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At the end of the class the students will be able to:

A. Identify the present tense of verbs in a sentence.

B. Use simple present tense of verbs in a sentence correctly.

C. Explain the uses of simple present tense.


Topic: Simple Present Tense of Verbs

Reference: C O _English 4 _ Module 5

Materials: Cartolina, Colored Paper, Printed Materials, PowerPoint Presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation
• Prayer
- Let us all stand for the - Student will stand and
prayer recite the prayer

• Greetings - Good morning, sir!

- Good morning class!
- We are fine
- How are you today?
- (They are picking the trash)
- Before we start, kindly pick
up the pieces of trash on
the floor and arrange your
- (Students will say present)
• Checking of Attendance
(Start the checking of
B. Pre-activities
Read and identify the words that show action in
the following sentences.

1. The magician puts his wand on top of the

shelf. - Puts
2. Missy, the black cat, walks past the green - Walks
bush. - Enters
3. Samuel enters the Magician’s Lair.

- Very good!!!
The words puts, walks and enters are action
words or what we called verbs.
C. Motivation
- Before we move on to our
new lesson, let us have a
- This game called “Fix Me”
Mechanics of the Game:

- The class will be divided

into 4 groups.
- Each group must have a 3
representative who will go
in front and sit at the chair
one by one to fix the
pictures inside the box.
- The first one will go and if
he/she fix it the second
representative will go and
fix it and so on, the first
group to fix the pictures will
be the winner.



- Yes Sir!!!!

- Are you ready to play?
D. Lesson Proper
- How do you call the words (Solicit their answer, till they come up with
that you fix? action words)

- Very good, they are verbs, - They are examples of verbs

Action words / Verbs.
- Today we are going to
discuss about “Simple
Present Tense of Verb”
- First, we need to discuss
what is a simple present
Simple Present Tense – expresses habitual
action, present state or a condition, future
action and general truths or facts.

- In simple present tense all

we have to do is to add an
“s” or “es” to the verb

- But we also have to make

sure that the subject should
agree with the verb

- - If the subject is singular,

verb should be singular also
or with “s”, but if the
subject is plural, verb
should be plural or without
“s” or the base form.

Example of Singular Subject and Verb

1. Jack (singular subject) enjoys (singular
verb) playing golf every Sunday.
2. Regina (singular subject) loves (singular
verb) playing with her dog.

Example of Plural Subject in Base form (Verb)

1. Teachers (plural subject) love (base
form) teaching.
2. Dancers (plural subject) perform (base
form) a fantastic performance.
- Did you understand? - Yes sir!!

Now we are going to read a short story then

after which we are going to answer question
about it.

- Are you ready?

- Yes Sir!!!
Magnus, The Good Magician
By: Syrelle France S. Paterter
Magnus is a magician who lives at the foot of
Mount Magubat. He is kind and helpful to both
men and animals. He helps the villagers most
especially in crop production. He also takes good
care of animals in the mountain and fixes their
habitat by protecting them against mangangaso
or hunters. That’s why they love him. One day,
while doing his daily rounds around the
mountain, Magnus saw a wild boar. Its left foot
was trapped in a hunter’s trap. He took his wand
and freed the animal from its captivity.
1. What is the story all about?
a. Magnus and his goodness
- A
b. the bear trapped in the mountain
c. the beauty of Mount Magubat
2. What is the theme of the story?
a. to be rude to other people
- B
b. to be good to animals and people
c. to be careless when walking into the
3. Find all the verbs in present form used in the

- (Lives)
- Very good, Now Let’s
discuss the uses of simple
present tense one by one.

1. Habitual action - uses to refer to the repeated

or regular actions, and it is usually used with
adverbs (always, usually, often, normally,
sometimes, occasionally, seldom or rarely,
never) and time expression (all the time or at all
time, every, most of the time, every now and
then, once a while, generally, once or twice a


• The pupils of Grade 4 Del Pilar

pray (pray) every day.

Subject Verb
Pupils Pray

What is the subject in the sentence? - Pupils

Very good, Is it Singular or Plural? - Plural

What is the verb (Action verb) in the sentence? - Pray

- Is it in a singular or plural
form? - Plural

- Why did you say so? How

did you know that it is in a - Because the subject is in

plural form? plural from that’s why the

verb should also be in a
plural form.
- Very good. Another
• Dad always cooks (cook) the
• She usually goes (go) to bed at 8
o’clock in the evening.

