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SOWHAT grams.and charactercreationinstructionsfor our main
ANYWAY? . Morestuff that we did not haveroomfor on this pagel
We'rehappyyou'reinterestedin the RPGA@ Network,the
largestandbestrole-playingorganizationin the worid.The RPGA
Networkpromotesrole-playingin alLits formsandprovides
activity centersfor membersto engagein this terrific
RPGA presentsadventures in two qpes, thosefor which
hobby.Members playthe best gameswith the bestplayers
charactersareprovidedandthosefor whichyou canbring
all aroundthe world. Throughthis organization,you can
your owncharacter.Adventureswhichallowyou to bring a
get in touch with others who shareyour interests in
characterarepart of a Lrvrwccampaignwhich allowmem-
z' ptaying,designing,and collectinggamesand adventures.
bers to develop charactersas in home roleplaying
Network membersadvocatethe spreadof role-playing,
FO campaigns.We have a variety of Lrvltlc campaignsto
renderserviceto the community,and teach role-piaying
of the hobby. choosefrorn,with morecomingalLthe time. GUILD-LEvEL
games to others,sharingtheir enjoyment in thesecampaigns; in
members havernoreopportunities
RPGAoffers two leveLsof membership,so you can
additionto adventures, there areLive-actiongamesT orga-
choose the onethat bestfits whatyouwantout ofthe roLe-
nizationsfor charactersto join, andother speciaL
that canhelp developyour character.
RPGAoffersLIVINGCITYTM, the world'slargestongoing
FEllowsutp-LEVEL" IP
MEMBERSH roleplayingcampaign.EnterRavensBluff, a hugefantasy
This level of membershipis FREEto any interested
city in the FoncorrswRrlrus campaign,whereyour AD&D
person.It is a greatwayto try out whatthe Networkhasto
charactercancut deals.fight evil-doers,find fameandfor-
offer and seeif you want to upgradeto the next level.
tune, and perhapslive to a ripe old age.Networkmembers
FELLowsHIP-LEVTL members can:
. Playor judge any sanctionedNetworkadventure.This playtheir owncharactersin LIvINGCItv eventsat conven-
tions aroundthe world. Morethan 3,000activeplayers
includesadventuresat conventions,retail store loca-

nffiEsft?,mnn FORTH€FUTURT

participatein this campaign,and onLythe Networkbrings

tions, online, and anywhere else you find
you a campaign on this scale.
RPGA-sanctionedgames. IMhen you pLayin sanctioned
For thoselookingfor other options.the RPGAcomes
roleplaying events, you receive points toward an inter-
through.Checkout LIVING JuNGLxru, a humanoid-based
national roleplaying ranking which works similariy to
jungleAD&Dcampaign, wheretaboosandgarudaandenig-
classlevels in the D&D game. The more points you have, the
members can
maticwitch doctorshauntyour everystep.Experience
the higher your level. FELLowsHIP-LEVEL Setin the
gothicmysteryand horrorof LrvrwcDEATHTM.
rise as high as secondlevel.
1890s,this campaign usesthe RAvENLoFT@ Masqueof the
RedDeathworld.Journeyacross the globeasa memberof
Gurr-o-levgl* a secretqabaL fightingthe eviLofthe RedDeath.Runthe
The second leveL of membership is called GUILD-LEVEL
shadowswith VIRTUAL SEATTLE, Shadowrun'sLIvINGcam-
membership. All Network activities and privileges are avail-
paign. Street sams, wage mages, physical adepts,
able to Gurro-rrvEl membersfor a cost of US$20per year
assassins, shamans, deckers, andmoreawaityoujust out
(United States, costs elsewherevary and you should check
of sight. Takethe role of an outsiderwithout an official
the Branch office for detaits). For that payment, GUILD-
identity andtry to survivein VTnTUAL SEATTLI.
LEVEL membersreceive:
. AILbenefits ofFrrr.owstitp-rrvsL membership.In addi- This GameFairmarksthe iaunch of our newestLwItlc
tion, GuILD-LIvELmembers can advance their player
Science-fictionRolepLaying Game.RPGA hasa star system
and judge rankings in the international ranking
in the Verge,the settingfor the SteR*DnIVx@ products.Try
system to any levei. SpeciaLadventures are available
this new game,and help contributeto building a whole
for Masters (3rd), Grand Masters (5th), and Paragon
(7th) level members, but you must be a Guttn-rrvrr star systeml
Nextyearthe RPGA will presentsharedworldcampaigns
memberto play them.
. One-year subscription to PoLYHEDRoN@ Magazine (cur- on a newscale,with our Lrvrtc GnTYHAwKTM campaign.The
rentiy 6 issues), the Network's own magazine.
entire world of Greyhawkhas been givento the RPGAto
is fitted with Network news, gaming arti-
developand ptay in. This campaignwill featureregional
mappingof the world of Greyhawk,the coreAD&Dgame
cles, and announcements of conventions running
world, onto the realworld. Theopportunitiesarelimitless
Network adventures. Ed Greenwood of Foncorrew
for Gurro-rrvgrmembersto games,and develop
REALMS'famewrites a regular column on the Border
the world of Greyhawk.
Kingdoms which you cannot find elsewhere. LIvItlc
campaign support can also be found within its pages.
You are hoiding a representative sample of what you can
RPGA helpsyou enterthe communityof roleplayers. You
find in PorvuronoN in your very hands right now.
. A unique AD&D@adventure that is available only to have a regionaLdirectorassignedto help you whereyou
members for the current year. The adven-
live.Youcanfind othermembers andjoin their gamesby
ture which premieresat the 1999 GENCotl' GameFair is
contactingyour regionaldirector.Network-sanctioned
clubsadd evenmoreto your membership, as clubsreceive
Wand of Archael by Mike Selinker and Penny Williams,
extrabenefitsand opportunities.
based on an original tournament by Robert Kindel.
. The opportunity to playtest TSR product as part of a Come bythe RPGAtower in the Wizardsexhibitbooth,or
Network Club
the RPGAeventsareain the Arena.We'llbe happyto set
. Membership Handbook, teltng you how to get invoLved. you up to enjoythe fun we haveto offer.
E The handbook contains information on all our pro-
WELCOME battlegroundbetweentwo powerfulcartelsof wizards,the
ll, ltat) oo
Nowthat we haveyour attention.we canrelieveyou by Magesofthe RedCabalandthe Celestial0rder.A coupby IJ

sayingthat y.e meanthis in a positiveway. The RPGAs the Magesof the Red Cabalhas resultedin the ioss of
themefor this yearis "TheInferno" by Dante,and we are tuchael,chiefwizardamongthe Celestial0rder.TheOrder a=

gearingup to showyou one hellaciousgoodtime. fu you wantsyou to recoverhis lost wandftom the RedMages,or u2

may lcrow, the theme of "The Inferno" is the journey the 0rdercouldbe doomed.Thisadventureis a previewof z

through heLtthat Danteundertookwith his guide,Virgit. the RPGAs 1999 annual adventure. Double RPGA 'z
experience points.RPGAClubDecathlonevent.
Justlike Virgit,wewill guideyou throughlayerafter layer ::
AD&D Feature, three-round elimlnation. A Pirate's
of our program,eachbuilding on the previousones.In a ::
sensewe are actuallyworking our way upward,but "fhe lzle by Tim White, Daniel Lleweilyn,and Jeff Butl. The o

Paradiso"just doesnot grab the attention the way hell kingdomof Barengsuffersundera hideouslyevil rule. The
does.So thint hett ir reverse(getting better with each meansto put it to an endmaybe closeby, but to find them
you must seekout piratesand a missingprincess.Wiltyou
layerratherthan worse),andyouwill be onthe right track.
Wealwaysty to bring you new and exciting everyyear, be readyto facethe evil of Bareng?Thefate of the whoie
Realmsmaybe at stake.StandardRPGA experience points.
andtlLisyearis no different.With over50tournaments,Live-
actionroiepiaying,andseveralchampionships, wearesureto AD&D lilasters, two-round elimination. Giftsof the
have somethingexciting for you. Plus we have partnered Heartby RembertParker.You'vearrivedafter the dragon
with other programsthroughout the GameFair's busy has been slain, but there's still a damselin extreme
scheduleto bringyou high quality eventswhereyou maynot distresslThisis the introductoryadventureto lhe Human
expectto seeRPGA active.Sowatchyour step,andfollowas Equation, a series of adventuresthat mark Rembert's
we guide you through the many layersof the Networks return to RPGAevents.A two-roundAD&Dadventurefor
offering this year.Thereis not roomhereto Listall the tour- six totally humancharactersof level 3-4. RPGAmembers
3rdlevelandaboveonly.triple RPGAexperiencepoints.

