ¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ, x~°¡HõΔ ºOQÍ
Unkindly .......... x~°‚Ü«∞QÍ, „‰õÄ~°OQÍ Warily ............................ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ
Unknowingly .......... `≥eÜ«∞‰õΩO_»QÍ Warmly "≥K«ÛQÍ, ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∞ѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ
Unnecessarily .......... J#=ã¨~°OQÍ Well ...................... ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ, K«Hõ¯QÍ
Unreservedly .............. x+¨¯Ñ¨@OQÍ Wellnigh ....... ã¨∞=∂~°∞QÍ, ~°=∂~°q∞
Untimely ....................... JHÍÅOÖ’ When ................................. ZѨÙ_»∞
Untiringly ..... JeÜ«∞Hõ, qã¨∞QƉõΩO_®
Whence ..... ZHõ¯_»#∞O_ç, ZO^Œ∞=Å#
Unwarily ......... Ѩ~å‰õΩ#, J*Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ
Where ................................. ZHõ¯_»
Unweariedly ........... JÅã¨@ÖˉõΩO_®
Whereabout(s) ................. ZKÀÛ@
Unwittingly ................ `≥eÜ«∞‰õΩO_®
While ............................... JѨC_»∞
Up .................................. ÃÑ·#, ÃÑ·H˜
Whilom .............. ѨÓ~°fiO, XHõѨC_»∞
Upstairs ........................... "Õ∞_»ÃÑ·H˜
Whither ............................ ZHõ¯_»‰õΩ
Upwards ........ ÃÑ·H˜, ÃÑ·QÍ, ÃÇÏK«∞ÛQÍ
Why ................................ ZO^ΰ䛽
Urgently ................... J`«º=ã¨~°OQÍ
Windward .................... QÍe"åÅ∞#
Usually ..................... ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ
Withal .................... ‰õÄ_®, ã¨Ç≤Ï`«O
Utterly ............ ÉÁuÎQÍ, ã¨OѨÓ~°‚OQÍ
Wittingly ................ |∞kÌѨÓ~°fiHõOQÍ
Vainly .... =º~°úOQÍ, =$^è•QÍ, QÆ~°fiO`À
Variously ................ <å<åq^è•Å∞QÍ Worse .................................... K≥_»¤
Vastly ............... q™êÎ~°OQÍ, q∞H˜¯e Worst ............................ q∞H˜¯eK≥_»¤
Verbally ...... <À\˜=∂@Å`À, =ÚY`«: Yellowly ................... Ѩã¨∞ѨÙѨK«ÛQÍ
Verily ............... x[OQÍ, "åã¨Î=OQÍ Yes .................................... J=Ù#∞
Very ............... KåÖÏ, q∞H˜¯e, =∞Ǩ Yesterday ............................. x#fl
Via ............. „`À=#∞, ^•fi~å, =∂~åæ# Yet ................................... WOHõ#∂
Videlicet ............................ J#QÍ Yieldingly ........... "≥∞`«ÎQÍ, ã¨∞à◊√=ÙQÍ
Vigorously |ÅO`À, QÆ\ ˜ì„Ѩܫ∞`«flO`À Yonder ..................... J^Õ, JÅ¡kQÀ
Violently ........ ^Ò~°˚#ºOQÍ, f„=OQÍ Yore .................................. ѨÓ~°fiO
Virtuvally ....................... "åã¨Î"åxH˜ Youthfully ................... Ü«∞=fi#O`À
Visibly ......... ã¨Ê+¨ìOQÍ, ^Œ$QÀæK«~°OQÍ Zealously ..................... Ѩ@∞ì^ŒÅ`À
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 82
1. PRONOUNS (ã¨~fi° <å=∞=ÚÅ∞) :
I ............................................. <Õ#∞ hers .................................... P"≥∞k
me ............................... ##∞fl, <å‰õΩ herself ......................... J"≥∞, P"≥∞<Õ
mine ...................................... <åk it .................................... Jk, ^•xfl
my ............................ <å, <å Ü≥ÚHõ¯ its ........................ ^•x, ^•x Ü≥ÚHõ¯
myself ............................. <Õ<Õ, #<Õfl itself ............................... J^Õ, ^•<Õfl
we ........................... "Õ∞=Ú, =∞#=Ú they ............................... Jq, "å~°∞
us ......................... =∞=Ú‡, =∞#Å#∞ them ......................... "å\˜x, "åix
our . =∂, =∂ Ü≥ÚHõ¯, =∞#, =∞#Ü≥ÚHõ¯ their ..................... "åi, "åi Ü≥ÚHõ¯
ours ....... =∂k, =∂q, =∞#k, =∞#q theirs ....................... "åik, "å\˜k
ourselves ....... "Õ∞"Õ∞, =∞"Õ∞‡, =∞#"Õ∞, themselves ................. "åˆ~, "åi<Õ,
=∞#Å<Õ J"Õ, "å\˜<Õ
you ............................... h=Ù, g∞~°∞ this ................................... Wk, D
your ........... h Ü≥ÚHõ¯, g∞, g∞ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ that .................................... Jk, P
yours .............. hk, hq, g∞k, g∞q these ........................ Wq, g~°∞, D
yourself ..... h"Õ, x<Õfl, `«=∞ˆ~, `«=∞ˆ~fl those ........................ Jq, "å~°∞, P
yourselves ............... g∞ˆ~, q∞=∞‡ÖËfl who ........................... Z=_»∞, Z=~°∞
he ........................................ J`«_»∞ what ......... Uk, Uq∞\˜, U, U^À Jk
him .................................... J`«xx which ................................. Uk, U
his ..................... J`«x, J`«x Ü≥ÚHõ¯ whom ...................... Z=_çx, Z=ix
himself ....................... J`«<,Õ J`«<flÕ whose ...... Z=_ç, Z=_ç Ü≥ÚHõ¯, Z=i,
she ........................................ P"≥∞ Z=i Ü≥ÚHõ¯
her ................... P"≥∞#∞, P"≥∞ Ü≥ÚHõ¯

2. AUXILIARY VERBS (ã¨Ç¨ Ü«∞Hõ „H˜Ü∞« Å∞)

be ............. LO_»∞, PQÆ∞, J~Ú LO_»∞ does ........ KÕ™êÎ_»∞, KÕã¨∞ÎOk, KÕÜ«Ú#∞
am ..................................... L<åfl#∞ did ...................................... KÕÃã#∞
is ............................ L#flk, L<åfl_»∞ shall ..................................... =Öˇ#∞
are ............ L<åfl=Ú, L#flq, L<åfl~°∞ will ....................................... =Öˇ#∞
was ........................ LO\˜x, LO_≥#∞ can ................. QÆÅ#∞, QÆÅ^Œ∞, QÆÅ_»∞
were LO\˜q∞, LO\˜x, LO_çi, L#flq may .................................. =K«∞Û#∞
have ......................... HõeyÜ«Ú<åfl=Ú might ................................ =K«∞Û#∞
HõeyÜ«Ú<åfl~°∞, HõeyÜ«Ú#flq must ........................... (`«Ñʨ Hõ) Je
has ...... HõeyÜ«Ú<åfl_»∞, HõeyÜ«Ú#flk dare .............................. ™êǨÏã≤OK«∞
had ..... HõeyÜ«ÚO\˜x, HõeyÜ«ÚO_≥#∞ need ............................ J=ã¨~°=∞QÆ∞
do ........................................ KÕÜ«Ú ought to ........................... =Åã≤#k
used to ...................... JÅ"å@∞Ѩ_»∞

83 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

3. PREPOSITIONS (qÉèHí ºÎõ ~°÷ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ∞)
1. About = Concerning, regarding, in connection with QÆ∞iOz, ã¨O|OkèOz,
approximately, near(ly), ã¨∞=∂~°∞, ^ŒQÆæ~°Ö’, in various parts of, all around,
here and there, K«∞@∂ì, JO`«\Ï, g∞^Œ
about computers HõOѨӺ@~üû QÆ∞iOz about 6 hours .. ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 6 QÆO@Å∞
about him .................. J`«x QÆ∞iOz abut 9o' clock .. ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 9 QÆO@Å∞
about his future ....................... J`«x about 70 .................... ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 70
Éèíq+¨º`ü QÆ∞iOz about a dozen egg .. ã¨∞=∂~°∞ _»[#∞
about it ........................ ^•x QÆ∞iOz „QÆ∞_»∞¡
about my return ....... <å ~åHõ QÆ∞iOz about the room .......... QÆk JO`«\Ï
about the answer ..... ["å|∞ QÆ∞iOz about the park ........ áê~°∞¯ JO`«\Ï
about the result ....... Ѷ¨e`«O QÆ∞iOz about here ................... D ^ŒQÆæ~°Ö’
about your health h P~ÀQƺO QÆ∞iOz about the building .... Éèí=#O K«∞@∂ì
about your illness h Jã¨fiã¨÷`« QÆ∞iOz about her neck .... P"≥∞ "≥∞_» K«∞@∂ì
2. Above = higher than, ÃÑ·QÍ ÃÑ·#, g∞^Œ, q∞Oz#, JkèHõ"≥∞ÿ# JkèQÆq∞Oz,
above the frees ............ K≥@¡ g∞^Œ∞QÍ above your income .. h ~å|_ç q∞Oz
above the bed ... =∞OK«O ÃÑ· ÉèÏQÆOÖ’ above story .......................... ÃÑ· Hõ^äŒ
above your head .... h `«ÅÃÑ·ÉèÏQÆOÖ’ above stated ................ ÃÑ·# ¿Ñ~˘¯#fl
above sixty rupees ..... 60 ~°∂. ÃÑ·# above said ..................... ÃÑ#· K≥ÑÊ≤ #
above th clouds ........... "Õ∞Ѷ¨∂Å ÃÑ·# above mentioned .. ÃÑ# · ã¨∂zOz#@∞
3. According to = P „ѨHÍ~°=Ú K˘Ñ¨C# ( *=According to)
* my watch .............. <å"åp „ѨHÍ~°O * her ................. P"≥∞ K≥Ñ≤Ê# „ѨHÍ~°O
* my instructions<å ã¨∂K«#Å „ѨHÍ~°O * the doctor ... _®Hõ~ì ∞° QÍi Jaè„áêÜ«∞OÖ’
* paul ................... áêÖòJaè„áêÜ«∞OÖ’ * what you need . h J=ã¨~°O "Õ∞~°‰õΩ
* the Bible ................. ɡ·aÖò „ѨHÍ~°O * my opinion <å Jaè„áêÜ«∞O „ѨHÍ~°O

4. Across = QÆ∞O_®, ^•fi~å, J_»¤=ÚQÍ

across the street ...... gkèH˜ J_»¤OQÍ acorss the field ... á⁄ÖÏxH˜ J_»¤OQÍ
across the river .......... #kH˜ J_»¤OQÍ across the bed . =∞OKåxH˜ J_»¤OQÍ
across the table "Õ∞*Ï|Å¡‰õΩ J_»¤OQÍ across the channel HÍÅfi‰õΩ J_»¤OQÍ
5. After = `«~åfi`«, Ñ≤^ŒÑ¨, "≥#∞Hõ, "≥O|_ç
after dinner ............... _ç#fl~ü `«~åfi`« after eating the cakeˆH‰õΩ u#fl `«~åfi`«
after you ......................... h `«~åfi`« after 6 'o clock ... 6 QÆO@Å `«~åfi`«
after Mary ................... "Õ∞i `«~åfi`« after 2 days ........ 2 ~ÀAÅ `«~åfi`«

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 84

6. Against = =ºuˆ~Hõ=ÚQÍ, q~°∞^Œú=ÚQÍ, Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ
against the law .... K«\ÏìxH˜ q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ against the wall ..... QÀ_»‰õΩ Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ
against doing that ... ^•xfl KÕÜ«∞\ÏxH˜ against a strong wind ..... ÃÑ^ŒÌ QÍeH˜
=ºuˆ~HõOQÍ Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ
against her will ............. P"≥∞ WëêìxH˜ against her ......... P"≥∞‰õΩ =ºuˆ~HõOQÍ
=ºuˆ~HõOQÍ against the current ......... „Ѩ"åǨxH˜
against the proposal ..... „Ѩuáê^Œ#‰õΩ Z^Œ∞~°∞QÍ
q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ against the T.B. ........ T.B x"å~°}QÍ
againstherules ... ~°∂Å∞û‰õΩ q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ
7. Along = "≥O@ ‰õÄ_®, QÆ∞O_®
Along the Main road ..... „Ѩ^è•# ~À_»∞¤ along the river bank #k, X_»∞¤ QÆ∞O_®
QÆ∞O_® along the coast ............ f~°O QÆ∞O_®
along with them .. "åi`À Hõeã≤ ‰õÄ_® along the valley ............ Ö’Ü«∞QÆ∞O_®
8. Amid(st) = =∞^茺, #_»∞=∞
amid the trees ................ K≥@¡ =∞^茺 amid all dangers ..... „Ѩ=∂^•Å =∞^茺

9. Among (st) = Ö’, =∞^茺, #_»∞=∞

among the students q^•º~°∞÷Å =∞^茺 among the crowd .............. QÆ∞OѨÙÖ’
among the trees ............. K≥@¡ =∞^茺 among us ......................... =∂ =∞^茺
among the leaders .. <åÜ«∞‰õΩÅ =∞^茺 among the sheep ......... Q˘„Ô~Å =∞^茺
among you ....................... g∞ =∞^茺
10. Around = K«∞@∂ì, Jxfl "≥·Ñ¨ÙÖÏ, ã¨∞=∂~°∞QÍ
around the temple ......... QÆ∞_ç K«∞@∂ì around me ....................... <å K«∞@∂ì
around the table ......... >Ë|∞Öò K«∞@∂ì aroundhiswaist J`«x #_»∞=Ú K«∞@∂ì
aroundsix o'clock ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 6 QÆOIIÅ∞ around 20 boys ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 20 ÉÏÅ∞~°∞
11. At = =^ŒÌ, ^ŒQÆæ~°, "≥·Ñ¨Ù, K˘Ñ¨ÙÊ#, JO^Œ∞
at noon ................... =∞^蕺ǨÏfl=∞O^Œ∞ at any cost ....................... ZÖÏÔQ·<å
at present .......................... „Ѩã¨∞Î`«O at my house ............... <å WO\˜ =^ŒÌ
at once ............................... "≥O@<Õ at work ............................... Ѩx =^ŒÌ
at the same time .... J^Õ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ at the target .................. ÅHõΔ ºO "≥·Ñ¨Ù
at any rate ........................ Z\Ï¡ÔQ·<å at the bird .......................... ѨH˜Δ "≥·Ñ¨Ù
at dinner ........................ _ç#fl~°∞ =^ŒÌ at the window .................. H˜\ ˜H© =^ŒÌ
at his feet ............. J`«x áê^•Å =^ŒÌ at the airport ....... q=∂<å„â◊Ü«∞O =^ŒÌ
at interest .............................. =_ô¤H˜ at the library ................... Öˇ·„|s =^ŒÌ
at any time ............ U ã¨=∞Ü«∂xÔH·<å at me .................................. <å "≥·Ñ¨Ù

85 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

12. Before = =ÚO^Œ~°, Z^Œ∞@, =Ú#∞ѨÙ, ѨÓ~°fi=Ú, „H˜`«=Ú
before the gate .......... ˆQ@∞ =ÚO^Œ~° before six 0'clock 6 QÆOIIʼnõΩ =ÚO^Õ
before me .............. <å Hõ<åfl =ÚO^Œ∞ before 1945 ............ 1945H˜ =ÚO^Œ∞
before the Judge ............ [_ç̊ Z^Œ∞@ before breakfast .... „ÉËH±á¶êãπìH˜ =ÚO^Œ∞
before the wedding .. ÃÑO_ç¡H˜ =ÚO^Œ∞ before Ramzan ..... ~°O*Ï<£H˜ =ÚO^Œ∞
before the holidaysÃãÅ=ÙʼnõΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ before the J.P.C .......... J.P.C Z^Œ∞@
before them .................. "åi Z^Œ∞@ before the park ......... áê~°∞¯ =ÚO^Œ∞
before N ....................... N H˜ =ÚO^Œ∞ before the accident „Ѩ=∂^•xH˜ =ÚO^Œ∞
before the fire ............ =∞O@ =ÚO^Œ∞ before the time .. ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ =ÚO^Œ∞
13. Behind = "≥#∞Hõ, Ѩ~ÀHõΔ=ÚQÍ, `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ, Kå@∞#, ^•K«∞@, PÅ㨺=∞QÆ∞@
behind a cloud ........... =∞|∞ƒ Kå@∞# behind the hill .............. H˘O_» "≥#∞Hõ
behind a tree ................. K≥@∞ì "≥#∞Hõ behind this wall ......... D QÀ_» "≥#∞Hõ
behind her ..................... P"≥∞ "≥#∞Hõ behind the temple .......... QÆ∞_ç "≥#∞Hõ
behind the door ........... `«Å∞Ѩ٠"≥#∞Hõ behind it ........................ ^•x "≥#∞Hõ
14. Below = „H˜O^Œ, J_»∞QÆ∞#, `«‰õΩ¯=
below the line .................. w`« „H˜O^Œ below 200 .......................... 20 Hõ<åfl `«‰õΩ¯=

below 20 ......... 20 Uà◊§ HõO>Ë `«‰õΩ¯= below 10 rupees ........ 10~°∂IIÅ Hõ<åfl
below the average ... ã¨~åã¨iH˜ `«‰õΩ¯= `«‰õΩ¯=
below the knee .......... "≥∂HÍe „H˜O^Œ below the table ............ >Ë|∞Öò „H˜O^Œ
below my age .......... <å =Ü«∞ã¨∞֒ѨÙ
15. beneath = „H˜O^Œ, J_»∞QÆ∞#, `«‰õΩ¯=
beneath the waves ........ JÅÅ „H˜O^Œ beneath her coat ... P"≥∞ HÀ@∞ „H˜O^Œ
beneath the cooker .. ‰õΩHõ¯~ü J_»∞QÆ∞# beneath the sand .......... Wã¨∞Hõ „H˜O^Œ
16. Beside = „ѨHõ¯#, `«Ñ≤ÊOz, q<å, Jã¨O|^ŒúOQÍ, ã¨O|O^èŒO ÖˉõΩO_®
beside the well .............. ÉÏq „ѨH¯õ # beside the point .... q+¨Ü«∞O `«Ñ≤ÊOz
beside the fire ............. =∞O@ „ѨH¯õ # beside the conductor HõO_»Hõì~ü „ѨHõ¯#
beside the river ............... #k „ѨH¯õ # beside her sister ..... P"≥∞ K≥e¡ „ѨHõ¯#
beside the park ............ áê~°∞¯ „ѨHõ¯# besdie me ....................... <å „Ñ¨H¯õ #
beside the tree ............. K≥@∞ì „Ñ¨Hõ¯# beside the window ........ H˜\ ˜H© „ѨHõ¯#
17. Besides = (XHõ^•x)`À ÉÏ@∞ in the addition to
besides coffee ............ HÍѶ‘`À ÉÏ@∞ Besides me .................. <å`À ÉÏ@∞
besides Mary .............. "Õ∞s`À ÉÏ@∞ besides parents `«e¡^ŒO„_»∞Å`À ÉÏ@∞
besides that ............... ^•x`À ÉÏ@∞ besides her ................. P"≥∞`À ÉÏ@∞

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 86

18. Between (Ô~O\˜) =∞^茺 in the middle of two
between John and Joseph ...... *Ï<£, between us ........... =∂ (W^ŒÌi) =∞^茺
*’ã¨Ñ¶πÅ =∞^茺 between the bars (Ô~O_»∞) Hõ_ô¤Å =∞^茺
between you and me ... h, <å =∞^茺 between the two cities ........... Ô~O_»∞
between you .......... g∞ (W^ŒÌi) =∞^茺 #QÆ~åÅ =∞^茺
between Tokyo and Delhi ...... \’HÀº, between them ............... "åi (W^ŒÌi)
_èçb¡Å =∞^茺 =∞^茺
19. Beyond = J=`«Å, q∞Oz, Juâ◊~ÚOz

beyond her income .. P"≥∞ P^•Ü«∂xfl beyond description =i‚OK«â◊HõºO QÍx

q∞Oz beyond my limit ..... <å ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’ ^•\˜
beyond the stream ....... U\˜H˜ P=Å beyond 1995 ............. 1995H˜ q∞Oz
beyond midnight .... J~°ú~å„uH˜ q∞Oz beyond expectation .. TǨωõΩ q∞Oz

20. But = HÍx, q∞#Ǩ, `«Ñ¨Ê, J~Ú`Õ

but six ...................... P~°∞QÆ∞~°∞ `«Ñ¨Ê but me ............................. <Õ#∞ `«Ñ¨Ê
but my father ........... =∂ `«O„_ç `«Ñ¨Ê but John ....................... *Ï<£ q∞#Ǩ
21. By= ^ŒQÆæ~°, „ѨHõ¯#, P ã¨=∞Ü«∂#, JO^Œ∞=Å#, KÕ, `À, D q^èŒ=ÚQÍ, „ѨHÍ~°O
by 6 o'clock .................. 6 QÆO@ʼnõΩ by the metre ............ g∞@~°∞ „ѨHÍ~°O
by tomorrow ........................ ˆ~Ѩ\ ˜H˜ by chance ................... J^Œ$+¨ì=âß#
by me ..................................... <åKÕ by mistake .................... á⁄~°áê@∞#
by night .................... ~å„u ã¨=∞Ü«∂# by my watch .......... <å "åz „ѨHÍ~°O
by the fire ................... =∞O@ „ѨHõ¯<Õ by degrees .................. _ç„wÅ ^•fi~å
by the table ................ >Ë|∞Öò „ѨHõ¯<Õ by the dozen ............. _»[#¡ „ѨHÍ~°O
by the tiger .......................... ѨÙe KÕ by steam ...................... Pqi =Å#
by force .......................... |Å=O`å# by land .................. Éèí∂ =∂~°æO ^•fi~å
by bus ................................ |ãπ Ö’ by cheque .................... K≥‰õΩ¯ ^•fi~å
by ost ............................ áÈãπì ^•fi~å by fire ............................. Jyfl ^•fi~å
by the day ...................... ~ÀA "ås by an earthquake .... Éèí∂HõOѨO =Å#
by cash ................... #QÆ^Œ∞ ~°∂ѨOÖ’ by water .......................... h\˜ =Å#
by electricity ............... q^Œ∞ºK«ÛùH˜Î `À
22. Down = „H˜O^Œ, kQÆ∞=, J_»∞QÆ∞#, QÆ∞O_®
down the hill .............. H˘O_» kQÆ∞=H˜ down the ladder .......... xK≥Û# „H˜OkH˜
down the pipe ............ ÃѷѨ٠J_»∞QÆ∞# down the river .............. #k "åÅ∞QÍ
down the street .............. gkè QÆ∞O_® down this face .......... =ÚYO „H˜O^ŒH˜
down her back ............. P"≥∞ „H˜O^ŒH˜ down the lift ....... eѶ¨Ùì „H˜Ok ÉèÏQÆOÖ’
87 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
23. During = JO^ΰ
during theday ...... ѨQÆÅ∞ ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ during the summer ............ "Õã¨qÖ’
during my absence ..... <Õ#∞ ÖË#ѨÙ_»∞ during the war .......... Ü«Ú^Œú HÍÅOÖ’
during the holidays ......... ÃãÅ=ÙÅÖ’ during the discussion ............... K«~°Û
during the term of officeѨ^q Œ HÍÅOÖ’ [~°∞QÆ∞#ѨC_»∞
during the floods .......... =~°^ŒÅѨC_»∞ during lifetime .... J`«x rq`«HÍÅOÖ’
24. Except = q∞#Ǩ, `«Ñ¨Ê, H͉õΩO_®
except Friday .......... â◊√„Hõ"å~°O `«Ñ¨Ê except what I asked you ......... <Õ#∞
except ghee .................. <≥~Úº `«Ñ¨Ê J_çyOk `«Ñ¨Ê
except that ................. Jk H͉õΩO_® except me ....................... <Õ#∞
except Italy .................... W@b `«Ñ¨Ê except the last one ...... z=ik `«Ñ¨Ê
except Sony .................... ™Èh `«Ñʨ except in June ............ E<£Ö’ `«Ñʨ
25. For= H˘~°‰õΩ, ÔH·, xq∞`«Î=Ú, HÀã¨O, J#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ
for six years ............. 6 ã¨OIIÅ #∞O_ç for his wife .................. J`«x ÉèÏ~°º‰õΩ
for this reason .... D HÍ~°}=Ú =Å# for approval .............. P"≥∂^ŒO H˘~°‰õΩ
for your health ...... h P~ÀQƺO H˘~°‰õΩ forthis purpose ...... D L^ÕÌâ◊O H˘~°‰õΩ
for a meal ................. Éè’[#O H˘~°‰õΩ for ready reference`«HõΔ} Ѩije<å~°úO
for school .......................... ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ for gold ..................... |OQÍ~°O HÀã¨O
for Bombay ................... ÉÁOÉÏ~ÚH˜ for consideration .......... ѨijÖ<å~°úO
for suggestions ........ ã¨∂K«#Å H˘~°‰õΩ for disposal ............ Ѩiëê¯~°O H˘~°‰õΩ
for daily purposes ... ^≥·#Ok# HÍ~åºÅ for guidance .... =∂~°æ^Œ~°≈Hõ`«fiO H˘~°‰õΩ
H˘~°‰õΩ for enquiry and report .... qKå~°} KÕã≤
for the first time ............. `˘e™êiQÍ x"ÕkOK«∞@‰õΩ
for example ................. L^•Ç¨Ï~°}‰õΩ for ever ........................... âßâ◊fi`«OQÍ
for cloths ..................... |@ìÅ H˘~°‰õΩ for battle .......................... Ü«Ú^•úxH˜
for your car ...................... h HÍ~°∞‰õΩ for school ....................... áê~î°âßʼnõΩ
for complaince ...... áê\˜OK«∞ xq∞`«ÎO for each and everything .... „Ѩu^•xH˜
for the lungs ............. TÑ≤iu`«∞ÎʼnõΩ for the time being ............ „Ѩã¨∞Î`åxH˜
for information ....... ã¨=∂Kå~°O HÀã¨O for sale ............................ J=∞‡HÍxH˜
for pleasure .................... P#O^•xH˜ for Bombay ................... ÉÁOÉÏ~ÚH˜
for you ...................... h‰õΩ, h H˘~°‰õΩ for each mistake ..... „Ѩuá⁄~°áê@∞‰õΩ
for Rs. 10 .............. Ѩk ~°∂áêÜ«∞ʼnõΩ for the motionf~å‡<åxH˜ J#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ
for his age ............ PÜ«∞# =Ü«∞ã¨∞‰õΩ for comments ...... "åºMϺ<åÅ H˘~°‰õΩ
26. Form = #∞O_ç, #∞Oz, =^ŒÌ #∞Oz, =Å#, KÕ`«, HÍ~°}=Ú#
from school ................. ã¨∂¯Å∞ #∞O_ç from Japan ................... [áê<£ #∞O_ç
from tomorrow ............. ˆ~Ѩ\ ˜ #∞O_ç from six .......................... P~°∞ #∞O_ç
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 88
from her sister .. P"≥∞ K≥e¡ =^ŒÌ #∞O_ç from a well ..................... ÉÏq #∞O_ç
from the rain ................. =~°¬O #∞O_ç from grapes ................... „^•HõΔ #∞Oz
from English ......... POQÆ¡ ÉèÏ+¨ #∞O_ç from the child .................. a_»¤ #∞Oz
from fever ..................... [fi~°O #∞O_ç from prison .................... *ˇ·Å∞ #∞Oz
from David .............. _Õq_£ =^ŒÌ #∞O_ç from others ............... W`«~°∞Å #∞Oz
from Mary ................ "Õ∞i =^ŒÌ #∞Oz from what I heard ....... <Õ#∞ q#fl ^•x
from today ............... D ~ÀA #∞O_ç #∞O_ç
from Monday ........ ™È=∞"å~°O #∞O_ç from what David tells me <å‰õΩ _Õq_£
from July ....................... EÖˇ· #∞O_ç K≥¿ÑÊ ^•x #∞O_ç
from cold .................... [Å∞|∞ =Å# from the sea ............ ã¨=Ú„^ŒO #∞Oz
from Shakespeare ¿+H±ûÑ≤Ü«∞~ü #∞O_ç from today ............... D ~ÀA #∞Oz
from him ....................... J`«x #∞O_ç from morning ........... L^ŒÜ«∞O #∞O_ç
from Asia ................... Pã≤Ü«∂ #∞O_ç from what I know of him .......... J`«x
from the top of the hill H˘O_»ÃÑ· #∞O_ç QÆ∞iOz <å‰õΩ `≥eã≤# ^•xx |\˜ì
from Madras ............. =∞„^•ã¨∞ #∞O_ç from a boy ........... ÉÏÅ∞_»Ñ¨Ê\˜ #∞O_ç
from Gujarat ............ QÆ∞[~å`ü #∞O_ç from Monday onwards .... ™È=∞"å~°O
from Indian ............... WO_çÜ«∂ #∞O_ç #∞O_ç
from ten ................... Ѩk (Ö’) #∞Oz from this time ............. WѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç
from childhood ........... ÉÏźO #∞Oz from the celling ........... ÃÑ· HõѨC#∞O_ç
from school .................. ã¨∂¯Öò #∞Oz from now onwards ...... WѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç
from home ............. WO\˜ =^ŒÌ #∞Oz from then onwards ...... JѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç
27. In = Ö’, ֒ѨÅ
in five minutes ...... S^Œ∞ x=ÚëêÅÖ’ in 1996 .............................. 1996Ö’
in july ................................. EÖˇ·Ö’ in the past ......................... QÆ`«OÖ’
in winter ........................ K«eHÍÅOÖ’ in dozens ...................... _»[#∞ÅÖ’
in Melbourn .................. "≥∞ÖòÉ’~üflÖ’ in fact .................................. x*ÏxH˜
in the library ...................... Öˇ·„|sÖ’ in any case ...................... Z@¡~Ú<å
in his hand ................... J`«x KÕuÖ’ in cash ..................... _»|∞ƒ ~°∂ѨOÖ’
in the tin ............................ _»Éσ֒ in sorrow ........................ ^Œ∞:Y=ÚÖ’
in the red dress ...... Z„~°x ^Œ∞ã¨∞ÎÅÖ’ in the moon light ....... K«O„^Œ HÍOuÖ’
in his pockets .......... J`«x *Ë|∞ÅÖ’ in this photo ................. D á¶⁄\’Ö’
in a year ..................... ã¨O=`«û~°OÖ’ in an hour .......................... QÆO@Ö’
in a few day's time .... H˘kÌ ~ÀAÅÖ’ in love ................................ „¿Ñ=∞Ö’
in the morning ........... L^ŒÜ«∞=∞O^Œ∞ in toruble ......................... ã¨=∞㨺֒
in a hurry ........................ `˘O^Œ~°Ö’ in memory of .................. *Ï˝Ñ¨HÍ~°÷O
in the police ........... ~°HõΔHõÉèí@ ^Œà◊OÖ’ in the street ......................... gkèÖ’
in this season ............... D HÍÅOÖ’ in the sky ....................... PHÍâ◊OÖ’
89 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
in his thirties ...... J`«x 30 #∞O_ç 39 in a corner ........................ =¸ÅÖ’
ã¨OIIÅÖ’ in the shade ......................... h_»Ö’
in poverty ....................... c^ŒiHõOÖ’ inorder to .............................. HÍ|\˜ì
in courage ........................ ^è≥·~°ºOÖ’ in all .................................. "≥Ú`åÎxH˜
in a circle .......................... =$`«ÎOÖ’ in waht way .................... U q^èŒOQÍ
in the ink ............................. ã≤~åÖ’ in any method .... U Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’<≥·<å 㨈~
in the news paper ......... k#Ѩ„uHõÖ’ in the distance ............ ^Œ∂~°O #∞O_ç
in the fire .......................... =∞O@Ö’ in the open air ............... P~°∞|Ü«∞@
in the dark ......................... pHõ\ ˜Ö’ in time ............................ ã¨HÍÅOÖ’
in all ................................. "≥Ú`«ÎOQÍ in fact .............................. "åã¨Î"åxH˜
in length ........................... á⁄_»=ÙÖ’ in this way ..................... D q^èŒOQÍ
in parliament .............. áê~°¡"≥∞O@∞Ö’ in what method .............. U Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’
in his presence ....... J`«x ã¨=∞HõΔOÖ’ in Goa alone .............. XHõ¯ QÀ"åÖ’<Õ
28. Inside = ֒ѨÅ, Kå@∞#
inside the house .......... WO\˜ ֒ѨŠinside the box ................ ÃÑ>ì̌ ֒ѨÅ
inside the car ................ HÍ~°∞ ֒ѨŠinside the gate .............. ˆQ@∞ ֒ѨÅ
inside the door .......... `«Å∞Ѩ٠Kå@∞# inside two hours Ô~O_»∞ QÆO@Å Ö’QÍ
29. Into = ֒ѨeH˜, QÍ, =ÖË
into the garden ........... `À@ ֒ѨeH˜ into the house .............. WO\˜ Ö’xH˜
into six parts ............ P~°∞ÉèÏQÍÅ∞QÍ into a frog ......................... HõÑ¨Ê =Öˇ
into the water ..................... h\˜Ö’H˜ into Tamil .................. `«q∞à◊O Ö’xH˜
30. Like = =Öˇ, =∂kiQÍ, =O\˜ q^èŒ=ÚQÍ
like a son .................... H˘_»∞‰õΩ =O\˜ like this ....................... D q^èŒ=ÚQÍ
like a dog .................. ‰õΩHõ¯ =∂kiQÍ like his brother .... J`«x ™È^Œ~°∞x =Öˇ
31. Near = ^ŒQÆæ~°, ã¨g∞Ѩ=Ú#, =^ŒÌ
near the fire ................. =∞O@ ^ŒQÆæ~° near the church .............. K«iÛ ^ŒQÆæ~°
near me ............................ <å ^ŒQÆæ~° near the station ............ ¿ãì+¨<£ ^ŒQÆæ~°
32. Of = Ü≥ÚHõ¯, #∞O_ç, =Å#
of malaria ................ =∞ÖËiÜ«∂ =Å# of the house ................ WO\˜ Ü≥ÚHõ¯
of Milton ..................... q∞Åì<£ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ of books ................. ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ (Ü≥ÚHõ¯)
of the chair ................... ‰õΩsÛ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ (all) of us ............... =∂Ö’ (JO^Œ~°∂)
of mine ............................. <å Ü≥ÚHõ¯ of Madras ................. =∞„^•ã¨∞ #∞O_ç
of cotton ...................... #∂Å∞ #∞O_ç of hunger ....................... PHõe =Å#
33. Off = ^Œ∂~°=ÚQÍ, Z_»OQÍ, #∞O_ç
off the grass ........ ѨzÛHõ‰õΩ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ off the table .................... >Ë|∞Öò ÃÑ·#
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 90
off the loaf ...................... ~˘>ˇì #∞O_ç off the bus .................... |ã¨∞û #∞O_ç
off the coast ................. f~°O #∞O_ç off the drugs ...... =∞O^Œ∞Å "å_»‰õΩO_®
34. On = g∞^Œ, ÃÑ·#, QÆ∞iOz, =Å#, JѨÙ_»∞ (K«Å#O ÖËx "åx q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’)
on time .......................... ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ on a bicycle ................... Ãã·H˜Öò g∞^Œ
on hand ................................ KÕuÖ’ on the box ........................ ÃÑ>ì̌ ÃÑ·#
on duty ............................. _»∂º\©Ö’ on Friday ................ â◊√„Hõ"å~°O <å_»∞
on the table ................... >Ë|∞Öò ÃÑ·# on the phone ..................... á¶È#∞Ö’
on the wall ....................... QÀ_» g∞^Œ on the bus ............................ |ãπÃÑ·
on foot ................................. #_»HõÃÑ·
35. Out side = |Ü«∞@, "≥Å∞ѨÅ
Ouside the door ........ `«Å∞Ѩ٠|Ü«∞@ outside the park ........ áê~°∞¯ |Ü«∞@
outside the house ..... WO\˜ "≥Å∞ѨŠoutside the harbour ... Ǩ~°ƒ~ü |Ü«∞@
36. Over = ÃÑ·QÍ, g∞^Œ∞QÍ, ^•fi~å, QÆ∞iOz

over her face ......... P"≥∞ =ÚYO g∞^Œ over the table ............ >Ë|∞Öò g∞^Œ∞QÍ
over a brook ......... ÃãÅÜÕ∞~°∞ g∞^Œ∞QÍ over the hour .................. QÆO@ ÃÑ·QÍ
over the gate ............... ˆQ@∞ g∞^Œ∞QÍ over the telephone .... >ˇeá¶È<£ ^•fi~å
over the country ........... ^Õâ◊=∞O`«\Ï over 60 men .......... 60 =∞OkH˜ ÃÑ·QÍ
over the radio ............. ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ ^•fi~å over the price ............... "≥Å QÆ∞iOz
37. Round = K«∞@∂ì, JO`«\Ï
round the Sun ......... ã¨∂~°∞ºx K«∞@∂ì round the village ....... „QÍ=∞O K«∞@∂ì
roud the tree ................. K≥@∞ì K«∞@∂ì round the table ........... >Ë|∞Öò K«∞@∂ì
round the room ............ QÆk JO`«\Ï round the town .......... Ѩ@ì}=∞O`«\Ï
round her neck ...... P"≥∞ "≥∞_» K«∞@∂ì round the shop .......... ëêѨ٠JO`«\Ï
38. Since = #∞O_ç (YzÛ`«"≥∞ÿ# HÍÖÏxfl `≥Å∞Ê#∞)
since when ................. ZѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç since then .................. JѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç
since 7.00 A.M. ..... L. 7 QÆO. #∞O_ç since 5 o'clock ....... 5 QÆO@Å #∞O_ç
Since July ..................... AÖˇ· #∞O_ç since Sunday ......... Pk"å~°O #∞O_ç
since my marriage ... <å ÃÑO_ç¡ #∞O_ç since we left school ..... =∞#O ã¨∂¯Å∞
since leaving London ............ ÅO_»<£ q_çz#ѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç
=^Œe#ѨÊ\˜ #∞O_ç since yesterday ........... x#fl\˜ #∞O_ç
39. Through = QÆ∞O_®, ^•fi~å
through this pipe .... D Q˘@ìO ^•fi~å through the window ....... H˜\ ˜H© ^•fi~å
through Paris .............. áêiãπ QÆ∞O_® through the night .............. ~å„`«O`å

91 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

40. Throughout = JO`«\Ï
throughout the country ^Õâ◊=∞O`«\Ï throughout night ............... ~å„`«O`å
41. Till = =~°‰õΩ
till 6 o'clock ............ 6 QÆO@Å =~°‰õΩ till you reach the park ... h=Ù áê~°∞¯‰õΩ
till now ........................ WѨÊ\˜ =~°‰õΩ KÕˆ~=~°‰õΩ
til the end ................... JO`«O =~°‰õΩ
42. To = H˜, ‰õΩ
to the park ......................... áê~°∞¯‰õΩ to her letter ............... P"≥∞ L`«Î~åxH˜
to pleces ........................ =ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍ to go ................................ "≥à◊√§@‰õΩ
to th cinema ..................... ã≤x=∂‰õΩ to work ................................... ѨxH˜
to 6 o'clock .............. 6 QÆOIIÅ =~°‰õΩ five to six 5xIIÅ∞ `«‰õΩ¯= P~°∞ QÆOIIÅ∞
to him .................................. J`«xH˜ to eat ................................ u#∞@‰õΩ
to the right ..................... ‰õΩ_ç "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ to me ...................................... <å‰õΩ
to the play ............................ P@‰õΩ to whom ............................... Z=iH˜
43. Towards = "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ, Ü≥∞_»Å
towards the door ........ `«Å∞Ѩ٠"≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ towards Madras ........ =∞„^•ãπ "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ
towards his .................. J`«x "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ towards him ................ J`«x Ü≥∞_»Å
44. Under = „H˜O^Œ, J_»∞QÆ∞#
under the chair .............. ‰õΩsÛ „H˜O^Œ under the table ............ >Ë|∞Öò „H˜O^Œ
under repari ...................... i¿Ñ~°∞Ö’ under Akbar .................. PHõƒ~ü „H˜O^Œ
under water ..................... h\˜ „H˜O^Œ under 14 years ...... 14 UO_»¡ ֒ѨÅ
under a tree ................... K≥@∞ì „H˜O^Œ under the car ................. HÍ~°∞ „H˜O^Œ
45. Underneath = „H˜O^Œ, ֒ѨÅ
underneath my shirt . <å +¨~°∞ì ֒ѨŠunderneath the light ...... HÍOu „H˜O^Œ
46. Until = =~°‰õΩ ("åHõº „áê~°OÉèíOÖ’ LѨÜ≥∂y™êÎ~°∞)
unitl his accident .... „Ѩ=∂^ŒO H˘~°‰õΩ until 6 o' clock ........ 6 QÆO@Å =~°‰õΩ
until Sunday ........... Jk"å~°O =~°‰õΩ until tomorrow ................. ˆ~Ѩ\ ˜Ö’QÍ
47. Up = ÃÑ·H˜
up the stairs .................... "≥∞@¡ ÃÑ·H˜ up the mountain .......... Ѩ~°fi`«O ÃÑ·H˜
up the ladder .................. xK≥Û# ÃÑ·H˜ up the hill ........................ H˘O_» ÃÑ·H˜
48. Upon = ÃÑ·H˜, ÃÑ·# (K«Å#O L#fl "å\˜ q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’)
upon the table ............... >Ë|∞Öò ÃÑ·# upon his horse ....... J`«x QÆ∞„~°O ÃÑ·#
upon the deer .................. lOHõ ÃÑ·H˜ upon the wall ................. QÀ_» g∞^ŒH˜

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 92

49. With = `À KÕ`,« =Å#
with a knife ........................... HõuÎ`À with this pen .................. D HõÅO`À
with the large basket .... ÃÑ^ŒÌ `«@ì`À with him ............................. J`«x`À
with my friends ....... <å ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞Å`À with my father .............. =∂ `«O„_ç`À
with joy .................... ã¨O`À+¨O =Å# with whom ......................... Z=i`À
with bolling water ......... =∞iˆQ hà◊¡`À with the scissors ................ Hõ`≥Î~°`À
with a stick ......................... ѨÙÅ¡`À with an arrow .................... ÉÏ}O`À

50. Within = Ö’QÍ, ֒ѨÅ

within a month ............... <≥Š֒ѨŠwithin an hour ............. QÆO@ ֒ѨÙQÍ
within the limits ................. ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’¡ with the school .......... ã¨∂¯Å∞ ֒ѨÅ
51. Without = ÖˉõΩO_®
without food ........... PǨ~°O ÖˉõΩO_® without fall ............................ `«Ñ¨ÊHõ
without dealy ......... PÅ㨺O ÖˉõΩO_® without any fear ....... ZÖÏO\˜ ÉèíÜ«∞O
without his wife . J`«x ÉèÏ~°º ÖˉõΩO_® ÖˉõΩO_®
without money ........... _»|∞ƒ ÖˉõΩO_® without John ............... *Ï<£ ÖˉõΩO_®
without any matterU q+¨Ü«∞O ÖˉõΩO_®

CONTRACTIONS (shortened forms)

ã¨OH˜ÑΔ Î¨ ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞
1. *m ("£∞) : nx ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú am. Present tense ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÖ’ #∞#fl nxx 'I' J#∞
singular pronoun `À =∂„`«"∞Õ LѨÜ∂ ≥ y™êÎ~∞°
I am I'm S"£∞
2. *S (*ò) : nx ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú is. ÖË^• was ÖË^• has. nxx "singular contraction"
QÍ Ñ≤Å∞=K«∞Û#∞. nxx he, she, it, this, that here, there, what, when, where,
who, how J#∞ =∂@Å`À HõeÑ≤ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞.
he is / was / has ................... he's there is / was ................... there's
she is / was has .................. she's
what is / was / has ............ what's
it is / was has ......................... it's
when is / was ...................when's
this is / was / has ............... this's
that is / was / has ...............that's where is / was ................ where's
here is / was / ................... here's who is / was / has ............. who's
how is / was ....................... how's
93 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
3. *re (~ü) : nx ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú are ÖË^• were nxx "plural contraction " QÍ
Ñ≤Å∞=K«∞Û#∞. nxx we, you, they, that, there, what who, when, where, how
J#∞ =∂@Å`À HõeÑ≤ LѨÜ∂≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞.
we are / were ........................ we're what are / were ................ what're
you are / were .................... you're who are / were .................. who're
they are / were .................. they're when are / were .............. when're
that are / were .................... that're where are / were ............ where're
there are / were ................ there're how are / were .................. how're
4. *ve ("£) : nx ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú "have ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ nxx "plural contraction"
QÍ Ñ¨iQÆ}㘠∞¨ #Î fl#∂ "I" `À ‰õÄ_® LѨÜ∂≥ y™êÎ~∞° . present tense ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÖ’ L#fl nxx I, we,
you, they, will, would shall, should, may, might, can, could, must, ought,
to,what,who, when, where, how J#∞ =∂@Å`À HõeÑ≤ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞.
I have ...................................... I 've can have ............................ can 've
we have ............................... we've could have .................... could 've
you have ............................. you've must have ........................ must 've
they have .......................... they 've ought have .................... ought 've
shall have ........................ shall 've what have ........................ what 've
should have ............... should 've who have .......................... who 've
will have ............................. will've when have ...................... when 've
would have ....................would 've where have .................... where 've
may have .......................... may 've how have .......................... how 've
might have .................... might 've
5. *d (_ç) : nxfl ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú had ÖË^• should ÖË^• would ÖË^• could. Wk
past tense ~°∂Ѩ=Ú. nxx singular QÍ#∞ plural QÍ#∞ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK« =K«∞Û#∞.
nxx I, we you, he, she, it, they, that, there, what, who, when , where,
how J#∞ =∂@Å`À HõeÑ≤ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK«=K«∞Û#∞.
I had / should / would / could .... I'd there had / should/would/could ....
we had / should/would/could we'd there'd
you had / should/would/could ...... what had / should/would/could .....
you'd what'd
she had / should/would/could ....... who had / should/would/could ......
she'd who'd
it had / should/would/could ...... it'd when had / should/would/could ....
they had / should/would/could ...... when'd
they'd where had / should/would/could ...
that had / should/would/could ...... where'd
that'd how had / should/would/could ......
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 94
6. *II (_ç) : nxfl ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú shall ÖË^• will. Wk future tense ~°∂Ѩ=Ú. nxx
singular QÍ#∞ plural QÍ#∞ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK« =K«∞Û#∞. nxx I, we you, he, she, it,
they, that, there, what, who, when , where, how J#∞ =∂@Å`À HõeÑ≤
I shall /will ................................. I'll that shall /will ....................... that'll
we shall /will .......................... we'll there shall /will ................... there'll
you shall /will ........................ you'll what shall /will .................... what'll
he shall /will ........................... he'll who shall /will ...................... who'll
she shall /will ........................ she'll when shall /will .................. when'll
it shall /will ............................... it'll where shall /will ................ where'll
they shall /will ..................... they'll how shall /will ...................... how'll
7. n't (<£)ì : nxfl ѨÓiÎ ~°∂Ѩ=Ú not. shall, will can J#∞ =∂@Å`À `«Ñʨ q∞ye#
=∂@Å`À not =zÛ#ѨÙ_»∞ ѨÓiÎ =∂@ { n't QÍ LO@∞Ok.
L^• : is not -> isn't
do not -> don't "≥ÚII#q.
8. Miscellaneou forms : Auxillary verbs `À Hõeã≤ Ü«Ú#fl not Ü≥ÚHõ¯
contracted forms W`«~° Ѩ^•Å∞ kQÆ∞= x=fi|_®¤~Ú.
Shall not ..............................shan't do you .................................. d'you
will not .................................. won't international ............................. int'l
can not ................................. can't
and ............................................ 'n'

„Ѩâßfl "åHõº=ÚÅ x~å‡}=Ú – q=~°}

Item No. 1 : "This / that / it + is + a / an + Noun" - D x~å‡}=Ú =º‰õΩÅ
Î #∞,
[O`«∞=ÙÅ#∞, =ã¨∞=Î ÙÅ#∞ =ÔQ~· å QÆ∞iÎOK«_®xH˜ LѨÜ∂≥ QÆÑ_¨ ∞» #∞.
This David This a cow
That is Mary That is an owl
It a gril It an umbrella
q=~°} : This is David D "åHõºOÖ’ "is" J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú verb J=Ù`«∞Ok. D
"åHõº=Ú#∞ ~Ô O_»∞ ~°HÍÅ „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=ÚÅ∞QÍ =∂~°Û=K«∞Û#∞. Jq a) Yes - Not type
„Ѩâßfl "åHõº=Ú b) Wh - type „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=Ú
a) Yes - No type „Ѩâßfl"åHõº=Ú Be ÖË^• Have ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#∞ VerbQÍ HõeÜ æ Ú« #fl
XHõ ™ê^è•~°} "åHõº=Ú#∞ „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=ÚQÍ =∂~°Û=Öˇ##fl – P Verb x "åHõº=Ú#‰õΩ
=ÚO^Œ∞Oz, "åHõºO z=~° „Ѩâßfl~°Hú õ zǨÏflO (?) #∞ LOKåe.
Eg : This is David. Is this David?

