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Ryana Therese G. Macapanpan 12-STEM(J.


Mr. Karl Zhimon F. Dailo December 12, 2022

Flash Check

Differentiate Addition Polymerization and Condensation Polymerization.

According to experts, an additional polymer is a polymer that is formed by simply linking monomers. This is done
without the co-generation of other by-products. Further, it is important to note that additional polymers can be formed
through chain polymerization. This is done when the polymer is formed by sequentially adding different monomer units
to an active site of the chain reaction.

These results can also be achieved through polyaddition. Polyaddition refers to the process in which polymers
are formed by carrying out an additional reaction between species of all degrees of polymerization. It is also important
to note that, usually, almost all polymers are unsaturated compounds; some examples of this include alkanes and
alkenes. The process of addition polymerization also mainly takes place through the free radical mechanism. This
process is done in three steps. These three steps are the initiation of a free radical, chain propagation, and termination
of the chain.

On the other hand, condensation polymers are formed by linking monomers. However, the difference lies in the
fact that this process generates various other products. In most cases, these products include water. These polymers are
formed by carrying out condensation reactions. In this reaction, the molecules are joined together by losing small
molecules as by-products. The most lost molecules in this reaction are water and methanol.

Another process related to the formation of condensation polymers is polycondensation. In this process, the
polymers are formed when condensation reactions are carried out between species of all degrees of polymerization.
This process can also be done through condensative chain polymerization. In condensative chain polymerization, the
polymers are formed by the sequential addition or condensation reaction of the monomers at an active site in a chain
reaction. Some examples of common condensation polymers are polyacetals, proteins, and polyamides.

In simple terms, addition polymerization is the process of repeated addition of monomers that possess double
or triple bonds to form polymers. Condensation polymerization is a process that involves repeated condensation
reactions between two different bi-functional or tri-functional monomers.
Write an essay on the important uses of polymers in our daily lives.

According to Britannica, polymers are any of a class of natural or synthetic substances composed of very large
molecules, called macromolecules, that are multiples of simpler chemical units called monomers. Polymers make up
many of the materials in living organisms, including, for example, proteins, cellulose, and nucleic acids. Moreover, they
constitute the basis of such minerals as diamond, quartz, and feldspar and such man-made materials as concrete, glass,
paper, plastics, and rubber.

We can’t deny the fact that almost all the materials we use on a daily basis contain polymers, and we can say
that polymers are the building blocks of our world and are essential to our existence. To date, the importance of
polymers has been much more highlighted because of their applications in different domains of sciences, technologies,
and industry—from basic uses to biopolymers and therapeutic polymers.

Polymers have been used in people's lives for many years, but they were not well understood until near the end
of World War II.There were relatively few materials available for the manufacture of the articles needed for a civilized
life. The majority of the construction was done with steel, glass, wood, stone, brick, and concrete, while cotton, wood,
jute, and a few other agricultural products were used to make clothing or fabrics. With the rapid industrialization that
followed the war and then the wartime demand for products for the Korean and Vietnam Wars, manufacturing became
a way of life, and people were willing to find any way to make products cheaper, better, and more effectively. Polymers
are also strong and durable.

Polymers have become the raw materials for products we now use every day, from the food we eat to the
clothes that we wear to the tools and equipment we use at home. We can basically say that polymers are all around us.
They can be found in many different forms: solid, liquid, and gas. In fact, there are over 100 million tons of polymers
produced each year. Polymers fundamentally altered the world by enabling the development of computers, cell phones,
and the majority of modern medicine's life-saving advances. 


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2022, August 23). polymer. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Namazi H. (2017). Polymers in our daily life. BioImpacts.

Turner, R. (2018). Gellner Industrial. Part one: polymers in our daily life.
Ryana Therese G. Macapanpan 12-STEM(J.Rivera)


1. My experiences as an online class student is both good and bad. It is good because teachers are there to monitor our
activities and guide us how to do it but it is also bad because sometimes, the internet connection is poor which results to
an unclear and I cannot follow the instructions well.

2. In the midst of the pandemic, online learning is the most effective way to cope up with the lesson and to learn more
because we cannot go to school and conduct a face-to-face classes. Furthermore, there is the availability of internet
where we can connect with our teachers and inquire to them if you’re having trouble understanding something about
your lessons or topics.

3. Yes, I think it does. The internet allows students to learn in different ways and at their own pace, which can make the
classroom setting feel less social.

However, I also think that online learning creates a community that is more approachable and accessible than
the traditional classroom setting. I'm not just talking about the fact that it allows students to take the time they need to
study, but also that it allows teachers to expand their teaching methods. This can be done by allowing students to
choose their own projects and research them in any way they want, or by giving students more opportunities to
collaborate with each other on how to achieve their goals.

4. There are many benefits to online learning, including:

 It's convenient. You can learn when it works for you and when it doesn't. You can do all of your work at home, or
even while traveling or on vacation. But you still need to pay attention to your teacher and take notes.
 It's flexible. You can access your course material whenever you want and as often as you need. You can also
download it within a minute or seconds.
 It's affordable. Online learning is usually much less expensive than traditional classroom because if you are from
different town, you need to prepare your lunch and pay for transportation.

5. There are many challenges on online learning too, these are:

 It’s not face-to-face and you can’t ask and interact with your teachers or classmates personally.
 When your connection is poor or low, you couldn’t attend your class or you cannot understand the lessons
 Your eyes will hurt if you stays at the computer or cellphone for hours.
 Being shy to raise concerns or inquiries about the lessons when your teacher asks.
 Gets distracted easily by other apps or games.

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