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Shut Up and Dance

Episode 1 Walkthrough
• Go to any room you like; it doesn’t affect anything. But
you can visit only one room.

• “Actually, I can” - you get +1 hate from Chen and won’t

see the last scene in Ep.2
• If you choose to help him, you get +1 respect and will see
the scene at the end of Ep.2
• This will affect the scene in the second episode, so if
you want everything to be fine, I’d recommend choosing

• In the evening if you “Tell them about the offer”

you’ll see Megan’s scene.

• “Don’t tell them” leads to Sarah’s scene.

• Choosing between “What is your secret” and “Don’t

ask” will affect later Episodes. (But if you want to see
everything, I recommend asking her, obviously)
Megan’s Scene:

• “Enter without knocking” - more revealing scene with

• “Knock first” leads to a conversation with her.
Sarah’s Conversation:

• “Enter without knocking” - Sarah wears panties during

the scene.
• If you choose “Turn it on as usual”, you’ll get a chance
to spank her a bit 😉😉
• “Turning on safe mode” doesn’t give you any points.

• “It was a difficult day” – this innocent message can make

Megan send some nice photos to MC and will open the
way to more reveling scenes with her.

• “Maybe you’ll help me?” – on the other hand doesn’t do

Jake’s House:

• “Tell him” gives you Jake’s trust. If he knows what

you’re capable of he will ask you to influence Faith.
• You can Agree (+1 trust and first scene with Faith) or No
way (+1 suspect).

• Megan sends you the second photo if “It was a difficult

day” was chosen before.

• If you got photos from Megan earlier, she’ll ask you to

help her choose a dress in her room.
Megan’s Room:

• “Say she’s hot” – will give you access to more interesting

scenes in the shop and on Friday evening.

• If you got photos from Megan, she’ll invite you in the


• All the possible variants here are below:

Say she’s hot Say a compliment
(Megan’s room) (Megan’s room)

Peek She lets MC jerk She shows her tits.

(Fitting-room) off to her.
Don’t Peek She gives MC a She lets MC jerk
(Fitting-room) handjob. off to her and

Special Scene:

• It opens if MC gets a handjob in the shop.

Friday Evening:

• If there were no scenes in the fitting-room, MC will jerk

off to Megan.

• If MC said she’s hot and peeked, Megan will give a


• If MC said she’s hot and didn’t peek, Megan will give a

blowjob + there is a kissing scene on this route.
Episode 2

• If you told Jake about your powers or agreed to help

him with Faith in the first episode, he will appear at the
most interesting part in the morning.
• Though if you agreed to help him or just mentioned your
powers, there will be a choice: Hide somewhere or Stay
• If you hide, Jake will face some serious troubles in later
Back to Friday:

• There will be a special scene which depends on the

ending of the previous episode. Megan will give you
After the Shop:

• Massage scenes also depend on the ending of the

previous episode.
Talk to Sarah (First Time):

• Here you can choose if you want to talk to her.

• The first talk gives most benefits (there are three
conversations with her in total)
• Be careful, if you don’t talk to her at all, it may lead to
some unpleasant scenes and outcomes.

• If you talked to Sarah, Megan will come to your room.

Again, everything depends on the previous ending.
Debt Collector:

• Choosing “Fuck you!” will impress Sarah, and if you

talked to her earlier, she’ll reward you ;)

• When MC comes from work, there will be new

conversation with Sarah.
• She will let him touch her tits if he talked to her
• If there was no conversation with her, here is the second
Debt Collector:

• If you simply give him the money, you’ll miss a lot of

scenes in the restaurant!

• Two scenes with Sarah. They depend on the fact if

you’ve ever talked to her. 1st and 2nd talk give two
different outcomes.

• Scenes with Megan in the restroom also depend on your

ending in Episode 1.

• If there was the conversation with Sarah, you’ll have a

chance to check her ass.
• If there was no conversation at all, you’ll have the last
Jake’s Birthday:

• Either Faith will be nude or not during his birthday –

everything depends on the choices from the first
Dinner with Megan:

• Do you remember Chen from the first episode? Well, if

you agreed to help him, he’ll help you too ;)
Episode 3 Ch.1
Dr. Wood:

• If you had sex with Megan at the end of Ep.2, you’ll

have fun with Doc as well.
• Otherwise, MC won’t get lucky with the Doctor.
Back Home:

• Two different scenes with Megan depending on the

ending of the previous episode.
Thursday Night – Sarah’s scenes:
• If you talked to Sarah when she asked about it and had
sex with Megan, you’ll get the first variation of her
scene, where she gives a helping hand.
• If you talked to Sarah and didn’t have sex with Megan,
you’ll get the second variation of her scene.
• If you didn’t talk to her at all, now it’s the best time to
do it.
Episode 3 Ch.2
Friday Morning:

• Two different conversations with Megan in the


• They depend on the scene from Episode 2, if MC had

sex with her.
Faith’s scenes and office:

• There’re 3 different scenes with her

• If Faith is mad at Jake (MC hid in the wardrobe in the 2nd Ep.) and MC
agreed to influence her in Ep. 1: Jake will beg you for
help while Faith will be walking around naked yelling at
him. After this scene you’ll leave her all to yourself.
• If Faith isn’t mad (MC didn’t hide) and you helped Jake
influence her: Faith will be also naked and you’ll get a hot
scene which opens a threesome route.
• If Jake doesn’t know about MC’s powers/ hasn’t
seen them – you’ll have a conversation with him
after which Faith will invite you to her bedroom to
have a “talk”. She’s dressed in this scene… for some
time at least.
Back home:
• You can choose with whom you want to stay: with
Megan or Sarah.

Megan’s scene:
• A dream sequence after which MC will go to Sarah’s room.

Sarah’s scene:
• There’re two options here.
• If MC talked to her on the 1st or 2nd time when she asked,
you’ll get the full scene with Sarah’s helping hand.
• If you decided not to talk to her – you’ll only see the
massage part.

Dinner scene:
• Sarah is horny and wants to finish what she’s started.

Ange’s request:

• Asking for something in return will make your

relationship hotter later and you’ll have a
nice scene with her.
Special Scenes.

• Scene with Megan. It opens automatically in the

gallery once you finish the chapter.
Episode 4 Ch.1

• If you decided to ask for something in return in the

previous episode, Ange won’t mind some flirting with
Sarah’s Yoga scene:

• Enjoy the scene and Sarah’s flexibility �


• Here we go! If you want to massage Megan – ask her!

She’ll refuse at first but will agree later. If you don’t ask
her and start with Sarah, then Sarah will be the one who
massages Megan.
• While massaging Sarah you have to stop before
‘Fingering’ option. It will only make her mad.
Looking for Sarah:

• This scene is available only if you massaged Sarah and

touched her pussy. But didn’t finger her.
• Fingering her chocolate eye will lead to anal scenes in
the future.
Card Game:

• Enjoy the scene!

Special Scene:
• Episode 4 Chapter 1 Special scene unlocks as soon as you
finish the main part.

Faith’s scene:

• A big scene for the ones who has chosen the sharing
route. Sharing is caring … though this time someone can
get hurt a bit :-p
• To get this scene you had to influence Faith in the 1st Ep.
and meet Jake in the bedroom in the beginning of the
2nd Ep.

• If you decided to leave Faith only to yourself earlier,

then you’ll head straight to the restaurant.
• Following Kate will lead to sex scene with her and using
your powers on Megan.
• Staying with Megan will lead to a romantic route with
Episode 5
• There are a few different ways to start this episode.
1) If you used the powers on Megan and you’re on the
sharing route with Faith then you’ll get a scene in MC’s
2) If you’re on the love route with Megan you’ll start this
ep. In the kitchen.
Kitchen (Megan – love route, Sarah – love route):
• When Megan decides to open her robe you’d better
don’t tell her anything because it leads to a quiz scene
with Sarah.

Sarah’s quiz:
• The right answers are ‘Physician’, ‘Choir’, ‘Surname’.
• If you answer correctly, Sara definitely finds a way to
please you ;-p

Kitchen (Megan – influenced route, Sarah – love route):

• When Sarah asks you if you’re trying to get her attention –
answer ‘Yes’!

• Emma’s question about using the powers doesn’t have
any impact on the story at the moment but it will have it
later. So I suggest answering honestly.

Postman’s House:
• If you decide to answer the call and tell Ange the address,
she’ll help you. This choice also opens Ann’s route in the
future episodes. So if you’re interested in both Ange and
Ann, feel free to tell her everything.

Postman’s House (No Ange):

• There’s a choice either to use the powers or not. I’d vote
for not using them but you’re free to choose.

Back Home, Living Room:

• This scene has a few variations depending on your route.

• If Megan is influenced you’ll get an invitation to her
bedroom later.
• If she’s on the love route and you haven’t told her about
the robe in the morning, you’ll get an H-scene, otherwise
you can count for a goodnight kiss.