95 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

b) Wh - type „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=Ú : This is David . D "åHõº=Ú#∞ wh-type
„Ѩâßfl"åHõº=ÚQÍ =∂~°Û=Öˇ##fl– This is ...... Who ? ( David), Who is this ?
QÆ=∞xHõ : Wh-type „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=Ú who, what, where, when , why, whose,
how =O\˜ „Ѩâßfl Ѩ^O Œ `À „áê~°OÉè=í ∞=Ù`«∞Ok.
Eg : That is an umbrella. This is ..... What ? What is that ?
Item No. 2 : "These / those / they + are + plural Noun" – D x~å‡}=Ú ÃÑ·
x~å‡}=Ú#‰õΩ plural QÍ ÉèÏqOK«=K«∞Û.
These boys These donkeys
Those are John and David Those are slates
They Policemen They desks
q=~°}: Yes - No type : These are policemen. Are these policemen?
Wh-type : These are ....... what ? (policemen) what are these ?
Item No. 3 : "This / that / it / these / those / they + is / are + possessive
Noun" - D x~å‡}O =º‰õΩÅ Î =ã¨∞=Î Ùefl =ÔQ~· å QÆ∞iÎOK«_®xH˜ LѨÜ∂≥ QÆÑ_¨ ∞» #∞
This my napkin These her classmates
That is Mary's napkin Those are David's books
It dog's chain They my children
q=~°}: Yes - No type : That is my napkin. Is that my napkin?
Wh-type : That is my napkin. That is .... whose napkin?
whose napkin is that ?

Item No. 4 : "This / that / it / These / those / they + is / are + possessive

Pronoun" - D x~å‡}=Ú Uq Z=iH˜ K≥O^Œ∞<À `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
This mine These ours
That is yours Those are hers
It hers They theirs
q=~°}: Yes - No type : That is my Mine. Is this mine?
Wh-type : This is ...... whose ? (mine) Whose is this?

Item No. 5: "Noun / Pronoun + is / are + Adjective" D x~å‡}=Ú QÆ∞}=Ú#∞

ÖË^• Ѩiã≤u÷ x `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 96
The pail empty you are free
Your glass is full They early
The hall long She is ugly
It short it clever
q=~°}: Yes - No type : The pail is full. Is the pail full?
Wh-type : The pail is .... How ? (full) How is the pail?

Item No. 6 & 7 : "Noun / Pronoun + is / are + (6) Adverb (7) preposition"
D x~å‡}=Ú 'Uk ÖË^• Z=~°∞ ZHõ¯_» LO_≥<À—— `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
David is here Mary is In the park now
She there He out
We are now where You are inside
They ahead They above
q=~°}: Yes - No type : She is there Is she there?
Wh-type : She is ..... where ? (there) where is she ?
Item No. 8 : "Noun / Pronoun + has / have + noun phrase" D x~å‡}=Ú
''Uq∞ HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞<À—— `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
He a nice watch I a gold chain
She has some chocolates we have a television
It a few books You some bread
Daniel many pens They many books
q=~°}: Yes - No type : He has a nice watch. Has he a nice watch ?
Wh-type : He has ..... what ? (a nice watch) what has he ?
Item No. 9 : "Noun / Pronoun + do / does + noun phrase" D x~å‡}O
''KÕÜÚ« Ѩxx—— `≥Å∞ѨÙ#∞.
He I
She does the work we do the home work
It You
Mary They

97 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

q=~°} : Yes - No type : He does the work. Does he do the work?
Wh-type : He does ..... what ? (the work). What does he do ?

QÆ=∞xHõ : Do ~°∂ѨO XHõ¯>Ë Main Verb QÍ L#fl XHõ ™ê^è•~°} "åHõº=Ú#∞ „Ѩâßfl
"åHõºOQÍ =∂~°Û=Öˇ##fl. P Verb x „H˜Ok q^è=Œ ÚQÍ q_»nã≤ JO^Œe auxiliary verb
x "åHõº=Ú#‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞Oz, "åHõºO z=~° „Ѩâßfl~°Hú õ zǨÏfl=Ú (?) #∞ LOKåe. WÖÏ
=∂iÛ# "åHõº=Ú#‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ `«y# Wh-question wordx LOz# „Ѩâ◊fl =∞iO`«
q=~°OQÍ LO@∞Ok.
q_»nÜ«Ú do ~°∂ѨO q_»nã≤# `«~åfi`« U~°Ê_»¤ (do ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞ )
Main Verb auxiliary Verb Main Verb
do do do
does does do
did did do
Eg : She does the work. Does she do the work? When does she do the
work ?
Item No. 10 : Give her this letter
q=~°} : (You) give her this letter. Do you give her this letter?
QÆ=∞xHõ : Present Indefinite, past Indefinite tenses H˜ K≥Ok# (Main )Verb
XHõ¯ Ѩ^OŒ QÍ<Õ LO@∞Ok. D Verb x q_»nã≤ „H˜Ok q^èOŒ QÍ auxiliary verb, Main
verb Å∞ U~°Ê_»`å~Ú. Main verb x JÖψQ LOz, auxiliary verb 11 x =∂„`«O
"åHõºO =ÚO^Œ∞#‰õΩ KÕiÛ, "åHõºO z=~° „Ѩâßfl~°Hú õ zǨÏflO (?) x LOz# „Ѩâßfl
"åHõºO U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok. WÖÏ =∂iÛ# „Ѩâßfl "åHõº=Ú#∞ =ÚO^Œ∞ `«y# wh - question
x LOz# „Ѩâfl◊ =∞iO`« q=~°OQÍ LO@∞Ok.
Verb („H˜Ü∞« ) q_»nã≤# `«~åfi`« U~°Ê_ç# verb ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞
auxiliary Verb Main Verb
Give do give
Gives does give
Gave did give
Eg : (You) give her this letter. Do you give her this letter?
What do you give her ? (this letter). Who do you gtive this letter? (her)
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 98
"åHõº=ÚÅ∞ – ~°H=õ ÚÅ∞
™ê^è•~°}OQÍ POQÆ¡ ã¨OÉèÏ+¨}Ö’ D kQÆ∞= x=fi|_ç# "åHõº=ÚÅ∞ „Ѩ^•è #
áê„`« =Ç≤Ï™êÎ~Ú. Wq P[˝ (order) Å#∞, ã¨∂K«# (suggestion) Å#∞, ã¨ÅǨ (advice)
Å#∞ `≥eÜ«∞KÕ™êÎ~Ú. Alphabetical order Ö’ W=fi|_ç# D "åHõº=ÚÅ#∞ HõO~îã° O÷¨
KÕÜ∞« _»O =Å# verbs Ü≥ÚHõ¯ J~åúÅ`À ÉÏ@∞ "åHõº „ѨÜ∂≥ QÆO J=QÆ`=« ∞=Ù`«∞Ok.
QÆ=∞xHõ : D "åHͺefl g∞~°∞ ‰õΩΔ }‚OQÍ <Õ~∞° ÛH˘x ã¨O^Œ~åƒùxfl |\˜ì ÖË^• ã¨O^Œ~åƒùxfl
HõeÊOK«∞H˘x `«Ñʨ xã¨iQÍ =∂\Ï¡_O» _ç.
ã¨∂K«#Å∞ :
1. You (h=Ù, g∞~°∞) : Z^Œ∞\˜ "åi`À ã¨OÉèÏ+≤OK«∞@‰õΩ LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOKÕ D "åHõº=ÚÅ
=ÚO^Œ∞ J=ã¨~åxfl |\˜ì 'you' J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ Ú#∞ KÕ~Û° =K«∞Û 'you' x KÕ~Û° ‰õΩ#fl#∂ J^Õ
ÉèÏ=O =ã¨∞OÎ k "you both (g∞i^Œ~Ì ∂° )—— J#∞ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ ‰õÄ_® KÕ~Û° =K«∞Û.
Eg : Give me your book (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <åH˜=Ùfi)
you give me your book (h=Ù h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <åH˜=Ùfi)
you both go (g∞i^Œ~ Ì ∂° "≥à§◊ O_ç)
2. Polite form („áê~°< ÷ å ~°∂Ѩ=Ú∞) : D "åHõº=Ú#‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ ÖË^• z=~° "please
(^ŒÜ∞« KÕã)≤ —— J#∞ =∂@#∞ KÕiÛ# polite form U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok.
Eg : Please give me your book (^ŒÜ∞« KÕã≤ h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <åH˜=Ùfi)
3. Negative form (=ºuˆ~HÍ~°ú ~°∂Ѩ=Ú∞) :D "åHõº=ÚÅ =ÚO^Œ∞ "Don't (KÕÜ∞«
=^Œ∞)Ì —— =∂@#∞ KÕiÛ# =ºuˆ~HÍ~°=ú Ú xKÕÛ Negative Sentence U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok.
Eg : Don't give me your book (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <å‰õΩ W=fi=^Œ∞)Ì
4. Negative Interrogative form(=ºuˆ~HÍ~°ú „Ѩâßfl~°∂Ѩ=Ú) : D "åHõº=ÚÅ
=ÚO^Œ∞ "Don't you" J#∞ =∂@#∞ KÕiÛ, "åHõºO z=~° „Ѩâßfl~°Hú õ zǨÏflO (?)
LOz`Õ Negative Interrogative form" U~°Ê_»∞`«∞Ok.
Eg : Don't you give me your pen? (h HõÖÏxfl <å‰õΩ W=fi=Ó?)
5. Emphatic form (<˘H˜¯ K≥ÃÑÊ_ç ~°∂Ѩ=Ú) : D "åHõº=ÚÅ =ÚO^Œ∞ "Do" J#∞
Ѩ^=Œ Ú#∞ KÕiÛ# ''QÆ\ Qì˜ Í KÕÜÚ« =Ú—— J<Õ ÉèÏ==Ú =ã¨∞OÎ k.
Eg : Do give me your book (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <å‰õΩ WK≥ÛÜü∞)
6. Interrogative form („Ѩâßfl~°∂ѨO) : D "åHõº=ÚÅ =ÚO^Œ∞ "Do you" J#∞
=∂@#∞ KÕiÛ, "åHõºO z=~° „Ѩâßfl~°Hú õ zǨÏflO(?) LOz# Interrogative form
Eg : Don you give me your book ? (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <å‰õΩ W™êÎ"å?)
Yes, I do (Yes, I give you my book)
No, I don't (No, I don't give you my book)
99 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
7. wh-Question form (Wh- „Ѩâßfl ~°∂Ѩ=Ú) : Yes - No „Ѩâßfl ~°∂Ѩ=Ú#‰õΩ
=ÚO^Œ∞ ã¨O^Œ~åƒùxfl |\˜ì `«y# wh- „ѨâßflѨ^=Œ Ú#∞ LOz# wh „Ѩâßfl~°∂Ѩ=Ú
Eg : When do you give me your book ? (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl ZѨC_»∞ W™êÎ=Ù?)
I give you my book today (D ~ÀA <å ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl h‰õΩ W™êÎ#∞)
8. Miscelleneous form (W`«~° ~°∂Ѩ=ÚÅ∞) D "åHõº=ÚÅ =ÚO^Œ∞ J=ã¨~" ° ∞≥ `ÿ Õ
`«y# ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° =ù ÚÖ’ Never, Let me / him etc., can you, can't you, Do
you, still, to =∞iÜ«Ú Did you (past), Will you (Future), Why don't you
=O\˜ Ѩ^=Œ ÚÅ#∞ LOz ѨÅ∞~°H=õ ÚÅ "åHõº=ÚÅ#∞ xi‡OK«=K«∞Û#∞.
Eg : Never give me your book (h ѨÙã¨H Î Íxfl <å‰õΩ ZѨC_»∞ W=fi=^Œ∞?Ì )
Let her lock the door (P"≥∞#∞ `«Å∞ѨىõΩ `åà◊O "ÕÜ∞« h)
Can you guess the answer? (["å|∞#∞ h=Ù TÇ≤ÏOK«QÅ Æ "å?)
Can't you explain this ? (nxfl q=iOK«Ö" Ë å?)
Do you still adhere to your promise ? (h=Ù h "åQÍÌ<åxH˜ WOHÍ
Hõ@∞ì|_ç LO\Ï"å?)
To type this letter. (D L`«~
Î O° >ˇÑÿ Ù¨ KÕÜ∞« =∞x ÖË^• KÕÜÚ« @‰õΩ)
Did you call her back ? (P"≥∞#∞ "≥#H˜¯ Ñ≤eKå"å?)
Will you buy a new car ? (h=Ù H˘`«H Î Í~°∞#∞ H˘O\Ï"å?)
Why don't you come to my house (<å WO\˜H˜ ZO^Œ∞‰õΩ~å=Ù?)

Step 1 : `≥Å∞QÆ∞ "åHõº=Ú#∞ WOw¡+π Ö’xH˜ `«~∞° =˚ ∂ KÕÜÚ« #ѨÙ_»∞ =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ verb x
QÆ∞iÎOz „"åã¨∞HÀ"åe
áÈ™êìÑ㑶 ∞¨ ‰õΩ <å‰õΩ ^•i K«∂Ѩ٠: K«∂Ѩ٠(show)
Step 2 : =º‰õΩÅ Î #∞ QÆ∞iOz `≥e¿Ñ Indirect Object L#flKÀ verb „ѨH¯õ <Õ „"åÜ«∂e
<å‰õΩ (me) : Show me (<å‰õΩ K«∂ѨÙ)
Step 3 : =ã¨∞= Î ÙÅ#∞ QÆ∞iOz `≥e¿Ñ Direct Object L#flKÀ Indirect Object
`«~åfi`« „"åÜ«∂e.
^•i (the way) : Show me the way (<å‰õΩ ^•i K«∂ѨÙ)
Step 4 : Prepositional phrase L#flKÀ ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ "åHõºO z=~° ÖË^• "åHõºOÖ’
`«y# KÀ@ LOKåe.
áÈ™êìÑ㑶 ∞¨ ( to th post office) : Show me the way to the post office (áÈ™êìÑ㑶 ∞¨ ‰õΩ
<å‰õΩ ^•i K«∂ѨÙ)
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 100
J^躌 Ü«∞#O KÕÜ∞« =Åã≤# "åHõº=ÚŠѨ~O° Ѩ~°
Be a man ........................................................................ =∞x+≤ =ÖË LO_»∞
Be a pearl in the ocean of wisdom . q*Ï˝# ã¨=Ú„^ŒOÖ’ XHõ =Ú`«ºOQÍ LO_»∞
Be an angel ..................................................................... ^Õ=`« =Öˇ LO_»∞
Be alert ........................................................................ J„Ѩ=∞`«ÎOQÍ LO_»∞
Be at my house today ................................... D ~ÀA <å WO\˜ =^ŒÌ LO_»∞
Be at peace ..................................................................... âßO`«OQÍ LO_»∞
Be attentive .......................................................................... „â◊^Œú`À LO_»∞
Be back by 6 o’clock ........................................... P~°∞ QÆO@Å HõÖÏ¡ uiy~å
Be brave ............................................................................ ^è≥·~°ºOQÍ LO_»∞
Be calm ........................................................................... xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful ......................................................................... *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful as you make your exist down the stairs .... "≥∞@∞¡ ky |Ü«∞@‰õΩ
"≥à◊√§#ѨÙ_»∞ h=Ù *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful in future ........................................... Éèíq+¨º`üÖ’ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful not to fall ........................................... Ѩ_»‰õΩO_® *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful not to get bitten by a snake ...... áê=ÚKÕ Hõ~°=|_»‰õΩO_® *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ
Be careful that you don’t fall off the ladder ........ xK≥Û#ÃÑ· #∞O_ç Ѩ_çáȉõΩO_®
*Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful, the streets are very slick after the rain ..... *Ï„QÆ`«Î, =~°¬O `«~åfi`«
~À_»∞¡ KåÖÏ *Ï~°∞_»∞QÍ L<åfl~Ú
Be careful what you say ............................... h=Ù Uq∞ K≥|∞`«∞<åfl"À *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Be careful when you are crossing the road .... gkè ^•@∞K«∞#flѨÙ_»∞ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ
Be careful with it ..................................................... ^•x`À *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful with that glass ..................................... J^ŒÌO`À *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ LO_»∞
Be careful, you will hurt yourself ................................... *Ï„QÆ`«Î HÀã¨∞‰õΩ<Õ=Ù
Be cauteous ................................................................ J„Ѩ=∞`«ÎOQÍ LO_»∞
Be cheerful ...................................................................... LÖÏ¡ã¨OQÍ LO_»∞
Be confident about your ability and success h ™ê=∞~°úºO, q[Ü«∞O QÆ∞iOz
#=∞‡HõO HõeæÜ«ÚO_»∞
Be courteous .......................................................... q#„=Ú_»"≥· Ü«ÚO_»∞=Ú
Be early ....................................................... =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ (ÃÑO^ŒÅHõ_»<Õ) ~°=Ú‡

101 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

Be flexible ....................................................................... L^•~°OQÍ LO_»∞
Be friendly ....................................................................... ¿ãflǨÏOQÍ LO_»∞
Be gentle when you brush the baby’s hair .. áêѨ A@∞ì ^Œ∞=Ùfi (~°∞^Œ∞Ì) #ѨÙ_»∞
ã¨∞xfl`«OQÍ LO_»∞
Be gentle with the baby ....................................... áêѨ`À ã¨∞xfl`«OQÍ LO_»∞
Be good and kind .......................................... =∞OzQÍ#∞, ^ŒÜ«∞`À#∞ LO_»∞
Be happy ...................................................................... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ LO_»∞
Be here at 4 o’clock without fail ........... <åÅ∞QÆ∞QÆO@ʼnõΩ `«Ñ¨ÊHõ WHõ¯_» LO_»∞
Be here before 3 o’clock ......................... =¸_çO\˜Hõ<åfl =ÚO^Õ WHõ¯_» LO_»∞
Be here by 6 o’clock ........................................ P~°∞ QÆO@ʼnõΩ WHõ¯_» LO_»∞
lie in the car ....................................................................... HÍ~°∞Ö’ LO_»∞
Be in your limits ....................................................... h ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’¡ h=Ù LO_»∞
Be my guest today ........................................... D ~ÀA <å JukèQÍ LO_»∞
Be of good cheer .......................................................... ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ LO_»∞
Be off ...................................................... WHõ¯_» xÅ∞=Hõ áÈ, ^Œ∂~°OQÍ LO_»∞
Be patient with her .................................................. P"≥∞`À F~°∞ÊQÍ LO_»∞
Be peaceful .................................................................. „ѨâßO`«OQÍ LO_»∞
Be polite with elders ........................................... ÃÑ^ŒÌÅ`À =∞~åº^ŒQÍ LO_»∞
Be prepare for anything ....................................... ^ÕxÔH·<å ã¨Oã≤^ŒúOQÍ LO_»∞
Be proud being an Indian .............................. ÉèÏ~°fÜ«Ú_»"≥·#O^Œ∞‰õΩ QÆifiOK«∞
Be Punctual ................................................... ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ 㨄Hõ=∞OQÍ ~°=Ú‡
Be quick ..................................................................................... `«fi~°Ñ¨_»∞
Be quiet ........................................................................... xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be ready ............................................................................. ã≤^ŒúOQÍ LO_»∞
Be ready by that time ..................................... P ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ ã≤^ŒÌOQÍ LO_»∞
lie ready for it ........................................................ ^•xHÀã¨O ã≤^ŒÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be ready for lunch ................................. =∞^蕺ǨÏfl Éè’[<åxH˜ ã≤^ŒÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be regular .......................................................................... „Hõ=∞OQÍ LO_»∞
Be seated ........................................................................... ‰õÄ~˘Ûx LO_»∞
Be serious ...................................................................... ã‘iÜ«∞ãπQÍ LO_»∞
Be silence ....................................................................... xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be silent .......................................................................... xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»∞
Be sportive in games ........................................... P@ÅÖ’ ™ÈÊiì"£QÍ LO_»∞
Be strict with my children ..................... <å Ñ≤Å¡Å`À „ã≤ìH±ì (Hõiî#=Ú)QÍ LO_»∞
Be strong ............................................................................ |ÅOQÍ LO_»∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 102
Be sure to wash your brush out well as you finish each part .... „ѨuÉèÏQÆO
ѨÓiÎ KÕã≤# `«~åfi`« „|+π â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞#@∞¡ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎѨ_»∞
Be tolerant ..................................................................... F~°Û QÆeyÜ«ÚO_»∞
Be waiting for him when he returns ............... J`«_»∞ =KÕÛ=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Be warned ........................................ J„Ѩ=∞`«Î`«QÍ LO_»∞, ÃÇÏK«ÛiHõQÍ LO_»∞
Be well off .................................................................... =∞Oz ã≤÷uÖ’ LO_»∞
Be wise ............................................................................... `≥eqQÍ LO_»∞
Have a bit of sense ......................................... H˘OK≥O *Ï˝#O Hõey Ü«ÚO_»∞
Have a cup of coffee .................................................. XHõ HõѨC HÍѶ‘ fã¨∞HÀ
Have a drink of water ................................................. XHõ QÆ∞Hõ¯ hà◊√§ „`åQÆ∞
Have a go at it ................................................. ^•x"≥·Ñ¨Ù XHõ™êi "≥o§ K«∂_»∞
Have a good day ....................................................................... â◊√Éèí k#O
Have a good look ................................................................... ã¨iQÍ K«∂_»∞
Have a good supper .................................................. =∞Oz Éè’[#O fã¨∞HÀ
Have a good time .............................................................. â◊√ÉèíO HõÅ∞QÆ∞#∞
Have a hair cut ............................................................. HõΔ=~°O KÕ~ÚOK«∞HÀ
Have a heard of it .......................................................... ^•xfl XHõ™êi q#∞
Have a little .......................................................................... H˘kÌQÍ fã¨∞HÀ
Have a little more ................................................................ WOHÍãÎ̈ fã¨∞HÀ
Have a little more tea ................................................. WOH˘OK≥O \© fã¨∞HÀ
Have a little more rice ..................................... =∞i H˘kÌQÍ J#flO =_ç¤OK«∞HÀ
Have a little patience ................... H˘OK≥O F~°∞Ê =Ç≤ÏOK«∞ H˘OK≥O FÑ≤Hõ Ѩ@∞ì
Have a listen ......................................................................... XHõ¯™êi q#∞
Have a look at that ............................................................ ^•x"≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Have a nice day ...................................................................... â◊√Éè’^ŒÜ«∞O
Have a nice talk ............................................................. =∞OzQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Have a smell of this perfume ...................... D Ѩi=∞à◊ „^Œ"åxfl "åã¨#K«∂_»∞
Have a snooze after lunch ........................ Éè’[#O `«~åfi`« XHõ ‰õΩ#∞‰õΩ f~Ú
Have a wash first ........................ =ÚO^Œ∞ Hõ_»∞HÀ¯, =ÚO^Œ∞ ™ê#flO KÕÜ«Ú=Ú
Have a wet piece of chalk in your hand ............... XHõ `«_ç ã¨∞^ŒÌ=ÚHõ¯ fã¨∞HÀ
Have an ear ................................................... K≥qÖ’ LOK«∞HÀ, XHõ™êi q#∞
Have another drink ....................................................... WOHÀ „_çO‰õΩ fã¨∞HÀ
Have another of these biscuits ....................... D a㨯@¡Ö’ =∞~˘Hõ\ ˜ fã¨∞HÀ
Have breakfast .............................................................. JÖÏÊǨ~°O fã¨∞HÀ
Have faith in us .............................................. =∂ Ü«∞O^Œ∞ qâßfiã¨=Ú LOK«∞
103 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Have it in your own way ....................................... h W+ì̈O =zÛ#@∞¡ á⁄O^Œ∞
Have less children ........................................... `«‰õΩ¯= ã¨O`å#O HõeæÜ«ÚO_»∞
Have patience ............................................................... F~°∞Ê HõeyÜ«ÚO_»∞
Have some cream in your tea .................... \©Ö’ H˘OK≥O g∞QÆ_» "Õ~ÚOK«∞HÀ
Have some milk now ......................................... WѨÙ_»∞ H˘OK≥O áêÅ∞ „`åQÆ∞
Have some more rice ....................................... =∞iH˘O`« J#flO ÃÑ\ì̃OK«∞HÀ
Have some more tea first .............................. =ÚO^Œ∞ =∞iH˘OK≥O \© fã¨∞HÀ
Have some tea ............................................................... H˘OK≥O \© fã¨∞HÀ
Have your bath ................................................................ ™êfl#O KÕÜ«Ú=Ú
Have your breakfast ........................................................... „ÉËH±á¶êãπì fã¨∞HÀ
Have your food quickly ............................................... Éè’[#O `«fi~°QÍ HÍh
Do as he says .................................................... J`«#∞ K≥ÑÊ≤ #@∞¡ KÕÜÚ « =Ú
Do as I do ..................................................................... <Õ#∞ KÕã≤#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Do as I tell you ............................................................ <Õ#∞ K≥Ñ≤Ê#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Do as you are told .......................................... h‰õΩ K≥ѨÊ|_ç# q^èŒOQÍ KÕ~Ú
Do as you like ........................................................ h W+ì̈O =zÛ#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Do it a little later ......................................... H˘OK≥O ¿ãѨ٠`«~åfi`« nxx KÕ~Ú
Do it again ..................................................................... nxx =∞~°Å KÕ~Ú
Do it at heme not here ............................ nxx WO\˜ =^ŒÌ KÕ~Ú, WHõ¯_» HÍ^Œ∞
Do it at once ........................................................... "≥O@<Õ nxx KÕÜÚ « =Ú
Do it before night comes ........................ pHõ\ ˜ Ѩ_H » õ =ÚO^Õ nxx KÕÜÚ« =Ú
Do it like this .......................................................... nxx D q^èO Œ QÍ KÕ~Ú
Do one thing ........................................................................ XHõ Ѩx KÕ~Ú
Do up your buttons ....................................................... h QÆ∞O_ôÅ∞ ÃÑ@∞ìHÀ
Do whatever you like ............................................. h ~Ú+ì̈O =zÛOk KÕ~Ú
Do whatever she tells you ................................... P"≥∞ K≥¿ÑÊk U^≥·<å KÕ~Ú
Do what I am telling you to do .......... Uq∞ KÕÜ∞« =∞x K≥ÑC ¨ K«∞<åfl<À Jk KÕ~Ú
Do what I say ............................................................... <Õ#∞ K≥Ñ≤ÊOk KÕ~Ú
Do what you are told ................................................ h‰õΩ K≥ѨÊ|_ç#k KÕ~Ú
Do what you want ................................................. h=Ù KÕÜ∞« ^ŒÅz#k KÕ~Ú
Do work also ............................................................. Ѩx ‰õÄ_® KÕÜÚ « =Ú
Do your duty properly ........................................... h qkèx 㨄Hõ=∞OQÍ KÕ~Ú
Do your home work ........................................................ WO\˜ Ѩxx KÕ~Ú
Accept my apology ....................................... <å Hõ= Δ ∂Ѩ}Å#∞ JOwHõiOK«∞
Accept my apology for not arriving on time ãÔ̈~·# ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ KÕ~°#O^Œ∞‰õΩ <å
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 104
HõΔ=∂Ѩ}Å#∞ JOwHõiOK«∞
Accept my invitation .............................................. <å PǨfi<åxfl =∞xflOK«∞
Accept the cheque ....................................................... K≥H±#∞ JOwHõiOK«∞
Accept the truth ................................................................ x*Ïxfl XѨCHÀ
Accept this ................................................ nxx J#∞=∞uOK«∞, nxx fã¨∞HÀ
Accept this gift .............. D |Ǩï=∞ux JOwHõiOK«∞, D |Ǩï=∞ux fã¨∞HÀ
Acquire a good knowledge of EnglishWOw¡+¨μÖ’ =∞Oz „áêg}ºO ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Acquire a lot of information from this book .......... D ѨÙãÎ̈Hõ=Ú #∞O_ç Z‰õΩ¯=
ã¨=∂Kå~åxfl ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Add 64 to 98 ................................................................... 98 H˜ 64 HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Add a few more names to the list ......... =∞iH˘xfl ¿Ñ~°¡#∞ *Ïa`å‰õΩ KÕ~°∞Û=Ú
Add a spoonful of sugar to it ................... nxH˜ XHõ ã¨∂Ê#∞ ѨOK«^•~° HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Add one cup of flour to half a cup of milk ... J~°HõѨC áêʼnõΩ XHõ HõѨC Ñ≤O_çx
Add some chilly powder to the curry ................. ‰õÄ~°‰õΩ H˘O`« HÍ~°O HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Add some flour to thicken the soup .. Kå~°∞ zHõ¯|_»\ÏxH˜ H˘O`« Ñ≤O_ç HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Add some hot water to milk .......................... áêʼnõΩ H˘O`« "Õ_çh\˜x HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Add the starch to the hot water while stirring continuously ...... "Õ_çh\˜Ö’
Ñ≤O_çx KÕ~°∞Û`«∂ „Hõ=∞OQÍ HõeÜ«∞ „uáêÊe
Add these numbers and tell me the total . D JOÔHÅxfl ‰õÄ_ç "≥Ú`åÎxfl K≥ÑC ¨
Add these numbers together ............................ D JOÔHÅxfl KÕiÛ ‰õÄ_»∞=Ú
Address me as ‘comrade’ ............................. ##∞fl HÍ„"Õ∞_£ Jx ã¨OÉè’kOK«∞
Address the meeting ........................................ ã¨Éèí#∞ L^ÕÌtOz „Ѩã¨OyOK«∞
Adhere to the programme ................................ HÍ~°º„Hõ=∂xH˜ |^Œ∞Ì_»"≥· LO_»∞
Adjourn the meeting at 5 o’ clock .......... ã¨Éèí#∞ 5 QÆO@ʼnõΩ "å~Ú^• "Õ~Ú
Adjust the seperator by one mm. gap both on side and bottom of the
basin .......................... áê„`«, J_»∞QÆ∞ "≥·Ñ¨Ù, „ѨHõ¯ "≥·Ñ¨Ù, 1 q∞.g∞. MÏm LO_Õ@@∞¡
ã¨Ñ¨ˆ~@~ü#∞ ã¨iKÕ~Ú
Adjust the setting of the alarm clock .............. JÖÏ~°O QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O#∞ =∂~°∞Û
Adjust the tone ............................................................ Q˘O`«∞#∞ ã¨=iOK«∞
Adjust your expenditure to your income ..................... h P^•Ü«∂xH˜ `«QÆæ@∞¡
Y~°∞Û#∞ ã¨~°∞ÌHÀ
Adjust your spectacles on your nose ............... =Ú‰õΩ¯ÃÑ· Hõà◊§^•ÌÅ#∞ ã¨~°∞ÌHÀ
Admit your mistake ....................................................... h `«ÑC ¨ #∞ XѨCHÀ
Advance me 5/- to cover my expenses ............. <å Y~°∞ÛʼnõΩ 5 ~°∂áêÜ«∞Å∞
105 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
J_®fi#∞û W=Ùfi
Advertise it in all the news papers ........... nxx Jxfl Ѩ„uHõÅÖ’ „ѨH@ õ #"Õ~Ú
Advise her to keep mum .................. P"≥∞#∞ xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»=∞x ã¨ÅǨ W=Ùfi
Advise me what to do ................................ Uq∞ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ <å‰õΩ ã¨ÅǨ K≥ѨC
Affix a stamp here ............................................ WHõ¯_» XHõ ™êìOѨ٠JO\˜OK«∞
Affix a 10p. stamp to the envelope .. ã¨Oz Hõ=~°∞‰õΩ 10 ÃÑ·. ™êìOѨ٠JO\˜OK«∞
Agree to my proposal ............................................ <å „Ñ¨uáê^Œ##∞ XѨCHÀ
Agree with me ................................................................ <å`À UH©ÉèíqOK«∞
Allot me a flat ................................................. <å‰õΩ XHõ áê¡\ò#∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOK«∞
Allow her to come in .............................................. P"≥∞#∞ ֒ѨʼnõΩ ~åx=Ùfi
Allow her to go out ........................ P"≥∞#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥à◊§\ÏxH˜ J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Allow him to do that .......................... ^•xx KÕÜÚ « @‰õΩ J`«xx J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Allow me a good future ............................... <å‰õΩ =∞Oz Éèíq+¨º`ü HõÅ∞QÆ*Ë~Ú

Allow me to carry your basket ......................... ##∞fl h |∞@ì#∞ "≥∂Ü«∞x=Ùfi

