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In May 1990, Caradori discovered a fourth victim-witness,

Paul Bonacci, whose testimony corroborated and amplified the
stories told on the earlier videotapes. Caradori's daily notes of
May 10 record his first contact with Bonacci, at the Douglas
County jail.

After discovering Dan Newton* wasn't at this facility, this

writer then contacted Inmate Paul A. Bonacci. ... Paul
Bonacci's name had been given to me by a Mary Barrett,
and I had his name for quite some time.
Upon having Mr. Bonacci meet me in an interviewing
room, Bonacci related to this writer that he knew Troy Boner,
Danny King, and Alicia [sic] Owen. He further advised that
he had been a victim of Alan Baer, Peter Citron, and Larry
King, and had some knowledge of Bob Wadman, Harold
Anderson, and ajudge who he later on referred to as Carlson.
During the next few hours, he related some of his knowledge
reference Peter Citron, Alan Baer, Larry King, and also
Bob Wadman.
The subject stated that he had been on at least 1-200
trips and had been involved in extensive homosexual activity
as a child and as a young adult, with his homosexual activity
starting when he was approximately 8-10 years old. The
subject then stated that between the years of 1982 and 1986
he had probably been on at least 200-300 trips. The subject
stated that he made at least 15-20 trips to various parts of
California, a couple of trips to Washington, D.C., and also
trips to Des Moines, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Austin,
Houston, Dallas, St. Louis, Miami, Pasadena, Tampa, Lin-
coln, and Grand Island. Some of those trips he thought


involved politicians from Washington, D.C., however, he

didn't know anyone by name because of his young age.
The subject stated that he was taken to the Omaha Police
Department sometime in March and was talked to by Omaha
Police Detective Mike Hoch, during which time Detective
Hoch was very hard on Bonacci, and after finishing up with
the police interview, he told Bonacci, that, reference Larry
King, he was afraid he might prosecute him (Bonacci) as
there would be no attempt to give him formal immunity.

When questioned about Alan Baer, he stated that he first

met him in the "Milk Run," an area near and surrounding
the Correctional Center. He stated that he was approximately
12 years old and that this occurred possibly in 1979. He
stated that Alan Baer would pay him $20 for oral sex. He
stated that the last time he had sex with Alan Baer was,
he believed, around November 15, 1989, in Alan Baer's
apartment in the Twin Towers....
Other information received from Paul indicated that he
had tried to get away from these people on many occasions,
and in his attempt to escape them he did attempt suicide.
He stated that he was very afraid of Larry King's "people."
In fact, there was a black individual whom he called "Larry
Little King," who would go around and make threats and
attempt to scare him and other individuals. Paul Bonacci
indicated that he was really very scared of being threatened.

In reference to Bob Wadman, subject stated that he be-

lieved he met Wadman sometime in late 1985 or early 1986.
He stated that he had seen Bob Wadman at [at] least two
parties that were located near the town of Elkhorn, Ne-
During the course of the conversation, subject stated that
Alisha Owen was present at [at] least one of these parties
that Wadman had attended also. The subject believed the
girl (Alisha) and Wadman might have been together....
Other information gained during the interview: Bonacci
stated he knew when Alisha Owen got pregnant because a
young individual by the name of Chris told him that it was
probably Bob Wadman who got Alisha pregnant. Further,
he stated that there was another individual who he had spent


time with in the Twin Towers by the name of Bob Morino,

Apt. #4H, Twin Towers, Omaha, Nebraska. Also, there was
another young boy sexually abused by Alan Baer by the
name Peter Fells*. He stated that this individual might have
moved to Tennessee, however, he was not sure.
Paul Bonacci went on to state that he had gone on many
"scavenger hunts" for Alan Baer. He defined "scavenger
hunts" as an activity in which he would go out and recruit
young boys for Alan Baer. ...
He stated that Larry King would fly him all over the
country. On at least one trip to California, Alisha Owen was
present on the flight. ...
He stated that on at least one trip he had seen Troy,
Danny and Alisha in California. That was sometime in 1985
or '86....
He also stated he made two trips to Washington, D.C.
with Larry King-just the two of them alone. He stated that
while in Washington. D.C.. he had sex with other people.
He thought they were part of the Republican Party because
Larry King was trying to hard to in with the higher
ups" in the Republican party. He stated that he heard the
name of one of the individuals with whom he had sex as
Frank. He thought he might be a senator or governor or
some state official. ...

