300+ (UPDATED) Leadership MCQs and Answers (PDF) 2023

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300+ [UPDATED] Leadership

MCQs and Answers [PDF]
Leadership Objective Questions and Answers 
Leadership Objective Questions and Answers Pdf Download
for Exam Leadership Multiple choice Questions. Quiz
Leadership Test Questions

1. Which of the following statements best captures the

nature of leadership as it should  be for your business to
ensure your continued future success? | Leadership
A.  Leaders focus on budgeting, aligning people with a shared vision
and solving problems

B. Leader focus on setting direction, align people with a shared vision

and motivating people

C. Leaders focus on motivating people, planning and organizing and


Answer: B

2. When a conflict arises between two employees, what first

step might a leader take? | Leadership Questions

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A. Step in and quickly help employees mediate the conflict- to avoid

any unnecessary escalation

B. Step back and encourage employees to resolve the conflict

themselves- so they will learn how to resolve conflicts on their own
and handle future issues

C. Step out of the “field of action “  for a moment, to gain insights into
the nature of the conflict.

Answer: C

3. What are the three most effective ways to identify what

needs to change in an organization? | Leadership Questions
A. Create mechanism that help identify deviations from desired
results, monitor outcomes and look for conflicts that indicate what
needs to change.

B. Listen to concerns of people inside and outside the organization,

look for conflicts as clues to what need to change and look at oneself
and the team as reflections of things  that need to change.

C. Retain a consulting firm to conduct an objective assessment of the

company’s issues, assign problem-solving reading material to the staff
and look for conflicts as clues to what needs to change

Answer: B

4. Which of the following is the best step a leader can take

when employees express concerns about a rumored change
within the organization? | Leadership Questions
A. Reassure employees that everything is going to be all right and that
the company upper management is working to develop an effective

B. Invite employees to express their concerns and shares ideas to help

ease the stress they are feeling and to empower them to work together
to contribute toward a shared solution 
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C. Minimize discussion about the rumors until a clear plan is ready for
implementation this gives senior managers time to develop an
effective plan.

Answer: B

5. Managers regularly take time to talk to salespeople about

things that are important to them. | Leadership Questions
A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Usually

D. Always

Answer: D

6. Frequently committed mistakes should be corrected by…

| Leadership Questions
A. explaining to every individual without disrupting the practice.

B. ending the practice early before they become habits.

C. stopping the practice for a while and point them out to the trainees.

Answer: C

7. Which of the following is correct? | Leadership Questions

A. Hand movement, volume and eye contacts are body language.

B. Volume, rate and clarity give the vocal impact.

C. Volume and clarity give the verbal impact.

Answer: B

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8. By concluding your lesson with a last demonstration,

you… | Leadership Questions
A. ensure that the trainees will be more interested in your future

B. inspire the trainees to practice at home.

C. leave your trainees with a correct mental picture before they leave.

Answer: C

9. Which of the following should not be done when teaching

a lesson? | Leadership Questions
A. Gives a lot of information so that the trainees can pick up more

B. Introduce the lesson objectives, outline and expectation from the


C. Put the trainees at ease so that they will not fear you as an

Answer: A

10. When conducting a debrief you should… | Leadership

A. be bold and honest, and not afraid to hurt people’s feeling.

B. should get every team member to voice out their feeling and

C. make it as short as possible because everybody is tired.

Answer: B

11. It is important to check on the trainees during their

practice because… | Leadership Questions
A. it will give them a bad impression if you are not doing anything.

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B. they might be taking too much time to learn.

C. this can prevent mistakes from becoming habits to them.

Answer: C

12. Which of the below is an example of democratic

leadership? | Leadership Questions
A. “We can go to the zoo or bird park for this outing. I am OK with

B. “I need your feedback before I make decision. Please speak out.”

C. “Everybody will fall in at 1400 hour sharp.”

Answer: B

13. A leader must.. | Leadership Questions

A. always lead with the objectives in mind.

B. always make decisions that are popular to his people.

C. remove those who do not support his ideas or hinder his plans.

Answer: A

14. In a lesson summary, you should.. | Leadership

A. ask a lot of questions to test the trainees’ understanding.

B. be brief and recapture the key points.

C. state the lesson objectives and outline.

Answer: B

15. Which of the below is an example of autocratic
leadership? | Leadership Questions

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A. “We can go to the zoo or bird park for this outing. I am OK with

B. “I need your feedback before I make decision. Please speak out.”

C. “Everybody will fall in at 1400 hour sharp.”

Answer: C

16. If a team member is not cooperative in the execution,

you should… | Leadership Questions
A. warn him openly so that others will not learn from him.

B. talk to him in private and avoid causing any disunity in your team.

C. give him some “goodies” so that he will be motivated to work.

Answer: B

17. It is important that through squad management, you

can… | Leadership Questions
A.really be concern about your Boys.

B. learn how to command and control difficult Boys.

C. know officers’ difficulties in running a company.

Answer: A

18. Eye contact with your audiences can be maintained by…

| Leadership Questions
A. always looking at a few people.

B. looking at the first row of audiences.

C. looking at every individual in a regular pattern.

Answer: C 
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19. A leader who is honest in speech and upright in

character exhibits | Leadership Questions
A. Patience.

B. Servanthood.

C. Integrity.

Answer: C

20. In the execution stage, you should… | Leadership

A. stay away from unimportant tasks and supervise the whole

B. gather your team regularly for debrief and checking.

C. “lead by example” by helping in all major and minor tasks.

Answer: A

21. Which of the below is an example of laissez-faire

A. “We can go to the zoo or bird park for this outing. I am OK with

B. “I need your feedback before I make decision. Please speak out.”

C. “Everybody will fall in at 1400 hour sharp.”

Answer: A

22. By putting suitable people to be in charge of certain

A. you can work on important areas and supervise the entire plan.

B. you know who to blame for it anything goes wrong.

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C. you can reduce your mental stress.

