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Bais City Campus



At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Define what is Endocrine System; and

b. Identify the parts of Endocrine System, as well as the function of each part.


Topic: Endocrine System


Materials: Cartolina, Colored papers, Pictures


Teacher Students
A. Prayer Let us all stand for an opening
prayer. Let us place ourselves
in the holy presence of God as “Amen.”
we say, “In the name of the
Father, of the son, and of the
holy spirit…”

B. Checking of Attendance “Okay. You may now take

“None, sir.”
your seats. May I know who’s
absent today?

No one’s absent. Very good!

C. Greetings So, Hi!? “Hello!”

Hello? “Hi!”

Okay. Good morning, “Good morning, sir!”


Okay. I hope everyone’s doing


D. Review of Previous So, what was our lesson last “Our lesson last meeting was
Lesson meeting all about? Anyone all about the Nervous System,
who can recall the topic? sir!”

Okay. About the Nervous

System. So when we say “The brain, the nerves, and the
Nervous System, it is consists spinal cord”.
of? What?

Very good!
E. Establishing Purpose of
the Lesson So, before we start our new
lesson for today, I’ll remind
you first of our class rules and
reminder. Okay?

1. Listen very carefully.

2. Do not answer in chorus.
Only answer or speak when
3. As much as possible, no
unnecessary movements and
4. No cellphones. Shut them
off or turn the silent mode on.
5. Participate actively in our
6. For questions, just raise
your hand. Do not ask your
classmates. “Yes, sir!”

Is that clear?

Very good! Thank you!

So, at the end of this lesson,
you will be able to define what
Endocrine System is, and
identify the parts of the
G. Motivation Endocrine System, and their “Yes, sir! We’re ready!”
functions in the system.

Are you ready?

Perfect! But before we “Yes, sir!

proceed, I have here an answer
sheet for your pre-test, and
post-test. Do not answer the
post-test yet. Only the pre-test
– the one that is labeled
“Identify Me!”. Do I make
myself clear?
“Yes, sir!”
Okay. So, you have there the
instruction: Identify the parts
of the Endocrine System as
illustrated, and label the lines
aligned with each part with
your answers. Choose the
answers inside the box. Do
you understand?

Thyroid gland
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland
Adrenal glands
Parathyroid gland

“Yes, sir! We’re ready!”

Okay. I will give you only 3

minutes to answer. This is not
recorded since this is just a
pre-test. Besides, at the end of
our discussion, you’ll be able
to know whether or not your
answers are correct. Are you
ready? (Students passes their answer
Okay. Please do answer
silently! Your timer starts

Time’s up! Pass me your “About the Endocrine

papers silently. 1, 2, 3, … System.”

“The endocrine system is

Okay. Thank you so much! made up of organs called
glands, which produce and
Okay. Base on your activity, release different hormones
what is our lesson for today? that target specific things in
our body.”
Okay. Very good. What comes
into your mind when you hear
the word Endocrine System?
Can anyone answer? Anyone?

F. Discussing New Concepts

& Practicing New Skills #1
Very good! Thank you! You
may now take your seat.

Eyes in front, everyone.

What Is the Endocrine

The endocrine system is made
up of glands that make
hormones. Hormones are the
body's chemical messengers.
They carry information and
instructions from one set of
cells to another.

The endocrine system

influences almost every cell,
organ, and function of our

The endocrine system is

responsible for many amazing
bodily processes: growth,
sexual development, the fight
or flight response to danger,
and the process by which cells
make energy and synthesize “6! Pituitary, pancreas,
insulin. adrenals, thyroid, ovary,
Too much or too little of any
hormone can harm the body.

Here’s a question.

How many parts does

Endocrine System have?

Very good!

Ovary and testes belongs to

Reproductive System.

Since you already know the

parts, we have here the
functions for each part.

 Pituitary – It produces (Students can either answer or

growth hormones and not)
controls other glands.

So, what do you think are the

disease under this if you lack
hormones in the pituitary

Very good! So when we say

“less production of growth
hormone”, what is that?
Dwarfism or Gigantism?

Dwarfism. And if it’s too

much? “We’ll have diabetes.”

Very good!
Next we have here the

 Pancreas – It regulates
blood sugar level.

What do you think will

happen if your pancreas will
not function?

Yes! Diabetes. “Obesity”

How about Thyroid?

It regulates body metabolism

controlling heart, muscle and “Osteoporosis.”
digestive function, brain
development and bone

Okay. What if your Thyroid

gland will not function
properly? What could be the

Obesity, yes. It could be.


Osteoporosis! Very good!

How about Testes?

It Controls maturations of “Prepares the body for action,
males. controls the heart rate and
maintaining blood sugar level
What are these signs of in times of emergency.”
maturations that are visible for
all the males?

The loudness of voice,

enlargement of the Adams
apple, the growing of beard,

Next. How about the “Controls maturation of

Adrenals? Everybody read. females.”

Okay. In times of emergency –

For example, your house is on
fire. So you jump out of your
window. That’s adrenaline
rush. Its function is to produce
G. Discussing New Concepts hormones that respond to
& Practicing New Skills #2 stress.
Next! For Ovary. Read.

Okay, then what are the

visible female maturations?

The hair, the pubic hair (that’s

also for males), the hip
enlargement, and

Okay. Again, how many parts

does endocrine system have?

Okay. Very good. So let’s

proceed to this video for
further information about the
Endocrine System.

Watch and listen carefully.

(Plays video)

So, let’s proceed to the post-

test. The post-test has two
parts. The first part, you’ll
have to answer the questions

Test I.
Instruction: Answer the
questions given. Write your
answers on the space provided
in each item.

1. What’s a gland? What’s a

2. How do glands and
hormones work together?
3. How does the endocrine
system work with other body
systems, such as the nervous
system and the circulatory
4. List three functions of the
endocrine system.
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
5. Give the functions of the
a. Pituitary
b. Pancreas
c. Testes
d. Thyroid
e. Adrenals
f. Ovary

Test II. Adventures of the

Instruction: Create a cartoon
strip depicting one of the
endocrine system’s incredible “Yes, sir.”
abilities. Don’t forget to name
your Endo-Man or Endo-
Woman superhero! You can
use these storyboard cells on
this side of the page to create
your hero or use the blank (Students passes their papers)
sides of the pages.

“Goodbye, sir! Thank you so


Are the instructions clear?

Very good! You may start

now. Make sure to finish that
within 20 minutes.

Time’s up! Please pass your

papers. 1, 2, 3, …


Thank you! So, that ends our

meeting for today. Have a
good day, everyone! Goodbye.

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