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1. I left my hat in the restaurant.

2. With all the Good programs available, it is difficult to make a quick decision.
3. I remind you to send your invoice last week.
4. His desk area and book shelves are always well organized.
5. I am sorry, he just stepped out for a moment.
6. If you are worried just give her a Call.
7. We have to sell a lot in Japan.
8. Have you had breakfast yet?
9. It’s not too late to change your mind.
10. I will try to do my best.
11. Enter through the door on your right.
12. How many people do you expect to attend the meeting?
13. Do you have a final written approval for the project?
14. When you go for an interview, you must be comfortably dressed.
15. Are you willing to relocate or tied to that area?
16. We make special reservations for International clients.
17. Have you tried applying for a job?
18. Do you have time to talk?
19. Where is the exit located?
20. Check-in in the front desk before you take seat.
21. Her plane leaves at 9:15 a.m.
22. Management refused to serve any more.
23. I started my new job next week.
24. I haven’t seen her over ten years.
25. My job is exciting, but it demands a lot of time.
26. With experience you can improve your project estimate.
27. I just wanted to check-in and see if there is any progress.
28. The expenses are more than the budget allowed.
29. This model is currently out of stock.
30. This floor plan is not only larger but also conveniently laid out.
31. Exit through your left.
32. I need help with the new printer.
33. We can’t offer that, there is something I can’t do.
34. If you find any error in this, be sure to let me know.
35. This letter must be get by Tomorrow.
36. Shipping and handling costs are not included.
37. The search for a qualified software Engineer is proved difficult.
38. I can offer you an upgrade.
39. They wrote down each other phone numbers.
40. After January 1st rates will be lowered considerably.
41. The Author of this text would have liked more figures.
42. Do you have any reference?
43. What time do you get up in the morning?
44. You have to feel a lot in pain.
45. Hire him immediately.
46. If you are not registered, please complete the information given below.
47. The pay is too low for me to work there anymore.
48. Are you dreaming your career in healthcare?
49. I have a good idea.
50. I think I will buy this hat too.
51. Would you send me the parts over as soon as possible.
52. The alarm isn’t loud enough. Isn’t it?
53. It would take six months to complete the construction of the new office.
54. Please join us in the next spring for our annual conference in New York city.
55. This report seems to be out of date.
56. Their explanation would be more easier to understand if they have presented it more slowly.
57. He can fix anything.
58. I am never late for work.
59. He want to know if the price includes breakfast.
60. Highly motivated people are always valued by our company.
61. We almost missed the train.
62. By middle of the morning, half of the sales team had left already.
63. We have a corporate program for those who are interested in larger purchases.
64. I heard that they made quite large profits from the sale.
65. Which car is yours?
66. The book is so interesting that you won’t miss a word.
67. Please join us for lunch next Tuesday.
68. I think I’ll have one too.
69. How long have you been studying French?
70. Are there any customer support services available?
71. They are trying to fix the problem but so far they had no luck.
72. It took several months.
73. In this area, agriculture is the major industry.
74. Please take the car, you have to pay for the parking.
75. Orders placed ten day ahead must be picked at the counter.
76. My parents had a karaoke machine.
77. Have you ever tried the Mexican food?
78. People really shouldn’t text while they are walking.
79. Well I’m interviewing for the position of production assistant.
80. Good afternoon, do you have reservation with us?
81. Would it be possible to use the Computer in your business centre to research these hotels?
82. I missed my fight to Tokyo because my cap got stuck in traffic.
83. Would it be possible to have the suitcase replaced by the airline?
84. Actually, I read somewhere that banner ads do influence.
85. It’s been cloudy whole week.
86. Everyone has an opinion about what the city should be spending money.
87. First I want to talk about the wats that you can prepare yourself to ask for a raise or promotion.
88. Is this the right price?
89. Let’s wash the dishes before we leave.
90. It suppose to rain tomorrow. Isn’t it?
91. Their loud talking annoyed people seated nearby.
92. His car is being repaired.
93. The new office is across the street from the café.
94. I saw him yesterday but not today.
95. Let’s put our heads together and come up with a solution.
96. Can you tell them we are going to be late?
97. The flat on the next door is for sale.
98. Bring your resume and list of references to the meeting.
99. Don’t eat while you are working.
100. I always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
101. The reason is not at all clear to me.

102. The company is having party for all employees this weekend.

103. It's the right thing to do in my opinion.

104. What time do you get up in the morning?

105. The most practical choice is a policy that will cover your liabilities.

106. Late charges will be added after the 10 th.

107. Since you don’t want seem to like my ideas can you suggest something better.

108. Your business card should arrive soon.

109. The alarm isn’t loud enough.

110. A model for powerful new is currently is being build.

111. My sister’s company was established quite some time ago.

112. I must have the wrong number.

113. Refusing into the following the rules it around for immediate suspension and loss of pay.

114. Let’s stop at the bank on the right hand.

115. How long do you think we have to wait?

116. I heard that they made a quite large profit from their sale.

117. I don’t think are we able get way before 7 tonight.

118. Take some time to think about the options available to you.

119. How can we set all these text onto such a small space.

120. Surprisingly we can manage to raise funds to repair project.

121. Please cross check all reports before sending the mail.

122. Today's workshop will take place a little earlier than we taught.

123. How long do you think we'll have to wait?

124.As a matter of policy representatives may not their names to the customers.


