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 Financial assistance


 Public media

Nearly four decades ago when a deadly crisis gripped America as the market leading, over-the-counter
painkiller in the United States, Tylenol, has turned into, perhaps, one of the gravest tragedies in Chicago.
Several reports and investigations presumed that the product tampering transpired when an unknown
suspect put 65 milligrams of deadly cyanide in Tylenol Extra-Strength capsules, resealed the packages,
and deposited them on shelves, making the trusted pill extremely lethal to public safety. As the death
toll hit into an alarming number of people, the terrifying randomness of the poisonings shocked the
nation which instigated the withdrawal of the most successful pill in US. It was, indeed, an absolute
chaos not just for the residents of America but most especially, to the producers themselves, the
company of Johnson & Johnson. However, instead of letting their company be remembered with their
worst nightmare in the history of pills, J&J has, surprisingly, became an eminent example in terms of
business crisis management. Absolutely, the crisis did hurt the company terribly but what is reputed
about them is how they responded to the said dilemma actively and responsibly. They knew that they
were never going to be criticized by what caused the problem; rather, they would always be judged on
how they responded to the crisis. Undeniably, the response made by the product’s owner, J&J,
considerably raised the bar for standards of business ethics in terms of fairness, transparency, and
accountability as detailed out below:


When the backlash shattered the nation, the first thing that J&J thought of was the safety of the public
before the company’s profit. They handled such sudden crisis quickly, honestly and decisively. At once,
the company immediately issued a national media statement to warn the consumers across the nation
not to ingest any type of its Tylenol product. They altruistically asked the public to withdraw all Tylenol-
related capsules along with the immediate impeding of the production and advertising of Tylenol.
Evidently, instead of protecting their reputation and image in the industry, they placed the consumers
first at the topmost primacy by recalling 31 million bottles of Tylenol capsules from store shelves and
offering replacement product in the safer tablet even if it costs the company millions of dollars. Without
a doubt, Johnson & Johnson’s responsibility to its public became the compass which guided the
company’s decisions in handling the said drawback. Moreover, even though they are not fully held
accountable for the sudden product tampering, they provided all victims and consumers of Tylenol with
counseling and financial assistance without worrying on its cost. Truly, how J&J responded to this crisis
reflected how they fulfilled their responsibilities to its customers by making everyone’s safety the
corporation’s number one concern as depicted by their mission to enhance the public's well-being.

Even though the company itself does not fully engage their name in terms of press coverage, as soon as
the media got wind of the crisis, J&J acted right away and they used the media, both the public relations
and paid advertising to alarm the public with the danger that their product might cause. They aided the
public with complete and accurate information about the crisis by issuing a national alert that they
should not take any Tylenol product until further notice even though that could bring their reputation at
stake. Aside from that, Johnson & Johnson established a 1-800 hot line where all consumers of Tylenol
can use when they have inquiries concerning the safety of the mentioned pill. More so, they even
offered a cash reward to those people who can help in finding the unknown poisoner who had caused
such extremely harmful fatalities to the public along with the issuance of countless statements and
letters containing the updated statements and appropriate standpoint of the situation. Truly, Johnson &
Johnson wanted information to be presented to the public as quickly as possible to prevent the
mounting death toll as they prioritize safety over profit. Thus, how they handled the situation reveals
how transparent the company is to its customers as they are disseminating as much information as they
can to the public and adhere to their concerns as much as they could. With complete openness, they
sought all the solution that they could do to remove any source of danger based on the worst-case
scenario - not waiting for evidence to see whether the contamination might be more widespread.


As soon as the product tampering in Tylenol capsules went out in public, Johnson & Johnson acted
honestly and decisively at an instant. Having acted quickly, they immediately conducted various safety
measures and strategies which could prevent any further fatalities within the public well-being. The
crisis response strategies that they have employed were inclusive for all the consumers of Tylenol even
with the absence of receipts and any evidence of purchase from them. As a mechanism, Johnson &
Johnson utilized the strategy of remediation and rectification, both forgiveness strategies, in the Tylenol
tampering. In terms of remediation, the company offered counselling and financial assistance to all the
victims of the said crisis even though they were not responsible for the product tampering. They treated
every resident of Chicago with utmost care and equal treatment without concerning how much it could
cost for them. On the other hand, the strategy of rectification enabled J&J to employ any positive action
that could help out all the victims, as well as their families, to prevent the same recurrence of the crisis
in the future.

