Glossary of Intelligence Terms

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DOD Military Intelligence U.S. Department of Defense


Glossary of Intelligence Terms

W. S. Liptak Cmdr

Robert Bolin , depositor

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GLOSSARY 0 F , ' I I • •



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Defense Intelligence College Washington, D,C, 20301-6111


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TIll' cI"'",ili"", "' II,i, 1/1,,,,,,,\· /oa,,' I,,"'" eI,",,,.,, 10\ II,lc·IIIII'·",'C· ,,1111,'(\.1111' 10\
"IIII,')O\lj,h fir \1'01;111111,.,1\ SUlIlI" tt'·(ll1ililUh. ,111'11·lnr,', IIla\' Ilavc·limilt·.1 uJl1,liI.:ahilih
11001 'II I,· II ... 1"lc·llil:'·'" " 1:""11"1111111. ,,f,il.· "II ... , ,1"III,illloIOS 10';0 \. 1'0' ...·.Iridc"<l III IIII'
.illl:l,· II".. "I II w,",d ",I,id, I"" ill,,·IIiIl.·IIC.· ,ill'IOI,,·.II" ,'. It'. leor ,·\alll"I.·, ill II ... "'''nl
~(/",.'(". 11I",lar as l"oo,il>l.·. l,nwr.vfOr, Ih .. d"/o"ilroo". i,,,·I:,,I ...1 I, .. ft· ,ulliaill ~ mt'a.llft·
uf '''".'~lc'''·I· III Iurm. unci all alleml,l has 1""'11 mad.· too ....I"l>li~1o r.. laliunships amnnlt
imllnrlanl 11I1I·llig,·m·,· w(Jrd~ and tfOrm •. A 1111.,;'- claOlJllt, ,·.ish i" tht' r!'latinnship> to
he I"und amon!! t/o" Irrms In/ormalfun. inltlltgenn' tn/orma/wn alld tn/elligntcl'.
William K. CorSOll. in his The Armit'S of 'Rnorlllll't'. ohSC'rvN .
... word 01 canlinn about tI,t" !t'rm in/el/tgl'lI"1' i~ ill urd,'r T'M' olt .. n it is
"s,..J 'I'",",y,nn"sh' or inlt'rch~m(t'al,ly with tn/ormatlll1l. Tloi, is ina,·c·urat ..
""d (Iuil .. noisl..aJiIlO(. '"furmali"n IInlil and \II,le~ it has ~II ;lnah z,..1 a"d
,·valllal ..J It'OIains "nlloinl( mm"I".I" a fat'!. Inlurnlllliun may b.. i"lcrt'Slin!!.
al1lll~inlL. or hitloerlo ullknnwlllull,t' Ix'unn n'l,.. ·i\·IIII: ii, bill b\· and in ilSt'lf
il ,~ inapprolll ial,· III ,'all II illlrlliRc·nl.... Th,' thrl't' Icrm~ In/elligencf'o
in/tlligcllct in/ormation. ancl Ira/ormation /lr.. ,1 10 rfOmain distinct. '"Ielli,
IIl"n!'e 1.\ ihdl rd.'r. lu II", 11\1';1"'"'1( ul, ur a "u",'lu,inn aboul, ~rsons,
c·Wllls. a"d ('ir"IIOI~lanc'I"' whic'" is .1.. riw.1 I runt analvsi. and/or Icogir.
IIIll'lIiRc'IIl'r infnfll,alillll (,lInsis" "I flit'" I,,'arilll( (In II prrviouslv idc'nlifil'd
"whl"m or ~itllali"". Ih,'· ,illnil iI';lOl'f' .. I whic:h has 1101 mn C'Oml,l~lclv
c·,lablisl,,,d. And inlormalion i~ n';III .. III raw,faclS wh,I'oC' r.. lalinnshil' to olh .. r
phl'no,"en~ hll' \,'1 10 he colI,id,·r...1 III t"lahlishf'd. Sirnil.arlv, the melhOtls
,11\ IIlved ill R~IJ"irillll: inlnrmillilln ilnt.l/nr inll'lIillencl' infllrnlalitln by any
"'I'an' 311d IUrto"'K it inln illlt'lIil:l"nl'" c·"",IiI"I .. Ih .. inl('lIiR"""e flrCJ('t'~ IIr
1'\'1'1". ,.10.·dhlinl'linm 1o,·lw•.'('" IltI'M' II'''''' art' imporlant In rc·ml'lIIh..r
'1'1". I(lus>;Irl' II,a~,·, ,j",iIJI di,lill"'iu", l .. j"'lUi/twn is "neval"alc·d rnal .. rial 01
ever\" d.'scrilJli,,". ,n tt'l/ip,"n,:r in/orrrllltim, is i"loo"nali"" of plI"'nl ial inlelligent'"
v;!h,,·, ami ,ntdlilll""'c' is Ihc' kll,,14·I.·cll:'· ,1.'rrv,·tI fWIn a c~\... lical pf(l('t'~'inR "I
inluflllaliull TI,,' artin,lalinll ul Ih,·~' tliff.·ft·II.·.·, h I""dam"nlall,, Ihe relX'alt'd US!!
nl Ih ..,,· lI'nm ill dc·lillillR: olh .. r I.. llm 0".· \\,,11 110.1. lor t'lam.,,,,, thai nuel
inlt'IIo~.·".·,' i> .1,·li'lt'd a~ In/l'iliRc·n ... • .1,'ri\'l'tI IrulII Ih" ...,IICdiuII lind analvsis nl
ratlial,,,n ""' .. wi"·,,·,,, """""11nkaliuII~ "'ldli~c'II"" " tI.·li""cI 3S Il'ch"ical and
iut"III~"""'" '"/'ITUWIIUU t.lcri,,·(·e,I (rCUII .1 ... illlc'n'f'l,1 Ilf 'un'iRu cilmmunicatinns. l~'(,.
\Iltol \t'l allah ,,·eI. il i, IInl I'd III/t·/II/1.·,.,.c·1 ~II('h I" ... tli,lilll'lillns are "'Jlt'Cled 10
~(lntrd1Ult' 10 a (,11I;"lt·' ulldl'r~'aIHIU1K nf IIII' ('UITIIIIIIJI mf'anings of many ~u("h term!t .

.\I"I,vi;'1: ;.1 ;' ""Iahlr d .. lilliliun fur II ... ,,"fO,tI "'t"II'Ii~'I(',' is a challl'ng.. IInlo
il',·" In Shl'rman KC'III', SlrdlC'Ki.· 1",,'II'I("II"c' 110, A,nl'rit·." World Polit'\·.
ill,c·/I,,,, 1I('t' " d,ar"",·,i/t',! J' havllll1 11110'" d,·I'OIili"".1 ~III,~eh: klll,wledgc.
IIfK""I1.,I'Oln. ;Inti a 1'1 '\"II , T"i~ """"'pl i, p.tllolt,I",h ",.. It,III' "'IJ"lishin~ Ihe lal'l
th.11 I1I,d!J~"'I'" ill liB' ,'urre'lIl I'ttllk~t II~" 11111111111" 1n",JIlIORS

ll1lt'lIl~,·tlrf·. II(" ~"'\'. is tht' ~llIh,·II·tlM.t· 11111 IIatlll11 11111\1 IHhW'" rt·K.trdi"~
oilwi 11.1111111\ HIorde'r to .IS:'llrt~ IIwH th ... t it . . IIIII'fI"" \\all flol fail J,.(~('.1I1SC' 01 IllannUlI-:
nr tll·t·l,illllfll.lklll~ dlJll(' III i..:rUlram ", and IIIJlIII \\ 111("h lllIm IrdJl(' Ililf l1uliollal fUrt'llo{1I

Duhn b ba54'11 'n,dl/gelic/' i~ alMl a'n irl,Iillllillll; ~ ,,11\"h'~1 IIrltllllil.alilln "i lil/inll
"'""Ill.. wind. IlllfSUI'S Ihl' 5[lf'1'i~lkind 111 knuwl"IIK" ~I .\\11" :\1111 /'lIl'Ilil11'nc(' h Ihe
activily which Ihl' I1rllaniu\ion performs. u"",arc'h ~,iah "'. 1'01l''\1Inn. "\'Illualiun,
sludv, prN"lIlaliun, I1ml "'vri~d uthru
,"5 1"'h,',,1 as Ihl'Y afl', Kl'nt's dl"inlt'nn~ Ilfl' "\('I'Sli\'l'l\' II..IlInililll( fur llurpnSl"
01 Ihis glu~~rv In Ihe SfOr\S(' Il,al illlelliltl'lI'" is k,u,wl .. IK'" 1m "l~mDII' .. ".' ,'alllllll
assuml' Ih~t ~II intellilll'nCI' i> "uur" intt'lIigf'lIct'. II is IIN·.. ~rt, Ih,'rl'Iore, 10 lash inn
Ihl' mn~1 hasit, definition lX,~\jlrll' lor Ihe word /nll'l/'l1l'nl'(' in Ihis ~nSl' 01 ih ml'aninll,
truslillg in Ihe utilizer's abililV 10 selecl a proper modiliN 10 lIiVl' Ihl' word more
precise meaninll whl'n Ihal is ol'ct'ssary. More delinillonal f1l'libllity rl'su/ts from such
an approach
Bul In 'ell/gencr is more Ihan Ih,' knuwledlZf' (,(lOtainl',1 in ~n inll'lIilll'nl'" produl't.
It encompaSSf',s Ihe inlclligenl'!' urganlzatiuns and at'tivilic!s Ihal Kl'nl rl'll'rs 10, and
olher aClivlties-and their reullanl products-which arl' known as cuun/erin/elli·
gence, For Ihese reasons, one mlllhi be templed lu dl'finl' In/elllgence simply ~s a
generic lerm which encompasses both (oreilln inlelliltcncc and (oreilln counlerlnlelli·
gence, thence 10 formulale separale definitions for each 01 IhOSt' terms, One quit'kly
discovers, however, Ihal such a simplistic approach Is insufficienlly salisfyinll because
it fails lu provide for several shades 01 ml'anlng and subsequenl uS!'
The problem Is compounded by the scorl'S 01 differ .. nl Iypes 01 Inlellillence Ihal
are used commonly lind which mwl be broadly underslood, and by Ihe variely 01
headings under which Ihese Iypes 01 IntellillenCI! ~rc classilied, Some types of
~ inlelligence are source·orienled ·(such as human inlelligence or sillnals inlelligence),
some form·orienled (as In raw or un(jnbhed Inlellilll'llCt.'), wml' syslem.orienled
(eleclronic or lelemelric), some subiecl-oril'nled (medical, economic), some we-
oriented (military, lactlcal), and a probable host of olhl'rs. But Ihe poinl to be made
here Is how essentiallhe basic definition 01 In/el/illenee is 10 lurlher underslanding 01
the many, many ways in which .il can be uSt'd. The ddinition 01 In/elligence as it
appears in Ihls glossary attempts to account for ,II IIf Ihe lurl'golng.


Acou.lic(ll) InloUi.ene<' (ACOUSTINT Of ACINT) Im.r .. v Io,I.II,.rll'" (lMINTI

Adiunlble InloUi.onoo loifll Inlf"lIilf"hC..T
Basl< In'eUlrenee I .... , 11I1.1I,•• ' .... (I.ASI"T)
BiOll'IPhlc(ll) InloU"ene<' Mc-alurtmrnl Incl Siltnalu,r Inltlillencr (MASINT)
Ca,IOII'I"hic Inlolltaenee Med'ClI Inloll'I<'OI" (Mt::DlNT)
Combol Inlelli.once Mlhll'v 11I1.lllre""" (1.11)
Communlcalions Inlolliro""" (COMINT) National Inl"lli." •.cC'
Counle,inloUlrence Nud... , IIII.lbl.n"" (NUCI"T)
C,III.II Inlellilenee NllcI,.., Prnla(,.,.IIClIl IntrUilrnC't'
Cu"enl lnlelb.once Upe'lllOn.1 Inl.U,.rll,... (OPINTELl
Dopa,lmenl(ln In'ellilenee O&>llcal IlIatll'"rI". (OPTINT)
Economic' Intrllil~nce Pholocflllhk Inlrll,nnl" (~HOTINT)
EI«&ro-O"II.11 Inldll",""" (ELECTRO·OPTINTI
Ekc&roni< Inlelb.o""" (ELINTI PO'lh ...,. I"Irll'lrn(",.
EMr." IntelhCf'nC'e lI.d.. 1"1.1I1~."rr (RAIlINT)
F.stllnlh .... r- InltlliCtn« H.di.I,on In'rllllf"nC'r (RfNT)
E....slon .nd F.~.Pt' Intt'lIiltrK"f" Haw 'nt,.IIIRf'IU'I·
fiOishfod Inrrlhlt>nn- \( It'nllfll' .'hl T,'dIllU'.1 (S6 T) In'rlligrn«
Forrill" C .....unINinltllt.r.M-r (FCIl ~illlah 1t" .. IIII"", I ISI«;II~.:n
FOrttln In"rumenl.lion SIID1IU 'nl,lIlIlrncr Sl'f'('i .. 1 IlIlrlllll"n(l' lSI)
(fISINT) 5,urtlllC' '"It'lIllrller
FOrrll" Inlt'lh,tn('(" (FI, TaC'tit'll Inldll,,,,.,'r (lAl~INTELI
FOrf'lln M.trfltl (FORMAT) 'nlrlh.,.n("of' T.r.,.1 In, ... IIt.tuff'
Goocraph,C'(11) Inlellllen", It''C'hntC',1 Inll"lh,I'nrl' tTl)
lIum.n Inldl, •• nC<! (HUMINTI T"lrmrl'''' Inl,.lInll'.II·" (lEU NT)

The reader will noti,-e Irequent crosH"f"rrllL"inll ~tw~n terms and their
dcriniti(ln~.In additlun to providlnlliln intelliReu...· I... iclln. the IIlossary purports to he
tutorial. inasmuch as it is possible. and 1",cIIIl"nl crou·referencinli: is a technique'
employed intentionally to thY! «'lid.
The term cross·rrfrrenced most olten is mlfllllltnU elle-/f' which. with its
~"arlltely defined 51"ps, h conceptlllllly flindym,,"lalt(J undershandinllhc: vocabulary
.,1 inh·llillt:ncl'. Thr de£initillnllltechniQue IS til list the steDS In the cycle as subsets of it
(rather than in their normal alphabetical order in the Ilossary), and to refer many
related terms to the cvcle and its various steps. The desired resuli is to keep the
reader's locus on the Inlellillt-nee cycle In order to maintain the conceptual Intearity of
its component steps.
The drafters of the definitions contained in this IIlllSSllrv were not constrained by
existing definitions or bv the narrow mellnioll of terms where broader significance
could be achieved by redefinition. Known definitions were nevertheless accommo-
dated to the greatest extent possible. The primary objective of the drafters' was to
define those terms that lacked definition and to Improve on those definitions extant.


acou!ticMI intellill,·nce· (ACOt ISTINTI: Inlelli\!cnce 1I'~cs'm,·nt·: (I) (/~nl'rallw'J Appraisal of the wortll
information derived from analysis of acoustic wave. of an inlclli~encc :lcllnty. ,.,urce. information. or
radiated either intentionally Ilr unintentionally by the product in terms of ib colltribution to a specific go.ll.
tareet into the surroundine medium. (In Naval usaee. nr the cr(diLilit)'. reliability. pertinency. accura.:y ••n
the acronym ACJNr is used and usually refers to usefullle,s of Inform.uiun in te:rms of an intellillence
intellieencc derived ~recilically from analysis of need. Wh.:n use:d in contrast with "'oIUOI;OIl assess-
underw:J ter acoustic waves from ships and ment IInplie:. :1 \\eillhlOll :lIPinst resource alioc~tion.
submarines.) expenditure. ur risk. (Se:e eVlllulllion.) (2) (Produ(/ioll
(Cmlrftj Sec inlrt/igtllrt! IIsussmrlll. (Also sec nu
aClionablt intellil(cllcr: Intelligence inform:Jtion that IISStSSmt!1I1.)
is directly useful to customers without havine to eo
throueh the full intellieence production process; it 155ct·: Sce inultiT:u.r asstl. (Also sec nillio/lil/
may address strate~k or tactical needs. c1ose·support inulliRtnc-, IIsUI anJ ..,,,ie-1l1 illltlligtnc-t IIss;·I.1
of U.S. negotiating tcam~. or action elements dealine authcntle:alion: (I) A communications ,eeurit)· nlc.·
with such mallcr.· as international terrorism or ~ure designed hI provide protection aaainst fraudulenl
narUJtics transnll,sioll and hostile Imilative: communication,
ad;l1lnistr~theIY t ... utr"II ...d inro,matlon: Privilcl:cd but deceptiun by estahlisiling the validity of a tran~mis­
silln. RleSSllee. stution. or dcsienator. 121 A means Ilf
unclaSSified m~tenai beuin& desi~nations such as identlfyin(l ur Ycrifyilltl thc eliaibilit) Ilf a stdtion.
FOR OFFiCIAl. USE ONLY. or I.1MITED OFFI- originator. or Individual to receive speCific categories
CIAL USE. to prevelll disclosure to unauthorized ot inronnation. (Also sce commun;clliions dtctplion.)
automatic d.II proccssina system security: All of the
advisory taskine: A non-directive statement of intelli- technoloaiC:1I safclluards and manallcrial procedures
gence interest or a requcst for intelliaence information established und applied 10 computer hardware.
which is usually addre~scd by an clement of the software. "and data in urder to ensure the protection or
Intelligence Community to departments Ilr aeencics orllani7.ational assets and individual privacy; it in-
having information collection capabilities or intelli- cludes: ail hardware:/soft ware funetions. charal'teris-
gence assets not a part of the National Foreign tics. and fedl~res; orerational procedures. account-
Intelligence Prol(ram. "bility procedurc~. and access controls at the ccntr.1I
computer facilit}; remote computer and terminal
aKcnC·: A pcrMm .who eng;lgcs in clandestine intelli-
facilities. manaecment eolnstraints. physical structures
gence activity under the direction of an intelligence ami dc,·ices; and the personnel and communi~ati(ln
organi/lIlion bUI wbo is nClt an orficcr. employee. or control. needed to provide an acceptahle le\'el of
co-opted workcr of that urgani7Jllion. pr,'tectiun for classified m.lterial to be contained in
aaenl of innuencc·: A rerson who is manipulated hy the computer s}stem.
an intelligence OrKani7..lIion to usc hi~ positiun to basic Intelllgcncf:·: Cumprise~ general reference mate-
innuence publi.:: opininn or decisionmaking in a rial of a factual naturc which results from a collcctio~
manner which ",;1: advance the objective of the oi cncyclopedic infurmation relating t(l the political.
country for which that oreani7.atlon operates. economic. I:cographic. and military structure. re-
alert melllurllndum: A document issued by the ,,'ure(s. capnbiiilies. and vulnerabilities of foreign
DirectN .,f Centr .• 1 Intdlil!ence tu National Security n~tiU:ls.
Council-level policymakers tll warn them of possible biogrdphical inlelligcnce: Foreign intelligence on the
developments abmad. orten of a crisis nature. of Ylews. traits. habils. skills. importance. rel~tion,hlps.
major cun,ern 10 the U.S.: it is cuordinated within Ihe hcalth. and curriculum vilae of those fv;·:lgn rersonal·
Intelligence CO\TI'IlUnily \() the e~lent time rermils Iti,,, of ,~etual or pOlenlial mteresl i.' the Uni'cd
SI<lIC' Guvcrnmcnl
lIn8Iy~i~·: ..\ p'O,·C" in Ihe pr.>:luction step of the
IOldh~enLc ,·"i.· In ",IIILh Inlclli~cnce information is carto~rK.,hic ir.tcllillrnce: Intclhgen.:c prlm3ril, mJnl·
,,,bJe,·led 1.1 .yq'~IIl.'I"· "",rninatlOn in order to Ce,led In m3p~ ~nd d'MI> ui arcas ,'UI"Jc Ihe Lnlled
IdCnlif} >I~n:('l· .• nl fadS and derive conclusions Stalc, and Ib tcrn\l'rI.1I '''Iter.
Iherefrom (""" 'ce jnullj!<~na cyelt.) CK'f oflie,·r·: !\ pr.,fcsslOn.1I cmpl.,),··. tit an ,nklll·
1o!4:1l1':C or..t.JIII/,lIIOII "to,I 1:0. rc."p"HI,!I':i' IUf I,rl,\",dnl"':
d",·ClIIII' fOi •• r. J"Cnl O[l<:rJIIOI: I ...; .. c DIII'nl)
Crntral InlrlliRrnce ARenc), ProRram (ClAP): See codr': .'\ <'f)'J'tol:l"phl~ .),'ICIIl In which Ihe ~rvpto­
Notionol F"rtiKn ItlulliKtnU Pro,rom. &:ral'hl~ L"tIuivllicllh (u,u3I1y Cd lied ('tid/' Il,uup.r) ,
t)'f"CJII~Clln",11I11( "I' lellers nr digih (or both) in
cipber": A crYplol:raphic system in which the tlthcrwi.e JJlcamn~k.s combinations, arc substituted
cr),ptollraphic treatment (i.e., the method nl' Irans· 'or "Iaul Ic~1 clcmcnu such 3S word,. phrases, or
rormine plain text by predctermined rulcs to obl.curc ,entenees.
or conceal its meaning) is applied to plain text
eicments such a~ lellers, diaits, pol),l:r~phs, or bilS rodr word': (j"ncr~lIy, a word or term which conveys
which either have no intrinsic meanine or arc treated a "rearrarted mcanina other than the conventional
onc; specirlcally, a word or term chosen to conceal the
without reeard to their meaning in cases where the
identilY of a funelion or action, as distineuished rrom
clement is a natural-Ianauaee word.
a co~u nAme "'hich conceals the identity or a person.
crandrstinr: Secret or hidden; conducted with secrccy m~uni7I1tion. tlr installation. (Also see corrr.)

