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1 Make sentences with the prompts using the present simple


1. We/not go/to school on Saturdays.

2. Anna/like/biology classes.

3. My dad/not work/near my school.

4. I/not get up/early on Sundays.

5. My friends/go/to a café after school


2. Complete the sentences with in, at or on.

1. We don’t have afternoon classes ________ Wednesdays.

2. We have a morning break ________ 11.15
3. Can you come to my party? It’s ________ the sixth of May.
4. I like playing on my computer ________ the evening.
5. It’s very cold here________ January.

3 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence

does not have a mistake.
1. My sister studys biology at university.

2. My dad drives me to school every morning.

3. Brett clean his dad’s car every weekend.

4. My football practice starts at a quarter at four.

5. The teacher doesn’t give we homework at the weekend.


4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs

get go ask make do

1 The teacher a lot of questions in class.

2 I my homework in my bedroom at 6.00.
3 My dad breakfast every day for us before he goes to work.
4 We up late on Sunday morning.
5 I to bed when I’m tired.

5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 I brush/comb my teeth every morning.
2 I speak/call my friend after school every day.
3 I wake/wash up when the sun shines in my bedroom.
4 My brother has/makes a drink with his friends on Fridays.
5 I don’t do/play computer games in the evenings.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct subjects.

1 In , we learn about different countries.
2 In , we learn about the past.
3 In , we learn to paint and draw.
4 In , we learn about the body and animals.
5 In , we learn to answer problems with numbers.
1 Read about a special school.
Every summer, 15-year-old Luke Jones goes to a school. But he doesn 't study
maths, English or history at this school. The school is a special football academy
and Luke studies how to play football. Football is Luke's favourite free-time
activity. One day he wants to be a professional football player. At the academy Luke
begins at nine o'clock. His parents take him to the academy. It's inside a special
sports cen tre. But his mum and dad don't stay because the teachers don't want
parents to watch the lessons. The first lesson begins. It's a training session . Luke
does special exercises with the ball. At 11 o'clock the students stop and have water,
fruit and an energy bar. From 11.45 to 12.45 they play football again. At 12.45 Luke
and his friends have lunch. They have a special lunch to give them energy to do
more exercise in the afternoon. After lunch, from 1.45 to 2.30, they don't play
football. They play other sports. But from 2.30 to 3.30 they have a football match .
Then it's time to have a shower and go home. Luke usually goes home by bus. In the
evening, Luke usually watches football on TV or he sometimes plays one of his
computer games. It's always a computer game about football, of course!

1. Read the text again. Are these sentences True (T), False (F) or is the
information Not Mentioned (NM) in the text?
1 Luke doesn't like normal subjects like maths, English or history. T / F/ NM
2 Luke goes to the academy by bus. T / F/ NM
3 Luke has his football lessons in a sportscentre. T / F/ NM
4 Luke's mum and dad watch him in the training sessions. T/ F/ NM
5. Luke and the other students have a break in the morning. T/ F/ NM
6 They don't p lay football in the afternoon. T/ F/ NM
7 Luke has his shower at home. T / F/ NM
8 Luke has three football computer games. T / F/ NM

2. Read about skateboarder Tony Hawk's house. Choose the best answer
(A, B or C) to complete the text.
Tony Hawk is the king of skateboarding. So it's no surprise that there __________
(1) a big skate park next __________(2) his house. He likes basketball, too. There
__________(3) two basketball courts. He and his friends often play there. And he
has an outdoor swimming pool. You don't see the pool when you arrive at their
house because it's __________ (4) it. Tony likes relaxingv__________(5) the water.
There's __________ (6) really big living room in the house, with three different
games consoles, a connected to an enormous plasma TV. Tony spends a lot of time
__________ (7) the TV because he loves playing new computer games. He always
has lots of skateboard games__________ (8) the table - they're his favourite!
1 A is B are C isn't
2 A of B to C in
3 A are B isn't C aren't
4 A in front of 8 behind C near
5 A on B to C in
6Aa B- C the
7 A in front of B on C under
8 A next B in C on


Write an informal email to a friend. Describe somebody in your family.

Include this information:
Their name, age and description
Their daily routine
Their free-time activities - likes and dislikes
Write 50-70 words.

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