In order to earn the trust of the people once again, J&J went to the extra mile as they held a news
conference in New York to reintroduce their most lucrative brand, Tylenol. They sealed it as safely as
they could situating an aluminum over the top of the bottle, a child-proof cap, and even another layer of
plastic seal over that cap. Johnson & Johnson developed the tamperproof packaging that would make it
much more difficult for a similar incident to occur in future. Thus, those level of safety measure became
the level of trust for consumers, once more. Indeed, the single most important metric of a company’s
value is trust whereas that is what crises threaten. In crisis management, trust changes everything.
However, in the case of this Tylenol crisis, Johnson & Johnson clearly depicted how fairness,
accountability, and transparency could help them to regain their reputation in the industry, as well as
the trust of the people. Undeniably, this Tylenol crisis became the benchmark on why values matter and
the gold standard on how to view and effectively manage business crises that may transpire in the long

Precisely, the four pillars of a sound corporate governance under business ethics indicates that an entity
or organization, both for profit and non-profit, should be able to develop fairness, accountability, and
transparency to ensure corporate success and economic growth among all business constituencies. As
all businesses must contribute to the socioeconomic growth and development of a country, an entity
must establish the aforementioned core principles correspondingly. In the context of a business entity,
fairness specifically pertains to the value of treating all participants in the business equally that is free
from any discrimination, bias, personal involvements, and other factors involved in decision-making.
Accountability, on the other hand, implies responsibility of the firm to explain and justify the entity’s
action and conduct. For instance, whenever a certain company is confronted by controversies or issues
involving all business’ participants, definitely, the firm must be responsive and efficient enough in
developing a clear stance on how they would be able to cope up with the said dilemma which defines
how accountable they are in terms of dealing with these deficits. However, as they are going to employ
certain measures, it must be inclusive to all the parties involved in the issue, without any exemptions, in
order to resolve the matter equally and appropriately. Besides, as they say, you should never start what
you are not committed to finish so if you are involved with the subject, then you must take responsibility
with your actions along with your affiliates so everyone would be treated as equals. Held accountable,
employees will clearly understand your expectations of them, take ownership of results, and be
motivated to fix problems themselves rather than leaning on others. Moreover, another principle of
business ethics states that an entity must be transparent to its constituencies through its openness to
provide them with timely and accurate information about the factors involving the performance of the
business. If we come to think of it, transparency is presumed to generate accountability as they both
grow importance in contemporary governance. Transparency is underpinned by the fact that all parties
involved in the business should disclose clear information regarding a particular subject matter and,
therefore, become more accountable in dealing with such circumstances. The actual accounts provided
by the persons involved impact on how the firm will take actions based on standards and commitment.
That said, transparency and accountability impel businesses to adopt a more open functioning so that
responses and legal actions will be employed suitably as it should be. To conclude, these key concepts in
terms of business ethics imply the basis on how companies can grow in the long run, especially when
faced problems. A business where every contributor is transparent and accountable and believes that
the business is fair and equal can be a game changer for the organization which can boost one’s overall
engagement, commitment and productivity.

This thesis underscores the idea that greater involvement and accountability among local actors may
increase the legitimacy and fairness of priority-setting decisions

If we come to think of it, transparency is presumed to generate accountability as they both grow
importance in contemporary governance.
Accountability, then, is the obligation to demonstrate that work has been conducted in compliance with
agreed rules and standards or to report fairly and accurately on performance results vis-a-vis mandated
roles and/or plans.

Held accountable, employees will clearly understand your expectations of them, take ownership of
results, and be motivated to fix problems themselves rather than leaning on others.