by desien. CODF-WORn": Any ur a series or de~illnated words

or terms used with II security elas~ification to indicate
cl.ndrstinr aClhily: Secret or hidden activity Clln- that the mat~rial so classified was derived through a
dutted ",ilh secrecy by desien. (The phrase dondts- ~ensitiye source or method. constitutes a particular
tint oflt'ralion is prererred. Operations arc prt'- type or sensitive compartmented information (SCI).
p(onnrd aClivilies.) and is therefore accorded Irmitrd distribution.
crandrstine collrction: The acquisition or intelligcnLe collateral: All national security informalion classified
inrormation in wnys desiened to 35sure the secrecy Ilr under the provisions of an Executive Order ror which
the operation. special Intelligence Communit)' systems or compart-
mentatiun (i.e., .ft'nsili"r (onrporlmtntrd illf'ormalion)
c1andr5tine comlJlunicalion: Any type or communica- arc not rormally established.
tion or siena I ofieinated in supporl or clandc.~tine collectioG·: Sec ;nttIliRrnC't cyelt,
optrations. (Also sec illicit commullicotiotl,)
collection luldancr: See lIuidallC't.
c1andrstlne opcralion·: A pre-planned secret intelli- collection requlrrmrnt: An expression or an inteiii-
gence inrormation collection activily or coyert politi- eenee inrormation need which requires collection and
cal, economic, propaganda, or paramilitary action carries at least an implicit authorization to commit
conducted so as to us.,ure the secrecy or the operation; resources in acquirina the needed inrormation. (Also
encompasses both clandesline collection and coyerl sec illttlliarllC't rtquirtll'tnt.)
combat Inrormalion: Uneva)uatcd. data. gathered by
C1l1ndcstine Srnices: That portion or the Central IIr provided directly to the tacticalcomOlander "hich.
Imdhgence Allency (CIA) that enaages in clandes- due to its hiahly perishable nature or the criticality (If
tine oper~tions: sometimes used as synonymous with the situation, cannot be processed into tactical
'1;,' Ci,\ Operations Directorate. intelliaence in time to satisry the customer's tactical
intellieence requirements.
';':"ifiCition: The determination that orticial inror- combat Intcllillencr: That knowledec of the enemy,
1".111., ... rC<juires, in the interest or national security. a wcather. and aeoaraphical reatures required by a
'i'Cdfic dellree or protection against unauthorized commander in Ihe plannina and conduct or combat
,',closure, coupled with a designation signiryina that operation" (Also sec tactical inttIliRrflu.)
,'!l-h a determination has been made; the desianation
i~ normally termed a Stcurity c(ossi/icolion. (Also see
Commillre on Exchans:rs (COMEX): See Di,ector tif
dulassi/icarion. ) Ctlltrol Inltlli,ltllCt' Committtt. (Also see DelD
dassification authorily: Those orticials within the Commillct' on lmaacry Requirements and Exploll_Uon
I' \ecutive Branch who have been authorized pursuant (COMIRF.X): See ni,tctor 0/ ('t"trol 1nltlliRfllU
III an Executive Order to oriainally classify inrorma- Commitltt. (Also sec DCII> 1/13,)
linn or milterml
communication! cootr: Set rrloflir"Iati.·t cr.rn",,,,,;co-
clAs~ified informalion·: Official information whIch t;olfS cO'Jt,.
ha, been determlncd to rC<luire. In the intereslS of communiulions decrr1ion: The d.~hbcratc Iransm'5-
n"II<,nill >ccurrl). protcclIlln aRaln,1 unaulhori1ed sion. relran5mlssion. "heralilln. obSOrplJllO. or renec·
dlsdosure and whIch has been so desll/nated. lion of telecommunicalion5 in a mannel Inlcnded 10
C;!U5e a "''''''adin~ tnlerl'relalion of Ickwrn-
·Scc Appcnd ... B. "ltrrn.HI: Odinillonl Illunicdlinns It ind"dts:

" imil.uhr ,'oRlmuniClllions dcc"plion' Inlru"un comtlrOOIl\1R1l "manalions: l'nlOtcnlllmal cmission~
into foreign co",",unication~ channels for the puri"'s,: which CIIU"J d,sc!o,e informallun beinK transmitted.
of deception by introducing signals M traffic in received. or handled by any information-processin&
imitation of Ihe foreign cummunicalion~. c<luipment
b. manipulalhr communications decepCion···-The computer securIty': The com"uter-driven asrccts of
alleration or simuhllillr. of friendly telecummunica- OIutIlO\;,IIC d;ota processine ~ystcm security encompa,,·
tions fur the purpo,e of deeerllion. ine Ihe medIan ism, and teehniQuC\ that control
communicutiom intelligence' (COMINT): Technkal ;ICCCSS III or use of the computer or information slOrcd
nnd intelligence information derived from intercept of in it (Afl.o see alltoma/i( dara p,oC'tssinl/ sys/('m
foreign communIcations by othcr than the inlended SUI/,;/Y· )
recipient.; it dl'es not include the monitorin!! of C'on\ulidllltd C'ryplolol/ic Program (CCP): Sec ,va-
foreign publk media or the intercept of communica- /;(lnol ford"" I n/tlli",nu P,ogram.
tions obtained during the cuurse of counterintelligen;:e
investigations within the United States. Consolidwtcd InteJliRenee RtSOurees Inform.ti"n 5)·s-
tern (ClRIS): The automated mana&ement informa-
t:ommunic.C1olt~ security' (C'OMSEC): The protection tion ~ystem used to identify and display the ellpected
resulling from any measures taken to deny unauthor- distribution of all inlellillence resources within the
ized persons information of value which might be National Foreign Intelligence Proeram.
derived from telecommunications, or to ensure ~he
authenticity of such telecommunications. consumer': Sec c/lstomu
communications suurity signa/5 acquisition lind co-opted worker: A nalio'lal of a country bUI not an
ana/ysif: The aCQuisilion l'f r:ldio frcQucncy propaga- Ilfficer nr employee of the country's intelligence
tion and its sull\cl/uent :lnalysis to determinc empiri- service who assists that .ervice on a temporary or
cally the \'ulnerahility of the transmission medi:l to rcgular basis. (In most circumstances a .ro-opted
interc.:pti"n h~ "',:,Ii": intelligence services; it includes worker is an official of Ihe countr) but might also be.
catalolinK the transmi~sion speclrum and taking for cKample. a tourist or student.)
signal parametric measurements as required but docs coordination: (I) (In gme,all The process of sceking
not include acquisition of information carried on the concurrence from one or more eroups. oraanilations.
sntem' it is une IIf the lechniques of communicatiuns or agencies regarding a proposal or an activity for
s~cunt~ surveillance. (Also sec communications stell- which they share some responsibility, and which may
rit}' sum-iIIanu.) result in contributions, concurrences. or dissents. (2)
communications s«urity suneillance: The systematic (In inrelligenct producliOfl/ The process by which
ellamindtit'n of telecommunications and autumatic 'producers aain the views of other producers on the
data processing systems to dctermine the adequacy of adequacy of a specific draft assessment, estimate, or
communications security measures: to identify com- report; it is intended to increase a product's factual
munications security deficiencies. to provide data accuracy, clarify its judllmcnts, resolve disagreemenl
from whid to i'redict the effectiveness of proposed on issues that permit, and sharpen statem"nts of
communicatiom security measures, and to confirm disagreement on. major unresolved issues.
the adequacy of ,~ch measure~ after im"lcmentntiun. counterintellillence·: See /cortil/n t:ol/nr~,inltll;Rt'nC'C'.
Community On-Line Intellillenc~ System (COINS): II. Prolcctive euise used by a person. organll.ation.
network of Intellillence Community computer-based or installation to prevent identification with clandes·
informatiun storage and retrieval systems that have tine operations.
been intcrconnected for interallency sharin~ of ma-
c:o.ert: See dand~s/i"t'.
chine folrmalled fib.
c:o.~rl action: II.dande>line opera lion desi~ned I"
computme ... t,tion o: hmnal systems of restricted
innuen~e foreign governments. events. organilation~.
access \II Intelligence actiVIties. such s),stems c.~tab­
lished by and/or mnnalled under the cogni73nce of or rcrsuns in support of United States foreign policy;
lhe DireClor of Central Intelligence to pmtect the it may include political. economic. propagand.l. or
sensitive asrcct, uf sources. rnelhuds. and anal)tical paramilitary activities. Coven action i~ referred 10 in
procedures nf forei2n inlelli2cnce "roil ram,. (11.15(1 see hecutive Order Nil. 12036 as sl'I'Cial n(ril·irr~.'. (Sec
duoml'artm~"rario". )
sl'tC'i1ll acrivirits.)

compromi~o: The e~poJsurc o,f dn,sificd ofr,cial co.ert o~rllion: See clande5lir..t opuor;on (preferred
information or actlvitlc, to pcr.'l.lns nOI aUlhoriled tcrm) A coverl operalion enO:lImpas\e, coven aell'IO
access Iherelo; hence. ""aurllO,izrd disci" .."",. (Also and dande'line c<.lIe.:tion.
sce,.d irt!"'nJQri"".l (',ilical ('011 rei ion Problems Commit: ..... ((-erC): Scr
Oiruro, II/ Cent,al Inu/liRrnu ('''",mia,·,'. (Ah ..
sec DUn ~ /2 )

crilical inltlliJt~nce": Inlelliacnee mfurm.llilln IIr· cryplllllrllphy": The branch IIf cr~plolollY u\cd to
;nlellillence of such urgenl impurlancc It) Ihe security provide :1 IReans of cncrypllull nnd deceplion of plain
of the Uniled State~ that it i~ transmitted ilt Ihe tc~t Ml lhal r" mc;mine may be ellncealed.
highest priority to the President and other national cr~ploIIIlCi~ .... ioilit'!l: The al'livitic\ Jnd operations
decision making officials before passing throu~h rCGu, invulvcl1 in Ihe NINluction "f "I!nal~ inlelli&ence and
hlf cvaluative channeh. Ihe OI""lh'n"",," (If si~nah \eemll)"
Crillcal '''''lIigence Communications System WRITI- c-r)'plololC):' I he sctence IIf pr .. IIIClng ,i((nab intelli·
COMI\, :\llse cnmmunicatiuns facilities under the Kencc ,lI1d mai1lt,linm& signah ~ccurily. (Ah" sec
Ilpcr,lIiunill and lechnical control uf Ihe Director. cr),pllltrlll,,·.Ii sand C"r),ptollrllplty.)
National SecurilY Agency which have been all Ilea ted cryplomaltri.l": All matenal linc:ludmll documents.
for Ihe timely handling of critical intelligence. (Alsu dcvices. (lr el.juipl1lenl) that cuntains eryplo&r<lphic
sec criticlIl i/lftlli,tnCl'.) .iniormalion lind is essential to Ihe encryption.
critical intelUgence message" (CRITIC): A mc.~sagc decryption. or authentication of telecommunications.
designated as containing critical intelligence. (AL~o cr),ptOSKurit)': Shortened form of c'YPlotl,lIplric
sec criliclIl inltIliRtnc,.) IUII,ity. Sec aoovc.
cryplalllll),sls (CA): The steps or prtlCes~es involved in cryplos)'~ttm: Shortened form of crypro,rllphic IYS-
c"nverling encrypted messages inlo plain le~t withoul um. Sec above.
in ilia I knowledae of the syslem or key employcd in the turrent inlelligentt": InlelliKcnce (If all types and
cncryplion. forms of immediate interest to the users of intelli-
CRVPTO: A desillnalion which is applied to cla~si· Kence; it may be disseminated wilhout the delays
incident 10 complete evaluation. interpretation. analy·
fied. cryptol:raphic informalion which involves special
sis. or inlcgflltion.
rules for a~cess '}nd handling. (Also sec crypto/frllphic
illforllllllion.) '.: customer: An 3uthori/ed person who uses inlelligence
or intelligence information either to produce other
cryptoKraphic informal ion: All information signifi· intclliaence or directly in Ihe decisionmakinll process;
cantly descriptive of cryplollraphic techniques and it is synonymous wilh COl/llllllt, and liSt'.
processes or of cryptographic systems and equipment.
or Ihcir functions and capabilities. and all cryptoma· d.maae aS5C5smenl: (I) (inttlligrncl' COlllmunity
cuntext.) An evaluation of the impact of a compro·
terial ("significantly dcscriptive" means that the
mise in terms of loss of intelliien!'~ informa!;on.
information could. if made known to sourcc.~. or methods. and which may describe and/or
per,ons. permit recovery of specific cryptoaraphic recommend me,lSures to minimize damalle· and
"~.\.urcs of classified cryplo-equipment. reveal weak· prevent future compromises. (2) (Military context.)
ne"c' of associated equipment which could allow An appraisal of the effects of an attack on one or
rCC,l\"cry of plain lext or of key. aid materially in the more clements of a nation's strenllth (military.
,;rYPlanalvsis of a general or specific cryptosystem. or economic. and political) to determine residual capabi-
:.. :.i In Ihe cryptanalysis of an individual rnessaee. lity for (urlher military action in support of planninl:
•• l1l1n;ll1d. or 3Ulhcntication). (Also sec CRYPTO.) fur recovery :lnd recunstitution .
...i ,': "'~p!>ic s~uriIY:
The component of communi· IKID 1/2 Allichment: An annual publication by the
C3110ns ~ecuritythat results from the provision of Director of Cenlral Intelligence (DCI) which estab·
I~,:hnicalh sound cryptographic systems and which !ishes a priorilics classification system; il presenlS
rr\lvides fur their Noper usc. requiremcnts ealceorie~ and foreign countries in a
I:clltopical I1Mlr11. a~ainst which priorities arc as·
cryplollrBpbic syslem: All as~ociatcd items of eryplo· signed which provide the Inlelliaence Community
material (e.g .• equipment and their removable comru' wilh basic ~Ilbslantive priorities guidance for the
nenlS which perform cryplographic functions. operat· conduel of all u.s. foreien '"telligcn~e activilics; it
ing instructions. and maintenance manual~) Ihat arc include~ a syslem for adjUsting priorities between
u~~d as a unit to provide a single means of encryplion annual public:ltion~: I'rioritlc.~ arc appruved by the:
and decryption of plain le~1 so that its meaning may on "ith Ihe advI.:e uf the Nalional ForciRn
be cuncealed: also any mechanical or cleclrical device I ntcilic.:nt·c Allard. (" Iso ~cc priority.)
or mclhod used fllr Ihe purpose of d,,~uIsin~. deceplion: Tho« me. sure!. desi&ncd III 111l51cad a
aUlhcnlic.rl,ng. or concealing Ihe conlenls. signifi· foreign power. "'l:snl1aliun. or person by malllpula·
c:an~c. or mc.lIlin~' of cllmmuni.:alions: shorl name linn. dislurtilln. or f~lsificallon of c"dence 10 induce
cryprosyHcm. hlln III rcaCI In a manner preJudicial I., hiS imcrests.
(I\btl ~c:e ~"mI1fU1JiCnl;on\ d('('~plic;". ,./'('lfc'";, ('DU"·
r..,m~IlJurr'. and mlln;pulllt;vr drupr;on.)

declassiriclilion: Rcmovbl or lIrfjcial infnrmJllun frulII . .
Dirrclnr or ('entral 'n.rllhtC'nce llirl'Ctive (1)('10): A
Ihe proll:clivc )1.IlU~ afforded by seeurilY da~siIiL·;I·
dnect Ive j"ucd b~ the Dire':lIlr of ('cntrJI Intelh·
lion; il requires a dClcrminalion Ihal disclllsure OIl
~ence wludl outhnc , IIcner;11 "oheie, :Ind procedures
lon&er wuulJ Ill' delrimenlal In nallunal sc.:uriIY.
(Also sec cllUliJi .·Uli/lIl .) tu be f.,lIuwed by InlL'lllacncc al:encies and OIllaniZ:l·
ti"n, ... hi,·h :Ire under his direction or uverview
decode: Tu converl an ene.lIlcd mCSSdl:C inlo plain
diSlrr~elcd Ilcr~on: A persun appdrently disenchanted
wilh hi, currenl ,ilu:lllOn .. ho ma) Iherefore be
deeompllrimenllliinn: '1 he rcnlllV:11 nr Infurmnli"n cxrltlil.lble f," intdliKclll:C pnr"'l,e~. e g .• by IhL
from a cUmp;\flnll·'lI~li')1I syslem wilhuUI allcrin lllhc willintness In becn,"e an ":1'111 or d(/e(/Il r. (Ahu sce
informali,'" 10 c.lnceal ~uurccs. mClh.lIls. Ilr analytical NID/A .. in.;
procedure •. (Al:.o .cc cllmpar lmI'IIIQ (ioll.)
disdn~urr:1 he authnri lcd rdease of cJJ~sified infor·
decrypr: Tu transf"rm an encrypled cunllnumeat;"n m;ltinn l~r'lUa:h
ul'I',"wed cholnnels.
inro its equivalenl "lain tc~t.
dlsstminKlion': Sec in,ellil ll'nU cyt:le.
declpber: To .:"r.vert an enciphered cUlllmunicati<ln
into its equivalenl plJin tc~t. d.lIlKstic collection: The acquisition of foreien intelli·
gcnce Information \';uhin the United States from
defeclo r-: A nali.lIIal of a desi&natcd cuunlry who has atlvernmcntal or nungovernmental organizations ur
escaped fr<llll its control or who. beine outside ils individuals who arc willina sources anI! choose 10
jurisdiction and control. is unwillin& to return and L'OOperatc by ~harinc s.. ch inform3tion.
who is of special value to anolher &overnment because
he is able to udd valuable new or confirmatory doubl" laen": An allcnl who is c:ooperatina with an
inteJli&ence inf"rmulion to clistin& knowJcd&e about intellillence service of onc I:overnment on behalf of
nis countr); ('\),.0 sec I'miRrl'. r({ugu . 'and disq/Jl 'cud and under the eontr,.1 "j an intellieence or security
pl'rsoll .) '. service IIf another eoYcrnment. and is ma,1illulalcd by
Dfrense Inlellh,fnce Cummunity-: R~fers to the one tu the detriment of the other.
Defense Intellieence Agency (DIA). the National downllude: To chanlle a secUrI\) c1assificiltion from a
Securit y Altenc:, (NSA) and the Military Serviccs' hi ~hc r to a lower leyel.
intelh!:cnc.: offil·e.~ in.ludin e Deparlment of Defense
(000) collector:. of specialized inlelligcnce through economic intellillence': Foreian intelligence concern·
reconnaissancc rrogram s. ing the production. dislribution and consumptiiln n(
goods and services. labor. finance, ta~ation. and 01 her
departmental inlellillence-: Foreign inlelliaencc pro· aspects (If the international economic ~ystem.
duced and used within a ~nvernmental department or
allency in meetinll its assi,lned responsibilities. Economic In.cllil(encc Con.miltec ([IC): See Dirfclo r
of Crll(rll llflUIli, lI'IIt'1' C:~mmi/lil'. (Aiso sec DelD
direction finding (OF!: A procedure for obtaining .1/1.1
bearina s on radio frequency emillers with the usc of a
directional anlcnn a and a display unil on an intercept eleetro-oplleal intelligcnce (ELEcrRO·OPTI~~n: In·
receiver !If am'iIIary equipment tellhecnee informatiun derived from lhe optical man;
loring Ilf the eleetrom:lenctie ~pectrum from ultravio·
Director of Centr&llntcllillcnce (DCI): The Presidenl's Ict (0.01 micmmelers) Ihrough far (long wi\vc!cng:l1)
principal foreign Inlelligence advhcr appointed by infrarcd (1.000 mi.:romelers). (Ahn sec optit'al
him with the conscnl "r the Senate to be the head ,)f inII'IIiRt·IIC1'.1
I he Intelligence COOllllullily and Director of the
('cnlra l Intelligence Agen,!, and 10 dischargc tho~e electronic eountcrmeaSUrt5 (EC'1/~ Thai di\'i>lOn uf
aUlh,.riti" :Ind i . 'f"nsihllille5 .. , Ihey arc prescribed clcctmOlc warfare involvin~ aeti,lII' t.lken I,' pl'ewO!
lJy iaw ;iod by Prc.idential and /I;.lIional SccurilY or reduce an advcrsary'~ "ff"til' e usc "f :I:c
Council dirrcti, ·", elcclromagnetic \rectru m. Electroni.: counlcrlllc~',
DireC'tor oi ('clltr~1 jntelli~cnC'e ('ommilltc: Anyon e ur,', ,"dude l'/~('/r(mk jammin fl. "hieh is the
"f ~cverdl ClJlOlllill~e:; c.stabli~hed by Ihe Director tlf dellberale radiati'"I. reradiation. or reflection "f
Central Intclli~etlec lOCI) 10 advise him and to eicct,omagnelic epcrgy wilh the object of impairing
perform whale"er runcllum he ,hall determinc; 1)(,1 Ihe u~e, "f elcctronic equipmcnl uscd by an 1d"'r,, ,,):
Commill,·c, lI,ua!ly de ... with Intclli.:cncc Commu· and·/ron;C' d,· ...·f";on. which is "&:Idar bUI I-
nity conL·crns. ;1111/ th':I' Icrms "r ,cfercnc,· ordinarily inlcmkll hi mislead an adversary in Ihe Inlc'l'relalh.m
arc specified '" I>CI 1)"cclI'c~; members may ~ or info'Ol,lIi.,n rC<'e;',"cd by hi' eirelr,'nlc _y\lelll
drawn ""111 .,11 ,'I1anponcnt, 01 Ihe Inlelligencc 1·1,·etronk ,·ounter·collntcrr".a\ur:s 1f.('Ci\I/: The d,·
Communitv (AI,,, 'cc I)irato r (If ('~ntral 11IIt'/Ii· "1,lIln ,)1 ck~tronic ",adue ill"III'ln~ .,~:iuns laken (,'
gtlla Dtrp,'li I·.·.) l'n~url: II:c crrc~II"'c u\.: of I la' dC(,1111rn;1~ncli
.p\,\.'lrul :1 dc:\nllC .I!l .1!Jvcr! \ U'c.' of c1ct'lrlln
\t'UI.I,,: ftllC.t'.lI rc, (.'\1", 'l"C t'lf'rtro "i,' ,"'ar/IJr( '.)
elK Ironic emission srcurily: Those lTIe;"ures lak~ri to ~mi,sl'ln ""'uri,): nlc CIIlIlpuncnl of .:ummuo/Ciltion\
prote~t all transmi'5illn~ from inlc:rcel'tion "nd securllY ICWI!II1j/ flOIll all mell\ure. taken lu deny 10
eleclronic analysis. 11001111 hur III'" r,,·r, .. n\ infurm," 1010 "f ",IIuc which
tlrelronic inldliKrnCt' (F.I.INT): Techlllcal and inlc/· 1I111!ht I .... "'"l'c,1 frel/II interccpt i1nd ana!y,i\ of
ligence informalion deri\'ed frum. ("relcn n.. n~,'m· nlll'J'r .. nll',n~ 1·lIIao.,lio/l, fmm cryplographi. cquip'
municalions electromagnelic radialions cmanaUne ment und 'dcCllnllnunicatll>ns '>·'Icms. (Also ~ee
from other than dtnmk detonation or radioaclive rm""Dl;(Irt.1 "'('ur; ly.)
ctltodr: Tl. I ... ,\crl plain text inln a dIfferent form by
rlKlronic order of billie' (EOB): A I"unlt uf non· InC:iln~ of .\ ,.,lIte.
c"mmunication~ clcctronk devices illcludinJ: ,ilC
de~icn.llion. nnmendature. I"catinn. sill·lunctinn .•Ind cnciphno:III cllcrH.1 plain Ic,t by IIlcans of iI ciphcr
any olher pertinent information obtained from an)" t/,lm s,-c ri,.",r.)
source and which has military ~ianilican~e whcn tllcryplo: To converl plain te" into J different form in
related 10 Ihe devices.
order to conccal its meaning.
eleclronic securily' (ELSE<,): The protection resultine
from all measures designed 10 deny rnd product: Sec ji"is",d in;dligtnu. (Also sec
persons informalion of value which miehlbe derived prod"C/. )
from Iheir inlercept and analysis of non-communica- eRtr&Y intC'lIillenre: Inlelliltence relaling to the techni-
tlOn~ e/eclromagnelic radiations: e.g .. radar. cal. economic and pCllilical capJbililics and programs
elec!ronic 5uneillancr': Acquisition of a nonl'ublic of rorciCn CC'lJnlric~ to enKalle in development,
communicalion by elcclronic means withuut the ulili7.alion, ~nd comlllerce of basic and advanced
consent of a person who is a party to an eleclronic enerllY tel:hnolos:ics; it includc.~: the locatiun and
communication or. in Ihe case of a nonelcctronic e.lenl of forcilln enercy roourccs and their alloca-
communication. without the consent of a person who tion: rllreilln government energy po)icic\, plans, and
is visibly present at the place of communication, but pros:rnm~; new and imrroved foreien energy Icchnolo-
nllt includirig the usc uf radio dircclion findine lies: :tnd economic and sccurity as!lCcts of foreign
equipment solely to determine the location of a energ) sUl'l'ly. deIllJ/ld. production distribution. and
transmitter. IItili/.11 ion.
electronic ,,·.narr (EW): Military action involving the
usc of electromagnetic eneray to determine. exploit, espionage': Inldli~cnce nClivity directed toward Ihe
reduce. or prevent hostile usc of the electromagnetic acquisition of inf'lrmillion through dJndestine means
spectrum, and action which retain, friendly usc of the znd pro~cribed by the laws of the country against
c!e.:tromagnctic spectrum. (The three divisions of which it i~ committed.
cicctronic warfare arc: tltctrnlljc war/art suppor' Hsenti.1 tlrmenb of informlltlon (EEr): Those items of
"lrlIJ"Urts, ,ltC/",IIjc (,OUllltrltfta.fUrts. and I'ltrl",IIjc intelligence infnrmation essential for limely decisions
e ••:lIIlu-cUUIIf,'rmta.lur,..t.)
and for enhancement of operations and ~hich relate
('11:~lronlc "arfnre support measures (ESM): That 10 foreign power. forces, target~, nr the physical
1l1\ •• illn of eleclmnic warfare involving actilln, 10 environment.
~cilfch r.,r_ intercept. locale. record. and ani,lyze
,,:.:'ia:cd ckctromugnctic encr&y for Ihc rurpCl\e of e.• lim'li~r in\(·l\ill~nec: A cah:~or~ of intelligence
~·,;.i'l!'int: such radialiuns i.. \UPPlIrt or mihtMy which allcmpt' to projeci probable fulure f"reilln
); ":lli'lR$: thu~. eleClrc>l1Ic warfure SUPI~Jrl measures cll\:rscs of aCilon i1nd deve/opments and their inlplica-
""1)'. ,.'~ a sour~c ,)f ele,lronic warfare informalion linns (or U.S. inlclesls. it mar or may not be
whidl may be used for Immediate action involvin" cuordinated and may be either nalional or depart-
.;. 'lcillct nf elcctronic c,luntermC.1surcs, electronic l1Ienlal intellillcnce.
:"unler-countcrme?sures. threal deleetinn and avoid-
ance. target a':<juisillOn. homing. and other combal ~valulllion·: '\ (,f the worth uf an intelligence
sUPf'Ort measures. activlly. inf.. rn'"t'''". or PlIldUCI In terms of it\
cnntri\mliol: to a \J'(:cific Iloal; or the crcdibilily.
cm2nstion\ security ([MSEC): The proteclion result- reliability. I":rtlllency. aCClIracy. or usefulness of
Ing from all measures deSIgned 10 deny i.. brm~tion in ICrnl\ of an Intelligence ncen. Evalua·
['1':r~ons iniorOlalill11 of value which mighl be
Ir"m intcr.:cpt and analysl\ of compr~ll1isinll cmana· tion mzv he ,,,crl w,lhollt reference 10 CO" or risk.
partlclllarl~' wl:c~ Cl,nlrilSlcri wilh <1.1.«.I.'",rlll (AI~l'
liL'ns from olher Ihan cr>ptographic equipmcnl Jnd
Idccnmmunic~IIIJn'" !'-ystcms (Als." ~,'I: ~mi.'i.t:if'r. src. O.u'.f'~tltl\' jl i ... ;"Is" ;'\ pr:,\.·L~'" '11 the pr'HitJI:lion
.,rrur;,)". ) ,ter o~ the inlclll~cn,,:.: t:y<:lc. (~t'I' ir."d!ip,t''''.· (.\'('/t',!

