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The Superior University, Lahore

Faculty of Computer Science

Course Outline
Course Course Title English Composition and Comprehension
Information Course ID ENG-1063 Course Type Non-Computing Core
Credit hours 3 Hours per week (C-L) 3-0
Program(s) BSCS Preferred Semester 1
Date 14-11-2022 Version 1.1
Program(s) BSCS Semester Session FALL- 2022
Instructor(s) Ms. Alina Shafique TA / Lab Engineer No Lab Work
QCH Sir Shahzaib Akmal Telephone No. / Ext. 0332-9053767
Email [email protected] Class Hours As per Time table
Office / Room No. Innovation room Office Hours 8am-3pm. Thursdays are
Course This course is designed to give introduction to generate graduates not only with a Sound Grounding in Computer Science
Description fundamentals, but also who have the multi-disciplinary breadth that includes Knowledge of English Grammar and enhancing
Four Language Learning Skills. It is specially designed to improve their Critical thinking, so that the students can make an
immediate impact in their relevant field, either in the Academic Research or CS industry domains. Ultimately the program aims
to generate the Future Leaders or Superheroes of the National and international CS industry and Computing field. Moreover,
this course will enable students to succeed in their FYP in the later semesters as they will learn Pitching the idea, critical thinking
and an Entrepreneurial mindset right from the beginning.
It includes the following major topics;
Parts of speech, sentence and its types, tenses, active and passive voice, strategies to improve four language skills, punctuation,
comprehensions, paragraph writing and different types of essay writing.
Course The objective of this course is to enable students to understand;
Objectives (CO) No. Objectives
CO1 Understand the importance of grammar.
CO2 Learn rules, structure and function of grammar and techniques to identify and rectify grammatical mistakes.
CO3 Extend conceptual understanding by applying reading comprehension and thinking strategies.
CO4 Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.
CO5 Enable the learners to express in a variety of writing styles.
Course Learning At the end of this course students will be able to;
Outcomes (CLO) No. Outcomes Domain BT PLO #
CLO1 Classify different parts of speech to show the relation of words to each other. Cognitive C2 1
CLO2 Apply different grammatical functions and concepts in their oral and written Cognitive C3 1
communication and demonstrate control of mechanics.
CLO3 Analyze variety of reading strategies to foster comprehension and to construct
personally meaningful and relevant connections to the text and interpreting Cognitive C4 3
different approaches of life.
CLO4 Evaluate the drafts by participating in peer assessment as both reviewer and Cognitive C5 4
writer to develop critical thinking.
CLO5. Write clear sentences and construct paragraphs and essays by employing a Cognitive C6 12
writing process and using supporting details, examples, and evidences.
CLO6 Develop language skills by having learners engaged in a range of communicative Cognitive C6 6
tasks and activities from CO1 to CO5.
Lecture type Demonstrative, Inquiry based, Interactive sessions

Prerequisites Knowledge of basic grammar and its components

Follow up Communication and Presentation Skills, Technical and Business Writing
Textbook Title Edition Authors Publisher Year ISBN
English Grammar and Composition Revised Wren and Paramoun 2018 Sept. 8, 978-969-494-671-9
Who Moved My Cheese Spencer Martin t 1998 9780091816971

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Reference Warriner’s English Grammar and Composition John E. Harcourt June 30, 978-0153118821
Books Warriner School; 1981

Reference Recommended websites;

Course Documentaries/Videos/Short Films/Ted talks
Software or Tool On line Webinars/video talks
Class discussions (individual, pairs & groups)
Skype Talks, Tutorials, British Council visits,
Blog Writing, Case Studies Reading, Communication Competitions
Assessment Assessment Weight Used to attain CLO Assessment Weight Used to attain CLO
Criteria (100%) Assignments 10% CLO1, 2, 3, 5, & 6 Quizzes 10% CLO1, 2 & 3

Lab 0% Project / Presentation 10% CLO6

Activity Booklet 10% CLO1, 2 , 3,4, 5 & 6 Attendance 0%

Mid Term 30% CLO1, 2, 3 & 4 Final 30% CLO1, 2, 3, 5, & 6

Methods of Formative and Summative Assessment methods.