First, the actual evidence on transparency's impacts on accountability is not as strong as one might

Sometimes considered as a dimension of accountability, transparency is the source of much


irst of all, transparency (and accountability) push governments to adopt a more open functioning,
making them vulnerable to public scrutiny

That said, transparency and accountability impel businesses to adopt a more open functioning so that
responses and legal actions will be employed suitably as it should be.
 Biography

Widely recognized as the "great sage and teacher" in China, Confucius, also known as Kong Qiu or Kong
Fuzi, is a renowned Chinese philosopher, political figure, thinker, advisor, editor, reformer, prophet, and
a teacher whose principles are mainly focused on ethics, proper conduct, practical moral values, and
social standards. He was born in Qufu, Zhou Dynasty, China, the state of Lu in 551 BCE and died in 479
BCE due to natural causes. During his lifetime, he sought to educate his fellow citizens on principles of
justice, service and personal integrity which became the cornerstone of Chinese culture and philosophy.
As stated above, the surname 孔 (Kong) means "hole, opening" and the title 夫子 (Fuzi) means "master"
which engenders the reason why he is better known in China as “Master Kong”. Regarded as Master
Kong to the Chinese, he taught all the people of the empire how to live a good life by cultivating the
values of modesty, respect, moral behavior, social interaction, and kindness towards others. Clearly said,
Confucius was not a man who labored over esoteric topics. Rather, he focused his writings on morality,
principles of good conduct, practical wisdom, proper social relationship, political theories, and subjects
that had relevant and timeless appeal to people of all ages.

1. Early Life and Career

Even though Confucius is widely considered one of the most influential teachers in Chinese history, he
worked on a number of normal jobs first which included being a shepherd, a clerk, and a government
worker. This is due to the fact that he was once a peasant because of his upbringing in life at the time of
his birth even though his family may have had aristocratic roots. He grew up mostly in poverty and
earned a living performing menial tasks and jobs just like what is mentioned above. However, this
impediment did not hindered Confucius towards the attainment of his desire to teach people. From a
young age, he sought out teachers who could instruct him in all aspects of life. After the death of his
mother, Confucius spent three years in seclusion which enabled him to focus on perfecting his
philosophic ideals. Thus, at the end of his period of seclusion, he became a teacher, teaching people
from all classes in the ancient arts of Li which instigated his career as a teacher and philosopher.

 Confucius’ Beliefs, Philosophy and Teachings

As a culturally symbolic figure, Confucius is one of the renowned philosophers who based their
philosophy on the virtues that are required for the day-to-day living which then formed the basis of a
way of life known as Confucianism. As such, his philosophy was mainly centered on achieving and
maintaining social harmony through personal and governmental ethics and morality, correctness of
social relationships, justice, and fulfillment of one’s responsibilities. “Confucianism is not a religion,
although some have tried to imbue it with rituals and religious qualities, but rather a philosophy and
system of ethical conduct that since the fifth century B.C. has guided China's society,” as revealed by the
Library of Congress. As oftentimes, many people would likely to characterize Confucianism as a religion;
however, Confucianism is more of a social, political, and ethical philosophy as it mainly addresses
humanist concerns rather than things like God, revelation and the afterlife. Generally, Confucianism was
a system of ideas devised by the said Chinese scholar in sixth century BC China which has existed for
over 2,500 years and laid the foundation for much of Chinese culture. As of now, there are an estimated
6.3 million followers of Confucianism worldwide, mostly located in Asian countries like China and Korea.
Confucianism, also known as the Ru school in Chinese philosophy, is based on the teachings of Confucius
compiled by his students which was later referred to as the Lunyu or the Analects. However, like
Socrates, Confucius’s work and teachings were not totally esteemed during his lifetime. Rather, it was
years after his death that people realized the soundness of his thoughts and he got recognition for his
vision because of its relevant approach in ethics and social conduct. As such, the main idea of
Confucianism revolves around the importance of having a good moral character and proper code and
conduct when it comes to social relationships especially for those who belong at the top of hierarchy.
Moreover, it is a philosophy centered on the goal of creating a society based on ‘value’. Thus, it was the
affirmation of accepted values and norms of behavior in primary social institutions and basic human
relationships as defined by one’s roles and mutual obligations. Precisely speaking, the four main beliefs
of Confucianism are indicated as follows:

1. The Golden Rule (Central Ethical Principal)

Perhaps, the most famous line quoted by Confucius would be the golden rule which states that, “Don’t
do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you.” It is the idea which is also called the law of
reciprocity that may be the most universally applauded moral principle on Earth. Simply said, it merely
implies that what you do not wish to happen to yourself, you should also not impose or do it to
somebody else. This ethical principle is further strengthened by the Buddhist tradition that merit is
accumulated by doing merciful acts, which leads to a better next life through reincarnation.

