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Marriott Hotels
swimming pools


October 2022 | franchised
Table of Contents

4C.1 Overview 3
4C.2 Swimming Pools - General 3
4C.3 Indoor Pools 8
4C.4 Whirl Pool 9
4C.5 Water Playground / Play Area 10
4C.6 Pool Mechanical Operation - General 11
4C.7 Equipment & Chemical Rooms 12
4C.8 Pool Accessories 13
4C.9 Pool Deck & Terrace Amenities 14
4C.10 Coordination 15

chapter organization
• This chapter is a part of an integrated series of Chapters.
• This chapter is a part of an integrated series of Chapters.

• Design Standard: a minimum requirement to be fulfilled
without exception
• Best Practice: a recommended design guideline, practice or
way to execute a design standard
• Expanded Information: an explanation of a design standard
or best practice
• Reference (internal): a reference to another document /
section within the design standards or to a design strategy /
guide within the brand standards
Exception: Fire Protection & Life Safety Design
Standard references are to external codes only

Marriott Confidential & Proprietary Information

The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to

Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed
or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of

English is the official and binding language of these design standards. The
translated versions are provided as a courtesy only and are not controlling
and have no legal effect.

2 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
4C.1 Overview

A. Program: At a minimum, provide the following.

1. Swimming Pool (indoor)

B. Locker & Shower Facilities: For the requirements to provide Toilet & Shower
facilities, see <4A>.

C. Size / Area:At a minimum, size pool facilities to comply with the project Facilities
Program. The exact size and type of facilities are based on the following:
• Market analysis
• Climate
• Property location
• Local code restrictions

D. Standards & Codes: Comply with the current edition of applicable governing
building, structural, mechanical and electrical codes and health regulations.

1. Comply with the current edition of the European Standards criteria (EN) or
equivalent for aquatics.

4C.2 Swimming Pools - General

A. General: Enlist a certified pool consultant / engineer to assist with pool designs.

1. Consider contiguous indoor / outdoor swimming pools in seasonal


2. Larger facilities may require separate pools, especially where the

outdoor pool is the center of a resort environment.

3. At urban sites with limited recreation area, provide a "motion" pool to

accommodate 2 or more swimmers.

4. Large, Complex or Elevated Pools: When determining the pool structure,

consider the following:
• Speed of installation
• Structural loading and weight of pool
• Vertical and horizontal movement as a result of soil or building movement
• Earthquake zones
• Drainage system redundancy if pool is located over an occupied area.

B. Planning: Locate exterior pools with exposure to direct sun light and protection

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from the wind.

1. Provide indoor pools with exterior views, if possible.

2. Where feasible, position recreation areas and swimming pools close to

the Fitness Center, which are jointly accessed from guestroom elevator core
and Fitness Center.

3. At ocean properties, place between the hotel public spaces and the beach.
Create pathways to connect the pool and the beach.

4. In resort properties, place exterior pool at the focal and most prominent
location. Locate the primary pool to provide access from the guestroom

5. Rooftop: At urban sites with limited area, consider a rooftop or terrace

pool for an outdoor pool. Coordinate with <16>.

C. Access Control: Develop a program to secure the perimeter of swimming pool

and whirl pool areas during after hours and unauthorized use based on the

1. Marriott Safety & Security review. See <GR1> and <16>

2. Operational logistics and location of pools and recreation areas.

3. No path of building emergency egress through the swimming pool and whirl
pool area.

4. Primary access point for guest arrival is toward the shallow end of the pool.

D. Control Features: Based on the Safety & Security program, provide controlled
access to pool perimeters and recreation areas using one or more of the
following features:

1. Barrier: Provide 1.2 m (4 ft.) minimum high barrier (fence or landscape

hedge) when the pool is within the confines of the hotel or 1.5 m (5 ft.)
minimum high barrier when bordering adjacent properties.

2. Doors: To limit access by unauthorized persons or control access at

unauthorized times, provide electronic lock mechanism to pool enclosure and
whirl pool areas. See <16>.

3. Gates: To limit entry by small children, provide child resistant gate hardware
in compliance with the following:

a. Provide self-closing and latching gate with release hardware.

b. Locate the hardware on the pool side of gate and install 137 cm (54 inch)
minimum from bottom of gate.