1) She didn’t notice –the book-who-took

A) She didn't notice who took the book.
2) I haven’t been- restaurant- to a Japanese.
A) I haven't been to a japanese resturant.
3) Was my sister- who- called me- the person.
A) The person who called me was my sister.
4) We wondered –would-fit in here- whether the new piano.
A) We wondered whether the new piano would fit in here.
5) The packet- tomorrow morning- will be sent -
A) Tomorrow morning the packet will be sent.
6) I have- my homework- finished -
A) I have finished my homework.
7) The samples- last week- were delivered -
A) The samples were delivered last week'
8) Was reading- my mother-her favourite magazine.
A) My mother was reading her favourite magazine.
9) Very old- is- this house -
A) This house is very old.
10) For her birthday- I sent my mother- some flowers.
A) I sent my mother some flowers for her birthday.
11) The horse- the cowboy- rides on.
A) The cowboy rides on the horse.
12) The falling- very pretty- leaves are.
A) The falling leaves are very pretty.
13) The dishes- did you -finish cleaning.
A) Did you finish cleaning the dishes?
14) To the library- Eric once- drive.
A) Eric once drive to the library.
15) Rain today- it is going to-I think.
A) I think it is going to rain today.
16) What movie- last night- did you watch.
A) What movie did you watch last night
17) Yourself- it-do.
A) Do it yourself.
18) In the-bed--stay.
A) stay in the bed.
19) All the coffee- he- drank.
A) He drank all the coffee.
20) For the test- studied a lot-I.
A) I studied a lot for the test.
21) For8000$-he had sold-his small farm.
A) He sold his small farm for 8000$.
22) In his direction- I looked- for a second.
A) I looked for a second in his way.
23) My boss- to London- moved.
A) My boss moved to London.
24) Of your family- any pictures- do you have.
A) Do you have any pictures of your family?
25) To their leader- listen carefully- the young man
A) The Young man listen carefully to their leader.
26) Real smiles and fake smiles- by different parts of the brain- are controlled
A) Real smiles and fake smiles are controlled by different parts of the brain.
27) Of those weeks- had one - have you ever -
A) Have you ever had one of those weeks.
28) Requires some preparation- at a job interview- making a good impression
A) Making a good impression at a job interview requires some preparation.
29) Shows respect- being punctual- in Korea
A) Being punctual in korea shows respect.
30) You should-actual experience and qualifications- speak
A) You should speak actual experience and qualifications.
31) You should-while working- not eat
A) You should not eat while working.
32) Where should- this weekend-we go
A) Where should we go this weekend.
33) The weather-nice-should be
A) The weather should be nice.
34) To the airport- take him- she will
A) She will taje him to the airport.
35) Report is- due today-that financial
A) That financial report is due today.
36) You should select- your family's needs - insurance that suits
A) You should select insurance that suits your family needs.
37) She was ready- to begin the trial-the judge told them
A) The judge told them she was ready to begain the trail.
38) We - leaving-are
A) We are leaving.
39) Tomorrow- can you still - pick me up tomorrow
A) ?
40) Working- that radio-has stopped
A) That radio has stopped working.
41) Your business card directly- to present- remember
A) Remember to present your business card directly
42) Haven't you- abroad-you've lived
A) You've lived abroad. haven't you?
43) For myself- to buy one-I'd like.
A) I'd like to buy one for myself
44) Many farmers- growing corn-stopped
A) Many farmers stopped growing corn
45) The green ones- than the blue ones- are more expensive.
A) The green ones are more expensive than the blue ones
46) Receive a bonus -the workers-will not.
A) The workers will not receive a bonus
47) That my computer- sometimes I wish- would be more reliable
A) Sometimes I wish that my computer would be more reliable
48) Next week-when does-the workshop start -
A) When does next week the workshop start
49) For a large bowl-of chicken soup- the customer asked.
A) The customer asked for a large bowl of chicken soup
50) Are they-where-going.
A) Where are they going?
51) Had been working-your ream-the hardest.
A) Your ream had been working the hardest
52) Was asleep-by then-nearly everybody
A) Everybody was a sleep neraly by then.
53) Has been delivered-he doesn't know-if the letter.
A) He doesn't know if the letter has been delivered.
54) Into this country- three teenagers-brought the rare painting
A) Three teenagers brought the rare painting into this country
55) Was listening to- my sister- her favourite music
A) My sister was listening to her favourite music.
56) Has been repaired- by her daughter- the computer
A) The computer has been repaired by her daughter.
57) A lockdown-it was- we thought
A) We thought it was a lockdown.
58) So small-is-the world
A) The world is so small.
59) Have been- it could- something else
A) It could have been something else.
60) Or cancelled- the concert-will be postponed
A) The concert will be postponed or cancelled.
61) Long age- were born- my grand parents
A) My grand parents were born long ago.
62) Open- please leave-the door.
A) Please leave the open door.
63) To the radio- listening-I am
A) I am listening to the radio.
64) Doing-how are-you.
A) How are you doing?
65) Singer- who is-your favourite.
A) Who is your favourite singer?
66) All the- were broken- windows.
A) All the windows were broken.
67) This milk- very good- doesn't taste.
A) This milk doesn't taste very good.
68) Can't stay- there-she.
A) She can't stay there.
69) Worried-about his father-raj.
A0 Raj worried about his father.
70) Advised her-to go to bed-the doctor.
A) The doctor advised her to go to bed.
71) What had occurred-in her absence- they discovered
A) They discovered what had occured in her absense.
72) Me-later-call.
A) NCall me later.
73) As many videos- he will make-as he can.
A) He will make as many videocalls as he can
74) From Mumbai-the flight-is delayed.
A) The flight is delayed from mumbai.
75) Easily offended-not-I am.
A) I am not easily offended.
76) Staying here- how long-are you.
A) How long are you staying here.
77) Of mine- he is-a friend.
A) He is a friend of mine.
78) Next door-is for sale-the house.
A) The house is for next door.
79) That mess- his brother-cleaned up.
A) His brother cleaned up that mess.
80) Available later today-the new training-schedule will be
A) The new training schedule will be availabe later today .
81) Our recent report-in detail-describe the finding
A) Our recent report describe the finding in detail.
82) All the-were broken-windows
A) All the windows were broken.
83) Talked -with the dog-why
A) Why with the dog talked.
84) Some old friends- to see-we are going.
A) We are going to see some old friends.
85) That building-internet access- has limited
A) That building has limited internet access.
86) Prices-these-are high
A) These are high prices.
87) Choose someone-let's-to leave the group
A) Let's choose someone to leave the group.
88) Your name on the page-on fornt-make sure you write.
A) On front make sure you write your name on the page .
89) Were unwilling to help- and her assistant-the manager
A) The manger and her assistant were willing to help.
90) Fix the paper jam-of the machine to-open the top cover
A) ?
91) Mark-the missing money-wondered about
A) Mark wondered about the missing money.
92) This booklet-what you need-clearly discribes
A) This booklet clearly describes what you need.
93) Of every transaction-the two secretaries-kept an accurate record of
A) The two secretaries kept an accurante record of every transaction.
94) You can-a password-easily create
A) You can easily create a password.
95) A meal- I often-be due
A) I often be due a meal.
96) You learned this- how fast-I am amazed
A) I am amazed how fast you learned this.
97) Has fortunately-became vacant- the office nearby
A) The office nearby has fortunately became vacant.
98) Left immediately-after the meeting ended- the sales man
A) The sales man left immediately after the meeting ended.
99) There are-problems to discuss- a lot of
A) There are a lot of problems to discuss.