2. The Five Virtues

According to Confucius, these are the principles by which a person should live by and as a result, he will
be worthy of being called ‘the ideal man’ or the ‘perfect man’.

 Yi – this is known as the principle of righteousness wherein one should uphold what is right
above everything else.
 Xin – this is known as the principle of honesty and trustworthiness in life. This includes being
honest with oneself and being honest with the people around you in order to build trust
amongst men.
 Li – this includes following rituals, proprieties, social etiquettes, etc. that should be inculcated in
a person.
 Hsiao – this is described as the love for the immediate family and then society. Mainly, this
includes love within the family, love of parents for their children, and love of children for their
parents so that the society will prosper, eventually.
 Jen – regarded as the most important Confucianism virtue, it is known as the principle of
benevolence and humanness towards one another.
 Chung – this principle is described as loyalty to one’s family and to the state which is a quality
which binds a country strongly together. (Optional)

These virtues are very important for everyone, but most especially, for the leader of whatever
organization he or she belongs to.

3. The Five Cardinal Relations

Confucius also specifies the five important relationships that an individual is inevitably part of during
his/her lifetime. As such, if he/she maintains each of these relationships dutifully, the society will
stabilize and prosper all at once.
 Father and Son
 A Ruler and a Citizen
 Husband and Wife
 Older Brother and Younger Brother
 Between two friends

Essentially, these five cardinal relationships were considered to be the building blocks of a nation’s
harmony and social order. If we observe them, each of these relationships is like a chain that binds
individuals and the society, at large. Each one of these relationships must contain mutual respect to
keep the relationship working. That said, the range of these relationships connect everybody in one
single unit which makes the society stronger in unison.

4. Marriage

According to Confucius, there are six separate things that happen during the marriage rituals which
include the following:

 Proposal: Before the wedding itself, both sides of the relationship share the hour, day, month,
and year of their birth. If something unfortunate happens in the bride-to-be’s house within the
next three days, then the proposal is rejected.
 Engagement: As soon as the couple have decided on the date of the wedding, the bride should
announce the event to its guests which must be coupled with invitations and gifts.
 Dowry: As defined, a dowry is a transfer of parental belongings when their daughter is getting
married which may include goods, money, properties, etc. to help set up the couple's new
 Procession: In this stage, the groom should proceed to the bride’s home and brings her back to
his place with the promise of bringing her happiness as they bind themselves together as
husband and wife.
 Marriage: In a typical marriage, the couple should exchange their vows that will bond them
together for a lifetime, followed by a toast with wine, and then take center stage at a banquet
consisting of friends, and the families of both bride and groom.
 Morning After: The next day after the wedding, the bride should serve breakfast to the groom’s
parents and then the parents should do the same, as well.

Up until the present time, Confucianism remains one of the most influential philosophies in China to the
extent that it became their official state ideology, as declared by emperor Wu Di (reigned 141–87 B.C.E.)
during the Han Dynasty. Hence, even in today’s world, the significance of the message brought about by
the philosophy of Confucius cannot be undermined as it focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally
organized world which everyone must uphold to.

 Motto and Fun Facts about him

1. In China, Confucius was called by people as a ‘King without a Crown’ solely because of his vision,
teachings, and principle in life.
2. Confucius was a lover of music and also played some instruments wherein through this habit, he
conceptualized the society like a symphony in music with each player playing his part well and in unison.

3. Confucianism has more than six million followers all over the world.

4. The primary basis of his philosophy was the “kindness” principle.

6. He died before Confucianism became popular.

7. Confucius studied six main arts including archery, arithmetic, charioteering, ritual and calligraphy. In
addition, he also studied poetry and history.

8. During his lifetime, Confucius had written The Five Classics which consists the Book of Odes, Book of
Documents, Book of Changes, Book of Rites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals, in total.

 Philosophy in Business

Confucianism, the most profound and dynamic thought system in traditional Chinese culture, has for
centuries exerted great influences on China's economy, politics, and culture. It is not surprising, then,
that the traditional Chinese business culture was deeply associated with Confucianism. In a compromise,
ethics was deeply incorporated into business activities, especially with what Confucius believes into.

