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Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Properties of

Recycled Construction and Demolition Materials

in Pavement Subbase Applications
A. Arulrajah 1; J. Piratheepan 2; M. M. Disfani 3; and M. W. Bo, M.ASCE 4
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Abstract: A comprehensive laboratory evaluation of the geotechnical and geoenvironmental properties of five predominant types of
construction and demolition (C&D) waste materials was undertaken in this research study. The C&D materials tested were recycled concrete
aggregate (RCA), crushed brick (CB), waste rock (WR), reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), and fine recycled glass (FRG). The geotechnical
assessment included particle size distribution, particle density, water absorption, compaction, Los Angeles abrasion, postcompaction sieve
analysis, flakiness index, hydraulic conductivity and California bearing ratio (CBR) tests. Shear strength properties of the materials were
studied through a series of triaxial tests. Consolidated drained triaxial tests undertaken on the recycled materials indicated that the recycled
materials had a drained cohesion ranging from 41 kPa to 46 kPa and a drained friction angle ranging from 49° to 51°, with the exception of
FRG and RAP. The response of the materials under repeated load was investigated using repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests. The RLT testing
results indicated that RCA, WR, and CB performed satisfactorily at 98% maximum dry density and at a target moisture content of 70% of
the optimum moisture content under modified compaction. The geoenvironmental assessment included pH value, organic content, total and
leachate concentration of the material for a range of contaminant constituents. In terms of usage in pavement subbases, RCA and WR were
found to have geotechnical engineering properties equivalent or superior to that of typical quarry granular subbase materials. CB at the lower
target moisture contents of 70% of the OMC was also found to meet the requirements of typical quarry granular subbase materials. The
properties of CB, RAP, and FRG, however, may be further enhanced with additives or mixed in blends with high quality aggregates to enable
their usage in pavement subbases. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000652. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Pavements; Shear strength; Recycling; Resilient modulus; Geomaterials; Base course.
Author keywords: Geotechnical; Pavement; Subbase; Recycled materials; Waste; Shear strength; Resilient modulus.

Introduction that recycling and subsequent reuse of C&D materials will reduce
the demand for scarce virgin natural resources and simultaneously
Recycled solid waste materials are normally referred to as solid reduce the quantity of this waste material destined for landfills
wastes which are collected near curbsides; or generated by con- (Arulrajah et al. 2011; Disfani et al. 2011; Hoyos et al. 2011).
struction and demolition (C&D) or commercial and industrial ac- This will ultimately lower carbon footprints, in contrast to using
tivities. C&D materials are the excess or waste materials associated traditional quarried materials, which can lead to a more sustainable
with the construction and demolition of buildings and structures, environment (Disfani et al. 2012). The usage of C&D materials in
including concrete, brick, reclaimed asphalt, steel, timber, plastics, pavement applications is a sustainable option to minimise the C&D
and other building materials and products (Sustainability Victoria waste while reducing the demand for scarce virgin quarried mate-
2010). The urgent need for recycling is of global concern and is rials (Poon and Chan 2006; Tam and Tam 2007; Hoyos et al. 2011;
driven mainly by environmental considerations, due to the increas- Puppala et al. 2011; Arulrajah et al. 2012a).
ing scarcity of natural resources and the growing disposal cost into In Australia, approximately 8.7 million tons of demolition con-
the landfills in many countries (Landris 2007; Aatheesan et al. crete, 1.3 million tons of demolition brick, 3.3 million tons of waste
2010; Disfani et al. 2011; Hoyos et al. 2011). It is widely accepted excavation rock, 1.0 million tons of waste glass and 1.2 million
tons of reclaimed asphalt pavement are stockpiled annually and
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Science these stockpiles are growing. These figures are the authors esti-
(H38), Swinburne Univ. of Technology, P.O. Box 218, Hawthorn VIC mate obtained by applying the figures for the state of Victoria
3122, Australia (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected] (Sustainability Victoria 2010) to the entire nation based on the ratio
2 of Victoria’s population to that of Australia. A similar trend exists
Lecturer, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
E-mail: [email protected] around the world in all developed and developing countries. This
Lecturer, Swinburne Univ. of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. seems to further support the fact that recycling and subsequent re-
E-mail: [email protected] use of C&D materials would clearly provide substantial benefits in
Senior Principal/Director, DST Consulting Engineers Inc., Ontario, terms of reduced material supply and waste disposal cost, increased
Canada. E-mail: [email protected]
sustainability, and reduced environmental impact (Sivakumar et al.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 21, 2012; approved on
August 13, 2012; published online on August 29, 2012. Discussion period
2004). These figures also indicate that removing the obstacles for
open until January 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for in- the reuse of C&D materials in road work and pavement applica-
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil tions through research will have a profound impact in moving
Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 8, August 1, 2013. © ASCE, ISSN 0899- toward a more sustainable global environment. Ultimately only
1561/2013/8-1077-1088/$25.00. through research such as this, can a framework for using new and