AD&DGrandMasters, one-round adventure. A Fine
namentdescriptions,so you will haveto get the Grtl Cott
Specimenby GregDreherandSteveHardinger."Nowtake a
pre-regbookfromAndonUntimitedat 800-529-HPO.
look at theseanimals.They'refine specimens, aren'tthey?
B00TH They were just brought in from the mountainsby an
1STLAYER: associateof mine." "The mountains?With all those
Crossingthe RiverAcheron,we find ourselvesat the
maraudingorctribes?Wasn'tthat dangerous?" "0h, not at
lVrzARDs oFrHECoAsrexhibit booth. There,the friendly
all, not for my associate.""But aren'tyou worried about
RPGAstaff andvolunteerswill be running demonstrations
the druids?Theymight confrontyou." "0h, I'm SURE they
of the Arrrnttrv' Science-fictionRoteplayingGame,and level and
won't be doing anything...."RPGA members 5th
the MARvEL SuPER HERoEsTM Game.Thisis a chanceto learn
aboveonly.quadrupleRPGAexperience points.
ArrsnNrrvbeforeplayingin our Lryrro VrRGEru events,or
AD&D Paragon, one-round adventure. Aw Dad by
playing for a little while in the Dungeonof Doom.All
Jason0lsen.Thewrath of Zeuscanbe terrible to behold'
GuILD-LEvELru RPGAmemb'ers will receivea special25th
for everyonebut his sonsthat is. But the irrationalityof
anniversaryprinting of 16: Ravenloftjustfor being mem-
Zeusis famous,andthat is what getsyou into troublethis additionto all the othergreatbenefitsyou receive.
time. Howto overcome Zeus'angerandyetstayaiive?From
Visit the booth andpick up yours.
1993.RPGA members7th level and aboveonly, quintuple
PLAY RPGAexperiencepoints.
2NDLAYER: AD&DReplay,one-round adventure. Parlynne's Lost
Themainstayof the RPGAprogramis alwaysthe many
Gemby RembertParker.The bard Par\mnehas a simple
tournamentswerun. Wechoosethe besteventsby ourbest
questleft undone:find the last gemthat fits in hermagical
writers,and find the bestjudgeswe can.RPGAeventsare
harp.Shebelievesthat shecanrecoversomeelusivemagic
the bestroleptayingeventsat the show bar none.A com-
ofmusicfor the woridifthe harpcanbemadewholeagain.
plete listing follows, and we are sure that you wilt find
Themissinggemleadsyou throughforestand into places
enoughto giveyou pieasurefor the wholeweekend.For
you did not expectto go. This eventlast playedin 1991.
RPGAtournaments,the Network will be awarding $5
couponprizesfor the winnersof all events.
AD&DSpeclal,one-lound advenfrte.The Rescue ofMaid
AD&D@ Benefit, one-round adventure. Wandof
lvlan'an RobinHood oroneofhismerrymenin
Archaelby MikeSelinkerand PennyWilliams,basedon an
this dashingadvenhue.Maid Marianis endangeredby the
original tournamentby RobertKindel. Greyisleis a land
Sheriffof Nottingham,and Robinand crewmust cometo her
rescue!StandardRPGA experience points.
o ta
AD&D LilIllG JUNGLE Feature, one-round swordintroducesyou to the societyof the yakuza,the not-
; adventure. Necromancer's Stone by Tom Prusa' The so-secretsecretsocietyof criminalsftom Japan.IAIhyyou
u earthshakesget worse,and now the greatestheroesof werecalledin couldbeoneofthe mostinterestingmysteries
z points.
Malatracall you in to find the long lost Necromancer's ofyour career.StandardRPGA experience
z Stone to stop them. This is an adventurefor builing Shadowrun Virtual Seattle Special, one-round
: courage,to bq sure. Everyoneis relying on you. An adventure. BodyFcrm.Bodysnatchingdoesnot normally
z adventurefor low-level and mid-level heroes.Standard comeinto your line asa shadowrunner. Makingbodiesout
I RPGAexperience points. of living beings,yes,but usua\ oncedeadyou canleave
AD&D LIvIilG JUI{GLE Extreme, one-rould them. Not this time. Ajourney into the dark undersideof
: adventure. iYonkeyCifl by RobertWiese.A packof garuda Seattle.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints.
attacking the Huroolalead the heroesof Malatraon a Star WarsFeature,one-round adventure.TheWayoJ
strangejourney of discoveryinto their past.lllhat secrets the Forceby Robertl/[iese.A strangeobeliskleadsyou to
wilt they find, and howwill thesesecretsaffectthe future Calamari,the homeworld of the Mon Cals.Deepbeneath
of Malatra? An adventure for mid-level and high{evel the seasof that planet is a devicewhich is linked to the
heroes.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. Force,and which attractedthe attention of the ancient
Dark Conspiracy Feature, one-round adventure. Sith lords. With it. the Emperorcould crushyou with a
ThoughERunilrildby GeoffSkellams'In the not too distant thought.Youmustfind it first. But the pastcatchesuptoo,
future, socieSs valueshave collapsed.ltre rich live in and you are not alone in your searchfor this strange
glittering towers while the poor live in the slums of the artifactfromthe past.Partsix in the SayubLegend,a Star
decayingsuburbs.It's sobadthat eventhe paramedics need Wars "lAlarriors of the Republic" bring-a-character
weaponsto protectthemselveswhen they go out on the adventures.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints.
streets.Sometimes,people'sminds don't copewith the
stressofmodernlife. Theyneedto getsomeserioushelpand 3RBLAYER: INTEREST
sometimes, you'rethe onewhohasto go out into the urban TOURNAMENTS
wilderness to find them.StandardRPGA points.
experience Someof our eventsfell into groupingsthis year.and so
Earthdawn Threadsof Legend Feature, one-round if you havea specialgaminginterestyou might want to
adventure. I\uisiting Througha Eountain'sScreamsby checktheseout. Thatis, ifwe cangetpastCerberus...
SteveBach and Mary Zalapi.Join this latest episodein
Threadsof Legend,andbuildyour hero'sfameandgloryin LIVINGCITY*EXTRAVAGANZA
the realmof Barsaive.StandardRPGAexperience points. Ihis year's LIVINGCirY programis better than ever.
ICE Run Out the Guns, two-round eliminatlon. Tournaments andotherspeciaieventscombineto makethe
Brethrenof the CoastRaid-a-thonby ICEStaff. Comeand GameFairthe hightight of the yearfor Lnnuc Crrr players.
join the Brethrenof the Coastfor anotheryear of raiding
and pittaging.Bring your existing Brethrencharacteror AD&D Llvlilc CIw Beneflt, one-round adventure.
createone on the spot (takesonly 15 minutes!).And the The Witchof the Mistsby Ed Gibson,One of the more
best,matey,is that you can play in as many first unusualcallsfor assistance you haveencounteredduring
rounds as you wish with the samecharacterlStandard your careerasan adventurerin RavensBluffleadsyou to a
RPGAexperiencepoints. meeting of The Fellowshipof ExaltedAdventurers.The
RolemasterFeature,three-round team elimination. Fellowshiphasfallenon toughtimesandyour assistance is
Shadowin HopebyJohnCurtisIII. In secret,you havebeen required to halt the declining membership,This is an
approached by two Councilmembers fromthe Cityof Hope. adventurefor heroes:mercenaries and other greed-driven
It seemsthat the dwarvencouncilman's son (andheir) was charactersare unlikely to enjoythe event. DoubleRPGA
found dead.Yourdiscreetteamof dwarves,goblins,and a experience points.
humanmust discoverwhat happenedbeforeit is too late! AD&DLwlllc CITYExclusive,one-round adventure.
StandardRPGA experience points. Heir Un-apparentby Jefftey Scott Meyers.Chief Prelate
SAGA@DRAGoilLAI{CE@t FIFTHAGEoFeature, one- Relarn Dayspringsearchesfor heirs of the blood of a
round adventure. Hammer's.Fallby Nicky Rea. Carla famousLathandrianpaladin,andevil ftomthe paststirsits
Hollar& JackieCassada. TheHeroesof Destinymusttravel headagain.Thiseventis a sequelto "DarkLord,Morning
fromthe forestsof Qualinestito the minesof Garnet,where Gtory''whichran at last year'sGameFair.StandardRPGA
they unlockthe riddlebehindthe MoonsteelSwordandits experiencepoints.
companionpieces. One man can stop them: Angar AD&D LwIl{G CITYFeature, one-round adventure.
Moonsteel.Fifth in the Visionsof Destinycampaignfor TheLacqueredChestbyLawrenceRamirez.Youhavebeen
Dragonlance 5th Age.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. summoned to the Celestial Gateway Emporeum to
SAGADnAGoxLANcE! FIFTHAGESpeclal, one-round investigate a strange antiquity, a lacquered chest of
adventure. Sirine'sSong and Dragon'sBreath by Gteg ancieritKara-furandesign.l/tlillyour actionslead you to
Detwiler.A groupof heroesis luredby the wilesof a group honor or will you becomean affront to the ancestors?
of sirinesand must help them defendtheir homeagainst StandardRPGAexperiencepoints.
"the biggestdragoneverto live." Thiswill take morethan AD&D lulilc CITYilasters, one-round adventure.
just the six heroes,and soa questacrossK4mnbegins. Challengeof the Childrenby StephanieZuiderweg.Ihe
SAGA ilAnvEt SUPERHERoESFeature, one-round Children'sVocationalSchoolis havingproblems,andoneof
adventure. Pagesof Doomby RobertWiese,Dr. Doomhas the children does not think that the investigation is
unleashedyet anotherplot againstthe FantasticFour.0r proceedingquicklyenough.Wittyoujoin her andseekout
hashe?Thistime, it seemsthat the archenemyof all that thosewhoarekidnappingchiidrenfromthe school?Lotsof
is decentis workingonthe siddofthe angels.Butthen who roleplayirg.RPGA members3rdlevelandaboveonly.triple
is behindthe kidnappingof Dr.StephenStrange? Standard RPGAexperience points.
RPGAexperience points. AD&D UVII{GCrrv High-level Underdark Adyentute,
Shadowrun Vlrtual Seattle Feature, one-round one-round adventure. The IsIe of the End by Dave
adventure. Stolenhoperty by StephenGabriel.A stolen Sreniawski.Howthe mightyhavefatten.Youhavebeenput in
chargeof the RaveruDeepbeautificationdetachment.Our trying to play these eventsin order,this one is the first
|l(.r\ l. @
newwirfrreblin ally, King DurgtewrathindaMurgieishenblin, after the preview.StandardRPGAexperience points.
hasexpressed a desireto visit RavensDeepandhewili behere Alternity Llvll{c VERGE Llghthouse, one-round
in lesstlnn a week! He is bringing with him severalof his adventure. TheLighthouseis in Argosthis year! Doyou E
ministersto negotiatea Tradeand Mutual DefenselYeaty. wantthe goodnewsfirst, or the badnews?TheLighthouse uzo
Fietdl'{ars}ul Blackbeewants everythingshipshapeby the is a spaceconstructdescribedin the ALTERNITY accessory oo
tjme the King gets here. Howevet an unlikely messenger of the samename,andpassesthroughthe Vergeoncein a 'z
arriveswith a toubting dispatch.Somuchof clean-updetail; lifetime. Don't miss this opportunity.This event is the :::
time to go back to work. This LrvrNGCrry adventureis for secondin order for the LIVING VERGE eventsat GenCon.
charactersat least 7th level, and we recommend9th level. StandardRPGAexperience points. Nmo
StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. Alternity LIvII{c VERGESpeclal, one-round
AD&D Uytx€ Crw High-level Planar Adventure, adventure. Salvageby ThomasReid. A simple salvage
one-nound adyentrre. ThreeCoinsin a Wellby Erich operation leads to complications.Standard RPGA
Schmidt.This is the secondadventurein the high tevel experiencepoints.
planarcampaignfor Lrwno Crr-y,and the campaignis so
new that at presstime we did not know completelywhat CALLOFCTHULHU MEGA.FEST
this modulewouldbe about.Theplanarexpansionoffers This year, the RPGANetwork and Chaosium,Inc. have
an alternativefor those charaderswho would not like to cometogetherto presentyou with a programof Call of
adventurein the Underdark,and is for charactersat least Cthulhueventsunlike anything we've ever donebefore.In
9th level.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. additionto the eventsbelow,wewill beawardingRPGA e;pe-
riencefor eve4rCallofCthulhueventsponsored by Chaosium,
LIVING DEATH*EXTRAVAGANZA Inc.All ofthem.Sogetyourfill ofCthulhuthis year,andstop
The Lrnrc Dnaru campaign coordinator, Claire by an asylumonyourwayhometo getsomesanityback.
Hofftnan,has put together an exciting seriesof Lwtttc
Drarg tournamentsard an interactive. Lrwxc Dr-ErHfans Call of Cthulhu Feature, two-round elimination.
wili wantto playali eventsfor the completeexperience. GrayHouseon the H1IIby RobertHobart.Beinghardened
Mythosinvestigators,youyearnfor a restfromthe insanity
AD&DUVfilc DEATH Enigma,one-round adventure. that you normally face every day. So when your friend
0n the TrailbyKeith Hoffman.Youheadto HongKongin Vincent'sfather died, and he went hometo sort out the
Augustof 1892,fotlowinga stolenartifact!A LrtnlloDreru fami$ affairs,you attdecidedtojoin him for somerest.But
adventuefor heroesof any level.Third in the JadeLotus the Mythosis everywhere, andrestis hardto find for those
Series.StandardRPGAexperience points. whoknowthingsmanwasnot meantto know'
AD&DUYIllc DEATH Feature,one-round adventure. Call of Cthuthu Special, one-round adventure.
A Changeof Eeart by John Richardson.0nce again the MythosFeastsof AncientRomeby GregDetwiler.Ancient
\4lhiteRosecallson you. Thistime you areto investigate Rome is the setting for this expedition into Mythos
the disappearance of a womanin India. Is it an easily madness.Senator Lucien CeleresSextus has been
explainedmisunderstanding or a moresinisterpiot? 0nly stunning the tolvn with the magnificenceof his parties
you candeterminethis. A LIVING DrerHadventurefor mid- andlavishfeasts.Sostunnedis the uppercrustof Roman
to high-level heroes.Secondin the Jade Lotus Series. society that they are not questioning certain
StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. irregularitiesassociatedwith Sextus.
AD&DLryIxc DEATH Special, one-round adventure.
Missionto Chrnaby Keith Hoffman.It is late in the summer NASCRAG
of 7892,whenyou are sent on a secretmissioninto the NASCRAG and the RPGAtogether are proud to present
mysteriousFarEastlA LIvINGDretu adventurefor heroes NASCRAGs rurmingAD&DtournamentsatGEN
2Ctthyearof CoN.
of any level. Fourth in the Jade Lotus Series.Standard NASCMGAD&DFeature,three-round team elimina-
RPGAexperience points. tiont Conspiracy111:Theoryand Practice. A secret
organizationsummonssix adventurers from differenttime
ALTERNITY LIVINGVERGELAUNCH periodsto investigateoneof its agents.fum yourselfwith
GrNCor'rmarksthe launchofthe LTVTNGVERGE campaign your wit andyour humor!After all, it's a NASCMGeventl
for the AlrsntvlTy Science-fiction Roleplaying Game. Sostoppeeringoveryourshoulderandrememberthepass-
LrvntcVrnct is set in the Marybellesystemin the Verge. word,'Alsentme."
part ofthe STAR*DRIVEru Campaignsetting.Members have
beenworkinghard on this campaign,and we think you'll TOURNAMENT
enjoythe differentexperienceof adventuringin this sci- CHAMPIONSHIPS
ence-fictionsetting. we enter Pluto's
Leavingbehindthe landsof Cerberus,
Alternity LIvII{c VERGEPreview, one-round realmanddiscoverchampionship tournamentsto testyour
adventure. Whirlwind Tour by Ramsey Lundock. roleplayingmettle.Competebyyourselfor as a team,and
Weicometo Marybelle, arrivers. This introductory strivefor the fameandprizes.
adventureis the bestplaceto get startedin the Living
Verge.the Network'svery own Star*Drivecampaign! NATIONAL ROLEPLAYING CHAMPIONSHIP
This event premieredat Winter Fantasy,and has run at This year marks the first running of the National
conventionsthroughoutthe summer.If you missedit, Roteplaying Championship. Playersqualifiedfor this event
this is your chance to play the first LIVINGVERGE through excellencein Classictournamentplay, and it's
adventure.StandardRPGAexperience points. invitation only. It will all come down to one winner,
Alternity LIUII{G VERGEFeature, one-round though, and the NationalRoleplayingChampionfor 1999
adventure. An out of the way surveytrip turns up more will receivea free trip to GENCoN2000,includingtrans-
than heavymetals.This adventuretakes charactersinto portation. admission,and a hotel room at the Hyatt
the industrialspheresof the Marybellesystem.If you are Regenry (or simiLiaraccomdations).In addition, we'li
u1t) a @
throw in a greattrophy to rememberthe experience,and AB&D FORGOTTEN REALMSLARP
brandnewTSRproductto allowthe Champto stayin prac- A StrangeDdtenteby MelissaMaurer.Lord Thelmaran
thoughtthat his daysof excitementanddangerhad ended
€a F

