True20 Errata & Clarifications

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True20 Errata & Clarifications

Following is a list of official errata, corrections, and clarifications from True20 Adventure Roleplaying and the
True20 Bestiary from Green Ronin Publishing. The page numbers referenced for True20 Adventure Roleplaying
refer to the hardcover edition of the book (not earlier PDF or softcover special editions).

Thanks to Erica “True20 Chick” Balsley for her help in compiling organizing this information.

True20 Adventure Roleplaying

Page 16: Typo. Column one, paragraph two, change “True2o” to “True20.” Same paragraph, change “fewt” to few.

Page 16: Clarification. Favored Feats. If a player selects a favored feat that can be taken more than once (such as
Tough), then he can do so as often as he wishes to expend feat slots on it and the Narrator sees fit to allow it.

Page 17: Errata. Halfling background. Change Weapon Specialization to Attack Specialization in the Halfling
background’s favored feats.

Page 23: Clarification. Saving Throws. The –2 applied to the saving throws of each additional role of a mixed role
hero only applies to the good save value. The normal save value is not reduced.

Page 25: Clarification. Heroic Feat. When a player spends a Conviction point for a Heroic Feat, the expenditure
provides use of the feat for 1 round or the stated duration of the feat (if any), whichever is greater.

Page 25: Errata. Recover. Change the second sentence of the Recover description to: “A Conviction point allows
you to immediately shake off a stunned condition or fatigue level.”

Pgs. 25 and 108: Clarification. Recover on page 25 indicates that you can spend Conviction to get an immediate
recovery check from any type of injury, while page 108 specifically says non-lethal. Conviction spent for recovery
applies to either form of damage; the character rolls a recovery check from his worst damage condition. Some
Narrators may wish to limit Conviction for recovery to non-lethal damage only in more realistic settings.

Page 28: Clarification. Acquiring Skills. Skills for a 1st level character begin at 4 ranks each. This is explicitly stated
on page 28 under “Acquiring Skills.”

Page 51: Clarification. Spirited Charge. The Spirited Charge feat says “... you deal +3 damage with a melee weapon
(+4 damage with a lance).” A lance has the following characteristics.

Weapon Damage Critical Damage Descriptor Size Cost Weight

Lance +3 20/+4 Piercing Large 9 10 lb.

Page 51: Errata. Suggestion. Change the second sentence of the Suggestion feat to “This works like a use of the
Suggestion power (see Chapter 4), except you must interact with the target.”

Page 59: Errata. Cold Shaping. Change the last two sentences of the first paragraph to “A targeted creature makes a
Fortitude save against your power, with a failed save resulting in a level of fatigue, just like exposure to a cold
environment. Protective clothing has no effect.”

Pg. 62: Clarification. Enhance Senses. The Enhance Senses power is not normally fatiguing; it is only fatiguing
when you take 20 with it.
Page 77–85: None of the equipment has weight included. See the tables at the end of this document for updated
equipment lists containing weight for all equipment, weapons, and armor from True20 Adventure Roleplaying and
the True20 Bestiary.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 1

Page 86: Errata. The Shields table. Delete the “Blocking” column, except for the notation on which projectiles a
shield can stop.

Page 86-88: Errata. Vehicle Strength. On page 86, change the second and third sentences in the Strength
description to “Vehicles have a base Strength of +0. Each increase in size category increases the vehicle’s base
Strength by +5.” The Strength given for each vehicle should be adjusted accordingly.

Page 87-88: Errata. Vehicle Toughness. Some of the Toughness scores listed on the Ground Vehicles and Water
Vehicles tables on page 87 and the Air Vehicles and Space Vehicles tables on page 88 do not match the formula given
on page 86. The Toughness for vehicles should be Medium 5, Large 7, Huge 9, Gargantuan 11, Colossal 13, and
Awesome 15.