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

different categories of waste materials in civil engineering applica- Review of Past Studies
tions be established.
In this research the geotechnical characteristics of five major Several researchers have in recent years studied various types
categories of C&D materials have been characterized through an of C&D materials in an attempt to investigate the usage of vari-
extensive series of geotechnical and geoenvironmental laboratory ous C&D materials in various civil and geotechnical engineering
tests to address their usage in unbound pavement subbase appli- applications.
cations. The properties of the C&D materials were tested and
compared with typical road authority specified requirements for
Recycled Concrete Aggregate
usage as a subbase material. The suite of geotechnical and geo-
environmental tests undertaken in this research is extensive and Melbouci (2009), in an experimental study on compaction and
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covers all requirements for the choice of a subbase material. The shear behavior of recycled concrete aggregate, suggested that the
C&D materials studied in this research were recycled concrete addition of 5% sand, 10% of cement, and 6% of brick elements
aggregate (RCA), crushed brick (CB), waste rock (WR), re- (smaller than 0.125 mm) can improve the mechanical resistance
claimed asphalt pavement (RAP), and fine recycled glass (FRG). of the material, although the final product was found to be weak
Concrete waste is a by-product of construction and demolition compared to the requirements for aggregate used in roadways with
activities of concrete structures (Sustainability Victoria 2010). high traffic (Melbouci 2009).
These concrete chunks are crushed into aggregates of variable sizes In an experimental research work performed by Chidiroglou
depending on the field of applications. Impurities such as dry mor- et al. (2008) on crushed concrete aggregate, the researchers empha-
tar paste, gypsum yield degraded material quality compared to the sized that the findings of research on one demolition waste should
natural aggregate. not be applied to other recycled materials, as many different types
Brick is a by-product of demolition activities of buildings and are produced (Chidiroglou et al. 2008).
other structures. CB typically consists of 70% brick and 30% other Tam and Tam (2007) investigated the physical characteristics of
materials such as asphalt, concrete, and rock, which were not variable grades of recycled aggregates and reported that the larger
removed (Arulrajah et al. 2011). the size of the aggregate, the smaller the percentage of cement
WR used in this study originates from “basalt floaters” or sur- mortar attached to its surfaces and the better the aggregate quality
face excavation rock (basalt) which commonly occurs near the sur- will be. Tam and Tam (2007) concluded that recycled concrete
face to the west and north of Melbourne, Australia. Traditionally, aggregates have a larger amount of porosity and can potentially
this material, excavated during site preparation, would have been undergo a higher degree of deformation.
disposed as waste, often into landfill. This waste rock is often en- Poon and Chan (2006) conducted a study on use of crushed
countered in excavation for residential subdivisional development concrete in road subbase layers and concluded that recycled coarse
and in the excavation works for drainage lines as well as other sub- and fine aggregates of different nominal sizes conform to the re-
surface infrastructure (Ali et al. 2011; Arulrajah et al. 2012b). quired grading limits specifications for pavements, embankments,
RAP is the name given to asphalt that has been recycled during roads and bridges (Poon and Chan 2006). Poon and Chan (2006)
removal from roadways, which is done on a regular basis. RAP also studied the moisture-density curves for natural and recycled
traditionally ends up in landfills without a sustainable method to aggregates and concluded that materials with flat curves can toler-
reutilize it. ate a greater amount of variations in the moisture content without
Municipal recycled glass comprises mostly of food and drink compromising much of the achieved density (Poon and Chan
bottles which are usually collected at residential curbsides, drop 2006). Results of their study suggested that a 4-day soaked period
boxes, or recycling stations (Landris 2007). Recovered waste glass has a negligible effect on the CBR value of the recycled material,
in Australia comprises mixed waste glass, glass containers, and while they exhibit a negligible swell percentage after the soaking
sheet glass, as well as waste glass from demolition activities, and period. Their results also suggested that the hydraulic conductivity
as such waste glass is often considered as a C&D material. Waste of compacted fine recycled concrete aggregates is higher than that
glass is a mixture of different colored glass particles and often of natural aggregates (Poon and Chan 2006).
comes with a wide range of debris such as paper, plastic, gravel, Sivakumar et al. (2004), in an experimental study, found that
metals and food wastes (Wartman et al. 2004; Disfani et al. 2011). recycled construction wastes have significant shear strength, which
Recycled crushed glass is the by-product of crushing mixed color makes these materials an alternative to natural aggregate in various
bottles and other glass products collected from both municipal and geotechnical applications. The authors reported reductions in the
industrial waste streams (Landris 2007). While the glass recycling frictional resistance of these materials caused by repeated loading
industry aims to process waste glass back into the bottle-making (Sivakumar et al. 2004). McKelvey et al. (2002) studied the shear
industry by sorting it into one of three color schemes, this is not strength behavior of recycled construction materials for projected
always possible. This is because a large amount of waste glass de- use in vibro-ground improvement applications. It is found that for
livered to the recycling industry is broken into small pieces during both dry and wet material, the drained internal angle of friction is
handling and collecting, or the glass pieces are covered with debris approximately 39°, which reduces to 32° when the recycled con-
and labels or has other foreign material which makes it quite impos- crete was mixed with clay slurry (McKelvey et al. 2002).
sible to sort all the waste glass into different colors. FRG is the An important parameter in investigating the application of
result of crushing the waste glass down to a maximum particle size recycled aggregate in pavement construction is permanent defor-
of less than 4.75 mm and is the main by-product of the glass re- mation. Papp et al. (1998) and Bennert et al. (2000) studied the
cycling industry in Australia. FRG is mainly composed of sand size permanent deformation characteristics of RCA, RAP, and a dense-
particles with a small percentage of silt size particles (Disfani et al. graded aggregate by conducting cyclic load triaxial tests and re-
2011). The knowledge gap on geotechnical engineering character- ported that RCA accumulated the least amount of permanent strain
istics of recycled crushed glass and the public concern on environ- out of the three materials (Bennert et al. 2000; Papp et al. 1998).
mental risk associated with using this material in road works are the Gabr and Cameron (2012) studied the resilient modulus and per-
main obstacles in reusing it as an alternative to natural aggregate in manent deformation of RCA and reported that the material was
road work applications (Disfani et al. 2012). suitable for unbound basecourses. However, the performance of


