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Date: 29/01/2 Revision No.: 00 Complied Complied Complied Complied
Page No.: 1 of 1 In Process In Process In Process In Process
Legal Register Safety & Health Ref. No.: Pending Pending Pending Pending

Safety & Health Legal Register Quarter-1: April-June Quarter-2: July-Sept Quarter-3: Oct-Dec Quarter-4: Jan-Mar
Project Name: Installtion of RF MATERIALS Project Manager : Roopesh
COSTUMER :Nokia Client:Reliance vedang

Validity/ Responsible Responsible Validity/

Section / Recommended
Required In-progress/ Person/
Validity/ Responsible In-progress/ Responsible
In-progress/ In-progress/ Person/ Agency Person/ Agency
Sr. No. Title Rule Frequency / Other Actions Back-up Pending / Agency for Pending / Agency for Pending / for record & Pending /
for record &
Document Not record & Not Applicable record & Not Applicable renewal Not
Applicable renewal renewal renewal

Section -7 ,
1 Registration of Establishment by (Company Rule23/24 & Within 60 days of commencement Registration Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Appicable HR Dept Complied HR Dept
Name) of work Certificate
Form-I & II

Registration of Establishment by Contractors & Section -7 ,

Sub-contractors (employeeing more Within 60 days of commencement Registration
2 Rule23/24 & Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
than 10 workers need to obtain Registration of Form-I & II of work Certificate

3 Notice of Commencement and Complition of Rule 26 (3) / 239 Within 30days of commencement or Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Buiding/ construction Work (1)& Form IV completion of construction work

Ambient Air &

4 Excessive Noise & Vibration- survey report Rule 34; Schedule Half yearly noise survey Noise monitoring Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
VI Reports-Six

Inspection: Monthly
Maintenance and Inspection of portable fire Rule 35; Section Maintenance: Annual Inspection Report
5 extinguishers and trained persons to operate 40 (k) Training: All employees & Training Record Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
Record: Inspection & maintenanace

6 Emergency Action Plan Rule-36 Quarterly mock drill Quarterly mock Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
drill reports

Display of policy at site in Hindi & Display &

7 Health & Safety Policy Rule 39 Local language understood by Documented in Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
majority of workers SHE plan

Overhead Protection- Along Periphery of Not less than 2m width, height not Physical
8 Rule 41 more than 5 m from ground, with Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
building having height 15m or more Inspection
20degree slope inside
Rule 55 to 88 and
Schedule-I and
Rule 205 and
Form XXVI.
Certificate of
initial & periodic
test & exam of
winches, dericks & Test & Exam:Before taken into use. Six Monthly Third
Lifting applinaces, gears, cranes, hoists, winches, accessorey gears.
Test & Exam:Half yearly as per Party Test
buckets, derricks, wire ropes & other slings, Form-VI: Cranes &
9 tools, tackles, gondola etc - Tests & Examination hoists (Company Name) Rules Certificates Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
by Competent Person Form-VII: Loose Register of Periodic Test as per Form Track sheet of
XXVI Lifting appliances
Form-VIII: Wire
Annealing of
Loose Gears
Form-X: Loose
Gears exempted
from Annealing

Medical exam: Annual

10 Qualification of Operator of lifting winches, Rule 81 Age & comnpetancy: 18yrs and Competency Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
machines and of signaller sufficiently competent Record

Register of Employment for exacavation & Register to maintain on day-to-day

11 tunneling work Rule 123 basis Register Not Applicable Not Applicable To Not Applicable Not Applicable

12 Permissible limit of exposure of Chemicals Rule 152, Not Applicable Not Applicable To Not Applicable From Not Applicable
Schedule XII

i. External Inspection: Every Six

Pressure plants, vessles & equipments- Month Six Monthly Third
13 Certificate of Competent person Rule-207 ii. Internal Inspection: Every Twlve Party Test Not Applicable To NOT APPICABLE From NOT APPICABLE
months Certificates APPICABLE
iii. Hydraulic test: Every four years

14 Safety Committee Section-38 Rule- Monthly MOM & Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
208 Attendance Sheet

15 Safety Officer Rule 209 As per (Company Name) Rule Resume & Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept

Reporting of reportable accidents and Section -39, Rule Reporting as per Rule and Register
16 reports & it's Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
dangerous occurrences 210 & Form XIV of Accidents closing

Rule 81(IV) / 223 Medical

17 Medical examination of drivers /workers (a-iii)/(C)/(d) & Annual examination Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
register & medical
Form XI check reports

Rule 223 (d) &

18 Health Register Health Register Health Register Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
Form XII
Rule 225,
19 Occupational Health Centre (sites involving Schedule-X, Physical Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
hazardous processes) Schedule-XI Inspection

Ambulance Room (first aid Centre) under charge Rule 226, Register of all accidents & sickness Physical
20 of qualified Nurse Schedule-IV treated Inspection Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

21 Arrangement with nearest hospital for medical Rule 226,227, Tia-up With infra Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
emergency (official agreement) 229,232 team Letter
Rule 227, Physical
22 Ambulance Van / Stand by-emergency vehicle Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Schedule-V Inspection

23 Stretchers Rule-228 Maintain in ready to use condition Inspection Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

Occupational Health Services for Building Services as per rule and Weekly visit Inspection, Tie-up
24 Workers (Visiting Doctor) Rule 229 as per (Company Name) Rules letter & medical Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE

25 Notice of Poisoning or Occupational Diseases Rule 230, Form Report to inspector & Register Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE

First aid treatment

Section 36, Rule
26 First Aid Boxes and trained first aider 231, Schedule-III First aid treatment register List of first aid Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept

Annual Return to the Registering officer (Form Report submission before 15th
Rule -242 & form- Certificate or copy
27 XXV to registering officer and copy to the February of following the end of Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied EHS Dept
Inspector of Jurisdiction). XXV each calendar year. of annual return

28 Latrin & Urinals Rule 243 As per (Company Name) Rules Physical Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept

Section -35; Rule If 50 or more femal woekers Physical

29 Creches 244 employed Inspection Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE

Section - 37 Rule- Location 15.2m away from latrine / Physical

30 Canteen (250 or more building workers) Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
244 urinal Inspection

Portability test
report on six
Provision of drinking water & Half- monthly basis or
31 Drinking Water Section-32 Yearly potability test as per IS- potable test Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
10500 report in case of
change in water

32 Accomodation for Building workers Section-34 As per Rule Inspection Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept

B Environment Act, 1986 and Rules 1986

Section 16 (2) (h)
of Air (Prevention
and control of Ambient Air
33 Ambient air monitoring including stack Pollution) Act, Half Year survey by authorised monitoring Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
monitoring of DG Set 1981 and National laboratory Reports-Six
Ambient Air Monthly
Quality Standards
Ambient Noise
The Noise
34 Ambient noise pollution monitoring Pollution ( R&C) Half Year survey by authorised monitoring Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
laboratory Reports-Six
Rules 2000 Monthly
Section-21 of Air
(Prevetion &
control of
Act )1981 and
Rule -1982 and
State Pollution control board NOC for Batching
35 also as per Section NOC Certificate Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
Plant 25 (1) of the
Water (Prevention
and control of
pollution )
amended 1988
Section-21 of Air
(Prevetion &
control of
Act )1981 and
Rule -1982 and
36 State Pollution control board NOC for DG Sets alsoSection 25, NOC Certificate Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
Sub-section-1 of
the Water
(Prevention and
control of
pollution )
amended 1988

C Contract Labour Act 1970 & Rule 1971

Rule 21(1) &

37 Contract Labour License Form-IV and Rule Annual License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
21(2) & Form-V

Workmen's Compensation Act 1923 /

Insurance Requirement
38 CAR policy Requirement Annual Policy Copy Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept

39 WCA Policy WCA Act Annual Policy Copy Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept

E Display of Labour Laws in Contractor offices

49, Child Labour
Like.. Abstract of BOCW, Minimum wages act; (Prohibitions &
40 name & contacts of labour officer; Child labour Regulations) Act, Physical Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept Complied HR Dept
1986 and Rules Inspection
prohibition board; labour license; etc
1950, Rule 17/21
& Form I/ IV as
per contract
Labour Act-1970

F Indian Electricity Rule 1956

Approval in writing form Electrical Inspector for Rule - 47-A of IE

41 NOC certificate Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
DG more than 10KW. Rule-1956
Electricians: Competenacy certificate from Rule -45-Sub-
42 clause-1 of IE Electrician License Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
authority Rule-1956
Rule-47(5) of Physical
Sound earthing of electrical applinaces and BOCW -1998, Inspection &
43 Quarterly (earth pit test) & logbook Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
current carrying equipments and Earth Pit Test Rule-33 of IE Rule- Earthing test log
1956 register

Rule-47(6) of Physical
ELCB Provision to all temporaray electrical BOCW -1998 & Inspection &
44 Monthly test & logbook Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
installations Rule-61(A) of IE- ELCB/RRCB test
Rule-1956 log register

G Petroleum Act 1934 and Rules -2002

Storage License For Class-A (Petrol) exceeding Section 6 of License & adherance to storage
45 10 liters in metal receptacles Petroleum Act conditions License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE

Storage License For Class-B (Diesel) exceeding Section 7(i) of License & adherance to storage
46 2500 liters Petroleum Act conditions License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
Storage License For Class-C exceeding 45000 Section 7(ii) of License & adherance to storage
47 License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
liters Petroleum Act conditions

H Battery ( Management & handling)Rule-2001

Desposal of used lead acid batteries to dealer in Physical

48 exchange of new batteries. Or to the registered Rule-10 Log / Register Inspection & Tie- Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
recyclers up letter

I Central Motor Vehicle Act-1988 & Rules-1989

49 PUC Certificate of all construction vehicles Rule-113 Half yearly PUC Certificate Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
Section-3 of CMV
50 Driving License Act and Rule 48(3) License Copy Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
of BOCW Rules
Construction Equipment's fitness & retrofits Rule-109 of CMVA
(silencers, tail lights, power & hand brakes, Vehicle Fitness
51 and Rulw 95 of Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept
reversing alarm, search lights, portable BOCW Rules Certificate

J Explosive Act-1884 & Rule-1983

52 License for storage and handling of Explosives Rule -113 License & adherance to storage License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE

K Gas Cylinder Rules 2004

License for gas cylinder storage (DA>50; O2>200 License & adherance to storage
53 Rule- 43 & 44 License Copy Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable NOT APPICABLE
No's; LPG>100kg.) conditions

L Child Labour (P&R) Act 1986

Prohibition of employment &

Section 3, Display & physical
54 Prohibition of employment of child Schedule A&B display of notice at conspicous inspection Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept Complied EHS Dept

* ZENTIX Safety Engineer at site are responsible to maintain up-to-date record of "Legal Register" with relevant copies of all licenses, test certificates & registrations etc. and include
anything which is state specific requirement. Quarterly review of Legal Register and update to (Company Name) & HO Safety is mandatory.
* Follow colour legends as given above the quarterly update column. Highlight cell with green colour in case of complied; Highlight cell in yellow colour in case of in progress & highlight
cell in red in case of pending compliances

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