Ground Vehicles Strength Toughness Speedboat +10 9

Wagon +5 7 Yacht +15 11

Motorcycle +0 5 Galleon +20 13

Compact Car +5 7 Galley +25 15

Midsize Car +10 9 Cutter +15 11

Full-size Car +10 9 Destroyer +20 13

Sports Car +5 7 Battleship +25 15

Limousine +10 9 Submarine +20 13

Pickup Truck +10 9 Air Vehicles Strength Toughness

SUV +10 9 Helicopter +10 9

Van +10 9 Military Helicopter +15 11

Small Truck +10 9 Private Jet +15 11

Bus +15 11 Jumbo Jet +20 13

Semi +15 11 Fighter Jet +15 11

Armored Car +10 9 Bomber +20 13

Police Cruiser +10 9 Space Vehicles Strength Toughness

Tank +10 9 Space Shuttle +20 13

APC +10 9 Space Fighter +15 11

Water Vehicles Strength Toughness Space Cruiser +20 13

Rowboat +5 7 Space Battleship +25 15

Jet-Ski +0 5

Page 90: Clarification. All Out Movement. The last sentence of the second paragraph under All Out Movement
reads: “When you fail a check, you become fatigued and most drop to an accelerated or normal pace.” It is correct.
The winded fatigue level is skipped if you fail a fatigue save while moving all out.

Page 101: Clarification. Rush. The description of the Rush action doesn’t make it clear if you move with the
opponent. You do, in fact, move with the opponent, up to the limit of your movement.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 2

Page 102: Clarification. Area Attack. The Reflex save Difficulty for an area attack weapon (like a flame thrower or
grenade) is equal to 10 + the weapon’s damage bonus, not the attacker’s attack bonus.

Page 102: Typo. Area Attack. Change “1o + attack’s bonus” to “10 + attack’s damage bonus.”

Page 106: Errata. Damage and Recovery. Change the formula given for the Toughness saving throw (highlighted in
gray) to “Toughness Saving Throw = d20 + Constitution score + Feats + Armor – Toughness save penalties from
injury vs. Difficulty 15 + Attack’s Damage Bonus.”

Page 107: Clarification. Non-Lethal Damage. You can have more than one dazed condition. Delete the third
sentence in the first paragraph on page 107 and change the fourth paragraph to “If a target is already staggered and
suffers another staggered result, check off the unconscious box.”

Page 107: Clarification. Lethal Damage. You can have more than one wounded condition. Change the last two
sentences of the description of Lethal Damage to “If a target is already disabled and suffers another disabled result,
check off the dying box. If a target is already dying and suffers another dying result, check off the dead box.”

Page 107: Clarification. Damage Conditions. The roll, save, check, and Defense penalties incurred by the damage
conditions do not stack. Thus, even if a hero has multiple wounded conditions after a combat the –2 penalty on
checks, attack rolls, and Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves is only applied once and remains until all wounded
conditions are healed. The only penalty that does stack with multiple instances is the –1 penalty on Toughness saves.

Page 110: Clarification. Shaken. Change the description of the shaken condition on page 110 to “A shaken character
has a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and checks (except for Toughness saves and Constitution checks).”

Page 110: Clarification. Wounded. Change the description of the wounded condition on page 110 to “The character
has suffered damage. Each wounded condition imposes a –1 penalty on Toughness saves to resist further damage.
The character is also stunned for one full round after being wounded, and is shaken until all wounded conditions are

Pgs. 132-140: Clarification. General. Any unaccounted-for Toughness bonus on a monster stat block can be assumed
to be a natural armor bonus.

Page 164-182: Typo. General. “Lux Aeternum” is spelled “Lex Aeturnum” on the page headers.

Page 189-190: Errata. M.A.F. Mecha Types. The Mecha vs. Kaiju errata is available for free download at

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 3

Mental Contact Errata
The following monsters from True20 Adventure Roleplaying and True20 Bestiary have supernatural powers that
require mental contact and therefore must have the Mind Touch power. You can either give this power to the
creature as a bonus power or swap it with one of its existing powers.

Creatures from True20 Adventure Roleplaying

Crypt Wight Vampire

Creatures from True20 Bestiary

Avatar of Decay Lillend

Dragon, Ancient Forest Naga, Dark,

Dragon, Ancient Sky Naga, Guardian

Dragon, Ancient Swamp Naga, Water

Dragon, Old Sky Ogre Mage

Dragon, Very Old Sky Praetor of Souls

Dryad Sprite, Grig

Hag Covey Sprite, Nixie

Hag, Annis Sprite, Pixie

Imp Titan

Kraken Vampire


True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 4

True20 Bestiary
Page 17: Typo. Endotherm. Change “Endotherm” to “Ectotherm.”