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

RCA compared to other C&D materials and the environmental im- RAP-virgin aggregate blends as an alternative for base layers. Test
plications for their use has not been previously reported. results suggested that optimum moisture content, maximum dry
density and strength of RAP by and large increases with the addi-
Crushed Brick tion of virgin aggregate and cement (Taha et al. 2002). Test results
suggested that pure RAP aggregate can be utilized as a conven-
While there are several research works focusing on using CB in tional base material only if stabilized with cement (Taha et al.
concrete mixture (Chang et al. 2011; Zheng et al. 2011), in concrete 2002). The ability of RAP aggregate to function as a structural
tiles and blocks (Jankovic et al. 2012; Li et al. 2012; Gayarre et al. component in road pavements is more pronounced when it is sta-
2013) or in new bricks (Liu et al. 2012), limited work has been bilized with cement rather than when blending with virgin aggre-
conducted on using crushed brick in geotechnical applications. gate (Taha et al. 2002).
Chidiroglou et al. (2008) conducted an experimental study on
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Hoyos et al. (2011) carried out tests on RAP materials treated

particle size distribution, water absorption, flakiness index, particle with different percentages of Portland cement and with alkali-
density, compaction characteristics, aggregate impact and aggre- resistant glass fibers (Hoyos et al. 2011). Test results confirmed
gate crushing value of CB concluding that crushed brick had the potential of cement-fiber-treated RAP material as an environ-
significantly different engineering properties to crushed concrete. mentally and structurally sound alternative to nonbonded materials
Poon and Chan (2006) investigated the possibility of using CB in base and subbase layers of road pavements (Hoyos et al. 2011).
aggregates in unbound subbase layers in Hong Kong and noticed Puppala et al. (2011) conducted a series of repeated load triaxial
the inferior shear performance of crushed brick in CBR tests tests in a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of adding
compared to RCA. A study on recycling and reuse of brick in cement in enhancing resilient characteristics of RAP aggregates.
United Kingdom was undertaken by Gregory et al. (2004). Their However, the performance of RAP compared to other C&D mate-
study discussed UK’s current brick recycling strength and pro- rials and environmental implications for their use has not been pre-
posed new brick recycling technology to achieve higher economic viously reported.
and environmental performance. Arulrajah et al. (2011, 2012a) and
Aatheesan et al. (2010) have reported on the geotechnical prop-
erties of CB in pavement subbase applications. However, the Fine Recycled Glass
performance of CB compared to other C&D materials and the There are several research publications available on using recycled
environmental implications for their use has not been previously crushed glass in concrete mixtures (Meyer 2001; Taha and Nounu
reported. 2008) and also in asphalt aggregate as a replacement to sand and
gravel material (FHWA 1998; Halstead 1993; Landris 2007; Meyer
Waste Rock 2001). Recycled glass has been also suggested in applications
such as backfill material (Wartman et al. 2004), embankment fills
Rodgers et al. (2009) studied the behavior of sandstone and shale (Halstead 1993) and in pavements (Landris 2007; Pratt 1993;
aggregates under cyclic loading for the purpose of using them in Senadheera et al. 2005). However, the lack of knowledge on the
unbound forest roads. Test results suggested that sandstone had geotechnical characteristics of recycled glass and its possible envi-
very good resistance to deformation and rutting while shale had ronmental risks are the main barriers in its sustainable usage in road
poor resistance (Rodgers et al. 2009). Jitsangiam and Nikraz work applications (Disfani et al. 2011).
(2009) studied the mechanical behaviour of treated crushed rock
used in road base layers through a range of static and repeated load
triaxial tests. Akbulut and Gürer (2007) conducted a research on Current Research
using marble and andesite quarry wastes in asphalt pavements. Test Although all the above-mentioned studies have sought to investi-
results implied that physical properties of these waste aggregates gate the sustainable usage of C&D aggregates in geotechnical and
are within specified limits and consequently they can potentially be pavement applications, there is little known work undertaken to
used as aggregates in light to medium trafficked asphalt pavement date on the complete range of important parameters for road appli-
binder layers (Akbulut and Gürer 2007). cations from a geotechnical perspective. More importantly there is
McKelvey et al. (2002) examined the shear behavior of 40-mm limited work reported that address the critical aspect of environ-
uniform crushed recycled rock (quarry waste) in a study of their use mental concerns and risks attributed to using C&D material in road
in ground improvement works in the UK. Test results suggested applications. The majority of research studies to date have solely
that the presence of slurry has adverse effects on shear strength focused on just one type of C&D material and there has been no
and settlement potential of quarry waste aggregates (McKelvey known study to date that encompasses the geotechnical and geo-
et al. 2002). Nunes et al. (1996) carried out a research use of environmental properties of these predominant C&D materials that
secondary materials for pavement construction in the UK and exists in all developed and developing countries. A comparison of
undertook a range of tests, including repeated load triaxial test on the properties of the predominant C&D materials is also required as
mine-rockwaste and slate waste. Arulrajah et al. (2012b) and Ali this will be of importance to consultants, contractors, designers,
et al. (2011) have reported on the geotechnical properties of WR local councils, state road authorities, operators, and end-users alike
in pavement subbase applications. However, the performance of in their potential usage in civil engineering applications. This paper
WR compared to other C&D materials and environmental implica- presents a wide range of geotechnical and geoenvironmental labo-
tions for their use has not been previously reported. ratory experimentation on five predominant types of C&D material
and also addresses the environmental risks through contamination
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement level and leachate analysis.
While RAP application in road works including base and subbase
layers has been limited, due to lack of laboratory and field per- Laboratory Experimental Works
formance data (Taha et al. 2002), there have been several studies
in this field with cement-stabilized RAP. Taha et al. (2002) con- Samples of recycled C&D aggregates were obtained from several
ducted a laboratory evaluation of cement-stabilized RAP and recycling sites in the state of Victoria, Australia. The recycled CB,