z z
tice. Thisyear'stournamentis And PearlsDo NotDissolve

theMud by Cyndiand Brett Bakke.Three-roundelimina- alongwith his adventuringcareer.However.after inher-

uz : tion. Invitation only,QuintupleRPGAexperiencepoints' iting a small keep in a politically contentiousarea, he
knowsthe truth: politicsaremoredangerous than a sharp
AD&DOPEN sword.Determinedto earn somepeaceand quiet, Lord
Thisis the pinnacleofAD&Dteamcompetition.andyou Thelmaranhas invited local dignitaries and old adven-
don't want to missit. Forma team in advanceor on the turing friendsaliketo his newlyrestoredkeepfor a party.
spot, and go for the gold. Thewinning teammembersall Well,maybeit wasn'tsucha goodideato haveadventurers
get a plethoraof newTSRproductandthe fameand glory and dignitariesat the samefunction, but at least no one
that gowith an A-D&D OPenwin' cancomplainof boredom....
[Jnd.era PaIeGreenSky by ReynotdsJonesand Ruth This eventwill involveplotting and schemingamongthe
Pinsky.Theprincehasbeencaptured'As his ftiends' it is dignitaries,a chanceto explorethe keepandperhaps find an
your duty to find him. Therecentassassinationofthe king entranceto undergroundwarrens,contestsamongthe atten-
hasleft the land without a decisiveleader,andbaronsand dees,and evensomefamouspersonalitiesofthe Realms'lhe
merchantsfight for control. Is the samepersonbehind eventis continuousftom slot to slot, soon Fridayyoupick up
both the kidnappingand the king's death.or is someone whereyou left offlhursday. A differenteventnumberapplies
taking advantageofthe situation?Three-round teamelim- to eachslot, to maximizeflexibiLity.ltrursday and Friday12
ination.StandardRPGAexperiencepoints. pm, Saturday8 amto 4Pm.LabYrinth.


