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ISSN Print: 2151-7517, ISSN Online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2012.

© 2012, ScienceHuβ,

The Effect of Phosphate Fertilizer on Heavy Metal in Soils and Amaranthus

Thomas, E. Y, Omueti, J. A.I and Ogundayomi, O
Agronomy Dept, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
The study examines the effect of Phosphate fertilizer on heavy metals in soils and Amaranthus
Caudatus. Pot experiment was carried out to assess the effect of Phosphate fertilizer on heavy
metal uptake by Amaranthus Caudatus. Single Super Phosphate fertilizer (SSP) was applied at
the rates of 0, 60, 80 and 100kg fertilizer/ha and replicated three times in a completely
randomized design. The parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, and heavy
metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni) concentration in the soil before and after the experiment, heavy
metal concentration in the stem and roots of the vegetable used were also measured. The results
of this experiment shows that there were no significant difference in plant height and number of
leaves among the treatments considered, but the number of leaves increases from the second to
the fourth weeks after sowing before it begin to decline. Only Cu, Zn and Cd were taken up by
the root and stems of the vegetable with Zn having the highest concentration at 100kg/ha and
80kg/ha level of application for stem and root respectively. The concentrations of all the metals
(Cu,Zn, Pb and Cd ) increases in the soil after the experiment except for Nickel. Increase in the
concentration of Zinc in the soil was more pronounced than other metals. It is therefore
recommended that Phosphate fertilizer should be analyzed to determine the concentration of
heavy metals before its application to the soil for plant growth.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Phytoremediation, Amaranthus Caudatus

INTRODUCTION Amaranthus caudatus belong to the

Heavy metals are currently of more environmental amaranthaceae family the leaves and seeds are
concern to scholars in various fields owing to its edible and nutritious like any other amaranth.
associated effects on humans and the environment. Amaranthus caudatus used in this study is a grain
They are harmful to humans and animals as they and ornamental vegetable crop with quick growth and
tend to bio-accumulate in the food chain. Activities great biomass. Phosphorus fertilizers are among the
such as mining and smelting of metal ores, industrial sources of heavy inputs into agricultural activities
emissions and applications of insecticides and .Superphosphate fertilizers contain in addition to
fertilizers have all contributed to elevated levels of nutrient elements trace metal impurities like Cd, Pb or
heavy metals in the environment (Alloway; 1990). Hg ( Oyedele et al, 2006 ,Zhang and Shan, 2001 ,
Although, heavy metals occurs naturally in low Nicholson and Jones, 1994) ). According to Mortvedt
concentration in soil, but they are considered as soil and Beaton (1995), on the average phosphate rock
contaminants due to their widespread occurrence, contain 11, 25, 1888, 32, 10 and 239mgkg-1 of As,
acute and chronic toxicity (Das, et al,. 1997). Soil Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively. Therefore the
contamination by heavy metals is one of the most objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of
serious ecological problems all over the world. These phosphorus fertilizer on heavy metal accumulation in
metals include; cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), Amaranth caudatus and soil.
copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), and the MATERIALS AND METHODS
metalloid arsenic (As). When plants accumulate Description of Experimental Site: This study was
metals, they can be ingested by animals, thus carried out using pot experiment planted within the
creating the potential for toxic effects at higher trophic crop garden of Agronomy Department of the
level (Crowder, 1991). The exposure to acute Cd and University of Ibadan, Ibadan, and Oyo State, Nigeria.
Zn concentrations often results in gastrointestinal and Ibadan is in the tropical rainforest of south west
respiratory damage, as well as damages to heart, o o
Nigeria between latitudes 7 15’N to 7 30’N and
brain, and kidney (Friberg, et al., 1986). o
longitude 3 45’E
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2012, 3(4): 145-149