4 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
c. When the hardware is located less than 137 cm (54 inches) from the
bottom of the gate, install the device at least 8 cm (3 inches) below top of

d. Design gate and barrier without an opening greater than 13 mm (1/2 inch)
within 46 cm (18 inches) of the self-latching hardware.

E. Signage: Provide regulatory, safety and “No Diving” signage. See and <16>.

F. Pool Designs: Mechanical and structural engineers or a qualified swimming pool

design / build provider and project team consultant develops the mechanical
operation system and pool structural design.

1. Structure: Provide poured-in-place, shotcrete or pre-fabricated stainless steel

shell based on the most suitable solution for the site considerations.
• Finish: Applied cementicious plaster on concrete, tile or factory PVC
bonded solution.
• Select for long term durability and ease of maintenance
• "Bag" liner solutions are not acceptable
• Warranty: 5-year for waterproofing elements covering leaks and
• Accepted Manufacturer: Myrtha Pools (for panel system)

2. Configure swimming pool to facilitate simultaneous usage by recreational

bathing and lap swimmers.

a. Maximum Pool Depth: 1.5 m (5 ft.)

b. Minimum Pool Depth: 1.0 m (3'-4")

c. Maximum Slope of Pool Bottom: 1 to 12

3. Minimum Pool Depth Area: Approximately 15 to 20 percent of the total pool


4. Pool Perimeters: Fully accessible for general maintenance, life saving and
rescue purposes.

5. Diving is prohibited.

6. Pool Entry: Provide a walk-in / stepped entry with accessible compliant

handrails at primary access point for guest arrival at pool, at the shallow end
of pool, with additional stairs or ladders every 23 m (75 ft.) around pool
perimeter. Include railings on both sides of stairs or a central handrail at small

7. Steps: Provide 5 cm (2 inch) slip resistant edge, contrasting in color on

vertical and horizontal nose of each pool step and bench.

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8. Accessibility: See governing accessibility requirements, <GR1>.

9. Accessories: Slides, swimming tunnels and bridges are prohibited unless

reviewed and accepted by Marriott Risk Management. See <16>.

10.Coping: Provide a continuous coping band with integral hand and finger grip
at the pool edge consistent with the project paving and hardscape materials.
Use pool coping compatible with the finish texture and material used for the
slip resistant, pool deck paving.

11.Skimmers: NSF approved, in-wall skimmers, if provided. Verify the surface

water removal rates to ensure that the correct number of skimmers are

a. Quantity: 2 minimum; 1 for every 38 to 45 m² (400 to 500 sq. ft.) of water

surface, typical.

b. Covers: Provide cover to match pool deck to conceal skimmer cover.

c. Equalizer Lines: Design in compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker

Pool and Spa Safety Act.

d. Gutter:
• Larger pools may require a continuous perimeter gutter by governing
• Rim Flow or Vanishing Edge: Options depending on the size of the pool
and design objectives,

12.Return Inlets: Quantity, size and spacing is dependent on occupancy load,

pool volume, turnover rates and governing codes.
• Typically, locate at 4.5 m (15 ft.) intervals along the pool perimeter wall.
• Sidewall inlets or floor inlets may be used.
• Place to maximize water recirculation and allow for ease of future

13.Lighting: Provide underwater lighting with energy efficient LED lights. See

a. Protection: Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)

b. Circuit: Emergency

G. Pool Deck Design:

1. Deck Width: Provide a minimum of 1.2 m (4 ft.) at pool perimeters for rescue
assistance circulation. Provide 1.5 m (5 ft.) at accessible required access
paths. Not less than 3 m (10 ft.) at any point with seating.

2. Deck Slope: Slope away from pool to perimeter drains or deck drains at a
minimum of 2% (2:100) (1/4 inch per foot) and a maximum as allowed by
governing code. Standing water on pool deck is not permitted.

6 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
3. Deck Drains: Install flush to deck finish surface.

4. Deck: Provide slip resistant deck finish. See <16>.

5. Concrete & Carpet Finish: Smooth troweled concrete finishes and carpet are
not permitted at patios, walkways, pool decks or areas where people are
circulating with wet feet.