Stressing the importance of moral standards, Confucius set sights on the belief that the priority of
every business should be more driven by its mission to serve the society and not entirely on making
profit. Consequently, in the world of businesses, he then highlighted that a ruler should rule by virtue,
but not by force, with a complete system established to constrain imperial power that would benefit all
participants of the venture at once. Thus, he argued that social stability and national morality depend on
the existence and influence of Junzi or morally honorable leaders. With that, Confucius emphasized the
importance of correct and proper conduct in the way actions are performed and not just on what is
performed especially how you treat the people in a business. “The superior man in everything considers
righteousness to be essential. He performs it according to the rules of propriety (Li). He brings it forth in
humility. He completes it with sincerity. This is indeed a superior man” (The Analects, Book 15, Chapter
17). That being said, in terms of business ethics, Confucius gives much emphasis on three key principles:
(i) righteousness, (ii) trust, and (iii) harmony which will be detailed out on the succeeding paragraphs.

In the Analects, a person who upholds righteousness is regarded as a person with Yi. Yi, (Chinese:
義), a word that literally means justice and righteousness, is an important concept in Confucianism that
must be upheld in every action of a business enterprise. This principle is, somehow, intertwined with the
idea of fairness in such a way that an action depends on its alignment with the pursuit of fairness and
justice in any business undertakings. In any business pursuit, one should always act right and right, and
such as that which is appropriate from the situation, without the hassle and by sincerely holding on to
the responsibility one has for others. It involves a moral disposition to do good, and also the intuition
and sensibility to do so competently. Only when ethical integrity was highlighted could justice be
practiced and harmony be achieved in the business community.
Trust is a central characteristic of an ethical life because it affects every aspect of personal, social,
and particularly business relations. In the Analects, ‘Xin’ means ‘trust’ and this is an important principle
for developing good interpersonal relations and networks in terms of attaining success in business. To be
effective, a leader must earn the trust of his or her constituents to ensure their participation and
allegiance for the further growth of the business. On that note, with the absence of trust, the business
cannot function as a whole. This principle is, somehow, intertwined with the idea of transparency
because in order to build trust, leaders must intentionally manifest their own personal transparency and
encourage it in the attitudes and behaviors of their team members. Transparency produces trust and it
makes people feel that they are working on a business that upholds higher ethical standards. When trust
and transparency is added to the corporate culture, employees will be more engaged and committed to
the vision of the company which Confucius wants to cultivate to the mindset of any leader in a business.

‘He’, translated as harmony in Analects, is often pursued by ancient Chinese, especially in their
interpersonal relations within the business (Koehn, 1999). As such, Confucius believes that harmony
brings wealth (‘He Qi Sheng Cai’) as living in harmony can further improve relationships, stabilize a
nation, and help to conduct business successfully. When living in harmony, people can share various
kinds of interests and accept different opinions without showing disagreements whereas the situation of
total harmony can only be achieved through finding the right balance in communication. With harmony
as the basis of every business organization, people can create fortune and live among each other in a
gentle and peaceful way.

To sum up, a business person who aims to live up with the ideals of Confucius should be able to
possess the qualities of a morally virtuous man as part of attaining success in his/her career. As stressed
out by Confucius, one must have the values of benevolence (ren), rightness (yi), propriety (li), wisdom
(zhi), and trustworthiness (xin) to make use the advanced management techniques from the Western
world as influenced by the great sage. In other words, a Confucian business person is a Junzi who brings
the wisdom of Chinese and modern Western management concepts together and understands these
thoroughly in order to pursue the harmonious development and success of a business (Gong, 2010).

 Business Quote from Confucius

1. “Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to
be failure.”
2. “When it is obvious that your goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust your goals, adjust the
3. “If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms
of 100 years, teach the people.”
4. “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.”
5. “The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
6. “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.”
7. “Study the past if you would define the future.”
 Business Practices about his Philosophy

Confucian code of conduct emphasizes righteousness over profitableness;

- Business relationships must be based on trust, reciprocity and mutual obligation as derived from
Confucian values.

Confucian organization structure emphasizes hierarchy and collectivism;

- Chinese Confucian values have proved extremely beneficial for building the foundations of the
business’ prosperity when competent owners and leaders are given the authority to guide team-
conscious and highly trained people.