Sarah’s Special Scene

Massage Scene:
• You have to be on the influenced route with Megan to
get this scene.
• And at the end of this episode you can decide if you
want Megan to hit on Sarah. Choose according to your
preferences ;-p
Episode 6
• The beginning of the episode depends on your ending in
ep.5. You’ll wake up either in Megan’s bedroom or in
Morning (Megan Influenced Path):
• You’ll wake up in her room if you influenced her in
Episode 4.
• Just enjoy the scene ;)
Morning (MC’s Bedroom):
• If you decided to choose Megan’s Love route, MC wakes
up in his room.
• There’s a choice either to Jerk Off or to Say ‘Hi’ to
Jerk Off (Sarah’s Scene):
• If Sarah isn’t mad at you (you talked to her in Episode 2),
you’ll get a thigh-job scene with her.
• If she’s mad – well, she’ll be still mad at you.
Say ‘Hi’ to Megan:
• If you helped Chen in Episode 1, Megan will let you come
in her room.
• If you gave her Breast Examination in Episode 5 (and
didn’t tell her anything about her robe during Ep. 5
breakfast scene), she’ll let you watch her changing and
show you the third outfit.
• If Ange helped you get rid of the ‘post man’, Emma will
send you to Ange’s house.
• If you decided not to call Ange, you’ll go straight to
Emma’s house.
Emma’s House:
• Watch the scene while they’re setting up the table, then
her husband arrives.
• IMPORTANT: If you choose not to help Emma to deal
with her husband – there won’t be any fun with her in
the future.
Ange’s House:
• If you tell Ange the truth about the pills, you’ll miss the
scene with Ann.
• Lying to her/Doing as you want both lead to the scene
with Ann.
• After the scene you’ll head to Emma’s house to report
about everything and her husband will return home.
• IMPORTANT: If you choose not to help Emma to deal
with her husband – there won’t be any fun with her in
the future.
Back Home:
• After returning home, Megan will give you a nice present
which make your life way better ;)
Sarah’s Party – Jenny’s Scene:
• If you’re in good relationships with Sarah, she’ll ask you
to join her little party which will definitely have a happy
• If your relationships are bad – no party, no Jenny, no fun.
Special Scene:
• It starts after Jenny’s scene, so you can watch it only if
you were in Sarah’s room and joined her party.
Episode 7 Ch.1
Bathroom scene with Megan:
• The scene has two variations: Corruption and Love. So, if
you want to see both, you need to have two separate
• Asking her about anal in corrupted route will lead to anal
sex in the future.
• Options “Nah, easy” and “Ask about her husband” will
give you extra points, that’ll be useful in the future.
• Taking extra pills will help you in the future.
• The only option is about where to cum, heh.
Snack in the Kitchen:
• The scene has a few paths:
• 1) Megan appears in normal outfit (Love route).
• 2) She puts on something more revealing
(Corruption route).
• 3) She makes first steps towards Sarah
(Corruption route + “Hit on Sarah” option).
• Dialogues differ if you started the threesome path.
• Threesome path will also have a huge effect on the
scenes from Ep.7 Ch.2.
Episode 7 Ch.2
Faith scenes:
• The scene has two variations depending on your route.
• You can either have her all for yourself, or share her with
Jake. One chooses what he/she likes more.
Carrie’s scene:
• During Carrie’s scene you get a call from Ange. The
dialogues differ depending on if she has helped you at
the “Postman’s” and if she knows the truth about the
pills and placebos.
Ange’s scene:
• If she has helped you at Postman’s place, you’ll have two
options how to get into Dealer’s house.
• If you decide to use powers on him, it’ll have an effect in
later episodes as well as extra pills from Ep.7 Ch.2.
• If Ange hasn’t helped you at Postman’s place, you’ll have
to save her.
Episode 8
Interrogation scene:
• The Boss will get angry and you’ll be able to influence
him sooner if you keep silent.
• You can play with the options and get slightly different
scenes there.
Night scene with Sarah:
• Just relax and enjoy the scene ;-p
Megan. Yoga scenes:
• Dialogues during the scene depend on the path you’ve
chosen for her: Love, Corruption, Corruption+Threesome.
• P.S. Threesome path can be enabled in Episode 5 on
Megan’s Corruption route.
Locker Room:
• You can get this scene on Threesome path only.
• If you’re on another route (Love or Corruption only),
you’ll just see the ladies in their bikinis.
• Here you can choose whom you want to spend time with.
• The choice doesn’t affect future scenes.
Hot tub:
• The hottest scene in hot tub is available on Corruption
only path.
Tanning Room:
• You’ll go check out a tanning room with Megan only on
her Love route.
Sauna scenes:
• There’re a few alternatives here:
• Threesome route: MC will get lucky to have a massage
from both Megan and Sarah… at the same time!
• Love or Corruption only routes: Sarah will decide to do
everything herself; you just need to enjoy!
Megan night scenes:
• Two options, two absolutely different scenes: Love and
Corruption routes.
Special scenes:
• The scene is available in Faith’s gallery as soon as you
finish Episode 8.

That’s it for now. Thank you for playing! I hope you

enjoyed it. Feel free to share your thoughts about the
game. Also, I would be grateful if you would support me
on Patreon! (

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