emiJ.:rc: " rcr~nll "lin dr(lart~ from III." ~t)ul1lr~ fllr ~Ia~i.l" nnd r,,'pc 1[& EI: ;he pl.1l'rdlJr~' alld
an' iJwful rea,(1n '''Ih Ihe inlcnil11n of [X'rmancnll~ opera (lone;, \\ h("rd.l) mi Itt.lf \ n·: f"HI nd :l no III her
re;"lIhn~ elsc" hac ("I", ,ee rduga and drfrrlr>r.) \elccted Inril\"ILuab Jrt! ('n.II'II..·d 1,1 CllH.:q::C frolll
cnemv held '·,f hl1Stik .~f'(·.I' ttl .lr~ l~ ulldcr frlcndl~
''':,11\1 rl \!
·ension and esCAP~ ialeJ1i&encr: Processed inlellillence for".rd-loukiIiK infrared (f'LIR) sy~lem: An infrared
informatiun prep.lred 10 .I~SI~t per~nnel til avuid im;'l:lr.&: liystem wn"h r..ster scans Ihc scene viewed
capture if lost in enemy-dominated territury II: to by Inlcrnal means, both horizontally and verlically; it
escape if captured. C:OII be ,,,a.::borne. airi>.lrne. sc;lborne. mounled on a
exploitalion-: Thc "rocess of ,Ibtainlng intcllieence IlfUulld vehicle, or placcd at :I fixed site; and ils field
information from uny source and takine advantalle of (If view i~ determined by the optics used. the scanning
it fllr intelli&enc.:e pUrl'O<;e5. (AI,o sec 10Ilr('l'.) mech.llli'lll. and the dimensilms IIf the detcclur urray
finisbtd Intdliee:'II:e: The result 01 the production step fusiun: The blendinll of intcllll/ence infurmalion from
of the intelliee~cc: cycle; the intelligence product. multiple sources to produce a sinilc intellieence
(Also sec illullirtll('l' eyelt and elld prodllel.) prooucl.
foreian drain comnlunily: Those U.S. Government fusiun etlller: A term used within the Department 01
departments, agcncies. lind othel oreanizations which Defen,e rderrine 10 ~n oreanization having the
arc represented in U.S. diplomatic mis5iuns abroad. rcsplln,ibilil~ of blendlnll bolh compartmented intelli-
and those which may not be represented abroad but eence Information with all other available information
arc sienificantly involved in international activities in order to ,upport military operations. (Also sec
with the eovernments of other nations. lIelionolble inrdll,ltRt:t and IIICI;1:1I1 illulligtllet.)
forellll' COWllerlnlcW"cnee (FCI): IntelJieence activity. Central Ddrnsc Intellleen(e Prollram (CDlPI: Sec
with its resultant product. intended to detect. counter- Nillionlli FDrtill1l Illullilltllct PrClgrllm.
act, and/or prevent cspionaee and other clandestine
intelliaence activities, sabotaae, internalionalterrorist etollrapbic(al) Intelligencc: Foreian intelliacnce deal·
activities, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf inll with the location, description. and analysis of
of foreien powers, oreanizations or persons; it docs not physical and cullural factors of the world. (e.g.
include personnel. physical, document, or communica- tcrrain, climatc. natural resources, trans[,<lrtation.
tions security prOilr.ams. boundaries, population distribution) and their chanr:c,
Ihrou~h time.
forcien initrumeatalion .iinals (FIS): Elcctromallnetic
emissions associated with the testina and operational general medical intelligence (CMI): See mtdit:1I1
depJoymellt of non-U.S. aerospace, surfate, and sub- inrdligtnct.
surface systems which may bve either military or guldancc-: Advice which identifies. interprets. clari-
civilian application; it includes but is not limited to fiC5, and/or cxpand~ upon an information need. (Also
the sienals from telemetry, beaconry, electronic sec in/ClrmllriDII nud.)
interroeators, trackine/fusine/armine/command sys-
tems, and video data links. human intcllllcncc (HUMINT): A category of intelli-
lIence information derived from human sources. (Also
foreigll inslrumentallon signals intelligence (FISINT): sec "lImllll SDllrrt rtpCI,riflll and ""mllll rtsollrus
Tcchnical and intcllieencc information derived from col/tctio".)
interccpt of foreign instrumentation siinals (scc
above). human resources coUcction: All activities which allcnd
collection of inte\ligence information from human
forcign inteUillencc- IFI): The product resultinl: from sources. (Sec "limon intclligCIICt and ""mall SOllfL·t.)
c.:ollcction. evalua tion. analysis. intel/ration. and inter-
pretation of intdligence informalion about a forei"n Humlln Resources Commlnee (HRC): Sec DirUlUr ill
power and which is sillnilicanl to the national ('tlllral Inldligtnu COlli millet. (Also sec DCID ......
security. foreiin relations. or economic inleresls of the 1/17.)
United Siaies. and which IS provitlcd by a i(lVernmcnt human 90urce: A person who witlingly or unwillingly
agency that is assigned an intelligence mission (I.e .• conveys by any means information of I'Olenlial
an inrtllil(mce u/lm,}). (Also sec illuflilltnU cydt.) inlCllil:cnce value 10 an intellillencc aCli\'il~.
foreien inC<:IIi.encp. ~cnke: An or&ani7alion of ;. human source reporling: The now or inldlacen.:e
forei.:n eovernment which engages in intelligence informal ion from those who gather il 10 the customer:
it may com" from informalion galhering aClivilics
foreigll n1alerid ,FORMAT) intelligcnce: Intelliience cilher within or outside the Inlelligence Communily.
derived from Ihe exploitation of forciin materiel. (A form of the term is also used to denote an item of
foreign official: A person aCling in an oflicial caparil), infllfmatilln beini conveyed, as in hllnJnn<o"rce
on behalf "f a foreign ,,"wer, ~lIached 10 a foreicn r(purl.) (Also sce Irllman illltlliRenu)
diplomal,,· c:'tahh,J.rnent Or an est~blishmcnl under iIIcs:al: I\n oflil'cr ur employee of ar. intelligence
Ihe COnti 01 oi J f"relKn [,<''''a. or employed b) .i I)r~anllation who is d"p~[chcd abroad lnll "h" ha,
pu!;lic intern .• tlOn;!1 o,~.lnIlJti()n nl) overt conncClion \\'lIh the intelligcn.:c llr~anl/all\'n
",ilh which hc " conliCCIeu llr "lIh Ihe ~.lVcrnnacnt
• Sec A,.pc:nllu. H. Ahcrna'c ()chnlluHh
·~rK:rallll.· tha1 trllclll~l'IH;e Orcal11l,I11i1n

illeglll IIl1rnt: An :Igcnt oreratcd b) ,III IlIcl!al
residency or directly by the hcad,!ullrlcr~ Of an inrormlliCin h.ndlinR: :< of data nr infor·
Illation Wilidl 111,1) •..:cur in cunnecti"n with any stcp
intellillcnce orllaniz:llioll. (AI!IO ~ce iII'lttll rtsidtll( ,,v.) in thc inlclIiI!I'IIl'C cycle; such manaicment may
in\'lllve :lcll\'llIr\ hI trand,m n, manipulate. index.
illea_' communication: All electronic communication _'Ode, C;lIcl!""/e. ,torc. srlc':I, rr.triel·c. associate or
or signal madc without the leeal sanction uf the nation dIsplay ,"Icllo!!cn,;c malerials: " OIay involve the usc
wherc it originatcs. uf prinltnE. pholugraphiL, Clint puler or communica-
tinn< equlptncfll, 'y'lrIllS (If nct",:rks; it may includc
iIIellAI residency: All intelligence appar,II", eslal!- software :,,"'~r""'s 10 opI'rate c("nputers and process
hshed in a foreign clluntry and c,'m",,,ed of IInc IIr datH and/.·, information; and Ina)' include informa-
nwre: inlcllieenee officels. and which hilS no apparent ti,'n cnnt;lincd in leporlS, lilcs, data bases, reference
conncction with the sl'Cln~OrinR intelligence Orl!:tnila- scrvi"e~ anci hhr;lrics.
t"," or with the COlierntnent of the country op<!raling inrnrm.ti"n <co,·uri .. : Safe21!:'rdinll knowledge against
the intelligence orgdni/3tion (Alsu src It'Ro/ unauthuri/e.1 d"dllsure; or, the result of any systcm
ft'sidtn cy.1 of :Idmintstrallve policies an,1 plocedures for identify-
inll, cuntrolline, and p"'t':cllnll from "nauthorizert
illicit communication: An electronic conununi':;ltion dl5c1o~urc \If release to the public. Information Ihe
or siena I orieinated in support of clandestine opcr- rrotectinn 01 whieh is authoriled by executive order
~tions: it is a tyf'IC of clandestine communication. or statute.
im811l'lY: Representations .,( objects reproduced elec- inform.tinn nl'td: The requiremc:nt of an official
involved in the policymakinR process or the in~clli­
tronically or by optical means on film, electronic
ecnee produe-tion process for the bcst a',o'.ilable
display devices, or other media. informlllion and intr:1IiRcm;c 011 whieh 10 base policy
deci5ion~, rccoonmendntions,' (.r intelligence pro-
imllK('ry Intelligence (ll\flNT): The collected products duction.
of imagery intcrpretation processed for intelligcnce
u\e. (Also ~ec imoRery inurpi )olion below.) Infrared imallery: A likenes, or impfcssion produced
ImaRery Interpretation III): Thc proccss ,,( locating.
as 8 result of scnsinll clectromagnetic radiations
emilled ur ren.'cled from a aiven larltet 5urface in the
recognizing, identifying, and describine objects, ae- infr.Jred ",Irtion IIf the electromagnetic spectrum.
ti'·llies. and terrain representro by imagery; it inttEr.tinn": A procc:ss in the production step of the
in.:ludcs phC1I01:rupl,iC' illltrpre lalioll. intelligence qcle in .... hldl ,I pattern is formed
throut:h the 'electiun arrt ~Ilmbination uf e"aluated
imil"I;'l' communications dcccpti<:m: See commllniC'o- intellia.cnce infllrmali,ln. IAI", sec ilflel/igt'u~
limit durpliu n. cyd('.)
intellhlcnec": (I) A bod) of e"ldcnce and the
irr.i'1I1he dl'ceptinn: The introduetion into forcien conclusions druwn therclrom which is aCQ'Jired and
'~."n:tcls of clc.:tromagnetic radiations which imitate furnished in response to the known or perceived
. Ill, ""'n emissi(lOs. requirements of customers; it is oftcn deril'cd from
inform;IIion which is concc.,led or n<lI intend~d to be
;.. '; ;lti"n~ Dnd "arning (I & WI: Those intelliiencc availablc for use by the ae,!uirer; it is the produr.t of a
...•. ·'11'·" i.Hended t" detect and rcport time·sensitive cyclic.. I proccs~. (Also see i,,'cl/,:RtIfCt' ryr/r.)
'.' :'::C ,"(ormatiC'n on fmei~n developments that
c'lUlo ,"vl1lvc a threal to U.S. or allied military.
- . POJiI \. ,le\'clopment rcqui:'es COOll intrl/ig fnn'.
r-·~;tical. or economic interests, or to U.S. citi1.ens
_. Timely inlcl/il( fllCt is imp"nant to informcd
ano.1I1. It encumpa,ses (orewarning of: enemy hostile decisillnma kl ~g.
a<:ilon~ or '"tentio ns; the imminence uf hostilitics;
serious insurgency: nuclear/nonnuclcar allack on thc (2) A telm used to rd,'r cullceti\'cl\ 10 the functions.
I' S., its oversea' forces. or allied n~tions: ho,tile OIctivities, IIr "'~3n'''3tlon< which aro' inl'l'l\'cd in the
PlOtc:S- of plannon~. k.llhcri"r.. ~,,·1 ,lnalYlIlIg IOfor-
f!.·d~ti()ns t(l US. reconna issance actiyilic~. h.:rr()ri~1 Illation of pulenl;;,1 \';'Iue 10 oieci!illl\'n"kcrs ar.d 10 Ihc
,I'I"C~S: and otloer "milar events. produ.:li.," "I' 'nl.:III/:cl1':r. <1' "cf'~lIl in (i I ail!)\(
(Also sce jord,,;., ;nlcl/il{r.1C" and lorr;II"
inform"lion: I incI'"lu"Icd matenal of CI'C') dcscnr· (.IUII(, , i nlrl/III( ncr. I
I'on. 31 all le\el, of rcli;obilit}'. ,Ind from ani suurcc
"hich may conl"in intelligcnce ,"formali"n (Alsu >ce FXHmplc,.
inlrl/ig rnct i'lform alion.) lIun,an s(\ure, c"lIc, t,"n ", an '"'rorla nl
i",,./Iie/on, r :u:ti"i:y
(cnlral !!lld""• ."cr .'\n··I"·'
Jnli"ll,,~rt'lrc I" -t {kln.'.nd~th~ prnrl'o;,\lpn