Page 30: Errata. Size Adjustments table. The Combat and Toughness columns of the Size Adjustments table on
page 30 do not match with similar lines on the Size table on page 119 of True20 Adventure Roleplaying. The
corrected columns follow.


Old Size New Size Combat Toughness

Fine Diminutive –4 +4

Diminutive Tiny –2 +2

Tiny Small –1 +1

Small Medium –1 +1

Medium Large –1 +2

Large Huge –1 +2

Huge Gargantuan –2 +2

Gargantuan Colossal –4 +2

Page 105: Errata. Gnome. Replace the sample gnome’s bonus Illusion supernatural power with Light Shaping. This
eliminates the need for the sample gnome the have Mind Touch while maintaining the ability to create visual
illusions. This is also truer to the original d20 version of the gnome, which has the ability to innately cast the dancing
lights spell.

Page 130: Errata. Giant Octopus. The Giant Octopus’ Stealth skill does not include its size modifier. Change the
giant octopus’ Stealth skill to “+5.”

Page 151: Typo. Giant Squid. Change the giant squid’s Swim skill to “0 (+16).”

Page 166: Errata. Apparition Template. Change the first sentence of the Type line to “The base creature’s type
changes to Undead, and it gains the incorporeal subtype.”

Page 179: Errata. Skeleton Template. Add the following above the Type line: “Level: Remove all heroic levels (if any)
from the base creature. A 1st level humanoid that becomes a skeleton becomes a 1st level undead.”

Page 181: Errata. Zombie Template. Change the description of the Level in the Zombie template to “Remove all
heroic levels (if any) from the base creature. A 1st level humanoid that becomes a zombie becomes a 1st level undead.”

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 5

Equipment Weights
The following tables contain updated equipment lists providing the weight for each piece of equipment, weapon,
and armor type from True20 Adventure Roleplaying and the True20 Bestiary.

Adventuring Gear Size Cost Weight
Backpack (empty) Med 4 2 lb.
Bedroll Med 1 5 lb.
Blanket, winter Small 2 3 lb.
Candles, dozen Diminutive 1 —
Canvas (sq. yd.) Small 1 1 lb.
Crowbar Small 3 5 lb.
Grappling hook Small 2 4 lb.
Hammer Small 1 2 lb.
Ladder, 10-foot Large 1 2o lb.
Lantern, bullseye Small 10 3 lb.
Lantern, hooded Small 8 2 lb.
Rations, trail (per day) Small 1 1 lb.
Rope, hempen (50 ft.) Med 2 1o lb.
Rope, silk (50 ft.) Small 9 5 lb.
Spyglass Diminutive 25 1 lb.
Tent Med 9 20 lb.
Toolkit, basic Small 7 1 lb.
Toolkit, masterwork Small 14 1 lb.
Torch Small 0 1 lb.
Waterskin Small 2 4 lb.
Electronics Size Cost Weight
Camera Tiny 14 1 lb.
Cell Phone Diminutive 9 —
Commlink Fine 7 —
Desktop Large 22 10 lb.
Laptop Med 23 5 lb.
PDA Tiny 16 .5 lb.
Digital Audio Recorder Tiny 10 1 lb.
Video Camera Small 16 2 lb.
Criminal Gear Size Cost Weight
Caltrops (25) Small 5 2 lb.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 6

