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An Introduction to Authors:

Christina Fowler
MITRE Shield Mike Goffin
Bill Hill
The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this
report are those of The MITRE Corporation and
Richard Lamourine
should not be construed as an official government Andrew Sovern
position, policy, or decision, unless designated by
other documentation.
Approved for Public Release. Distribution unlimited August 2020
©2020 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.
MITRE ATT&CK and ATT&CK are registered
trademarks of the MITRE Corporation.
MITRE Shield1 is a publicly accessible knowledge base of active defense tactics and techniques
based on real-world observations. Active defense can be useful to counter an adversary and
ultimately help change the game in favor of the defender. The Shield knowledge base describes
some foundational activities in active defense, cyber deception, and adversary engagement
operations. We believe these activities can be employed for defensive benefit in the private
sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community. Our work to
codify our experience into Shield continues, and we expect a next version to have an improved
structure and additional content. Although there are too many possible activities in the active
defense space to fully enumerate, we believe Shield will be an important resource for
organizations seeking to understand or implement defenses using active defense.


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Executive Summary
This paper presents an overview of the structure, contents, and potential uses of the MITRE
Shield knowledge base. It also discusses the connection to MITRE ATT&CK® and how both
projects can be used together for defensive purposes.

Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii
Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
Using Shield ................................................................................................................................... 1
General Cyber Defense ............................................................................................................... 1
Cyber Deception ......................................................................................................................... 1
Adversary Engagement ............................................................................................................... 2
The Shield Model .......................................................................................................................... 2
The Shield Matrix ......................................................................................................................... 3
Techniques .................................................................................................................................. 3
Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 3
Linking Tactics and Techniques ................................................................................................. 4
Shield and ATT&CK .................................................................................................................... 4
Future Work .................................................................................................................................. 4
Summary........................................................................................................................................ 5

List of Figures
Figure 1. The Shield Model ............................................................................................................ 2
Figure 2. The Shield Matrix ............................................................................................................ 3

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MITRE Shield is a knowledge base designed to give defenders tools that can be used to counter
cyber adversaries. Shield includes a database of techniques a defender can use to mount an active
defense. The knowledge base also describes a number of tactics common to defensive plans. It
then maps the tactics to the activities that may help achieve them. The knowledge base includes
a mapping between MITRE ATT&CK and Shield techniques, to illustrate the defensive
possibilities introduced by adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
MITRE’s corporate defenses have included adversary engagement operations for more than ten
years, and those engagements and our operational experience inform Shield. The Shield active
defense knowledge base was created by our engagement team in 2019 to improve operational
planning. When we were documenting our inventory of engagement techniques, we wanted to
organize them, and an obvious choice was to do that in relation to the move/countermove we
experienced with our adversaries. This led us to formalizing the linking concept; adversary
actions found in MITRE ATT&CK frequently present opportunities for defender counteractions.
So, we mapped our Shield techniques to MITRE ATT&CK, enabling us to develop plans to
exploit those opportunities to the defender’s advantage.
This first version of the knowledge base focuses on foundational security techniques, because
those are the cornerstones upon which good deception and adversary engagement are built. We
believe there are too many possible activities in the active defense space to fully enumerate, so
Shield is admittedly incomplete. Even so, we believe Shield is a good resource for organizations
seeking to understand or implement defenses based on active defense and can serve to stimulate
discussion and technique exchange throughout the defensive community.

Using Shield
The U.S. Department of Defense defines active defense as “The employment of limited offensive
action and counterattacks to deny a contested area or position to the enemy.”2 Active defense
ranges from basic cyber defensive capabilities to cyber deception and adversary engagement
operations. The combination of these defenses allows an organization to not only counter
current attacks but also to learn more about that adversary and better prepare for new attacks in
the future.

General Cyber Defense

Shield includes foundational defensive techniques we believe are applicable to all defensive
plans; we consider these general cyber defense techniques. Particularly when informed and
prioritized by an assessment of the threats an organization faces, many Shield techniques can be
applied within an enterprise network, especially to detect and deter the adversary.

Cyber Deception
There is a growing collection of ideas, tools, and products that use a “tripwire” approach to cyber
defense that is broadly being labeled “Deception.”3 More active than the hardening and

instrumentation activities found with general cyber defense, deception finds defenders
intentionally introducing targets and “breadcrumbs” (clues to the location of targets). Carefully
constructed deception systems are often indistinguishable from production systems and can serve
as high-fidelity detection systems. Shield techniques can include deceptions for detection,
deterrence, or other desired effect.

Adversary Engagement
Many techniques in Shield are designed for defenders that want to observe, collect, and
understand adversary activities against the defender’s system. Deployable in either production or
synthetic environments, Shield adversary engagement techniques promote effective, productive
engagements. The Shield knowledge base can be useful in analyzing what is already known
about an adversary (with the help of ATT&CK), planning defenses, and capturing what is
learned for future consideration.