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

RCA, WR, and RAP used in this research had a maximum particle Replicate samples were tested for the triaxial tests at the various
size of 20 mm. FRG has a maximum particle size of 4.75 mm and stress levels.
contains sand-sized and a small percentage of silt-sized particles RLT tests were conducted to determine the resilient modulus
(Disfani et al. 2011). During sampling; ASTM practice for sam- and permanent deformation of the recycled materials. In this inves-
pling aggregates was carefully practiced and all necessary precau- tigation, the RLT test was performed according to Austroads
tions were taken to capture a sample containing representative Repeated Load Triaxial Test Method AG: PT/T053 (AustRoads
particle sizes and all contaminants (ASTM 2009). 2000). The RLT testing consists of two phases of testing, perma-
Laboratory tests were subsequently undertaken on these re- nent strain testing and then resilient modulus testing. Permanent
cycled C&D aggregates. The laboratory investigation included ba- strain testing consists of three or four stages, each undertaken at
sic characterization tests such as particle size distribution, particle different deviator stresses and a constant confining stress. The resil-
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density (coarse and fine fraction) and water absorption (coarse and ient modulus testing consists of sixty six (66) loading stages with
fine fraction), organic content, pH, hydraulic conductivity, flaki- 200 repetitions. In this test, the specimens were compacted to 98%
ness index, Los Angeles (LA) abrasion, modified Proctor com- MDD based on modified compaction effort and tested at three tar-
paction, and CBR tests. Shear strength tests were subsequently get moisture contents of 70%, 80%, and 90% of the OMC based on
undertaken with static triaxial tests. RLT tests were undertaken modified compaction effort, so as to simulate the dry-back process
to determine the permanent deformation and resilient modulus in the field. Replicate samples were tested for the RLT tests at each
characteristics of the C&D materials. The room temperature was of the various moisture levels.
maintained at 20  1°C for the triaxial and RLT tests. Total concentration (TC) and leachate analysis were carried out
Using sieve analysis results, the Unified Soil Classification for a range of heavy metals on samples of C&D material. Before
System (ASTM 2010) was implemented to classify the recycled 1997, the U.S. EPA-specified Toxicity Characteristic Leaching
materials. Organic content of all the recycled material sources in Procedure (TCLP) was the accepted method for leaching tests in
this research was determined following “Standard test methods Australia. In 1997, an Australian Standard Leaching Procedure
for moisture, ash, and organic matter of peat and other organic (ASLP) was developed and released and then opened its way to
soils” (ASTM 2007a). pH values of the recycled materials were substitute TCLP in Australia (EPA Victoria 2007). Consequently,
determined following the Australian standard for “Soil chemical in preparation of leachate, the method described in Australian Stan-
tests—determination of the pH value of a soil electrometric dard “Wastes, sediments and contaminated soils: Part 3: preparation
method” (Standards Australia 1997a). of leachates-bottle leaching procedure” (AS 4439.3-1997) was fol-
The test specimens for hydraulic conductivity tests were com- lowed, and slightly acidic leaching fluid (pH ¼ 5) and alkaline
pacted with modified Proctor compaction effort, at optimum mois- leaching fluid (pH ¼ 9.2) were used as leaching buffers (Standards
ture content (OMC) to reach at least 98% of maximum dry density Australia 1997b).
(MDD). The falling head test method was chosen for all recycled
aggregate with the exception of FRG which was tested by the Results and Discussion
constant head method.
The flakiness index tests were carried out following “British Table 1 presents the geotechnical properties of the various recycled
Standard for testing aggregates-part 105: methods for determi- C&D materials and discussions on the results are presented in this
nation of particle shape, section 105.1 flakiness index” (British section.
Standard 1989). Oven dry samples that passed 63.0 mm and
retained on the 6.30 mm were selected for testing.
Classification, Index, and Geotechnical Properties
CBR test specimens were prepared by applying modified com-
paction efforts to recycled aggregates mixed at the OMC obtained The particle size distributions of the five recycled materials as
in compaction tests. A surcharge mass of 4.5 kg was placed on received by the laboratory (before compaction) and after modified
the surface of the compacted specimens and then the samples were compaction are shown in Fig. 1. For reference purposes, the grad-
soaked in water for a period of four days. This is to simulate the ing ranges (i.e., the upper and lower limits) of the standard spec-
confining effect of overlying pavement layers and also the likely ifications for type 1 gradation C material recommended in ASTM
worst case in-service scenario for a pavement (VicRoads 1998). specification for materials for soil-aggregate subbase, base, and
The static triaxial tests were performed in an automated triaxial surface courses (ASTM 2007b) are also shown in Fig. 1. The “after
testing system with specimen dimensions of 100 by 200 mm (diam- compaction” grading curves show that some breakdown has oc-
eter by height) for all recycled material types except FRG, which curred during compaction, especially for CB and RAP material.
was tested with the dimensions of 50 by 100 mm. The test spec- However, all the recycled C&D materials, except for FRG, satisfied
imens were compacted to 98% of MDD from modified compaction the guidelines for type 1 gradation C road base material according
test in a split mold in eight layers. The compaction was done by to ASTM D1241-07, except for slight deviations in the finer side
for some materials. The grain size distribution parameters including
mechanical compactor with around 15 blows of modified compac-
D10 , D30 , D50 , D60 , Cu , Cc , percentage of gravel, sand and fine par-
tive effort of 2,700 kN-m=m3 for each of the eight layers. It has also
ticles, USCS symbol and description are summarized in Table 1.
been recommended that the confining stress applied to the speci-
RCA, CB, WR, and RAP have approximately equal amount of
mens in triaxial shear tests better encompass the maximum stress sand- and gravel-sized fractions, enabling them to be classified as
likely to occur in the ground (Head 1994). As such, the confining well-graded gravelly sand or sandy gravel.
stress range of 50–200 kPa, which corresponds to shallow to The fine fractions used for Atterberg limit tests (i.e., particles
moderate overburden pressure (Wartman et al. 2004), was applied smaller than 0.425 mm) are low and are mainly sand or silt by
to the samples. Triaxial compression (shearing) was executed on nature, so the plastic limit and liquid limit could not be obtained
the saturated and consolidated specimens. The samples were com- for any C&D material studied in this research. As the clay content is
pressed at the given consolidated confining pressures under drained low, some difficulties may occur with the workability of the re-
conditions (C&D test). The shearing was performed under strain- cycled materials as cohesion of particles and a tight prepared sur-
controlled conditions at the selected strain rate of 0.01 mm=min. face is usually a sought after characteristic. The blending of these