Sample Collection: The soil sample used for this and was later tinned down to 2 plants per pot given a
experiment was collected from Bodija dump site total of 32 plants in all. Each pot contained 1kg of
located at Kara in Bodija. The seeds of amaranthus soil. The experiment consists of four treatments
caudatus were obtained from the department seed (Single superphosphate fertilizer) in the following
store. rates; 0, 60, 80 and 100 kg/ha, replicated five times
Basic physico-chemical soil characteristics: each given a total of 20 replicates in a randomized
Particle size distribution was determined by complete block design. Plant height and number of
Bouyoucus hydrometer method as cited by Tel and leaves were ascertained.
Hargaty (1991) using sodium hexametaphosphate Plant and Soil Analysis: The vegetables were
(Calgon) as the dispersing agent. harvested at 5 weeks after sowing and washed with
Soil pH was determined using distilled water and de-ionised water, separated into shoot and root and
potassium chloride (KCl) with a mobile pH meter. oven dried at 65 C before wet drying and grinding.
Organic carbon was analyzed by the dichromate wet 0.5g was weighed from each sample, digested in a
oxidation method. Total nitrogen was determined by mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HCIO4(4:1, by
macro Kjedahl method. Available phosphorus was volume ) and made up to mark (25ml) with distill
determined by the Bray P1 (0.03m N NH4F + 0.02m water for heavy metal analysis (Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn and
HCl) solution and determined Calorimetrically by the Cu) through AAS .
molybdenum blue method. Micronutrients, (Mn, Fe, Soil samples were collected randomly after the
Cu and Zn) were extracted with Melich solution and termination of the experiment, air dried and sieved
determined with Atomic absorption with 0.5mm sieve. 0.5g of soil was taken from each
spectrophotometer (AAS). The exchangeable acidity treatment sample and digested using acid mixture
was determined using titration method. The total made up to 25ml with distilled water for heavy metal
heavy metal content (Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn and Cu) was analysis. The heavy metals analysed are Cd, Pb, Ni,
also determined with the AAS. Exchangeable bases, Zn and Cu.
were leached using 1N NH4 and were determined by Statistical Analysis: The results collected from the
AAS. experiment were subjected to analysis of variance
Experimental Design: Three seeds of test crop used (ANOVA) and the means compared using least
Amarauthus caudatus was sown directly into the pots significant difference (LSD).

Table 1: Basic Physico-Chemical Soil Characteristics, Total Heavy Metal Contents in the Experimental Soil
Parameters Values
pH in H20 9.1
%Organic carbon 0.114
Total nitrogen 0.12
Available phosphorus 11.9(mgkg )
Exchangeable bases (Cmolkg ) K 10.18
Na 4.27
Mg 9.06
Ca 20.06
Extractable micronutrients (mgkg )
Mn 80.3
Fe 54.9
Heavy metals (mgkg )
Cu 5.81
Zn 499.2
Cd 1.05
Pb 55.5
Ni 103.2
Textural class Sandy soil
RESULT AND DISCUSSION nitrogen but high in available phosphorus. The soil is
high in Ni and Zn but low in Pb, Cd and Cu with
Physicochemical properties of soil: The result of
moderate concentration of other nutrient elements.
the soil analysis carried out (Table 1) shows that the
soil is an alkaline soil, low in organic matter and total

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2012, 3(4): 145-149

Effect of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on compared with the concentrations of the other metals
the plant height: Result from the table 2 shows that and the highest concentration (105.75mg/kg) was
treatment 1 and 4 (0 and 100kg/ha fertilizer) at 2nd recorded under treatment 4(100kg/ha) though the
and the 3 weeks after sowing with 10.50 and 11.47 initial concentration was 499.2 mg/kg. This was
gave the highest mean values of 3.67 and 3.77 closely followed by Cu, which shows an increase in
respectively. Conversely, treatment 4 (100kg/ha) at its concentration in the stem for all the fertilizer levels
the 5th weeks after sowing has the highest mean when compared with the initial concentration in the
value of 30.4. However, Analysis of soil before planting (5.8mg/kg) to 7.05, 6.45, 7.06 and
variance(ANOVA) revealed no significant difference 8.9 mg/kg respectively after harvesting, this support
among all the treatments considered on plant height. the findings of Lafuente et al(2008) . The
nd th concentration of Cd in the stem was high compared
Number of Leaves: At the 2 and 4 weeks after
with its initial concentration in the soil. Pb and Ni
planting, treatment 1(0kg/ha) has mean values of 6.0
were not detected except 5.55mg/kg under 80kg/ha
and 13.75 respectively. This gives best performance
fertilizer used. Pb has a greater retention capacity in
in terms of leaf production as shown in Table 3.
soil when compared with other metals (Lafuente et al,
However, there was no significant difference in the
number of leaves in the different weeks after sowing
Heavy metals in the root: The concentration of Cu,
but a general decrease in the number of leaves was
th Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni in the root of A caudatus is
observed at the 5 week after sowing, this was due
represented in Figure 2 The same trend was
to senescence.
observed as it is in figure 1. Zinc uptake (92.15) in
Heavy metals uptake in the stem of Amaranthus
the root was highest in treatment 3 (80kg/ha)
caudatus: Figure 1 shows the concentration of Cu,
compared to the other metal uptake, closely followed
Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni in the stem of Amaranthus
by Cu also with its highest concentration in treatment
caudatus under different levels of phosphate fertilizer
3(80kg/ha). Pb and Ni were not detected.
application. Zinc concentration in the stem
concentration was highest in all the treatment