• • •

On May 14, 1990 Caradori took a video statement from

Bonacci. He wrote in that day's notes:

Further, when questioned, Mr. Bonacci stated that his last

contact with Alisha Owen, he thought, was in 1986, and
with Troy Boner and Danny King in 1987. He stated that
he had no physical, verbal, or written communication with
any of those three since that time.

One of the experiences with Larry King, which Bonacci

described to Caradori on tape, he later detailed again in his
written account of abuse, prepared for his lawyer, this writer.


Bonacci has often said, that he wants the full story of his abuse
to be public. "Somebody has to tell the story," he wrote in the
introduction to this document, "And it might as well be me."
Gruesome as it is, Bonacci's report to me harks back to the
early cries for help, from Loretta Smith:
I went in January of '84 on every trip. I was paid by men
King knew for sex. In the summer of '84 sometime I went
to Dallas Texas and had sex with several men King knew
in a hotel.
I flew on YNR Airlines and Kam Airlines normally for
King. I never had much personally to do with King, only
went where he told me to go.
In or on July 26th I went to Sacramento, Ca. King flew
me out on a private plane from Eppley Airfield [in Omaha]
to Denver where we picked up Nicholas, a boy who was
about 12 or 13. Then we flew to Las Vegas to a desert
strip and drove in to Las Vegas and to some ranch and got
something. Then flew on to Sacramento.
We were picked up by a white limo and taken to a hotel.
I don't remember the name of it. We meaning Nicholas and
I were driven to a area that had big trees, it took about an
hour to get there. There was a cage with a boy in it who
was not wearing anything. Nicholas and I were given these
tarzan things to put around us and stuff.
They told me to f--- the boy and stuff. At first I said no
and they held a gun to my balls and said do it or else lose
them or something like that. I began doing it to the boy and
stuff. And Nicholas had anal sex and stuff with him. We
were told to him and stuff and beat on him. I didn't try
to hurt him. We were told to put our d---s in his mouth and
stuff and sit on the boys penis and stuff and they filmed it.
We did this stuff to the boy for about 30 minutes or an hour
when a man came in and kicked us and stuff in the balls
and picked us up and threw us. He grabbed the boy and
started f---ing him and stuff. The man was about 10 inches
long and the boy screamed and stuff and the man was forcing
his d--- into the boy all the way. The boy was bleeding from
his rectum and the men tossed him and me and stuff and
put the boy right next to me and grabbed a gun and blew
the boys head off.


The boys blood was all over me and I started yelling and
crying. The men grabbed Nicholas and I and forced us to
lie down. They put the boy on top of Nicholas who was
crying and they were putting Nicholas hands on the boys
ass. They put the boy on top of me and did the same thing.
They then forced me to f--- the dead boy up his ass and
also Nicholas they put a gun to our heads to make us do it.
His blood was all over us. They made us kiss the boys lips
and to eat him out. Then they made me do something I don't
want to even write so I won't.
After that the men grabbed Nicholas and drug him off
screaming they put me up against a tree and put a gun to
my head but fired into the air. I heard another shot from
somewhere. I then saw the man who killed the boy drag
him like a toy. Everything including when the men put the
boy in a trunk was filmed. They took me with them and we
went up in a plane. I saw the bag the boy was in. We went
over a very thick brush area with a clearing in it. Over the
clearing they dropped the boy. One said the men with the
hoods would take care of the body for them.
I didn't see Nicholas until that night at the hotel. He and
I hugged and held each other for a long while. About two
hours later the men or Larry King came in and told us to
go take a shower since we had only been hosed off at some
guys house. We took a shower together and then were told
to put on the tarzan things. After we were cleaned up and
dressed in these things we were told to put on shorts, socks
and a shirt and shoes and driven to a house where the men
were at with some others. They had the film and they played
it. As the men watched they passed Nicholas and I around
as if we were toys and sexually abused us.
They made Nicholas and I screw each other and one of
the men put the dead boy's penis in mine and Nicholas'
mouth. I didn't want to write this because the man forced
me to bite the boys' penis and balls off. It was gross and I
saw the film where it happened and started freaking out
remembering what they made us do afterwards to the boy.
They showed us doing everything to the boy. I was there
for about 5 days attending parties but only recall cutting my
wrist which is why I stayed two days in a hospital under a
name I can't recall. Some guy paid for me.


In other testimony, Bonacci said that Larry King was smiling

and laughing the whole time the film was being shown, and
that "the men with the hoods" were a Satanic group which
planned to use the dead boy in some sort of ceremony. He also
named the director of the snuff film, whom they had picked
up in Las Vegas, as "Hunter Thompson."


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