Handcuffs Tiny 7 1 lb.
Lock release gun Tiny 12 .5 lb.
Surveillance Gear Size Cost Weight
Binoculars Small 7 2 lb.
Concealable Microphone Fine 13 —
Mini-Tracer Fine 11 —
Night Vision Goggles Small 17 3 lb.
Parabolic Microphone Small 17 2 lb.
Survival Gear Size Cost Weight
Camo Clothing Medium 9 5 lb.
Flash Goggles Tiny 15 .5 lb.
Flashlight Tiny 4 1 lb.
Gas Mask Small 13 5 lb.
GPS Receiver Tiny 15 1 lb.
Multi-tool Tiny 9 .5 lb.
Rebreather Tiny 13 2 lb.
SCUBA Gear Large 17 20 lb.
Clothing Size Cost Weight
Casual clothing Medium 8 2 lb.
Fine clothing Medium 12 3 lb.
Formal clothing Medium 15 3 lb.
Mounts and Related Gear Size Cost Weight
Medium creature Med +2 x1
Large creature Large +4 x2
Bit and bridle Small 4 1 lb.
Feed (per day) Small 0 1o lb.
Military Med 12 30 lb.
Pack Med 7 15 lb.
Riding Med 10 25 lb.
Saddlebags Med 6 8 lb.

Damage Range
Weapon Damage Critical Descriptor Increment Size Cost Weight

Simple Weapons
Brass knuckles +1 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Tiny 5 1 lb.
Club +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Med 4 3 lb.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 7

Gauntlet +0 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Tiny 5 1 lb.
Gauntlet, spiked +1 20/+3 Piercing — Tiny 5 1 lb.

Knife +1 19-20/+3 Piercing 10 ft. Tiny 7 1 lb.

Longspear +3 19-20/+4 Piercing — Large 6 9 lb.
Mace, heavy +3 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Med 7 8 lb.
Mace, light +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Small 6 4 lb.

Morningstar +3 20/+3 Bldg + Prcing — Med 7 6 lb.

Pepper spray — — Chemical — Tiny 5 —
Quarterstaff +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Large 4 4 lb.
Sap +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Small 2 3 lb.
Spear +3 19-20/+4 Piercing 20 ft. Large 6 6 lb.
Stun gun Stun — Electricity — Tiny 5 1 lb.

Tonfa +1 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Med 6 2 lb.

Unarmed Attack +0 20/+3 Bludgeoning — — — —
Martial Weapons
Axe, throwing +1 20/+3 Slashing 10 ft. Small 5 2 lb

Battleaxe +3 20/+4 Slashing — Med 9 6 lb.

Greataxe +5 20/+3 Slashing — Large 11 12 lb.
Greatclub +3 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Large 5 8 lb.

Greatsword +4 19-20/+3 Slashing — Large 11 8 lb.

Handaxe +1 20/+4 Bludgeoning — Small 4 3 lb.
Kukri +1 18-20/+3 Slashing — Small 7 2 lb.

Lance +3 20/+4 Piercing — Large 9 10 lb.

Polearm +3 20/+4 Piercing or slashing — Large 8 12 lb.
Rapier +2 18-20/+3 Piercing — Med 9 2 lb.
Scimitar +2 18-20/+3 Slashing — Med 10 4 lb.

Scythe +3 20/+5 Piercing or slashing — Large 10 10 lb.

Sword +3 19-20/+3 Slashing — Med 11 4 lb.
Sword, short +2 19-20/+3 Slashing — Small 7 2 lb.
Trident +3 20/+4 Piercing — Med 7 4 lb.
Warhammer +3 20/+4 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Med 6 5 lb.
Warhammer, light +1 20/+3 Bludgeoning 20 ft. Small 4 2 lb.
Exotic Weapons
Chain +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning 10 ft. Large 5 1o lb.
Chain, spiked +2 20/+3 Piercing 10 ft. Large 8 10 lb.
Chainsaw +6 20/+4 Slashing — Large 9 10 lb.

Nunchaku +2 20/+3 Bludgeoning — Small 3 2 lb.

Whip +0 20/+3 Bludgeoning 15 ft. Small 4 2 lb.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 8

Damage Range
Weapon Damage Critical Descriptor Increment Size Cost Weight

Projectile Weapons (Firearms)