inl"lIig~nc~ .. ~ciwily\iL"')·: 1\ gCllell': \crlll usc,1 h' ., plMnnin/. Mnd direrlion .. tlelermmal1un of IIl1elli-
encompass IIny IIr all of Ihc cffurl~ .tnd cndea,·.'r~ Itcn,·,· n·.lulI·clllcnI5, "rc"aral1un (If a c.,lIeelion plan.
underlaken by inlelligence IlrganllaliulI\. (I\bu \I'C ,,,Uan,'c (If .. rden and requesls hI informalion
;lIfdliS:~lIu Ol/lIlIl;:lIf;"II) cullc,lInn cnllllc,. and ~ cnnlinunus .:heck on Ihe
11r.1d"'·III"II~ .,1 .:.>lI.-':li,1O ,·nlil1es.
Inl~lIill~nc~aIlL'ncy; A ,','IIl/llmCIlI .!rI!JnlldllllO uf Ihc b colleclion· a,'L10i,ll111n "" infmm;\l1l1n Ilf inlel·
Inlellillcnce ConllnuMy. (A"o ~cc Inf('l/jll('''.· .. h~cnce 111formaliun and Ihc prOvision of Ihi, h'
CommulI;fy.) l'fuCesSinll and/I" pmduclion clemen IS.
Int~IIi1lfncf a5~es'mcnl: 1\ ca IC~llr) "I' Inlelligence c. proctssinR·· '~C)nversion of collecled informa·
produclion Ihal Cllc.,mpasses mosl analYlical ~Iudie' lion and/llr inlellillence ,"for'nalion inln a form murc
delilinil wilh subjecls of policy ~il:ni/icance; it i~ ,uilahlc for Ihe "rnduclion "f inlcllillence.
Ihurough in ils Irealmenl of ~uhlecl maller'-ll, II. pfflduelinn· . c,IO"cr,ioll .,f infornmlion or in leI·
dislinel fr<lm buiiding-block papers. rescareh projecls. lil:cnce inform.llion inlll rlnished inlelliiencc through
Ihc inlecrollhlR. analYSIS. evaluation. and/or inler"re·
and reference aids--bul unlike eSlimalive inlelligence latinn uf all available dala and Ihe preparalion of
necd nOI allempl 10 projecl fUlure devcl"pmenls and inlelliicnce pruduclS in su"porl of known or :!nliei·
their implicalions; it is usually coordinaled wilhin Ihe "uled custumer rcquiremenb.
producinll organizalion bUI mal' nul be coordinaled e. disstmlnallon··--convcyance of inlelligence in
wilh olher inleJligcnce allencies. (Also see tSl;ma';., iuilablc (orm 10 cuslumers.
;IIUIliRtllu.) Inlellillenee fsllonllc e : The producl of eSI;mcll;""
inlrlligfnce assel: Any resource-person. Ilroup. jn- illfc'lIigrnct.
slrumenl, inslnllalion. or lechniclil syslem'- al Ihe Inlcll/gcnee In(orm~lion": InfMmalion of J'Olenlioll
di~pos'll Ilf an inh:llillence orllanilalion. inlcllillcn.:e value concerning Ihe .:a"ab,lilies. inlen-
lions, and aelivilies o( any f,lreilln power. organiza-
inlrllilcncl!' COIl~'cl()r: A phrasc somelimes used 10 I,on. or 3ssociated personnel.
refer 10 an urKaitil.alion or allellCY Ihal encages in Ihe Inldligence In(ormalion Ullndling C'ommiltee (11K):
colleclion slep of Ihe inlc:llillencc: cycle. (Also ~c:c See 1>j'''fIOl 0/ C'rlllrJI lllrdlilll'nC't Comm;tru.
;"ullil(~"u eyrir) (Also sec oelD 1/4.)
InlflJigene~ C'ommunily (If:): A lerm which. in Ihe inltllil(cnet informalion rtport: A "roduci of Ihe
aR¥rcgale, rcfcr~ 10 Ihe followinll Execulive Branch c.,lleclion slep of thc IOlellillcncc cycle. (Also sec
;nfl'llil(t.'"cr rtpoI'.)
IlrgilnilaliCln~ and a.·livilies: Ihe Cenlral Inlelligence
Agency (CIA); Ih~ Naliunal SecurilY Agency (NSA); inlCllil(cnel.' officer: A professional empluyce of an
the Defen~e Inlelligence Agenry (011\); oflice~ wilhin inlelli~en.:e organil.alion who is enllaged in inlelll·
gence activilies.
Ihe Deparlmenl of Defense for Ihe colleelion of
speeiollized nalional foreilln intellit::ence Ihroueh re· Int~1I1gcnc~ orRanizllion: A Ilene ric lerm' used 10 refcr
111 any organization enllRlled in intellillence aeli"ilies;
connaissance pro"rams; Ihe Bureau of Inlellillence il may include either an intelligence agene) or a
.Inti Research (INR) of Ihe Departmenl Ilf Siale; fureign inlelligencc sen;ice. or bolh. (Ab" sec
inlelligence e1emenl~ of Ihe militilr) scrvices; inlelli· inll'lIillt'nct o::~ncy and /1I1t';1I11 ;nrrllif!.~n(t' uI .. h·t'.)
I:ence clemen IS of Ihe Federal Bureilu uf Invesllealiun InltlliJ:cnl'c ().~rshlhi lIourd (lOB): A bud) fUfllI"" t>\
(FBI); inlclli;:encc c1cmcnl~ or Ihe Derarlmenl of :IPJlI,inllllcnl of Ihe Prc-,idenl I.> pro\'ide him :lOll Ihe
Treasury: inlelligence elemenls of Ihe Derarlmenl of AlIlIrney General ","h repllrls and advice lIn Ihe
Energy: inlelligence clemenls of Ihe Drug Enforce- ICialily lind "ropricly of inlelligence aCli\'ilic~; mem-
menl ·\drr.il1lslrali"n; and slaff c1emenls of Ihe Office bershi" and dnlies arc e~pre"ed in E\eculi\'c Order
of Ihe D"'cclor uf Cenlral Inlclli~cnce. /'.io. 12036.
intrllh;rnre produccr: 1\ phra~e u'uall~ 10 refer l(l
Inlellillenee '!Immunity Sllrr (1(' Sldf): A lerm an orgOlni/.OIlulII or agency Ihal parlici"atcs in Ih~
referring 111 311 llr::anif.illion under Ihe direclion ~nd "rOlluclioll SIC" of Ihe inlelligcnce cycil'. (1\lso see
.... nlrol 'If Ihe DireclIlr of Cenlral Inlellijtcncc (DCI) ;ntdliKI·nr., C'.I'riC'.)
fmmetl 10 ""isl Ihe DC! in dl~char~in~ his responsi· illtclliJ("lIc~rdalt'd arli>ilirs (IRA): Th .. ,e ."1J\·11I~,
billlie, relaling III Ihc Intelligence Cllmmunily. ,pecifically c~dudcd Iroll1 Ihe 1'0011 i,lnol I hHe,gn
inlellil!ene~ consumer: Sec (Ul/t1mC'f.
Inlcilleen.'c Pro~ram .... hich: respond III d"paflmenlal
or a~cncy 1.I~k,"~ f'lf III11e·sensilivc infnrmallon ,In
inlelliJ(tnce c)cic": fhe pnx:e"c' hy "hll:h informa· fllrcign JCllvil,e~. rC'J"IIId 10 nalional Inlelhgcnce
Ih'n IS aClluire.! .'0<1 c'In"erled ,n", inlclli~ence dnd ( ,'nllllunll} advl,ur) la,king .,f ':Illieclinn capabll'lIc,
made available 111 ,·w.lome" Theil' arc ",uuli} five "h,dl havc J pllmar) misSiun .,1' surporl,nt. der~rI'
m~nlJI or a~cnL') nll""lnS or ,'rcr311,)nal forces. oi
SICP, '" Ihe ,':;("11: Ir.lInlilK rcr,onn~1 for ,nlell.gence dUlles. or Me
ti('\'utctl It} n,"\c.ln.'h ;.sud dc,"'clupmcnl ror Intclh:~l'i1U:
Jnd rd.llcel"'lIe~
intelligence reporlo; A produci of Ihe prodUCli<ln ~Ii:p Jninl .... Iomi!' •. nerIlY InltllisltttCt' ('oOlmiltec (JAEICj;
of Ihe inlellil!encc cycle. (AI~o sec ;lIttllilltllu S~e Diu('I/J" uf ("I'll"''' /IIulliflt'IIU Commirrtt,
;1I!ormllt;oll rrport.l (AI", sec 1)('/1) J/1.)
inteUillcnce rt'quiremt'III°: Any subjecl, jeeneral or
specific, upon which Ihere is a need for Ihe colleclion Jolnl illtt'llilltncc: (I) (Milila'I' wnt".\I.) Inlellillence
of intelligence inft'r;plir,~ n- rIle pmduction of produced "v clemen IS of mille Ihan one military
inlelligente. (Abo sec coll('ctioll u'lllirtmtllt.) service of rill' ~"rne natil'n. (21 (It:tcll'r.(·nu Communi·
IV ('(1111(11) Inlcllieence p/o:laced by intellieence
Intelligence Resurch "od {k,elopment CoulICll orllani/.ali"n~ "f more Ihal1 one cf)untry.
IIR& 00; Sec Dirc('to, 0/ Ctlltrlll IIIulligtllU
Comm;rtu. (AI~o ~ce DCID 1/12.) laser Inlcllillcocc (l.ASINTI; Technical and intelli·
intelligence user: Sec ('uston/a. een,e inforrnalion derived frnm laser syslems; it is a
>ubcalellOry of t'ltct(H)ptica/ Inttl/iRtnCt. (Sec tlu·
Interaaency Defector Committee (IDC): See D;rtclor
tro-opticill illtt'lIiet'IIC't'.)
0/ CttttrallllttlJigtllCt Comnt;tUt. (Also see DCID
4/1.) leanl resldenc),: An intr.l1illcnce apparalus in a foreilln
intera/lenc), intelJillence m~n:orandum (11M); Ana· counlry and composed of inlellillence officers assillned
tional intelliRencc a~se~sment or estimate issued by as overl reprc~entRlives of Ilrei .. govcrnment but not
the Director of Central I ntelligenee wilh the advice of neccs!klrily idenlified as illielli2encc oflicers. (Also sec
appropriate Nalional foreign Intellillence Board iIItlllll rtsidtll('Y.)
manlpulathc comm",·klltlo;1s :ov:r: Those measures
intercEpt(ion)·: Acquisil inn for inlellillence purposes
laken to aller or concc~1 Ih~ characteristics of
of electromallnetic signals (such as radio communica·
communications so as It' 'kny 10 any encmy or
lions) by electronic collection equipment without the
consent of the sillnaller~. potential enemy Ihe means hI identify thcm, Also
known as ('ommulI;clZti,Jns COI'C,.
Inlercept 5lation: A ~13lion which intercepl! commu·
nicalions or non·communications Iransmissions for manlpulativr c:ommunictllions ,\p.ceplion: Sec commu·
intelligence purpose~. II;(,lIt;(lIII drc:tpt;oll.
internalional lines of communicatloR.\ (11.("); Th05C
manlpul.thr deception: The aheralinn or simulation
communications services which arc under Ihe supervi·
or fricndly e1r.clromac;ne~ic rdia~i,m~ 10 lcl'IImp!ish
,ion of the International Telecommunication Union
;,nd which carry paid public communications Irarric
b<:IUJccn differenl counlric~; also krtJwn as: Interna· meuuremenl and signll'm inl.cllip,cncco (MASINT):
Ilnnal Civil Communicalions, International Commer· Sdenlific :IOol technical in\elligcn~'e information ob·
';1.1 Cummunit-alions, Inlcrn3linnally·Leased Com·
lained by quanlilalive and qualilalive analysis of data
mu"i(.'~tillns, Inlcrnalional Service of Public
(melric. an~lc: spalial, wavelength, lime dependence,
""r."''''--~~nce. and cummercial communicalions.
modulatil,n. plasma, ~pd hydromarnclic) derivcd
:rr:;ollallrrrori~1 ncfitity~: The calculaled usc of from specific lechntcal ~cn~(\IS ft'r Ihe purpor.e of
\')('I·n ..... lIr Ihe Ihreal of violence, to attain polilical idcnlifying any dislincli'e fe~tlJrc~ Jssodated wilh
I:' o1i, ,i.; uugh fear, inlimid~lion or coercion: usually the source, (milter, or sendl'r and 10 facililate
involves a criminal aCI, on"n symbolic in nalure, and subsequent idenlifitatioll and/o: m:asurement of the
is Intcndcd t(1 innucllcc an audience beyond the ~ame.
i",",culale viclims. In((.",nat;olllll terro,isM tran·
\tcnds national boulldarie~ in the carrying OUI of the medical inlclliRcncc" (ME[)JNT): F-ureilln inlclligcnce
aCI, the purJY.l~e of Ihe act, the nalionalilie.\ of the related 10 all aspcelS of f()rei~n nalu"ll and man·made
. iClim<, or the resolulion of Ihe incidenl; such an acl cnvironmenlS whirh ,n,illl j"n"':I1(,c I~c heallh of
is USUJII~' designed 10 "lIra<:1 wide publicily in order mililary forcc,; II incnrrC)l~lc~ W.lllcral medical
!,' fo.:us alieni ion on the c~islellce, caust:. or demands inlc1lillcnce whkh i~ ,,\lII'l'flled wilh r(llci,:n biological
of Ihe pcrpclralors. nledicJI cill'.,biliti" and h"allh ·,I!u;o\l"!l~. and mcdi·
inlcrrrt'lalion: A proce" ill Ihe prool:clion slep of Ihe cal sClenlific :rnd "·.hlll!:;)1 i'H, 1"~I:r.:I· '.' hich .1SS:5SC~
inlelhj:ence cycle in which the si2nificance f)f and prcd,cls lechnol"!!IC:!i ;.J\'~,,,·e, uf Il,~dical
informallon or inlelli~cn .. e ,nf"rmalion IS wCll/hed ,il'!nrficancc. 1(1 IIlelude def"n"c J~all"l Chemical.
rclalive 10 the available ""dy or knowl~dlZe (Also see Biolo&ical. RJdlological W,orhr('. ,: arl'lic~ 10 bOlh
intr/ligell('/! cyrlr. ) lactical dnLl 'I",tc~ic ~'Ianll'n!: "lid "rn"tllln~. includ·
Ing ,,,ilita',, "ncl h,"nanl'.~rr.';C cHnn,. ("is(l sec
• Sec Appendll A AII('rn;ur ,'. 'inlt."" .. bioH'cJrhiral ;,,,,//ip'7n"" I

mllilary inlcllilCcnce (Mil: Basic. currcnl. IIr e.lilll.lliv~ Nation". Forchln InlelliKente Program (NFIP): In-
intelliKcnce on any forei~n military or miliIRry-rcl~led clude:, the prOllram, listed below. but its composition
siluation or activity, shall be ,ubJect to review by Ihe National Security
Cnuneil and modificalion by the President.
monilor: To "b~ervc. lislen to. irller.:crl. reclIrd. or (a) The progmms of Ihe Central Intellieence
transcribe any fnrm of communic.llilln IIr media for Agene\'
collection of intelliKence information nr cummunica- (b) 'he Con~olidatcd Cr)'ptoloeic Program. the
tions security rurposes. either overtly Ilr coyertly, General Defense Intellillcnre Program. and the
rrullrams of Ihe uflke5 within the Departmenl uf
mulli-I\'~e1 sccurily: (P"r aU/llmo/;/' JU/II Ilrm'r,u;nl/ Ilcfcnse for the ~l)lIectiun nf ~pcciali1.Cd national
fnreillll intelli~encc throueh reconnai55an~c except
(ADP/s},slt'ms,) I'rovisiuns ror the safelluardinK of all ,uch clements a~ the IJirector of Central Intelligence
informal ion within a muhilevel informalion handling and the Secrelltry of Defense aKree should be
system, The muhilcyel information handlinll system excluded;
permits various Icyel~. catellorics. and/or comparl' (el Other prOKraOlS of aeencies within the Intelli·
ments of material to be concurrenlly stored and lienee Community desillnated jointly by the Direelor
processed in a remotely-accessed resource·sharinll of ('entral Intelligence and the head of the depart·
ADP system. while simuhaneously permillinll mate· ment or by the President as national foreign
rial to be selectively accessed lind manipulaled from intellill.:nce or counterintellillence. activities;
(d) Activities of the slaff clements of the Office I)f
yorious!) controlled terminals by rcrsonnel haYinll the Director of Cer.tral Intellillenee,
different security clearanccs and access approvllis. (c) Activities to acquire the inlellillence required
Securily measures are thercfore aimed at ensurinll for the planning and conduct of tactical operations b}
proper matches betwcen information securily and the United States mililary forces arc not included in
personnel security. (Also sec IIn;-/~pel stCllr;/y.) the National Forcign Intellillence Program,
nllional inlrlligen('e": Foreign intelligence produced
national ('Siimate: Sec f111/ionlll ;fIItIliR~nct ts/imlllt'. under Ihe aellis of the Director of Centrallntelligen~c
and intended primarily to be responsive to the need;.
Nalionl' Assrssment ('cnter (NFAC): An of the President. the National Security Council. ane!
orKanizalion cslablishcd by and under tlie control and other Federal officials involved in the fllrmulation anu
supervision of the Director of Central IntelliKence. execution of national securily. foreien political.
.which is responsible for production of national and/or, economic policy. ,
intelliience, nalional InlelliKenee assel: An intelliKence assel
funded in the National Forcien Intellillence Program.
~llional Foreign Inlelliience Board (NFl B): A txldy Ihe primary purpose of which is the collection or
formed to provide Ihe Director of Ceolrnl Intelligence processinll of intellillence information or the produc,
(DCI) with advice concernini: production. review. tion of national intelligence. (Also sec inltlligtnCl'
nnd coordination of national foreign intellieencc; the lint/ and IIII/;onal in/tllifltnu.)
National Foreien Intelligence ProKram budget; inter, Nylionlll Inlellillente F.sllmate" (NIE): A thoruugh
a~ency exchanl!es of foreign intelligence inform:llion; assessment of a siluation in the foreilln eO\'ironmcnr
arrnnl!ements wilh foreign eovernmenh on intelli, which is relevant to the formulation of f"rcign.
gence mallers; the protection of intclli~enee slIurces ur ecunomic. "nd national security policy. and which
methods; activilies of common concern; and such pro,iech probable future courses of action and
devc\"rOlents; it is ~Iructured tu illuminale differences
olher mailers as arc referred to it by the DCI. II is IIf view wtthin the Intelligence Community; il is
compo~ed of Ihe DCI (chairman). and other :!pprurri· is~ucd h)' thc Direclor of Central Intelligence wilh the
at~ nflice" uf Ihe Central Intelligefl~e Aeency. Ihe advice IIf thc National foreign Intellillence 130.ud
Office "f the on. Departmenl of State. Department (Abo sec Sptcial Na/ional inrt'llillenu ESlimatr, i
of Defrnse. Deparlmrnl of Justice. Departmenl Ill' the National Intelligence Officer (NIO): The senhlr staff
Treasury. Department of Energy. the office~ within officer of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCll
the Department of Defense for reconnaissance pro· and Ihe DCl's Deputy for Nationallntdligence for an
Krams. Ihe Defense Inlelli~ence Agency. the National assigned area of substanlivc responsibilil)'; he man-
Security Agenc~. and the Federal Bureau of Invesli· ages e~timative nnd inleragency intelligence produ,:-
gation; senior intelligence officers of the Army. Navy. lion on beh.oIf (If Ihe DCI; he is Ihe principal point IIf
and Air Force rarticipale as observer~; " representa' conla.:t bel ween Ihc DCI and intelligen.:c consumers
beluw Ihe cabinci level; he is charged" ith monitorinc
live uf the Assi,lant IU the President for Natiunal and cllllfdinating Ihat portion of the N,lli','OJI F'Jreign
SCCUril)' Allan, may IIlso attend IllCCtlOS:~ a, an A"cs~ment Center\ producllon that involve, more
ob~er\'rr Ihan IIlle offlcc l'f that i, IOterdiscipllOary in
ch.lractcr; and i~ a prlmar) suurce Ili nalional,level
,uh,rallri"c ~uidJn(c 10 InrclilgC<Il'c Commun;t)
pl.lnncl.... t,."IIC:dor,. .Ind rl!,ourcc: rn.lna~c:r~.

l'Mlional Inlelligcnl't' TMskinjt ('tnltr ,~nn: The' nper.lionMI inlrllil:cncr· (OPINTI::I.I: Intelliaence
cenlrill orllanilallOnal mc.:honism established under reqUired fill 1~1;1"'''nll and CAeculinll nperallons.
the direction. control and management of the J)lrel·tnr
of Central Inlelligenc( for coordinalinR and taskine "peralion~ '>Ccurily (OI'SE(,): Thc"c mcasures dc-
nalional foreign intelligence colleclion activities. and siened til I'nttecl inf.lfIII;lIion concrrninE planned.
for providing advisory la~king 10 olher intdligcnce IInKuing. and ~ompleled opera lions aeainst unauthor-
and informalion Balhering aClivili~. iled tlisclo.\urc.
nlUonal 5CcuriIY: The territorial inlegrity. sover- oplleal inlelllllfnrt (OPTINT): That portion of electro-
eignly. and international freedom of action of Ihe optical intelligence Ihat deals with visible liah!. (Also
United Slaies. (Inltlligcncf o/·IMlit.1 rtlUlinll 10 ~ee elcer,u-upt;c," intelligence)
II0lionoi ucurilY encompa~s all Ihe military. eco-
nomic. polilical. scientific and lechnoloRlcal. lind order of "allie (OR): Intelli~ence perlaimne to
other aspecls of forei.:n develor>menls which rose identiflcalion. slrcnelh. command slructure. and
actual or polentialthreats 10 U.S. nutillnal interesls.) dis(lOSition of the r>Crsunnel. units. and equipmenl of
wny foreign military force. (Also see ftclllfical
oilionol/llclical inlerface: A rel:llionship bel ween ;lIrelli/ltlla'.)
nalional and lactical inlelligence aClivities encom-
""ning Ihe full range of fiscal. technical. or>Crational. oterI: Or>Cn; d,.nc. without allemr>t al concealment.
and programmatic mailers. oterI clIUrclion: The ",cquisitinn of intclligence infor-
ntar-real-time: The brief interval between the collec- malion frum (1ublic media. ,lbscrvatllln_ government-
lion of informalion regarding an evenl and recepliun til-government dialut:ue. c1icitalinn. ;Ind from the
of Ihe dala al some olher location. caused by Ihe lime sharing of data openly acquired: the process may be
required for proce~sinR. communications. and display. classified or unclassified; 'Ihe tareet and host ,overn-
nel Issessmenl: A comparalivc review and analysis of menls as well as the sources involved normally are
opposing national strenRlhs, capabililies, vulnelabili- aware of the eeneral collection activily althoUllh the
lies. and weaknesses. (An IIItelligellCe nei ossessmellt specific acquisilion, siles. and processes may be
involves only for~illn counlries.) successfully concealed.
nuclear Inlelligence (NUCINT): Intelligence derived penelrallon: (I) (clandesrine fJl'(,oliafu.} The recruit-
from the collection and analysis of radialion and olher ment of agents within or Ihe infiltration of agcnt~ or
dfcCls rcsulling from radioaclive source.\. inlroduction of lechnical monitoring devices into an
orianil.alion IIr group or ph)'sieal facility fur Ihe
nuclear proliferalion inlelliBence: Foreign inlelligence pUrpo!ie of acquiring informati"n or innuendng its
rela lini 10 (I) scienlific. technical, and economic aclivilics. 12) laulomatic Jalo I'mcc.r.ring lADPi'
capabililie~ and programs and the polilical plan~ and al'~roti/lII.f.1 The unauthori7ed c\traction and irlen';fj-
intentions of nonnuclear weapons 51ale.\ or fnreign carion of recognizable information from a p.II,eeted
orl(ani7.3lions 10 acquire nuclear weapons and/ur 10 i\DP systenl.
acquire Ihe requisile special nuclear I!.aterials and 10
.:urry on research. development. and manufacture of personnt! seeurll)': The: means or procedures-·-such as
nlJdear explosive devices. and: (2) Ihe allitudes. selective invc~ti~ati<lns. rcc'lrd cheek~. ;lenonal inter-
Idicics. and actions of foreign nuclear supplier views. anti sUr>Crvi,,"), L'Ontrnls- -designed to provide
,,,untries or Ilrganizations within Ihese counlries reason;lble as~urance Ihat rcrsons being considered
1C""ard provision of technologies. facilities. or sr>Ccial for or Ilranled acccss 10 classified' information are
nudc"l materials which could assi~t nonnuclear loyal nnd trustwurthy .
.;'.on S1atcs or fllreign organi7.atillns to acquire Ilr
11("elop nuclear e~plosive devices. pholollraphic intelli(tencr (PlfOTlNl'); 1 he cullected
products of r>hotoRra(1hic interpretalil'n classified and
'.~!1.;" (; Sec fortigll qJJicia/. evalualed for intelligence usc: il is a category of
oendal informatIon: Inforrnalion which is subject 10 imugrrl' inl .. I/i.~rnct.
: I· cllntrol of the United Slates Governmen!. pholoarllphic inlrrprelntion tfll: The proce~s of
open sourcl' informalion: A generic lerm describing locating. rel'llgniling. idenlifyir.~. and describing
information of potential intelliRence value (i.e .• "biecls. 3l'tivitics. and lerrain represented on photog-
inltlligcnct itiformnlion) which is available to Ihe rar>hy: it is a cateRory of imal(rrj' intul'r('lntion.
general public. physical security·: Physical mC3'urc~ .. SlIch as safes.
(I~ralional conlrol (OP(,ONI: (1I11/i(Q,,1' ron/txt) The vaults. pcrlmckr barriers. ~uard ~yr.tems. alanm and
authority dclc~~ted to :I l'Ummandcr to direct forces acees, ellntrol,dc,,~ned t" safcp,uard lI\~tall;ttions
assigncd so that Ihe cnmmander may accompli,h all.linst damaR". dislIIPlll)n lIr unaulh'lrIled cntr);
!.r>Ccific mission~ or ta,ks which are usu;llIy IImitcd by informatim'! ur lI13tcriai a~dl1ht Ilfi;\I:I~mri;ed ac~c~~
function. timc. or local",n; to deploy the fo,.:e, !If theft; :lnd speciflcd pc"unllcl :t~dlml harlll
concern cd: :lnd to rClain Ilf a,sl~n tactical c"ntml "f
th,)se forces. (It do<:s n,)10 ,)f Its,·lf. include admlnistra, plain lexl·: Nnrlllal Int '" J.1I1~1I.'~(. or anI ~\mbol
tivc or logiqic Cllntrol) or signal. th.11 \"un\'("\'') IIIlt l ill1.HIo'll v·ith\\u! an}
hidden '" '"nCI mcanlng
• Sec ,I\~ptndll, B. AllclOlle Ocfinlt1C1n5 pIArmin!: Hnif tlir~clinn: Sec If"rllir,""r, eyrir