NetworkClubshavea chanceto shinein their owntwo- The ArchaeologicatSociety Annual Dinner by Claire
round championship. This eventis opento clubsonly, so Hoffman.Theresultsof the Jasper-PetrieExpedition(from
makesureyou havea club formedbefore(or at) the con- the GEN CoN'98 advenixe IntriguemEqypt)witt bepresented
ventionifyou wantto getin on this action'Forthreeyears aswell as other papersand awards.Appropriatedinner cos-
in a rowthe Companyofthe FramedAdventurers hastaken tumeis preferred.A LIVING DEATH interactivefor heroesof all
the crown.Canyou unseatthem?PlayBusinessasUsualby levels.Thiseventoccursin conjunctionwith the RPGA dinner
GregDreher,andfind out. An RPGACtubDecathlonevent' in slot 4, Thursdayat 9 pm. MilwaukeePublicMuseum'


The RPGAand FASACorp presentthe Prime Runner Millenium Crisisby GregDetwiler.As the new millenium
Championship, an in-character championship for dawns,nafural and political disaste$stike the planet. the
Shadowrun VrnruALSEATTLE characters'Quatifuby scoring reformed Soviet Bloc. the United States,NAT0, and the
well in.theVrnruet,SEATTLEFeatureandSpeciai.ThePrime Chinesefactionsall vie with eachotherto solvethe problems
Runnertournamentwitl beginSaturdayandcrowna cham- and gainthe upperhandin world.domination. Is this the pre-
pion throughin-characteractionsandroleplaying.Wewitt dictedend of the world, orjust anothergrowingpain on the
be usingthe last three roundsof the iUr'ssion: wayto the worldof the future?Friday9 pm. Labyrinth.
namentseriesfor the championship,so if you've played
themyou'reout ofthe running(sorry). LIVINGCITYINTERACTIVE
SummerFatival in Mossbidges.Join your friends in the
BESTLIVING* CAMPAIGN PLAYER AND JUDGE LrvtNGCITvforthe Summer FestivalinMossbridges.Takeyour-
The playerand judge with the best averagescoresin seUtothe Wizard'sGuild,ClericalCircle,CityWatch,andmore.
Lrvruc Crry,LrvrwcJuwelr, LIVINGDEATH, LWINGVERGE. Entera sportingcompetitionandtest your mettle.If the con-
Virtual Seattle,and Threadsof Legendeventsreceivea testsaretoo tame,you canenterthe arenaandbattlefearsome
selectionof brandnewFoacomsN Rrcus' productsplusa monsterswith your barehands.E:rpectsomesurprisesftom
trophyworthdisplayingto everyone who visits your house. aroundtheRealmsaswell.\Arhoknowswhatelseyouwi[ find?
You must play or judge six eventsto qualiff, in at least Saturday5pmto 1am.HyattRegenryBallroom.
three differentLtvINcCampaigns.
BESTOVERALL PLAYER ANDJUDGE "There'snothing reallyUkeit ... well, anywhere"saythe
Theptayerandjudgewith the best averagescoresin all travei guides.And with that ambiguousrecommendation
RPGAeventswili be namedbest playerand judge in the standing for it, you're welcometo "The Corner,"part-
GameFair,and receivehuge largessein the form of TSR wateringhole,part-casino, andpart-musicloungefor heroes
productand trophies.Youmust participate in at least six looking for a rest in the year 2502.Anythingcan happen
eventroundsto get in the running. here,and it usual$ does.Itris eventis for all GENCoNatten-
dees,but LIVINGVERGE playerscan play their LIyiNGVERGE
ROLE characters. Costume is recommended. Saturday5 pm.
Disstandsaheadof us, but fust we stopto seelive-action
roleplaying.Forthe pastfewyearsthe RPGAhasflfutedwith 6THLAYER: ACTIVITIES
Live-actionRoleplayinggamesthrough ourLrvrNcCITYinter- The RiverSty,<safelybehind us. we arrive somewhere
actives, and more recently through LIVINGDEATH really important: the layer of raising moneyfor charity.
interactives.Thisyear,webreakthe moldin a big way.Ifyou WrzARDs oFTHECoAsrhasdesignated the UnitedWayasthe
like roteplaying,givesomeofthese eventsa try. official charityofthe GameFair.Througha vastnetworkof
volunteersand communityserviceagencies,UnitedWays
throughoutAmericahelpmeetthe healthandhuman-care
needsof millions of peopleeveryday. UnitedWa5/s110-
year history s b';j1t on the proveneffectivenessof local sometimes it canbe a bit confusingto track what they
& @ o tr ii
organizationshe''pingpeoplein their own communities' areabout,or to makea characterand get involved.So, :J

TheUnitedlYays1'siem includesapproximately1,400com- cometo our charactercreationworkshopand find out OU

&- L ::? .

munity-based Umied Way organizations. Each is what it is all about. Ourfriendly staff witt answerques- o5
g il
independent.separatelyincorporated,and governedby tions and help you get ready for Lrvruc Campaign u zo .=
localvolun:ees. UnitedWayvolunteersensurethat every games.Advancingyour characterthrough convention oa

groupreceivhgftnds is a non-profit,tax-exemptcharity. playis a big attractionfor our Ltvtltc Campaign games, "z

Specifical$fcr o'r interests,UnitedWaysupportsLiteracy so don't missout. 8 am to 4 pm Thursday,Friday,and

and scienceed::cadonprogramsaroundthe country.Your Saturday.Arena.
donations*d. i.elpbuitdthe future. N b O<a

TheRPGA:a:ses rnoneyfor charitythroughbenefittour- 8THLAYER: ACTIVITIES

namentgames.auctions,and activitiesat the LrUNGCITY Geryoncarriesus swiftly to the 8th iayerof the RPGA
interactive,Auctionsthis yearwill take placeat the RPGA inferno and the special social events that crown the
MembersMeed:g and the LrwNGCIrYInteractive.There weekend.ThesemakeGENCoNthe Network'sannualgath-
are pleng cf chancesto get involved, and your givirg eringandparty.Maketime for theseactivities'
bringssui rer,;ards. Lastyearwe raised$13,000,and we
cando at leastaswell this year. RPGAANNUALMEMBERS MEETING
Wednesday7 pm
SEM Att RPGAmembersare invited to attend the annual
Anotherriver safelypassed,this time the Phlegethon. membership meetingin the HyattRegenryBallroombefore
we fird ourselvesin the land of learning.Whetheryou're the conventiongets under way. The meetingincludesa
an aspiringauthor, artist, or gamemaster,nothing beats stateofthe Networkaddress,a charityauctionbenefiting
our workshopseriesfor hands-oninstructionin your field United Way charities, information about the weekend
of choice.Registernowfor theseevents-space is limitedto activities,and more. Meet RegionalDirectorsand other
giveeachparticipantpersonalattention.Eachworkshopor memberstoo. Thecharity auctionincludesspecialgames
seriesis led by an establishedprofessional
in the field and with celebrityguestssuch as Ed Greenwood' Volunteers,
providesparticipantswith resourcematerialto takehome. judge coordinators,andmarshalswill meetat 6 pm.


Friday,Saturday,and Sunday,2-4 pm Thursday9 pm.
Neverrun a roleplayinggame?\rVe'llshow you how. THeRPGADinnertakesplaceat the MilwaukeePublic
VeteranRPGAgane masterspresentthe basicsof running Museum,three blocks ftom the convention.The LIvING
roteptayinggamesand campaigns. Fromexplainingwhat a DEArHLARPplayerswill be in costumeand sharingthe
gamemasteractuallydoesto showingyou the basics,we ArchaeologicalSocietydinner while the rest of us share
guide you into the rewardingworld of gamemastering. eachother'scompany,listen to guestsentedainyou with
even giveyou practice.Completeall three sessions
\,fe'11 storiesofthe gamingindustry,andhelphonorthosemem-
andreceivea RPGA GameMasterDiploma,andfreestarting berswho servesohardduringthe year.Thedinnerwill end
productsto helpyou start a campaignat homewith your Dr.erngamewill continue.
by 10:30,but the LIVING
friends. Runningthe gamecan be more rewardingthan
playinga playercharacter.Thisis your chanceto learnto ICECREAMSOCIAL
getbehindthe screen. Friday 9 pm
This specialeventis for GuIto-rsvrr RPGAmembers
SECRETS OFSF GAMEDESIGN only. Comehave free ice cream and socializewith
ThursdaythroughSunday,Noonto 1 pm friends. We may even have a surprise or two planned'
Whatmakesa winning sciencefiction roleplayingsce- Freeice cream... as long as it lasts in the Inferno of
nario?Howcanyou playoutyourfavoriteSFmoviesandTV memberswho will come' The ice creamwitl be in the
shows-without yourplayersevergettingwise?Whatdoesit labyrinth underArenaRPGAHQ'
taketo createa vibrantyet believablegamesetting?Learn
the secretsbehindatt thesesuccessstrategiesin our free AWARDS CEREMONY
daily game-design workshop.Leadingeachworkshopis a Sunday2 Pm
team featuring one of the RPGAsveterangamemasters Theweekendculminatesaswe presentawardsto those
pairedup with one of our stellarguestauthors.Thesemi- who havewon the championships, and thank those who
narswill be differenteachdaybecause the participantswill workedso hard to bring us all the fun we shared'Please
be different. planto stayfor this final meeting,andcheerfor the people
who stroveandwon.
Is the gamingscenestill new to you (or to someone 0n the final layer. there is only mystery. Truly, few
you're bringing to the show)?Wett,get the basicsftom comethis far, but they are crucialto your enjoymentot
ScienceFiction Saturday."The Fun of ScienceFiction the weekend.Thosewho comeherehavetraversedall the
Games,"cosponsored with the ScienceFiction Saturday otherlayers,andacceptedthe aid ofAntaeus(whois here
Program,coversthe gamutftom cardgamesto boardgames in disguise).But evenifyou don't makeit this far, you
to roleplayinggames.We know we can find the perfect can find plenty to occupyyou and give you pleasureon
gamefor you! Ifyou enjoyreadingaboutSFworlds,then the previouslayers.Pick those activitiesthat you would
try playingthemtoo. mostenjoyandjump in with both feet. Don'tjumpinto
the River Styx, though, as you may not rememberthe
The RPGAhas a plethora of LivInc Campaigns,
t'it 1tu\ lf taste. Whitewine is agedfor a much shorterlength of
-v Roleptayingelegantsocial situationsshould be more
U than just making an Etiquette proficiencyroll. As with so time than red wine. Whenit is fermentedin oak the
E6 9
wine retains an oaky, richer, more complextaste. If
d- z manysubjects,addingalittle practicalinformation canhelp
a6 providematerialfor manyhoursof enjoyablegaming'Tttis aged in stainlesssteel. the wine usuaily acquiresa
FO : article will providesomebasicand practicatinformation to creamy,smoothtexture. This is becausethe wine has
aclddepthto role-ptayingwine knowledge'Theinformation reactedwith the stainlesssteel and producedlactic
provldedis drawnfromthe realworldandshouldbe consid- acid.the samekind of acidfound in milk.
i:. ereda placeto start with human-basedsocieties.

