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Timeline of Dr.

Jose Rizal (17-24 years old)

Name: Jamaica Rain A. Regala 2CMT-2 The Life and Works of Rizal-HW 1
Schedule: TF 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Instructor: Prof. Ernie G. Tolentino

Life Works Writings

1878 | 1880 | 19 years old 1878 | 17 years old

17 years old In December Rizal During this time he
In June Rizal decides produces his first also writes an
to switch gears in his Operetta called On additional two
educational pursuits the Banks of the poems that win him
and transfers into Pasig. further recognition.
the medical courses 1880 | 19 years old
at St. Tomas At the age of 19 Rizal
University. writes another poem
1882 | 20 years old for a competition
In May Rizal gets where he should
money from his have won first prize.
brother and travels However, he was
secretly from Manila not given this prize
to Spain aboard a due to
French ship and discrimination.
railroad entering 1887 | 23 years old
Spain at the Port Rizal finishes his first
Bou. In June St. novel titled Noli Me
Tomas University Tangere while
realizes Rizal is staying in Berlin. The
nowhere to be novel offends
found and threatens Catholic officials and
to take land away Rizal is deemed to
from his father who be a troublemaker
is a tenant even He then travels to
though his father has Austria, Switzerland,
no idea of his and Italy. On July 3
whereabouts. June Rizal leaves from
15 Rizal makes his Mersailles in Italy
arrival in Barcelona and arrives in Manila
and begins to study on August 5th. He
again in Madrid in travels to nearby
October of that areas escorted by a
same year. Spanish Lieutenant.

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Life Works Writings
1886 | 23 years old
Rizal receives a
degree in medicine
from the Central
University of Madrid
at the age of 23. He
then becomes an
assistant to Dr. L. de
Wecker and visits
many universities in
Berlin, Leipzig, and
Heidelberg in the
country of Germany.

I see myself on Rizal when he pursued medicine to treat

his mother. Because the reason why I am here now, having
my pre-med, is my mother. I also want to treat her, I want to
find the medicine that will fully cure Lupus. Unfortunately, I
cannot do it anymore because she is already rested. Still, I
will pursue this profession and do my best to other Lupus
warrior in treating them.

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Life Works Writings

Like a usual love story, there comes a hindrance between

the two lovers. I remember my high school life wherein a guy
liked me but I'm not into a romantic relationship before and
I was just a 16-year-old girl at that time. His mother told
him to go away from me because she don't like me. We have
a different religion too. But I don't bother at that point
because I was not into it. But going to Dr. Rizal's works and
writings, I also had some articles I wrote back when I was
still in journalism. I also won, my editorial page and column
page of the school paper won. Good times... how I miss those
days. I remember my loved ones being proud of me. Also, I
made a leaf art which is a class activity. I never expected it
will be put in the exhibit on the culminating activity. That
made me so happy and them, so proud, again.

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