Polic~ .. Comlllillef (A$ perlaill~ 10 inl:lliJ(clIcc rcconClu"SlIloet (l(E! ('I:: or RE(,Oi'<I: An operation
maUfl"5) (PRC(I)): A commillee cSlabii.hcd under Ihe ICCldclt;\\.:en ttl oblam by visual ubscr\'ation ur (lther
National Security Council wl,lch when mccline ulllier .!cIL·clI"" Mcthu:l, inforn,allon relalinl! to Ihe aClivi-
Ihe chairmanship Ilf the Direclor (If ("cnlral Incclli- I,e,. r.:~.)urce. (lr furces of a foreign nahon. or lu
eence is empowered to cSlabli~h rC<lulremenl~ and M:CurC ,!al:1 concern in!! the meleorological. hydro-
priorilies fllr nalionai forci!!n inielliccncc and 10 pr;arl:ir. Ilr eeo!!raph,,: characlerislics uf 3 parlic:uL1r
evalualc the <lila lily of thc intellil:ence producl; il is arca
sometimes ref, ned to as Ihe Polir,,' R,·I·;" ...· Comm;t-
,.cruilm~n'-in-pl&ce: A 1..:".:11 who agree~ \(I he.:once
u" (Inrdlig,,"crl; its spc:cific dUlies arc defined in
all :Iltem and retain ~.i:, pllwinn in hi~ crganilalion :::
Executive Order No. 12036.
~I)vcrnraent while reponin;: nn it to an In;clli~~ncc or
polilical intelligence': Inldlicencc: con~crning Ihe ~eCllrll) Ull:ani1alillr.·; ;i ford an Cuunll)
dynami.:s of the inlernul and e,lcrnal polilical :lff"ir,
RElliDl.ACK Cur.cepe: The scparati,a: of clccllI.:al
of foreign countries. reeional c:roupincs. n1ll1lil:lleral
,11111 dC.:I.tllIIC CIiCUllS. camponenls. coluip'llcni. :111.1
crealy :1rraneemcnts and oreanizali,'ns. and fnrcill:n
s;I',I·:II., \\ Ili,h handl~ classified plai:! langua!!.·
polilical movements direcled llgain~l III impaclinll:
inl'mlll,.II'\O in el~ctri:: ~Igl\al f,)rm (RED) from thu~c
upon established governments or aUlhorily.
\~hieh handle encrypted or unclas~ificd infurmalion
posilifC Intelligfncc: A lerm of convenience soraelimes (8LACI\ ,; RED and BLACK terminoll)':y is !I~ed to
applied to foreien inlelligence to dislin~\li,h it from clarify speCific crileri .. !elatinal 10 and diffe,"'nliati,lg
foreien counterinlellieence. bel ween ~uL'h cireuil!. ':o,nr.oncnts, equipmenl. ~nd
syslcI05 and the IIrr... s in I. hich they are ,,,nldined.
priority: A value dennling a "referential rating or
precedence in poIiition which is uscd til di~criminale reft.l!c~: " pcrslln wh" i5 outsllle Ihe cn"c11ry or a·c.1
among competina entilies; Ihe lerm normally used in uf his f.lrmer habilual residcOl'C and who. because of
conjunction wilh inlelligence rcquiremenls in order 10 fcoll IIi beinl! pcrsecuf:d or bt-C1USC of hO~liiili::5 in
iIIuminal~ importance and to c:uide the aClillns thai c.,unlry .... area, is unwilling or unable II) relurn
planned, beine planned, or in usc, to respond 10 the 10 il iAI;., fCC dift!~t(lr and t.nigrt.}
requirements. report: Sec iltrll1;',;(tICt rtport and inuUiZt'nct
processina': Sec ;nttllilltnU I'yd~. jrVtJrmlltiun ,~po;t
product: (II An intelligence rcpllrl disseminalcd 10 rtqllircmenr': Sec itu,!iIiKc!nl'r tequirtmtnl or 1'~llr"­
customers by an intelligence agency. (21 In SI(jII\T liun rtquirrmtnt.
USJge, intellieence information derived from analy~i,
r4.'~id4.'lIc)·: Sec illI'l<al residenl'Y and I~I:III "'sidtnC'y
Ilf SIGINT materials and published as a reporl or
translalion for disseminalion to cuslomcrs. (Also sec sabOI'IIC: '\clion ;\~a!nsl material. premises orulili-
production in Appendix B.) lies. ur Iheir productiun ..... hich injures, intcrkres
.... ith • .:lr obs!: ccts the natioll .. 1 secarity Ilr allilit)· of ~
produclion': Sec inftlligtllu cyd". nalioll 10 prepare for or carryon II war.
proprietary: A business enlily owned. in ",hole or in sAit hcuse: A house or premises eO~'ro!le(; by an
part. or conlrolled by an inlelliaence organization and intelligence oreaniz"liL'n Ihal affords- 81 Ic~:;: ter.;-
operated to provide private commercial cover for an porarily--sccurity for individuals inv()h·~.1 or ec;uip-
intellieence activity of lhat oraanizalion. (Also sec meOl used in clftnde~line ope, alions.
S&olli~Alio)n: The process of cditini or olh~, .,i'e
radar intelligence (RADlNT): Intelli~cnce informatinn ahering intelligence informfttion or rep-'riS 10 prO!'."
derived from dala wllecled by radar. sensilive int.eiliecnee sources. methods. capabilillc~.
radiation intclligcllcc' (RlNT): The functillns amI analytical procedures. or privilegcd infornlation in
.:haraeteristics derived from informalion oblainr.d order 10 permit v. ider di$semination.
from unintentional ciectromacnelk eneru emanalinL: seienlili, E"d ttchalc ..1 (SliT) intclligtnce'; Inlelli·
from foreign devices: excludes nuclear detonations IIr genee cnncernin!! foreign devdopment' in basic and
radioactive sources. applicr. scienlilic nnd leel,nical research aCId derclop-
ra" intelligence: A colloquial term meaning collected mcnl including en£lIIecring and producli,," Icch·
inlclliaencc informalion which ha~ not yel been nique~. ncw leehnology. and wea;>on sp'~:ns and Iheir
converled InlO inlelli~enee. (Also ~ce ;nu/l;!l~na cap.lbihl'c~ and chara':l~tislics: II ,,;50 inclu<lcS
illformation. ) iOlcll,gcncc which rNuires ,cienllfi·~ or Icchni.:al
c:xpcrlilc ,In Ihc pari ul Ihe ar,al}'I. sII·.:h ~5 meJicinc.
• See Append ... U. Allcrr.8tc IJdi",1I0n\ rchysical heallh ,'udl~'. and bchavlv'JI anal)scs

Scientific and Technical hllellilence Commiucc' !'fnk... ('",pI .. I('~i(Elrmenl'o: A ":rm uscd 10
tSTrC): See Di,~t:tor qfC~lItrtd IlIulliRrllt:e Commit- dc.\I,nale sell'tralel> ", IOKClhcr Iho~e dements of the
u~, (Also see DCID l/S.) U.S Arm". "';;lYY, ,lIId Air '·or.:e which perfurm
er~'llhl'n",,: (un";'l"'. alslI ~.nn"" as Service
security: Establishment and maintcn:ancc of pmte"ive Cryplol",i, "~~n,·,,·, an,l SerYlle C:rypluloaic
measures which are intended to ensure a st;lIe of Oranni7J'il1n,
inviolability from hl)~tile n;:tr. r.- innuenees.
~nke C'r~'ploloRic OrEcni1J1tions (SeO): Sce S".,;C(
Cr>,pr!f!or;r F.1~"""'f.
rtrlsor: III " '·:· d~vlce li",ilfncd to dctect and
rc,pll~d to ·,r·· ,or mille PJr:irul," Mimulae and which
molY rt.-,;oll' ar..!!lIr Iransm;t a resultant impulse for
:r.terllrct~li!ln c-: mca'I'rernclll. oftcn called a urlr"i-
Automatic Data Proces~ing System Security
cui Ul\.ttlr. (2; .I.,~dlll stnlnr: An unclassified term
Communicatiuns Security lI~ed 35 a m.. ':~' uf conl'cllience In refcr 10 a h'ahly
Computer Security classified ,Jr ';'jlltrollcd Ic~hnieal sensor.
Cryptographic Security
Gidl'-ll)oklng airborne r~d~; (~LARl: An airlx.-rnc
Electronic Emission Security radar, vie~'in~ ~, rir.hl Hnr,lcs 10 the axis of the
Electronic Security vr.hicle, which 11,rl'i:l~r:' .1 P:l'~Cnlat;on of terrain or
Emnnation Security laraets.
Emission Security SIGINT ar.lhi r,: ,"n~.. 3,:I;"il)' conducled for the
Information Security purpose of prr,ducinl/. 'i~Mh inlelli(tence. (Also see
Multi-level Security SIlI'INT-rtlatd aCfhit)·'
National Security SIGIN1' Committee: Sec £loru"" of ('t~trll/ Inttlli-
Operations Security ". Ilt~Ct C'o",mitrtt, (Also so:e OC'JI) 6/1.)
Personnel Security SfGINT-rel.(ed aethity: Any aClivily primarily in-
(physical Security tended for a pur~<)Se(s) olhcr t!lnn signals inlelligence
Sianals Security (SiGINT). but which cnr. be used 10 produce
Transmission Security SIGlNT, or whic.h produces SIGINT 3S a by-product
Uni-Ievel Security of its princ;r.~1 function(s), (AI~o sec SIGINT
SIGINT lechl'iC:II inforRllltion: Information conccrn-
securily clllssificalion: Sec c/assi/icRfiofl, ina or derivc·J frl'm inlerceotrd for~ia!! transmissions
or radi:tlion~ .which i~ C0111p;.lscd (If ted:nical informa-
Security Commillee (SECOM): Sec Di,tctor qf rio" (a~ UIlPllSed 10 inttlltsr" ..r) and which i~ required
-. .:"al Illulligellct Commitrc/!. (Also see DelD in the further cQllc~tion or analysis of sianals
: I 11.) intelJillcnce.
siRn"": AnHhl~~ intcl1til'nalh transmitled by visual
. ",itivc': Requiring special protection from disclo-
,Ind olher ~!cctromal1rielic. nutlear, or acouslical
.,,"~ 10 avoid compromise or thrcat to the security of
mClhod~ ("r ~I,hcr CI:n11l1Il,!il~l.i()',s or non-communi-
,'-, :1,\('''.
('ation~ l'urPl';r.s.
"(''1si(; ..~ cr ~partmentcd informction" (SCI): All infor- !illn.l~ inlclliRcn('t· ISIGJNTI: Intelligence informa-
I., 1",,1 ~.j material requirinR special controls for tion comprlSlne eilher ilidil'ioluJ!ly or in combination
re~tricted handling within compartmented intelli- all communicntions inlellip,cnce, clcclronics intelli-
• ~nc(" ~}'~tems and for which compartmentation is lienee, and foreisn inslfun,:nl?lioll ~iilnals ir:telli-
~;Ia b!ished. (Also see c:ompartrr:rlftnt;ofl,)
gence, h(l"'e"'~r Iran~l1lill~d.
~IBn41~ S4::uru~' IS!(;SECl: .0\ lmn which Includes
5~nsilhc int'!lIigcnct !OLtr(CS and mcllJ«f..: A collective communic;lIinos .'CCl:rity "od e!"(lromcs security and
term for those persons, orllanizations, thinas, condi- which cn('omll;l~~CS m·-,I\Urcs 1IlI(".ll:l~d to deny or
tions, or event~ thaI prOl'ide inteliillence information ,:ounlcr hO~ljk cx,'ll'i(alio~1 or d~c~I.'\r,ic ~mi$sion~.
"nd those means used in the collection, proces~inll, ~i~r.llh ~tcurll~ ,~qll: ":~')~ ~I,d ,\:,~[!,~i:;: The acquisi-
.'.nd .roduction of such inform:lIilln which, if com pro- \:on"f rlC"c.t.(.. ! .....• rrll C""1f;" U",t '.·lk.(.'~lIC'"t :lr':lIY5i~ to
noised, would be vulnerable 10 counteraction Ihat tltlcrmirlt° . m\l:r ....\~I~· !h,' .·· .. ::··-\;>iI::~' of (~r; emis a

:"':'!d reasonably be e,pecled 10 reduce Iheir ability 10 ~io" t(1 W!C:I l:r·ti,m and C),..I')II.!t;'.l~l b\ hostile
~upporl US. intelligence a~li,jlies. Inlr.lIl~cncc '~r\ I·'r'. 'I inril··ks ":1,,",,&1111: Ihe trans,
mi~sioll '1"":'IUIl, ~~J ','~"I~ I:rn;d paramelric
Sen ice Cryptologie Ag~nq'(iMI (SCA): Sec St"iu n1~::SUrl!:p-::.·.. .1' t t',tl~:rt.·d but !l'!.·~ nil! include
Cryptologic' Eltm~nlS. aCQui!'lltion I'! IlIf,lrrh:1t1')'l "':1 fT ,,:J :'" I ht :.~·"rC!OI: it i~
un: of Ill,- "~ Iriq'JC" d( ':Ign.;;{ {f,'''''I, t""t'j/ltJllc{'
(:\Isp ... c:- \i"nnJ, 1 (PIr;'.,' ·''','r;lIr."C"('.)
slenals securily suneillanee: The sY'h:malic clamind' \rralt'l(ic iRtellilltnCt: Intclli.:encc which is required
lion of elcclronic emissions 10 delermine Ihe :Idequacy lUI Ihc lurmulatiun of policy and military IIlans at
uf sianals security measures. t" idcntify ~ianab nallon ..I dnd inlernallonal levcls; it differs primarily
security deficiencies. to pruvide data frum which hI InUll 1.I<:tical intellilence in level of usc, but may also
predict the effectiveness of proposed sianal~ security \'ar) in ~cnllC and detail.
measures. and tu confirm the adequacy of such
measures after implementation. ,lraleRic "uninK: Intelli~cr : information or intelli-
.:ence rCllardinll Ihe 11" l of the Initiation uf
source": A person. device. system. or activity frum hO'lilities Kllainst the U., ur in which U.S. forces
'which intellillence information is obtained. (Also sec Iml)' becume involved; it may be received at an)' time
/tllmillt SOllrce and ulls;ti.e illulli/Crnce 10llrcu IIlId IIrillr In the initiation of htlslilities.
Supporr for Ihe Analysts' ~llc Entironmcnl (SAFE): A
special acli,lllcs: As defined in Executivc Order No. loint ('I,\/DIA project 10 develop a new computer
12036, activities conducted abroad in suppo" (If Imicrofilm m system to 5uPllOrt production analysts
nalional foreien policy objectives which arc desianed in readine. filina, and routinll cable traffic; buildine:
10 further official United Stales proarams and policics and scarchine private and central files; and wrilinll.
abroad and which arc planned nnd e~ecuted so Ihat cditinl/. and rOutinll intellillence memoranda and
the role of the United States Government is not reports.
apparent or acknowledeed publicly. and functions in
support of such activities, but not ineluding dilllo- suncilholnct: The syslemalic observation or monitorine:
malic activity or the collection and production of nf IIlaccs, persons, ur thine:s by visual. aural.
inlellieencc or related support functions; also known elcetronic. phololraphic. or other means.
as caPtrl IIciiolt. (Also sec co,erl IIclioll.) lactical inlellillence" (TACINTEL): Forcien intelli-
Special ActiYit!cs Office(r) (SAO): A control point for e:enee produced under the aellis of the Secretary of
certain cateaor~s of compartmented information. Defense and intended prim:uily to be responsive to the
(The acronym is'uften used to refer to the compart- needs of military commanders in the field 10 maintain
mented information itself.) the ra:adiness of operating forces for combat opera-
tions and tu support Ihe planninll and conduct of
Special Coordination CommiUec (Sec): A cummittee contbal ollCrations. (Also sec combol ;IfUIll,tIlCC.)
established under the National Security Council
which deals inler alia with the oversight of sensitivc lactical Inltlllatnec Isset: An intellillencc asset
intellieence activities. such as covert actions. which funded in Department of Defeose proarams. the
arc undertaken on Presidential authority. primary purpose of which is the collection or
pruccssine of intellillence information or the produc-
speciallDlellilcoce (51): An unclassified term used to lion uf laclical intelliaence. (Also sec lacticill
desienate a cateeory uf sensitive compartmented inltlligtlfct and iltttlligtlfct IISStl.)
information (SCI). (Also sec Ittuil;,t compllrtmtllud
;"'or"",,;o•. ) laflltl: A country. area, installation, oreanization.
weullOn system. military force, siluation (political or
special InltUiacnee communiealions" (SPINT· economic), sillnal. person. or olher entity aeainst
COMM): A communications network for the handline whieh inlellillenee operations arc conducted.
of all special intelligence and consisting of those
facilities under the operational and technical contrul IlIrRel inlelllllenCt: Inlelligence which portrays and
of the chief of intellie:ence of each of the military locates the components of a tare:el or lare:et complex
departments. under the manae:ement of the Defense and indicates its identification, vulnerability. and
Intellilence Aeency. and under the technical and relative importancc.
security slICcification criteria established and moni- ,askiRR: The assillnment or direclion of an individual
tored by the Nalional Security Aaency. nr activity to IICrform in a specified way to achieve an
Special Nalional Inlclli)tcnec Eslimalt (SNIE): N:I- nblecti\'c ur goal.
tional Intelligence Eslimates (N IEs) which arc t('chnieal inlrlli.:enet (TI): Intcllie:ence on the chara~­
relevant 10 slICcific IlOlicy problems that need to be lcristi~s and performance uf foreilln weapons and
addressed in the immediate future. SNJEs arc equipment; a part of scielttific and technical intelli-
general!> unscheduled. shorter. and prepared more K~nr~ anti distinct from ordu Q/ ballit.
quickly than Nib and arc coordinated wilhin the
Intelligence Community to the e,tent that timc technical sensor: Sec $('lIlor.
permits. (Also sec National Inullig~nr' Erlimatr.) t.,.'hnir.1 SIGINT: Intelli~ence information which
Special Security Offic('(r) (SSO): A control !IOlnt for prm'lde, ;a delallcd knowledge of lhe tr.ehnical;l~nstjc, of a given em Iller and lhul permits
sCCUril) procedures within any a~livilY authori7ed
aece.s to sensitive comp~rtmented informaliun. e>llnldle" to be m.. de about its primary function.
capabililie" modes of npcralilln (includln~ malrunc·
special srnsor": Sec srnHIf. lions!. and slatc-of-the-art. a, well as iI, speCific role
within a complex \VeallOn system or defense nctwor~;
• Sec Appendll lJ, "hematl: OcfinllUJnl II j, a contributor t" uchnirol inlelbgtnre .

telecommunications: Any Iransmis~ion. emlSSIun. or uni·I.·.r! •• euriIY: (Fo, Qutoma/ic JQla "Toussi",
receplion of sians. sianals. wrilina. imllacs. lind Prll.islon for Ihe s!lfeauardina of all material
sounds or information of any nalure by wire. radio. wilhin a sinele infor malion handlina system in
visual. or olher clectromaanelic syslcms, ;Iccurdarh:c with Ihe hlahesl level of ciassificalion and
mosl re\lriclivc diso;emination caveslS aSlianed to any
telemetry intelliamee (TEUNT): Technical and inlel- malerinl cnnlained Iherein. as dislinauished from
" liaenee informalion derived from inlereepl. procCSli- mullilevcl ,ccurlly, (Also sec ",""i-Intl uCllrlly.)
ina. and analysis of foreian Iclemelry; II subcateaory llnlltd StalCO\ SlltMb tatelllacncc Systell'l (USSS): An
of lorti,,, inslrumtfllalim, si/l"als i"ltllilll'nrl', entity thai i5 comprised of the National Security
t.leprocesslnll: The overall funeliun of an inrorl11alinn Aaeney (indu.l'nll a~!iencd military personnel); those
c1cment~ uf Ihe mililary departmenls and the Central
Iransmi5Sion SYSlem which combines lelecommunica- Intelliacnce Aaency performina sienais intelliaence
lions. aUlomatic dala processine. Ind man-machine 3ctivilies; and those clements or any other department
inlerface equipmenl and Iheir inleraclion as In or aaeney which may from time to time be authorized
inleerated whole. by the National Security Council to perform sianals
intelligence activilies durina the time when such
TEMPEST: An unclassified lerm rererrine to lechni- clemenlS arc so authorized; it is aoverned by the
cal invesliaalions for compromisine emanalions from Ullilrd Stairs SiR"als I"trlli,lefll:e Directives
electrically opera led. information processina equip- (USSIDJ syslem.
ment; they arc conducled in support of emanalions uPlladr: To determine that certain classified informa-
and emission security. tion requires. in the interest of national security. a
terrorist orpnizatlon: A aroup Ihat eneaaes in hiaher dearec of protection Ilainst unauthorized
disclosure than currently provided. coupled with a
terrori.t activities. (Also Ice ill'tf'II"riOll.' Itrrorllt chana ina of the classification dcsianation to reneet
«tirily.) luch hilher delrec. (Also Ice dUIi/lC.tlolf.)
tnmc ualys!s (rAl: The cryploloaic discipline which user: Sec CIIJlO/ffer_
develops information from commllnications aboul the ..Jldatlon: A process normally associated wiih the
composition and operation of communications struc- collection or intellilence information which provides
tures and the oraanizalions they serve. The process official status to an identiried requirement and
involves the study of traffic and related malerials. and confirms thaI the requirement is appropriate for, a
the reconstruction of communication plan.~. to pre- eiven collector and has not previously been satisfied.
duce sianals intelliaence, (Also sec COlltCI/OII 't,lI/ttlM.t.)
transmiJsion security (TRANSEC): The componenl of wllk-In: I\. person who on his own initiative makes
cummunications security which results from all contact with a representative of a foreisn country and
who volunteers intelliaence information and/or re-
measures desianed to protect transmissions from quests polilical asylum, (Also sec t/iseU!«Itt/ ~no•. )
inlerception and from exploitalion by means uther
than cryptanalysis. Weapon and Space Systems InteUilrace Comll'llttee
(WSSIC): Sec DirtClor Q/ Celllr.' /IItrllia'lfU
llo9'utbllri"ed dl~closure: Sec compromlu. Comm;IItt. (Also sec DCID 3/4.)

Appe ndix A

A(:I:-':T .... ,·""'Ii'·allll"'lIi~.·",·,· (!\,l\al.U·WIIYIII ....... ,1t·liniliu".)

:\(:01 'STINT .... '·(III~Ii<-al.n .. ·II.II.·"'·'·
A :SI A"i,lall l (:lai..r .,1 SIOIfI /lIII..II&~I·II'·'· l:\rn'~'
II, \i,

L\ ern>lan ,I!)";'
CAMS COMIR EX .... 11111111.1 ..·.( Mallill("nll'nl ~\'It'11I
eCF e"II"('Iillll ( :'."dim ,li"" F:ldlil\
eCI' CUII""lidul,,1 en·III .. I,,!:;.. 1"'III,alll
ccpe Crili"al (:"I1""l iu" Pr .. hlt·lII~ (:.. nllllilh·,·
el (:unllir r irtl.·llht'·,,,:,·
CIA C:rnl,ul h,h·llig rll"· Allr."·~·
ClAP (:rnlrallnll·llii!{·I11·.· Agen('Y I'IIJII' arll
CIFAX Enciph ell'd Facsirllllt·
CIPHO NY En('jphcrer.1 Td"llh ll""
CIRIS (;onsoIiJalf'd Inlclfilt,·n,·.· 11""",,""'5 J"lorma lll'" S\ 511'01
<:1\,1510:-' Enripht ·r ...J Td"v,< iun
COINS Cllrnmu llily On· .·I"h'lIi grn,'{· Syslt'1Il
; COME X COInlllillt'{· nn E~d'anll'" ,
'.. CO~nNT
C(lmmunj("~liIlIlS IIIIt·lliK,·nr.·
COMIREX Commi lll'" 011 ImaK"ry R"CIUirr"",,,ls :\IId Exploit ation
COMS EC (::OrnmuuiraliCl"s S''t:urity
CONT EXT (;"u"''' '''''i''K arlll T"d Manillulalillll S\·sl ..1II
CIIITIC Critical h.h·lliK"IIC'· ~lt'~"'K"
(:RITIC:OMM .( :ritit·al lnl .. lliR"""'· Comrnllllil'uhl)JI~ S\,slt'm
c.;HYPTO CR YPTO (S,'" .It·linil i"" I
DAO [)d"II~' AII~c:h .. Offit...
DCI Dirf'c:llJr "I <:"nlrallnll·lligl"nce
oem Dirt't'llIr IIf (~nlrull"lellilltmCr UII"cli\ ,r
DEA Drug enIIlH'(lnl'lIl A.llllinislrwlilln
DEFSMAC 1),·lrn5f' SIlf't'i~1 Mls.,ill' anti Aslrnlll ulic (;.onler
DF Dirt"'lin n Ftndin~
I)IA Oel .. n,.' 1111 ... 1il("III'" .... K"n"~'
D~I Dirt'elM III Nnvallnll·llilll·nCt·
ECCM EI"cl,o nic (.'lInl ... ·( :.. unh·rll1l'a\"rI·'
ECM F.k...·lrollit- (:O"nll 'rllll':"" ""
EEl E''''lIlia l EI,·m,·n h .. 1 Inlllwlillillll
E&J:: EVH~illn and I-:,,'aill.'
EIC ECllnomic 11Ilt-lIij("III'c CIIlI1l11i 11t'.·
ELECTHO·OPTI NT Eleci r"'lIpl it'al 1IIIc'IIiJ.!l·r,,"·
EI.INT Elt't·lrllnit· 'nl.·lliKl·II,·e
EI.SEC Ell'clro nk S"l'uril v
EM5EC Emana lion' S.· ... 1II1 ~
Eon Eled,un i,' Ordrr 01 Balli.·
FSM Elcc'lrnni,' Warl,"1' S"PIKIII M"J'"I1"
EW Elt'cl rOllic War! afl'
Fill Frd"'dl Burt·.11 IIf (II"{'sliRnli,,n
FAIS FIJII'iRII Ilrlla,k:!'1 r,.lurIllBlioll:>"" .....