The Shield Model

The foundation of Shield is the set of techniques that defenders can use in their active defense
operations. Shield also has a set of tactics: abstract, high-level descriptions of what defenders
may (in whole or in part) be trying to achieve through the operation. We have found that tactics
can be useful as shorthand for high-level planning. They classify groups of techniques and can
be referenced when the details of the techniques are not salient to the discussion, (i.e., when the
why is more important than the how).
As a metaphor to explain Shield techniques and tactics, imagine multiple containers each filled
with building blocks. Each block in those containers has specific characteristics, such as size,
color, and shape, but all the blocks in a container can have something in common, like general
shape or material. The builder can choose to pull blocks from the container of his choosing (say
from the one with large cement blocks) and build whatever model he desires. A defender can use
Shield in much the same way. The defender can survey the tactics (the containers) offered
within the knowledge base and choose the one that best fits the active defense need (for example
collection). Then the defender can examine the techniques (the blocks) grouped within that
tactical objective and select the one that allows them to build the best active defense solution.

Figure 1. The Shield Model

The Shield Matrix
The relationship between tactics and techniques can be illustrated in a matrix. The matrix
consists of:
• Tactics, denoting what the defender is trying to accomplish (the columns)
• Techniques, describing how the defense achieves the tactic(s) (the individual cells)

Figure 2. The Shield Matrix

Techniques describe things that can be done (by defenders) in active defense. A defender
achieves a tactical objective by performing one or more actions. For example, a defender can
seed decoy credentials on an adversary engagement system to see if an adversary dumps the
credentials and uses them to gain access to other systems within the engagement network.
Shield techniques range from basic to advanced. There are foundational techniques, such as
backup and recovery, network monitoring, and system activity monitoring, which can be applied
widely across many organizations. These techniques are useful when layering on other
techniques that come into play as deception and adversary engagement are introduced as part of
an organization’s active defense portfolio. Advanced techniques that manipulate network and
software may only be useful to deception vendors and organizations that seek to study or engage
with adversaries at a deeper level.

Procedures are another important component of the TTP concept, and one cannot talk about
tactics and techniques without also including procedures. Within this initial version of Shield,
procedures are high-level descriptions of the implementations of a technique.
Linking Tactics and Techniques
As previously mentioned, we have found it useful to associate active defense tactics and
techniques. Factoring in tactics should be part of every well planned or complex active defense
operation. As the plan develops, techniques are necessary to build out the actual systems and
controls in an operational environment.
We find the relationship between tactics and techniques can be many to many; a single technique
may be able to support several different tactics, and for any tactic there are multiple techniques
that may be used. For example, security controls can be tightened to disrupt an adversary’s
activity or loosened to facilitate further engagement.
It is also true that in an actual operation, a single action or technique may contribute to more than
one tactic at the same time and accomplishing a tactic may require multiple techniques.

Shield and ATT&CK

As our team progressed in adopting active defenses, we saw a natural opportunity to organize
what we were learning in a way that can relate to the adversary techniques found in MITRE
ATT&CK. For this reason, a section in our knowledge base is devoted to ATT&CK tactics and
techniques. The ATT&CK mapping section of Shield contains a list of the adversary tactics
found in the ATT&CK framework. Each ATT&CK tactic has a dedicated page that lists (from
ATT&CK) the adversary techniques associated with that tactic, and (from Shield) active defense
information applicable, including the opportunity space presented, active defense technique to be
implemented, and use case for that implementation.
The information displayed on the detail page is designed to illuminate the possibilities for active
defenses to the ATT&CK technique. The high-level possibilities resulting from the adversary
technique are described in the Opportunity Space column of the ATT&CK mapping table. Many
adversary techniques present more than one opportunity; when we have captured multiple ideas,
they each get a line in the table. The Use Case is a moderately detailed description of how a
defender can use the listed Active Defense Technique to take advantage of the opportunity
presented. Many of the listed opportunities allow for use of basic active defense techniques to
detect and disrupt adversaries within an enterprise network. Other listed opportunities suggest a
more involved active defense, and these may invite management conversations about adding
active defense and adversary engagement techniques to an organization’s cyber defense
We think using ATT&CK and Shield together can help defenders deepen their understanding of
adversary behavior and engagements and suggest ways the defender can mount a more active

Future Work
The team envisions an evolution of the current data model to accommodate more sophisticated
active defense solutions. This will allow us to combine multiple techniques and procedures to
create complex playbooks. Leveraging ATT&CK’s group information provides the potential to
create active defense playbooks that apply to specific adversaries.
MITRE Shield is a knowledge base giving defenders tools that can be used against cyber
adversaries. It is our goal that defenders can leverage the tactics and techniques contained in
Shield to better create, instrument, and operate their active defense solutions. We also hope that
by showing how the defensive side of Shield can be aligned to MITRE ATT&CK, we can help
organizations leverage both solutions to maximize their defensive efforts.

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