Allow me to go ....................................................... "≥à◊√§@‰õΩ J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Allow me to introduce you to my teacher ........ =∂ \©K«~°∞H˜ x#∞fl ѨiK«Ü«∞O
Allow me to sit in your presence ............ h =^ŒÌ ‰õÄ~°∞Û<ÕO^Œ∞‰õΩ J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Allow me to smoke .......................................... á⁄QÆ „`åQÆ∞@‰õΩ J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Answer all the questions ................................... Jxfl „Ѩâ◊flʼnõΩ ["å|∞e=Ùfi
Answer me ................................................................. <å‰õΩ ã¨=∂^è•#q∞=Ùfi
Answer my questions ....................................... <å „Ñ¨â◊flʼnõΩ ã¨=∂^è•#q∞=Ùfi
Answer the phone ............................................................... á¶È<£ JO^Œ∞HÀ
Appeal against the referee’s decision. ..... iѶ¨s x~°‚Ü«∂xH˜ q~°∞^ŒúOQÍ JÑ‘ÊÖò
Appeal to another court ..................................... "Õ~˘Hõ HÀ~°∞ìÖ’ JÑ‘ÊÖò KÕ~Ú
Apply a plaster to the cut ........................................... QÍÜ«∂xH˜ Ѩ\ ì̃ "Õ~Ú
Apply in person or by letter ........ ã¨fiÜ«∞OQÍ ÖË^• Öˇ@~ü ^•fi~å ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î KÕ~Ú
Apply oil to all moving parts of the enzine ............ WO[#∞ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ Jxfl HõkÖË
ÉèÏQÍʼnõΩ #∂<≥ "ÕÜ«Ú=Ú
Apply some powder to the wound .......................... QÍÜ«∂xH˜ =∞O^Œ∞ "Õ~Ú
Apply to the government for a license . Öˇ·Ãã#∞û‰õΩ „ѨÉèí∞`åfixH˜ ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î KÕ~Ú
Appoint him a director ................................... _≥·Ô~Hõì~°∞QÍ J`«_çx xÜ«∞q∞OK«∞
Argue with him ............................................................... J`«x`À "åkOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 106
Arrange everything for my journey to Madras =∞„^•ãπ „Ѩܫ∂}ÏxH˜ Jhfl ã≤^ŒÌO
Arrange for pooja .......................................................... ѨÓ[‰õΩ ã≤^ŒúO KÕ~Ú
Arrange for the dinner. .................................................... _ç#fl~ü ã≤^ŒúO KÕ~Ú
Arrange hot water for his bath ............... J`«x ™êfl<åxH˜ "Õ_çh~°∞ ã≤^ŒúO KÕ~Ú
Arrange these books on the shelf .................. Ã+ÖòÊùÃÑ· D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍefl J=∞~°∞Û
Arrange to meet her at 4 o’clock ........ <åeæO\˜H˜ P"≥∞#∞ Hõe¿ã U~åÊ@∞ KÕ~Ú
Arrest him .................................................................... J`«xx JÔ~ãπì KÕ~Ú
Ask a boy to come to the front of the class HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ XHõ ÉÏÅ∞_çx
~°=∞‡x J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her a question ................................................ P"≥∞#∞ XHõ „Ѩâ◊fl J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her if she has a sister .................. P"≥∞‰õΩ K≥e¡ L#fl^Õ"≥∂ P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her if she is ready ................................. P"≥∞ ã≤^ŒúOQÍ L#fl^Õ"≥∂ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her to come here tomorrow ............. ˆ~Ѩ٠WHõ¯_»‰õΩ ~°=∞‡x P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her to come if she is ready .............. P"≥∞ ã≤^ŒúOQÍ LO>Ë ~°=∞‡x J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her to explain it again ........... =∞~°Å ^•xx q=iOK«=∞x P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her to listen the lesson ............................ áê~î°O q#=∞x P"≥∞‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Ask her to sit down ............................................... ‰õÄ~ÀÛ=∞x P"≥∞‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Ask her to stop that car ............................. P HÍ~°∞#∞ PѨ=∞x P"≥∞‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Ask her what to get for the child ............. a_»¤‰õΩ Uq∞ `Õ"åÖ’ P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her where to go ................................... ZHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥àϧ֒ P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask her which bottle throw away ......... U ã‘™êx Ѩ_»"ÕÜ«∂Ö’ P"≥∞#∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him his name ........................................................ J`«x ¿Ñ~°∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him if he likes swimming ....................... J`«_çH˜ D`« W+ì̈"Õ∞"≥∂ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him to copy down the sentences ... J`«_çx "åHͺÅ#∞ K«∂z „"åã¨∞HÀ=∞x
Ask him to flee from the village .................. „QÍ=∞O #∞O_ç áêiá⁄=∞‡x K≥ѨC
Ask him to go to the blackboard and read two sentences . J`«_x ç #Å¡|Å¡
=^ŒÌ‰õΩ "≥o§ "åHͺÅ#∞ K«^Œ==∞#∞
Ask him to open his note book .................. <À\ò|∞H± `≥~°==∞x J`«xH˜ K≥ѨC
Ask him what time it is ............................. >ÿ̌"£∞ ZO`«~ÚO^À J`«_çx J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him where he is going ......................... J`«_»∞ ZHõ¯_çH˜ "≥à◊√Î<åfl_À J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him who he is .......................................................... J`«_≥=~À J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask him why his clothes are so wet .................... JO`« `«_çQÍ J`«_ç |@ìÅ∞
ZO^Œ∞‰õΩ<åflÜ≥∂ J_»∞QÆ∞
107 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Ask questions beginning with “who” ........ “who” `À "≥Ú^ŒÅÜ≥∞º_ç „Ñ¨â◊flÅ#∞
Ask the owner ............................................................. Ü«∞[=∂xx J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask the pupils to look at the picture Ѩ@=Ú"≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»=∞x q^•º~°∞úʼnõΩ K≥ѨC
Ask the shop assistant if they have any candles ............... „H˘"˘fi`«∞ÎÖË"≥∞ÿ<å
L<åflÜÕ∞"≥∂ ëêѨ٠QÆ∞=∂™êÎx J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask them to copy these words in their books . "åi ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅÖ’ D Ѩ^•Å#∞
K«∂z „"åã¨∞HÀ=∞x "åiH˜ K≥ѨC
Ask them to drop the weapons .................... PÜ«Ú^è•efl Ѩ_»"ÕÜ«∞=∞x K≥ѨC
Ask them to read lesson-2 silently ...... 2= áê~î°O xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ K«^Œ==∞x "åiH˜
Ask whether the dinner is ready ........................ _ç#fl~ü ã≤^Œú"≥∞ÿ#^Õ"≥∂ J_»∞QÆ∞
Ask your father to inform to the principal . „Ñ≤xûáêÖò‰õΩ `≥Å∞Ѩ=∞x g∞ <å#fl‰õΩ
Attach the labels to the bottles .......................... ã‘™êʼnõΩ p\©˜Å∞ JO\˜OK«∞
Attach the lid before using the machine ..... Ü«∞O„`åxfl LѨÜ≥∂yOKÕ =ÚO^Œ∞
Attack the P.M.s proposals .......................... „Ѩ^è•x „Ѩuáê^Œ#efl ZkiOK«∞
Attack your enemy ....................................................... h q~Àkèx Z^Œ∞~À¯
Attend school regularly .......................................... ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ „Hõ=∞OQÍ "≥à◊√§
Attract the students ................................................... q^•º~°∞÷efl PHõi¬OK«∞
Balance on one foot ............................................ XHõ¯HÍÅ∞ÃÑ· ÉÏºÖˇ<£û KÕ~Ú
Bathe before breakfast ................................ „ÉËH±á¶êãπì‰õΩ =ÚO^Õ ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú
Bathe daily twice ........................................ ~ÀA‰õΩ Ô~O_»∞™ê~°∞¡ ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú
Beat the drum ................................................................ =∞^≥ÌÅ "å~ÚOK«∞
Beat the eggs with ghee .................................. <Õu`À QÆ∞_»¡ ™⁄##∞ yÅH˘@∞ì
Begin the work at 9 o’clock ........................... `˘q∞‡kO\˜H˜ Ѩx „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Behave like a man ...................................................... =∞x+≤=Öˇ „Ѩ=iÎOK«∞
Behave yourself ............................................................... ã¨iQÍ „Ѩ=iÎOK«∞
Believe every word he says .......................... J`«_∞» K≥¿ÑÊ „Ѩu =∂\Ï #=Ú‡
Believe it or not ......................................................... nxx #=Ú‡ #=∞‡HõáÈ
Believe me .............................................................................. ##∞fl #=Ú‡
Believe what I say ................................................... <Õ#∞ K≥¿ÑÊ^•xx #=Ú‡
Bend my arm .................................................................... <å KÕux =OK«∞
Beware of false prophets ............................. |∂@HõѨ٠„Ѩ=HõÎÅ∞<åfl~°∞ *Ï„QÆ`«Î
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 108
Beware of pick pockets ..................................... *Ë|∞ ^˘OQÆÅ∞<åfl~°∞ *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Beware of the dog ........................................................ ‰õΩHõ¯ L#flk *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Beware of the fast traffic ......................... „\ÏѶ≤H± ÉÏQÍ "ÕQÆOQÍ L#flk *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Bind him (to his chair) with a rope ............. "å_çx (‰õΩsÛH˜) `å_»∞`À Hõ\ ì̃"ÕÜü∞
Blend well with water ................................................... h\˜`À ÉÏQÍ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Bless me ............................................................................. ##∞fl nqOK«∞
Blow out of the candle ....................................................... „H˘"˘fiuÎx P~°∞Ê
Blow the horn .................................................................. Ǩ~°<£ „"≥∂yOK«∞
Blow up this balloon ....................................................... D |∂~°#∞ T^Œ∞
Blow your food to make it cool ......................... K«ÖÏ¡ˆ~O^Œ∞‰õΩ J#flO T^Œ∞HÀ
Blow your nose ................................................................ h =Ú‰õΩ¯ p^Œ∞HÀ
Boil these potatoes for 20 minutes .......... 20 xIIÅ∞ D ^Œ∞OѨefl L_çH˜OK«∞
Bolt the door .............................................................. `«Å∞ѨىõΩ É’Å∞ì ÃÑ@∞ì
Book a room for him ................................ J`«x H˘~°‰õΩ XHõ QÆkx |∞H± K≥~Úº
Borrow a type writer ............................. XHõ >ÿ̌Ѩ٠q∞+¨#∞ J~°∞=Ù‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Borrow that book from the library .............. P ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl Öˇ·„|s #∞O_ç `≥K«∞ÛHÀ
Box her ears .......................................................... P"≥∞ K≥=ÙÅ∞ "≥∞e „uѨC
Break the bottle ............................................................. ã‘™ê#∞ ѨQÆÅQ˘@∞ì
Bring after counting ............................................ ÖˇH˜¯Oz# `«~åfi`« fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring her back after a week ............... "å~°O `«~åfi`« P"≥∞#∞ "≥#H˜¯ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring her to the party with you .................... h`À P"≥∞#∞ qO^Œ∞‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring him here ..................................................... J`«_çx WHõ¯_»‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring him to me ............................................... J`«_çx <å ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring it back here .......................................... ^•xx uiy WHõ¯_»‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring it for me ............................................................ ^•xx <å‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring me a cup of tea ....................................... <å‰õΩ XHõ HõѨC \© fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring me another glass .................................... <å‰õΩ =∞~˘Hõ QÍ¡ã¨∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring me another one ....................................... <å‰õΩ =∞~˘Hõ^•xx fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring me the bill ........................................................ P aÅ∞¡#∞ <å‰õΩ W=Ùfi
Bring one for me .................................................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ XHõ\ ˜ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring some water. The curtains are ablage ............ H˘OK≥O hà◊√§ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å.
`≥~°QÆ∞_»¤Å∞ JO@∞‰õΩ<åfl~Ú
Bring that book ............................................................ P ѨÙã¨ÎHõO
Bring that box here ........................................... P ÃÑ>ì̌#∞ WHõ¯_»‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring the meals immediately ............................... "≥O@<Õ Éè’[#O fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
109 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Bring the soup to boil ................................................... Kå~°∞#∞ =∞~°QÆx=Ùfi
Bring the taxi here ................................................ \ÏH©ûx WHõ¯_»‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring the water to boil before putting an egg in it ................... „QÆ∞_»∞¤#∞ "Õ¿ã
=ÚO^Œ∞ h\˜x =∞~°QxÆ =Ùfi
Bring this certificate daily to secure admission .... „Ѩ"Õâ◊=Ú á⁄O^Œ∞@‰õΩ D
ã¨iìѶ≤ˆH\ò#∞ ~ÀE fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring two coffees and one tea ......................... Ô~O_»∞ HÍѶ‘, XHõ \© fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring under control ............................................................ J^Œ∞ѨÙÖ’ ÃÑ@∞ì
Bring some vegetables from the market .... =∂Ô~¯\ò #∞O_ç H˘xfl ‰õÄ~°QÍÜ«∞Å∞
Bring what you like to eat ....................... Uq∞ u#^ŒÅKå"À ^•xx fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Bring your book ........................................................... h ѨÙãÎ̈HõO fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Brush up your teeth daily .................................. „Ѩu~ÀA h Ѩà√◊ § `À=ÚHÀ
Build a house for your son-in-law also ............... h JÅ∞¡_çH˜ ‰õÄ_® WÅ∞¡ Hõ@∞ì
Bum a hole in the carpet ............................... HÍÊÔ~\òÖ’ XHõ ~°O„^è•xfl HÍÅ∞Û
Burn all these old papers ............................ D áê`« HÍy`åÅxflO\˜h HÍÅ∞Û
Buy a bottle of black ink ........................................ XHõ ã‘™ê #Å¡ ã≤~å H˘#∞
Buy a new book .......................................................... „H˘`«Î ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl H˘#∞
Buy one for me now ................................... WѨÙ_»∞ <å H˘~°‰õΩ XHõ^•xx H˘#∞
Buy some rice today ...................................... D ~ÀA H˘O`« aÜ«∞ºO H˘#∞
Buy vegetables from here ............................ ‰õÄ~°QÍÜ«∞Å∞ WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç H˘#∞
Buy yourself a drink or something ............... h ™⁄O`«OQÍ „_çOH±#∞ ÖË^• U^À
XHõ ^•xx H˘#∞
Calculate the cost of the tour .............................. „Ѩܫ∂} Y~°∞Û#∞ ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞
Call a doctor at once ........................................ "≥O@<Õ XHõ _®Hõì~°∞x Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call an ambulance. This man is very ill JO|∞Öˇ<û£ x Ñ≤Å∞=Ù. D =∞x+≤ KåÖÏ
#Å`«QÍ L<åfl_»∞
Call her back .......................................................... P"≥∞#∞ "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call him here .......................................................... J`«_çx WHõ¯_»‰õΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call him in ............................................................. J`«_çx ֒ѨʼnõΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call him out .......................................................... J`«_çx |Ü«∞@‰õΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call him to supper ........................................ J`«_çx ~å„u Éè’[<åxH˜ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call me at 5 tomorrow morning ........ ˆ~Ѩ٠L^ŒÜ«∞O 5 QÆO@ʼnõΩ ##∞fl Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call me back at 3 O’clock ....................... 3 QÆO@ʼnõΩ ##∞fl "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call me if necessory ............................................. J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ`Õ ##∞fl Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 110
Call me in the evening .......................................... ##∞fl ™êÜ«∞O„`«O Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call off your dog; it tried to bite me .................... h ‰õΩHõ¯#∞ "≥#H˜¯ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù Jk ##∞fl
Hõ~°"åÅx „Ѩܫ∞`«flO KÕã¨∞Î#flk
Call the peon ................................................................ |O„\’`«∞#∞ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call the police ................................................................ áÈbã¨∞efl Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Call the witness .................................................................... ™êHΔ̃x Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Cancel my order for a cup of tea ......................... HõÑC ¨ \© HÀã¨O <Õ#∞ WzÛ#
P~°¤~°∞#∞ ~°^Œ∞Ì KÕ~Ú
Cancel the contract ................................................. XѨÊO^•xfl ~°^Œ∞Ì KÕ~Ú
Carry on as usual ......................................................... =∂=¸Å∞QÍ<Õ HÍh
Carry this chair ............................................................ D ‰õΩsÛx fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Carry this vase carefully ........................ D ѨÓʼnõΩO_ôx *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ Ñ¨@∞ì‰õΩ~å
Cash this cheque for 200/- ................ D K≥‰õΩ¯#∞ ~°∂. 200/–‰õΩ =∂~°∞Û‰õΩ~å
Cash this cheque for me .................... <å H˘~°‰õΩ D K≥‰õΩ¯#∞ #QÆ^Œ∞QÍ =∂~°∞Û
Catch it by its neck ................................................... nxx "≥∞_»`À Ѩ@∞ìHÀ
Catch the ball ..................................................................... |Oux Ѩ@∞ìHÀ
Celebrate my birthday .............................................. <å ѨÙ\ì̃#~ÀA [~°∞ѨÙ
Change the gear ..................................................................... ˆQ~°∞ =∂~°∞Û
Change your shirt ............................................................ h +¨~°∞ì#∞ =∂~°∞Û
Check the oil ............................................................ P~ÚÖò#∞ `«xv KÕ~Ú
Check these figures ............................................... D JOÔHefl `«xv KÕ~Ú
Chew it ................................................................................ ^•xfl #=ÚÅ∞
Chew your food well before your swallow it ... q∞OˆQ =ÚO^Œ∞ PǨ~åxfl ÉÏQÍ
Choose your friends carefully ...................... ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞Å#∞ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ ZOK«∞HÀ
Chop the onions up ..................................................... Le¡áêÜ«∞efl `«~°∞QÆ∞
Circulate the orders ............................................. L`«Î~°∞fiÅ#∞ ѨOÑ≤}© KÕ~Ú
Clean it properly ................................................... nxx ã¨iQÍ â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Clean it well ....................................................... nxx ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Clean the table with a wet cloth ....................... `«_çQÆ∞_»¤`À >Ë|∞Öò#∞ `«∞_»∞=Ù
Clean the top right hand corner ........................ ÃÑ·# ‰õΩ_çKÕu =¸Å `«∞_»∞=Ù
Clean this side .......................................................... D "≥·Ñ¨Ù â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Clean up the pieces of broken bottle ...... Ѩye# ã‘™ê ÃÑO‰õΩefl â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Clean your hands first ............................... =ÚO^Œ∞ h KÕ`«∞Å∞ â◊√„ÉèíO KÕã¨∞HÀ
Clean your slippers before you come into the house . WO\’¡H˜ =KÕÛ =ÚO^Œ∞
111 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
ã≤¡Ñ¨Ê~üû#∞ â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Clear all this crap off the table ...... >Ë|∞Öò ÃÑ· #∞O_ç D K≥`«Î JO`å `˘ÅyOK«∞
Climb down the tree ................................................................. K≥@∞ì kQÆ∞
Climb up the tree ...................................................................... K≥@∞ì Z‰õΩ¯
Clip these sheets of paper together ................ D HÍy`åxfl ¿ÑiÛ H˜Ñ ¡ π "Õ~Ú
Close all the doors properly ................... `«Å∞ѨÙÅxflO\˜x ã¨iQÍ =¸Ü«Ú=Ú
Close my account ..................................................... <å MÏ`å#∞ =ÚyOK«∞
Close the window nearest you ............................... h ^ŒQi æÆ H˜\ H˜ x© =¸~Ú
Close all the windows and keep out the cold air .... K«eQÍe Ö’xH˜ ~å‰õΩO_®
H˜\ H˜ x© flO\˜H˜ =¸~Ú
Close your books ........................................... h (g∞) ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ∞ =¸Ü«Ú=Ú
Close your eyes first .............................................. =ÚO^Œ∞ Hõà◊√§ =¸ã¨∞HÀ
Coil the rope up ..................................................................... „`å_»∞ K«∞@∞ì
Collect back a lot .................................................... uiy Z‰õΩ¯= á⁄O^ŒO_ç
Collect my son from school ................ ã¨∂¯Öò #∞O_ç =∂ JÉσ~Úx fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Collect some earth samples and keep them in white envelopes ...... H˘xfl
=∞\ì̃ #=¸<åÅ#∞ ã‘fiHõiOz `≥Å¡Hõ=~À¡ LOK«∞
Collect the books and put them in a pile on my table ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ∞ áÈQÆ∞KÕã≤ <å
>Ë|∞Öò ÃÑ· ^˘O`«~°QÍ J=∞~°∞Û
Collect the papers from the students ....... q^•º~°∞÷Å #∞O_ç ¿ÑѨ~üû#∞ fã¨∞HÀ
Collect them into heaps ................................ "å\˜x QÆ∞@ìÅ∞QÍ áÈQÆ∞ KÕ~Ú
Colour the wall green ....................................... QÀ_»‰õΩ P‰õΩѨK«Û ~°OQÆ∞ "Õ~Ú
Comb her hair ................................................................... P"≥∞ `«Å ^Œ∞=Ùfi
Come a little earlier ..................................................... H˘OK≥O =ÚO^Œ∞ ~å
Come about 6 p. m ........................................... ™êÜ«∞O„`«O 6 QÆO@ʼnõΩ ~å
Come after two days ............................................ Ô~O_»∞ ~ÀAÅ `«~åfi`« ~å
Come again ................................................................................ =∞m§ ~å
Come along if you like ..................................................... W+¨ì"≥∞ÿ`Õ "≥O@~å
Come and be my guest .......................................... =zÛ <å JukèQÍ LO_»∞
Come and have a warm by the fire ................................... =zÛ K«eHÍK«∞HÀ
Come and have your tea with me .............................. =zÛ <å`À \© fã¨∞HÀ
Come and see me if you have any time .... h‰õΩ >ÿ̌"£∞ LO>Ë =zÛ ##∞flK«∂_»∞
Come at 9 o’clock ..................................................... `˘q∞‡k QÆO@ʼnõΩ ~å
Come at about 6 o’clock ...................................... ã¨∞=∂~°∞ 6 QÆO@ʼnõΩ ~å
Come at the same time tomorrow ......................... ˆ~Ѩ٠W^Õ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ ~å
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 112
Come back as soon as possible ........................ gÖˇ# · O`« `«fi~°Ö’ uiy ~å
Come back exactly in an hour .............................. ã¨iQÍæ QÆO@Ö’ uiy ~å
Come back soon .............................................................. `«fi~°QÍ uiy ~å
Come back to me later ..................................... <å ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ `«~åfi`« uiy ~å
Come back tomorrow ........................................................... ~ ˆ Ѩ٠uiy ~å
Come down .................................................................................. ky ~å
Come here ............................................................................... WHõ¯_»‰õΩ ~å
Come home early ........................................................... `«fi~°QÍ WO\˜H˜ ~å
Come immediately. Your mother is very ill ... g∞ J=∞‡ KåÖÏ [|∞ƒQÍ L#flk.
"≥O@<Õ ~å
Come in ..................................................................................... Ö’xH˜ ~å
Come in my way ............................................................... <å ^•iÖ’H˜ ~å
Come into the house ............................................................... WO\’¡H˜ ~å
Come in when you hear the buzzer ............... |[~ü "≥∂QÆQÍ<Õ qx Ö’xH˜ ~å
Come inside the house ............................................................ WO\’¡H˜ ~å
Come near ............................................................................... ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ ~å
Come on any day you like ..................................... h W+ì̈O =zÛ# ~ÀA ~å
Come on Friday ........................................................... â◊√„Hõ"å~°O <å_»∞ ~å
Come on the first week of the next month .... =KÕÛ <≥Å "≥Ú^Œ@ "å~°OÖ’ ~å
Come out when I call .................................... <Õ#∞ Ñ≤ez#ѨÙ_»∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ ~å
Come quickly ........................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ ~å
Come sometimes with your father ....................... H˘xfl™ê~°∞¡ g∞ `«O„_ç`À ~å
Come soon ............................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ ~å
Come straight home ....................................................... WO\˜H˜ <Õ~°∞QÍ ~å
Come this way ..................................................................... D ^•iH˜ ~å
Come to me ........................................................................... <å `«@∞ì ~å
Come to my house this evening ..................... D ™êÜ«∞O„`«O <å WO\˜H˜ ~å
Come tomorrow ............................................................................ ˆ~Ѩ٠~å
Come to school at 9 o’ clock .............................. `˘q∞‡kO\˜H˜ ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ ~å
Come to see us everyday ........................ „Ѩu~ÀE =∞=∞‡efl K«∂_»\ÏxH˜ ~å
Come to the other side .................................................... "Õ~˘Hõ "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ ~å
Come to the point ............................................................... q+¨Ü∂ « xH˜ ~å
Come up ....................................................................................... ÃÑ·H˜ ~å
Come what may ................................................................. [iˆQk [~°QÆh
Come whenever you like .......................................... h W+ì̈O =zÛ#ѨÙ_»∞ ~å
113 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Come with me to my chamber quietly ............. xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ <å QÆkH˜ <å`À ~å
Come yourself and see ..................................................... h"Õ =zÛ K«∂_»∞
Communicate them ..................................................... "åiH˜ `≥eÜ«∞Ѩ~°K«∞
Compare with that ............................................................... ^•x`À áÈÅ∞Û
Compare your notes with her ...................... h <À@∞û#∞ P"≥∞ ^•x`À áÈÅ∞Û
Confess your sin .......................................................... h áêáêxfl XѨCHÀ
Congratulate her ......................................................... P"≥∞#∞ Jaè#OkOK«∞
Connect the wire ................................................................. "≥·~°∞#∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Consider my suggestion ....................................... <å ã¨∂K«##∞ ѨiQÆ}˜OK«∞
Consider the expense ................................................. Y~°∞Û#∞ ѨiQÆ}˜OK«∞
Consider the feelings of other people ........... W`«~°∞Å ÉèÏ"åÅ#∞ ѨiQÆ}˜OK«∞
Consider yourself lucky ......................................... h^Õ J^Œ$+ì̈OQÍ ÉèÏqOK«∞
Console her ....................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ F^•~°∞Û
Construct a sentence ................................................ XHõ "åHͺxfl xi‡OK«∞
Consult a doctor if you feel sick ........ h‰õΩ [|∞ƒQÍ LO>Ë _®Hõìifl ã¨O„ѨkOK«∞
Consult the dictionary for that word ........... P Ѩ^ŒO HÀã¨O xѶ¨∞O@∞=Ù K«∂_»∞
Contact with the enemy ......................... â◊„`«∞=Ù`À ã¨O|O^èŒO Hõey Ü«ÚO_»∞
Contest against him ..................................... J`«xH˜ =ºuˆ~HõOQÍ áÈ\© KÕ~Ú
Continue your work ...................................................... h Ѩx H˘#™êyOK«∞
Controle yourself ................................................................ ǨÏ^Œ∞ÌÖ’ LO_»∞
Convert rupees into dollars ......................... ~°∂áêÜ«∞Å#∞ _®Å~°¡Ö’H˜ =∂~°∞Û
Convert the front room into a shop ............ =ÚO^Œ∞ QÆkx ^Œ∞HÍ}OQÍ =∂~°∞Û
Convince her .................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ XÑ≤ÊOK«∞
Cook this fish well ................................................. D KÕÑÅ ¨ #∞ ÉÏQÍ =O_»∞
Cool the gasket by plunging it into water . h\˜Ö’ =ÚOK«@O ^•fi~å QÍÃã¯\òx
Cooperate with me ......................................................... <å`À ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«∞
Copy out the notes ............................. <À@∞û#∞ Ü«∞^è•`«^èŒOQÍ (K«∂z) „"å~Ú
Correct the answer ....................................................... ["å|∞#∞ ã¨iKÕ~Ú
Correct their pronunciation .................................. "åi LKåÛù~°}#∞ ã¨iKÕ~Ú
Count 20 then open your eyes ................ 20 ÖˇH˜¯Oz# `«~åfi`« Hõà◊√§ `≥~°∞=Ù
Count how many apples are in this box .......... ÃÑ>ì̌Ö’ Zxfl UÑ≤Öòû L<åflÜ≥∂
Count the money ................................................................ _»|∞ƒ ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞
Count these flowers .................................................. D ѨÙ=ÙfiÅ#∞ ÖˇH˜¯OK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 114
Cover the table with a cloth ...................................... >Ë|∞Öò#∞ QÆ∞_»¤`À HõѨC
Cover your knees ...................................................... h =∞_»=∞Å#∞ HõѨCHÀ
Cram papers into your bag .............................. h ã¨OzÖ’ HÍy`åÅ#∞ ‰õÄ~°∞
Credit my account with Rs. 150/- ........ 150 ~°∂IIÅ∞ <å MÏ`å‰õΩ [=∞ KÕ~Ú
Credit this amount in my account ............ <å MÏ`åÖ’ D _»|∞ƒ#∞ [=∞KÕ~Ú
Cross the other side of the canal ............... HÍÅ∞= J=`«e "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ ^•@∞=Ú
Cross the road here ..................................................... WHõ¯_» ~À_»∞¤#∞ ^•@∞
Crush this fruit .............................................................. D ѨO_»∞#∞ Ñ≤O_»∞
Cry aloud ............................................................................. ÃÑ^ŒÌQÍ J~°∞=Ù
Cultivate your mind. ............................................. h =∞#ã¨∞û#∞ â◊√kÌ KÕã¨∞HÀ
Cure my illness as early as possible .. <å [|∞ƒ#∞ gÖˇ·#O`« `«fi~°QÍ `«yæOK«∞
Curl this paper .............................................................. D HÍy`åxfl K«∞@∞ì
Curse the waiter ........................................................... "≥~Ú@~ü#∞ J~°∞=Ù
Cut a bit off it ..................................................... nx #∞O_ç XHõ =ÚHõ¯ HÀ~Ú
Cut a slice of bread for me ............................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ ~˘>ì̌=ÚHõ¯#∞ HÀ~Ú
Cut her finger ................................................................ P"≥∞ "ÕÅ∞#∞ HÀ~Ú
Cut it in half ................................................................. nxx ã¨QÆOQÍ HÀ~Ú
Cut it into six equal pieces .................... nxx P~°∞ ã¨=∂# =ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍ HÀ~Ú
Cut it into six seperate parts ....................... nxx P~°∞ q_çÉèÏQÍÅ∞QÍ HÀ~Ú
Cut it with the scissors ................................................ nxx Hõ`≥Î~°`À HÀ~Ú
Cut the paper with a sharp knife ................. Ѩ^Œ∞<≥·# Kå‰õΩ`À HÍy`åxfl HÀ~Ú
Cut up the vegetables very fine .................... D ‰õÄ~°QÍÜ«∞efl ã¨#flQÍ `«~°∞QÆ∞
Dance with me ............................................................. <å`À <å@ºO KÕ~Ú
Date your cheque and sign it ....................... K≥H± ÃÑ· `Õn "Õã≤ ã¨O`«HõO KÕ~Ú
Date your letters to me in future .. Éèíq+¨º`üÖ’ <å H˘~°‰õΩ L`«Î~åÅÃÑ· `Õn "Õ~Ú
Daub the wall with paint ..................................... QÀ_»#∞ ÃÑ~ÚO\ò`À ѨÓ~Ú
Debar him .................................................................... J`«_çx _çÉÏ~ü KÕ~Ú
Decide the date ........................................................... `åsY∞ xâ◊Û~ÚOK«∞
Declare the result ........................................................ Ѷ¨e`åxfl „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞
Declare this meeting closed ......................... D ã¨Éèí =Úyã≤O^Œx „ѨHõ\ ˜OK«∞
Decline the invitation ............................................... PǨfi<åxfl u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞
Decorate it with flowers ..................................... nxx ѨÓÅ`À JÅOHõiOK«∞
Decorate the street with flags ....................... gkèx *ˇO_®Å`À JÅOHõiOK«∞
Decrease the value ......................................................... qÅ∞=#∞ `«yæOK«∞
Dedicate your life to the country ....... ^Õâ◊O HÀã¨O h rq`åxfl JOH˜`«O KÕ~Ú
115 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Defeat him ......................................................................... J`«_çx F_çOK«∞
Define my duties ..................................................... <å q^èŒ∞Å#∞ q=iOK«∞
Delay some time .................................................. H˘O`«¿ãѨ٠PÅ㨺O KÕ~Ú
Delete the articles from the sentence .... "åHõºO #∞O_ç PiìHõÖòû#∞ `˘ÅyOK«∞
Deliver these wedding - cards today .................. D ~ÀA â◊√ÉèÖ í YË efl ѨOK«∞
Deliver this letter to him. not to me .... D L`«Î~åxfl J`«xH˜ KÕ~°∞Û, <å‰õΩ HÍ^Œ∞
Demand ten rupees ............................................... Ѩk ~°∂áêÜ«∞Å∞ J_»∞QÆ∞
Depend on your parents ................................ h `«e¡^ŒO„_»∞ÅÃÑ· P^è•~°Ñ¨Ñ¨_»∞
Deposit some money in our bank ........ =∂ ÉϺO‰õΩÖ’ H˘O`« _»|∞ƒ "ÕÜ«∞O_ç
Descend the stairs .................................................................. "≥∞@∞¡ kQÆ∞
Describe it for me ................................................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ ^•xx =i‚OK«∞
Describe the beauty of that pea-cock ..... P <≥=∞e Ü≥ÚHõ¯ JO^•xfl =i‚OK«∞
Describe the beauty of the scene .......... D ^Œ$â◊ºO Ü≥ÚHõ¯ JO^•xfl =i‚OK«∞
Describe what you saw ..................................... h=Ù K«∂ã≤# ^•xx =i‚OK«∞
Desert her ..................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ =ke"Õ~Ú
Destroy after reading ...................................... K«kq# `«~åfi`« <åâ◊#O KÕ~Ú
Destroy that bottle, it may not be useful ........... P ã‘™êx <åâ◊#O KÕ~Ú Jk
LѨÜ≥∂QÆѨ_»Hõ áÈ=K«∞Û
Detach a link from the chain ............... Q˘Å∞ã¨∞ #∞O_ç XHõ eO‰õΩ#∞ "Õ~°∞KÕ~Ú
Detect an escape of gas from the tube ....... \Ϻ|∞ #∞O_ç Qͺã¨∞ áÈ`«∞O^Õ"≥∂
Detect the leak ................................................................. b‰õΩ#∞ Hõ#∞Q˘#∞
Detect the word in your dectionary .................. h _çHõΔ#sÖ’ D Ѩ^ŒO K«∂_»∞
Determine a date for the meeting ............... g∞\˜OQ∑‰õΩ XHõ `Õnx x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Determine the meaning of the word ........ D Ѩ^ŒO Ü≥ÚHõ¯ J~åúxfl x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Determine to solve it .................................. ^•xx ™êkèOK«\ÏxH˜ xâ◊Û~ÚOK«∞
Determine the weight of the ring by an electronic balance . iOQÆ∞ |~°∞=Ù#∞
ZÅ„HÍìxH± „`åã¨∞`À x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Develop a plant from this seed .... D q`«Î#=Ú #∞O_ç XHõ "≥ÚHõ¯#∞ =$kú KÕ~Ú
Dail 70685 .......................................................... 70685 #‰õΩ _»Ü«∞Öò KÕ~Ú
Dictate the letter to your secretary, not to me ...... Öˇ@ifl h Ãã„Hõ@sH˜ _ç̂Hì\ò
KÕ~Ú, <å‰õΩ HÍ^Œ∞
Dictate this matter to your secretary ......... D "Õ∞@~üh Ãã„Hõ@sH˜ _ç̂Hì\ò KÕ~Ú
Dig a hole here .................................................... WHõ¯_» XHõ ÉÁiÜ«∞ „`«=Ùfi
Digest the lesson .............................................. áê~îåxfl ÉÏQÍ J~°úO KÕã¨∞HÀ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 116
Dilute it with distilled water ..................... nxx _çã≤ìÖò¤ "å@~ü`À ã¨[ÅO KÕ~Ú
Dip it in water ............................................................ nxx h\˜Ö’ =ÚOK«∞
Dip the clothes in the solution completely .......... „^•=}OÖ’ |@ìefl ѨÓiÎQÍ
Dip your brush into water ..................................... h „|+π#∞ h\˜Ö’ =ÚOK«∞
Direct her to the right place .................... P"≥∞‰õΩ ã¨iÜ≥ÿ∞# „Ѩ^Õâ◊=Ú#∞ K«∂ѨÙ
Direct me to the post-office .................................... áÈ™êìѶ‘ã¨∞‰õΩ ^•i K«∂ѨÙ
Discharge him from the hospital ........... J`«_çx Ǩã¨Ê@Öò #∞O_ç _çâßÛi˚ KÕ~Ú
Disclose the secret ......................................................... ~°Ç¨Ï™êºxfl ^•K«∞
Disconnect the T. V. set before you repair it .......... i¿Ñ~ü KÕ¿ã =ÚO^Œ∞ \˜q
Ãã\ò#∞ _ç㨯<≥\ò KÕ~Ú
Discourage him from climbing the mountain without a guide . ÔQ·_£ ÖˉõΩO_®
J`«_çx H˘O_» ZHõ¯hÜ«∞‰õΩ
Discourage him from spraying Malathion without a mask .. =∂ã¨∞¯ ÖˉõΩO_®
J`«_çx =∞ÖÏuÜ«∂<£ K«Å¡hÜ«∞‰õΩ
Discourage smoking in the bus ........................... |ã¨∞ûÖ’ á⁄QÆ „`åQÆhÜ«∞‰õΩ
Discuss it ........................................................................... nxx K«iÛOK«∞
Discuss the problem with him .......................... ã¨=∞㨺#∞ J`«_ç`À K«iÛOK«∞
Discuss with him how to do it .................... ZÖÏ KÕÜ∂ « Ö’ J`«x`À K«iÛOK«∞
Disgrace his family name ......................... J`«x ‰õΩ@∞O| „Ѩu+ì̈#∞ K≥_»Q˘@∞ì
Dismiss all thoughts of revenge ................ „ѨfHÍ~° PÖ’K«#ÅxflO\˜h =∂#∞
Dismiss har from the job ......................... P"≥∞#∞ L^ÀºQÆO #∞O_ç `˘ÅyOK«∞
Dismount him from the bicycle ..................... J`«_çx Ãã·H˜Öò #∞O_ç Ѩ_»„`À~Ú
Dispatch telegrams first ........................ =ÚO^Œ∞ >ˇe„QÍ=ÚÅ∞ |\Ïfi_® KÕ~Ú
Disperse the crowd immediately ..................... "≥O@<Õ QÆ∞OѨÙ#∞ K≥^Œ~°Q˘@∞ì
Disperse the seeds ............................................................ q`«Î<åÅ∞ K«Å∞¡
Disperse the tablets in a teaspoonful of water before administration
................................ LѨÜ≥∂yOKÕ =ÚO^Œ∞ aà◊§#∞ \©˜ã¨∂Ê#∞ h\˜Ö’ Hõ~°yOK«∞
Display my books in the racks ................... ~åºH±Ö’ <å ѨÙãÎ̈HÍefl „Ѩ^Œi≈OK«∞
Display the charts on the wall ........................ QÀ_»g∞^Œ Kå~°ì~°¡#∞ „Ѩ^Œi≈OK«∞
Dispose of your lands first .......................... =ÚO^Œ∞ h Éèí∂=Úefl Jq∞‡"Õ~Ú
Dissect the frog ....................................................... HõѨÊ#∞ qKÕÛù^Œ# KÕ~Ú
Dissolve salt in water ............................................ h\˜Ö’ LѨC#∞ HõiyOK«∞
Distinguish the hare from rabbit ............... ~åa\ò #∞O_ç ‰õΩO^ÕÅ∞#∞ QÆ∞iÎOK«∞
117 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Distract her mind from the sorrow caused by her child death ...... `«# a_»¤
=∞~°}O =Å¡ Hõey# ^Œ∞:MÏ#∞flO_ç P"≥∞ =∞#ã¨∞û =∞o§OK«∞
Distribute the cards to houses all over the village ........... HÍ~°∞¤Å#∞ Tà’§x
Wà◊§‰õΩ Ñ¨OK«∞
Distribute the fruits among the students ............. q^•º~°∞÷ʼnõΩ Ñ¨O_»∞¡ ѨOK«∞
Distribute the menure over the field .................. á⁄ÅO JO`«\Ï Z~°∞=Ù K«Å∞¡
Disturb the baby ............................................................... a_»¤#∞ HõkeOK«∞
Disturb the documents on his desk .. J`«x _≥ãπ¯ÃÑ· #∞#fl Ѩ„`åÅ#∞ HõkeOK«∞
Divert water from the left canal into the fields ................ Z_»=∞ HÍÅfi #∞O_ç
á⁄ÖÏÅÖ’xH˜ h\˜x =∞~°eOK«∞
Divide it for us .............................................................. ^•xx =∂‰õΩ Ñ¨OK«∞
Divide 235 by 5 ........................................................ 235 x 5 KÕ ÉèÏyOK«∞
Divide the bread between him and her ..... ~˘>ì̌#∞ J`«x, P"≥∞Å =∞^茺 ѨOK«∞
Devide the cake into small pieces ............ ˆH‰õΩ#∞ z#fl =ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍ qÉèílOK«∞
Divide the chocolate amongst you ................ KåÔH¡\òx g∞ =∞^茺 ѨOK«∞HÀO_ç
Divide the profit ................................................................... ÖÏÉèÏxfl ѨOK«∞
Divide this money between them ................................. ^•xx =∂‰õΩ Ñ¨OK«∞
Divorce your wife ...................................................... h ÉèÏ~°º‰õΩ q_®‰õΩe=Ùfi
Draw a curtain across the door ................... `«Å∞Ѩ٠g∞^Œ `≥~°#∞ „"ÕÖÏ_»n~Ú
Draw a donkey on the wall ................................... QÀ_» g∞^Œ QÍ_ç^Œ#∞ w~Ú
Draw a picture for her ...................................... P"≥∞ H˘~°‰õΩ XHõ ÉÁ=∞‡ w~Ú
Draw a square with the line ‘x. y’ as its base ................. ‘x. y’ P^è•~°OQÍ
K«^Œ~°O w~Ú
Draw a straight line .................................................... XHõ ã¨~°à◊ˆ~Y#∞ w~Ú
Draw some water from the well ..................... ÉÏq #∞O_ç H˘O`« h\˜x `À_»∞
Draw this amount from your account ... D "≥Ú`åÎxfl h MÏ`å #∞O_ç „_® KÕ~Ú
Dress the baby ............................................................. a_»¤‰õΩ |@ìÅ∞ "Õ~Ú
Drink it .................................................................................... nxx „`åQÆ∞
Drink some hot milk now .............................. WѨÙ_»∞ H˘OK≥O "Õ_çáêÅ∞ „`åQÆ∞
Drink some water ........................................................... H˘OK≥ h~°∞ „`åQÆ∞
Drink the whole of it .......................................................... nx#O`å „`åQÆ∞
Drink this milk ................................................................... D áêÅ∞ „`åQÆ∞
Drink up your tea before it gets cold ............ K«ÖÏ¡~°Hõ =ÚO^Õ h\˜x „`åˆQÜü∞
Drink water afterwards ................................................... `«~åfi`« h~°∞ „`åQÆ∞
Drink your tea .......................................................................... h \© „`åQÆ∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 118
Drive me to the station ...................................... ¿ãì+¨<£‰õΩ ##∞fl ZH˜¯OK«∞ÔHà◊√§
Drive slowly .................................................................... x^•#OQÍ #_»∞ѨÙ
Drive the car with caution ......................................... *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ HÍ~°∞ #_»∞ѨÙ
Drop him a letter ................................................... J`«xH˜ XHõ L`«Î~°O "Õ~Ú
Drop me at the post-office corner ............. áÈ™êìѶ‘ã¨∞ =¸Å =^ŒÌ ##∞fl kOѨÙ
Drop physics this year ......................... D ã¨O=`«û~°O Ѷ≤lH±û ѨsHõΔ =kÖËÜü∞
Drop these into some water .................... g\˜x H˘O`« h\˜Ö’xH˜ *Ï~°q_»∞=Ù
Dry your hair ................................................................ h A@∞ì#∞ P~°Éˇ@∞ì
Dry your hands on this towel . .................. D `«∞"åfiÅ`À h KÕ`«∞Å∞ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ
Duplicate this key for me . ...... <å H˘~°‰õΩ D `åà◊OK≥q _»∂Ñ≤¡ˆH\ò `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕ~Ú
Dust all the books on the bottom shelf . J_»∞QÆ∞ J~°Ö’ ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ ^Œ∞=Ú‡ ^Œ∞Å∞ѨÙ
Eat a little you feel better . ..................................... H˘kÌQÍ u#∞ ÉÏQÍ LO@∞Ok
Eat it raw . ............................................................................................ =Ú_çQÍ<Õ u#∞
Eat leafy vegetables for good eyesight . ............................. =∞Oz HõO\˜ K«∂ѨÙ
HÀã¨O P‰õΩ‰õÄ~°Å∞ u#∞
Eat properly . ............................................................................................ ã¨iQÍ u#∞
Eat some sweets . ................................................................. =∞iH˘xfl ã‘fi@∞û u#∞
Eat this fruit before it spoils . ............................ K≥_çáÈHõ =ÚO^Õ D ѨO_»∞ u#∞
Eat very little supper . ............................................ KåÖÏ `«‰Ωõ ¯=QÍ Éè’[#O KÕ~Ú
Educate your daughter for your family's welfare . ....... g∞ ‰õΩ@∞O| ã¨OˆHΔ=∞O
HÀã¨O g∞ ‰õΩ=∂Ô~Î#∞ K«kqOK«∞
Educate your son properly . ................................. h H˘_»∞‰õΩ#∞ ã¨iQÍ K«kqOK«∞
Efface unpleasent memories of the past . áê`« KÕ^Œ∞ *Ï˝Ñ¨HÍÅ#∞ `«∞_çKÕã¨∞HÀ
Eject the cassettee from the tape-recorder . .... >ËÑπiHÍ~°¤~°∞ #∞O_ç HͺÃã\ò#∞
Elect him the chairman . ................................................. J`«xx Kè≥·~°‡<£QÍ Z#∞flHÀ
Elecvate the voice . ........................................................................... ã¨fi~åxfl ÃÑOK«∞
Elicit the truth . .................................................................................. x*Ïxfl ~å|@∞ì
Embrace the baby . ................................................................... a_»¤#∞ H“yeOK«∞HÀ
Empty the box . ................................................................................ ÃÑ>ì̌ MÏm KÕ~Ú
Encourage him in studies . ................................. K«^Œ∞=ÙÖ’ J`«xx „áÈ`«ûÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Encourage him to study . .................................. K«^Œ=\ÏxH˜ J`«_çx „áÈ`«ûÇ≤ÏOK«∞
End your letter with good wishes her . ..... h L`«Î~åxfl P"≥∞‰õΩ â◊√ÉèÏHÍOHõΔÅ`À
End your speech . ....................................................................... h „Ѩã¨OQÍxfl PѨÙ
119 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Enjoy your holiday . .......................................... h ÃãÅ=Ù ~ÀA#∞ Ǩ~ÚQÍ QÆ_»∞ѨÙ
Enlighten me on this subject . ..................... D ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÃÑ· ##∞fl „Ѩg}∞}˜‚ KÕÜ«Ú
Ensure that gasket fits in the groove properly . ............ QÍÃã¯\ò QÍ_çÖ’ ã¨iQÍ
J=∞~°∞#@∞¡ ~°∂_èç KÕã¨∞HÀ
Entertain in the chief guest . ................................ =ÚYº JukèH˜ HÍňHΔѨO W=Ùfi
Entertain her with some tricks . ............... H˘xfl „\˜H±û`À P"≥∞#∞ P#O^ŒÑ¨~°∞K«∞
Erase this pencil mark . ............................................. D ÃÑxûÖò QÆ∞~°∞Î#∞ `«∞_»∞=Ù
Escape from the prison . ......................................................... *ˇ·Å∞ #∞O_ç áêiáÈ
Estimate the value of the house . ...................... WO\˜ qÅ∞=#∞ JOK«<å "Õ~Ú
Exchange a table for a clock . . QÆ_çÜ«∂~åxH˜ |^Œ∞Å∞ >Ë|∞Öò#∞ =∂~°HõO KÕ~Ú
Excuse me for being late . ....................... PÅ㨺O J~Ú#O^Œ∞‰õΩ ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞
Excuse my bad hand writing . ........................... <å áê_»∞ KÕu„"å`«#∞ =∞xflOK«∞
Expel him from the class . ................................... HÍ¡ã¨∞ #∞O_ç J`«xx "≥à◊§Q˘@∞ì
Explain it to her . ................................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ nxx q=iOK«∞
Explain it to them that I regret it . <Õ#∞ ^•xH˜ zOuã¨∞Î<åfl#x "åiH˜ q=iOK«∞
Explain the meaning of the word ''raksih'' . ˆ~H˜+π J#∞ Ѩ^•xH˜ J~°úO q=iOK«∞
Explain this problem to me . ...................... D ã¨=∞㨺 (ÖˇHõ¯)#∞ <å‰õΩ q=iOK«∞
Explain to me what this means . .................... nx J~°÷"Õ∞q∞\’ <å‰õΩ q=iOK«∞
Explain what this word means . ...................... D Ѩ^ŒO J~°÷"Õ∞q∞\’ q=iOK«∞
Extract some juice from this leaf . ............ D P‰õΩ #∞O_ç H˘O`« ~°™êxfl f~Ú
Extract the cork from this bottle . ....................... D ã‘™ê #∞O_ç HÍ~°∞¯#∞ f~Ú
Face me . ............................................................................................... ##∞fl Z^Œ∞~À¯
Fasten these sheets of paper together with a clip . ........ H˜¡Ñπ KÕÜ«∞|_ç# D
HÍy`åÅ#∞ ‰õΩ@∞ì
Feed him . ................................................. J`«_çx áÈ+≤OK«∞, J`«_çH˜ PǨ~°O ÃÑ@∞ì
Feed the baby . ........................................................................ a_»¤‰õΩ PǨ~°O ÃÑ@∞ì
Feed the cow . ................................................ P=Ù#∞ áÈ+≤OK«∞, P=Ù‰õΩ "Õ∞`« "Õ~Ú
Fetch a doctor immediately . ............................ "≥O@<Õ XHõ _®Hõì~°∞#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Fatch me a drink . .......................................................... <å‰õΩ XHõ „_çO‰õΩ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Fetch my son from school . ................ ã¨∂¯Å∞ #∞O_ç =∂ JÉσ~Úx `À_˘¯x~å
Fatch the police .......................................................... áÈbã¨∞efl fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Fetch against corruption . ................................... JqhuH˜ Z^Œ∞~°∞ uiy áÈ~å_»∞
Fight for me . ................................................................................... <å HÀã¨O áÈ~å_»∞
File this letter . .................................................................... D L`«Î~åxfl ÃѶ·Å∞ KÕ~Ú
Fill in all the blank on this form . ..... D á¶ê~°O ÃÑ· QÆÅ Jxfl MÏmÅ#∞ ѨÓiOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 120
Fill in this application form at once . . "≥O@<Õ D ^Œ~°MÏã¨∞Î á¶ê~åxfl ѨÓiÎKÕ~Ú
Fill in your name on the dotted line . ............... K«∞Hõ¯Å w`«g∞^Œ h ¿Ñ~°∞ „"å~Ú
Fill in your name on this cheque . .......................... D K≥‰õΩ¯ ÃÑ· h ¿Ñ~°∞ „"å~Ú
Fill it with sugar . .............................................................. nxx ѨOK«^•~°`À xOѨÙ
Fill the tank with diesel . ......................................... D \ϺO‰õΩ#∞ _ôlÖò`À xOѨÙ
Fill this bucket with water (for him) . D |ÔH¯\ò#∞ (J`«x H˘~°‰õΩ) h\˜`À xOѨÙ
Fill up the form . ........................................................................... á¶ê~åxfl ѨÓiÎKÕ~Ú
Find a solution to the problem . ............................. ã¨=∞㨺‰õΩ Ñ¨iëê¯~°O Hõ#∞HÀ¯
Find alway out . ........................................................ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥àı§ =∂~°æO Hõ#∞HÀ¯
Find my cow . ............................................................................ <å P=Ù#∞ Hõ#∞Q˘#∞
Find out how much time you have per question . .......... „Ѩu „Ѩâ◊fl‰õΩ ZO`«
ã¨=∞Ü«∞O L#fl^À Hõ#∞Q˘#∞
Find out what time they are coming . "å~°∞ U ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ =ã¨∞Î<åfl~À Hõ#∞HÀ¯
Find out who they are . ................................................................. "åÔ~=~À Hõ#∞HÀ¯
Find the way back . ....................................................... "≥#H˜¯ "≥àı§ =∂~°æO Hõ#∞HÀ¯
Finish reading that book . ..................................... P ѨÙãÎ̈HõO K«^Œ=_»O =ÚyOK«∞
Finish the exercise . ........................................................... ZHõû~üÃã·*ò#∞ =ÚyOK«∞
Finish your lunch . ................................................................ h Éè’[<åxfl =ÚyOK«∞
Fire at the target ................................................. ÅHõΔ ºO "≥·Ñ¨Ù `«∞áêH˜ HÍÅ∞Û
Fit filters if necessory . ............................................ J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ`Õ Ñ¶≤Åì~üûx J=∞~°∞Û
Fix a fair price . ............................................................. ã¨iÜ≥ÿ∞# ^èŒ~°#∞ x~°‚~ÚOK«∞
Fix a post here . .................................................................. WHõ¯_» XHõ ãÎ̈OÉèíO áê`«∞
Fix the shelf to the wall . ...................................... QÀ_»‰õΩ XHõ JÖχ~å#∞ ayOK«∞
Float it on water . ........................................................ nxx h\˜ÃÑ· `ÕÅ∞#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Fly high . ............................................................................................... Z`«∞ÎQÍ ZQÆ∞~°∞
Fold that paper before putting it in an envelope ................... ã¨Oz Hõ=~°∞Ö’
ÃÑ>Ëì=ÚO^Œ∞ P Hõ=~°∞#∞ =∞_»∞ѨÙ
Fold the sheets in this manner . .............................. D Ѩ^ŒúuÖ’ +‘@∞û =∞_»∞=Ù
Fold this chair . ............................................................................... D ‰õΩsÛ =∞_»∞=Ù
Fold up the news paper . .................................................... k#Ѩ„uHõ#∞ =∞_çK~ ÕÚ
Follow me . ........................................................... ##∞fl J#∞ã¨iOK«∞, <å "≥O|_ç ~å
Follow me every where . ..................... <Õ#∞ "≥àı§ Jxfl KÀ@¡‰õΩ ##∞fl J#∞ã¨iOK«∞
Follow my argument . ....................................................... <å "å^Œ# J~°÷O KÕã¨∞HÀ
Follow the fashion . .................................................................. á¶êº+¨<£ J#∞ã¨iOK«∞
Follow the law . ......................................................................... K«\Ïìxfl J#∞ã¨iOK«∞
121 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Follow this road until you get to the park then turn right ...................... .