Appendix A (Continued)
FCI ForeiJln (;uullt".illtdli!C."",.-
.01 Foreiln Int"lIi1u-nc.-
FIS Fordln Instrum'-lItatinll SUI, .. I,
FISINT Forl!illllnstrumf'lItutinll "uIII31, IIIh-II'II'-IIN'
FLIR Forwardol'M,kill1C inlr;u,~1
FOI\MAT Fu,,-illn M.. lericl
GUlP Gt"nt"ral Dt-If'll... lntellit(f'Ill'- I'.nll.llm
GMI Mf'di("alllltdlil('-I1~'-
HPSCI HOII~ Pcrm .. nent Sdect Cumnlllh',' Ull Intelligellct'
HRC I luman ResOUrCd ('.ommith-,'
HUMINT Uuman Inlellilence
Ie Intt'lIillt'lI<"f' Cornnrllnit~'
leRS Imagery CoIlf'loUoll JlNluir"IlIt'lils Subcommittee
IDC Interlliency Ot'rector (;mllmill('t'
IH(; Intellillence InrormaUon Hllndlinll C"mmillt'C'

Imallery Intt'rpretation
Interallency IntelligenCt' Memorandum
International Lines "r Communicatiuns
IMINT Im:allery IntelliRenCf!
INR Burf'au of Inlellillenc!' lind R,,~arch_ Department of
lOB IntelllllenCf' Ove~ight Board
IRA Intelll&en~T·Rf'latl'll Activiti!'s
IR&OC; Intelligencl' R!'search & DewlullPlI'nt ('.aullcil
I&W Indications and Warnin!!
JAEIC Joillt Atomic Enf'rlll' Intf'lIigenre Commillee
JlNTACCS .... Joint Interoperability Tactical Command lind Control
LASINT Laser Intelligen('c
MASINT Measurement and Sillnature !ntelligenCt'
'1EDINT MedicallntellillenCt'
MI Military Intellillence
NFAC National Foreilln Asses.smcnt Centt'r
NFIB National Foreign Intelligcncf' BOlrd
NFIP National Foreiln IntellillenCf' PWllr .. 1Il
N!E NalionallntelliRence K.limalf'
1\10 Nationallntelligenc-e OHice.
-';ITC National Intelligence Tuskin!! (~-IIIt-r
NM!C National Military Intellig('n~T (;'-/lh-.
NOIWON National Operations and Inl,oJ\rgpnce Watch Officers
NPHH N.. tioll,,1 Foreign II,tdlilll'n.,,- I'I~n Illr Human
NPiC National PhotOilraphic Interpro'tatilln Center
NSA National Security AIlf'ncY
NSCID National Security Council 1/l1 .. III1~enc .. Directive
NSOC National SICINT Operations Cenler
NSRL National SICINT RCQuirrnwlIl> "'st
NTPC National Tt'It'm,'try P"K,,'s.,illll (;enh'.
NUCINT Nudpu. Intt'lIi~rnr,-

Appendix A (ContitlUcd)

011 o,.I,'r .. f lIalll"

OI'CON ()lttOrati,lu •.! l :.II,ll"lll
OPINTEI. Ol.'r ali",,,,II,, ... llllt,'n"I'
OI'SEC (ll'l'rali,,", St','"nt\'
OPTINT (ll'ti"alln"'lIi~"'" "
I'ARI'RO P"act'lim!' Airl.'rnr HI','(Jnn~h~ullt'l! (',.,!!rum
PBOTINT PhntOilraphk Int .. lliH"nt~,
PI Phutographi,'lntl'rl'rl'tation or Phl'!;'~r~r-I'ic: Inlerpreter
PRC(1l Policv R,'vi"" C:(l/nmiU~" ((nt('lIig.. m' .. '
R!.DlNT l\~t.lar 1,,"'lIiK""~"
RECCE or RECON Ret'Onnulssan(~'
RINT l\~diationlllll'IIII1.,n~.·

S&T Scientific :lnd Technic~1

SA , Si\tnals Ar.!lh'sis
SAFE Support lor till: AIII.h'Sb' Filt' F.nyi'·~nment
SAO Sllf'Ci:a1 A,·tiviti.-s Offi~
SCA Service CrVlltolOKi.:: Altloncits
sec St)ecial Coordination Commi"c.'t'
SCI Sensiti",' Com[l:artml!ntLod InicHmation or Soun'e Code
sco ServiC:I' ern)tulu;:!.' Orl(ani211tinns
SECOM Securit Y (AlRlIllittec
SI Spc,'iallllh'lli((('nt~'
SIGINT Si~nal. Inlt'lli!i:/!II''C'
SIGINT Committee Sil(nah Intt'lligcncC' Committe"
SIGSEC Sil(nah SI'cllrit\'
SIRVES SJ(:INT RI'quirt'lII1'nls \'~lidatinn and Evalu'itinn Sub·
"ummittl'" (ul SIGINT C:omlllittt't')
SLAR Sitl'~-Luokiull Airb(lrn('
SNIE S[lI'('\31 Nationallnt('llill"nce Estimate
SOSl'S SOllna SIIfYl'ill:ance ~;~'~tem
SOTA SIGINT Op('ratinnal Tasking Authoritv
SPINTCOMM Siledallntl'llir.cnc.. Communicatiuns
SSCI Sc-1I31e Sdcct ('.onll"'tte~ un IntC'iligence
SSO Special Sl'cmilv Offlerr
~IIC Sci.. ntifir :lnd Teclmll'allntelligenc(' Commille,'
TA Traffic Analyd~
TACINTEL TUl·lit'alln"'llig"nt·~
TI T"c!lOicallntrllig,'r,,'C'
TEL/NT' Telemetry Intellillence
TRANSEC Tramm",ion Scemity
USSID United Stales SigIlli! lrl!elii&ence Directive
lISSS linitt'd Slatc~ SignJ I! Intelli.rllct' System
WWMen W.. rldwulc Milila,\, Command a:d Conlrol Systems
WSSIC Wrap-lIl an.! SI"C,' S\'sli'ms Intcl\i~,'n(,~ Committe~

Appendix B

acouslical inlelliKence: The Icchnical and intcllieence economic. political. bioaraphical. and cultural-which
information derived from foreilln 50urces which is used as a base for intelliecnce product> in support of
IIcnerate waves. (Dictionary u/ Military and .-1sso- planninll. policymakine. and military operations
C'iat('d Tum!. Drpt. of Defrnu (Ui. thr Joint Chiefs (Filial Report. Stnau Stlul Cummlltu un fnl~1Ii
III Suvf. 3 S~" 74 (UJI. Kmc~. 26 April J976). J) "Fundamental intelligcncc
alienI: I) An individual who acts under the directioll of concermnll the lIeneral situation. resources. capabili·
an intellieence aeency or security service to obtain. or ties and vulnerabilities of foreien countries or arcus
assist in obtainine. information for intellillencc or which may be u~:d as rtference material in Ih~
counterintellieence purposes. (Final Re·port. Senat!! plannin!! of operations at any level and in evalualing
Stltct CommiUtt on InrelligtnCt. 26 April J976). 2) sub~eQucnt information relatina to the same subjccl."
In intellillence usalle. one who is authorized or ;'Rl!cummendcd ChanK"s /0 JCS Pub I. 2) Jul)'
instructed to obtain or to assist in obtainine informa- 1977).
tion for intellieence or counterintellieence purposcs. clSe officer: A staff employe: of the CIA who is
(Dictionary of Military and Associattd Tums. Dtpt. responsible for handlini: aEents_ (Final Report. Senau
of Def~nse (V). the Joinl Chiefs of Stoff. 3 Sep U. SrieN Comnr{f(n Olt fnttlligef1Ct. ]6 April 19761.
cipbfr: Any cryptoeraphic system in which arbilrar:.
allcnl of Innuence: An individual who cln be used to symbol5 or eroups of symbols represent units of pl~il'
innuence covertly foreilln officials. opinion molders. texl. (Final Report. St'latt Seltct Comm;lIL't 0'
oreanizations. or pressure IIroups in a way which will Inulligenu, 26 April 1976f
eenerally advance United States Government objec-
tives. or to undertake specific action in support of ctlndeslinr operillions: I) Intellieence. counterintelh-
Lnited States Government objectives. (Final Report. lIellCC, or other information collection activitics and
Stnut!! Stltct CommiUtt on Intelligtnct. 26 April cuvert political. ecunomic, propallandOl and paramili-
1976). tary activities. conducted so as to assure the secrecy of
thc operation. (Final Rtporl, Sena(t St/ect ('omm;l-
analysis: In electronic warfare. a study of electromag- tu on fnttl!illtnU, 26 April J976). 2) Activitie~ to
netic radiations to determine their technical charac- accomplish intcllillencc. counterintellillence. and
teristics and their tactical or stratellic usc. (Glossar)· other similar activitie~ sponsored or conducted b~'
of CommunicatioTL!-Elutronics Terms (V). JCS. Dtc Govcrnmental deplirtments or deencics, in such a wa)
74i. as to assure secrecy or concealmcnt. (It differs from
asse!lSmenl: ludement of the motives. Qualifications. covert operations in that emphasis is placed on
and characteristics of present or prospective employ- concealment oi thc operation rather than on conceal-
ees or "Aeent." (Dictionary 01 Mililary and Asso- mcnt of identity of sponsor.) (Dictiona,y of Military
ciaud Terms. Depl. of DefeTL!e (V). Iht Joint Chiefs and Assuciated Tt,ms. Dept. of Defenst (U). the Joint
ul Stoff. J Srp U. (VJI. Ch;c!.r of Staff. J Sep U. (V)).
asset: Any resource-a person, aroup. relationship. clas5ified information: "Classified information"
instrument. installatiun. or supply-at the disposition means information or material (hereinaftcr collec-
of an intelligcnce allency for usc in an operational or tively tcrmed "information") that is owned by.
support role. The term b normally applicd to a person produccd for or being in thc po~session of or under the
who is contributinll to a CIA clandestine mission. but cuntrol of the United Statr;; Govcrnm~nt that has
is not a rully controlled allent of CIA. (Final Rtport. becn determined by proper authorilY 10 require
Stnat!! StlUI ('omm;uu on fnt!!l/;genu. 26 April protcclion allainst unauthorized disclosure in the
1976). interest of national security and is so cl~!ignated
lIa.fSificalion and Orr/ossification at .VallOnal Sfru-
basie intelligence: II General referencc material for ,i/.I' In/o,mallOn and MOI~,ial; (Encllliv" O,du No.
use in planning conccrnina other countries which
//652 a.I amend"d. Nov 1977).
pertains \U capabilities. resources or potcntialthcaters
of operations. Sec also _. inlclligcnce--. (IJicllona,y code: A s}stcm of communicalion in "hi"h ~rbitrar}
of Mililory and -IssoI'lalrd Tam.r. 0 ..",. {if Dc/en.!t eroup, oj symbols represenl units of plain tc~1. Codes
lVi. the Joint Chic/s Q/ Slaf!. 3 S~p i4. (U)} 2) may be used for brevity or for seCUrlly. (F,.,a/ Report.
factual. fundamental. and l/encral'.y permancnl infor- Seno/.· S"/ur Cnmmilltr 010 InulhK"nce. 16 Ap,iI
mation about all aspects of a nalien-physical. social. 197M.

Appendix 8 (Continurd)

code word: I) A word "Im:h has been assillned a

classification and a classified meanine to safceullrd 2. Interccpt ;Ind J'lruce.,,,nM of pre>s. propal/anda
intentions and information reeardine a planned and other public broadcasts. e_cept fur processine
operation. (Final Rrporl. Srnatr Srlrel O,mmi lfrt on encrypted or "hidden meaninll" passaees in such
Intt!IIi/«·ncr. ](\ April 1976J. 2) A word which has broadcusu.
~rn as~illncd a clas~irkation and a cI:u~ificd
mcanrne to .,afciuard intcntions and information J. Oral and wire InterceJ'ltwns conducted under
reg"rdine a classified plan or operation. (Communlca- 000 Dirrctive 5200.24.
IlolIS-Electronics Tumin ololY (U). u.s. Drpl. af tlte
Air Force. 15 .vOl' :'J. (UJI. 3)A word which conveys a 4. Censorship. (Sillnals Intdlillrncr (SIGINT} (U).
meaninK other than its conventional one. Prearraneed DOD. l5 Jen 7.f).
by the correspondents. Its aim is to increase security.
(Glossary af CommunicatiollS-Electronics Terms (U). 2) Technical and intelligence information derived
JCS. Dec U). from forcien cummunications by other than the
Intended recipients:
CODEWORD: I) A cryptonym use':! to identify
sensitive intellieence data. (Glossary af Communica- A. Foreian Communications arc all communica-
tiollS-Electronics Terms (U). JCS. Drc 74). 1) A tions except: (I) Those of the lIovernments of the U.S.
sinele word selected from those listed in joint Army.
Navy. Air Force publication (JANA P) 299 and and the British Commonwealth. (2) Those exchaneed
subsequent volumes. and assiened a classified mean· amona private oreanizations and nationals. actina in a
ine by appropriate authority to insure proper security private capacity of the U.S. and the British Common-
concerning intentions. and to safeguard information wealth. (3) Those of nationals of the U.S. and British
pertaining to actual. real world military plans or Commonwealth appointed or detailed by their eovern-
operations classified as Confidential or hieher. (Mod- ments to serve in the international oreanizations.
ern Data CommunicaliollS Conctpts. lAnrua gt and
Mtdia (U), William P. Davtnport. Haydtn Book Co .. B. COMI NT activities arc those which produce
Inc .. 1971. (U)). COMI NT by collectinll and processine foreien
communications p:lSsed by radio. wire. or other
collection: II Anyon e or more of the eatherine. electromaanetic means. and by the processing of
analysis. dissemination or storage of non·publicly
available information without the informed express foreian encrypted communications. However trans·
consent of the ~ubJect of the information. (USSID IR, milled. collection comprises search. intercept. and
IYlIItatron.f and Prncrdurrs in Signal.r Intrllillrnce direction findine. Processine comprises range estima-
:I;'rrolinns af Ihe (lSSS (UI. NSA . 16 May 76). 1) tion. transmiller /operator identification. sienal analy-
'1 ;-,~ act of employing instruments and/or equipment sis. traffic analysis. cryptanalysis. decryption. study of
to obtain qualitative or quantitative data from the test the plainteltt. the fusion oi these prOCeSses. and the
or o~ration of foreien systems. (DdellSt Intelligtnce reporting of results.
Col/"clion Requir tmtnts Manual (C). DIA. 17 Jan
75J. 3) Used in ELINT to mean the eatherine or C. Exceptions to CO~f1NT and COMI NT activi-
cC'II~.:li"'n of the unevaluated and uninterpreted ties. COMINT and COMI NT activities as defined
. :... mation about the enemy or potential enemy. here do not include: (I) Intercept and processina of
~oc'l:'ically the collection of data from noncommuni· unencrypted written communications. except wrillen
.. '. radiators such as radars. navieation aids or plaintext versions of communications which have been
co,·"tcrmeasures equipments. (Basic Manual (U). encry'pted or are intended for subsequent encrYJ'IIion.
l:'UNT Collretion Analysis Guide (U). Natiollal (2) Intercept and processine of press. propagand~ and
(',,.plnlnllie School. 1965. (S)).
other J'lublic bru.ldcasts. except for encrypted or
communications intellillence (COMINT): 1) Technical "hidden mea nine" pa~saees in such broadcasts (3)
and intelligence information derived from foreien OperatiClns conducted by U.s .. U.K. or Common-
communications by other than the intended recipi· wealth security authorities. (4) Censorship. (5) The
ents. CO~UNT i\ produced by the collection and intcrcepliol' and ~tudy of nlln·comnlunicatiollS trans·
pn :~ssillil of foreilln communications passed by mission. (ELI'-:T). (I.'SSID J. SIGIN T Securll.l (UJ.
dcctro magne tic means. with specific c~ceptions
,taled belo",. and by the processing of foreign NSA . •'4 AUR /:1.
encrypted communications. However transmitted. J) Technical and Intellil/ellCe information derivcd
CO~lINT shall not inc/ude:
from foreien commications by sOllleone othcr than the
I. Intercept and prace,sing of unencrypted wfillen intended recipient. It docs not include forei~n rr~s.
communicallons. except the pfllcessing of Wflllcn prop3l/anda. or public broadcasts. The terlll IS
plain text versions of communications which have sometimes used interchan2eably with SIGINT. ,
been encrypted or arc intended (or subsequent Rrporl. Senalt Srlul Commiller on Intelligellce. 26
encryption. April 19761.

communh:aliom Mceuricy (COMSECI: 11 I'rllt~l.ivc thc':'elorc kl\'en ~p: .• i:lJ serllrit)' CICdr .. ncc. In \Irdcr tll
measure~ taken to deny unauthorized IJCr~an. Illlvr· ha\'e IICCC~~ t\l II. /."inul R~p()r/. Stnale Seiu/
mation derived from telecommunicatior.~ of the C(Jmmilf~t nn In/elligrnu. 16 April 19761. 1) I. In
United States Government related to national ,ecurity SlmNT. special protection ~iven to the production
and to ensure the authenticity of suclo tei:communica· and distribution of SIGINT mllteri31 of rspeciall)
tions. (U.S. In/tllilltllrt Activili(S. l:"u,'ut/Vt Ordtr sensitive "ature );:-cause of its sourCe, m.-:thod uf
No. 120J6. Jan 1978.) 2) The protection of United procC!isin~. or canttnt. 2. I:l COMSEC. rcstri:tin& the
States telecomml!nications and other communications use of specific primary c:y~lo\ariablcs to sloCCific
from exploitation by forcien intelligence services and uniU groupcu tlllcther on the basis or
from unauthori7ed disclosure. COMSEC is one of the theil gco!i:raphical ar~l (lr tl,dr c:llnmon pa:tldp:dion
mission responsibilities of NSA. It includes cryptose· in a or opc:raIlOI' 1M th~ purpJse of limitir.p,
eurity. transmission security. cmission sccurity. and
physical security of classified equipment. material. thc informatioll proie..:,~J by these cryptov:lriablc;
and documents. (Final Rtport. StllO/t StlUI Com- and IllUs liJ:lilins the ad\:rso: Impact of R cc'onl'r"misc
millu on inltllillencl!. 26 April I 976). 3) The of thez,c \'l;.ia!,lt~. (BaJir n)!!.·lOlo,;:'c Clossary (V"
protection rcsultina from the application of crypto· NS .. I . N7: ~l I. i:stabli.h01crol ar;J manacement ,.r
security. transmission security. and emis~ion security ar. ::",~lIiecnce orllani7.dtioi! so IhAt informatit'n about
measures to telecommunications and from application the pcuonncl, or~ani7.:l!iun. or activit;':s uf one
of physical security measures to COMSEC bfolmll· compoa.:nt is made available to any utller COlTlrun~rol
tion. These measures nrc taken to deny un .. uthorizcd only to tl,e elttcnt required fo( the ~rfurm3nc~ ('f
persons information of value which n.ieht be derived assigned dutie~. (DietlC"I!:.'\' ·r Military olld .4H,)ri.?:-
from the pOSsession and study of sllch telecommunica· td T~'ms. Dept. ill Ddt'"" ;U!. the Joi.,t Chfo!/s or
tions or to insure the authenticity of such telecom· Stoff. J SI!P U iVI/
munications. (Glossary af Commu;~ica/ions Struri/>,
and Emono/ions Stcurity Terms (V). V.S. Communi- compromisl:: 1) The Ics~ of couirol over any COM 11'< T
cations Stc'urity Boord. Oct. 74). ~) The protcction or information Id.lled to COMINT or COMmT
resultina from all mcuures desian~d to dcny un· 3cti\'itks rt.,;ultiue in a .. (a~or.ablc .ls~umpLioll that j.,
authorized persons information of value which might c.')!!ld have, or c(lnri! mation of the f:let that it ha',
be derived from the possession and study of tclccam· come to t~e lIIIowtr.dCe of an unauthorized person.
munications. or to mislead unauthorized persons in (VSSID J. SIGIN r ~'1'/lport IIJ Miliwrl Command·
their interpretation of the results of such (Y.lsscssion ers (V). NSA. I Jul 741. 2) The known or suspected
and Mudy. Also called COMSEC. Communications exposure of classified information or n13terial in
security includes: A. Cryptosecurity: D. Transmission whole or in part 10 unau:horized llCr$nnS throuzh los~.
Security: C. Emission Security: and D. Physical theft, caf\\ure. recovery by salvDae, defection of
Security of Communications Security materials and individuals, unauthorized viewina. or any other
information. mcans. (Ba.~ic CrYP/lllogit' Glossor.Y (V). NS t 1971)
A. C'ryptosecurity-·The component of communi· com~ulcr s~::I!rill': 1'1-e protection resultint, ;rem all
<:ations security which results from the provision (If measures dcsi~n~J tu pr:\'~nt either delib:r:ih: or
technit-ally sound cryplosystems and their r-ror·:r usc. inadverle.,t :108uthurizea disclosure, acquisiti,.l, ma·
B. Transmission Security-The component of nipulatiou. or mooiricatian of classified iniormation in
cummunications security which results from all a computer system. (B~si= Cryptoloeic GIi:~sarj' (II).
measures designed to protect transmissions from i'iSA. 1971).
interception and exploitation by means othcr than consumer: An c.bsolc:e term for customt;r. (lJ:JSic
cryptanalysis. CrYfI/olollic Glossary (UI. NSA. 1971).
C. Emission Security-The component of commu- countcri.. tdliCfdce: 1) Infollnatic..l gathered and
nications security which results from all measures activi:les conducted to protect again;;t espio:lagc :.• ,e!
taken to deny unaut.!:olri7cd persons information of'
value which mighl i'c derivcd from intercept atHi other clandestine intelligence a:lh'ities. sabot~::t.
analysis of compromisin& emanations from cryplo· international terrorist aClivities or assa~sinatior.:
equipmenl and telecommunicatiuns systems. conducted ior or or. behalf of foreien powers.
organi7atiuns or peI'S(lns. but not including personnel.
D. Physical Security···lhe comp(lnent of commu· physical. dc.;umcnt. or communication~ s~cvrity p.o·
nications security which results from all physical grams. (U,S. Itilelligt!na AClivities, Exe,'u/il'e Order
measures necessary to safeguard classified equipment. No, 1]OJo. /;:.11 /y7H,/li Informativ., concerning the
material. and documents rrom acccss thereto or prot:ction of forcl~r. intellil:cnct! or of nation::1
observation thereor by unauthumed pers.:.ns. (Die/io- sccurity inrormation and its collecticil fr,:m detection
lIar,l' of Mili/ar,l' lind .-tssanll/"d Tums. Dep:. of or di~closure, IVSSJD III. Limilolions and PrQCf!-
n~"nu (U). rile Juint Chiefs of S((iff. J Sc'P U. lUI),
dUr(f /II Si,:nal,r Inrelli.~t!nct' Opuo/i..,ns of liJe VSSS
compartmcnl8tion: J I Thc practice uf establishing (V). NSA. 26 Ma,l' 761, :i) That phHe of intelligence
special channels for handling sensitive intclligen~e cOI-erong .tli acti\'it)' dc\'oted to d~stroyinc Ihe
information, The channels arc limited to individuals erfeclovcncss of ininllcal roreign intelligence activltics
with a specific need ror such infurmation and whll arc "nli tu the pratecli",J of onfoflllalion against
Appendix B. (Continued)

espionaKe. personnel aiainst 5ubversion. and installa· deftctor: .'\ pc:rs'l~ who. for JIOlillc~I'lr olh~r ru.~n5,
tions or material aKainst saOOtaee. Sce also counter. has repudiatcd hi~ country and may h~ in p~~session
cspionaKe. countersabotalle. cO\lntcr~ubversion. (DiC'· of In(ormallon 01 interest to the: United States
tlonar.v Q/ MllitarJ' or" "'''':.';(I/,..{ Tttms. Dtpt. Q{ (jovernment. (final Rrport. S~lw/c' S,'Ie,., Conrmitltt
DeftMt (UI. the Joint (,hir:.l~ nf Sr;if/. j Srp 741. J) on Intelligtllrc. 26 April /9ifl!
That aspect of intclli2cnce acth'ity v.. hich is dcvoted to
destroyinK the effectiveness of inimical foreilln intelli· Defrnse IntellillC'nce Comr.1tmity: 'fh: /)~rens= InteUi·
eence activities and to the protection of information eence AKcncy. National Sccurity Ar:rllcr. nnd the
allainst espionalle. individuals against subversion. and intelliKence e.:omJlOnents of the unified and specified
installations or material aKilinst saootaKe. See also command. (IDIIS Glossary oJ Cnlilmm Acronyms.
counterespionaee, countersabo!alle. countersubver· Codl's. Abbrtv{alions. and TerlllS Usd i'l Dept. af
sion. (DicliOMry Q{ Militar)' and Associattd Ttrnrs. Deftnst Inttllilltne't DOlO Hontlli1l1! Sys/ell1s (IDIISI
Dtpt. Q{ DeftMt (U,. thl' Joillt Chiefs af Staff. 3 SI'P Documtnts (UI, DlA. 19701.
74 (UJI. departmental Inl~lIIll~ncc:: J) Int::IIi~"n';c ·.\·hich any
criticallnleUla~nce: Intelligence which is critical and department or 8Kency of th.: Fc'}ernl Government
requires the immediate allcnlion of Ihe commander. requires to execute its own mi~~i·:n. (Diclionar), nf
It is required to enable the commander to make Military and Associalf'd Tum.f. nt'I". IlJ (Idenst (VI.
decisions which will provide a timely and appropriate the Joint Chiefs af Stal/. j S~p 'N (V)). 2) TI,e
response to actions by the potential/actual enemy. It intelli~enee whieh Ge,v:r"·II,·I,t '!cranments and
. includes but is not limited to the followinK: aeeneies 2enerate in sUflr.a: or ·.Idr I' "11 ;u:ti'lities.
A. StronK indications of Ihe imminent outbreak of (Final Rtport. Smate Select Cmil',lit:u {;II Intelli·
hostilities of any type (warning of allack): genet. 26 April 1976).