6. Deck Joints: Seal deck joints with color matching elastomeric adhesive
sealant with superior chemical and mold resistance, rated for pool use. Do
not use wood divider strips.

7. Decorative Fittings & Nozzles:

• Above water line provide a Corrosion PRN value equal to, or greater than,
ANSI 316 stainless steel.
• Below water line provide suitable plastic composites with chemical
resistance equal to, or greater than, SCH 40 PVC pipe.

8. Shower / Foot Wash: Provide shower head and drain as required by

governing authority or when pool is adjacent to a beach or play area to avoid
sand and soil on pool deck and in pool. Design a decorative solution
consistent with design narrative and strategy.

9. Lighting: Locate lighting at pool perimeter to avoid maintenance /

replacement activities over the water surface.

H. Depth Markings: Indicate water depth in meters and feet, using permanent
materials, at swimming and whirl pools.

1. Letters / Characters: Minimum 10 cm (4 inch) high; in contrasting color to tile.

a. Incorporate NO DIVING international logo tile signs adjacent to each

depth marker.

b. Paint-on characters are not acceptable.

2. Marking Placement: Space markers no more than 7.6m (25ft.) intervals and
arranged to be uniformly located at irregularly shaped pools.

a. Depths / Shapes: Place pool markings at maximum and minimum depths,

all points of slope change, and at every 30 cm (1 ft.) of depth increment;
also place at major deviations in shape.

b. Vertical Pool Walls: Place in upper most position; easily readable from
water side.

c. Horizontal Surface: Place within 46 cm (18 inch) of water’s edge and

positioned readable while standing on deck facing the water.

d. Slip Resistance: Provide for horizontal depth markers.

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e. Depth Markings

4C.3 Indoor Pools

A. Design: Comply with the “Pool Designs” and “Pool Deck Design” criteria above.

B. Size: See the project Facilities Program.

1. A minimum of 6 x 12 m (20 x 40 ft.). An adjacent whirl pool is determined by

the project Facilities Program.

C. Enclosure:

1. Floor: Meet slip resistant criteria. See <16>.

2. Walls: Porcelain tile wainscot with high performance epoxy paint above.

3. Ceiling: Exposed structure (skylights, concrete deck, etc.) with high

performance epoxy paint with areas of gypsum board or plaster soffits. Avoid
suspended ceilings and opportunities for corrosion.

4. Windows & Skylights:

• Aluminum frame, thermally broken with insulated glass.
• Full height framed glass / glazing at exterior wall to overlook the outdoor

D. Heating, Ventilation and Cooling: See <15A>.

E. Acoustics: Pool enclosure Reverberation Time (RT) 60 Max = 4 seconds.

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4C.4 Whirl Pool

A. Program: Not a Brand requirement. See project Facilities Program for

requirements. If provided, meet the following criteria.

1. Size: 3 m (10 ft.) diameter minimum by 0.91 m (3 ft.) deep.

B. Location: Typically, locate in close proximity to deep end of Swimming Pool.

Consider a design that places the whirl pool above the pool deck to permit
seating around the edge or more closely at eye level of surrounding seating.

C. Slip Resistance Factor: For decks, copings, benches, and pool floors, see <16>.

D. Heating: Include heating equipment to maintain 40º C (104º F) water temperature

with an in-line thermometer graded in 1º C (2º F) intervals installed in the filter
room between the filter and heater.

E. Equipment: Locate whirl pool mechanical equipment in a designated,

programmed room unless otherwise approved by the Owner and accepted by MI.

1. Pumps: Provide separate pumps for circulation and jet supply. Equip pumps
with programmable, variable frequency drives (VFD) for energy savings.

2. Suction Outlets: To avoid entrapment install suction outlets in compliance

with the U.S. Pool Safety Act (Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety

3. Decorative Fittings & Nozzles: Provide plastic composite or stainless steel,

corrosion resistant metal or bronze plumbing fittings and nozzles.

4. Air Injector: Install for jet action during whirl pool use.

5. Jet Timer: Provide a 15 minute time switch to permit users to activate whirl
pool jets. If air blower is provided, interlock timer with air blower and jet
pump. Locate timer so that the whirl pool user is required to exit the pool to

6. Stop Button: Provide emergency stop button / shut-off adjacent to the jet
timer, interlocked to the whirl pool pump and jet pump. Locate adjacent to
and within sight of the whirl pool / spa pool, readily accessible to the users
and not less than 153 cm (5 ft.) away.