áê~°∞¯ =KÕÛ =~°‰õΩ D ~À_»∞¤# "≥o§ `«~åfi`« ‰õΩ_ç"≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ u~°∞QÆ∞
Follow what I said . ................................................................ <Õ#∞ K≥Ñ≤Ê#@∞¡ #_»∞=Ù
Force yourself to drink it . .......................................... ^•xx |Å=O`«OQÍ „`åQÆ∞
Forget about the phone call . .................................... á¶È<£HÍÖò QÆ∞iOz =∞izáÈ
Forget about your anger . ...................................................... h HÀáêxfl =kÖËÜ∞ü
Forget her . ........................................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ =∞iÛáÈ
Forget the past . ............................................................................... QÆ`åxfl =∞iÛáÈ
Forgive his rudeness . ............................................ J`«x ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞`«<åxfl HõΔq∞OK«∞
Forgive me for forgetting your birthday ................................................. .
h ѨÙ\ì̃# ~ÀA#∞ =∞~°záÈ~Ú#O^Œ∞‰õΩ ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞
Forgive me if I hurt you . ................................... x#∞fl ÉÏ^èŒ ÃÑ_ç`Õ ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞
Form a queue and get in one by one ......................................................
=~°∞ã¨QÍ U~°Ê_ç XHõi `«~åfi`« XHõ~°∞ Ö’xH˜ ~°O_ç
Form a sentence . ................................................................ XHõ "åHͺxfl xi‡OK«∞
Form a good habits . ................................................ =∞Oz JÅ"å@∞¡ JÅ=~°∞ÛHÀ
Form into line . .................................................................................. =~°∞㨠U~°Ê~°K«∞
Form the feminine gender of the noun by adding - ess . ....... <å=∞"åK«Hõ=Ú
Ü≥ÚHõ¯ „ã‘Î eOQÍxfl - ess x KÕiÛ U~°Ê~°∞K«∞
Forsake your bad habits . ............................................ h K≥_»¤ JÅ"å@∞¡ =∂#∞HÀ
Foster a desire for revenge. .......................... ѨQÆ n~°∞ÛH˘#∞@‰õΩ HÀiHõ ÃÑOK«∞HÀ
Gargle after taking meals . .................................. J#flO u#fl `«~åfi`« ѨÙH˜¯eOK«∞
Gather some fruits for me . .............................. <å HÀã¨O H˘xfl ѨO_»∞¡ U~°∞‰õΩ~å
Get a bit closer . ................................................................. H˘OK≥O ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ [~°∞QÆ∞
Get away from here . ............................................................... WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç "≥o§áÈ
Get back (the file first) . .................................. (=ÚO^Œ∞ PÃѶ·Å∞) "≥#H˜¯ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Get down every word I say . ................................ <Õ#∞ K≥¿ÑÊ „Ѩu =∂@ „"åã¨∞HÀ
Get here before 4 '0 clock . .............. <åÅ∞QÆ∞ QÆO@ʼnõΩ =ÚO^Õ WHõ¯_»‰õΩ KÕ~°∞HÀ
Get home before dark . ........................................ pHõ\ ˜ Ѩ_»Hõ=ÚO^Õ WO\˜H˜ KÕ~°∞
Get in . .......................................................................................................... Ö’xH˜ ~å
Get inside . ................................................................................................... Ö’xH˜ ~å
Get lost . ....................................................................................................... `˘Åy áÈ
Get married and settle down . ......................................... ÃÑo§ KÕã¨∞H˘x ã≤÷~°Ñ¨_»∞
Get me a ticket . ......................................................... <å‰õΩ XHõ \ỖH\ò ã¨OáêkOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 122
Get me some information about him . ....... "å_çx QÆ∞iOz H˘O`« ã¨=∂Kå~°O
`≥Å∞ã¨∞H˘x <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Get me something to eat . ................................ u#_®xH˜ <å‰õΩ U^≥·<å fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Get off at the hospital . .......................................................... Ǩã¨Ê@Öò =^ŒÌ kyáÈ
Get one ticket for me . ....................................... <å HÀã¨O XHõ \ỖH\ò ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Get out of here . ........................................................................ WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç "≥o§áÈ
Get out of my way . .......................................................... <å ^•i #∞O_ç `˘ÅyáÈ
Get permission . ............................................................................. J#∞=∞u á⁄O^Œ∞
Get ready first . .......................................................................... =ÚO^Œ∞ `«Ü«∂~°=Ùfi
Get ready quickly . ...................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ `«Ü«∂~°=Ùfi
Get some sleep now . ........................ WѨC_»∞ H˘OK≥O x„^ŒáÈ, XHõ ‰õΩ#∞‰õΩ f~Ú
Get some water . .................................................................. H˘OK≥O h~°∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Get the children to read sentences after you . ..... h `«~åfi`« Ñ≤Å¡efl "åHͺÅ∞
K«^Œ∞=Ù#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Get the children to repeat the answers . ............. Ñ≤ÅÅ ¡ ∞ ã¨=∂^è•<åÅ#∞ uiy
ѨÅ∞‰õΩ#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Get them to write down the answers . .... "åix ["å|∞Å∞ „"åÜ«Ú#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Get tickers for either morning show or matinee show . ....... L^ΆǰO P@䛽
QÍx, =∞^蕺ǨÏflO P@‰õΩ QÍx \ỖH\òû ã¨OáêkOK«∞
Get work . .......................................................................................... ѨxH˜ `«Ü«∂~°=Ùfi
Get up and have it . ............................................................................. ÖËz Wk u#∞
Get up early in the morning . ........................ L^ŒÜ«∞O ÃÑO^ŒÅHõ_»<Õ x„^Œ Öˇ=Ú‡
Get your breakfast . ......................................................................... „ÉËH±á¶êãπì fã¨∞HÀ
Get your friend to do it . ....................................... nxx h ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞xKÕ KÕ~ÚOK«∞
Get your haircut . .......................................................................... „HÍѨ٠KÕ~ÚOK«∞HÀ
Give a pencil to the boy and a book to the girl . ....... JÉσ~ÚH˜ XHõ ÃÑxûÅ∞,
J=∂‡~ÚH˜ XHõ ѨÙãÎ̈HõO W=Ùfi
Give each pupil a piece of bread . ............. „Ѩu Ñ≤Å¡"åxH˜ XHõ ~˘>ì̌=Ú‰õ¯ W=Ùfi
Give her some advice . ............................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ ã¨ÅǨ W=Ùfi
Get four tablets of Anacin . ................................... <åÅ∞QÆ∞ J<åã≤<£ aà◊§Å∞ W=Ùfi
Give her this letter . ............................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ D Öˇ@~°∞ W=Ùfi
Give him a handful of it . ..................................... J`«xH˜, Jk XHõ QÆ∞ÃÑÊ_»∞ W=Ùfi
Give him it . ................................................................................... nxx J`«xH˜ W=Ùfi
Give him full protection . ................................................. J`«xH˜ ѨÓiÎ ~°HõΔ} x=Ùfi
Give it a wash . .......................................... nxH˜ ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú. nxx â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
123 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Give him your book . .......................................................... J`«xH˜ h ѨÙãÎ̈HõO W=Ùfi
Give it back . ................................................................................. nxx "≥#H˜¯ ѨOѨÙ
Give it to me . ................................................................................. ^•xx <å‰õΩ W=Ùfi
Give it to my uncle . ...................................................... ^•xx =∂ JO‰õΩÖòH˜ W=Ùfi
Give it to somebody else,not me . ................ nxx Z=iÔH·<å W=Ùfi <å‰õΩ HÍ^Œ∞
Give it to the other man . ...................................................... nxx "Õ~˘HõxH˜ W=Ùfi
Give me a broad idea of your plans . ............... h áê¡<£û Ü≥ÚHõ¯ =ӺǨxfl W=Ùfi
Give me a light . ............................................................................ XHõ JyæѨÙÅ¡ W=Ùfi
Give me little more bread . ...................................... <å‰õΩ =∞iH˘OK≥O ~˘>ì̌ W=Ùfi
Give me a towel . .................................................................. <å‰õΩ XHõ @=Å∞ W=Ùfi
Give me all you had . ................................................................. h‰õΩ#fl^ŒO`å W=Ùfi
Give me back my pen . .......................................................... <å HõÅO uiy W=Ùfi
Give me change for a ten rupee note . ... Ѩk ~°∂áêÜ«∞Å <À@∞‰õΩ zÅ¡~° W=Ùfi
Give me change for 50 piece . ................................. Ü«∂Éè̌· ÃÑ·ã¨Å‰õΩ zÅ¡~° W=Ùfi
Give me one more biscuit . .......................................... <å‰õΩ WOH˘Hõ aÃã¯\ò W=Ùfi
Give me shelter . ....................................................................... <å‰õΩ P„â◊Ü«∞O W=Ùfi
Give me some buttermilk . .......................................... <å‰õΩ H˘OK≥O =∞l˚QÆ W=Ùfi
Give me some curry . ......................................................... <å‰õΩ H˘O`« ‰õÄ~° ÃÑ@∞ì
Give me something to eat . ................................................ u#_®xH˜ U^≥< · å W=Ùfi
Give me the bags while you open the door . ........... h=Ù `«Å∞Ѩ٠f¿ã@ѨC_»∞
. ............................................................................................................ ã¨OK«∞efl <åH˜=Ùfi
Give me the balance . ............................................. <å‰õΩ q∞ye# ™⁄=Ú‡#∞ W=Ùfi
Give me the bill . .............................................................................. <å‰õΩ aÅ∞¡ W=Ùfi
Give are the towel . ................................................................. <å‰õΩ P @=Å∞ W=Ùfi
Give me that . ...................................................................................... ^•xx <åH˜=Ùfi
Give me too . ................................................................................... <å‰õΩ ‰õÄ_® W=Ùfi
Give me what books you have on the subject . .......... P ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩìÃÑ· h ^ŒQÆæ~° U
ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÖˇ·`Õ L<åflÜ≥∂ "å\˜x <åH˜=Ùfi
Give me your atlas . .................................................................... h J\Ï¡ã¨∞ <åH˜=Ùfi
Give money to either Mary or Lucy . ...... "Õ∞sH˜ QÍx, Å∂ã‘H˜ QÍx _»|∞ƒ W=Ùfi
Give one to me . .............................................................................. <å‰õΩ XHõ\ ˜ W=Ùfi
Give protection to the weak . ....................................... |ÅÇ‘Ï#∞ʼnõΩ ~°HõΔ} x=Ùfi
Give something to him . ........................................................ J`«xH˜ U"≥∞ÿ<å W=Ùfi
Give the car a good wash . ............................................ HÍ~°∞#∞ â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞
Give the car a push . ................................................................. HÍ~°∞#∞ „`ÀÜ«Ú=Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 124
Give the door a kick to open it . ........................ `«Å∞Ѩ٠`≥~°=_®xH˜ ^•xx <≥@∞ì
Give the rope a pull . ............................................................................. „`å_»∞ ÖÏQÆ∞
Give the money out to the children . ............................. Ñ≤šʼnõΩ _»|∞ƒ WK≥ÛÜü∞
Give the money back immediately . .................... "≥O@<Õ _»|∞ƒ#∞ uiy ѨOѨÙ
Give the pen to the girl in the middle of the last row on your right near
the window . .......................................... h ‰õΩ_ç"≥·Ñ¨Ù H˜\ ˜H© ^ŒQÆæ~° QÆÅ z=i Öˇ·#∞Ö’x
=∞^茺 QÆÅ J=∂‡~ÚH˜ D HõÖÏxfl W=Ùfi
Give this package to the specific person whose name is on the ad-
dress not to anyone else . ................................. J„_»ã¨∞Ö’ QÆÅ P =ºHÎ̃H˜ =∂„`«"Õ∞
D áêºÔH\ò#∞ W=Ùfi. =∞Ô~=fiiH© HÍ^Œ∞
Give up the idea (of drinking)beer . ....................... c~°∞ „`åˆQ PÖ’K«# =kÖËÜü∞
Give us an account of what happened . ................ UO [iyO^À =∂‰õΩ K≥ÑC ¨
Give us an accurate report of what happend . .... Uq∞ [iyO^À YzÛ`«"≥∞ÿ#
iáÈ~üì =∂‰õΩ W=Ùfi
Give what all you have . ........................................................ h‰õΩ#fl^ŒO`å WK≥ÛÜü∞
Give your hair a good brushing . ................................................. K«Hõ¯QÍ ^Œ∞=ÙfiHÀ
Give your seal up to the old lady . ............................ =Úã¨Å=∞‡‰õΩ h ã‘@∞ W=Ùfi
Give your shoes a good shine . ................ |∂@¡#∞ â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ "≥∞i¿ã@@∞¡ KÕÜü∞
Glance at the clock . ................................................................... QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O K«∂_»∞
Go about your business . ...................................................... h Ѩx h=Ù K«∂ã¨∞HÀ
Go after them . ............................................................................. "åi `«~åfi`« "≥à◊√§
Go a head . ........................................................................................ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go and search the house . ..................................................... "≥o§ WÅ∞¡ "≥`«HõO_ç
Go and see them . ...................................................................... "≥o§ "åix K«∂_»∞
Go and wash that filth off your hands . "≥o§ h KÕ`«∞ÅHõO\˜# =ÚiH˜x Hõ_»∞HÀ¯
Go around and see a bit of the city . K«∞@∂ì "≥o§ #QÆ~°OÖ’x XHõ ÉèÏQÍxfl K«∂_»∞
Go away from that place . ................................................. P ã¨÷ÅO #∞O_ç "≥o§áÈ
Go back to your class rooms . ...................................... g∞ HÍ¡ã¨∞ʼnõΩ "≥o§áÈO_ç
Go faster . ............................................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ "≥à◊√§
Go from here . ............................................................................... WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç "≥à◊√§
Go,get some bread and milk . .................. "≥o§ H˘OK≥O ~˘>ì̌, áêÅ∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ ~å
Go,have a look . ....................................................................................... "≥o§ K«∂_»∞
Go home . ............................................................................................... WO\˜H˜ "≥à◊√§
Go inside the room . ................................................................... QÆk ֒ѨeH˜ "≥à◊√§
Go near him . ............................................................................. J`«x ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
125 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Go on with your work . ........................................................ h Ѩx g∞^Œ h=Ù "≥à◊√§
Go out and play . .................................................................. |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥o§ P_»∞HÀ
Go over it . ............................................................................. ^•x K«∞@∂ì uiy "≥à√◊ §
Go quickly . ............................................................................................ `«fi~°QÍ "≥à◊√§
Go right ahead . .................................................................. <Õ~°∞QÍ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go(right)in . ............................................................................ ֒ѨeH˜ (<Õ~°∞QÍ) "≥à◊√§
Go slow . ............................................................................................ x^•#OQÍ "≥à√◊ §
Go slower . .......................................................................................... <≥=∞‡kQÍ "≥à◊√§
Go straight on until you come to the Taj hotel and then turn left . ............
`å*òǨϟ@Öò =KÕÛO`« =~°‰õΩ <Õ~°∞QÍ "≥o§ `«~åfi`« Z_»=∞ „ѨHõ¯‰õΩ u~°∞QÆ∞
Go straight to your room . ................................................... <Õ~°∞QÍ h QÆkH˜ "≥à◊√§
Go there now . ....................................................................... WѨC_»∞ JHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go there quickly . .................................................................. JHõ¯_»‰õΩ `«fi~°QÍ "≥à◊√§
Go this way . ........................................................................................ D "≥·Ñ¨Ù "≥à◊√§
Go to bed . ................................................................................................ "≥o§ Ѩ_»∞HÀ
Go to him . .................................................................................. J`«x ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go to sleep . ................................................................................................... x„^Œ áÈ
Go to the bedroom . ...................................................................... ɡ„_»∂"£∞‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go to the cinema . ........................................................................... ã≤x=∂‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go to the door . ....................................................................... `«Å∞Ѩ٠^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go to the hall and light the lamp . ................ ǨÅ∞Ö’xH˜ "≥o§ nѨO "≥eyOK«∞
Go to the post-office for me . ................................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ áÈ™êìѶ‘ã¨∞‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Go under the bridge . ................................................................ „a_ç̊ „H˜O^ŒQÍ "≥à◊√§
Go upstairs and have a wash . ............................................ ÃÑH Ô· o§ ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú
Go with your father . ........................................................... h `«O„_ç`À Hõeã≤ "≥à◊√§
Go your self . .............................................................................................. h"Õ "≥à◊√§
Grant him permission . ....................................................... J`«xH˜ J#∞=∞u W=Ùfi
Greet her at least with a smile . Hõhã¨O XHõ #=Ùfi`À <≥·<å P"≥∞#∞ Jaè#OkOK«∞
Greet him by saying "good morning" . ............. â◊√Éè’^ŒÜ«∞O K≥Ñ≤Ê Ñ¨Å∞HõiOK«∞
Grind my knife . .................................................................................... <å HõuÎ #∂~°∞
Grind wheat into flour . .................................................. QÀ^èŒ∞=∞efl Ñ≤O_çQÍ qã¨~°∞
Grow some plants around your house . .. WO\˜ K«∞@∂ì H˘xfl "≥ÚHõ¯efl ÃÑOK«∞
Guard against bad habits . ............................ ^Œ∞~°Å"å@¡ #∞O_ç ^Œ∂~°OQÍ LO_»∞
Guess how old this house is . .............................. D WÅ∞¡ ZѨÊ\˜^À TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Guess how much it cost . ............................................. nx Ys^≥O`À TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 126
Guess my weight . .................................................................. <å |~°∞=Ù TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Guess the price of this saree . .................................... D p~° Ys^Œ∞ TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Guess what Iam thinking . .......................... <Õ#∞ Uq∞ PÖ’zã¨∞Î<åfl<À TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Guess what it costs . ...................................................... nx Ys^≥O`À TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Guess who all guests are . ............................ D Ju^ä∞Œ ÅO`å Z=~À TÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Halfmast the flag . ................................................................................. ã¨QÆO kOK«∞
Hammer the nails in . ............................................................. Ö’xH˜ "Õ∞‰õΩÅ∞ H˘@∞ì
Hand me that book . ..................................................... P ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl <å‰õΩ JOk=Ùfi
Hang a lamp from the roof . .............................. HõѨC #∞O_ç náêxfl „"ÕÖÏ_»n~Ú
Hang it there . ................................................................... nxx JHõ¯_» „"ÕÖÏ_» n~Ú
Hang up the coat to dry . ...................................................... D HÀ@∞#∞ P~°"~ ÕÚ
Hang your shirt on that hook . ......................... P H˘HͯxH˜ h +¨~°∞ì#∞ `«yeOK«∞
Heal the quarrel . .............................................................................. `«QÍ^•#∞ f~°∞Û
Hear me . ...................................................................................................... <åk q#∞
Hear my words . ............................................................................. <å =∂@Å∞ q#∞
Hear the dog barking . ........................................................... ‰õΩHõ¯ "≥Ú~°QÆ_»O q#∞
Hear the news . ...................................................................................... "å~°ÎÅ∞ q#∞
Hear (up) some water . ...................................................... H˘OK≥O h\˜x "Õ_K ç ~Õ Ú
Heed my warning . .......................................................... <å ÃÇÏK«ÛiHõ#∞ ÅHõΔ ºÃÑ@∞ì
Help him to walk to the hospital . . Ǩã¨Ê@Öò‰õΩ "≥à◊§\ÏxH˜ J`«xH˜ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞Ѩ_»∞
Help me lift this table . ........................................ D >Ë|∞Öò Z`«Î\ÏxH˜ ™êÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞
Help me move this desk. I can't do it alone . D _»ãπ¯#∞ Hõ^ŒÅÛ_®xH˜ ™êÜ«∞O
KÕ~Ú. <Õ<˘Hõ¯_ç<Õ KÕÜ«∞ÖË#∞
Help me to wear it . ............................................. nxx `˘_»∞HÀ¯\ÏxH˜ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞Ѩ_»∞
Help me with this . ........................................................ nx`À <å‰õΩ ™êÜ«∞O KÕ~Ú
Help your self . ................................................................... h‰õΩ h"Õ ™êÜ«∞O KÕã¨∞HÀ
Hide yourself . .................................................................................................... ^•HÀ¯
Hire a taxi . ............................................................................. \ÏH©û ÉÏ_»∞QƉõΩ fã¨∞HÀ
Hit a ball over the fence . ................................... ÃѶ<£û (HõOK≥) ÃÑ·QÍ ÉÏÖò#∞ H˘@∞ì
Hold it . ..................................................................................................... nxx Ѩ@∞ìHÀ
Hold on a minute . ......................................................... XHõ x=Ú+¨O "Õz Ü«ÚO_»∞
Hold the ladder for me . ........................................ D xK≥Û##∞ <å H˘~°‰õΩ Ñ¨@∞ìHÀ
Hold the water . ......................................................................................... hà◊√§ Ѩ@∞ì
Hold this bag for me . .................................................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ D ã¨Oz Ѩ@∞ìHÀ
Hold your arms up . ...................................................................... h KÕ`«∞Å∞ ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î
127 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Hold your head up . ......................................................................... h `«Å#∞ ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î
Honour him . .................................................................................. J`«_çx Q“~°qOK«∞
Honour the bill . .................................................................. D aÅ∞¡#∞ J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Honour the cheque . ..................................................... D K≥‰õΩ¯#∞ JOwHõiOK«O_ç
Hunt for the lost book . .......................................... áÈ~Ú# ѨÙãÎ̈HõO H˘~°‰õΩ "≥`«∞‰õΩ
Ignore it . ............................................................................................... nxx =∞izáÈ
Impress a seal on wax . .......................................................... "≥∞ÿ#OÃÑ· ã‘Å∞ "Õ~Ú
Improve it . ................................................................................... nxx Jaè=$kú KÕ~Ú
Improve your vocabulary . .................................... h Ѩ^Œ*ÏÖÏxfl Jaè=$kú KÕã¨∞HÀ
Include her in the team . .................................................. P"≥∞#∞ \©=ÚÖ’ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Include soap also in the list . ............................. *Ïa`åÖ’ ã¨|∞ƒ#∞ ‰õÄ_® KÕ~°∞Û
Incline the head in prayer . ................................................... „áê~°÷#Ö’ `«Å kOK«∞
Inform her about the matter . ............. P"≥∞‰õΩ P q+¨Ü«∞O QÆ∞iOz `≥eÜ«∞KÕ~Ú
Inform him of the accident . ................. J`«xH˜ „Ѩ=∂^ŒO QÆ∞iOz `≥eÜ«∞ KÕ~Ú
Inquire about the price . ................................................... ^èŒ~° QÆ∞iOz qKåiOK«∞
Inquire about your brother . ............................... g∞ ™È^Œ~°∞x QÆ∞iOz qKåiOK«∞
Inquire where to stay . ................................................. ZHõ¯_» LO_®Ö’ qKåiOK«∞
Instruct him to come early . ............................ J`«_çx `«fi~°QÍ ~°=∞‡x ã¨∂zOK«∞
Interrogate him . ............................................................................. J`«_çx „ѨtflOK«∞
Introduce him to her . .......................................... J`«_çx P"≥∞‰õΩ Ñ¨iK«Ü«∞O KÕ~Ú
Introduce new ideas into your plans . .. h Ѩ^äŒHÍÖ’¡ H˘`«Î TǨÏefl „Ѩ"Õâ◊ÃÑ@∞ì
Invest in shares . ................................................................... ¿+~°¡Ö’ ÃÑ@∞ì|_ç ÃÑ@∞ì
Invite her to my house . ......................................... P"≥∞#∞ <å WO\˜H˜ PǨfixOK«∞
Invite him to dinner . .................................... J`«_çx (_ç#fl~ü) qO^Œ∞‰õΩ PǨfixOK«∞
Issue orders to the staff . .......................................... ã≤|ƒOkH˜ P[˝Å∞ *Ïs KÕ~Ú
Join in the strike . ................................................................................. ã¨"≥∞‡Ö’ KÕ~°∞
Join the pieces together . ............................................ D Ô~O_»∞ =ÚHõ¯efl HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Join the two ends of the rope together . ....... D „`å_»∞ Ô~O_»∞ z=~°efl HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Judge her by her actions . ................. P"≥∞ Ѩ#∞Å#∞ |\ì̃ P"≥∞#∞ JOK«<å "Õ~Ú
Judge whether he is right or wrong . ......... J`«_k ç `«áÈÊ XáÈÊ qKå~°} KÕ~Ú
Justify your behaviour . ................................................. h „Ѩ=~°Î#x ÉËsA "Õã¨∞HÀ
Keep an account of what you spend . ............ h=Ù Y~°∞Û ÃÑ>Ëìk MÏ`å „"å~Ú
Keep an eye on the baby for me while I am in the kitchen . ..... <Õ#∞ =O@
QÆkÖ’ L#flѨC_»∞ a_»¤ÃÑ· XHõ Hõ<Õflã≤ K«∂_»∞
Keep calm . ......................................................................................
xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 128
Keep candles in reserve . ............................................... „H˘"˘fi`«∞Îefl ™êì‰õΩ LOK«∞
Keep everything ready . .......................................................... Jxfl ã≤^ŒúOQÍ LOK«∞
Keep her waiting . .................................................. P"≥∞#∞ "Õz Ü«ÚO_»∞#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Keep it as long as you like . ............... h W+ì̈O =zÛ#O`« HÍÅO nxfl LOK«∞HÀ
Keep it for sometime . ................................................... nxx H˘O`« HÍÅO LOK«∞
Keep off the grass . .............................................................. QÆ_ç¤H˜ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ #_»∞=Ù
Keep still . ..................................................................................... Hõ^ŒÅ‰õΩO_® LO_»∞
Keep the bottle closed after use to avoid explosure of the tablets to
humid air . .. "å_ç# `«~åfi`« aà◊§Å‰õΩ `«_çQÍe `«QÆʼnõΩO_® ã‘™ê =¸`«#∞ ayOK«∞
Keep the car ready . ........................................................... HÍ~°∞#∞ ã≤^ŒúOQÍ LOK«∞
Keep the change . ............................................................................. zÅ¡~° LOK«∞HÀ
Keep the fire burning . ..................................................... =∞O@ =∞O_»∞#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Keep the grinder clean before and after use . .......... LѨÜ≥∂yOK«Hõ =ÚO^Œ∞,
LѨÜ≥∂yOz# `«~åfi`« „ÔQ·O_»~ü#∞ â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ LOK«∞
Keep the rest for me . ................................................. q∞yeOk <å H˘~°‰õΩ LOK«∞
Keep these things until I send for them . ... <Õ#∞ g\˜ H˘~°‰õΩ Ñ¨O¿Ñ =~°‰õΩ D
=ã¨∞Î=Ùefl h ^ŒQÆæ~° LOK«∞
Keep this away from here . ................................. nxx WHõ¯_»‰õΩ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ LOK«∞
Keep this book for future use . ...... ÉèÏq „ѨÜ≥∂[<å~°÷O D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl LOK«∞HÀ
Keep this coin . ......................................................................... D <å}Ëxfl LOK«∞HÀ
Keep this for me untill I come back . .................... <Õ#∞ uiy =KÕÛ =~°‰õΩ nxfl
<å HÀã¨O LOK«∞
Keep this pen. I don't want it back . D HõÅO LOK«∞HÀ <å‰õΩ uiy W=fi#Hõ¯ˆ~¡^Œ∞.
Keep this ring with you. I shall be able to have a bat . .............. D LOQÆ~O
h ^ŒQÆæ~° LOK«∞, <Õ#∞ ™êfl#O KÕÜ«∞É’`«∞<åfl#∞
Keep to the left . ........................................................................ Z_»=∞ "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ "≥à◊√§
Kick the ball . .................................................................................... P |Oux `«#∞fl
Kill the snake . .................................................................................. áê=Ú#∞ K«OѨÙ
Kindle the fire in the fire - place . ........................... H˘eq∞Ö’x xѨC#∞ ~°QÆ∞Å∞Û
Kiss me . .................................................................................... ##∞fl =Ú^Œ∞Ì ÃÑ@∞ìHÀ
Kiss the baby . ........................................................................ a_»¤#∞ =Ú^Œ∞Ì ÃÑ@∞ìHÀ
Knock at the door . ............................................................................... `«Å∞Ѩ٠`«@∞ì
Knock on the window . ........................................................................... H˜\ ˜H© `«@∞ì
Knot two ropes together . ................................... Ô~O_»∞ `åà◊§#∞ HõeÑ≤ =Ú_ç"Õ~Ú
Know about it . .................................................................... nxx QÆ∞iOz `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
129 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Know about those people . ........................................... "åix QÆ∞iOz `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Know how to do this . ............................................. nxfl ZÖÏ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Know the word for it . ....................................................... nxH˜ =∂@#∞ `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Know that . .......................................................................................... ^•xfl `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Know the answer . ......................................................................... *"å|∞ `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Know the main facts . ................................................. =ÚYº q+¨Ü«∂xfl `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Laugh at him . .............................................................................. J`«_x ç K«∂z #=Ùfi
Lay on it . ............................................................................................... ^•xÃÑ· LOK«∞
Lay on the ground . .............................................................................. <ÕÅÃÑ· LOK«∞
Lay the book on the table . ............................................ ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl >Ë|∞ÖòÃÑ· ÃÑ@∞ì
Lay your coat on the bed . ..................................... =∞OK«OÃÑ· h HÀ@∞#∞ LOK«∞
Lead her to the platform . ..................................... P"≥∞#∞ áê¡\òá¶ê"£∞‰õΩ #_çÑ≤OK«∞
Lean the ladder against the wall . ................................ QÀ_»‰õΩ xK≥Û##∞ PxOK«∞
Learn by heart . ...................................................................................... HõO~î°`« Ѩ@∞ì
Learn this list of words . ........................................... D Ѩ^•Å *Ïa`å#∞ <Õ~∞° ÛHÀ
Leave it here . .......................................................................... nxx WHõ¯_» =kÖËÜ∞ü
Leaver it open . ........................................................................... nxx `≥iz LO_»h
Leave it to me . ....................................................................... nxx <å‰õΩ =kÖËÜü∞
Leave me alone . .............................................................. ##∞fl XO@iQÍ =kÖËÜ∞ü
Leave that alone, it is mine . ..................................... ^•xx =kÖËÜ∞ü , Jk <åk
Leave that aside . ..................................................................... ^•xx „ѨH¯õ # LOK«∞
Leave that part . ........................................................................ P ÉèÏQÍxfl =kÖËÜü∞
Leave the cheppals outside . ...................................... K≥ѨCÅ∞ |Ü«∞@ =kÖËÜü∞
Leave the parcel on the table . ............................. áêi≈Öò#∞ >Ë|∞Öò g∞^Œ LOK«∞
Leave plates where they are . ............... P ¿Ñ¡@∞¡ ZHõ¯_»∞<åflÜ≥∂ JHõ¯_» =kÖËÜü∞
Leave the room quietly . ................................................... QÆkx xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»h
Leave the work unfinished . ..................................... Ѩx ѨÓiÎ H͉õΩO_® =kÖËÜü∞
Leave this house right now . .................................... D WO\˜x "≥O@<Õ =keáÈ
Leave this place . ....................................................................... WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç "≥o§áÈ
Leave this spot . ...................................................................... D „Ѩ^â Õ ßxfl =keáÈ
Leave your bag with me . ............................................... h ã¨Ozx <å‰õΩ =kÖËÜü∞
Leave your book here . .................................................. h ѨÙãÎ̈HõO WHõ¯_» =kÖËÜü∞
Lend me a few rupees . ..................................... <å‰õΩ H˘OK≥O _»|∞ƒ J~°∞=Ù W=Ùfi
Lend me fifty rupees . ......................................... Ü«∂Éè̌· ~°∂áêÜ«∞Å∞ J~°∞=Ù W=Ùfi
Let me play chess . ......................................................................... ##∞fl K≥ãπ P_»h
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 130
Lend me your book . ........................................................ h ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl J~°∞=Ù W=Ùfi
Let her alone . ................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ UHÍO`«OQÍ LO_»h
Let her cry . .......................................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ U_»fih
Let her dance . ..................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ #$`«ºO KÕÜ«∞h
Let her go . ............................................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ "≥à◊§h
Let her go out . ................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥à◊§h
Let her rest a while . .................................. P"≥∞#∞ H˘OK≥O¿ãѨ٠q„âßOu fã¨∞HÀh
Let her suffer . ................................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ ÉÏ^èŒÑ¨_»h
Let her take breakfast . ................................................. P"≥∞#∞ „ÉËH±á¶êãπì fã¨∞HÀh
Let her wear this ribbon . ......................................... P"≥∞#∞ D i|ƒ<£x Hõ@∞ìHÀh
Let him come . ....................................................................................... J`«_x ç ~åh
Let him pay he is loaded . ...................... J`«_çx K≥e¡OK«x. J`«_çH˜ ÉÏQÍ L#flk
let him sing . ........................................................................................ J`«_x ç áê_»h
Let him start the work . ................................................. J`«_çx Ѩx „áê~°OaèOK«h
Let him talk . ................................................................................... J`«_x ç =∂\Ï¡_h»
Let him try . .............................................................................. J`«_x ç „Ñ¨Ü∞« uflOK«h
Let him wait . .............................................................................. J`«_x ç "Õz LO_»h
Let him work . ...................................................................... J`«_çx Ѩx KÕã¨∞HÀx=Ùfi
Let it be . ................................................................................................. nxfl LO_»h
let it rain . ............................................................................................... =~°¬O ‰õΩ~°=h
Let me have a look . .............................................................. ##∞fl XHõ™êi K«∂_»h
Let me have a shot at it . .......................................................... ##∞fl ^•xfl H˘@ìh
Let me eat some sweets . ................................................ ##∞fl H˘xfl ã‘@∞û u#h
Let me finish this exercise now . WѨC_»∞ D JÉèϺã¨=Ú#∞ ##∞fl ѨÓiÎ KÕÜ∞« h
Let me introduce myself. my name it Paul ........................................... .
.................................................... ##∞fl ѨiK«Ü«∞O KÕã¨∞HÀh, <å ¿Ñ~°∞ áêÖò
Let me show you how to do it . ..................... nxx ZÖÏ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ <å‰õΩ K«∂ѨÙ
Let me take down the list . .......................................... ##∞fl *Ïa`å#∞ „"åã¨∞HÀh
Let me give you my visiting card . ..................... h‰õΩ <å ql\˜OQ∑ HÍ~°∞¤ W=fih
Let me give you some fatherly advice . .............. h‰õΩ <Õ#∞ Ñ≤`«$ ã¨ÅǨ W=fih
Let me know if she want it . .................... P"≥∞‰õΩ Wk HÍ"åÖ’ ##∞fl `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀh
Let me see . ........................................................................................... ##∞fl K«∂_»h
Let them all happy . .............................................. "å~°O^Œih ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ LO_»h
Let them shout . .................................................................................. "åix J~°=h
Let us close the door . ................................ `«Å∞Ѩ٠=¸^•Ì=Ú, `«Å∞Ѩ٠=¸Ü«∞h
131 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Let us do that work . ............................................ P Ѩx KÕ^•Ì=Ú. P Ѩx KÕÜ«∞h
Let us go . ............................................................ =∞#O "≥à◊^•=Ú, =∞=∞‡efl "≥à◊§h
Let us go fifty fifty on the cost of petrol ............................. =∞#O K≥iã¨QÆO
ÃÑ„\’Å∞ Y~°∞ÛÃÑ· "≥à◊^•O
Let us hope for the best . ............................................. L#fl`«OQÍ LO_»QÀ~°∞^•O
Let us play . ........................................................... =∞#O J_»∞^•O, =∞=∞‡efl P_»h
Let us pray . .................................................. =∞#O „áêi÷^•ÌO, =∞=∞‡efl „áêiúOK«h
Let us see . ............................................................ =∞#O K«∂^•ÌO, =∞=∞‡efl K«∂_»h
Let us start . .................................. =∞#O |Ü«∞Å∞^Õ~°^•O, =∞=∞‡efl |Ü«∞Å∞^Õ~°h
Let us wait and see . ............................. =∞#O "ÕzK«∂^•ÌO, =∞=∞‡efl "ÕzK«∂_»h
Let us walk there . ................ =∞#O JHõ¯_»‰õΩ #_»∞^•ÌO, =∞=∞‡efl JHõ¯_»‰õΩ #_»=h
Lift this bag . ...................................................................................... D ã¨Ozx ÖËÑÙ¨
Lift your head up . ............................................................................. h `«Åx ÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î
Light it . .............................................................................................. nxx "≥eyOK«∞
Light the candle . ...................................................................... „H˘"˘fiuÎx "≥eyOK«∞
Light the lamp . ............................................................................. náêxfl "≥eyOK«∞
Listen . .................................................................................................................... q#∞
Listen to it . ................................................................................................. nxx q#∞
Listen to me . .............................................................................................. <åk q#∞
Listen to the birds crying . ................................................. Ѩ‰õΔΩÅ∞ J~°=_»O q#∞
Listen to the radio . .............................................................................. ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ q#∞
Listen to what I say . ........................................................... <Õ#∞ K≥¿ÑÊ^Õq∞\’ q#∞
Load the lorry . ............................................................................. ÖÏsx Ö’_£ K≥~Úº
Lock the door . ....................................................................... `«Å∞ѨىõΩ `åà◊O "Õ~Ú
Loan me your pen . ............................................................................ h ÃÑ#∞fl W=Ùfi
Look after my house . ......................................................... <å WÅ∞¡ K«∂ã¨∂Î LO_»∞
Look ahead . ................................................................................... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ K«∂_»∞
Look at her . ..................................................................................... P"≥∞ "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Look at it . ........................................................................................... nx "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Look at me . ....................................................................................... <å "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Look at my ankle . ...................................................... <å HÍe =∞_ç=∞ "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
look at my drawing . ............................................................... <å „_®~ÚOQÆ∞ K«∂_»∞
Look at the boys in the first row . ............... `˘e=~°∞ã¨Ö’x ÉÏÅ∞~°"≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Look at the cealing . ................................................................ ÃÑ· HõѨC "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
Look at the meter . ...................................................................... g∞@~ü "≥·Ñ¨Ù K«∂_»∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 132
Look at the scenery in the middle of the poster ................ . áÈãì̈~ü =∞^茺֒
QÆÅ ^Œ$âߺxfl K«∂_»∞
Look at the words on the black board . ......... #Å¡ |Å¡ÃÑ· QÆŠѨ^•Å#∞ K«∂_»∞
Look for my pen . ................................................................... <å HõÅO HÀã¨O K«∂_»∞
Look for my uncle . ........................................................ =∂ JO‰õΩÖò H˘~°‰õΩ K«∂_»∞
look here . ................................................................................................. W@∞ K«∂_»∞
Look out for John at the park . .............................. áê~°∞¯ =^ŒÌ *Ï<£ HÀã¨O K«∂_»∞
Look straight a head . ...................................................... <Õ~°∞QÍ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ K«∂_»∞
Look straight into my eyes . .................................... <å Hõà◊§Ö’¡H˜ ã¨∂\˜QÍ K«∂_»∞
Look what you have done . ............................................ h=Ù Uq∞ KÕâß"À K«∂_»∞
Look who has come . ................................................................ Z=~˘KåÛ~À K«∂_»∞
Look who is here . ............................................................ WHõ¯_» Z=~°∞<åfl~À K«∂_»∞
Loosen it a bit . ............................................................ nxx H˘OK≥O =^Œ∞Å∞ KÕ~Ú
Loosen the screw . ................................................................... „ã¨∂¯x =^Œ∞Å∞ KÕ~Ú
Lower your voice in the library . ............................. Öˇ·„ɡsÖ’ h ã¨fi~åxfl `«yæOK«∞
Maintain a speed of 50 k.m.p.h. .......... QÆO@‰õΩ 50 H˜.g∞. "ÕQÆ=Ú`À áÈx=Ùfi
Maintain friendly relations with him . .... J`«x`À ¿ãflÇ¨Ï ã¨O|O^è•Å∞ ÃÑOK«∞HÀ
Maintain good quality . ...................................... =∞Oz <å}º`« LO_»∞#@∞¡ K«∂_»∞
Make a hole in the ground . ............................................ <ÕÅÖ’ XHõ QÆ∞O@ f~Ú
Make a kite . ........................................................... XHõ QÍeѨ@=Ú `«Ü∂ « ~°∞ KÕ~Ú
Make a move . .................................................................. H˘OK≥=Ú [~°∞QÆ∞, Hõ^Œ∞Å∞
Make a note of this point . ............................................................. Wk QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Make her sit . ............................................................................... P"≥∞#∞ ‰õÄ~ÀÛɡ@∞ì
Make her stand . .............................................................................. P"≥∞#∞ xÅɡ@∞ì
Make a promise . ............................................................................... "åQÍÌ#O KÕ~Ú
Make him an offer . ................................................... J`«xH˜ XHõ J=HÍâ◊=Ú W=Ùfi
Make him buy something . ........................... J`«xx U^À XHõ\ ˜ H˘#∞#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Make him manager . ............................................................. J`«_çfl "Õ∞<Õ[~ü KÕ~Ú
Make it fast . ....................................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ HÍhÜü∞
Make (up) my bed . ......................................................................... <å‰õΩ Ñ¨Hõ¯ "Õ~Ú
Make it quite full . .................................................. ^•xx ѨÓiÎQÍ xO_»∞#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Make it two . ............................................................................ ^•xx Ô~O_»∞QÍ KÕ~Ú
Make necessary arrangements . .............................. J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ# U~åÊ@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Make one shirt today . ................................. D ~ÀA XHõ +¨~°∞ì#∞ `«Ü«∂~°∞ KÕ~Ú
Make some cake . ......................................................... H˘O`« ˆH‰õΩ `«Ü«∂~°∞ KÕ~Ú
133 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Make some tea . .......................................................... H˘OK≥=Ú \© `«Ü«∂~°∞ KÕ~Ú
Make sure that the T.V. is connected properly ..................................... .
\©gH˜ Hõ<≥HõΔ<£ ã¨iQÍ L#flk ~°∂_èç KÕã¨∞HÀ
Measure accurately . ................................................................ YzÛ`«OQÍ H˘Å∞=Ù
Measure out a dose of medicine . ............................... XHõ _Àã¨∞ =∞O^Œ∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Meet me at the park . ................................................. ##∞fl áê~°∞¯ =^ŒÌ HõÅ∞=Ù=Ú
Meet my brother . ...................................................................... <å ™È^Œ~°∞x HõÅ∞=Ù
Mend my shoes . .................................................................... <å|∂@∞¡ ÉÏQÆ∞ KÕ~Ú
Mind it . ............................................................................................................... *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Mind you don't fall . .............................................................. Ѩ_»‰õΩO_® *Ï„QÆ`«Î Ѩ_»∞
Mind your business . ............................................................... h Ѩx h=Ù K«∂ã¨∞HÀ
Mind your head . ............................................................................... ã¨iQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Mind your manners . .............................................................. h „Ѩ=~°Î# ã¨iKÕã¨∞HÀ
Mind your sharp tongue . ..................................................... h ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞ `«yæOK«∞HÀ
Mind your step you may slip and fall down ............ J_»∞QÆ∞ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ "Õ~Ú
h=Ù *Ïi Ѩ_áç È=K«∞Û#∞
Mind your work, don't waste your time . .................. h Ѩx *Ï„QÆ`«Î ã¨=∞Ü«∂xfl
=$^è• KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Mix flour and milk . .............................................................. Ñ≤O_çx, áêÅ#∞ HõÅ∞ѨÙ
Move aside . ........................................................................................ „ѨHõ¯‰õΩ `˘ÅQÆ∞
Move ahead . .................................................................................. =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ [~°∞QÆ∞
Move along please . ............................................ ^ŒÜ«∞KÕã≤ JÖÏ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ [~°∞QÆ∞
Move fast . .................................................................. "ÕQÆ=ÚQÍ Hõ^Œ∞Å∞† `«fi~°QÍ Ñ¨^Œ
Move forward and face your neighbour .............................. =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ [iy
h á⁄~°∞QÆ∞ "åx"≥·Ñ¨Ù =∞à◊√§
Move forward and look at the person next to you . ........ =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ [iy <å
`«~åfi`« #∞#fl =ºHÎ̃x K«∂_»∞
Move on . ......................................................................................... =ÚO^Œ∞‰õΩ Hõ^Œ∞Å∞
Move the chair . ................................................................................... ‰õΩsÛx [~°∞ѨÙ
Multiply 3 by 5 . ............................................................ =¸_»∞#∞ S^Œ∞ KÕ QÆ∞}˜OK«∞
Neck him out . ...................................................................... J`«_çx "≥∞_»Ñ¨\ ì̃ ÔQO@∞
Nominate me for mayor . .................................. ##∞fl "Õ∞Ü«∞~°∞QÍ <åq∞<Õ\ò KÕ~Ú
Note how I did it . ............................................ <Õ#∞ ^•xx ZÖÏ KÕâß<À QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Note how to do it . ................................ ^•xx ZÖÏ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ QÆ=∞xOK«∞(„"åã¨∞HÀ)
Note my words . ....................................................................... <å =∂@efl „"åã¨∞HÀ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 134
Note this point . ..................................................................... D q+¨Ü∂ « xfl „"åã¨∞HÀ
Number your papers from 1 to 20 . .... h HÍy`åÅ g∞^Œ 1-20 <≥O|~°∞¡ "Õ~Ú
Observe his behaviour . .............................................. J`«_ç „Ñ¨=~°Î##∞ QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Observe the experiment . .................................................... D „ѨÜ∂ ≥ QÍxfl K«∂_»∞
Offer him your help . ........................................... J`«xH˜ h ã¨Ç¨ÏHÍ~°O PѶ¨~ü KÕ~Ú
Open that lock . ........................................................................... P `åà◊=Ú `≥~°∞=Ù
Open the bonnet . ............................................................................ ÉÏ<≥\ò#∞ `≥~°∞=Ù
Open the door and let the dog out . ...... `«Å∞Ѩ٠`≥~°z ‰õΩHõ¯#∞ áÈ=Ù#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Open the door for the cat to go out . Ñ≤e¡ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥à◊√§@‰õΩ `«Å∞Ѩ٠`≥~°∞=Ù
Open the gates and let him in . .. ˆQ@∞¡ `≥~°z J`«_»∞ ֒ѨeH˜ =K«∞Û#@∞¡ K«∂_»∞
Open the windows to cool the room . QÆk K«Å¡QÍ LOK«∞@‰õΩ H˜\ ˜H©Å#∞ `≥~°∞=Ù
Open your books . ...................................................................... h ѨÙãÎ̈HÍefl `≥~°∞=Ù
Open your mouth wide . ..................................................... h <À\˜x ÉÏQÍ `≥~∞° =Ù
Order five bags . .............................................................. <åÅ∞QÆ∞ ã¨OK«∞Å∞ P~°¤i=Ùfi
Order them to remain there . ........................ "åix JHõ¯_» LO_»=∞x P*Ï˝Ñ≤OK«∞
Paint the walls . ...................................................................... QÀ_»Å‰õΩ ~°OQÆ∞ "Õ~Ú
Pardon me . .......................................................................................... ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞
Park the car under the trees . .................................... K≥@¡ „H˜O^Œ HÍ~°∞#∞ xÅ∞ѨÙ
Pass me the butter . ........................................................... P "≥#fl#∞ W@∞ [~°∞ѨÙ
Pass the salt . ....................................................................... P LѨC#∞ W@∞ ѨOѨÙ