HOW The first attribute of a wine is color. Wine should be
Wineis usuallydefinedasthe fermentedjuiceof grapes' bright, ftee of any cloudiness.Winethat appearsduli,
which simplymeansthat the juice sugaris metabolized especiallyif it is young, should be treated with suspi-
into alcoholand carbondioxide gas by somebiological cion.Cloudiness shouldnot be confusedwith sediment,
agentsuchasyeast.Theprocessbeginsbytightly crushing which witt naturally falt to the bottom of the glass.
the grapes to releasetheir juices. The stereotypeof Sedimentis a naturalby-productof olderredwines,and
treadingon the grapeswas meantnot to pressthe juice can be decanted to remove it from the wine before
ftom the grapesbut to crushthem so that fermentation serving.Thehue, or intensity,ofthe colorimpliessome
could begin. The crushedred grapesare initialty kept in of the wine's character.Wateryor pale{ooking wine
hugevatsmadeof cement.wood,or stainlesssteel' probabtymeansa wine that won't stand up to age or
Ihe juice at this point is calledmust. Theyeast cells food.muchaswaterycoffeewon't standup to that first

mtrkE'Emt[f,inE! SUN€C'I BYST€Y€


requiredfor fermentationarealreadypresenton the grape taste in the morning. To judge the hue of the wine,
skins.Asthe sugaris convertedto alcohol,coloranda sub- don't look into the glass,asthe depth of the glasswill
stancecalledtannin arepulled from the skins. Tanninis a affect its color. Tip the glass away from you and look
natural preservativethat gives red wine the longevity it againstthe edgeof the wine againsta light sourceor
needsto ageand develop.the amountof colorandtannin white backdrop.
desireddeterminehow long the skinsarekept in contact The second attribute of wine is aroma. Aroma
with the must. A few daysresultsin a light rose' (blush) givesyou a strong first impressionof its flavor. If a
with manyof the fruit flavorsremaining.Severalweeksin wine has any serious faults. you can often tell
contactwith the must can resultin a deepred wine with without evertasting it. Smellsof mold, sulphur,acid
lots oftannin andfar lessftuit. or vinegar are strong warning signs that something
Fermentationcontinuesuntil all the sugaris metabo- has gonewrong.
lized or until the alcoholcontentreaches15 or 16percent, Finally,it is time to taste the wine. All wines have
at whichpoint the alcoholkills the yeastcells.Winesgen- varying degreesof sweetness,and everyone'sper-
erally have between7 and 16 percentalcohol,with the ception of sweetnessvaries. Someoneused to very
normbeing10to 14percent. sweet drinks may find a particular wine to be dry,
After fermentationis completethe winesaretransferred while someoneelse may describethe samewine as
to barrels.casks,or evenlargertanksto age.Redwinethat sweet.Also, cold tends to reducethe sensationof
drains fteely from the tanks is called ftee-run. The sweetness in wine.
remaindermust be pressedfrom the remainingorganic Acidity (tartness) is essential in wine, especially
matterand is calledpresswine. Presswine tendsto have white wine. It aliowsthe wineto age.But there is a bal-
more body and color, but is usually harsherand more ance to acidity, just as there is a balancebetween a
tannic aswell. acidityand sugarin lemonade.
Redwine maybe agedbeforebottling from a few weeks Bitternessor an astringent,puckerishtastecommon
to three years.Longeragingis almostalwaysdonein oak in young reds comesfrom an overabundance of tannins.
casks,as the oak tendsto mellowthe harshtannins and Sometimes this just means the red wine needs to age,
makethe wine more drinkable.Oak caskscan also add but a strong tannic taste could mean that the wine will
hints of spice,vanilla, and toast. Newoak barrelstend to neverdevelopot mature.
givethe redwine a morepronouncedtaste.
l/llhitewine is madesomewhatdifferently. Becauseit Many of the sameconsiderationsgo with serving
does not pick up color ftom the skins, it has less wine to guestsas go with the servingof bread,so you
tannin. Thisabsenceof tannin is the primarytaste dif- might apply someof the logic in the "MedievalFood
ference between red and white wines. Slow. cool Fights" article when adding wine to your roleplaying
fermentation of white wine imparts a fruity, fresh gamesituations.EnjoylI
Thenn slippedpart its zenith as we madethe summitof BOOTS OFTRACKING
o @ o CI;i

Storml,Iountain.Wesetup campon a grassyknolloverlooking By placinga foot on a footprint (or hoofprint, etc), the
the ruinsof SplitRocf anancientdwarven
ourfinal destination: wearercan track the creaturethat left the print for the oL!46
d rra z
hold.Thebettetpart of thedayhadpassed whileweclimbedand next fult hour as if possessingthe tracking non-weapon 6a
5 '-)
noweyerpne uound megroanedand wincedas theypulled proficiencyat a rating of 19.Thetrack is lost if the quarry FO
tight booafrom swoAen feet and tendedto the blistersand raw leavesthe planeof existencethat the boot weareris on,
spotsthusrevealedEveryone,that is,exceptthegnomeBelger. althoughthe wearerwill havea feelingof the planetrav- :::::
Thechubbylifre thief skippedaround,cheeily humming- eledto or magicused.Thisrestrictionincludesextraplanar
HUMMNG!- ashe unpackedcoolauare and ratiors,prepaing transportationspells such as teleport, dimensiondoor,
N M O$
hisownlidJefeasLAnnoyed,I commented 'Toumwt think it a phaseshift,andothers.XPvalue:1,000.GPvalue:5,000. OB

fine jofu to mdure s;r'ch

discomfort simplyto mockourpain."
Thenormallyjovial gnometurned to me with a look oJ CIRILAN'S SLIPPERS
confisionand hurt. "I meantnojoke, goodranger.It is Namedafter the wizard who first createdthem, this
just that I havebeensparedthe achesof the climb.How footwearappearsastightweightstipperscraftedftom sealskin,

t muchyou valuean enchantedbladeor spellcrafiedwand,

but neglectthe very things that carryyou into battle or
sharkskin.eelskin,or someother aquaticleather.lfhen the
weareris immersedcompletelyunderwater, the siippersmagi-
dungeonsdeep!"And with that he held his bootedfoot cal$ transforminto flippers which enablethe characterto
aloft and pointed to it beforeturning backwith a huff to swimat a rate of 18per round.Ttreduratjonof this effectis
hiscookfire' untimited so long as the characterstays completelyunder-
- FR*MTH€ J.*RNALS 0F THE water, howeverthe stippersdo not provide the meansto
RANG€R V€,LENOR FAIRWIND, DR 1352 breatheunderwater. XPvaiue:1,500,GPvalue:7.500.



Themagicalfootwearnotedbelowis usableby any class SERPENT SLIPPERS

without restriction and wilt expand or contract to fit Serpentstippersradiatea strongauraof alterationmagicif
anyoneftom browniesto giants. suchis detectedfor. Serpentslippersarealwaysfashionedout
of snakeskin.0nceper day,the wearercanput his or her feet
BOOTS OFDUST togetherand, by mentalcommand.tansform into a snake,
Thesemagicalbootsenabietheir ownerto passwithout gainingthe creature'sphysicaltraits-armorclass,movement.
trace(asthe spellofthat name).A +1 bonusto surprise attack forms. and sensoryabitties. the characterretains
othersis alsogainedand,if the weareris a thief or ranger, his/her ownhit points,savingthrows,andcombatrolls.Each
is addedto the chanceto movesilently' XPvalue:
+25o/o pair of serpentslipperscantransformthe wearerinto onlyone
1,000,GPvalue:5.000. typeof snake.andthe DMdeterminesthe typewhenthe slip-
persarefust discovered. Venomous varietiesarepossible.lhe
BOOTS OFCOWARDICE length andweightofthe snake form is dependenton its type'
A pair of these boots will behavelike boofsof speed andis not affectedbythe sizeofthe characterwhatsoever. lhe
until the wearersuffersdamagein battle. At sucha time tuansformationcanbe maintainedfor up to eight hoursat a
the bootsrevealtheir true nature.Theyforcethe wearer time.XPvalue:1,000,GPvalue:5,000.
to flee at fuil speed(2a") for one round, no savingthrow
allowed.Thereafter.the weareris entitled to a saving SHOESOF MANYFOOTFALLS
throw vs. wandseach round to regain control of the lheseenchantedshoesenablethe wearerto alterthe sounds
boots.Theboots' magicis reactivatedwheneverdam,age of his or her footralls.Severaloptionsareavaflable,including:
is suffered.A successful removecursespellvs' 12thlevel mufftethe soundsoasto improvethe chanceto surpriseothers
magicwill enablethe wearerto be rid of the boots'XP by 1 on a d6, add20o/o to a thiefs or ranger'schanceto move
value: Nil, GPvalue: Nil. silently,causethe wearer'sfootstepsto recedeor approachin
whateverdirectionthewearerwishes(regardless ofthe direction
\ BOOTS OFSAFETRAVEL of tavel), or amplifyor mutethe volumeof the wearer'sfoot-
r Thesebootsarehighlysoughtfor their protectivequaii- stepsto soundlike anythingfromthe soft paddingof halfling
ties by rangers,thieves,and scouts.Theygrant a bonusof feetto a horse'sclip-ctopping gaitto the thunderingstompof a
+10%to the distancea charactercanuavel eachday. By giant.Eachpowercanbeusedoneat atime,onceperround.
settingfoot on a structure(i.e.bridge,treelimb, floor. etc) the shoesofmanyfootfallshaveoneotherpowerofnote'
andconcentrating for oneround,the wearercandetermine 0nce per week the wearer can create a shockwaveby
whether the stucture can safely support the wearer's stomping.Theshockwave does2-16pointsof damage to any
weight.Lastty,wheneverthe wearerapproaches (knowingty creaturestanding within 30' of the wearer.Additionalty,
or unknowing$) within 10' of pits, snares,tripwires,or affectedcreafuresmustmakea successfulsavevs. paralyza-
evenquicksand,the characteris alloweda savingthrowvs. tion or be knockedoff of their feet and stunnedfor one
spells.If successful, the wearerimmediatelydetectsthe round.Fortificationsin the areaof effectsuffer1 point of
hazard.XPvalue:2,500,GPvalue:20,000. structuraldamage.The shoes'wearetis immuneto the
shockwave's ill effects.XPvalue:1,500,GPValue:2500.I
l'\) o ofthe communi[r,but hewasnot wellliked because far too
; many bakerstook advantageof their positions to cheat
= o
their customers.It was commonly noted that all the lazy
andincompetent people in a community tended to become
uz bakersbecausethat trade wasthought to be an easyone,
and this misconceptionoften showeditself in the quality
of their products.Howbad wasit? Considerthe following
medievalproverb:"In the ovenof a lazy bakerthe dough
": freezes,"
0utright ftaud took manyforms,but the mostcommon
tactic was taking the customer'smoneyfor one product
and fobbing off cheapersubstituteson him' Spicemer-
chants,alongwith bakers,wereparticularlynotedfor this
tactic. Bringingyour own materialsin to be cookedby a
professionalwould seemto negatethis tactic, but alas,a
Eatingduring the MiddteAgeswas very mucn a sus-
pense-filledoperation,and not merelybecauseso many cleverif unscrupulouscookcouldevenfind a way around
people-in particularthe peasantry-didnot knowfor cer- this obstruction. For your edification, I give you the
tain wheretheir next meal was comingfrom. The very exampleof the short-weightloaves.
7n 7327,a LondonbakernamedJohn Brid had a fair-
natureof medievalsocietybroughtwith it a numberof sit-
uations that to our modern eyeswere quite novel, and sized"waitingtoom",wherecustomerscouldsit with their