F. Signs: Include regulatory and safety signage. See <GR2> and <16>.

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4C.5 Water Playground / Play Area

A. Program: See the project Facilities Program for Water Playground / Play Area
(splash pad) or Children's Pool (alternate) requirement.

B. Resorts: Leisure markets may require one of the following water play areas for

1. Playground / Area: An MI preferred accessible water play amenity for


a. Pad & Base: Reinforced concrete with a durable, slip resistant finish (see
<16>). Provide a resilient material flooring approved for use in pool

b. Features: Provide a variety of water experiences (water jets, waterfalls /

showers, fountains / bubble beds, wade-in pool, etc.) proportioned to the

c. Sanitation & Filtration: Provide a dedicated system. See “Pool

Mechanical Operation - General”.
• Turnover Rate: Less than 2 hours
• Sanitation: Traditional system with an ultra violet (UV) bacteria
mitigation system on the water supply at the pump.

d. Diverter Valve: Provide on the drain line to divert rain water, wash-down
water and run-off to the storm water system.

e. Controls: Consider an activation bollard and computer system that

allows guests to turn the features on and off.

f. Disability Access: Required. Typically provided if the pad is a single level


2. Children’s Pool: Provide as an alternate to the Play Area, if approved by MI.

a. Filtration: Provide a system dedicated to the children’s pool.

b. Depth: Typically 46 cm (1- 6) maximum

c. Disability Access: See <GR1> for Code and Accessibility compliance.

d. Deck Space: Design adequate deck space for observation of children and
for appropriate furniture.

10 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
4C.6 Pool Mechanical Operation - General

A. Safety Features: Design and construct pool details and equipment to prohibit
hazards from tripping and slipping. Design to avoid entrapment of clothes, hair
and people in compliance with the U.S. Pool Safety Act (Virginia Graeme Baker
Pool and Spa Safety Act).

B. Pumps: Provide recirculation, filtration, water treatment and pumping system to

maintain water in a clear, sanitary condition with a minimum amount of

1. Provide energy efficient pumps.

2. Provide pumps in standard sizes to simplify pump procurement and


C. Filtration: Provide a separate system for each pool and whirl pool. Include NSF
approved sand filters or Regenerative Media filters. Generally, provide a
minimum system filter flow rate of one water turnover in 5 hours for pools and in
20 minutes for whirl pools. However, based on the type of pool use, verify the
exact turnover flow rate with local laws

D. Treatment: Provide sanitation and water treatment in compliance with the Model
Aquatic Health Code (MAHC) and treatment type as required by M.I.; saline is
preferred. Do not use chlorine gas. Provide automatic, adjustable injection
system with test kit.

E. Heater: Provide heating for whirl pool and indoor swimming pools. Provide
heating for outdoor swimming pools unless outdoor climate maintains water
above design temperature.

1. Provide high efficiency heaters (with sealed combustion chamber and ducted,
exterior combustion air to avoid pool chemical corrosion) integrated with heat
recovery system using the pool dehumidification system. See <15A>.

2. Provide water temperature controls for the area's typical or extreme climate
conditions. Provide constant design temperatures:
• Pools: 29º C (84º F)
• Whirl Pool: 40º C (104º F)
• Temperature Rise: 0.25º C (0.5º F) per hour

F. Signage: Coordinate with <16> for applicable signage.

G. Plumbing – General:

1. Pipes and Fittings: Provide Schedule 40 PVC for pools and whirl pools.

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2. Fresh Water Supply: Copper or CPVC Schedule 80

3. Heater Supply and Return: Copper or CPVC Schedule 80

4. Pipe Size: Do not exceed flow velocities required by codes and the following:

a. Velocity through open area of return: not to exceed 3 m / sec. (10 ft. /

b. Velocity through suction lines: not to exceed 1.8 m / sec. (6 ft. / sec.)

5. Underground Pipe: Solvent welded connection only. Threaded or flanged

connection are not permitted.

6. Testing: Prior to back filling, pressure test at a minimum of 1.7 bars (25
psi) for a minimum of 24 hours. Maintain pressure on pipes during back filling
to verify pipes are not damaged.