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

Table 1. Geotechnical Properties of Recycled C&D Materials
Typical quarry
Geotechnical parameters RCA CB WR RAP FRG material
D10 (mm) 0.24 0.18 0.075 0.24 0.16 —
D30 (mm) 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.9 0.45 —
D50 (mm) 5.0 5.6 3.9 4.5 0.85 —
D60 (mm) 7.5 8.0 5.6 5.9 1.2 —
Cu 31.2 44.4 74.7 25.6 7.5 —
Cc 0.9 2.0 5.4 2.5 1.5 —
Gravel content (%) 50.7 53.6 44.7 48.0 0.0 —

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Sand content (%) 45.7 39.8 45.1 46.0 94.6

Fines content (%) 3.6 6.6 10.2 6.0 5.4 <10
USCS classification GW GW SW GW SW —
Particle density—coarse fraction (kN=m3 ) 27.1 26.2 28.1 23.5 24.4 >19.62
Particle density—Fine fraction (kN=m3 ) 26.0 25.8 28.0 23.4 24.3 >19.62
Water absorption—coarse fraction (%) 4.7 6.2 3.3 2.2 1.0 <10
Water absorption—fine fraction (%) 9.8 6.9 4.7 2.4 1.8 <10
MDD (kN=m3 )—modified compaction 19.13 19.73 21.71 19.98 17.40 >17.5
OMC (%)—modified compaction 11.0 11.25 9.25 8.0 10.5 8–15
Organic content (%) 2.3 2.5 1.0 5.1 1.3 <5
pH 11.5 9.1 10.9 7.6 9.9 7–12
Hydraulic conductivity (m=s) 3.3 × 10−8 4.5 × 10−9 2.7 × 10−7 3.5 × 10−7 1.7 × 10−5 >1 × 10−9
Flakiness index 11 14 19 23 — <35
LA abrasion loss (%) 28 36 21 42 25 <40
CBR (%) 118–160 123–138 121–204 30–35 42–46 >80
Triaxial test (C&D): apparent cohesion (kPa) 44 41 46 53 0 >35
Triaxial test (C&D): friction angle (degree) 49 48 51 37 37 >35
Resilient modulus: target 90% of the OMC 239–357 301–319 121–218 — — 125–300
Resilient modulus: target 80% of the OMC 487–729 303–361 202–274 — — 150–300
Resilient modulus: target 70% of the OMC 575–769 280–519 127–233 — — 175–400

recycled materials with other aggregates or addition of small those of the fine aggregates for all the materials tested. The WR
quantities of clayey sand or crushed fines may overcome this showed the highest particle density for coarse and fine materials
potential issue. among the five materials tested. The water absorptions of coarse
Particle density and water absorption tests were performed on aggregates are lower than those of the fine aggregates for all re-
both coarse (retained on 4.75 mm sieve) and fine (passing 4.75 mm cycled materials as the fine particles, with larger specific surface,
sieve) fractions of C&D materials. It can be noted from Table 1 that absorb more water than the coarse ones. Among the five re-
the particle densities of coarse aggregates are slightly higher than cycled C&D materials, FRG showed the lowest values for water