foodftglrE! R€LAT€D

whichcanput PCsin situationswherethe strokeof a sword doughwhile awaitingtheir turn with his oven.\{hile sit-
or the casting of a fireball would be an inappropriate ting, their breaddough was placedon a molding-board,
response. Thisarticle seeksto detail someof thosepoten- whoselid lookedlike a solid pieceof wood (whichit was
which canliven up a campaignthat places
tial adventures, supposedto be). However,in Brid's case-and we don't
at leastsomeemphasison roleplayingandlocalintrigue. knowhowmanyothers-a circularpieceof woodhad been
cut out of the board,to be replacedby a woodenlid. John
"LET'S Brid hada servanthiddenbeneaththe motding-board, and

The simpleact of preparinga meai, in particularthe while the haplesscustomerwaited, this servantwould
bakingofbread,takeson an entirelynew degreeof diffi removethe lid ftombelow stick his handthroughthe hole,
culty in medievaltimes,both in rural and urbansettings. andtwist off a pieceof soft, freshdough.Thepile of bread
We'Ilhandlethe rural settingfirst because it's quickest.In doughthus obtainedcouldbe bakedup and soldasBrid's
its simplestform, the problem is this: in a feudalsociety, own bread,without his having goneto the trouble and
the peasantsnot only haveno ovens, but are absolutely expenseof payingfor the ingredients.
forbiddento bakebreadat home. even improvising with 0nce caseslike this were uncovered,the medieval
suchinventionsasa coveredhole in the ground. The lord authoritiesdid what they couldto crackdownon ftauds,
had the only ovenin his teritory, and all peasants had to but their abilitieswerelimited. For instance,somelocal
take their flour (whichcouldonly be milled from grain at officialstried to uncoverthe would-beJohn Bridsof their
the lord's ownmitt) to his castleto be baked.Needless to neighborhoodsby weighing eachloaf of breadthat was
say,they had to pay for this privitege,either in money or baked.0n at leastone occasion,a quick-thinkingappren-
simplya percentageof the ioavesthey baked. Thevittage tice savedthe dayfor his masterby slippinga hunk of iron
policeman,or reeve,wasconstantiyon patrol,and anyone into a sampleloafthat wasto betested;unfortunately,the
caughtbaking at home would be fined. ThosePCswho recordsdo not state whether it was slipped out again
manageto becomefeudallords or other rural landowners beforethe loaf wasput on sale.
will haveto spenda surprisingamountoftheir non-adven-
turing time strictly enforcingthe "no ovensfor peasants"
rule, andifthis soundstoo silly for you to wasteyour time
on, rememberthat you get paid for the use of your own
oven!Extortingmoneyftom the peasantryin this manner
maynot be asglamorousaslooting a dragon'slair, but it is
considerably safer.
In urban areas,peoplewould often go to the baker
either to buy somethingto eat or simplybring their own
foodin to bebakedin his oven.Thus,the bakerwasa pillar
All this mayseemlike smallstuff to playerswhosechar- mixedinto his food;say.a dessertwhere,for someinexplic-
,1! o @
acterstake on everythingfrom wild animalsand enemy ablereason,largequantitiesof saltwereaddedin insteadof a
0 l: ..
soldiersto giaris and dragons,and it is, but by its very sugar.Thiscouldbe accomplished by a reasonably nimble- z
nature,it is alsothe sort ofthing they arelikelyto run into fingeredrogue,or by a wizardwith accessto a spellsuchas o
everydayof their lives.Alsoremember that little stuff like telekinesisor teleport,or perhapsjust a simplecanfrip.
this is not tiketyto lend itselfto the kind of gory punish- Priests,of course,cansimplycastthe reversibleversionof 1z

mentsmostPCslike to meteout to thosewhowrongthem. purifufood and drink. And ifyou cansomehowwranglean

"But mylord, I hadto fireballhis bakery;he cheatedmeby invitationto the feast,or at leastgeta goodvantagepointto
sellingme Lightweightloavesof bread,and madefrom my
seethe LordMayor'sfaceandthe baker'sreactionto it. do o s
owndough,tool" If saidbakerywasthe only onein town, so;the resultswill bewellworth it.
the localruler is mostunlikelyto buythis argument,espe- Don'tthink your characters will haveto botherwith this
cia\ if a number of nearbybuildings also went up in sort of thing? Thinkagain,particuLarlyin the earlystages
smoke.Eventhe most kill-crazy"hack and slash"gamers of a campaignwhen the PCsare iow-leveland relatively
will haveto show someingenuity and makethe punish- poor. Playershate it when their charactersget ripped off
mentfit the crime. financially,and this is the sort of thing that can start a
Detectingfraudsmaynot be easy,evenif magicis (the- seriesof adventuresagainst a long-term antagonist.
oreticatly)avaiiabie,as spellcasters
are scarce,while the Naturally,it's not as thrilting as goingup againsta pow-
demandson their time are numerous.For instance,in a erful lord, wizard,or huge ancientdragon.but by way of
walledcity or town which must constantlybe vigilant for compensation. you havea greaterchanceof running into
any sign of attack,which is the local clericmostUkelyto multipleantagonistsofthis sort,to saynothingofthe fact
use detectLiefor: to find out if a newcomeris an enemy that suchan enemycanappearat the very start ofthe cam-
spy,or to seeif the localbakeris steaiinga bit off the top paign,without the risk ofimmediatelykilting offthe entire
(or bottom)of eachloaf he bakes? party.Low{evelantagonisms makefor greatbackground,
In wartime,mattersareexacerbated bythe fact that the at ieast in campaignswhere roleplayingis encouraged.
localauthoritieshavemanymoreurgentdemandson their "Let's see, the Lord Mayor'sbirthday is tonight. Cani
time. Whenthe humanoidhordesare campedoutsidethe sneakinto BakerBungler'splaceand'rearrange'his ingre-
city, how manyconstablesor nobleswill havethe time or dients in time to spoil the festivitiesbeforemeetingthe
inclinationto listen to complaintsabout incompetentor restofthe partyto explorethat ancientcryptat midnight?"
dishonestbakers?Indeed, for all your charactersmay An evilbakeror so
know they couldsecretiybe in leaguewith them, reaping harmlessa foe, particularlyif poison is available.This
a shareof their illegalprofits. Evenif only one official in threatis so obviousthat no moreneedsto be saidaboutit,
town is corrupt,the DM'squestfor adventureideasmakes exceptthat if the enemy'singredientsget mixed up on
it a certaintythat this loneofficial will bethe oneyour PCs suchan occasion.good-aligned PCsmightwantto hetpthe
complainto. This canleadto banishment,imprisonment, survivorsof any customerswho accidentallyget the poi-
or worse,dueto trumped-upchargesof spying,cowardice, sonedfood or drink that wasmeantfor them.
or treason,ali to keepthe official andhis attesfromlosing Somemagicspellsrequirespicesas a materialcompo-
their spotin the illegalgravytrain. nent,whilefine winemightbeneededto helpmix a potion.
Whatsort of responsecanthe PCsmaketo this sort of In such cases,a dishonestsuppliercan get not merelya
abuse?Findingsomeclevermeansof makingthe baker's singlecharacterkilled, but the entireparty.Ifyour wizard
fraud aspublicaspossibleshoulddo the trick, aseventhe or priest intends to brew up magic potions, take the
mostcorruptpubUcofficialwill then turn on his partnerto Herbalismproficienry;you'regoingto needit. 0n the non-
savehis own skin. A commonmedievalpunishmentof magicalfront, considerbringinga gift of fine foodsor rare
erring bakerswasto dragthe scoundrelalongthe dirtiest spicedwineto an importantNPC,be he a baronor a giant,
streetsof town, with a loaf of his ownbreadhung around
his neck. A public humiliation it was. but most bakers
learnedto put up with it as an inevitablehazardof doing
business.After all, they had a vital but dirty job that
nobodyelsewanted,leastofall the localnobility.soifthey
were"removed"onewayor the other,whowouldbewilling
to taketheir places?
Sabotagingthe bakeryin waysmoresubtlethan simply
castingafireballinsideshouldbehigh on anyvengefulPC's
agenda.Perhaps the bakeris only a dishonesttraderwith
the commonpeople,exertinghimselfto the utmostto pro-
videthe powersthat bewith the bestin goodeating.Ifyour
enemywashelpingto caterthe LordMayor'sbirthdayparty
or somesimilarfestiveoccasion,it wouldbe an extremeiy
inopportunetime for the wrongsort of ingredientsto get
w o @ and alsoconsiderthe consequences of gettingthe wrong daily staff of life, and assuch,it hasa peculiarrole to fill
; ingredients.If the had
hero'Odysseus beenstuck with a whenevera banquetis beingheld. Mostgamesdo not give
-= =
supply bad wine when he encountered the ryclops differenttypesof breadin the food sectionof their equip-
E Polyphemus. he would havebeenkilled at aimostthe very ment lists. In that case,we can assumethat the breadis
start of Homer's1dyssey. white wheatenbreaduniessthe gamebook itself specifi-
z cally statesotherwise.I/fhitewheatenbreadis the finest