Pass these books back . ......................................... D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍefl "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ Ñ¨OѨÙ
Pay attention . .............................................................................. UHÍ„QÆ`«#∞ xÅ∞ѨÙ
Pay for tea ................................................................... \© H˜ _»|∞ƒ K≥e¡OK«∞
Pay for what you eat and drink . .......................... h=Ù u#fl ^•xH˜ `åy# ^•xH˜
_»|∞ƒ K≥e¡OK«∞
Pay him for the work . ......................................... J`«_çH˜ ѨxHÀã¨O _»|∞ƒ K≥e¡OK«∞
Pay him the money . .............................................................. J`«_çH˜ _»|∞ƒK≥e¡OK«∞
Pay money to him . .............................................................. J`«_çH˜ _»|∞ƒ K≥e¡OK«∞
Pay the rent in advance . ........................................ J^≥Ì#∞ =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ K≥e¡OK«O_ç
Pay this sum into my borther's account . ..................................... D "≥Ú`åÎxfl
<å ™È^Œ~∞° x MÏ`åÖ’ [=∞KÕ~Ú
Pay what you owe . ........................................................................ h ÉÏH© K≥e¡OK«∞
Peel a banana . .......................................................................... J~°\ ˜Ñ¨O_»∞ =Å∞=Ù
Peel off the orange and throw away the peelings . ... <åiO[ HÍÜ«∞efl =ez
`˘Hõ¯efl |Ü«∞@ áê~°"Õ~Ú
135 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Permit me to enter . ............................ Ö’xH˜ „Ѩ"ÕtOK«\ÏxH˜ ##∞fl J#∞=∞uOK«∞
Permit me to help you . ..................................... ##∞fl h‰õΩ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞=Ú KÕÜ«∞x=Ùfi
Phone me soon . ............................................................... <å‰õΩ `«fi~°Ö’ á¶È<£ KÕ~Ú
Pick it up . .......................................................................................... nxx ÃÑH
· ˜ f~Ú
Pick me up at the park . ........................... áê~°∞¯ =^ŒÌ ##∞fl HõÅ∞ѨÙH˘x fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Pick up the paper . ............................. D HÍy`åxfl Ѩ@∞ìHÀ, D HÍy`åxfl fã¨∞HÀ
Pile up the books according to size ..................................................... .
Ãã·A#∞ |\ì̃ D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl XHõ ^˘O`«~°QÍ J=∞~°∞Û
Place the books in an upright position ................................................. .
D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍefl ã¨iJ~Ú# q^èŒOQÍ J=∞~°∞Û
Place them in the right order . .................... "å\˜x ã¨i J~Ú# „Hõ=∞OÖ’ LOK«∞
Plant this . ........................................................................... nxx <å@∞. nxx áê`«∞
Play a game . ....................................................................................... XHõ P\ P_»∞
Play here, not there . .................................................... WHõ¯_» P_»∞HÀ, JHõ¯_» HÍ^Œ∞
Play well . ............................................................................... ã¨iQÍ P_»∞, ÉÏQÍ P_»∞
Play with those children . ............................................................ P Ñ≤Å¡Å`À P_»∞
Post this coupon today . ................................ D ~ÀA D ‰õÄѨ<# £ ∞ áÈã¨∞ì KÕ~Ú
Post this letter . .................................................................. D L`«Î~åxfl áÈã¨∞ìKÕ~Ú
Pour a cup of tea for me . ............................................... <å‰õΩ XHõ HõÑC ¨ \© áÈ~Ú
Pour the milk carefully . ............................................ D áêÅ#∞ *Ï„QÆ`Q Ϋ Í áÈ~Ú
Pour yourself another cup of tea . ............................... WOH˘Hõ HõѨC \© áÈã¨∞HÀ
Practise this dialogue . .................................................... D _≥·ÖÏQ∑#∞ ™ê^èŒ#KÕ~Ú
Praise him for his courage . ........................................ J`«x ™êǨϙêxfl á⁄QÆ∞_»∞
Pray to God for help . ..................................... ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞=Ú H˘~°‰õΩ ^Õ=Ùx „áêi÷OK«∞
Prefer hot water to cold . .............................. K«hflà◊§‰õΩ |^Œ∞Å∞ "Õ_çh\˜x HÀ~°∞HÀ
Prepare some tea for him . ............ J`«x H˘~°‰õΩ H˘OK≥O \© `«Ü«∂~°∞KÕÜ«Ú=Ú
Prepare to attack . ............................................................................ ^•_çH˜ ã≤^ŒÌѨ_»∞
Present a petition to the collector ........................................................ .
HõÖˇHõì~°∞‰õΩ XHõ P~ÀѨ}ÏѨ„`«=Ú ã¨=∞iÊOK«∞
Press my shirt . .......................................................................... <å K˘Hͯ W„ã‘ÎKÕ~Ú
Press the horn . ...................................................................................... Ǩ~°<£ =`«∞Î
Press this button to ring the door bell ..................... ._À~ü ɡÅ∞¡ „"≥∂yOK«∞@
H˘~°‰õΩ D |@<£ <˘‰õΩ¯
Pretend you haven't see him . .............................. J`«_çx K«∂_»#@∞¡QÍ #\˜OK«∞
Prick holes in paper . ........................................................ ¿ÑѨ~ü‰õΩ zÅ∞¡Å∞ á⁄_»=Ù
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 136
Promise me to bring it . ............................... ^•xx `≥™êÎ#x <å‰õΩ "åQÍú#O KÕ~Ú
Propose me for your club . ........................................ g∞ Hõ¡ÉòÖ’ ##∞fl KÕ~°∞ÛHÀO_ç
Provide food and shelter for him . .................... J`«xH˜ uO_ç, =ã¨u ã¨=∞‰õÄ~°∞Û
Pull the rope tight . .................................................................. `å_»∞#∞ QÆ\ ì̃QÍ ÖÏQÆ∞
Pull the trigger to fire the gun . .................... `«∞áêH˜x ¿ÑÅÛ_®xH˜ „\˜QÆ~üx ÖÏQÆ∞
Pull your chair up to the table . ............................. >Ë|∞Öò =^ŒÌ‰õΩ ‰õΩsÛx [~°∞ѨÙ
Pump air into the back tyre . ................................. "≥#∞Hõ >ÿ̌~°∞Ö’H˜ QÍex H˘@∞ì
Push him out of the house . .................. J`«xx WO\˜Ö’ #∞O_ç |Ü«∞@‰õΩ <≥@∞ì
Push the car . .................................................................................. HÍ~°∞ „`ÀÜ«Ú=Ú
Push the table nearer to the wall . ......................... QÀ_» ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ >Ë|∞Öò [~°∞ѨÙ
Put a chair in this room . ......................................... D QÆkÖ’ XHõ ‰õΩsÛx LOK«∞
Put a cover over that hole before some one falls in it .................. . ^•xÖ’
Z=~À XHõ~°∞ Ѩ_»Hõ =ÚO^Õ P ~°O„^èŒ=ÚÃÑ· =¸`«ÃÑ@∞ì
Put a pen in your bag . ............................................. h ã¨OzÖ’ XHõ HõÅ=Ú ÃÑ@∞ì
Put a weight on top of the letters . ..................... P L`«Î~åÅÃÑ·# |~°∞=Ù LOK«∞
Put aside a little . ................................................................ „ѨHõ¯# H˘kÌQÍ LOK«O_ç
Put away the unused plates and cups .. ."å_»x HõѨCÅ#∞, Ѩàı§Å#∞ fã≤‰õΩáÈ
Put down the receiver . ................................................................. iã‘=~üx ÃÑ>ËìÜü∞
Put everthing in order . ........................................................... Jhfl 㨄Hõ=∞OQÍ ã¨~°∞Ì
Put in the money before dialling . ......... _»Ü«∞Öò KÕÜ«∞Hõ=ÚO^Õ _»|∞ƒ "ÕÜ«Ú=Ú
Put it among those books . ............................ nxx P ѨÙãÎ̈Hõ=ÚÅ =∞^茺 LOK«∞
Put it anywhere you like . ..... nxx h W+ì̈=Ú =zÛ#KÀ@ ZK«Û@#~Ú<å LOK«∞
Put it away in your desk . .............................. nxx h _≥ãπ¯ #∞Oz fã≤H˘x "≥à◊√§
Put it back on the shelf . ........................................ nxx uiy Ã+ÖòÊg ù ∞^Œ LOK«∞
Put it down . ................................................................................. nxx „H˜O^Œ LOK«∞
Put it in front of those books . ........................ nxx P ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ =ÚO^Œ∞ LOK«∞
Put it on . .......................................................................................... nxx ÃÑ#
· LOK«∞
Put it on the lower shelf . ......................................... nxx J_»∞QÆ∞ Ã+ÖòÊÖ’ LOK«∞
Put my books in the bag . ...................................... <å ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ#∞ ã¨OzÖ’ ÃÑ@∞ì
Put off the lamp . ............................................................................. nѨO PiÊ"Õ~Ú
Put on the light . ...................................................................................... Öˇ·@∞ P~°∞Ê
Put on the light . ............................................................................... Öˇ·@∞ "≥eyOK«∞
Put out your cigarette . .............................................................. ã≤QÆÔ~@∞ì PiÊ"Õ~Ú
Put some more wood on the fire . ..................... =∞O@Ö’ =∞iH˘O`« Hõ>ì̌ "Õ~Ú
Put some oil into my ear . ....................................... <å K≥qÖ’ H˘O`« #∂<≥ "Õ~Ú
137 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Put that dirty plate against the stones .... P Ñ¨à‹§=Ú#∞ ~åà◊§ =ÚO^Œ∞ LOK«∞
Put the book back on the shelf when you have finished it ................... .
h=Ù K«^Œ=_»O ѨÓiÎ J~Ú# `«~åfi`« uiy ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl Ã+ÖòÊùg∞^Œ ÃÑ@∞ì
Put the box here . ..................................................................... WK«Û@ ÃÑ>ì̌#∞ LOK«∞
Put the cap back on the bottle . ........................... ã‘™êÃÑ· uiy =¸`«#∞ ÃÑ@∞ì
Put the car into (reverse) gear . ........................... HÍ~°∞#∞ (i=~üû) ˆQ~üÖ’ LOK«∞
Put the desk near the window . .................................. H˜\ ˜H˜ ^ŒQÆæ~° _≥ãπ¯#∞ LOK«∞
Put the desk over there . .................................................... _≥ãπ¯#∞ JÅ¡Hõ¯_» LOK«∞
Put the flowers in a glass . ................................................. QÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’ ѨÓÅ∞ LOK«∞
Put the food where the cat can't get at it ....................... . Ñ≤e¡ JO^Œ∞HÀÖËx
KÀ@ D PǨ~åxfl LOK«∞
Put the medicine where the children can't get at it. ............................. Ñ≤Å¡Å∞
JO^Œ∞HÀÖËx KÀ@ D =∞O^Œ∞#∞ LOK«∞
Put the phone down . ....................................................................... á¶È<£ ÃÑ\ì̃"Õ~Ú
Put the picture straight . ........................................ D Ѩ\Ïxfl xÅ∞=ÙQÍ J=∞~°∞Û
Put the waste in the dustbin . .......................... ‰õΩѨÊ`˘>ì̌Ö’ D =∞e<åxfl "Õ~Ú
Put them on the table . ................................................. "å\˜x >Ë|∞Öò g∞^Œ LOK«∞
Put these matches in the box . .............................. D JyæѨÙÅ¡efl ÃÑ>ì̌Ö’ ÃÑ@∞ì
Put this letter on the table . ............................... D L`«Î~åxfl >Ë|∞Öò g∞^Œ ÃÑ@∞ì
Put your bicycle against that wall . .................... P QÀ_»‰õΩ h Ãã·H˜Öò#∞ PxOK«∞
Put your books away . ........................................... h ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ#∞ fã¨∞H˘x "≥o§áÈ
Put your hand inside . ........................................................... h KÕux ֒ѨŠÃÑ@∞ì
Put your pen in the box . .................................................. h HõÖÏxfl ÃÑ>ì̌Ö’ ÃÑ@∞ì
Raise the curtain . ............................................................................ D `≥~°#∞ ÖËѨÙ
Raise your arms . ..................................................................... h KÕ`«∞Å∞ ÃÑ·H˜ Z`«∞Î
Read it again . ........................................................................... nxx =∞~°Å K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read it aloud . ......................................................................... nxx aQÆæ~°QÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read me the letter aloud . ............................. L`«Î~åxfl <å H˘~°‰õΩ ÃÑ^ŒÌQÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read out all the names . ..................................................... Jxfl ¿Ñ~°∞¡ K«k"ÕÃãÜü∞
Read that for me . .............................................................. <å H˘~°‰õΩ ^•xx K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the address on this letter . ....................... D L`«Î~°OÃÑ·x J„_»ã¨∞û K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the following sentences . ............................. D kQÆ∞= "åHͺÅ#∞ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the instructions carefully . .................... D ã¨∂K«#Å#∞ *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the next paragraph aloud for the class ..................... . `«~°QÆu H˘~°‰õΩ
`«~åfiu ¿Ñ~å#∞ aQÆæ~°QÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 138
Read the next sentence . ................................................ `«~åfiu "åHͺxfl K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the shorthand notes . .................................... ëê~üìǨºO_£ <À@∞û#∞ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read the time . ........................................................................... >ÿ̌=Ú ZO`À K«∂_»∞
Read them a story . .............................................................. "åiH˜ XHõ Hõ^äŒ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read these words aloud . ......................................... D Ѩ^•Å#∞ ÃÑ^ŒÌQÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read this letter . ....................................................................... D L`«Î~åxfl K«^Œ∞=Ù
Read this novel . ........................................................................ D #=Å#∞ K«^∞Œ =Ù
Read well . .............................................................................................. ÉÏQÍ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Reap the corn . ............................................................................ ѨO@#∞ HÀÜ«Ú=Ú
Recall him . ............................................................................ J`«xx "≥#Hõ‰õΩ Ñ≤Å∞=Ù
Recall where I met him . .............. J`«xx <Õ#∞ ZK«Û@ Hõeâß<À *Ï˝Ñ¨HõO KÕã¨∞HÀ
Recommend this soap . ................................................. D ã¨|∞ƒ#∞ „áÈ`«ûÇ≤ÏOK«∞
Reduce speed . ................................................................................. "ÕQÍxfl `«yæOK«∞
Refer to this matter again . ............................. D q+¨Ü∂ « xfl =∞~°Å ѨijeOK«∞
Refrain from spitting in public places . ............................ |Ç≤Ï~°OQÆ „Ѩ^ÕâßÅÖ’
Lq∞‡"ÕÜ«Ú@#∞ x~ÀkèOK«∞
Refuse to help him . ............................. J`«_çH˜ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«Ú@‰õΩ u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞
Regret being unable to help . ..... ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«∞ÖËHõ áÈ~Ú#O^Œ∞ʼnõΩ HõΔq∞OK«∞
Regulate the speed of that projector . ..................... P „á⁄*ˇ‰õì~°∞ Ü≥ÚHõ¯ "ÕQÍxfl
Reimburse her the costs of the journey . P"≥∞ „Ѩܫ∂}Y~°∞Û#∞ uiy~å|@∞ì
Reject an offer of help . .................................... ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«Ú@#∞ u~°ã¨¯iOK«∞
Relax for an hour . .......................................................... XHõ QÆO@ q„âßOu fã¨∞HÀ
Release him from a promise . ................... "åQÍú#O #∞O_ç J`«_çx q=ÚHÎ̃KÕ~Ú
Remember me to your brother . .......................... h ™È^Œ~°∞xH˜ ##∞fl QÆ∞~°∞ÎKÕ~Ú
Remember my name . ........................................................... <å ¿Ñ~°∞ QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀ
Remember posting the letter . ......... L`«Î~åÅ#∞ `«áêÖÏÖ’"ÕÜ«Ú@ =∞~°∞==^Œ∞Ì
Remember that he is not well . ............................. J`«xH˜ ÉÏQÍÖË^Œx `≥Å∞ã¨∞HÀ
Remember that rule . .................................................... P xÜ«∞=∂xfl QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀ
Remember to bring your notes to class tomorrow . ˆ~Ѩ٠HÍ¡ã¨∞‰õΩ h <À@∞û#∞
`Õ=_»O =∞~°∞=‰õΩ
Remember to drink your milk before going to bed . ......... x„^ŒáÈÜÕ∞=ÚOL^Œ
áêÅ∞ „`åQÆ@O QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀ
Remind me of my dental appointment tomorrow at 9'0 clock . ........... ˆ~ѨÙ
9 QÆOIIʼnõΩ ^ŒO`«"≥·^Œ∞ºx HõÅ∞=Ù@#∞ <å‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞ÎKÕ~Ú
139 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Remind me of your brother . ............................... g∞ ™È^Œ~°∞xH˜ ##∞fl QÆ∞~°∞ÎKÕ~Ú
Remind me to answer that letter .......................................................... .
P L`«Î~åxH˜ ["å|∞ „"åÜ«Ú@#∞ <å‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞Î KÕ~Ú
Remind me to do it . ............................................ ^•xx KÕÜ«∞_»O <å‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞ÎKÕ~Ú
Remit by cheque . ................................................................... K≥‰õΩ¯ ^•fi~å K≥e¡OK«∞
Remove the cloth from the table . ................... >Ë|∞Öò #∞O_ç QÆ∞_»¤#∞ `˘ÅyOK«∞
Remove the fuse-holder . .......................................................... ѶA ‘ #∞ `˘ÅyOK«∞
Remove your hand from my shoulder . .......... <åÉè∞í [O g∞k hKÕux fã≤"~ ÕÚ
Repair it . ........................................................................................... nxx ÉÏQÆ∞KÕ~Ú
Repair the radio . ...................................................... D ˆ~_çÜ≥∂#∞ =∞~°=∞‡`«∞ÎKÕ~Ú
Repeat what I have told you . ............................ h‰õΩ Uq∞ K≥ÑÊ≤ u<À uiy K≥ÑC ¨
Replace the cap after use . ............. LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOz# Ñ≤^ÑŒ ¨ uiy =¸`«#∞ ÃÑ@∞ì
Replace the dictionary on the shelf . ................ Ã+ÖòÊù ÃÑ· _çHõΔ#sx uiy LOK«∞
Replace the fuse - holder . ...................................................... ѶA ‘ #∞ uiy ÃÑ@∞ì
Report anywhere you like . .......................... h W+ì̈O =zÛ#KÀ@ Ѷ≤~åº^Œ∞KÕã¨∞HÀ
Report her unpunctuality to headquarters ............................................ .
L#fl`«HÍ~åºÅÜ«∂xH˜ P"≥∞ x~°¡HΔͺxfl `≥eÜ«∞Ѩ~°∞Û
Report the manager . ...................................................... "Õ∞<Õ[~°∞‰õΩ Ñ¶≤~åº^Œ∞KÕ~Ú
Request everyone to keep quiet . ..... JO^Œifl xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»=∞x „|u=∂Å∞
Request him . ............................................................................... J`«xx „|u=∂Å∞
Reserve two rooms at the taj hotel . .... `å*òǨϟ@ÖòÖ’ 2 QÆ^Œ∞Å#∞ ã≤^ŒÌOKÕ~Ú
Reserve two tickets for me to Bombay . <å‰õΩ ÉÁOÉÏ~ÚH˜ 2 \ỖH\òû i[~üfiKÕ~Ú
Respect the laws of your country . ..................... h^Õâ◊ K«@ì=ÚÅ#∞ Q“~°qOK«∞
Respect your elders . ............................................................... ÃÑ^ŒÌÅ#∞ Q“~°qOK«∞
Respect yourself . ............................................................... x#∞fl h=Ù Q“~°qOK«∞HÀ
Respond to this letter immedately . ...... D Öˇ@~ü‰õΩ "≥O@<Õ „Ѩ`«∞º`«Î~°q∞~Úº
Restore borrowed books . ..................................... fã¨∞H˘#fl ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl uiy W=Ùfi
Restore him to his old post . ....................... J`«xx uiy ѨÓ~°fi™ê÷#OÖ’ LOK«∞
Restrain your language . .............................................. h ÉèÏ+¨x J^Œ∞ѨÙÖ’ LOK«∞
Return his money . ............................................................ J`«x _»|∞ƒ uiy ѨOѨÙ
Return it soon . .......................................................................... nxx `«fi~°Ö’ ѨOѨÙ
Return it whenever it is convenient . J#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ L#flѨC_»∞ nxx uiy ѨOѨÙ
Revise your estimate . .................................................... h JOK«<å#∞ uiy "Õ~Ú
Ride in a car . ...................................................................... HÍ~°∞Ö’ „Ѩܫ∂}OKÕ~Ú
Ring back later . ............................................................... `«~åfi`«=∞~°Å á¶È#∞ KÕ~Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 140
Ring the bell in an emergency . ............................ J`«º=ã¨~°HÍÅOÖ’ ɡÅ∞¡H˘@∞ì
Rinse soap out of the clothes . ........................ |@ìʼnõΩ L#fl ã¨|∞ƒ#∞ *Ï_çOK«∞
Rinse the clothes . ...................................................................... |@ìÅ#∞ <å#ɡ@∞ì
Rise early . ................................................................................................... `«fi~°QÍ ÖË
Roast it . ...................................................................................................... nxx "ÕÑÙ¨
Rock the baby to sleep . ............................................ x„^Œ|∞K«Û_®xH˜ a_»¤#∞ TѨÙ
Roll a cigarette for me ........................................... <å‰õΩ XHõ K«∞@ì#∞ K«∞@∞ì
Roll the plastic ball gently on the effected part . "åºkè ™ÈH˜# ÉèÏQÆOÃÑ· áê¡ã≤ìH±
|Oux "≥∞Å¡QÍ Hõ^Œ∞ѨÙ
Roll the string into a ball . ................................................. ^•~åxfl LO_»QÍ K«∞@∞ì
Roll up the mat . ...................................................................................... KåѨ K«∞@∞ì
Rub this oil on your skin . ........................................ K«~°‡=ÚÃÑ· D `≥·ÖÏxfl ~°∞^Œ∞Ì
Rub your hands . ......................................................................... h KÕ`«∞Å∞ ~°∞^Œ∞ÌHÀ
Run across the street . ....................................................... gkèH˜ J_»¤OQÍ Ñ¨iÔQ`«∞Î
Run and fetch the doctor . .......................................... ѨiÔQuÎ _®Hõì~°∞#∞ fã¨∞‰õΩ~å
Run away . ........................................................................................................ áêiáÈ
Run down the steps . ........................................................... ѨiÔQ`«∞Î`«∂ "≥∞@∞¡kQÆ∞
Run fast . ........................................................................................... "ÕQÆOQÍ Ñ¨iÔQ`«∞Î
Run round the field . ............................................................ á⁄ÅO K«∞@∂ì ѨiÔQ`«∞Î
Run the car into the garage . ............................ HÍ~°∞#∞ Qͺˆ~lÖ’xH˜ `ÀÅ∞ÔHà◊√§
Run to home . .................................................................................... WO\˜H˜ ѨiÔQ`«∞Î
Save her from drowning . ....................................... =ÚxyáÈ`«∞#fl P"≥∞x HÍáê_»∞
Save me some money . ............................................. <å‰õΩ H˘OK≥O `Õ<≥ q∞QÆ∞Å∞Û
Save some of it for me . ........................................... nxÖ’ H˘O`« <å‰õΩ q∞QÆ∞Å∞Û
Say no more . ................................................................................... Ug∞ =∂\Ï¡_»‰õΩ
Say that you will come . .......................................................... h=Ù =™êÎ#x K≥ÑC ¨
Say the alphabet backwards . ............................. JHõΔ~°=∂Å#∞ "≥#∞Hõ‰õΩ K«^Œ∞=Ù
Say yes . ................................................................................................ J=Ù#x K≥ÑC ¨
Seal the room . .................................................................... ~°∂=Ú‰õΩ ã‘Å∞ "ÕÜ«∞O_ç
Search all the boxes . ........................................................... Jxfl ÃÑ>ì̌Å#∞ "≥`«∞‰õΩ
Search for him . .......................................................................... J`«x HÀã¨O "≥`«∞‰õΩ
Search for it . ............................................................................... ^•x HÀã¨O "≥`«∞‰õΩ
Search his pockets . ............................................................. J`«x *Ë|∞Å∞ "≥`«∞‰õΩ
See how happy he is . ............................... K«∂_»∞ J`«_≥O`« ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ L<åfl_À
See how i do it . .............................................................. nxx ZÖÏ KÕ™êÎ<À K«∂_»∞
141 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
See me on friday . ...................................................... â◊√„Hõ"å~°O<å_»∞ ##∞fl HõÅ∞=Ù
See that book . ............................................................................. P ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl K«∂_»∞
See that none of you stray away.keep to the group . ..... g∞Ö’ Z=~°∂ "≥o§
áȉõΩO_® K«∂_»O_ç. QÆ∞OѨÙQÍ KÕ~°O_ç
See the essential parts . .................................................... =ÚYº ÉèÏQÍÅ∞ K«∂_»∞
See what i have brought for you . ....................... h HÀã¨O Uq∞ `≥KåÛ<À K«∂_»∞
See what i have done . ............................................................ Uq∞ KÕâß<À K«∂_»∞
See what it is . ............................................................................ Wk Uq∞\’ K«∂_»∞
Sell him a car . ...................................................................... W`«xH˜ XHõHÍ~°∞ J=Ú‡
Sell mangoes at one rupee each . =∂q∞_ç HÍÜ«∞efl ~°∂áê~Ú K˘Ñ¨C# J=Ú‡
Send Rs.30 as advance for V.P.P . q.Ñ≤.Ñ≤ H˘~°‰õΩ 30 ~°∂IIÅ∞ J_®fi#∞ûѨOѨÙ
Send a message to him . .................................................... J`«xH˜ "≥∞¿ã*ò ѨOѨÙ
Send a telegram . ..................................................................... XHõ >ˇe„QÍ"£∞ ѨOѨÙ
Send for a doctor . ..................................................................... _®Hõì~°∞ HÀã¨O ѨOѨÙ
Send for a taxi . ............................................................................ \ÏH˜û HÀã¨O ѨOѨÙ
Send biscuits and tea . ............................................................... a㨯@∞¡, \© ѨOѨÙ
Send full amount . .................................................................. ѨÓiÎ "≥Ú`åÎxfl ѨOѨÙ
Send him a letter of sympathy . .................. J`«xH˜ ™ê#∞Éèí∂u L`«Î~åxfl ѨOѨÙ
Send him some fruits . ................................................... J`«xH˜ H˘xfl ѨO_»∞¡Ñ¨OѨÙ
Send it by hand . ............................................................................... KÕuH˜zÛ Ñ¨OѨÙ
Send it John . .............................................................................. nxx *Ï<£‰õΩ Ñ¨OѨÙ
Send it soon . ............................................................................. nxx `«fi~°QÍ Ñ¨OѨÙ
Send me a line whenever you are free . h=Ù MÏmQÍ L#flѨC_»∞ <å‰õΩ á¶È<£ KÕ~Ú
Send me a wire before coming in . ............. h=Ù =KÕÛ=ÚO^Œ∞ <å‰õΩ á¶È<£ KÕ~Ú
Send me an account . ......................................................................... MÏ`å ѨOѨÙ
Send me a wire when you get there . h=Ù JHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥à◊§QÍ<Õ <å‰õΩ á¶È<£ KÕ~Ú
Send money order to get the desired book . ..................... HÀ~°∞‰õΩ#fl ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl
á⁄O^Œ∞@‰õΩ =∞xP~°¤~°∞ ѨOѨÙ
Send postage stamps for Rs 8 to this address . ....................... D J„_»ã¨∞û‰õΩ
8 ~°∂IIÅ qÅ∞=QÆÅ áÈ¿ãìl™êìOѨÙÅ∞ ѨOѨÙ
Send the letter back . ................................................ L`«Î~åxfl uiy "≥#H˜¯ ѨOѨÙ
Send this book to John . ............................................. D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍxfl *Ï<£‰õΩ Ñ¨OѨÙ
Send this parcel by air-mail . ......... D áêi≈Öò#∞ Z~Ú~ü "≥∞~ÚÖò ^•fi~å ѨOѨÙ
Seperate the children in to groups according to their ages . ...... "åi "åi
=Ü«∞ã¨∞ûÅ „ѨHÍ~°O Ñ≤Å¡efl „QÆ∂ѨÙÅ∞QÍ q_»Q˘@∞ì
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 142
Serve them food . ................................................................. "åiH˜ Éè’[#O =_ç¤OK«∞
Set fire . ...................................................................................................... xѨC ÃÑ@∞ì
Set him free . ............................................................................... J`«_x ç =ke"Õ~Ú
Set the watch going . .......................................... QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O #_»∞K«∞#@∞¡ ã¨iKÕ~Ú
Set your watch by the tower clock or radio . .. h QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O#∞ ˆ~_çÜ≥∞ ÖË^•
QÆ_çÜ«∂~°ã¨ÎOÉèíOÖ’x >ˇÿ"£∞„ѨHÍ~°O ã¨iKÕ~Ú
Settle my account immediately . ................... "≥O@<Õ <å MÏ`å#∞ Ãã\˜Öò KÕ~Ú
Shake the blanket . ...................................................................... ^Œ∞ѨÊ\˜x ^Œ∞Å∞ѨÙ
Shake well before use . ............................. LѨÜ≥∂yOKÕ =ÚO^Œ∞ ÉÏQÍ yÅH˘@∞ì
Shake a dice . ............................................................................. áêzHõefl HõkeOK«∞
Shape a pot on the wheel . ........................................... K«„HõOÃÑ· ‰õΩO_»#∞ =∞ÅK«∞
Share in his troubles . ........................................... J`«x PѨ^ŒÅÖ’ áêÅ∞ѨOK«∞HÀ
Share the money among you . ........................... g∞ =∞^茺 _»|∞ƒ#∞ ѨOK«∞HÀO_ç
Share the money with the rest of them . "åiÖ’ q∞ye#"åi =∞^茺 _»|∞ƒ ѨOK«∞
Share the room . ........................................................................... QÆkx ѨOK«∞HÀO_ç
Share the sweets between you . ............................ g∞~°∞ ã‘fi@∞û#∞ ѨOK«∞HÀO_ç
Share with my friend . .................................................... <å ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞x`À ѨOK«∞HÀ
Sharpen your pencil . .................................................................... h ÃÑxûÖòx K≥‰õΩ¯
Shelter from the rain . .............................................................. =~°¬O#∞O_ç `«Ñ¨CHÀ
Shelter under the trees . .................................................... K≥@¡ „H˜O^Œ `«Å^•K«∞HÀ
Shoot at sight . ..................................................................................... HõxÑ≤¿ãÎ HÍÅ∞Û
Shoot at the bird . ................................................................................... ѨHΔ̃x HÍÅ∞Û
Shoot him . ............................................................................................ J`«_çx HÍÅ∞Û
Shout at him . ................................................................................... J`«_çx ˆHHõ"Õ~Ú
Show me a way out . .................................................. |Ü«∞@‰õΩ"≥àı§ =∂~°æOK«∂ѨÙ
Show me exactly how you want me to do this . .................... nxx <Õ#∞ ZÖÏ
KÕÜ«∞=∞O\Ï"À ã¨iQÍ K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me how to do it . ........................................ ^•xx ZÖÏ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me Madras on the map . ................... D =∂ºÑ¨ÙÃÑ· =∞„^•ã¨∞#∞ K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me that cloth . ............................................................... P QÆ∞_»¤#∞ K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me the man you saw yesterday . .. x#fl h=ÙK«∂ã≤# =∞x+≤x K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me the way to the post office . ................... áÈ™êìѶ‘ã¨∞‰õΩ ^•i K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me what you have brought today . h=Ù D~ÀA Uq∞ `≥KåÛ"À K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me what you brought . ........................................ h=Ù Uq∞`≥KåÛ"À K«∂ѨÙ
Show me where we are on this map . D=∂ºÑπÖ’ =∞#O ZHõ¯_»∞<åfl"≥∂ K«∂ѨÙ
143 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Show me your new dress . ............................................ h „H˘`«Î „_»ãπ#∞ K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me your talents . ......................................... h „ѨuÉèÏáê@"åefl K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show me your ticket . ............................................................... h \ỖH\ò K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show mercy on him . ........................................................... J`«xg∞^Œ ^ŒÜ«∞K«∂ѨÙ
Show your head . ........................................................................... h `«Å K«∂Ñ≤OK«∞
Show your membership-card when you come to the club . ................. Hõ¡ÉòH˜
=KÕÛ@ѨC_»∞ ã¨Éèíº`«fiHÍ~°∞¤#∞ K«∂ѨÙ
Shut all the doors and windows . ................ Jxfl `«Å∞ѨÙefl, H˜\ H ˜ Å© #∞ =¸~Ú
Shut her mouth first . ............................................. =ÚO^Œ∞ P"≥∞ <À~°∞#∞ =¸~Ú
Shut the door after you . .......................................... "≥àı§@ѨC_»∞ `«Å∞Ѩ٠=¸~Ú
Sift the flour . ........................................................................................ Ñ≤O_ç [e¡OK«∞
Sift the wheat from the chaff . ......................... THõ #∞O_ç QÀ^èŒ∞=∞Å#∞ [e¡OK«∞
Sign here . .................................................................................. WHõ¯_» ã¨O`«HõO KÕ~Ú
Sign on the dotted line . .......................................... K«∞Hõ¯Åw`«ÃÑ·# ã¨O`«HõO KÕ~Ú
Signal the waiter to bring water . ............. hà◊√§ `≥=∞‡x "≥~Ú@~ü‰õΩ ã¨O[˝KÕ~Ú
Simmer the soup for a few minutes . H˘kÌxq∞ëêÅ∞Kå~°∞#∞ `«‰õΩ¯="Õ_çÖ’ LOK«∞
Simmer the stew for an hour . .......................... =O@HÍxfl QÆO@¿ãѨ٠"≥K«ÛKÕ~Ú
Sing the song again . ....................................................... P áê@#∞ =∞~°ÖÏ áê_»∞
Sink a post one foot deep in the ground . <ÕÅÖ’ XHõ J_»∞QÆ∞Ö’`«∞# ãÎ̈OÉèÏxfl
Sit a while . ................................................................................. H˘OK≥O ¿ãѨ٠‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit any where you like . ............................................. h W+ì̈O =zÛ# KÀ@ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit by my side . ............................................................................... <å „Ñ¨Hõ¯# ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit down by me . ........................................................................... <å „Ñ¨Hõ¯# ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit here . .................................................................................................. WHõ¯_» ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit in an arm chair . ..................................................... Ѩ_»Hõ (KÕu) ‰õΩsÛÖ’ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit in the back of the car . ................................................... HÍ~°∞Ö’ "≥#∞Hõ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit inside . .............................................................................................. ֒ѨŠ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit next to David . ...................................................... _Õq_£ `«~åfi`« („ѨHõ¯#) ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit on a chair . ................................................................................... ‰õΩsÛ ÃÑ· ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit on my lap . ................................................................................ <å X_çÖ’ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit on the floor . ................................................................................. <ÕÅg∞^Œ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit there until I return . .................................... <Õ#∞ uiy =KÕÛ=~°‰õΩ JHõ¯_»‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sit where you like . ...................................................... h W+ì̈O =zÛ#KÀ@ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Sketch out proposals for a new road . .. H˘`«Î~À_»∞¤ „ѨáÈ[Öòû‰õΩ =ӺǨÏO w~Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 144
Skip out of the way of the bus . .............................. |ã¨∞û=∂~°æO #∞O_ç `«Ñ¨CHÀ
Skip over a brook . ........................................................................ HÍÅ=ÃÑ·QÍ ^Œ∂‰õΩ
Sleep in a room . ................................................................................. QÆkÖ’ x„^ŒáÈ
Sleep now . .......................................................................................... WѨC_»∞ x„^ŒáÈ
Sleep on it . ...................................................................................... nx g∞^Œ x„^ŒáÈ
Sleep where you like . ................................................ h W+ì̈O =zÛ#KÀ@ x„^ŒáÈ
Slow down before you reach the cross roads . „HÍãπ~À_»∞¤ =KÕÛ=ÚO^Œ∞ "ÕQÆO
Smear you hands with oil . .................................. h KÕ`∞« efl #∂<≥`À ѨÙÅ∞=ÚHÀ
Smell this and tell me what it is . .................. nxx "åã¨# K«∂z Uq∞\’ K≥ÑC ¨
Smile at her . ................................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ K«∂z#=Ùfi
Smoke a cigarette now . ........................................ WѨC_»∞ XHõ ã≤QÆÔ~@∞ì HÍÅ∞ÛHÀ
Smoke less . ...................................................................................... `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ „`åQÆ∞
Soak bread in milk . ........................................................ áêÅÖ’ ~˘>ì̌#∞ <å#"Õ~Ú
Soak dirty clothes in water . ............................. =ÚiH˜ |@ìefl h\˜Ö’ <å#"Õ~Ú
Sock a brick at her . ............................................................ P"≥∞#∞ ~å~Ú`À H˘@∞ì
Sock him on the jaw . .......................................................... J`«_çx ^Œ=_»ÃÑ· H˘@∞ì
Sock it to him . ................................................................... n#x J`«xH˜ qã¨i"Õ~Ú
Solve this crossword puzzle . ............................... D„HÍãπ=~ü¤ ѨlÖò#∞ ™êkèOK«∞
Solve this equation . ................................................ D ã¨=∂ã¨=Ú#∞ ™êkèOK«∞=Ú
Solve this problem . ....................................................... D ã¨=∞㨺#∞ ™êkèOK«∞=Ú
Soothe the crying baby . ............................................... U_»∞ÛK«∞#fl a_»¤#∞ F^•~°∞Û
Sort out these letters . ...................................... D L`«Î~åxfl ™ê~üì (qÉèí[#) KÕ~Ú
Sort the letters by date . ............................ D L`«~ Î åefl `ÕnÅ"åsQÍ qÉèlí OK«∞
Sound the alarm . ....................................................................... JÖÏ~°O „"≥∂yOK«∞
Sound this drum . ...................................................................... D _ÀÅ∞ „"≥∂yOK«∞
Spare me a few drops of honey . ............ H˘kÌ K«∞Hõ¯Å∞ `Õ<≥ <å HÀã¨O q∞QÆ∞Å∞Û
Spare me a few minutes (of your time) . <å H˘~°‰õΩ H˘kÌ xq∞ëêÅ∞ ˆH\Ï~ÚOK«∞
Spare one of them for me . ....................................... <å‰õΩ "å\˜Ö’ XHõ\ ˜q∞QÆ∞Å∞Û
Speak . ............................................................................................................ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Speak a little lounder . ................................................... H˘OK≥O aQÆæ~°QÍ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Speak english to me . ................................................... <å`À WOw¡+μ¨ Ö’ =∂\Ï¡_∞»
Speak first, I shall speak after . =ÚO^Œ∞ h=Ù =∂\Ï¡_»∞, `«~åfi`« <Õ#∞ =∂\Ï¡_»∞`å
Speak in English . .................................................................... WOw¡+¨μÖ’ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Speak to her about you . ........................................... h QÆ∞iOz P"≥∞`À =∂\Ï¡_»∞
145 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Speak in a low voice . .................................................... `«‰õΩ¯= ã¨fi~°OÖ’ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Speak more slowly . ...................................................... KåÖÏ x^•#OQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Speak on . ..................................................................................... =∂\Ï¡_»∞`«∂ LO_»∞
Speak slowly . ............................................................................ x^•#OQÍ =∂\Ï¡_∞»
Speak the truth . ...................................................................................... x[O K≥ÑC ¨
Speak to John . ............................................................................... *Ï<£`À =∂\Ï¡_∞»
Speak to the others . ...................................................... q∞ye# "åi`À =∂\Ï¡_∞»
Speak to your sister . ................................................................ h K≥e¡`À =∂\Ï¡_»∞
Spend ten rupees a day . ...................................... ~ÀA‰õΩ Ñ¨k~°∂IIÅ∞ Y~°∞ÛÃÑ@∞ì
Spend the night there . ............................................................. ~å„u JHõ¯_» QÆ_»∞ѨÙ
Spill it . ....................................................................................................... nxx xOѨÙ
Spread leaves on the floor . ............................................ <ÕÅg∞^Œ P‰õΩÅ#∞ Ѩ~°K«∞
Spread out the map . ...................................................................... =∂ºÑ¨Ù#∞ Ѩ~°K«∞
Spread this cloth on the table . ................................ D |@ì#∞ >Ë|∞ÖòÃÑ· Ѩ~°K«∞
Spread this cloth over the chair . ................ ‰õΩsÛ ÃÑ·ÉèÏQÆOÖ’ D |@ì#∞ Ѩ~°K«∞
Sprinkle the floor with dettol water . ..................... QÆK«∞Ûg∞^Œ _≥\ÏìÖò h\˜x K«Å∞¡
Sprinkle water on the dusty floor . ................... ^Œ∞=Ú‡<ÕÅÃÑ· h\˜x zÅ∞HõiOK«∞
Squeeze a lemon . ................................................................ XHõ x=∞‡HÍÜ«∞ Ñ≤O_»∞
Squeeze the shirt lightly . ................................................. +¨~°∞ì#∞ `ÕeHõQÍ Ñ≤O_»∞
Squeeze the sponge . ..................................................................... ™êÊOlx Ñ≤O_»∞
Squeeze the water out . ............................................................... h\˜x Ñ≤O_ç"Õ~Ú
Stand a coin up on its edge . ................................ <å}Ëxfl ^•x JOK«∞ÃÑ· xÅ∞ѨÙ
Stand aside to let someone pass . ......... WOH˘Hõ~°∞ áÈ=_®xH˜ „ѨHõ¯# xÅ|_»∞
Stand back . ........................................................................................ "≥#∞Hõ xÅ|_»∞
Stand by me . ............................................................................... <å „Ñ¨Hõ¯# xÅ|_»∞
Stand by the door . ............................................................... `«Å∞Ѩ٠„ѨHõ¯# xÅ|_»∞
Stand in a line . ...................................................................... XHõ =~°∞ã¨Ö’ xÅ|_»∞
Stand right there so I can take your picture . . h á¶È\’#∞ fã¨∞H˘#QÆÅQÆ\ÏxH˜
ã¨iQÍæ xÅ|_»∞
Stand still while i brush your hair . . h `«Å ^Œ∞"Õfi@ѨC_»∞ Hõ^ŒÅ‰õΩO_® xÅ|_»∞
Stand still while i take your photograph . h á¶È\’ fÜ«Ú#ѨC_»∞ Hõ^ŒÅHõ xÅ|_»∞
Stand the bottle on the table . .................................... >Ë|∞ÖòÃÑ· ã‘™ê#∞ xÅɡ@∞ì
Stand the ladder again the wall . .......................................... QÀ_»‰õΩ xK≥Û# "Õ~Ú
Stand there . ......................................................................................... JHõ¯_» xÅ|_»∞
Stand up when the teacher come in . ....... \©K«~°∞ Ö’xH˜ =K«∞Û#ѨC_»∞ xÅ∞KÀ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 146
Start the grinder with small quantity of grains . ......... H˘kÌѨѨCÅ`À „ÔQ·O_»~üx
Starch my cotton shirt . ............................................ <å HÍ@<£ +¨~°∞ì‰õΩ QÆOlÃÑ@∞ì
Start the work at 9 o' clock . .............................. Ѩxx 9 QÆOIIʼnõΩ „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Start now . .................................................................................. WѨC_»∞ „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Start saving gas today . ..................... D ~À*Ë Qͺãπ P^• KÕÜ«∞_»O „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Start singing . ........................................................................... áê_»@O „áê~°OaèOK«∞
Start to sing . ........................................................................... áê_»∞@ "≥Ú^ŒÅ∞ÃÑ@∞ì
Stay a few days longer . .................................................... =∞iH˘kÌ~ÀAÅ∞ LO_»∞
Stay at home . .................................................................................. WO\˜=^ŒÌ LO_»∞
Stay here for a minute . .................................................. WHõ¯_» XHõx=Ú+¨O LO_»∞
Stay in bed . ................................................................................. =∞OK«OÖ’<Õ LO_»∞
Stay indoors . ...................................................................................... WO\’¡<Õ LO_»∞
Stay inside . .......................................................................................... ֒ѨŠLO_»∞
Stay there till six . ........................................................ PiO\˜ =~°‰õΩ JHõ¯_Õ LO_»∞
Step across the stream . ....................................................... z#flHÍÅ∞=#∞ ^•@∞
Step into the boat . ........................................................... Ѩ_»=Ö’xH˜ J_»∞QÆ∞ ÃÑ@∞ì
Step off the platform . .................................................................. áê¡\òá¶ê~°O kyáÈ
Step on the platform . .................................................................. áê¡\òá¶ê~°O ÃÑ·H˜~å
Step out a distance of ten meters . ...................... 10 g∞@~°∞¡ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ LO_»∞
Stick a 50 p stamp on the letter . .............. ÖËYÃÑ· 50 ÃÑ·ã¨Å ™êìOѨ٠JO\˜OK«∞
Stick around we may need you ................... . D K«∞@∞ì„ѨHõ¯ÖË JO\˜ÃÑ@∞ìH˘x
LO_»∞, h=Ù =∂‰õΩ J=ã¨~°O HÍ=K«∞Û
Stick to it . ................................................................................ nxH˜ Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_»∞
Stick to the time table . ........................................ >ˇÿ"£∞ >Ë|∞Öò‰õΩ Hõ@∞ì|_çÜ«ÚO_»∞
Stop . ....................................................................................................................... PQÆ∞
Stop bugging me . ................................................................ ##∞fl qã≤yOK«∞@ PѨÙ
Stop butting in while I am taking . .... <Õ#∞ =∂\Ï¡_Õ@ѨC_»∞ *’HõºO KÕã¨∞HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Stop clattering those dishes . ............................................ P áê„`«Å "≥∂`« PѨÙ
Stop fighting with your brother . ........................ h ™È^Œ~°∞x`À ^≥|ƒÖÏ_»∞@ PѨÙ
Stop here . ................................................................................................... WHõ¯_» PQÆ∞
Stop for lunch now . .......................................................... WѨC_»∞ ÅOKüHÀã¨O PѨÙ
Stop kissing him . .......................................................... J`«_çx =Ú^Œ∞ÌÃÑ@ì_»O PѨÙ
Stop looking at the ground, lift your head up . <ÕÅ#∞ K«∂_»@O PÑ≤ `«ÅÃÑ·ÔH`«∞Î
Stop reading your lessons . ...................................... h áê~îåÅ#∞ K«^Œ=_»O PѨÙ
147 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Stop talking like that . ............................................... P q^èŒOQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»@O PѨÙ
Stop the car . .............................................................................................. HÍ~°∞ PѨÙ
Stop the leak in the pipe . ............................................... Q˘@ìOÖ’x zÅ∞¡#∞ PѨÙ
Stop tormenting your father by asking silly questions ............... . JÖÏO\˜
ѨxH˜=∂e# „Ѩâ◊flÅ∞ "Õã≤ g∞ <å#fl#∞ qã≤yOK«_»O PѨÙ
Stop up a mouse hole . ................................................. ZÅ∞Hõ ÉÁiÜ«∞#∞ =¸~Ú
Stop waffling and answer the question . ......... hà◊√§#=∞ÅHõ „Ѩâ◊fl‰õΩ ["åa=Ùfi
Stop work . ..................................................................................................... Ѩx PѨÙ
Streatch the rope across the path . ........ ^•iH˜ J_»¤OQÍ XHõ„`å_»∞#∞ ÖÏyHõ@∞ì
Streatch the rope tight . ......................................................... „`å_»∞#∞ QÆ\ ì̃QÍÖÏQÆ∞
Substract 6 from 9 . ............................................... `˘q∞‡k#∞O_ç P~°∞#∞ fã≤"Õ~Ú
Suggest a better idea . ..................................................... =∞Oz ã¨ÅǨ ã¨∂zOK«∞
Surrender to the police . ....................................................... áÈbã¨∞ʼnõΩ ÖÁOyáÈ
Sweep the dust from the floor . ..................................... <ÕÅ#∞O_ç ^Œ∞=Ú‡ T_»∞Û
Sweep the floor . ....................................................................................... <ÕÅ T_»∞Û
Sweep up dead leaves from the ground . <ÕÅÃÑ·#∞#fl ZO_»∞ P‰õΩÅ#∞ T_çÛ"Õ~Ú
Switch off the light . ................................................................................ Öˇ·@∞ P~°∞Ê
Switch off the regulator when not in use . ................. LѨÜ≥∂QÆOÖ’ ÖË#ѨC_»∞
Ô~QÆ∞ºÖË@~ü#∞ Hõ\ ˜ì"Õ~Ú
Switch off the transistor after the programme is over . ............... HÍ~°º„Hõ=∞O
J~ÚáÈQÍ<Õ „\Ïxûãì̈~ü#∞ PÑ≤"Õ~Ú
Switch off the wipers . .. "≥·Ñ¨~üû ("åǨÏ<åÅ J^•ÌÅÃÑ·# h\˜x`«∞_çKÕq)x PÑ≤"Õ~Ú
Switch on the fan . ................................................................................ á¶êº#∞ "Õ~Ú
Switch on the light . ................................................................................ Öˇ·@∞ "Õ~Ú
Take a bath . .......................................................................................... ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú
Take a chair . ................................................................ ‰õΩsÛfã¨∞HÀ, ‰õΩsÛÖ’ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Take a cigarette out of the pocket . ........................ *Ë|∞Ö’ #∞O_ç ã≤QÆÔ~\òf~Ú
Take a couple of handfuls . .............................................. Ô~O_»∞ QÆ∞ÃÑÊà◊√§ fã¨∞HÀ
Take a deep breath . .................................................................... QÍe QÆ\ ì̃QÍ Ñ‘Å∞Û
Take a dose every 6 hours . .................. „Ѩu 6 QÆO@ʼnõΩ XHõ "≥∂`å^Œ∞ fã¨∞HÀ
Take a drop of it in water . ................................... nxx XHõ¯ K«∞Hõ¯ h\˜`À fã¨∞HÀ
Take a glass of water . ...................................................... XHõ QÍ¡ã¨∞ hà◊√§ fã¨∞HÀ
Take a look at it . ................................................................. nx"≥·Ñ¨Ù XHõ™êi K«∂_»∞
Take a partner into the business . .......... "åºáê~°OÖ’ XHõ ÉèÏQÆ™êfiq∞x fã¨∞HÀ
Take a piece of chalk . ......................................................... XHõ ã¨∞^ŒÌ=ÚHõ¯ fã¨∞HÀ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 148
Take a pinch of snuff . ........................................... z\˜ÔH_»∞ ѨÙQ͉õΩ á⁄_»∞O fã¨∞HÀ
Take a quick look around . .................................................. K«∞@∂ì `«fi~°QÍ K«∂_»∞
Take a seat . .............................................................................. ‰õÄ~ÀÛ, ã‘\’¡ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Take a turn to the right . ............................................................ ‰õΩ_ç "≥·Ñ¨Ù‰õΩ =∞à◊√§
Take a walk . ..................................................................................................... #_»∞=Ù
Take action immediately . ..................................................... "≥O@<Õ K«~°º fã¨∞HÀ
Take all my fruits . ...................................................................... <å ѨO_»¡hfl fã¨∞HÀ
Take all the money . ....................................................................... _»|ƒO`å fã¨∞HÀ
Take all the stones of the box . ........................... ÃÑ>ì̌Ö’x Jxfl ~åà◊§#∞ fã¨∞HÀ
Take an umbrella if it rains . ..................................... =~°¬O‰õΩi¿ãÎ Q˘_»∞QÆ∞ fã¨∞HÀ
Take away your child . ................................................................ h a_»¤#∞ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take back what you said . ................................. h=Ù K≥ÑÊ≤ # =∂@ "≥#H˜¯ fã¨∞HÀ
Take bath in hot water daily . ....................... „Ѩu~ÀE "Õ_h ç \˜`À ™êfl#O KÕ~Ú
Take care of him . ................................................................... J`«_çfl *Ï„QÆ`«Î fã¨∞HÀ
Take care of the baby while I am out . .. <Õ#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥o§#ѨC_»∞ <å a_»¤#∞
K«∂ã¨∂Î LO_»∞
Take care of the things . ................................................. =ã¨∞Î=Ùefl *Ï„QÆ`«Î fã¨∞HÀ
Take care to remove gasket from the lid after use . ................. "å_ç# `«~åfi`«
=¸`«#∞O_ç QͺÃã¯\òx `˘ÅyOK«_»O *Ï„QÆ`«Î fã¨∞HÀ
Take her advice . ........................................................................ P"≥∞ ã¨ÅǨ fã¨∞HÀ
Take her some sweets . ............................................. P"≥∞‰õΩ H˘xfl ã‘fi@∞û fã¨∞HÀ
Take her to your father . ................................ P"≥∞#∞ g∞ `«O„_ç ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take him away . .............................................................. J`«_çx ^Œ∂~°OQÍ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take him to his class room . ........................ J`«_çx J`«x HÍ¡ãπ~°∂"£∞H˜ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take him to the hospital . ........................................... J`«_çxǨã¨Ê@ÖòH˜ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take it away . ....................................................................................... nxx fã≤H Ô à◊√§
Take it for me . ....................................................................... nxx <å HÀã¨O fã¨∞HÀ
