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Subsea Production Systems

Subsea Forum - Young Engineers Day Paris, 13th June 2007

Paul Betteridge Subsea Business Development Director

Typical Subsea Development Overview
The Building Blocks Overview Conventional Dual Bore Horizontal System Overview Overview

Subsea Xmas Trees

Production Control Systems Manifolds Connection Systems Questions

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Subsea Development Overview

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Host Facility

The Building Blocks

Dual Flowlines

Flowline Jumper PLET Manifold #1

Main Umbilical SDU

Well #1

Dual Flowlines PLET Well #3 Manifold #2 Well Slot #4 EFL/HFL (typ.)

Well #2 SUTA In-field Umbilical SDU

Pigging Loop

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Exploration and Production Frontier

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Xmas Trees

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Xmas Tree Overview

Provides a pressure containing method to safely cap the Well via its interface with the subsea Wellhead
Xmas Tree features:
Control, monitor and condition either produced or injected media. (Designs for either 5000, 10000 or 15,000 psi wp) Provides normal and failsafe methods of shutting the Well at the mudline Provides a interface to re-enter the Well at any time during the life of the field Provides a platform/interface from which to monitor down hole pressure temperature or smart well systems & applications Provides a platform/interface from which to inject chemicals either down hole or at the Xmas Tree
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Subsea Production Systems

Tree Systems
Horizontal Tree Deepwater
Dual Bore Tree Diverless

Dual Bore Tree Deepwater

Mono Bore Tree Shallow Water

Mono Bore Tree Deepwater

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Horizontal vs Conventional Tree

= Gate Valves
Tree Cap Tree Cap Crown Plugs Tubing Hanger Treehead Master Valve Block

Tree Connector

Tree Connector

Tubing Hanger Wellhead Wellhead

Horizontal Tree

Conventional Tree
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Subsea Production Control Systems

Multiplexed Electro-hydraulic Control Systems
Control system fully integrated with host facility Deepwater diver less intervention (retrievable) Fieldbus comms and instrument architecture Long Offset (200km +) Qualified to 3000m Water depth Combined or separate comms and power Intelligent (smart well) Completion interfaces Optional Fiber Optic comms HP/HT compatible
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Subsea PCS Functional Requirements

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System Overview - Topsides

Topside Equipment
Master Control Station Hydraulic Power Unit Methanol / chemical injection skids Accepts platform ESD signals Topside Umbilical Termination Unit
Pump control panel Chemical Injection Skid Methanol Injection Skid HFS Methanol PJB HPS Hydraulic UPS ESD PSD

PC Chemical


Electrical Cables

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System Overview - Subsea

Subsea Equipment
Umbilical Termination Assembly Control Pod on Tree / Manifold Readback of pressure / temperature / choke position / downhole data
Umbilical Termination Assembly Electrical Hydraulic/ Chemical Umbilical Manifold

Subsea Tree Subsea Control Module

Hydraulic Flying lead

Electrical Flying Lead

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Master Control Station

Typical well page on MCS

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Manifold Systems

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Subsea Manifold Systems

A large variety of Subsea Manifold configurations, based on standard building blocks:
Template Manifolds Cluster Manifolds Internal or External Pigging Loops Vertical or Horizontal Jumper Connections Skirt, Monopile or Suction Anchor Foundations Moonpool Installable Manifolds Pipeline End Manifolds (PLEM), Pipeline End Terminations ( PLET) and Riser Bases 5, 10 or 15k Pressure Ratings Insulation Systems to meet Flow Assurance requirements Distribution System based on hard piped, multibore connections or ROV Jumpers
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Product Overview / Key Features

Foundation Structures
Seven Heads
Piles not very commonly used. Special equipment needed during installation .

Mudmat Hard to medium soil conditions. Large areas required, high slamming loads in splash zone.
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Product Overview / Key Features

Foundation Structures (contd)
Suction Pile, robust foundation concept from soft to ultra soft soil conditions (typical West Africa). Guide mast on suction pile interfaces centre column on manifold.

Levelling possible by adjustment of position of guide cone

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Product Overview / Key Features

Foundation Structures (cont.)
Suction Piles (Lobito) Suction Pile (Bonga)

PLEM Foundation Kuito 1B

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Product Overview / Key Features

Production Templates
Wellheads w/trees and manifold located on one common foundation structure. Cost effective; infield jumpers not required, connection between tree and manifold normally through a Choke Bridge Module.

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Connection Systems

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Connection Systems
Main type of connectors
Collet Mandrel (dogs) Clamp

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Connection Systems
Subsea connection systems
Subsea Connection Systems features diverless connectors and tooling systems for most applications:
Rigid Jumpers and Tie-in Spools Flexible Flowlines Umbilicals Single bore and Multibore Hubs Clamp, Mandrel and Collet Connectors Horizontal and Vertical Configurations Subsea Winch Systems Stab & Hinge Over Systems ROV Jumper / Flying Lead Systems
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Vetcogray Experience
Subsea Trees 900 (300 pcs

Subsea Production Systems

Horizontal & 600 pcs Conventional)

Subsea Controls 500 pcs Subsea Manifolds 80 pcs Subsea Connections 1000
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