1. Did you hear / were sold / that the company

A. Did you hear that the company were sold

2. Her plane / an hour late / had arrived

A. Her plane had arrived an hour late.

3. And patience / takes confidence / negotiating a salary.

A. Negotiating a salary takes confidence and patience.

4. You again / to see / I didn’t expect

A. I didn’t expect to see you again.

5. Additional help / we may need / during the holidays

A. We may need additional help during the holidays.

6. Man expected that / blasted longer / our meeting

A. Man expected that our meeting blasted longer.

7. No body truly understood / her staff to do / what she expected

A. No body truly understood what she expected her staff to do.

8. David / for business / travels frequently


A. David travels frequently for business

9. A local hotel / 30% discount / has agreed


A. A local hotel has agreed 30% discount

2. [03-Apr 10:57 AM] Shanmukha Srinivas Lingala

4. 1. I don’t know what I wrote I’m going to rewrite is completely.
5. 2. He burned the oil and the fire left’s a black mark above the stove.
6. 3. The broadcasting company if funded by the government however owns a television
pay a annual- licence premium.
7. 4. To celebrate our first major success , we are going throw a party.
8. 5. In cities with a good public transport it’s hard to understanding why people insist on
drawing themselves to work.
9. 6. When by bicycle got a flat tyre, I had take the train to work.
10. 7. Because the company did not accept application by mail .He had to submit his
application using the company’s website.
11. 8. The city can be divided in two parts, the outer section are rarely new, while historical
city centre is rather old, indeed.
12. 9. I love pets. I’m a member of an animal protection group and to volunteer work once a
13. 10. If you don’t meet the height requirement you are not allowed to get on the ride.
14. 11. In my company, it is the manager’s job to divide works among the team members.
15. 12. Negotiations came to a halt as leaders struggled to reach terms that were common
to both parties.
16. 13. He is running late, he should have been here an hour ago.
17. 14.My friend who has lived in New York all his life took me on a personal trip of the city.
18. 15. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests with in 24 hours. Otherwise,
they tend become annoyed and may find other providers.
19. 16. It’s look like this document has been edited is this final report?
20. 17. We had planned to go hiking today, but the weather was so bad that we had to
come up with an alternate plan.
21. 18.There was a clear blue sky and sun was shining.
22. 19. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the tax at the booth.
23. 20.The training programme offer a wide selection of course to any interested employee
at a minimum charge.
24. 21. Workers who have have previously completed training are exempted from the new
training requirement.
25. 22. I dropped my clothes off at the dry cleaner on my way to work this morning.
26. 23. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when he told me the
soles of his shoes were made out of his old tries.
27. 24. Please check all envelops for the correct return address.
28. 25. Please make sure that all seatbelts are securely fastened.
29. 26.The company achieved it’s target last year are reported a profit.
30. 27. They found that gadgets like phones and small electronic devices are very popular
among online shoppers.
31. 28. You may not agree with his method, but there’s no question that he makes a lot of
money for the company.
32. 29. If you want a hard working and dependable employee, I highly recommend that you
hire him. 30. The amount of air pollution in this town has increased
substantially since the factory opened.
33. 31.The number of attendees for exceeded our exceptions. The event site was very
crowded. It was not even was to walk around.
34. 32.The store had only been in business for two months when the owner sold it.
35. 33.The event was organized by an audience of over 30,000 people.
36. 34.If you want to meet with the CEO, you need to make an appointment week in
37. 35.Even if you run fast, you probably won’t be able to catch the train it’s too late.
38. 36.Thank you very much for your help on such short period it helped us immediately.
39. 37.All the city council members, with the expectation of one, voted against the new law.
40. 38. The library inaugurated the event by posting flyers through the city.
41. 39.You need parking ticket if you want to leave your car here.
42. 40.I couldn’t believe if when he agreed to make an announcement on the show tonight.
43. 41.She was temporarily shine, by the brightness of the sun.
44. 42.The baker had several burns on his wrists from the times he had touched the sides of
the oven.
45. 43. The residents were advised to evacuate their homes before the storm reached them.
46. 44.Lock your valuables in the safe hopes in your hotel room.
47. 45. After marking one last modification to the layout, the new letter was ready to be sent
48. 46. I can’t imagine what be like having to do a task like his all day.
49. 47.Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has reached end.
50. 48. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your passport or some
form of identity card.
51. 49. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next year.
52. 50.I had to take out a loan from the bank cover the cost of replacing the roof of my
53. 51.Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high hopes that business
would improve soon.
54. 52.This is the cutting edge technology it’s the best of the market.
55. 53. I have trouble sleeping at night, so I usually wake up very tired.
56. 54. I’m a salesman, and you what do you do.
57. 55. The man misplaced his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this morning.
58. 56. The speaker at the conference was very interesting. I enjoyed his talk very much.
59. 57. Over three hundred people witnessed the store’s grand opening.
60. 58. My sister is recovering from the surgery very well. The doctor told us that she would
be able to go home next week.
61. 59.The product is out of stock until next consignment arrives.
62. 60. City building can only be so tall. The exact height will depend on local regulations.
63. 61. For more information about the product please consult the instruction manual.
64. 62. The new trainers are doing along just fine.
65. 63. The class has to be paused indefinitely because of the summer schedule.
66. 64. He can place your order as soon as you know what you want to purchase.
67. 65. She gets her supplies at a low rate because she buys in bulk.
68. 66. Can I bring you something to drink? Perhaps tea or coffee.
69. 67. I went shopping yesterday and spent all my savings.
70. 68. I need to write your first name. How do you pronounce it?
71. 69. She was junior manager but now she has been promoted to a senior management
72. 70. She ran to the corner, but she just missed the bus, so she had to wait for the next
73. 71. You’re driving too fast you should slow down.
74. 72. I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so hungry!
75. 73. She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent performance on the job.
76. 74. It was so hot outside that no one wanted to leave the air-conditioned house.
77. 75. I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
78. 76. Some people wear glasses/ spectacles to help them see better.
79. 77. The elevator is broken, so you will have to take steps to get to the second floor.
80. 78. Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
81. 79. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
82. 80. I was recently transferred form the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
83. 81. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
84. 82. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week please focus your
attention on finishing the expense reports.
85. 83. Recent studies have shown that the shopping habits of consumers have changed
dramatically in the past ten years.
86. 84. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high expectation that business
would improve soon.
87. 85. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be able in a position in our overseas
88. 86. We offer our customers the service of placing orders by phone or online.
89. 87. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
90. 88. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
91. 89. The bill wasn’t right. I think they made a mistake.
92. 90. My ears are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert.

93. 91. Should I turn right or left at the next corner.

94. 92. Let’s postpone tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just too busy to prepare
for it right now.
95. 93. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
96. 94. What time is it? I don’t have a watch.
97. 95. Can you turn the lights ON? I can’t see anything.
98. 96. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on time at the
99. 97. An increasing number of the businesses have recently shut down due to the
economic downturn.
100. 98. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety guidelines.
101. 99. I don’t have my credit card. I must have kept it at home.
102. 100. When it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.


1. I have to agree with you.

2. The company first opened, when I was much younger.
3. I don’t have any information.
4. It’s a good idea to create a different version of your resume.
5. You can use the computer in a minute.
6. I would love to go.
7. Do you live here?
8. Where the pens, we used to write on the board?
9. Please note that the phone and the fax number will remain the same.
10. The hotels are so nice here.
11. I’ll see you on Thursday.
12. Various tax benefits are available for you your employees.
13. I have tomorrows sheet please.
14. Having a pet can reduce stress.
15. I’ll be finished by Friday.
16. Report any computer issues to technical support.
17. Let’s put our heads together and come up with solution.
18. We need to make sure that our department is ready for inspection.
19. He said, he would like a cup of coffee.
20. I turned down the offer because they needed someone who could travel.
21. Today’s meeting will take place little earlier than we thought.
22. I knew something would go wrong with the plan.
23. The plan will be drawn tomorrow morning when everyone is together.
24. Why do you see some of the plants didn’t grow?
25. The proposal is finished.
26. Do you live here?
27. It’s raining at the moment.
28. Please reply to this email if you’re attending the seminar.
29. The train comes here every twenty minutes.
30. I like to visit my parents on the weekends.
31. It’s a good day for being outdoors.
32. According to the weather forecast it’s going to be really hot this weekend.
33. I threw the magazine away yesterday.
34. The document needs to be edited.
35. I’ll be back in the middle of September.
36. The preceding customer is repair.
37. I wish we didn’t have to work that night .
38. When is the game?
39. They presented a plan to reduce the large debt.
40. The company has grown too large over the years.
41. I don’t like to eat breakfast.
42. She knows several journalists who work for a large newspaper.
43. I’m busy let’s take a break.
44. Preceding or The heating system was just repaired.
45. Many companies operate in more than one country.
46. The human resources department doing everything it can.
47. Can you inturn the loss over the company . The new insurance has a loss over the
48. I eat there every night.
49. Give me your phone if you need help moving.
50. Just food at school should be banned.
51. My neighbor has been practicing the piano for thirteen years.
52. Every one excepted, he decided to go.
53. Archeology help to understand history and culture.
54. Do you know the boot whose we saw the other day?
55. She had taken her father’s advice literally.
56. Heat waves happen every every year in India.
57. This situation affected him greatly.
58. My cousin wondered if she could have majored in French.
59. The music has a great effect on everybody.
60. My siblings always study diligently.
61. Poland used to be communist country.
62. They often share a bottle of wine, while reminiscing over family photo albums.
63. This particular quote is indeed inspiring.
64. There was a dearth of usable firewood at the campsite.
65. Corruption is at its peak during election time.
66. Their children’s didn’t stop whining.
67. You’ll have to bear your consequences of your actions.
68. Theme parks are a source of fun for people of all ages.
69. I think about half of south America uses voting technology.
70. I went to the University of Bristol where I studied chemistry.
71. This is what we would call a state of equilibrium.
72. Professor smith will be late for today’s lecture.
73. Three of the students were confused by the key hypothesis.
74. The circulation desk is located on the ground floor.
75. Patients diagnosed with heart failure will often report being depressed.
76. There was little available evidence to contradict his viewpoint.
77. We have to hand our assignments in tomorrow at the [latest.
78. The majority of students in this college are postgraduates.
79. All first year students should attend the introductory lecture today.
80. Remember to take all your belongings when you leave the lab.


