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#6 Gallo Vs Cordero

FACTS: This is a sworn complaint dated September 8, 1994 of Emeterio Gallo,

charging Judge Jose Cordero of the Municipal Trial Court of Babatñgon, Leyte with non-
feasance, manifest bias, gross ignorance of the law, and graft and rank favoritism.

The complaint is made in connection with Criminal Case No. 2194 entitled "People v.
Cristuto Barreta, Alberto Macabata, Danilo Morillo, and Rodolfo Villanueva," which
complainant filed in respondent judge's court on August 23, 1994 for violation of P.D.No.
772, otherwise known as the Anti-Squatting Law.

On August 26, 1994, respondent issued a subpoena to complainant requiring him to

appear and to testify regarding his affidavit and bring with him documents attesting to
his ownership of the land. Complainant appeared as directed on August 30, 1994 in
respondent's office, showing the document of ownership of the land and the tax
declaration. Upon seeing the tax declaration of 21 hectares the respondent judge
commented that it was quite a big tract of land and upon their conversation the
respondent judge told the complainant that he cannot eject the tenants now under the
law. But the complainant told the judge that accused was not a tenant but still the
respondent judge was persistent of saying that the complainant cannot eject them.

In the affidavit filed by the complainant it was alleged that the respondent judge was
being bias an impartial. As the respondent judge was seen talking to the accused in his
office by the complainant son Roger Gallo while delivering his letter of inquiry to the
respondent judge if warrant of arrest already issued against the accused.

ISSUE: Whether of not the respondent Judge violated Code of Judicial Conduct?

RULING: YES, the respondent judge opened himself to charges of partiality and bias by
meeting privately with the four accused. He says that he merely wanted to apprise them
of their constitutional right. Whatever his purpose was, it was improper for respondent
judge to meet them without the presence of complainant.
Thus, respondent judge not only has shown gross ignorance of law and procedure but
has also failed to live up to the norm that "judges should not only be impartial but should
also appear impartial. He thus violated Canon 2 of the Code of Judicial Conduct which
provides that "a judge should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all
activities." In the words of Rule 2.01 of the Canon, "A judge should so behave at all
times as to promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary."
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