Fig. 1. Gradation curves of C&D materials


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

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Fig. 2. Modified compaction curves of C&D materials

absorption. Generally, pure glass has zero water absorption. How- contents in geotechnical engineering applications (Disfani et al.
ever, the FRG used in this investigation had a small amount of soil 2011; Wartman et al. 2004). The OMC of the C&D materials in-
and other particles and was not 100% pure glass, and accordingly dicated that RAP had the lowest OMC of 8.0% while CB had the
recorded a small value for water absorption. It is found that the highest of 11.25%.
water absorption values of recycled materials range from 1% to Organic contents were found to be low for the recycled materials
9.8% while for a natural aggregate the value does not exceed 3% and high for the RAP. This could be due to the presence of bitumen
(Poon and Chan 2006). in RAP that is rich in carbon. The pH values of all blends are above
Fig. 2 shows the modified compaction curves of C&D materials 7 and this indicates that the blends are alkaline by nature. Hydraulic
which possess characteristic convex shaped curves similar to natu- conductivity of the recycled materials ranges from 1.75 × 10−5 to
ral aggregates (Wartman et al. 2004). The modified compaction test 4.50 × 10−9 m=s. These values can be described as low permeabil-
results indicated that WR had the highest MDD while FRG had the ity for RCA and CB and high permeability for WR, RAP, and FRG.
lowest value. The fact that FRG indicated the lowest MDD is con- It is believed that as RCA and CB had higher fine particles from
sistent with the finer gradation curve of FRG and its lower particle cement mortar and clay, the materials showed lower values for
density for both fine and coarse fractions. The flatter compaction hydraulic conductivity. The hydraulic conductivity values of RCA
curve of FRG suggests its low sensitivity to water content changes and CB are lower and WR, RAP, and FRG are higher than that
in comparison to natural aggregate which gives FRG stable com- of 6.59 × 10−8 m=s of reported for natural aggregate with similar
paction behavior and good workability over a wide range of water classification (Poon and Chan 2006).

Fig. 3. Deviator stress-strain plot for RAP from consolidated drained triaxial tests


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

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Table 2. Range of Permanent Strain and Resilient Modulus from RLT Tests for C&D Materials at the End of Each Loading
Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3: Stage 4:
Achieved Confining Confining Confining Confining
Target Achieved dry density: stress = 50 kPa stress = 50 kPa stress = 50 kPa stress = 50 kPa
moisture content moisture content 98% of MDD deviator deviator deviator deviator
Material Permanent strain testing (% of the OMC) (% of the OMC) (kN=m3 ) stress = 150 kPa stress = 250 kPa stress = 350 kPa stress = 450 kPa
RCA Permanent strain (microstrain) 90 83 18.85 — 4,471 5,669 7,304
80 71 18.85 — 2,426 2,956 3,512
70 60 18.85 1,585 2,079 2,532 2,995
Resilient modulus (MPa) 90 83 18.85 — 342 357 346
80 71 18.85 — 660 697 729
70 60 18.85 695 713 716 769
CB Permanent strain (microstrain) 90 84 19.42 882 failed failed —
80 80 19.42 3,720 7,598 failed —
70 65 19.42 2,703 4,434 6,445 —
Resilient modulus (MPa) 90 84 19.42 319 failed failed —
80 80 19.42 327 361 failed —
70 65 19.42 390 467 519 —
WR Permanent strain (microstrain) 90 84 21.44 6,629 11,715 17,835 —
80 71 21.44 — 6,366 9,234 —
70 67 21.44 7,939 10,620 14,653 —
Resilient modulus (MPa) 90 84 21.44 148 181 218 —
80 71 21.44 — 240 274 —
70 67 21.44 193 213 233 —
Typical quarry Permanent strain (microstrain) 90 90 >17.66 7,000–15,000 10,000–20,000 10; 000− > 20; 000 —
material 80 80 >17.66 5,000–10,000 7,000–15,000 10; 000− > 20; 000 —
70 70 >17.66 3,000–10,000 4,000–15,000 5,000–20,000 —
Resilient modulus (MPa) 90 90 125–300 150–300 175–300

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

>17.66 —
80 80 >17.66 150–300 175–300 200–300 —
70 70 >17.66 175–350 200–400 225–400 —