82. 1)John is the sales manager of a small store. An angry customer called him to complain
about a home security system that she had recently bought from his store. She told him
that it did not work properly because the alarm went off when she was in the house.
Initially she demanded a refund, but when john apologized, and offered to replace her
system with a new one, she agreed.
83. 2)Sam was on a busy flight that had been delayed. The plane finally landed and arrived
at the gate. Then all the passengers got up to get their luggage. The woman in front of
Sam accidentally bumped him in the arm. Just as she was apologizing, her bag fell from
the overhead compartment and hit him on the head. The woman felt awful. Sam decided
he didn’t want to fly again anytime soon.
84. 3)Mary won this year’s best teacher award at her university. She had been known for her
creative and unique teaching style for many years. Her award included a trip to Paris for
one week. Mary and her husband have never been to Paris and they are very excited
about it.
85. 4)Employees who wish to take time off during the summer should check with their
managers in advance. Many people plan to be away from the office during the summer.
As a company, we’d like to make sure all projects have enough people working on them
before we approve requests for time off.
86. 5)Robert went to a nice restaurant for dinner. When the waiter brought the bill, Robert
reached for his wallet, but it wasn’t in his pocket. He remembered having his wallet when
he came into the restaurant. The waiter looked around the floor near his table. He found
the wallet under the table.
87. 6)James and Ann were driving to the airport. Ann asked James if he had remembered to
take his passport. He realized that he had forgotten it. He had left it in his jacket pocket
at home. They turned around to pick it up. They arrived at the airport just in time to
catch their flight.
88. 7)I was at the international Trade Fair in Rome last week, and it was very exciting. Rome
is a beautiful city. There were people from all over the world at the fair. I met a sale
manager whose company sells software and it sounded like there might be a business
opportunity. I’ll definitely stay in touch with him as a business contact. I’m writing a
report of the trip right now and I should be able to send it out by noon today.
89. 8)I received a couple of good articles about how to be productive every day at work. I
think you will find them useful. These were forwarded by our New York branch. Click on
the link below to view the articles. You might learn something new.
90. 9)Our gym is located across from your office and is currently offering a special discount
to all employees working in your office. According to researchers, getting exercise
regularly is a great way to stay positive and healthy. If you sign up for a membership this
week, you can get a personal trainer to help you on your first five visits.
91. 10)This is our annual reminder to all employees. Our hospital is known in our community
for excellent customer care. We have been providing friendly and quality services to all
our patients and are committed to doing the same again this year. Great your patients
with a smile and hospitality.
92. 11)After working for thirty years as a salesperson, James decided to retire. The first few
weeks of his retired life were fine. He relaxed and spent a lot of time reading. After a
month, he started to get bored. He decided to volunteer at the local animal rescue
center. He loved working with the animals, and was glad to have a scheduled activity to
do each day.
93. 12)Thank you for your interest in our certificate program. The program is specifically
designed for people with a full-time job. All our classes are offered at night and on
weekends. Not only can our program offer you the knowledge you need in your field, it
will also give you the opportunity to meet with people working in the same industry a s
you are. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
94. 13)As I told you at our last meeting, I am moving on to a new position in another
company next week. My last working day is Friday January 25 th. Thanks for being such
great team to work with I will miss you all and hope you will stay in touch.
95. 14) Anna picked up her suit from the dry cleaners. After she had paid, she noticed that the
cleaners had not cleaned the suit properly. She politely bought this to their attention, and
requested a refund. Although the cleaner apologized, he said that it was not his fault, refused
to give Anna a refund.
96. 15)Thank you so much for dinner last night. We had a really good time. We are especially
glad to be able to meet your little daughter. I hope you will be able to come to visit us
someday soon. Let’s stay in touch.
97. 16)Mark your calendars for the office party! This year, we are having a barbecue,
Saturday night 6.p.m. Dress is casual. Please sign up and tell how many people you will
be bringing. See you there!
98. 17) John bought a new phone and was looking forward to trying it as soon as possible. The
moment John got home, he tried to turn it on, but it didn't work. He immediately drove back
to the store. The salesperson was very nice and showed John how to insert the battery. John
was pleased that the phone was working properly, but at the same time, he felt very
embarrassed because he should read the instructions.
100. I received a couple of good articles by our New York branch about how to be
productive everyday how to be productive everybody at work. I think you will find
them useful and you might I earn something new, to view articles, click on the link
101. Anna picked up her suit from the dry cleaners. After she had paid, she
noticed that the suit was not cleaned properly. So, she politely brought this to their
attention, and requested a refund. The cleaner apologized to Anna and refused to
give a refund.
102. Thank you so much for dinner last night, we really had a great time. We
were especially gland to meet your little daughter. I hope you would visit us soon.
Let’s stay in touch.
103. Sam was on a busy plane that has been just arrived after a delay. When all
the passengers got up to their luggage the woman in front of Sam bumped him in
his arm. By the time she was apologizing her bag from overhead compartment fell
on his head, the woman felt embarrassed. Sam thought that I will never fly again
during busy days.
104. Employees who wish to take time off during the summer should check with
the manager in advance. As a company we would like to make sure all the projects
have enough people working request to time off.

Mary was the teacher who won the best teacher award this year at her University. It is her
creative and unique teaching style that made her eligible for the award. The award
includes a free trip to Paris. As Mary and her husband had never been to Paris they were
very excited and feeling happy.

1. I left my hat in the restaurant.
2. With all the Good programs available, it is difficult to make a quick decision.
3. I remind you to send your invoice last week.
4. His desk area and book shelves are always well organized.
5. I am sorry, he just stepped out for a moment.
6. If you are worried just give her a Call.
7. We have to sell a lot in Japan.
8. Have you had breakfast yet?
9. It’s not too late to change your mind.
10. I will try to do my best.
11. Enter through the door on your right.
12. How many people do you expect to attend the meeting?
13. Do you have a final written approval for the project?
14. When you go for an interview, you must be comfortably dressed.
15. Are you willing to relocate or tied to that area?
16. We make special reservations for International clients.
17. Have you tried applying for a job?
18. Do you have time to talk?
19. Where is the exit located?
20. Check-in in the front desk before you take seat.
21. Her plane leaves at 9:15 a.m.
22. Management refused to serve any more.
23. I started my new job next week.
24. I haven’t seen her over ten years.
25. My job is exciting, but it demands a lot of time.
26. With experience you can improve your project estimate.
27. I just wanted to check-in and see if there is any progress.
28. The expenses are more than the budget allowed.
29. This model is currently out of stock.
30. This floor plan is not only larger but also conveniently laid out.
31. Exit through your left.
32. I need help with the new printer.
33. We can’t offer that, there is something I can’t do.
34. If you find any error in this, be sure to let me know.
35. This letter must be get by Tomorrow.
36. Shipping and handling costs are not included.
37. The search for a qualified software Engineer is proved difficult.
38. I can offer you an upgrade.
39. They wrote down each other phone numbers.
40. After January 1st rates will be lowered considerably.
41. The Author of this text would have liked more figures.
42. Do you have any reference?
43. What time do you get up in the morning?
44. You have to feel a lot in pain.
45. Hire him immediately.
46. If you are not registered, please complete the information given below.
47. The pay is too low for me to work there anymore.
48. Are you dreaming your career in healthcare?
49. I have a good idea.
50. I think I will buy this hat too.
51. Would you send me the parts over as soon as possible.
52. The alarm isn’t loud enough. Isn’t it?
53. It would take six months to complete the construction of the new office.
54. Please join us in the next spring for our annual conference in New York city.
55. This report seems to be out of date.
56. Their explanation would be more easier to understand if they have presented it more slowly.
57. He can fix anything.
58. I am never late for work.
59. He want to know if the price includes breakfast.
60. Highly motivated people are always valued by our company.
61. We almost missed the train.
62. By middle of the morning, half of the sales team had left already.
63. We have a corporate program for those who are interested in larger purchases.
64. I heard that they made quite large profits from the sale.
65. Which car is yours?
66. The book is so interesting that you won’t miss a word.
67. Please join us for lunch next Tuesday.
68. I think I’ll have one too.
69. How long have you been studying French?
70. Are there any customer support services available?
71. They are trying to fix the problem but so far they had no luck.
72. It took several months.
73. In this area, agriculture is the major industry.
74. Please take the car, you have to pay for the parking.
75. Orders placed ten day ahead must be picked at the counter.
76. My parents had a karaoke machine.
77. Have you ever tried the Mexican food?
78. People really shouldn’t text while they are walking.
79. Well I’m interviewing for the position of production assistant.
80. Good afternoon, do you have reservation with us?
81. Would it be possible to use the Computer in your business centre to research these hotels?
82. I missed my fight to Tokyo because my cap got stuck in traffic.
83. Would it be possible to have the suitcase replaced by the airline?
84. Actually, I read somewhere that banner ads do influence.
85. It’s been cloudy whole week.
86. Everyone has an opinion about what the city should be spending money.
87. First I want to talk about the wats that you can prepare yourself to ask for a raise or promotion.
88. Is this the right price?
89. Let’s wash the dishes before we leave.
90. It suppose to rain tomorrow. Isn’t it?
91. Their loud talking annoyed people seated nearby.
92. His car is being repaired.
93. The new office is across the street from the café.
94. I saw him yesterday but not today.
95. Let’s put our heads together and come up with a solution.
96. Can you tell them we are going to be late?
97. The flat on the next door is for sale.
98. Bring your resume and list of references to the meeting.
99. Don’t eat while you are working.
100. I always wanted to learn how to play guitar.
101. The reason is not at all clear to me.