Hold-out pistol +2 20/+3 Ballistic 20 ft. Tiny 14 1 lb.
Light pistol +3 20/+3 Ballistic 30 ft. Small 16 2 lb.
Heavy pistol +4 20/+3 Ballistic 40 ft. Medium 18 3 lb.
Machine pistol +3 20/+3 Ballistic, Autofire 30 ft. Medium 17 4 lb.
Submachine gun +4 20/+3 Ballistic, Autofire 40 ft. Medium 19 6 lb.
Shotgun +5/+6* 20/+3 Ballistic 40 ft. Large 15 5 lb.
Assault rifle +5 20/+3 Ballistic, Autofire 50 ft. Large 16 8 lb.
Sniper rifle +5 19-20/+4 Ballistic 250 ft. Large 22 30 lb.
Energy Weapons (Firearms)
Blaster pistol +5 20/+3 Energy 50 ft. Small 16 4 lb.
Blaster rifle +8 20/+3 Energy 80 ft. Large 19 6 lb.
Heavy Weapons (Exotic)
Flamethrower +6 — Fire — Large 17 50 lb.
Grenade launcher +5 — Explosive 70 ft. Large 14 7 lb.
Rocket launcher* +10 — Explosive 150 ft. Large 15 5 lb.
Other Ranged Weapons
Bolo (Exotic) — — — 40 ft. Small 3 2 lb.
Boomerang (Exotic) +2 20/+4 Bludgeoning 20 ft. Small 2 2 lb.
Bow (Martial) +3* 20/+4 Piercing 40 ft. Large 10 3 lb.
Bow, short (Martial) +2 20/+4 Piercing 60 ft. Medium 9 2 lb.
Crossbow (Simple) +3 19-20/+3 Piercing 40 ft. Medium 11 8 lb.
Crossbow, light (Simple) +2 19-20/+3 Piercing 80 ft. Medium 10 4 lb.
Javelin (Simple)* +2 20/+3 Piercing 30 ft. Medium 4 2 lb.
Shuriken (Martial) +1* 20/+3 Piercing, Autofire 10 ft. Tiny 3 —

Sling (Simple) +1 20/+3 Bludgeoning 50 ft. Small 3 —

Taser (Simple) Stun — Electricity 5 ft. Small 7 2 lb.
* = See individual descriptions for more information.

Item Cost Weight

Laser Sight 15 —
Ammo (clip) 4 .5 lb.
Silvered +6 —
Stun ammo (clip) 4 .5 lb.
Suppressor 12 —
Targeting scope 11 —

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 9

Item Effect Radius Reflex Save Size Cost Weight

Fragmentation +5 damage explosion 50 ft. 15 Tiny 15 1 lb.
Smoke visual cover 10 ft. — Small 4 2 lb.
Flash-bang blinding/deafening 20 ft. 14 Tiny 16 2 lb.
Sleep gas fatigue 40 ft. 14 Tiny 12 2 lb.
Tear gas blinding/nauseating 40 ft. 14 Small 18 2 lb.
Dynamite +5 damage explosion 50 ft. 15 Tiny 15 1 lb.
Plastique +10 damage explosion 100 ft. 20 Small 30 1 lb.
* = See individual descriptions for more information.

Armor Bonus Cost Weight*

Leather (light) +1 12 15 lbs.

Studded leather (light) +2 13 20 lbs.
Chainmail (medium) +3 18 40 lbs.
Breastplate (medium) +4 19 30 lbs.
Plate-mail (heavy) +5 21 50 lbs.
Full plate (heavy) +6 23 50 lbs.
*Armor sized for a Small hero weighs half as much.

Armor Bonus Other Traits Cost Weight

Leather jacket (light) +1 — 10 4 lb.

Undercover shirt (light) +2 Subtle 13 2 lb.
Undercover vest (medium) +3 Subtle 14 3 lb.
Tactical vest (medium) +4 — 17 10 lb.
Armored jumpsuit (medium) +3 — 15 15 lb.

Shield Bonus Blocking Cost Weight

Small composite +1 fast projectiles 9 3 lb.

Small metal +1 slow projectiles 5 6 lb.

True20 Errata & Clarifications Page 10

Small wooden +1 slow projectiles 5 5 lb.
Medium composite +2 fast projectiles 12 7 lb.
Medium metal +2 slow projectiles 8 15 lb.
Medium wooden +2 slow projectiles 8 10 lb.
Large composite +3 fast projectiles 16 12 lb.
Large metal +3 slow projectiles 12 25 lb.
Large wooden +3 slow projectiles 12 15 lb.

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