n. Aeeression of any natur'.: ?gainst a friendly dlsSoHRllIJtion: The diMribution elf ir.f')fi·''1:ic'io intclli·
country: eenee products (in oral. writtcn. fJr ~ '~J,I::~ (unn) to
departmental and aeeney intellille:lce CI'lIsumcr~ .
. C. h:dieations or use of n'u:I::u·bio!ogieal chemi· (Final Rrport. Sellate Seltel Com,III'IICe on IIII('I/i·
cal weapons (targets): and gl'nce. 26 April 19761.
D. Sillnifieant events within l'otcnti~1 enemy coun·· double a:lerl: Agent in C:l:1t:·~t witl: ''''0 r,,!tOsi~:;;
tries that may lead to n1c;jifk:!.!i~n of nuclear strike intelliKence scrvices only Olle IIf .' ::i;;\: i: a'~'!rc r.f Ihe
"Ians. (DiL'tionary Q{ MililC!ry and Associaled Ttrms. double agcnt contact or qlJ:~i':'II: I!i~· ":O:~. ~:r.·kcs.
- oJ Delenst (VI. the Joim C/;f~(s af Staff. 3 Stp
(Dictionary of Militar,!' and ...1",0 i~rd 'f(or,·.s, D,'.",.
Q{ Defense (VI. thl' Joi'll CM,~rr .~' :;:-:'f. .~ S"r 7.'.
. ;;;cal intelli~ence ClCs..~tC(· (em UC): A Olessaee (UJI .
, 'ining information indkH1ting a situation or economic intelligence: Intelligencc rcn;I,Jih!1 fUI'"ijill
".'!; ,.;:-: .. " .I situation which affects the security or economic resources. acth·itit.!>. ard 1'·i~:;. ;FllltAl
:.. ' . o! ,·c United States or its allies to such an
Report. Stnale S<"IUI Commiltr~ "II /I·:dli.'rrJrrc. 26
...•• ; :' '. m'lY rc.quire th~ immediate attention of
;: •• ; ; ;;5:0 ..... (DcferoSe Special SecurilY Commllnica'
April 19761.
li,,'IS S"sum (DSSCSI Operating Instructions Sys· electronic intelligence (ELI NT): 7.) Tj'~1 1·:·i"I;t·~! 8:ld
. I i -n'm's (V). NSA. IS F~b 731. intelliaencc information dcrived (lI.m I,u::ir,1I electro-
.1 l'plography: The enciphcrinll of plain tellt so that it
mal:netie noncornmunicationr, lr,,".\!l::-"i·~,,:; by other
','1.11 be unintclli~iblc to an un~uthorizcd recipient.
than the intended recipients. (GI,.-.Isa,)' {If Comrmmi·
(Fina( Report. Senal~ S~/r.c! CO''Ir:tilttl' on Inrtl/i· calions·Eltclronirs Terms (UI. Jes. /).-c 7,(/. 2) Tile
tet. 26 /pril 19761. intelliKencc information proc;dcl "I f.-Ii. i(i~:; c",~r.llcd
in the collection and prN". ;,in~. r.. ~ n':)··.:/IUtlit
: l'),pt:.,..ullerilll: All COMStC malcrial besrinK the intelligence purposes of rOrr.i,!n r."'I·:~ .. n;'ll':1j.;;lIions
n"I!;inll CRYPTO or otherwise d~sii:nated as incor· electromaEnetic radhlion~ ("""Mllns '''·'1:1 "II,~r II::",
... -tine cryptollraphic inforllinlion. Cla~sified cryp· nuclear detonations and racl"x·.. ·: ": .: .,,~:~. In'1.•:(
tucQuipmcnts. their classified subdh'isions and keyini ('ryplolol(ic Glo,UtAr.l· (V). NSA. ; \'7/). 3) 'r ,chni~,)
material arc considered crypt"ma:eri~1 C\'cn thoueh and intclligence informalion dcriHf! :">'l1 Ih~ celite·
they do not bear the CRYI'TO nnrking. (Commun;' tion (or interception) a"..! r"· .... ~in" "r f"rd~~
calions·E/~c'rolli{'s Trrnlln%f'" (V). U.S. Drpl. of dr-ctromaenet i.: radia ti(ln~ (,,<::": '''''1;0,1'\ ni"" Ii,JOS)
Ihl' Air Forre. 15 Nov 73). emanatine frorn 10llrcc~ stich as I;I\:·~. H .. J: IT is part
current intelligence: SummariL~ .Ind zIIal)se5 of reccnt of the NSA/CSS Sil:n~l~ Int. 1101'':'''' ::;~";:' Ii. (I-'i::d
events. (Final Rl!porl. Sl'1i7f~ .<'rl.-.. , CC~lmi"tl' on R,·/Iorl. Smate Scire: ('om~:. II'· '. !" l/i~'I/.·,·. ;6
Inltl/igtnce. 26 April 19761 Apri! /976/
Appendix B (Contil1ued)

electronic: order of battle (EOB): A document summa· Reliability "f source:

rizina lhe deployment of enemy noncommunic3tillns /\. Com,.letcly reliable; 8- ·Usually reliabl.::
and communications emittel'!< in u aiven area. In i.: - Farrly reliable: I)-Not usually reliable; E-Unreli·
addition 1.0 deployment. the E08 also contains data as able: I'-Reliabilit) canrollt be judiCd.
to the function of each emitter. (Basic' Manrlal (U).
EUNT Cofftction Analysis Guldt (U). Nalional Accur&cy of information:
Cr)'plologk School. 1965). 1- ·Confirmed by othel Slllltt"::S; 2-·Probably true;
J I'"ssibly Irue; 4· .. Doubtful: 5··· hnprobablc.
electronic ,rcu,'ity: The detccti.m. identific:ntion. (, .. Truth Cdnnot b.: jud"cd.
evaluation, and location of fore ian electromagnetic
radiations. (Filial R~pon. Sfnal~ Stltel CommlUtt (1J;t:tianary uf Milito/')' 11',il .·lsJ'oc;aled Terms. !lI'pt.
on Inltlligtnct. 26 April 1976). of Ddt?/lSt lUI. Ihe J";,1t CIJi(/s CJ/ S!a/f. 3 Stp 74.
electronic suneill.nce: Su(Veill3nce conducted on a
2) In If.tellir."nce u,age. appraisal oi lin item of
person. aroup. or other entity by electronic equipment
inforl.latiiln ill lei m~ or cr.!(li1)iiilY, reliability. per·
which is often hiahly sophisticated nnd extremely
sensitive. (Final R~porl. S~/la'~ SeI~cl Com",illte on tinency, and accuracy. Apilrailnl is aCC4mpiishcd at
several staaes within the intellillcnc:.: cycle with
Inttlligence, 26 April I 976).
proarcssively differcnt c.;JntcxlS. (Recammendttl
ellI:lpber: To C4nvert a plain text mC!Salie into Changt' 10 JCS Pllb J. ~5 July 1977).
unintelliaible form by the usc of l cipher system.
(Final Report. Stnatt Stlt~' Commille(' on Inl~l/I­ explolt:.:I!;n: In 51G11'i1. the production of infolma
genu. 26 April I 976). tion from mCSSlllles t1,t.t llTe c~lclypted in systems
whose basic elements arc known. Eltploil3tion in·
encrypt: To convert a plain text messaae into c1udes decryption, tra:.$lation. and lbe solutiun .)(
unintelliaible form by means of a cryptosystem; this specific controls su,:h 3! indicators and !pecific ke)$
term C4vers the mcaninas of enciphcr and cncode.
(Final Rtpon. Stnalt Stle(1 Commiller
gtnee. 26 April 1976).
0" Inltlli- (8:lSi( Cryplolol1le Glossar)' (U). ,'liSA. 1971).
fortl:;n intelligence: I) (nformation relating to the Clandestine intelliaence collection activity. capabilities. intentiuns and 3ctivitir.s of foreign
This term is oftcn interchanaed with "clandestine powers. organizations or persons, but not including
collection." (Final Rtpon. Stnatt Seifet ('anlmillt(' cllunterintellillenc.: excepl for information on mterna·
un Inttlligtnee. 26 April 1976). tional terrorist activities, {U.S. Inltlligtnce Acril'itil'S.
EX('('ulivt Grder No. 11016. Jan 1978,} 2) a.
enlu.tioa: I) Appraisal of an item of information in Information concernin!! the capabilities. intenti~n;,
terms of credibility. reliability. pertinency. ;.nd .tnd activities of auy foreien powc:r. or of any non·
accuracy. Appraisal is accomplished at seYeral stace~ Unitcd States p;:rson. whether within or outside Ihc
within the intclliacnce process with progressivcl~ United S!BlI:S or concerninll areas outside the Unitcd
different contexts. Initial evaluations made by case State~. b, Informatiun relntina to the ability of th~
officers and report officers arc focused upon the Unilcd Stnte~ to protect ilself 3~ainst :,,::tu.. 1 0:
reliability of the source and the accuracy of the potential ,allack or olher hoslile act~ of a foreign
information 35 judaed by data available at or close to power or its IIQents. c. Information with rcspect tu
their operatinnal levels. Later evaluations by intelli· forcien powcrs or nIln·Unitcd States pcrson~ which
aence analysts arc primarily concerned with verjfyinK becau~e of its importance is deemed cssenti31 to th,'
acc\jracy IIf infnrmalion and may. in effect. convcn security (If the Unitcd Stalcs or to the condu<.:1 oj" i!,
information inlo il!:dii~cllce. Appraisal or evaluatior: forcien "ffairs. d. Information relaling to the abi:it)'
of items of information or intelligence is indicated by of the Unitcd States to protect itself against tit:
a standard letter·number system. The evaluation of activitic. of forcian intelligence services. (USS/D 18.
the reliability of sourcc:s is designated by a letter from Limitations all/I Proredurts in S;gnal.1 Inrelligtllce
A through F. and the accuracy of the information is Opnotions of Ihe USSS (U). NS.4. ]fJ Mill' 761. 31
designated by numeral I through 6. These arc two Intelligence concernina areas not under contrel "r the
entirely independent appraisals. and these separate power sponsoring the collection effort. (DiCliIJna/.l' of
appraisals arc indicated in accordance with the Military and A!s(jciat.·d Terms. Depl. of Dejenre (ll).
system indicated below. Thus. informalion adjudgcd the J(Jim Chid! CJ/ SuJ//. J SfP 14 {UJI.
to be "probably truc" received from a "usually
reliable source" is (leSi&llaled "8·2" Ilr "82" while Iluidance: The gcneral direction or .:n inlclligcn.:c
information of which the "truth cannot be judged" cifon. particularly in the arca of celie;:li.Jn, (Frnal
received from a "usually reliable source" is desiil' R~PfJrt. Sfnate Sdt1"t CO/llmi/lo!r em IlIItiliRmtc. ]f>
..... nated "8·(," or "86." Aplil 1'1161
Appendix B (Continued)

inlelllgence "yclt: I) 1 he sleps by which information is

lntcRration: In rhotoerarhy. a rmcess by which thc :tsscmblcd. "'lOverted In intellit:enee. arod made
average radar ricturc seen un ~l'veral ~eans of the timc :tvallablc til user'. These stt'IIS :Ire in four phases:
base may be obtained nn a rrint. ur. the rrucess b) A. Planning :md directiun. l>etennin.llion of intcl-
which several rh~loS:i ;'phic ima&es arc cCIR:bined 10111 lillence reQuircments, rrepar:tli(ln of a collection plan.
a single imalte. (Dieliollary of Mililary and A.ulI- issuance of ('rdcr~ and requests t'o information
cialrd Tn",.!. D!pl. IIf DefrnSt! (VJ. Ihl' Joint CMr/s collr.ction 3g~ntit'S, and a continuous check on the
of Suvl. 3 Stp 74. (VJ). produ"ivll) of cullection agencies.
intelligence: II Foreign intelliGence and counterintelli- B. Colleelton: The e~ploitation of sources of
gence. (V.S. Inlt!lIigt'nt"t' .1c·Iil-ilies. Ex~cutivr Ordtr informatinn by c:lllcction ailenCICS and thc delivery of
No. 12036. Jan 711./1) The product resultinll from the this information to the proper intelligence processing
collection. collation. evaluation. analysis. integration. unit for use in the production of intelligence.
and interpretation of all collected information. (Final C. Processin.:: The step whereby information be-
Rtporl. Senalt Stltel Commill~r 011 Int~l/ig~nc~. 26 comes intellillence through e\'aluation, analysis, inte-
April 1976). .1) The product resulting from the IIration, lind interpretation.
collecting and processing of information concerning D. Dhsemination' The conveyance of intellillence
actual and potential situatiuns and conditions relatine in suitable form (ural. srarhk. or written) to allencics
to foreign activities and to foreign or encmy-held nealinll it. (Diclionar.l· rU Military and Associaud
areas. This procc.~sing includcs the eval'Jation and T~rms. IHpl. of Ddell.f~ (V). /hr Joill/ Chiefs of Stoff.
collation of the information obtained from all 3 Sep 74. (Vi). 1) The steps by which information is
available sources. and its analysis, synthcsis, and assembled. cunverted into intelli::cnce. and made
interpretation. (Basic Cryptu/oJ:ic Glossary (VI. NSA. available 10 consumers. Th: cycle is composed of four
197/). 4) The .product resulting frolR the collection, basic phasc.~: (I) direction: the determination of
e\'aluation, analysis, integration, and interpretation of intcllillcnce requirements. preraration of a collection
all available information which concerns one or more plan, lasking of collection agellcies. and a continuous
aspt!cts of foreign nations or of arC3S of operations and check on the productivity of thcse agencics; (2)
whkh is immediately or potentially significant to collection: the cxplflitation of inforrnatitln source:; and
the delivery of the collected information to the proper
military planning and operations. (Dicliollary of intelligence prOCcs.~inF unit for usc in the production
Mililar.,· and Associaled Ttrms. Dtpl. of Deftnu (UI of intellillence; (3) processing: the sters wherebY
Iht Joint Chir/s of Stofl. 3 Scp 74. (UII. information becomes intellillence throueh evaluation.
intrlliRcnee r;cthllies: Sec 14. (a) As used in this antilysis, inteillation. anti interpretation; and (4)
reM.lution, the term "intelligence activitics" includes dissemination: the ciistributi"n of information or
Ii) the collection. analysis. production. dissemination. intelligence products (in oral. written. or IIraphic
form) to departmental and aeency intelligence 'con-
llf use of informatiun which relates to any foreign sumers. (Fina/ Reporl. Scna/t Sd~et Commillet on
cnuntr~, or any government, political group, party, Inltllig~nCt. 26 April /9761.
military force, movement, or other association in such
: .... -'· •• 10 country. and which rclates to the defense,
inlelllgence ~~Iimfttt: An appraisal of the ekments of
",~ign poliC). natiunal security, or related policies of intelligence rclatinlllt' a specific situation or condition
the United Statcs. and other acth'ity which is in with a view to determining the e(1urses of action open
to the enemy or potential enemy and the probable
·.1Pf' : t of such activities; (2) activities taken tu order of their adoption. (Dictionory of Military and
counter similar activitics directed altainst the Unitcd A.rsoc;aud Terms. D~pl. rU D<:!elLre (V). the Joint
f..' .lIes; (3) cuvert or clandestine activities 3ffc:eting Chiefs of SttVf. 3 Sep U (UI/.
tile relations of the United States with an) foreign
govcrnment. political group. party, military force. inlelliacnec inrorm:allon: I) In SIGINT. information
movement or other association; (4) the collection. which is of intcllir.enee usc to customers who~
primary mission docs not include SIGINT orcrations
analysis,productiun. dissemination. ur use of informa- of technical SIGINT inf,'rm:llior.. (Oasie Crypl%[{ic
tion acout activities of persons within the United G/os.far)· (UI . ...·8.4 IN I. 1971l. 2) The unev:lluated
::·ates. its territories and possessions. or nationals uf and uninterprrted i~f"rt'lation about the enemy or
the United Slates abroad whose political and related potential enrm)!. (8111;( IIIQUUIJ/ ,Ii!. HUNT Collu-
3Cllvlltes pose. or ma) bc cun<idered by any (ion Ana/y.u.! !laId,' iUI. 1,'l!IlfJnU/ Cryprll/ogir
derartment. agency. bureau. office. division. instru· .':>·choll/. 19651.
mentality. or employee of the United States to pose. a intrllillcncr reporl: A srccifk rer<1I1 of inform3lion.
thrcat to the inlernal se,urit) of the United States. usually nn a ~inRle item. made at any! of
and covert or clal'destine activities directed against cllmmand in t~ctica) nperation' anrl dis5cminatcd as
such persons. Such tcrm doe< nnt include tactical rapidly :I~ ro~siblc in ;.(Crinr, .\ ith the tlmciines! of
foreign military intelligence serving no natil'nd) the infurmatiun. Alsu "?lIcd I:"TREP. (Dlctionnr.I' af
policym3king fun,·tilln (S,·n,,(.· Rt'J()/ulion ,mo. JUlie Mililar.l· and A!.fI,";ar~,: T~ml.t. J)cpt. af Ddtnu (VI.
/9:'7./ the Joint Ch,r./.t 0/ S af( J .\'"P 74 (U)!.
·, rt.IIIIC.IUU. D \ '.U.II.IIU'~UI

la.ellillencc: requiremenC: /\ consumer statement u( nldonlAl Intclliatnc~: II Intc~rated departmenlal

information needed which is not already at hand. rnlclliecnce that cover_ the broad aspects of national
(Final Report. SI'II,'If St:l.. ,·t tim""il/t'" lin IlItdli- policy und national security. is of conCern to more
Renet'. }6 April I CJ7I'1J. Ihan onc dcpartment or allency. Rnd transcends the
elclu~ive cumpclence or a ~inile department or
In'erceplion: The i1CI u( searchinll fur and listening lu a~ency. (I);"tillnar.l' of Military and AS'(lXiatl"(
and/m recordine cummunications and/or elcctronic 1'l'rnu. Drpt. tV IJd'l'nsl' (V). thl' Joint Chid's of StQ{J.
transmissiuns fur Ihe purpose of oblaininll intdli· J Srp U. (U)). 11 Inlellillcnce produced by the CI/\
lence. (GIII.uur.v of COnlnlun;.·"tiul/S·/::lectrunirs which bears on the broad aspecls of United States
Terms IV). JCS. nt'e 74). nation:!1 policy and national secllrily. It is of coneern
inltrnational terrorist aetlylties: Means an)' activily or to more than one department or aaency. (Final
activities which: (a) invulves killina. CilUsinll serious Rl!pllrl. StnaU Seltrt Committee on Intelligl'nce. 20
bodily harm. kidnappina. ur violent deslruclion of April 19701.
properly. or an allempt or credible threal to commit NationallnCellIlience F.,tlma.e: A str~leeic estimate of
such aels; and (b) appears inlended to endanler a capahilities. vulnerabilities. and probable courses of
prolectee of the Seerel Service or the Department of actiun o( foreilln nalion, which is produced at the
State or 10 further political. social. or economic eoals naliunlll level as a composite of the views of the
by intimidatina or cocrcina a civilian population or Intelligence Community. (Dictionary of Military and
any selment Ihereof. influencinl the policy of a .4.ssoriaud Terms. Dep/. of Dd'enst' (V). /he Joint
1I0\'crnment or international orllanizalion by intimida- Cl.ids of SttU/. 1 Sep 74. (VJI.
tion or coercion. or oblainina widespread publicity for
.. Iroup or its cause; and (c) transcends nalional operational Ir.,ellille..ce: 1) Intelligence required for
o(lundaries in terms of the means Ly which it is planning and executine all types of militar> oper·
accomplished. the civilian population. Ilovernment. ur 'Ilillns. 1) Intellilence required to support the activi·
illternational orlanization it appears intended 10 lies of intellillence aeencies under the National
Securily Council. (Basic' C,yptolo/lic Glossary (Ui.
coerce or intimidate. or the locale in which its NSA. 1971).
perpetrators operale or seck asylum. (V.s. Inlf/li-
/lenee Activitiu: Executive Order No. 12016. 26 Jan physical securfly: Il The component or security which
197R.) results from all physical mcasures necessary to
safcguard classified equipment and malerial rrom
musuremenC and sllnaCure Inlelligenre (MASINT): .. cccs.~ by unauthori7.ed persons. (Busic C'),ptologil'
M/\SINT i5 obtained by quantitative and qualitative Cl/ussary (V). NSA. 19711. 11 The component of
analysis of data (metric. anele. spatial. wavelenlth. COMSEC which results from all physical measure~
time dependent. modulation. plasma. and hydromal- necessary to safeluard COMSEC material and
netic) derived from sensini instruments uther than information from aceess thereto or observation
those normally associated with human communica- thereof by unauthoriled persons. (Glossary uJ Com-
tions. electronics intellilence (HUMINT. COMINT. munica/ions Securit.\' and Emanations Secu'it.~·
ELI NT) or imalery collection. M/\SINT includes. Tum.r (V). V.S. ((,mmunica/ions Security Board.
but is not limiled to. the following disciplines: Radar. Ol't 741. 3) The clement of communicalions securit)· ,
.intelligence (RADINT): Nu.:lear intellilencc thai results from all physical measures neccssary (or
(NUCINT): Unintentional Radiation intelli- safc:~uardini classified equipment. material. and
lienee (RINT): Acoustic intelligence (Non- documents (rom access or observatiun by unauthor·
Comprcssible fluids "- ACINT: Compressible i7.ed persons. (Communil'alions-Electronics Termin-
fluids - ACOUSTINT): Eleclro-Optic intelli- aloll.!' (V'). V.S. Dl'pt. of /he Air Forer. 15 Nov 71J. 41
eence (Electro-OPTINT): Event·related dynamic Thai part ur security concerned with phY$ical
measurements photollraphy (OPTI NT): and dcbris measures designed to safeguard personncJ to prevenl
colleclion. Telemetry intellillence (TELl NT) is a unilulhllril.ed access to equipment. (acilities. malerial.
special ea!cgory uf signals intellieencc (SIOI NT) that and documents. and 10 safeguard them againsl
provides measurement data on foreign in~trumenta­ e~piollagc. sabotage. damalle. and thefl. Sec also
tion sillnal~ (FIS). Requirements for collection will be c:ommunications security. (Dictiunary of Mili/ary and
expre~~ed a~ M/\SINT requirements. The term A.uuda/ed Terms. Dtpt. of Ddtn$/' (VI. th,. Jnim
~"SINT should be used when referring 10 the abuve Chid" uJ S/(Q/. J Sep 74).
.:atellories of special ~ensor disciplines in aggregate. pluin I~d: Unencrypted cllmmunicatkms; specifically.
IDdcnsl' Inrdligen<',· Col/e"';on Rl!quirt'lIIl'nl.r Man- t hc llriginal ,"c.~saie of a cryptogram. expressed in
rlUl In m.·t ]7 Jan 75). ordinary IJnguage. IFinal Report. Smalr S~/e.·1
medical intelligencl!: That calcgory (If intcllil!ence C"mllllllu on In/dIiRenll'. 26 April 19761.
"hich ,(Jncerns itself with man a~ a living organism polilicill intc:11illence: Intelligence con~erning fureicn
and thuse fa.:t(lr~ affectine his efficiency. capability. a ncl dOlllcstic policies of governmcnt~ and the
anr! well-bemg. IIJicrionan' lif Mrlilar.v lind A.rmcial- a.: .. vitic~ or political movements. lDiC/lonU~1 ,~r
I'd Tnn/\,. ne",. of Od"nu (VI. Ihr Joint Chief.r af Milillln' anti A.rsllr;ult'd Terms. Dt'pr. of ndrnse 1(',.
SIWJ: .1 ,\.~" 74. IIIJI. Ih,' ./0/111 Chids uf Stoff. J ..... ,.p 74!