Flakiness index is relevant for aggregates used in bituminous in Table 1. This indicates the shear strength parameters for these
mixtures. The flakiness index values for the recycled materials recycled materials are in the range of coarse aggregates. FRG had
varied from 11 to 23. This is however still within the requirements a drained cohesion of 0 kPa which indicate the properties of FRG
of typical state road authorities for usage as a base material, which are similar to coarse sand with little to no cohesion. RAP and
specifies a maximum value of 35. Tam and Tam (2007) also FRG had similar low drained friction angles of 37°, similar to that
suggested 40 as the flakiness index upper limit for aggregates to be of a loose sand.
used in pavement applications. Flakiness index values are not rel- WR in this study originates from basalt floaters or basalt surface
evant for the FRG as flakiness index is not applicable to material excavation rock which is commonly found during subdivision and
passing 6.30 mm sieve. excavation works. When these waste materials are excavated and
Particles crushing and degradation is considered as a significant disposed, they are disposed together with excavated fine materials
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issue in certain geotechnical applications and accordingly any which contribute to high cohesion values for the WR material pre-
attempt to utilize recycled materials in geotechnical engineering sented in Table 1. Furthermore, the addition of water to the WR
applications should examine this issue carefully (Sivakumar et al. during the compaction to the OMC could result in the fines present
2004). An LA abrasion maximum value of 40 is normally adopted forming a paste which subsequently contributes toward a higher
by state road authority specifications for pavement subbase materi- cohesion value. RCA comprises of a high amount of cement dust
als (VicRoads 1998). RCA, WR, and FRG meet this maximum cri- and fines. Cementing and bonding could result when water is added
teria, CB is just above the limits while RAP with a value of 42 is to the crushed concrete when the samples are compacted to the
above the limits. This indicates that RCA, WR, and FRG are more OMC and MDD. Unreacted cement in the crushed concrete would
durable in abrasion than CB and RAP. This further substantiates react with water to provide cohesion and this would result in the
that the gradation curves of CB and RAP showed the highest high cohesion noted from the crushed concrete in the triaxial
change after modified compaction tests. This suggests that RAP shear tests.
may have to be blended with other aggregates to enable its usage The RLT test provides resilient modulus–permanent deforma-
in pavement subbase applications. The abrasion loss value obtained
tion parameters that uniquely describe the material response to traf-
for RCA in this study is very close to the value of 25 for
fic loading under prevailing physical conditions. These parameters
a recycled concrete investigated by Courard et al. (2010).
are used as input to the design and analysis of pavement structures
(AustRoads 2004). The test results are used to establish a material
Shear Strength Properties selection criterion based on its ability to perform effectively in
A CBR value of at least 80% is typically required by state road terms of permanent deformation sustained. Table 2 presents the
authorities for a subbase material (Aatheesan et al. 2010). Results range of permanent strain and resilient modulus from permanent
presented in Table 1 suggest that RCA, CB, and WR meet the strain testing for the various C&D materials compared with that of
CBR requirements for usage as a subbase material. However, traditional virgin quarried aggregate. Results of permanent strain
FRG and RAP would need to be blended with other aggregates testing (variations of permanent strain and resilient modulus against
to improve their CBR performances to be used in road subbase number of load cycles) for the various C&D materials are plotted
layers. These two recycled materials are however suitable for usage in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. Results of resilient modulus testing for these
as a fill material in embankments, which require far lower CBR materials are plotted in Fig. 6.
requirements. The RLT test results indicated that RCA, CB, and WR per-
Fig. 3 shows a typical deviator stress-strain plot for RAP from a formed satisfactorily at 98% MDD and at a target moisture content
consolidated drained triaxial test. Consolidated drained triaxial of 70% of the OMC. RCA, CB, and WR materials showed sensi-
tests undertaken on the recycled materials indicated that RCA, tivity to moisture and produced higher limits of permanent strain
CB, WR had a drained cohesion ranging from 41 kPa to 46 kPa and lower limits of resilient modulus, particularly at higher
and a drained friction angle ranging from 49° to 51° as reported target moisture contents in the range of 80–90% of the OMC.

Fig. 4. Permanent strain test: permanent strain results for C&D materials


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

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Fig. 5. Permanent strain test: resilient modulus determination for C&D materials

Fig. 6. Resilient modulus testing: resilient modulus for C&D materials

The performance of RCA, CB and WR were found to be affected suggests that “residual cementing action” is occurring in these sam-
by increasing the target moisture contents and the density level. ples. While this action may result in shrinkage cracks and possibly
This is apparent particularly for CB which failed at the higher target some reflective cracking, it is unlikely that this can significantly
moisture contents of 80–90%. The results of permanent strain and affect the performance of the pavement layer over time.
resilient modulus for RAP and FRG could not be reported as these
two materials possess very low cohesion values and their samples
failed within a few cycles at a target moisture content of 60% of Total Concentration and Leachate Tests
the OMC. Consequently, the tests for higher target moisture con- Using the method described previously, ASLP tests with two buffer
tents were not attempted for RAP and FRG. solutions (acidic and alkaline) were conducted on representative
Results of permanent strain and resilient modulus for typical samples of C&D materials and the results of TC and ASLP are
natural granular subbases were extracted from a database of typical presented in Table 3.
granular subbases in the state of Victoria, Australia and are pro- Fill material consists of soil (being clay, silt and/or sand), gravel
vided for comparison in Table 2. The results in Table 2 indicate and rock of naturally occurring materials and is often referred to as
that RCA and WR have much smaller permanent strain and much clean fill by industry, and may be suitable for site filling or leveling
higher modulus than natural granular subbases, which indicate their depending on an assessment of contaminant levels and intended
performance as superior or equivalent to typical quarry subbase use (EPA Victoria 2010). Soil and aggregates may be classified
materials. High level of the modulus values achieved for the RCA as fill, when an assessment demonstrates that the material is not