WHAT breadthere is, but it is not the only type that can be
BREAD?" baked-far from it. In fact, there is an entirespectrumof
breadwili bethe
In ali but the mostunusualcampaigns, breadsthat can be baked,ftom pure wheatenloavesto
N n €
breadsthat havethe wheatmixedwith cheapersubstitutes
such as barley.rye, and oats,to breadsmadeentirelyof
those lessergrains,to the very bottom of the rung with
grittybreadsmadeofbeans,peas,or bran'Ambitiousgame
mastersmaywantto comeup with a newpricescalefor the
entire group of breads,for this sort of thing is useful.
believeit or not, in rolePlaYing'
During the MiddteAges,all guestswere not created
equal,or treatedequallyby their hosts. Oneof the most
commonmeansof determininga guest'sstatuswith his
host was the q/pe of bread he received.White wheaten
breadwas given to the most favoredguests,and bean
breadorthe like wasservedto thosethe hostwouldjust as
soon seefatl off the edgeof the world. Thus.without a
wordbeingspokenor a singlegesturebeingmade.guests
at the banquettable could quickly and easilydetermine
their relativesocialstatus by comparingthe breadthey
wereservedwith that of their fellows.Quantitycountsas
well as quality. A favored servant who gets all the bean
breadhe caneatmaythusstandhigherin his lord'sesteem
than an unpleasantfeliow noblemanwho gets wheaten
breadbecausehe is a noble.but only a crust or so. Even
quality dependsnot merelyon the contentsof the bread,
but also its age.A piping hot, fresh-bakedloaf of white
wheatenbreaddeliveredto your plateis the ultimatecom-
pliment.By contrast,if you decideto crashthe party and
get a tiny crust of beanbreadwhoseodor rather shongly
announces its, don't walk, for the exit.
Thissort of thing has potential.particularlyfor a live-
actiongamingsessionwhereroteptaying is atlthe rageand
combatseverelydiscouraged. Ifthe eventincludesa feast,
the organizersmerelyhaveto drop in at the local super-
market and gather bread ftom both the reguiar bakery
sectionand the racks of old stuff set out separatelyfor
quicksale.Makesurethe playersarebriefedonthe "bread-
as-status-symbol"aspectsof medievallife before play
commences, includingthe socialdesirabilityofthe various
types of bread,and set them down at the dinner table.
Serveout the breadas the first course,and without any
wordsor gestures.eachplayerwilt knowthe precisesocial
standingof his characterwith a singleglanceat his plate,
aswell as how helpedor handicapped he witl be whenhe
tries to wheeland deatwith his host--and everyoneelse,
for that matter.It is simple.cheapto prepareaspropsgo.
andoh, sosubtle!
Subttetygoesout the window,of course,if someloud-
mouth starts complainingaboutwhat he received,and if
your players(or their characters)want to makefools of
themselvesin public in this manner,then let them. If
nothing else,it could help let everyoneelseknow why
typeof breadbeingserved,but alsoits quantityandage.If lr,
Ut\ o @
you makea mistake,or the servantsservingthe foodmake = ;
=6 0 F

a mistake,the resultscouldbe disastrous. OU

2 z
Mistakeswill be forthcoming,and not entirelyof your E

uz o z
ownmaking.PCsin all campaigns tend to acquireenemies, i
ail of whomwouldlike nothing betterthan to seethe PC ,z

fall flat on his or her face due to some social gaffe. '9

Infiltrating henchmenor hirelingsinto your kitchenstaff

to serve,deliberately.the wrongtype of breadto one or I

moreguestsis a threatthat cannotbetakenlightly. Failing

that, your foe couldattemptto turn one ofyour own ser-
vants againstyou via bribery, coercion,seduction,or a
simplecharmpersonor suggestionspell. Giventhe hot-
bloodednatureof mostnoblemen,a miscalculation in who
getswhatkind ofbreadat an importantbanquetcaneasily
leadto violence.andthe PCsmaylook backon "TheGreat
BeanBreadWar"with wonderand amazement long after
the campaignhascometo a close.
Insult an important NPCat the very first banquetyou
canaffordto throw. andyou might wind up makingyour-
seHoneofthoselong-termenemies.Pridebeingwhatit is,
your fictim" might makeattemptsat revengeout of all
their statusis aslow asit is. After all, taking revengewill
proportionto the slightin anyoneelse'smindbut his own.
be hinderedby the innocuousnatureof the offense.How
Thethemeofthis part ofthe campaigncouidwellbe"Make
manyplayersthink their PCscouldget awaywith chopping
one mistake,and pay for it the rest ofyour iifel" Ifyou
their host's head off or turning him into a toad merely
don't think a loaf of breadis worth all that trouble,I sug-
becausehe servedthem rye breadinsteadofwheat?
gest you sit down somequiet non-gamingeveningand
Ifyou're playingthe hostin a roleplayingsession,either
live-actionor a table-top game.then you have a minor
Ifthe breadwasdeliberatelyswitchedat the banquetby
nightnare on your handsasyou piay the masterof cere-
a treachetousservant,then you real$ havetwo long-term
monies.After all, howyour guestsreactto you dependsin
enemiesin the campaignfrom this event.Thatbeingthe
largepart on whattype ofbreadyouservethem,soyou will
case,you couldspendmuchof your time trying to expose
haveto makeintricate calculationson what to serveeach
the fellow,not merelyto punishhim, but to get the other
basednot merelyonthe
individual,with thosecalculations guy off your back, No morememorableconclusionto the
campaigncanbeimaginedthan foryou to placeyourselfin
lethaljeopardyexposingthe true villain ofthe piece,only
to be rescuedby the suddenly-penitent foe who hasbeen
gunning for you for yearsof game-worldtime. And if he
getshimsetfkiiled in the processand begsfor forgiveness
with his dying breath,there may not be a dry eye at the
+^ L l ^
9- -d*ir -r ^r u r g L d u L E.

As you eat your famed "daily bread" at your next

meal. I suggestyou rememberthe complications that
your medievalpredecessors went through to do the
samething. Thosecomplications considerablyenlivened
their lives, and similar ones can do the samein a role-
playinggame,whetherfor a singlenight'ssessionor for
the entirecampaign.

Fastand Feast:Eood in MedievalSociety;Henisch,
Bridget Ann; 1976;PennsylvaniaState UniversityPress;
[IniversityParkandLonilon.Henisch'sbook couldwell

be titted "Everything You Wanted to Know About
MedievalMeals,and a WholeLot Morel" It has chap-
ters coveringeverythingfrom the numberof mealsto
the probiemsof Lenten fasting, bakeries,table set-
tings, and of coursethe food. I
lf @
z z
= CLIMATEIERRAIN: Riverbanks/Shorelines
uzo z Uncommon
ACEVIY CYCLE: Any(Usuatty at dawnor dusk.or
in foggyor ctoudYconditions)
DIET: None
TREASURE: W(x Rusatka's agein Years)
ALIGNMENT: ChaoticNeutral- ChaoticEvit