Confucian businesses emphasize paternalistic benevolence;

- Benevolence is a declaration, a stand that leads people in an organization to act for the good of all
people, without sacrificing anyone.

Confucian risk posture tends toward conservatism; and

- When one plans to start a venture, he or she should have prepared for uncertainties and contingencies
which Confucius firmly believes into. As Chinese people believe, you can prepare for the worst in the
best way possible if you know about any possible unpredictable events through proper preparation. Not
only these preparations can aid the owner in preparing for the worst, but they also enable one’s
business to become more flexible to any foreseeable challenges that may arise in the future.

Confucian beliefs put much value on business relationships among all members of the venture.

- A harmonious relationship must be established within the business because it is difficult to function as
a whole with the absence of someone. Thus, building an environment with good relationship could be a
great asset for a business to thrive in the long run as everyone works towards a common goal.
 Others

The Analects (lunyu), which are also called The Analects of Confucius, is a collection of ideas and sayings
by Confucius. It was written during the Warring States period (between around 475 and 221 BC). The
Analects is one of the most read books in China and thus, takes an important role in today’s society. In
Confucius’ view, the moral conception of the people was the most relevant factor when defining the
overall wealth of a society. It is therefore of high notability to seek moral goodness.

Junzi 君子 is a description of the ideal man (lord’s son). In Confucianism, Sage is the most perfect, ideal
person. However, for individuals it is impossible to become as good. Therefore, junzi is a state of morally
goodness that can be achieved by an individual.

Definitely, starting a business is a difficult endeavor. As a business grows, different problems and
opportunities demand different solutions - what worked a year ago might now be not the best

Achieving great things starts by doing the simplest tasks, even those you deem insignificant. All you
need to do is decompose your work into smaller achievable actions.

Definitely, crises are inevitable in a business. That said, when one plans to start a venture, he or she
should have prepared for uncertainties and contingencies which Confucius firmly believes into.
Preparation can help any business owner to properly manage his/her enterprise efficiently and
overcome any market and operating challenges that may come along the way. Spending thoughtful time
preparing to create one’s plan which includes identifying goals, stating objectives, evaluating processes,
and preparing for contingencies will assuredly result to business’ profitability and success in the long
run. As Chinese people believe, you can prepare for the worst in the best way possible if you know
about any possible unpredictable events through proper preparation. Not only these preparations can
aid the owner in preparing for the worst, but they also enable one’s business to become more flexible to
any foreseeable challenges that may arise in the future. Needless to say, Confucius, with this belief, only
wants us to keep in mind that it is better to be proactive and have a plan in place than to lose everything
in the end especially that the world of business is a zero-sum game.

Maintaining a common good often requires that particular individuals or particular groups bear costs
that are much greater than those borne by others.

To start, let us discuss another oft-used phrase: Salus populi est supreme lex, which many people
understand as “the will of the people is the supreme law.” Which is not really the case. The closer
translation goes like this: “The welfare of the people is the supreme law.”

“An attempt to restore the phrase ‘general welfare’ in place of the Committee’s phrase ‘common good’
was not accepted. The change from ‘general welfare’ to ‘common good’ was intended to project the
idea of a social order that enables every citizen to attain his or her fullest development economically,
politically, culturally, and spiritually.
And what if "common good" is part of my worldview? What difference does it actually make? How
would I tend to see things differently? What would I be concerned about? The notion of common good
sensitizes me to certain realities. If I am attuned to the common good, it is likely that I will be concerned

The social nature of human beings and their fulfillment in relationships with others

Respect for human rights and the policies and structures that promote these

Fostering solidarity and mutual responsibility for the good of each and the good of the whole

Facilitating the participation of all in the good of the community

The impact of decisions and actions on the good of the whole.

Economic growth entails anything that shows gains and particular importance to an economic unit’s
contribution towards attaining wealth and improved living standards or welfare.