Take it from me . ........................................................ nxx <å=^ŒÌ #∞O_ç fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take it off . ................................................................................................... fã¨∞‰õΩáÈ
Take it out again . .................................................................. nxx =∞~°Å fã≤"Õ~Ú
Take legal advice . .................................................................... <åºÜ«∞ã¨ÅǨ fã¨∞HÀ
Take me to the next room . ............................................ ##∞fl „ѨHõ¯QÆkH˜ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take me to the station . .................................................... ##∞fl ¿ãì+¨<£‰õΩ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take me with you . .................................................................... ##∞fl h`À fã≤H Ô à◊√§
Take my measurments also . .................................... <å H˘Å`«Å∞ ‰õÄ_® fã¨∞HÀ
149 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Take off your shirt . ........................................................................... h+¨~°∞ì fã≤"Õ~Ú
Take out the Jewels . ....................................................... #QÆÅ#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ f~Ú
Take out your English Reader . ..................... h WOw¡+π s_»~üx |Ü«∞@‰õΩ f~Ú
Take rest for a while . ...................................................... H˘kÌ¿ãѨ٠q„âßOu fã¨∞HÀ
Take six rupees off the price . ........................ ^èŒ~°Hõ<åfl 6 ~°∞IIÅ∞ `«‰õΩ¯= fã¨∞HÀ
Take some food now . ........................................... WѨÙ_»∞ H˘OK≥O PǨ~°O fã¨∞HÀ
Take the children out for a walk . .......... #_»Hõ HÀã¨O Ñ≤Å¡efl |Ü«∞@‰õΩ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take the photograph . ........................................................................... á¶È\’ f~Ú
Take them back . ................................................................... "å\˜x "≥#H˜¯ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take them to our guest house . ............... "åix =∞# Jukä QÆ$ǨxH˜ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take these pills with water . .................................. D =∂„`«Å#∞ h\˜`À fã¨∞HÀ
Take these things home . ...................................... D =ã¨∞= Î Ùefl WO\˜H˜ fã≤HÔ à◊√§
Take these things in . .......................................... D =ã¨∞Î=Ùefl ֒ѨeH˜ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take this bag to my house . ............................. D ã¨Ozx =∂ WO\˜H˜ fã≤H Ô à◊√§
Take this bucket to the house . ........................... D |ÔH¯@∞ì#∞ WO\˜H˜ fã≤H Ô à◊√§
Take this dog out . ................................................... D ‰õΩHõ¯#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ fã≤ÔHà◊√§
Take this for now . .................................................................... WѨÊ\˜H˜ Wk fã¨∞HÀ
Take this handkerchief and wipe your nose . ................................ D ~°∞=∂Å∞
fã¨∞H˘x =Ú‰õΩ¯ p^Œ∞HÀ
Take this medicine 3 times daily . ....... D =∞O^Œ∞#∞ ~ÀA‰õΩ 3 ™ê~°∞¡ fã¨∞HÀ
Take two from four . .................................................. <åÅ∞QÆ∞ #∞O_ç Ô~O\˜x fã¨∞HÀ
Take two liters of tap water in a bucket . .... XHõ |ÔH¯@∞ìÖ’ Ô~O_»∞ b@~°¡ ѨOѨÙ
h\˜x fã¨∞HÀ
Take which everone you like . ................. h W+ì̈O =zÛ# ^Õx<≥< · å XHõ\ ˜ fã¨∞HÀ
Take your clothes off . .................................................................... |@ìÅ∞ q_çKÕÜü∞
Take your shirt off . ................................................................................ +¨~°∞ì f¿ãÜü∞
Take your hand off my shoulder . .................. <å Éèí∞[OÃÑ· #∞O_ç KÕux f¿ãÜü∞
Take your hands out of your pockets . ........ h *Ë|∞Ö’¡ #∞O_ç KÕ`«∞Å∞ f¿ãÜü∞
Take your meal in time ........................... ãÔ̈~·# ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ PǨ~åxfl fã¨∞HÀ
Take your seat ................................................................... h ã‘\’¡ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ
Take to her ................................................................... P"≥∞ =^ŒÌ‰õΩ #_»∞=Ù
Take the soup ................................................................. Kå~°∞ ~°∞z K«∂_»∞
Teach her lesson ................................................... P"≥∞‰õΩ QÆ∞}áê~î°O K≥ѨC
Teach her to swim .................................................... P"≥∞‰õΩ D^Œ@O <Õ~°∞Ê
Tear a leaf from the calander ..................... HÍÖˇO_»~üÖ’x HÍy`åxfl zOÃÑÜü∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 150
Tear a notice down from the noticeboard <À\©ã¨∞É’~°∞¤Ö’x <À\©ã¨∞#∞ zOK≥Üü∞
Tear a page out of that book ...................... ѨÙãÎ̈HõO #∞O_ç XHõ¿Ñr zOz"ÕÜü∞
Tear it into small pieces ................................... nxx z#fl=ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍ zOѨÙ
Tear it to bits .......................................................... nxx =ÚHõ¯Å∞QÍ zOѨÙ
Tear the cloth in two ............................................ D |@ì#∞ Ô~O_»∞QÍ zOѨÙ
Tell a story him .......................................................... J`«xH˜ XHõ Hõ^äŒ K≥ѨC
Telephone the police .................................................. áÈbã¨∞ʼnõΩ á¶È<£KÕ~Ú
Tell about me ................................................................... <å QÆ∞iOz K≥ÑC ¨
Tell her everything ........................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ JO`å K≥ѨC
Tell her I am most greatful ........................ <Õ<≥O`À Hõ$`«A˝_»#x P"≥∞`À K≥ѨC
Tell her I will solve it ............................ nxx <Õ#∞ Ѩi+¨¯i™êÎ#x P"≥∞‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell her my name ...................................................... P"≥∞‰õΩ <å ¿Ñ~°∞ K≥ѨC
Tell him a story .......................................................... J`«_çH˜ XHõ Hõ^äŒ K≥ѨC
Tell him I want to stay here ...... <Õ#∞ WHõ¯_» LO_»QÀ~°∞`«∞<åfl#x J`«_ç`À K≥ѨC
Tell him it is very urgent ..................... WkKåÖÏ J`«º=ã¨~= ° ∞x J`«x`À K≥ÑC¨
Tell him she won't be meeting him ... J`«_x ç HõÅ=É’=_»OÖË^xŒ J`«xH˜ K≥ÑC¨
Tell him to come out .................................... |Ü«∞@‰õΩ ~°=∞‡x J`«x`À K≥ѨC
Tell him to shut up his mouth ...................... <À~°∞ =ÚÜ«∞º=∞x J`«xH˜ K≥ѨC
Tell him to wait ................................................. "Õz LO_»=∞x J`«xH˜ K≥ÑC ¨
Tell it aloud to your father ............................ g∞ <å#fl`À nxx aQÆ~ æ Q° Í K≥ÑC¨
Tell it to your father ................................................ nxx g∞ <å<åfl`À K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me about it .................................................... nxx QÆ∞iOz <å‰õΩ K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me clearly where she lives . P"≥∞ ZHõ¯_» x=ã≤ã¨∞Î#fl^À <å‰õΩ ã¨Ê+ì̈OQÍ K≥ѨC
Tell me how you spend your time ....... h >ÿ̌"£∞x ZÖÏ QÆ_»∞ѨÙ`å"À <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me something about you .................................. h QÆ∞iOz H˘O`« K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me the time ....................................................................... >ÿ̌"£∞ K≥ѨC
Tell me the nearest way to the town hall .. \∫<£Ç¨ÖòH˜ Ju^ŒQÆæ~° =∂~°æO K≥ѨC
Tell me what happened in your own words ............. Uq∞ [iyO^À h ã¨fiO`«
=∂@Å`À <å‰õΩ K≥ÑC¨
Tell me what it is used for ............. nxx ^ÕxHÀã¨O LѨÜ≥∂y™êÎ~À <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me what time it is ....................................... >ÿ̌"≥∞O`«~ÚO^À <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me what to do .............................................. Uq∞ K≥Ü«∂ºÖ’ <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me what you want ......................................... hˆHq∞ HÍ"åÖ’ <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me where to go .......................................... ZHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥àϧ֒ <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me where you live .......................... h=Ù ZHõ¯_» x=ã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl"À <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
151 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Tell me where you went ............................. h=Ù ZHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥àϧ"À <å‰õΩ K≥ѨC
Tell me who it is ......................................................... DÜ«∞# Z=~À K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me who is my son-in-law ...................................... <å JÅ∞¡_≥=~À K≥ѨC
Tell me whom you say ............................... h=Ù Z=i`À K≥áêÊ"À <å‰õΩ K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me whose it was ............................................. Wk Z=i^À <å‰õΩ K≥ÑC ¨
Tell me your name ........................................................ <å‰õΩ h ¿Ñ~°∞ K≥ѨC
Tell that man to be off .............................................. J`«_x ç "≥à§◊ =∞x K≥ÑC¨
Tempt him to steal ....................................... J`«_çx ^˘OQÆ`«<åxH˜ ѨÙiH˘Å∞Ê
Test her blood ........................................................ P"≥∞ ~°HõÎ=Ú#∞ ѨsHΔ̃OK«∞
Tether the cow .................................................................. P=Ù#∞ Hõ\ ì̃"ÕÜü∞
Thank him very much ................................................ J`«_çH˜ Hõ$`«[˝`« K≥ѨC
Think a little .................................................................. H˘OK≥O PÖ’zOK«∞
Think before you speak ..................................... =∂\Ï¡_Õ=ÚO^Œ∞ PÖ’zOK«∞
Think about it ........................................................ nxx QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think about my future .................................. <å Éèíq+¨º`ü QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think of all difficulties ............................................ JxflÉÏ^èŒÅ#∞ PÖ’zOK«∞
Think about the problem ................................. ã¨=∞㨺#∞ QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think about you ........................................................ h QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think of her ........................................................ P"≥∞#∞ QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think of that man .......................................... P =∞x+≤x QÆ∞iOz PÖ’zOK«∞
Think it over again .................................................. nxx =∞~°Å PÖ’zOK«∞
Think what I have said ................................... <Õ#∞ Uq∞ K≥áêÊ<À PÖ’zOK«∞
Thread the needle ................................................. ã¨∂kÖ’H˜ ^•~°O ZH˜¯OK«∞
Throttle him and then rob the bank J`«xx Q˘O`«∞ Ñ≤ã≤H˜K«OÑ≤ ÉϺO‰õΩ#∞ ^ÀK«∞
Throw a stone at the dog ....................................... ‰õΩHõ¯"≥·Ñ¨Ù ~å~Úx qã¨∞~°∞
Throw away this rubbish ..................................... D K≥`«ÎK≥^•~åxfl Ѩ_»"Õ~Ú
Throw her that ball ................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ P |Oux qã¨∞~°∞
Throw it into the fire ............................................. ^•xx =∞O@Ö’ Ѩ_»"ÕÜü∞
Throw me that towel ..................................................... P @=Å∞ qã≤ˆ~Üü∞
Tickle him in the ribs ............................ J`«_çx ѨHõ¯>ˇ=ÚHõÖ’¡ yeyO`« ÃÑ@∞ì
Tie a branch down ................................................ H˘=∞‡ „H˜O^ŒH˜ =Oz Hõ@∞ì
Tie the dog to the pillar ............................................. ‰õΩHõ¯#∞ ãÎ̈OÉèÏxH˜ Hõ@∞ì
Tie the parcel with string .................................. D áêiûÖò#∞ ^•~°O`À Hõ@∞ì
Tie them up separately ............................................... "å\˜x q_çQÍ Hõ>ËìÜü∞
Tie up that theif ........................................................... P ^˘OQÆ#∞ Hõ\ ì̃"ÕÜü∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 152
Tie up those bundles ................................................ P "≥∂ѨÙÅ#∞ Hõ\ ì̃"ÕÜü∞
Tilt the bottle ...................................................... ã‘™ê#∞ `«Å„H˜O^Œ∞Å∞ KÕ~Ú
Touch her feet ............................................................ P"≥∞ áê^•Å#∞ `å‰õΩ
Touch him ............................................................................. J`«_çx `å‰õΩ
Touch it .................................................................................... nxx `å‰õΩ
Touch the door .................................................................. `«Å∞ѨÙ#∞ `å‰õΩ
Train the horse for the race ............................. QÆ∞„~åxfl ˆ~ã¨∞‰õΩ `«sÊù^Œ∞ KÕ~Ú
Translate if necessary ..................................... J=ã¨~°"≥∞ÿ`Õ J#∞"å^ŒO KÕ~Ú
Translate it for me ......................................... nxx <å HÀã¨O `«~°∞˚=∂ KÕ~Ú
Transliterate English words into phonetic symbols ......... WOw¡+¨μ Ѩ^•Å#∞
á¶⁄<≥\ ˜H± QÆ∞~°∞ÎÅ∞QÍ =∂iÛ „"å~Ú
Transport the goods by lorry ...................... ã¨~°∞‰õΩÅ#∞ ÖÏsÖ’ ~°"å}Ï KÕ~Ú
Treat her as a child ............................................... P"≥∞#∞ XHõ a_»¤QÍ K«∂_»∞
Trust me ................................................................................. ##∞fl #=Ú‡
Try a piece of it .................................................... nxx H˘kÌQÍ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try again ..................................................................... =∞~°Å „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try and be there by four ............... 4 QÆOIIʼnõΩ JHõ¯_» LO_»\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try and catch me if you can ........... h =Å¡ J~Ú`Õ ##∞fl Ѩ@∞ìHÀ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try hard and you will succeed .... f„=OQÍ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞, q[Ü«∞O á⁄O^ŒQÆÅ=Ù
Try how far you can Jump .......... ZO`« ^Œ∂~°O=~°‰õΩ ^Œ∂HõQÆÅ"À „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try it this way ............................................... nxx D q^èŒOQÍ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try not to be late .......................................... PÅ㨺O H͉õΩO_® „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try not to be later than that ........... JO`«HõO>Ë PÅ㨺O H͉õΩO_® „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try not to keep her waiting .................... P"≥∞ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»‰õΩO_® „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try telling him the truth ....................... J`«xH˜ x[O K≥ѨÊ\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try this key .................................................... D `åà◊OK≥q`À „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to answer my questions correctly ..... <å „Ñ¨â◊flʼnõΩ ã¨iQÍæ ã¨=∂^è•#q∞=Ùfi
Try to come early ......................................... `«fi~°QÍ ~å=_®xH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to describe exactly what happend ............. Uq∞ [iyO^À Ü«∞^è•`«^èŒOQÍ
=i‚OK«_®xH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to get here early ......................... WHõ¯_»‰õΩ `«fi~°QÍ ~å=\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to get the medicine down .................... =∞O^Œ∞ q∞OQÆ\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to keep calm ..................................... xâ◊≈|ÌOQÍ LO_»\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to remember ......................................... QÆ∞~°∞ÎOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
Try to sing louder .......................................... ÃÑ^ŒÌQÍ áê_»\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«∞
153 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Try turning the lever ................................. D b=~ü „uѨC_®xH˜ „ѨÜ∞« uflOK«∞
Try whether you can jump across this stream ...... D HÍÅ∞= ^Œ∂HõQÆÅ"Õ"≥∂
Turn it slowly ............................................................ nxx <≥=∞‡kQÍ „uѨC
Turn off the gas, the milk is boiling over .... Qͺãπ PѨÙ, áêÅ∞ =∞iyáÈ`«∞#flq
Turn off the light when you go to bed ... h=٠Ѩ_»HÀÉ’ÜÕ∞ =ÚO^Œ∞ Öˇ·@¡#∞P~°∞Ê
Turn off the lap the water is wasting ‰õΩàÏ~ÚHõ\ ì̃"ÕÜü∞, h~°∞ =$^è• J=Ù`«∞#flk
Turn on the radio .................................................................. ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ ÃÑ@∞ì
Turn right here ...................................................................... WHõ¯_Õ u~°∞QÆ∞
Turn round ........................................................................... K«∞@∂ì u~°∞QÆ∞
Turn that radio down a bit ............................. ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ ™œO_£ H˘OK≥O `«yæOK«∞
Turn the lid clockwise if you want to fasten it fightly .......... =¸`«#∞ QÆ\ Q ì̃ Í
ayOK«=Öˇ##fl =¸`«#∞ ã¨=ºkâ◊`À „uѨC
Turn the radio down, I can't hear what you are saying ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ `«yæOK«∞, h=Ù
Uq∞K≥ѨÙÎ<åfl"À <Õ#∞ q#ÖËHõáÈ`«∞<åfl
Turn the radio on .................................................................. ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ ÃÑ@∞ì
Turn the radio up ...................................................... ˆ~_çÜ≥∂ H˘OK≥O „uѨC
Turn to page 78 ........................................................... 78= ¿Ñr „uѨC=Ú
Turn your face towards me ..................................... <å "≥·Ñ¨Ù h=ÚYO „uѨÙÊ
Twist it into a rope ..................... nxfl "≥∂‰õΩ=ÖË "≥∞e„uѨC, nxfl „`å_»∞QÍ¿Ñ#∞
Type this letter for me .................................... D Öˇ@~üx <å HÀã¨O >ÿ̌ÑπKÕ~Ú
Undress and get into bed .............................. „_»ãπ fã≤"Õã≤ =∞OK«OÃÑ· Ѩ_»∞HÀ
Unfold the newspaper ................................................. "å~åÎѨ„uHõ#∞ `≥~°∞=Ù
Understand her behaviour ................................. P"≥∞ „Ѩ=~°Î##∞ J~°úOKÕã¨∞HÀ
Understand the problem ........................................... ã¨=∞㨺#∞ J~°úOKÕã¨∞HÀ
Understand the truth ..................................................... x*Ïxfl J~°úOKÕã¨∞HÀ
Undress the child ............................................................ a_»¤ QÆ∞_»¤Å∞ qѨC
Unload the lorry .......................................................... ÖÏsx J<£Ö’_£ KÕ~Ú
Unroll the mat ......................................................................... KåѨ Ѩ~°K«∞
Untie the dog ........................................................................ ‰õΩHõ¯#∞ qѨC
Untie the string ..................................... ^•#O #∞O_ç qѨC, ^•~°O z‰õΩ¯f~Ú
Use a pen .................................................................. HõÖÏxfl LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Use always this brand of soap .... ZšѨÙ_»∂ D „ÉÏO_»∞ ã¨|∞ƒ<Õ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Use dust mask on the face ... =ÚYOÃÑ· ^Œ∞=ڇѨ_»x =Úã¨∞QÆ∞#∞ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Use mine ...................................................................... <åk LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 154
Use the cloth to absorb the ink ...... WO‰õΩ#∞ Ñ‘ÅÛ_®xH˜ QÆ∞_»¤#∞ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Use your old one .............................................. h áê`«^•xx LѨÜ∂ ≥ yOK«∞
Use your own money ...................................... h ™⁄O`« _»|∞ƒ LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞
Vacate the house ............................................................... WÅ∞¡ MÏmKÕ~Ú
Vacate your seat ............................................................ h ã‘@∞ MÏmKÕ~Ú
Verify the figures of the report .................... iáÈ~°∞ìÖ’x ã¨OYºÅ#∞ ã¨iK«∂_»∞
Verify the list ............................................................... *Ïa`å#∞ ã¨iK«∂_»∞
Vote for him .................................................................... J`«xH˜ F@∞"Õ~Ú
Vote on my proposal ......................... <å f~å‡<åxH˜ J#∞‰õÄÅOQÍ F@∞"Õ~Ú
Visit my village .......................................................... =∂ „QÍ=∞O ^Œi≈OK«∞
Wait a bit ................................................ H˘OK≥O PQÆ∞, H˘kÌ¿ãѨ٠"ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait a minute ....................................................... XHõ xq∞+¨O "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait and see ........................................................................... "Õz K«∂_»∞
Wait for me there .............................................. <å HÀã¨O JHõ¯_» "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait for one day ........................................................ XHõ~ÀA "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait for the nurse .................................................. #~°∞û HÀã¨O "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait for the others ............................................ W`«~°∞Å H˘~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait for the result .................................................. Ѷ¨e`«O HÀã¨O "ÕzK«∂_»∞
Wait for the bus ........................................................... |ãπ HÀã¨O xsHΔ̃OK«∞
Wait here a moment .................................... WHõ¯_» H˘OK≥O ¿ãѨ٠"ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait inside till the class is over ........... HÍ¡ã¨∞ JÜÕ∞º^•HÍ Ö’Ñ¨Å "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait on the platform ............................................... áê¡\òá¶êOÃÑ· "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait outside ................................................................ |Ü«∞@ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait till he goes ........................................ J`«_»∞ "≥àı§O`«=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait till the rain stops ................................. =~°¬O PˆQO`«=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait till tomorrow ................................................. ˆ~Ѩ\ ˜ =~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait until 5 o'clock ......................................... 5 QÆO@Å =~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait until I come .............................................. <Õ#∞ =KÕÛ=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait until the moon is up .......................... K«O„^Œ∞_»∞ =KÕÛ=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wait until we are all ready ................. "Õ∞=∞O`å ã≤^ŒÌ=∞ÜÕ∞º=~°‰õΩ "ÕzÜ«ÚO_»∞
Wake him up ......................................................................... J`«_çx ÖËѨÙ
Wake me up in the early morning ............................... L^ŒÜ«∂<Õfl ##∞flÖËѨÙ
Wake the baby ................................................................... a_»¤#∞ x„^ŒÖËѨÙ
Wake up all of you .......................................................... g∞~°O`å ÖË=O_ç
Wake up, let us go ................................................... ÖË=O_ç, =∞#O"≥à◊^•O
155 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Walk ahead ....................................................................... =ÚO^Œ∞ #_»∞=Ù
Walk around the flower bed not through it ѨÓÅѨÙ#∞ÊQÆ∞O_® QÍHõ ^•xK«∞@∂ì
Walk into the shop ......................................................... ëêѨÙÖ’xH˜ #_»∞=Ù
Walk on and I will catch up with you later ......... #_»∞ã¨∂Î LO_»∞, `«~åfi`« h`À
Walk round the park ................................................... áê~°∞¯ K«∞@∂ì #_»∞=Ù
Walk slowly on the grass ....................................... QÆ_ç¤ÃÑ· x^•#OQÍ #_»∞=Ù
Walk straight ahead until you reach the park ......... áê~°∞¯ KÕˆ~=~°‰õΩ <Õ~°∞QÍ
=ÚO^Œ∞ #_»∞=Ù
Walk up the steps ............................................................. "≥∞@¡ÃÑ·H˜ #_»∞=Ù
Warm this milk .......................................................... D áêÅ#∞ "≥KÛ« KÕ~Ú
Wash it clean ........................................................... nxx â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞
Wash it well before you dry it ............ nxx ZO`«ÃÑ>Ëì=ÚO^Œ∞ ÉÏQÆ∞QÍ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞
Wash the dirt off the floor ....................................... <ÕÅÃÑ· =ÚiH˜x Hõ_ç̂QÜü∞
Wash the dirt off your hands ............................... h KÕ`«∞Å =ÚiH˜x Hõ_»∞HÀ¯
Wash these dished in hot water ..................... D áê„`«efl "Õ_çh\˜Ö’ Hõ_»∞QÆ∞
Wash your hands and face ................................ h =ÚYO, KÕ`«∞Å∞ Hõ_»∞HÀ¯
Watch him carefully ............................................ J`«xx *Ï„QÆ`«ÎQÍ HõxÃÑ@∞ì
Watch how to do this .................................... nxx ZÖÏKÕÜ«∂Ö’ QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Watch me do it ...................................................... <Õ#∞ KÕÜ«∞_»O QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Watch that the milk doesn't boil over ............... áêÅ∞ á⁄OyáȉõΩO_® K«∂_»∞
Watch what I do and how I do it ........ <Õ#∞ ^Õxx KÕ™êÎ<À, ZÖÏ KÕ™êÎ<À K«∂_»∞
Watch what you say when you talk to the manager ................. "Õ∞<Õ[~ü`À
=∂\Ï¡_Õ@ѨC_»∞ Uq∞=∂\Ï¡_»`å"À QÆ=∞xOK«∞
Water the plants ......................................................... "≥ÚHõ¯Å‰õΩ hà◊√§ÃÑ@∞ì
Wave the flag .......................................................................... *ˇO_® TѨÙ
Wear protective clothing ........................................... ~°HõÎHõ ^Œ∞ã¨∞Îefl ^èŒiOK«∞
Wear sandals in school ................................. áê~î°âßÅÖ’ K≥ѨCÅ#∞ ^èŒiOK«∞
Wear sun-glasses ......................................................... ã¨<£QÍ¡Ãããπ ^èŒiOK«∞
Wear that blue saree ........................................ P he~°OQÆ∞ p~°#∞ ^èŒiOK«∞
Wear the hat .................................................... \’Ñ≤ ^èŒiOK«∞, \’Ñ≤ ÃÑ@∞ìHÀ
Wear the new dress .................................................. H˘`«Î „_»ã¨∞û#∞ ^èŒiOK«∞
Weave threads together ................................................ ^•~åefl HõeÑ≤¿Ñ#∞
Weight this fish for me ........................................... D KÕѨ#∞ `«∂HõO "Õ~Ú
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 156
Welcome her ................................................................ P"≥∞#∞ PǨfixOK«∞
Wet the cloth and clean the table with it ..................... QÆ∞_»¤#∞ `«_çÑ≤ ^•x`À
>Ë|∞Öòx â◊√„ÉèíO KÕ~Ú
Win the prize ............................................................ |Ǩï=∞u ÔQÅ∞á⁄O^Œ∞
Wind down the car window .................................. HÍ~°∞ H˜@H© „H˜OkH˜ kOK«∞
Wind up the car window ........................................... HÍ~°∞ H˜\ ˜H©x ÃÑ·H˜ ÖËѨÙ
Wind up your watch ........................................................ h "åpH˜ H© W=Ùfi
Wipe off the words on the right at the bottom ........... J_»∞QÆ∞# ‰õΩ_ç"≥·Ñ¨Ù QÆÅ
=∂@Å#∞ `«∞_çK≥Üü∞
Wipe it dry and stone ......................................... nxx á⁄_çQÍ `«∞_çz ^•~Ú
Wipe your eyes, dry the tears ............. h Hõà◊√§ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ Hõhflà◊√§ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ
Wipe your feet on the towel ........................... @=Öò `À h HÍà◊√§ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ
Wipe your hands on a towel .......................... @=Öò`À h KÕ`«∞Å∞ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ
Withdraw that you said ....................................... h=Ù K≥Ñ≤ÊOk "≥#H˜¯ fã¨∞HÀ
Work hard ........................................................................ Hõ+ì̈Ѩ_ç ѨxKÕ~Ú
Work in my office ..................................................... <å PѶ‘ã¨∞Ö’ ѨxKÕ~Ú
Work while you work and play while you play ..... Ѩx KÕ¿ã@ѨC_»∞ Ѩx KÕ~Ú
P@Å∞ P_Õ@ѨC_»∞ P@Å∞ P_»∞
Wrap him in a blanket ........................................... J`«_çx ^Œ∞ѨÊ\˜Ö’ K«∞@∞ì
Wrap plenty of paper round it .................... nxK«∞@∞ì Z‰õΩ¯= HÍy`åxfl K«∞@∞ì
Wrap the child in the shawl .................................... âßÅ∞"åÖ’ a_»¤#∞ K«∞@∞ì
Wrap this shawl round your shoulders .. h "≥∞_»K«∞@∂ì D âßÅ∞=#∞ K«∞@∞ìHÀ
Wrap up it in colour paper .............................. nxx ~°OQÆ∞ HÍy`«OÖ’ K«∞@∞ì
Wring out the towel ........................................................... @=Öò#∞ Ñ≤O_»∞
Wriling the water out (of the cloth) ........................................ h\˜x Ñ≤O_»∞
Write a letter to me ................................................. <å‰õΩ XHõ *Ï|∞ „"å~Ú
Write down the address .................................................... J„_»ã¨∞ „"åã¨∞HÀ
Write off the debt ......................................................... |∞∞}Ïxfl =∂Ѷ‘KÕ~Ú
Write her a letter ................................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ XHõ L`«Î~°O „"å~Ú
Write it down before you forget it ............... =∞~°záÈHõ =ÚO^Õ nxx „"åã¨∞HÀ
Write it on paper ...................................................... nxx HÍy`«OÃÑ· „"å~Ú
Write nearly ......................................................................... K«Hõ¯QÍ „"å~Ú
Write on both sides of the paper ...................... ¿ÑѨ~ü‰õΩ Ô~O_»∞„ѨHõ¯Å „"å~Ú
Write soon .......................................................................... `«fi~°Ö’ „"å~Ú
Write the address on the envelope ....................... Z#fiÅÑπÃÑ· J„_»ã¨∞ „"å~Ú
157 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Write the amount in words and figures ............... _»|∞ƒ"≥Ú`åÎxfl JOÔHÅÖ’#∞,
=∂@ÅÖ’#∞ „"å~Ú
Write the date on the blackboard ............................ #Å¡|Å¡ÃÑ· `Õnx „"å~Ú
Write these figures and words carefully ........ D JOÔHefl =∂@efl *Ï„QÆ`Q Ϋ Í
Write to him about it ......................................... nxfl QÆ∞iOz J`«xH˜ „"å~Ú
Write to me as early as possible ...................... gÅ~Ú#O`« `«fi~°Ö’ „"å~Ú
Write your name at the top in block letters ....... h ¿Ñ~°∞#∞ ÃÑ· ÉèÏQÆOÖ’ ÃÑ^ŒÌ
JHõΔ~°=ÚÖÖ’ „"å~Ú
Negative Orders (=ºuˆ~HÍ~°úHõ P[˝Å∞) : D JOâ◊=Ú „H˜O^Œ alphabetical
order Ö’ WzÛ# "åHõº=ÚÅO^Œe Negative word J~Ú# Don't (=^Œ∞)Ì x `˘ÅyOz
Let me, Let us, Let him, Let her =O\˜=∂@Å#∞ `«y# KÀ@ KÕiÛ# „H˘`«Î "åHõº=ÚÅ∞
Don't be alone that time ......................... P ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ XO@iQÍ LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Dont' be asleep to-night ................................... D ~å„uH˜ x„^ŒÖ’ LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Dont' be awake .............................................................. "Õ∞ÖÁ¯x LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be dectived by this promises ............. J`«x "åQÍú<åʼnõΩ "≥∂ã¨áÈ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be discouraged by al this .................. nx JO`«\ ˜H˜ x~°∞`åûǨÏѨ_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be late ...................................................................... PÅ㨺O HÍ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be obstinate ...................................................... "≥ÚO_çѨ@∞ì Ѩ@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be rash .............................................................. ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞QÍ LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be ridicuious ............................................................. ѨiǨÏã≤OK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be so curious about my affairs .. <å =º=Ǩ~åŠѨ@¡ =∞s „â◊^Œú K«∂Ѩ‰õΩ
Don't be so idle ..................................................... =∞s ™È=∞iQÍ LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't be too sure ................................................ =∞s #=∞‡HõO`À LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't do that .................................................................... ^•xx KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't ever do that again ................................ ^•xx Z#fl_»∂ uiy KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't act like this ................................................... D q^èŒOQÍ #\˜OK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't allow him to smoke in the bus .............. J`«_çx |ã¨∞ûÖ’ á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ∞@‰õΩ
Don't alter it ..................................................................... nxx =∂~°Û=^Œ∞Ì
Don't argue uselessly ............................... ѨxH˜=∂e# q^èŒOQÍ "åkOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't argue with me. Do as I say ..... <å`À "åkOK«=^Œ∞Ì. <Õ#∞ K≥Ñ≤Ê#@∞¡ KÕ~Ú
Don't ask him any questions now ...... WѨC_»∞ J`«_çx U „Ѩâ◊flÅ∂ J_»∞QÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't ask me such complicated questions . JÖÏO\˜ H˜¡+ì̈"≥∞ÿ# „Ѩâ◊flÅ#∞ ##∞fl
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 158
Don't ask too much ................................................ =∞s Z‰õΩ¯= J_»∞QÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't attempt the last question ..................... z=i „Ѩâ◊fl#∞ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't bargain with me ................................................... <å`À ÉË~°=∂_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't bathe the baby ......................................... a_»¤‰õΩ ™ê#flO KÕ~ÚOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't beat the drum ................................................... _ÀÅ∞#∞ "≥∂yOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't belch ................................................................................ „`Õ#Û=^Œ∞Ì
Don't blacken my good name by spreading lies ...... JÉ^•ÌÅ∞ „ѨKå~°O KÕã≤
<å‰õΩ#fl =∞Oz¿Ñ~°∞‰õΩ =∞K«Û fã¨∞‰õΩ~å=^Œ∞Ì
Don't bother about her ......................................... P"≥∞ QÆ∞iOz qKåiOK«‰õΩ
Don't bother me while I am eating my lunch .......... <Õ#∞ Éè’[#O KÕ¿ã@ѨÙ_»∞
##∞fl HõÅ`« ɡ@ì‰õΩ
Don't bother on my account ........................... <å q+¨Ü«∞OÖ’ HõÅ`« K≥O^Œ‰õΩ
Don't bother to write. It is not necessary ........... „"åÜ«∞_®xH˜ P`«$`« K≥O^Œ‰õΩ
Wk J=ã¨~°O ÖË^Œ∞
Don't break it ............................................................... nxx q~°QÆQ˘@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't buy those cheap cheppals. They won't last long ........... P KÒHõ ~°HõO
K≥ѨCefl H˘#=^Œ∞Ì, Jq Z‰õΩ¯=HÍÅO =∞#fl=Ù
Don't chatter ............................................................................... "åQÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't climb up the ladder .............................................. xK≥Û#ÃÑ·H˜ ZHõ¯=^Œ∞Ì
Don't close the door ..................................................... `«Å∞Ѩ٠=¸Ü«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't come here ................................................................ WHõ¯_»‰õΩ ~å=^Œ∞Ì
Don't come unless I call you first ...................... x#∞fl Ñ≤eKÕ=~°‰õΩ h=Ù ~å‰õΩ
Don't despair ................................................................... x ã¨Ê $Ç¨Ï K≥O^Œ‰õΩ
Don't dirty your hands ....................................... h KÕ`«∞Å∞ =ÚiH˜KÕã¨∞HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't disturb the chairs ........................................... ‰õΩsÛÅ#∞ HõkeOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't divert the issues ............................... q+¨Ü«∂efl „ѨHõ¯„`À= Ѩ\ ˜ìOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't drink coffee ................................................................ HÍѶ‘ „`åQÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't drop the baby. Be careful ......................... a_»¤#∞ *Ï~°q_»∞=‰õΩ, *Ï„QÆ`«Î
Don't eat it ........................................................................... nxx u#=^Œ∞Ì
Don't eat this food : it has been contaminated by flies ............ D Ѩ^•~°úO
u#=^Œ∞.Ì Wk DQÆÅ =Å# HõÅ∞+≤`"« ∞≥ áÿ È~Ú#k
Don't enter without knocking on the door`«Å∞Ѩ٠ÃÑ· `«@ì‰õΩO_® „Ѩ"ÕtOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't exceed the speed limit .................................. "ÕQÆѨiq∞ux ^•@=^Œ∞Ì
Don't fear to speak ............................................ =∂\Ï¡_»\ÏxH˜ ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't fill my cup too full ............................. <å HõѨC =∞s xO_»∞QÍ xOѨ=^Œ∞Ì
159 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Don't finish it all at once .......... nxx JO`å XˆH™êi ("≥O@<Õ) ѨÓiÎKÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't flatter me ................................................................ ##∞fl á⁄QÆ_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't follow me ................................................................ <å "≥O@ ~å=^Œ∞Ì
Don't forget to turn off the oven ............... á⁄~Úºx PѨ٠KÕÜ«∞_»O =∞~°∞==^Œ∞Ì
Don't fret, everything will be alright ......... qã¨∞QÆ∞ K≥O^Œ‰õΩ, JO`å 㨄Hõ=∞OQÍ<Õ
Don't get angry ...................................................................... HÀѨѨ_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't excited ......................................................................... L„^ÕHõѨ_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't get involved in too many jobs at the same time .......... XˆH™êi KåÖÏ
=º=Ǩ~åÅÖ’ (Ѩ#∞ÅÖ’) `«Å^Œ∂~°Û‰õΩ
Don't get misled by all this .................. nx JO`«\ = ˜ Å# `«ÑC¨ „`À= Ѩ@=ì ^Œ∞Ì
Don't get off the bus until the post office ......... áÈ™êìѶ‘ãπ =~°‰õΩ |ãπ kQÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't get off the bus while it is still moving ..... |ãπ #_»∞ã¨∂Î LO_»QÍ kQÆ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't give it another thought .......................... nxx "Õ~˘Hõ PÖ’K«#‰õΩ W=fi‰õΩ
Don't go beyond that boundary ............ P ã¨iǨÏ^Œ∞Ì ^•\˜ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ "≥à◊§=^Œ∞Ì
Don't go there ................................................................. JHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥à◊§=^Œ∞Ì
Don't go to his house, come to mine ....... J`«xO\˜H˜ "≥à◊§=^Œ∞Ì, <å WO\˜H˜~å
Don't go out anywhere ....................................... |Ü«∞@‰õΩ ZHõ¯_çH˜ "≥à◊§=^Œ∞Ì
Don't hang about, we have a train to catch ........ *ÏQÆ∞KÕÜ«∞‰õΩ, =∞#O Ô~·Å∞#∞
Don't harden your heart against me ... <å Ü≥∞_»Å h ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∂xfl Hõiî#Ѩ~°K«‰õΩ
Don't hide feelings ; say what you think .................. h ÉèÏ"åefl ^•K«‰õΩ Uq∞
J#∞‰õΩ<åfl"À K≥ÑC¨
Don't hurt it .................................................................... nxfl QÍÜ«∞Ѩ~°K«‰õΩ
Don't interfere .................................................................... HõeÊOK«∞HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't invite trouble unnecessarily ........... J#=ã¨~°OQÍ PѨ^Œx H˘x`≥K«∞ÛHÀ‰õΩ
Don't keep any meals for me ........................... <å HÀã¨O Éè’[#O LOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't leave anything on the ground ................... <ÕÅÃÑ· ^Õxh =^Œe"ÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't leave the campus unless I tell you to <Õ#∞ h‰õΩ K≥¿ÑÊ=~°‰õΩ HͺOѨã¨∞#∞
Don't let anyone think that this is easy Wk ã¨∞ÅÉèí=∞x W`«~°∞Å∞ J#∞‰õΩ<Õ@@∞¡
Don't let her bully you into doing it . ^•xfl KÕÜ«∞@O ^•fi~å P"≥∞#∞ Ô~K«ÛQ˘@ì‰õΩ
Don't let the dog run free on the main road ................. "≥∞~Ú<£~À_£ÃÑ· ‰õΩHõ¯#∞
¿ãfiK«ÛùQÍ u~°∞QÆx=fi‰õΩ
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 160
Don't lie to me .............................................................. <å`À J|^ŒÌ=∂_»‰õΩ
Don't look outside ........................................................... |Ü«∞@‰õΩ K«∂_»‰õΩ
Don't loose this opportunity ........................... D J=HÍâßxfl áÈQ˘@∞ìHÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't lure me ................................................................... <å‰õΩ Z~°K«∂Ѩ‰õΩ
Don't make a noise, please ........................ ^ŒÜ«∞KÕã≤ â◊|ÌO (QÀÅ) KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't make him angry ..................................... J`«_çx HÀѨѨ_ÕÖÏ KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't make me to kill you ............................ x#∞fl K«O¿ÑÖÏ ##∞fl KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't make so much fuss about it .................... ^•xfl QÆ∞iOz ~°QÆ_» KÕÜ«∞‰õΩ
Don't mind that .......................................................... ^•xfl Ѩ\ ˜ìOK«∞HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't misspell any word ............................ U Ѩ^•hfl `«Ñ¨CQÍ LK«ÛùiOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't misunderstand me ...................................... ##∞fl Jáê~°úO KÕã¨∞HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't move ................................................................................. Hõ^ŒÅ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't open the door for sometime ................. H˘OK≥O¿ãѨ٠`«Å∞Ѩ٠`≥~°∞==^Œ∞Ì
Don't open the door if any stranger calls .................... „H˘`«Î"å_≥=_≥·<å Ñ≤e¿ãÎ
Don't open them until I tell you .................... <Õ#∞ K≥¿ÑÊ=~°‰õΩ "å\˜x `≥~°=‰õΩ
Don't pass this way ...................................................... D ^•i# "≥à◊§=^Œ∞Ì
Don't put the radio on the edge of the bench ............ ɡOp JOK«∞# ˆ~_çÜ≥∂
Don't put your shirt on until it is dry ................... +¨~°∞ì Pˆ~=~°‰õΩ ^èŒiOK«=^Œ∞Ì
Don't read such books .................................... JÖÏO\˜ ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ∞ K«^Œ∞==^Œ∞Ì
Don't rest your legs on the chairs ........................ ‰õΩsÛÅÃÑ· HÍà◊√§ ÃÑ@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't ever rise this topic .................... =∞m§ ZѨC_»∂ D q+¨Ü«∂xfl Z`«Î=^Œ∞Ì
Don't rough (up) my hair ................................................. <å A@∞ì K≥éѨ‰õΩ
Don't run across the road ................................. ~À_»∞¤‰õΩ J_»¤OQÍ Ñ¨iÔQ`«Î=^Œ∞Ì
Don't rush it ...................................................................... nxfl „`ÀÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
Don't rush me ................................................ ##∞fl „`ÀÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì. ##∞fl <≥@ì‰õΩ
Don't say a word to anybody ...................... Z=iH© XHõ¯=∂@‰õÄ_® K≥ѨÊ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't say so ................................................................ P q^èŒOQÍ K≥ѨÊ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't say such things ............................................. P q+¨Ü«∂efl K≥ѨÊ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't say that in front of the students ...... q^•º~°∞úÅ∞ Z^Œ∞@ ^•xx K≥ѨÊ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't shirk classes .................................................... HÍ¡ã¨∞Å∞ ZQÆQ˘@ì=^Œ∞Ì.
Don't shirk classes. In this week you have already shirked two classes
......................................... WѨÊ\˜ˆH D "å~°OÖ’ Ô~O_»∞ HÍ¡ã¨∞Å∞ ZQÆQ˘\ì̃<å=Ù
Don't shout at me, people will listen ......... ##∞fl ˆHHõ"ÕÜ«∞‰õΩ, „Ѩ[Å∞ qO\Ï~°∞
161 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Don't show your neck ........................................................ h "≥∞_» K«∂Ѩ‰õΩ
Don't shuffle, give a clear answer .................. ##∞fl uHõ=∞Hõ ÃÑ@ì‰õΩ. ã¨iÜ≥ÿ∞#
Don't sit too near to the window ................... H˜\ ˜H©H˜ =∞s ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ ‰õÄ~ÀÛ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't just sit there, Get up and help us ............... T~°Hõ<Õ JHõ¯_» ‰õÄ~ÀÛ=^Œ∞Ì
ÖËz =∂‰õΩ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O K≥~Úº
Don't speck rudely .................................................... Hõiî#OQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't speak until you are spoken to x#∞fl =∂\Ï¡_»=∞<Õ =~°‰õΩ h=Ù =∂\Ï¡_»‰õΩ
Don't spend beyond your capacity ............... `åǨÏ`«∞ q∞Oz Y~°∞Û ÃÑ@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't spend in excess of your incomeh P^•Ü«∞O Hõ<åfl Z‰õΩ¯= Y~°∞Û ÃÑ@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't splash the water ............................................. hà◊§#∞ HõkeÛ K«Å¡=^Œ∞Ì
Don't stand on the path ................................................ ÉÏ@ÃÑ· xÅ∞==^Œ∞Ì
Don't stay too late ............................. =∞s Z‰õΩ¯= ã¨=∞Ü«∞O xez LO_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't stick your neck out ..................... J#=ã¨~°OQÍ PѨ^Œ#∞ H˘x `≥K«∞ÛHÀ‰õΩ
Don't stray from the point ............................ q+¨Ü«∞O #∞O_ç ^•\˜"≥o§áÈ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't take any food now .............................. WѨC_»∞ U PǨ~°=Ú fã≤HÀ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't ever take off this ring .................. D LOQÆ~åxfl ZѨC_»∂ fã¨∞ÔHà◊§=^Œ∞Ì
Don't talk like that .................................................. P q^èŒOQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't talk rubbish ............................................................. K≥`«ÎQÍ =∂\Ï¡_»‰õΩ
Don't talk non-sense ............................................................... K≥`«Î "åQƉõΩ
Don't tap the rim with spoons ........................... JOK«∞#∞ ã¨∂Ê<£`À H˘@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't tell anybody about it .............................. nx QÆ∞iOz Z=iH˜ K≥ѨÊ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't tell me the same old joke again .... P áê`« *’‰õΩ#∞ uiy <å‰õΩ K≥ѨʉõΩ
Don't touch that printed page yet ; the ink will smear ............. =Ú„kOz#
HÍy`åxfl `å‰õ‰õΩ. WO‰õΩ K≥kiáÈ`«∞Ok
Don't throw that shirt away. It has plenty of wear left in it ........... P +¨~°∞ì#∞
áê~°"ÕÜ«∞‰õΩ. Wk WOHÍ =∞#∞fl`«∞Ok
Don't trouble her .................................................. P"≥∞#∞ W|ƒOk ÃÑ@ì=^Œ∞Ì
Don't trouble the trouble until the trouble troubles you ............ ã¨=∞㨺 h‰õΩ
ã¨=∞㨺QÍ JÜÕ∞º=~°‰õΩ ã¨=∞㨺#∞ ã¨=∞㨺QÍ KÕÜ«∞‰õΩ
Don't try to mislead them .......... "åix `«Ñ¨C„`À= Ѩ\ ì̃OK«\ÏxH˜ „Ѩܫ∞uflOK«‰õΩ
Don't wait up (for me); I shall be home very late <å HÀã¨O "Õz LO_»‰õΩ† <Õ#∞
KåÖÏ PÅ㨺OQÍ WO\˜H˜ =™êÎ#∞.
Don't wait dinner for me .......................... _ç#fl~ü‰õΩ <å HÀã¨O Z^Œ∞~°∞K«∂_»=^Œ∞Ì
Don't walk through the fields .................................. á⁄ÖÏÅQÆ∞O_® #_»==^Œ∞Ì
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 162
Don't wander from the point .................................... q+¨Ü«∂xfl =^ŒeáÈ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't wander from the subject .................... ã¨Éˇ˚‰õΩì (q+¨Ü«∞O)x =keáÈ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't wander off the point ........................................ q+¨Ü«∂xfl =keáÈ=^Œ∞Ì
Don't waste electricity. Turn off the lights when you go out ......... q^Œ∞º`üx
=$^è•KÕÜ«∞‰õΩ. h=Ù |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥à◊√§#ѨÙ_»∞ náêefl PiÊ"Õ~Ú
Don't waste your money and time .............. h HÍÖÏxfl, _»|∞ƒ#∞ =$^è•KÕÜ«∞‰õΩ
Don't waste your time on bargaining ..... ÉË~°O KÕÜ«∞_»OÃÑ· h ã¨=∞Ü«∂xfl =$^è•
Don't wear such dirty clothes ..................... JÖÏO\˜ =ÚiH˜ |@ìefl ^èi Œ OK«‰Ωõ
Don't wet all the clothes at once ...................... Jxfl |@ìefl XˆH™êi `«_Ñ » ‰¨ Ωõ
Don't worry. I will be back soon ............... HõOQÍ~°∞Ѩ_»‰õΩ, <Õ#∞ `«fi~°Ö’ =™êÎ#∞
Exclamatory Sentences
D "åHõº=ÚÅ∞ ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ What, how =O\˜ Ѩ^•Å`À „áê~°OÉèí=∞=Ù`å~Ú. ™ê^è•~°}
"åHõº=ÚÖ’ Adjective QÍx ÖË^• Adverb QÍx L#flѨC_Õ ^•xx Exclamatory
sentences QÍ =∂~°Û_®xH˜ gÅ=Ù`«∞Ok.
1. It is a beautiful garden Wk ™ê^è•~°} "åHõº=Ú. nx x~å‡}=Ú „H˜Ok q^èŒ=ÚQÍ
It + Verb + alan + adjective + Noun
D "åHõº=Ú#∞ Exclamatory sentences Ö’xH˜ =∂~°∞Û@
What a beautiful garden it is! D `À@ ZO`« ã¨∞O^Œ~°OQÍ L#flk!
Exclamatory "åHõº x~å‡}=Ú What + alan + adjective + noun + it +
Verb + !
2. You talk well - Wk ™ê^è•~°} "åHõº=Ú. nx x~å‡}=Ú „H˜Ok q^èŒ=ÚQÍ LO@∞Ok.
Subject + verb + adjective / adverb
D "åHõº=Ú#∞ Exclamatory sentence Ö’xH˜ =∂iÛ#
How well you talk ! - h=Ù ZO`« ÉÏQÍ =∂\Ï¡_` » å=Ù!
Exclamatory "åHõºx~å‡}=Ú:How + adjective/adverb + subject + verb + !
What a beautiful house it is ! ...................... Wk ZO`« JO^Œ"≥∞ÿ# QÆ$ǨÏ=Ú !
What a clever boy he is ! ............................ W`«_»∞ ZO`« `≥e"≥·# ÉÏÅ∞_»∞ !
What a dreadful noise it is ! ....................... Wk ZO`« ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# â◊|ÌO !
What a good heart you have ! ... h=Ù ZO`« =∞Oz ǨÏ$^ŒÜ«∂xfl HõeæÜ«Ú<åfl=Ù !
What a nice saree it is ! ........................................... ZO`« K«Hõ¯x p~° Wk !
What a smart child it is ! ................................ ZO`« ã¨∞O^Œ~°"≥∞ÿ# a_»¤ Wk !
What a strange thing ! ........................................... ZO`« qO`≥·# q+¨Ü«∞O !
What an active child it is ! .................................... ZO`« K«∞~°∞ÔH·# a_»¤ Wk !
163 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
What an adorable little house it is ! ............... ZO`« ã¨∞O^Œ~°"≥∞ÿ# WÅ∞¡ Wk !
What an extraordinary idea it is ! ........... ZO`« =∞Ǩϟ#fl`«"≥∞ÿ# PÖ’K«# Wk !
How cold the night is ! ................................... D ~å„u ZO`« K«eQÍ L#flk !
How cold the weather is ! ................... D "å`å=~°}O ZO`« K«ÅQ ¡ Í L#flk !
How difficult it is ! ............................................ Wk ZO`« Hõ+ì̈=ÚQÍ L#flk !
How dirty it is ! ................................................. Wk ZO`« =ÚiH˜QÍ L#flk !
How fortunate I am ! ................................ <Õ#∞ ZO`« J^Œ$+ì̈=O`«∞}˜‚ L#flk !
How heavy is the baby now! ................. WѨC_»∞ a_»¤ ZO`« |~°∞=ÙQÍ L#flk !
How hot is the water ! ......................................... h~°∞ ZO`« K«Hõ¯QÍ L#flk !
How lovely your flowers are ! ......................... h ѨÓÅ∞ ZO`« "Õ_çQÍ L#flk !
How nice to see you ! ...................................... x#∞fl K«∂_»@O ZO`« ÉÏQÆ∞ !
How well you walk ! ............................................ h=Ù ZO`« ÉÏQÍ #_»∞™êÎ=Ù!
How wet you are ! .................................................... h=Ù ZO`«QÍ `«_çâß"À!
How wonderful to see you .......................... x#∞fl K«∂_»@O ZO`« J^Œ∞ƒù`«O !
I am a staff member .................................................... <Õ#∞ ™êìѶπ "≥∞O|ifl
I am a student .................................................................... <Õ#∞ q^•ºi÷x
I am not a traitor ........................................................... <Õ#∞ „^ÀÇ≤Ïx HÍ^Œ∞
I am able to go ................................................ <Õ#∞ "≥à◊§_®xH˜ gÅ=Ù`«∞Ok
I am afraid it is time to go ............................................ Wk "≥àı§ ã¨=∞Ü«∞O
I am afraid she is ill ..................... P"≥∞‰õΩ [|∞ƒQÍ L#fl^Œx ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞`«∞<åfl#∞
I am afraid that I have broken your mirror ............... h J^ŒÌO ѨQÆ∞ÅQ˘\Ïì#x
I am afraid the line is busy, would you like to hang on ? ......... Öˇ·#∞ ~°nÌQÍ
L#flk H˘OK«O ¿ãѨ٠PQÆQÆÅ~å?
I am afraid you will break it ........ nxx h=٠ѨQÆ∞Å Q˘_»`å"Õ"≥∂#x <å ÉèíÜ«∞O
I am afraid you will make it dirty with your fingers ............. h "Õà§◊ `À nxx
=ÚiH˜ KÕ™êÎ"Õ"≥∂#x ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞`«∞<åfl#∞
I am afraid your name escapes me ................... F ! h ¿Ñ~°∞ =∞iÛáÈÜ«∂#∞
I am against your plan ....................................... <Õ#∞ h Ѩ^äŒHÍxH˜ =ºuˆ~H˜x
I am allergic to dust .................................................... <å‰õΩ ^Œ∞=Ú‡ Ѩ_»^Œ∞
I am also out of pocket ..................................... <å =^ŒÌ ‰õÄ_® _»|∞ƒÅ∞ ÖË=Ù
I am always at home on Sundays .................. Pk"å~åÅѨÙ_»∞ <Õ#∞ ZšѨÙ_»∞
WO\˜=^ÕÌ LO\Ï#∞
I am awake now .................................................. <Õ#∞ WѨC_»∞ "Õ∞ÖÁ¯<åfl#∞