MOMLE: Champion(15-16)

cessfulsavingthrow vs. breathweaponis made.the mur-

Therusalka(pluralrusalki)is the spirit of a drowningvictin,
derermustmakethis savewith a -3 penalty'Thevictim may
usually a woman,who was murdered.Most rusalki desire
be revivedif removedftom the rusalka'sembrace(and ftom
revengeon their murderer,and wilt do all in their powerto
the water)andsomemeansof resuscitationis appliedwithin
gainthis revenge.fhis is not alwayseaqysincethe spirit of avoid
five roundsofbeing drowned.Thosewho successfully
ihe rusalka is tied to the body of water in which it was proficiencycheckor
in its questfor revenge, the embrace mustalsomakea swimming
drowned.Ifthe rusalkais successful
a strength checkto breakfree. lhe savingthrow vs. breath
it will ceaseto be boundto the PrimeMaterialplaneandwill
weaponmustbe repeatedeachrounduntil the victim either
be releasedto rest in peace'As time passesthe rusalka's bythe rusalka.
breaksfree,is pulledunder.or is released
alignment shifts further and further toward ChaoticEvil'
Rusalkican conbol waterwithin 10feet; they canuse
Ilrus. a recentlymanifestedrusalkawill retain someof the
wavesto slowmovementto 1/4 normalandincreasechances
memories ofits formerseU.but a rusalkaoflong standingis
Evil,whoseonlythoughtsare of drowningby 10%.
abeingof almostpurelyChaotic
Assoonasthe rusalkatakesanydamage,it will release
revengeonthe onewhoput herhere'Malerusalkiaresome-
any embracedvictims, disappearback into the water, and
they had in reappearagain 15 feet further out into the take. Any who
Rusalkiretain the generalappearance
foltowwilt be subjectto the contol waterattack.Thosewho
life, and anyonewho knewthem in life shouldbe ableto
follow areslowedto 1/4 normal movement.Theymust also
recognizethem. Theyusualiyappearto be dressedin the
makea swimmingproficienry checkat -2 eachround or be
clothing they werewearingwhen drowned,althoughthe
pulledunderthe water.
colorsarewashedout to a faded,waterygreen.Theyhave
IlVhena rusalka'shit pointsdropto 5%ofits total, the
pale complexionswith a greenishtint and long greenish-
rusalka will withdraw to the EtherealPlane.where it will
blondto greenhair,whichmayappearto havewaterplants
remainfor 1 year gatheringenoughenergyto re-manifest
woveninto it.
in the PrimeMaterialPiane.If the rusalkais pursuedinto
Combat All rusalkiwill attemptto lure their victimsto
the EtherealPlaneit can be "killed" there, but the spidt
their deathswith sirensongs,or tanglethe netsof fishermen
thus releasedbecomesa true, ftee-rangingghost,and as
and overturn their boats. drowning them in a watery
such,it will do ail in its powerto seekout and destroyits
embrace. Thesongofthe rusalkais enticing,andtheir forms
arebeautifulandwelcoming,but neithertheir songnor their
Habitat/Society:Rusalkiarefoundin anyclimateor
appear:mcehave any magical allure. All those seeing a
or region capableof sustainingopen bodies of water, but
rusalka,exceptfor the murderer,maychooseto approach
seemto be more commonin ponds, streamsand smalt
to avoidthem of their olvn freewill. If the murdererof the
lakes of the more temperateclimates.Rusalki usually
mortalwhohasbecamea rusalkaseesthe rusalka.he must
appearwithin 5 feet of the shoreline,nearthe spotwhere
savevs. spellor be drawninto the rusalka'sembrace.
they weremurdered,but may appearanywherein "theif
Rusalkibecomesemi-materialupon contactrdth air,
body of water.Theycannotcomeonto dry land. but can
assuminghumanform. Theymustbein this form to embrace
manifestin waterasshallowas1 inch deep,thus the occa-
their victims. RusalkiareAC0 while semi-material,and can
sionalreportsof rusalkiwho "walK the shorelineor who
only be struck by magicalweapons(futt damage),or by
sit by the edgeof the water.
normal or magicalfue (haUdamage).Rusalkican also be
Ecology:Rusalkidonot contributeto the environment
attackedon the Etherealplane,wherethey areAC8. Rusalki
in any way.Variouscoinsand items ofjewelry can often be
can be turned like regular ghosts,but holy water has no
found submergedin the shallowsor coveredwith a layer of
effect on them.
sedimentnear placeswhere rusalki are known to appear.
Anyonewho touchesor is touched by the rusalka is
Theseitemsareall that is left ofthe rusalka'svictims,
subjectto its embrace,the rusalka'sembracepulls its victim
such,increase with the passingofthe years.I
beneaththe water, causinga victim to drownunlessa suc-
q2 o @

J ;
f U

Rusalka Greater Rusalka =
CUMAIEfERRAIN:Temperateshores Temperateshores z

FREQUET{CY: Rare Rare =i z

ACIMTYCYCLE: Constant Constant
DIET: Nit Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: Low(5-7) Average(8-10) N o
AIIGNIIIENT: NeutraIEviI NeutralEviI

ARl.l0URCLASS: 8 6
El{T: 9, Sw72 9, Sw12
THACO: 77 75
N0.0FATTACKS:3 (ctaw/cLaw/bite) 3 (cLaw/cLaw/bite)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 7d3/ td3/ 1d4+1. 7d4/7d4/7d6+7
SPEGATAITACKS: Seebetow 5eebelow
+2 savevsfire +2 savevsfire
M0M[E: Fanatic(17-18) Fanatic (17-18)
XPVALUE: 250 500

Rusalki arefema[eundeadwhohauntbodiesof waterin at the edgeof the water.Thosemalesnot atready

temperate regions.A lesserrusatka is created whena charmedmustmakeanothersavevs spett,with a -2
fematehumanor demi-human is drowned by either pena[ty,or be charmedas wetl.If unaffected by the
varietyof rusalka. Thisnewrusalkais then underthe charms,the viewerseespastthe illusionand retains
controIofthe packteader(a greaterrusalka. or the freewi[[.Thosecharmedmustfotlowthe greater
lesserrusalkawiththe mosthit points).A newrusalka rusalkainto the water.Whenthe victimis waist-deep,
retainsthe physicaI charaCteristics shehadin life. For the lesserrusatkisurfacebehindthe victimand
exampte, an e[f wou[dbe havea Lightbuil.dandpointed attack.Astheir first attack,both varietyof rusa[ki
ears.a dwarfwouldbestoutandhavea beard.In wit[ attemotto overbear the closestvictimsand ho[d
undeath, the rusalka'sskinbecomes pa[e,btoatedand them underwater untiI they drown.If this fai[s,they
slightlyscaled.Hermostnoticeabte featureis hereyes, wi[[ usetheir gazeattacksand engagein regular
whichburnwith greenfire. me[ee.Thegazeattackof the greaterrusalkihasthe
Foreverypackthereis an 80%chance that oneof effectofthe spetleyebitecastby a 5th [eve[mage
the rusalkawill bethe greatervariety,If a greater usingthe sickenoption.Thegreaterrusalkicanuse
rusatka is present,shewit[aLways be pack[eader. 1nher their gazeattack3 timesper day,thoughmuttiple
trueform.a greaterrusalkaappears much[ikeher useson the sametargethaveno effect.
lessercompanions, but withtougherskinanda more If a femalehumanor demihuman drownsin the
intensefire in hereyes.Thetrueformof a greater handsof a rusalka, shewit[riseasa lesserrusalka in
rusatka is rarelyseendueto a permanent itlusionsur- sixturnsunlessa remove curseis caston the body.If a
roundingher.Thisitlusioncauses the viewerto seean fematediesby meansotherthan drowning, sheescapes
imageof the fairestpossibte fematethat hisor her the horribtefate.Thepackleadereatsa[[thosewhodie
mindcanconcoct, cladin onLya robeof mist.True anddo not riseaslesserrusalki.inctudinga[[ males.
seeing,a gemof seeing,or a robeof eyeswi[[atlowthe Lesser rusatkicanbeturnedas5 HDundead.Greater
viewerto seethe greaterrusalka's trueform. rusalkicanbeturnedas9 HDundead.
Combat: Thetacticsof the rusalkivarydepending on Habitat/Society:Rusalkiareorganizedinto packsof
whetheror not thereis a greaterrusalkain the pack.If lesserrusalkitedby a greaterrusatka. Shou[dthe
the packconsists entiretyof Lesser rusatki,theywitl greaterrusatka die,the lesserrusatka withthe mosthit
hideon [andcloseto the water.Theretheywi[|.wait pointstakesthe ro[eas leader. Theya[[watkontodry
untiIsomeone passes nearby,at whichtimetheywi[[ landandawaita victim.Thefirst humanoid to havethe
attack.Thejrfirst actionwit[beto usetheir gazeattack misfortune of comingacross themis attacked. Thecar-
on onecreature with whichtheyareengaged in me[ee. cassis thenfedto the packleader.Afterfinishingher
Theycanusetheir gazeattackonceperday,withthe mea[.the packleaderwit|.begintransforming into a
effectof rayof enfeeblement as castby a 3rd [eve[ greaterrusalka.Nonebut the packleaderis allowedto
mage.Theywi[[then proceed to attackwiththeir sharp eatat this strangeritua[.
nai[sandteeth. Ecology:Noone knowswherethe rusatkimenace
If a greaterrusatkais in the pack,shewi[[ [urevic- c am ef r o m .T h em o s tp o p u t atrh e o r yi s t h a t s o m eg i r [
timsinto the wate rwh eret he ot her shidein wait ing. [ on ga g oi n s u l t e da g o d .T h i sg o dc a u s e d t h e g i r [t o
5hedoesthis th rou ghth e us eof an audioi[ [ us ion.a fat[ into a riverand drown,Shewasthen cursedto
singingvoiceso sweetit woutdput an elvenminstrel returnas an undead.Thegirt washorror-stricken and
to sham e.Th isso ngch arm s( s av ev s s pet [t o negat e) s hea p p t i e dt h e s a m ep u n i s h m e nt ot a n y o n ew h os a w
humanoidinto s a pp roa ch ing it s s our c ef r om up t o 30' her,thus passingthe cursea[ong.Whatever their ori-
away.Whenthey comeinto viewofthe greater gins,r u s a l k ai r e u n n a t u r aaI n da r e n o t a p a r t o f t h e
rusalka,th eyse eh er (or rat hert he i[ [ us ion)s t anding naturaIecotogy. I
you'tl lovethe RPGAI
statusshoutdnotbeconstrled as a chaltengeto5uchstatus. Ifyou love

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