The Teacher and The Curriculum Test

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1 . Curriculum is:
A. Course B. Syllabus C. Co-curricular activities D. Overall activities of an institution
2 . Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
A. Education B. Objectives C. Values D. Job

3 . Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of
A. Affective B. Cognitive C. Psychomotor D. None of these

4 . Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?

A. Critical B. Creative C. Conservative D. All of the above

5 . Psychological foundation play its role in the development of curriculum keeping in view the:
A. Student’s needs B. Student’s interest C. Student’s capabilities D. All of the above

6 . Syllabus is a part of:

A. Curriculum B. Classroom C. Activities D. Society

7 . An outline-of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called:

A. Programme B. Syllabus C. Curriculum D.Course
8 . The category of Audio Visual Aids is:
A. Tape-recorder
B. Television
C. Radio
D. All of the above

9 . The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:

A. Preparation of students for service
B. Constitution in a country
C. Provision of latest knowledge
D. None of the above

10 . Curriculum is supposed to:

A. Be organized by the school
B. Achieve the objective
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above

11 . Curriculum reflects the culture of:

A. School
B. Home
C. Area
D. Society

12 . Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which
students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:
A. John Dewey
B. Stephen Romine
C. H. Rugg
D. Hilda taba

13 . Learning means:
A. Teaching process
B. Curriculum change
C. Change in behavior
D. None of the above

14 . The outline of the Contents is;

A. Syllabus
B. Programme
C. Course
D. All of the above

15 . Component of curriculum is:

A. Teaching strategies
B. Objectives
C. Evaluation
D. All of the above
16 . Types of individual differences are:
A. Mental
B. Physical
C. Emotional
D. All of the above

17 . A curriculum is blue print or pipe of the school that includes experiences for the:
A. Experts
B. Teacher
C. Learner
D. Curriculum planner

18 . If two or more methods are mixed up for teaching, the teaching method will be
known as:
A. Eclectic method
B. Combined method
C. Mixed method
D. None of these

19 . Percentage of knowledge gained through observation/vision

is: A. 40%
B. 55%
C. 60%
D. 75%

20 . The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called:
A. Unit
B. Design
C. Lesson Plan
D. Curriculum
21 . Summative evaluation takes place:
A. In the beginning
B. In the middle
C. After regular lesson
D. At the end

22 . In planning and implementing curricula school makes its selection from:

A. Nation
B. Region
C. Culture
D. Mass communication

23 . How many basic components of curriculum have:

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

24 . Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum:

A. Implementing
B. Evaluating
C. Designing
D. All of the above

25 . Which one is not the component, of the Curriculum

A. Contents
B. Design
C. Objectives
D. Evaluation

26 . Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by:

A. Evaluation
B. Objective
C. Method
D. Design

27 . The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be called as:

A. Curriculum Design
B. Curriculum Foundation
C. Curriculum Construction
D. Curriculum Development

28 . The model of behavioral objectives of curriculum evaluation was presented by:

A. John Dewey
B. Tyler
C. Hilda taba
D. Stuffle beam

29 . The method used to evaluate the curriculum is:

A. Summative Evaluation
B. Diagnostic Evaluation
C. Formative Evaluation
D. All of the above

30 . The forces that effect the development of curriculum are called:

A. Curriculum Design
B. Curriculum Evaluation
C. Elements of curriculum
D. Foundations of curriculum
31. Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with:
A. Ideas
B. History
C. Economy
D. Contents

31 . Student’s needs and interests are important in

A. Sociological foundation
B. Psychological foundation
C. Economical foundation
D. Historical foundation

32 . Psychological foundations of curriculum help curriculum developers to understand

the nature of:
A. Content
B. Learner
C. Teacher
D. Ideas

33 . Sociological foundations are concerned with:

A. History
B. Economy
C. Society
D. Idea

34 . Subject Centered designs revolve around:

A. Content
B. Learner
C. Social values
D. Social problems

35 . Areas/sources of information for psychological foundation are:

A. Learning process
B. Teaching method
C. Student characteristics
D. All of the above

36 . Prior planning is characteristic of:

A. Subject centered curriculum
B. Activity centered curriculum
C. Learner centered curriculum
D. None of these

37 . Broad field curriculum is a modification of;

A. Activity centered curriculum
B. Learner centered curriculum
C. Subject centered curriculum
D. None of these

38 . Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is

A. learner centered curriculum
B. activity centered curriculum
C. subject centered curriculum
D. None of these
39 . The purpose of integrated curriculum is:
A. Increase in no. of books
B. Decrease in no. of books
C. Increases in student enrolment
D. Decrease in dropout

40 . The factor effecting curriculum development is:

A. Sociological factor
B. Economical factor
C. Scientific factor
D. All of the above

41 . Making value judgment about curriculum is:

A. Curriculum development
B. Curriculum evaluation
C. Curriculum elements
D. Curriculum design

42 . The evaluation used to improve the contents during curriculum development is:
A. Summative evaluation
B. Formative evaluation
C. Diagnostic evaluation
D. None of the above

43 . Evaluation used to improve the contents after curriculum development is:

A. Summative evaluation
B. Formative evaluation
C. Diagnostic evaluation
D. None of the above

44 . Repetition of concepts of same level in two consecutive classes lacks the quality of:
A. Horizontal organization
B. Vertical organization
C. Relevancy
D. Flexibility

45 . The major purpose of co-curricular activities is to:

A. Help students achieve a well-adjusted personality
B. Provide relief from the usual classroom routine
C. Allow students an opportunity to develop in to good citizens
D. Permit students to have a choice of educational program
46 . Curriculum improvement should be a---------------process
A. last
B. Initial
C. Internal
D. Continuous

47 . To select subject matter, one should consider student’s:

A. I.Q
B. Class
C. Health
D. Physical age

48 . School curriculum is defined as

A. Methods of instruction
B. Experiences organized by school
C. Materials of instruction
D. Courses of study

49 . Curriculum effectiveness is determined by:

A. Community cooperation
B. Teacher competence
C. Student interest
D. Quality of supervision
II. Explanation
How can you use the lessons that you have learned throughout this course in your future
career as a teacher?

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