102. The company is having party for all employees this weekend.

103. It's the right thing to do in my opinion.

104. What time do you get up in the morning?

105. The most practical choice is a policy that will cover your liabilities.

106. Late charges will be added after the 10 th.

107. Since you don’t want seem to like my ideas can you suggest something better.

108. Your business card should arrive soon.

109. The alarm isn’t loud enough.

110. A model for powerful new is currently is being build.

111. My sister’s company was established quite some time ago.

112. I must have the wrong number.

113. Refusing into the following the rules it around for immediate suspension and loss of pay.

114. Let’s stop at the bank on the right hand.

115. How long do you think we have to wait?

116. I heard that they made a quite large profit from their sale.

117. I don’t think are we able get way before 7 tonight.

118. Take some time to think about the options available to you.

119. How can we set all these text onto such a small space.

120. Surprisingly we can manage to raise funds to repair project.

121. Please cross check all reports before sending the mail.

122. Today's workshop will take place a little earlier than we taught.

123. How long do you think we'll have to wait?

124.As a matter of policy representatives may not their names to the customers.


1) She didn’t notice –the book-who-took

A) She didn't notice who took the book.
2) I haven’t been- restaurant- to a Japanese.
A) I haven't been to a japanese resturant.
3) Was my sister- who- called me- the person.
A) The person who called me was my sister.
4) We wondered –would-fit in here- whether the new piano.
A) We wondered whether the new piano would fit in here.
5) The packet- tomorrow morning- will be sent -
A) Tomorrow morning the packet will be sent.
6) I have- my homework- finished -
A) I have finished my homework.
7) The samples- last week- were delivered -
A) The samples were delivered last week'
8) Was reading- my mother-her favourite magazine.
A) My mother was reading her favourite magazine.
9) Very old- is- this house -
A) This house is very old.
10) For her birthday- I sent my mother- some flowers.
A) I sent my mother some flowers for her birthday.
11) The horse- the cowboy- rides on.
A) The cowboy rides on the horse.
12) The falling- very pretty- leaves are.
A) The falling leaves are very pretty.
13) The dishes- did you -finish cleaning.
A) Did you finish cleaning the dishes?
14) To the library- Eric once- drive.
A) Eric once drive to the library.
15) Rain today- it is going to-I think.
A) I think it is going to rain today.
16) What movie- last night- did you watch.
A) What movie did you watch last night
17) Yourself- it-do.
A) Do it yourself.
18) In the-bed--stay.
A) stay in the bed.
19) All the coffee- he- drank.
A) He drank all the coffee.
20) For the test- studied a lot-I.
A) I studied a lot for the test.
21) For8000$-he had sold-his small farm.
A) He had sold his small farm for 8000$.
22) In this direction- I looked- for a second.
A) I looked for a second in this direction.
23) My boss- to London- moved.
A) My boss moved to London.
24) Of your family?- any pictures- do you have.
A) Do you have any pictures of your family?
25) To their leader- listen carefully- the young man
A) The Young man listen carefully to their leader.
26) Real smiles and fake smiles- by different parts of the brain- are controlled
A) Real smiles and fake smiles are controlled by different parts of the brain.
27) Of those weeks- had one - have you ever -
A) Have you ever had one of those weeks.
28) Requires some preparation- at a job interview- making a good impression
A) Making a good impression at a job interview requires some preparation.
29) Shows respect- being punctual- in Korea
A) Being punctual in korea shows respect.
30) You should-actual experience and qualifications- speak
A) You should speak actual experience and qualifications.
31) You should-while working- not eat
A) You should not eat while working.
32) Where should- this weekend-we go
A) Where should we go this weekend.
33) The weather-nice-should be
A) The weather should be nice.
34) To the airport- take him- she will
A) She will take him to the airport.
35) Report is- due today-that financial
A) That financial report is due today.
36) You should select- your family needs - insurance that suits
A) You should select insurance that suits your family needs.
37) She was ready- to begin the trial-the judge told them
A) The judge told them she was ready to begin the trail.
38) We - leaving-are
A) We are leaving.
39) Tomorrow- can you still - pick me up
A) Can you still pick me up tomorrow?
40) Working- that radio-has stopped
A) That radio has stopped working.
41) Your business card directly- to present- remember
A) Remember to present your business card directly
42) Haven't you- abroad-you've lived
A) You've lived abroad, haven't you?
43) For myself- to buy one-I'd like.
A) I'd like to buy one for myself
44) Many farmers- growing corn-stopped
A) Many farmers stopped growing corn
45) The green ones- than the blue ones- are more expensive.
A) The green ones are more expensive than the blue ones
46) Receive a bonus -the workers-will not.
A) The workers will not receive a bonus
47) That my computer- sometimes I wish- would be more reliable
A) Sometimes I wish that my computer would be more reliable
48) Next week-when does-the workshop start -
A) When does the workshop start next week.
49) For a large bowl-of chicken soup- the customer asked.
A) The customer asked for a large bowl of chicken soup
50) Are they-where-going?
A) Where are they going?
51) Had been working-your team-the hardest.
A) Your team had been working the hardest
52) Was asleep-by then-nearly -everybody
A) Everybody was asleep nearly by then.
53) Has been delivered-he doesn't know-if the letter.
A) He doesn't know if the letter has been delivered.
54) Into this country- three teenagers-brought the rare painting
A) Three teenagers brought the rare painting into this country
55) Was listening to- my sister- her favourite music
A) My sister was listening to her favourite music.
56) Has been repaired- by her daughter- the computer
A) The computer has been repaired by her daughter.
57) A lockdown-it was- we thought
A) We thought it was a lockdown.
58) So small-is-the world
A) The world is so small.
59) Have been- it could- something else
A) It could have been something else.
60) Or cancelled- the concert-will be postponed
A) The concert will be postponed or cancelled.
61) Long ago- were born- my grand parents
A) My grand parents were born long ago.
62) Open- please leave-the door.
A) Please leave the door open.
63) To the radio- listening-I am
A) I am listening to the radio.
64) Doing-how are-you.
A) How are you doing?
65) Singer- who is-your favourite.
A) Who is your favourite singer?
66) All the- were broken- windows.
A) All the windows were broken.
67) This milk- very good- doesn't taste.
A) This milk doesn't taste very good.
68) Can't stay- there-she.
A) She can't stay there.
69) Worried-about his father-raj.
A0 Raj worried about his father.
70) Advised her-to go to bed-the doctor.
A) The doctor advised her to go to bed.
71) What had occurred-in her absence- they discovered
A) They discovered what had occured in her absense.
72) Me-later-call.
A) Call me later.
73) As many videos- he will make-as he can.
A) He will make as many videos as he can
74) From Mumbai-the flight-is delayed.
A) The flight is delayed from mumbai.
75) Easily offended-not-I am.
A) I am not easily offended.
76) Staying here- how long-are you.
A) How long are you staying here.
77) Of mine- he is-a friend.
A) He is a friend of mine.
78) Next door-is for sale-the house.
A) The house next door is for sale.
79) That mess- his brother-cleaned up.
A) His brother cleaned up that mess.
80) Available later today-the new training-schedule will be
A) The new training schedule will be availabe later today.
81) Our recent report-in detail-describe the finding
A) Our recent report describe the finding in detail.
82) All the-were broken-windows.
A) All the windows were broken.
83) Talked -with the dog-why
A) Why with the dog talked.
84) Some old friends- to see-we are going.
A) We are going to see some old friends.
85) That building-internet access- has limited
A) That building has limited internet access.
86) Prices-these-are high
A) These are high prices.
87) Choose someone-let's-to leave the group
A) Let's choose someone to leave the group.
88) Your name on the page-on front-make sure you write.
A) On front Make sure you write your name on the page.
89) Were unwilling to help- and her assistant-the manager
A) The manger and her assistant were unwilling to help.
90) Fix the paper jam-of the machine to-open the top cover
A) Fix the paper jam of the machine to open the top cover.
91) Mark-the missing money-wondered about
A) Mark wondered about the missing money.
92) This booklet-what you need-clearly describes
A) This booklet clearly describes what you need.
93) Of every transaction-the two secretaries-kept an accurate record of
A) The two secretaries kept an accurate record of every transaction.
94) You can-a password-easily create
A) You can easily create a password.
95) A meal- I often-be due
A) I often be due a meal.
96) You learned this- how fast-I am amazed
A) I am amazed how fast you learned this.
97) Has fortunately-became vacant- the office nearby
A) The office nearby has fortunately became vacant.
98) Left immediately-after the meeting ended- the sales man
A) The sales man left immediately after the meeting ended.
99) There are-problems to discuss- a lot of
A) There are a lot of problems to discuss.