Subject Verb
Dad Cooks
She Goes

- Did you understand? - Yes, Sir

- Now, let’s have these

Give the correct simple present tense of the
verb inside the parenthesis to complete the
1. John always _____ (ride, rides) a bus to school - John always rides a bus to

every morning. school every morning.

2. Helen generally______ (review, reviews) her - Helen reviews her lessons

lessons in the morning. in the morning.

3. She ____ (brush, brushes) her teeth twice a - She brushes her teeth

day. twice a day.

- Did you understand? - Yes, Sir

2. Present state or conditions - we use verb to

express the present condition or state of the
• The Lord hears (hear) our prayer.
• Alex finishes (finish) his homework.
• She belongs (belong) to the first group.
Subject Verb
Lord Hears
Alex Finishes
She Belongs

- Did you understand? - Yes Sir

- Let’s have these exercises:

Give the correct simple present tense of the
verb inside the parenthesis to complete the
sentence. 1. We ______ (want, wants) a new - We want a new car.

2. She ______ (live, lives) in the Philippines. - She lives in the Philippines.

3. Grade 4 Del Pilar pupils _____ (is, are) very - The Grade 4 Del Pilar pupils

noisy. are very noisy.

- Did you understand? - Yes Sir!!

3. Future Action – we use verb to express the

action that is happening in the near future.
• The train leaves (leave) at 8:30 a.m.
• The plane arrives (arrive) at 10 p.m.
• The party starts (start) at 6 o’clock in
the evening.
Subject Verb
Train Leaves
Plane Arrives
Party Starts

- Yes, Sir!!!
- did you understand?
Give the correct simple present tense of the - The party starts in a few
verb inside the parenthesis to complete the minutes.
sentence. - The exam finishes at 10:30
1. The party ______ (start, starts) in few a.m.
minutes. - My friends arrive at 3 p.m.
2. The exam ______ (finish, finishes) at 10:30
a.m. - Yes Sir!!!
3. My friends ______ (arrive, arrives) at 3 p.m.

- Did you understand?

4. General Truth or Facts – we use verb to
express the truth or fact information about the
subject. Examples:
• God loves (love) us with all his heart.
• We speak (speak) Filipino and English.
• The moon shines (shine) at night.

Subject Verb
God Loves
We Speak
- Yes Sir!!!!
Moon Shines

- Did you understand?

Give the correct simple present tense of the

- The earth goes around the
verb inside the parenthesis to complete the
- The sun rises in the east.
1. The earth______ (go, goes) around the sun.
- The water is clear.

2. The sun ______ (rise, rises) in the east.

- Yes, Sir
3.The water ______ (is, are) clear.

- did you understand?

- Why do you think knowing - Answer may vary.
the simple present tense of
verb is important to us?

- It is important for us to
know the simple present
tense of verbs so that we
will be able to compose a
correct grammar in
speaking or writing.
E. Generalization
- What is a simple present
tense? - Answer may vary.

- What are the 4 uses of - For habitual action, present

simple present tense? state or condition, future
action and for general
truths or fact.

- can you give an example of

sentence using habitual
- Answer may vary.
- How about a sentence using
- Answer may vary.
present state or condition?
- How about a sentence using
- Answer may vary.
future action?
- Lastly, a sentence using
- Answer may vary.
general truth or fact

IV. Application

Use the correct form of the verbs inside the parenthesis to complete the following sentences.

1. The magician (shut, shuts) the door to the hunters.

2. Magnus, the Good Magician (use, uses) his magic to help the people of Mount Magubat.
3. Maria (try, tries) to read the secret diary of Magnus.

4. The little girl (stay, stays) inside the wizard’s lair for the night.

5. Manuel (deliver, delivers) the letter to the wizard’s house.

V. Evaluation

Read the following sentences. Select the correct simple present form of the verb in the box
above to complete each sentence.

goes are visits participate love

is plays train require tell visit

1. I usually ________ to school at 7 o’clock in the morning.

2. The school principal ________ our classroom often.

3. My P.E coaches ________ my favorite teachers.

4. They always ________ funny stories during classes.

5. Franco and Alec ________ for sepak thrice a week.

6. There ________ an annual sepak takraw interschool completion.

7. Several schools ________ in the games that promote Filipino culture.

8. The game of sepak or sipa________good kicking skills.

9. My playmates and I ________ to spend the afternoon playing love loves patintero and piko.

10. Sometimes Miko________ sipa with a rattan ball.

VI. Assignment

Write a 5-sentence paragraph about how you take care of your body. Use verbs in present
form. Write it in your notebook.

Prepared by: Robinson II D. Yadao


Noted by: Mrs. Trinidad Cordova

Cooperating Teacher

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