Notes Four Language Learning Skills will be assessed via above mentioned criteria
Week No. Topic Lecture No. Lecture Contents Relation with CLO

W1 Linguistics Foundation for L1 Introduction to Nouns CLO1

Communication Kinds of Nouns
Practical implementation of nouns

Exams Skills
Identify and use nouns in constructing sentences.
Intro to note taking technique
L2 Pronoun and Kinds of Pronouns CLO1
Adjectives with Kinds of Adjectives
Practical implementation of pronouns and adjectives
Identify and suggest the use of pronouns and adjectives in
constructing sentences.
Introduction to art of description with the help of adjectives
W2 Basics of communication L3 Verb and Adverbs CLO1
Prepositions with their kinds
Identify and use verbs, adverbs and prepositions in
constructing sentences.
L4 Interjection, Conjunction, Articles CLO1
Construct sentences with correct use of interjection,
conjunction and articles (A, An and the) Listening skills
techniques and Audio Analysis

W3 Formation of Sentence L5 Sentence CLO2, CLO6

Structure of sentences
Speaking skills Identify and use structure of different
sentences accurately
L6 Types of Sentences CLO2, CLO6
Simple Sentences
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences

Speaking Skills
Understanding and determining declarative, interrogative,
imperative, exclamatory and optative sentences.
Learning of expressions in communication
W4 Process of communication L7 Present indefinite tense CLO3
in the Current Scenario
Present continuous tense
Understand and apply rules of tenses in sentences
Analyzing current situations
L8 Present perfect tense CLO3

Present perfect continuous tense

Understand and apply rules of tenses in sentences
W5 Process of communication L9 Past indefinite CLO3
in the past Scenario
Past continuous tense
Understand and apply rules of tenses in sentences
L10 Past perfect tense CLO3
Past perfect continuous tense Understand and apply rules

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of tenses in sentences
W6 Process of communication L11 Future indefinite tense CLO3
in the upcoming Scenario
Future continuous tense
Understand and apply rules of tenses in sentences
L12 Future perfect tense CLO3

Future perfect continuous tense

Understand and apply rules of tenses in sentences
W7 Negotiating Skills or Active L13 Active voice/Passive voice CLO6
and Passive Voice Change the Active voice to Passive voice
The importance of passive voice in business world.
L14 Active voice /Passive Voice CLO6
Change passive voice to active voice
W8 Mid Term Week Mid Term Examination CLO1, 2, 3
W9 Modal verbs L15 Modal Verbs
Can CLO1, CLO2
Identify and use modal verbs to convey various
Entrepreneurship is the art of life; ‘Yes I can do it, through
Modal verbs.
L16 Techniques of writing a paragraph CLO4, 5
Paragraph writing Unity
Concise language
Skills of taking notes
Plan a paragraph using an organizer
Organize collective thoughts in a well written paragraph
Drafting, editing and revising of their work
Identify the importance and usefulness of note taking in
real-life context
Evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of various note taking
L18. Who moved My Cheese? CLO3, 4
Book Reading strategies with practice
Comprehension passages

Reading Strategies
Peer Correction
Enable to understand the importance of reading, for
example determining the author’s purpose, making
predictions, making connections, making inferences,
retelling, summarizing and synthesizing, etc.
W10 L19. Reading strategies with practice CLO3, 4
Comprehension passages
Imparting life skills through reading the above-mentioned
L20. CLO6
Presentations or
Demonstrations Demonstrate strong presentation skills personally
Identify positive presentation skills in others

W11 L21. Teaching Punctuation (system of signs or symbols) CLO6

Use of Punctuation Rules To enable the learners to learn how a sentence is
in Paragraph Writing/ constructed and how it should be read to make the
Essay Writing
meaning clear.
Marks of punctuation helps to know the intended meaning
to the language.
The most important is that use of wrong mark of
punctuation or even wrong placement of mark of
punctuation can change the meaning of the sentence
L22 Kinds of paragraphs writing CLO4, 5
Descriptive style of writing
Narrative writing
Expository paragraphs

Persuasive art of writing

Plan a paragraph using an organizer
Organized their collective thoughts in a well written
Drafting, editing and revising of their work
W12 L23 Comprehension rules, CLO4,
Descriptive Essay Writing Paraphrasing techniques
Practice of comprehension passages by the grammar book
peer checking
L24 Essay, its structure and types and understand essay CLO4,
Narrative essay writing structure and classify essays.
Complete all the pre-writing steps to complete an essay
Academic Competency through composing ideas in the
form of essay writing
W13 L25 Descriptive Essay Drafting, editing and revising of their CLO4, 5
Development of Critical work
Peer Correction
Write description about any scene, person or an object in
well-organized form Drafting, editing and revising of their
L26 Narrative Essay CLO4, 5

Peer correction
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or
events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and
well-structured event sequences Drafting, editing and
revising of their work
W14 L27 Argumentative Essay CLO4, 5
Presentations rebuttal/
Peer correction
refute etc.
Developing the critical thinking among the students
through argumentative essay writing
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and
L28 Assignment on writing Skills CLO6
W15 L29 CLO6
Demonstrate strong presentation skills personally
Identify positive presentation skills in others
L30 Write description about any scene, person or an CLO4, 5
object in well-organized form Drafting, editing and
revising of their work.
W16 Revision and practice L31 Revision
L32 Final paper discussion
W17 Final Exams Week

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