2. Did you hear / were sold / that the company

B. Did you hear that the company were sold

3. Her plane / an hour late / had arrived

B. Her plane had arrived an hour late.

4. And patience / takes confidence / negotiating a salary.

B. Negotiating a salary takes confidence and patience.

5. You again / to see / I didn’t expect

B. I didn’t expect to see you again.

6. Additional help / we may need / during the holidays

B. We may need additional help during the holidays.

7. Man expected that / blasted longer / our meeting

B. Man expected that our meeting blasted longer.

8. No body truly understood / her staff to do / what she expected

B. No body truly understood what she expected her staff to do.

9. David / for business / travels frequently


A. David travels frequently for business

10. A local hotel / 30% discount / has agreed


A. A local hotel has agreed 30% discount

104. [03-Apr 10:57 AM] Shanmukha Srinivas Lingala

106. 1. I don’t know what I wrote I’m going to rewrite is completely.
107. 2. He burned the oil and the fire left’s a black mark above the stove.
108. 3. The broadcasting company if funded by the government however owns a television
pay a annual- licence premium.
109. 4. To celebrate our first major success , we are going throw a party.
110. 5. In cities with a good public transport it’s hard to understanding why people insist on
drawing themselves to work.
111. 6. When by bicycle got a flat tyre, I had take the train to work.
112. 7. Because the company did not accept application by mail .He had to submit his
application using the company’s website.
113. 8. The city can be divided in two parts, the outer section are rarely new, while historical
city centre is rather old, indeed.
114. 9. I love pets. I’m a member of an animal protection group and to volunteer work once a
115. 10. If you don’t meet the height requirement you are not allowed to get on the ride.
116. 11. In my company, it is the manager’s job to divide works among the team members.
117. 12. Negotiations came to a halt as leaders struggled to reach terms that were common
to both parties.
118. 13. He is running late, he should have been here an hour ago.
119. 14.My friend who has lived in New York all his life took me on a personal trip of the city.
120. 15. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests with in 24 hours. Otherwise,
they tend become annoyed and may find other providers.
121. 16. It’s look like this document has been edited is this final report?
122. 17. We had planned to go hiking today, but the weather was so bad that we had to
come up with an alternate plan.
123. 18.There was a clear blue sky and sun was shining.
124. 19. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the tax at the booth.
125. 20.The training programme offer a wide selection of course to any interested employee
at a minimum charge.
126. 21. Workers who have have previously completed training are exempted from the new
training requirement.
127. 22. I dropped my clothes off at the dry cleaner on my way to work this morning.
128. 23. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when he told me the
soles of his shoes were made out of his old tries.
129. 24. Please check all envelops for the correct return address.
130. 25. Please make sure that all seatbelts are securely fastened.
131. 26.The company achieved it’s target last year are reported a profit.
132. 27. They found that gadgets like phones and small electronic devices are very popular
among online shoppers.
133. 28. You may not agree with his method, but there’s no question that he makes a lot of
money for the company.
134. 29. If you want a hard working and dependable employee, I highly recommend that you
hire him. 30. The amount of air pollution in this town has increased substantially
since the factory opened.
135. 31.The number of attendees for exceeded our exceptions. The event site was very
crowded. It was not even was to walk around.
136. 32.The store had only been in business for two months when the owner sold it.
137. 33.The event was organized by an audience of over 30,000 people.
138. 34.If you want to meet with the CEO, you need to make an appointment week in
139. 35.Even if you run fast, you probably won’t be able to catch the train it’s too late.
140. 36.Thank you very much for your help on such short period it helped us immediately.
141. 37.All the city council members, with the expectation of one, voted against the new law.
142. 38. The library inaugurated the event by posting flyers through the city.
143. 39.You need parking ticket if you want to leave your car here.
144. 40.I couldn’t believe if when he agreed to make an announcement on the show tonight.
145. 41.She was temporarily shine, by the brightness of the sun.
146. 42.The baker had several burns on his wrists from the times he had touched the sides of
the oven.
147. 43. The residents were advised to evacuate their homes before the storm reached them.
148. 44.Lock your valuables in the safe hopes in your hotel room.
149. 45. After marking one last modification to the layout, the new letter was ready to be sent
150. 46. I can’t imagine what be like having to do a task like his all day.
151. 47.Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has reached end.
152. 48. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your passport or some
form of identity card.
153. 49. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next year.
154. 50.I had to take out a loan from the bank cover the cost of replacing the roof of my
155. 51.Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high hopes that business
would improve soon.
156. 52.This is the cutting edge technology it’s the best of the market.
157. 53. I have trouble sleeping at night, so I usually wake up very tired.
158. 54. I’m a salesman, and you what do you do.
159. 55. The man misplaced his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this morning.
160. 56. The speaker at the conference was very interesting. I enjoyed his talk very much.
161. 57. Over three hundred people witnessed the store’s grand opening.
162. 58. My sister is recovering from the surgery very well. The doctor told us that she would
be able to go home next week.
163. 59.The product is out of stock until next consignment arrives.
164. 60. City building can only be so tall. The exact height will depend on local regulations.
165. 61. For more information about the product please consult the instruction manual.
166. 62. The new trainers are doing along just fine.
167. 63. The class has to be paused indefinitely because of the summer schedule.
168. 64. He can place your order as soon as you know what you want to purchase.
169. 65. She gets her supplies at a low rate because she buys in bulk.
170. 66. Can I bring you something to drink? Perhaps tea or coffee.
171. 67. I went shopping yesterday and spent all my savings.
172. 68. I need to write your first name. How do you pronounce it?
173. 69. She was junior manager but now she has been promoted to a senior management
174. 70. She ran to the corner, but she just missed the bus, so she had to wait for the next
175. 71. You’re driving too fast you should slow down.
176. 72. I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so hungry!
177. 73. She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent performance on the job.
178. 74. It was so hot outside that no one wanted to leave the air-conditioned house.
179. 75. I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
180. 76. Some people wear glasses/ spectacles to help them see better.
181. 77. The elevator is broken, so you will have to take steps to get to the second floor.
182. 78. Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
183. 79. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
184. 80. I was recently transferred form the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
185. 81. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
186. 82. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week please focus your
attention on finishing the expense reports.
187. 83. Recent studies have shown that the shopping habits of consumers have changed
dramatically in the past ten years.
188. 84. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high expectation that business
would improve soon.
189. 85. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be able in a position in our overseas
190. 86. We offer our customers the service of placing orders by phone or online.
191. 87. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
192. 88. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
193. 89. The bill wasn’t right. I think they made a mistake.
194. 90. My ears are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert.

195. 91. Should I turn right or left at the next corner.

196. 92. Let’s postpone tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just too busy to prepare
for it right now.
197. 93. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
198. 94. What time is it? I don’t have a watch.
199. 95. Can you turn the lights ON? I can’t see anything.
200. 96. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on time at the
201. 97. An increasing number of the businesses have recently shut down due to the
economic downturn.
202. 98. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety guidelines.
203. 99. I don’t have my credit card. I must have kept it at home.
204. 100. When it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.