Table 2: Effect of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on the plant height (cm) of A. caudatus
Treatments Weeks After Sowing
2 3 4 5
0kg/ha 3.67 10.50 22.30 29.2
60kg/ha 3.23 9.57 15.88 20.4
80kg/ha 3.08 9.93 19.90 26.6
100kg/ha 3.77 11.47 19.48 30.4
LSD 0.915 2.173 4.779 9.93
LSD: Least Significant Difference, NS: Not Significant

Table 3: Effect of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on the number of leaves produced by Amaranthus caudatus
Treatment Weeks After Sowing
2 3 4 5
0kg/ha 6.0 10.25 13.75 12.25
60kg/ha 5.75 8.75 11.50 11.00
80kg/ha 5.75 10.25 12.50 12.50
100kg/ha 5.75 11.00 11.25 11.00
LSD 0.667 2.173 2.933 3.137
LSD: Least Significant Difference, NS: Not Significant
Table 4: Effect of different levels of phosphate fertilizer on heavy metal accumulation in the soil after the experiment

Treatment Heavy Metals (mgkg-1)

Cu Zn Cd Pb Ni
0kg/ha 74.20 2062 2.35 55.5 24.8
60kg/ha 70.55 2158 6.60 65.5 26.7
80kg/ha 161.50 2208 1.15 91.5 23.6
100kg/ha 73.20 2638 1.05 86.5 29.8

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2012, 3(4): 145-149



80 Cu
Heavy metal
60 Zn
40 Cd
0kg/ha 60kg/ha 80kg/ha 100kg/ha
Treatments(Phosphate fertilizer )

Fig 1. Effect of phosphorus fertilizer on heavy metal uptake in the stem of Amaranthus Caudatus plant

60 Cu
heavy metal
50 Zn
40 Cd
30 Pb
20 Ni
0kg/ha 60kg/ha 80kg/ha 100kg/ha
Treatments(Phosphate fertilizer)

Fig 2. Effect of phosphate fertilizer on heavy metal uptake in the root of Amaranthus Caudatus plant

Heavy Metals In The Soil After Harvest: The metals in the soil after the experiment shows that
concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and phosphate fertilizers contribute greatly to heavy metal
Ni) in the soil after the experiment is shown on Table content in soils. This is consistent with the findings of
4. The increase in the concentration of the heavy Oyedele et al., (2006). Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb show a

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2012, 3(4): 145-149

high concentration in the soil after the experiment at Das, P., Samantaray. S., and Ront, G.R.( 1997). Studies
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increment, Cd increased by over 100% and a little Pollut. 98.
increase in Pb content was recorded this result De Matos , A.T , Funtes ,M.P. F, Dacosta, M.A , Martinez ,
agrees with the findings of Mirela et al( 2008) De M.A (2001). Mobility of heavy metal as related to soil
Matos et al (2001) which says that Pb has the chemical and mineralogical characteristics of Brazilian
highest value of retardation factors which shows that soils. Published by environmental pollution lll (2001)
it is highly immobilized in the soils also Alloway, 429-435).
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heavy metals. Zinc concentration increased with – environmental aspects” Environmental health criteria
increase in fertilizer level to further confirm that Zn is 134. Geneva: World Health Organisation.( 1992).
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.2005 that Zinc and Cadmium are highly mobile in the Romero, A (2008) Mobility of heavy metals in poorly
soil. developed carbonate soils in the mediteramein region.
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The result of this experiment shows that different (2008): Heavy metals availability for plants in a
levels of phosphate fertilizer application have no mining area from North-Western Romania .A
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caudatus is best harvested for fresh consumption as
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The fairly high uptake of Cu, Zn and Cd by the plant
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