Appendix B (Continued)

procHsing: II The manil,ulalion of collccled raw \cnsiliwt "nmpartmenIN informaliun: '1 he term as
informalion 10 makc il usabll' in ilnaly~is III I'rCI'Me u,cd In th" m:,n\l:.' is identified With it, use in \)('10
for dala sloralle nr rClricval. (pinul Rt'PtITl, S,'mll,' I/I·t 't i, intl'nded III include all information and
Stl,.rt ('ummi/ttt lin Inlrllilll'nrr, 16 April 107fJj 21 matcri,,! l'c;l/Inl! 'I'rcial Int:llil:enn' Cummunity
Trealmenl of COI'Y in accordance wllh predclcrmined cnnlml, illllil'aling rest ric led handling wilhin Com-
and generalized crileria so as IU I'roduce lIlI or some of munity intellillcnee collection programs and their end
Ihe informalion conlained in it in iI new ,medium or a p/lldueb fnr wInch <.'nmmunity systems of compart-
new form, (The main Ij'pes of prncc\sinl! ilrc mcntatinn arc formally established. The term docs not
clln\ler~ion, ~eanning, e~lrllClion, lhgeslion and di'lri, indude /l'5Irictcd data as defined in stction 11.
zalion), (Ba,lic Cr.l'ploltlKlr (;Iu./,rar" ((II, lOll I, ,11 Atomic Encrg) '\ct "f 1954. as amended. (Struril,v of
Furlhcr handling, manipulalilln, consolidaliulI, cmn' (iJmpartmt'ntrd C"mpUltr O('tralicJn./ (U). /)[ A, U
positing, cIC,. of infnrmalion 10 convert il frum one Jtln 75}.
format to another or 10 rcduee il 10 mllnage"blc ~iKnal: II In electronics, any transmitted electric
and/or inlelligible infurll1alion, (Comlllunic'alion.\- impulsc which i~ of intere~t in the particular contellt:
1:.'ltClronks Ttrminll/u/l.l' (UI. U.s. Dtpl. of'lhi Air and 21 AnythinG intentionally transmitted by visual
Foret. 15 Nov 73). 41 In pholngraphy. the nperalions acoustic.lI. or eltctrical methods, which i5 intended to
necessary 10 produce neg:lliycs. diaposiliyes or prints convey a meaninl! to the recipient. (Basic Cryplologir
from ellposed films, platcs or paper. (/);"Iionary uf Cilossar..• (IJl. NSA. 10711. JI A visual, audible.
Mililarl' and As./ociaud Tam./. ntpl. oJ ne!tnSf (LI}. clcctrical. or nther indication used to convey informa-
Ih€, Joint Chit!.r of SlaIJ: _, ....1'1' 741. tion: and 41 The messalle or effect to be conveyed over
. production: I) Intelligence pmduct mC:lns the esti- a communication system. (Glossar_I' of Marhint
mates. memorand'l and other reports produced from Pmrt.uin/l Ttrln.l (U). NSA (OfficI' of Marhint
Ihc analysis of ayailable information. (/;.·xl'rlllivl' Pmrt.uingl. 10641.51 Evcnt,l'henomenon or electrical
Ordtr No. 11036. 16 Jan 1978.1 21 The preparatiun l,f Quality that conveys information from one point to
reports based on an analysis of information to meet another: and 61 Operationally. a type of messalle that
the needs of intelligence users (consumers) within and is L'Onveyed or transmilted by visual. acoustical. or
outside the Intclligence Community. (Final RtpUrl. electric means. The text consists of one or mOre
Stnalt StltCI Committee on /nltlligtnl·t. 16 April leller5. wurds. eharucters, sillnal flags, visual displays,
10761. or special ~ounds with prearranged mellninas. (Com-
nlllnicalion.f-f:ll'rlronir TtrminololO' (VI. U.S. Dtpl ..
radiation intelligence: Intelligence derived fmm the of II/(' Air "·"rcr. 15 N()I' 731.
collection and analysis of non-information be'lring
signal~ Intelligence (SIGINT): II A generic term which
clements extracted from the electromallneti.: cnerg),
includes bOth communications intellil:ence
unintentionally emanated by forcilln devices. cQuil'- (C'OMI:-.IT) and electronic: intelligence (ElINT).
_. ·~ts. and systems ellcluding those lIenerated by the
(/ilo.uart' of (i"nmunicalion./-l:.'lr"ronir./ Ttrms (lI).
r._t.lQation of automatic/nuclear weapons. (Dicliu- Jes. Dtc. 741. 21 A eeneric term including communi-
,".'" uf Mililary al/d Assuriall'd Terms. Depl. oj cations intclligenee and electronic intelligence. abbr.
il,'t'lur !VI. Ihl' Joinl Chit!.1 af SUqf. 3 Stp 74). SlGINT. (SIGINT refer~ to the combination of
«·.·.oirem""'· A general or specific requesl for COMI!'<T amI ELINT or to either when one IIf them
'I"· .: . :'1C~ information made by a member of the is not sl'eeifically identified I, (BasiC Cr.,·plolollic
l:l1dligence Community. !Final Report. Senale Sdecl GlIIs.lllr.!' (U). NSA. 1971). 31 A generic term which
(",".qi/frl' lin Inlr/Ii"l'tI",. 16 April 1076j. includes bUlh communication intelligence and elec-
tronic intelligenct. Also called SIG INT. Sec also
~denlifie and technical intelligence: The product intelligence. (/Jirtianar.v uf Mililary and Assorialtd
,ul';"R from collection. evaluation, analysis lind T.·rm.r. Dept. "f Odl'n/t (UI. Ihe J'lint Chiefs oJ·Slaff.
;,tcrl'retallon of foreicn scientific and technical J St!p 74. ({II) . . . , A category of inlelligence
Information which cu\'er~: A, Forei"n developments in information comprising all communications intelli-
ba"e and al'plied re~earch and in applied cn"ineering I:cnee (COMINT). electronic, intelligcnce (ELlNT).
te~hni4ucs: and R, Scientific and tcchnical character- and telemetry IIItcllig~n~e (TH.INTl (.';il(nals IIllr/'
,.IICS. capabilitie~. and limitalillns of all furcign lil(rnu (SlCi·/.'V II ((//. O(W. ,15 Je/ll 731.
~l1lht·:,\, s\slel1". weOlpo'n,. weapon systems and
IIlateriiti. 'He re,ear~h and development related source: II A per',m. thine. <II al'II\'ity which provides
: hercto. and Ihe production I1Il·thods employed for intellieence informiliion. In clJndc\tinc 3clI,·;tics. the
.: :r manufacture (I'SSII) 4(1. 1:·/.IN1' Opr",'ing term "I'phe> tll ;In :IRcnt or a~~ct. normally a foreiRn
/'obC'!' (PI. NS·I . .'4 C),'r :.'51. national. bCIIII! llsed in an intelligence :Ict;,'ity for
intelligence I'"rr~"es In interrogations. it refcrs to a
~rn,ithc: Slllncthin~ "llIch re'luiles ~l'Ccial protection I'Crson who fu,n"hes intelligence information with or
fr,,.n d,sdo,urc. "h,ch could cau,e embarrassment. "ithout knllwll'd~e thaI the informat;"n i~ being u~ed
cl1ll1prnmise. UI thre.1I til lhe security of the sponsor· for intelligence I'I'r(1O\e\, 211n Interrclgati·m aeti\'ides.
in~ ;>.I\\Cr. (Finlll N"/'orr, S,'nlll,· S"/rcl Comlllitlr,' ;,"~ person \\h" furnished '"tclligcnee that the
"" Itllel/il!l'!lt'r. 2(' ..1/",1 loJ7(>I, inform.llion " t'oc,ng u,ed fll: InlclllRcncc purp\l~es. In

Appendix B (Continued)

this context, a controlled sourcc is in the cmployment Allene). ID(Irnsr Spr"ial Src:uril.V ('nmmunic'at;ons
or under the control of the intellillcnec activity and .\joslI'm iDSSC SJ Operating Inslrurlionl Sysl~m/
knows that his information is to be used (nr I)//Ia PmrrJur(!J (UI. NSA. II Oc:t 75).
inlellillence purposcs. An uncontrolled source i~ a
voluntary contributor of information 3nd m3Y or m3Y special Sfn~or: Equipment on instrumented platforms
not know that the inform3tion is to be used for and in installations desiancd tu collect measurement
intcllillencc purpose~. (DiC:lionary (If Mililary and alld sillnature data that can be further processed into
A.fsocial~d Ttrn .f. D~pl. 0/ D({rnsC' (£/). Ihl! Joint data usable by intelliaence analysts. (Dt/tnll! Inl~lIi­
fltnC'~ (illltc:tinn Rtquirtm~nt .• Manual DIA. 27 Jan
Chid's of SIO/f. J Sep U. (V)).
S\l«ial Intelligence communications (SPINTCOMM):
SPINTCOMM 'wa~ established by Secretary of tactieat intelliaence: Intellillence which is required for
the planning and conduct of tactical operations.
Defense Memorandum, dated 4 November 1964. It
Essentially tuctical intelliaence and strateaic intelli·
cunsists of those communiclltions facilities under the gence differ linly in scope, point of view and level of
operational and technical control of thc chief of employment. (Dlrt;"lIary 0/ Military and AS$oc:iat~d
intellillence of each of the military departments and TC'rm.f. Orpt. 0/ D(/tIlU (V). Ihl! Joint Chid's 0/ Sto/1.
under the management of the Defense Intellillence J Sep 74. (V)).


Appendix C
01111" 11II101i''lIliUII', 1I1~1I1' III ... 1,it,l, "'III"ill ""'"ili,,,1 illill"
IImlillll, .. I:... "IIIII"ill ,1,'lillil;ulI' "I illlo·lli':'·I1('(· krill' All h"I,·,
.. f ,<.. III.· uf IhI'S<' 11I."Ii(~IIiUII< Ul'iN'"'' loc'lul\'

:\I'I/ilisilillll alld Slortl)!,· of Ili/mma/illll (:II11,wninR NtllI"\/fi/ial"I/ P"',\IIIU and

(}rgani:aliolls, ArnlY H"((lIialillll :lH(J,I:I. S.·II .... nlo,·, I!Ii I
APP S"l'IIrilli Marlf/nl. 1'C'chnlqurx nnrll'rtll'/·tI,m·$ fur 1,"p/"/IIfllling J)rllrlil'tlling,
n".IiUII. anti f:m/ualillg S".:urr n"$IIuro'I',s/"'rilil/ :\0/' .'i1/\1,'flU. D"D, Janllan'
Busir C,"plrl/oRil' CIt~!slIrll' NSA, I !Ii I
C:hnrlcr of DCI SICINT Comnill//'.·, l)CJL) Nu. Ii/I. Mu\' I!lili
Classlflcal/on alld lJei:/lIsslfll'alifJII of Nalimwl S/"'lIrilli III/Ollila lion anti Malrrlal.
F.x('Culive Ord"r No, 11652 Mardi 11172 1I11t! a~ 11mI'mI",!.
C:omIKl/ Inlelligcncl', Armv to'i"'''
Manllul 30,S. (Mobc-, 1973
C:ornlfl,mlca/lons,f:IC'I'lmnics Tl'rmlnlllnRII lIand/KHlk, J'uhlie Affair. J'rt'l'.\ 1965
('U""IIII'I/('alions,r./I'(·/ronlr.~ 7·l'TmirIIlI01!v. ll.S, 1)"111. of II,,· Ai, 1"""1', SII\('mllt'r
Communica/iuns Clussarl/. Hllnl/e C:(IIIIInlllll/"r5 Caullci/. Whil" Sallris .\1IS$I/,·
liang,·, M:lft'h 1966
CUlllm,mlcalimls ,'i,'curil", Arill \. 1I''I(III,,1i1l1l :;.IU,~ M"rl'i, 1'171;
Cun/rcll uf C:mnprolllMnl! Emllllaliflll .• ArIllY 1I1'Illlblinli !j:10,oI. JIIIII' 1971

Comelillallon of v,s, Cland,'slilll' Fmd/ln Irl/dllg/'nl'l' alld ..klll'ilil's ..'broad. DCJO
~o, 5/1. Mav 1971;
CotJrdinalian uf I1,S. Clalld/!,~liru' Fml'lllli Inl/'/lillr,1I'1' allfi CoulIl,·rlnlt'lIiRenc,·
I./alsoll. J)CID Nil. 5/2, Ma\' H176
Cmmtrrlnlf'lIiR"n,'1' O/If'rtlli,ms, Arrn\' 1"i"I" Munllal :10,1. January 1972
C:ounlerln/l'illgl'nrl' !iv/'dal OpI'ra/lon.<, Arllll' Fit·I,1 MUIIlIilI :30-171., Fl'bruar\ 1973
nCI Po/icli an HI'II'n.,,· v/ Parl'ign Inll'lIlll/·nt'" It) (.'/11/"0,'1",., DCID 1\:(1. 1/7, Mav
DoD Uuman Resource IlIlrlllllence CIIII/,,'/iall I,II"II'III/'nlllllllll Nail, 1966
nalu Slalidardi:ativn fllr Ihe Inl"'/iRI'nl'" CIIIIIIIII,"III/. ()(:II> 1\:" J!5. Mal' 19.6
Ol'f"rlor Progralll, Th/'. NSCJO No.4. Fl'hru:II'1 1972
/).-(1'/:1", Program A/'rnail. l'h.,. Dell> Nil. ,1,2 \111\' U)i(;
Ol'Jl'n"r 11I1,./ligfll('1' Collertion Rrqui,,'n ... II" M/IIwul. J)JA January 19,5
Of'iens", Specitl! ,'i"rurllll Conllnunlcaliulu SIJ~II'III (OSSes) (lll/'raling Ins/rucllons
SlIslem/Dola Pmccdllrrs, NS.... Oduh"r I!li5
()I'lillilian.~ of Search lind AIII//I/,ti.• 'fl'rrm. "\I'III'/lIlir /l (/I "S"I/'f'I",1 F.I"I'lmnl<'
~:",il/I'rs fllr TarRI'1 COlllllrll'.•• " )1111" I!)(;·I

/l/·IIO"III,'lIlo/ll... ..\ rill II SII/III/"nll'lIl (I> /ll>P,S:'!IJII /,/1. "\"11\ 1I'·lluJ..Ii,," :1M·O,) .Iul\'
1!)';' oj
Picli'lIIllrll ll/ ,\fi/ill/rll Ilnt/ A""/'Iul,.d '/','''''\. )CS 1',," I S",I\I·mh.·, 19. ~
/lif'limlllrll II/ Trl,'('/lmlllunirallllll.I, nr:u
Appendix C (Continued)

me/iun ur" tJJ (l1/1/,·d SIIII,'., :\rll/II ·r,.,m.•. MIII\' ""lIlIlalillll :\II1·:!.; JUII" lIIi:!
IIIJIII(,NtI,· fXIl/tli/ lltlor, 1'rt/llrUII/ Arill I' 1I''I(lIlat '"11 'IS! I~,
Jull' I!I,·I
He"/rIJ l'if SC('urilll ArIllY IIc~lIlatillll 5:11J.:J JI/II,· I!I~ I
f:/rclrn mf \Vorfat (' .'\rmy III'Klllatilln lIli·H7. AIIIII/" Wi"
F.UNT (I/Icru/ ing I'ul/('II. I'SSm 40. Octobt'r 1\17:;
£1.1"'1' C:III1"rllm', Guld,', ~aliollal Crypllll"l:io- sdll.'1. I!)fi.;
f:IIPnJlI Pri.lo"rr~ u/ ,War. C:ilillan 1III,'m("'.I. (/1/d "('I'UlI/, (1 I'Prson$. !\rm\' Fi~leI
Manllal 19··m. F,'bru~ll' J!l7(i
}:n/linel'r 11//t'lIigpm·f'. AIIII\' Fi,·leI Mal/ual 5,;'10. St''",ht'r 1!l67
Final RC/lurl 0/ Ihl! SI'I,'('I C:oII/II/lllce 10 Sludli Govc''' '''lI'l/la
l ()Ill'ra/ ions It'IIIt
Respc cllo Inl,dUlIenCf' A,·lil1l/il's. (/nlled S/alp.1 Sl'nall' . Togrlh
tr wltlt Addillr n,al
Suppll' rnenlol and Sellara ll' "ipws. April 19,/;
f'orl'i/olll IlItl'l/'R ell'" Produc tion, NSr.ID Nil. 3. F,'lm,ar~' 19i2
Glo.lsarll 0/ Bllsic 7'A Trrmln ologll. N~tillnal (:r\'I,tlllulli,' Sl'lloul. 1!169
Clossurll 01
Communi('aliolls·f:lrC'lmnles Tprm. Dc-t·c·ml ..., 1!l74
GlosJu r" oj COI/In,unlco/ion.t .'ic'c·lIrilli ami EII/ar.oliolls
Commu uicatio ns and Sc'('uritr IlIlard. O'clt,hI'r 1!174
Securlt ll 1'rmlS. r.S
Glossarv for Compl lier Sv.t/rms .')rcuril v. Natiunal lIur
IIf Standard~. Februa n
Clu~""v II/ Machin e PrlJC'e.\.vin/ol Trrm.\. SC'Dt~II,bl'r 19(;-1
lI,mdli ng u/
Cri/ica l Ili/orm alllll', DCID Nil 7/1 Mal' I !)7(;
III/US,' Re10fuIi'JII 6.58. (E5tahlbhl'~ HOIISf" r .. ,muIII·"t S.. I,'d
Cmmni ttl'/' fIn Inll·lIi·
IU·".·.. ). II;cl\'('I/)III'r 1977
10({S (:I(J.'.furv 0/ (.'ommon Anul/v ms. Codt's, Ahhrl'v lal/ous
. Clnd TC·TII.s (1st',! In
nt'Il/. ol lIe/l'IIs r Intel/iR "lIcl' /lalu IIClII/I/lnl{ .'ivsUm.f onUS)
Doocnrenl.f. 1970
In/orm aliun SI'cllrl/ li Rl'l/lIla lilln. Dill> 5200.)·R
II/Iellig rnt·(, CIIIII'('tion ()Ilerut lu.u. Army Field Manllal :111,
II:!. Nnvemilt'r 1973
Intt'iligC'nce Cm>!.'r and ()pl'rol iollal SU/JI/orl Arli.'lti ,'s. Army
HC'Rlllalion 31;1·J(J2.
~"\'emlorr 1973
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1··trlligenC't! SU"Ilur l. Army Hl'tUllalion 3111-19. March 19ii
Lil/Illalion., alld Procedures in Signal., lnll'lIl/o1ell('I' Opertl/icms 0/
tier {lSSS. l'SSID
In \1,1\ IUin
1.1>1 0/ 7'1·rII.illologli U~ctl In ForeiRII (;o'IIIII 'rinlt'I/I III'n""
UII/I Co,wll'T /',,"iuna gf'
I",:,'.flig oliolls. DI'ceml>t'r 197;'1
M""'lJr olol!il'U l SUIl/lOrt lor thl' 1I's. Amll/. Arm\' /lel(lIlal
illn 1105·10. JU.II· Iqitl
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.10· J(J 1-1:"d. 1!J72
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111'1(111..,11111 (iI~·II:;
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(kl"IH' r Illi:l
,\/",1,'' '' /Jala C:lln111I1I11IC'liloru (;'111<"'11/$. 1.ol/l/llag,' tllIIl ,\/,·ti.o
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II,.)JI'I I Il,H,k CII. I Ill' Hlil
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(I S :Irlllli H.'II"i"·III,·/lI., fllr \V,'alhl'l S,'n'ir,' S"/II",rl . .... "11\· IIl'l(ulJlilln 115·12
.'\ UIl"" I \,iCi

I '.,'i Cla'II/.,., """ /-'o""/:/I Inll'll,/:,'II/'" ,,".1 (."I/,III,·'IIII,·/I'/I,·/lC,· :\flll·,III'S Abruad.

",scm Nn ;, F'·!."':trl' 1!172


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