101. I need to cancel my hotel reservation. I won't be staying there anymore.


105. I have to agree with you.

106. The company first opened, when I was much younger.
107. I don’t have any information.
108. It’s a good idea to create a different version of your resume.
109. You can use the computer in a minute.
110. I would love to go.
111. Do you live here?
112. Where the pens, we used to write on the board?
113. Please note that the phone and the fax number will remain the same.
114. The hotels are so nice here.
115. I’ll see you on Thursday.
116. Various tax benefits are available for you your employees.
117. I have tomorrows sheet please.
118. Having a pet can reduce stress.
119. I’ll be finished by Friday.
120. Report any computer issues to technical support.
121. Let’s put our heads together and come up with solution.
122. We need to make sure that our department is ready for inspection.
123. He said, he would like a cup of coffee.
124. I turned down the offer because they needed someone who could travel.
125. Today’s meeting will take place little earlier than we thought.
126. I knew something would go wrong with the plan.
127. The plan will be drawn tomorrow morning when everyone is together.
128. Why do you see some of the plants didn’t grow?
129. The proposal is finished.
130. Do you live here?
131. It’s raining at the moment.
132. Please reply to this email if you’re attending the seminar.
133. The train comes here every twenty minutes.
134. I like to visit my parents on the weekends.
135. It’s a good day for being outdoors.
136. According to the weather forecast it’s going to be really hot this weekend.
137. I threw the magazine away yesterday.
138. The document needs to be edited.
139. I’ll be back in the middle of September.
140. The preceding customer is repair.
141. I wish we didn’t have to work that night .
142. When is the game?
143. They presented a plan to reduce the large debt.
144. The company has grown too large over the years.
145. I don’t like to eat breakfast.
146. She knows several journalists who work for a large newspaper.
147. I’m busy let’s take a break.
148. Preceding or The heating system was just repaired.
149. Many companies operate in more than one country.
150. The human resources department doing everything it can.
151. Can you inturn the loss over the company . The new insurance has a loss over the
152. I eat there every night.
153. Give me your phone if you need help moving.
154. Just food at school should be banned.
155. My neighbor has been practicing the piano for thirteen years.
156. Every one excepted, he decided to go.
157. Archeology help to understand history and culture.
158. Do you know the boot whose we saw the other day?
159. She had taken her father’s advice literally.
160. Heat waves happen every every year in India.
161. This situation affected him greatly.
162. My cousin wondered if she could have majored in French.
163. The music has a great effect on everybody.
164. My siblings always study diligently.
165. Poland used to be communist country.
166. They often share a bottle of wine, while reminiscing over family photo albums.
167. This particular quote is indeed inspiring.
168. There was a dearth of usable firewood at the campsite.
169. Corruption is at its peak during election time.
170. Their children’s didn’t stop whining.
171. You’ll have to bear your consequences of your actions.
172. Theme parks are a source of fun for people of all ages.
173. I think about half of south America uses voting technology.
174. I went to the University of Bristol where I studied chemistry.
175. This is what we would call a state of equilibrium.
176. Professor smith will be late for today’s lecture.
177. Three of the students were confused by the key hypothesis.
178. The circulation desk is located on the ground floor.
179. Patients diagnosed with heart failure will often report being depressed.
180. There was little available evidence to contradict his viewpoint.
181. We have to hand our assignments in tomorrow at the [latest.
182. The majority of students in this college are postgraduates.
183. All first year students should attend the introductory lecture today.
184. Remember to take all your belongings when you leave the lab.


186. 1)John is the sales manager of a small store. An angry customer called him to complain
about a home security system that she had recently bought from his store. She told him that it
did not work properly because the alarm went off when she was in the house. Initially she
demanded a refund, but when john apologized, and offered to replace her system with a new
one, she agreed.
187. 2)Sam was on a busy flight that had been delayed. The plane finally landed and arrived
at the gate. Then all the passengers got up to get their luggage. The woman in front of Sam
accidentally bumped him in the arm. Just as she was apologizing, her bag fell from the overhead
compartment and hit him on the head. The woman felt awful. Sam decided he didn’t want to fly
again anytime soon.
188. 3)Mary won this year’s best teacher award at her university. She had been known for her
creative and unique teaching style for many years. Her award included a trip to Paris for one
week. Mary and her husband have never been to Paris and they are very excited about it.
189. 4)Employees who wish to take time off during the summer should check with their
managers in advance. Many people plan to be away from the office during the summer. As a
company, we’d like to make sure all projects have enough people working on them before we
approve requests for time off.
190. 5)Robert went to a nice restaurant for dinner. When the waiter brought the bill, Robert
reached for his wallet, but it wasn’t in his pocket. He remembered having his wallet when he
came into the restaurant. The waiter looked around the floor near his table. He found the wallet
under the table.
191. 6)James and Ann were driving to the airport. Ann asked James if he had remembered to
take his passport. He realized that he had forgotten it. He had left it in his jacket pocket at
home. They turned around to pick it up. They arrived at the airport just in time to catch their
192. 7)I was at the international Trade Fair in Rome last week, and it was very exciting. Rome
is a beautiful city. There were people from all over the world at the fair. I met a sale manager
whose company sells software and it sounded like there might be a business opportunity. I’ll
definitely stay in touch with him as a business contact. I’m writing a report of the trip right now
and I should be able to send it out by noon today.
193. 8)I received a couple of good articles about how to be productive every day at work. I
think you will find them useful. These were forwarded by our New York branch. Click on the link
below to view the articles. You might learn something new.
194. 9)Our gym is located across from your office and is currently offering a special discount
to all employees working in your office. According to researchers, getting exercise regularly is a
great way to stay positive and healthy. If you sign up for a membership this week, you can get a
personal trainer to help you on your first five visits.
195. 10)This is our annual reminder to all employees. Our hospital is known in our community
for excellent customer care. We have been providing friendly and quality services to all our
patients and are committed to doing the same again this year. Great your patients with a smile
and hospitality.
196. 11)After working for thirty years as a salesperson, James decided to retire. The first few
weeks of his retired life were fine. He relaxed and spent a lot of time reading. After a month, he
started to get bored. He decided to volunteer at the local animal rescue center. He loved
working with the animals, and was glad to have a scheduled activity to do each day.
197. 12)Thank you for your interest in our certificate program. The program is specifically
designed for people with a full-time job. All our classes are offered at night and on weekends.
Not only can our program offer you the knowledge you need in your field, it will also give you
the opportunity to meet with people working in the same industry a s you are. Don’t hesitate to
contact me if you have any questions.
198. 13)As I told you at our last meeting, I am moving on to a new position in another
company next week. My last working day is Friday January 25 th. Thanks for being such great
team to work with I will miss you all and hope you will stay in touch.
199. 14) Anna picked up her suit from the dry cleaners. After she had paid, she noticed that the
cleaners had not cleaned the suit properly. She politely bought this to their attention, and requested
a refund. Although the cleaner apologized, he said that it was not his fault, refused to give Anna a
200. 15)Thank you so much for dinner last night. We had a really good time. We are especially
glad to be able to meet your little daughter. I hope you will be able to come to visit us someday
soon. Let’s stay in touch.
201. 16)Mark your calendars for the office party! This year, we are having a barbecue,
Saturday night 6.p.m. Dress is casual. Please sign up and tell how many people you will be
bringing. See you there!
202. 17) John bought a new phone and was looking forward to trying it as soon as possible. The
moment John got home, he tried to turn it on, but it didn't work. He immediately drove back to the
store. The salesperson was very nice and showed John how to insert the battery. John was pleased
that the phone was working properly, but at the same time, he felt very embarrassed because he
should read the instructions.
204. I received a couple of good articles by our New York branch about how to be
productive everyday how to be productive everybody at work. I think you will find them
useful and you might I earn something new, to view articles, click on the link below.
205. Anna picked up her suit from the dry cleaners. After she had paid, she noticed that
the suit was not cleaned properly. So, she politely brought this to their attention, and
requested a refund. The cleaner apologized to Anna and refused to give a refund.
206. Thank you so much for dinner last night, we really had a great time. We were
especially gland to meet your little daughter. I hope you would visit us soon. Let’s stay in
207. Sam was on a busy plane that has been just arrived after a delay. When all the
passengers got up to their luggage the woman in front of Sam bumped him in his arm. By
the time she was apologizing her bag from overhead compartment fell on his head, the
woman felt embarrassed. Sam thought that I will never fly again during busy days.
208. Employees who wish to take time off during the summer should check with the
manager in advance. As a company we would like to make sure all the projects have
enough people working request to time off.
209. Mary was the teacher who won the best teacher award this year at her University. It
is her creative and unique teaching style that made her eligible for the award. The award
includes a free trip to Paris. As Mary and her husband had never been to Paris they were
very excited and feeling happy.