4C.7 Equipment & Chemical Rooms

A. Location: Locate the Pool Equipment rooms close as feasible to pool and whirl
pool, and away from guestrooms, residences, meeting rooms and other public
spaces to avoid the transfer of noise and vibration.

B. Drainage: Provide a sump or other positive drainage.

C. Storage / Maintenance: Provide storage space for maintenance supplies and

equipment. Avoid moving pool equipment and water treatment materials through
public spaces.

D. Chemical Storage (lockable): Store and separate liquid chlorine from acid in
ventilated, corrosion resistant rooms or cabinets away from pool equipment.

E. Eye Wash Station: Connect to tepid, piped water system. Locate near chemical
handling with unobstructed access. See <15B> and <16>.

F. Construction:

1. Floor: Concrete, hardened and sealed

2. Secure and mount pumps and heaters on raised housekeeping pads.

3. Walls & Ceiling: Provide water resistant materials and epoxy painted

G. Plumbing:

1. Support and secure with corrosion resistant fasteners and accessories.

12 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
2. Clearly label and color code with flow direction arrows.

3. Install to avoid tripping hazards, head height obstructions and

obstructions to equipment service.

H. Ventilation: See <15B>.

4C.8 Pool Accessories

A. Deck Equipment: Additional equipment may be required by local code. At a

minimum, provide the following.

1. Grab Rails

2. Stair Hand Rails

3. Life Guard Chair (only if required by governing authority)

4. Deck Mounted Stair Rails

5. Permanent Accessibility Lift (each pool area)

6. Deck Anchors

7. Escutcheon Plates

8. Pool Cover & Deck Anchors: Provide in cold climates where outdoor pools
are typically closed for the season.
• Pool covers must support the weight of a person walking or falling onto the
• Provide only products marked as safety covers.

9. Thermal Cover: Provide thermal covers and racks for pools if the pool is
intended to continue in service during cold weather. Liquid / gel thermal
retention products are not allowed.

B. Maintenance Equipment:
• Pool Cleaning System - vacuum with hose and robotic cleaner (dedicated
vacuum ports - not recommended)
• Nylon Brush
• Telescopic Pole
• Stainless Steel Brush
• Zinc Anodes (cathodic protection)

C. Safety Equipment: Additional equipment may be required by local code.

• Life Buoy with throw line equal to the pool width
• Life Hook (Shepard's hook) and pole

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• First Aid Kit

D. Telephone: Provide a house phone. See <13A>.

4C.9 Pool Deck & Terrace Amenities

A. Program: Provide design that is compatible with the Hotel design narrative and
Design Foundation.

B. Landscape: Provide sophisticated landscaping at outdoor pool and sunbathing

deck areas that is appropriate to the climate, space available, and project

1. Utilize landscaping to provide quiet and public areas and shady and
sunny zones.

2. At indoor pools limit landscaping to areas of natural light to support live


C. Walkway Access: Paths to pool; 1.5 m (5 ft.) wide to allow two persons to pass or
walk side-by-side.

D. Attendant Kiosk: Provide pool attendant’s, towel and sundry issuance kiosk at
primary point of access to pool compound; position to permit passive observation
of the swimming pool, children’s pool, and whirl pool.

E. F&B Facilities: Consider opportunities for pool terrace food and beverage
outlets and function / catering facilities.

F. Deck / Terrace / Beach Furniture: Include stackable deck furniture in seasonal


1. Chaise Lounge Quantity: 1 per 10 keys. (MI designates specific count); warm
climates and resorts may require higher quantity based on demand.

2. Additional Chairs, Tables, Cabanas and Umbrellas: Base quantity on facility

size, market demand, food and beverage type, and location.

3. Furniture / Amenities:
• Towel Holder
• Dirty Towel Basket

G. Telephone: Mount house phone on fence in weather-proof box located at entry

gate. See <13A>.

14 Swimming Pools Marriott Hotels - MEA marriott international. all rights reserved. October 2022
4C.10 Coordination

A. References: Coordinate with requirements of other Chapters.

• Technology Infrastructure
• Fire Protection & Life Safety
• Mechanical
• Plumbing
• Electrical
• Safety & Security

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