Economic growth is an important subject in that it affects the measurement of Economic welfare, an
improvement in the overall standard of living of the people in any country, more goods and services are
As we live in a developing country, one of the imperatives to improve the quality of our standard of
living is to drive the growth and development of our economy. As such, economic growth is deemed to
be a critical component in a country’s overall welfare as it measures the economic unit’s contribution
towards attaining wealth and improved living standards of the society. Most commonly, we associate
the responsibility of sustaining the growth of our economy to those political leaders, government
institutions, businesses and non-profit organizations, and more. However, we must understand that
even us, students, play a major role in contributing to the economic welfare of our country, as a whole.
Below are the simple yet meaningful ways which I believe I can do as part of my social responsibility as a
citizen in order to contribute to the growth of the economy:

1. Maintain the environment clean and green. - Being an accountable citizen, itself, when it comes to
protecting our surrounding is a major contribution in the economic growth of our country. The economy
in which we live in provides natural services for humans and all other species that are essential to our
health, quality of life and survival so taking care of the environment is, indeed, a must. Reducing
environmental impacts also contributes to well-being derived outside the market economy, notably the
quality of life that comes from living in a healthy, attractive environment.

2. Save money and reduce debts. – As early as now, we have to realize the value of money that it can
come and go swiftly anytime. When the rate of personal savings is high, economic recovery tends to be
faster and we will be less susceptible to economic downturns in the future. Thus, that ability to cope
with financial hardship ultimately means that the economy recovers much faster because we can pay
our debts on time and we have enough money to purchase our needs in order to sustain our daily living.

3. Consume products and services which are produced locally. – Nowadays, our generation seems to be
much invested on foreign products to the extent that we sometimes neglect our own-made goods. As
such, we must understand that this action induces a great impact on our economy whereas the more
that we purchase local products, the more money is generated in the local economy which, in turn,
compensates domestic jobs and sustains the stability of small businesses in the country.

4. Social awareness or being updated on worldly economic issues happening in the country. – Having an
open mindset and developing awareness on problems and issues confronting our economy helps us to
be more motivated and encouraged to take action and contribute to the growth and development of
our economy.

5. Preserve and protect the country’s natural resources. - The country's natural resources place limits on
economic growth which vary with the extent of resource substitution, technical progress, and structural
changes. Preserving our natural resources is essential in the global economy and the businesses that
drive it are to prosper long term which contributes to the economic growth, in general. This can increase
the competitiveness of industry, create jobs, stimulate innovation, boost sectors such as recycling and
resource recovery, and help ensure secure supplies of key resources.

6. Volunteer on organizations that promote social causes and economic sustainability. - Volunteering in
organizations which aims to help the citizens such as feeding the hungry, raising awareness, donating in
funds, and in other projects helps people get access to their basic needs and also helps them to
understand what they need to do in order to develop their own economy.

7. Be a role model and use your knowledge, skills, abilities, and voice to inspire other people.
8. Practicing ethics which includes fair and equal treatment to others, especially those people with
diverse culture, rase, ethnicity, religion, and gender. This also includes fighting against discrimination
and being a voice for those oppressed and marginalized people through the power of social media.

9. Practice respect to others and promote universal brotherhood.

“Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan,” Jose Rizal says. We, the students, should be the future of the
economy and the pillars of the nation. That said, we must learn how to develop a driving spirit to take
responsibilities and actions towards economic issues and a passionate heart towards human sufferings
with the willingness to grow with the society, not just individual growth. This will help each and every
one of us to sketch out a rough plan about the future of the nation and fulfill our individual social
responsibilities as citizens of the nation.

Performance Task

 Due: March 31, 2021

 TikTok InfoVideo Challenge
 Reliable Video using TikTok
 30 to 60 seconds
 Multiple do’s and don’ts

 Stop Scrolling
 Introduction spill (When it comes to working in an office or other professional setting, etiquette
matters. How you present yourself and interact with those around you—whether your
coworkers, supervisors, or direct reports—speaks to who you are as a person and as a member
of the team, and can directly influence the trajectory of your career. Because etiquette is so
important to professional success, I wanted to share useful tips that other graduates can use as
they begin to enter the professional workforce.)
 Transition (Papalit ng damit na pang-office)

 Now I want you to stitch this and tell me which of these things have you done already! Thank
you for watching!


1. Dress for success - Dress neatly and appropriately for the job. Observe how other staff members dress
and follow suit.

2. Follow organization rules - learn, follow and respect all organization rules, especially those dealing
with ethics and confidentiality.

3. Treat your superior with respect, but do not act submissive or afraid. Treat all people with respect,
regardless of status, race, gender, ability, background, etc.