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 164

I am certain she saw me today .................... P"≥∞ D ~ÀA ##∞fl K«∂ã≤O^Œx
~°∂_èçQÍ K≥ѨÙÎ<åfl#∞
I am extremely sorry .................................... <Õ#∞ ZO`«QÍ<À qKåiã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I am fed up with your complaints ........... h P~ÀѨ}Å`À <Õ#∞ qã≤yáÈ`«∞<åfl
I am glad to see you .............................. x#∞fl K«∂_»@O <å ÔHO`À ã¨O`À+¨O
I am helpless ............................................................... <Õ#∞ xã¨ûǨÜ«Ú_çx
I am her only son ........................................ <Õ#∞ P"≥∞‰õΩ UÔH·Hõ ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»#∞
I am here on damn urgent assignment ...................... <Õ#∞ WHõ¯_» J`«º=ã¨~°
Ѩx g∞^Œ L<åfl#∞
I am here only by mistake ................ <Õ#∞ WHõ¯_» ˆH=ÅO á⁄~°áê@∞# L<åfl#∞
I am hungry and want something to eat ........... <å‰õΩ PHõeQÍ L#flk. Z^≥·<å
I am hungry now. Let us have lunch ...... <å‰õΩ WѨC_»∞ PHõeQÍ L#flk. =∞#O
Éè’[#O KÕ^•ÌO
I am in great trouble now ................... <Õ#∞ WѨC_»∞ Q˘Ñ¨Ê W|ƒOkÖ’ L<åfl#∞
I am lost, can you direct me to the park? ............. <Õ#∞ ^•i `«áêÊ#∞. <Õ#∞
áê~°∞¯ KÕ̂~ ^•i K«∂ѨÙ=Ú
I am not like other people ............................. <Õ#∞ W`«~°∞Å =O\˜"å_çx HÍ#∞
I am off now ..................................................... <Õ#∞ WѨC_»∞ "≥à◊§áÈ`«∞<åfl#∞
I am proud of him .................................... <Õ#∞ J`«# Ü≥∞_»Å QÆ~°fiѨ_»∞`«∞<åfl#∞
I am ready now . ............................................. <Õ#∞ WѨC_»∞ ã≤^ŒúOQÍ L<åfl#∞
I am satisfied with this report. ........... D x"ÕkHõ`À <Õ#∞ `«$Ñ≤Î K≥O^Œ∞`«∞<åfl#∞
I am sick .................................................................... <Õ#∞ [|∞ƒQÍ L<åfl#∞
I am sorry about it ............................................... ^•xH˜ <Õ#∞ qKåiã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I am sorry but no smoking is allowed in this room .............. ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞
D QÆkÖ’ á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ_»O J#∞=∞uOK«|_»^Œ∞
I am sorry. I hid your keys. I only did it fun ......... ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞. h `åàÏÅ∞
^•zÃÑ\Ïì#∞. Wk ˆH=ÅO `«=∂ëê‰õΩ KÕâß#∞
I am sorry. I was rude .................. ##∞fl HõΔq∞OK«∞ <Õ#∞ ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞QÍ „Ѩ=iÎOKå#∞
I am sorry to disappoint you .......... x#∞fl x~°∞`åûǨÏѨ~°z#O^Œ∞‰õΩ qKåiã¨∞Î<åfl
I am sorry. You have lost me. could you explain it again? ........ HõΔq∞OKåe
q#|_»∞@ÖË^Œ∞. =∞~°Å XHõ™êi q=i™êÎ~å?
I am thirsty now .............................................. <å‰õΩ WѨC_»∞ ^•Ç¨ÏOQÍ LOk
I am tired now ................................................... <Õ#∞ WѨC_»∞ JÅã≤áÈÜ«∂#∞
I am unable to attend the class ......... HÍ¡ã¨∞‰õΩ Ç¨[~°∞HÍ=_®xH˜ <Õ#∞ Pâ◊‰õΩÎ_çx
165 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
I am upset over that ..................................... ^•xH˜ <Õ<≥O`À Hõ$OyáÈ`«∞<åfl#∞
I am very busy today .............................. <Õ#∞ D ~ÀA KåÖÏ arQÍ L<åfl#∞
I am very glad. I was able to help you .......... h‰õΩ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«∞QÆeæ#O^Œ∞‰õΩ
<å‰õΩ KåÖÏ P#O^Œ=ÚQÍ L#flk
I am very glad to meet you ........................ x#∞fl HõÅ∞ã¨∞‰õΩO@∞#flO^Œ∞‰õΩ <å‰õΩ
Here I am ........................................................................ WkQÀ <Õ#∞ WHõ¯_»
Baiting nail's is a bad habit ........................... QÀà◊√§ H˘~°∞‰õΩ@ K≥_»¤ JÅ"å@∞
Being poor is no disgrace ................ c^Œ"åxQÍ LO_»@O J==∂#Hõ~°O HÍ^Œ∞
Child is hungry .............................................................. a_»¤ PHõeQÍ L#flk
David is a carbon copy of his father .............. _Õq_£ JK«ÛO `«O„_çÖÏ L<åfl_»∞
Everybody is afraid to go near it .............................. ^•x ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ "≥à◊§\ÏxH˜
„Ѩu"å_»∞ ÉèíÜ«∞Ѩ_»∞`«∞<åfl_»∞
Final decision is yours ................................................. z=i x~°‚Ü«∞O hk
He is a friend of mine ................................................. J`«_»∞ <å ¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞_»∞
He is absolutely right ................................................. J`«_∞» KåÖÏ YzÛ`«O
He is ahead ............................................................ J`«_»∞ =ÚO^Œ∞ L<åfl_»∞
He is at the back of this room ........................ J`«_»∞ D QÆk "≥#∞Hõ L<åfl_»∞
He is by the window .......................................... J`«_»∞ H˜\ ˜H˜ „ѨHõ¯# L<åfl_»∞
He is here with you, isn't he? ................... J`«_»∞ WHõ¯_» h`À L<åfl_»∞, ÖË_®?
He is in bed ......................................................... J`«_»∞ =∞OK«OÖ’ L<åfl_»∞
He is in that room .................................................. J`«_»∞ P QÆkÖ’ L<åfl_»∞
He is likely to come by bus ....................... J`«_»∞ |Ǩïâß |ã¨∞ûÖ’ ~å=K«∞Û
He is on the train ..................................................... J`«_»∞ Ô~·Å∞Ö’ L<åfl_»∞
He is quite unlike his father .................. J`«_çH˜ `«O„_ç áÈeHõ U =∂„`«O ÖË^Œ∞
He is to blame .............................................................. J`«_çx xOkOKåe
He is very adament .................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ Hõiî#∞_»∞
He is very ambitious ......................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ J`åºâßѨ~°∞_»∞
He is very brave, strong and, above all, honest ................ J`«_»∞ ^è≥·~°ºâße,
|Åâße, Jxfl\˜H˜ q∞Oz x*Ï~Úf Ѩ~∞° _»∞
He is very careful .............................................. J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ *Ï„QÆ`«Î Ѩ~°∞_»∞
He is very close to me .................................. J`«_»∞ <å‰õΩ KåÖÏ ã¨xflÇ≤Ï`«∞_»∞
He is very frank .......................................................... J`«_∞» KåÖÏ x+¨¯Ñ¨\ ˜
He is very generous ................................................. J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ L^•~°∞_»∞
He is very great ...................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ Q˘Ñ¨Ê"å_»∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 166
He is very humorous ................................................ J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ K«`«∞~°∞_»∞
He is very intelligent ............................................ J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ `≥e"≥·#"å_»∞
He is very kind ................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ ^ŒÜ«∞QÆÅ"å_»∞
He is very notorious ...................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ K≥_»¤ ¿Ñ~°∞QÆÅ =ºHÎ̃
He is very obedient ................................................. J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ q^èÕÜ«Ú_»∞
He is very popular ....................................... J`«_∞» KåÖÏ MϺuQÍOz# "å_»∞
He is very proud ........................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ QÆifi+≤ª
He is very reliable ............................................ J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ #=∞‡`«y#"å_»∞
He is very sincere .......................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ x*Ï~Úf Ѩ~°∞_»∞
He is very stubborn ....................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ Ñ¨@∞ì^ŒÅ QÆÅ"å_»∞
He is very stupid ...................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ =¸_è»∞_»∞
He is very tender .................................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ ã¨∞xfl`«∞_»∞
He is very vulgar when he loses his temper ............... J`«_»∞ uHõ¯ˆ~y#ѨC_»∞
|O_»|∂`«∞Å∞ u_»`å_»∞
He is very weak in English ........................................... J`«_»∞ KåÖÏ "≥#∞Hõ
Here is a hand-kerchief to wipe your nose ......... h =Ú‰õΩ¯ `«∞_»∞K«∞HÀ=_®xH˜
WkQÀ ~°∂=∂Å∞
Here is the price-list ...................................................... WkQÀ ^èŒ~°Å Ѩ\ ì̃Hõ
Here is the sample ............................................................. âßOÑ≤Öò WkQÀ
Here is twenty rupees to repay you for the money I borrowed last week
.............................. <Õ#∞ áÈ~Ú# "å~°O h=^ŒÌ fã¨∞‰õΩ#fl JѨC 20 ~°∞.Å∞ WqQÀ
Here is as big as the other one I bought .. <Õ#∞ H˘#fl^•x Hõ<åfl P"≥∞k ÃÑ^ŒÌk
It is a big late .............................................................. Wk H˘OK≥O PÅ㨺O
It is a curse ......................................................................... Wk XHõ âßѨO
It is a great distance from here ...................... WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç Wk KåÖÏ ^Œ∂~°O
It isa long time since I saw you . ................... x#∞fl K«∂ã≤ KåÖÏ HÍÅ"≥∞ÿOk
It is about an hour’s walk from there ............... Wk JHõ¯_» #∞O_ç QÆO@ #_»Hõ
It is absolutely impossible for me to go .................. "≥à◊§@O <å‰õΩ J™ê^茺O
It is alright ..................................................................... Wk ã¨iQÍ<Õ L#flk
It is ail because of you ........................................................ W^ŒO`å h=ÖË¡
It is at the bottom of the well ............................... Wk ÉÏq J_»∞QÆ∞# L#flk
It is at the end of this street ................................. Wk D gkè z=~° L#flk
It is cheap ...................................................................... Wk KÒHõQÍ L#flk
It is clear ................................................................... Wk ã¨Ê+ì̈=ÚQÍ L#flk
It is close to the library .......................................... Wk Öˇ·„|sH˜ KåÖÏ ^ŒQÆæ~°
167 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
It is cloudy today ........................................... D ~ÀA =∞|∞ƒÅ∞ Ѩ\ ì̃ L#flk
It is cold .......................................................................... Wk K«ÅQ ¡ Í L#flk
It is comfortable ................................................................ Wk ™œYº"≥∞ÿ#k
It is costly ............................................................................. Wk Ys^≥# · k
It is dangerous ................................................................. Wk JáêÜ«∞Hõ~°O
It is dark ............................................................................. pHõ\ Q
˜ Í L#flk
It is difficult for me to ask anyone for money ...................... Z=i<≥·<å _»|∞ƒ
J_»QÆ@O <å‰õΩ Hõ+ì̈O
It is easy for you to please that man .... P =∞x+≤x XÑ≤ÊOK«@O h‰õΩ ã¨∞ÅÉèíO
It is for you ............................................................................. Wk h HÀã¨O
It is fresh .......................................................................... Wk `å*ÏÜ≥ÿ∞#k
It is Friday today ......................................................... D ~ÀA â◊√„Hõ"å~°O
It is good ................................................................................ Wk =∞Ozk
It is half an hour’s journey by bus .............. |ã¨∞ûÃÑ· Wk J~°úQÆO@ „Ѩܫ∂}O
It is hard ................................................................. Wk Hõiî#"≥∞ÿ#k (QÆ\ ì̃k)
It is healthy to spend time in the fresh air ................... Ѩiâ◊√„Éèí"≥∞ÿ# QÍeÖ’
It is holiday today ..................................................... D ~ÀA ÃãÅ=Ù k#O
It is hot ........................................................................... Wk "Õ_Qç Í L#flk
It is I who is the owner of this shop .............. Wk <Õ<.Õ D ëêѨ٠ܫ∞[=∂xx
It is important .................................................................. Wk =ÚYº"≥∞ÿ#k
It is impossible to do all that work before Friday .................... â◊√„Hõ"å~åxH˜
=ÚO^Õ PѨx JO`«\ x˜ KÕÜ∞« @O J™ê^躌 O
It is juice-time for you ............................... Wk h=٠Ѩà◊§~°ã¨O `åˆQ ã¨=∞Ü«∞O
It is just five minutes walk .......................... Wk H ˆ =ÅO S^Œ∞ x=ÚëêÅ #_»Hõ
It is just walkable distance .............................. Wk ˆH=ÅO #_»=QÆÅ ^Œ∂~°O
It is late, I must go .................................... PÅ㨺"≥∞ÿOk. <Õ#∞ `«Ñ¨ÊHõ "≥àϧe
It is likely to rain ....................................................... =~°¬O ‰õΩi¿ãÖÏ L#flk
It /s long .............................................................................. Wk á⁄_»"#
·≥ k
It is me, your son ................................................... Wk <Õ#∞, h ‰õΩ=∂~°∞}˜‚
It is my new shirt .......................................................... Wk <å „H˘`«Î K˘Hͯ
It is my duty ...................................................................... Wk <å ÉÏ^躌 `«
It is my duty to help you .......................... h‰õΩ ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞O KÕÜ«∞_»O <å ÉÏ^茺`«
It is near the park ................................................... Wk áê~°∞¯ ^ŒQÆæ~° L#flk
It is nearby ............................................................. Wk ã¨g∞ѨOÖ’<Õ L#flk
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 168
It is nice David come here ...................... _Õq_£ WHõ¯_»‰õΩ ~å=@O ZO`À ÉÏQÆ∞
It is not a long way from here ........... Wk WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç KåÖÏ ^Œ∂~°"Õ∞g∞ ÖË^Œ∞
It is not available here ................................................. Wk WHõ¯_» ÅaèOK«^Œ∞
It is not large enough ....................................... Wk `«y#O`« á⁄_»=ÙQÍ ÖË^Œ∞
It is not possible ............................................................. Wk ™ê^茺O HÍ^Œ∞
It is not trouble for you ........................................... Wk g∞‰õΩ W|ƒOk HÍ^Œ∞
It is nowhere cheaper .............................................. Wk ZHõ¯_® KÒHõ HÍ^Œ∞
It is obvious ......................................................................... Wk ã¨∞ã¨Ê+ì̈O
It is on the other table ........................................ Wk "Õ~˘Hõ >Ë|∞ÖòÃÑ· L#flk
It is one hour’s walk .......................................................... Wk QÆO@ #_»Hõ
It is over there ................................................................. Wk JHõ¯_» L#flk
It is peculiar ......................................................................... Wk qO`≥·#k
It is really unfortunate ............................................ Wk x[OQÍ ^Œ∞~°^Œ$+ì̈O
It is really wonderful ........................................... Wk x[OQÍ J^Œ∞ƒù`«"≥∞ÿ#k
It is short ................................................................................... Wk á⁄\˜ì
It is six miles from here ........................ Jk WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç 6 "≥∞ÿà◊√§ LO@∞Ok
It is soft .................................................................................. Wk "≥∞`«Îxk
It is stiff ............................................................................... Wk x„@"≥∞#
ÿ k
It is strange ........................................................................... Wk qO`≥·#k
It is sultry now .......................................................... WѨC_»∞ LHõ¯QÍ L#flk
It is sultry today ...................................................... D ~ÀA LHõ¯QÍ L#flk
It is surprise Mary did not pass ...... "Õ∞s áêãπ HÍHõáÈ=_»O ZO`À Pâ◊Û~°ºHõ~°O
It is terribly cold today ......................... D ~ÀA ÉèíÜ«∞OHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# K«eQÍ L#flk
It is the next building .................................................... Wk `«~åfi`« ae¤OQ∑
It is the next shop ......................................................... Wk `«~åfi`« ëêѨÙ
It is the next street ........................................................... Wk `«~åfi`« gkè
It is the same man who want yesterday .......... W`«_Õ h=Ù x#fl HÀi# =∞x+≤
It is the time for you to go to bed ..... Wk h‰õΩ x„^ŒáÈ=\ÏxH˜ "≥àı§ ã¨=∞Ü«∞O
It is too far .................................................................... Wk KåÖÏ ^Œ∂~°O
It is too heavy to lift ........................... Wk =∞s Z`«ÎÖË#O`« |~°∞=ÙQÍ L#flk
It is two cross-roads away from here ........................... Wk WHõ¯_»‰õΩ Ô~O_»∞
J_»¤~À_»¡ ^Œ∂~°OÖ’ L#flk
It is two miles from here ................................. Wk WHõ¯_ç #∞O_ç ÔOO_»∞"≥∞ÿà◊√§
It is unbelievable ................................................. Wk #=∞‡`«Qx
Æ kQÍ L#flk
It is unfortunate John lost his money ................................. *Ï<£ `«# _»|∞ƒ
áÈQ˘@∞ìH˘#_»O ÉÏ^è•Hõ~°O
169 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
It is unfriendly to refuse ........................... Wk u~°ã¨¯iOK«_»O ¿ãflÇ¨Ï q~°∞^ŒúO
It is useful .............................................................. Wk LѨÜ≥∂QÆHõ~°"≥∞ÿ#k
It is useless ....................................................................... Wk ѨxH˜~å^Œ∞
It is very cold in Hyderabad ............... ÃÇ·Ï^Œ~åÉÏ^£Ö’ KåÖÏ K«eQÍ LO@∞Ok
It is very good ............................................................. Wk KåÖÏ =∞Ozk
It is very kind of you to come to see me ....... ##∞fl K«∂_®¤_®xH˜ =zÛ#O^Œ∞‰õΩ
KåÖÏ ã¨O`À+¨O
It is very useful ................................................... Wk KåÖÏ LѨÜ≥∂QÆHõ~°O
It is 6th March today ..................................................... D ~ÀA =∂iÛ 6
It is 8th month ....................................................................... Wk 8= <≥Å
Mine is as valuable as that one ........................... <åk ^•xHõ<åfl qÅ∞"≥# · k
Money is not everything .............................................. _»É˃ ã¨~°fiã¨fiO HÍ^Œ∞
Murder is a felony ........................................ ǨÏ`«º f„="≥∞ÿ# <Õ~°=∞=Ù`«∞Ok
My back is painful ................................................... <å gѨ٠<˘Ñ≤ÊQÍ LOk
My father is over sixty .......................................... <å `«O„_çH˜ J~°"≥·H˜ ÃÑ·<Õ
My house is insured against fire ........................... =∂ WÅ∞¡ Jyfl „Ѩ=∂^•Å
#∞O_ç cè=∂ K≥Ü«∞º|_çOk
My income is in five figures now ............. <å P^•Ü«∞O WѨÙ_»∞ S^Œ∞ JOÔHÅÖ’
My son’s age is nine ................................... <å ‰õΩ=∂~°∞x =Ü«∞ã¨∞û `˘q∞‡k
My staying is no good to you ................... <Õ#∞ LO_»@O h‰õΩ =∞Ozk HÍ^Œ∞
My watch is ten minutes fast .............. <å QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O 10 xq∞+¨=ÚÅ∞ á¶êãπì
Nobody is around here .............................. WHõ¯_» K«∞@∞ì „Ñ¨Hõ¯Å Z=fi~°∂ ÖË~°∞
Nothing is there ................................................................ JHõ¯_» Un ÖË^Œ∞
Now the water is so hot I burnt my finger in it ....... WѨÙ_»∞ h~°∞ KåÖÏ "Õ_çQÍ
LOk. JO^Œ∞Ö’ "ÕÅ∞ ÃÑ_ç`Õ HÍeOk
Nylon is a man-made fibre ............................. <≥Ö · Ï<£ =∂#= xi‡`« ^•~°=Ú
Our office is on the 3rd floor ...................... =∂ PѶ‘ã¨∞ 3= JO`«ã¨∞úÖ’ L#flk
Running away is an act of cowardice ..................... áêiáÈ=_»O Ñ≤iH˜ K«~°º
She is a nice, looking girl .................................... P"≥∞ K«∂_» K«Hõ¯x ÉÏeHõ
She is ahead of David in English ........... WOw¡+πÖ’ P"≥∞ _Õq_£ Hõ<åfl =ÚO^Œ∞
She is ahead of her friend in English ............................. WOw¡+πÖ’ P"≥∞ `«#
¿ãflÇ≤Ï`«∞~åe Hõ<åfl =ÚO^Œ∞
She is behind the door ..................................... P"≥∞ `«Å∞Ѩ٠Kå@∞# L#flk
She is in a good mood now ...................... P"≥∞ WѨC_»∞ =∞Ozã≤÷uÖ’ L#flk
She is like you ................................................... P"≥∞ x#∞fl W+ì̈Ѩ_»∞`«∞#flk
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 170
She is little extravagant in money matters .................... _»|∞ƒ =º=Ǩ~åÖ’¡
P"≥∞ HÍã¨Î ^Œ∞ÉÏ~å
She is Mary your room-mate in the hostel .................... D"≥∞ "Õ∞s Ǩãì̈Ö’¡
h ~°∂"£∞ "Õ∞@∞
She is not at home now, she should be back at 4 ................ P"≥∞ WѨC_»∞
WO\˜ =^ŒÌ ÖË^Œ∞† <åeæO\˜H˜ uiy =ã¨∞ÎOk
She is not courteous to others ....... P"≥∞ W`«~°∞Å Ü≥∞_»Å q#Ü«∞OQÍ LO_»^Œ∞
She is not polite to me ................................. P"≥∞ <å`À q#Ü«∞OQÍ LO_»^Œ∞
She is not to be seen here around ..... P"≥∞ D K«∞@∞ì„ѨHõ¯Å HõxÊOK«@O ÖË^Œ∞
She is out .................................................................... P"≥∞ |Ü«∞@ L#flk
She is tall for her age .................................... P"≥∞ =Ü«∞ã¨∞û‰õΩ P"≥∞ á⁄_»QÆi
She is the best person to ask ...................... J_»QÆ\ÏxH˜ P"≥∞ ã¨iÜ≥ÿ∞# =ºHÎ̃
She is the girl I wanted to see ..................... D J=∂‡~Ú<Õ <Õ#∞ K«∂_»QÀˆ~k
She is very honest ............................................. P"≥∞ KåÖÏ x*Ï~Úf QÆÅk
She is wise ......................................................................... P"≥∞ `≥e"≥·#k
Small family is a happy family .......... z#fl ‰õΩ@∞O|"Õ∞ zO`«ÖËx ‰õΩ@∞O|=Ú
something is there .......................................................... WHõ¯_» U^À L#flk
That is all right ...................................................................... ...Wk Hõ~°‰õΩì
That is my coat and hers is over there ............ Wk <åHÀ@∞ P"≥∞k JÅ¡Hõ¯_»
That is not true .................................................................. Jk x[O HÍ^Œ∞
That is not what I want ............................................. Jk HÍ^Œ∞ <Õ#∞ HÀˆ~k
That is to say ................................................................... K≥á⁄ÊKÕÛ^Õ=∞#QÍ
That is the way to the park ............................................. J^Õ áê~°∞¯‰õΩ ^•i
That is why I asked you ................................ JO^Œ∞=ÖË¡ <Õ#∞ x#∞fl J_çyOk
That film is suitable for only adults .......... P z„`«O ÃÑ^ŒÌʼnõΩ =∂„`«"Õ∞ `«y#k
The A C. to automatic. It turns itself off and on ......... Z.ã≤. P\’=∂\˜H± Wk
`«#O`«@ `å<Õ JyáÈ`«∞Ok. ѨxKÕã¨∞ÎOk
The bag is too heavy for me to carry ................ D ã¨Oz <å‰õΩ "≥∂Ü«∞ÖË#O`«
|~°∞=ÙQÍ LOk
The book is a loan; not a gift ....... ѨÙãÎ̈HõO J~°∞=Ù fã¨∞‰õΩ#flk. |Ǩï=∞u HÍ^Œ∞
The canal is very deep here ................................ HÍÅ∞= WHõ¯_» KåÖÏ Ö’`«∞
The chemical formula for water is H20 ............ h\˜H˜ ~°™êÜ«∞xHõ zǨÏflO H20
The cost of food is double what it was four years ago ..... <åÅ∞ˆQà◊§ „H˜O^Œ\ ˜
Hõ<åfl WѨC_»∞ PǨ~° qÅ∞= Ô~\ì̃OѨÙQÍ L#flk
The date on the coin is 1908 ................. <å}ˇO g∞^Œ L#fl ã¨O=`«û~°O 1908
171 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
The English teacher is absent today. Can you fill in for her ......... WOw¡+¨μ
\©K«~°∞ D ~ÀA ~åÖË^Œ∞. P"≥∞ ™ê÷<åxfl ÉèísÎ KÕÜ«∞QÆÅ"å?
The girl in the third row is my sister ..... =¸_»= =~°∞ã¨Ö’x ÉÏeHõ <å K≥Öˇ¡Å∞
The installment on my car is Rs. 1000/- per month .......... <å HÍ~°∞ <≥Åã¨i
"å~Ú^• ~°∂. 1000/–
The meeting is at an inconvenient time for me; I cant come ........ g∞\˜OQ∑
<å‰õΩ J#∞‰õÄÅ ã¨=∞Ü«∞OQÍ ÖË^Œ∞. <Õ#∞ ~å#∞
The meeting is over ................................................ g∞\˜OQ∑ J~ÚáÈ~ÚOk
The paint is not dry yet ....................................... ÃÑ~ÚO@∞ WOHÍ P~°ÖË^Œ∞
The post-office is next to the park ............... áÈ™êìѶ‘ã¨∞ áê~°∞¯ J=`«Å L#flk
The road is under repair ........................................... ~À_»∞¤ i¿Ñ~°∞Ö’ L#flk
The salary is very meager ............................................ r`«O KåÖÏ ã¨fiÅÊO
The shelf is too weak to hold all those books ............................. D Ã+Öòû
D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅxflO\˜x "≥∂Ü«∞ÖË#O`« |ÅÇ‘Ï#OQÍ L#flk
The sky is cloudy ............................................ PHÍâ◊O "Õ∞Ѷ¨∂=$`«"≥∞ÿ L#flk
The store is not open yet ......................................... ëêѨ٠WOHÍ `≥~°=ÖË^Œ∞
The table is at the bottom of the picture ........... Ѩ@=Ú„H˜O^Œ >Ë|∞Öò L#flk
The traffic is very thick now ..................... WѨÙ_»∞ „\ÏѶ≤H± KåÖÏ Z‰õΩ¯= L#flk
The watch is guarenteed for 3 years ............ QÆ_çÜ«∂~°=Ú 3 ã¨OIIÅ Qͺ~°O\©
The water is not yet hot ............................................ h~°∞ WOHÍ "Õ_≥Hõ¯ÖË^Œ∞
The weather is beastly hot today ..... D ~ÀA "å`å=~°}O =∞s"Õ_Q ç Í L#flk
There is a boy in the room ................................ QÆkÖ’ XHõ ÉÏÅ∞_»∞ L<åfl_»∞
There is coffee and tea. You can have either ..... JHõ¯_» HÍѶ‘, \©Å∞ L<åfl~Ú.
h=Ù U^≥·<å fã¨∞HÀ=K«∞Û
There is a dog outside the house.. ................ WO\˜ |Ü«∞@ XHõ ‰õΩHõ¯ L#flk
There is a large hole in it .............................. nxÖ’ XHõ ÃÑ^ŒÌ ~°O„^èŒO L#flk
There is a main standing at the door ...... `«Å∞Ѩ٠^ŒQÆæ~° XHõ =∞x+≤ xÅ|_®¤_»∞
There is a spring inside the toy .................. ÉÁ=∞‡ ֒ѨŠXHõ „ã≤ÊOQÆ∞ L#flk
There is a telephone call for you ....................... g∞‰õΩ >ˇeá¶È<£ HÍÖò =zÛOk
There is an insect crawling up your back ................... h gѨÙÃÑ· XHõ ѨÙ~°∞QÆ∞
áê‰õΩ`«∂ L#flk
There is no hope ......................................................................... Pâ◊ÖË^Œ∞
There is no one here but me ............................ <Õ#∞ `«Ñ¨Ê WHõ¯_» Z=~°∂ ÖË~°∞
There is no one in the garden ..................................... `À@Ö’ Z=~°∂ ÖË~°∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 172
There is no other way out for me .............................. <å‰õΩ "Õˆ~ =∂~°æO ÖË^Œ∞
There is no use in asking him ...................... J`«xx J_»QÆ@O x~°∞ѨÜ≥∂QÆO
There is nobody in the house ....................................... WO\’¡ Z=~°∂ ÖË~°∞
There is nothing else to eat ................................ JHõ¯_» u#_®xH˜ Ug∞ ÖË^Œ∞
There is nothing in the house .......................................... WO\’¡ Ug∞ ÖË^Œ∞
There is nothing in ihe shelf ........................................... Ã+ÖòÊùÖ’ Ug∞ ÖË^Œ∞
There is some good news for you ..................................... h H˘Hõ â◊√Éèí"å~°Î
There is somebody in the other room ............... "Õ~˘Hõ QÆkÖ’ XHõ~°∞ L<åfl~°∞
There is something near those bundles .......... P "≥∂ѨÙÅ ^ŒQÆæ~° U^À L#flk
This is all your doing .......................................................... W^ŒO`å h Ѩ<Õ
This is foryou ......................................................................... Wk h HÀã¨O
This is the best coffee. I have ever tasted ........ <Õ#∞ ~°∞z K«∂ã≤# JxflO\˜Ö’
W^Õ J`«ºO`« K«Hõ¯x HÍѶ‘
This is the best English Grammar I have seen ........................ <Õ#∞ K«∂ã≤#
"å\˜Ö’ W^Õ =∞Oz WOw¡+π „QÍ=∞~ü
This is the book which I told you about ...... D ѨÙãÎ̈Hõ"Õ∞ <Õ#∞ x#∞fl J_çyOk
This is the corner of the city ............................... Wk #QÆ~O ° Ö’x XHõ =¸Å
This is the fourth cup of tea for the day ......... D ~ÀA‰õΩ Wk <åÅæ= \©HÑ õ C¨
This is the way to the park ............................................. Wk áê~°∞¯‰õΩ ^•i
This is what John gave me ..................................... W^Õ *Ï<£ <å‰õΩ WzÛOk
This is what Mary told me ...................................... W^Õ "Õ∞s <å‰õΩ K≥Ñ≤ÊOk
This is yours ................................................................. Wk hk. Wk g∞k
This book is a new arrival in our shop .................... =∂ ëêѨÙÖ’ Wk „H˘`«ÎQÍ
=zÛ# ѨÙãÎ̈HõO
This box is full. There is no more room ................. D ÃÑ>ì̌ xO_»∞QÍ L#flk.
MÏm Ug∞ ÖË^∞Œ
This bus is for Madras ............................................... =∞„^•ã¨∞‰õΩ |ã¨∞û Wk
This gift iis for you .................................................. D |Ǩï=∞u h HÀã¨O
This hotel is full. We must look for rooms elsewhere ......... D Ǩϟ@ÅO`å
xO_çáÈ~ÚOk. =∞#O QÆ^Œ∞Å H˘~°‰õΩ "Õ~˘HõKÀ@ `«Ñ¨ÊHõ K«∂_®e
This knife is for cutting fruits ........................ D Kå‰õΩ Ñ¨O_»∞¡ HÀã¨∞HÀ=_®xH˜
This room is exclusively for women ........................... D QÆk ˆH=ÅO „ã‘ÎňH
This soup is too watery .................................... D Kå~°∞ =∞s hà◊§ÖÏ LOk
This ticket is out of date ......................................... D \ỖH\ò HÍÅO fiOk
Time is up ....................................... HÍÖÏf`«"≥∞ÿOk. ã¨=∞Ü«∞O ^•\˜áÈ~ÚOk
173 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
Today is full-moon ...........................................................D ~ÀA áœ~°q‚ ∞
Today is our first wedding Anniversary ......................... D ~ÀA =∂ „Ѩ^=Œä ∞
q"åÇ¨Ï ã¨O=`«û~° "Õ_»∞Hõ
Tom is not in, but I expect him soon ....... \Ï"£∞ ֒ѨŠÖË_»∞. `«fi~°Ö’ =™êÎ_»x
Where I go is entirely my own affair .............. "Hõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥àϧ֒ J<Õk ѨÓiÎQÍ
<å ã¨fiO`« =º=Ǩ~°O
Whoever it is I don't have time to see him right now .... J`«<= ≥ ~Ô #· #∂ <Õ#∞
WѨC_»∞ K«∂_®¤xH˜ gÅ∞Ѩ_»^Œ∞
Whoever it/ is I don't want to see him ............................. J`«#∞ Z=Ô~# · #∂
<Õ#∞ K«∂_» ^ŒÅ∞K«∞HÀÖË^Œ∞
Your baby is adorable ...................................... g∞ áêѨ KåÖÏ K«H¯õ QÍ L#flk
Your baby is very active ............................. g∞ áêѨ KåÖÏ K«∞~°∞‰õΩQÍ L#flk
Your daughter is very keen on her studies ................. g∞ ‰õΩ=∂Ô~Î K«^Œ∞=ÙÖ’
KåÖÏ K«∞~°∞ÔH·#k
Your father is angry, so keep out of his way ...... g∞ <å#fl HÀѨOQÍ L<åfl_»∞.
JO^Œ∞=Å# PÜ«∞#‰õΩ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ LO_»∞
Your head is level with my chest h `«Å <å ~˘=Ú‡ ÉèÏQÍxH˜ ã¨=∂#OQÍ L#flk
Your shirt is torn. Change it ......................... h +¨~°∞ì ziyOk. ^•xfl =∂~°∞Û
Your sister is in ward No. 29 on the third floor ... g∞ ™È^Œi 3= JO`«ã¨∞÷Ö’x
29= "å~°∞¤Ö’ L#flk
Your son is so bright ................................ g∞ ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ KåÖÏ `≥e"≥·#"å_»∞
Your son is very sweet ....................... g∞ ‰õΩ=∂~°∞_»∞ KåÖÏ =Ú^Œ∞ÌQÍ L<åfl_»∞
Your watch is slow or mine is fast? ................... h "åp ™È¡ ÖËHõ <åk á¶ê™êì?
Yours is somewhat less attractive than hers ................ hk P"≥∞ ^•x Hõ<åfl
H˘O`« `«‰õΩ¯= PHõ~°¬}©Ü«∞OQÍ L#flk
All are well here ............................................. WHõ¯_» JO`å ˆHΔ=∞OQÍ L<åfl~°∞
Half of them are already here .............. WѨÊ\˜ˆH "åiÖ’ ã¨QÆO =∞Ok =KåÛ~°∞
Here are the papers you asked for ................ WqQÀ g∞~°∞ J_çy# HÍy`åÅ∞
People here are Jealous of you ......... WHõ¯_» „Ѩ[Å∞ h=O>Ë Jã¨∂Ü«∞Ѩ_»`å~°∞
Students of today are not generally courteous ................... <Õ\ ˜ q^•º~°∞÷Å∞
™ê^è•~°}OQÍ #„=∞`«QÍ LO_»~°∞
Text books are available there ................ JHõ¯_» áê~î°º „QÆO^ä•Å∞ ^˘~°∞‰õΩ`å~Ú
The roses are in flowers now ......................... QÆ∞ÖÏcÅ∞ WѨÙ_»∞ ѨÙ=ÙfiÖˇ·<å~Ú
There are eight men digging a pit over there .......... JkQÀ JÅ¡Hõ¯_» 8 =∞Ok
XHõ QÆ∞O@#∞ „`«=Ùfi`«∞<åfl~°∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 174
There are five men eating a fish over there ............. JkQÀ JÅ¡Hõ¯_» S^Œ∞QÆ∞~°∞
XHõ KÕÑx¨ uO@∞<åfl~°∞
There are mountains all around ................... K«∞@∂ì JO`«\Ï H˘O_»Å∞ L#flq
There are two chairs in the room ................... QÆkÖ’ Ô~O_»∞ ‰õΩsÛÅ∞ L<åfl~Ú
These books are too heavy for me, would you carry some of them please?
..................... D ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ∞ <å‰õΩ "≥∂Ü«∞ÖË#O`« |~°∞=Ù. h=Ù H˘xfl "≥∂Ü«∞QÆÅ"å?
These mangoes are wind falls, but they are good ....... D =∂q∞_ç HÍÜ«∞Å∞
QÍeH˜ ~åe#q. J~Ú<å =∞Ozq
They are all of a kind ........................................................ J=hfl XˆH ~°HO õ
They are of a different make ........................................ Jq aè#fl `«Ü∂ « sÅ∞
They are the fellows I told you about ................. "åˆ~ <Õ#∞ h‰õΩ K≥Ñ≤Ê# "å~°∞
We are between the door and the window .............. =∞#O H˜\ ˜H©H˜, `«Å∞ѨىõΩ
=∞^茺 L<åfl=Ú
We are inside the class room ...................... "Õ∞=Ú HÍ¡ã¨∞ ~°∂"£∞Ö’ L<åfl=Ú
You are a brave boy. I like you for that .............. h=Ù ™êǨÏ㨠ÉÏÅ∞_»=Ù. <Õ#∞
x#∞fl JO^Œ∞ˆH "≥∞K«∞Û‰õΩ<Õk
You are a traitor ..................................................................... h=Ù „^ÀÇ≤Ïq
You are always welcome at my house ..... =∂ WO\˜H˜ h=Ù ZѨÙ_≥·<å ~å=K«∞Û
You are at the beginning of this course .. h=Ù D HÀ~°∞û „áê~°OÉèíOÖ’ L<åfl=Ù
You are both like your father ....................... g∞i^ŒÌ~°∂ g∞ `«O„_çÖψQ L<åfl~°∞
You are different now ..................................... h=Ù WѨÙ_»∞ qaè#flOQÍ L<åfl=Ù
You are free to do as you wish ....... h=Ù HÀ~°∞‰õΩ#flk KÕÜ«∞_®xH˜ ã¨fi`«O„`«∞_çq
You are mad to drive so fast ................ Ju"ÕQÆOQÍ „_≥·"£ KÕ¿ã Ñ≤zÛ QÆÅ"å_çq
You are not away from here ........................ WHõ¯_» #∞O_ç h=Ù ^Œ∂~°OQÍ ÖË=Ù
You are not the person I have been looking for ............ <Õ#∞ Z^Œ∞~°∞ K«∂¿ãk
h HÀã¨O HÍ^Œ∞
You are not smoke here ....................................... h=Ù WHõ¯_» á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ~å^Œ∞
You are safe, thank God ......................... h=Ù ˆHΔ=∞OQÍ L<åfl=Ù, ÉèíQÆ=O`«∞_®
You are very near that .............................. ^•xH˜ h=Ù KåÖÏ ^ŒQÆæ~°QÍ L<åfl=Ù
You are welcome to use the library ........................................ h=Ù Öˇ„· |sx
LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜ ™êfiQÆ`«O
He has a voracious appetite ................................... J`«xH˜ f„="≥∞ÿ# PHõe
He has breakfast at 7 o’clock ........ J`«_»∞ 7 QÆO@ʼnõΩ „ÉËH±á¶êãπì fã¨∞‰õΩ<åfl_»∞
He has no appetite for reading good books ....................... =∞Oz ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ∞
K«k"Õ HÍOHõΔ J`«xH˜ ÖË^Œ∞
175 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
He has the ability to become great singer .... J`«_çH˜ Q˘Ñ¨Ê QÍÜ«∞‰õΩ_»∞ JÜÕ∞º
™ê=∞~°úºO HõÅ^Œ∞
Our firm has branches in many cities .............. =∂ ã¨Oã¨÷‰õΩ Z<Àfl #QÆ~åÅÖ’
„ÉÏOpÅ∞ L<åfl~Ú
The microscope has a magnification of 8 ................ D ã¨∂HõΔ ‡^Œi≈x 8 Ô~@∞¡
K«∂_»QÆÅ â◊HÎ̃ QÆÅk
I have a call for you from your sister .............. h ™È^Œi #∞O_ç HÍÖò =zÛOk
I have a dinner appointment with David’s at 9 ..... <å‰õΩ _Õq_£`À 9 QÆO@ʼnõΩ
_ç#fl~ü PǨfi#O L#flk
I have a meeting now ....................................... <å‰õΩ WѨC_»∞ g∞\˜OQ∑ L#flk
I have a severe head-ache ...................................... <å‰õΩ f„="≥∞ÿ# `«Å<˘Ñ≤Ê
I have a severe pain ..................................................... <å‰õΩ f„="≥∞ÿ# <˘Ñ≤Ê
I have an appointment with the lawyer now .. WѨC_»∞ <Õ#∞ ÖÏÜ«∞~üx HõÅ"åe
I have five in all ....................................... <Õ#∞ "≥Ú`«ÎO SkO\˜x HõeæÜ«Ú<åfl#∞
I have no idea ............................................................... <å‰õΩ PÖ’K«# ÖË^Œ∞
I have no time to read this report ......... iáÈ~°∞ì#∞ K«^Œ=\ÏxH˜ <å‰õΩ >ÿ̌"£∞ ÖË^Œ∞
I have not the will power to give up smoking ................... <å‰õΩ á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ_»O
=∂<Õ ™ê=∞~°úºO ÖË^Œ∞
I have nothing further to say ................................ WO`«Hõ<åfl K≥¿ÑÊ^Õg∞ ÖË^Œ∞
I have some urgent work now .......... WѨÙ_»∞ <å‰õΩ H˘OK≥O J~°̊O@∞ Ѩx L#flk
I have to earn a lot ..................................... <Õ#∞ KåÖÏ ã¨OáêkOKåeû L#flk
1 have to go to work now ......................... WѨÙ_»∞ <Õ#∞ ѨxH˜ "≥à◊§=Åã≤ L#flk
I have to send him an answer to his letter today ................. D ~ÀA J`«x
L`«Î~åxH˜ ["å|∞ ѨOѨ=Åã≤ L#flk
I have to visit some one ............................................ <Õ#∞ XHõ`x « x HõÅ"åe
I have to wait for my turn ............. <å =O`«∞ =KÕÛ =~°‰õΩ <Õ#∞ PQÆ=Åã≤ L#flk
We have about six bushels of grapes .............. =∂‰õΩ P~°∞|∞@¡ „^•HõΔ L#flk
We have enough seats for every one =∂‰õΩ JO^ŒiH˜ Kåe#xfl ã‘@∞¡ L<åfl~Ú
We have no sleeping accommodation ................. =∂‰õΩ Ñ¨~°∞O_Õ =ã¨u ÖË^Œ∞
We generally have breakfast at 7 ... "Õ∞=Ú ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ 7 QÆO@ʼnõΩ „ÉËH±á¶êãπì
You have a bright future ahead of you ... h =ÚO^Œ~° ã¨∞O^Œ~° Éèíq+¨º`ü L#flk
You have ample time to catch the train ................ Ô~·Å∞ JO^Œ∞HÀ=_®xH˜ h‰õΩ
`«y#O`« ã¨=∞Ü«∞=Ú#flk
You have to pay six weekly installments ........ h=Ù P~°∞ "å~åÅ "å~Ú^•Å∞
K≥e¡OKåeû L#flk
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 176
You have to wait till tomorrow . .................... ˆ~Ѩ\ ˜ =~°‰õΩ h=Ù "Õz LO_®e
You have fifty fifty-chance of winning ...... h=Ù ÔQÅ=_®xH˜ ã¨QÆO Kèå#∞û L#flk
You have the same face as I .................................. <åÖÏO\˜ =ÚY"Õ∞ hk
John does it like that .................................... *Ï<£ ^•xx P q^èŒOQÍ KÕ™êÎ_»∞
He does his job very sincerely ................................ J`«_∞» `«# L^ÀºQÆ=Ú#∞
KåÖÏ x*Ï~ÚfQÍ KÕã¨∞Î<åfl_»∞
It doesn't matter if I miss my bus. There will be another one soon ........
|ã¨∞û q∞ã¨û~Ú<å Ѷ¨~åfiÖË^Œ∞ `«fi~°Ö’<Õ =∞~˘Hõ\ ˜ L#flk
Whatever you do don't keep him waiting ....... h=Ù UOKÕã≤<å 㨈~ J`«_çx "Õz
LO_»∞#@∞¡ KÕÜ«∞=^Œ∞Ì
I don't have money for tea ..................................... \© H˜ <å =^ŒÌ _»|∞ƒ ÖË^Œ∞
Some students absorb ideas much more quickly than others ........ H˘O`«
=∞Ok q^•º~°∞÷Å∞ W`«~°∞Å Hõ<åfl KåÖÏ `«fi~°QÍ q+¨Ü«∂efl J~°úO KÕã¨∞H˘O\Ï~°∞
These figures don't add up ........................... D JOÔHÅ∞ ã¨iQÍ ‰õÄ_»|_»ÖË^Œ∞
I adjure you to tell the truth ....... x[O KÕ™êÎ#x <Õ#∞ h‰õΩ „Ѩ=∂}O KÕã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I admire your courage ................................ <Õ#∞ h ^è≥·~åºxfl Jaè#Okã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I admit my crime ....................................... <Õ#∞ <å <Õ~åxfl XѨC‰õΩO@∞<åfl#∞
I agree with you ................................................... <Õ#∞ h`À UH©Éèíqã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
She doesn't allow me to keep dogs ......... ‰õΩHõ¯efl ÃÑOK«∞HÀ=\ÏxH˜ P"≥∞ ##∞fl
It appears the meeting is ready to begin ...... Wk K«∂_»QÍ g∞\˜OQ∑ „áê~°OÉèíO
It doesn’t appear so ............................................ Wk JÖÏ HõxÊOK«@O ÖË^Œ∞
I appreciate your help ................................... h ã¨Ç¨Ü«∂xfl Jaè#Okã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
He always arrives early ........................... J`«_»∞ ZѨÙ_»∂ =ÚO^Œ∞QÍ<Õ =™êÎ_»∞
You ask too much .................................. h=Ù =∞s JkèHõOQÍ J_»∞QÆ∞`«∞<åfl=Ù
I always awaken before dawn in the summer ......... "Õã¨qÖ’ <Õ#∞ ZšѨC_»∂
ã¨∂~Àº^ŒÜ«∂xH˜ =ÚO^Õ "Õ∞ÖÁ¯O\Ï#∞
He beats her everyday .............................. J`«_»∞ „Ѩu~ÀA P"≥∞#∞ H˘_»`å_»∞
He beats her very often .............. J`«_»∞ ##∞fl KåÖÏ `«~°∞K«∞QÍ H˘@∞ì`«∞O\Ï_»∞
Party becomes dull without you .......... h=Ù ÖˉõΩO>Ë áêsì _»ÖòQÍ =∂~°∞`«∞Ok
I believe it ............................................................. <Õ#∞ nxx #=Ú‡K«∞<åfl#∞
I don’t believe a word of it ................ nxÖ’ <Õ#∞ XHõ¯ =∂@#∞ ‰õÄ_® #=∞‡#∞
I don't believe he is telling the truth ........................ J`«_»∞ x[O K≥ѨÙÎ<åfl_»x
<Õ#∞ qâ◊fiã≤OK«∞@ ÖË^Œ∞
177 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
I don’t believe so ...................................................... <Õ#∞ JÖÏ #=Ú‡@ÖË^∞Œ
This glue doesn't bind well .................................. D lQÆ∞~°∞ ÉÏQÍ JO@^Œ∞
He never buys a car, he leases them ................. J`«_»∞ ZѨÙ_»∂ HÍ~°∞ H˘#_»∞
ÉÏ_»∞QƉõΩ fã¨∞‰õΩO\Ï_»∞
I don't really care for tea, I like coffee better ........ <Õ#∞ x[OQÍ \© W+ì̈Ѩ_»#∞,
HÍѶ‘<Õ W+ì̈Ѩ_»`å#∞
This store charges reasonable prices D ëêѨ٠ã¨~°ã¨"≥∞ÿ# ^èŒ~°Å‰õΩ J=Ú‡`«∞Ok
She doesn't usually come home late ... P"≥∞ ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ WO\˜H˜ PÅ㨺OQÍ
You never come to me .................................. h=Ù ZѨÙ_»∞ <å ^ŒQÆæ~°‰õΩ ~åÖË^Œ∞
Her hair comes down to her waist . P"≥∞ A@∞ìP"≥∞ #_»∞=ÚÅ „H˜O^ŒH˜ =ã¨∞ÎOk
Monday comes after Sunday .............. Pk"å~°O `«~åfi`« ™È=∞"å~°O =ã¨∞ÎOk
Monday comes before Tuesday ™È=∞"å~°O =∞OQÆà◊"å~åxH˜ =ÚO^Œ∞ =ã¨∞ÎOk
Your name comes after David’s on the list ............. *Ïa`åÖ’ h ¿Ñ~°∞ _Õq_£
`«~åfi`« =ã¨∞ÎOk
She cooks very well ........................................ P"≥∞ KåÖÏ K«Hõ¯QÍ LO@∞Ok
It costs Rs. 24/- a head to eat here ................. WHõ¯_» u#_®xH˜ „Ѩu =∞x+≤H˜
~°∂. 24Å∞ Y~°Û=Ù`«∞Ok
This shop deals in men’s clothing ... D ëêѨ٠ѨÙ~°∞+¨μÅ |@ìÅ<Õ q„Hõ~Úã¨∞ÎOk
You decide ....................................................................... h=Ù xâ◊Û~ÚOK«∞
I dislike being spoken to like that .... JÖÏ =∂\Ï¡_çOK«∞HÀ=_»O <å‰õΩ J~Ú+ì̈O
I doubt if it is true .............................. Wk x["Õ∞<å Jx <Õ#∞ ã¨O^ÕÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I doubt that John will come. ............... *Ï<£ =™êÎ_® Jx <Õ#∞ ã¨O^ÕÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I doubt whether he is telling the truth ................. J`«_»∞ x[O K≥ѨÙÎ<åfl_® Jx
<Õ#∞ ã¨O^ÕÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I doubt whether it is true ................... Jk x["Õ∞<å Jx <Õ#∞ ã¨O^ÕÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I don't eat before he does .............................. "å_çHõO>Ë =ÚO^Œ∞ <Õ#∞ u##∞
I usually eat three times ............. <Õ#∞ ~ÀA‰õΩ ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ 3 ™ê~°∞¡ uO\Ï#∞
They drink less coffee now .......... "å~°∞ WѨC_»∞ HÍѶ‘ `«‰õΩ¯=QÍ „`åQÆ∞`«∞<åfl~°∞
Some people eat meat, others do not ........... H˘O`«=∞Ok =∂Oã¨O uO\Ï~°∞
H˘O`«=∞Ok u#~°∞
The less he eats, the thinner he gets .......... J`«_»∞ ZO`« `«‰õΩ¯= uO>Ë JO`«
He enjoys playing chess .................... J`«_»∞ K≥ãπ P_»_»O ^•fi~å P#Ok™êÎ_»∞
I estimate her age at 35 ......... P"≥∞ =Ü«∞ã¨∞û 35 Jx <Õ#∞ JOK«<å "Õã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 178
Hence forth I expect you to be in class on time ....... WHõ #∞O_ç h=Ù HÍ¡ã¨∞Ö’
ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜ LO\Ï=x <Õ#∞ ÉèÏqã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
We expect the movie to end at 9 o’ clock .................... ã≤x=∂ 9 QÆO@ʼnõΩ
J~ÚáÈ`«∞O^Œx TÇ≤Ïã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
My house faces East .......................... =∂ WÅ∞¡ `«∂~°∞Ê =ÚYOQÍ LO@∞Ok
The baby feets a little feverish ............. áêѨ‰õΩ H˘OK≥O [fi~°OQÍ L#fl@∞¡#flk
This pencil doesn't fit in the box .................. D ÃÑ>ì̌Ö’ ÃÑxûÖò Ѩ@ì@O ÖË^Œ∞
I forget at this moment what was David’s address ..... D ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ _Õq_£
J„_»ãπ Uq∞\’ <Õ#∞ =∞~°záÈÜ«∂#∞
Any you get will be yours .................. h=Ù ã¨OáêkOz#^Õ^≥·<å h^Õ J=Ù`«∞Ok
I go jogging in the park before breakfast ............. JÖÏÊǨ~åxH˜ =ÚO^Õ <Õ#∞
*ÏyOQÆ∞‰õΩ "≥à◊`å#∞
They don’t often go to bed late ............... "å~°∞ `«~°K«∞QÍ PÅ㨺OQÍ x„^ŒáÈ~°∞
We generally go there in time ............. "Õ∞=Ú ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ xs‚`« ã¨=∞Ü«∂xH˜
JHõ¯_»‰õΩ "≥à◊`å=Ú
We usually go to bed before 9 .. "Õ∞=Ú ™ê^è•~°}OQÍ 9 QÆOIIňH x„^ŒáÈ`å=Ú
Whenever you go. I go too .......... h=Ù ZѨÙ_»∞ "≥à◊`å"À <Õ#∂ JѨÙ_Õ "≥à◊`å#∞
You go ahead. I am coming .......................... h=Ù =ÚO^Œ∞"≥à◊√§ <Õ#∞ =ã¨∞Î<åfl
You go first and I shall follow (you) later ...... =ÚO^Œ∞ h=Ù "≥à◊√§. `«~åfi`« <Õ#∞
x#∞fl "≥#flO\˜ =™êÎ#∞
You go your way .............................................................. h ^•i# h=Ù áÈ
He goes for a walk daily .................... J`«_»∞ ~ÀE "åH˜OQ∑H˜ (#_»Hõ) "≥à◊`å_»∞
She goes Jogging every morning ....... P"≥∞ „Ѩu~ÀA *ÏyOQÆ∞#‰õΩ "≥à◊√`«∞Ok
She goes to work by bus ............................... P"≥∞ |ã¨∞ûÃÑ· ѨxH˜ "≥à◊√`«∞Ok
Someone always goes with her .......... P"≥∞`À ZšѨC_»∞ XHõ`«#∞ "≥à◊√ÎO\Ï_»∞
Our agreement with the company gives us the right to use this computer
for one month .................................. HõOÃÑh`À =∂ JOwHÍ~°O (J„y"≥∞O@∞)
XHõ <≥Åáê@∞ D HõOѨӺ@~ü#∞ "Õ∞=Ú LѨÜ≥∂yOK«∞‰õΩ<Õ Ç¨Ï‰õΩ¯ Wã¨∞ÎOk
Some people grind their teeth during their sleep ........... H˘O`«=∞Ok x„^ŒÖ’
ѨO_»¡#∞ #∂~°∞`å~°∞
Grass grows after rain ................................... =~°¬O `«~åfi`« QÆ_ç¤ "≥ÚÅ∞ã¨∞ÎOk
We don't handle that sort of book .. "Õ∞=Ú P ~°Hõ"≥∞ÿ# ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ#∞ `≥Ñ≤ÊOK«=Ú
Loudly, I don’t hear so good ............. aQÆæ~°QÍ, <Õ#∞ ã¨iQÍ q#ÖËHõ áÈ`«∞<åfl#∞
I hesitate to ask you, but I borrow your bike tonight ................. <Õ#∞ x#∞fl
J_»QÆ\ÏxH˜ ã¨OHÀzã¨∞Î<åfl#∞. HÍx D ~å„uH˜ h ɡ·‰õΩ W™êÎ"å?
I hope they will leave soon. ...... "å~°∞ `«fi~°Ö’ =ke "≥àÏÎ~°x <Õ#∞ ÉèÏqã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I hope this is the way to the park ............ áê~°∞¯‰õΩ ^åi W^Õ#x `«Å∞ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞

179 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

I implore you to go now ........ WѨÙ_»∞ h=Ù "≥à◊§=∞x <Õ#∞ „|uq∞ÖÏ_»∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl
This job involves a lot of travel D L^ÀºQÆO Z‰õΩ¯= „Ѩܫ∂}ÏÅ`À ‰õÄ_»∞‰õΩ#flk
She keeps her room neat and tidy .... P"≥∞ QÆkx K«Hõ¯QÍ, â◊√„ÉèíOQÍ LOK«∞=Ú
I know he there because I saw him ......... J`«_»∞ JHõ¯_» L<åfl_»x <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
ZO^Œ∞Hõ#QÍ J`«_çfl <Õ#∞ K«∂âß#∞
I know her tricks ................................................. P"≥∞ l`«∞ÎÅ∞ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know how to get it ................................. ^•xfl ZÖÏ á⁄O^•Ö’ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know how to start the engine ... WO[<£x ZÖÏ ™êì~üì K≥Ü«∂ºÖ’ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know how you have guarded me ............ ##∞fl ZÖÏ HÍáê_®"À <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know how you were before ................................ WO`«‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ h=Ù ZÖÏ
LO_Õ"å_ç"À <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know nothing about it except what I read in the Hindu ............... Ç≤ÏO^Œ∂
k#Ѩ„uHõÖ’ <Õ#∞ K«kq# ^•xHõ<åfl ^•x QÆ∞iOz <å‰õΩ WOˆHq∞ `≥eÜ«∞^Œ∞
I know that ...................................................................... Jk <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know what goes on .................................. Uq∞ [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞#fl^À <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know what to do ............................................. Uq∞ KÕÜ«∂Ö’ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know what you mean .............................. h=Ù J#∞‰õΩ<Õ^Õq∞\’ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know where it lies ................................. Jk ZHõ¯_» Ѩ_çL#fl^À <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know where lions live in India .......................... WO_çÜ«∂Ö’ ã≤OǨÅ∞ ZHõ¯_»
x=ã≤™êÎÜ≥∂ <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I know you were not well ............................... h=Ù ÉÏQÍ ÖË=x <å‰õΩ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
You alone know the answer to your question ......... h „Ѩâ◊fl‰õΩ ã¨=∂^è•#O h
XHõ¯_ç̂H `≥Å∞ã¨∞
I dont know anything beyond what I have told you ..... <Õ#∞ h‰õΩ K≥Ñ≤Ê# ^•x
Hõ<åfl WOˆHq∞ <å‰õΩ `≥eÜ«∞^Œ∞
I donl know how often the buses stop here, let us ask one of the locals
............................WHõ¯_» ZO`« `«~°∞K«∂QÍ |ã¨∞ûÅ∞ PQÆ∞`åÜ≥∂ <å‰õΩ `≥eÜ«∞^Œ∞.
=∞#O XHõ ™ê÷x‰õΩ_çx J_»∞QÆ∞^•=Ú
I don't know where to send this parcel .... D áêi≈Å∞ ZHõ¯_»‰õΩ Ñ¨OáêÖ’ <å‰õΩ
I don't know who she is with now ...... WѨÙ_»∞ P"≥∞ Z=i`À L#fl^À <å‰õΩ
Some times I don't know myself what I am talking about ... H˘xfl™ê~°∞¡ <Õ#∞
Uq∞ =∂\Ï¡_»∞`«∞<åfl<À <åˆH `≥eÜ«∞^Œ∞
You dont know what you are talking about ... h=Ù Uq∞ =∂\Ï¡_»∞`«∞<åfl"À hˆH
™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 180
Everyone knows that he is a thief ....... J`«_»∞ ^˘OQÆ Jx „Ѩu XHõ¯iH˜ `≥Å∞ã¨∞
God knows where he went .................. J`«_»∞ ZHõ¯_çH˜ "≥àϧ_À ^Õ=ÙxˆH `≥Å∞ã¨∞
He lay on the floor, reading a book ........... J`«_»∞ ѨÙãÎ̈HõO K«^Œ∞=Ù`«∂, <ÕÅg∞^Œ
Mammals don't eggs as birds do ............. Ѩ‰õΔΩÅ =Öˇ H˜Δ~°^•Å∞ „QÆ∞_»∞¡ ÃÑ@ì=Ù
It leads the park ................................................. Wk áê~°∞¯‰õΩ ^•i fã¨∞ÎOk
The bus always leaves on time ......... |ã¨∞û ZѨÙ_»∂ ã¨=∞Ü«∂xˆH "≥_»Å∞`«∞Ok
The train leaves at 8.30. So I am expecting you to be at the station on
time ...................................................... Ô~·Å∞ 8.30 QÆOIIʼnõΩ "≥_»Å∞`«∞Ok
She lets her children play in the street ......... gkèÖ’ P_»∞HÀ=∞x Ñ≤Å¡efl P"≥∞
I like my coffee black ................................. <å HÍѶ‘ #Å¡QÍ LO_»@O <å H˜+ì̈O
In general people like her .................... ã¨∂÷ÅOQÍ „Ѩ[Å∞ P"≥∞#∞ W+ì̈Ѩ_»`å~°∞
I dont like his manner, it is very rude .......... J`«x „Ѩ=~°Î# <å‰õΩ #K«Û^Œ∞. =∞s
^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞`«#O Jk
I dont like my pudding to be cold ................. <Õ#∞ =O@HõO K«Å¡QÍ W+ì̈Ѩ_»#∞
I dont like to ask my parents for money .......... _»|∞ƒHÀã¨O =∂ `«e¡ ^ŒO„_»∞efl
J_»QÆ@O <å‰õΩ W+ì̈=Ú LO_»^Œ∞
She likes eggs for breakfast ......... „ÉËH±á¶êãπì‰õΩ „QÆ∞_»∞¡ JO>Ë P"≥∞ W+¨ìѨ_»∞`«∞Ok
I live on the ground floor ...................... <Õ#∞ kQÆ∞= JO`«ã¨∞÷Ö’ x=ã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl=Ú
We live close to the school ............... "Õ∞=Ú ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ ^ŒQÆæ~°Ö’ x=ã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
He lives two miles away from where he works ... J`«_»∞ ѨxKÕ¿ã ã¨÷ÅO #∞O_ç
Ô~O_»∞ "≥∞ÿà◊√§ ^Œ∂~°OQÍ x=ã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl_»∞
You look different from before ... WO`«‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞Hõ<åfl h=Ù "Õ~°∞QÍ Hõxflã¨∞Î<åfl=Ù
You look tired .................................................... h=Ù JÅã≤#@∞¡ HõxÊã¨∞Î<åfl=Ù
My watch loses two minutes a day ............... <å QÆ_çÜ«∂~°=Ú ~ÀA‰õΩ Ô~O_»∞
xq∞+¨=ÚÅ∞ `«‰õΩ¯= P_»∞`«∞Ok
Six and two make eight ............................. P~°∞ Ô~O_»∞ Hõe¿ãÎ 8 J=Ù`«∞Ok
Two and two make four ........................... Ô~O_»∞ Ô~O_»∞ Hõeã≤ <åÅ∞QÆ∞ =ã¨∞ÎOk
Your shoes doesn't match ............................... h |∂@∞¡ Ô~O_»∂ ã¨iѨ_»ÖË^Œ∞
The committee meete on alternate Mondays .. ™È=∞"å~°O q_çz ™È=∞"å~°O
Hõq∞\© ã¨=∂"Õâ◊=∞=Ù`«∞Ok
The planets move round the Sun ......... „QÆǨÅ∞ ã¨∂~°∞ºx K«∞@∂ì u~°∞QÆ∞`å~Ú
I need it by noon tomorrow. ............... ˆ~Ѩ٠=∞^蕺ǨflxH˜ Wk <å‰õΩ J=ã¨~°=Ú
I need it go out, can you free me for an hour ? .... <Õ#∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ "≥à◊§=Åã≤#
J=ã¨~=° Ú L#flk. XHõ QÆO@ =^Œ∞Å∞`å~å?
181 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}
This old wiring needs replacing ........... D áê`« "≥·iOQÆ∞x =∂~°Û=Åã≤ L#flk
Your finger nails needs cutting ............................. h KÕu QÀà◊√§ HõuiÎ OKåe
Your hair needs a good comb ............................... h=Ù K«Hõ¯QÍ ^Œ∞=ÙfiHÀ"åe
I don't owe her any money ................................ P"≥∞‰õΩ <Õ#∞ _»|∞ƒ ÉÏH© ÖË#∞
He owes me Rs. 60/-. I must remind him ....... J`«_»∞ <å‰õΩ 60 ÉÏH© L<åfl_»∞
She plays much better than her sister ......... P"≥∞ `«# ™È^Œ~°∞x Hõ<åfl K«Hõ¯QÍ
"å~Úã¨∞ÎOk (P_»∞`«∞Ok)
I promise to behave better henceforth ........ WHõ =ÚO^Œ@ K«Hõ¯QÍ „Ѩ=iΙêÎ#x
"åQÍú#O KÕã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I remember how they laughed ................. "å~°∞ ZÖÏ #"åfi~À <å‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞Î#flk
I don't remember where I put it ........ ^•xx <Õ#∞ ZHõ¯_»ÃÑ\Ïì<À <å‰õΩ QÆ∞~°∞ÎÖË^Œ∞
The earth revolves round the Sun Éèí∂q∞ ã¨∂~°∞ºx K«∞@∂ì „Ñ¨^ŒHΔ̃}=Ú KÕã¨∞Î#flk
My new sewing machine runs very well <å „H˘`«Î ‰õΩ@∞ì q∞+¨<£ KåÖÏ ÉÏQÍ Ñ¨x
This road runs from Bombay to Pune ....... D ~À_»∞¤ ÉÁOÉÏ~Ú #∞O_ç ѨÓ<Õ‰õΩ
He says he will solve the problem ........... ã¨=∞㨺#∞ Ѩi+¨¯i™êÎ#x K≥ѨÙÎ<åfl_»∞
My watch says exactly 7o’ clock. .. QÆ_çÜ«∂~°O ã¨iQÍæ 7 QÆO.Å∞ K«∂ѨÙ`«∞#flk
I see why it won't work ............ Jk ZO^Œ∞‰õΩ Ñ¨x KÕÜ«∞@O ÖË^À ##∞fl K«∂_»h
We sell all kinds of soaps ............. "Õ∞=Ú Jxfl ~°Hõ=ÚÅ ã¨|∞ƒÅ∞ J=Ú‡`å=Ú
This food smells kerosine ...................... D PǨ~°O H˜~Àã≤<£ "åã¨# "Õã¨∞Î#flk
Aaron speaks with an Irish accent ........ P~Àãππ Si+π Ü«∂ã¨`À =∂\Ï¡_»∞`å_»∞
Actions speak louder than words ...................... =∂@Å∞ Hõ<åfl KÕ`Å « ∞ Q˘Ñ¨Ê
The hinge squeaks, put some oil on it .... |O^Œ∞ Ѩ>Ëìã≤Ok. ^•x g∞^Œ H˘OK≥O
#∂<≥ "Õ~Ú
I suppose he is in school right now ............ WѨÙ_»∞ J`«#∞ ã¨∂¯Å∞Ö’ L<åfl_»x
I swear on you ................................................. h g∞^Œ „Ѩ=∂}O KÕã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
My wife and I take the children to school on alternate days ............ ~ÀA
q_»z ~ÀA <å ÉèÏ~°º =∞iÜ«Ú <Õ#∞ Ñ≤Å¡efl ã¨∂¯Å∞‰õΩ fã¨∞H˘x "≥à◊`å=Ú
I fate back what I said ................... <Õ#∞ K≥Ñ≤Ê# ^•xx "≥#H˜¯ fã¨∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl#∞
These girls fate dancing lessons every day ...... D ÉÏeHõÅ∞ „Ѩu~ÀA _®<£û
áê~îåÅ∞ K≥Ñ≤ÊOK«∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl~°∞
He takes his fruit to market by lorry ......................... J`«_»∞ ÖÏs ^•fi~å `«#
ѨO_»∞¡ =∂Ô~¯@∞ì‰õΩ fã¨∞ÔHàÏÎ_»∞
It takes very long to reach the station. . ¿ãì+¨#∞ KÕ~°∞HÀ=_®xH˜ KåÖÏ ã¨=∞Ü«∞O

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 182

He doesn’t ever talk like that ...................... J`«_»∞ ZѨC_»∂ JÖÏ =∂\Ï¡_»_»∞
It tastes so fresh ............................................ Wk KåÖÏ `å*Ï ~°∞zxã¨∞#
Î flk
This paper tears easily .............................. D HÍy`«O `ÕeHõQÍ z~°∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok
I tell you now what I told you before <Õ#∞ WO`«‰õΩ=ÚO^Œ∞ h‰õΩ K≥Ñ≤Ê#^Õ WѨÙÊ_»∞
h‰õΩ K≥|∞`«∞<åfl#∞
The green light tells us we can go now ............. P‰õΩѨK«ÛnѨO WѨÙ_»∞ =∞#O
"≥à◊§=K«∞Û#x K≥|∞`«∞#flk
I thank you for all your help .................... h ã¨Ç¨Ü«∂xHõO`«\ ˜H˜ <å Hõ$`«[˝`«Å∞
I thank you for asking me ........................ ##∞fl J_çy#O^Œ∞‰õΩ <å Hõ$`«[˝`«Å∞
I thankyou for not smoking ................... á⁄QÆ„`åQÆ#O^Œ∞‰õΩ h‰õΩ <å Hõ$`«*˝`«Å∞
I think it will rain ......................................... =~°¬O ‰õΩ~°∞ã¨∞ÎO^Œx ÉèÏqã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I always travel light .................... <Õ#∞ ZšѨC_»∂ `«‰õΩ¯= ^Œ∂~°O „Ѩܫ∂}˜™êÎ#∞
I trust you ............................................................. <Õ#∞ x#∞fl qâ◊fiã≤ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I try to avoid too much fat in my diet. ..... <å PǨ~°OÖ’ =∞s JkèHõOQÍ „H˘=Ùfi
LO_»‰õΩO_® <Õ#∞ „Ѩܫ∞ufl™êÎ#∞
I understand how you feel ........ h=Ù ZÖÏ Ñ¶‘Å=Ù`«∞<åfl"À <Õ#∞ J~°úO KÕã¨∞‰õΩ<åfl
I don't fully understand his reasons for leaving "≥o§áÈ=_®xH˜ QÆÅ HÍ~°}ÏÅ#∞
<Õ#∞ ѨÓiÎQÍ J~°úOKÕã¨∞HÀÖËHõáÈ`«∞<åfl#∞
She uses my bed as her own bed ................... P"≥∞ <å =∞OKåxfl `«# ã¨fiO`«
=∞OK«OQÍ "å_»∞H˘#∞K«∞#flk
He wants to know what day it is ............................. D ~ÀA Uq∞\’ J`«#∞
He don’t want to come out now ............................ J`«_»∞ |Ü«∞@‰õΩ ~å"åÅx
I want a pen to write a letter to Mary ......... "Õ∞sH˜ L`«Î~°O „"åÜ«∞_®xH˜ HõÖÏxfl
I want an immediate reply ...................... <Õ#∞ `«HõΔ} ã¨=∂^è•#O HÀ~°∞K«∞<åfl#∞
I want the apples for my mother .......... <å `«e¡HÀã¨O PÑ≤Öòûx J_»∞QÆ∞K«∞<åfl#∞
I want to buy it back ..................................... nxx uiy "≥#H˜¯ H˘#^ŒÅKå#∞
I want to buy some books ........... <Õ#∞ H˘xfl ѨÙãÎ̈HÍÅ#∞ H˘<åÅ#∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl#∞
I want to cover 50 Kms. before it gets dark pHõ\ ˜ Ѩ_»Hõ=ÚO^Õ <Õ#∞ 50 H˜.g∞.
I want to go back to Nampalli ......... <Õ#∞ uiy <åOѨe¡ "≥àϧÅ#∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl#∞
I want to go with him ................................... <Õ#∞ J`«x`À "≥à◊§^ŒÅK«∞‰õΩ<åfl#∞
i want to have a drink .................................... <Õ#∞ „_çOH± fã¨∞HÀQÀ~°∞K«∞<åfl#∞

183 Ü«∞„~å ã¨`º« <å~åÜ«∞}

I don’t want to hurt her .......................... P"≥∞#∞ QÍÜ«∞Ѩ~°KåÅ#∞HÀ=_»O ÖË^Œ∞
I want to make you my wife ................ <Õ#∞ x#∞fl <å ÉèÏ~°ºQÍ KÕã¨∞HÀ^ŒÅKå#∞
I want to open a bank - account<Õ#∞ ÉϺO‰õΩ MÏ`å `≥~°"åÅx HÀ~°∞‰õΩO@∞<åfl#∞
I want to talk him ..................................... <Õ#∞ J`«x`À =∂\Ï¡_»QÀ~°∞`«∞<åfl#∞
You want to pay Rs. 100/-, but she wants 200/- .. h=Ù 100~°∂. K≥e¡OK«=∞x
HÀ~°∞K«∞<åfl=Ù. HÍh P"≥∞ 200 ~°∂. J_»∞QÆ∞K«∞#flk
I don't want to waste her time .. h ã¨=∞Ü«∂xfl =$^è•KÕÜ«∂ÅxJ#∞HÀ=_»O ÖË^Œ∞
I want you to be happy .................. x#∞fl ã¨O`À+¨OQÍ LO_»=∞x HÀ~°∞K«∞<åfl#∞
I don’t want any dinner, just tea .............. <å‰õΩ _ç#flˆ~g∞ JHõ¯~°ÖË^Œ∞. \© KåÅ∞
I don’t wanfto be alone, will you keep me company? .......... <Õ#∞ XO@iQÍ
LO_®Åx HÀ~°∞HÀ=_»O ÖË^Œ∞. `À_»∞QÍ h=Ù LO_»QÆÅ"å?
The socks want mending ........................................... ™ê‰õΩûx ÉÏQÆ∞KÕÜ«∂e
We don't want it to go to waste .................... Wk =$^è• J~ÚáÈ"åÅx "Õ∞=Ú
HÀ~°∞HÀ=_»O ÖË^Œ∞
Your hair wants cutting ............................................. h=Ù „HÍѨ٠KÕ~ÚOKåe
My brother wears glasses .......................... <å ™È^Œ~°∞_»∞ Hõà◊§^•ÌÅ∞ ^èŒi™êÎ_»∞
Your baby weighs 8 Kilograms ...................... g∞ a_»¤ 8 H˜Ö’Å∞ `«∂QÆ∞`«∞Ok
I wish to see the director of the company ............ <Õ#∞ HõOÃÑh _≥·Ô~Hõì~°∞QÍix
K«∂_®Åx JaèÅ+≤ã¨∞Î<åfl#∞
I wonder if you could open the door for me . ........ <å HÀã¨O `«Å∞Ѩ٠f™êÎ=x
J|∞ƒ~° Ѩ_»∞`«∞<åfl#∞
He doesn’t work before breakfast .... J`«_»∞ „ÉËH±á¶êãπì #‰õΩ =ÚO^Œ∞ ѨxKÕÜ«∞_»∞
He doesnt work everyday ................................. J`«_»∞ „Ѩu~ÀA ѨxKÕÜ«∞_»∞
I work 8 hours a day ............................. <Õ#∞ „Ѩu~ÀA 8 QÆO@Å∞ ѨxKÕ™êÎ#∞
Some people work by night and sleep by day ................ H˘O`«=∞Ok ~å„u
ѨxKÕ™êÎ~°∞. ѨQÆÅ∞ x„^ŒáÈ`å~°∞
The sum doesn’t work out .............................................. ÖˇHõ¯ `ÕÅ_»O ÖË^Œ∞
The T.V. works okay now .............................. WѨÙÊ_»∞ \˜q ÉÏQÍ Ñ¨xKÕã¨∞Î#flk
The Parsees worship the Sun .................... áê~°j‰õΩÅ∞ ã¨∂~°∞º_çx ѨÓl™êÎ~°∞
I thank you for the valuable advice ...... qÅ∞"≥·# ã¨ÅǨ‰õΩ <Õ#∞ h‰õΩ Hõ$`«[˝`«Å∞
I thank you for your offer to help ã¨Ç¨Ü«∞Ѩ_»`å#x hqzÛ# J=HÍâ◊=Ú#‰õΩ <Õ#∞
h‰õΩ Hõ$`«*˝`«Å∞ `≥Å∞ѨىõΩO@∞<åfl#∞
I wonder at his rudeness ................. J`«x ^Œ∞~°∞ã¨∞`«<åxH˜ Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨_»∞`«∞<åfl#∞
I wonder what really happened .... x[OQÍ Uq∞ [iyO^À#x Pâ◊Û~°ºÑ¨_»∞`«∞<åfl

™ÈÊÔH<£ WOw¡+π L-1 184

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