Sentence Completion
213. 1. The training program offers a wide selection of courses to any interested
employees at a minimum charge.
217. 2. The residents were advised to evacuate their homes before the storm reached
221. 3. The speaker at the conference was interesting. I liked his talk very much.
225. 4. I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn't have any in stock. They expect
to receive more next week.
229. 5. Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has reached
233. 6. The class had to be postponed indefinitely because of the summer schedule.
237. 7. An increasing number of businesses have recently shut down due to the economic
241. 8. The company reached its target last year and reported a profit.
245. 9. Since you've finished everything else, for the rest of the week, please focus your
attention on finishing the expense report.
249. 10. The elevator is broken, so you will have to take the stairs to get to the second
253. 11. To celebrate our first major success, we're going to throw a party.
257. 12. Please check all envelopes for the correct return address.
261. 13. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety regulations.
265. 14. The money was distributed amongst several people.
269. 15. In my company, it is the manager's job to divide work among the team members.
273. 16. The amount of air pollution in this town has increased substantially since the
factory opened.
277. 17. Some people wear glasses to help them see better.
281. 18. She ran to the corner, but she just missed the bus, so she had to wait for the next
285. 19. She was a junior manager but now she has been promoted to a senior
management position.
289. 20. I couldn't believe it when he agreed to make an appearance on the show tonight.
293. 21. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be interested in a position in our
overseas office.
297. 22. After making one last modification in the layout, the newsletter was ready to be
sent out.
301. 23. This is cutting edge technology. It's the best in the market.
305. 24. Over three hundred people attended the store's grand opening.
309. 25. The new trainees are getting along just fine.
313. 26. I don't like what I wrote. I'm going to rewrite it completely.
317. 27. I was recently transferred from the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
321. 28. I'm not sure I can come tomorrow. I'll have to check my schedule.
325. 29. When travelling to a foreign country, you should always carry your passport or
some form of identification.
329. 30. The number of attendees far exceeded our expectation. The event site was very
crowded - it was not even easy to walk around.
333. 31. I usually finish work around 7pm but sometimes I manage to go home earlier.
337. 32. As an elementary teacher, it was not surprising to see children grow really tall in
one year.
341. 33. She finally apologized for her mistakes to every member of her team.
345. 34. The number of qualified candidates is very high. We received a lot of resumes
from the recruitment agency.
349. 35. The city can be divided in two parts. The outer sections are relatively new, while
the historical city center is rather old, indeed.
353. 36. This document has so many errors that we might as well rewrite it.
357. 37. When contacting customer support, please have your order number handy for
361. 38. My friend, who has lived in New York all his life, took me on a personal tour of the
365. 39. My yearly subscription to the magazine expires next month. I have to renew it
369. 40. I had to leave the meeting early to take an important call.
373. 41. The product is out of stock until the next shipment arrives.
377. 42. Please include a cover letter with your CV.
381. 43. They wisely planted shady trees near the house to keep it cool in the warm
385. 44. He gets along with everyone and is a good team player.
389. 45. Although some people rent their home or apartment, others buy their home.
393. 46. You may not agree with his methods but there's no question that he makes a lot
of money for the company.
397. 47. During the storm the power went out. We didn't have any electricity for about an
401. 48. I'm a salesman. And you, what do you do?
405. 49. I need to write your name. How do you spell it?
409. 50. Can you turn the lights on? I can't see anything.
413. 51. She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent performance on the job.
417. 52. What time is it? I don't have a watch.
421. 53. When you import, you bring products into your own country from abroad.
425. 54. Recent studies have shown that the shopping habits of consumers have changed
dramatically in the past ten years.
429. 55. She's planning to hang the painting up in her office on the wall by the bookshelf.
433. 56. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped us immensely
when time was running out.
437. 57. You can place your order as soon as you know what you want to purchase.
441. 58. The restaurant offers a large variety of desserts.
445. 59. I need to cancel my hotel reservation. I won't be staying there anymore.
449. 60. My friend was so busy that she barely noticed me when I entered the room.
453. 61. If you want a hard-working and dependable employee, I highly recommend that
you hire him.
457. 62. I don't have my credit card. I must have to left it at home.
461. 63. If you want to meet with the CEO, you need to make an appointment weeks in
465. 64. My family is very small. There's just my father, mother and me.
469. 65. Most people like to drink coffee in the morning, but Adam likes to drink it at
473. 66. You're driving too fast. You should slow down.
477. 67. The department is responsible for the mistake, so they will have to bear the cost
of the failure themselves.
481. 68. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high hopes that business
would improve soon.
485. 69. The group was very vocal in raising their concerns about the plan to build an
expensive new park.
489. 70. The line to get into the restaurant was long. We were told that it was a twenty
minute wait.
493. 71. Over three hundred people attended the store's grand opening.
497. 72. An increasing number of businesses have recently shut down due to the
economic downturn.
501. 73. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the toll at the booth.
505. 74. How much does the necklace cost? I don't see a price.
509. 75. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on time at the
513. 76. I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn't have any in stock. They expect
to receive more next week.
517. 77. She gets their supplies at a cheaper rate because she buys in bulk.
521. 78. I try to use cleaning products that do not contain toxic substances whenever
525. 79. Should I turn right or left at the next corner?
529. 80. Tom ordered a new chair online. It hasn't arrived yet, but someone is supposed to
come by the office later today to deliver.
533. 81. I take an initiative and have strong leadership qualities. I'm also a good team
537. 82. Though we've debated the pros and cons for many weeks, we hope to reach our
final decision tomorrow.
541. 83. It remains to be seen whether the company will stay in business next year.
545. 84. He's so concerned for the environment that I wasn't surprised when he told me
the soles of his shoes were made out of used old tires.
549. 85. It was hard to get the sofa up the stairs and into our apartment on the second
553. 86. Let's postpone tomorrow's presentation until next week. I'm just too busy to
prepare for it right now.
557. 87. It was so hot outside that no one wanted to leave the air conditioned house.
561. 88. The bill wasn't right. I think they made a mistake.
565. 89. It looks like the document has been edited already. Is this the final draft?
569. 90. I find it hard to concentrate on my work with that music playing.
573. 91. A good policy is to always respond to the customer request within 24 hours.
Otherwise they tend to become annoyed and may find other providers.
577. 92. The man lost his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this morning.
581. 93. To avoid being a target of crime, do not wear conspicuous clothing or jewelry,
and do not carry excessive amounts of cash.
585. 94. After printing a factual error, the newspaper issued a clarification in the following
589. 95. Is that the correct meaning of that word? Let's check the dictionary.
593. 96. My ears are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert.
597. 97. For information about the product, pls consult the instruction manual.
601. 98. Children under 3 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
605. 99. I graduated from university in 2000 and then got a job as an engineer.
609. 100. We offer our customers the option of placing orders by phone or online.
613. 101. Ken works from home a lot. He doesn't come to office very often a lot.
617. 102. I have trouble sleeping at night, so I usually wake up very tired.
621. 103. I haven't eaten anything all day. I'm so hungry.
625. 104. How many languages can you speak?
629. 105. Megan drives through the city to get to work everyday, so sometimes she is late
if there's a lot of traffic.
635. 106. A recent survey found that gadgets like phones and other small electronic
devices are very popular among online shoppers.
639. 107. I had to take out a loan from the bank to cover the cost of replacing the roof of
my house.
641. 108. Don't forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
643. 109. Lucy has a very busy schedule. Her calendar is completely full, and she doesn't
have any free time.
645. 110. I just sent him an email about the problem, but I don't know if he's read it yet.
647. 111. I would trust his opinion. He is an expert on that subject.
649. 112. He won't be home in time for dinner. He has to work late.
651. 113. The store had been in business for two months when the owner sold it.

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