2. Don’t share confidential data with external parties and any other individual who is not related to the
organization. Data in any form must not be passed to anyone outside the organization.

3. Don't be late for work. Call if you must be late. Consistent lateness and even rescheduling of your
work hours can be grounds for dismissal.

4. Don’t peep into other’s cubicles and workstations. Knock before entering anyone’s cabin. Respect
each other’s privacy.

do not use or disclose information learned in confidence for personal advantage.

8. Do dress appropriately for the office.

What constitutes appropriate will depend on the particular culture of your workplace. But it’s always a
good idea to dress to impress, especially when you’re first starting a new role at a company. Even if you
don’t have a formal dress code, save the crop tops, flip-flops, and see-through shirts for the weekend—
no one will take you seriously if you don’t.


When it comes to business, ethics do really matter because these are the principles and standards that
you need to follow and your employers too.

 Do you currently work in a business? If yes, you’re lucky that you’ve found this video. Let me
share you some dos and don’ts on business ethical standards as you enter the professional
 First and foremost, give me a sec (change clothes) you have to be professional. (Close-up
Camera) This includes the way you dress (Full-body), you speak (Nagsasalita kunwari), and how
you maintain a professional relationship with your colleagues (Nagbo-bow kunwari tas lalapit sa
camera then tatakpan).
 (open cam) Second, be responsible and accountable. (Close-up camera then tatakpan) *scene*
(O-open ang camera tapos “OMG! I encoded a wrong data!” (tingin sa cam) What will you do?
*open cam*
 (Close-up camera) You have to accept the responsibility for your decisions and accept any
consequences transparently. Never throw someone else under the bus if you’re at fault.
 Last, be fair and respectful. (Close-up camera) Having respect for the rights, privacy and dignity
of people, regardless of their position, is an important ethical standard. (turo-turo na lang)
 Now, let’s proceed to the don’ts.
 (Insert transition – push transition) First, do not practice and tolerate corrupt practices. (Green
screen video then voice over na lang) Do not use any connection or political affiliation just to get
promoted in a job. Remember, protect your dignity and integrity.
 Second, do not share confidential data with external parties and use them for personal
advantage. (Green screen video na lang)
 (transition) And last, do not tolerate any kind of violence in the workplace like1 (green screen
video) verbal harassment and sexual abuse. (Close-up camera) Regardless of your position, you
are entitled to take action.
 (transition) Those are just few of the many dos and don’ts in business ethics. Now I want you to
stitch this and tell me which of these things have you done already! Follow for more!

Why is Money Laundering a problem? Cite one example among the lists under RA9160 AMLA of 2001
and explain the nature of this predicate crime. *

Basically, money laundering is a process of attempting to conceal the true origins of large amount of
money that is obtained illegally through serious crimes or criminal activity. Once undertaken
successfully, it allows the launderers to gain profit through illegal means and enjoy the proceeds of their
crime thereafter; thus, giving them the incentives to continue their illegal acts which, consequently,
creates a vicious circle of criminal activity. On a large scale, this illegal activity can be a threat to the
national security as it damages the financial sector institutions that are critical for a country’s economic
growth. An example of a predicate crime that is identified as an act of money laundering under RA9160
AMLA of 2001 is drug trafficking. Simply put, drug trafficking is a cash-intensive business that involves
selling, transporting, or importing unlawful controlled substances, specifically illegal drugs, in exchange
for large amount of money that takes place in a global black market. This illegal activity is often referred
to as illegal drug trading which involves crossing borders and multiple international boundaries or
financial institutions that is formidably complex. Such drug traffickers seek to transform their proceeds
from their criminal activity into large amount of money with an apparently legal source. Just like money
laundering in general, drug trafficking involves three stages; the first stage is ‘placement’ wherein the
drug trafficker disposes his or her proceeds into various financial institutions like banks; second stage is
the ‘layering’ wherein the person hides the true origin of its funds by moving it between multiple
financial institutions; and last stage is the ‘integration’ wherein a legitimate explanation for the funds is
created. Consequently, if this global drug trafficking constantly evolves, it can undermine the economic
and financial system and social development of a country which contributes to its increasing crime rates,
instability, and insecurity.

Money laundering, in the case of drug trafficking, is thus not only a law enforcement problem; it poses a
serious national and international security threat as well.

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