J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2013, 25(8): 1077-1088

Table 3. TC and ASLP Values Obtained for C&D Material
a a a a a
Contaminant TC (Acet) (Borate) TC (Acet) (Borate) TC (Acet) (Borate) TC (Acet) (Borate) TC (Acet) (Borate)
Arsenic <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 6 0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1
Barium 88 0.34 <0.1 340 1.3 1.1 140 0.27 <0.1 64 0.17 <0.1 6 0.1 <0.1
Cadmium <0.2 <0.002 <0.02 <0.1 <0.002 <0.02 2.9 0.006 <0.02 <0.1 <0.002 <0.02 0.5 0.004 <0.02
Chromium 15 0.05 <0.1 19 <0.01 <0.1 17 0.01 <0.1 18 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1
Lead 11 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 67 <0.01 <0.1 15 0.02 <0.1 12 0.19 <0.1
Mercury <0.05 <0.001 <0.01 <0.05 <0.001 <0.01 0.13 <0.001 <0.01 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 <0.05 <0.001 <0.01
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Selenium <3 <0.01 <0.1 5 <0.01 <0.1 <3 <0.01 <0.1 <3 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1
Silver <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1 <5 <0.01 <0.1
mg=kg of dry weight.

Table 4. EPA Victoria and U.S. EPA Requirements strength parameters, resilient modulus, and permanent deformation
Maximum TC U.S. EPA drinking characteristics. The density results indicate the existence of high-
allowed for fill water standard quality aggregates in the recycled C&D materials, which contrib-
Contaminant material (mg=kg)a (mg=L)b utes to higher density for the coarse aggregates. Among the five
Arsenic 20 0.05 recycled materials, FRG showed the least values for water ab-
Barium — 2.0 sorption. Organic contents were found to be low for the recycled
Cadmium 3 0.005 materials and high for the RAP. The pH values of all blends are
Chromium 1 (Chromium VI) 0.1 above 7, and this indicates that the blends are alkaline by nature.
Lead 300 0.015 Hydraulic conductivity of the recycled materials can be described
Mercury 1 0.002 as low for RCA and CB and high for WR, RAP, and FRG.
Selenium 10 0.05 The LA abrasion test indicates that RCA, WR, and FRG are
Silver 10 0.05 more durable in abrasion than CB and RAP. The CBR requirements
EPA Victoria (2010). for usage as a subbase material were met by RCA, CB, and WR,
U.S. EPA (1999). while FRG and RAP would need to be blended with other higher
quality aggregates to improve their CBR performances for usage as
a subbase material. The modified compaction test results indicated
contaminated or the contamination levels in form of TC are not that WR had the highest MDD, while FRG had the lowest. Con-
higher than the values specified in Table 4 as maximum TC for fill solidated drained triaxial tests indicated that most of the recycled
material (EPA Victoria 2010). materials had a drained cohesion ranging from 41 kPa to 46 kPa
TC values of C&D samples presented in Table 3 were compared and a drained friction angle ranging from 49° to 51°. FRG and RAP,
with EPA Victoria (Australia) requirements for fill material pre- however, had a drained cohesion of 0 kPa and 53 kPa, respectively,
sented in Table 4. The comparison implies that for all the contam- and a drained friction angle of 37°.
inant constituents with the exception of chromium, TC values of The RLT results indicated that RCA, CB, and WR performed
C&D samples are far below the threshold. The chromium metal satisfactorily at 98% MDD and at a target moisture content of 70%
is found in a few oxidation states such as hexavalent chromium of the OMC. RCA, CB and WR materials showed sensitivity to
(chromium VI) and trivalent chromium (chromium III). The values moisture and produced higher limits of permanent strain and lower
reported for C&D samples are the total chromium (chromium III + limits of resilient modulus, particularly at higher target moisture
chromium VI) while the EPA Victoria requirement presented in contents in the range of 80% to 90% of the OMC. The performance
Table 4 is on hexavalent chromium (chromium VI). As such, C&D of RCA, CB, and WR were found to be affected by increasing the
materials will go beyond the chromium boundary only, and only if target moisture contents and the density level, particularly for CB
all the chromium found in the test is of type chromium VI, which which failed at the higher target moisture contents of 80%–90%.
does not seem to be the case here (Disfani et al. 2012). RCA, WR was found to have much smaller permanent strain and
According to the U.S. EPA, a material is designated as a haz- much higher modulus than natural granular subbases, which indi-
ardous waste if any detected metal occurs at concentrations greater cate their performance as superior or equivalent to typical quarry
than 100 times the drinking water standard (Wartman et al. 2004). subbase materials. The results of permanent strain and resilient
Table 4 shows the acceptable concentrations for drinking water modulus for RAP and FRG could not be reported as these two
according to the U.S. EPA (1999). ASLP values of C&D materials materials possess very low cohesion values and their samples failed
shown in Table 3 can be compared with the values presented in within a few cycles at a low target moisture content level.
Table 4, multiplied by 100. The ASLP values are again far below In terms of usage in pavement subbases, RCA and WR were
the threshold of hazardous waste proving that they will not be cat- found to have geotechnical properties equivalent or superior to that
egorized as hazardous waste according to the U.S. EPA (1999). of typical quarry subbase materials. CB at the lower target moisture
contents of 70% of the OMC was also found to meet the require-
ments of typical quarry granular subbase materials. RAP and FRG
Conclusions on the other hand were unable to meet the RLT and CBR require-
ments. The properties of CB, RAP, and FRG, however, may be
A detailed laboratory investigation was undertaken to characterize enhanced with additives or mixed in blends with high-quality
five recycled C&D materials in terms of their basic properties, shear aggregates to enable their usage in pavement subbases. TC and


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