Answer: A

23. Which of the following is correct?

A. Rate is the speed in which you move your hands.

B. Frequent use of “Okay” makes your speech more interesting.

C. Use simpler words for your instructions.

Answer: C

24. The squad system was devised by our founder so that…

A. the officers can be free for important areas of the company.

B. the senior Boys can command the junior Boys and gain their

C. the officers can spend more time with their family.

Answer: A

25. Which of the following has the greatest impact in your

A. Body language.

B. Vocal impact.

C. Verbal impact.

Answer: A

26. Which of the following is correct?

A. Debrief can be omitted if the team will not be working together in

B. More time should be spent in execution and less on planning. 

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C. Plans not completed on time can, sometimes, be as good as not

done at all.

Answer: C

27. The purpose of debrief is…

A. for the leader voice out his unhappiness about the execution.

B. those who quarrelled in the execution to argue their cases.

C. to reflect on what has taken place and improve on future projects.

Answer: C

28. Before giving a demonstration you should…

A. summarize the lesson and emphasize the key points.

B. have a last practice so that you will be more confident.

C. position yourself so that everybody can see you.

Answer: C

29. When checking on the team members or I/Cs, make

sure that…
A. they follow your guidelines and are able to meet the expectations.

B. they follow your methods exactly.

C. their plans must fit your style of working.

Answer: A

30. Why is it advisable to get demonstrators for your

A. Because if anything goes wrong you can inform them.

B. To avoid having all the trainees looking at you. 

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C. So that you can concentrate on your explanation.

Answer: C

31. You may maintain less eye contact with audiences who
A. very interested in your presentation.

B. not showing interest and are distracting to you.

C. listening to you for the first time.

Answer: B

32. What is verbal impact?

A. It is the words and sentence constructions used in your speech.

B. It is the loudness and clarity of your speech.

C. It is your body improvement and posture.

Answer: A

33. Leadership may be defined as…

A. the ability to motivate people to work towards a common goal.

B. the ability to command people to work towards a common goal

C. the ability to discipline people

Answer: A

34. Good communication skills and motivation

A.are the foundation of leadership.

B. will earn you respect from people.

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C. are helpful to your leadership.

Answer: C

35. A leader should not…

A. be confident.

B. magnify his achievement.

C. receive encouragement.

Answer: B

36. Eye contact with your audiences is important because…

A. it tells them that you are interested in them.

B. it makes them afraid and listen to you.

C. it is impolite to have your eyes “wonder” around.

Answer: A

37. It is good to be creative in your planning but…

A. do not break the traditions.

B. focus on your objectives.

C. you must execute the details personally so that they will be what
you want.

Answer: B

38. Effective up-front speaking…

A. will improve the commitment of your people.

B. helps you to capture the interest and comprehension of your


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C. makes your plans successful.

Answer: B

39. The first step in designing your plans is…

A. study your resources and limitations.

B. define your objectives.

C. design the action plans.

Answer: B

40. A leader must know how to lead because…

A. this will keep his team motivated and effective by meeting their

B. without challenges, people will feel bored.

C. this is how leadership potential can be measured.

Answer: A

41. Your boss made a bad decision. Do you advise your boss,
or just do what you are told ?
A. Advise your boss

B. Just do what you are told

C. Resign, find another job

D. None of these

Answer: A

42. You find out something illegal is going on in your

operation, do you blow the whistle, or say nothing ?
A. Say nothing

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B. Resign, find another job

C. Blow the whistle

D. None of these

Answer: C

43. Someone who has more skills than you in your own area
is looking to join the company, do you push them out, or
bring them on ?
A. Push them out

B. Bring them on

C. Resign, find another job

D. None of these

Answer: B

44. Someone has been wrongfully terminated, do you take a

stand and say something, or say nothing and save your job ?
A. Take a stand and say something

B. Say nothing and save your job

C. Resign, find another job

D. Simply start find another job

Answer: A

45. As a team leader, what can you do to encourage

leadership potential in your fellow Guiders ?
A. Take time to plan when you can all meet together.

B. Make sure that each leader has the necessary books and resources. 
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C. Encourage new leaders to use their own talents and skills to enrich
your program.

D. All the above

Answer: D

46. You don’t like someone in another department, do you

make their life miserable, or try to ease the pain ?
A. Make their life miserable

B. Try to ease the pain

C. Resign, find another job

D. Simply start find another job

Answer: B

47. What are 2 practical ways that you can teach and
practice leadership skills with girls ?
A. Include the girls in planning

B. For Pathfinders and Senior Branch Members, give them the

freedom to plan and carry out their own ideas. Be there to support,
encourage and assist when needed.

C. Assign regular duties for each patrol. If one patrol is responsible for
Campfire, then make sure there are resources to use, such as song
books, a book of readings, campfire games, a file of songs the girls
know, a Guider to assist if needed.

D. All the above

Answer: D

48. Your people are underpaid, do you try to get them more
money, or just hope that they won’t notice ? 
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A. Try to get them more money

B. Hope that they won’t notice

C. Resign, find another job

D. Simply start find another job

Answer: A

49. Suggest 3 ways that you can practice Share Leadership

with fellow Guiders.
A. Plan together

B. Work together

C. Evaluate together

D. All the above

Answer: D

50. You made a mistake that has a serious impact to the

company, do you cover it up, or acknowledge it and try to
fix the problem ?
A. Cover it up

B. Acknowlege it and try to fix the problem

C. Resign, find another job

D. Simply start find another job

Answer: B

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